Making a Shift JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Julien Blanc WRITTEN BY ASP MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP 1 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS GAME? 5 MAKING A SHIFT. 5 HOW SHIFT WILL TRANSFORM YOU? 5 WHAT IS GAME AND ATTRACTION? 5 DESTROYING LIMITING BELIEFS. 7 ARE YOU A VICTIM? 8 SUPERIOR MENTALITY. 11 CHAPTER 2: MINDSETS, MOTIVATION, BEING REALISTIC 12 TRANSCENDING YOUR IDENTITY. 12 STAYING MOTIVATED. 15 DON’T DO IT FOR THE VALIDATION. 18 REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. 19 CHAPTER 3: ACTION 22 THE KICKSTART. 22 LOVING REJECTION. 24 GETTING YOUR REFERENCES. 27 CHAPTER 4: REFLECTION, BREAKING DOWN YOUR INTERACTION 30 BREAKING DOWN YOUR REFERENCES. 30 INTERPRETING YOUR REFERENCES. 31 LEARNING FROM YOUR REFERENCES. 32 RESOURCES. 33 GETTING MENTORS. 34 CHAPTER 5: MOMENTUM 36 BUILDING MOMENTUM. 36 KEEPING YOUR VITALITY ALIVE. 38 MAKING THINGS EASY ON YOURSELF. 40 CHAPTER 6: LIFESTYLE 41 GETTING ACCESS TO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. 41 2 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP GETTING WINGMEN. 43 MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS. 44 CHAPTER 7: NARCISSISTIC SELF-LOVE 47 EPILOGUE 50 BONUS 51 STORIES SERIES 51 FIRST TIME STORIES 51 DATING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN STORIES 51 CRAZY EPIC STORIES. 52 INFIELD FOOTAGE 53 DEREK INTERVIEW 53 3 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP 4 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP JULIEN MAKING A SHIFT CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS GAME? MAKING A SHIFT. People think the whole process is easy. They don’t even know the bullshit you have to go through to achieve the results. Therefore they try to replicate the glory they see without thinking about the source. This is about putting yourself out into world, overcoming the anxiety deep inside of you. An easy way to force yourself to take action is joining a group of people who already do it. When you are out, it’s a point of no return. This will change your life completely, if you stick to it. Not only in the women area, but in every aspect of your life. You can do this no matter who you are. You are not unique. Everyone can do it. You are not a snowflake. There are patters common to everyone. HOW SHIFT WILL TRANS FORM YOU? No one knows what the fuck they are doing when it comes to pick up. You will see guys not taking action, observing, taking shortly to a couple of girls, asking for the number in a weird way. Even if they put in the effort, there is a lack of knowledge. People don’t know what to do with the material. How to apply it. Overabundance of stuff. Different types of game. WHAT IS GAME AND ATT RACTION? There’s a lot of misconception about game. Women say you should be yourself . Being yourself for a guy who sucks, who is a loser is the worst thing he could do. Social conditioning. You have been conditioned since you were born. We are fast learners. There is a lot of information around. We can’t verify the authenticity of all of it, so we filter it through an unconscious verification system of 3 steps: How certain someone is of their ideas. If someone comes up to you and they tell you something in a certain way, you will believe it How in alignment his behavior is with his ideas. If he is a little tense, there’s a little uncertainty, you will doubt what he is telling you. The number of people that buy into the idea. If a lot of people believe it, you will believe it too. With this system you will believe everything that goes through the 3 steps. This is not good, you will look at other people and believe their ideas. If an idea is false and manages to get through the system, you will believe it, even if your common sense tells you it’s bullshit. In game, most of the beliefs are false. Attraction is value. Value is anything that increases your chance of survival and reproduction. It’s also anything that feels good. Attraction has always been the same. Since caveman times. What matters the most is confidence, dominance, decisiveness which are sub-communicated by the 5 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP way you act and speak. It’s the deeper level of communication and it tells everything about you, more than any word could do. If you are confident, decisive, resourceful a girl can feel it, you don’t have to tell her. Women are looking at your behavior cues, sub-communication. It’s not like men who are looking at the visual cues. They can’t tell whether you are attractive only on looks. They need to see the way you act and the way people react to you. Eye contact for example. You can tell everything from the eyes. Voice tonality. Breaking rapport. Your voice should go down, like you talk to your friends. Body language. Men and women experience attractiveness in a different way. Men are like a light switch, women are like a volume knob, she needs some time to get a grasp of who you are. Any fucking loser can pretend to have value for the first few seconds. The more time you spend with someone, the harder it is to pretend. A woman sees how you present yourself the first time, then she wants to spend more time with you, test you, and see if you are really who you said you are. She will put you in different environments. Attraction for a woman is not static. First you can have value, then act in a supplicating way and lose it, then be confident again and regain it. She’s looking at the overall picture. Game is becoming an attractive guy at the core. You must be internally attractive to be technically attractive. Game isn’t about learning the tricks. You have to works on the roots. You have to force yourself to evolve, to make a shift and change yourself on a deep level. Imagine who you want to become and ask yourself what are the events that lead to becoming that man. The guy might have a lot of experience with women. You have to do that as well so you can become that guy. He might have great social skills. You have to go out socializing. Game is a practice. It’s you going out doing certain things over and over again, day by day. Change won’t happen in a moment. Most guys think they will quickly learn it and get the girls of their dreams and keep it. To get the dream girl you need to become good with women in general. Even if you get it, you won’t be able to keep it. She will be repelled by the fact that you don’t improve, you don’t have value. She will realize you don’t have much experience talking to women. Some guys wait for luck. This is futile. Game is about taking control of your life. Work on yourself, don’t wait for opportunities, create them. Success is slow hard work. Most actors, successful people put in hard work. They didn’t get there by luck. Luck is where opportunity meets preparation. Take charge of your fucking life and make a shift. 6 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP DESTROYING LIMITING BELIEFS. Your limiting beliefs come from the conditioning society did on you since you were born. Come in as a blank state, forget everything you know. This wouldn’t work for me. This is not for every guy, some just don’t have it. This is bullshit . Anyone can achieve anything. What one man can do another man can do. If you are a normal individual with no health of brain issues, you can do it. As a guy you are born as attractive to women. This is nature. You don’t have to achieve mastery in order to get results. You get girls around the way even with small changes. Girls like guys who are good looking. Remember cavemen times. Back then being good looking didn’t have much value. Women looked at the behavioral cues, who is the guy who is decisive, on top of his shit. My age matters. I’m too old. You are never too old to make a fresh start. It is never too late. If you are old, you should have more experience and be more grounded than a 20 year old kid who has gone through nothing. If you think age matters, you think women experience attraction like men. You think they base it on visual cues. Girls like guys who have money. Women don’t need your fucking money. Most women can support themselves. Or they have already people who support them, like family or orbiters. Every hot woman has orbiters who buy them shit. It’s different in my country. Here it doesn’t work, girls here are different. Everyone from everywhere thinks like this. The grass is always greener on the other side. The reason you think it’s harder there it’s because you grew up there. Your limiting beliefs are anchored to that environment. Women don’t like sex. A lot of guys believe this deep down. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be afraid to go talk to girls, to tell them you like them and think they are attractive. You fear they don’t feel the same way. Women love sex. They talk dirty among them. She will hook up with you if you don’t have a judgmental behavior. People slut shame women. If you are talking to a girl and she thinks she will be judged for sleeping with you, she will hold off. That’s the reason they don’t talk about sex around you. They don’t want to seem sluts. Stop judging. View sex as a no big deal. It’s something that natural happens between people. If a woman doesn’t feel judged, she will sleep with you fast. Lover and provider categories. She will have different behaviors depending where you stand. For the provider, she says she doesn’t like sex, she will feel judged. Lover is the guy who is fun, care free, nonjudgmental. She will be herself, she won’t rationalize whether she looks like a slut to you and things will be amazing. 7 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP ARE YOU A VICTIM? A lot of people think they are victims of other people, of the negativity of life. It’s not their fault, they can’t do anything about it. You are born happy. Full of hope, dreams. What happens with the years, things don’t go as you thought, you think an opportunity is lost forever and that happens again and again until you tell yourself that’s just not you. It’s easier to blame other people, you don’t take responsibility. No one is where they thought they would be years ago. They think they are victims of the circumstances, they have regrets of not doing things. Life is unfair, I am a victim of circumstances, I can’t do anything about it, the world owes me, I am jealous of other people. A lot of people feel helpless, victims. Few people are really happy, positive, and passionate. Most people are sad, they look down. Most people lost it, they gave up on it. Why even try, I am a victim. They just stop, accept it and that’s their life. Instead of confronting reality, they try to escape it. Fuck today, I can’t wait to go home. Fuck everything. They can’t wait to fall asleep. If you are happy to fall asleep, if you are happy to escape your reality, you will be happy. These people want to be stimulated. They go watch movies, TV series, and marathons. Anything to escape reality. They drink alcohol, drugs. There is an endless supply of this stimulus. The internet is full of movies and TV series. You can find infinite hours. It reinforces being a spectator, living through the glory of other people. I can forget about my life, I can watch a TV show where a guy has the life I wanted to have. Living through other people. You don’t have to go out and socialize. You have internet friends. People wake up, go to work, hate their jobs, get lost in routine, quickly rush home, grab junk food which gives you instant gratification, they crack on the TV shows and movies. They don’t have friends, they don’t need friends because they have the virtual friends from TV series and movies. They fall asleep and they dread the next day. Day by day till they die. Step up and make a change. Don’t escape reality. Avoid the life described above. Society loves this kind of people because they are the perfect consumers. “Do you feel sad? Buy my shit. This will make you happy, escape reality.” The longer this happens, the sadder it gets. Your excuses and rationalizations grow bigger. You don’t have the willpower to snap out of it anymore. Making a change takes effort. You think there is too much rewiring to do, too many beliefs to destroy, you might have forgotten how things normally are. Snapping out of it, moving in a different direction feels like death. Letting them go is a too strong hit on the go. It would mean to accept having fucked up for such a long time. Accept that you fucked up till now so you can live happy from now on. Make a firm commitment, don’t snap back into it as your guilty pleasure. You are not the center of the universe. Stop making it personally. There is no master plan. Thinking that everything that happens happens for you is narcissistic. Be realistic. The world is harsh, unfair. You don’t get what you deserve, bad things will happen but don’t take it personal, it’s random. Accept it. You are not a unique snowflake. Everyone goes through shit. You are not alone. Those issues are not unique. The more personal the wound, the more universal the wound. Everyone has problems, millions of people are scared to talk to girls. If you feel self-conscious, everyone feels like it. Stop placing everyone on a pedestal, other people have problems as 8 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP well, and many people have it worse than you and they still make it. Shut the fuck up about your problems, some people have bigger shit than yours. Everyone has it tough. Decide to make the fucking change. Look throughout history. There was some guy who dealt with exactly the same shit you are dealing now. And he decided to step it up. Embrace being part of a larger whole. You are not in this alone. Other people have it tough as well. Be aware of other people but never compare yourself to them. Don’t compare their bullshit to yours. Menvy. Jealousy among men. People successful. Why do I have to put in the hard work when he does that normally? Why is this happening to me and not to him? Be aware that those people go through shit as well. Keep your head down and focus on you. It’s a competition against yourself. Take the constrains you have in life as a given. Go from there and accept it instead of complaining about it. What are you going to do, you are in this situation. You can accept it or you can step up. Bitching about other guys who have it better WILL NOT help you. Example people whine about looks. Assume that that statement is true. You are right. Now what? What will you do about it? You still have to step it up. Don’t even let those thoughts to enter your mind. USE IT AS LEVERAGE. If you have nothing, you have extra motivation to step it up. The enemy of the best is good. If someone has it easier than you, they won’t have that fire under them to step it up. I have nothing. Fuck, I better step it up. So it as extra motivation. Never wish to be someone else. This is the worst. Wish you were the best version of you. Accept where you are at, accept where you start and focus on changing. If you start off in shit, you don’t have to stay there. Forge who you are. You can’t change you past, but you can transcend it. Get out of your introspective world of self-pity. Do I feel sad about this? Nervous about this? For these people it’s all about them. Get a bigger purpose in life and a bigger circle of concern. Submit to a larger cause. If you have a big purpose, something to achieve, that will create gravity through your personal boundaries. You won’t allow shit thoughts to enter your mind. It would be a waste of time. You are trying to accomplish something big. They are not helping you achieve that goal. Must achieve my goal. It’s all out. This is my air. Achieve the goal. Personal boundaries will get tight. You won’t allow shit in your mind. You won’t have the luxury to feel tired, to feel sorry about yourself. Get some purpose. Better yourself as a person for example. If you move in that direction, if you buy into that thing, you won’t have time for self-pity. 9 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP You will have bigger worries. Get bigger circle of concerns as well. It’s not about you every time. No one cares. No one gives a fuck about you in terms of you being a victim. No one will help you. You are born alone, die alone, you are in this alone. Don’t find pity in your family. You are not a little kid. No one cares. Not even your friends. No one cares if you are sad. Your DNA doesn’t care about it either. It cares about survival and reproduction. It doesn’t care about being sad. Surviving is living, reproduction is masturbating. Your needs are met. Your DNA won step it up. Stop looking for someone else to do it for you. Don’t look for someone to comfort you, to make you feel happy when you are sad. This has to come from you. You have to fix yourself. Kill the habit of looking for comfort, for pity. You are not a kid. This is a way to get attention when you are a kid. No one is coming. If you feel sorry, you will keep feeling sorry. You have to do this. No one will fix you, not even girls. No one owes you shit. You don’t naturally deserve good things. You don’t deserve women. You don’t deserve better. The world does not owe you anything. If you are not attractive yet, you don’t deserve yet hot girls, success. You get what you deserve in life. You have to work on yourself. Stop crying. Stop being a little bitch. Start laughing at that voice in your head that wants to feel sorry. Mock it, laugh at it. Start laughing. Distant yourself from it and realize how ridiculous it is. Don’t identify with it. Create some distance and then separate from it. It is not you. When it comes to women, you can’t have any insecurities. The girls will sense that. She wants to make sure you are solid, so she will test you about it. She will see how you react to that. If . Laugh at your insecurities. Embrace them. If you can’t fix it, laugh at it. you aren’t prepared for it, you are fucked Embrace-exaggerate-laugh. This is the formula. Overcome your insecurities. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at the voice. You have all eternity to be dead. If you think this is too hard and you want to give up, living your shit life, it’s like being dead. You will die someday. Your life is short, put in an effort, snap out of it, and 10 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP cultivate willpower. Go all out, don’t give up, even if it’s hard, even if it’s going to take a long time. What else do you got? SUPERIOR MENTALITY. Unlike victim mentality, in this case you think you are above the process. “Learn how to better myself to be good with girls? That’s for fucking losers. I don’t need this shit, I am already good with girls”. That’s delusion. That’s just like everyone thinks they can fight. Tell them to go talk to a girl, they won’t do it. They will look back at their life. They think saw her and they got her. What happened was that the girl likes them for chemistry and she throws at them for a long time until they realize it after a lot of time. In their mind they see her, they get her. They have no actual control. They get girls through situational confidence. They depend on social circles. Throw them in the fire, with people they don’t know and they will crash. You are not above the process, no matter who you are. No matter how good you are. Let go of the ego which makes you think you are good. Take on a learner mentality. Never accept yourself as a finished mentality. You will never reach a point where you will good enough. Maybe you won’t learn as much as a newbie, you will learn a lot anyway. Let it go. Let your ego go. Don’t be afraid of getting help. Humble yourself. Go get fucking help. You will save time. Value your time. Buy a product, it will save you so much time. Delegate, get help. Don’t do everything on your own. You won’t do it better than everyone else. If you are not getting the results you want right now, you are doing something wrong. You know it deep down. You know you could reach your full potential. Be willing to learn. 11 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 2: MINDSETS, MOTIVATION, BEING REALISTIC TRANSCENDING YOUR IDENTITY. That’s just not me. Everyone thinks that. Even if you get past your initial beliefs, there’s still that little voice that tells you that you have to go out, socialize, talk to all those people, putting yourself out, bringing energy. That’s not me. I am a chill introverted quiet guy. It would be incongruent for me to become this person who I am not. You think you are going to find a style of game which is more chilled. This is about change. You have to change who you are. It’s not about remaining a loser. You have to force yourself to change. You have to let go of your current identity. You have to give up completely the conception of who you are and where you stand right now. Who and what says that you are introverted or quiet? No one, it’s a story you told yourself years ago. You are a product of different environments you have been put in your past. If you had received positive feedback on everything you did, you would be more open. You have been a leaf blowing in the wind. From environment to environment. Now you are taking control of the wind. The environments are in your control, they aren’t random and you can put yourself proactively in different environments beneficial to you. Up until now you had no control. Now you can. You can control your actions or where you go. And this will reinforce the beliefs you have. The correct ones. You can now control all those factors that will shape you internally. Stop identifying yourself as someone who can be categorized. You are not the chill guy. Don’t limit yourself like that. Take a flexible and adaptive identity that evolves with time, just like water. Be water. Continuously change. Till you die. Never expect your emotions to align with your new identity. You emotions are connected and attached to your current identity and they are meant to hold you in place. We are creatures of habit and we hate change, the unknown. You will come up with excuses from your emotions and your brain. Your emotions are not on your side when you want to change. This is the result of evolution. Back in the day the unknown could have meant death. That’s why you have fear. Unknown = mental energy required to understand it all. The new reality is more complex. Difficult to understand. And your brain is lazy. You have to do this. You have to let go. You have to give up a tremendous amount of comfort . 12 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will get what you have been getting. Try something new. DO this till the day you die. Never expect to get your comfort back. You are stuck in a position with your emotions and you want to rise up to a better state, but your emotions will hold you back. You must keep acting and going against those emotions, thoughts, excuses, and with time and repetition your emotions will align with your new higher position. Then you can rise again. Till you die. This is learning game. On macro. On a micro level the same principle applies. If you don’t talk loudly, you have to apply yourself so you can talk loudly. Talk louder. When you will do that, it will feel weird because you are acting through different identities. With time and repetition it will align. Be disgusted by comfort. The life where you relax, at ease with 0 stress does not exist. You won’t grow. Discomfort is necessary for growth. Muscle building analogy. It hurts to grow. Comfort is dead. Disgusting. Discomfort keeps you alive. Sharp. Anti-fragile. Go out and seek out discomfort environments. It’s a crime to eliminate volatility. In our society we are trying to reach a domestic life, where everything is comfortable. This applies on clothes. Always dress the same way. It’s comfortable. Hair as well. Friends. Daily routines. Know what to expect, no unpredictability. Thoughts. They are similar to your thoughts from yesterday. Don’t plan everything in your life. When you won’t be able to follow your plans, you will freak out. You won’t be accustomed to unpredictability. We have addicted ourselves to a high level of comfort. You are not meant to feel such strong emotions with a simple hair style change. Finding comfort with routines. You addict yourself to a high level of comfort. You have to lower the bar and realize you can survive without all the shit you do to get comfortable. Get addicted to discomfort. GO all out. Fuck your comfort zone. Strip your bullshit. Let go of your barriers. All those little anchors you need to get comfortable, let them go. Start enjoying being in the unknown, without a plan. Don’t think which bar you will go to. Embrace the unknown. Don’t make the word simple of familiar with a plan or a map. Embrace uncertainty, vagueness. To learn game you will have to go against your emotions, go against your mind and make yourself uncomfortable every day. PUT YOURSELF IN THE FIRE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The unknown is attractive. If everything was planned, it would be boring, you wouldn’t feel alive. Taking right action is doing what it requires to be done no matter what your emotions are telling you. Gun to the head mentality. What’s the right thing to do right now? You will know, deep down side. You know it and you will do it no matter what, regardless of emotions. Don’t do what makes you happy. If you think like that, you will never grow. Your emotions 13 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP think short term. DO you feel happy approaching that girl? No. Do you feel happy doing drugs? Yes. Do what’s right. Aspiration over addiction. A lot of people live in the reaction of how they feel in the short term. They don’t have control over their emotions and where it leads them. Every action they take is based on their emotions. They just want to feel good. Think long term. Does this help you long term? Yes, then even if it doesn’t make you comfortable right now, you will do it. Fight the addiction to comfort. Wake your mind up and snap out of autopilot. It will be tough, just like death, but YOU HAVE TO DO IT. This is not easy. You are fucking changing who you are. This will be the hardest thing you will do in your life. Think about what you want to become long term. No instant gratification. Have a purpose and move in that direction. Don’t take the easy way out. Resist it. Value the long term goal over the instant gratification. You are always moving in a certain direction. You meet a girl, 2 directions. Will you talk to her or will you take the easy way out. One will move you closer to your goal, one will move you further away. You don’t stay at the same level. If you take the easy way out, you will lose ground. You are either going up or going down. If you are not busy learning, you are busy dying. Is it scary to talk to a girl? Yes it is. It’s also scary not to talk to her. You know you are going down, you can get caught in the spiracle going down and you are fucked. Mock your excuses and your emotions. Laugh at it. It will create space with your emotions and you won’t identify with them. Those emotions are not you. That voice is not you. They are chemical reactions and you are going to take action anyway. If you resist it, it’s worse. You won’t do it. You will be disappointed in yourself. You see a girl, you think you should talk to her and you don’t, opportunity missed. This is a muscle you build. You will fuck up a lot. Be realistic. It will take time to build. The more you go against your emotions, the more you take action, the more you will build your tolerance and cultivate willpower. This way you also cultivate confidence. Instant gratification isn’t happiness. It’s a temporary high. True happiness comes from internal fulfillment. You get it when you do what’s right. You know you are doing the right thing and you are moving towards your goal. Even though it’s hard as death. 14 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP STAYING MOTIVATED. In order to achieve some success, you need motivation. This is tough, the hardest thing you will do in life and you need a burning desire to come on top. You can’t just want it, you must need this. You must feel compelled. Stop dabbling around. Most people have no idea or what it feels like to commit to something and go all out. In your past you might have tried to pick up something, got a bit good then gave up. This is not the case. You must take it seriously. You must feel forced to do it. Or you die. This must not be fun. You aren’t doing this because it’s fun. You aren’t trying new things because it’s fun. The rejections which come out from the process are not worth the “fun” attitude. Most people give up. Most people can’t tolerate putting themselves in the fire over and over again. If this was easy, everyone would be doing it. How motivated you are determines your level of success. You need to find a fire bigger than the bullshit. The tenacity to excel is the most important thing. To patiently tolerate the non-stop hard work. You need to buy in that game works. That you can achieve it. That it’s worth doing. Surrender to everything that is said in this program. Don’t doubt anything. Buying into the fact that this works. Everything is very simple. The more you do something, the better you become at it. A lot of guys take the information and go the right way. Some other guys get stuck where they make the same mistakes over and over again. This works. Check infield YouTube. If this didn’t work, it would be exposed. Buying into the fact that you can achieve this. A lot of people believe they are doomed to failure. They don’t have faith they can do something like this. If you don’t think you are going to make it, it’s not going to happen. “I’m not going to make it, so why even try”. He knows he won’t stick to it, then he won’t achieve it so his mind will come with the excuse why even try. You shoot yourself in the foot before beginning Trying something is always better than nothing. Compare it to read books. People read the first chapters. Why even start, they won’t finish it. What’s more beneficial? Reading the initial chapters of 100 books or not reading anything in your whole life because you won’t finish it. Even if you don’t achieve your ultimate goal, it’s better than staying where you are. There is no point of destination where you finish in pickup, you do this till you die. Anyone can achieve this just because they are guys. Buying into the fact that this is something worth doing. Sit down and ask yourself why you want to learn game. Why put yourself through all the intense situations going through the grind to become better. How does this benefit you? Figure out the why. If you know exactly why, the how will take care of itself. Write it down with details. Go beyond the girls, look at the bigger picture. This will bring you core confidence, you will learn social skills which will help you everywhere. You will learn willpower. IF you are in college, start thinking what’s the right thing to do? Writing the assignment. Go do it. You want to relax but you have to work. What’s the right thing to do? Focus on one thing, the most important thing and everything will fall into place. This is the case with game. There are 3 levels of consciousness, lower, middle, higher. Categorize what you wrote in these 3. 15 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Start from the bottom, everyone has bad thoughts. I’m doing this to get validation from women, so I can feel cool and good at myself, to get back to some people, to show off. To feel powerful. Examples of low consciousness. Mid-level, I want to live in abundance, not scarcity. For a lot of guys their options are only their social circle. They have X girls and they better not fuck it up with them. They are the only chances. Choosing a girl with a natural chemistry. Because of scarcity, guys choose girls who aren’t a perfectly match. With game you can do this. I want to be more social, happier, develop personality, feel at ease, feel yourself. Most freak about the situations they find themselves in and they stifle. Higher level. I want to inspire everyone I interact with. Bring them to my level of positivity, I want to reach my full potential as a person, I want to become the best version of myself, to have an impact on the world. IF you do this, no matter where you are, you will be motivated to learn game. Example, Julien on lower level wants to show people he’s the best, how good he is so he can sell. ON mid-level, bettering his skills as a teacher. Learning from teaching. Help people. On higher level, inspire the world. To make a meaningful change. Write down all the whys, the benefits. Compartmentalize them on different levels. You really don’t have a choice in the matter. Now that you know you can control your actions and become a better person, if you don’t do it, you are fucked. You can rationalize it that it is not right for you but deep down you will know you could be better than what you are and all your life will be full of sadness and denial. You take the red pill. It’s too late to go back. I proactively put myself in situations where I don’t have a choice. Where there are no alternatives. Once you realize you have to do it, once you realize there is no other way, you are going to do it regardless of your emotions or bullshit beliefs that hold you back. You put yourself in a situation, for example by telling people you will do something with an expiration date. Then you do it, no matter what, no matter how tired you feel. Local group of guys working on themselves. Go out with them. See them approach. Feel the pressure to do the same. You are part of it. You aren’t by yourself where you can rationalize it. Use your different emotions as motivational fuel. Emotions like anger, stress, fear, frustration, embarrassment, boredom. Use them as motivation. Turn energy around. Anger, be mad at yourself. If you don’t take action for example. Don’t reinforce a victim mindset, build a fire instead. Add to the fury, if you don’t approach, simulate the pain, then again until it comes to a matter of how much pain you can endure. Scared, use the adrenaline to heighten your senses, your mind, your creativity. Jealousy, use it in a competitive way, feel the need to prove yourself, to you not to the people. Be on the offensive, enjoy the challenges. Use resentment, look at stuff that pisses you off, that is your motivation. Boredom is huge as well. Motivation is unique to you, you need to do some introspection. Find what works best for yourself. 2 parts to motivation. Igniting the fire, discussed till now. Keeping the fire burning. You must keep motivation burning at all costs, everything in the world is working against this fire. Society is not on your side, society doesn’t promote going out bettering yourself as a person and reaching your potential. Society promotes stability and comfort. If everyone reached their highest potential, it would be chaos, not everyone can be the best. Society says fits in, fit in the puzzle, some people will be at the top and 16 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP some not, stay at you place, don’t state your opinion, sit down shut up, fit in. Since school. You will have to go against society. Learn to go against the grain. Stop doing what everyone is doing, start doing your own thing, and don’t be afraid of standing out. In caveman times standing out was risky, everyone was competing to be on top. So you had to stay where it was safe. Go against it. Change your conditioning. Switch from social conditioning to “pick up” conditioning. You are the average of the 5 people you hang out the most with. Condition yourself to game. Be aware of what is influencing you the most. Be aware of who those 5 people are. Switch out the ones who aren’t helping you. Meet the guys who do this and hang out with themselves so you keep this reality going on. Watch videos. Everyday. Those virtual friends will become the people you hang out the most. This is your reality, where its encouraged to go out and take action, where its encouraged to put your personality on the line, be loud, talk to people, express yourself. Your friends and family are not on your side. There’s a dynamic in these groups. There’s the main guy, alpha. There’s the Funny guy, number 2 guy and more and it all works. If you go out and work on yourself, trying to become number one, it will create chaos and your friends will try to hold you down, why are you fucking this up, this works, stay in your fucking place. You must go against that. They will feel threatened by your commitment to achieve this. When you improve yourself, you make their shortcomings shine. You do it, they could do it too, they don’t want to but they start feeling bad. So you are making them feel bad. So they will rationalize and put you down so they won’t feel bad and you can all suck together. You are not on your side. Your addiction to comfort is the biggest motivation killer . We try to find comfort in everything. You make a bit of progress, with time, you’ll tell yourself you are doing good, good enough, you are trying to find comfort in your success. You take a little step and you consider it comfort. The enemy of the best is the good. The better you become the harder it is to keep motivation. Don’t be afraid of losing what you achieved, don’t try to ever going back to a life of comfort, live in discomfort. Fuck good enough. You are here to reach your full potential. Always be willing to move away from stuff that worked just fine to stuff that will work better. Be afraid if things are too easy. You will start to feel comfortable again, be scared. Abundance is harder to play with in terms of motivation. When you are at the top your motivation will drop. Without you knowing. Be scared when things are easy. Never settle, don’t accept yourself as a finished product. A lot of guys do some approaches, get some good reactions and then think they did enough for that night. They think they can relax. Or they don’t do anything all night, they can get a number and they rationalize it was worth it, even if they don’t take action all night. Go all out. Find your own ways of keeping the motivation alive. Find guys who are positive and outgoing. Find joy in new challenges. Get addicted to progress. If are doing well, aim to do better, then better and more and more. 17 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP DON’T DO IT FOR THE VALIDATION. You have to move away from the validation in the long run. You don’t want to fuel your ego with good reactions from women. To find happiness from good reactions. To show off, to make yourself look cool. It’s unsustainable. If you base your motivation on external stimulus, on girl’s reaction, it’s always going to be out of your control, up to luck, and it’s too shaky. It’s fluctuating. You will get awesome reactions when things go well and you will fall when they don’t. Your nights are going to suck. You will get some bad reaction and you will lose motivation. You will plateau, nothing will get better, and nothing will get worse. It’s unsustainable because you get bored of the new reactions. If you are new, you may think a girl who tells you she likes you will make you feel great, motivated. Imagine it happening 10 times a day for 10 years. You will be numb to it. It also creates a very needy type of vibe. Desperation and neediness is the worst. You will put her on a pedestal, you will have lower value to her and therefore no attraction will be created. People go to girls, wait for the reaction and if it is good, they feel good, if it’s not, they feel shit. Your interaction become too much of a big deal. You want to be the lover. You want to be carefree, so she can be carefree as well. If you are nervous, it’s way too serious, it’s not carefree. Delete the list of girls you’ve been with. If your girl is to sleep with as many, go sleep with 2000 low quality. If you keep a list, you won’t enjoy the women you are with. You will have more fun writing her name down. If you can count your money, you are not a rich man. Go out one night and you can’t get phone numbers, no sex. That will help you focus on the process. Have fun, enjoy talking to them. Learn to have fun by yourself, you don’t need her, if you don’t get her, you are enough. You should be full filled alone and the girl is just the bonus. The interactions are going to be much better if you do this and you will get the good reaction because if you approach a woman with this mindset, if you really don’t want anything from her, 0 neediness at all, shell automatically want more from you than you want from her and that will cause her chasing and attraction. Guys try to seek completion and happiness with this. They think they will be happy if they sleep with women. Society always conditions us to feel incomplete. If they can get X girls to like them, they will feel complete. Getting all those girls is never going to complete you No matter how much validation you get it’s never going to change who you are. They think if they get X girls, they will be able to love themselves. This doesn’t work. For you to get those women, you must get them off the pedestal of being the miracle cure. You are enough from the start. She’s never going to complete you. You complete yourself with your actions, not her reactions. It’s your doing that changes you and makes you feel good. It’s the interaction that makes you feel good, not the sex and reactions. They are just a good meal in your life. You 18 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP won’t remember many of them. When you remember a situation, you remember the interaction and how you pushed yourself, not the sex and the result Your purpose cannot be your woman. Your purpose is you. Don’t do it for the girl, do it for you. Focus on yourself. Women will come with time. They respond to a man with spine, with drive, a clear direction with boundaries who makes them feel good because he feels good by pursuing that goal. They don’t respond to guys who are shaky because they pursue something with ups and downs, something external, like women. You are doing this for you. This is about the actions that you take, not the reactions that you get. Focus on bettering yourself as a person, the results will come. REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. Being realistic, in terms of where you are skill wise, what it takes and how long it will take. This shift is hard, but straight forward. Being realistic in terms of where you are at. Think where you are at, skill wise. Drop your ego and be realistic. What are your strengths, weaknesses? Stop deluding yourself. Even if it hurts your ego, you suck. Now you have material to change. Accept the truth and go from there. If you suck, admit you do. Loud. In front of the mirror. Many times. Use that as motivation. Fuck, I suck, let’s do something about it. If you start on square one, there are advantages to that. If you are down there, you have nothing to lose. Intermediate people have reputation they want to maintain. You have motivation to prove yourself because you are at the bottom. NO one walks in a gym for the first time ripped. This doesn’t define you as a person. You aren’t a worse person than someone who is more advanced. That’s ridiculous. Comparison between 2 and 5 years old kid. They had different journeys. You are just at a different point. You have to have realistic expectations. You can avoid losing motivation by having low expectations. If you know you suck, anything that is better than completely sucking will be great. Even a small conversation might make you feel great. Anything that is better than sucking, you must give yourself props. When you taste a bit of success, you want more and more. And with this you gain confidence. Most guys have unrealistic high expectation. They will go out and one shot one kill. They think they will get the beautiful girls. Very fast they realize that’s not the case, they get negative, they lose their motivation and they give up. Basketball, if you never played it, you don’t expect to dunk like Jordan the first time by watching videos. They also compare themselves to people who are way ahead of themselves. Basketball, compare to Jordan. If you don’t dunk like him, you think you suck and feel disappointed. If you get a number, you should feel incredibly happy about it. Nowadays people have so high expectation they are disgusted by it because they aren’t where they think they should be. They also think the whole game is made by the dunks. The highlights. Be realistic, it doesn’t work like that. If you compare to higher people, you will never feel like you are there. You think you could always be higher. Don’t get psyched out either. Some people Instead of using the dunks as inspiration, they use it to get psyched out, thinking game is outside of their reality. They think they will never be like that, they will be overwhelmed, 19 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP and give up. Those are just flashes, they are meant to inspire you. Life is just a compilation of flashes. When you see advanced people in action, you think “I could do that, it’s nothing special”. And that nothing special leads to the dunks. You get to do the dunks by practicing like a motherfucker, fucking up a lot and doing the boring stuff countless times. Being realistic of what it takes. You have to set the realistic goals. People set their goals way too fucking high and they make it unsustainable. They burn themselves out. Small chunk your goals. The challenge and your ability have to be matched. The challenge has to be adjusted to your level of experience for you to be in a positive state. Gym comparison, do you go to the heaviest weight when you enter? Establish first goals and end goals. First goals are simple goals, very linear and achievable. They are within your skills. Saying hi to a girl for example. Take her out on a date, have longer conversations. You don’t have to do it all at once. Don’t get stuck on the small things however . Guys want good reaction and they get stuck on them. Focus on the first goal but that’s just a stepping stone to your end goal, which should be high enough to make a change in yourself on a deep level. Take it one step at your time and stay focused. Forget about the big picture, focus on the small little steps. Focus on each step, not the whole process. Make your goals as simple clear and precise as possible. Complexity is the enemy of execution. You will rationalize it’s too much, it’s not worth it, etc. When you write them down, you have to be precise. Write down your first goals and your end goals. For example getting a good reaction. First goals will be approaching, then next and next. When you get there, establish a new goal and start getting there with little first goals. Be realistic in terms of how long it’s going to take. Quicker than you deserve but longer than you’d like. Define good. Never stop and accept yourself as a finished product. You are in this for life, you can always be better. In each part of life, of game. You can always improve. You are never done, there is no comfort. It’s the journey, it’s not the destination. It’s not you becoming good, it’s moving in that direction. There is no amount of time needed. Or amount of opens, approaches etc. We tell ourselves if we got those girls, if we made that money, we would be happy. It’s a fucking lie we tell ourselves. If you look back at your life now, you did get some things you thought would make you happy. Look at where you are now. Are you happy? To get girls, you have to devalue it and take it off the pedestal or you will come off as needy and even then it won’t make you happy. It’s the doing that make you happy. The internal rewards, not the external. You pick up to pick up, not to get the girls. This is a necessary mental shift. This shit is going to take years. Don’t freak out. You are in this for life. People have an unrealistic view of success. Changing yourself will take time. If you think it’s going to be fast, you will be disappointed. 20 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP This is a marathon, not a sprint. Accept it. You are not above the process. You are not an exception, a snowflake who will get good fast. To get what you want you have to deserve what you want. To get beautiful women you have to deserve them. If someone else deserves it more than you, they should get it. If you go out and there is someone better for your girl, she should go with that guy. You get the girl not with techniques, you must become the best option. Attraction will be automatic. This happens when you feel attracted to a girl and you don’t get her and when you don’t feel attracted, you get her. When you deserve her, you can relax and you will get her. It will be natural. People always want things easy. Magic pill mentality. Society gives you the magic pill. Don’t worry about going out and cultivating your personality or enduring experiences, here’s the quick fix. We are conditioned by that. Human beings are always looking for shortcuts. For the easy way to success. They want people to do it for them. They want to receive, be safe and not put in the work. Surrender to hard work. Don’t run away from it. Embrace it. Don’t conserve energy. You maximize the input by maximizing the output. The more work you put into it the more you will get out of it. Make an agreement to yourself to never cut any corners and never make any excuse. There are no shortcuts to this. Do it anyway, you want a solid foundation that will last instead of getting good fast and having a weak foundation that will fall. What comes fast, leaves fast. Practice and patience is the only way and you need to get addicted to it. You are in no rush, you aren’t going anywhere. You will not run out of women. Why the rush anyway? Where do you want to get at? There is nothing next, embrace it. Your results are not going to be shit for years until you get something, you will get results all the way through, the more you do this the more consistent the results will be. If you do this, you might get girls during the process, it’s not a fixed X years wait. The potential of having value in the future is equal to value in the present. If you have a drive and you have potential, the girl will feel attracted and will sleep with you anyway. 21 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 3: ACTION THE KICKSTART. Field experience is king. The only way to change who you are is through reference experiences. You can understand all this stuff, confidence, but in order to become part of who you are, you need to experience it. Knowing about it and understanding it is not enough. It won’t make you good and change you. Your fucking actions change you. Jump in. Go out right now. Get some experiences. Just try something, even if you don’t know what you are doing. If you don’t start now, re-watch/read the previous videos until you take action. If they can’t get you in the right mindset, give up. The ability to jump in, to throw yourself into the fire, into the unknown is what gets you good. When you learn something, go field test it. Right in that moment, as soon as possible. Develop the ability to do things without knowing beforehand how to do them. Everyone wants to do it right. They read the manual beforehand. That’s how they approach anything in their lives. So they do it right and they don’t fuck up. With game this doesn’t work. It is impossible to know how to do it right without already having the reference experience of doing it right. Until you have the experience of succeeding, you don’t even know what succeeding it. It’s just speculation. Imagining different scenarios. Instead of speculating, jump in and find out. Nobody starts perfect, don’t expect to start perfect, expect to fuck up. Do what you can and do it at best. You don’t have to do it right to get value from that experience. People think they need to master game before taking action, so when they approach, they can take the interaction to sex and succeed. That will be valuable. This is similar to reading books. You don’t need to read from start to finish, you still get value from the first chapter. With women it’s the same, you get value from a bunch of hellos, more than nothing. Go out, try. Even if you fuck up, you have a reference of what fucking up is, so you know next time. Content and theory without reference experiences is completely useless. That’s why you see contradictions and paradoxes. When you start going out and getting experiences it will make sense. Reading the manual beforehand will hinder you, it will confuse you. You can know too much and it will freeze you. It’s like playing a videogame, NO one reads the manual beforehand. No one expects to do it right by reading the manual. You take it and jump in, you learn how to move, jump etc. with trial and error. When you have some experience, you check the manual. That’s how you get good. Same with game, you have to fuck up a lot. Race games. Learning the track. Learning the 22 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP environment. Learning the unknown. Get used to the unknown. NO matter how good you get, you will find strange environments. And you will freeze. You need to learn to adapt. Take the leap. Learn how to embrace chaos, unpredictability and messiness. That’s what an interaction is. You can’t follow a script. There will always be bullshit. Everyone is unique. Stop trying to prescript things. You are addicted to comfort, you try to find something to say, a schedule. You can prescript a few lines, but you are just delaying the bullshit and unpredictability. Jump in right now without knowing and get used to the unknown. This will also develop core confidence. Waiting for inspiration to strike. I don’t feel motivated, inspired, my emotions are not in line, I will wait for the magical moment. That moment will ever come. We are creatures of habit. Going out is not a habit, it’s something new. You are not comfortable, you won’t feel motivated. Emotions will tell you to stay where you are. Don’t wait for the moment, execute. Action comes before inspiration. Your emotions follow your actions. You take action and with time the more familiar you get to taking action, the more your emotions will align with it. Don’t wait for that lucky thing. Don’t wait to see some product, some video, some day, wait for New Year’s etc. Make your own luck. When is your lucky day? TODAY. Blaming circumstances. I don’t have the time. I want to jump in but I am too busy, too tired, too soon, I will wait a bit, a better opportunity will come. Don’t wait, just fucking start. Successful people start anywhere anyhow with any condition. They will still fucking start. They don’t wait for things to happen, they make it happen. Focus on making your circumstances work. They won’t change. Don’t blame your circumstances, blame your philosophy. What happens doesn’t matter, it’s what you do about it that matters. Look back at your past. You probably were in a similar situation. What makes you think your circumstances are changing in the future? You will be in the same situation. There won’t be any drastic changes to your life. Things either remain the same or get worse. You are tired now, what makes you think a year from now you will feel less tired. IT will be the opposite. It will be harder in the future. It is foolish to wait because tomorrow it will be fucking worse. Change your current circumstances. Find time. Cut out the bullshit, the other things. Take action. Stop rationalizing. I need to handle this other thing first. I understand I need to go out and take action but before that I need to get better at speaking, meditating or other things. I need to master there then I will jump in. They will do anything they can in order to avoid the game. Game is the hardest thing but it’s what you are going to do. Don’t avoid it. You can later add the other things, but game is the number one priority. Proactive procrastination. I’m doing it because it helps me move forward. Do this at all costs. Newer is better. I need to wait for this new thing to come out. Then I will be ready to take action. Work with what you fucking have. If you can’t take action now, waiting for that new thing won’t help. You will lose momentum, rationalize and wait for the next shit to come out. Do it now. The new thing helps you but it’s not a necessity. You should take action no matter what. 23 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP I have time to get this handled. I will wait for tomorrow. It’s easy to rationalize you have time until you are near death. You don’t have all the time in the world, it is limited, value it and get the most of it. Put a fire under your ass. You are either going up or down. Every time you don’t take action you go further and further down, and waiting for another day will make things much harder. You won’t be able to snap out of it. It will take longer to build you back to where you are, after you fall. Stop being a bitch and jump in. It doesn’t matter what you think, how you feel, what your circumstances are. Taking action is nonnegotiable. If you don’t take action, you are not part of game. You have to do it. LOVING REJECTION. Fear of rejection is the thing that holds you back. Our society protects us out fragile egos from failure and rejection. You are told you can do anything, and you start to believe it. You live in that fantasy world of potential. You rather live in that little world. You don’t want to go through the real sacrifices. You live through the stories of others. TV series, movies. You imagine yourself reaching that potential but you never do it. Potential is nothing, results matter. Choose a life of hassle, ambition, determination and go all out. Fuck being a spectator, let’s find out, and get epic results. Value actual results over bullshit potential. Go out and try. Check your age at the door. This is all ego protection. You are not here to maintain an image, you are here to change. You must make a shift. Stop trying to impress. Guys get into game just to seem cool, to impress people and themselves, validation. Get away from this. You are not in this to impress anyone. A lot of people feel like they have a person on their shoulder who they should impress. Cultivate a judgment free relationship with yourself and other people. You don’t have to impress yourself nor other people. What is your batting average? Approach to close ratio. Number of rejections. People want the no rejection method. It is reinforcing a playing not to lose than playing to win mindset. You are focusing on the things that you don’t want to happen instead on the things you want to go right. By focusing on avoiding things to happen, you will make them happen. It also gets you playing not to lose. You aren’t trying to succeed. You value not getting rejected instead of being successful. For these people a good night is not where they get the girl, it’s when they are liked by anyone and not get rejected. Trying to have a high success rate is a form of being a people pleaser. You have wounds and you want them to be fixed. Some girls will not like you no matter what, no matter how good you get. You cannot avoid rejection completely. You should get rejected, you are not meant to have chemistry with every girl. It is not natural. You can try to pretend you can get along, you can pretend to be someone else. Even then it is impossible. It hurts to be rejected, it hurts to be accepted to be someone you are not. You will not be closing every girl, you will not be liked by everyone. 24 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Don’t be afraid to alienate people who don’t relate. Learn to go up and screen for girls who you have chemistry with instead of chasing people you should not be chasing in order to fuel your ego. A lot of guys approach girls as the seller, they look for anyone who would buy them. Be the buyer, approach, you are not expecting everyone to like you, you are screening for girls who like you. Sort through the bullshit to find the ones you like and get along with. Don’t use it as an excuse. Use social intelligence. Give the best of yourself. Don’t use it as an excuse to go for less beautiful women. I don’t need the beautiful women, I like the ugly ones. You can make this decision after you tried them all. Don’t pick your favorite flavor until you tried them all. Go get the beautiful and then choose which you want. Trying to measure your success rate is like trying to measure your soul with mathematics. This is art not science. Every interaction is unique, messy, and it’s impossible to have 100% control of the outcome. It depends on chemistry, her and your mood, your and her intentions. You could persist further but you have fun in the moment and you don’t want to sleep with her. The length of the interaction. Backgrounds. Maybe she is having a terrible day. There are elements of randomness that are out of your control. Don’t get rejection personally. Only be accountable for what you can control. Distinguish what is in your control and what isn’t, then accept what isn’t, that the problem lies outside of you and you can’t do anything about it. Focus what you can control. Let go of the rest, don’t blame yourself for it. You did everything right but there were some elements you couldn’t predict and you couldn’t do anything about it. Don’t feel sad for what you can’t change. Go out, do your best and let the chips fall where they may. Your actions, make sure you went all out. Her reactions do not count. Rejection is just unfinished business. You could see a girl later and make it happen. Don’t take it personally and most of time it’s out of your control. You need rejection. To succeed you need to be ready to fail. To get good you need trial and error. You will learn to stand up straight. You need to fuck up. You don’t lose anything by fucking up, If you forget your ego, you will lose nothing. If you fuck up, you can try again. You have no limited amount of tries. People feel they have a limited amount of tries. If they fuck up, they try to play it safe. They don’t put themselves out there and they don’t progress. You have an infinite amount of tries. You can keep trying till you die. When you fail, you don’t lose anything. You get closer to success. Embrace failure and get used to failure. Instead of failing once and telling yourself something better isn’t a possibility. Failure is essential to growth. Rejection is essential to growth. If you avoid that, you avoiding growth. You are avoiding change. If you are stagnating, that’s why. Expect rejection. Unexpected failure is discouraging, expected failure isn’t. You know things are going wrong. 25 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Welcome all experiences. 0 expectations, go out, you will grow from it. That’s how you have fun when you go out. Failure is the source of many breakthroughs. You can still learn from a bad reference experience. If you fail, you will learn. Take the value out of it. You need both, the good nights and the bad nights. You don’t know what reference will turn the things on. Learn to see the value in rejection. Rejection can motivate you. Fuck not again, go to another, fuck not again, you will build your fire. Rejection destroys your ego. Rejections make your more grounded, core confidence. You will feel at ease in any environments by progressively desensitizing yourself to all your environments with different experiences. The more you get rejected, the more you become numb to it. Completely at fucking ease. Girls needs a guy who is at ease in the world, so they can rely on him. You are that pillar among the chaos. They can relax and experience good emotions around you. Example travelling the world. You can do it in first, class, hotels, cars etc. or you can do it in the worst possible conditions, finding your way through things. This second way will give depth to your personality. The other is comfort. Get away from comfort. The uncomfortable experiences made you the person you are today. Even if they sucked. You don’t regret That’s the same for rejections. Even if they suck in the moment, they are shaping you, the universe will get you what you need to evolve, not what you want. them, they built you. When something goes wrong, is part of a bigger picture that goes right. You embrace this but it’s still going to suck in the beginning. NO matter what. Embrace the pain. The more emotionally traumatizing the experience, the better. The deeper it hits you, when you get rejected, the better. That’s when shit inside you is changing. Embrace the pain. Going to the gym. Pain to growth. Don’t numb the pain with alcohol etc. You are preventing the change. Let it hit you. HARD. If you go out and drink, you won’t change who you are. You will work on the you who had a few drinks. You will always need those drinks. Work on the sober you. Be happy about the trauma. It snaps you in the present. When you blindly go with the flow. You will feel present. Experience it that way. Let the pain and humiliation sink in you. Reality is full of pain, accept it. You want a reality pain free which doesn’t exist. Develop a perverted pleasure of pain. When it’s hitting you on a deep level, you are growing, YOU ARE HAPPY. Get real rejections too. Don’t eject the interaction before the rejection. When the thing is dying down. BE a man and get it in the face. Don’t do it all the time, but don’t bounce too early. That won’t make you grow as much. Don’t let it discourage you. Don’t take the easy way out either. Do the hard thing most people don’t do. When it’s hard, it’s worth it. It sets you apart. Resist that urge of quitting. Keep things in perspective. You won’t die from it. Be realistic and relax. Don’t take it seriously. Don’t be stressed over it. You are talking to strangers who have no hold on you. You see the girl, you want to go, you can get rejected, you imagine the worst case scenarios. It’s so exaggerated it’s ridiculous. Your perception is also wrong. Your scenario, good or bad, doesn’t happen. NO matter what. Have positive assumptions. Go out, take action and notice that your worst case scenario didn’t 26 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP happen. Take a note, make it a reference, do it many times until you realize it’s good, you will assume the best. THIs is how you change your assumptions. A misfortune would be dying. This Is a game. Try again as many times as you want. IF you fuck up, you are not done. It’s not a serious ordeal, play to win and as hard as you can. This is a silly game with serious rules. Be realistic about girls as well. Don’t place them on the pedestal. They are just like you. When you see a girl you are scared of, picture her on Christmas morning. She won’t be maintaining the hot girl’s front with her family. Go beyond her front. Don’t buy into the front. Every girl who is scary is a sweetheart with the right guy. The beautiful girls don’t have their life together. They spend their days reading Facebook comments. She has flaws, she is a human. Be realistic about yourself, No one cares. You think if you get rejected, everyone will stare at you, judge you. NO one gives a fuck. It’s your narcissism that makes you think so. Everyone is caught up on themselves they won’t give a fuck. If someone sees you getting rejected, they won’t be talking about it for years. They don’t care. They will notice it, then back to their narcissistic solipsistic dialogue. They may even be jealous about you. They wish they had the balls to do what you did. Don’t be worried about maintaining a certain reputation. No one gives a fuck. Find ways to be amused by rejection. Laugh about yourself. Mock rejection. Master the ability to laugh at yourself. Make jokes. I have money. I know Di Caprio. I am rich. If you laugh about it, the other people looking at you will think it went well, they will have no idea of you getting rejected. You will leave smiling and laughing. Even in your mind you eliminate the notion of rejection. You transform the event from a rejection to seething funny that happened. This fuels the massive fun and carefree attitude that is irresistible to women. GETTING YOUR REFEREN CES. The more reference experiences you will get in the shortest amount of time, the faster you will get good at this. You go out and do it as many as possible as fast as possible. Bars and night clubs. Don’t find excuses about clubs. If you are avoiding those places you are retarded. Those places give you an unlimited number of women to practice with. Clubs are high volume environments. You don’t waste time between an interaction and another. It’s crowded, you can talk to all of them, and you gather reference experiences fast. If you do it during the day, unless its high volume, you will waste time like crazy. The more optionality you have the more mistakes you can make. If you go to a night club, there isn’t one girl, one opportunity. No pressure. There is tons of women, you can afford to fuck up with one, you can go to the next. The girls you see in the street, she goes out to clubs, bars. She doesn’t lock up in her room. The logistics are in your favor. People are going to be there for a while. During the day people are going places and they might not have time for a long interaction. You need time to practice, not 5 seconds. It also gives you anonymity. You can’t avoid rejection, you have to fuck it up. Getting the rejections is best in a night club where you don’t stand out much. In the day people notice you, and if you get rejected and try another girl, you will seem weird. In a night club if you talk to someone and it doesn’t go well, you walk a bit 27 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP and you disappear in the crowd. Girls will be more willing to talk to you, mass approaching. If people notice you, they will forget about you faster. Don’t make the mistake or practicing on your social circles. That is retarded. You are going to fuck up, don’t fuck up at home. Cold approach strangers. Where there is no repercussions on your day to day life and when you get some experience, you can start gaming your day to day life. Night clubs INDEED are scary. You will feel uncomfortable. There is a lot of competition too. She is most likely with friends. Guys. Competition with strangers. Music, deejay, dance floor. It’s tough. Be happy that it’s tough and be happy that it’s scary. The tougher the playground, the better you get inside. Learning to interact with women in such a crazy environment is like learning with swim in the ocean while being punched in the face. If you are able to learn it there, it will be a joke in other environments. If you can desensitize yourself to hectic environments like night clubs, you will be at ease anywhere. Day time will be a joke. Bars will be a joke. It will be easy. And with time, the more you will let go of negative assumptions for positive assumptions, instead of thinking them as scary places, they will be your arena of fun. Daddy’s home. You will feel comfortable. Open everyone. Talk to everyone. Doesn’t matter who she is. Everything is valuable. If you talk to girls you only like, your progress will be very slow. There may be only 3-5 girls you like. In one night that’s terrible. Don’t sleep with the ones you don’t like. But commit to serious game with them. Play serious game on every girl. Don’t half ass it. You are wasting a fucking reference. Get her number, you can delete it after. Practice everything. Guys think they will rise on occasion. You need to practice every step. You have to prepare for the real deal. When you will be interested, you will know exactly what to do. This is about you, not the girl. This is about cultivating your personality, bettering yourself, putting yourself in harsh environments and sharing who you are. Don’t discriminate who you interact to. Let everyone experience you. Let everyone get attracted to you. Give to everyone. SO you can receive. When you approach only hot girls, you will automatically put them on a pedestal. You better not fuck it up. You will be attached to the outcome, needy, desperate and it will repel her. You will care too much. Go talk to girls you don’t find attractive until you have genuine fun. Note. If you are finding yourself scanning the environment for beautiful women, you are placing the value elsewhere. The better party is over there. The party is with you no matter where you are. You must have fun with anyone. There are no pedestals. You will talk to a gorgeous girl with the mindset that if you fuck up, you can have fun with the girl next to her. You won’t care as much. You are enough. You don’t need her, you don’t care so she will automatically care more than you. Focus on you. The party is you. You are the value. You will share your fun with every girls. You talk to everyone, share your fun, and you will eventually bump into the beautiful girl and it will be natural. You will have her. If you are judging women based on your attraction, you are reinforcing a reality based on judgment. Because you are judging them, you think people are judging you the same way, and it will paralyze you. You will 28 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP get caught up in trying to be cool. You won’t try risky things, you will care about your image. Reinforce a judgment free reality. Everything is good, no one cares. Do what you want. If a beautiful girl sees you talking to an unattractive girl, she will like it, she will think you are a cool guy. You are having fun. It will show you don’t give a shit. People want to be around that, I don’t give a fuck vibe. Girls will be where you want them to be. If you think that’s the hot girl, the big deal, she will be so. She will hold off sleeping with you. Carefree, have fun, it’s all good. That’s how she will loosen up and sleep with you. 29 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 4: REFLECTION, BREAKING DOWN YOUR INTERACTION BREAKING DOWN YOUR R EFERENCES. Take the time to break them down the right way or you will get empty reference experiences. You have to break them down. Just going out is not enough. You will get stuck, you will do always the same mistakes and you will not progress for years. You will fall into another comfort zone. Do it directly after going out. Not during. Or you won’t be getting the max value of being out. Don’t break it down with your friends either. Do that at the end of the night. You will get logical, you will lose the flow. Number one rule when out, do not talk about game. Keep things, light, keep things fun. You would be judging yourself, you would become logical and not social. Do it as soon as the night ends while it’s still fresh. Write it down. Everything you fucking remember. Make the most out of every single reference experience. Even those you think are meaningless. It’s just you thinking that. Even if you stand still for 5 minutes, you can learn things. Look at the deeper layer of things. You should feel how people react to you, the energetic flow you are projecting etc. Or ask yourself why you are standing still, what is preventing you from taking action. Always ask yourself what you did exactly and why you did it. Find the why. A lot of things are out of habit. And you don’t even realize it. You might not realize what you are doing wrong. Ask yourself why you didn’t do something. The whys of action and inaction. Be aware of how you feel. Be aware of the other person as well. Ask yourself what she did and didn’t do, what she felt, how you emotionally affected her, what she experienced with your around, what was her goal, what type of conversation she was open to have. Be aware of social cues. How receptive was she to you approaching her. Bambi eyes, pupils dilated, speaking with trying for rapport. You can sense if she is very receptive. Is she reciprocating? If you squeeze, does she do the same. If you stop talking, does she keep the conversation going? What does she respond to, nice or dick, does she like it more when she is chasing for your attention or she likes you to give full attention. Are you in the phase where you have to talk and qualify or you have to let her do it? Is she cocky and you need to tease her or shy and needs compliments? You either put pressure on her or take it away. You put pressure by laser eye contact, you lean in, you are physical, little pushes like I hate you. You take away pressure by leaning back, looking away, I love you, not being physical with hands behind back. The whole interaction contains both. Initially you put pressure on, read her and take away pressure if it’s too much. Signs of too much are tense eyes. Take a step back. Or a nervous laugh, she is taking steps back. Sign of not enough pressure is that she is bored. You need to get a feel of it. Notice how you feel, She will react differently depending how you feel. Her peer group situation and social image. What would her friends think of her talking to you, making out with you etc.? Does she care? Is her social image getting better or worse if she hangs out with you? 30 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Break down references from others too. Ask the questions above and learn something from others. If someone is successful, learn from it. IF they fuck up, learn from that. Learn from their excuses. Stay away from that. There is no such thing as a useless experience. You can learn from anything if you are smart enough. Take it seriously and write every fuckin detail down. These help you with motivation as well. If you internalize that no matter how fucking shit the reference experience, you get value from it, you WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE. You won’t be avoiding experiences, you will look for them so you can learn. Look up content. After you take action, in order to know how to break down the reference experiences. You will need the theory. You won’t know what to look for if you don’t fucking understand it. You need to process information. And fill in the blanks. Don’t get overwhelmed. Some people get stuck too much on theory and they don’t take enough action. Some guys can compartmentalize it all without enough action. You need to find a balance. Prioritize looking up material you can link to your references. For example your interaction wasn’t sexual. You go home and you look up content on how to be more sexual. Watch content on what you did right, so you can reinforce what you did right. Every time you go out, link it to content and every time you watch content link it to going out and think about the reference experiences. You need to make those things click, then the concepts will cement in your head. Write down 3 lessons at least every time you go out. Next time you go out you will work on those lessons. This is on a micro level. On a macro level, take a longer frame of time and look the the recurring lessons. You will find your sticking points so you can fix them. You will be able to work on them, and you will progress faster. INTERPRETING YOUR RE FERENCES. You need to use your reference experiences to reinforce and cultivate the right mindsets and beliefs that you want. More confidence self-love, positive assumptions etc. You need to learn how to interpret them so you can internalize the right way. There is no such thing as a negative reference experiences. Guys don’t want to get rejected because they think that bad situation will reinforce e bad beliefs. There are only negative interpretations of experiences. It’s all a matter of perspective, it’s something that happens, not good not bad but neutral. Take the right lessons and choose to interpret it so it teaches you a lesson. You can interpret it in a positive way. You can’t choose what happens to you but you can choose how you feel about it and why not feel great about it. Interpret them in a way it’s beneficial to you. This is fundamental skill you need to cultivate. Most guys focus on the wrong things, the things they did wrong, the times they fuck up. They only see the wrong things and they reinforce they negative beliefs. You need to see mistakes but focus on the positive things. If you talk to 2 girls, one good one bad, don’t focus only on the rejection, consider the amazing interaction as well. You will start subconsciously looking for proof that you suck that this doesn’t work and that you should stay the same. Snap out of it, be objective, take the lessons and replay the stuff you did well. 31 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Take the positive out of everything, even the stuff out of your control. Don’t say what you did doesn’t count. Overblow and give yourself credit. Reinforce success consciousness. This is not just blind positivity but creativity. It’s you taking actual experiences and reframing them and asking yourself how you make them good. For example rejection. Break the reference down, take the lessons and interpret it in a way it helps you. Don’t reinforce failure consciousness, consider it as something funny, that was so funny I am awesome. I was too awesome she couldn’t handle my awesomeness. I was too cool and I didn’t humanize myself enough. This comes down to what helps you instead of what is actually true. IT is delusional, but you will go a long way with it as long as you don’t lose your view on reality. Most people have negative delusion. If you think you suck with women, it’s who you are, anything that is outside of that will be blocked off. You will want to remain who you are right now. You won’t even notice it the good things. Use blind spots to failure. Block the failure consciousness. . I am awesome and everybody loves me. Reinforce this instead of feeling bad for rejections. I am the best match for every single girl, I am destined for success. Every single girl is thinking about sex every second of the day. It will help you. If you think Selected blind spots every girl is thinking about dick, you won’t feel nervous of not letting them know you are hitting on her, you will be direct and move the interaction towards sex, you won’t be apologetic. Cultivate these mindsets. This is how you change your beliefs and reinforce existing beliefs. You can’t just tell yourself things. You need the proof and any fucking reference can serve as proof. Everything something goes well it adds to the positive side of the balance. There is also a negative How can I use these references to reinforce the blind spots? side of the balance, but to accelerate the whole process you can choose to add everything to the positive side. If you want to change a belief, you question the experiences that made you believe that concept and you change them with positive experiences. LEARNING FROM YOUR R EFERENCES. You can keep trying how many times as you like. You still have to play it smart and learn from your experiences. Don’t keep doing the same thing over and over again making the same mistakes over and over again. Example of guys who start approaching 1 girl, they feel the anxiety, they still go against their emotions and they do the approach. Then they amp it up by approaching 2 girls, 3 girls, guys and girls and they keep amping it up by doing crazier things. However they don’t improve. They are persistent, they push themselves but not in a smart way. Stubborn persistence vs. adaptable persistence. Persistence must be productive. Stubborn persistence is like banging yourself on a wall harder and harder thinking you will break through. Instead work 32 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP around the wall. Apply intelligence. If what you are doing is not working, switch it up. Getting out of your comfort zone is good, do crazy things but only while you progress. Too much of something is always bad. Commit to a girl, have a longer interaction and pull for example. This can be tough, we always try to find comfort. You might get used to do the crazy things and it will become your new comfort. You will rationalize feeling good about yourself. You are taking action, hell yea, but you are staying the same. Work on the stuff you are not used to doing and on the stuff you don’t do well yet. You might become good to do the crazy things. You might be good at spiking attraction. Switch away from that and do what you don’t do well. Let go of your ego. The more you do something the more you are invested in it and the more ego comes into play. You will have invested way too much and you will want to make it work. You won’t be willing to reevaluate. You won’t be willing to give up. Never get emotionally attached to a certain way of doing things. You might realize later on that your foundation was weak and you will have to start over. You will have to go backwards. People drink because they like the results they get, but soon enough they will get to a stagnating point. They will have to stop drinking, go back to square one and build up again. You stagnate, in order to keep going up you have to go down, so you can go higher. . Your results may temporarily suck, but going through the short term of temporary sucking will be better. Drinking Think long term as well example. Be open minded to suggestions, feedback and criticism. From others and yourself. A lot of game is getting rid of bad habits. Be aware of your unconscious habits. Tying for rapport tonality for example. That’s bad. Breaking rapport. You talk normal, like to a friend. Unwire the bad habit. Be aware of it. You can’t get rid of a habit but you can replace it. Some people leave interaction too early instead of building them up and sticking through. That’s a bad habit. Replace that habit with moving the girl around instead. When you feel that urge to leave, take her with you. Don’t take everything you hear dogmatically. Don’t think that if you see something working, it will work every time. There are a lot of subtleties to make it work. There are too many variables. Tonality, volume, sub communication. RESOURCES. There is too much information around. It’s easy to get lost in the information. Thinking that you have to absorb all the content before going out. You will never absorb it all. Go directly to the seed of knowledge. Learn from the best, not the average. Don’t stay around beginners. It just gives you a nice sense of unity, inspiration. But that can’t be your 33 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP main source of information. Learn from the fucking best. Watch the best knowledge over and over again. You are the average of the 5 people you hang out the most with. Find the best in the field and only stick to those at first. With time you can spread and learn from everyone. When you are new you don’t know how to differentiate between good and bad. GO online and you have . Make books your friends, products, audiobooks, videos. The online version of a guy will be the guy you hang out the most with. Re-watch the same videos over and over, inject knowledge and remove ignorance. The directly access to them. Even if it’s virtual. 5 average people concept best people give you the best of themselves. Don’t be afraid of watching a video and reading a book more than once. You are not doing it for the action, to tell yourself you have read it. Ego content digestion. You are not doing it to tell yourself. You are doing it to keep the reality of pick up alive. IT is good and it is who you are. Re-watch it. You will forget a lot of stuff. It is a good reinforce of what you know. You don’t have to finish the product to get value. Learn to skim the content. IF you aren’t getting value, skim through it, find the valuable parts. The ones you can link to your references, watch them over and over again. Don’t be stubborn. Don’t be afraid of investing in things. It is investing in yourself. Material things devalue in time. Everything is an exchange. If you want to take you have to give as well. If you can’t have a return on your money invested, you fucked up. Many people think they are above. They don’t need these. They can do it on their own. Some guys can do this, however it will take a long time. You think you are being smart and saving when you are just being stubborn and losing. Paid products have only value, no noise. Don’t try to do your own thing, create your own style if you are new. Don’t do your thing. Copy what people have spent years doing. Copy until you get to their level. Anyone who has made it to the top has had real life mentors. Surrounding yourself with them is the only way you can cheat the system. They have more wisdom than you and have been through more bullshit than you. They will help you identify what you are doing wrong. You will always be subjective. Even a little. External perspectives help a lot. For you to accelerate the learning process you have to go beyond what you think is your maximum effort. You could and should be hitting harder than you are. You think you are good, average but there is a whole world out there. There is a great room for intensity. See the best in person so you can see how hard you can hit it. GETTING MENTORS. No hero worship. Don’t be a fan. No one wants to be personal friends with fans. They are the same as you. For you to learn from that person you have to see his success and his failures and you won’t be able to if you are his fan. Be normal around that person, you will have more value and you will stand out. IF you are normal around these guys, they will feel like they can have a genuine conversation with you, they will feel nice. 34 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Asking for someone to be a mentor. This never works . You are asking what you can take from them. You can’t do that. Ask yourself what you can give him, what he wants. Most of the time it concerns other needs. They don’t need more game from you. They are already good at game, or any area of life they are good in and you want them to Offer value. Everything is an exchange. mentor you. Offer value in another area. It will be a win-win situation. Make it easy on them. Don’t tell them your life story. They don’t have the time. Make it straight to the point, so they can deal with it fast. Asking easy to answer questions as first. Don’t ask any question, select precise questions, which won’t wear the person down. Doing this does help them invest in you. If you ask easy questions, they think these will be easy to answer and they won’t require a high level of energy investment. Therefore they will be more likely to help you in the long run. Don’t just ask any fucking question. The main thing about mentor is being around him. Questions are secondary. Observe and stay around him. Also have some social intelligence and make the mentors your friends. Don’t ask too many questions at the wrong time for example. Be a person they would want to hang out with. Never complain, never be negative and never suck energy. Be fun, vibrant, and positive. Smile and laugh all the time. Whatever it takes to get in close, do it. No matter what it is. Be willing to pay the price. Fly out, do free labor, do bullshit tasks. NO matter what the fuck it is. Being around for some time is priceless. Get on their radar. Don’t be leachy. Offering values, don’t ask specific questions related to the area of mentorship. Think of what the mentor would need from you. You must have resources. You should help him out. You should have time. Focus on providing value. Why should they take you? 35 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 5: MOMENTUM BUILDING MOMENTUM. It’s important that you keep doing this over and over again to build momentum. You have to jump in and keep jumping in again and again. Do this daily. Don’t freak out. You have to do this every day. 30 minutes every single day. Anyone can spend 30 minutes a day to interact with women. Even if you are at home, go to the shitty bar next to you. No matter how busy you are, you do have the time. Cut into your sleep. It’s a lot better to go out 30 minutes daily than to not go out at all and go out only on the weekends for hours. You are not going to naturally feel motivated doing this. You need to make this a habit in order to create that motivation. To do this you have to do it daily. Schedule it in the 30 minutes beforehand. Don’t fit it in. Decide a precise time. Or you will come out with excuses. Stick to it as if it was work. You don’t have a choice. Focus on surviving, not thriving. Don’t aim to kill it, having amazing results at first. Survive on having this daily. Don’t even think whether you sucked or not. What matters is that you stick to the schedule, the pain, the struggle, the tough stuff until you get used to it and your body starts wanting it. Once your body is aligned, push through that. Don’t get stuck to the surviving either. Move away from it soon enough. Momentum. Doing this daily will build momentum. When you jump through the emotions holding you down, which is the hardest part, hold on to it or you will lose it and snap out of it soon. So the next time you won’t spend hours building yourself, you will just recall your state. You will be used to it so you won’t have to build yourself at first. Engine comparison. Start it off once and keep it running, don’t stop it during the week. The hard part is starting up the engine. Don’t just do one approach, take a long break, lose the feeling and then have to start the engine again. Don’t take long breaks. Minimize the time between interactions. Do this on a micro level as well during your nights. Don’t run around like a crazy person either. Do it at a slower pace but no fucking breaks. Hang on to the feeling when you have it. At some point you are going to lose it. You might skip a day, take a long break, or you might even be taking action and lose it. Let’s imagine a night out, you start well, then you lose it. Most guys will panic, will get needy, desperate, negative energy. And they are done. When it happens, don’t freak out. Accept it and expect it. Emotions always come in waves, ups and downs. If you expect to Expect the good moments to end, and when it happens, expect it to go back up. If you lose momentum and you’ve been in this a lot, you will be already stay on a high every time, you will be disappointed. 36 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP expecting it so it will be normal. You accept it, expect it and focus on getting it back. Don’t get caught up in it. You have to realize memory is that access dependent. When you have been in an emotional or mental state, you will remember the previous time you were in the same state. When you are out and you are losing it, you will start thinking oh shit you are losing it, you are getting rejected, you are in your head and you will remember the previous times you were in that state and you will block off all the times you were in the zones and on top of your shit. Even if Take a few seconds to stop, a deep breath, take perspective, a deep breath. Realize your thoughts are about previous situations. you did great 1 hour before, you will forget it. Be congruent to how you feel. Girls will sense the discrepancy. Embrace it, resist it, exaggerate it, and laugh. Keep taking fucking action and have blind faith that at some point things will get better. Emotions come in waves. Expect it to come back up. Take action until it naturally happens. Your mind is playing If you approach lying that you are happy, they will feel it. And you will get rejected further. Exaggerate how sad he is and laugh about it. “You are really sad, you lost your momentum”. tricks on you. Don’t get caught up on it. Snap out of it. Be sad if you are sad. Take action and have faith things will get better. Don’t get caught up in it, embrace exaggerate and laugh, take action and have blind faith it will get better. Be congruent. Going out 30 minutes a day shouldn’t freak out. Making a shift requires action 24/7. 30 minutes is the minimum. Talking to your friends is working on your social skills. Always act as if you are next to a gorgeous girl 24/7. Don’t be on top of it only when you go out. Don’t transform in another person when the time comes . Be the new you you want to become every second of the day. Be who you are supposed to be. This is the new you. You will never lose what you have given. You have an infinite amount of energy, resources. You won’t be exhausted. Most people get tired after nothing. Would you still be tired with a gun to your head? Go all out. Change your philosophy about labor. Stop being lazy. Stop taking without giving. You need to put in the fucking work in order to have results. The more you put out the more you get in return. Stop keeping resources. 37 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Don’t do it for the validation. This won’t make you happy. Taking action will. Start offering value. Go out to girls and offer energy, offer fun, offer positivity. It shows you have your life handled. You can give give give. You have so much that you are above it. It’s not the results. It’s the work you put in. Focus on the internal results you get from working, doing, love it so much you forget to eat and sleep. There is no finish line, you are in this till you die. If you are doing this to reach a certain point, quit. Really commit to this. Accept nothing else from yourself than your best fucking effort. Don’t half ass it, hassle your ass on. That is the source of happiness. Go all out. KEEPING YOUR VITALIT Y ALIVE. Keep yourself emotionally and mentally healthy in order to keep your tenacity on. Continuously pushing yourself can be exhausting. You have to be on top of this. Go big or go fuckin home. Drinking. If you want to keep your vitality alive the easiest think you can do is stop drinking. False confidence. You are numbing yourself to the emotional trauma. You don’t remember things. It won’t be sustainable long term. Go out sober and you won’t feel fucked up after. When you go out without drinking, you will feel weird at first, but get used to that rough start. When you build the muscle, you will be unstoppable. Get off drinking completely. Don’t depend on external stimulus. Getting on top of your health. Fitness, nutrition. Be aware of these things. You need time to recover between emotional traumatizing moments. Avoiding stress is bad, you aren’t growing, but too much stress is bad as well. You need time to heal, to recharge. This doesn’t mean you can miss going out. You have to do the 30 minutes, you just can stop at the minimum sometimes, no more than 30 minutes. Make rest a necessity, not an objective. The objective is to act, take action. Recharge the right way. Don’t waste time. Resting a sleeping the right way. Sleep in a dark room. You need good sleep. Eye mask, ear plugs. Full isolation while you sleep. Activities to help you recharge. Don’t watch TV or surf the web. Most people do this. It is just more stimulus. Unwire yourself from that. Find an activity that relaxes you and turns your brain off. Meditation. Taking as a daily habit will help. It’s a lot better than TV or pc. You will feel energized after just 20 minutes. Research on Tolle. Turn off all the noise and turn on your focus. Turn off the noisy thoughts. Cutting off the chaos, turning off your brain. Stop the cycle of addiction and reaction. When you continuously challenge your beliefs, your mind is constantly rewiring itself. When you go home after a night, you won’t be able to sleep because of the mind working. You won’t achieve bliss with mediation but general peace. 20 minutes a day. Clear your mind. Anyone can fit this time in their schedule. If you can’t find 20 minutes to do this, you need 20 hours. Schedule it beforehand. Make it a habit. Don’t rationalize it as time you are wasting. View it as time you are recharging. You are accomplishing something. Sit down for 20 minutes, at night before sleep. When your thoughts are running wild you can calm your mind. Sit down. Don’t worry about posture. Resist the urge of changing posture. It doesn’t matter. Accept what you chose. Resist scratching. Pick a position and commit to it. If you feel moving, 38 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP accept it and with time it will go away. Eyes open, closed can work as well. Eyes open is more helpful for gaming. You will feel it during the day as well. Put on your alarm clock. Sit there and just stop thinking. Quiet the voice in your head. No mental movies. Past or future events. Be present. NO past, no future, now. When you do this, a thought will come into your mind. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It is fine and normal. Watch the thought float by, absorb it. Focus on your breathing, conscious breaths. Be aware of your body, what is in front of you. Embrace it for 20 minutes. It will be hell in the beginning, you will feel resistance. You will be waiting for it to end. IN time it will turn into a relaxing rejuvenating . You will see past distractions. While out and something happens, you won’t shut in your head, you will have control over your emotions, you will be grounded and you will choose the right course of action to take. You can feel joy and experience peace from whiting. You will realize you don’t have to depend on anyone to feel good. It will become your default state. Don’t expect to see immediate results from this. Instant gratification. Stick on it. You will see results after 1 month and you will get hooked to it. Massages. Get rid of the tension and stress. Sauna, cold pool combination. Few times in a row. That will shock you where you can’t even think. Yoga. More energy, Being positive and having a good attitude. Change the language of your mental movies. Instead of being a victim and thinking everything sucks, be positive, appreciative, give yourself credit when you deserve it. Doing that will help your vitality. No complaint challenge. 30 days. Give yourself a challenge where you can’t complain at all. Every time you start complaining, start over. This doesn’t mean keeping it inside. It means, shifting the focus on the bright . IF people get rejected, they will be complaining. Think what the benefits are. This is traumatizing, change is happening, be happy. Appreciate what is happening. Take a few seconds to appreciate your surroundings. You are in an awesome place with awesome people and life is great. Be fucking happy. It could be worse. Some people do have it worse. side of things. See the benefit of everything is happening to you Lower your criteria, People need too much to be happy. You can decide what makes you feel happy and positive. Lower the bar so that you can be happy 39 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP with very small things. This way you will be happy all the time. Train your mind to this. Train your nervous m to laugh. Start laughing every time. You need to learn how to laugh. Lower your criteria of what makes you laugh. Laugh at everything. Watch comedy. Have fun laughing. MAKING THINGS EASY ON YOURSELF. You will have to make a certain lifestyle shift as well. It has to be congruent to the new you. It will be a lot harder if your life will get in the way. You are constantly being influenced by the people and things around you. If the only thing you change are the 30 minutes and 20 minutes, it will be an uphill battle. You won’t succeed. Your current lifestyle is based on your current identity and it will keep you in place. People feel motivated briefly, then go back to their routine and forget it. Change everything about your current lifestyle. Be aware what and who is influencing you. Cut off anything that takes more than it gives. Anything that doesn’t help you move forward. Cut off mainstream media, commercials, gossip etc. It takes more than it gives. It gives you a temporary high, a distraction and it conditions you to the wrong things and dumbs you down. Replace it with real information. Read books, audiobooks. You can delete a habit, replace it with a habit. You can’t get rid of an influence, you have to replace it. Trade noise with information. Radio example. People travel a lot, spend a lot of time in the car and they decide to listen to the fucking radio. Listening to noise. Instead of trading that influence for audio books. Cut off external stimulus and replace it with mediation. Drinking and drugs. Cut off friends that are negative, victim mindset, drama friends, the ones you have the need to impress and you can’t be present and replace them with new friends on the same path as you, bettering themselves. Don’t hate them either, they are not bad people. With you changing who you are, it will create chaos and they will hold you back. It will also shine a light on their personal issues. Get new friends. It will happen naturally. The more you change, the more you will have trouble relating to your friends. Don’t feel bad. I would rather move ahead and better myself so I can inspire them to take action than stay who I am and regret it all my life. These new friendships will be the most powerful. Cut off bad emotions. Mediation will help. Cut off environments. Move to a big city where you can get reference experiences. Don’t use it as an excuse either. You won’t get bad rep if you act in a small environment. Take action and try to move if it is limiting you. Move away from your job if you think it isn’t helping you. Be smart about it. Don’t just quit your job or college. Minimize the risks. Start looking at you4 current lifestyle, look at what is influencing you and how it is influencing you. Replace the bad ones. Restructure it all to make it congruent to the new you and who you want to become. 40 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 6: LIFESTYLE GETTING ACCESS TO BE AUTIFUL WOMEN. Seek out the best environments with the best reference experiences. High end venues, high end clubs, high end girls. Understand the Dynamic at play. In a high end club, it is the doorman’s job to make the inside of the club is the sickest place ever. Maximum amount of beautiful women and minimum amount of guys. These guys must be cool guys, good vibe, positive, dress appropriately. They are trained to screen for these people. Nothing ruins a clubs reputation more than a guy who is not cool getting in and doing this inside. If you are not categorized as a cool person, you will have trouble getting in, no matter what. Go out and observe who these cool people are. Go to a venue you want to frequent and observe them. Clothes, acting, talking, get a feel of what means to be cool and mimic that. Wear the type of clothes they are wearing. Clothes matter. It also depends on the type of club and culture. Dressing too formal in a casual environment might make you look you are trying too hard. Mimic the way cool people act. A universal dress code is black shirt and black shoes. In line don’t show signs of desperation. Don’t be quiet in the line. Unsure of yourself. Needy. You will stand out as not cool. Look at the guy who are getting in, how do they act. They act as they belong there. If you are by yourself, hang out on your phone. Radiate positivity. Don’t joke around too much with the people around you, don’t overdo the abundance or you may joke with the uncool people and you will be associated with them. Chat here and there, a few lines. Don’t call the bouncer desperately either. Subtly get his attention. While you are joking around with your buddy. Don’t try too hard. You will have to do this more than once. IF he doesn’t let you in, don’t take it personally, hold your ground and wait. He might let you in soon. Don’t start an argument with the bouncer. Don’t complain about not getting in. Never do this. Realize when it is time to be humble. They are doing their job. There are hundreds of others guys like you trying to get it. BE chill, show respect, vibe a bit, show that you respect what he does. Don’t show up with more than one, maybe 2 other guys, unless you have girls. They must keep a ratio inside. 2 guys max. If you are in a group, split up while you are away, before entering. In the line don’t talk with the other guys. 0 communication until you are in the club. Guest lists. You will be asked this when you show up. You can sign up online for these guest lists. Look it up online. If there isn’t, look up the manager’s name, promoter’s name, and deejays. The more names you know the better. You can find these out online or in the line, listening. Note if the person at the door checks his iPad or paper for a list of names. There are 2 guest lists, one with the promoters if they are working that night and a precise list of invited people. If you are not in the guest list and they ask you, your answer should be “Oh, it’s just me”. It’s just the 2 of us. Be calm, hold eye contact, and expect to get in. It’s not a big deal. It’s just you and your friend. Assuming you are a cool person, this will work. If it is guest only, say a name you heard before, a promoter. Hold eye contact, repeat it’s just me, with my friend. We are cool people, with this promoter, whatever. They will eventually let you go. If they ask your name, give it fully expecting you will get in, holding eye contact and being chill. If he says he can’t find you, answer that the promoter said he 41 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP would have put you on the list. It’s weird. Maintain eye contact and see what happens. If they won’t offer to let you in, then say let me just text him really fast, this is weird. Offer to text the promoter before they tell you to do it. Stay casual, pretend to be texting him or calling him, chat with your friend and look at little annoyed. Then say “this situation is a little annoying, the promoter is not replying, can’t you just let me in”. If that doesn’t work, say some more names. Look, I am with this promoter, I also know this, this and this guy. It’s just me, just the two of us. If this doesn’t work, get girls. Sometimes no matter what you won’t get in unless you have girls. Build a social circle with beautiful women you take out with you. To do this, pick up women when you go out but put them in the friend zone instead of going to sex. Don’t sleep with them, go out with them and have fun. And when you go out, invite them so you will be able to show up with them. Grab girls off the fucking line. Some guys do this around the streets, trying to convince them to go to the club with them. Chances are low. Instead show up when the line is long and get girls off the fucking line. They are already going in. Make sure the bouncers don’t see you, especially if you tried them already. Tell them some friends are coming and you are with them, then leave and go get some girls. Walk up to some girls in the line, ask them “is it just the two of you? Very authoritative, like you work inside. Wait for the response. Then say, ok come. Very decisive, commanding, by taking her hand. Just as if you work there. They will follow if you are direct. Walk up in front of the line. Oh it’s just the amount of us. WE are on this list, bam get in. if the girls don’t want to come, bribe them with drinks. Please, my friends are already inside and they are not answering, I am not from here, please I will buy you a drink. I promise. The last option is to bribe your way in. Sometimes there is no way around it and it is cheaper than a bottle or a table. If you do this, make sure it’s a onetime thing and you do it to make connections. DO it discretely and subtly. Bribe the main guy, the one who resisted you the most. Take him away, and invent some excuses, my friends are inside, I really want to get in tonight, everybody talks well about this place, is there a way we can make this work. Is there a way I can help you. Usually they will be ok with it. Have the cash on hand. Get 2 guys to get in and stand, get one to come out and try to get the stamp form his hand to yours. Or try to draw it. In the long run, build connections. Befriend everyone there. Once you are in the in, and they know who you are, you just show up and they let you in. It takes effort and time, about a month going out every day. If you aren’t travelling a lot and you live in a small place, go out every day, and befriend promoters, bouncers. Get their numbers. Text them when you go out. Ask them about cool venues. Let them see you with cool girls. Thank them for letting you in with your female friends, tell them you like the place. Even if you don’t get in. Hey man thanks for last night, I got in with my girls. They get paid depending how many girls they bring in. If you start throwing girls and people at them, they will let you in. Chat up those promoters. Chat the bouncers when you are in. The best bribe method is at the end of the night. Hey man thanks for the night, and you give him cash. You don’t even need something from him, you are on your abundance. Learn everyone names well. Do this for 30 days and you will have access to the best venues. 42 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP GETTING WINGMEN. Surrounding yourself with likeminded people gives you a sense of unity. You are not in this alone. It helps going against your emotions and taking action. You will progress faster. Someone who encourages you. Find the best in the field and learn from them. Don’t learn from your wingmen in the beginning. Getting wingmen is important. Going alone is good, never depend on anything external. If you are going alone 100% of the time you are retarded. Alone 20% and with a wing 80%. Having a wingmen out with you will cut your learning curve a lot. Most guys will ask their friends to become their wingmen. This won’t work. They will resist it. They love familiarity. They don’t want the discomfort from the transformation. They will mock you, look down on you. Don’t do this. Find wingmen online. Go to live events. It doesn’t matter how good your wing is. There are advantages to good and bad wings. What your criteria should be is positive and outgoing. A guy who is always fucking, positive, committed. Find that kind of guy. Motivated to take action. NO victim mentality. Don’t hang out with lazy passive negative guys. Ego centered. Find 2-3 guys and stick to them instead of rotating every time. Set the frame of that relationship from the start. Judgment free relationship. Usually when a relationship begins, each of you take some roles, the good guy, the guy who sucks etc. and with time you just live up to those roles. Some guys will be afraid of getting rejected in front of their wing. They will try to impress each other, ego involved etc. don’t be afraid to get rejected in front of them, discussing deep things. No jealousy type of relationship. You are friend but walking your own separate paths. Don’t be afraid to sprint ahead in terms of your progress. You don’t have to wait for him. If one guys progresses faster, it shouldn’t ruin that relationship. Sprint ahead of each other and inspire each other. There are advantages to both better and worse wingmen. IF they are better than you, they will inspire you and you will learn. If they are worse than you, you will learn to take responsibility and things will consolidate even further in your head. You can even give yourself challenges. If he sucks, you should wonder if you can carry the situation for the both of you. On one hand, you are not there by yourself. The environment is not as scary. You are not against the world. Sense of unity. It is also a lot harder to get into your head. If you take a break, instead of listening On micro level this is valid as well. Having a wing helps you tremendously. to the voice in your head and losing momentum, you can start talking to your wing. If you don’t have a wing, don’t use it as an excuse. Create a makeshift wing on the spot. Find one person in the club who is willing to talk to anyone in the club. Chatting anyone. Make her your wing. Talk to that guy, then talk to a girl, then back to him/her, then to another girl. While out he can help you with the logistics of some girls. He can occupy her friends. 43 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Whoever opens the set can do whatever he wants to it. You are the one in charge if you opened them. You can choose any girl in the set and your friend’s job is to help you. The best situation you can get is 2 girls and your wingmen. The girls get to talk to both of you. They won’t feel judged, they will be in it together. When you find yourself in that situation, split the conversation from a 4 way to a 2 way. You must have 1 on 1 time with her. Then regroup, then split again, then regroup. You can do this physically. Come over there, meet my friends, and then get back. Separate them, reunite them, separate them and reunite them. THIs build trust since when she sees her friend is leaving she might be worried, but she will see her come back. Use this dynamic to screen for logistics. Ask your girl about his girl. Does she have boyfriend, where is she staying, compare notes later when you reunite. Let the girls compare notes too. Pump value as well. Talk well about your wingmen if you are talking to his girl. HE will do the same to you. This also means knowing your fucking wing. Become friends. Know about him, about his life, what he likes, what he doesn’t, inside jokes, strong bond. IT is a ton of value in their eyes. Acknowledge him in front of the girls. Be on your wings side if a girl says something and he says another thing. Don’t ignore your wing for the girl. Be aware of where the girls are emotionally and build the tension at the same time. Move it up together so a girl doesn’t think she is a slut in front of the other. When pulling whoever has the alpha girl of the group, it is his job to lead and bring the group somewhere else. It’s your job to lead her where things can escalate. If they don’t want to spilt, it is fine too. You can split there or later. MANAGING RELATIONSHI PS. If you follow everything to the letter, you will start getting results with women. And good ones as well. You might be held back however if you don’t know how to manage them all. If you are new to all of this and never committed to this, don’t get into a serious relationship for at least 6 months to a year. Give it time, go all out for this time and see what you can achieve instead of settling for the first girl who is interested in you. IF you do this, you won’t make long lasting internal changes and when you will break up you will be more fucked than before. If you are going all out, give this from 6 months to 1 year first. You can have casual relationships but don’t settle down and keep going out at least 30 minutes a day. In terms of compartmentalizing there are 3 main categories. Long term relationships. These are serious where she is your girlfriend. Short term relationships. They can become serious but usually they are casually, fuck buddy relationship etc. Friend with benefits. One night stands where you see her for just one night. It’s up to you to learn to distinguish which women fall into which categories and from there frame the relationship the right way so both parties know what’s up. All relationships start with sex. Sleep with her as soon as possible. NO matter what. Snap out of the socially conditioned thinking that you have to wait months for sex. You don’t need to do that. Be a guy of value who knows what he wants, goes for what he wants. 44 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP That’s what she wants too. She doesn’t want a guy who courts her, she wants THAT guy. If you are that guy, she will sleep with you fucking fast. Sleeping with you is huge form of investment. She is risking 9 months of pregnancy. Is this guy worthy, is he valuable enough? She won’t be conscious of this. If she agrees to sleep with you, it will be easy to transition anywhere. Long-term relationships. This are the easiest to transition to. What you have to do it sleep with her and take her to dinner, serious dates. Then she is pretty much your girlfriend. Some girls won’t be looking for a relationship but most girls will be open to it. Social conditioning is on your side as well. Society says that if you sleep with someone and you don’t love him, you are a slut. She will rationalize this. If there is a possibility for a relationship, she will take it in order not to feel a slut. If you trouble with this, it’s because of 2 reasons. 1. You mismanage expectations. If during the initial interaction you are carefree, fun, sex is not a big deal etc. and then you become serious, she won’t be expecting that. You were fun fun fun and then serious. What you should do when you find a girl who is girlfriend material and you have nice chemistry with is throw in some glimpses of being a little more serious, of being a provider. She should hang out some time, coffee, some place more chilled than this night club. Plant those seeds so she starts thinking about it. 2. The sex wasn’t good. This is for 2 reasons as well. 1. Either you never slept with any girls and you just suck or you have one night stands and you suck as well, you don’t know what’s good and what is not, how to build emotional connections. If these are your problems, start seeing girls more than once. Even if most girls don’t stick around, there will be one who will, sleep with her more than once. Get the feel for what good sex is. They won’t be the most attractive ones but use them for practice. Look up how to make her squirt. The first sex must be good and this is vital. Set the frame of sex as well. Look up sex material. Don’t let them sleep over the first night. Most gorgeous women have never been kicked out. Making them leave is the last push you need to make them come back. You will be different than the other guys. Tell her you have things to do in the morning. For most girls, let them sleep over and bring them into your world. Don’t restructure your day, bring her into your reality, show her who you are. Do you thing and let her tag along. She will wonder who the fuck is this awesome guy she met. Don’t bring it up verbally whether you are boyfriend of girlfriend. Let actions talk. IF you go on dates, take her out, actions will set the frames. Be careful, once you set the long term relationship frame, it is hard to make it more casual, easy to make it more serious. Be aware of the frame you set. Be aware of how often you go out, how often you text her. IF you do this every day, those become the expectations. And it will be hard to take it back. There is a way to go from serious to less serious is to break up and get back together being more casual. Depending on the girl, you can frame it where she is also your wing woman. 45 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP She goes out with you where you can pick up other girls. The way you do this is setting the frame from the start. You sleep with her and on the first date, take her out to a club and start picking up other girls. Very unapologetically. You are meeting other people. Some won’t be ok with it. Most will. Frame it like this. You keep the potential of being exclusive with her alive in the future but right now you guys will pick up other girls for your relationship. Tell her you really like her and you want to be exclusive with her in the future but right now for you to know each other on a deeper level you should experience yourselves with different women. You don’t care about women, you care about her but you both must get to know each other on a different level. You are doing this for the both of you. Short term relationships. With this in the beginning you must be the lover, no provider at all. NO seriousness. Or you will mismanage the expectations and she won’t be ok with that. Make sure it is very light hearted and very fun. Let your actions set the frame. Sleep with her, do not take her out. Only see her one time a week, 2 max, see her only for drinks and sex. NO dates, no dinners, no friends meeting, no hanging out during the day. This is how you manage expectations. If she meets your friends etc. they will wonder who you are and she won’t be able to tell them you are fuck buddies etc. And you will make her think you want something serious, mismanaging the expectations. If you are in public, don’t get things sexual, keep it casual. You can say stuff. You got out of a serious relationship, you don’t know what you want, you don’t want something serious etc. They may bring it up eventually. Wait for her to do it. Frame it the same way as before. The potential of love is alive for the future but now you can’t do this. You are not ready yet, you don’t want to rush things, rush love, it would feel forced, you want to explore who you are, interacting and sleeping with other women. If you get into a relationship now you feel like you will always regret it and you don’t want to be harsh breakup in the future. Let’s do this for us now so we can be happy in the future. Don’t lie, tell her the truth that you are seeing other people. Call it a relationship in progress. Don’t call it fuck buddies. Don’t talk about the other girls you see, even if she is ok with it. Every fucking girl is jealous. One night stands. Make sure you are extremely fun and light hearted. Fun in the moment. You are having sex as a climax of that moment. Don’t make plans of hanging out in the future. You are doing this to climax a great experience. The best way to stay in touch is Facebook. Add them all to your Facebook. Share part of your life, post pictures etc. and they will get the fix of you through that. You can use it to mass text them. 46 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP CHAPTER 7: NARCISSISTIC SELF-LOVE Whatever you feel, she feels. This is vital to understand. This is what governs and rules what it is going to happen regarding what you say and do. If you are a little stressed, negative, needy, attached to the outcome, it is not going to work at all. They will feel it, they will emotionally recognize it. Tune into this and cultivate self-love. Feel the best you could possibly feel. Feel positive, extremely happy, and carefree, at ease, in love with who you are. That will transfer to the girl and she will start loving you. Be aware of it. Don’t focus on the superficial layer of things. Don’t recognize the techniques. Lines, actions etc. In reality a good 80/90% is happening between the surface and that is the stuff you emotionally recognize. After every interaction, ask yourself what you are feeling. What do you feel when you watch someone successful or not successful with women. How does he feel? Don’t break it down objectively. Is it light, fun, positive, childlike, a kid fucking around with another kid, flirting 101. Provocative. Or is it heavy, rushed, forced, leaning towards the girl, someone trying to complete themselves with the girl. Tune in your selective focus. Pick up the details. Be aware of the deeper layer. See it in other and in yourself. When you go out, feel amazing, feel awesome. You can’t put it in words, you will emotionally recognize it. How you cultivate this? 1. Buy into yourself. Step out of social conditioning. Don’t view yourself through those layers looks, money, and society. View yourself through the lens of your reality. It’s the behavioral cues, not the social cues. In a world where only the first matter, the guy who is trying to better himself is the most attractive. You would be the top 1%. You are pursuing your journey to reach your potential. You have to realize that you are in the top 1% and you are attractive to women. Don’t get sucked into the bullshit. You are the shit, you are in this path. The potential to have value is like having value right now. You have value. 2. Stop viewing women in a higher position than you. Even realistically this is false. As a man you are higher. Why are you placing women higher than you without any merit? View them as equals. You should be 100% confident. Snap out of the social conditioning of placing women on a pedestal. Start giving yourself permission of feeling at ease and yourself around her. 3. Get rid of judgment as well. When you feel like you deserve the girl, attraction is automatic. This entitlement comes from scarcity/abundance. In scarcity you won’t feel confident, you will think it’s your only chance, you must not fuck it up, she is the only one and you will freeze. You will never succeed. Change it to abundance. You don’t care you fuck it up with one, you have options. You will feel entitled. 47 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP Don’t judge her on her looks only, you will reinforce a look judgmental reality for yourself. Get rid of the rating. To truly start feeling at ease and feel comfortable, get rid of it. A girl is a girl. That’s the frame. A girl’s physique will never make up for shitty personality. You are placing her on a pedestal but you know nothing about her. Being hot doesn’t make up for it. Looks mean nothing in the long term. The validation is good but you will realize that after you sleep with her, she won’t be as hot as before. She will lose the value because you did it for the validation. When you see a beautiful girl, you must think let’s go find who she is, if there is true chemistry. 4. Know exactly in which way you will benefit other people. What value are you offering her? If you You are offering a good time, an abundance of positive emotions, a being carefree, fun. Everyone is chasing these 3. If you can do this and not give a fuck, everyone will chase you. This has huge value. She don’t know this, you won’t feel entitled and have self-love. No superficial things. doesn’t want money, to be impressed by your DHVs. She wants fun and carefreeness. It’s a value exchange. Look at yourself, think about the times people have given you props. When you received compliments. No matter who you are, you have value just because of the fact you are unique. Look at your strengths, view it clearly. So that when you are out, even if it’s scary, you have that to offer. This will help massively. 5. Embrace who you are as well. In terms of developing this good feeling, you can’t try to pretend to be someone else. NO matter how hard you try, you will be the cheaper shittier version of that person. The best thing you can be is who you are. Don’t try to be someone you are not. Don’t try to be like everyone else. Be who you are and transcend, expand on that. Embrace your weirdness, your sense of humor. Imitation is suicide. 6. You can’t fix your features. Whatever you don’t like of yourself, feature that. Feature your insecurities, buy into them. It’s your reality, your rules. She doesn’t She cares more if you are at ease, comfortable with who you are. IF you bought into it, she won’t even question it. Everyone is always looking elsewhere care. on what to think, what to value. If you bought into something, and you firmly believe it, she will believe it too. You are cool, you are the man for her. Believe it and she will too. 7. Put yourself out there unapologetically as well. Whatever your intentions are put it out there. Some people don’t want to express themselves because they are afraid of offending other people. If what you are doing is coming out of good intentions, trust it and do it. 8. Start being interested in yourself. What are you into? Do introspection. How you live, what music you like, what’s your humor, what are your passions, what excites you. When you are out 48 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP what could you do that could make you happy. Exercise of not pulling. See what happens. You could spend those hours at a club doing nothing or having fun and discover what makes you feel good. Cultivate yourself. She will go for the best. You have to be the best “you” you can be. IF someone is the best of themselves, she should go for it. Watch standup comedy. Read comedians, writers. Cultivate wit. Make yourself better. Cultivate what you find funny, what you love. You have to make your lifestyle congruent with your new you. Replace the influences. 9. Be passionate about yourself as well. This will transfer to the girl. She will be engaged. That will attract tons of people. People always want to have more fun. Most people live Offer fun, passion, carefree. Everyone wants to be around that. Cultivate these feelings. What boring life, boring friends etc. can you do to build them? When out, focus on making yourself feel good. IF you do it right, you won’t even care about the girls. No pedestal, no outcome. 10.Use girls reactions as well to cultivate the reality where you are the shit, no matter what she is saying. You have to start finding creative way to reinforce your frame. This is the basic strategy of passing shit tests . Make yourself awesome with your reply. You are not a model. That makes me easier to pick up. This is a skill you can develop as well. Take anything, amplify it in as self-love optic. 11.You can make things more captivating as well. Be funny, no big deal. Explain things in a funny way. Express yourself in a captivating way. Watch Julien videos. Hook Use bad language. Add graphics, gestures. Learn marketing. DO it with your personality. Amplify it. Speak in different frequencies. GO higher and lower with your voice. High energy, low energy. people when you talk. Fast pace, slow pace. Switch the frequencies. A lot of people talk flat. Same speed. Add a range. Make it dynamic. Add graphic, gestures, swear words. Anything that adds a captivating feeling to it. Market it. For yourself. Engage yourself. It will transfer to her. Put your body into it. Move round, put your body into it, and amplify it. Self-amusement is big here. When out see how you are feeling. See what you do. See the patterns. So you can manage your emotions. Notice how you feel when you are in state. Whatever you feel, she feels. Be abundant, fun, carefree, passionate. That’s what gets girls chasing you. This is the basic of pushing. If you are this kind of person, when you push her she will come back because she wants to be around that kind of person. Focus on how you can build this feeling and how you can keep it. DO this every time you go out and slowly your default starting point of state will go higher. You will addict yourself to that feeling. It becomes familiar. You 49 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP won’t be in your head anymore. It will become a habit, who you are. Work on this. It will be hard. Use this information. Notice what you see in other people non verbally. Vibe wise. Sit down and reflect on who you are. Amplify it. Anything is an influence . You watch a movie, ask yourself what you can take out of it. How will it help your personally. Take little pieces and expand who you are. Take the traits you want from other people. Create your own reality. It’s your world. You are the god of your world. Don’t hate other people. Get rid of judgment. They are other people, you are you. You don’t care. Make sure that even if you love yourself, you are still relatable. Be social intelligent. If she can’t relate to something you say, step back and find a common ground. EPILOGUE Go all out. You have no excuse now. Make this product your friend. Re-watch it many times, install it in your mind, and internalize it. GO all out. No one will do this for you. GO out and take it. All the time you will invest in yourself, you could be investing it in achieving any other thing. If you are going to spend all this time, make it worth it. GO fucking all out. Don’t do it for the glory. No one gives a fuck if you make it, if you suck. You are doing it for you. Be proud of yourself, you don’t need validation, you don’t need anyone else. This isn’t only about women, it’s about the internal changes you achieve when you become better with them. 50 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP BONUS STORIES SERIES FIRST TIME STORIES These stories are meant to consolidate what you read in shift, how to apply it to your life, inspire you. Opinion openers. Repeat them 100 times in front of the mirror. Best friends routine. Are you best friends? Every time I say something particular, you look at each other. First time out. No girls good enough, the mind comes out with excuses. Not hot enough. In reality the emotions were too strong. The feeling of resistance from taking right action. You get beat up, negative interior dialogue. Going out with wings. First realization was that game was nothing special. It’s just chatting up with girls. Everyone can do it. First date realization. The girl was not as hot as he thought. He realized that his mind played a lot of tricks. In order to boost his ego, to get the validation, you exaggerate the situation to feel good. It’s all about fueling your ego. Mixed set. It is easier if you use routines. If you aren’t man to woman, you don’t show your attraction. You are the entertaining clown. You don’t get the girls either however. The advantage is that you get rid of the fear and you realize the guys are just like you, they aren’t your enemies. Sticking point, friend to friend, no sexual. Very charismatic, friend, interesting but not sexual. From achieving results, like losing his virginity, he felt like he had permission to move things forward. He felt entitled. A new are unlocked. He was able to push it further. First time with dream girl. He realized the whole one-itis thing, idealizing and pedestaling the girl is only validation and ego boost. As soon as he fucked her, she lost her attractiveness. He got her, now what? He didn’t stop at the first girl he slept with. He wanted more. He wanted to go all out. First bathroom pull. His friend told him to pull her in the bathroom when she was attracted. He realized his mind locked out the option of pulling her. His mind was blocking it off. The importance of having an external force who points out the blind spots. First time surrendering to the night. He decided to stay 1 night away from home. All out, epic story night. His friends left early. He was alone. He had leverage in the club. If something didn’t happen, he would be stuck all night in the city. A lot of crazy stuff happened. First date with 10. He talks to some women before his girl arrives in order to look cool. He even tells them that. He pulls her in her car but he is too scared to fuck her. You are scared but you got to do it. Girls will lose attraction if you don’t go for what you want. DATING BEAUTIFUL WOM EN STORIES Lessons from relationships. First relationship ever. Fucked her on day 2. He was seeing other girls as well but he made her think he was going serious, exclusive. Break up and reset the expectations. A part of her liked the fact that he slept with others, the drama, the ups and downs, the romantic fairytale. If it’s too smooth, it gets boring. He thought he 51 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP repelled her but she started chasing wanting more. Like all women. He was in the relationship for the validation, he asked himself if she was hot enough to tell people she was his girlfriend. Doctor girl. Same feeling when he opened her. They locked eyes and they felt the chemistry. It was on. He went on a movie date. Lesson: If you want to watch a movie and hook up with the girl, make sure the movie is NOT interesting. Something romantic, funny but almost boring. She will be too captivated. He was obnoxious, he made her drive him around, made her wait, asshole mode and she loved it. Expectations were managed better, she knew he was cheating etc. He would link it in the drama. He told her that was a dick, he was like that, to stay away from him, he warned her. The relationship was game mode. Always drama, always spiking shit, experimenting around and seeing how far you can go. It was exhausting. Learning experience. Tons of drama. Times where it was love, times when it was drama. Contrast. Dysfunctional drama reality. He was going to move in with her with her paying for his things. He basically was homeless jobless broke, he depended on her. He only gamed her all the time with drama. Third girl. 1 year in touch through text. He realized drama works through text as well. Play the drama thing and he gets her to cheat on her boyfriend. She’s cheating on him for him to save the relationship. He frames her. She needs this so she can get over him. That makes things stronger between both of them. She then breaks up with her boyfriend for him. She moved to LA to live with him. He opened up and they lived together. He couldn’t put up a front image. She knew who he really was. She found out he was filming infield footage and he didn’t tell her. She forgave him but it created resentment which kills relationships in general. Once it sinks in, it doesn’t go away. The person she thought he was dies. With time both parties realize there is no going back to the previous situation. He made a drama video about her, she saw it, he tried to flip it but it created resentment. He learned to manage fucking expectations better. A serious relationship is awesome when you put yourself out and you don’t game every time. Current girl. He was his ideal girl, someone who is not corrupted. Who sees the good in the world, innocent. Same look, chemistry. He decided to manage expectations at best, to go all out. He didn’t use drama as the base line. He told her all, he explained her what he did in details. Girls will never be pissed if you are upfront with everything and you make it relatable. You should never be thinking how you game your girlfriend, how you keep her attracted. You will turn it in a paranoid relationship. It won’t be relaxing. He is just himself. He keeps her attracted by sharing his goals and pursuing them, him being on his purpose in life. And bringing her along on those pursuits. By seeing that drive, she loves it. Once in a relationship, reinforce the drive. Don’t resort back to comfort and your old self. Keep moving forward. Keep the potential of having more value alive. The principles of game apply everywhere. If you don’t have drive, you will lose the girl. If you try to game her, you will lose her as well. CRAZY EPIC STORIES Be inspired. Want to experience these yourself. Watch the video. This is the glory. This is a silly game with serious rules. It is the hardest thing you are going to do but you must have fun. Enjoy yourself. No lessons. HOW DO YOU MAKE THINGS MORE EPIC? Ask yourself. If things go well, how do you make them better? Get in trouble. If things don’t go well, it will be a cool story you will tell in the future. If things are difficult, that’s what makes the stories epic. These are the stories you remember. The pulls you think you want are the ones you will forget. You won’t forget the epic ones. 52 MAKING A SHIFT JULIEN BLANC WRITTEN BY ASP INFIELD FOOTAGE DEREK INTERVIEW 53