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ACCN5030A Strategic Business Leader Exam Paper

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Course or topic No(s)
Course or topic name(s)
Paper number & title
Strategic Business Leader
Test to be
held during month(s) of
Faculty/ies presenting
Internal examiners
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Special materials required
(graph/music/drawing paper,
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computer cards, etc)
Mock April 2024
Commerce, Law and Management
W Mohamed (011 717 8181)
Zubair Wadee
Time allowance
Instructions to candidates
25 minutes
Refer to page (2) for instructions.
General instructions
1. Read the following instructions carefully and follow them precisely.
2. This question paper is ONE integrated case study and ALL parts of the question (tasks) must be
3. All tasks contain marks for professional skills and technical skills
4. This paper consists of 8 pages including the cover page and including this page
5. The total marks are 10 and the time allocated is 25 minutes which includes reading time
6. Candidates will forfeit marks for the use of non-standardised abbreviations
7. All answers must be typed on Microsoft Word
8. Answers must be submitted on Ulwazi (Canvas)
9. Answers must be submitted by uploading the answer as a PDF
10. Each student is responsible for the legibility of work
(10 Marks; 25 minutes)
Dripping Diamonds (DD) is a publicly-listed company that operates in the country of Eveland in the
jewellery retail industry. DD is a successful company that has created a globally distinctive brand, the
motto of which is “Simple yet personally sophisticated”. Since its incorporation in 1945 in Eveland, DD
specialises in the design, manufacture and retail of high-quality, luxurious jewellery pieces. DD has
remained committed to quality by producing jewellery items from high-quality metals that include gold,
silver, and platinum. The brand logo of DD, the picture of a brilliant turquoise diamond, was designed
upon its establishment.
DD has its major manufacturing plant in the country of Faisha. Jewellery items are sold via concept stores
(see Note A, Exhibit 2) situated in 150 countries. DD Concept stores are designed with minimal furniture,
art, and fashion, and counters that display jewellery items are glossy and white. The turquoise diamond
logo is displayed on each counter.
The current financial year is the year-ended 30 March 2022. The information presented in the following
exhibits is relevant.
Exhibit 1: Background on Eveland and its regulatory environment
Exhibit 2: Results of customer survey of DD customers worldwide (01 March 2022)
Exhibit 3: Management structure at DD
Exhibit 4: Headlines of various well-known online newspaper articles
The case requirements are as follows:
2. You are a professional accountant who has been asked to appear as a guest speaker on a
popular weekly Podcast series. The topic of the upcoming podcast is the link between the
corporate governance (CG) of an entity and its approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
a. Discuss, using the agency theory, how the corporate governance structure at DD may affect
the CSR of DD (8 marks)
Professional skills marks are available for evaluation skills in assessing the link between CG
and CSR within the context of the agency theory by reference to the DD (2 marks)
Exhibit 1: Background on Eveland and its regulatory environment
Corporate environment
Eveland is a country of much natural beauty and resources. Many people consider it a quality-of-life
country as people are friendly and have a fairly relaxed attitutde. The corporate environment within
Eveland is regulated primarily by the Eveland Fair Business Practice Act (EFBP). In recent years the EFBP
has undergone several reforms with the latest amendments being the requirement for entities listed in
Eveland to adopt in its entirety the Eveland Code of Corporate Governance (the E-code). This code was
developed based on worldwide standards of corporate governance, although it is considered to be less
stringent than other corporate governance codes applied in other countries. One of the areas of emphasis
is on the social and environmental aspects of an organisation’s operations. Eveland policy makers are in
the process of making further changes to the E-code in so far as the setting and disclosure of executive
remuneration is concerned, as the current guidance surrounding executive pay in the E-code is considered
weak and deserves attention.
The Eveland Fair Business Practice Act (EFBP) also requires companies that are registered on the Eveland
exchange to comply with the standards and policies that are developed by the Organisation for a Healthy
Market Economy (OHME) (see note 1 below). Companies listed on the Eveland Stock Exchange are
required to have a small group of representatives that liaise directly with the OHME secretariat. Failure
by an entity to implement OHME policies may lead to penalties and fines.
Note 1: Organisation for a Healthy Market Economy (OHME)
The OHME is an Eveland-based organisation. Its mandate is the development of policies that
relate to social, economic, and environmental wellbeing within Eveland to sustain economic
The OHME has a key partnership status with the Global Economic Reform (GER). The GER is an
international organisation with 130 member countries. It is responsible for the development of
global policies to address major global challenges that are of an economic, social and
environmental nature.
Exhibit 2: Results of a customer survey of DD customers worldwide (01 March 2022)
The results of the survey from all participating countries are presented below. The metric is measured
out of 5.
1. To what extent do you identify with the DD motto: “Simple yet
Mean metric
out of 5
out of 5
4.6/5= 92%
4.82/5= 96.4%
personally sophisticated”?
2. How well is the DD brand logo, the picture of a brilliant
turquoise diamond, known to you?
3. How would you rate the DD brand in terms of uniqueness,
sophistication, and quality
4. Rate your experience in DD concept stores (out of 5) Note
5. To what extent do you notice DD concept store personnel
wearing DD jewellery?
The following is an extract of the main themes about DD that was analysed from the “comments
section” in the survey data:
1. Dress code of DD staff:
The perception of the DD policy that concept store personnel dress in all black was
positively received.
The perception of the DD policy that head office personnel dress in formal attire was
positively received.
Note A
A concept store is a type of retail store format that is experienced-based. A concept-store setup is usually
linked to the support of a certain type of customer and his/her journey with an organisation’s product and
goes beyond just offering a customer the direct sales of an organisation’s goods1. The atmosphere created
through art, fashion and other aesthetics are usually carefully chosen.
Exhibit 3: Management structure at DD
Board of directors
Executive Management
DD adheres to the legal requirement to apply the E-code. The board of directors (BOD) is independent
and diverse in terms of gender, member skillset and member experience. The BOD has established an
Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committee. During the 2022 financial year, the audit committee
met five times and the remuneration committee met one time. During the remuneration committee
meeting, a policy was proposed to link executive pay and corporate social responsibility activities.
The following are the responsibilities of the audit committee:
Oversight over the process of financial reporting
Oversight over internal control and risk management systems
The following are the responsibilities of the remuneration committee:
Oversight of remuneration policy
Consideration and approval of incentive payments applicable to Board and Executive
Exhibit 4: Headlines of various well-known online newspaper articles
Staff at Dripping Diamond manufacturing plant speak out: inflexible hours and
payment at minimum wage
-Global post (02 March 2022)