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Test Bank For Anthropology Unbound A Field Guide to the 21st Century, 3rd Edition By E. Paul Durrenberger

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Test Bank
Anthropology Unbound: A Field Guide to the 21st Century, 2nd Edition
By E. Paul Durrenberger & Suzan Erem
Chapter 1
Multiple Choice:
1. Relativism has to do with:
a. kinship
b. nepotism
c. corruption
d. favoritism
e. none of the above*
f. all of the above
2. The opposite of cultural relativity is:
a. democracy
b. ethnocentrism*
c. religion
d. science
e. family values
f. all of the above
3. Anthropology overlaps with:
a. history
b. biology
c. linguistics
d. evolution
e. all of the above*
f. none of the above
4. Holism means:
a. being baptized
b. you like to dig holes
c. all things are connected*
d. being a wholly owned subsidiary
e. you are totally awesome
f. it depends on context
5. Sociocultural anthropologists mostly like to use data:
a. they buy from private polling firms
b. from government census offices
c. they buy from economists
d. they buy from sociologists
e. none of the above*
f. all of the above
6. Biological anthropology focuses on:
a. our history as a species
b. what kind of animals we are
c. how culture shaped evolution
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d. none of the above
e. all of the above*
7. Linguistic anthropology is about:
a. oral sex in different cultures
b. how to learn English as a second language
c. how language is related to culture*
d. the story of the Tower of Babel
e. none of the above
f. all of the above
8. Archaeology is about:
a. holism
b. biology
c. how things from the past continue in contemporary cultures
d. material evidence of the past*
e. none of the above
f. all of the above
9. A system is:
a. a set of elements
b. connected together
c. linked so that if you change one aspect of it, you also change the others
d. all of the above*
e. none of the above
10. Epistemology means:
a. approved by the Church of England
b. something religious
c. ways of knowing*
d. science
e. not being sure of anything
f. not knowing exactly where you stand
11. Epistemological relativity means:
a. all churches are equally good
b. bishops are all related in some way
c. all ways of knowing are equally good*
d. only science knows the truth
e. only religion knows the truth
f. none of the above
12. Comparative means you consider:
a. only certified examples
b. only similarities
c. only differences
d. both certified and uncertified examples
e. both similarities and differences*
f. only contemporary evidence
13. Ethnocentrism:
a. makes accurate description impossible
b. is characteristic of all cultures
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c. is natural
d. is difficult to combat
e. all of the above*
f. none of the above
14. Ethnography:
a. can be done in a library
b. is based on detailed local description*
c. is the same as hanging out
d. is what the census bureau does
e. is based on ethnocentrism
15. Science is:
a. based on beliefs just the same as religion
b. a collection of true facts
c. knows what is true and what is not
d. is always skeptical*
e. accepts proof as final
16. Reliability means:
a. always showing up on time
b. doing what you say you will do
c. everyone who checks the same thing gets the same result*
d. people usually agree
e. you don’t have to check it again
17. Validity means:
a. you are always right
b. something is logical
c. you are measuring what you think you are measuring*
d. the church agrees with you
e. it’s been passed into law
18. Ethical relativity means:
a. we can’t say anything about right and wrong
b. we don’t think less of people with a different sense of ethics*
c. we must accept everything that people do as right
d. it’s not polite to discuss things that we think are wrong
e. you can’t change things anyway
1. Most anthropologists agree that female circumcision (cutting off a girl’s
clitoris) is okay as long as it is done in a sterile place. *F
2. Most anthropologists agree that female circumcision (cutting off a girl’s
clitoris) is wrong no matter what the circumstances. *F
3. Most anthropologists agree that a woman has a right to be circumcised if she
wants to. *F
4. Elements in a system don’t necessarily affect one another. *F
5. The opposite of ethnocentrism is cultural relativity. *T
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6. Ethnocentrism is natural. *T
7. Cultural relativity is natural. *F
8. Biological anthropology is not concerned with culture. *F
9. Epistemology means ways of knowing. *T
10. Ethnography means ways of knowing. *F
11. Anthropology can never be scientific. *F
12. Science means being reliable and valid. *T
13. Anthropology is the only discipline that studies human beings. *F
14. Anthropology is the only discipline that is holistic, comparative and
ethnographic. *T
15. If you believe in epistemological relativity, you can’t be scientific. *T
16. If you are scientific you can’t believe in epistemological relativity. *T
17. If you are scientific, you are always right. *F
18. Fieldwork is one important basis of anthropology. *T
19. If we believe in cultural relativity we can’t try to change anything. *F
20. All societies have some institutions that we can call a state. *F
Short Answer:
1. Name the four branches of anthropology:
2. Name three reasons anthropology is different from other social science and
humanities disciplines:
*it’s ethnographic
*it’s holistic
*it’s comparative
3. Name two principles that science depends on:
4. List three kinds of relativism important to anthropology:
1. What are the three kinds of relativism in anthropology and why is each one
2. Discuss the debate about relativism within anthropology.
3. Discuss why it’s important to be scientific in our approach to anthropology.
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