SAN NICOLAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL K to 12 Learning Action Cell (LAC) Plan DepEd Order 35, s. 2016 Phase Planning Place Activities/Objectives Implementati on Evaluation Persons Involved Identify concerns pertaining to Teachers, teaching and learning School Head processes and propose solutions to the given concerns Design a mentoring program on the use of appropriate strategies in the teaching (Session Guide Making) Draft a training matrix for teaching strategies. Teachers, Conduct of Training on the School Head Different Teaching Strategies in teaching 21st century learners Regular checking of teachers’ reflections on the strategy used Determining the performance Teachers, efficacy (e.g. impact to the pupils). School Head Assessment of training strategies. Application of skills learned in the training. Time Frame Resources Source Funds of Funds Remarks Prepared by: MARJORIE C. VALDEZ Noted: ORLANDO A. PASCUA Scholl Principal III Submitted to: ________________________________________ SCHOOL – BASED LEARNING ACTION CELL SESSION MENTORING SCHEDULE PER TOPIC SY 2017 – 2018 NO. SESSIONS SESSION OBJECTIVES 1 Reflection on the Teaching Strategies Used Identify the commonly used strategies in teaching Evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching strategies as compared to teaching learning outcomes Share personal insights on the strategies used in the classroom Characterize the 21s century teacher and learner Discuss the 21st century teaching and learning process Identify and elaborate the strategies to be used in the 21st century teaching. Discuss the different teaching modalities and deliveries Utilize the different teaching modalities and deliveries in the lesson plan Create a session guide using varied and updated teaching strategies 2 3 Teaching in the 21st Century Teaching Modalities and Deliveries PERSON INVOLVED MATERIALS NEEDED Teachers, School Head Laptop Projector Speakers Teachers, School Head Laptop Projector Speakers Teachers, School Head Laptop Projector Speakers MENTORING DATE