FB2025 Concept Resources Management - Scoresheet Section Score Category Concept /50 Develop competition and design strategy which demonstrates depth of understanding of the racecar engineering domain and supports probable FB success. Goals Design Concept Tools Resources Management Overall Points Fraction Objective (for Sections); Included elements (for Categories) 1/3 Correlate competition points with vehicle performance; Correlate vehicle performance with vehicle characteristics for a diversity of achievable vehicle concepts; Quantitative impact of team constraints on vehicle performance; Measures to reduce impact of constraints; Overall vehicle goals consistent with points, performance, characteristics, and constraints. 1/3 Whole vehicle arrangement, mass properties, and system specifications (characteristics, performance,cost/ mass/manufacture allowance) for selected concept; Demonstration that concept is buildable and can achieve vehicle goals. 1/3 Clarity, depth, and utility of analytical, computational, and experimental processes that assure accuracy of correlations between points, performance, and characteristics; Management and logic of the design process. For each resource: Development and specifation of requirement; Acquisition process, sustainability, and enhancement. /25 Human 1/3 Team, partners Financial 1/3 Whole project; risk & flexibility Manufacturing 1/3 In-house, in-kind, vendors For each management topic: Define and specify over entire project life; Measure progress, feedback, & evolution. /25 Tasks 1/3 Specifications, prerequisites, tangible results, costs, scheduling, tracking Team 1/3 Operation, organization, coordination, communication, motivation Community 1/3 Institution, sponsors, vendors 100 Hosted by Curiosum Tech Pvt Ltd Released: June 11, 2024 V1 S.S.