Uploaded by Abhishek Kumar

Non-Technical test - AA role - completed

‭Candidate brief‬
I‭t’s 09.00 (in Delhi) in the office on Tuesday, 5‬‭th‬‭April. You open your mailbox, in which you find 14‬
‭new mails since you left work yesterday. These mails have been sent by various people. Now it is‬
‭up to you to go through these tasks, prioritize them, making decisions on how best to handle them‬
‭Your task:‬
‭Decide on the order in which you would deal with the items in the folder using the following code:‬
‭ = Must do today‬
‭B = Would like to do today, time permitting‬
‭C = Can be left until a later date‬
‭and then in the box provided write the specific action you would take to address that task.‬
‭You have 45 minutes to complete this exercise.‬
‭Someone from the Marriot Hotel called on Friday 31st March. You have booked a room there for‬
y‭ our Training Event on 20th April. They said something about overbooking. They need you to call‬
‭them urgently.‬
‭Tel: 01333 222999 – Mr Shah.‬
‭Priority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ urely i will call them on an urgent basis as it is a‬
‭case of overbooking. As the room is booked on a‬
‭prior basis I shall speak to them regarding any‬
‭cancellation of another room on the same date.‬
‭To: XYZ‬
‭From: Training Department‬
‭Re: Trainee Recruitment‬
‭ s part of the selection process, your stakeholder has requested that potential Trainee‬
‭Managers need to visit the office for half a day before they attend an Assessment Centre.‬
‭ here are two candidates who live close to your office, please could you call to arrange a‬
‭mutually convenient time for them to visit.‬
‭ inal Chaudhary 020 688 9875‬
‭Apar Singh 020 634 0012‬
‭The next Assessment Centre is on Monday 24th April.‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill inform the trainee managers regarding the same‬
‭and will request them to visit the post as per the‬
‭mutual time decided for them.‬
‭ our stakeholder (in the same office) wants you to correct a presentation for his team meeting within‬
‭an hour.‬
‭His meeting is on 12‬‭th‬‭April‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A B‬‭C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ s the presentation is on 12th April I will request the‬
‭stakeholder to allow me some more time for the‬
‭same. I shall prioritize the daily urgent tasks first,‬
‭post which will correct the presentation.‬
‭ client based in London requires an update on the scheduling of a large meeting/Webex involving 7‬
‭people based in London (3) and Boston (1) and Chicago (3). The meeting is scheduled for 7‬‭th‬‭April.‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill prioritize this task and reach out to the people‬
‭involved in the meeting, will get the update at the‬
‭earliest possible. Will check all the requirements of‬
‭the client and arrange it accordingly.‬
‭ ou are asked to look at travel alternatives for a local stakeholder to fly to Boston for a meeting in 6‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill check the dates and other necessary‬
‭requirements and arrange the travel as per the ease‬
‭of the stakeholder.‬
‭4th April – 18:00‬
‭Sorry to leave you a note, but I have just notice that there are two tiles in the front entrance porch,‬
‭ hich have started to come up.‬
‭ ou know I would normally sort this out myself, but as I am on a Recruitment Skills workshop for‬
‭the next two days, I thought I would write this down while it was fresh in my mind.‬
‭See you Friday‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A B‬‭C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ Ill address the issue, post which check the same‬
‭tiles at the porch. Keep the same noted in my tasks‬
‭list. Will do the same later.‬
‭WIll inform the designated person to complete the‬
‭ ne of your stakeholders based in London is asking for an urgent update on something that‬
‭you were asked to do yesterday‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill apologize to the stakeholder at first for the delay.‬
‭Post which check the updates on the task given and‬
‭drop them an email including all the updates on the‬
‭given task‬
I‭nvestment Proof Submission Session by HR for 90mins today at 11:00am. Mandatory for all‬
‭to attend.‬
‭In person/WebEx‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill be actioned on a priority basis as the session is‬
‭for today itself. WIll make all the arrangements in the‬
‭training room for the people. Will recheck all the‬
‭projector and seating arrangements for the people‬
‭attending the session‬
‭ ou have a mail from a stakeholder in Germany who wants to schedule a meeting in 3 weeks’ time‬
‭with a very busy partner‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ake all the details of the partner from him as the‬
‭meeting is in 3 weeks, will check the schedule and‬
‭work on it accordingly. Will check the availability of‬
‭the partner with whom the meeting will be done‬
‭EMAIL 10‬
‭One of your US stakeholders has sent you a note saying his expenses have not been credited to‬
‭ is bank account‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ irst, I apologize for the delay.‬
‭Will speak with the finance team and check the‬
‭status of the expenses, get the appropriate reason‬
‭for the delay in the refund and inform the‬
‭stakeholder, request them for some more time and‬
‭inform finance to credit it at the earliest‬
‭EMAIL 11‬
‭One of your US stakeholders is asking you to book a room in Delhi for him to use on his‬
f‭orthcoming visit in 2 weeks‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill take necessary details of the stakeholder and‬
‭arrange a hotel room for him. If early check in is‬
‭needed will arrange for the same. Pickup and drop‬
‭will be arranged accordingly.‬
‭Your wife/husband asks you to pick up your daughter early from the daycare‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill check with the manager if i can leave early and‬
‭pick her from the day care.‬
‭If that will not be possible i will inform any other‬
‭family member to pick her up.‬
‭Your dog has had an accident, and has to be taken to the vet immediately‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ ill take it to the vet and get the treatment done‬
‭ ou back-up to another assistant who got sick in morning and has 2 stakeholders to be supported‬
‭for urgent travel for next week.‬
‭ riority Order (circle)‬
‭A‬‭B C‬
‭Specific action to be taken‬
‭ s sickness can not be informed priorly, I will check‬
‭for her/ his health and then make a to-do list for all‬
‭the tasks which need to be done.‬
‭Prioritize what needs to be completed on urgent‬
‭basis and then will assist the stakeholders for the‬
‭travel work.‬