^^^^..,^.. ^^^.SWEDlTio^ % les fie urs THE USBORNE le FIRST chien THOUSAND WORDS FRENCH IN les poussins les poules V^ Heather Amery & Stephen Cartwright (S I e papillon Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 http://www.archive.org/cletails/usbornefirstfrenchOOamer ^^sJ\SED ED;r/o, 'A/ THE USBORNE FIRST THOUSAND WORDS FRENCH IN With easy pronunciation guide Heather Amery Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright Revised edition edited by Nicole Irving and designed by Andy Griffin French language consultant: Lorraine Sharp ^ ^ & « ^ B -^j^ c^-^ On every big picture across h/v'O pages, there is a little yellow duck to look for. Can you find it? About this book This book is for everyone who is starting to learn French. By looking at the small, labeled pictures, it will be easy to learn the words. You can also look at the large central picture and try to recall words for things. This helps to make the words stick in your mind, and it is also lots of fun. Seeing things in a scene will also help you to remember them. Masculine and feminine words When you look at French words for things such as "table" or "man", you will see that they have le, la or T in front of them. This is because all French words for things and people are either masculine or feminine. Le is the word for "the" in front of a masculine word, la is "the" in front of a feminine word, and you use \' in front of words that begin with "a", "e", "\" "o" or "u" In front of words that are plural (more than one, such as , . "tables" or "men"), the French word for "the" is les. All the labels in this book show words for things with le, la, r or les. Always learn them with this little word. Looking at French >vords A few French words have accents. These are signs that are written over or under some letters. Usually they are over the letter "e" , and they change the way you say the letter. Saying French >vords The best way to learn how to say French words is to listen to a French speaker and repeat what you hear. To help you, though, in the word list at the back of the book, you will find an easy pronunciation guide for each French word. #• About this revised edition This edition brings new life to on enormously popular book. The book has been redesigned to give even clearer pictures and labels, and there are many brand-new illustrations by Stephen Cartv/right. The book has also been brought up now includes objects which have made their way into everyday life in recent years. to date, so that it "^i^-^ La maison lelit robinet le le papier hygienique la brosse a dents I'eau !l l i W ii II ,! ; il l ll"Tr-T Le salon les toilettes eponge le lavabo la douche le la serviette dentifrice la radio le coussin la moquette |e canape le la chaise rodioteur la peigne \q couette vTdXo jrap la descente de lit rarmoire '« i°--' '° '^ble ,,3 fe,,,, I'escalier la planche a repasser les ordures ^^^ I .ii • bouilloire le torchon . couteaux frannp<; nunytii, |es tosses '© les carrea chiffon j^s allumettes la b le lave-linge le placard les bols / Le jardin brouette la la ruche escargot les briques le pigeon la beche la coccinelle la poubelle es graines I'appentis le ver de terre 'e^^'eurs le tourniquet (^ binette '^ ^^^P" • L'atelier la planche les copeaux |e canif les punaises I'araignee les boulons les ecrous la toile d'araignee e tonneau La rue le magasin i le trou le cafe Tambular ^ '^ '> > "^ le trottoir I'antenne de television la ch( le toit le bulldc lavoiturede ] 2 I hotel le monsieur police |es tuyaux le marteau piqueur I'ecole la cour de recreation =^S^==l le le taxi passage pour pietons ., ' . ^^'"® 'e camion cinema le de signalisation la camionnette rouleau le compresseur remorque la la maison le marche les marches la la bicyclette le I'agent de police camion de pompiers la voiture la dame moto I'immeuble lampadaire 13 Le magasin de jouets ie train rharmonica electrique les des la maison . ] 4 J de poupee le sifflet |es cubes '^^ t-uueb i \q u-.^ tort. chateau £ ^*"^ i le sous-marm la trompette les fleches •^ A' arc le parachute ^ ^g |,«b^°te«- les batons de maquiilage '^'^"'^^^ les masques compresseur les soldats de plomb b boite de , r . ^''^* peinture '"^ 15 M les la Lejardin public balancoires grenouille £n. le 16 toboggan les tetards le lac /^ffn. X\\l\>^' -^ le buisson le bebe la planche a roulettes la terre |a poussette la balancoi les enfants le tricycle les oiseaux PtJt la cloture lebal le bateau la ficelle la fiaque d'eau les canetons la la plate-bande les cygnes a aisse i les —^ ^- j canards corde a sauter les arbres 17 Lezoo 'Le voyage les rails la I'helicoptere locomotive les tampons la controleuse la vol valise t la billetterie . '^' , les reux 20 de signalisation . I le , sac a dos les " phares ^"^ , |e moteur la roue , la batterie la tour de controle le steward le pilote S le .^^ lovoge-auto C2 a depanneuse a pompe a essence le camion-citerne 'a clef j^ ^^ |g capot I'huile 21 4m La campagne la I'eolienne la montagne montgolfiere 1 , »tw e papillon i-^ le ruisseau poteau m le indicateur le herisson I'ecureuil la foret la riviere la route les tentes u ^^r^^l le canal I les J- rondins I -11 e vi aqe ^ le papillon j^„.,;t nuit de i le „^„t pent e camion-citerne h grange la boue charrette tnr% ^^ ^ mm la le foin les moutons |e7 -11 L IX J bottes de paille I le L cheval I palissade |a selle '®S COchonS I'etable 1^ 'C" fprm^ rernne 25 4^ le La plage le bateau a voiles *:* le 26 marin '^ crabe ^ |q mouette le I'Tl^ conot a moteur coquillage le ski nauhque — '-'' ^u chapeau de p^ille \r. le les vogues nXj^^^\^ la falaise le navire le kayak M les galets L'ecole le les ciseaux ^ le T - crayon le 28 .- tableau le stylo bureau lesli a encre la colle la led€ la W corbeille a papier lapoignee T I I'institutrice b plante 'a boTte ^op^rnonde le la pinceau carte '^^ fa fi||e ^™r" cire la lompe |e plafond '^ •°'^'^°'^ "°'^ 29 # % J i L'hopital 1, I L ours en peluche I Iq pomme ^ la sermgue I'infi le coton medicament le I'ascenseur la robe de chambre 9 les bequilles les comprimes / le le plateau la montre thermometre rideau 30 le platre 1° bande le fauteuil roulant |e puzzle le docteur 1^ n Le docteur les pantoufles /^^^^/\::^ I'ordinateur le pansement la banane O le raisin panier le les jouets f I • la poire les cartes la couche c^-' O ^^ la ,M^^ Jr?^ la la television chemise ^^ nuit le pyjama Torange les mouchoirs ^r, papier en r.r.r.\^r r,^ Q BD j/ « n » lo solle cl ottente ^ o ,i La fete les cadeaux le gateau la paille la bougie a guirlande les jouets le sandwich le beurre le fromage '^ P^'" la nappe 33 le pamplemousse Le magasin ''^'"S carotte la le chou-fleuf le poireau le champignon le concombre ^ i le citron le celeri I'abricot 3 ie 34- melon |'oi gnon ^ i le . chc '"P^"^^ lalaitue les petits pois m |^ ,^^^,^ 11^ ?v:^ la "^^ 4P* ^L1-1>n' prune la rarine la |a balance les bocaux • 3 f^9=i' i'fe- ite viande I'ananas !^:^ le yaourt le panier les boTtes de conserve les pommes de terra , , . , 'es epinards Uo hnriroK '®^ naricoTs i |a caisse a citrouille le caddie 35 La nourriture les crepes 36 les petits pains / ie jambon ledi les frites les desserts 37 la tete 'f^ -' . ^ les oreilles les doigts de le cou H \ A—^ le pied la A^^fV^^^ jambe yKy ^/l_-_^ le genou la poitrine y la 38 les epaules pied main le dos le derriere i\V \. le pouce les doigts Les vetements les chaussettes le slip le maillot de corps le pantalon le jean le collant i la le jupe la pull-over chemise le la cravate sweat-shirt le short I'echarpe le gilet la le robe mouchoit /J) les les tennis chaussures les sandales les bottes les gants q.,o ^^ ' Vj-v^ ^^:?^ j \ \. la la boucle ceinture la .A . li les poches fermeture le lacet le U^*vj les' bouton boutonnieres eclair le manteau la casquette le chapeau 39 le serveur la serveuse La famille ^ la le fils le frere la fille la soeur mere le la femme le la pere mari tante I'oncle ( le le cousin grand-pere |a grand-mere 41 Les actions ram per 42 danser se lover tricoter Les contraires 2^^ Les jours TTmnnfTn linrTrroTrj mardi / 7 ^ ^ ^7 uiro 1 -j^ mercredi ?:^^. i / samed I / , , / j le matin le soir le calendrier Jours de fete I'anniversaire le *< , cadeau le le jour du mariage gateau d'anniversaire Le temps soleil ' i:^ le parapluie le vent le givre Les saisons le printemps automne 48 I'ete les nuages Les sports le surf de neige la voile O la planche a voile le karate a batte ^2 le football la gymnostique americain 'appat la le peche , ^A plongeon ^>( la 50 natation la balle le badminton le tennis de tabi le ^ le patinage (T^ telesiege V '- . -\ 51 Les couleurs ^r ii3 orange >vert gris rouge Ll blanc Lj nolet bleu iau joune Les formes I'ovale 52 le triangle A le carre le croissant 4 2 9 Les nombres 1 ,. un 2 deux 3 trois ^RT ^W fflns. 4 quatre ^d^j)ljl]^^ ^c^Y) iefZ 5 cinq 6 six 7 sept 8 hui, 10 dix 1 douze 13 treize 1 quatorze 15 quinze 1 6 seize 1 7 dix-sept 18 dix-hui. 1 dix-ne 20 vingt jffffff #000 0<J ©O^&OOt^D QBB^ltoBaaa^S ^ \ r^ :7 \7 ^7 \r^ ?' ^' Mtfcia,ai^a.Q.tQ,a.&na 53 La fete foraine Le cirque Word list In this list, you can find all the French words in this book. They are listed in alphabetical order. Next to each one, you can see its pronunciation (how to say it) in letters like this, and then its English translation. Remember that French nouns (words for things) are either masculine or feminine (see page 3). In the list, each one has le, la, \' or les in f^ront of it. These all mean "the". The words with le are masculine, those About French pronunciation Read the pronunciation as if it were an English word, but try to remember the following points about how f^rench words are said: the French j is said like the "s" in "treasure"; when you see (nj or (m) in a pronunciation, you shoulcl barely say the "n" or "m"; say the letter that is before it through your nose, as if you had a cold; with la are feminine. the French r is made at the back of the throat and French nouns that begin with "a", "e", "\" "o" or "u", and many that begin with an "h", have I' in front of them. At the end, you will see (m) or (f) to show if the word is masculine or feminine. Plural nouns (a noun is plural if you are talking about more than one, for example "cats") have les in front. These are also followed by (m) or (f). , A sounds a little like gargling; is not like any sound in English. It is a a cross between the "ew" of "few" and the "oo" of "food". To say it, round your lips to say "oo", then try to say "ee"; the pronunciations use the letters "ew" to show this sound. the French u little like n has lo charrette les des (m| la gare la gar station le gateau luh ga-taw cake luh ga-taw birthday cake le gateau d'anniverscire dannee-vair-sair a gauche a gawsh le genou luh juh-noo knee hi jolnj people luh jee-lai cardigan la jee-raf giraffe gens (m/f) les le gilet la girafe le givre luh jeevr lo gloce la glahss la gomme la le gorllle luh goree-yuh la gralne grand gom la grenn (on/to) the left frost ice cream eraser gorilla seed groin) big la gro(nj-mair grandmother grand-pere luh groin] pair grandfather grande roue la gro{n]d roo grange la gro(njj barn le grenier luh gruhn-yai attic la grenouille la gruh-noo-yuh frog la grand-mere le la la grimper Ferris wheel gra(mlpai to climb gris gree grey gros crane wasp la grue graw la grew la guepe la gaip fat guirlande la geer-lo(n)d paper chains la guitare la gee-la rr guitar la gymnastique la /eem-nastee(c gym la H hache la ash la haie la ai axe hedge le hamburger luh a(mjboor-ger hamburger le hamster luh am-stair hamster le haricot luh aree-kaw bean harmonica la I'harmonica (m| larmoneeka haut aw le haut luh le haut-de-forme luh high aw aw duh form top top hat I'helicoptere (m) lellee-koptair helicopter I'herbe (f) lairb grass le herisson luh airee-so(nj le hibou luh eeboo owl rhippopotame (m) leepo-pottam hippopotamus I'hiver (m) lee-vair winter rhomme-grenouille (m) lorn gruhnoo-yuh frogman I'hopital (m) law-peetal hospital I'hotel (m) law-tell I'hotesse de Pair (f) lawtess duh lair flight attendant I'huile Iweel oil west eight (f) huit le hotel island (f) mmeuble (m) lee-merbl apartment building nfirmier (m) la{n]ieerm-yai nurse (man) nfirmiere (f) la(njfeern)-yair nurse (woman) nstituteur (m) la(njstee-tewter teacher (man) nstitutrice (f) lafnjstee-tewtreess teacher (woman) nterrupteur (m) la(n)terrewp-ter switch a jambe luh ma-yo duh bain) le pecheur le riz le i.ain ^'C<#t^. ^^^^^^^°'''°^ t lesfl eurs la barriere THE USBORNE FIRST les poussins ^i^-:. THOUSAND WORDS FRENCH IN ,4'. % le nid :c: \' le pneu The Usborne First Thousand Words in French provides a wealth of vocabulary-building opportunities for young learners of French, and also for anyone who wants the stimulus of learning with pictures. Devised to appeal to a wide age range, this book contains bright and amusing pictures by Stephen Cartwright, illustrating a basic French les vocabulary. It encourages direct association of the pommes French word with the object to ensure effective, long-term learning. At the end of the book there is a full French/English dictionary, which covers all the words in the book and includes an easy-to-use, word-by-word pronunciation guide. la le bicyclette This revised edition brings fresh life to this enormously popular book. The pictures and labels now include cochon familiar objects which have only made their way into everyday life over the past few years. The text has been entirely revised and brought up to date, and there are a number of brand-new illustrations. The First Thousand Words in English, The First Thousand Words in German and The First Thousand Words in Spanish le are all available in this revised edition. I'echelle UK Published in the USA by EDC PUBLISHING, 10302 E. 55lh Place, ISBN D-7MbD-53DS-7 Tulsa, Okl.iboina 74146, USA- NOT FOR SALE IN CANADA 07460 23057 (^ Made with paper from ; $12.95 sustainable forest 9"780746"023051 seau