Uploaded by Christina Donahue

Kanza was born in the year 2488

Kanza was born in the year 2488, Philadelphia, at the time nicknamed “The Dark Metropolis”
It was one of the most well-known crime-capitals for the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia which
had moved their illegal activities in the SSAR (Second Schismed Arctic Republic). The
SSAR was founded after the schism of the year 2200, generated by the US being partially
taken over by the New Truth Republic. This led to worldwide conflicts as countries of the
ancient UN fought to regain control of the US, generating micro-wars and conflicts with NTRsupporting countries across the globe. After 115 years of worldwide war, the UN was
successful at recovering control over the US. Unfortunately for them, during the war for the
US, an explorer team from Norway (which had opted out of the war) had founded the AR
(Arctic Republic) which infiltrated the US and managed to gain control of the States through
a series of manipulations of American Politicians. The “Second” was due to the conflict
started by the NTR in the east, the NTR was later defeated, earning the now-AR-occupied
land the name SSAR. The FSAR (First Schismed Arctic Republic) was created along the
West of the country, the first land the AR had occupied. While the SSAR was founded along
the East, the land previously occupied by the NTR. Some supporters of the NTR still stayed
in the SSAR, scheming.
Kanza was sixteen years old when he first saw a supporter of the NTR, a robed figure with
long, metal-plated arms, bionic enhancements common in NTR circles. The Yakuza had
made deals with them, enhancements for work, dirty work. This NTR supporter had been
subjugated by the CDSSAR ( Commanding Deputy of the Second Schismed Arctic
Republic), the police of the dark metropolis. He ran a Cordent model eye enhancement, one
of the deadliest in Philadelphia. It was designed to provide the user with over a three-mile
radius of clear view, perfect for surveillance of hideouts and safehouses, as well as use of
long-range weaponry. He'd apparently been instructed by the Yakuza to “terminate” a leader
of an arms dealing family during a fake meeting between him and one of the heads of the
Yakuza. Kanza had run out of his house, only to be horrified at the bionic eyes twitching their
lenses towards him, zooming into the right focus to look him directly in the eye. Kanza
remembered being disgusted at that abomination of a man. At the age of eighteen, he
enrolled into the CDSSAR as part of a HUNTER unit cadet squadron determined to be the
one to slay such psychotic beasts.
We forward fourteen years later, 2520, to thirty two year old Kanza, a former solo officer and
coach to a team of cadets. He was hunting down a feared and bloodlusting NTR circle at the
core of the Dark Metropolis. Kanza grabbed his Shotgun, Post-Mortem, now a symbol of the
CDSSAR itself because of its daring missions with Kanza. He knocked twice on a steel hulldoor with Post-Mortem’s stock. No reply. He knocked louder, chipping the stock’s wood a
little. Whatever was behind the door failed to respond. Kanza shot the lock, sending
fragments of waxshot and steel everywhere. He heard running from inside the bunker. “Here
we go.” He burst through the door.
“CDSSAR, hands where I can see them!” Kanza shouted vigorously. A robed figure
scampered through the wide room, using the furniture as cover. Kanza took aim.
After clearing the room, he walked towards a fortified vault. He knew Post-Mortem didn’t
have nearly enough firepower to burst through the thick steel.
“Solo HUNTER unit theta-8, requiring backup.” He spoke into his Tactical Radio. “Command
Center in response to theta-8, backup request accepted. Breach droid dispatch team
His radio muttered. A few minutes later ,Kanza saw a couple of floating oval droids entering
the room. One of the droids opened its side to reveal a plasma cutter. The sound of the
superheated flame destroying steel was obnoxious, but a part of the job. The droid was able
to cut a circular hole into the steel. Two sidewinder droids positioned themselves on each
side of the steel door. They revealed two electromagnetic pulse pistols. A flurry of bullets
ricocheted off the walls and damaged a the droids. The remaining droid repositioned himself
towards the attackers and opened fire, the pulses of its pistol whooshing through the room
behind the vault. The flesh of the attackers gave way to the blast, leaving a multitude of
gaping holes in their abdomen. Kanza reached for his radio and managed to mutter
“Resistance met, requesting permission to proceed breach operation.”
The radio responded with “Roger that, theta-8, permission to proceed.” Kanza peeked
around the corner, holding Post-Mortem as he prepared to take aim.
After the firefight, Kanza saw it, a sleek, black shoulder pad.
“A tech artefact, extremely rare.” Kanza had called the inspection crew. One of the
members had called in an expert who had been raised by a Yakuza family. He stared at the
remarkable piece of technology, wondering.
“How do you think it got here?” Asked Kanza.