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Cambridge IGCSE
Paper 1 Theory
October/November 2022
2 hours
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This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.
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[Turn over
Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate words from this list of word processing
(a) The orientation of a page that is wider than it is high is called
(b) A symbol placed in front of each item in a list is called a
(c) The indentation of a paragraph where all the lines except the first are indented is called
(d) The last line of a paragraph that appears as the first line of the next page is called a
Database, presentation, spreadsheet and word processing software are used by a medical centre.
Tick (✓) the most appropriate piece of software to carry out the tasks shown.
presentation spreadsheet word processing
Producing a letter to send out to
Creating graphs to show
numbers of people attending the
medical centre
Creating queries from patients’
Creating an interactive display
of services offered
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Smartphones use a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
(a) Give three benefits of using a GUI.
easier choose of icons using pointer device
1 ........................................................................................................................................
can open multiple windows at the same time so can be more productive
2 ........................................................................................................................................
user friendly as dont have to write and memorise commands and can
3 ........................................................................................................................................
just select icons
(b) Give three characteristics of a smartphone.
Has a front a back camera
1 ........................................................................................................................................
Has microphone
2 ........................................................................................................................................
has speakers
3 ........................................................................................................................................
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[Turn over
Workers in an office log onto the office computer network using a password.
(a) Aaron is using his name as his password.
Give two reasons why this is not a good idea.
Password is easy to guess so not secure
1 ........................................................................................................................................
Password is too short and weak so is more susceptible to shoulder surfing
2 ........................................................................................................................................
(b) One method that hackers use to find people’s passwords is to install key-logging spyware onto
Give two methods that could be used to safely enter passwords even if key-logging spyware
has been installed on a computer.
Use biometric password
1 ........................................................................................................................................
use physical token instead for OTP
2 ........................................................................................................................................
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The secretary of a sports club is setting up a database of members to replace the current manual
system. He will need to create a database structure.
(a) Describe the steps involved in setting up and testing the database structure before it can be
used in the new system.
Write data down, use suitable data types for each field, choose primary key, make relationships
with other tables
set up validation rules to ensure data is sensible realistic valid and within acceptable range
test data by using extreme data that lies on the border of the range, normal data that lies
within the range, abnormal data that lies outside the range, use live data in order to test
data of real members that was accepted in the manual system.
When the new system is completed it needs to be implemented. The secretary of the sports club
can implement it using direct changeover or parallel running.
(b) Describe the term parallel running, giving one benefit and one drawback of using this method
of implementation.
Running the new system with the old system at the same time
Parallel running .................................................................................................................
If new system fails or stop, work will not stop and secretary can use
Benefit ..............................................................................................................................
old system and data will not be lost
2 sets of stuff and computers have to be bought so is more expensive
Drawback ..........................................................................................................................
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[Turn over
In June 2000 the London Millennium Bridge opened to the public but closed shortly afterwards for
repairs. The bridge was swaying as people walked across it. Before bridges are built, computer
models are produced and the models are tested.
Explain why computer models are used before building a bridge.
A club has many members. The secretary of the club wants to keep details of the club members
in a database.
(a) Describe the benefits and drawbacks of storing membership details on a computer database.
Reports can be formed using database to analyse data like weekly visitors to the club
Queries can be made to search for specific members for example for members who havent
paid their subscription. Saves time as no need to write data by hand, can collect data
from new members using a form and data is automatically stored in the data
Can search for members using name. Can easily update data by adding or removing records.
can add validation rules to only accept data of specific length, type, range, presence
However dependant on computer so if electricity is off wont be able to access data, and
expensive to buy computers. Additionally requires experts or training so can be more expensive
to train employees or to hire experts. Risk of data being lost if any problem faced. Data can be
hacked or accessed by someone else so low security and can leak personal information for employees
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(b) The secretary collects data from the members on paper-based forms.
Describe five features of a well-designed paper-based data capture form.
Form fills up page
1 ........................................................................................................................................
Presence of character-set to easily write data
2 ........................................................................................................................................
Suitable size for space to enter data
3 ........................................................................................................................................
Clear large font
4 ........................................................................................................................................
clear large pictures
5 ........................................................................................................................................
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[Turn over
In 2019 Cambridge recorded the highest temperature for July in the UK. The data was collected
automatically using sensors by a weather station and sent to a computer.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using sensors to collect data rather than humans
collecting the data.
Sensors can collect data at any time of the day 24/7, at regular intervals, wont forget to collect data
Can collect data at places cant be reached by humans or very extreme or abandoned places
Data can be automatically used to draw graphs of temperatures to compare temperature across
year or month. Can collect more accurate temperatures than humans. No need to pay someone
to collect data so saves money, faster collection of data so saves time
However it can be damaged by water from rain or can be stolen by public, high initial cost
and high maintenance cost, if something unexpected happens it wont detect it like thunderstorms.
Causes deskilling.
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Many organisations store data in the cloud.
(a) Explain what is meant by the ICT term cloud.
Cloud storage is a connection of servers owned by a cloud provider which
allows people to buy storage so save data on the servers by uploading it
using the internet
(b) Explain the issues of storing data in the cloud.
Data can only be accessed using the internet so if internet is down data cannot be accessed
Data is uploaded into the internet so can be hacked and accessed
Have to buy storage and pay for subscription so is expensive
Requires ID and Password so if ID or password is forgotten cant access data, and it gives
high chance of shoulder surfing and if someone knows ID and password he can access the data
Data is stored onto more than one server so if you delete data it will be deleted from only
one server but remain on other servers
user dont have complete control over the data as it is maintained by cloud provider
if internet falls while uploading data, a problem can happen and data is lost
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As our use of the cloud increases, new ways of accessing it safely need to be developed.
(c) The use of typed passwords is being replaced by biometric methods.
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using biometric methods.
Unique way of identification, no risk of shoulder surfing so account can only be accessed
using the person himself as biometrics is related to his unique body features. No need
to memorise any passwords so no risk of him forgetting it so can always access the data.
Higher risk as can only be accessed by person who has the physical feature applied in the
biometrics, Faster as no need to type ID and password so saves time
However things that require camera like retina scan, face scan cant be accessed in dark
or if person is wearing gasses. Might not work if person got through an accident. some people
think its invasive to their personal information. Extra devices needed like suitable webcam and
fingerprint scanner so can be expensive. More expensive to develop
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10 High street banks now offer customers access to internet banking when they are in the physical
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to the bank of using internet banking in this way.
less employees needed so saves money. Faster to perform tasks online as no need to wait queues so
saves time of costumer which attracts more costumers.
User can get immediate help from employee if he cant use internet banking
However can be expensive to set up as developers need to be hired, high maintenance cost so more
expensive, can be hacked so result in costumers sensitive and personal information to be leaked
and money to be stolen. Expensive as bank needs to provide hardware like computers for users to
access internet banking in the physical bank. If internet is down cant access internet banking
A village is built next to a river. During heavy rain the river floods and endangers the people living
in the village. If the river is in danger of flooding, an email is sent to all members of the village.
(a) Explain why an email group is used when contacting the villagers.
To quickly send the same email to all the villagers at the same time without having to send them one by
one ,informing them about the flooding
time so that all villagers can get informed quickly so that they can protect their belongings and
away from river to prevent any losses
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[Turn over
Sensors are placed in the river to check the water level. If the water level in the river rises more
than 5m above normal river levels, a flood barrier is raised to safeguard the village. The flood barrier
remains raised until the water level drops to normal levels.
(b) Explain why the data from the sensors cannot be read directly by the computer and name the
device that needs to be used so that the computer can read the data.
Data collected from the sensors are analogue data, while the data required by microprocessor
in the computer is digital data, an ADC is used to convert data from analogue to digital
(c) Describe how a microprocessor uses the data from the sensors to raise and lower the flood
collects data about the current water and is converted to digital data using ADC, digital data is
then sent to microprocessor
microprocessor compares preset value (5m)of maximum water levels with the current water level
if current value is lower, the microprocessor sends impulse to actuator to send to the motor to
keep blood barrier down, if current water level is higher than or equal to preset value(5m), microprocessor
sends signal to actuator to raise the barrier by the motor. If water level decreases and become below
preset value then microprocessor send impulse to actuator to put barrier down again
this is a continuous process
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12 A computer system uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Write down two features of a GUI and for each give a reason why they are needed.
Feature 1 ..................................................................................................................................
Reason 1 ..................................................................................................................................
Feature 2 ..................................................................................................................................
Reason 2 ..................................................................................................................................
13 Computers are being used in offices.
Describe how the use of computers has affected the work of employees and their working patterns.
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[Turn over
14 rtf and pdf are file types.
(a) Describe what is meant by an rtf and a pdf file type.
rich text format
rtf ......................................................................................................................................
portable document format
pdf .....................................................................................................................................
(b) Explain the differences between the two file types.
15 Proofreading is often confused with visual verification.
Describe the differences between proofreading and visual verification.
proofreading ensures data has correct grammer spelling and no widows or orphans
and doesnt require access to the original data source
visual verification is ensuring data entered is identical to original data by comparing data
entered with original source by eye
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