NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP FLS REPORT- FIRE PROTECTION JUNE 2 0 2 4 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 1 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA FLS REPORT NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 004 2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 004 3. CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING OCCUPANCY AND HAZARD ANALYSIS ......... 006 4. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENT ...........................................................................008 5. MEANS OF EGRESS ...............................................................................................014 6. FIRE PROTECTION AND SUPPRESSION ........................................................... 022 7. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM ........................................................... 028 8. FIRE SERVICE PROVISIONS .............................................................................. 033 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION……………………………………………………. 039 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 3 1. SUMMARY The purpose of this document is to outline the Fire/Life safety principles that would be adopted in the development and ascertain the compliance of such provisions with respect to relevant recognized Codes based on the review of drawings provided by the design team. This advice is based on the review of the provided architectural drawings. It can be demonstrated that with the inclusion of the requirements summarized within this report, the design of the building will comply with the applicable Code and the authority having jurisdiction requirements. 2. INTRODUCTION The intent of this report is to develop a fire and life safety strategy specifically for; NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP, KSA. This report covers the buildings and site-wide fire safety requirements, and also presents the basic assumptions, codes and standards used in the design. Scope and Purpose The purpose of this report is to outline the minimum fire protection measures that required to meet the following key fire safety design objectives: Protect occupants who are not intimate with the initial fire development. Improve the survivability of occupants intimate with the initial fire development. Protect and facilitate the operations of emergency services personnel. Prevent fire spreading to adjacent buildings and properties. Limitations This report has been prepared specifically for the above developments and is not valid for any Other development. The recommendations of the report may subject to final approval by Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The report does not specifically consider property damage such as building and contents Damage caused by fire, potential increased insurance liability and loss of business continuity. This report is prepared in good faith and with due care for design information purposes only, And should not be relied upon as providing any warranty or guarantee that ignition or a fire will not occur. Assumptions The assumptions adopted by this report are listed as following: The protection methods of this Report are based on the hazards associated with fire and other events that have comparable impact on site buildings and the occupants. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 4 • • Protection against certain other hazards (such terrorist acts) will generally require protection. Methods beyond those required by Fire Codes. • The fire protection methods of this report assume a single fire source. Design criteria Applicable Codes and Standards The development requires compliance with the prescriptive requirements of new edition of Saudi Building Code. Generally, the Saudi Building Code (SBC_201) and Saudi Fire Code (SBC_801) 2018 editions are the framework codes for this report and will constitute the main source of information. Where other codes or standards are particularly adopted, it will be explicitly mentioned. The fire strategies will be based on the prescriptive-based methods of the codes, thus, Performance-based design has not been considered. In addition to the framework applicable codes (SBC), the report may reference specific standards for the design and installation of the required systems. Also, SBC refers to certain NFPA and other standards to be followed since these standards provide more details. According to (NEOM-NEN-SCH-005_02), NFPA references are listed under technical reference as supplemental information and design methods, however, these references shall not be used in not in lieu of SBC requirements. Hence, the design codes, standards, and procedures that are required for this project include the following: • • • NEOM-NLF-PRC-002_03.00 - Fire Safety Approvals Procedure NEOM-NLF-TGD-001_01.00 - Fire Station Design NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers (2022 Edition). • • • NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (2022 Edition) NFPA 14 Standard for the Installation of Standpipe & Hose System (2019 Edition) NFPA 20: Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2022 Edition NFPA 22: Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection (2023 Edition) NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Protection Systems (2020 Edition) NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (2020 Edition) NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (2022 Edition) NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives (2022 Edition) NFPA 110 Emergency and Standby Power Systems (2022 Edition) NFPA 1710 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments (2020 Edition) SBC-201 Saudi Building Code-General SBC-801 Saudi Fire Code-General NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems (2022 Edition) International Building Code Commentary (2018 Edition) International Fire Code Commentary (2018 Edition) ASME17.1-2016CSAB44-16SafetyCodeforElevatorsandEscalator NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 5 3. CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING OCCUPANCYAND HAZARD ANALYSIS CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPANCIES In accordance with SBC_201 Chapter 3, Buildings within this development or portions of structures shall be classified with respect to occupancy in one or more of the groups listed below. Office buildings: Group B. A room or space that is intended to be occupied at different times for different purposes shall comply with all of the requirements that are applicable to each of the purposes for which the room or space will be occupied. Where a structure is proposed for a purpose that is not specifically provided in the SBC_201, such structure shall be classified in the group that the occupancy most nearly resembles. Based on the current design and criteria provided in SBC_201 chapter 3, the building within this development involves the following occupancies. O occupancy Classifica�on OCCUPANCY Group B Group A3 Group A3 Group A3 Group A3 Group F-1 Group S-1 Group S-1 Group F-1 Group B Group R-2 Group R-2 Group A3 Group A3 AREA Construction TYPE Per and SBC 201 Table506.2 BUILDING NAMES M2 821.25 IIB Type (Noncombustible) ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 37 IIB Type (Noncombustible) MOSQUE 112 IIB Type (Noncombustible) DINNING HALL 40 IIB Type (Noncombustible) GYM 40 IIB Type (Noncombustible) CLINIC 25 IIB Type (Noncombustible) LAUNDRY 20 IIB Type (Noncombustible) DRY STORAGE 20 IIB Type (Noncombustible) COLD STORAGE 38 IIB Type (Noncombustible) KITCHEN 12 IIB Type (Noncombustible) GUARD ROOM 38 --TO--376 TOTAL IIB Type (Noncombustible) 20 UNIT SINGLE BED ACCOMDATION 38.19--TO--946.36 TOTAL IIB Type (Noncombustible) 50 UNIT TWO BED ACCOMDATION 70 IIB Type (Noncombustible) RECREATION 74 IIB Type (Noncombustible) MAJLIS NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 6 Building Height and Depth The building height to be measured from the top of the highest occupied or usable story to The lowest level of fire service access. As per the current development design all buildings have A height below 3.0 m height, accordingly, not classified as high-rise buildings. Also, all buildings have no floor level used for human occupancy more than 9 m below the Finished floor of the lowest level of exit discharge; accordingly, underground building’s Requirements are not applied. Hazard of Contents Considering the nature of the occupancies and the likelihood of contents that would burn with moderate rapidity with a considerable volume of smoke, most of structures have been classified as Light / Ordinary Hazard in accordance with NFPA 13. As for the fuel storage tanks, the design shall be in compliance with SBC_801 Chapter 57 and NFPA 30. All fuel tanks for the Storage of Liquids that serve generator sets are aboveground Tanks and in compliance with NFPA 30 chapter 23. U/G storage tanks are not provided or installed within this development. The contractor is responsible to ensure the requirements of spill control and secondary Containment as per chapter 57 of SBC_801 and NFPA 30. Also, the contractor shall verify the flammable liquids in terms of flash point and boiling point to ensure the correct flammable liquid classification. Helistops and Heliports No helipad or heliports are intended for this development. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 7 3. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Construction TYPE Per and SBC 201 Table506.2 IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) BUILDING NAMES ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MOSQUE DINNING HALL GYM CLINIC LAUNDRY DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE KITCHEN GUARD ROOM 20 UNIT SINGLE BED ACCOMDATION 50 UNIT TWO BED ACCOMDATION RECREATION MAJLIS Construction Type The structure for the buildings was classified as Type IB (Fire resistive and Noncombustible) or Type IIB (non-combustible and has no fire resistance) according to SBC 201- section 602.2 and Table 601 (Fire-resistance rating requirements for building elements (hours)) the resistance rating is compatible with the following on Table: Structural Fire Resistance According to the proposed construction type, fire-resistance rating requirements for building’s structural elements (in hours) shall be as following: Structural Fire Resistance NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 8 Materials prescribed herein for fire resistance shall conform to the requirements of SBC_201 chapter 07. The fire resistance rating of building elements, components or assemblies shall be determined in accordance with the test procedures set forth in ASTM E 119 or UL 263 or in accordance with Section 703.3 of SBC_201. Exterior Walls Fire-Resistance Rating FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS BASED ONFIRE SEPERATION Distanced Exterior Walls Fire-Resistance. Exterior walls; exterior wall coverings; exterior wall openings; exterior windows and doors; architectural trim; balconies and similar projections shall be constructed and installed in accordance with SBC_201 chapter 14. The contractor is responsible for providing all required tests and certificates to prove compliance with code requirements. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 9 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 10 Fire Separation Incidental uses are ancillary functions associated with a given occupancy that generally pose a greater level of hazard to that occupancy. Incidental uses located within single occupancy or mixed occupancy buildings shall be limited to those uses listed in below table. Separation of various spaces and functions shall be in accordance to below table. Fire separation for various spaces ROOM OR AREA Waste And Linen Collection Rooms Over 9 m2 Electric Rooms Telephone / Data Rooms Server And Ups Rooms Vertical Openings – SBC201 SECTION 712.1.1 & 713.4 SEPARATION 1 Hour – SBC 201 - TABLE 509 INCIDENTAL USES 2 hours (Omitting sprinkler is permitted by NFPA 13) – SBC 201 section 903. 2 Hour 2 hours (Omitting sprinkler is permitted by NFPA 13) – SBC 201 section 903. Fire-resistance rating. Shaft enclosures shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours where connecting four stories or more, and not less than 1 hour where connecting less than four stories. The number of stories connected by the shaft enclosure shall include any basements but not any mezzanines Note. Vertical openings shall not be less than required by construction type. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 11 Corridors Construction Corridors shall be fire resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1 of SBC_201. SBC_201 Chapter 10, Table 1020.1, exempts corridors to be fire resistance for: groups A, M, and B where the building is Sprinklered As per NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R for Residential Buildings , based on the above criteria, buildings will not be protected with fire resistance enclosed corridors except for residential buildings will be protected with 30 minutes fire barriers with 20 minutes doors. Opening Protectives Opening protectives shall comply with the provisions of the table below where applicable. Fire door assemblies also shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 80. SBC 201 TABLE 716.5 OPENING FIRE PROTECTION ASSEMBLIES, RATINGS AND MARKINGS NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 12 Exterior Opening protective Maximum area of exterior wall openings based on fire separation distance and degree of Opening protection shall be based on SBC_201 Table 705.8 where separation distance Between buildings are within 1.5 m. This case is limited to some residential buildings as shown in drawings. Where buildings are separated within 1.5 m, buildings are Sprinklered with unprotected opening the max. Allowable area of exterior wall openings is 15%. Penetrations and Air Transfer Openings Penetrations through Fire-resistance-rated walls shall be protected by an approved Penetration fires-top system installed and tested in accordance with ASTM E81 4 or UL 1479 and comply with section 714 of SBC_201. Ducts and air transfer openings of fire barriers shall be protected with listed fire dampers in accordance with section 717 of SBC_201. Fire damper rating shall be 1 ½ Hours where penetrate fire-resistance-rated assemblies less than 3-hours, however, it’s exempted for 1-hour fire barrier walls where duct system constructed of sheet steel not less than No. 26 gage thickness and continuous from the airhandling appliance or equipment to the air outlet and inlet terminals. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Materials The requirements of interior finishes are intended to restrict the spread of fire over the Continuous surface forming the interior portions of the building. In accordance with chapter 8 of SBC_201, The requirements of interior wall and ceiling finish depend on Class shall be considered. Although the criteria provided in SBC_201 chapter 8, it is highly recommended to restrict finishes materials to non-combustible materials or at least limited combustible materials (Class A or B), thus, Class C shall not be utilized. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 13 Building Interior Finishes For Interior floor finish requirements, the minimum critical radiant flux shall be not less than Class II, 0.22 watts/cm2 or greater, in accordance with ASTM E648or NFPA 253. 5. MEANS OF EGRESS SBC201 and SBC801 prescribe requirements for the size, location, and arrangement of exits from the facility. Table identify the requirements for the buildings in the project that have been designed. OCCUPANT LOAD The occupant load is derived from the relevant Occupant Load Factor (OLF) and the gross or net floor area in accordance with Saudi Building Code SBC. The occupant load factors are generally expressed via two measurements, namely net and gross floor area as nominated within below table. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 14 BUILDINGS NAME OCCUPANCY AREA SQ.M OCCUPANCY FACTOR M2/person SBC801 1004.1.2 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Group B 821.25 9.00 Gross 91 Max. load MOSQUE Group A3 37 0.46 net 17 Max. load DINNING HALL Group A3 112 0.46 net 52 Max. load GYM Group A3 40 0.46 net 19 Max. load CLINIC Group A3 40 0.46 net 19 Max. load LAUNDRY Group F-1 25 19.00 Gross 19 Gross Max. load DRY STORAGE Group S-1 20 28.00 Gross 28 Gross Max. load COLD STORAGE Group S-1 20 28.00 Gross 28 Gross Max. load KITCHEN Group F-1 38 19.00 19 Gross Max. load GUARD ROOM Group B 12 9.00 Gross 9 Gross Max. load 20 UNIT SINGLE BED ACCOMDATION Group R-2 19.00 19 Gross Max. load 50 UNIT TWO BED ACCOMDATION Group R-2 19.00 19 Gross Max. load RECREATION Group A3 70 0.46 net 33 Max. load MAJLIS Group A3 74 34 Max. load 38 --TO-376 TOTAL 38.19--TO-946.36 TOTAL 0.46 net NO OF OCCUPANCY PERSON % OF LOAD The fire life strategy drawings will clarify the egress components for all buildings as the following not limited: a) Common path of travel, dead-ends, total travel distance. b) Door discharge capacity and actual capacity c) Locations of all hazardous storage areas d) Locations of all fire-rated barriers e) Locations of all smoke-rated barriers NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 15 f) Locations of designated smoke compartments g) Locations of chutes and shafts h) Fire extinguisher locations i) Occupancy type and load factors MEANS OF EGRESS COMPONENTS Doors Door Opening / Clear Width As per SBC_201 section 1005, the clear width of doorways shall be minimum 800 mm wide or the egress width required based on the calculated occupant load, whichever is greater. The maximum width of a swinging door leaf shall be 1200 mm nominal and the height of door openings shall be not less than 2000 mm. Where a pair of doors is provided, not less than one of the doors shall provide not less than 800 mm. the below figures show different cases (opening angel) of measuring clear door width. Figure 1: Door width – egress capacity Door Requirements Door swing direction constitutes a main role for occupants’ egress during panic evacuation. Doors shall swing in the direction of exit for all exit staircase doors, exit main doors, rooms with high-hazard contents, and where the expected occupant load of the space is more than 49 persons, and horizontal exits. Door opening force shall be in compliance with SBC_201 section 1010.1.3. Door Encroachment shall be in accordance with SBC_201 section 1005.7 and shall not reduce the width by more than ½ in any position. Self-Closing Doors NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 16 All doors which are located within walls constructed of fire/smoke resistant material shall be provided with self-closing devices as depicted below. Where double doors are provided, a sequence selector or door coordinator shall be fitted to ensure the door leaves close in the correct sequence. Figure 2: Self-Closing Doors In accordance with SBC 201 1010.1.1 for swinging door assemblies, egress capacity width should be measured as follows: • • • • • The measurement should be taken at the narrowest point in the door opening. The measurement should be taken between the face of the door leaf and the stop of the frame. For new swinging doors assemblies, the measurement should be taken with the door leaf open 90 degrees. Projections of not more than 90mm at each side of the door openings at a height of not more than 965mm should not be considered reductions in egress capacity width. Projections exceeding 2030mm above the floor should not be NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 17 considered reductions in egress capacity width. Figure 3: Door width – egress capacity with permitted obstructions Door Swing All doors opening directly into an exit enclosure such as an exit stair or exit corridor, should swing in the direction of exit travel. In addition, all exit discharge doors should swing in the direction of exit travel. Where rooms are occupied by more than 50 persons, egress doors serving that room or area should also swing in the direction of travel. During its swing, any door in a means of egress should leave not less than one-half of the required width of an aisle, a corridor, a passageway, or a landing unobstructed and should project not more than 180mm into the required width of an aisle, a corridor, a passageway or a landing when fully open. Refer to the following figure. 1010.1.4.2 Power-operated doors. Power-operated doors in accordance with SBC 201, Section 1010.1.4.2 Figure 4: Door leaf swing into corridor Self-Closing and Automatic Closing Devices Door Locking Arrangement Locks, if provided, shall not require the use of a key, a tool, or special knowledge or effort to operate from the egress side. However, using door locks with keys shall be very limited. Where locks are provided, the key shall be designed not to be removable when the door leaf is locked from the egress side. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 18 For safety measures, a readily visible durable sign is posted on the egress side on or adjacent to the door stating: (THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN THIS SPACE IS OCCUPIED). The sign shall be in letters (25 mm) high on a contrasting background, whoever, door locks are not permitted for Group-A occupancies where occupant load is expected to be more than300. Panic and Fire exit hardware shall be provided in accordance with SBC_201 for Group-A were occupant load is more than 50 persons and for doors serving high-hazard areas in accordance with SBC_201 section 1010.1.10. Panic Hardware / Push Bar As per SBC 201 1010.1.10, doors in a required means of egress from an area having an occupancy load of 100 or more people are permitted to be provided with a latch or lock only if the latch or lock is panic hardware or fire exit hardware. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code® Handbook (2018 Edition) Chapter 10 - Exhibit 7.59 Figure 5: Panic hardware with actuating crossbar (top) and panic hardware with push-pad actuating member bottom. Electrically locked / access-controlled doors shall be released in case of fire and shall be interlocked with fire alarm control panels. Power-operated doors, such sliding doors shall be in compliance with SBC_201 section 1010.1.4.2. Ramps SBC-201 SECTION 1012 RAMP Ramps used as part of a means of egress shall have a running slope not steeper than (8- percent slope) horizontal. The slope of other pedestrian ramps shall not be steeper than (12.5percent slope) horizontal. The rise for any ramp run (vertical rise) shall be (750 mm) maximum. In case of vertical run increases 750 mm, an intermediate landing shall be provided. Handrail and Guardrail SBC 201 SECTION 1014 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 19 Every stair, steps, and ramps shall be provided with handrails at both sides. This applies to means of egress including exit discharge from an exit door to public way or evacuation assembly point. Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosing, or finish surface of ramp slope, shall be uniform, not less than (850 mm) and not more than (950 mm). Where handrails are not continuous, the handrails shall extend horizontally not less than (300 mm) beyond the top riser and continue to slope for the depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser. At ramps where handrails are not continuous between runs, the handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing (300 mm) minimum beyond the top and bottom of ramp runs. The extensions of handrails shall be in the same direction of the flights of stairs at stairways and the ramp runs at ramps. Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous, without interruption by newel posts or other obstructions. The handrails shall be graspable as shown below. Figure 6: Elevation & Plan of Handrail Detail Guards shall be located at aisles, stairs, ramps and landings that are located more than 750mm measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 900 mm horizontally to the edge of the open side. Guards shall be not less than 1000 mm high, measured vertically. Guards shall not have openings that allow passage of a sphere 100 mm in diameter from the walking surface to the required guard height. Exit Stair Number The minimum number of exits or access to exits per story shall be according to the below table. 1. Occupant load less than 500 — not less than 2 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 20 2. Occupant load more than 500 but not more than 1000 — not less than 3 3. Occupant load more than 1000 — not less than 4 As per the current design layout, each building has 2 remote exit stairs, and the occupant load per floor will not exceed 500 persons. Arrangement of Exits The exits shall be arranged such that the dead-end corridor, common path and travel distance requirements are satisfied. According to Saudi Building Code SBC_201 Chapter 10, the limitation of travel distances and dead ends shall be as following: Table of DE and TD limitations. Common path of egress travel distance shall be in accordance to the below table: Where occupant load exceeds the values shown above, at least two exit access routes shall be provided. Where more than 1 exit, exit access or exit discharge is required to serve a portion of a building, they must be remotely located from each other to minimize the potential that a single fire incident could compromise multiple means of egress. Remoteness between exits shall be 1/3 the diagonal of space or structure where the building is sprinklered. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 21 Figure 7: EXIT SEPARATION Means of Egress Illumination Illumination shall be provided throughout the exit access (stairs, aisles, corridors, ramps, and passageways leading to an exit), exits and exit discharge (stairs, ramps and walkways leading to a public way). According to Saudi Building Code SBC_201 Section 1008, the means of egress illumination level shall be not less than 1 foot candle (11 lux) at the walking surface. The required illumination level shall be arranged such that the failure of any single lighting does not result in an illumination level of less than 2.15 lux. Emergency Lighting Illumination level under emergency power - in accordance with SBC_801 section 1008.3. Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to provide initial illumination that is not less than an average of 11 lux and a minimum at any point of 1 lux measured along the path of egress at floor level. 1008.2 Illumination required. The means of egress serving a room or space shall be illuminated at all times that the room or space is occupied. Generally, In the event of power supply failure in rooms and spaces that require two or more means of egress, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas: Aisles. Corridors. Exit access stairways and ramps In the event of power supply failure in buildings that require two or more means of egress, an emergency electrical system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 22 Interior exit access stairways and ramps. Interior and exterior exit stairways and ramps. Exit passageways. Vestibules and areas on the level of discharge used for exit discharge in accordance with Section 1028.1 Exterior landings as required by SBC-202 Section 1008.3.5.B for exit doorways that leads directly to the exit discharge. Illumination levels shall be permitted to decline to 6 lux average and a minimum at any point of 0.6 lux at the end of the emergency lighting time duration. A maximum-to-minimum illumination uniformity ratio of 40 to 1 shall not be exceeded. The emergency power system shall provide power for a duration of not less than 90 minutes and shall consist of self-contained storage batteries. Exit Signs Exits and exit access doors shall be marked by an approved exit sign readily visible from any direction of egress travel, where the exit or the path of egress travel is not immediately visible to the occupants. Intervening means of egress doors within exits shall be marked by exit signs. Exit sign placement shall be such that no point in an exit access corridor or exit passageway is more than 30 m or the listed viewing distance for the sign, whichever is less, from the nearest visible exit sign. However, exit signs are not required in rooms or areas that require only one exit or exit access, however it is recommended. Exit signs shall be internally or externally illuminated and shall be illuminated at all times. In case of power loss, the sign illumination means shall be connected to an emergency power system (Batteries or Generators) for duration of not less than 90 minutes in accordance with chapter 27 of Saudi Building Code SBC_201. The proposed exit signs for this facility are Internally illuminated exit signs. As per SBC_201 section 1013.5 Electrically powered, self-luminous and photo luminescent exit signs shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 924 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and Chapter 27. Exit signs shall be illuminated at all times. No exact dimensions for exit sign device or text height. Exit sign locations are shown in FLS strategy drawings. A sign stating EXIT in visual characters, raised characters and braille and complying with ICC A117.1 shall be provided adjacent to an exterior area for assisted rescue, an exit stairway or ramp, and the exit discharge. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 23 Figure 8: Directional Exit Signs Evacuation Assembly Points An Evacuation Assembly Point (EAP) is an open safe area away from the building where the occupants will not interfere with responding emergency services nor place themselves at risk of injury from the emergency. The Evacuation assembly points shall be located not less than 15m away from the building, however site arrangement involves sufficient areas suitable for EAP to be used in case of fires. The shown pictograph is proposed as EAP sign. Figure 9: Evacuation Assembly Ceiling Height and Headroom Stairways shall have a headroom clearance of not less than 2000 mm measured vertically from a line connecting the edge of the nosing. Other means of egress shall have a ceiling height of not less than 2300 mm above the finished floor. Protruding objects are permitted to extend below the minimum ceiling height required where minimum headroom of 2000 mm is provided over any circulation paths, including walks, corridors, aisles and passageways. Not more than 50 percent (50%) of the ceiling area of a means of egress shall be reduced in height by protruding objects. The below figure illustrates the clear headroom required for various locations. Figure 10: Ceiling Height and Head NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 24 6. Fire Protection & Suppression Systems General Fire protection systems shall be provided throughout buildings as shown in the following tables. At least, Fire Protection systems that mandated by Saudi Building Code SBC_201, Chapter 09, shall be provided throughout the building facilities. The contractor shall be responsible to perform commissioning and integrated system testing for all fire and life safety systems, equipment, and devices provided in this report and other fire protection and alarm drawings, and specifications. The integration testing shall be in compliance with SBC and applicable NFPA standards. The integration, interconnection, and interface shall include but not limited to: infrastructure supporting the building fire protection, fire suppression and control systems, fire alarm systems, emergency communications systems, emergency power supply, MOE including emergency lighting and exit signs, access controls, and sequence of operation. Fire Protection Systems SBC_201, Chapter 09 covers the required fire protection systems that shall be provided in the buildings, all buildings are provided with sprinkler system due to other aspects such the reduction of fire flow, construction types, and firefighter access extension. Suppression system and ventilation for commercial kitchen shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 96 standard for ventilation control and fire protection of commercial cooking operations. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System According to the Saudi building Code SBC_201, automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in compliance with NFPA 13. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 25 FIGURE 11:AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM The maximum floor area, on any one floor to be protected by sprinklers supplied by any one sprinkler system riser or combined system riser shall be (4,830 m2) for Light / ordinary hazard occupancies as per NFPA 13 chapter 4. For buildings that are non-storage occupancies, automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 with minimum residual pressure 7 PSI Chapters 9 through 19, while buildings classified as storage shall satisfy NFPA 13 chapter 20. The contractor is responsible to classify the warehouse commodities as per SBC_801 chapter 32 and NFPA 13 and ensure the proper automatic sprinkler system based on commodities classification, quantities, height and storing method. Position, Location, Spacing, and Use of Sprinklers shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 13 section 9.5. The maximum allowable protection area of coverage for a sprinkler shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, Table NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 26 Alternative Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems Automatic fire-extinguishing systems, other than automatic sprinkler systems, will be designed, installed, inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the provisions of SBC_201 section 904. The project will be protected with clean agent system (NOVEC 1230) for certain locations. Clean agent fire extinguishing systems is installed, maintained, periodically inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 2001 and their listing. Records of inspections and testing shall be maintained by system supplier and project Contractor. Location of clean agent : IT Room , Server Room , Kitchen Hood system Figure 12: Clean Agent Automatic System Section The flame extinguishing concentration for Class A fuels shall be determined by test as part of a listing program. As a minimum, the listing program shall conform to ANSI/UL 2127 or ANSI/UL 2166 or equivalent. Section The minimum design concentration for a Class C hazard shall be the extinguishing concentration, as determined in, times a safety factor of 1.35. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 27 Fire Hydrant (Yard Hydrant System) A fire hydrant system is a water supply with a sufficient pressure and flow delivered through pipes around the protected premises located at open yards or along the fire access road for fire-fighting purposes or to refill the Civil Defense water tankers. The minimum residual pressure for hydrant is 20 psi as per NFPA 291 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 28 Portable Fire Extinguishers As referenced by SBC_201 section 906.2, portable fire extinguishers shall be selected and installed in accordance with NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers at Group A, B, and M, R-1, R-2, R-4 and S occupancies. Figure 13: Portable Fire Extinguishers NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 29 SBC_201 Section 9.6 requires extinguishers to be provided in the following locations: • Within (9 m) distance of travel from commercial cooking equipment, • In areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, used, or dispensed, and Special-hazard areas, including but not limited to, computer rooms and generator rooms. • Contents throughout all buildings are most likely classified as Class A fire hazards. The minimum sizes and distribution of portable fire extinguishers for occupancies that involve primarily Class-A fire hazards shall comply with Table 906.3(1) of SBC_201. Spaces that are not classified under Class-A fires (such communication and electrical rooms) shall be provided with Class-C fire extinguishers or ABC multipurpose extinguishers. Where cooking appliances will be provided in any building (such in multipurpose hall building) Class-K fire extinguishers shall be considered also Fire Blanket for the kitchen area where cooking appliances are provided The size, distribution, and travel distances of portable fire extinguishers shall be in accordance with Sections 906 of SBC_201 In addition to NFPA 10 requirements. Smoke Control, Heat Removal, and Ventilation Provision shall be made for ventilation of a pump room or pump house in compliance with SBC 801 section 909.7,8,9,10 and NFPA 20 section 4.14.6. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 30 According to NFPA 20 section 11.3, fire pump room ventilation shall be provided for the following functions: To control the maximum temperature to 120°F (49°C) at the combustion air cleaner inlet with engine running at rated load To supply air for engine combustion. To remove any hazardous vapors. To supply and exhaust air as necessary for radiator cooling of the engine when required. Figure 14: fire Pump Room Ventilation The air supply ventilator shall be considered to include anything in the air supply path to the room. Also, the total air supply path to the pump room shall not restrict the flow of the air more than 0.2 in. water column (5.1 mm water column). The air discharge ventilator shall be considered to include anything in the air discharge path from the engine to the outdoors. The air discharge ventilator shall allow sufficient air to exit the pump room to satisfy functions described formerly. Where radiator-cooled engines are used, the radiator discharge shall be ducted outdoors in a manner that will prevent recirculation. And the air discharge path for radiator-cooled engines shall not restrict the flow of air more than 0.3 in. water column (7.6 mm water column). Heat removal systems where provided shall be designed and installed in accordance with SBC_201 section 910. For amenities plot, ventilation for commercial kitchen shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 96 standard for ventilation control and fire protection of commercial cooking operations. Ventilation shall be provided, generally, for rooms meeting the requirements of SBC_201 section 414.3, while other mechanical ventilation systems that not part of this report scope are fall under mechanical systems. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 31 7. Fire Detection and Alarm System All Buildings are Covered by Fire Detections and Alarm System Fire alarm system (FAS) shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of SBC_201 Section 907, and NFPA 72. FAS shall be provided for buildings as shown in below table. Although the buildings are required to be provided only with manual fire alarms system as per SBC_201 section 907, it is highly recommended to be provided with automatic fire alarm and detection system as usually provided for other NEOM developments. Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual fire alarm system shall be activated by fire alarm boxes installed in accordance with the following: Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located not more than 1.5 m from the entrance to each exit. The height of the manual fire alarm boxes shall be not less than 1.05 m and not more than 1.2 m measured vertically, from the floor level to the activating handle or lever of the box. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be RED in color. Automatic smoke detection. For automatic smoke detection system, it shall utilize smoke detectors unless ambient conditions prohibit such an installation. In spaces where smoke detectors cannot be utilized due to ambient conditions, approved automatic heat detectors shall be permitted as per SBC_201 section 907. Notification System A fire alarm system shall annunciate at the fire alarm control unit (FACU) and shall initiate occupant notification upon activation by any of the following: Automatic fire detectors. Automatic sprinkler system water-flow devices. Manual fire alarm boxes. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems The required fire alarm system shall activate an (1) audible and (2) Visible alarm notification appliances shall be provided in accordance with SBC 201 ; Sections 907. through 907. NFPA 72 section 18.4,18.5 & 18.6 in a constantly attended receiving station within the building. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 32 Audible Alarms. Audible alarm notification appliances shall be provided and emit a distinctive sound that is not to be used for any purpose other than that of a fire alarm as detailed in SBC_201 chapter 9 - 907.5.2.1. The audible alarm notification appliances shall provide a sound pressure level of 15 decibels (dBA) above the average ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the maximum sound level having a duration of not less than 60 seconds, whichever is greater. The maximum sound pressure level for audible alarm notification appliances shall be 110 dBA at the minimum hearing distance from the audible appliance. Visible Alarms. Visible alarm notification appliances shall be provided in accordance with Section 907 of SBC_201 907.5.2.3 and NFPA 72. Visible alarm notification appliances shall be provided in public use areas and common use areas. Visual notification is proposed to be public mode and shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 72 Section 18.5, especially for high noise areas are as explained by NFPA 72 section A. Since the Pre-Signal Feature or Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) shall not be installed unless approved by the building official and the civil defense as mandated by SBC_201 section 907.5.1, this feature is not recommended to be installed in this facility. Where required by NEOM LPFS to provide PAS, the system shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 72 section 75 candles for visible notification appliances are used regarding to type of occupancy group assembly for both buildings. Smoke alarms (Sounder Based) Single and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section 907.2.11 of SBC_201. Only Listed Single and multiple-station smoke alarms complying with UL 217 shall be installed in accordance with SBC_201 Sections 907.2.11.1 through 907.2.11.6 and NFPA 72. And 907.2.11.7 Smoke detection system. Smoke detectors listed in accordance with UL 268 and provided as part of the building fire alarm system shall be an acceptable alternative to Single and multiple-station smoke alarms. SBC-201 SECTION 907.6.2 Power supply. The primary and secondary power supply for the fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 72. Exception: Back-up power for single-station and multiple-station smoke alarms as required in Section 907.2.11.6. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 33 Fire Alarm Strategy and Sequence of operation The sequence of operation and fire alarm strategy are essential to facility manager staff, or those who provide further designs to the provided system, and also, to have a full Understanding of how the system is intended to work, The following narrative for a sequence of operation is proposed for this facility. The addressable fire alarm system shall perform the following functions: Continuously monitor the status of all fire alarm signaling line circuits (SLCs), initiating devices, notification appliances, remote panels, the status of Fire pump, FF system, Fire suppression, LPG system etc. Operate all audible and visual signals Transmit a common alarm, supervisory, and trouble signal to the listed central station. On change in status of any initiating device on the system, the FACU shall: Activate audible and visual status change indicators and display the system point number, point description, and message associated with the point on the system’s operator terminal and remote annunciator Permanently record the change in status, time, date, point description, and message associated with the point on the printer. Activation of any manual fire alarm box, water flow switch, smoke detector, heat detector, beam smoke detector, or other fire alarm initiating device shall cause the following functions to occur: Activate audible and visual status change indicators and display the system point number, point description, and message associated with the point on the system’s operator terminal and remote annunciator Activate the audible and visual notification appliances and transmit a tone throughout the building Transmit an Alarm and Supervisory signals to the listed central station in accordance with the input/output matrix. Operate other fire safety functions in accordance with the input/output matrix. Activation of any supervisory signal-initiating device shall cause the following functions to occur: Activate audible and visual status change indicators and display the system point number, point description, and message associated with the point on the system’s operator terminal and remote annunciator Transmit a common supervisory signal to the listed central station in accordance with the input/ output matrix. Detection of any fire alarm system impairment, including a single break/open, ground fault, loss of primary (ac) power supply, absence of a battery supply, low battery voltage, or removal of any system detector or alarm panel module shall cause the following functions to occur: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 34 Activate audible and visual status change indicators and display the system point number, point description, and message associated with the point on the system’s operator terminal and remote annunciator Transmit a common trouble signal to the listed central station in accordance with the input/ output matrix. When any point in the system returns to normal, the following functions of the FACU shall occur: Activate audible and visual indicators and display point identification, time, date, and message Print the time, date, point identification, and message, in acknowledgment of “system return to normal” Silence all audible indicators associated with the point at the FACU The Cause effect matrix (input/output matrix) in accordance to the above sequence of operation is part of Fire Alarm System drawings. Emergency Control Functions Interface Emergency control functions are the building’s fire and emergency control elements or systems that are initiated by the fire alarm or signaling system, which then operate to either increase the level of safety for occupants or control the spread of the harmful effects of fire or other dangerous products. In accordance with NFPA 72, Chapter 21, Emergency control functions require interface with fire alarm and signaling systems for limited systems. As per the current facility design, emergency control functions interface includes the followings: • Shutdown of HVAC systems; • Release of magnetically held-open doors, and electrically locked doors; and • Interface with exit marking audible notification systems • Elevator control • Dampers • Smoke & Heat removal • Fire pump • Fire suppression. • LPG • Auto Dialer All fire safety systems shall be interlocked / Integrated with the FACU. The integration, interconnection, and interface shall include but not limited to: infrastructure supporting the building fire protection, fire suppression, smoke control systems, fire alarm systems, emergency communications systems, emergency power supply, MOE including emergency lighting and exit signs, access controls, Control the third party interface system in the event of fire (Damper, Access door, HVAC, Lift, Smoke& Heat removal etc.) and sequence of operation. The fire alarm control panel should be integrated with an Auto Dialer (GSM) which will generate necessary alerts/call to the concerned AHJ and local fire departments. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 35 Emergency and Standby Power Systems Emergency power systems and standby power systems shall comply with chapter 27 SBC_201. According to the current facility design and provided systems, the emergency power supply shall cover the followings: • Exit signs. • Means of egress illumination • Automatic fire detection systems • Smoke Control / Removal • Emergency Interface / Interlocked devices • Fire alarm systems • Emergency responder radio coverage • Fire Pump Room • Elevators • Emergency voice alarm (If required) • Access controlled doors and sliding doors. • Ventilation fans Emergency power systems and standby power systems shall be installed in accordance with the Saudi Fire Code, NFPA 72, NFPA 72, and NFPA 110. Emergency power systems and standby power systems shall be designed to provide the required power for a minimum duration of 2 hours without being refueled or recharged, and for duration of not less than 24 hours for emergency responder radio coverage systems. For exit signs, the sign illumination means shall be connected to an emergency power system (Batteries or Generators) for duration of not less than 90 minutes. Emergency power shall be provided for emergency voice/alarm communication systems as required in Section 907. The system shall be capable of powering the required load for a duration of not less than 24 hours, as required in NFPA 72. Fire Pumps and Tanks Fire pumps shall be installed and designed in accordance with NFPA 20. The fire flow and storage capacity shall satisfy the requirements provided formerly in this report. The fire pump room shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13. The ventilation of the fire pump room shall be in compliance as described formerly in this report and ventilation section. More information regarding fire pumps and tanks is provided in the mechanical drawings and report. 8.Fire Service Provisions Fire Station Location Fire station is not required as currently a complete Civil Defense facility with fire trucks availability at Magna Town. The new fire station at the SFSP will also provide coverage for the locality once it is complete and in the event Magan town fire station is removed. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 36 Emergency Vehicular Access The emergency vehicular access allows for rapid response in the event of any fires by Civil Defense. It also allows easy access for other emergency responders such as police and ambulance. NEOM Emergency Communications and Command Center (NECCC) Supervising Station Alarm system is required to receive signals from protected premises at a constantly attended location operated by a continuously attended staff (company) whose purpose is providing central monitoring station service. Automatic Alarm Notification – Alarms in this development will transmit directly to the NEOM Emergency Communications and Command Center (NECCC). The NECCC will be capable to receive alarms from very early warning detection systems that identify the earliest byproducts of combustion and oxygen reduction detection systems that are capable of identifying fires producing almost no smoke particles or fumes as per NEOM-NLF-TGD-001 section 13.3. The contractor is responsible for verifying the overall design and ensure the required connection of the fire alarm system with the NECCC location. Emergency Responder Notification Emergency responder notification (or Emergency Forces Notification) shall be provided in accordance with SBC_801andNEOM-NLF-TGD-001_01section 13.3. In the event of an unwanted fire occurs on a property, the occupants shall immediately report such condition to the fire department or to the supervising station center. Upon activation of a fire alarm signal, employees or staff shall immediately notify the fire department with no delay. Automatic Alarm Notification – Alarms in fixed facilities and other assets shall transmit directly to the NEOM Emergency Communications and Command Center (NECCC) bypassing traditional third-party alarm companies and other variables. The contractor shall ensure the compliance with NEOM-NLF-TGD-001_01 procedures for Alarm Detection, Transmission, and Initiation, and verify NEOM Emergency Command and Communications Center or NECCC requirements. Emergency Vehicular Access The emergency vehicular access allows for rapid response in the event of any fires by Civil Defense. It also allows easy access for other emergency responders such as police and ambulance. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Sections 503.1.1 through 503.1.3 of SBC_801. Also, some information is NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 37 derived from appendix D of SBC_801 for very limited features. Generally, SBC appendices are mandatory for compliance unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance. However, the information adopted from Appendix D is identical to those referenced in NFPA-1 which is listed under table 4 of NEOM-NLF-TGD-001. SBC_801 section 503 leaves certain elements to the discretion of the AHJ – due to their operational tactics and availability specific equipment as well as level of fire fighter training. To provide effective manual fire suppression operations and rescue operations, the fire department must be able to gain reasonable access to a building. Access Road Specifications The fire truck access road shall be in compliance with SBC_801 chapter 5 and NEOM-NLF-TGD-001 section 9 site wide strategy. The Saudi Fire Code SBC_801 requires the fire apparatus access roads to meet the following requirements criteria: Apparatus Load: 34,050 kg Maximum Dead end: 45 m Minimum Road Width: 6 m. Gateways width: 3.7 m (as per SBC 801 section D103.5, Where a single gate is provided, the gate width shall be not less than 6 m. Where a fire apparatus road consists of a divided roadway, the gate width shall be not less than 3.7 m. C) Minimum vertical clearance: 4 m Road Grade Sloping: 10 % Where a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum road width shall be 7.9 meters, exclusive of shoulders to comply with SBC-801 section D 103.1.C and section 9.2.1 of NEOM-NLF-TGD-00. Figure 15: Minimum clear distance around fire hydrant The road width shall be 7.8 m where the hammer head or cul-de-sac turn facility re provided in accordance with SBC-801 section D 103.1.C and section 9.2.1 of NEOM-NLF-TGD-001. The contractor shall ensure that clear distance is provided as per NEOM-NLF-TGD-001 site wide requirements and specifications. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 38 Access Road Turning Radius The SBC_801 Fire Code leaves access road turning radius to the discretion of the AHJ – due to their operational tactics and availability specific equipment, however, turns in fire department access roads shall maintain the minimum road width. As per SBC 801, the minimum turning radius of 8.4 m shall be provided. Where access roads dead-end exceed 45 m length, providing Y-turn or T-turn is permitted as shown in section 9.2.1 of NEOM-NLF-TGD-001. Figure 16: Turning for dead-end roads Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings B105.3 Water supply for buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler system. For buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system, the water supply shall be capable of providing the greater of: 1. The automatic sprinkler system demand, including hose stream allowance. 2. The required fire-flow. The tank capacity shall be 120,000 Gallon equal to 454 M3 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 39 However, SBC_801 Table B105.2 permits the fire flow values to be reduced by 75 percent (but not less than 1000 GPM), so the fire flow will be 3,785 LPM (1,000 gpm) for duration 2 hours since all buildings are protected throughout with automatic sprinkler system as per Hydraulic Calculations Also, it is generally recommended that a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) should be maintained at hydrants when delivering the fire flow as per NFPA 24 section C.4.1.3. TYPE OF HAZARD CHAPTER 9 SBC-NFPA 13 SEC201A.5.3 Sl. No Building Name TOTAL FLOORS AREA m2 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 821.25 M2 2 MOSQUE 37 M2 Light Hazard 3 DINNING HALL 112 M2 Light Hazard 4 GYM 40 M2 Light Hazard 5 CLINIC 40 M2 Light Hazard 6 LAUNDRY 25 M2 Light Hazard 7 DRY STORAGE 20 M2 Light Hazard 8 COLD STORAGE 20 M2 Light Hazard 9 KITCHEN 38 M2 Light Hazard 10 GUARD ROOM 12 M2 Light Hazard 11 20 UNIT SINGLE BED ACCOMDATION 12 50 UNIT TWO BED ACCOMDATION 13 RECREATION 38 --TO-376 TOTAL M2 38.19-TO-946.36 TOTAL M2 70 M2 Light Hazard Construction TYPE Per and SBC 201 Table 506.2 IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) IIB Type (Noncombustible) FLOW GPM (APPENDIX B SBC-801) *REDUCED FLOW GPM DURATION (HOURS) 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 1500 1000 2 Light Hazard IIB Type (Noncombustible) 1500 1000 2 Light Hazard IIB Type (Noncombustible) 1500 1000 2 Light Hazard IIB Type (Noncombustible) 1500 1000 2 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 40 14 MAJLIS 74 M2 Light Hazard IIB Type (Noncombustible) 1500 1000 2 As per SBC_801 section B105.3, for buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system, the water supply shall be capable of providing the greater of: The automatic sprinkler system demand, including hose stream allowance. The required fire-flow. Based on the above narrative, both required fire flow and combined sprinkler / standpipe demand is 1,000 GPM, and accordingly, the proposed fire-pump flow capacity is 1,000 GPM for duration not less than 2-hours and total water storage capacity is 455 m3. The contractor is fully responsible for verifying the buildings construction type provided in this report to ensure compliance with SBC requirements and warrant that buildings are in compliance to depend on the proposed fire water source. Fire hydrant system According to the Saudi Fire Code SBC_801 fire hydrants shall be provided where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than (120 m) from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building. However, this distance is permitted to be 180 m where the buildings are protected throughout with automatic sprinkler system. According to SBC_801, Fire Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with NFPA-24 and shall be inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA25. As per Table C102.1 of SBC_801 average spacing between hydrants is 150 m, and distance from any point on street or road frontage to a hydrant shall not exceed 75 m, and each building should be covered with at least one fire hydrant. A 50-percent spacing increase shall be permitted where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 of SBC 801. Where water supplies or fire hydrants are out of service for maintenance or repairs, a visible indicator acceptable to the AHJ shall be used to indicate that the hydrant is out of service. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 41 Figure 17: Fire hydrants Signs Marking As per SBC_801 section D103.6, fire apparatus access roads shall be marked with permanent NO PARKING—FIRE LANE complying with below figures. This shall be provided where required by the fire code official as stated in D103.6 SBC_801. Figure 18: Sign marking. 9.Civil Defense Connections A Breeching Inlet or Civil Defense Connection (CDC) is a connection through which the fire department can pump supplemental water into the sprinkler system, standpipe, or other system, furnishing water for fire extinguishment to supplement existing water supplies. CDC shall be installed as per SBC_801 section 912. According to SBC_801 section 912, Civil Defense connections shall be installed in accordance with the applicable NFPA standards. According to NFPA 14, fire NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 42 department connections shall be visible and located within 30.5 m of the street or fire department access point. According to SBC_801, 912.2.1, fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings, fully visible and recognizable from the street or nearest point of fire department (Civil Defense) vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire chief. Since the exact location of FDC is delegated to the fire chief as per SBC_801 section 912.2, so, NFPA 14 section may be adopted, and accordingly, fire department connections shall be visible and recognizable from and located within 15.2 m of the street or nearest point of fire department apparatus access. As per NFPA 14 chapter 7, 7.12.3 Fire department connection sizes shall be based on the standpipe system demand and shall include one 2 1 ∕ 2 in. (65 mm) inlet per every 250 gpm (946 L/min). NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 43 BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 44 BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS TROJENA SFSP - SHAR - NEOM General Building Information Building Constreuction Requirment as per SBC 201 Construction TYPE Type of the MAXIMUM TRAVEL TYPE OF HAZARD Building Building DISTANCE WITH CHAPTER 9 SBC- Occupation as per Per and SBC 201 SBC 201, Section Table (Above/Undergro SPRINKLER SBC 201 NFPA 13 CHAPTER 10 508 506.2 und Building) SEC201A.5.3 ACTUAL TRAVEL DISTANCE Max. Allowable Building Height Above Grade Pane as per SBC 201, table 504.3 Actual Building Height Fire Protection System Sl.No Building Name Occupancy Classifcation as per SBC 201, Ch.3 1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Group B Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 30M 27 M 16.5 M 3M 821.25 M2 8547 [SBC 801, Section Section 903.3.1.1 of 507.5.1 and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] 2 MOSQUE Group A2 Light Hazard Standalone Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 5M 16.5 M 3M 37 M2 3530 3 DINNING HALL Group A2 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 8M 16.5 M 3M 112 M2 4 GYM Group A3 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 7M 16.5 M 3M 5 CLINIC Group A3 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 6M 16.5 M 3M 6 LAUNDRY Group F-1 Light Hazard Standalone Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 30 M 5M 16.5 M 3M 7 DRY STORAGE Group S-1 Light Hazard Standalone Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 30 M 5M 16.5 M 3M 8 COLD STORAGE Group S-1 Light Hazard Standalone Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 30 M 5M 16.5 M 9 KITCHEN Group F-1 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 6M 10 GUARD ROOM Group B Light Hazard Standalone Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 30 M 11 20 UNIT SINGLE BED ACCOMDATION Group R-2 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 12 50 UNIT TWO BED ACCOMDATION Group R-2 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy IIB Type (Noncombustible) 13 RECREATION Group A3 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy 14 MAJLIS Group A-3 Light Hazard Mixed-Use Nonseperated Occupancy ALLOWABLE AREA Actual Floor Area FACTOR SBC 201, within the building Table 506.2 Fire Extinguisher Smoke Automatic Fire Detection Manual Fire Detection PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 3530 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 40 M2 3530 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 40 M2 3530 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 1115 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 801 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 20 M2 9662 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 802 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 3M 20 M2 9662 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 803 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 16.5 M 3M 38 M2 1115 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 804 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 1) PENDENT SPRINKLER K FACTOR =5.6 TEMP=93 [SBC 801, Section 2) WET CHEMICAL SYSTEM 907.5.2.1] INSTALLED 5M 16.5 M 3M 12 M2 8547 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 805 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 22.5 M 4M 22.5 M 3M 38 --TO--376 TOTAL M2 1486 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 806 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] Above Grade Plane 22.5 M 4M 22.5 M 3M 38.19--TO--946.36 TOTAL M2 1486 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 807 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 7M 16.5 M 3M 70 M2 3530 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 808 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] IIB Type (Noncombustible) Above Grade Plane 23 M 8M 16.5 M 3M 74 M2 3530 [SBC 801, Section 507.5.1 Section 903.3.1.1 of and NFPA 820, the SBC 809 Table 5.2.2(5),(2a)] PENDENT K-5.6, 68 C [SBC 201, Section 905.3.1] [SBC 201, Section 906.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.2] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] [SBC 801, Section 907.5.2.1] 25 M2 Audible Visiable Notfication Alarm Notifcation Alarm Remark TYPE OF SPRINKLER Standpipe System Fire Hydrant Automatic Sprinkler System Fire Detection and Alarm System 1) CLEAN AGENT SYSTEM INSTALLED IN IT ROOM & SERVER ROOM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS NEOM SFSP - TROJENA 46 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Fire Hydrant System Reports for NEOM Prepared By: MMH 3/31/2024 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 2 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: Designed By: Code Reference: Client Name: Address: Company Name: Company Address: Phone: Building Name: Contact at Building: Address Of Building: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP HYDRANT..fiw 3/31/2024 NEOM NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Project File Name: MMH SBC-801, NFPA 14 NEOM Date: Approving Agency: Phone: City, State Zip Code: Representative: City And State: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Building Owner: NEOM Phone at Building: City, State Zip Code: SAUDI ARABIA Project Data Description Of Hazard: Light Hazard Design Area Of Water Application: 1 ft² Default Hose K-Factor: 223.61 K Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm Hose Specifications Make: Size: Hose System Type: Wet Maximum Area Per Hose: 1 ft² Default Pipe Material: SCHED 40 WET STEEL Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Model: Temperature Rating: 155 F Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Hydrant Elevation: Test Flow Rate: Calculated System Flow Rate: Available Residual Pressure At System Flow: Date Of Test: 0 ft 1000.00 gpm 1000.01 gpm Static Pressure: Test Residual Pressure: Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 101.00 psi 87.00 psi 63.83 psi 87 psi Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: Number Of Active Nodes: Number Of Active Pipes: Number Of Active Hoses: Demand 20.00 psi 13 14 1 Minimum Desired Flow Density: Number Of Inactive Pipes: Number Of Inactive Hoses: 0.10 gpm/ft² 0 0 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 3 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Input Data Node Input Data Area Group Branch Dia. (in) Hose KFactor (K) Branch Len. (ft) Pressure Estimate (psi) Branch Stnd Fittings Node Elev (ft) Branch NonStnd Fittings (ft) Fixed Flow (gpm) Branch Sprk KFactor (K) Hose ---- ---0.000 223.61 0.0 20.00 ---- 3.94 0.0 0.00 0.00 2 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.18 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 3 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 60.50 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 4 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 61.19 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 5 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 61.72 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 6 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 61.63 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 7 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 63.06 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 8 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 62.83 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 9 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 63.21 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 63.50 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 11 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 59.63 ---- 6.56 0.0 0.00 0.00 12 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 60.50 ---- 6.56 0.0 0.00 0.00 13 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 63.83 ---- 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 Node No. Node Description Branch Description 1 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 4 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Input Data Pipe Input Data Nominal Diameter (inch) Type Group Fitting Data Nominal Length (feet) Fitting Length (feet) Total Length (feet) CFactor (gpm/inc h-psi) SCHED 40 WET STEEL 2.500 0 E 6.56 6.00 12.56 120 3 U/G HDPE 6.000 0 TG 32.81 33.00 65.81 150 3 4 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 E2T 290.35 88.00 378.35 150 4 5 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 2T 224.74 70.00 294.74 150 3 6 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 2E 291.99 36.00 327.99 150 5 6 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 2T 337.93 70.00 407.93 150 5 7 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 2FET 377.30 71.00 448.30 150 6 8 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 3FET 475.72 80.00 555.72 150 8 9 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 T 137.80 35.00 172.79 150 7 9 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 49.21 0.00 49.21 150 9 10 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 E 13.12 18.00 31.12 150 10 11 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 E 9.84 18.00 27.84 120 11 12 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 TGC 9.84 84.00 93.84 120 12 13 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 GC 3.28 49.00 52.28 120 Beg. Node End. Node Pipe Description 1 2 2 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 5 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Data Overall Node Groupings Output Data Pipe Segment Beg. End. Node Node Pipe Type Group Pipe Flow Rate (gpm) Hose Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) Fixed Flow Out (+) In (-) (gpm) (gpm) Beg. Node Residual Pressure (psi) Imbalance Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) 1 2 0 -1000.01 1000.01 0.00 0.00 20.00 2 2 1 3 0 0 1000.01 -1000.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.18 0.00082 3 3 3 2 4 6 0 0 0 1000.01 -413.73 -586.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.50 -0.00006 4 4 3 5 0 0 413.73 -413.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.19 -0.00001 5 5 5 4 6 7 0 0 0 413.73 130.07 -543.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.72 0.00005 6 6 6 3 5 8 0 0 0 586.29 -130.07 -456.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.63 -0.00002 7 7 5 9 0 0 543.80 -543.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.06 -0.00008 8 8 6 9 0 0 456.22 -456.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.83 -0.00003 9 9 9 7 8 10 0 0 0 543.80 456.22 -1000.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.21 0.00002 10 10 9 11 0 0 1000.01 -1000.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.50 -0.00001 11 11 10 12 0 0 1000.01 -1000.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.63 0.00008 12 12 11 13 0 0 1000.01 -1000.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.50 -0.00004 13 12 0 1000.01 0.00 0.00 -1000.01 63.83 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 6 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. End. Node 1 2 Nodal KFactor (K) Hose/Fix Elevation Discharge (feet) (gpm) 223.61 3.94 1000.01 0.00 -2.95 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL Residual Nom. Dia. Pressure Inside Dia. (psi) C-Value q (gpm) Q (gpm) Velocity (fps) F. L./ft (psi/ft) Fittings Type-Grp Pipe-Len. Fit-Len. Tot-Len. (ft) PF-(psi) PE-(psi) PT-(psi) 20.00 58.18 6.00 2.469 120 1000.01 1000.01 7.01 2.80222 E 0 6.56 6.00 12.56 35.202 2.983 38.185 2 3 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.18 60.50 6.00 6.065 150 0.00 1000.01 4.11 0.03521 TG 0 32.81 33.00 65.81 2.317 0.000 2.317 3 4 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 60.50 61.19 8.00 7.981 150 413.73 413.73 2.65 0.00181 E2T 0 290.35 88.00 378.35 0.684 0.000 0.684 4 5 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 61.19 61.72 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 413.73 2.65 0.00181 2T 0 224.74 70.00 294.74 0.533 0.000 0.533 5 6 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 61.72 61.63 8.00 7.981 150 130.07 130.07 0.83 0.00021 2T 0 337.93 70.00 407.93 0.087 0.000 0.087 3 6 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 60.50 61.63 8.00 7.981 150 586.29 586.29 3.76 0.00344 2E 0 292.00 36.00 327.99 1.130 0.000 1.130 5 7 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 61.72 63.06 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 543.80 3.49 0.00300 2FET 0 377.30 71.00 448.30 1.343 0.000 1.343 6 8 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 61.63 62.83 8.00 7.981 150 456.22 456.22 2.93 0.00217 3FET 0 475.72 80.00 555.72 1.203 0.000 1.203 7 9 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 63.06 63.21 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 543.80 3.49 0.00300 ----0 49.21 0.00 49.21 0.147 0.000 0.147 8 9 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 62.83 63.21 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 456.22 2.93 0.00217 T 0 137.80 35.00 172.79 0.374 0.000 0.374 9 10 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 63.21 63.50 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 1000.01 6.41 0.00925 E 0 13.12 18.00 31.12 0.288 0.000 0.288 10 11 0.00 -2.95 0.00 0.00 6.56 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 63.50 59.63 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 1000.01 6.41 0.00925 E 0 9.84 18.00 27.84 0.257 -4.120 -3.862 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 7 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data (cont'd) Beg. End. Node Nodal KFactor (K) Hose/Fix Elevation Discharge (feet) (gpm) Residual Nom. Dia. Pressure Inside Dia. (psi) C-Value q (gpm) Q (gpm) Velocity (fps) F. L./ft (psi/ft) Fittings Type-Grp Pipe-Len. Fit-Len. Tot-Len. (ft) PF-(psi) PE-(psi) PT-(psi) 11 12 0.00 6.56 0.00 0.00 6.56 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 59.63 60.50 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 1000.01 6.41 0.00925 TGC 0 9.84 84.00 93.84 0.868 0.000 0.868 12 13 0.00 6.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 60.50 63.83 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 1000.01 6.41 0.00925 GC 0 3.28 49.00 52.28 0.484 2.841 3.325 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 8 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Data Overall Hose Output Data Flowing Hose Node No. Area Group Code Hose KFactor (K) Node Elevation (feet) Residual Pressure (psi) 1 Sub Totals For Non-Group 223.61 3.94 20.00 Totals For All Groups Flowing Area (ft²) Flowing Density (gpm/ft²) Hose Discharge (gpm) 1.00 1.00 1000.014 1000.014 1000.01 1000.01 1.00 1000.014 1000.01 Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 9 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Summary Hydraulically Most Demanding Hose Node HMD Hose Node Number: HMD Actual Residual Pressure: HMD Actual GPM: 1 20.00 psi 1000.01 gpm Hose Summary Hose System Type: Specified Area Of Application: Minimum Desired Density: Application Average Density: Application Average Area Per Hose: Hose Flow: Average Hose Flow: Wet 1.00 0.100 1000.014 1.00 1000.01 1000.01 ft² gpm/ft² gpm/ft² ft² gpm gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 9 - 10 ) Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 1 - 2 ) 6.41 ft/sec 0.82 psi Allowable Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Maximum Nodal Flow Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0008 0.0001 psi psi psi gpm gpm Overall Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: Number Of Flowing Hoses: 14 1 Pipe System Water Volume: 5823.15 gal Hose Flow: Fixed Flow: 1000.01 gpm 0.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 63.83 psi 1000.01 gpm Elite Software Development, Inc. NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Page 10 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Fire Hose Output Data Hydraulic Supply/Demand Graph 200 180 160 Pressure psi 140 120 100 101 87 80 60 51 40 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Flowrate(x100) gpm Supply Curve Data Static Pressure: 101 psi Test Residual Pressure: 87 psi Test Flow Rate: 1000 gpm Demand Curve Data Calculated Residual Pressure: 63.83 psi Calculated Flow Rate: 1000.01 gpm Excess Available Residual Pressure At Calculated Flow: 23.17 psi 16 18 20 NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP Fire Sprinkler System Reports for NEOM Prepared By: MMH 3/31/2024 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 2 General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: Designed By: Code Reference: Client Name: Address: Company Name: Company Address: Phone: Building Name: Contact at Building: Address Of Building: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Project File Name: NEOM SFSP - TROJENA CAMP SPRINKLER BUILDING.. 3/31/2024 NEOM Date: Approving Agency: Phone: City, State Zip Code: Representative: Ahmed Taher City And State: MMH SBC-801, NFPA-13 NEOM MMH ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Building Owner: NEOM Phone at Building: City, State Zip Code: Project Data Description Of Hazard: Light Hazard Design Area Of Water Application: 1500 Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 5.60 Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 Sprinkler Specifications Make: Size: ft² K gpm gpm 1/2 Sprinkler System Type: Wet Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 225 ft² Default Pipe Material: SCHED 40 WET STEEL Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Model: Temperature Rating: 155 F Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Hydrant Elevation: Test Flow Rate: Calculated System Flow Rate: Available Residual Pressure At System Flow: Date Of Test: 0 ft 1000.00 gpm 192.86 gpm Static Pressure: Test Residual Pressure: Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 101.00 psi 87.00 psi 57.77 psi 100.33 psi Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: Number Of Active Nodes: Number Of Active Pipes: Number Of Active Sprinklers: Demand 7.00 psi 21 21 7 Minimum Desired Flow Density: Number Of Inactive Pipes: Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0.10 gpm/ft² 0 0 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 3 Fire Sprinkler Input Data Node Input Data Area Group Branch Dia. (in) Sprinkler KFactor (K) Branch Len. (ft) Pressure Estimate (psi) Branch Stnd Fittings Node Elev (ft) Branch NonStnd Fittings (ft) Non-Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Branch Sprk KFactor (K) Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 16.14 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 2 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 18.60 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 3 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 27.87 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 4 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 35.25 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 5 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 18.67 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 6 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 22.09 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 7 Sprinkler ---- ---0.000 5.60 0.0 34.48 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 8 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 41.57 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 9 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 41.77 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 51.14 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 11 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 52.53 ---- 9.84 0.0 0.00 0.00 12 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.91 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 13 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.91 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 14 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.92 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 15 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.92 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 16 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.93 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 17 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 58.93 ---- -2.95 0.0 0.00 0.00 Node No. Node Description Branch Description 1 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 4 Fire Sprinkler Input Data Node Input Data (cont'd) ---0.000 Sprinkler KFactor (K) Branch Len. (ft) N/A 0.0 Pressure Estimate (psi) Branch Stnd Fittings 58.95 ---- Node Elev (ft) Branch NonStnd Fittings (ft) -2.95 0.0 Non-Sprinkler Flow (gpm) Branch Sprk KFactor (K) 0.00 0.00 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 54.85 ---- 6.56 0.0 0.00 0.00 20 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 54.89 ---- 6.56 0.0 0.00 0.00 21 No Discharge ---- ---0.000 N/A 0.0 57.77 ---- 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 Node No. Node Description Branch Description 18 No Discharge ---- 19 Area Group Branch Dia. (in) Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 5 Fire Sprinkler Input Data Pipe Input Data Nominal Diameter (inch) Type Group Fitting Data Nominal Length (feet) Fitting Length (feet) Total Length (feet) CFactor (gpm/inc h-psi) SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.000 0 ET 8.20 7.00 15.20 120 3 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.000 0 T 9.84 5.00 14.84 120 3 4 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.250 0 T 12.14 6.00 18.14 120 4 8 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.500 0 T 8.86 8.00 16.86 120 5 6 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.000 0 ET 11.48 7.00 18.48 120 6 7 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.000 0 T 12.14 5.00 17.14 120 7 9 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 1.250 0 T 9.19 6.00 15.19 120 8 9 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 3.000 0 12.47 0.00 12.47 120 9 10 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 3.000 0 E7T 90.22 112.00 202.22 120 10 11 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 3.000 0 GC 13.12 17.00 30.12 120 11 12 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 4.000 0 T 47.57 20.00 67.57 120 12 17 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 T 41.67 35.00 76.67 150 12 13 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 E 98.43 18.00 116.43 150 13 14 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 3F2ET 485.56 98.00 583.56 150 14 15 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 3T 337.93 105.00 442.93 150 15 16 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 2FET 377.30 71.00 448.30 150 16 17 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 49.21 0.00 49.21 150 17 18 U/G HDPE 8.000 0 E 32.81 18.00 50.81 150 18 19 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 E 9.84 18.00 27.84 120 19 20 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 TGC 6.56 84.00 90.56 120 20 21 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 8.000 0 TGC 3.28 84.00 87.28 120 Beg. Node End. Node Pipe Description 1 2 2 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 6 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Node Groupings Output Data Pipe Segment Beg. End. Node Node Pipe Type Group Pipe Flow Rate (gpm) Sprinkler Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) Non-Sprinkler Flow Out (+) In (-) (gpm) (gpm) Beg. Node Residual Pressure (psi) Imbalance Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) 1 2 0 -22.50 22.50 0.00 0.00 16.14 2 2 1 3 0 0 22.50 -46.65 24.15 0.00 0.00 18.60 0.00001 3 3 2 4 0 0 46.65 -76.22 29.56 0.00 0.00 27.87 0.00006 4 4 3 8 0 0 76.22 -109.46 33.25 0.00 0.00 35.25 0.00013 5 6 0 -24.19 24.19 0.00 0.00 18.67 0.00001 6 6 5 7 0 0 24.19 -50.51 26.32 0.00 0.00 22.09 0.00003 7 7 6 9 0 0 50.51 -83.39 32.88 0.00 0.00 34.48 0.00012 8 8 4 9 0 0 109.46 -109.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.57 0.00000 9 9 9 7 8 10 0 0 0 83.39 109.46 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.77 0.00000 10 10 9 11 0 0 192.86 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.14 0.00000 11 11 10 12 0 0 192.86 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.53 0.00000 12 12 12 11 17 13 0 0 0 192.86 -161.93 -30.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.91 -0.00001 13 13 12 14 0 0 30.92 -30.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.91 0.00000 14 14 13 15 0 0 30.92 -30.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.92 0.00000 15 15 14 16 0 0 30.92 -30.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.92 0.00000 16 16 15 17 0 0 30.92 -30.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.93 0.00000 17 17 17 12 16 18 0 0 0 161.93 30.92 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.93 0.00000 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 7 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Node Groupings Output Data (cont'd) Pipe Segment Beg. End. Node Node 18 17 18 19 Pipe Type Group 0 0 Pipe Flow Rate (gpm) 192.86 -192.86 Sprinkler Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) 0.00 Non-Sprinkler Flow Out (+) In (-) (gpm) (gpm) 0.00 0.00 Beg. Node Residual Pressure (psi) 58.95 Imbalance Flow At Beg. Node (gpm) 0.00000 19 19 18 20 0 0 192.86 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.85 0.00000 20 20 19 21 0 0 192.86 -192.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.89 0.00000 21 20 0 192.86 0.00 0.00 -192.86 57.77 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 8 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. End. Node Nodal KFactor (K) Spk/Hose Elevation Discharge (feet) (gpm) Residual Nom. Dia. Pressure Inside Dia. (psi) C-Value q (gpm) Q (gpm) Velocity (fps) F. L./ft (psi/ft) Fittings Type-Grp Pipe-Len. Fit-Len. Tot-Len. (ft) PF-(psi) PE-(psi) PT-(psi) 1 2 5.60 9.84 22.50 5.60 9.84 24.15 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 16.14 18.60 1.00 1.049 120 22.50 22.50 6.35 0.16188 ET 0 8.20 7.00 15.20 2.461 0.000 2.461 2 3 5.60 9.84 24.15 5.60 9.84 29.56 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 18.60 27.87 1.00 1.049 120 24.15 46.65 6.32 0.62396 T 0 9.84 5.00 14.84 9.261 0.000 9.261 3 4 5.60 9.84 29.56 5.60 9.84 33.25 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 27.87 35.25 1.25 1.380 120 29.56 76.22 6.35 0.40689 T 0 12.14 6.00 18.14 7.381 0.000 7.381 5 6 5.60 9.84 24.19 5.60 9.84 26.32 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 18.67 22.09 1.00 1.049 120 24.19 24.19 6.98 0.18516 ET 0 11.48 7.00 18.48 3.422 0.000 3.422 6 7 5.60 9.84 26.32 5.60 9.84 32.88 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 22.09 34.48 1.00 1.049 120 26.32 50.51 6.75 0.72279 T 0 12.14 5.00 17.14 12.388 0.000 12.388 4 8 5.60 9.84 33.25 0.00 9.84 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 35.25 41.57 1.50 1.610 120 33.25 109.46 6.25 0.37526 T 0 8.86 8.00 16.86 6.326 0.000 6.326 7 9 5.60 9.84 32.88 0.00 9.84 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 34.48 41.77 1.25 1.380 120 32.88 83.39 6.89 0.48063 T 0 9.19 6.00 15.19 7.299 0.000 7.299 8 9 0.00 9.84 0.00 0.00 9.84 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 41.57 41.77 3.00 3.068 120 0.00 109.46 4.75 0.01624 ----0 12.47 0.00 12.47 0.202 0.000 0.202 9 10 0.00 9.84 0.00 0.00 9.84 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 41.77 51.14 3.00 3.068 120 0.00 192.86 8.37 0.04631 E7T 0 90.22 112.00 202.22 9.365 0.000 9.365 10 11 0.00 9.84 0.00 0.00 9.84 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 51.14 52.53 3.00 3.068 120 0.00 192.86 8.37 0.04631 GC 0 13.12 17.00 30.12 1.395 0.000 1.395 11 12 0.00 9.84 0.00 0.00 -2.95 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 52.53 58.91 4.00 4.026 120 0.00 192.86 4.86 0.01233 T 0 47.57 20.00 67.57 0.833 5.540 6.373 12 13 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 58.91 58.91 8.00 7.981 120 30.92 30.92 0.20 0.00001 E 0 98.43 18.00 116.43 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.00 0.00 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 9 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data (cont'd) Beg. End. Node Nodal KFactor (K) Spk/Hose Elevation Discharge (feet) (gpm) Residual Nom. Dia. Pressure Inside Dia. (psi) C-Value q (gpm) Q (gpm) Velocity (fps) F. L./ft (psi/ft) Fittings Type-Grp Pipe-Len. Fit-Len. Tot-Len. (ft) PF-(psi) PE-(psi) PT-(psi) 13 14 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.91 58.92 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 30.92 0.20 0.00001 3F2ET 0 485.56 98.00 583.56 0.009 0.000 0.009 14 15 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.92 58.92 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 30.92 0.20 0.00001 3T 0 337.93 105.00 442.93 0.007 0.000 0.007 15 16 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.92 58.93 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 30.92 0.20 0.00001 2FET 0 377.30 71.00 448.30 0.007 0.000 0.007 12 17 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.91 58.93 8.00 7.981 150 161.93 161.93 1.04 0.00032 T 0 41.67 35.00 76.67 0.024 0.000 0.024 16 17 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.93 58.93 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 30.92 0.20 0.00001 ----0 49.21 0.00 49.21 0.001 0.000 0.001 17 18 0.00 -2.95 0.00 -2.95 U/G HDPE 0.00 0.00 58.93 58.95 8.00 7.981 150 0.00 192.86 1.24 0.00044 E 0 32.81 18.00 50.81 0.022 0.000 0.022 18 19 0.00 -2.95 0.00 0.00 6.56 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 58.95 54.85 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 192.86 1.24 0.00044 E 0 9.84 18.00 27.84 0.012 -4.120 -4.107 19 20 0.00 6.56 0.00 0.00 6.56 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 54.85 54.89 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 192.86 1.24 0.00044 TGC 0 6.56 84.00 90.56 0.040 0.000 0.040 20 21 0.00 6.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SCHED 40 WET STEEL 54.89 57.77 8.00 7.981 120 0.00 192.86 1.24 0.00044 TGC 0 3.28 84.00 87.28 0.038 2.841 2.880 Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 10 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Sprinkler Output Data Flowing Sprinkler Node No. Area Group Code Sprinkler KFactor (K) Sprinkler Elevation (feet) Residual Pressure (psi) 1 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 9.84 2 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 3 Sub Totals For Non-Group Flowing Area (ft²) Flowing Density (gpm/ft²) Sprinkler Discharge (gpm) 16.14 225.00 225.00 0.100 0.100 22.50 22.50 9.84 18.60 225.00 225.00 0.107 0.107 24.15 24.15 5.60 9.84 27.87 225.00 225.00 0.131 0.131 29.56 29.56 4 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 9.84 35.25 225.00 225.00 0.148 0.148 33.25 33.25 5 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 9.84 18.67 225.00 225.00 0.108 0.108 24.19 24.19 6 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 9.84 22.09 225.00 225.00 0.117 0.117 26.32 26.32 7 Sub Totals For Non-Group 5.60 9.84 34.48 225.00 225.00 0.146 0.146 32.88 32.88 1575.00 0.122 192.86 Totals For All Groups Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 11 Fire Sprinkler Output Summary Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMD Sprinkler Node Number: HMD Actual Residual Pressure: HMD Actual GPM: 1 16.14 psi 22.50 gpm Sprinkler Summary Sprinkler System Type: Specified Area Of Application: Minimum Desired Density: Application Average Density: Application Average Area Per Sprinkler: Sprinkler Flow: Average Sprinkler Flow: Wet 1500.00 0.100 0.129 214.29 192.86 27.55 ft² gpm/ft² gpm/ft² ft² gpm gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 6 - 7 ) Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 6 - 7 ) Allowable Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Maximum Nodal Flow Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 6.75 ft/sec 2.37 psi 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 psi psi psi gpm gpm Overall Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: Number Of Flowing Sprinklers: 21 7 Pipe System Water Volume: 3829.40 gal Sprinkler Flow: Non-Sprinkler Flow: 192.86 gpm 0.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 57.77 psi 192.86 gpm Fire - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING NEOM SFSP TROJENA CAMP Page 12 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Hydraulic Supply/Demand Graph 200 180 160 Pressure psi 140 120 100 101 87 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Flowrate(x100) gpm Supply Curve Data Static Pressure: 101 psi Test Residual Pressure: 87 psi Test Flow Rate: 1000 gpm Demand Curve Data Calculated Residual Pressure: 57.77 psi Calculated Flow Rate: 192.86 gpm Excess Available Residual Pressure At Calculated Flow: 42.57 psi 8 9 10