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Discrete Math Project: Statistical Analysis of Exam Scores

Computer Project MAS291 Descriptions:
1. Groups of students are required to collect secondary data (topics may be suggested by the
instructor), form their own questions, and apply learned knowledge and methods of
inferential statistics to analyze data and make conclusions about the populations.
2. Groups are expected to use statistical software to perform the analysis and present their
results to other groups in class. Deadline for submitting: Project presentation days:
The exam results (on a scale of 1-10) for the course Discrete Mathematics of two groups of
students, Group A (semester 1) and Group B (semester 2), are given in the files GroupA.xlsx and
GroupB.xlsx, respectively. Use these data to answer the following questions:
1. (Section 6.1) Determine the sample mean and standard deviation of the exam scores for
both groups.
2. (Section 6.3) Construct a frequency distribution and histogram for the exam score data of
both groups. Use 10 bins.
3. (Section 8.2) Construct 95% two-sided confidence intervals for the mean exam scores of
both groups.
4. (Section 8.3) There is an interest in the number of students with exam scores greater than
4. Construct 95% two-sided confidence intervals for the proportion of students with
scores greater than 4 for both groups.
5. (Section 9.3) Using α = 0.05 (significance level), perform hypothesis tests on the mean
exam score of students in Group A (variance unknown): a) equal to 4 b) greater than 4.
6. (Section 9.3) Using α = 0.01 (significance level), perform hypothesis tests on the mean
exam score of students in Group B (variance unknown): a) equal to 4 b) greater than 4.
7. (Section 9.5) Using α = 0.01 (significance level), test the hypothesis that the proportion of
students in Group A with scores greater than 4 is 50% (tests on a proportion).
8. (Section 9.5) Using α = 0.01 (significance level), test the hypothesis that the proportion of
students in Group B with scores greater than 4 is 45% (tests on a proportion).
9. (Section 10.2) Using the given data, can it be concluded that the mean exam scores of
Group A differ from Group B? Use α = 0.01 (tests on the difference in means of two
normal distributions, variances unknown). Construct 99% two-sided confidence intervals
for the difference in mean exam scores between the two groups (confidence interval on
the difference in means, variances unknown).
10. (Section 10.6) A student is considered to have passed if their exam score is greater than 4.
Using the given data, can it be concluded that the pass rate of Group A is higher than
Group B? Use α = 0.05. Construct 95% two-sided confidence intervals for the difference
in pass rates (exam scores > 4) between the two groups (tests on the difference of two
population proportions).
11. Comment on the results obtained.
Points Allocation:
Question 1: 1 point
Question 2: 1 point
Question 3: 1 point
Question 4: 1 point
Question 5: 1.5 points
Question 6: 1.5 points
Question 7: 1.5 points
Question 8: 1.5 points
Question 9: 1.5 points
Question 10: 1.5 points
Question 11: 2 points