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IGCSE-1 Syllabus Term-1

TERM PLAN 2024-25
Grade: IGCSE-1
Subject: FRENCH
Term - 1
July 2024
Unit 1 I introduce myself
August 2024
Unit 1 I introduce myself
September 2024
Unit 1 I introduce myself
October 2024
Revision & TERM-1 assessments
Subject: EVM
Term – 1
July 2024
Theme 1- Rocks and Minerals And Their Exploitation
Theme 2- Energy and The Environment
August 2024
Theme 2- Energy and The Environment
Theme 3- Agriculture and The Environment
September 2024 Theme 3- Agriculture and The Environment
October 2024
Revision & Term 1 Exams
Subject: Global Perspectives
The topics offer a context within which candidates can begin to develop and demonstrate an understanding of
these global issues from personal, local and/or national and global perspectives. Candidates use research,
reasoning and questioning to gain this understanding and form their own judgements.
The topics offer a context within which candidates can begin to develop and demonstrate an understanding of
these global issues from personal, local and/or national and global perspectives. Candidates use research,
reasoning and questioning to gain this understanding and form their own judgements. It is suggested that
teachers look at several topics over the term of the course to help develop candidates’ skills.
Term – 1
July 2024
Component 1 Written Examination
August 2024
Demographic change
September 2024 •
October 2024
Fuel and energy
Revision & Term 1 Exams
Subject: Business Studies
Term - 1
July 2024
Unit 1: Understanding business activity
Chapter 1- Business activity
Chapter 2- Classification of businesses
Chapter 3-Enterprise, business growth and size
August 2024
Unit 1: Understanding business activity
Chapter 4- Types of business organization
Chapter 5- Business objectives and Stakeholder objectives
September 2024 Unit 2: People in business
Chapter 6- Motivating workers
Chapter 7-Organisation and management
October 2024
Chapter 8-Recruitment, selection and training of employees
Subject: Biology
Term - 1
July 2024
August 2024
Unit 1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms
1.1 Characteristics of living organisms
1.2 Concept and use of a classification system
1.3 Features of organisms
Unit 2 Organisation of the organism
2.1 Cell structure
2.2 Size of specimens
Unit 3 Movement into and out of cells
3.1 Diffusion
3.2 Osmosis
3.3 Active transport
Unit 4 Biological molecules
4.1 Biological molecules
September 2024 Unit 5 Enzymes
5.1 Enzymes
Unit 6 Plant nutrition
6.1 Photosynthesis
6.2 Leaf structure
October 2024
Term 1 Examination
Subject: Hindi
Term – 1
July 2024
इकाई – 1
समाज एवं संस्कृति
पाठ-1 सूचनाएँ
पाठ-2 वागड़ के भीलूडा. की पत्थरमार होली
पाठ-3 क्या आप जानिे है : 1500 साल पहले लोगो का कैसे होिा था मनोरं जन?
पाठ-4 बिखरिे पररवार
पाठ-5 आधतु नकिा की कठपि
ु ली
पाठ-6 सि के ललए
अ. व्याकरणिक ज्ञान
ब. मौणखक – इकाई-2 अ,आ,उ
क. चचत्र लेखन
August 2024
खेल एवं स्वास््य
पाठ-1 कॉल-ईमेल को छोड़े, अवसाद भगाएँ
पाठ-2 सेहिमंद करिा है िाज़ा हवा का झोंका
पाठ-3 भारि से तनकला 8 साल का ये स्केट ंग अजूिा
पाठ-4 क्या करिा है लो ब्लड प्रेशर
पाठ-5 जि बिना चगल्ललयों के खेला गया अंिराष्ट्रीय खेल
पाठ-6 तनमंत्रि पबत्रका
पाठ-7 अरोमाथेरेपी से िनाएँ लाइफ को स्रे स फ्री
ि. मौणखक –इकाई-3 अ और ि
क. ट प्पि लेखन
September 2024 इकाई- 3
प्रकृति एवं वन्यजीवन
पाठ-1 सख
ू ी िंजर भलू म में हजारों पेड़ों की मस्
ु कान
पाठ-2 एक पेड़ की चचठ्ठी आपके नाम
पाठ-3 लड़ाई में घायल साचथयों का ईलाज करिी हैं ये चीट याँ
पाठ-4 प्लाल्स् क कूड़ा अलभशाप नहीं, वरदान भी
पाठ-5 अि पौधा रोपि के िाद नहीं सूखेंगे पेड़
पाठ-6 सफ़ेद िाघ ववजय का मनाया जाएगा जन्मटदन
पाठ-7 पक्षियों के स्वर में तछपा है जंगल का राज
अ. व्याकरणिक ज्ञान
ि. मौणखक – इकाई-3 क – 1,2,3,4
October 2024
क. डायरी लेखन
Revision & Term 1 Exams
Subject: Chemistry
Term - 1
July 2024
August 2024
Unit 1 States of matter
1.1 Solids, liquids and gases
1.2 Diffusion
Unit 2 Atoms, elements and compounds
2.1 Elements, compounds and mixtures
2.2 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
2.3 Isotopes
Unit 2 Atoms, elements and compounds
2.4 Ions and ionic bonds
2.5 Simple molecules and covalent bonds
2.6 Giant covalent structures
2.7 Metallic bonding
September 2024
Unit 3 Stoichiometry
3.1 Formulae
3.2 Relative masses of atoms and molecules
3.3 The mole and the Avogadro constant
October 2024
Revision & TERM-1 assessments
Subject: Computer science
Term - 1
July 2024
Introduction to syllabus
Unit 1
Data representation
1. Number systems
2. Text, sound and images
August 2024
September 2024
October 2024
Unit 1 Continued…
1.3 Data storage and compression
Unit 2
Data transmission
2.1 Types and methods of data transmission
Unit 2 Continued…
2.2 Methods of error detection
2.3 Encryption
Unit 3
3.1 Computer architecture
3.2 Input and output Devices
Unit 3 Continued…
3.3 Data storage
3.4 Network hardware
Revision and Term 1 Examination
Subject : Economics
Term - 1
July 2024
Section 1: The basic economic problem
Ch 1- The nature of economic problem
Ch 2- Factors of production
Ch 3- Opportunity Cost
Ch 4- Production Possibility Curve
August 2024
Section 2: The allocation of resources
Ch 5- Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Ch 6-The role of markets in allocating resources
Ch 7- Demand
September 2024 Ch 8- Supply
Ch 9- Price determination
Ch 10- Price Changes
Ch 11- Price Elasticity of Demand
Ch 12- Price elasticity of Supply
October 2024
Revision for Term 1 Assessment and Term 1 Assessment
Subject : FLE
Term - 1
July 2024
Chapter-1: Key reading skills
1. Locating information: Skimming
2. Locating information: Scanning
3. Selecting information
4. Synthesis
5. Explicit meaning
6. Implicit meaning: character
7. Implicit meaning: setting
8. Emotive language
9. Sensory language
10. Recognising fact, opinion and bias
11. Analysing and evaluating
12. Understanding the form and purpose of different texts
13. Deducing the audience
August 2024
Chapter -2 Key technical skills
2.1 Vocabulary and word classes
2.2 Accurate tenses
2.3 Tenses and Verb agreement
2.4 Sentence punctuation
2.5 Reported and direct speech
2.6 Accurate use of paragraphs
2.7 Paragraph cohesion
2.8 Proofreading
2.9 Audience and level of formality
September 2024 Chapter-3 Key writing forms
3.1 Convention of speeches and talks
3.2 Convention of interviews
3.3 Convention of diaries and journals
3.4 Conventions of reports
3.5 Conventions of news reports and magazine articles
3.6 Convention of letters
Revision and First Semester Examination
October 2024
Subject : International Mathematics
Term - 1
July 2024
Topic 1: Number
Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
August 2024
Topic 1: Number (continue)
Chapter 10 - 12
Topic 2: Algebra
Chapter 13 - Chapter 15
September 2024 Topic 2: Algebra (continue)
Chapter 16 - Chapter 21
October 2024
Subject : Mathematics (Core & Extended)
Term - 1
July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
1.1 Types of number
1.2 Sets
1.3 Powers and roots
1.4 Fractions, decimals and percentages
1.5 Ordering
1.6 The four operations
1.7 Indices
1.8 Standard form
1.9 Estimation
1.10 Limits of accuracy
1.11 Ratio and proportion
1.12 Rates
1.13 Percentages
1.14 Using a calculator
1.15 Time
1.16 Money
1.17 Exponential growth and decay (EXTENDED)
1.18 Surds (EXTENDED)
2.1 Introduction to algebra
2.2 Algebraic manipulation
2.3 Indices ii
2.4 Equations
October 2024
Subject: Physics
July 2024
August 2024
Term - 1
Unit 1 Motion, forces and energy
1.1 Physical quantities and measurement techniques
1.2 Motion
1.3 Mass and weight
1.4 Density
1.5 Forces
1.5.1 Effects of forces
1.5.2 Turning effects of forces
1.5.3 Centre of gravity
Unit 1 Motion, forces and energy
1.6 Momentum
1.7 Energy, Work and power
1.7.1 Energy
1.7.2 Work
1.7.3 Energy resources
1.7.4 Power
1.8 Pressure
September 2024
Unit 2 Thermal Physics
2.1 Kinetic particle model of matter
2.1.1 States of matter
2.1.2 Particle model
2.1.3 Gases and the absolute scale of temperature
2.2 Thermal properties and temperature
2.2.3 Melting, boiling and evaporation
2.3 Transfer of thermal energy
2.3.2 Convection
2.3.3 Radiation
2.3.4 Consequences of thermal energy transfer
October 2024
Revision & TERM-1 assessments
Subject: Visual Arts
Term - 1
July 2024
August 2024
1. Introduction to the Subject Guide.
2. Explaining the Art and design components.
3. Discussing the sample course work of components 1 and 2.
4. Discussing and finalizing the themes for the component 1.
Component 1 - Coursework & Portfolio
AO2 Explore, Students develop ideas using media experiments.
AO3 Develop, at this point in the course, students will be following
a variety of interests, and processes and using a range of media.
Try and direct them to the appropriate media choice that suits
their interest. Continually referring back to artists for inspiration is
September 2024 Component 1- Coursework & Portfolio
AO1 Record, students use peer and self-assessment to review their
October 2024
AO3 Develop, Peer assessment – assess each other’s work done so
far and identify one piece of work that they consider is the most
successful, explain what they think and identify the media used.
Students review their work and identify strengths in terms of
media and process.
Revision & Term-1 Examination