Abuyog Community Collage Senior High School Abuyog, Leyte CONCEPT PAPER RESEARCH TOPIC: Finding the most effective study techniques on academic performance. RESEARCH TITLE: ‘‘Investigating the Relationship of Study Techniques and Academic Performance: Unveiling the Most Effective Approaches’’ RESEARCH PROPONENT: Sophia T. Corsiga CONTEXT: Despite many students uses the study techniques like flashcards, visual aids, notetaking, etc. Students still find it very hard to study and it affects the students from achieving their academic goals. Why does the students are struggling to study when study techniques are already well known. Furthermore, addressing this issue might be helpful to the students that are trying to achieve success. Investigating the effect of study methods on academic performance is a research field that aims to uncover the most efficient approaches for improving learning and helping students succeed. By comparing various study techniques like active learning, spaced repetition, retrieval practice, and mnemonics, researchers can offer evidence-based strategies for studying. They also take into account individual differences, such as cognitive abilities and learning styles, to provide personalized recommendations for optimizing study strategies. This research plays a crucial role in enhancing educational practices and promoting student success by identifying techniques that enhance learning outcomes. By conducting studies on study techniques, researchers can compare various methods such as active learning, spaced repetition, and retrieval practice. These techniques have been shown to have a positive impact on learning and memory retention. Understanding the effectiveness of these techniques can provide valuable insights for students, educators, and policymakers in designing effective learning environments. RATIONALE: 1. To help the students who are struggling to find the most effective approaches for them to use; 2. to help the students understand which approaches are the most effective for them to achieve a better academic outcome; 3. to help educators realize which of the approaches are the most effective for the students to use; 4. to help the institutions provide better education services for the students; 5. to emphasize how the approaches greatly affect the students, and 6. to provide criteria upon choosing the best approaches intended as an instrument that can help improve the academic outcome for the students and education services. OBJECTIVE: 1. To identify the study techniques and academic performance; 2. identifying the study techniques commonly used by students; 3. assessing the relationship between study techniques and academic performance; 4. to evaluate how students’ academic performance is influenced by the study techniques they use; and 5. to analyze the different techniques of studying that students use for different academic performance; SIGNIFICANCE AND BENEFICIARIES: Students- Students will benefit from this research as it will provide them with evidence-based strategies to enhance their study techniques and improve their academic performance. They can adopt the most effective approaches identified in the study to optimize their learning outcomes. Educators- Educators can use the findings of this research to guide their instructional practices. It will help them understand which study techniques are most beneficial for students and enable them to design more effective teaching methods and classroom activities. Parents- Parents can benefit from this research by gaining insights into the study techniques that are most effective for their children. They can provide guidance and support to their children in implementing these techniques, thereby contributing to their academic success. Researchers and Academics- Researchers and academics can use the findings of this investigation to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on study techniques and academic performance. It will help in advancing the field of education and provide a basis for future research in this area. Institutions and Policy Makers- Institutions and policymakers can utilize the results of this research to develop effective educational policies and strategies. It can inform decisions related to curriculum development, student support services, and resource allocation to improve overall academic performance. Future Researcher- Future researchers can use this research to provide themselves with knowledge and further understand the gap. Moreover, they can use this research as their guide upon conducting the same research in the same field. FEASIBILITY REQUIREMENT: This research requires careful consideration of consent from the participants to ask their willingness to participate. Likewise in this study, the proponent secured that the participants were able to meet the specific criteria of the study, In addition, the proponent also secured approval through a letter of consent signed by the school head. For this study, sufficient time and adequate resources must be carried out effectively in this study specifically in data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation. SCHEDULE: MONTH ACTIVITY DATES DESCRIPTION 1 Month: Research Plan September 10, 2023- Constructing the research and Preparation September 25, 2023 problem, research proponents, research questions, feasibility consent letter signed by the school head, rationale, significance and beneficiaries, and the ethical considerations or approvals intended for the research. 1st Month: Research Plan September 26, 2023- Studying the related research and Preparation October 10, 2023 and studies, gathering the statistical data from previous research related to the topic, completing Chapter II which is the Review of Related Literature, identifying the Research Design and Research Instrument that I will use in conducting the research, and creating a full layout of the Research Methodology. st 2nd Month: Prepare the October 11, 2023 Feasibility Requirements October 21, 2023 2nd – 3rd Month: Data October 22, 2023 Gathering, Data Analysis, November 11, 2023 and Interpretation Obtain the approval of the school head to conduct the research Conducting the research through a survey by distributing the research questionnaires to the respondents, gathering the data and information from the research respondents, and interpreting the data to identify which of the study techniques greatly affect 4th Month: Finalization and November 12, 2023 Presentation of the Research November 26, 2023 academic performance. After conducting the research, I will be able to come up with conclusions and theories based on the date gathered. Finalizing the data gathered, checking, and revising errors, and preparing for the presentation. After the presentation, providing them with the knowledge gained from the conduction of the research, citing my conclusions and recommendations, the research is done.