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English Grammar Questions Exercise

6. My Granny and I made jam in the kitchen yesterday. (Who, What, Where)
7. I am opening the window now. (Who, What)
I. Составьте вопросы к предложениям, со ВСЕМИ вопросительными
словами в скобках.
1. The children are learning a new song now. (Who, What)
2. The dolphins always swim in the sea. (Who, Where, What)
3. My little sister read an interesting fairy-tale two days ago. (Who, What,
4. Jack and Nan are returning from· the cinema now. (Who, Where)
5. I am going to the museum with my parents now. (Who, Where, What,
With whom)
6. Willy is wearing his new suit now. (Who, What)
7. They sometimes take a taxi to get home. (Who, Where)
8. The man is taking a bus now. (Who, What)
9. We watched the white bears in the Zoo yesterday. (Who, Where, What)
II. Составьте вопросы к предложениям, со ВСЕМИ вопросительными
словами в скобках.
8 . Mother is cooking fish-soup in the kitchen now. (Who, Where, What)
10. The pupils wrote a dictation yesterday morning. (Who, What, When)
III. Составьте вопросы к предложениям. Напишите ответ, используя
слова в скобках.
1. How old you last year (to be)? (13)
2. Where his wife-(to be) from? (Canada)
3. What that animal (to be)? (a donkey)
4. How old your-niece last year_(to be)? (17)
5. Where your relatives (to be) from? (Switzerland)
6. What it (to be)? (a tortoise)
7. What your sisters next year (to be)? (doctors)
8. How old they now (to be)? (20)
9. What her husband (to be)? (a businessman)
10. Where sand cats from (to be)? (Africa)
1. The telephone is ringing now. (What)
IV. Составьте вопросы к предложениям c HAVE/HAS GOT:
2. My little sisters always put their toys into the box. (Who, What, Where)
1. Bob has· got a big helicopter. (What) 2. I have got three sisters. (Who) 3.
The female tiger has got two baby-tigers. (How many) 4. His grandparents
have got an old house. (Who) 5. He. hasn't got a camera. (What) 6. Her
children haven't got toy. (Why) 7. Jim has got five parrots (How many) 8. It
hasn't got a puppy. (Who) 9. We have got three beautiful vases. (How many)
3. Bab is standing under a tree now. (Who, What, Where)
4. My parents gathered mushrooms in the wood a week ago. (Who, What)
5. Dave is buying an ice-cream in the shop now. (Who, What, Where)