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Low Cholesterol, Fat, Sugar Diet Guide

Cholesterol is a fatty acid found in the cell membranes of all body tissues and is transported in the
blood plasma of all animals. It is present only from food or animal origin.
Polyunsaturated fats are fats of vegetable origin, or “hard fats”. They are solid at room
temperature. When used in large quantities they are capable of elevating blood fats.
Saturated fats are usually of animal origin, or “hard fats”. They are solid at room temperature.
Vegetable shortenings are often artificially hydrogenated (ex... margarine) which make them
saturated. This type of fat will raise blood cholesterol.
Sugar and excessive sweets should be restricted because of the many adverse effects on the
body, such as a predisposition to diabetes, dental cavities, increased infections and excessive
weight gain. They also cause an elevation of triglycerides. Do not forget that honey is at least
80% sugar.
Of course, the strictest low-fat diet contains no animal products of any kind. Should you
decide to use a cookbook, use “Eat for Strength” as a guide to balance your diet. If
animal products will be used, limit meat, including chicken and fish, to no more than five
servings per week. Limit beef and lamb to no more than three ounces a week.
Use vegetable oils, such as corn, soybean, or safflower sparingly. Learn to relish good quality
whole grain breads without spread. Learn the technique of preparing wholesome and palatable
vegetables and salads without using oils. Tomato paste, lemon juice, and a few grains of sea salt
can do wonders to perk up a meal.
Eliminate foods high in cholesterol, such as egg yolk, shellfish, dairy fats, baked goods
prepared with egg yolk, butter, cheese or milk, and organ meats such as heart, brain,
kidney, liver etc. Eliminate foods high in saturated fat, such as lard, pork, bacon, solid
vegetable shortenings and margarine. Eliminate sugar, candies, jelly preserves, pastries,
and other sweets. Increase un-concentrated sweets, such as fruit. Your sweet tooth will
surprise you with rapid regression.
Remember that you may freely eat fruit and vegetables. Whole grains may be taken at each
meal and in moderate quantities. Any other food must be used sparingly or avoided. This
diet is not restrictive, because of its liberal use of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Learn to
relish these delectable foods. This type of diet restricts all the food products recognized as
predisposing to major diseases such as cancer, diseases of the heart or blood vessels and
diabetes. Heart diseases now account for about 85% of deaths in this country. Disability
losses from heart disease cannot be ascertained and so far, America leads the world in heart
disease. It is possible to prevent heart attacks through proper diet and lifestyle.
The Herbal Gardens Inc.
954-584-6601 Lauderhill 954-404-8151 Miramar
Limited quantities of unsweetened fruit
juice (2-3 ounces taken only at
mealtimes) and vegetables juices,
cereal, coffee substitutes (pioneer,
possum etc.)
Whole grain breads, whole wheat, rye,
corn, and mixtures, not containing
dairy products, eggs or animal fat.
Alcohol of all kinds, coffee and most
caffeinated or carbonated beverages
All cow’s milk based dairy
All cooked cereals and whole grain
products (whole wheat, multi-grain etc.
cereals and pastas.)
Most dry cereals, as they contain a
considerable amount of sugar.
Omit all fats, trim visible fat and skin
from meat eaten. All nuts and seeds
(pumpkin, sesame, sunflower) must be
limited to about ½ ounce at any meal
and used infrequently.
Any fresh, frozen, or dried fruit.
Canned fruit should be water packed.
Unsweetened fruit sauces.
(Limit as recommended). Poultry, lean
meat substitutes made of vegetable
protein must be sparing used because
of high fat content in some products.
Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils,
garbanzo, also yams, potatoes, tubers
will adequately substitute for meat.
Butter and creams, lard,
hydrogenated margarines and
shortenings, bacon and drippings,
cream sauces and gravies unless
specially made without fats,
commercial mayonnaise.
All concentrated fruit juices. All
sweetened fruit juices and canned
Pork and pork products, egg yolk,
all shellfish, poultry skin, all organ
meats, luncheon meat products, as
hot dogs, and sandwich meats,
potted meats, corned beef, pressed
meats, regular hamburger, most
frozen or packaged dinners, all
visible fat.
Farm/Pen raised fish and all
packaged or commercial chicken
All other soups not listed in the
“Allowed List”.
Meat-free vegetable soups, soups
made with nut or soy milk, packaged
dehydrated soups.
No more than 1 tablespoon per day of
the natural dried fruit, such as raisins,
dates and figs, fruit butters.
Any fresh, frozen or canned
vegetables (check for sugar).
Commercially made white sugar and
flour breads, cookies, pastries, and
All products containing white sugar.
Cakes, candies, jams, jellies,
preserves, ice cream, ice milk, sodas,
and shakes.
Buttered, creamed or fried
The Herbal Gardens Inc.
954-584-6601 Lauderhill 954-404-8151 Miramar