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Test Bank For Ancient Lives An Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory, 5th Edition By Brian M Fagan (Routledge)

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Answer Key
Chapter 1
Multiple Choice
1.a,6 2.a,6 3.c,6 4.c,6 5.a,8 6.d,9 7.b,9 8.c,8 9.d,9 10.a,10 11.c,11 12.d,12
13.a,14 14.b,14 15.c,14 16.d,14 17.a,14 18.d,14 19.c,14 20.d,19 21.a,20
22.c,23 23.a,26 24.d,29 25.b,8 26.b,10 27.d,10 28.b,10 29.d,20 30.b,22
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Chapter 1: Introducing Archaeology and Prehistory
Chapter Outline
How Archaeology Began
A. The Discovery of Early Civilizations
Box 1.1: Discovery: Austen Henry Layard at Nineveh
B. The Antiquity of Humankind
C. The Origins of Scientific Archaeology
II. Archaeology and Prehistory
Box 1.2: Doing Archaeology: A Short Guide to Archaeological Diversity
III. Prehistory and World Prehistory
IV. Major Developments in Human Prehistory
V. Why are Archaeology and Prehistory Important?
A. Mysteries of the Past
Box 1.3: Doing Archaeology: Pseudoarchaeology, or You Too, Can Be an
Armchair Indiana Jones!
B. The Powerful Lure of the Past
C. Archaeology and Human Diversity
D. Archaeology as a Political Tool
E. Archaeology and Economic Development
F. Garbagology
VI. Who Needs the Past?
Box 1.4: Site: Inyan Ceyaka Atonwan, Minnesota
Archaeology began over 150 years ago as a search for lost civilizations and
artifacts. Since then, it has developed into a sophisticated, multidisciplinary way of
studying human behavior in the past, using the material remains of the past.
Archaeology is a unique way of studying culture changes over long periods of
time. It has an important role to play in the modern world, for it teaches important lessons
about human diversity and is a form of serious entertainment that gives us an appreciation
of the common cultural heritage of humankind.
Prehistoric archaeology is the study of prehistory, the period of the human past
before the advent of written records.
The study of world prehistory, which developed in the 1950s, is the study of
human prehistory from a global perspective using archaeological data and other sources.
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All human societies are interested in the past, but they think of it in different
terms and use it for different purposes. Archaeologists, westerners generally, conceive of
time in a linear way, while many non-western groups measure time by the cycles of the
seasons and the movements of heavenly bodies. They use linear time only when it is of
use to them.
Archaeology is not the only way of approaching history, for many societies have
oral histories, alternative perspectives on the past that are of vital importance in
preserving traditional culture and values.
Topics for Classroom Discussion
1. Discuss with your students the development of On the Origin of Species by Charles
Darwin. Transport them back in time to when naval voyages took years and a few
people spent their lives exploring the world, while most worked in mundane jobs.
Show how Gregor Mendel studied inheritance and when he published he was
dismissed by his peers because of their ignorance. Finally, show how Mendel’s
findings were rediscovered in 1900 and instantly understood to be the mechanism that
Darwin had been looking for.
2. Use the concept of pseudoarchaeology to teach the scientific method. Go through the
stages of observation, hypothesis formation, testing or experimentation, theory, and
law. Take some of the more interesting and well-known pseudoarchaeological topics
such as Atlantis, Lemuria, the El Dorado of the Southwestern United States, etc., and
literally run them through the scientific method in order to show your students the
value of skepticism. Finally show them why the skeptical approach is much more
open-minded than believing everything one hears.
Web Destinations
1. See how Cultural Resource Management is viewed by the Bureau of Reclamation at:
2. Discover the mystery behind Easter Island (Rapa Nui). See why many people have
been confused by this ancient culture http://www.netaxs.com/~trance/rapanui.html.
3. Read how Thor Heyerdahl came to believe in his ideas. Was he an archaeologist or a
pseudoarchaeologist? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor_Heyerdahl
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Archaeologists are not
a. romantic adventurers.
b. scientists.
c. anthropologists.
d. critical thinkers.
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2. British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley reconstructed
a. an Ur funeral.
b. Noah’s ark.
c. a Mayan calendar.
d. the Silk Road.
3. The first archaeologists were
a. historians.
b. mathematicians.
c. adventurers.
d. physicists.
4. Before he was a treasure hunter, Giovanni Battista Belzoni was a/n
a. army general.
b. historian.
c. circus strongman.
d. archaeologist.
5. The library of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal contained an account of
a. a flood similar to the Genesis flood.
b. an attack of locusts similar to one found in the Bible.
c. the building of the Tower of Babel.
d. all of the above
6. Archbishop James Ussher of Ireland calculated the date of Creation at
a. 7004 B.C.
b. 6004 B.C.
c. 5004 B.C.
d. 4004 B.C.
7. On the Origin of Species was written by
a. Archbishop James Ussher.
b. Charles Darwin.
c. Jacques Boucher de Perthes.
d. Giovanni Battista Belzoni.
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8. He excavated the ancient city mounds of Nineveh and Nimrud.
a. Archbishop James Ussher
b. Charles Darwin
c. Austen Henry Layard
d. Giovanni Battista Belzoni
9. He was a businessman-turned-archaeologist who found the city of Troy.
a. Archbishop James Ussher
b. Charles Darwin
c. Austen Henry Layard
d. Heinrich Schliemann
10. Excavations of Crete’s Minoan civilization were performed by
a. Sir Leonard Woolley.
b. Charles Darwin.
c. Austen Henry Layard.
d. Heinrich Schliemann.
11. What branch of science or social science is the scientific study of ancient human
behavior based on the surviving material remains of the past?
a. history
b. archaeometry
c. archaeology
d. anthropology
12. What type of archaeology is the dominant activity in North America?
a. historical archaeology
b. applied archaeology
c. paleoarchaeology
d. cultural resource management
13. Which subdiscipline of archaeology studies the earliest human beings before written
a. prehistoric archaeology
b. paleoanthropology
c. classical archaeology
d. Egyptology
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14. Which subdiscipline of archaeology studies the culture and artifacts of the earliest
humans, including stone technology and art?
a. prehistoric archaeology
b. paleoanthropology
c. classical archaeology
d. Egyptology
15. Which subdiscipline of archaeology studies the remains of the great civilizations of
ancient Greece and Rome?
a. prehistoric archaeology
b. paleoanthropology
c. classical archaeology
d. Egyptology
16. Which subdiscipline of archaeology would require knowledge of hieroglyphics?
a. prehistoric archaeology
b. paleoanthropology
c. classical archaeology
d. Egyptology
17. Of all the types of archaeologists, which works on archaeological sites and problems
from periods in which written records exist?
a. historical archaeologists
b. paleoanthropologists
c. classical archaeologists
d. Egyptologists
18. Of all the types of archaeologists, which uses technical scuba gear to complete field
a. commercial archaeologists
b. diving archaeologists
c. pressurized chamber archaeologists
d. underwater archaeologists
19. Many archaeologists study historical buildings, but which type would study
Victorian-period factories?
a. historical archaeologists
b. religious archaeologists
c. industrial archaeologists
d. zooarchaeologists
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20. The Grotte de Chauvet is one of the earliest
a. historical sites on earth.
b. French sinkholes on record.
c. Neanderthal sites in northern Europe.
d. painted caves in the world.
21. The popular belief in places like Atlantis, Mu, Tiwanaku, or the continuous search for
Noah’s Ark, are all in the realm of
a. pseudoarchaeology.
b. religious archaeology.
c. industrial archaeology.
d. zooarchaeology.
22. Archaeological theory aims to explain the past as well as to
a. change it.
b. change our understanding of it.
c. describe it.
d. alter it.
23. What do archaeologists and anthropologists find hard to use because of the difficulty
in verifying their antiquity?
a. oral traditions
b. amateur discoveries
c. artifacts
d. ceramic pottery
24. Copán, Palenque, and Uxmal are all cities of which civilization revealed by Stephens
and Catherwood?
a. Ur
b. Nineveh
c. Aztec
d. Maya
25. Who wrote On the Origin of Species and caused a complete rethinking of human
a. Alfred Wallace
b. Charles Darwin
c. Bishop Ussher
d. Gregor Mendel
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26. Which early archaeologist used very precise excavation and recording techniques
later copied by more modern archaeologists?
a. Heinrich Schliemann
b. General Augustus Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers
c. Jacques Boucher de Perthes
d. John Evans
27. Which two archaeologists discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun?
a. Heinrich Schliemann and Alexander Conze
b. Alexander Conze and Flinders Petrie
c. Leonard Woolley and Arthur Evans
d. Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon
28. What process, invented in the 1940s, allowed for fairly accurate dating of organic
a. dendrochronology
b. radiocarbon dating
c. nuclear fission dating
d. uranium-thorium dating
29. British journalist Graham Hancock has claimed that a great civilization flourished
a. beneath the Pacific Ocean 3,000 years ago.
b. in the treetops of the Amazon forest 15,000 years ago.
c. under the Sahara Desert 20,000 years ago.
d. under Antarctic ice 12,000 years ago.
30. Both Charles Darwin and biologist Stephen Jay Gould hypothesized that
a. apes migrated out of Africa and became human.
b. Homo sapiens sapiens migrated out of Africa.
c. individual differences are not so great among humans.
d. humans are no more intelligent than apes.
Essay Questions
31. What is the overall value of studying archaeology? Should it be a required course for
graduation? Why or why not?
32. Describe two or three 19th century excavations. What makes them different from
modern archaeological excavations?
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33. What is pseudoarchaeology? How does the study and practice of archaeology differ
from this near-belief system?
34. What is cultural resource management? How does this field relate to academic
archaeology? Which field is growing the fastest? Why?
35. Why is archaeology important? What is it that we need to know?
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