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How to use PayPal instruction-en-ie

How to use PayPal to receive payments in a foreign currency
A PayPal account can hold multiple currencies and convert secondary balances. Please note
the below steps can only be performed on a Desktop.
To accept money in a new currency:
• Log in to your PayPal account.
• Click the three dots to the right of your balance.
• Select “Manage Currencies.”
• Click “Add a Currency.”
• Select the desired currency and click “Add a Currency.”
To convert PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus to another currency:
• Click “Wallet.”
• Select the vertical ellipses menu to the right of the currency you wish to convert to. Make
sure you’ve already added the new currency to your account.
• Select “Convert currency.”
• Enter the dollar amount you want to convert and click “Next.”
• Review the conversion amounts before selecting “Convert.”
You can also add a new currency to your account, convert from one currency to another,
choose your primary currency, and more from the Wallet page.
Currency will not automatically be converted, so to receive payments in a foreign currency,
your account must be able to accept it. To do this:
• Add a secondary currency (see steps listed above); or
• Adjust your Payment receiving preferences to accept the foreign currency (for Business
and Premier accounts only).
For Business and Premier accounts, you can decide which types of payments you want to
automatically accept, deny, or review in the payment receiving preferences. You can also
adjust what happens when you receive payments in a currency you don’t hold, or block
payments for all websites except StubHub.
To set your payment receiving preferences:
• Click the settings icon next to "Log out," then select “Account Settings.”
• Click “Payment Preferences.”
• Select “Update” to the right of "Block payments.”
• When preferences on this page are edited, the settings are automatically saved.