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- Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Independent clause:
Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce.
Many schools are actively trying to recruit them.
Comma Splice: Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce, many
schools are actively trying to recruit them.
Two or more independent clauses may be separated by a period.
➔ Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce. Many schools are
actively trying to recruit them.
Or they may be joined in compound sentences in one of several ways. For instance, they
may be connected by a semicolon,
➔ Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce; many schools are
actively trying to recruit them.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
by a comma and a coordinating conjunction,
➔ Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce, and many schools
are actively trying to recruit them.
or by a semicolon or period accompanied by a conjunctive adverb or other transitional
➔ Math and science teachers are becoming increasingly scarce; in fact, schools are
actively trying to recruit them.
A run-on sentence results when the proper connective or punctuation does not
appear between independent clauses. A run-on occurs either as a comma splice, two
independent clauses joined only by a comma, or as a fused sentence, two independent
clauses joined with no punctuation.
Comma Splice: Charles Dickens created the character of Mr. Micawber, he also
created Uriah Heep.
Fused Sentence: Charles Dickens created the character of Mr. Micawber he also
created Uriah Heep.
➔ Charles Dickens created the character of Mr. Micawber. He also created Uriah
Both kinds of run-on sentences confuse readers. Avoid them, and be sure to revise when
they occur in your writing.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
The Comma Splice
A comma splice is created when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined by a
comma. It results from a writer’s carelessly omitting a needed coordinating conjunction or
wrongly assuming that a conjunctive adverb or other transitional expression can take the
place of a coordinating conjunction in a sentence.
Comma Splice: Picasso was a Spanish artist who lived in France, Turner and
Gainsborough were English.
(Coordinating conjunction omitted)
Comma Splice: Picasso was a Spanish artist who lived in France, however Turner and
Gainsborough were English.
(Conjunctive adverb incorrectly used in place of a coordinating conjunction)
Comma splices like these can be corrected in one of four ways.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
1. Substituting a Period for the Comma
Using a period to separate independent clauses creates two separate sentences. A comma
splice can be revised in this way when the clauses are of equal importance but are not
linked closely enough to be joined in one sentence.
Comma Splice: In the late nineteenth century Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the
French army, was falsely convicted of treason, his struggle for justice pitted the army and the
Catholic establishment against the civil libertarians.
Revised: In the late nineteenth century Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French
army, was falsely convicted of treason. His struggle for justice pitted the army and the
Catholic establishment against the civil libertarians.
Substituting a period is also the best way to revise a comma splice resulting from the
incorrect punctuation of a broken quotation.
Comma Splice: “This is a good course,” Eric said, “in fact, I wish I’d taken it sooner.”
Revised: “This is a good course,” Eric said. “In fact, I wish I’d taken it sooner.”
NOTE: This method of correcting comma splices does have some stylistic limitations.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
2. Substituting a Semicolon for the Comma
If the two clauses of equal importance are closely related, and if you want to underscore
that relationship, use a semicolon.
Comma Splice: In Pre-World War II Western Europe, only a small elite had access to a
university education, this situation changed dramatically after the war.
Revised: In Pre-World War II Western Europe, only a small elite had access to a
university education; this situation changed dramatically after the war.
You can also use a semicolon to revise a comma splice when the ideas in the joined clauses
are presented in parallel terms.
Comma Splice: Chippendale chairs have straight legs, Queen Anne chairs have curved
Revised: Chippendale chairs have straight legs; Queen Anne chairs have curved legs.
In such cases, the semicolon emphasizes the symmetry between the two clauses.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
3. Adding a Coordinating Conjunction
If two closely related clauses are of equal importance but a semicolon alone does not show
how they are related, use an appropriate coordinating conjunction to indicate whether the
clauses are linked by addition (and), contrast (but, yet), causality (for, so) or a choice of
alternatives (no, nor).
Comma Splice: Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, Julia Ward Howe was a
poet and social reformer.
Revised: Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, but Julia Ward Howe was a poet
and social reformer.
(Coordinating conjunction but shows emphasis is on contrast)
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Neither a conjunctive adverb (however, nevertheless, therefore) nor any other transitional
expression (for example, in fact, on the other hand) substitutes for a coordinating
conjunction. These phrases can connect two independent clauses only in combination with
semicolon or a period. Thus, is still a comma splice.
Elias Howe invented the sewing machine, however Julia Ward Howe was a poet and
social reformer.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
When a comma splice results from the incorrect use of a conjunctive adverb or transitional
expression, it is most easily corrected with the addition of a period or a semicolon to
separate the clauses.
Comma Splice: The International Date Line is drawn north and south through the
Pacific Ocean, largely at the 180th meridian, thus, it separates Wake and Midway Islands.
Revised: The International Date Line is drawn north and south through the Pacific
Ocean, largely at the 180th meridian; thus, it separates Wake and Midway Islands.
Revised: The International Date Line is drawn north and south through the Pacific
Ocean, largely at the 180th meridian. Thus, it separates Wake and Midway Islands.
Although coordinating conjunctions must always appear between the clauses they link,
conjunctive adverbs and transitional expressions can appear in several positions. For
Jason forgot to register for chemistry. However, he managed to sign up during
the drop/add period.
(Conjunctive adverb placed at beginning of sentence)
Jason forgot to register for chemistry; however, he managed to sign up during
the drop/add period.
(Conjunctive adverb placed at beginning of clause)
Jason forgot to register for chemistry. He managed, however, to sign up during
the drop/add period.
(Conjunctive adverb set within sentence)
Jason forgot to register for chemistry. He managed to sign up during the
drop/add period, however.
(Conjunctive adverb placed end of sentence)
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
4. Adding a Subordinating Conjunction or Relative Pronoun.
When the ideas in two clauses are not of equal importance, correct the comma splice by
subordinating the less important idea to the more important one, placing the less important
idea in a dependent clause. The subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun clearly
establishes the nature of the relationship between the clauses.
Comma Splice: Stravinsky’s ballet The Rite of Spring shocked Parisians in 1913, its
rhythms and the dancers’ movements seemed erotic.
Revised: Because its rhythms and the dancers’ movements seemed erotic,
Stravinsky’s ballet The Rite of Spring shocked Parisians in 1913.
(Subordinating conjunction because added to subordinate the original sentence’s
second clause to its first; the result is one complex sentence)
Comma Splice: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu had suffered from smallpox herself, she
helped spread the practice of inoculation against the disease in eighteenth-century England.
Revised: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who had suffered from smallpox herself,
helped spread the practice of inoculation against the disease in eighteenth-century England.
(Relative pronoun who added to subordinate the original sentence’s first clause to
its second; the result is one complex sentence)
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Subordination is a good deal more effective than two separate sentences when ideas do
not have equal importance.
Comma Splice: Glen had never tried skiing before, he found he was good at it.
Revised: Glen had never tried skiing before. He found he was good at it.
(Correct, but relationship between clauses is not clear)
Clearer: Although Glen had never tried skiing before, he found he was good at it.
(Relationship between clauses is now clear: writer considers Glen’s mastery
of skiing to be the most important idea)
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Using Comma Splices Effectively
In rare cases comma splices may be acceptable. For instance, commas may connect two
short balanced independent clauses.
My nose is stuffed, my throat is sore.
Or two or more short parallel independent clauses, especially when one clause contradicts
the other.
Writers aren’t born, they’re made.
Commencement isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.
However, until you are certain that you know when comma splices are acceptable and
effective, avoid the temptation to use them.
Finally, a comma is always correct between a statement and a tag question, even
though each is a separate independent clause.
This is Ron’s house, isn’t it?
I’m not late, am I?
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
The Fused Sentence
A fused sentence occurs when two independent clauses are joined without suitable
punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.
Fused Sentence: The first manned orbital flight took place in 1961 eight years later
men walked on the moon.
(Neither coordinating conjunction nor appropriate punctuation joins independent
Fused Sentence: Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest man to become president
however John Kennedy was the youngest to be elected president.
(Neither coordinating conjunction nor appropriate punctuation joins independent
Fused sentences such as these can, like comma splices, be corrected in one of four ways.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
1. Adding a Period
You may revise a fused sentence by adding a period between clauses to create two separate
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Fused Sentence: Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show was introduced to America in 1883
two years later sharpshooter Annie Oakley joined the show.
Revised: Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show was introduced to America in 1883. Two years
later sharpshooter Annie Oakley joined the show.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
2. Adding a Semicolon
Adding a semicolon between clauses can also correct a fused sentence.
Fused Sentence: A group of elephants is known as a herd a group of kangaroos is
called a mob.
Revised: A group of elephants is known as a herd; a group of kangaroos is called a
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
3. Adding a Comma and a Coordinating Conjunction
You may also add a comma and an appropriate coordinating conjunction between clauses.
Fused Sentence: The ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) was supported by many
Americans the amendment failed to win passage in the allotted time.
Revised: The ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) was supported by many Americans, but
the amendment failed to win passage in the allotted time.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
4. Using Subordination
Finally, you can correct a fused sentence by subordinating one clause to the other, adding
an appropriate subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Fused Sentence: Texas is the largest state in the continental United States Alaska is
actually the largest state in the union.
Revised: Although Texas is the largest state in the continental United States, Alaska
is actually the largest state in the union.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Fused Sentence: At first I wondered if I should speak to her she seemed to be so
wrapped up in her thoughts.
Revised: She seemed so wrapped up in her thoughts that at first I wondered if I
should speak to her.
Fused Sentence: I almost decided to walk by and pretend I did not see her she might
think I was intruding.
Revised: Fearing that she might think I was intruding, I almost decided to walk by
and pretend not to see her.
Fused Sentence: I was lonesome I decided to speak and I sai hello in a weak voice.
Revised: As I was lonesome, I decided to speak to her, and I said hello in a weak
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Exercise 1:
Find the comma splices in the following paragraphs. Correct each in two of the four
possible ways.
Substitute a period for the comma.
Substitute a semicolon for the comma.
Add an appropriate coordinating conjunction.
Subordinate one clause to the other.
The fans rose in their seats, the game was almost over.
The fans rose in their seats; the game was almost over.
The fans rose in their seats, for the game was almost over.
If a sentence is correct, leave it alone.
Entrepreneurship is the study of small businesses, college students are embracing it
enthusiastically. Many schools offer one or more courses in entrepreneurship, these courses
teach the theory and practice of starting a small business. Students are signing up for
courses, moreover they are even starting their own businesses. One student started with a
car-waxing business, now he sells condominiums. Others are setting up catering services,
they supply everything from waiters to bartenders. One student has a thriving cakedecorating business, in fact she employs fifteen students to deliver the cakes. All over the
country, student businesses are selling everything from tennis balls to bagels, the student
owners are making impressive profits. Formal courses at the graduate as well as
undergraduate level are attracting more business students than ever, several business
schools (such as Baylor University, the University of Southern California, and Babson College)
even offer degree programs in entrepreneurship. Many business school students are no
longer planning to be corporate executives, instead they plan to become entrepreneurs.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Exercise 2:
Find the fused sentences in the following paragraph, and correct each in two of the
possible four ways.
Add a period between clauses.
Add a semicolon between clauses.
Add a comma and an appropriate coordinating conjunction.
Subordinate one clause to the other.
Amy applied to four colleges she was accepted at three.
Amy applied to four colleges; she was accepted at three.
Amy applied to four colleges, and she was accepted at three.
Animals are disappearing from the earth about one species has become extinct every
year since 1900. Enormous dinosaurs once roamed the earth they became extinct some 65
million years ago. Huge mammals later flourished they included mastodons and mammoths.
Over one hundred different species of these large mammals lived on earth some of them
were alive only 11,000 years ago. But these animals all vanished no one is quite sure exactly
why this happened. hundreds of other species had developed and eventually died out before
humans existed however after man appeared in North America extinction increased
dramatically. Hunters killed animals for food thus some scientists believe it is possible that
hunters exterminated the large animals. Other scientists attribute the animals’
disappearance to climatic changes during the Ice Age. For instance, marked drops in
temperatures ruined grazing lands many animals died from exposure and starvation.
Droughts also killed many animals the competition for grasslands was too much for them.
Finally, it has been suggested that man did eliminate the animals however many had already
been weakened by natural forces like disease and climatic changes.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Exercise 3:
Combine each of the following sentence pairs into one sentence without creating comma
splices or fused sentences. In each case, either connect the clauses into a compound
sentence with a semicolon or with a comma and a coordinating conjunction, or
subordinate one clause to the other to create a complex sentence. You may have to add,
delete, reorder, or change words or punctuation.
It is true that caring for pets can be expensive and time consuming. They can
help their owners in many ways.
Dogs and cats are extremely popular pets. Moreover, they can help improve the
mental and physical health of their owners.
Pets can protect their owners. In addition, they can provide companionship.
Pets can also give people something to love. The pet is bound to return the
owner’s love.
Pets can help isolated people to make friends. Thus, they can help fight
loneliness and depression.
Pets can help people to structure their days. A dog, for instance, needs to be
walked and fed at set times.
Children who own pets can learn to be more responsible. They can learn loyalty
and compassion at the same time.
Pets can even help sick and disabled people. Seeing-eye dogs and “hearing-ear’’
dogs for the deaf are two examples.
Doctors have found pets can be valuable in treating mentally ill people. Pets can
coax withdrawn mental patients out of their shells.
More than half of all American families own some kind of pet. Considering pets’
many benefits, this seems to make sense.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Exercise 4:
Find and correct any unjustified comma splices or fused sentences in the paragraph
For over two centuries a debate has gone on among educators about the best way to
teach deaf children to communicate. The manualists are on one side, the oralists are on the
other. Manualists believe communication should center on sign language however oralists
believe deaf children should learn to read lips. Oralists believe deaf people cannot truly be
part of society unless they speak otherwise they will be isolated. Manualists consider lip
reading too difficult it is largely guesswork moreover the speech of profoundly deaf people is
very hard to understand. In addition, deaf children acquire oral skills very slowly as a result
they can be deprived for years of virtually all communication. Deaf children who learn to
sign, however, build a manual vocabulary as quickly as their hearing counterparts build a
spoken one. During the 1960’s the handicapped rights movements began at this time a new
philosophy called Total Communication was developed in the United States. Total
Communication uses a combination of speech, lip reading, hearing aids, and sign language,
sign language is stressed. Many people feel this is a good compromise nevertheless oralism
is still dominant in most other countries.
Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Exercise 5:
Read the following answer to an economics examination question that asked students to
discuss the provisions of the 1935 Social Security Act; correct all comma splices and fused
In June of 1934, Franklin D. Roosevelt selected Frances Perkins to head the new
Committee on Economic Security, the committee’s report was the basis of our current Social
Security program. The committee formulated two policies, one dealt with the employable
the other with the unemployable. Roosevelt insisted that these programs be self-financing,
as a result employer and employee social insurance was required. In 1935 the Social Security
Act was passed it attempted to categorize the poor and provided for federal sharing of the
cost, but under local control. (The Social Security Act did not include a public works program,
this was one aspect of the New Deal that was eliminated.)
Unemployment insurance was one major part of the act. Funds were to be payable
through public employment offices, also the money was to be paid into a trust fund. It was to
be used solely for benefits an individual could not be denied funds even if work were
available. The program provided for payroll taxes, in addition separate records were to be
kept by each state. Old Age Survivor Insurance, another major provision of the Act, was for
individuals over sixty-five it was amended in 1939 to cover dependents. A quarter of the total
recipients were disabled. Public Assistance was the third major part of the act this program
was designed to help children left alone by the death or absence of the parents and children
with mental or physical disabilities. General assistance covered everything not covered under
the Public Assistance Program this varied from state to state.
The Social Security Act stressed public administration of federal emergency relief
assistance thus it forced reorganization of public assistance. These efforts different from
previous efforts earlier there were no clear guidelines defining which individuals should get
aid and why. The Social Security Act attempted to eliminate gaps and overlaps in services.