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6 The Imperium Rebuttal Vault

The Imperium Rebuttal Vault
Click here for Google Doc (Click File > Make a Copy)
This resource will give you scripted rebuttals for common objections related to agency sales.
To hear some live Q&A/Objection handling, refer to this Google Drive folder: (linked here). Not all
objections below will be covered in these examples, but some are.
“I need to talk to my wife / business partner about this”
Prevention: make sure all relevant decision makers are on the call and clarify this before the
call begins.
Rebuttal for smokescreen: “I totally understand John. Let me ask this - it the case that you’re
totally onboard with doing this, and just want to get it signed off, or are you having some
doubts elsewhere?” If no doubts, continue to rebuttal 2...
Rebuttal for genuine objection: ‘I totally understand that John and I’m with you all the way. I
wouldn’t dream of making a decision without my business partner signing off first. I’m happy
for you to chat it through with him/her, but to hold that incentive based pricing I need some
small form of commitment from you. Would you be happy to pay a refundable deposit of
$250, on the premise that we schedule a followup call with your business partner, and if the
outcome of that is negative, I’ll refund that money?’
Notes: If they aren’t willing to put a deposit down, they were never going to buy.
“Can I speak with some of your clients/references?”
Prevention: Send testimonials pre call.
Rebuttal 1: “Great question and I fully understand why you’ve asked that. While I respect the
request, we don’t give out client information purely because of the emulative nature of digital
marketing - if our competitors knew where to look, they could copy all our strategies. With
that said, I don’t want you to have any doubt coming into this, so I’m really hoping you can
share my confidence. This is also why we have a guarantee. We’re mega confident we can
get you what you want, and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible with this decision”.
Rebuttal 2: “Awesome question and I’m so glad you asked. I want you to be as confident as
possible coming into this. We do 30 of these calls a week and we get that request a lot, as
I’m sure you can imagine, and since we don’t want to bother our beloved clients with
requests, we built a web page dedicated solely to testimonials. There’s hundreds on there - if
you want, I’ll go make a quick coffee while you have a look through?”
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Notes: 90% of the time, if we sent referrals, the call didn’t close. If you do send them get a
very specific followup time and try for a deposit, too. It’s a waste of time.
“What’s your guarantee?”
Not really an objection, but a viable question and will turn into an objection if not handled
correctly. The strength of your guarantee depends on 2 things: 1) the actual content of it and
2) the way you deliver it.
Ah, my favourite question of all! So basically, the first thing we can guarantee is that if you
don’t work with us or make a change to fix this, you’re going to stay stuck with this problem
forever, so that’s the first thing.
However we do also guarantee that… (state your guarantee here).
If they ask for guarantee before asking for Price, say “Sure, well the guarantee only really
makes sense once you actually understand the investment, if you get me?”, then they’ll say
“I see, well what is that exactly?”, then pitch the price then the guarantee afterwards.
“I don’t make decisions on the spot”
Prevention: use incentive based pricing and actually fucking mean it!
Rebuttal for genuine objection: “John, I am totally onboard with that and I completely
understand where you’re coming from here. In fact, I admire that. With that said, this doesn’t
feel like an ‘on the spot’ decision to me. I could understand if we’d been talking for a few
minutes, but we’ve just spent 45 minutes exploring everything about your business and your
key problems and we’ve come to the conclusion that this is exactly what you need to do to
move forward. From my perspective, we are the perfect fit for you. It’s not really about pulling
the trigger, it’s about sharing the confidence I have that we can do this. Can you do that,
Rebuttal for Smokescreen: I’m with you all the way, and, in my experience, the only reason
someone doesn’t buy on these calls is because they are lacking information or confidence,
so tell me what you need to move forward now and I’ll do my job to give it to you”
“Can I have some time to think about it?”
This is not an an actual objection, this is almost always a smokescreen objection.
Rebuttal 1: “Sure, well let me go make a coffee, I’ll give you a few minutes to think and then
we’ll discuss what’s on your mind, OK?”
Rebuttal 2: “I totally understand why you’ve asked that - let me ask, what specifically are you
having doubts about, John?”
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“I can’t afford it / I don’t have the money”
If they genuinely can’t afford it, then let them go, but I can guarantee you that most people
will be able to afford it just fine.
Rebuttal 1: “I see. Isn’t that why you booked this call in the first place?”
Rebuttal 2: “I understand. Well, is this something you really want to do, or not?”
If yes...
“I’m with you all the way. The last thing I want is for money to be the thing that stands in the
way of you getting what you want. It takes money to make money and It’s like the chicken
and the egg thing, what comes first, you know… So how can we make this fair for everyone
and make this happen for you?
“Let me build up some cash and then I’ll come back to work with you”
Rebuttal: “OK, tell me how that would work?” (let them explain)
“OK, so let me see if I’ve got this right. What you’re saying is that you’re going to keep doing
what you’re already doing which is hardly building your business, and isn’t even paying you
enough to live comfortably. And you’re going to keep doing that until some day you build up
a SURPLUS of cash to invest in what really will work, is that an accurate statement?
Them: well yeah I guess that doesn’t make much sense does it...
“So how can we make this happen?”
“Now isn’t the right time”
Rebuttal 1: “Sure, I’m with you; timing is everything. Mind if I ask you a question about
“When will it be the right time for you to get serious about growing this business and start
getting what you really want?”
Rebuttal 2: I can promise you that doing this and working with us is synonymous with you
getting what you want out of this business. Are you saying that now isn’t the right time to
really get what we talked about in this call?
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
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“I’ve tried marketing agencies before and failed with them”
Rebuttal: “I totally understand, I’ve been burned before by vendors and it always leaves a
sour taste in my mouth. However the last thing we want is for your past to prevent you from
getting the future you want. That’s exactly why I started example media. I want to be the guy
that fixes this for you and rekindles your relationship with the marketing world. If you don’t
mind me asking, what specifically happened with these agencies that led to you not getting
the result you wanted?”
“Oh damn, well that’s easily fixable. Was there anything else?”
“I see, that’s a common problem and it’s easily fixed by our (_____), so I can say with
absolute conviction that this problem will not arise when you work with us!”
“I’ve got calls with other agencies lined up / I want to talk to other vendors first”
Rebuttal: “I’m with you, it’s good to keep your options open, but it’s even better to close the
one that’s right for you, and from my position I can tell you it’s this one! I’m certain this is
what you need to do to move forward and I’m even more certain you won’t find a better fit
out there. Let me ask, when did you plan on weighing up your options and making your
... next week
“Next week?!?! Next week we could already have your ads live with new customers walking
through your doors! Let me ask this - why delay getting what you want for a week only to find
out that this was the best option for you in the first place?”
Note, if you want someone to second guess their decision, just repeat what they said as if
it’s the most ludicrous thing you’ve ever heard in your life (use this wisely and in a humorous
way, don’t offend them or take the piss)
(more on next page)
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
The Dream Question (ask this if the conversation is going round in circles)
Look John, here’s the thing, let me let you in on something. You’re not really making a
decision on us, or anyone else, running your marketing campaigns.
The REAL decision you’re really making is whether or not you’re prepared to commit to
getting your business to ($XX) and (the freedom that comes with that/what they really want
to do with that money). Or, whether or not, you want to stay where you are stuck at ($XX),
(not being able to make rent/problems that come with their current situation).
That’s the REAL decision you’re making here, and you’ll be faced with it every day, until
you’re ready to change.
This question is incredible. It makes the decision about the prospect getting their dreams
and what they really want, fixating them on the outcome and not you.
REMEMBER: They are not making a decision to invest in Facebook ads, a new funnel, sales
training or ‘your service’. They are making a decision on whether or not they want to stay
jammed in their current situation or move forward and get what they really want out of life.
(more on next page)
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the FitLeads Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
How to deal with doubt
Rebuttal: “I totally understand, and that’s entirely natural. If you weren’t having some doubts,
you’d probably be a psychopath, so it’s a good sign! Can I ask a couple of questions to
understand this better?…”
“OK, well first of all, do you want this to work for you?”
... Yes
“OK, and if what I’ve said today is true, do you think it will?”
… Yes
“That’s awesome. First of all, I can assure you that I am speaking the truth and that I am so
damn confident this is going to work for you, so shall we try to work through this…?”
… Yes
OK, now, in my experience, your doubt isn’t really doubt, it’s just your brain tricking you
because it doesn’t want you to face the growing pains associated with growth.
Your brain knows your current situation is bearable and familiar, and it’s scared of change,
because it’s unfamiliar. So whenever someone says they can help you change, you start
having doubts because deep down you’re not afraid of it not working, but you’re afraid of
what might happen if it does work… Now I don’t want to get all psychological on you, but
does that make sense, or have I misunderstood?
… Yes it makes sense
“So, can you see how you overcoming these doubts and putting some trust in us is exactly
what you need to do to get this business to ($XX) per month?”
“Awesome… So can I ask for your vote of trust so we can welcome you to the family?”
(more on next page)
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
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Reframing Questions…
Sometimes, all you have to do is mirror the prospects statement back to them to defeat the
objection. If their objections are ‘belief based’, then the only way to overcome them is by
using intelligent reframing questions. For more on this, refer to the ‘Ego Evading & Belief
Breaking Questions’ in the ‘Imperium Sales Arsenal’.
Example: “Facebook ads don’t work for my business”
Reframe: “It sounds like you’re having doubts that Facebook ads will work for you. I totally
“How much have you spent on Facebook ads for your business?”
“The people who have managed your ads in the past, are they experts with lots of
“How many audiences have you tried?”
“How much copy have you tested?
“Is there a desire for your product?” (yes), “Who is your customer?” (let them tell you), “Can
you find those people on Facebook? (yes), “So if there are people with a desire for your
product and we can find them on Facebook, what’s the issue?”
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from FitLeads consulting. All
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