CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL AVIASOFT_INDO Page 1 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5 History................................................................................................................................................ 5 Development of the C172...................................................................................................................5 Terminology ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Useful Factors and Formulas.................................................................................................................10 Conversion Factors...........................................................................................................................10 Formulas........................................................................................................................................... 11 Pilot's Operating Handbook Information...............................................................................................11 AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL INFORMATION....................................................................................... 13 Models and Differences ...................................................................................................................14 Type Variants.................................................................................................................................... 20 Airframe................................................................................................................................................ 23 Doors ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Flight Controls.......................................................................................................................................27 Elevator.............................................................................................................................................27 Rudder.............................................................................................................................................. 28 Ailerons............................................................................................................................................ 28 Trim ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Flaps..................................................................................................................................................33 Landing Gear.........................................................................................................................................38 Shock Absorption............................................................................................................................. 38 Hydraulic System-Retractable Landing Gear (C172RG Only).......................................................39 Brakes...............................................................................................................................................43 Towing..............................................................................................................................................44 Engine and Propeller............................................................................................................................. 46 Engine Controls................................................................................................................................49 Constant Speed Propellers (C172RG, R172/FR172)....................................................................... 51 Engine Gauges..................................................................................................................................53 Induction System and Carb. Heat.....................................................................................................55 Fuel Injection System (R172/FR172, C172R, C172S).....................................................................57 Ignition System ................................................................................................................................58 Engine Lubrication........................................................................................................................... 61 Cooling System.................................................................................................................................63 Fuel System...........................................................................................................................................66 Standard Fuel System Schematic .................................................................................................... 67 Fuel System Schematic C172RG..................................................................................................... 68 Fuel System Schematic Fuel Injected Models .................................................................................69 Fuel Measuring and Indication.........................................................................................................73 Fuel Venting......................................................................................................................................74 Fuel Drains....................................................................................................................................... 75 Priming System ................................................................................................................................76 Auxiliary Fuel Pump ....................................................................................................................... 77 Electrical System...................................................................................................................................78 Battery.............................................................................................................................................. 78 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 2 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Electrical Power Supply................................................................................................................... 80 Electrical Equipment........................................................................................................................ 80 System Protection and Distribution..................................................................................................81 Electrical System Schematic Conventional Aircraft........................................................................ 84 G1000 Electrical Distribution Schematic.........................................................................................85 Flight Instruments and Associated Systems .........................................................................................86 Ancillary Systems and Equipment................................................................................................... 91 Avionics Equipment..........................................................................................................................93 FLIGHT OPERATIONS....................................................................................................................... 98 PRE-FLIGHT CHECK .........................................................................................................................98 Cabin.................................................................................................................................................99 Exterior Inspection......................................................................................................................... 100 Passenger Brief...............................................................................................................................105 NORMAL OPERATIONS.................................................................................................................. 106 Starting and Warm-up.....................................................................................................................106 After Start....................................................................................................................................... 109 Takeoff............................................................................................................................................114 Climb.............................................................................................................................................. 122 Cruise..............................................................................................................................................123 Mixture Setting...............................................................................................................................124 Descent, Approach and Landing ....................................................................................................127 Balked Landing (Go Round) Procedure......................................................................................... 131 After Landing Checks.....................................................................................................................132 Taxi and Shutdown......................................................................................................................... 132 Circuit Pattern.................................................................................................................................133 Circuit Profile................................................................................................................................. 139 Circuit Profile – Normal Circuit.....................................................................................................140 Circuit Profile – Maximum Performance Circuit...........................................................................140 Note on Checks and Checklists...................................................................................................... 141 ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES........................................................................143 Emergency During Takeoff ............................................................................................................143 Gliding and Forced Landing...........................................................................................................145 Engine Fire..................................................................................................................................... 147 Electrical Fire................................................................................................................................. 148 Rough Running Engine.................................................................................................................. 148 Magneto Faults............................................................................................................................... 148 Spark Plug Faults............................................................................................................................149 Abnormal Oil Pressure or Temperature..........................................................................................149 Carburettor Ice................................................................................................................................150 Stalling and Spinning......................................................................................................................151 Fuel Injection Faults.......................................................................................................................151 Landing Gear Emergencies (RG model)........................................................................................ 152 PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................. 155 Specifications and Limitations....................................................................................................... 155 Ground Planning ............................................................................................................................156 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 3 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL REVIEW QUESTIONS...................................................................................................................... 168 NAVIGATION AND PERFORMANCE WORKSHEETS................................................................173 MORE PICTURES AND COCKPIT POSTER……………………………………………………...184 Introduction This training manual provides a technical and operational description for most models of the Cessna 172 series aeroplane, from the C172 and C172A to the C172SP, and includes systems descriptions for common variants, including the C172RG, P172D, and R172/FR172. The information is intended for ground reference and as an instructional aid to assist with practical training for type transition or ab-initio training, provided by an approved training organisation. The book is laid out according to a typical training syllabus progression for ease of use. This material does not supersede, nor is it meant to substitute any of the manufacturer’s operation manuals. The material presented has been prepared from the information provided in the pilots operating handbook for the model series, Cessna maintenance manuals and from operational experience. History The Cessna aircraft company has a long and rich history. Founder Clyde Cessna built his first aeroplane in 1911, and taught himself to fly it! He went on to build a number of innovative aeroplanes, including several race and award winning designs. The Cessna Aircraft company was formally established by Clyde in 1927, in the state of Kansas. In 1934, Clyde's nephew, Dwane Wallace, fresh out of college, took over as head of the company. During the depression years Dwane acted as everything from floor sweeper to CEO, even personally flying company planes in air races (several of which he won!). Under Wallace's leadership, the Cessna Aircraft Company eventually became the most successful general aviation company of all time. Cessna first began production of two-seat light planes in 1946 with the model 120 which had an all aluminium fuselage and fabric covered wings. This was followed by a nearly identical model the 140, with aluminium clad wings. More than 7,000 model 120-140's were sold over four years when Cessna stopped production in order to focus on four-seat aircraft. At the time of publication, Cessna continues to produce a range of aircraft, from their signature piston engine range, largely unchanged since first appearance, to the PT6 turbine powered Caravans, and the Citation Jet. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 4 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Development of the C172 The Cessna 172 is probably the most popular flight training aircraft in the world. The aircraft made her first flight in November 1955, the first production models were delivered in 1957, and became an overnight sales success and over 1400 aircraft were built in its first full year of production. It is still in production in 2005, more than 35 000 have been built. The Cessna 172 started as a relatively simple tricycle undercarriage development of the tail-dragger Cessna 170B. The airframe was basically a 170B, including the “fastback” or colloquially called the straight-back fuselage and effective 40º Fowler flaps. The maximum gross weight was identical although the useful load went down 45 pounds. Later versions incorporated a swept back tail, revised landing gear, a lowered rear deck, and an aft window. Cessna advertised this added rear visibility as “Omnivision”. The airframe has remained almost unchanged since then, with updates mainly affecting avionics and engine fittings, including the most recent the Garmin 1000 glass cockpit option. Production ended in the mid-1980s, but was resumed in 1996 and continues at the time of writing. In 1966 Cessna began assembly of US airframes at Reims Aviation in France. The Cessna F172 was built by Reims Cessna through to 1971. Cessna also produced a retractable version and most models are available as a seaplane version with floats. Illustration 1a Cessna 172 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 5 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Terminology Airspeed KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed Speed in knots as indicated on the airspeed indicator. KCAS Knots Calibrated KIAS corrected for instrument error. Note this error Airspeed is often negligible and CAS may be omitted from calculations. KTAS Knots True Airspeed KCAS corrected for density (altitude and temperature) error. Va Max Manoeuvering Speed The maximum speed for full or abrupt control inputs. Vfe Maximum Flap The highest speed permitted with flap extended. Extended Speed Indicated by the top of the white arc. Vno Maximum Structural Cruising Speed Sometimes referred to as “normal operating range”. Should not be exceeded except in smooth conditions and only with caution. Indicated by the green arc. Vne Never Exceed speed Maximum speed permitted, exceeding will cause structural damage. Indicated by the upper red line. Vs Stall Speed The minimum speed before loss of control in the normal cruise configuration. Indicated by the bottom of the green arc. Sometimes referred to as minimum ‘steady flight’ speed. Vso Stall Speed Landing Configuration The minimum speed before loss of control in the landing configuration, at the most forward C of G*. Indicated by the bottom of the white arc. *forward centre of gravity gives a higher stall speed and so is used for certification Vx Best Angle of Climb Speed The speed which results in the maximum gain in altitude for a given horizontal distance. Vy Best Rate of Climb Speed The speed which results in the maximum gain in altitude for a given time, indicated by the maximum rate of climb for the conditions on the VSI. Vref Reference Speed The minimum safe approach speed, calculated as 1.3 x Vso. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 6 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Vbug Nominated Speed The speed nominated as indicated by the speed bug, for approach this is Vref plus a safety margin for conditions. Vr Rotation Speed The speed which rotation should be initiated. Vat Barrier Speed The speed to maintain at the 50ft barrier or on reaching 50ft above the runway. Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind The maximum demonstrated crosswind during testing. Meteorological Terms OAT Outside Air Temperature Free outside air temperature, or indicated outside air temperature corrected for gauge, position and ram air errors. IOAT Indicated Outside Air Temperature Temperature indicated on the outside air temperature gauge. ISA International Standard Atmosphere The ICAO international atmosphere, as defined in document 7488. Approximate conditions are a sea level temperature of 15 degrees with a lapse rate of 1.98 degrees per 1000ft, and a sea level pressure of 1013mb with a lapse rate of 1mb per 30ft. Standard Temperature The temperature in the International Standard atmosphere for the associated level, and is 15 degrees Celsius at sea level decreased by two degrees every 1000ft. Pressure Altitude The altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere with a sea level pressure of 1013 and a standard reduction of 1mb per 30ft. Pressure Altitude would be observed with the altimeter subscale set to 1013. Density Altitude The altitude that the prevailing density would occur in the International Standard Atmosphere, and can be found by correcting Pressure Altitude for temperature deviations. Engine Terms BHP Brake Horse Power AVIASOFT_INDO The power developed by the engine (actual power available will have some transmission losses). Page 7 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL RPM Revolutions per Minute Engine drive and propeller speed. Static RPM The maximum RPM obtained during stationery full throttle operation Weight* and Balance Terms C of G Moment Arm The horizontal distance in inches from reference datum line to the centre of gravity of the item concerned, or from the datum to the item 'station'. Centre of Gravity The point about which an aeroplane would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that point. It is the mass centre of the aeroplane, or the theoretical point at which entire weight of the aeroplane is assumed to be concentrated. It may be expressed in percent of MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) or in inches from the reference datum. Centre of Gravity Limit The specified forward and aft points beyond which the CG must not be located. Typically, the forward limit primarily effects the controllability of aircraft and aft limits stability of the aircraft. Datum (reference datum) An imaginary vertical plane or line from which all measurements of arm are taken. The datum is established by the manufacturer. Moment The product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm and expressed in inch-pounds. The total moment is the weight of the aeroplane multiplied by distance between the datum and the CG. *In reference to loading, the correct technical term is 'mass' instead of 'weight' in all of the terms in this section, however in everyday language and in current Cessna manuals the term weight remains in use. In this context there is no difference in meaning between mass and weight, and the terms may be interchanged. MZFW Maximum Zero The maximum permissible weight to prevent Fuel Weight exceeding the wing bending limits. This limit is not always applicable for aircraft with small fuel loads. BEW Basic Empty Weight AVIASOFT_INDO The weight of an empty aeroplane, including permanently installed equipment, fixed ballast, full oil and unusable fuel, and is that specified on the aircraft mass and balance documentation for each individual aircraft. Page 8 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL SEW Standard The basic empty weight of a standard aeroplane, Empty Weight specified in the POH, and is an average weight given for performance considerations and calculations. OEW Operating The weight of the aircraft with crew, unusable fuel, Empty Weight and operational items (galley etc.). Payload The weight the aircraft can carry with the pilot and fuel on board. MRW Maximum Ramp Weight The maximum weight for ramp manoeuvring, the maximum takeoff weight plus additional fuel for start taxi and run-up. MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight The maximum permissible takeoff weight and sometimes called the maximum all up weight, landing weight is normally lower as allows for burn off and carries shock loads on touchdown. MLW Maximum Landing Weight Maximum permissible weight for landing. Sometimes this is the same as the takeoff weight for smaller aircraft. AFM Aircraft Flight Manual POH Pilot's Operating Handbook These terms are inter-changeable and refer to the approved manufacturer's handbook. General Aviation manufacturers from 1976 began using the term 'Pilot's Operating Handbook', early handbooks were called Owner's Manual, most legal texts use the term AFM. PIM Pilot Information Manual Other A Pilot Information Manual is a new term, coined to refer to a POH or AFM which is not issued to a specific aircraft. Useful Factors and Formulas Conversion Factors Lbs to kg 1kg =2.204lbs kgs to lbs 1lb = .454kgs USG to Lt 1USG = 3.785Lt lt to USG 1lt = 0.264USG 1lt = 0.22 Imp G Imp.Gal to lt 1Imp G = 4.55lt 1nm = 1.852km km to nm 1km = 0.54nm 1nm = 1.15stm 1nm = 6080ft Stm to nm to ft 1 stm = 0.87nm 5280ft Lt to Imp Gal NM to KM NM to StM to ft AVIASOFT_INDO Page 9 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL FT to Meters 1 FT = 0.3048 m meters to ft 1 m = 3.281 FT Inches to Cm 1 inch = 2.54cm cm to inches 1cm = 0.394” Hpa (mb) to “Hg 1mb = .029536” “ Hg to Hpa (mb) 1” = 33.8mb AVGAS FUEL Volume / Weight SG = 0.72 Litres Lt/kg kgs Litres lbs/lts Lbs 1.39 1 0.72 0.631 1 1.58 Crosswind Component per 10kts of Wind Deg 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Kts 2 3 5 6 8 9 9 10 Formulas Celsius (C) to Fahrenheit (F) Pressure altitude (PA) Standard Temperature (ST) Density altitude (DA) C = 5/9 x(F-32), F = Cx9/5+32 PA = Altitude AMSL + 30 x (1013-QNH) Memory aid – Subscale up/down altitude up/down ST = 15 – 2 x PA/1000 ie. 2 degrees cooler per 1000ft altitude DA = PA +(-) 120ft/deg above (below) ST One in 60 rule i.e. 120ft higher for every degree hotter than standard SG x volume in litres = weight in kgs 1 degree of arc ≈ 1nm at a radius of 60nm Rate 1 Turn Radius i.e degrees of arc approximately equal length of arc at a radius of 60nm R = TAS per hour/60/π or TAS per minute/π Specific Gravity Radius of Turn Rule of Thumb Rate 1 Turn Bank Angle Rule of Thumb AVIASOFT_INDO R ≈ TAS per hour/180 (Where π (pi) ≈3.14) Radius of Turn lead allowance ≈ 1% of ground speed (This rule can be used for turning on to an arc – e.g. at 100kts GS, start turn 1nm before the arc limit) degrees of bank in a rate one turn ≈ GS/10+7 Page 10 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Pilot's Operating Handbook Information The approved manufacturer's operating handbook, which may be commonly referred to as a Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH), an Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM), or an Owners Manual, is issued for the specific model and serial number, and includes all applicable supplements and modifications. It is legally required to be on board the aircraft during flight, and is the master document for all flight information. In 1975, the US General Aviation Manufacturer's Association introduced the 'GAMA Specification No. 1' format for the 'Pilot's Operating Handbook' (POH). This format was later adopted by ICAO in their Guidance Document 9516 in 1991, and is now required for all newly certified aircraft by ICAO member states. Most light aircraft listed as built in 1976 or later, have provided Pilot's Operating Handbooks (POHs) in this format. GAMMA standardised the term 'Pilot's Operating Handbook' as the preferred term for a manufacturer's handbook on light aircraft, however some manufacturers still use different terms (see further explanation above under definitions).This format aimed to enhance safety by not only standardising layouts but also by creating an ergonomic format for use in flight. For this reason the emergency and normal operating sections are found at the front of the manual, while reference and ground planning sections are at the rear. It is recommended that pilots become familiar with the order and contents of each section, as summarised in the table below. Section 1 General Definitions and abbreviations Section 2 Limitations Specific operating limits, placards and specifications Section 3 Emergencies Complete descriptions of action in the event of any emergency or non-normal situation Section 4 Normal Operations Section 5 Performance Performance graphs, typically for stall speeds, airspeed calibration, cross wind calculation, takeoff, climb, cruise, and landing Section 6 Weight and Balance Section 7 Systems Technical descriptions of aircraft systems, airframe, Descriptions controls, fuel, engine, instruments, avionics and lights etc. AVIASOFT_INDO Complete descriptions of required actions for all normal situations Loading specifications, limitations and loading graphs or tables Page 11 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Section 8 Servicing Maintenance requirements, inspections, stowing, oil and requirements etc. maintenance Section 9 Supplements Supplement sections follow the format above for additional equipment or modification. Section 10 Safety Information General safety information and helpful operational recommendations which the manufacturer feels are pertinent to the operation of the aircraft For use in ground training, or reference prior to flight, this text should be read in conjunction with the POH from on board the aircraft you are going to be flying. Even if you have a copy of a POH for the same model C172, the aircraft you are flying may have supplements for modifications and optional equipment which affect the operational performance. AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL INFORMATION The Cessna 172 aeroplane is an all-metal, single engine, four-seat, high-wing monoplane aircraft, equipped with tricycle landing gear and designed for general utility purposes. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 12 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Illustration 1b Cessna 172 Plan and Profile Views Models and Differences The Cessna 172 has had a large number of different models and type variants during its production history. Additionally there are a large number of modifications provided for the airframe, instruments/avionics equipment and electrics. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 13 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Speeds often vary between models by one or two knots, sometimes much more for large changes or for significant type variants. Attempt has been made to provide representative speeds for the series, but pilots must refer to the POH of the aircraft they operate for correct speeds. All speeds have been converted to knots and rounded up to the nearest 5kts. Generally multiple provision of figures can lead to confusion for memory items and this application is safer for practical use during conversion training. Note, speeds vary with type, modifications, weight, and density altitude; The Pilot's Operating Handbook must be consulted for the correct figures before flight. During practical training reference should be made to the flight manual of the aeroplane you will be flying to ensure that the limitations applicable for that aeroplane are adhered to. Likewise when flying different models it should always be remembered that MAUW, flap limitations, engine characteristics, limitations and speeds are but a few examples of items that may vary from model to model. Before flying different models, the Pilot's Operating Handbook should be consulted to verify differences. Main Differences by year of manufacturing The following modification of Cessna 172 were made during years of production of the aircraft: • The 1957 model has a 145hp Continental engine; • Model's after 1960 have a swept tail; • In 1963 a rear window appeared as well as a single piece windshield and longer elevator; • 1964 model were equipped with electric flaps instead of the “Johnson Bar”; • 1968 models switched to Lycoming 150hp engines. • In 1971 the spring steel main landing gear was changed to tubular steel. • In 1981 Cessna switched to a 160hp engine, and increased the gross weight to 2400lbs but reduced flap travel of 30 degrees. • 1996 and later models feature the Lycoming IO-360-L2A four cylinder, fuel injected engine, an annunciator panel or optional Garmin G1000 EFIS avionics suit. A more comprehensive summary combined with serial numbers and model numbers is contained in the Model History table on the following pages. Naming Terminology The C172 series manufactured by Cessna in Wichita, like most Cessna models, started with the C172 followed by the C172A and continued sequentially up until the C172 R and S, with the exception of the models J and O which never completed certification. Each new model release superseding the previous, with the exception of model variants, such as the 172RG and R172K. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 14 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Model Variants Some models carried an alternate prefix or suffix to designate a specific difference, or model variant, for example the R172K, P172D, and F172. Reims 172 The F172 for models D through M, was made by Reims in France, and according to Cessna there are no significant differences apart from the engines on models prior to 1971 (F172K and earlier), however there are some differences in manufacturing processes. Cessna 175 Certified Aircraft Although marketed as a C172, the P172D, R172E through H, R172K and FR172K, and the C172RG were all designated as C175s, that is, they were certified under the C175 type data certification sheet by the FAA. The P172D, where the 'P' indicated the geared engine referred to as “Powermatic” by Cessna. The different type designator also reflected a larger distinction, the aircraft is nearly identical to the C175C and treated as such for certification, it has little in common with the C172D except the year of manufacture (1963). The C172 RG – where the 'RG' designated a retractable Cessna as with other models of Cessna. Produced between 1981 and 1985, the RG option was not reintroduced when production commenced in 1996. The prefix 'R' was originally given to the 210hp military version C172, made specifically for the US Air Force, and should not be confused with the Reims ('F') models or the retractable ('RG') models. The original military R172 was produced for models R172E through to R172H, between 1964 and 1973, called by the USAF a T41-B, C or D, depending on options (the C172H, originally made for the USAF was called the T41-A). Most models retired into USAF aero-clubs, a few are in civilian use, and some still remain in US and other air force operations. These models led to the development of a civilian version, the R172K given the name Hawk XP and the FR172K, Reims Hawk XP or Reims Rocket, with the same engine de-rated to 195hp, produced between 1977 and 1981. Model History Table The table below summarises the model history versus serial number compiled from the type data certification summaries (TDC) and from the technical information in the Cessna maintenance manuals. Model Name AVIASOFT_INDO Year Serial Numbers Significant Changes and Features Page 15 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL C172 1956 1957 1958 2800029174 The first model C172, which was basically a Cessna 170B with tricycle gear, distinctive straight windowless 2917529999, back, square vertical tail, and manual 36000flap, the Continental 6 cylinder O-30036215 A or B engine producing 145hp at 2700hp 42USG fuel tank (37USG 36216usable), maximum weight of 2200lbs 36965 for the lad plane, the seaplane was increased to 2220lbs where it remained through the C172 model history. 1959 3696636999, Engine cowling changed for improved 46001cooling, instrument panel modified, 46754 moving main flight control instruments from central to left side of panel, in a more direct line of sight of the pilot. C172A 1960 46755 47746 The same as the basic 172 with a swept vertical tail, and the first float plane version was available. The 0-300 Continental engine was available as a C or D type. C172B C172 in standard version and Skyhawk or Skyhawk II for luxury C172C version. 1961 1724774717248734 A deeper fuselage (shorter undercarriage), new wind shield, revised cowling and pointed propeller spinner as well as external baggage door and another new instrument panel was introduced with the artificial horizon centrally located. Usable fuel 39USG. 1962 1724873517249544 Maximum weight increased to 2250lbs, optional key starter on deluxe version (replaces standard pull starter), auxiliary child seat available. Usable fuel 36 USG. Model Name Year Serial Numbers Significant Changes and Features C172D 1963 17249545- Cut-down rear fuselage and 17250572 “Omnivision” rear windows replaced the original 'straight-back' look, land-plane weight increased to 2300lbs, and new full rudder and brake pedals fitted. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 16 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL F172D Reims or French 172 1963 F1720001F1720018 1964 17250573- Electrical fuses were replaced by circuit 17251822 breakers. 1964 F1720019F1720085 1965 17251823- Electric flaps were introduced, with a 17253392 three position toggle switch. This model, along with the C172H was also produced by the USAF as a T41-A. 1965 F172-0086- Made by Reims in France, some F172-0179 differences in manufacturing. C172G 1966 17253393- Minor modifications to propeller shaft 17254892 and spinner. F172G Reims or French 172 1966 F1720180F1720319 C172H 1967 17254893- Nose strut shortened for reduced drag 17256512 and appearance. A modified engine cowling and mountings reduced noise in the cockpit and cowl cracking. The generator is replaced with an alternator for electrical power supply. This model was also produced by the USAF as a T41-A. C172E F172E Reims or French 172 C172F F172F Reims or French 172 Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. Continental O-300-D engine manufactured by Rolls Royce. Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. F172H Reims French 172 1967 F1720320F1720446 F172H Reims or French 172 1968 F17200655 Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. F17200754 Year Serial Numbers Model Name AVIASOFT_INDO Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. Significant Changes and Features Page 17 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Note: The type certifier “F172” designates a Reims C172, that is if the type indicator has F in the front, it was built in Reims factory in France. Reims built C172s, between 1963 and 1976. They are reported by Cessna maintenance manuals, for maintenance purposes as being nearly identical to the C172 produced in Wichita except for the engines on some models. C172I 1968 17256513- Engine changed to 150hp Lycoming 17257161 O320 E2D (“Blue Streak”) with higher 2000 hour overhaul time, 38USG usable fuel. C172K Skyhawk 1969 17257162- Rear side windows enlarged, 17258486 redesigned fin, optional 52USG tanks. Split bus bar now on all models. F172K Reims or French 172 F17200755 Made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. F17200804 C172K Skyhawk 1970 17258487- Fibreglass drooping wing-tip. 17259223 C172L Skyhawk 1971 17259224- Landing light shifted from wing to nose. 17259903 Flat steel replaced by tubular steel undercarriage. Skyhawk 1972 1725990417260758 Reims or French 172 1972 F17200805 Continental Rolls Royce engine changed to standard C172 Lycoming O-320-E2D F17200904 engine. C172M Skyhawk 1973 17260759- Drooped leading edge wing introduced 17261898 for better low speed handling. Seaplane flap reduced to 30 degrees. F172M Reims or French 172 1973 F17200905 F17201034 C172M Skyhawk 1974 17261899- Baggage compartment increased in 17263458 size. F172M Reims or French 172 1974 F17201035 F17201234 C172M Skyhawk 1975 1726345917265684 F172L AVIASOFT_INDO Page 18 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Model Name Year Serial Numbers Significant Changes and Features F172M Skyhawk 1975 F17201235 F17201384 C172M Skyhawk 1976 17265685- Airspeed changed from miles to knots, 17267584 instrument panel redesigned to include more avionics, engine and fuel gauges shifted to the more ergonomic position on the left side of the instrument panel above the master switch. F172M Skyhawk 1976 F17201385 This was the last standard model F172 on made by Reims, see also FR172 under Type Variants. C172N Skyhawk/ 1977 Skyhawk II 17261445, 160hp Lycoming O-320-H2AD engine* 17267585- Flap selector changed to the safer and 17269309 more ergonomic 'pre-selector' arm (replacing the 3 position toggle switch). Adjustable rudder trim available, notched lever. Usable fuel 40USG, optional 54USG long range fuel tanks (50USG usable). 1978 17261578, 1726931017270049 1727005117271034 14V electrical system changed to 28V. Air conditioning now available as an option. HIGH VOLTAGE warning light changed to LOW VOLTAGE, with sensors incorporated in alternator control unit. 1979 17271035- Limiting speed on first 10 degrees of 17272884 flap increased from 85kts to 110kts. 1980 17270050, 1727288517274009 *This engine was the first engine (excluding the 210hp military version) designed to operate on 100/130 Octane fuel, previous engines were designed for 80/87 Octane. Most aircraft engines have now been modified to operate on 100/130 or 100 Low Lead Aviation Gasoline (Avgas 100 and Avgas 100LL) with 80/87 (Avgas 80) now having only very limited availability. C172P Skyhawk AVIASOFT_INDO 1981 1727401017275034 Page 19 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Model Name 1982 17275035- Lycoming O-320 engine changed from 17275759 H2AD to D2J to address some design issues. Year Serial Numbers 1983 17275760- Flap reduced from 40 degrees to 30 17276079 degrees. Land-plane weight increased from 2300 to 2400lbs. Optional 1727608066USG, 62USG usable long range 17276259 tanks with wet wing available. From 17276260- 1982, landing lights shifted from cowl 17276516 back to wing with standard dual light 17276517- fitting. Low vacuum light included from 17276654 17275834. 1984 1985 1986 C172Q Cutlass 1983 1984 Significant Changes and Features 17275869- Lycoming O-360 engine, developing 17276054 180hp at 2700rpm, maximum gross weight 2550lbs. 1727610117276211 C172R Skyhawk 1996- 17280001 2008 on Lycoming 160hp fuel injected IO360 engine, de-rated at 2400rpm, optional G1000 avionics, maximum weight increased to 2450lbs, optional 2550 maximum weight kit, 53USG usable fuel. Fixed rudder trim. C172S Skyhawk SP 1996 on Engine power increased to 180hp with maximum rpm increasing from 2400 to 2700 rpm, maximum weight 2550lbs. 172S8001 on At the time of publication, only the C172S equipped with G1000 avionics, is still in production. Type Variants The following aircraft, although marketed as Cessna 172s, are all certified under the FAA Type Data Certificate of the Cessna 175. All contain significant differences in power available, and airframe. Model Name Year Serial Numbers Significant Changes P172D AVIASOFT_INDO Page 20 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL P172D Powerma 1963 P17257120 175hp Continental GO-300-E tic 'Powermatic' geared engine, revised P17257188 cowling with dorsal gearbox fairing. This model was essentially a C175 Skylark, renamed in a failed attempt to fix poor sales performance of the C175. Model Name Year Serial Numbers FP172D French or 1963 FP1720001 Reims FP1720003 Powerma tic Significant Changes Reims version of P172D, made in France , some differences in manufacturing. Note – many Cessna types have adopted the prefix of 'P' for a pressurised aircraft, this model demonstrates one of the common exceptions. US Air Force Models R172E USAF 1964 R1720001R1720335 Fitted with Continental IO360 engine, producing 210hp at T41B,C,D 2800rpm, maximum weight 2500lbs, Certified on C175 type certification sheet. R172F USAF T41B,C,D R1720336R1720409 R172G USAF T41B,C,D R1720336R1720409 2550 maximum weight R172H USAF 1971 R1720445R1720494 T41B,C,D 1972 R1720495R1720546 1973 R1720547R1720620 Retractable Gear Model C172RG Cutlass RG 1980 172RG0001 172RG0570 1981 172RG0571 172RG0890 AVIASOFT_INDO Retractable undercarriage, Lycoming O360 engine developing 180hp, with three blade constant speed propeller, gross weight 2650lbs. Total Page 21 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL 1982 172RG0891 172RG1099 usable fuel 62USG. Adjustable rudder trim wheel. 1983 172RG1100 172RG1144 Popular with flight schools as a complex trainer. 1984 172RG1145 172RG1177 1985 172RG1178 172RG1191 Model Name Year Serial Numbers Certified on C175 type certification sheet. Significant Changes R172K - Hawk XP Models R172K Hawk XP 1977 R1722000R172272 1977 had 14V electrical system, otherwise similar to other Hawk XP's described below. 1978 R1722725 R1722929 1979 R1720680, R1722930 R1723199 1980 R1723200 R1723399 (except R1723398) 1981 R1723400 R1723454 FR172K Reims 1977 FR1720591 Hawk XP FR1720620 1978 FR1720621 FR1720630 Called the Hawk XP with a Continental IO-360K fuel injected engine and constant speed propeller, de-rated to 195hp at 2600rpm. Maximum weight increased to 2550lbs. Also certified as C175. 1978 models on had 28V electrical system. Certified on C175 type certification sheet. Flap reduced from 40 to 30 degrees as with other models of C172. The Hawk XP model made by Reims in France, some differences in manufacturing. 1979 FR1720631 FR1720655 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 22 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL 1980 FR1720656 FR1720665 1981 FR1720666 FR1720675 Airframe The airframe is a conventional semi-monocoque type consisting of formed sheet metal bulkheads, stringers and stressed skin. Semi-monocoque construction is a light framework covered by skin that carries much of the stress. It is a combination of the best features of a strut-type structure, in which the internal framework carries almost all of the stress, and the pure monocoque where all stress is carried by the skin. The fuselage forms the main body of the aircraft to which the wings, tail section and undercarriage are attached. The main structural features are: front and rear carry through spars for wing attachment; a bulkhead and forgings for landing gear attachment at the base of the rear door posts; a bulkhead and attaching plates for strut mounting; four stringers for engine mounting attached to the forward door posts. Illustration 2a Fuselage Stations The construction of the wing and empennage sections consists of: a front (vertical stabilizer) or front and rear spar (wings/horizontal stabilizer); formed sheet metal ribs; doublers and stringers; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 23 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL wrap around and formed sheet metal/aluminium skin panels; control surfaces, flap and trim assembly and associated linkages. The front spars are equipped with wingtofuselage and wingtostrut attach fittings. The aft spars are equipped with wing-tofuselage attach fitting, and are partial-span spars. The wings contain the integral i.e. non bladder type fuel tanks. The empennage or tail assembly consists of the vertical stabilizer and Illustration 2b Wing Construction rudder, horizontal stabilizer and elevator. Seats and Seat Adjustment The seating arrangement consists of two separate adjustable seats for the pilot and front passenger, a split-back fixed seat in the rear, and a child's seat (if installed) aft of the rear seat. The pilot and copilot seats are adjustable in forward and aft position, and in most models also for seat height and back inclination. Illustration 2c Seat Rail When adjusting the seats forward and aft, care should be taken to ensure the position is locked. Seat locks may be fitted to prevent inadvertent movement, which can cause an accident if occurring at a critical phase of flight. Seat locks are spring loaded to the locked position, and must be pulled out before the seat can be moved aft, as an additional safe guard to the main seat lock. Seat back and height should be adjusted to ensure adequate visibility and control before start-up. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 24 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Doors There are two entrance doors provided, one on the left and one on the right, and a baggage door at the rear left side of the aircraft. The door latch on early models was not locked, however on later models rotation of the inside handle 90 degrees provided a latched and locked position. To open the doors from outside the aeroplane, utilize the recessed door handle by grasping the forward edge of the handle and pulling outboard. If the door is locked from the inside, it will be impossible to grasp the door handle. Illustration 2d Door Lock The latter type of inside door handle has three positions, and a placard at its base which reads OPEN, CLOSE, and LOCK. The handle is spring-loaded to the CLOSE (up) position. When the handle is rotated to the LOCK position, an overcentre action will hold it in that position. The latching mechanism is similar in most single engine Cessna aircraft and is provided by a rack and pinion type unit. It is vital that the teeth are meshed prior to attempting to lock the mechanism as damage to the teeth will occur if it is forced. When the teeth become warn it may become difficult to mesh the locking mechanism without pressure on the door. It is also possible to achieve locking only on the last tooth of the rack gear where upon vibration or forces in flight may cause the door to open, the security of the door should be checked by positive pressure prior to takeoff. Handle modifications are available with a locking pin that ensures the door is in the correct position when closed, and which prevent the handle from being lowered if the pin is not flush. These modifications are recommended and minimise the risks of doors inadvertently opening is flight. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 25 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Baggage Compartment The baggage compartment consists of the area from the back of the rear passenger seats to the aft cabin bulkhead. A baggage shelf, above the wheel well, extends aft from the aft cabin bulkhead. Access to the baggage compartment and the shelf is gained through a lockable baggage door on the left side of the airplane, or from within the airplane cabin. A baggage net with six tie-down straps is provided for securing baggage, and is attached by tying the straps to tie-down rings provided in the airplane. When loading the airplane, children should not be placed or permitted in the baggage compartment. Any material that may be hazardous to the airplane or occupants should never be placed anywhere in the aircraft. This includes items such as petrol ferry tanks, lead acid batteries, common household solvents such as paint thinners and many more. Items such as these can cause life threatening consequences from incapacitation due to exposure to leaking fumes, cabin fire caused by spillage combined with a static spark, explosion under pressure changes, or result in serious corrosion damage to the airframe. If any doubt exists, consult the IATA guidelines for permitted quantities of dangerous goods. When using an approved auxiliary child seat, it is important to ensure that loading is completed within the aircraft limits, for the maximum mass and the position of the centre of gravity. More details on loading are provided in the Performance Section. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 26 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Flight Controls The aeroplane’s flight control system consists of conventional aileron, rudder and elevator control surfaces. The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkages to the control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and rudder/brake pedals for the rudder. A manually-operated elevator trim tab is provided and installed on the right elevator. The control surfaces are formed in a similar way to the wing and tail section with the inclusion of the balance weights, actuation system (control cables etc) and trim tabs. Control actuation is provided by a series of push-pull rods, bellcranks, pulleys and cables with the required individual connections. Elevator The elevator is hinged to the rear part of the horizontal stabilizer on both sides. The main features are: An inset hinge with balance weights; Adjustable trim tab on the right side of the elevator. The leading edge of both left and right elevator tips incorporate extensions which contain the balance weights which aerodynamically and mechanically assists with control input reducing the force required to move the control. Illustration 3a Elevator Linkages AVIASOFT_INDO Page 27 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Rudder The rudder forms the aft part of the vertical stabilizer. The main features include Horn balance tab and balance weight; Either a fixed trim tab, or an adjustable rudder trim system. Illustration 3b Rudder Travel The top of the rudder incorporates a leading edge extension which contains a balance weight and aerodynamically assists with control input in the same way as the elevator hinge point. The rudder movement is limited by a stop at 16 to 24 degrees either side of neutral depend on the model of the aeroplane. Rudder linkage is additionally connected to the nose wheel steering to assist with ground control. Models before 1977 and after 1996 had a fixed rudder trim. The models in between have an adjustable rudder trim tab. The C172RG has an adjustable trim wheel. Ailerons Conventional hinged ailerons are attached to the trailing edge of the wings. Main features of the aileron design include: A forward spar containing aerodynamic “anti-flutter” balance weights; “V” type corrugated aluminum skin joined together at the trailing edge; Differential and Frise design. The ailerons control system additionally includes: AVIASOFT_INDO Page 28 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Sprockets and roller chains; A control “Y” which interconnects the control wheel to the aileron cables. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 29 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Illustration 3c Differential Ailerons Illustration 3d Frise Ailerons Frise ailerons are constru cted so that the forward part of the up-going aileron protrudes into the air stream below the wing to increase the drag on the downgoing wing. Both features acting to reduce the effect of Adverse Aileron Yaw, reducing the required rudder input during balanced turns. These fea tures have the additional advantage of assisting with aerodynamic balancing of the ailerons. Differential and Frise Ailerons The ailerons incorporate both Differential and Frise design. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 30 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Differential refers to the larger angle of travel in the up position to the down position, increasing drag on the downgoing wing. Illustration 3e Control Yoke AVIASOFT_INDO Page 31 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Trim The Cessna 172 aircraft has a manually or electrically operated elevator trim system and a fixed or adjustable rudder trim system, depending on the model. Elevator Trim Illustration 3f Elevator Trim Connections One trim tab is provided on the right side of the elevator, spanning most of the the rear section of the right elevator. The trim tab moves opposite to the control surface, reducing the aerodynamic force on the control surface in order to hold the selected position. Trimming is accomplished through the elevator trim tab by turning the vertically or horizontally mounted trim control wheel. The trim tab control wheel depending on the model may be mounted on the centre console or in the cockpit floor, as can be seen in the illustration on the following page. Forward or up rotation of the trim wheel will trim nose-down, conversely, aft or down rotation will trim nose-up. Illustration 3g Trim Control Action A portion of the wheel extends through the control wheel cover and when rotated, operates the tab through roller chains, cables, an actuator, and a pushpull rod. A AVIASOFT_INDO Page 32 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL position indicator at the trim tab control wheel indicates nose attitude of the aircraft. The trim setting for takeoff is usually clearly placarded on the trim wheel. ELEVATOR TRIM: NEW MODELS ELEVATOR TRIM: OLDER MODELS Illustration 3h Elevator Trim Wheel Electric Elevator Trim Some Cessna 172 models have a factory installed, or post manufacturer, autopilot system. Any full auto-flight system fitted to the aircraft, will include an electrical trim. The electrical trim consists of a split rocker type switch, mounted on top of the left side of the control wheel. The trim is activated by pressing both sides forward or aft with your left thumb. Activating one side only should not activate the trim. To test the trim, ensure when both sides are depressed the trim moves in the correct direction, forward and aft, then to check the split switch, ensure when each side is depressed individually, the trim does not activate. The 'split' design of the split rocker switch is aimed to prevent inadvertent application of trim, so it is important to test it carefully. It's also important, when an electric trim is installed, to know the location of the trim circuit breaker. In case of a trim run away, this should be immediately pulled out to disconnect the electric trim. Rudder Trim The following summarises the Cessna 172 rudder trim installations: Prior to 1977 and from 1996 on, a fixed rudder trim tab; C172 1977-1986 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 33 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL and C172XP 1977-1981 rudder trim control tab; C172RG-1980-85 rudder control wheel. All models prior to 1977 and after 1996, contain a fixed rudder trim. The fixed trim is adjusted to maintain balance at normal cruise power settings, and can only be adjusted on the ground by maintenance personnel. Note, the fixed rudder trim is very delicate and should not be used as a handle to check the rudder! On models between 1977 and 1986, a rudder trim is Illustration 3i Rudder installed to provide a means of assisting with directional control for extended climbs or low power operations. Trim Connections The rudder trim compensates for engine torque by allowing selection of sustained slight rudder control in the direction necessary for maintaining balanced flight. During cruise, the rudder trim may be adjusted to maintain balance for the selected power setting and airspeed. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 34 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The rudder trim, if installed, is operated by either a control tab (in the C172, and R172) or a control wheel (in the C172RG), mounted on the centre control pedestal. The rudder trim control is connected via a bell crank to a bungee, which is directly connected to the rudder pedal control bar and thus to the rudder itself. It should be noted the rudder does not have trim tab, trimming is accomplished by changing force on the rudder pedals through the bungee, and thus changing the position of the rudder. Illustration 3j Rudder Trim Lever With a trim lever, trimming is accomplished by lifting the trim lever up to clear a detent, then moving it either left or right to desired trim position (as shown in the picture below). Moving the trim to the right will trim noseright, conversely, moving the lever to the left will trim noseleft. With a rudder trim control wheel, rotation of the control wheel to the right provides "NOSE RIGHT" trim, and left rotation provides "NOSE LEFT" trim. A rudder trim position indicator indicates the trim setting when the trim control wheel is adjusted. Flaps The flaps are constructed in the same way to the ailerons, Illustration 3k Rudder Trim Wheel Connections except without balance weights, and with the addition of a formed sheet metal leading edge section. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 35 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Maximum flap extension is either 40 degrees on earlier models or 30 degrees on later models. The reduction from 40 to 30 degrees maximum flap occurred on the seaplane in 1973 with the C172M, and on the the land plane in 1981 with the C172P. The wing flaps are of the single-slot, fowler type. Both design features act to further reduce the stalling speed. The single slot modifies the direction of the airflow to maintain laminar flow longer. The fowler design increases the size of the wing surface Illustration 3l Slotted Fowler Flap area on extension. Wing flaps are roller-mounted on slotted tracks to enable rearward movement as they are lowered, thus increasing the wing area and altering the aerofoil shape to provide increased lift and drag. The Cessna 172 model series has 3 different types of the flap systems: manually operated flaps, prior to 1965; electrically controlled and actuated flaps with toggle control switch, from 1965-1976; or electrically controlled and actuated flaps with a pre-select control lever, from 1977 on. Manually Operated Flap (Prior to 1965) Models prior to 1965 were equipped with a manually operated flap system. The flaps are operated by a hand lever located between the front seats. A ratchet mechanism with a “thumb-release” button on the end of the handle, holds the flap lever in the desired position. The system installed on the early models of C172 consists of: an actuation lever; locking push button; mechanical linkages to the flap; Actuation of the manual flap requires depressing the locking push button and raising or lowering the flap to the Illustration 3m Manual Flap desired position. Releasing the push AVIASOFT_INDO Page 36 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL button will allow the flap to lock into the next position. If you are unfamiliar with manual operation raise and lower the flaps into each position before flight until you are comfortable with the selections. Care should be taken, especially with raising the flap, to ensure the correct position is selected. Mechanical flap levers are directly linked to the flaps, so the forces required to lower the flaps are directly related to the air pressure on the flaps, that is they are directly related to the indicated airspeed. Extending flaps close to the flap limiting speed should be avoided in all cases, but with a manual flap lever it cans also be physically difficult to complete. Proper approach planning should be adhered to to avoid this situation. Illustration 3n Manual Flap Connections Electric Flap (1965 on) The flap system on the 1965 and later models is electrically actuated. The system consists of an electric motor driving a transmission that operates the right flap drive pulley which is linked to the right flap. The right and left drive pulleys are interconnected by cables to insure duplicate motion of both flaps. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 37 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL INDICATOR DETENT Flap Pre-selector (1977 and later) Electrical power to the motor is controlled by two micro-switches mounted on a floating arm assembly, through a camming lever and follow-up control. They are extended or retracted by positioning the flap lever on the instrument panel to the desired flap deflection position. The switch lever is moved up or down in a slot in the instrument panel that provides LIMITING mechanical stops at the 10, 20 and 30 degree SPEED positions. For settings greater than 10 degrees, move the switch level to the right to clear the stop and position it as desired. A scale and pointer on the left side of the switch level indicates flap travel in degrees. The maximum deflection of the flaps in the model Illustration 3o Flap Pre-Selector pictured is 30 degrees. The flap system is protected by a 15-ampere circuit breaker, labelled FLAP, on the right side of the instrument panel. When the flap control lever is moved to the desired flap setting, an attached cam trips one of the micro-switches, activating the flap motor. As the flaps move to the position selected, the floating arm is rotated by the follow-up control until the active micro-switch clears the cam, breaking the circuits and stopping the motor. To reverse flap direction the control lever is moved in the opposite direction causing the cam to trip a second micro-switch which reverses the flap motor. The follow-up control moves the cam until it is clear of the second switch, shutting off the flap motor. Failure of a micro-switch will render the system inoperative without indication as to why. Limit switches at the flap actuator assembly control flap travel as the flaps reach the full UP or DOWN positions. Toggle Switch (1965-1976) Earlier models C172 aeroplanes were fitted with a toggle switch for flap actuation. The switch is a three position, double-throw switch, with selections for UP, OFF and DOWN. The flap position transmitter is mechanically connected to right flap drive pulley and electrically transmits position information to the flap position indicator located on the instrument panel. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 38 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Selection requires holding the switch in the desired position until the setting required is achieved. The system is most effectively used by application of reliable timing backed up by intermittent monitoring of the gauge. In flight at 100mph, indicated airspeed, the flaps should take approximately 9 seconds to fully extend and 7 seconds to retract. On the ground with minimal air resistance, and with the engine running so the generator is supplying power, the flaps take approximately 7 seconds to extend or retract. To select from zero to 10 degrees the toggle switch is moved to the down position for 3-4 seconds while intermittently monitoring the flap indicator, and then returned to neutral Illustration 3p Flap Toggle Switch when the desired. position is reached, likewise from 10 degrees to 20 degrees etc. The flap toggle switches had the inherent design fault of making it very easy to accidentally select the flaps fully up or fully down. This situation occurs when the neutral position is not re-selected correctly after flap operation. This error invariable occurred in two ways: Flap was selected up or down and forgotten about (i.e. the pilot thereafter omitted to return the switch to neutral), resulting in full travel up or down; After selection, when returning to neutral, the selector is moved too far, instead of neutral the flap begins travelling in the opposite direction. Should the aircraft you are flying have a toggle switch for a flap lever remember to take particular care with selection to prevent these errors. A transmission is connected to and actuates the right flap drive pulley. This transmission converts the rotary motion of the electric motor to the push-pull motion needed to operate the flaps. The transmission will free-wheel at each end of its stroke; therefore, if working correctly, it cannot be damaged by overrunning when lowering or raising the flaps. If there is a fault on the flap transmission, there is a possiblity it may over-run, as a safe-guard, it is important to ensure the motor ceases operating when the neutral position is selected. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 39 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Landing Gear The landing gear is of the tricycle type with a steerable nose wheel and two fixed main wheels. The landing gear may be equipped with wheel fairings for reducing drag. The steerable nose wheel is mounted on a forked bracket attached to an air/oil (oleo) shock strut. The shock strut is secured to the tubular engine mount. Nose wheel steering is accomplished by two spring-loaded steering bungees linking the nose gear steering collar to the rudder pedal bars. Steering is available up to 10 degrees each side of neutral, after which brakes may be used to gain a maximum deflection of 30 degrees right or left of centre. Illustration 4a Nose Wheel Construction During flight the nose wheel leg extends fully, bringing a locking mechanism into place which holds the nose wheel central and free from rudder pedal action. The Cessna 172RG incorporates the standard landing gear arrangement with a modification for extension and retraction. The landing gear operating system is electrically actuated and hydraulically controlled as with most of the retractable single engine Cessna aircraft. Shock Absorption Illustration 4b Shock Strut and Shimmy AVIASOFT_INDO Shock absorption on the main gear is provided by the tabular spring-steel main landing gear struts and air/oil nose gear shock strut. Because of this the main gear is far more durable than the nose gear and is thus intended for the full absorption of the landing. Correct extension of shock strut is important to proper landing gear Page 40 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Damper operation. Too little extension will mean no shock absorption resulting in shock damage during taxi and landing, too much and proper steering will become difficult and premature nose wheel contact on landing may occur. Should the strut extend fully while on the ground the locking mechanism will cause a complete loss of nose wheel steering. A hydraulic fluid-filled shimmy damper is provided to minimize nose wheel shimmy. The shimmy damper offers resistance to shimmy (nose wheel oscillation) by forcing hydraulic fluid through small orifices in a piston. The dampener piston shaft is secured to a stationary part and the housing is secured to the nose wheel steering collar which moves as the nose wheel is turned right or left, causing relative motion between the dampener shaft and housing. This movement in turn provides the resistance to the small vibrations of the nose wheel. Hydraulic System-Retractable Landing Gear (C172RG Only) The landing gear extension, retraction, and main gear down lock release operation is accomplished by hydraulic actuators powered by an electricallydriven hydraulic power pack. The power pack is located aft of the firewall between the pilot's and copilot's rudder pedals. The hydraulic system fluid level may be checked by utilizing the dip stick/filler cap located on the top left side of the power pack adjacent to the motor mounting flange. The system should be checked at 25-hour intervals. If the fluid level is at or below the ADD line on the dipstick, hydraulic fluid (MIL-FI-5606) should be added to bring the level to the top of the dipstick/filler cap opening. The power pack's only function is to supply hydraulic power for operation of the retractable landing gear. This is accomplished by applying hydraulic pressure to actuator cylinders which extend or retract the gear. A normal operating pressure of 1000 PSI to 1500 PSI is automatically maintained in the landing gear system, and is sufficient to provide a positive up pressure on the landing gear. It is protected by relief valves which prevent high pressure damage to the pump and other components in the system. The electrical portion of the power pack is protected by a 30-amp push-pull type circuit breaker switch, labeled GEAR PUMP, on the left switch and control panel. The hydraulic power pack is turned on by a pressure switch on the power pack when the landing gear lever is placed in either the GEAR UP or GEAR DOWN position. When the lever is placed in the GEAR UP or GEAR DOWN position, it mechanically rotates a selector valve which applies hydraulic pressure in the direction selected. As soon as the landing gear reaches the selected position, a series of electrical switches will illuminate one of two indicator lights on the instrument panel to show gear position and completion of the cycle. After indicator AVIASOFT_INDO Page 41 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL light illumination, (GEAR DOWN cycle only), hydraulic pressure will continue to build until the power pack pressure switch turns the power pack off. During normal operations, the landing gear should require from 5 to 7 seconds to fully extend or retract. The nose gear and main gear incorporate positive mechanical down locks. Also, the nose gear has mechanically-actuated wheel well doors. The doors open when the nose gear extends, and close when it retracts. Landing Gear Selector The landing gear selector lever is located on the switch and control panel to the right of the electrical switches. The lever has two positions, labeled GEAR UP and GEAR DOWN, which give a mechanical indication of the gear position selected. From either position, the lever must be pulled out to clear a detent before it can be repositioned; operation of the landing gear system will not begin until the lever has been repositioned. After the lever has been repositioned, it directs hydraulic pressure within the system to actuate the gear to the selected position. Landing Gear Position Indicator Lights Two position indicator lights, adjacent to the landing gear control lever, indicate that the gear is either up or down and locked. Both the gear- up (amber) and gear-down (green) lights are the press-to-test type, incorporating dimming shutters for night operation. If an indicator light bulb should burn out, it can be replaced in flight with the bulb from the remaining indicator light. Landing Gear Operation To retract or extend the landing gear, pull out on the gear lever and move it to the desired position. After the lever is positioned, the power pack will create pressure in the system and actuate the landing gear to the selected position. During a normal cycle, the gear retracts fully or extends and locks, limit switches close (GEAR DOWN cycle only), and the indicator light comes on (amber for up and green for down) indicating completion of the cycle. After indicator light illumination, during a GEAR DOWN cycle, the power pack will continue to Illustration 4c C172RG Ground (Squat) Switch AVIASOFT_INDO Page 42 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL run until the fluid pressure reaches 1500 PSI, opens the pressure switch, and turns the power pack off. Whenever fluid pressure in the system drops below 1000 PSI, the pressure switch will close and start power pack operation, except when the nose gear safety (squat) switch is open. The safety (squat) switch, actuated by the nose gear, electrically prevents inadvertent retraction whenever the nose gear strut is com pressed by the weight of the airplane. When the nose gear is lifted off the runway during takeoff, the squat switch will close. If the system pressure has dropped below 1000psi, this will cause the power pack to operate for a few seconds to return system pressure to 1500psi. A "pull-off" type circuit breaker is also provided in the system as a maintenance safety feature. With the circuit breaker pulled out, landing gear operation by the gear pump motor is prevented. After maintenance is completed, and prior to flight, the circuit breaker should be pushed back in. Emergency Hand Pump A hand-operated hydraulic pump, located between the front seats, is provided for manual extension of the landing gear in the event of a hydraulic system failure. The landing gear cannot be retracted with the hand pump. To utilize the pump, extend the handle forward, and pump vertically. For malfunctions of the hydraulic and landing gear systems, refer to Section 3 (Emergencies) of the Pilot Operation Handbook. Landing Gear Warning System The retractable gear has a warning system designed to help prevent the pilot from inadvertently making a wheels-up landing. The system consists of a throttle actuated switch which is electrically connected to a dual warning unit. The warning unit is connected to the airplane speaker. When the throttle is retarded below approximately 12 inches of manifold pressure at low altitude (master switch on), the throttle linkage will actuate a switch which is electrically connected to the gear warning portion of a dual warning unit. If the landing gear is retracted (or not down and locked), an intermittent tone will be heard on the airplane speaker. An interconnect switch in the wing flap system also sounds the horn when the wing flaps are extended beyond 20 deg with the landing gear retracted. See more under Landing Gear Emergencies, in the Emergency section. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 43 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Landing Gear System Schematic (C172RG) Illustration 4d Retractable Landing Gear Schematic AVIASOFT_INDO Page 44 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Brakes Each main gear wheel is equipped with a hydraulically actuated disc-type brake on the inboard side of each wheel. When wheel fairings are installed the aerodynamic fairing covers each brake. The hydraulic brake system is comprised of: two master cylinders immediately forward of the pilot’s rudder Illustration 4e Brake Cylinders pedals; a brake line and hose connecting each master cylinder to its wheel brake cylinder; a single-disc, floating cylinder-type brake assembly on each main wheel. The brake master cylinders located immediately forward of the pilot’s rudder pedals, are actuated by applying pressure at the top of the rudder pedals. A small reservoir is incorporated into each master cylinder for the fluid supply. Mechanical linkage permits the co-pilot (instructor) pedals to operate the master cylinders. Through their operation it is easily possible to inadvertently use brakes whilst under power. This increases war on brakes and increases stopping distances. Prior to applying brakes to stop the aircraft always ensure the throttle is closed. Park Brake Two different types of parking brake systems are employed in the C172 series. The earlier type, has a knob-operated control which actuates locking levers on the master cylinders. The levers trap pressure in the system after the master cylinder piston rods have been depressed by toe operation of the rudder pedals. The method of using the park brake with this system is: 1.Apply pressure on the brakes (the top of the rudder pedals); 2.Pull parking brake control to the out position; 3.Release toe pressure (checking to ensure the brakes are holding); 4.Release park brake control . To release the parking brake, depress the pedals and ensure the control knob is full in. The park brake should be released when securing the aircraft after installing chocks to prevent locking. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 45 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL This type of park brake tends to have problems with the activation and release, and with the fact that the pilot is unable to ascertain by the position of the lever if the park brake is applied or not. All later models are fitted with a handle type parking brake system, which is comprised of a pull-type handle and mechanical connections which are linked to the rudder pedal assembly. Pulling aft on the brake handle applies mechanical pressure to the rudder pedals, activating the brakes and locks the handle in place. Turning the handle 90 degrees will release the parking brake and allow for normal operation through the rudder pedals. For park brakes with a handle type activation, the method of using the parking brake system is: 1.Apply pressure on the toe brakes (the top of the rudder pedals); 2.Pull parking brake control to the out position; 3.Rotate the control downwards to the locked position; 4.Release toe pressure (checking to Illustration 4f Handle Type Park Brake ensure the brakes are holding). The lever is then in the extended position when the park brake is activated. To release the parking brake apply the reverse procedure, pull the park brake and rotate in the reverse direction then push fully in towards the control panel. The park brake should be released when securing the aircraft after installing chocks to prevent brakes locking or binding with changes in ambient conditions while parked. In this system there is no need to hold the brakes, however prior to setting the park brake and prior to releasing the park brake, the toes should usually be firmly on the brakes, to ensure the aircraft does not move. Towing Moving the aircraft by hand is best accomplished by using the wing struts and landing gear struts as a pushing point. A tow bar attached to the nose gear should be used for steering and manoeuvering the aircraft on the ground. When towing the aircraft, never turn the nose wheel more then 30 degrees either side of center or the nose gear will be damaged. When no tow bar is available, the aircraft may be manoeuvered by pressing down on the tail section, raising the nose wheel off the ground to enable turning . Never press on the control surfaces or horizontal/vertical stabilizers for manoeuvring AVIASOFT_INDO Page 46 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL points, as structural damage will occur to the mounting points or skin surface. The best position to press down on is the most rearward section of fuselage, immediately forward of the vertical stabilizer leading edge. This method also provides easy steering by pushing on the side of the fuselage in the direction of turn. Illustration 4g Tow Bars AVIASOFT_INDO Page 47 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Engine and Propeller The C172 is powered by a Continental or Lycoming horizontally opposed, aircooled, engine. Illustration 5a Lycoming IO320 Engine Early models of 172, before 1967, are powered with Continental O-300, six cylinder engine. In 1968 this was replaced with Lycoming 0-320, four cylinder engine, although the F172 retained the Continental O-300-D engines until 1971. The O-320 engine had three variations before being replaced by the O-360 engine. The O-360 had two variations before being replaced by the introduction of the fuel injected IO-360 engine in the “restart” models (1996 and later). The Cessna R172K, like it's predecessors, the R172E to H is powered by a six cylinder Continental IO-360, de-rated with lower maximum rpm to 195hp. The engine designator O means the engine is normally aspirated, and I indicates fuel injection. The numbers (eg. 300, 320, 360) indicate the cubic capacity of the engine. The horsepower developed varies with a number of factors including the engine design, performance, and maximum rpm. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 48 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The Cessna 172 engines have the following specifications and power development at sea level: Continental O-300 – 145 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 6 cylinder (C172 to C172H); Continental O-300-D – 145 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 6 cylinder (F172E to F172M); Continental GO-300-D – 175 horsepower at 3200 rpm, 6 cylinder, geared engine, constant speed propeller (P172); Continental IO-360-H and HB – 210 horsepower at 2800 rpm, 6 cylinder, (R172E to R172H); Lycoming O-320 E2D – 150 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172L to C172M); Lycoming O-320-H2AD – 160 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172N); Lycoming O-320-D2J – 160 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172P); Lycoming O-360-A4N – 180 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172Q); Continental IO-360-K and KB – 195 horsepower at 2600 rpm, 6 cylinder (R172K); Lycoming O-360-FIA6 – 180 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172RG); Lycoming IO-360-L2A – 160 horsepower at 2400 rpm (may be modified to 2700rpm, 4 cylinder (C172R); Lycoming IO-360-L2A – 180 horsepower at 2700 rpm, 4 cylinder (C172S). Illustration 5b Lycoming IO360 Side View AVIASOFT_INDO Page 49 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Illustration 5c Lycoming IO360 Top View The Cessna 172 is usually equipped with a two bladed, fixed pitch, aluminum alloy McCauley propeller. The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from the cockpit. The propeller is approximately 1.90 metres (75 inches) in diameter, increasing slightly to 2.0 metres (79 inches) for the float plane version. The C172RG and the US Air Force R172 models have a three-bladed constant speed propeller. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 50 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Engine Controls The engine control and monitoring system consists of: Throttle control; Propeller pitch control (constant speed propeller - R172/FR172 and RG model only); Mixture control; Carb heat selector; Engine monitoring gauges: Illustration 5d Power Controls • Tachometer; • Manifold pressure (constant speed propeller – R172/FR172, and C172RG models); • Fuel flow indicators (fuel injected models – R172, C172R, C172S only); • Oil temperature and pressure; Some optional equipment: • Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) indicator, Carburettor temperature indicator; • Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicator; • Fuel pressure indicators; • Annunciator panel (C172R and C172S conventional); • G1000 engine monitoring (systems annunciators and lean assist) – standard with G1000 option. Throttle Engine power is controlled by a throttle, located on the lower center portion of the instrument panel. Throttle in Open Position Throttle in Closed Position Illustration 5e Throttle Butterfly The throttle controls a throttle valve (or butterfly) – an oval metal disc pivoted on a central spindle that is perpendicular to the axis of the carburettor’s manifold. The closed position of the valve is when the disc is rotated to an angle of about 70 degrees to the axis of the manifold, preventing all but enough fuel/air for idling AVIASOFT_INDO Page 51 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL to pass through the manifold. When the valve is rotated to a position parallel to the axis of the manifold it offers very little restriction to airflow. This is the fully open position of the valve providing maximum fuel/air mixture to the manifold. The throttle control operates conventionally as follows: full forward position, the throttle is open and the engine produces maximum power, full aft position, it is closed and the engine is idling or windmilling. Throttle Friction Nut A friction lock, which is a round knurled disk, is located at the base of the throttle and is operated by rotating the lock clockwise to increase friction or counterclockwise to decrease it. This allows for reducing friction for smooth operations when frequent or large power changes are required or increasing friction when a fixed power setting or minimum changes are required. Mixture The mixture control, mounted on the right of the throttle, is a red vernier type control. The mixture control is used for adjusting fuel/air ratio in the conventional way as follows: full forward position is the fully rich position (maximum fuel to air ratio); full aft position is the idle cut-off position (no fuel). For fine adjustments, the control may be moved forward by rotating the vernier knob clockwise (enriching the mixture), and aft by rotating it counterclockwise (leaning the mixture). For rapid or large adjustments, the control may be moved forward or aft by depressing the lock button on the end of the control, and then positioning the control as desired. When setting in flight the vernier should always be used. The mixture control should be set to “full rich” for take-off below 3,000 feet of density altitude. Above 3,000 feet it is recommended the mixture be leaned to the correct setting before take-off. For more details of mixture setting requirements, see the section on Mixture Setting in Normal Operations. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 52 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Constant Speed Propellers (C172RG, R172/FR172) Manifold Pressure and Throttle Setting For engines that have a constant speed or variable pitch propeller fitted, the amount of power obtained from the throttle setting is a combination of rpm and manifold pressure. When the engine is below governing speed the indication of power provided by the throttle is a measure of engine rpm. The manifold pressure is below the indicating scale, and the propeller is at the fine pitch stop, therefore increases and decreases in engine speed are transmitted directly to the propeller. Once the engine reaches governing speed then the throttle controls the manifold pressure. Engine power is indicated by manifold pressure and the rpm is maintained by the Constant Speed Unit (propeller governor). When the engine is shut down the manifold pressure gauge will indicate ambient pressure plus or minus a small margin for gauge errors. With the engine running and full power applied, the manifold pressure should indicate the same pressure before start, minus up to an inch, for losses in the intake manifold. Any greater difference will indicate an engine problem. Full Throttle Height Although we are aware of power reduction with height with a fixed pitch propeller, with a CSU we can see this directly by the manifold throttle relationship. As we climb and the ambient pressure drops to maintain our climb power setting in this case 23” we will have to progressively increase the throttle. This will continue until we reach a point that the throttle is fully forward, so termed “ full throttle height”. Climbing above this level will result in reducing manifold pressure as we climb, until we reach the aircraft ceiling where the power is just enough to maintain level flight. Propeller Pitch Control The propeller pitch is controlled by the constant speed unit (CSU), which consists of the propeller pitch vernier control knob, propeller governor, linkages and actuators. The CSU provides a propeller governing function by altering the propeller blade angle (pitch) to maintain the selected rpm when there are changes in aircraft attitude, speed or power setting. The pilot sets the rpm on the pitch control in the cockpit, then once the power is increased above the governing range and the selected rpm is reached, the prop governor will increase or decrease the pitch to maintain the rpm. When below the governing range the propeller reverts to normal governing operation whereupon AVIASOFT_INDO Page 53 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL the throttle controls the propeller speed. This is normally occurs in flight around 12” manifold pressure and is applicable for most ground operations. The governor controls flow of engine oil, boosted to high pressure by the governing pump, to or from a piston in the propeller hub. Oil pressure acting on the piston twists the blades towards high pitch (low propeller rpm). When oil pressure to the piston in the propeller hub is relieved, centrifugal force, assisted by an internal spring, twist the blades toward low pitch (high rpm). The Propeller Control knob is labeled PROP RPM, PUSH INC. When the control knob is pushed in, blade pitch will decrease, giving a high rpm (“fine pitch”) for maximum power. Inversely, when the control knob is pulled out, the blade pitch increases, thereby decreasing rpm (“coarse pitch”) providing less drag and noise in the cruise . The propeller control knob is equipped with a vernier feature which allows slow or fine rpm adjustment by Illustration 5f Pitch Control rotating the knob clockwise to increase rpm, and counter-clockwise to decrease. To make rapid adjustment, the button on the end of control knob shall be depressed and the control be repositioned as desired. To avoid unnecessary stress on the engine this control should not be used above the governing range in flight. With the pitch control set to maximum and the throttle fully forward the engine must develop the maximum rpm specified. This can be checked in a stationery run-up if needed. Should full rpm not be developed after application of full throttle for take-off, it is an indication that there is a possible fault in the CSU unit, takeoff should be discontinued. The CSU function is checked during the engine run-up at 1700rpm. The propeller pitch is selected momentarily to coarse and then back to full fine, allowing rpm to drop and return. The rpm change should be not more than approximately 300rpm, to avoid excessive loading on the engine. During the cycle ensure as the rpm drops, manifold pressure increases and oil pressure drops slightly, then all return to the previous setting after selection of full fine. For the first flight of the day, the CSU cycle should be repeated two to three times, not only to ensure functionality but also to cycle warm engine oil through the CSU, ensuring proper lubrication and smooth operation before full power is applied. The CSU may be sluggish initially in cold temperatures before the warm oil has had a chance to circulate. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 54 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Engine Gauges Engine operation is monitored by the following instruments: Tachometer; Manifold Pressure gauge (C172RG and FR172/R172 models only); Oil pressure gauge and Oil temperature gauge; Cylinder Head Temperature gauge; EGT indicator. Tachometer The engine-driven mechanical tachometer is located near the upper centre portion of the instrument panel. The instrument is calibrated in increments of 100 rpm and indicates engine and propeller speed. An hours meter inside the tachometer dial records elapsed engine time and runs at full speed only when the engine develops full power. Hence total flight time, from the time the aircraft starts moving under it’s own power for Illustration 5g RPM Gauge the purpose of flight, to the time it comes to a stop again (often referred to as “chock to chock”), is usually higher than tacho. (tachometer) time. Manifold Pressure Gauge (C172RG, R172/FR172) The manifold pressure gauge is located on the lower left side of the pilot's control column. The gauge is direct reading and indicates induction air manifold pressure in inches of mercury. It has a normal operating range (green arc) of 15 to 25 inches of mercury. To pre-flight check the manifold pressure gauge, ensure the indicator displays within a small margin of ambient pressure in inches. Fuel Flow Gauge ( C172RG, R172/FR172, C172Q, C172R, C172S) On the 180hp CSU models, the fuel flow is indicated opposite the manifold pressure on the same gauge. The C172Q has a separate fuel flow gauge on the right side of the instrument panel. The C172R and later have the fuel flow gauge displayed with the engine instrumentation, on the left side of the main instrument panel, or for G1000 models, on the G1000 engine display. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 55 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Oil Pressure and Temperature Gauges The oil pressure and temperature gauges are located on the left bottom side of the instrument panel. The normal operating range on both gauges is marked by a green arc. The temperature gauge is an electric resistance type device powered by the electrical system. The pressure gauge is a mechanical direct reading device based on a “Bordon Tube” design. Indications vary from engine to engine, however any deviation from the green range requires immediate action. This may include reduction in power, increasing airspeed, richening mixture as applicable and contemplation of a landing when possible. Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Gauge The Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) indicator, if installed, is a more accurate means of measuring the engine operating condition. It is a direct indication of engine temperature compared with oil temperature which is surrounding the engine and has inertia and damping effects. As this is one of the hottest part of the engine probes are often prone to failure, and may fail in a high or low position. Indications should be used in conjunction with the Oil Temperature and Pressure readings. CHT gauges may often after failure be replaced by alternative gauges located in a different position. Always scan the instrument layout before start when flying a different aircraft. Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Gauge The Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) gauge, if installed, is normally located near the tachometer. A thermocouple probe in the muffler tailpipe measures AVIASOFT_INDO Page 56 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL exhaust gas temperature and transmits it to the indicator. Exhaust gas temperature varies with fuel-to-air ratio, power, and rpm. The indicator is equipped with a manually positioned reference pointer. Illustration 5i EGT Gauge Installation G1000 Engine Instruments On the G1000, all engine and system instrumentation is displayed on the left side of the MFD (primary mode) or PFD (backup mode). The multi cylinder EGT and CHT display can be seen by selecting 'LEAN' from the 'ENGINE' soft key menu on the PFD or MFD. When the MFD is in “back-up” mode, that is the PFD is displayed on both screens, engine display pages are available on the left side of both screens. In this configuration it is possible to select the primary engine page on one display, and the “Lean” page, displaying CHT and EGT, on the secondary (MFD) display. When using the MFD, engine instrumentation is only available on the MFD screen. The EGT and CHT are displayed on the engine “Lean” page, accessed via the soft keys at the bottom of the PFD and/or MFD. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 57 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The engine instruments are converted to digital data and displayed via Garmin's Engine/Airframe unit the GEA 71. Any failure of the G1000 or the GEA71 unit will result in a loss of all engine instruments including the tachometer and other primary engine control instruments. If a critical limit is exceeded, a red or yellow engine annunciator will display, and the gauge will display will change colour to yellow or red. Engine instruments display a red cross when failed. Induction System and Carb. Heat The engine receives air through an intake in the left opening in the nose cap. An induction system air scoop is located in the aft vertical baffle just behind the engine on the left side. This scoop is covered by an air filter which removes dust and other foreign matter from the induction air. In carburettor models, airflow passing through the filter enters the inlet in the updraft-type carburettor underneath the engine intake. The air then is mixed with the fuel and ducted to the Illustration 6a Carburettor engine cylinders through intake manifold tubes. The Carb Heat controls the selection of unfiltered hot air to the induction system. The control operates a Bowden cable which terminates at a butterfly valve in the carburettor air mixing box. Air enters the mixing box from two sources: Normal cold induction air – through the intake mounted in the nose and protected by a filter screen; Hot air intake, mounted on the starboard front shelf of the engine cowling connected to a heat exchanger unit fitted to the engine exhaust system. The purpose of the hot air is to prevent the formation of ice in the induction line of the engine. Ice formation of this type is recognized by a gradual or sharp drop in the engine rpm and/or rough running. When icing is suspected, the Carb. Heat control should be pulled into the fully out position. Confirmation of the icing will be by a further drop (from the hot air), followed by an increase when the ice is cleared. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 58 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL If carburettor or intake ice is encountered or if the intake filter becomes blocked, alternate heated air can be used by selecting the Carb Heat on. The Carb Heat selector knob is mounted on the instrument panel to the left of the throttle. This position provides a convenient reminder to consider the Carb Heat selection when making power changes. Carburettor ice is more prevalent at low power settings and recommended to be used whenever operating below the rpm or manifold pressure green arc in conditions likely for formation (e.g. 10 and +30 degrees Celsius with relative humidity of more than 50%), however pilots should remember to stow the Carb Heat again on restoration of power to the normal operating range. Carb. Heat is normally selected on when reducing power for the approach, then Illustration 6b Carburettor Ice selected off again, when applying power for go around, or on short final when committed to land. Because the Carb Heat bypasses the air filter, it may also be used is the intake filter becomes blocked. This will restore unfiltered hot air to the engine but with a loss of performance and risk of damage from foreign matter, flight should be continued under emergency conditions only to the nearest airfield or suitable landing site. Operation of the carb. heat should be always fully out or in, partial operation may increase icing due to small heat raising temperature to the icing range. A functioning test for the system should be carried out at 1700 rpm during engine run up. With the selection of hot air, a positive drop in power should occur. Use of full carburettor heat at full throttle during flight will result in a loss of approximately 150rpm. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 59 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL It should be remembered that heated air is obtained from an unfiltered outside source, thus the system should not be used on the ground for prolonged time. Dust inducted into the intake system of the engine is probably the greatest single cause of early engine wear. Use of Carb Heat has also been attributed to engine failures through ingesting foreign matter such as grass seeds and debris. When operating under high dust conditions, the carburettor heat system should not be used unless icing is suspected, and the induction air filter should be serviced after the flight. Note: Fuel injected engines do not have Carb. Heat. Fuel Injection System (R172/FR172, C172R, C172S) The latest model C172, and on the US Air Force F172, has a fuel injection system. It is a low pressure, multi nozzle, continuous flow system which injects raw fuel into the engine cylinder heads. The injection system is based on the principle of measuring engine air inflow at the throttle venturi to control fuel flow, proportional to the mixture setting. More or less air flow through the throttle venturi will result in more or less fuel being delivered to the engine. System components consist of the fuel/air control unit, the fuel distribution valve (flow divider), injection nozzles (1 per cylinder total) and the fuel lines connecting the components. A description of the components is as follows: Fuel/Air Control Unit - The fuel/air control unit, also known as the 'servo regulator, is located on the underside of the engine and integrates the functions of measuring airflow and controlling fuel flow. The control unit consists of an airflow sensing system, a regulator section and a fuel metering section. Fuel Distribution Valve - The fuel distribution valve, also known as a 'spider' or a flow divider, is located on top of the engine and serves to distribute fuel evenly to the four cylinders once it has been regulated by the fuel/air control unit. Also attached to the fuel distribution valve is a rigid line which feeds into a pressure transducer. This transducer measures fuel pressure and translates that reading into fuel flow at the cockpit indicator. Engines with a fuel injection system will always have an fuel flow indicator in the cockpit. Injection Nozzles - Each cylinder contains an injection nozzle, also known as an air bleed nozzle or a fuel injector. This nozzle incorporates a calibrated jet that determines, in conjunction with fuel pressure, the fuel flow entering each cylinder. Fuel entering the nozzle is discharged through the jet into an ambient air pressure chamber within the nozzle assembly. This nozzle assembly also contains a calibrated opening which is vented to the atmosphere, and allows fuel to be dispersed into the intake portion of the cylinder in an atomized, coneshaped pattern. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 60 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel Pumps - Because the fuel injection system requires higher pressure than a carburettor supply, fuel is delivered to the fuel injection system via an engine driven fuel pump. An auxiliary electrical fuel pump is provided in case of a failure of the engine driven pump, and for normal operations fulfils the priming functions on a fuel injected engine. The auxiliary fuel pump is described further in Fuel System, Normal Operations, and Emergency Operations sections. Note: The C172RG and C172Q, with a larger 180hp engine capacity, is one of the few models to have fuel pumps, the same as the fuel injected system, but with a carburettor providing metered fuel-air to the engine. Maximum Power Fuel Flow Settings For the takeoff and maximum power on the R172K and FR172K, to obtain the required power, it is FUEL FLOW AT FULL THROTTLE 2600 rpm essential to set the required S.L. 16 GPH fuel flow, as is required by all 4000 ft 14 GPH larger fuel injected engines. For 8000 ft 12 GPH this reason a placard must be 12000 ft 10 GPH displayed on the instrument panel. The placard must contain the information displayed above. Ignition System The necessary high-tension electrical current for the spark plugs comes from selfcontained spark generation and distribution units called the magnetos. The magneto consists of a magnet that is rotated near a conductor which has a coil of wire around it. The rotation of the magnet induces an electrical current to flow in the coil. The voltage is fed to each spark plug at the appropriate time, causing a spark to jump between the two electrodes. This spark ignites the fuel/air mixture. While the engine is running, Magneto AVIASOFT_INDO the Page 61 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL magneto is a completely self-sufficient source of electrical energy. The aircraft is equipped with a dual ignition system (two engine-driven magnetos, each controlling one of the two spark plugs in each cylinder). A dual ignition Illustration 6c Magneto system is safer, providing backup in event of failure of one ignition system, and results in more even and efficient fuel combustion. The left magneto is fitted on the left hand side of the engine, as viewed from the pilot’s seat, and fires the plugs fitted into the top of the left cylinders and the bottom of the right cylinders, the right magneto is on the right hand side and fires the opposite plugs (although the ignition selector switch is fitted in reverse - R then L). The dual system has an added bonus of being able to isolate left and right parts for easy plug and magneto fault finding during engine run up. Ignition and starter operation is controlled by a rotary type switch located on the left bottom side of the instrument panel. The switch is labelled clockwise: OFF, R, L, BOTH and START. When the ignition switch is placed on L (left) the left magneto and left ignition circuit is working and the right ignition circuit is off and vice versa. The engine should be operated on both magnetos (BOTH position) in all situations apart from magneto checks and in an emergency. When the switch is rotated to the spring-loaded START position (with master switch in the ON position), the starter is energized and the starter will crank the engine. When the switch is released, it will automatically return to the BOTH position. Note: Early models, C172C, 1962 and earlier have two independent ignition switches for the left and right magnetos, and a pull starter for starting. Dead Cut and Live Mag. Check It is important to remember if the ignition is live, the engine may be started by moving the Illustration 6d Magneto Switch propeller, even though the master switch is OFF. The magneto does not require outside source of electrical energy. Placing the ignition switch to OFF position grounds the primary winding of the magneto system so that it no longer supplies electrical power. With a loose or broken wire, or some other fault, switching the ignition to OFF may not ground both magnetos. To prevent this situation, just before shutting an engine down, a “dead-cut” of the ignition system should be made. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 62 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The dead-cut check is made by switching the ignition momentarily to OFF and a sudden loss of power should be apparent. This is carried out most effectively from R, not from Both, to prevent inadvertent sticking in OFF. On start up, a live mag. check is performed, to ensure both magnetos are working before taxi. This is not a system function check detailed below, as the engine is still cold and plugs may be fouled, rather just a check to ensure both magnetos are working by switching from Both to L, then R, and back to Both, noting a small drop from Both in L and R positions. A dead-cut check may be carried out at the same time. The engine will run on just one magneto, but the burning is less efficient, not as smooth as on two, and there is a slight drop in rpm. The magneto check to confirm both magnetos and plugs are operational should be made at 1700 rpm or 1800 rpm depending on model. Magneto and plug check: Move ignition switch to R position, allow to stabilise and note the rpm; Then move switch back to BOTH to clear the other set of plugs; Repeat for the L position and return to BOTH position. The maximum limit of the rpm drop is 125, 150 or 175 rpm depending on the model. The rpm drop should not exceed the maximum on either magneto, and should not have a difference greater than 50 rpm between each magneto drop. An absence of rpm drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system, a disconnected ground lead at the magneto, or possibly the magneto timing is set too far in advance. An absence of rpm drop on one magneto will usually mean the other magneto is dead, and selecting it will result in an engine 'dead' cut. An excessive drop or excessive differential normally indicates a faulty magneto. Fouled spark plugs (lead deposits on the spark plug preventing ignition) are indicated by rough running usually combined with a large drop in rpm (i.e. one or more cylinders not firing). This is due to one of the two plugs becoming fouled, normally the lower plug. Spark plug fouling, if not excessive, may be burnt off. Run the engine at a correct or slightly lean mixture setting and a high power setting (+/-2000rpm) for a few minutes, caution engine temperatures and surrounds. Where spark plug fouling is mild, just leaning the mixture will improve the burning efficiency on one magneto, and can bring the drop back to acceptable limits. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 63 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Engine Lubrication A wet sump, pressure lubricated oil system is fitted. Oil is supplied from a sump on the bottom of the engine. A wet sump engine has a sump attached to it in which the oil is stored. The capacity of the sump is from 6 to 12 imperial quarts depending on the engine type. Oil is drawn from the sump through the engine-driven oil pump to a thermostatically controlled bypass valve. If the oil is cold, the bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the oil cooler and flow directly to the oil filter. If the oil is hot, the oil is routed to the engine oil cooler mounted on the left forward side of the engine and then to the filter. The filtered oil then enters a pressure relief valve which regulates engine oil pressure by allowing excessive oil to return to the sump, while the balance of the pressure oil is circulated to the various engine parts for engine lubrication and cooling, Oil is returned by gravity to the engine sump. Because oil viscosity changes with temperature and due to the nature of this system, there will be a small change in the pressure with changes in operating temperatures, the warmer the temperature the lower the pressure. It should be noted that any large increases in temperature or decreases in pressure, or deviation from normal operating (green) range are an indication of possible malfunction. Discontinuation of the flight or landing at the nearest suitable location should be contemplated. Oil temperature and pressure gauges are fitted for monitoring engine condition, normally on the lower part of the instrument panel (see more under Oil Temperature and Pressure Gauges earlier in this section). If normal oil pressure is not indicated within 30 seconds of starting, the engine should be shut down immediately. This time is not only a maximum, but it should also be taken relatively. For the oil pressure to only begin rising after 30 seconds would only occur in extreme cold weather starting. In all normal temperatures, one would expect to see normal temperatures within around 3 to 5 seconds of start-up. If abnormal oil pressure is suspected, it is best to err on the safe side and shut down as soon as possible to prevent engine damage. It is also important to ensure that rpm is kept to a minimum during initial starting prior to oil pressure being fully operational. The oil tank dipstick is fastened to the oil filler cap. Access to the filler cap is through the inspection panel on the right side of the engine. Make sure that the filler cap is firmly on. Over turning may result in damage to the cap or difficulty in loosening, under turning may result in loss of oil or cap during flight. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 64 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Illustration 7a Oil Distribution Access to the filler cap is through the inspection panel on the right side of the engine. Make sure that the filler cap is firmly on. Over turning may result in damage to the cap or difficulty in loosening, under turning may result in loss of oil or cap during flight. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 65 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Oil dipstick on older models Oil dipstick on newer models Illustration 7b Oil Dipstick and Filler Cap Oil capacities differ throughout the series, depending on the engine type. As a rule, oil should be added if the level is below 1 quart from the minimum level. To minimize loss of oil through the breather, another rule of thumb is to ensure the oil is not more than 2 quarts above the minimum for normal flights of less than three hours. For extended flights, it may be desired to fill the oil up to the maximum quantity permitted. Note: Check the POH on your aircraft for the correct oil capacity for your aircraft, this is normally found in the Servicing and Maintenance section. Cooling System The engine cooling system is designed to keep the engine temperature within those limits designed by the manufacturer. Engine temperatures are kept within acceptable limits by The oil that circulates within the engine; The air cooling system that circulates fresh air around the engine compartment. The engine is air-cooled by exposing the cylinders and their cooling fins to the airflow. Air for engine cooling enters through two openings in the front of the engine cowling. The cooling air is directed around the cylinders and other areas of the engine by baffling, and is then exhausted through an opening at the bottom aft edge of the cowling. No manual cooling system control is provided. Air cooling is least effective at high power and low airspeed, for instance on take-off and climb. At high airspeed and low power, for instance on descent, the cooling might be too effective. It is therefore important to monitor the cylinderhead temperature gauge throughout the flight, and also on the ground when aircooling will be poor. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 66 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL If excessive temperatures are noted in flight,cooling of the engine can be improved by: En-richening the mixture (extra fuel has a cooling effect in the cylinders and combustion temperatures are lower); Reducing the engine power; Increasing the airspeed (e.g. level off or establish in a descent); Opening cowl flaps (if fitted) see more below. The propeller spinner in addition to streamlining and balance is a director for the cooling air, and so the aeroplane should generally not be operated without the spinner. Illustration 7c Cooling Air Flow Cowl Flaps (C172RG and FR172/F172 Models) Cowl flaps are provided to aid in controlling the engine temperature. The engine exhaust protrudes through a cut-out in the aft portion of the right cowl flap. The cooling air is directed from the opening at the front of the cowling, around the cylinders and other areas of the engine by baffling, and is then exhausted through cowl flaps on the lower aft edge of the cowling. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 67 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The two cowl flaps are mechanically operated from the cabin by means of a single cowl flap lever on the right side of the control pedestal. The lever may be positioned from fully OPEN (down) to fully CLOSED (up) or positioned at an intermediate setting. This is accomplished by first moving the lever to the right to clear the detent which holds it in position, then moving the lever up or down to the desired position. Illustration 7d Cowl Flaps Herewith some guidelines for standard operations with cowl flaps. Before starting the engine, and throughout takeoff and high power climb operation, the cowl flaps should be in the OPEN position for maximum cooling. While in cruise flight, cowl flaps should be adjusted partially or fully CLOSED to keep the cylinder head temperature at a normal operating position, approximately two-thirds of the normal operating range (green arc) for most normally aspirated engines. During extended descent, or low power operation the cowl flaps should be completely closed unless very high ambient or high engine operating temperatures are observed. Cowl flaps should be OPENED prior to landing as a preparation for a go around, and should always be OPEN after landing and for all ground operations due to the much lower amount of cooling air flow over the cylinders. In very hot or very cold temperatures, and for certain types of engine, this may sometimes differ, consult your POH or a flight instructor in the area. Fuel System All models of C172 have a gravity flow fuel system feeding from the fuel tanks or integral bays in the high wing. There are two integral aluminum tanks (one per wing) in the standard and longrange systems. There is an integral fuel bay area in each wing in the extended range system and in the C172R, 1996 and later models. The integral bay is a wet wing system, more efficiently utilising the wing structure as a tank. The earlier models have an integral tank – that is, a separate tank, which is 'integrated' into the wing. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 68 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL From the wing, fuel flows to a three or four-position selector valve, through a firewall-mounted fuel strainer. Depending upon selector valve handle position, fuel is directed from one or both tanks or to the engine, or flow can be shut off completely. From the fuel strainer the fuel either flows directly to the carburetor and engine primer, or to the engine-driven fuel pump and the auxiliary electric fuel pump, where fuel under pressure is then delivered to the carburettor or to the fuel control unit. Note: The fuel injected models and the C172Q and C172RG have a fuel pump to increase the pressure of fuel at the manifold for the increased demand of the fuel injection and the higher powered engine. From the carburettor, mixed fuel and air flows to the cylinders through the intake manifold. For fuel injected models, metered fuel flows from the fuel control unit to the fuel injector nozzles. Fuel systems for the different models are shown in the schematic diagrams on the following pages. Representative diagrams of the three main systems are shown, that is for the standard fuel system, the C172RG/C172Q, and the fuel injected models. Note: fuel systems can differ, even between the same model. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 69 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Standard Fuel System Schematic AVIASOFT_INDO Page 70 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel System Schematic C172RG AVIASOFT_INDO Page 71 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel System Schematic Fuel Injected Models AVIASOFT_INDO Page 72 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The following summarises the approximate* total and usable fuel on the various models of C172: C172 - 42 total, 37 usable US gallons (159/140 litres) standard fuel tanks; C172A, B - 42 total, 39 usable US gallons (159/147 litres) standard fuel tanks; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 73 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL C172C to H - 39 total, 36 usable US gallons (147/136 litres) standard fuel tanks; C172I, K, L, M - 42 total, 38 usable US gallons (159/144 litres) standard fuel tanks; C172I, K, L, M - 52 total, 48 usable US gallons (201/186 litres) long range fuel tanks; C172N,P - 43 total, 40 usable US gallons (163/151 litres) standard fuel tanks; C172N,P - 42 total, 40 usable US gallons (159/151 litres) long range fuel tanks; C172P - 68 total, 62 usable US gallons (257/234 litres) wet wing fuel tanks; C172Q - 54 total, 50 usable US gallons (204/189 litres) standard fuel tanks; C172R,S - 56 total, 53 usable US gallons (212/200 litres) standard fuel tanks; P172 - 52 total, 41.5 usable US gallons (197/158 litres) standard fuel tanks; FR172,R172K - 52 total, 49 usable US gallons (197/185 litres) standard fuel tanks; FR172,R172K - 68 total, 66 usable US gallons (257/250 litres) long range tanks; C172RG - 66 total, 62 usable US gallons (250/235 litres) standard fuel tanks; *These figures are approximate as variations exist between type certification information, and maintenance manuals, and more importantly, it should be remembered, individual manufacturing tolerances, tanks can be modified by STCs, and density changes will give rise to slight variations in tank capacity. The usable tank capacity should be placarded on the fuel selector of the model you are flying. Check the POH for fuel system on particular aircraft you are going to fly for the correct quantities and operational requirements. The amount of fuel we can put into fuel tanks is limited by the volume of the tanks, and therefore usable fuel is always provided in volume, such as gallons and litres. However, the carburettor and engine are only sensitive to the mass of fuel, and not to the volume. The engine will consume a certain mass (lbs or kgs) of fuel per hour. Fuel has a wide variation in specific gravity (weight of fuel per volume) mostly depending on temperature and type of fuel. Therefore, variations in specific gravity of fuel can have a significant effect on the mass of fuel in the tanks and therefore the range and endurance. For practical purposes the specific gravity of Avgas is taken as 0.72 kgs/lt. Fuel Selector Valve AVIASOFT_INDO Page 74 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The fuel valve is located on the floor of the cockpit between the pilot and co-pilot seats. The selector valve on most models has four positions, labeled: BOTH ON, RIGHT, LEFT, and BOTH OFF. Models C172R and later have a three position selector with LEFT, RIGHT and BOTH. There is additionally a fuel shut off valve which, when pulled fully out, stops the fuel flow, thus functioning as an OFF position. Illustration 8a Fuel Selector The BOTH position must be selected for takeoff and landing, this requirement is also a mandatory placard on the fuel selector. In all models up to C172K fitted with the original fuel system, operating in the BOTH position at high density altitudes may lead to fuel vapourisation, resulting in loss of power or engine failure. In models where this applies fuel must be selected to LEFT or RIGHT once above 5000ft in the cruise. This information, if not available in the POH, is published in FAA AD 72-07-02. For all other models, if vaporisation is suspected, provided there is fuel available, it is recommended to try selecting an alternative tank, as the alternative fuel routing may fix the problem. The reason for this issue and the solution, is due to the excess fuel return line and the fuel reservoir routing, which differs throughout the C172 series. Note: For fuel injected models, if experiencing an engine failure or suspected vapourisation, the fuel pump must be switched on first. When leaving the aircraft, and when refueling, the fuel selector should be selected to left or right to prevent cross draining through the fuel balance tube and vent lines. Many pilots have come back to their aircraft, after parking overnight, to find they've lost a couple of hours fuel out of the vent line – be warned! Fuel Measuring and Indication Fuel quantity is measured by two float-type quantity transmitters (one in each tank), and indicated by two electrically-operated fuel quantity indicators on the left portion of the instrument panel. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 75 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The full position of float produces a minimum Illustration 8b Fuel Gauges resistance through the transmitter, permitting maximum current flow through the fuel quantity indicator and maximum pointer deflection. As fuel level is lowered, resistance in the transmitter is increased, producing a decreased current flow and a smaller pointer deflection. An empty tank, indicated by a red line and letter E, means there is approximately 1 to 3 gallons remaining in the tank as unusable fuel. The float gauge will indicate variations with changes in the position of fuel in the tanks and cannot be relied upon for accurate reading during skids, slips, or unusual attitudes. Considering the nature of the system, takeoff is not recommended with less than 1 hour total fuel remaining. Fuel quantity should always be confirmed by use of a dipstick during the pre-flight inspection and on intermediate stops enroute. If operating with less than ¼ tanks, avoid any prolonged turns, skids, or extreme pitch attitudes, which would allow the fuel drain point in the tank to be deprived of fuel, leading to fuel starvation and possible engine failure. Low Fuel Warning System The C172R and later models have a low fuel warning system, which annunciates when the fuel is below 5 gallons in each tank. The low fuel warning system may illuminate during slips/skids, large attitude changes or acceleration/deceleration when fuel is between 5 gallons and 10 gallons each side. When tanks are full, the fuel sensors occasionally cut out from exceeding the upper limits of the gauge. When this happens on conventional models, the low fuel annunciator will illuminate, and the fuel gauge will read zero. For, G1000 models, the fuel gauge will show a red cross, indicating the gauge has failed, but no warning will illuminate. This usually only occurs when within 5 gallons of full tanks, and is intermittent, causing the warning to cycle on and off periodically. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 76 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel Venting Fuel system venting is essential to system operation and is necessary to allow normal fuel flow and relieve pressure as fuel is used. Blockage of the venting system will result in a decreasing fuel flow and eventual engine stoppage. A vent line is installed in the outboard end of the left fuel cell and extends overboard Illustration 8c Fuel Vent down through the lower wing skin. The inboard end of the vent line extends into the fuel tank, then forward and slightly upward. A vent valve is installed on the inboard end of the vent line inside the fuel tank, and a crossover vent line connects the two tanks for positive ventilation. The vent line opens to the highest part of the tank, therefore it is normal, when the tanks are full, to see a small amount of overflow fuel leaking through the fuel vent. In all C172s, both wing fuel caps must be vented, according to the Airworthy Directive AD 79-10-14 R1, 30th May 1988. As indicated above, only the left wing contains a forward facing vent, which is pressurised by the dynamic pressure of the relative airflow. The right wing is pressurised via a balance tube, and the vent in the fuel cap. Despite modifications to the balance tube in attempt to rectify the situation, because of the design of the fuel venting, most Cessna's will burn fuel from the left tank first. This is considered largely unavoidable, and, careful fuel monitoring and balancing in flight is the only real solution to the problem. If uneven feeding is significant, the fuel may be balanced by selecting the fuller tank. Note, operation on one tank in the C172 is permitted only in level flight. Caution, when changing fuel tanks (from both to left or right, or returning to both), always ensure there is continued fuel supply, be ready to change tanks back in the event of an engine failure after changing to a new tank. If uneven feeding becomes severe the situation should be checked by a maintenance organisation, as there is possibly a blockage in the fuel lines, vents, or balance tube. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 77 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel Drains The fuel system is equipped with drain valves to provide a means for the examination of fuel in the system for contamination and grade. The system should be examined before the first flight of every day and after each refuelling, by using the sampler cup to drain fuel from the drain points on the wing tanks and sump. Illustration 8d Fuel Sampling Water may be introduced by condensation or from heavy rain, and may be introduced directly into the tanks or from the refuelling point. Water in fuel is most likely to develop overnight, in humid conditions, when tanks are partially full. There is usually a drop in air temperature overnight and, if the tank is not full, the fuel tanks’ walls will become cold and there will be a lot more condensation than if the tanks were full of fuel. The water, as it is heavier than fuel, will accumulate at the bottom of the fuel tanks. If water is found in the tank, fuel should be drained until all the water has been removed, and wings should be rocked to allow any other water to gravitate to the fuel strainer drain valve. If any sediment or debris are found in the fuel system, maintenance should be consulted. Rubber particles can be indication of a failing O-ring seal, and an impending fuel leak. Most models have one under wing drain on each tank and one fuel strainer drain valve in the lower engine bay, draining the low point of the fuel system. Some models, for example the C172R and C172S have ten under wing drains (five on each side), and three sump drains installed, for the fuel selector, fuel reservoir, and fuel strainer. On most models, the fuel strainer drain valve control is located adjacent to the oil dipstick, and is accessible through the oil dipstick door. Late models (C172R and later) have spring loaded sump drains, the same as those on the wing. Where the sump drain is a pull lever, it is of vital importance to ensure it is firmly closed again after draining. Ensure all fuel drains are checked during the pre-flight inspection. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 78 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Priming System A manual primer is fitted to all models without a fuel pump. The manual priming system consists of a manually operated pump located on left bottom corner of the instrument panel, and distribution lines to the engine cylinders or intake manifold. The manual primer draws its fuel from the fuel strainer and injects it directly into the engine. Depending on model, the injection point may be the intake manifold, or the intake port of the cylinder. Illustration 8e Manual Primer The primer differs over the series, and may be a standard one cylinder primer, or an optional three cylinder primer, or in the F172, with a O-300-D Continental engine, the primer directs fuel into the intake manifold, just above the carburettor. The three cylinder optional primer directs fuel to cylinders 1, 2 and 4. A multi-cylinder manual primer, or a primer which primes the full intake manifold, if not fitted, it is highly recommended for improved cold weather starting. Priming the engine is normally required when starting a cold engine, when the fuel in the carburettor is reluctant to vaporize. One to three pumps of the primer is recommended depending on the temperature and should be carried out immediately prior to starting. If priming is carried out too early the fuel is ineffective in the start cycle, but effective in washing oil from the cylinder walls and causing additional frictional wear on start. The primer should be locked when the engine is running to avoid excessive fuel being drawn through the priming line into the cylinders, which could cause an engine failure from the fuel/air mixture becoming too rich. Although priming may be achieved by operation of the throttle, the primer is a more effective method as fuel enters directly into the cylinder, and it is the recommended method specified in the pilots operating handbook. The fuel injected models (FR172, R172, C172R, and C172S), and the 180hp Cutlass (C172Q, C172RG), use the throttle and auxiliary fuel pump for priming. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 79 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Auxiliary Fuel Pump Fuel-injected Models (FR172, R172, C172R, C172S), and Cutlass (C172Q, C172RG) An electrically driven auxiliary fuel pump is mounted on the firewall and is connected in parallel with the fuel flow of the primary engine driven pump. The auxiliary fuel pump switch located adjacent to the master switch is used to select the pump on or off. The auxiliary fuel pump is provided as a back-up to the engine driven pump. The engine driven pump has no pilot controls, and runs automatically without the pilot being aware of it, unless there is a failure. The auxiliary fuel pump also serves the function of primer in fuel injected models, and is used for starting, as directed in the POH. The C172Q and C172RG have both an auxiliary fuel pump and an engine driven pump, functioning in the same way as detailed above. Both connect to the carburettor intake. The purpose of the fuel pumps are to ensure sufficient pressure with the larger power on the 180hp engine. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Operation In cruise and descent, and at low power operations, gravity may be sufficient for sustained engine operation without the fuel pump, and a failure may not be noticed until higher power is selected again. In the climb, and high power operations, if the engine driven pump fails there will be a sudden loss of power, preceded by a drop in fuel pressure. The auxiliary fuel pump should be switched on, and the flight terminated as soon as possible. Any time there are fuel flow fluctuations (while sufficient fuel exists in the tanks), the auxiliary pump should be used. In hot temperatures, or at high engine operating temperatures, fuel vapourisation can cause fuel fluctuations, resulting in rough running or engine failure. The auxiliary fuel pump can be used to stabilise vaporisation and restore engine operation. Refer to emergency operations, and to the POH of your aircraft for more information on this. Although all models with an auxiliary fuel pump use it for priming, the methods differ slightly, refer to the POH of the model you are flying. Some additional guidance is provided in the Normal Operations section of this book. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 80 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Electrical System Electrical energy for the aircraft is supplied by a 14 or 28 volt, direct-current, single wire, negative ground electrical system. The system is either: For models before 1967: 14 Volt system; 20, 35, or 50 amp generator; 12 volt battery with 25 or 33 amp-hours capacity. For models after 1967, and before 1978: 14 Volt system; 52 or 60 amp alternator; 12 volt battery with a 25 or 33 amp-hours capacity. For models 1979 and later: 28 volt system; 60 amp alternator; 24 volt battery with 17, 12.75 or optional 15.5 amp-hour capacity. Additionally for models equipped with G1000 avionics: 24 volt standby battery (for operation of the G1000 essential bus only). Battery The 12 volt for models 1978 or earlier, or 24 volt lead-acid battery supplies power for starting and furnishes a reserve source of power in the event of alternator failure. The battery is mounted on the left forward side of the firewall (see picture on the next page). Only the P172, C172RG, and R172 models. which are based on the C175 airframe, have the battery mounted on the left hand side of the aft fuselage behind the baggage compartment wall. The battery capacity will be either: 12 Volt with 25 or 33 amp-hour capacity (1978 and earlier); 24 Volts, with 17 or 12.75 standard, 15.5 optional capacity (1979 and later). The amp-hour is the capacity of the battery to provide a current for a certain time. A 14 amp-hour battery is capable of steadily supplying a current of 1 amp for 14 hours and 7 amp for 2 hours and so on. Amp hours is very useful where an accurate ammeter is provided, whereupon following an alternator failure, it is easy to determine the approximate length of useful battery time. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 81 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Standby Battery (G1000 Equipped Aircraft) With G1000 equipped aircraft, a small standby battery is installed for the purpose of maintaining electrical power to the G1000 essential bus. This powers the primary flight display (PFD) and essential avionics and engine instruments in back up mode only, in case of an electrical supply fault or failure of the main battery circuit. The G1000 essential bus provides power to the PFD, AHRS, ADC, COM1, NAV1, Engine and Airframe Unit, and standby instrument lights. Illustration 9a Typical battery Installation AVIASOFT_INDO Page 82 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The 24 volt standby battery, provides approximately 30 minutes power for operation of the G1000 in back up mode. The standby battery will automatically take over electrical supply when the main battery falls below approximately 20 volts. It may also be manually selected after failure of the alternator, providing automatic load shedding and conserving main battery power, with full availability of electrical equipment, for use during more critical stages of flight. Electrical Power Supply The aircraft is fitted with either a generator or alternator for generating electrical power during flight and maintaining the battery charge. The charging system capacity (14 or 28 volt), is the output from the generator or alternator after voltage regulation. This is always slightly more than the battery (12 or 24 volt) to ensure continuous charge to the battery when using the electrical system in normal operations. Models manufactured in 1966 or earlier were fitted with a 20, 35 or 50 amp generator. Models produced in 1967 or later were fitted with a 52 or 60 amp engine-driven alternator. The electrical supply from the alternator is rectified and controlled by a voltage regulator/alternator control unit. External Power Receptacle An external power receptacle is offered as an option in all models, to provide a simple method of connecting an alternative electrical power supply to the battery during stationary ground operations. External power may be used to supplement battery power for starting, or for prolonged operation of electrical equipment on the ground without the engine running. Electrical Equipment The following standard equipment on the Cessna 172 requires electrical power for operation (there may be additional optional equipment which uses electrical power): Fuel quantity indicators; All internal and external lights and beacon, including warning lights; Pitot heat; Wing flaps; Landing gear main extension and retraction system (RG model only); Starter motor; Cylinder head temperature gauge and Exhaust Gas Temperature gauge (where fitted); AVIASOFT_INDO Page 83 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL All radio and radio-navigation equipment. System Protection and Distribution On most models, electrical power for electrical equipment and electronic installations is supplied through the split bus bar. The bus bar is interconnected by a wire and attached to the circuit breakers on the lower, centre of the instrument panel. Some models prior to 1969, and all models prior to 1967 were equipped with a single bus bar. Circuit breakers or fuses are provided to protect electrical equipment from current overload. If there is an electrical overload or short-circuit, a circuit breaker (CB) will pop out and break the circuit so that no current can flow through it. It is normal procedure (provided there is no smell or other sign of burning or overheating), to reset a circuit breaker once. To reset a circuit breaker, After allowing a cooling period of two to three minutes, push it back in once only. Do not hold the CB in or force it back in, as this can cause damage to electrical equipment or fire. Most of the electrical circuits in the aeroplane are protected by “pushtoreset” type circuit breakers. However, alternator output and some others are protected by a “pull-off” type circuit breaker to allow for voluntary isolation in case of a malfunction. Electrical circuits which are not protected by circuit breakers are the battery contactor closing circuit (for Illustration 9b Circuit Breakers external power), clock circuit, and flight hour recorder circuit. These circuits are protected by fuses mounted adjacent to the battery and are sometimes termed “hot wired” or “hot bus” connections because the connection is not controlled by the battery master switch. The master switch controls the operation of the battery and alternation system. For models after 1970, the switch is an interlocking split rocker type with the battery mode on the right hand side and the alternator mode on the left hand side. This arrangement allows the battery to be on line without the alternator, however, operation of the alternator without the battery on the line is not possible. The switch is labelled BAT and ALT and is located on the left-hand side of the instrument panel. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 84 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL If the battery power drops too low, (from operating without the alternator, or from standing for a long time) the battery contactor will open, and remove power from the alternator field. This will prevent the alternator operating again. It is important to remember if you are starting an aeroplane with ground power because of a flat battery, make sure the alternator is operating after start. Earlier models have a one position pull type switch. The ammeter, located on the lower left side of the instrument panel, indicates the flow of current, in amperes, from the alternator to the battery or from the battery to the aircraft electrical system. When the engine is operating and the master switch is ON, the ammeter Illustration 9c Master Switch and Ammeter indicates the charging rate applied to the battery. When the ammeter needle is deflected right of center, the current flows into the battery and indicates the battery charge rate. When the ammeter needle is deflected left of center, the current flows from the battery the battery and the battery is therefore discharging. With battery switch ON and no alternator output, the ammeter will indicate a discharge from the battery, because the battery is providing current for the electrical circuits that are switched on. If the alternator is ON, but incapable of supplying sufficient power to the electrical circuits, the battery must make up the balance and there will be some flow of current from the battery. The ammeter will show a discharge. In this case, the load on the electrical system should be reduced by switching off unnecessary electrical equipment until the ammeter indicates a charge. Indication of charge from the system to the battery more than temporarily may indicate more serious problems and should be checked out immediately. The aircraft is equipped with a voltage warning and protection system consisting of an under-volt sensor and an over-voltage cutout, with a red warning light near the ammeter. Illustration 9d Low Voltage Light AVIASOFT_INDO Page 85 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL For models 1977 and earlier, this is labeled HIGH VOLTAGE, for models 1978 and later it is more suitably labeled “LOW VOLTAGE”. In both cases, when an over-voltage condition occurs the over-voltage sensor turns off the alternator or generator system and the red warning light comes on and the ammeter will show a discharge, indicating to the pilot that the battery is supplying all electrical power. Turn off both sections of the master switch to recycle the over-voltage sensor. If the over-voltage condition was transient, the light will remain extinguished. and no further action is necessary. If, after resetting, the light illuminates again, a malfunction in the electrical supply system has occurred. The flight should be terminated as soon as practical, and provisions made for completion of the remainder of the flight with electrical supply from the battery only. The over-voltage warning light may be tested by momentarily turning OFF the ALT portion of the master switch and confirming that the light illuminates. Illumination of the low-voltage light may occur during low rpm conditions with an electrical load on the system, such as during the taxi at low rpm. Under these conditions, the light will go out at higher rpm, and the master switch need not be recycled since an over-voltage condition has not occurred to de-activate the alternator. Note, it is often deemed impossible to have a sustained over-voltage condition, since the protection mechanisms should prevent such an occurrence by disconnecting the faulty circuit. For this reason generally nothing is written about handling a sustained over-voltage. Although it is unlikely, experience dictates that it is possible, either due to a failure or faulty set point in the overvolt protection, or because a severe electrical spike causes the protection mechanism to hardwire. If this should occur, the primary indication will be the ammeter. It is important to remove the over-voltage source by disconnecting the generator/alternator immediately, thereafter continue flight as described above on battery power only. Electrical schematic diagrams can be seen on the following pages. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 86 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Electrical System Schematic Conventional Aircraft AVIASOFT_INDO Page 87 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL G1000 Electrical Distribution Schematic AVIASOFT_INDO Page 88 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Flight Instruments and Associated Systems The aircraft is normally equipped with the following standard flight instruments: Attitude Indicator (requires vacuum system for operation and it gives a visual indication of flight attitude. A knob at the bottom of the instrument is provided for in-flight adjustment of the miniature aeroplane to the horizon bar); Directional Indicator (requires vacuum system for operation and it displays aeroplane heading on a compass card. A knob on the lower left edge of the instrument is used to adjust the compass card to correct for any precession); Airspeed Indicator (requires dynamic and static pressure and is calibrated in knots or miles per hour. The instrument has limitation marking in form of white, green and yellow arcs and a red line); Altimeter (requires static pressure and depicts aeroplane altitude in feet. A knob near the lower left edge of the instrument provides adjustment of the barometric scale to the current altimeter setting – QNH/QNE/QFE); Vertical Speed Indicator (requires static pressure and it depicts aeroplane rate of climb or descent in feet per minute). Turn and Slip Indicator (requires electric power for rate of turn indication, gravity for slip indication) For G1000 equipped aircraft all the above flight instruments are contained on the primary flight display. Conventional vs G1000 Flight Instruments AVIASOFT_INDO Page 89 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Vacuum System Suction is necessary to operate the main gyro instruments, consisting of the attitude indicator and directional indicator. A suction gauge is fitted on the instrument panel and indicates suction at the gyros. Suction is normally provided by a dry-type, engine-driven, vacuum pump. A suction relief valve, to control system pressure, is connected between the pump inlet Vacuum Pump Illustration 10a and the instruments. All models prior to 1962 and standard models prior to 1968 may be fitted with a single or dual venturi system for generating suction pressure to operate the suction driven gyro instruments. The venturi system relies on airspeed to work, so, note, no suction pressure will indicate during the engine run-up. Illustration 10b Vacuum Venturi One advantage is that because of it's simplicity, providing there is airspeed, it is very reliable, failure can only result from blockage or structural damage or a pipe connection failure, there are no moving parts. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 90 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL A suction range of 4.6 to 5.4 inches of mercury below atmospheric pressure is acceptable. If the vacuum pressure is too low, the airflow will be reduced, the gyro’s rotor will not run at the required speed, and the gyro instruments will be unreliable. If the pressure is too high, the gyro rotors speed will be too fast and the gyro may be damaged. Illustration 10c Vacuum Driven Gyro Instruments AVIASOFT_INDO Page 91 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL When the vacuum pressure is too low, the gyro will not remain rigid, and the reference (attitude, or direction) will indicate an error. The gyro may completely topple, or, the error can be subtle and barely noticeable. Subtle gyro wander, in either attitude or direction can leading to serious problems when flying under instrument conditions. Ensure the gyro attitude indicator is always crossreferenced with performance instruments, and the direction indicator is regularly checked against the compass. From mid 1983 a low vacuum warning light was fitted, which illuminates when the vacuum pressure drops below 3 inches. Later models, from 1996 on, have a Low Vac (low vacuum) annunciator. Pitot-Static System The pitot-static system supplies dynamic air pressure to the airspeed indicator and static air pressure to the airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator and altimeter. The system is composed of a pitot tube mounted on the lower surface of the left wing, an external static port on the lower left side of the forward fuselage, and associated plumbing necessary to connect the instrument to the sources. The heated pitot system consists of a heating element in the pitot tube, and a switch labelled PITOT HT on the lower left side of the instrument panel. When the pitot heat switch is turned ON, the element in the pitot tube is heated electrically to avoid ice building on the pitot tube in possible icing conditions. The pitot tube and static vent should not be damaged or obstructed, otherwise false reading from the relevant flight instruments could degrade the safety of the flight. They should be carefully checked in the preflight inspection. The pitot cover is used to prevent water or insects accumulating in the tube during parking. The pitot tube and static vent should not be tested by blowing in them, since very sensitive instruments are involved. G1000 Instrumentation In the G1000 equipped aircraft, the instrumentation is generated on an LCD screen, called the Primary Flight Display (PFD), by the Air Data Computer (ADC), the Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS), a magnometer, and the Integrated Avionics Unit (IAU). The pitot-static system operates in the same way as the conventional aircraft, the only difference is that the pitot and static signals are fed to the Air Data Computer which converts the signals into digital format to generate the required display on the on the PFD screen. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 92 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The pitot-static system also feeds a stand-by conventional altimeter and airspeed indicator which are mounted on the bottom of the instrument panel, for use if there is a failure of the G1000 or of the electrical system. The artificial horizon, and turn and skid indicator receive their attitude information from the AHRS and the directional indicator receives heading information from the magnometer. Additionally there is a vacuum pump (as described above) which powers a conventional gyro operated artificial horizon, for the stand-by instrumentation. Stall Warning The aeroplane is equipped with a pneumatic-type stall warning consisting of an inlet in the leading edge of the left wing, and an air-operated horn near the upper left corner of the wind-shield. As the aeroplane approaches a stall, the low pressure of the upper surface of the wings moves forward around the leading edge of the wings. This low pressure creates a differential pressure in the stall warning system which draws air through the warning horn, resulting in an audible warning at approximately 5 to 10 knots above stall in all flight conditions. The stall warning can be checked during the preflight inspection by applying suction over the vent opening. A sound from the warning horn will confirm that the system is operative. Alternate Stall Warning System (RG Model Only) The C172RG is equipped with a vane-type stall warning unit, in the leading edge of the left wing, which is electrically connected to a dual warning unit located behind the instrument panel. The vane in the wing senses the change in airflow over the wing, and operates the dual warning unit, which produces a continuous tone over the internal speaker at airspeeds between 5 and 10 knots above the stall in all configurations. If the aeroplane has a heated stall warning system, the vane and sensor unit in the wing leading edge is equipped with a heating element. The heated part of the system is operated by the PITOT HT switch, and is protected by the PITOT HT circuit breaker. The stall warning system should be checked during the pre-flight inspection by momentarily turning on the master switch and actuating the vane in the wing. The system is operational if a continuous tone is heard on the aeroplane speaker as the vane is pushed upward. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 93 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Ancillary Systems and Equipment Lighting Instrument and control panel lighting is provided by flood lighting, and integral lighting (internally lit equipment) and, optional post lights (individual lights above the instruments). Two rheostat control knobs on the lower left side of the control panel, labeled PANEL LT and RADIO LT, control intensity of the lighting. A slide-type switch on the overhead console, labeled PANEL LIGHTS, is used to select flood lighting in the FLOOD position. Flood lighting consists of a single red flood light in the forward part of the overhead console. To use the flood lighting, rotate the PANEL LT rheostat control knob clockwise to the desired intensity. The external lighting system consists of: navigational lights on the wing tips and top of the rudder; single or dual landing/taxi light mounted in the front cowling nose cap; a flashing beacon located on top of the vertical fin; strobe lights installed on each wing tip; a courtesy light recessed into the lower surface of each wing slightly; outboard of the cabin doors. All lights (except the courtesy) are controlled by switches on the lower left side of the instrument panel. The switches are ON in the up position and OFF in the down position. The courtesy lights are operated by the DOME LIGHTS switch located on the overhead console. The switch should be pushed to the right to turn the lights on. The most probable cause of a light failure is a burned out bulb; however, in the event any of the lighting systems fail to illuminate when turned on, check the appropriate circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker has opened (white button popped out), and there is no obvious indication of a short circuit (smoke or odor), turn off the light switch of the affected lights, reset the breaker, and turn the switch on again. If the breaker opens again, do not reset it. Cabin Heating and Ventilating System Heated air and outside air are blended in a cabin manifold just aft of the firewall by adjustment of the heat and air controls. The temperature and volume of airflow into the cabin is controlled by the pushpull CABIN HT and CABIN AIR control knobs. Both controls permit intermediate settings. Cabin heat and ventilating air from the manifold to the cabin is supplied by two ducts, one extending down each side of the cabin to an outlet at the front door post at floor level. Wind-shield defrost air is also supplied by dual ducts leading AVIASOFT_INDO Page 94 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL from the cabin manifold to outlets on top of the glare shield. Two knobs on each outlet control sliding valves which permit regulation of defroster airflow. For cabin ventilation, pull the CABIN AIR knob out. To raise the air temperature, pull the CABIN HT knob partially or fully out as required. For improved partial heating on mild days, pull out the CABIN AIR knob slightly when the CABIN HEAT knob is out. This action increases the airflow through the system, increasing efficiency, and blends cool outside air with the exhaust manifold heated air, thus eliminating the possibility of overheating the system ducting. Separate adjustable ventilators supply additional ventilation air to the cabin. One near each upper corner of the wind shield supplies air for the pilot and copilot, and two ventilators are available for the rear cabin area to supply air to the rear seat passengers. Each rear ventilator outlet can be adjusted in any desired direction by rotating the entire outlet. Rear seat ventilation airflow may be closed off completely, or partially closed, according to the amount of airflow desired, by rotating an adjustment knob protruding from the centre of the outlet. The cabin heating system uses warm air from around the engine exhaust. Any leaks in the exhaust system can allow carbon monoxide to enter the cabin. To minimize the effect of engine fumes, fresh air should always be used in conjunction with cabin heat. Carbon monoxide is odorless and poisoning will seriously impair human performance, and if not remedied, could be fatal. Personal CO detectors are inexpensive and available at most pilot shops. Illustration 10d Heating and Air Ventilation Schematic AVIASOFT_INDO Page 95 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Avionics Equipment The minimum standard fitting is a single VHF radio with hand mike and single jack point, however most trainers have a dual place intercom with PTT (push to talk) switch. Many aircraft have upgrades on the avionics systems so an overview of general operation is included. Audio Selector Before operation of any radio installation the audio selector panel should be checked. The audio selector selects the position of the transmitter and receiver for the radio equipment on board. The common audio selector panel positions are: Microphone Selector: Illustration 10e Audio Selector Transmit on COM 1, COM 2,... etc. (sometimes called MIC 1, MIC2 for microphone); Receiver: Listen to COM 1/2, NAV 1/2....etc.; sometimes a BOTH selector is available (as shown above) Audio Select: Listen to each channel on speaker, head phone or select off; It is considered best practice to use COM 1 for the primary active frequency and COM 2 for any auxiliary frequencies when required (such as TIBA, ATIS, or listening ahead to the next frequency), and always reselect the transmit to the active frequency after use, to avoid selection errors. Intercom The intercom sometimes incorporated in the audio select panel contains at least a volume and squelch control. The volume control is for adjusting the crew communication volume. The squelch for adjusting the sensitivity of the crew voice activation. If the squelch is too sensitive there will be a constant static sound, if it is not sensitive enough it will be difficult to talk. Four place intercoms usually will incorporate an isolate switch for isolating the left seat from the passengers, to prevent interruptions during critical phases of flight. These may also contain dual volume and squelch controls for the crew and passengers, and some have ATC playback functions. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 96 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL VHF Radio Operations Once the audio panel has been set, the crew communication established, if required, and the radio switched on, correct operation should be confirmed prior to transmitting. All VHF radio installations will have a squelch selection to check volume and for increased reception when required. This is either in the form of a pull to test button or a rheostat, turned, until activation is heard. Thereafter initial contact should be established if on a manned frequency. Most modern radio installations have an indicator to confirm the transmit button is active (typically a T or Tx) and often an indication if another station is transmitting (an R or Rx). This must be monitored when initiating radio transmissions. Radio Discipline Good radio discipline communications. is important to ensure safe and effective radio When using VHF radios, unless there is a special reason not to, it is recommended to use COM1 for the active frequency (the responsible ATC station or unmanned frequency for the air space you are flying in), and COM 2 for secondary frequencies (company operations, ATIS, listening on the next unmanned frequency in advance, air to air non-essential frequencies). Ensure the volumes of the relative stations are adjusted so that the active ATC frequency is loudest. Always return the transmitter (microphone) selector to the active frequency again to avoid inadvertently transmitting on the wrong station. In the case of a radio with Rx/Tx indications, always look at the radio your using before selecting the PTT, to ensure there is no one transmitting, that is, no 'Rx' indications, and on pressing the PTT, to ensure you have the correct radio, correct 'Tx' indications. Transponder Wherever installed transponders should be switched to standby after start to allow for warm up time. When entering an active runway for departure, until leaving the active runway at the end of the flight, the selector should be in ALT if available or ON. Even in non-radar airspace, it is vital to have the transponder on, since many aircraft now contain TCAS (Traffic and Collision Avoidance System), which can observe other transponder equipped targets for traffic separation purposes. The following international transponder codes are useful to remember: AVIASOFT_INDO Page 97 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Where no code is specified Emergencies Radio failure Unlawful Interference 2000 7700 7600 7500 Typical IFR Radio Installation (Conventional Aircraft) The picture on the following page illustrates a typical full IFR avionics installation. The avionics are often referred to as an “avionics stack”, since they fit neatly on top of each other in a stack, taking most of the centre console. G1000 Avionics On the G1000, the typical “avionics stack” is entirely replaced by selections on the PFD and MFD, that is, the dual screens of the G1000, and the centre audio panel. The Garmin's Integrated Avionics (GIA) computer contains the hardware behind the avionics display on the PFD/MFD display units (GDU) and the audio panel (GMA). Along with the transponder the (GTX), these units fulfil the entire functions of the conventional avionics stack. The Com 1 and Com 2 controls are available on the top right of the PFD and MFD display units. The centre mounted audio control panel provides audio, microphone, and intercom selections, including a playback function. Nav 1 and Nav 2 are on the top left of the PFD and MFD display units, The Nav 1 and 2, and the GPS can be selected on the CDI or as bearing indicators, displayed on the HSI. When the bearing indicators are displayed, the Garmin provides a GPS distance to the selected VOR or GPS point. The GPS is integral, controls are via the FMS knob the bottom right of the PFD and MFD. The display is available on the MFD, or alternatively as an inset on the PFD. The ADF and DME, where installed, can be selected to display as bearing indicators on the HSI. The Mode S transponder has soft key controls at the bottom of the PFD screen, and has it's own input to the signal, via the GTX unit to the integrated avionics unit. Where installed, the autopilot selections, with the Garmin GFC700 integral autopilot are on the centre audio panel. Earlier models have a separate Bendix King autopilot, which couples to the heading and navigation modes, but not the altitude bug, this is set on the autopilot itself. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 98 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Typical Avionics Installation (Avionics 'Stack') Illustration 10f IFR Radio Stack From top: Audio Selector, GPS, Com 1/Nav 1, Com 2/Nav 2, Transponder, ADF, in this case only the DME is missing. Garmin Avionics AVIASOFT_INDO Page 99 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Garmin Hierarchy AVIASOFT_INDO Page 100 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL FLIGHT OPERATIONS Note: The C172 has a great deal of variations, and hence many items in this section will contain items marked “if applicable”. Additionally note, speeds vary significantly between models and the figures here are for reference only, not for operational use. Information in this section must be used as advisory only, and should be referred to in conjunction with the POH of the aircraft concerned. Owners and operators must develop their own checks and checklists, with reference to their POH and the operation being conducted. PRE-FLIGHT CHECK The pre-flight inspection should be done in anticlockwise direction as indicated in the flight manual, beginning with the interior inspection. Before beginning the pre-flight inspection ensure all covers and external control locks are removed and stowed in their correct places, and all required equipment for the flight (maps, headsets, knee-boards, pencils, navigation tools, fuel strainers and dipsticks, keys etc) is on board, serviceable, and in it's correct position. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 101 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Cabin Ensure the required documents (certificate of airworthiness, maintenance release, radio license, weight and balance, flight folio, flight manual, and any other flight specific documents) are on board and valid. Ensure the aircraft flight manual, and supporting documents are available and accessible in flight. Check all required emergency equipment for condition, location, and serviceability. Perform a visual inspection of the panel from right to left to ensure all instruments and equipment are in order, including the following items. Control lock – REMOVE Ignition switch – OFF Lights – OFF except beacon Gear Lever – DOWN (C172RG) Master switch – ON Fuel quantity – CHECK Flap lever – full DOWN (electrical) Master switch – OFF Fuel selector valve – CORRECT TANK G1000 Models Additionally for G1000 equipped aircraft the following items need to be checked after selecting the master switch on: Ensure PFD display visible, check the required annunciators are displayed. Confirm both avionics fans are operational – turn on each of the avionics buses separately and confirm the fan can be heard. With the master switch off, test the standby battery – hold in the TEST position for approx 20 seconds ensure green light remains on. (This test is described before start in the POH, however if the standby battery is required for flight it is preferable to complete the test now). C172RG Confirm the gear lever is down before turning the master switch on, to prevent inadvertent gear retraction. Operational Check of Lights and Pitot Heat Before turning the master switch off, if lights and/or pitot heat are required, switch all lights and pitot heat on. Confirm visually that all required are AVIASOFT_INDO Page 102 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL operational, and confirm the pitot heat is operational by touch, then turn all off again except beacon. This is required for a night flight and a good idea for all flights. Note: always confirm pitot cover has been removed before turning the pitot heat on, and take care when touching the hot element. Exterior Inspection Visually check the airplane for general condition during the walk-around inspection, ensuring all surfaces are sound and no signs of structural damage, worked rivets, missing screws, lock wires or loose connections. Tail Section Check aft fuselage and tail section top, bottom, and side surfaces for any damage. Air-conditioning and alternate static if installed unobstructed. Ensure aft baggage door closed and contents secure. Ensure elevator and trim secure and undamaged, linkages free and unobstructed, ensure balance weights and fairings secure, check full and free movement of elevator. Check rudder linkages and turn-buckles Check beacon, aerials and rear secure, unobstructed, and elevator has navigation light undamaged and free movement (do not check full secure movement of the rudder with the wheel on the ground). Check lower tail and tie down for any sign of tail strike. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 103 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Right Wing Check flap does not retract if pushed and flap rollers allow small amount of play in down position. Check all surfaces for any damage, inspection panels secure, all aerials undamaged and secure. Check flap surfaces and tracks for damage, ensure rollers are free and in good condition, and fastenings secure. Check aileron for damage, full free movement, and security of all hinges, control connections, and flutter weights. by AVIASOFT_INDO Page 104 Check condition, security and colour of navigation light. Check top and bottom wing surfaces for any damage or accumulations. Ice or excessive dirt must be removed before flight. Check visually for desired fuel level Check that fuel cap is secure again using a suitable calibrated dipstick. after checking the fuel level. Note, always confirm the fuel visually – never rely on the gauges alone. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 105 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Use sampler cup to check for water,Check the condition and security of sediment and proper fuel grade. fairing (if fitted), strut and wheel. Check the tyre for wear, cuts, bruises, Check the security and condition of slippage and recommended tyre hydraulic lines, disc brake assembly pressure. Remember, any drop in and all fastenings. temperature of air inside a tyre causes a corresponding drop in air pressure. Note, where possible roll the aircraft forward, flat spots often come to rest on the point of contact with the ground, where they cannot be seen. CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Nose by AVIASOFT_INDO Page 106 Check security of nuts and split pins, Check freedom of operating linkage, state of tyre. and security and state of shimmy If applicable, check cowl flaps and squat damper. switches (RG and FR/R models). Check condition and security of air filter. Air Always treat the propeller as live! filter should be clear of any dust or other Security and condition of engine foreign matter. Visually check exhaust for cowling. On the picture fastening signs of wear, if engine is cool check indicated by arrow is not secure. exhaust is secure. Check landing light and taxi lights for condition and security (if nose mounted). Check oil level above minimum for the required flight. Before first flight of the day and after each refuelling, take a fuel sample. Check strainer drain valve, oil cap and inspection cover are properly closed once inspection complete. Check propeller and spinner for nicks and security. Ensure propeller blades and spinner cover is secure. When engine is cold the propeller may be turned through to assist with pre-start lubrication. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 107 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Differences on the Left Side Check static vent unobstructed. Ensure the pitot tube cover is removed, and check the pitot tube for cleanliness, security and ensure unobstructed. Check the fuel vent is unobstructed. Check condition and cleanliness of landing light (if wing mounted). Check the fuel tank vent for security and clear opening passage. Check Stall Warning Opening for AVIASOFT_INDO by Page 108 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL stoppage. To check the system, place a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and apply suction; a sound from the warning horn will confirm system operation. Final Inspection Complete a final overall review to ensure all chocks and covers are removed and the aircraft is in a position to safely taxi without requiring excessive manoeuvering or power application. Passenger Brief After completion of the preflight inspection and preferably before boarding the aircraft, take some time to explain to the passengers the safety equipment, safety harnesses and seat belts, operation of the doors/windows and conduct during flight. The following items should be included: Location and use of the Fire Extinguisher; Location and use of the Axe; Location of the First Aid Kit; Location of emergency and normal water; Location of any other emergency or survival equipment; Latching, unlatching and fastening of safety harnesses; When harnesses should be worn, and when they must be worn; Opening, Closing and Locking of doors and windows; Actions in the event of a forced landing or ditching; Cockpit safety procedures (front seat passenger) and passenger conduct during critical phases of flight. It's a good idea to make a briefing card, to use as a prompt for your passenger brief, to ensure you don't forget anything. NORMAL OPERATIONS AVIASOFT_INDO Page 109 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Starting and Warm-up Before engine start or priming, all controls should be set in the appropriate positions, the instrument panel set up and the pre-start checks completed. The panel set up should be a flow through in a logical order to ensure all equipment is set up correctly, serviceable and accessible. Ensure seats are adjusted carefully for height, forward travel and seat back position, and locked in place. Ensure all seat belts are secure, and all doors secure. Once all the flow items are complete and the panel prepared for starting, a before start checklist can be completed. Checklists before start may be broken down into 'master off' and 'master on' checks, to avoid prolonged time with the master on. These checks may be more aptly named 'before start', and 'ready to start' checks, or may be combined into one checklist with a line in between before start, and fully ready to start items. The latter, master on, items are done only once the aircraft has a start clearance, and is in a position to immediately start the engine. The reason for splitting up the checklist is that certain items such as selecting the master on, should not be done too far in advance of the start, as the delay will run down the battery. Once before start flows are completed, the following master off before start checklist is recommended: ● Preflight Inspection – COMPLETE; ● Tach/Hobbs/Time – RECORDED; ● Passenger Briefing – COMPLETE; ● Brakes – SET/HOLD; ● Doors – CLOSED/LOCKED; ● Seats / Seatbelts – ADJUSTED, LOCKED; ● Fuel Selector Valve – BOTH/CORRECT TANK; ● Carburettor Heat – COLD (if applicable); ● Cowl Flaps – OPEN (if applicable); ● Pitch – FULL FINE (if applicable); ● Undercarraige – FIXED / DOWN (as applicable); ● Avionics – OFF; ● Electrical Equipment – OFF; ● Rotating Beacon – ON. Once ready to start with all before start items complete, and with the standby battery armed (if applicable) and master switch ON, complete the 'ready for start' or 'master on-before for start' checks: ● Engine Instruments – CHECKED; ● Electrical Instruments – CHECKED; ● Annunciators – CHECKED (if applicable); ● Circuit Breakers – IN. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 110 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL After completing all before start checklists, the start is then accomplished as a procedure, since the actions are required to be carried out in a timely manner, with prior knowledge of the actions, and cannot be read from a checklist. When the before start checklist is complete the start procedure: ● Propeller Area – CLEAR. ● Prime – AS REQUIRED (0-3 strokes, or 0-5 seconds, 6 gal/hr); ● Mixture – RICH/AS REQUIRED*; ● Throttle – SET approx ½ centimetre**; ● Starter – ENGAGE; ● Throttle – 1000RPM (maximum); ● Oil Pressure – RISING (within 30 seconds maximum); ● Electrical System – Charging. *To provide sufficient fuel for starting, the mixture should be full rich at all altitudes. After successful starting, above 3000ft density altitude, leaning is required to prevent spark plug fouling during ground handling at low power settings. Starting for the Lycoming IO360 Lycoming engines (C172R and later) requires the mixture to be at idle cut-off until the engine fires. If purging is required before priming, the mixture will also need to be set at cut-off, en-richen the mixture for priming once the fuel pump runs smoothly or after 5-10 seconds. **The throttle should be advanced approximately ¼ inch (½ centimetre) to provide the correct amount of fuel for starting, and to provide approximately 1000rpm after start. If the throttle is advanced too much flooding or backfiring can occur, which can lead to an induction fire, also the engine will over-rev after start before the oil has had time to lubricate all parts, causing damage. Before engaging the propeller, it is vital to check that the propeller area is clear. Priming If the engine is cold, it will need to be primed before starting. Note, if no heat was felt from the engine area during the preflight, the engine is cold. One to three strokes of the primer will be required depending on the ambient and engine temperature. Even in warm outside temperatures a little priming will improve starting characteristics. Warm engine starts do not normally require priming. Priming before start using the throttle should be avoided as the carburettor is located at the bottom of the engine and by advancing the throttle, fuel is primed from carburettor into the engine. As no suction is available from the engine, all fuel is collected in the carburettor. After igniting the engine, this excess fuel may explode in the carburettor and/or begin burning in the intake, damaging the engine. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 111 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel injected engines are primed using the auxiliary (electric) fuel pump. With the mixture rich, the pump is selected on and the throttle is opened to achieve the desired fuel flow indication, for the desired time, depending on priming required. In hot conditions, or with a very hot engine, the fuel pump should be used to clear vapourised fuel before priming by selecting the fuel pump on with the mixture idle cut-off for a few seconds. If over priming occurs, engine clearing, turning the engine over with the mixture at idle cut-off, may be needed. This may be combined with a flooded start procedure. Ensure starter limits, not more than 30 seconds without cooling, are observed. Start Before engaging the starter ensure the area is clear, ensure you are looking outside. For starting with the mixture rich, keep one hand on the throttle for adjustment during starting or as the engine fires, and ensure feet are on the brakes (light aircraft park brakes are not self adjusting and may have become weak with brake wear). The engine is started by turning the ignition key into START position, to turn over the engine. The key is sprung loaded back to the BOTH and can be released once the engine starts. On starting, engine RPM should not be permitted to increase more than 1000rpm until the engine oil pressure has begun rising. If the throttle has been advanced during starting, or the initial setting is incorrect, it is important to ensure the throttle is immediately reduced as the engine begins to run. In no circumstances should the engine RPM be allowed to over-rev on start up. It takes time for the oil to reach all the moving parts, hence rpm should be kept to a minimum until sufficient oil pressure has developed and and the engine is properly lubricated. After starting, if the oil gauge does not begin to show pressure within 30 seconds, the engine should be shut down, and the fault reported to the maintenance, before any further starts should be attempted. Running an engine without oil pressure will cause serious engine damage. Any fault in the electrical system or an annunciator fault will also require shut down. The start process is only complete once the pilot is assured that the aircraft engine is fully serviceable for flight. Only then the after start checks can begin. Flooded Start If the engine has been over primed, a flooded start may be completed. This involves starting the engine with the mixture idle cut off and the throttle fully AVIASOFT_INDO Page 112 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL open. As the residual fuel in the cylinders ignites, the mixture is increased to full rich and simultaneously the throttle is reduced to idle. The procedure can also be completed with the throttle set at a reduced power setting, this is less effective in clearing the excess fuel but makes the starting procedure slightly easier. This procedure does require some practice to avoid damaging the engine by application of excessive rpm just after start, and must be completed under supervision the first time it is attempted. If the engine has been over primed, a clearing cycle may be needed. This would naturally occur in the starting process when using a key starter, as if the engine does not start within 30 seconds, cooling must be allowed before continued attempt to start. Before ignition occurs the clearing procedure and starting procedure are identical. Where a separate magneto and start switch is fitted, a dedicated engine clearing procedure would be completed with the magnetos off and the throttle must be fully open. C172R and C172S Start Procedure The recommended procedure for the late model Cessna 172R and later produced from 1996 on, is to use a flooded start procedure, with the throttle set for idle, that is approximately ¼ inch in. After priming using the fuel pump, the throttle is reset to idle and the mixture is reset to idle cut off, the starter is engaged and the mixture is richened as the engine ignites. The engine should not normally be primed when hot, unless starting is difficult, as it floods easily. After Start After start checks ensure all the critical items are completed prior to taxi. The time spent completing the after start checks properly will also assist with the engine warm-up prior to taxi. At airfields above 3000ft density altitude, the mixture should be leaned for taxi to prevent spark plug fouling. The recommended procedure is to lean to peak rpm at 1200rpm. A “live mag.” check should be done at this point, by selection of the left and right positions to confirm both are operating. This is not an integrity check as the engine is still cold. The purpose of the check is to prevent unnecessary taxiing to the run-up point should one magneto have failed completely. Where available, copy down the ATIS. Complete a self briefing on the expected taxi routing. Check and set any available radios and navigation aids as required. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 113 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The direction indicator must be set to the compass for orientation purposes. The transponder is set to standby for warm up, so that it is ready for use on departure, and the assigned squawk code set. If the flaps were left down during the pre-flight inspection, they must be retracted, or set for takeoff, both to aid visibility, and because taxiing with the flaps fully down incorrectly signals a hijacking is taking place. Once after start procedures are completed, an after start checklist where available should be completed: The following after start checklist is recommended: ● Mixture – SET; ● Flight Instruments – CHECKED AND SET; ● Engine Instruments – CHECKED; ● Flaps – RETRACTED/SET; ● Transponder – STANDBY/GROUND. Taxi Before taxi, confirm the taxi route to ensure you know which taxi ways to take, and select the taxi light on to indicate you're about to move. The brakes must be tested as soon as possible after the aircraft begins moving. Most of the engine warm-up is conducted during taxi. If the engine is cold, for example on first flight of the day, or when it is anticipated that high power settings may be needed during taxi, additional time may be needed to allow the engine to warm up prior to taxi. Ideally this warm up period should be sufficient to allow the CHT, if fitted, to increase into the green range. If the flight is being taken from an airfield where no taxi is possible (or only very short taxi) additional warm-up time should be allowed before the engine run-up and take-off . The cowl flaps (where fitted) should not be closed for this warm up as this will provide uneven temperature distribution which may damage the engine. Taxi speed must be limited to a brisk walk, the aircraft is is its most unstable condition on the ground, especially with strong winds that may reach minimum flying speeds. When maneouvring around other aircraft, buildings, or intersections, an even slower speed and extra care must be taken. Brake use should be kept to a minimum by anticipation of slowing down or stopping followed by reduction of power to idle prior to applying brakes. Except AVIASOFT_INDO Page 114 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL for asymmetric braking during tight turns, never apply power and brakes at the same time. This is unnecessary, producing counter active forces, and causes additional wear on the brakes. Flight control surfaces should be held in the correct position to ensure the aircraft is not rocked or displaced and controls are not subjected to unnecessary forces by the prevailing wind. The diagram below illustrates positions of controls in relation to the relative wind for the best aerodynamic effects during taxi. The following phrase may be helpful as a memory aid: CLIMB INTO WIND, DIVE AWAY FROM THE WIND. That is, taxing into wind, pull back (climb) and turn towards the wind, taxing with the wind behind you, push forward (dive) and turn away from the wind. Additionally, controls should be held firmly to prevent buffeting by the wind, and whenever taxiing over rough surfaces, bumps, or gravel, elevators should be held fully aft to reduce loads on the nose wheel and propeller damage. During the taxi, the flight instruments subject to movement, and navigation instruments should be checked. For a VFR flight one directional turn is sufficient. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 115 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL For IFR instruments functionality should be checked in both directions, and full navigation aid functionality (where navigation aids are available) must be confirmed prior to use. During a turn on the ground the following observations should be seen: ● Compass and Direction Indicator – INCREASING/DECREASING; ● Attitude Indicators – STABLE (not moving); ● Slip/Skid Indicator – SKIDDING; ● Navigation Instruments – TRACKING. Once the above items are actioned, then complete a taxi checklist: ● Brakes – CHECKED; ● Flight Instruments – TESTED AND SET; ● Nav Instruments – TESTED AND SET. Run-up Before Takeoff The run-up and before takeoff checks are usually performed on the holding point. Advance the engine to 1700rpm (or 1800rpm depending on model) and perform the following checks prior to take-off: Prior to take-off from fields above 3000ft density altitude, the mixture should be leaned. As the air pressure decreases with altitude the air density also decreases and so the engine receives less mass of air. If the mixture is left in the full rich position, the air/fuel ratio will not be correct (too much fuel or the mixture too rich). The correct air/fuel ratio is required for engine to produce maximum available power. ● The following procedure may be used for leaning the mixture prior to takeoff: lean the mixture by rotating the mixture knob anticlockwise till peak rpm, then enrich the mixture for about 3 rotations. This procedure is similar to that carried out en-route for leaning. This check may also be performed at lower altitudes to check correct operation and setting of the mixture, however the mixture should be returned to full rich before takeoff; Carburettor heat should be checked by pulling and pushing the carburettor heat control knob for a brief period of time. The engine rpm should drop about 100rpm during the carburettor heat operation. Don’t operate the system for prolonged period of time, because when the knob is pulled out to heat position, air entering the engine is not filtered; Magnetos check should be done as follows: ● Move ignition switch first to L and note the rpm drop. ● Next move the switch back to BOTH to clear the other set of plugs and regain the reference rpm. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 116 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Then move the switch to R position, note the rpm drop and return the switch to BOTH position. ● Rpm drop in either L or R position should not exceed 150rpm and show no greater than 50rpm differential between magnetos; If the aircraft has a constant speed prop, a pitch check should be carried out. Select the pitch control to full course, noting a drop in rpm, rise in manifold pressure, and drop in oil pressure, select full fine again, allowing no more than around 300rpm drop to prevent unnecessary stress on the engine, and note all parameters return to normal. Repeat twice more for a cold engine, ensuring the mechanism is adequately lubricated with warm engine oil and operating smoothly, for a warm engine once is sufficient if the correct operation of the CSU can be established. Verify proper operation of alternator, alternator control, suction system; and correct indications (in the green) of all engine control gauges DI may be set to compass at this point as engine interference and suction operation is more indicative at 1700rpm Reduce the engine rpm to idle to confirm idle operation on warm engine at correct mixture settings, return to 1000 rpm for Pre takeoff checks ● Pre-Takeoff Vital Actions The flight manual provides the “minimum required actions” before takeoff, generally there are some additional operational items to check. Many flight schools or operators will have their own check lists and/or acronyms for the pre take-off checks. Acronyms are highly recommended for single pilot operations, and ideally should be used to complete memory checks followed by an approved checklist. One of the most popular acronyms for pre takeoff checks is detailed below: Too Trims and flight controls – tested and set; Many Mixture set for takeoff; Magnetos on both; Pilots Pitch full fine (as applicable); Go Gills (Cowls) open; Gyros uncaged (as applicable) and set; Fly Fuel contents checked, selector on correct tank, primer locked, fuel pump as required (normally off); Flaps set for takeoff; In Instrument panel check from right to left, DI aligned with compass, altimeter set, clock check, navigation instruments set for departure, autopilot off; Heaven Hatches and harnesses secure; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 117 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Early Electrics checked. checked, circuit breakers checked, systems The before takeoff checks and actions should be followed up by a pre-takeoff checklist. After completing pre takeoff flows, the following pre-takeoff checklist is recommended: ● Run-up – COMPLETE; ● Trim – TESTED and SET for takeoff; ● Flight Controls – CHECKED, AUTOPILOT OFF; ● Flight Instruments – CHECKED and SET ● Flaps – SET for takeoff; ● Fuel – CHECKED : on BOTH, quantity checked, primer locked, pump off, as applicable; ● Mixture/Pitch/Power – CHECKED*/SET; ● Departure Brief – COMPLETE**. *Confirm the applicable required takeoff power, for normally aspirated fixed pitch, this is the minimum and maximum static rpm, approximately 2300-2400rpm (varies with model). For normally aspirated CSU this will be the redline rpm, and within approximately 1 inch of ambient pressure. **The departure briefing should include the normal takeoff, emergencies on takeoff, and any applicable departure routing or clearance. With all checks complete, and once fully ready for takeoff, continue to the holding point for line-up. Takeoff Just like a great approach is an essential part of a great landing, a good line up procedure is a very important part of a safe take-off. Once cleared to line up, a logical sequence of checks is best: Crossing the holding point onto the runway, wherever it occurs (e.g. either entering to backtrack, or to line up, or just to taxi to the holding point where no parallel taxiway exists), should trigger two items: the strobe lights and the transponder. Note – if the runway is exited again e.g. when backtracking to a holding point, when exiting the runway both will go off again, triggered by crossing the holding point clear of the runway. Once approaching the point of line up, a check of the essential items for takeoff, flight instruments, engine instruments, and windsock is important. At this point it's also a good idea to complete a final cockpit scan to ensure fuel, flaps, and mixture are set, and take a mental note of the time. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 118 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The last item, once fully lined up, is to confirm the runway heading is correct. This is of vital importance both to check the runway is the correct one, and to get an accurate check of the magnetic heading, and is the only item that needs to be done after completing the line up. The landing light is turned on when takeoff clearance is received or, when unmanned, with the final radio call for takeoff, which ensures you have a clearance, or have made the essential radio call. At this point ensure the runway is clear. Unless on gravel surfaces, or with traffic on final approach, it is always good airmanship to line up straight on the runway centreline, stop. Ensure the line up checks are complete, and ensure the aircraft is aligned with the runway centreline, then runway is clear, and correct. The following items should be selected and checked on line up, (these also have a helpful acronym): REmember Runway - CLEAR from obstruction, correct; Engine temperatures and pressures CHECKED/GREEN; What Windsock – CHECKED, direction and strength (confirm against reported wind), position control column accordingly; To Transponder – ALT (TA/RA or ON as applicable); Do DI – ALIGNED with compass and indicating runway direction; Last Landing lights and strobes – ON; Takeoff is always carried out under full power with the heels on the floor to avoid accidentally using the toe brakes. It is important to check full-throttle engine operation early in the takeoff run. Any sign of rough engine operation or sluggish engine acceleration or less than expected takeoff power is cause to immediately discontinue the takeoff. For fixed pitch propellers, the engine should run smoothly and with constant static rpm, minimum 2300 to maximum 2400 rpm* (or as applicable in the POH, depending on engine installation). For CSU models, maximum rpm should be developed (2700 or 2800) and manifold pressure should be within a maximum 1” of ambient pressure**. *Engines without a CSU will not develop full power without assistance from the relative airflow, and will have a minimum and maximum “static” rpm, that is the minimum and maximum rpm which should be obtained stationary, which must be checked early in the takeoff run. **CSU aircraft should develop full rpm, and close to ambient pressure, this should be checked on the manifold pressure gauge prior to start, to avoid gauge errors. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 119 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL When taking off from gravel runways, the throttle should be advanced slowly. This allows the aeroplane to start rolling before high rpm is developed, as loose gravel is harmful to the propeller. On a rolling takeoff the gravel will be blown back from the propeller rather than pulled into it. Normal Takeoff In a normal takeoff, the elevator should be slightly aft. This protects the nosewheel by “holding the weight off” the nose-wheel with aerodynamic pressure. This will also reduce frictional drag, assist with a smoother takeoff roll, and a smoother rotation at the right speed. Keep the aircraft straight on the runway, and balanced during the climb with rudder (this will require right rudder due to the slipstream and torque effects). Rotate at the applicable normal takeoff rotation speed, approximately 50-55kts, depending on model. Once airborne initially maintain the applicable best rate of climb, at a safe altitude, not below 300ft AGL, confirm the speed is above 60kts and retract the flaps if used, then complete the after takeoff checks. Wing Flaps Setting on Takeoff Using the flaps for takeoff will always shorten the ground roll, but it will also always reduce climb performance of aircraft. Which one has more effect on the total takeoff distance, that is the distance to a height of 50ft above the runway, is determined by the manufacturer in flight testing and prescribed in the POH as the recommended short field takeoff technique. Most C172 models specify flap up for short field takeoff. Models with larger engines (C172P, 1981 and later, 160 and 180hp), specify flap 10 for short field takeoff. Early models specify flap 10 for minimum ground run take-off, and flap up for obstacle clearance take-off, which provides the best insight into the effects of flap on takeoff for the C172. Note, takeoff data is usually only provided for the recommended short field takeoff, however climb data is provided for a clean climb, leaving a paradox. The following advice should be viewed with full consideration for field length. Selection of 10 degrees flap provides higher lift, reducing frictional drag, and permits takeoff speeds approximately 5kts lower than with flaps up. This results in reducing the takeoff roll by approximately 10%. However this advantage is lost AVIASOFT_INDO Page 120 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL if flaps up speeds are used, or in high altitude takeoffs at maximum weight where climb performance is marginal. The 10 degree flap takeoff is sometimes referred to as the “minimum ground run” takeoff. And, field length permitting, it is recommended by Cessna for all soft field takeoffs. Seaplane models normally always require flap for takeoff, so the increased lift counteracts the effects of the high frictional drag from the water, (see more on soft fields below). Use of 10 degrees wing flaps is not recommended for takeoff when there are obstacles in the climb out path, or at high altitude in hot weather (high density altitudes). If an obstruction requires the use of a steep climb angle, after lift off establish climb out at the recommended obstacle clearance speed specified for the flap setting used. This speed provides the best overall climb speed to clear obstacles. Because of the low margin above the stall speed, care should be taken in gusty conditions and in consideration of the turbulence often found near ground level. If flaps are used for takeoff, they should not be retracted below 300ft AGL, and only once clear of any obstacles, and after a safe flap retraction speed of 60kts is reached. Flaps retraction causes a loss of lift, prior to gaining any benefit from the reduced drag. Retracting the flaps with insufficient speed may result in loss of altitude or a stall. While accelerating to the minimum safe speed to retract the flaps there will be temporarily a minimum climb performance. Once the obstacles have been cleared, and a minimum safe altitude reached (300ft AGL), the aircraft can be accelerated and flaps retracted (upon passing 60kts), where the normal flap-up initial climb-out speed (Vy) can be established. Short Field Takeoff For a short field takeoff, to achieve the required performance, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the applicable technique and flap setting established by the manufacturer, and specified in Section 5 of the POH, must be used. The Cessna 172 POH does not specify a short field takeoff rotation speed. It requires a 'tail low' or 'aft elevator' technique for short field takeoff. The ground roll is started with slightly aft elevator taking the frictional drag off the nose wheel while not significantly increasing the aerodynamic drag. No rotation speed is provided, the requirement is for the aircraft to 'lift off at minimum speed', at the earliest possible point, and once airborne accelerate to Vx in ground effect. This technique requires a lot of pilot skill, and some operators prefer to specify a rotation speed, usually around 50kts, or 5-10kts below the normal rotation speed. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 121 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL However, only when the POH specified technique is used will the minimum distance be achieved. Where there are no obstacles, once airborne, the aircraft may be accelerated to Vy. When there are obstacles, the recommended short field speed, Vx with the applicable flap setting, should be maintained until clearing obstacles. Where climbing at Vx with flap 10, the aircraft must be accelerated to above the minimum retraction speed, usually 60kts, prior to raising the flap. Once clean, the climb may be continued at Vx clean, or usually, since obstacles are no longer a factor, at Vy. Acceleration to above minimum flap retraction speed is usually accomplished quickly, however it should be noted, that climb performance is marginal during the acceleration phase. Where flying an an RG model, the POH specifies to retract gear above 63kts, and AFTER obstacle clearance, (that is, not just on first indication of a positive rate of climb, nor at the end of the usable runway like most retractable procedures). The Cessna single engine system of gear retraction has the distinctive feature of initially causing more drag as the gear moves into the slipstream, before retraction, and therefore should not be retracted too early. The figures and methods prescribed in the flight manual are those flight tested and certified by test pilots for the required performance. Any deviation from the recommended procedure should be expected to give a decrease in performance. Soft Field Takeoff For soft or rough field takeoffs it is recommended to use the highest flap setting permitted for the field length, this may be 0, 10, or 20 depending on model and additional fittings, e.g. a STOL kit. The extra lift provided helps reduce the high frictional drag of the soft field, reducing the ground roll. Soft or rough field takeoff's are best performed by lifting the aeroplane off the ground as soon as practical in a slightly tail-low attitude, then once airborne accelerating to the required speed (Vy or Vx, as described above in Short Field Takeoff). It is more essential to reduce the ground friction as soon as possible, as on a soft field the frictional drag has a much higher effect on hindering acceleration during the ground roll. The Cessna POH typically does not provide very much information on the effect of surface conditions on takeoff rolls. A factor is provided for dry grass fields only. It must be remembered that frictional drag caused by rough or soft surfaces including the effects of recent rain, long grass, or sand, are extremely detrimental to your performance. A table of recommended figures from the AVIASOFT_INDO Page 122 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL UKCAA is provided in the PERFORMANCE section of this book, and may be used as a guideline in these situations. When in doubt always add a significant safety factor. Crosswind Takeoff Crosswind takeoff is commenced with controls into wind, then as speed increases controls are gradually straightened. It is vital that the into wind wing is not permitted to lift. To achieve this, takeoff is achieved with a very slight amount of aileron into wind, at the point of rotation. The amount of aileron is only enough to prevent the into wind wing lifting first, and will assist with the after takeoff heading change (crab), but not enough to produce any significant bank. During a crosswind takeoff, if the aircraft becomes airborne too early, it will tend to move sideways with the air mass and sink back onto ground with strong sideways movement which may damage the undercarriage. The recommended technique, where field length permits, is to hold the aeroplane firmly on the ground to slightly higher lift-off speed, then positively lift-off with a backward movement of the control column. Crosswind takeoff should be completed with the minimum required flap setting for the field length, allowing for a higher rotation speed. This helps prevent lifting off prematurely, and makes the aircraft more controllable on the ground and in the final stages of the takeoff, from airborne to 50ft. Once airborne, while maintaining balance, the aircraft nose is turned slightly into wind to prevent drift on climb-out, termed, ‘crabbing into wind’. Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Component The maximum demonstrated crosswind component is measured at a height of 33 feet. This is the highest value for which the aeroplane has been tested during takeoff and landings. The POH definitions describes the “Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity” as follows: “Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the the velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the aeroplane during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated during certification tests. The value shown is not considered to be limiting.” Although it is not considered limiting, it is good practice to not exceed this value. It is also vital that an inexperienced pilot should reduce this value even further. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 123 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Some early models may not included a maximum demonstrated crosswind in the operating handbook, in later models a maximum demonstrated crosswind component of 15kts or 20kts is specified, depending on model. Takeoff Profile Normal takeoff should consist of the actions depicted below in each phase of departure. To allow for all variations of C172, pitch and gear have been included in the takeoff profile considerations. This also provides a profile which is consistent for all conventional light aircraft operations, and in fact, aside from the different power controls, it remains consistent with all larger aircraft too. Flap, power and speed need to be concisely managed, and there is a specific requirement and order for each at each phase in the takeoff, and this does not change. The takeoff profile can be summarised as follows: 1. Minimum speed/recommended rotate speed (approximately 50kts for anormal takeoff): Rotate- raise the nose wheel/lift off, tap the brakes to stop the wheels moving, reducing the vibrations often felt from imbalances when they are allowed to decelerate on their own. 2. At the end of the runway, at the latest, a minimum speed of 60kts shouldhave been achieved. For the C172RG, once no usable runway left, and a positive climb achieved, and above any minimum gear retraction speed, tap brakes (again for a cross check to prevent damaging the wheel bay) and raise the gear. 3. Once airborne: Accelerate to initial climb speed (60-75kts), best angle ofclimb (approximately 60kts) when obstacles exist or best rate of climb (approximately 75kts) to achieve maximum height in minimum time and reduce the risk exposure close to the ground. 4. At a safe height away from the ground and above obstacles in the takeoffpath: (allowing for further acceleration if required, typically not below 300ft AGL), accelerate to above the minimum flap retraction (60kts) and raise the flaps. 5. Once flaps are retracted, if applicable reduce to climb power (maximumcontinuous), this is typically only required on CSU models. Power reduction is commenced only after you have removed all the drag, and above an AVIASOFT_INDO Page 124 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL altitude permitting a reasonable chance of a safe outcome from an engine failure, whilst observing the take-off power limitation time (typically 5 minutes if applicable). With a CSU, this should be done by first reducing the manifold pressure, then RPM, followed by mixture setting if applicable. Reducing RPM will increase the manifold pressure slightly. Fine-tuning of the manifold pressure may be done after adjusting the mixture, once all the engine parameters are stable. 6. Continue to climb at best rate of climb until above 1000ft AGL minimum forVMC/VFR operations; 1500ft or above MSA, whichever is higher in IMC or in mountainous terrain. 7. If performance permits, accelerate to an en-route climb, to achieve thedesired climb profile (80-90kts or approximately 500 ft/min). 8. Complete the after takeoff checks (flows) and/or after takeoff checklist asavailable. A takeoff profile summary diagram can be seen below. Takeoff Profile Diagram 4.Clear of obstacles/ safe height: 1. Keep elevator slightly tail low, check fuel flow for placard, lift nose wheel approx 50kts. 2.DER: 60kts minimum. No runway left raise gear (RG). 3.Climb at best angle (Vx) or best rate (Vy) of climb as required. Vy, above 60kts minimum raise flaps. Accelerate to 5. Within 5 minutes, and above 500ft AGL, 6. Climb at best rate of climb to minimum 1000ft AGL (1500 IMC). 7.Accelerate to cruise climb or as required. 8. Complete ATO checks. power to Maximum reduce Continuous (if applic.). AVIASOFT_INDO Page 125 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL After Takeoff Checks After takeoff, the brakes are applied gently, and above minimum speed gear is retracted for retractable models, then select the landing light off. The purpose of applying is brakes is to gently stop the wheels turning, to prevent vibration as the wheels slow down and to prevent damage to the wheel well for retractable models. The landing light is selected off at this point, as the takeoff is complete, and many aircraft have landing lights on the undercarriage, so it's a good habit. Once above minimum flap retraction altitude, and above minimum flap retraction speed, raise the flap. After flap retraction, where required, reduce power to maximum continuous (C172RG, FR/R172K), for constant speed models this is achieved by reducing manifold pressure, then pitch, and then leaning mixture (if required, for takeoff above 3000ft density altitude). Once established in the climb with all the actions complete, the after takeoff checklist is completed. Typical after takeoff checklist is as follows (BUMFFEL): ● Brakes – CHECKED -on and off; ● Undercarriage – FIXED/UP (as applicable); ● Mixture / Pitch / Power – SET for climb;* ● Flaps – UP; ● Fuel – CHECKED (on BOTH, quantity checked, primer locked, pump off, as applicable); ● Engine’s Temperature & Pressure – CHECKED; ● Landing Light – OFF / AS REQUIRED. Note, the sequence of brakes, gear, landing light, raising flap, then reducing power, power, pitch, mixture, as described above, is very important; the checklist sequence differs, however, as the checklist is completed after the items are complete, and is sequenced both for consistency in after takeoff and downwind/approach checks, and for convenience of the acronym. Climb The normal flap up climb is made at an airspeed of 70-80kts using full, or, if applicable, maximum continuous power. For a maximum rate climb, the best rate of climb speed- Vy, approximately 70kts, is used. This enables reaching the desired altitude as quickly as possible, as it gains the greatest altitude in a given time. The best rate of climb reduces with altitude, from around 74kts at sea level, to around 68kts at 10,000 feet (varying slightly with model). AVIASOFT_INDO Page 126 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL When required to clear an obstacle, the maximum angle climb speed – Vx, approximately 60kts, is used. This gains the greatest altitude for a given horizontal distance. Vx has the minimum permissible margin above the stall, and the slow airspeed results in reduced cooling causing higher engine temperatures. For this reason, Vx should only be used when needed, for example for short periods while clearing obstacles. If sufficient performance allows, a cruise climb may be achieved by lowering the nose to maintain a rate of climb of approximately 500ft/min, with a climb speed of 80-85kts (90-100mph). This may be only possible at lower altitudes, as if the rate of climb is maintained then the speed will begin to reduce towards Vy. For this reason it is always best to trim maintain an airspeed, and elect to reduce the speed once the rate of climb drops below an acceptable level. With a heavy aircraft or high altitudes and temperatures, the aircraft will have insufficient climb performance to accelerate to a cruise climb, and extended climb at Vy may be required. For extended climbs at Vy, engine temperatures must be monitored carefully, and an intermediate level off may be needed for cooling purposes. These intermediate level off's can also be used for lookout, as visibility during the climb is obscured. Leaning during extended climbs may be required to maintain efficient engine performance, and/or to reduce fuel consumption. Leaning is generally only required when the altitude change is more than 3000ft, for example when climbing from the coastal areas towards mountainous terrain or when high cruise altitudes are required for range. Leaning during the climb should be made in a similar way to the procedure for richening during descent, that is, around one turn per 1000ft leaner whilst monitoring engine temperatures, EGT and (if applicable) fuel flow gauge. The takeoff and climb mixture settings should always be slightly richer than cruise for engine cooling, and this method ensures that the climb mixture is never significantly lower than that set and checked for the takeoff. Cruise Normal cruising is performed with the power in the recommended cruise range (green arc). This is typically between 2200 - 2400rpm at will achieve a true airspeed or around 105kts on most models (a little higher on late models, and those with larger engines). The manoeuvres power range is normally from 1900 to 2700rpm (these power settings will vary with model). The mixture should be leaned during the cruise for the most efficient engine operation, to prevent carbon fouling, and to achieve the best fuel consumption. Carburettor ice can be experienced during low rpm operation and can be AVIASOFT_INDO Page 127 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL evidenced by a sudden rpm drop. Carburettor ice can be removed by application of the Carburettor heat system by pulling the Carb heat knob. Since the heated air causes a richer air/fuel mixture, the mixture setting should be readjusted when the carburettor heat is used in cruise flight. The use of the carburettor heat is also recommended during flight in very heavy rain to avoid the possibility of engine stoppage due to excessive water ingestion. Cruise Checks During the cruise it is important to have periodic aircraft status checks. These checks will not form part of a checklist, as they are considered normal flying duties and should be done regularly as part of good airmanship, however it is helpful to have an acronym to remind us what to check. One of the recommended cruise checks is defined by the acronym 'HATFIRE', as follows: ● H – Heading – CHECKED, heading aligned/synced, track/wind noted, heading bug set; ● A – Altitude – CHECKED, descent profile checked, MSA checked, QNH set, altitude bug set; ● T – Time, CHECKED, noted, ETAs revised, ATAs updated, to/from way-point, timer set; ● F – Fuel – CHECKED, correct tank (selector on both) remaining flight, time/time to diversion considered; ● I – Instruments – SET AND CHECKED, suction, amps, annunciators; Icing – CONSIDERED, carb. ice/engine ice as required ● R – Radios – SET AND CHECKED, required main and standby ● frequencies set, navigation frequencies set; ● E – Engine – CHECKED, temperatures and pressures green, electrics checked, mixture set, crab. heat, and cowl flaps closed/as required/applicable. HATFIRE is also a useful way-point checklist, at top of climb, or at turning points or en-route way-points, to be completed after the way-point to ensure all required items were completed. Generally as many items as possible related to each check should be considered. This ensures redundancy, and so helps to avoid omissions. Mixture Setting Note: The information herein is based on the factory Cessna 172 engine installations, for any modifications, refer to the instructions in the applicable POH supplements. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 128 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Mixture setting is carried out to achieve smooth engine operation and either best development of power, or minimum fuel consumption. As an overriding factor, mixture must be set to keep engine temperatures within acceptable limits. Because of cylinder variations in conventional horizontally opposed piston engines, the mixture setting should normally be set slightly rich of the “peak EGT” setting, to allow for smooth engine operation, improved cooling, and prevent detonation. This is achieved by rotating the knob counterclockwise until maximum rpm is obtained with fixed throttle setting, where upon the rpm begins to decrease on further leaning accompanied by slight rough running as cylinders begin to misfire. Then the control is rotated clockwise until rpm starts to decrease again, normally one turn to reach peak rpm again then one or two turns thereafter to achieve the desired margin. The Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) indicator may be used as an aid for leaning the mixture when cruising at 75% power or less. To adjust the mixture using EGT, lean the mixture to establish the maximum or 'peak' EGT, by noting when the EGT ceases rising and begins to drop, enrich the mixture to the peak, and thereafter continue to the desired increment rich of peak. Providing cylinder temperatures are acceptable, mixture may be set at peak EGT for best economy. Best power (peak rpm as described above) is approximately 100 degrees rich of this peak, although the rpm is usually a better reference for best power on fixed pitch aircraft. There is normally a small reference needle on the EGT gauge, which should be manually set to the peak once established, for monitoring of changes. If set for best power, the temperature should now indicate approximately 100 degrees cooler than the reference needle, allowing any changes in the mixture setting to be easily detected. Changes in outside temperature with location will alter the air density, and this will affect the mixture and EGT, and may require small adjustments or resetting from time to time. For this reason the EGT gauge must be included in the periodic cruise checks of engine temperature and pressure. Any change in altitude or throttle position during the cruise will require a readjusting of the mixture setting. In high ambient temperatures, a slightly rich mixture can be used to aid cooling. Setting the mixture one or two turns richer, or another 50-100 degrees cooler than rich of peak rpm can lower CHT temperatures by up to 30 degrees. Later models specify leaning to peak rpm AVIASOFT_INDO Page 129 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL for taxi at 1200rpm to allow for power Illustration 11a CHT and EGT vs OAT variations. If leaning at 1000rpm, the setting should be a few turns rich of peak rpm or there may be power loss during taxi. For operations above 3000ft, leaning is required for take-off and climb. For take-off, leaning is normally carried out during the engine run-up. This is done the same way as leaning in flight, but using peak rpm as the primary means of determining best mixture (since at low power settings the EGT will usually be too low for reliable readings). Where maximum power is not required, with the throttle set at run-up rpm (1700 or 1800 rpm, depending on model), lean the mixture to peak rpm, and then enrichen approximately half the distance to peak. The rich mixture provides additional cooling at high power. If maximum power is required for a maximum performance take-off where field length or climb out performance is critical, the mixture must be set to peak rpm at full static power. When operating at full power, with the mixture leaned for peak rpm, the temperatures must be monitored carefully. It is recommended, for prolonged engine life, to maintain the CHT below 400 degrees wherever possible, and operations above 400 degrees should be transient only, never sustained. Operating at full power and peak rpm in high ambient temperatures is not recommended. For fuel injection, where a fuel flow placard for maximum power exists (R172 models), it must be used for the take-off power mixture setting, an example of a fuel flow placard from a R172K is displayed below. FUEL FLOW AT FULL THROTTLE, 2600 rpm SL 16GPH 4000ft 14GPH 8000ft 12GPH 12,000ft 10GPH The mixture setting obtained on the ground can normally be maintained to top of climb, although further leaning may be needed in extended climbs of more than 3000ft altitude change. The rule of thumb of one turn per 1000ft, as used in a descent, may be applied for leaning in the climb. If an EGT reference line is available, and has been set accurately in the cruise in similar ambient conditions, this may be used for comparison. Peak climb EGT will always be slightly higher than cruise EGT (the reference line) because of the higher power setting, and mixtures should err towards the rich side for improved cooling during the climb. Therefore, comparison of EGT in the climb to EGT in the cruise can provide a AVIASOFT_INDO Page 130 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL convenient crosscheck, if the EGT drops significantly below the cruise peak reference setting, then the mixture is becoming too rich, if above the line it is becoming too lean. When increasing to full power above 3000ft density altitude, the same rule for takeoff may be applied, that is, to enrichen half the travel from the cruise setting, monitoring resulting the CHT and enrichen if required. If an aircraft is equipped with individual cylinder EGT and CHT monitoring, the manufacturer of these engine gauges may have a procedure for mixture setting and monitoring. Many installations of this type permit operation leaner than that specified by Cessna, however this must be done with considerable caution and careful monitoring, as a change in ambient conditions may put the mixture too far lean of peak, risking detonation or loss of power. The applicable procedure will be detailed in the associated POH supplement and should be reviewed carefully prior to flight. During descent the mixture should be enrichened approximately one turn per 1000ft or one turn per 3-5nm to arrive at the recommended landing mixture setting before or on joining the traffic pattern. Again the EGT reference line may be used as a comparison for a descent mixture setting cross-check. By the time the aircraft rejoins the circuit pattern, the mixture should be at the take-off required setting, to ensure power is available in the case of a go-around. During taxi or continued low power operations at high density altitudes, the mixture must be leaned to prevent spark plug fouling, which is most common, and most potentially harmful effect of a rich mixture at low power. Descent, Approach and Landing Approaching the airfield for landing, descent and approach checks should be completed. Descent checks are completed early during the descent, or just prior to the start of the descent, depending on how long the descent is. Descent checks may sometimes be termed 'joining' checks, since they are only completed when you have vacated the circuit and are re-joining for landing, however this may be confused with approach checks (which are completed just prior to joining the circuit where no downwind leg exists). Descent checks can be completed as memory checks or in a flow pattern followed by a descent check-list, as available. The type of descent checks required may vary depending on the flight undertaken. The following checks describe a good acronym to encompass both IFR and VFR flight, to be carried out prior to or during the descent. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 131 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL One example of typical descent checks is 'Triple A-HATFIRE”: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A – ATIS – RECEIVED - Weather checked; A – Aids – TUNED - Navigation and Approach Aids set/checked; A – Approach – BRIEFED; H – Heading – CHECKED, heading aligned/synced, track/wind noted, heading bug set; A – Altitude – CHECKED, descent profile checked, MSA checked, QNH set, altitude bug set; T – Time, CHECKED, noted, ETAs revised, ATAs updated, to/from way-point, timer set; F – Fuel – CHECKED, correct tank (selector on both) remaining flight time/time to diversion considered; I – Instruments – SET AND CHECKED, suction, amps, annunciators; Icing – CONSIDERED, carb. ice/engine ice as required R – Radios – SET AND CHECKED, required main and standby frequencies set, navigation frequencies set; E – Engine – CHECKED, temperatures and pressures green, electrics checked, mixture set, carb. heat, and cowl flaps closed/as required/applicable. Note: HATFIRE is also used as an en-route check as described in the Cruise section, covering the same items, in the same way BUMPFFEL covers for after takeoff and approach checks. Approach When approaching the circuit the approach (or downwind) checks are completed to ensure the aircraft configuration is set for the approach phase. Note: These checks are termed 'downwind' checks in light aircraft, because they are most often performed on the downwind leg, however they are better termed 'approach' or 'pre-landing' checks as they need to be performed before landing regardless of which leg we join the circuit on. Typical approach/downwind checks are as follows (BUMFFEL): ● Brakes – ON check pressure and ensure OFF; ● Undercarriage – FIXED/DOWN (as applicable); ● Mixture / Pitch / Power – SET; ● Flaps – as required; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 132 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Fuel – CHECKED (on BOTH, quantity checked, primer locked, pump off, as applicable); ● Engine’s Temperature & Pressure – CHECKED; ● Landing Light – ON. ● Normal approach for landing should be made with full flaps and a speed of 6065kts, lowering the speed to 55kts when crossing threshold. During training and for normal operations, minimum speeds are usually increased by 5 knots to provide a bigger safety margin. In windy conditions, a wind correction factor should also be applied increasing the safety margin again to allow for wind shear (see the Short Field Landing section following for full details). Once more experience on the aircraft is gained, variations to final approach speed can be selected within the approved final approach range for the conditions and runway. Carburettor heat should be applied for low power operation on approach, and selected cold, on short final for possible go around or ground operations. Once established on final, in the landing configuration, final approach checks must be carried out. These comprise vital actions that must be completed before landing or go-around. Generally final approach checks in a single pilot operation should be completed from memory to avoid distraction, since the aircraft is close to the ground and in a critical phase of flight, however a control column checklist is a suitable alternative. Typical final approach checks are as follows (CCUMP): ● Cowl Flaps – FIXED/OPEN (as applicable); ● Carb Heat – COLD (as applicable); ● Undercarriage – FIXED/DOWN (as applicable); ● Mixture – SET for go-round; ● Pitch - FIXED/FULL FINE (as applicable). Short Field Landing For a short field operation, an approach should be made at the recommended minimum or short field approach speed, approximately 60kts with full flap. Positive control of the approach speed and descent should be made to ensure accuracy of the touchdown point. The landing should be positive, nose high and as close as possible to the stall. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 133 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The short field approach speed allows for minimum margins above the stall, of approximately 1.3 times the stall speed in the approach configuration. In windy/gusty conditions, a wind correction factor should also be applied providing a safety margin to allow for wind shear. The rule for application of the wind and gust factor is: ½ HWC and all of the gust e.g. for a wind of 20kts gusting 30 at 60 degrees to the center-line, the HWC is 10kts and the gust is 10kts so the wind should be increased by 20kts. Although this sounds like a large increase in speed the following must be remembered, only head wind component must be considered and as only half is taken there is still a reduction in distance from the reduced ground speed, as landing calculations should be made in still wind. Headwind component can be calculated from graphs, trigonometry or on request from ATC. When the wind is gusting there is generally a significant headwind factor so even if all gust is taken landing distance may not be significantly affected, and whenever the wind is reported gusting, particularly at altitude we need to have all the resources available to deal with unknown influence of wind shear, especially with older models of C172 which have only very small amounts of residual power available for recovery. The rule however is a starting point and may be modified as required for conditions and field length. It is vital on a short field landing to have precise control of speed and height. To do this, select a point slightly short of the aiming point, that is, the point where the flare will start. Keep this point at a constant position on the windshield, approximately half way between the horizon and the cowl, and maintain this with elevator. This will ensure a constant slope, thereafter any deviation on speed can be fixed with a positive application of power. Remember that the changes in pitch and power need to be effected quickly and accurately so that the deviations from speed and slope are kept small. Crosswind Landing When approaching to land with a crosswind the aircraft flight manual discusses crabbed, slipping or combination method. To prevent drift on finals the aircraft should be crabbed into wind as detailed above. For landing, the aircraft nose should be brought in line with the runway. In doing so, unless we can immediately touch down at that point, which is unlikely AVIASOFT_INDO Page 134 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL with such a high lift wing like the C172, the aircraft will begin to drift, and the ‘into wind’ wing has to be lowered just enough to keep the aircraft on the runway centre line. The ‘into wind’ wheel will then make contact with the ground first, thereafter the remaining main wheel and then the nose wheel should be positively placed on the ground, and ailerons placed into wind to prevent aerodynamic side forces. Since it is impossible, or very undesirable to fly a long approach entirely slipped, and it is impossible to land in the crabbed position, for the high lift, high wing Cessna, the question of differing techniques is, therefore, more a question of “where to transition?” That is where to change from the ‘crabbed’ approach into the landing configuration. The transition is ideally achieved in the round out, since early transition creates both excessive drag, uses excessive pilot work load, and creates a situation which is unbalanced flight. Additionally the side-slip (crossed controls) reduces the amount of rudder available on the upwind side. However, although the end point is to transition as late as possible, during the early stages of crosswind training, the crosswind “slip” may be commenced much earlier, to enable students to feel comfortable with the control inputs required before using them close to the ground. In a strong crosswind a slightly higher approach speed may be required to maintain more effective control against the wind factor. A slightly higher touchdown speed is also recommended to prevent drift in the transition between effective aerodynamic control and effective nose wheel steering. Reduction in flap setting improves lateral stability, for improved crosswind control. In strong crosswinds, as with crosswind takeoffs, it's recommended to use the minimum flap required for the field length. It should be noted the C172 is controllable with full flap in excess of the maximum demonstrated crosswind, and is a good exercise to practise with an instructor (see further in Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Component section, under Crosswind Takeoffs). Flapless Landing Two items of importance should be considered for a flapless landing. 1. Lack of drag to assist with the descent and approach. 2. The increased stall speed compared to the normal landing configuration. To assist with overcoming these items a slightly lower power setting and higher approach speed should be used. If necessary the downwind may be extended AVIASOFT_INDO Page 135 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL slightly. Both the approach and round out will be flatter than for a normal approach, and tendency to float, due to the lack of drag, is increased. The increase in approach speed need not be more than either the recommended approach speed without flap, or the normal approach speed with the increase in stall speed factored in. Where field length is not a consideration, the pilot may elect to use a higher margin, however the tendency to float must be remembered. In the C172 the recommended flapless approach is approximately 70-75kts. Balked Landing (Go Round) Procedure The procedure for a balked landing, or more commonly called, a go around, is as follows: 1. Immediately apply full power; 2. Maintain the go around attitude, (do not allow the aircraft to pitch above the horizon); 3. Immediately retract flap to 20 degrees; 4. Maintain Vx until clear of obstacles; 5. Accelerate to Vy, retracting flap once above the minimum speed. The wing flaps should be reduced to 20 degrees immediately after full power is applied, there is no speed restriction on retraction from full flap to 20 degrees flap. Maintain the correct attitude, fine tuning to ensure the aircraft is neither descending nor decelerating. Once flaps are 20 degrees, the aircraft may be accelerated to the required climb out speed. Upon reaching the safe minimum retraction airspeed (60kts) and altitude (300ft), the flaps should be retracted in stages to the full UP position, and after takeoff checks completed. After Landing Checks When clearing the runway after landing, it is vital to complete the after landing checks for engine management and airmanship considerations. For engine handling considerations, the cowl flaps (if applicable), since there is no cooling airflow. At higher altitudes or temperatures, the mixture which has been set rich for the go-around, should be leaned for taxi to prevent spark plug fowling. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 136 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The wing flaps must be retracted (to prevent ATC suspecting a hijacking has occurred!). It is polite to select the strobe and landing lights off. The transponder should be selected to standby, unless otherwise dictated by ATC procedures. After Landing checks can be completed in a flow pattern followed by a check-list, where available. Typical after landing checks are as follows: ● Cowl Flaps – OPEN for taxi; ● Mixture – SET for taxi; ● Flaps – UP; ● Strobes and Landing Light – OFF; ● Transponder – STANDBY. Taxi and Shutdown Taxi should be planned to suit engine cooling requirements when needed. If you are operating on rough gravel remember to avoid needing to operate the aircraft stationary at idle for prolonged periods. In a normally aspirated engine, providing the approach was accomplished without using excessive amounts of power, in most cases the taxi should provide sufficient time for cooling down the engine. For a turbo additional cooling may be required (see more in the following section on Engine Handling Tips). Before completing the shutdown, and after selecting all the electrical equipment off, it is recommended to complete a dead-cut check to ensure all magneto positions, in particular the OFF position is working, so the propeller is not left 'live'. Shutdown again can then be accomplished in a flow pattern*, followed up with a checklist where available. Typical shutdown checks are as follows: ● Avionics – OFF; ● Electrical Equipment (except beacon) – OFF; ● Magnetos – DEAD CUT CHECK; ● Mixture – CUTOFF; ● Magnetos – OFF; ● Master – OFF; ● Standby Battery – OFF (if applicable) ● Fuel Selector – OFF / LOW TANK; ● Control Lock – IN; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 137 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL ● Flight Time/Hour Metre – Downs/Screens/Covers – FITTED. RECORDED; ● Tie *Note: The shutdown checks may be completed as a read and do checklist, where required, since if a check e.g. avionics or the dead cut check are omitted prior to shutdown, they cannot be redone, so it is more feasible to complete as a read and do checklist. However, on the other hand, omission on the occasional is not critical, and for consistency a checklist method is also satisfactory. The method is at the discretion of the pilot or operator. Circuit Pattern The standard circuit pattern, unless published otherwise, is the left circuit pattern at 1000ft above ground for piston engine aeroplanes. The circuit pattern may differ from airport to airport. Ask your instructor, the briefing office or consult the relevant aeronautical information publication for the pattern on your airfield. The circuit pattern contains all the critical manoeuvres required for a normal flight, condensed into a short space of time. It is a great way to learn the critical flight checks, practice manoeuvres and improve overall flying skills. Note: The following provides guidelines and summaries of all the checks required during flight. Checks have been repeated here to provide a complete study aid, to assist students in learning the procedures. Full details of each phase are contained in the relevant parts of the preceding pages in this section. The following summarised in-flight procedures for circuit patterns from start up to shutdown: Complete the aircraft preflight walk around, ensuring fuel and oil quantities are sufficient, all required equipment is serviceable, and the condition of the aircraft and all components is acceptable for flight. Complete the passenger brief, where required, and once all are on board, with doors closed, and seatbelts on, complete the before start flows; Once before start flows are completed, the following master off Before Start checklist is recommended: ● Preflight Inspection – COMPLETE; ● Tach/Hobbs/Time – RECORDED; ● Passenger Briefing – COMPLETE; ● Brakes – SET/HOLD; ● Doors – CLOSED/LOCKED; ● Seats / Seatbelts – ADJUSTED, LOCKED; ● Fuel Selector Valve – BOTH/CORRECT TANK; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 138 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL ● ● ● ● ● ● Carburettor Heat – COLD (if applicable); Cowl Flaps – OPEN (if applicable); Pitch – FULL FINE (if applicable); Undercarraige – FIXED / DOWN (as applicable); Avionics – OFF; Electrical Equipment – OFF; ● Rotating Beacon – ON. Once ready to start with all before start items complete, and with the standby battery armed (if applicable) and master switch ON, complete the 'ready for start' or 'master on-Before for Start' checklist: ● Engine Instruments – CHECKED ● Electrical Instruments – CHECKED ● Annunciators – CHECKED (if applicable); ● Circuit Breakers – IN. After completing all before start checklists, the start is then accomplished as a procedure, since the actions are required to be carried out in a timely manner, with prior knowledge of the actions, and cannot be read from a checklist. When the before start checklist is accomplish the Start Procedure: ● Propeller Area – CLEAR. ● Prime – AS REQUIRED (0-3 strokes, or 0-5 seconds, 6 gal/hr); ● Mixture – RICH/AS REQUIRED*; ● Throttle – SET approx ½ centimetre**; ● Starter – ENGAGE; ● Throttle – 1000RPM (maximum); ● Oil Pressure – RISING (within 30 seconds maximum); Electrical System – Charging. ● After start, complete the after start flow, ensuring to copy the ATIS where available, check and set all instruments, and controls. Then the following After Start checklist is recommended: ● Mixture – SET; ● Flight Instruments – CHECKED AND SET; ● Engine Instruments – CHECKED; ● Flaps – RETRACTED/SET; ● Transponder – STANDBY/GROUND. Test the brakes as soon as possible after the aircraft begins moving, then at any convenient time during the taxi check the flight and navigation instruments, then complete the Taxi checklist. ● Brakes – CHECKED; ● Flight Instruments –TESTED and SET; ● Navigation Instruments – TESTED and SET. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 139 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Taxi towards the runway and position the aircraft clear of the runway to carry out the Engine Run-up and pre takeoff checks. Ensure that: ● The slipstream will not affect other aircraft; ● A brake failure will not cause you to run into other aircraft or obstacles; ● Loose stones will not damage the propeller. Prior to the Engine Run-up it is important to check the following items: ● Confirm fuel is on correct tank (always run up on the tank you intend to takeoff; ● Check the mixture is set correctly for the run-up; ● Check temperatures and pressures in the green range. Set the park brake and complete the Engine Run-up ● Power – Set 1700rpm or 1800, as required by the model; ● Mixture – Set for elevation (above 3000ft density altitude); ● Magnetos – Check left, both, right, both, confirm smooth operation within limits for drop and differences; ● Pitch – (if applicable) Cycle three times for a cold engine, minimum once if the engine has bee running. ● Engine’s Temperature & Pressure – Check; ● DI – Aligned with compass; ● Power – reduce to idle, confirm steady at 500-700rpm, return to 1000rpm. Complete the Pre Takeoff Vital Actions checks. One of the most popular acronyms (Too Many 'Pilots Go Fly In Heaven Early) is detailed below: Too Trims and flight controls – tested and set; Mixture set for takeoff; Magnetos on both; Pilots Pitch full fine (as applicable); Go Gills (Cowls) open / fixed (as applicable); Gyros uncaged (as applicable) and set; Fly Fuel contents checked, selector on correct tank, primer locked, fuel pump off; Flaps set for takeoff; In Instrument panel check from right to left, DI aligned with compass, altimeter set, clock check, navigation instruments set for departure, autopilot off; Heaven Hatches and harnesses secure; Early Electrics checked, circuit breakers checked, systems checked. Many AVIASOFT_INDO Page 140 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL After completing both run-up and pre-takeoff flows, a Before Takeoff checklist should be carried out, for example: ● Run-up – COMPLETE; ● Trim – TESTED and SET for takeoff; ● Flight Controls – CHECKED, AUTOPILOT OFF; ● Flight Instruments – CHECKED and SET; ● Flaps – SET for takeoff; ● Fuel – CHECKED (on BOTH, quantity checked, primer locked, pump off, as applicable); ● Mixture/Pitch/Power – CHECKED*/SET; ● Departure Brief – COMPLETE. Consider air traffic control and radio procedures before lining up on the runway. Line up and ensure that the nose wheel is straight (make full use of the runway length available) and perform the Line-Up Checks (REmember What To Do Last), followed by a line up checklist. ● Runway – CLEAR (Unobstructed, correct runway); ● Engine Temperatures and Pressures – CHECKED/GREEN; ● Windsock – CHECKED direction and strength (confirm against reported wind), position control column accordingly; ● Transponder ALT (TA/RA or ON as applicable); ● DI – ALIGNED with compass and reading correct runway heading; ● Landing Light and Transponder – ON. Takeoff and climb maintaining runway alignment. Keep straight with rudder (will require right rudder due to the slipstream and torque effects). Reduce frictional drag, and protect the nose-wheel by holding the weight of it. Upon reaching a safe altitude (300’ above airfield elevation) raise the flaps (if used) and perform After Takeoff Checks (BUMFFEL): Typical after takeoff checklist is as follows (BUMFFEL): ● Brakes – CHECK – apply, check pressure and off; ● Undercarriage – FIXED/UP; ● Mixture / Pitch / Power – SET for climb; ● Flaps – UP; ● Fuel – CHECKED (on BOTH, quantity checked, primer locked, pump off, as applicable); ● Engine’s Temperature & Pressure – CHECK; ● Landing Light – OFF / AS REQUIRED. At a minimum of 500’ scan the area into which you will be turning, select a reference point slightly ahead of the wing-tip (in the case of a headwind) and then turn onto crosswind leg using a normal climbing turn (maximum bank 15 degrees or Rate 1). AVIASOFT_INDO Page 141 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Reaching circuit height, level-off, allow the speed to settle, set downwind power, approx 2300rpm, and trim the aeroplane for straight-and-level flight. Scan the area into which you will be turning and turn onto downwind leg, selecting a reference point well ahead, on which to turn to, to parallel the runway. Circuit width should be approximately 1½ to 2 miles from the runway. When abeam the runway, make ATC call and perform Pre-landing Checks (BUMFFEL): ● Brakes – CHECK – Apply, check pressure, and off; ● Undercarriage – FIXED/DOWN; ● Mixture / Pitch/ Power – SET; ● Flaps – As required; ● Fuel valve – ON, correct tank, sufficient; ● Engine’s Temperature & Pressure – CHECK; ● Landing light – ON. Just before base leg (45° to the runway), check that speed not exceeding Vfe and lower flap to 10°. After scanning for traffic on base and final, turn base leg performing standard medium turn to the left. After levelling the wings, select Carb. Heat on, reduce power to 1700 RPM (while keeping the nose up for the approach speed), lower the flaps to 20° and commence descent. Trim the aeroplane to maintain approximately 65-70kts and use power to maintain the desired approach angle. Visually check the final approach clear of traffic and anticipate the turn to final so as to roll out with the aircraft aligned with the direction of the landing runway and no less then 500’. Lower the flaps to the full position and complete Before Landing Check (CCUMP): ● Cowl Flaps – OPEN; ● Carburettor Heat – COLD; ● Undercarriage – DOWN/FIXED; ● Mixture – SET for go around power; ● Pitch – FULL FINE (as applicable). Execute the appropriate landing procedure. Maintain the centre line during the landing run by using rudder and wings kept level with aileron. Brakes may be used once the nose-wheel is on the ground. Once clear of the runway, stop the aeroplane, set 1000rpm and complete the after landing flows and After Landing Checks: ● Flaps – UP; ● Cowl Flaps – OPEN; ● Carburettor heat – COLD; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 142 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL ● ● ● Mixture – SET for taxi; Strobes and Landing Light – OFF; Transponder – STANDBY/GROUND – as required. Note: single pilot operations may prohibit safe checklist use in flight, however where feasible, all airborne checks should be followed by an appropriate checklist. Taxi to the parking bay, perform shut down checks and complete the shutdown checklist. Typical Shutdown checks are as follows: ● Avionics – OFF; ● Electrical Equipment (except beacon) – OFF; ● Magnetos – DEAD CUT CHECK; ● Mixture – CUTOFF; ● Magnetos – OFF; ● Master – OFF; ● Standby Battery – OFF (if applicable) ● Fuel Selector – OFF / LOW TANK; ● Control Lock – IN; ● Flight Time/Hour Metre – RECORDED; ● Tie Downs/Screens/Covers – FITTED. Circuit Profile On the following pages the circuit profile can be seen. Note, this may differ from airport to airport. Different techniques are also possible, to achieve the same result. It is important to remember, that the descent for approach will begin approximately 300ft per nm from the threshold, i.e. 3nm for a 1000ft circuit. Ideally speeds should be selected for approach at reducing intervals starting with a speed slightly below the flap limiting speed, and reducing to Vbug or Vref, that is, the desired final approach speed. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 143 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Circuit Profile – Normal Circuit Complete prelanding checks and downwind radio call Late downwind: 2000rpm, 80kts level Begin descent Approx 3nm from touchdown 1700rpm, 10 deg, 80kts descending At 1000ft AGL, Maintain level, approx 2350rpm, 95kts Base: 1700rpm, 20 deg, 75kts >300ft AGL complete after takeoff checks Final: 1700rpm, 30 deg, 75kts Climb out: Vy approx 70-75kts Complete final checks and radio call >500ft AGL, DER turn crosswind Circuit Profile – Maximum Performance (Differences) Begin descent Approx 3nm from touchdown Late downwind: 2000rpm, 80kts level 1700rpm, 10 deg,Vref+10kts descending At 1000ft AGL, Maintain level, approx 2350rpm, 95kts Base: 1700rpm, 20 deg, Vref+5kts Release brakes; Elevator tail low Final: Full power 1700rpm, full flap, Vref against brakes, 60kts minimum ensure Vx or Vx F10 approach speed) minimum static rpm AVIASOFT_INDO OCA: Accelerate, raise gear/flaps (as applicable) Maintain Vy to 1000ft Climb out: Before OCA (Short field (flap differs with model) Page 144 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Note on Checks and Checklists Current recommended operating practices on a single-pilot aeroplane dictate use of a checklist AFTER completion of vital actions in a flow pattern on each critical stage of the flight, such as before and after takeoff, on downwind and final legs. This emanates the tried and true method developed in the airline industry, called “challenge-response”, for two crew, or “read-respond” for one person checklists. The acronyms suggested in the preceding paragraphs provide a memory aid to allow for completion of the checks prior to reading the checklist. For single pilot operations on light aircraft, acronyms are strongly recommended for memory items and flows. Any convenient acronym is acceptable providing the required items are catered for. Unless you only ever intend flying one type, it is also recommended to use generic memory items. This will avoid potential omissions when flying different types. Although flows, acronyms, and memory items are preferably as generic as possible, a checklist, often referred to as an “operator” checklist, should not be. A checklist should ideally be specific, not just to the type of aircraft, but to the specific serial number, and the operation. This is important to avoid unnecessary checks which cause complacency, and to avoid missing critical aircraft/operator dependent checklist items. A checklist does not normally mimic the memory flows, as there may be items in the flows that are normal crew actions and not considered part of a checklist, for example light selections, power settings, headings, will not normally not be on a checklist. When a checklist is completed in single pilot operations and no autopilot is available, the checklist should be as hands-free as possible, especially for critical phases. Control column checklists, or a chart clip on the control yoke, are considered the easiest method to achieve this. The above checks and procedures are based on standard training practices. Application of these checks and development of a checklist for operational use, must be cross referenced against the POH of the aircraft you are flying, and the applicable regulations. Some examples of checklists, in printable and document format, free for download and editing, can be found at http://www.redskyventures.org. Action-Lists An 'action-list' or a 'read-and-do list' is a type of checklist where actions are completed as they are read. An action-list omits the redundancy built in to a AVIASOFT_INDO Page 145 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL normal check-list procedure since items are only done once, not first actioned then checked. This type of procedure is sometimes used for completion of normal checks in abinitio training operations and light aircraft training, to simplify processes when students are learning. It may also be suitable for private pilots who do not fly often. Ideally, action-lists should only be used for their intended applications, in emergencies/abnormalities and non-standard operations. In non-standard operations, an action-list is preferred, since the procedures are seldom carried out, and are too unfamiliar for completion from memory. In emergencies, an 'action-list' follows completion of the emergency memory items. Memory items are restricted to the immediate time critical actions, to avoid relying entirely on memory. Thereafter the POH 'action-list' is completed. This method is preferred again due to unfamiliarity of the procedures, the unsuitability to a normal check-list procedure, and due to the stressful nature of an emergency situation. In the later model Cessna POHs and in the the Cessna quick-referencehandbook which is provided with post 1996 models, the manufacturer recommended memory items are written in bold typeface. In normal operations although an action-list is better than no check-list at all, a proper 'checklist', completed after the actions, when trained properly on checklist operations, is far safer and more efficient. ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The main consideration in any emergency should be given to flying the aircraft. Primary attention should be given to altitude and airspeed control and thereafter to the emergency solution. Rapid and proper handling of an emergency will be useless if the aircraft is stalled and impacts the ground due to loss of control. This is most critical during takeoff, approach and landing, when the aircraft is close to the ground. The check lists in this section should be used as a guide only. The emergency checklist and procedures for your particular aircraft model specified in the aircraft Pilots Operating Handbook should be consulted for operational purposes. Emergency During Takeoff An emergency during takeoff, is usually defined as an engine failure or emergency prior to reaching 1000ft above ground, where, for example the forced landing or glide approach procedure would apply. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 146 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL An emergency during takeoff can be further broken down into three scenarios, an emergency before rotation, an emergency airborne with runway available, and an emergency with no runway available. Takeoff Emergency Briefing The takeoff emergency briefing briefs specifically for an emergency during takeoff, as described above. The purpose of the briefing, is to consider the runway in use, and the climb-out area, in consideration of the three scenarios. For example with a long runway, it is always best to stop prior to rotation for all abnormalities, whereas on a short runway it may be better, say for an alternator failure, to continue the takeoff and re-circuit to land. Likewise for an emergency with no runway left, if there are obstacles or built up areas on the climb out, a briefing may include avoidance of this area after an engine failure. The briefing should always include the glide speed, reinforcing the importance of lowering the nose for a glide. A takeoff briefing card may be used as a prompt for the briefing, if so use key points rather than phrases. Remember, it is best to brief in your own words, since it is important that it's clear to you, the pilot, what you are going to do, rather than rattle off a verbatim account of someone else's briefing. Engine Failure Prior to Airborne and with Runway Remaining Any emergency or abnormality during takeoff calls for the takeoff to be aborted. The most important thing is to stop the aeroplane safely on the remaining runway. For an abnormality, after the aircraft is airborne, re-landing should be considered only if sufficient runway is available for this purpose, and if adequate training is carried out in this procedure. As a general rule, the runway is sufficient, if the end of the runway can be seen in front of the aircraft. Alternatively it is usually safer to re-circuit. A low level precautionary circuit may be completed to expedite the landing, if required. For an engine failure or fire after takeoff, where runway length permits, it is always best to land back, as the airport is the safest place for an emergency landing. If no sufficient runway is available, the engine failure after takeoff procedure should be followed. Once on the ground, safely stopped, a decision should be made to vacate the aircraft or to exit the runway. Where there is a fire risk, secure the aircraft by selecting fuel, mixture, ignition, and master off, and vacate the aircraft, as soon as possible. If not, where possible, exit the runway at the first suitable exit. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 147 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Engine Failure After Takeoff The recommended engine failure after takeoff speed is 65kts with flaps up, 60kts with flaps down (this varies with model). The forced landing recommended speed is sometimes higher to provide a safety margin for handling, however this speed corresponds to the best glide speed. Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish a glide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. Landing should be planned straight ahead and within approximately 30° to either side. The turn, if required, should be made with no more than 15° of bank. The check-list procedures assume that adequate time exists to secure the fuel and ignition system prior to touchdown. Any attempt to restart the engine depends on altitude available. A controlled descent and crash landing on an unprepared surface is more preferable to uncontrolled impact with the ground in the attempted engine start. Just before the landing: Airspeed – 60kts with wing flaps down and 65kts with flaps up This speed gives the best gliding distance with a propeller windmilling and flaps in up position. Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF Fuel selector – OFF; This will ensure that the engine will be cut-off from the fuel system and thus minimise fire possibility after an impact. Ignition switch – OFF; Master switch – OFF The master switch should be switched off after the flaps being set in the desired position, to minimize the chance of a fire after touchdown. Doors - UNLOCKED The doors should be unlocked in aid of rapid evacuation after the touchdown. After landing: Stop the aeroplane; Check that fuel, ignition and electrics are OFF; Evacuate as soon as possible. Gliding and Forced Landing For a forced landing without engine power a glide speed of 70kts with flaps up and 65kts with flaps down should be used (note this varies with model). This is the specified speed for a forced landing without power in the POH, however it is slightly higher than the best glide speed. The higher speed allows for increased AVIASOFT_INDO Page 148 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL performance in case of deviation below planned speed and provides more penetration into wind over a longer distance. Where best range is required the best glide speed should be flown. During a forced landing: The first priority is to establish the glide speed and turn toward the suitable landing area. A mayday call should be made before too much time or height is lost, but keep it brief, you can return to the emergency communication once the problem is dealt with; While gliding toward the area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. An engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist below. If the attempts to restart the engine fail, secure the engine and focus on completing the forced landing without power. Ensure the Emergency communication is complete, and passengers adequately briefed; Further attempts to restart distract the pilot from performing the forced landing procedure. If the cause of engine failure is a mechanical failure or fire, the engine should be secured immediately and no restart should be attempted. If the failure is partial, resulting in reduced or intermittent running, it is recommended to use the partial power till arrival overhead the intended area of landing. Then reduce to idle power and commence with the forced landing procedure. If a partial power setting is used and power is lost or suddenly regained during the forced landing circuit, this may change the gliding ability of the aircraft so dramatically, that it will be impossible to reach the intended landing area safely. Forced landing initial actions: Trim for 70kts with wing flaps up and 65kts with flaps down; Carb. heat on; Select a field, plan the approach. Finding the fault: Carb. Heat – PULL (if applicable; One of the main causes of an engine failure can be carburettor ice. By applying the Carb. heat, the problem can be eliminated. This action needs to be done immediately while the engine still has sufficient heat, cooling from relative airflow during flight happens very quickly. Fuel Pump - ON (if applicable); In fuel injected engines, as with Carb. Ice, vapour locks are the most common causes of engine failure, especially in hot and high AVIASOFT_INDO Page 149 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL conditions, this also needs to be actioned quickly to provide the best chance of a restart. Mixture – FULLY RICH; Mixture is recommended to be set rich in the pilots operating handbook, however if it is suspected the cut is from too rich setting at altitude, leaning can be opted for. Fuel selector – CHECK ON; Throttle – INCREASE; Ignition – CHECK LEFT-RIGHT-BOTH; Primer – IN AND LOCKED (if applicable). Securing the engine: Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF; Fuel selector – OFF; This will ensure that the engine will be cut-off from the fuel system and thus minimise fire possibility after an impact. Throttle – FULLY FORWARD; By opening the throttle all the fuel left in the carburettor will be sucked out, and the fire possibility will be minimised. Ignition switch- OFF; Doors - UNLOCKED. The doors should be unlatched in anticipation of a evacuation after the touchdown, and to avoid entrapment in case of fuselage damage. After landing the same procedure as detailed for an engine failure after takeoff above, should be initiated. Master switch – OFF; The master switch should be switched off, after the flaps are set for landing (for electric flaps), to minimize an electrical fire. In case of simulated forced landing training, during an extended glide, select partial power for a brief period every 500-1000ft to provide engine warming and to ensure power is still available. Keep the nose down to maintain the glide angle. Engine Fire In case of fire on the ground, the engine should be shut down immediately and fire must be controlled as quickly as possible. In flight such emergency calls for execution of a forced landing. Do not attempt to restart the engine. The pilot may initiate a side-slip to keep the flame away from the occupants. This procedure can be also used to extinguish the fire. If required, the emergency descent may be initiated to land as soon as possible. Opening the window or door may produce a low pressure in the cabin and thus draw the fire into the cockpit. Therefore, all doors and windows should be kept AVIASOFT_INDO Page 150 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL closed till short final, where the door should be open in anticipation of a quick evacuation after the landing. An engine fire is usually caused by fuel leak, an electrical short, or exhaust leak. If an engine fire occurs, the first step is to shut-off the fuel supply to the engine by putting the mixture to idle cut off and fuel valve to the off position. The ignition switch should be left on and throttle fully open in order for the engine to use the remaining fuel in the lines and carburettor. The following check list should be used in quick and proper manner. During an engine start on ground: Cranking – CONTINUE FOR A FEW MINUTES This will suck the flames through the carburettor into the engine. The fire may burn out of exhaust for a few minutes and extinguish if continue cranking. If engine starts - power – 1700rpm FOR A FEW MINUTES; Mixture – IDLE CUT OFF Fuel valve – CLOSED Ignition switch – OFF Master switch - OFF Use the fire extinguisher if the fire persists. Do not restart and call for maintenance for the engine inspection. In flight: Mixture – IDLE CUT-OFF Fuel valve – OFF; Throttle – FULLY OPEN; Master switch – OFF; Cabin Heat and Air – OFF (To prevent the fire to be drawn into the cockpit); Airspeed – 85kts, if the fire is not extinguished, increase to a glide speed which may extinguish the fire; Forced landing – EXECUTE. Electrical Fire The indication of an electrical fire is usually the distinct odour of burning insulation. Once an electrical fire is detected, attempt to identify the effected circuit and equipment. If the affected circuit cannot be identified or isolated, switch the master switch off, thus removing the possible source of the fire. If the affected circuit or equipment is identified, isolate the circuit by pulling out the applicable circuit breaker and switching the equipment off. Smoke may be removed by opening the windows and the cabin air control. However, if the fire or smoke increases, the windows and cabin air control should AVIASOFT_INDO Page 151 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL be closed. The fire extinguisher may be used, if required. Ventilate the cockpit after that to remove the gases. Landing should be initiated as soon as practical on the first suitable airfield. If the fire cannot be extinguished, land as soon as possible. Rough Running Engine A rough engine running can be caused by a number of different reasons, faults that can be dealt with from the cockpit include spark plug fouling, magneto faults, fuel vaporisation, engine-driven fuel pump failure, and blocked air intake, see the relevant sections regarding these faults. Engine faults will be associated with changes in oil pressure and temperature – see these sections for further details, although in this case the fault cannot be fixed, the situation can be managed to achieve the most desirable outcome. Magneto Faults A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is often an indication of a magneto fault. Switching from BOTH to the L or R position will confirm if one magneto is faulty, and identify which one. In this situation, take care with switching from L to R position, as if one magneto has grounded or failed completely, no change will occur when selecting the working magneto and a complete power loss will occur when the failed magneto is selected. Spark Plug Faults A slight engine roughness can be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled. This often occurs during prolonged operation at low power settings with the mixture set too rich, and commonly happens at high density altitudes during taxi, well below 3000ft pressure altitude where Cessna recommends leaning the mixture. Switching to one magneto can normally isolate the problem, as running the cylinder on one plug will cause misfiring on the cylinder that contains the faulty plug. (This is the same procedure used when an excessive magneto drop or rough running is experienced during the engine run-up prior to departure). As with magneto faults, care should be taken when applying this procedure inflight, as if fouling is severe enough to affect more than one cylinder, it is possible that there could be a severe loss of power or engine cut when switching to one plug. If the fault is due to fouling, leaning the mixture to peak or just rich of peak and running at a moderate power setting for a few minutes to burn off the excessive carbon should fix the problem. Note that it is not recommended to operate at AVIASOFT_INDO Page 152 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL peak with more than 55% power, however there may be cases where more power is needed, care should be taken to monitor the cylinder temperatures. If the problem persists after several minutes operation at the correct mixture setting, it is likely to be caused by a faulty spark plug which must be replaced. Continue to operate on BOTH, or if extreme roughness dictates selection of the L or R position, select the L or R magneto and continue to the nearest suitable airfield. Abnormal Oil Pressure or Temperature Low oil pressure, which is not accompanied by high oil temperature, may indicate a failure of the gauge or the relief valve. This is not necessarily cause for an immediate precautionary landing, but a landing at the nearest suitable airfield should be planned for inspection. The situation should be closely monitored for any changes. Complete loss of oil pressure, accompanied by a rise in oil temperature is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Select a suitable field for a precautionary or forced landing. Reduce engine power as far as possible and plan to use minimum power for the approach, preferably plan a glide approach to allow for continuation in the event of a complete engine failure. A small reduction in oil pressure with a rise in temperature is normal, since the viscosity of the oil will change as the temperature increases. Any increase in oil temperature and reduction in oil pressure without a clear cause, is a sign of an impending engine problem. Attempts must be made to reduce the oil temperature and demands on the engine. Provisions should be made for the situation getting worse, adjust track towards areas more suitable for a forced landing, and consider suitable airfields for diversion or to complete a precautionary landing. High engine temperatures which result from operations, for example during an extended climb, or prolonged operations at high power in high ambient temperatures, must also be monitored, and attempts to increase cooling or reduce power should be made, for example level off at an intermediate altitude, richen mixture, ensure cowl flaps (if installed) fully open. Carburettor Ice Carburettor ice can be experienced during low rpm operation, but may also be experienced at normal cruise in the right conditions of humidity and temperature. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 153 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Carburettor ice will form more readily at humidities above 50% and temperatures from -10 to +25 degrees Celsius. In these conditions it is recommended to regularly apply carb. heat for several seconds to prevent ice build up before the effects of loss of performance are felt. This action can be included with the cruise checks, every 15 minutes. At temperatures approaching -10 and below, use of carb. heat can increase the temperature into the freezing range, and should be only used if icing is suspected. Carb. heat should not be used above 75% power, since it is extremely unlikely to experience carburettor ice at these power settings, and the loss of power and additional heat are detrimental to the high engine demands. The symptoms of carburettor ice build up are rough running and/or a drop in rpm, severe icing may cause a complete power loss. Carburettor ice can be removed through immediate application of carburettor heat, by pulling the carb. heat knob out. If there is icing, application of carb. heat may initially make the situation worse, as the ice breaks away and is ingested. Avoid the temptation to close the carb. heat again, as this is normally a sign the ice is clearing. Since the heated air causes a richer air/fuel mixture, the mixture setting may need to be readjusted if the carburettor heat is required to be used for any prolonged period, for example in a long low power descent. Remember to richen the mixture again prior to closing the Carb. heat. Stalling and Spinning The stall characteristics are conventional for flaps retracted and extended. The stall warning is indicated by a steady audible signal 10kts before the actual stall is reached and remains on until the flight attitude is changed. The aerodynamic stall warning (buffet) is not pronounced, only a slight elevator buffeting may occur just before the stall, combined with sink, and a forward pitching moment, as the lift reduces and the centre of pressure moves aft. The stall characteristics and the tendency to drop a wing will be far more pronounced with flap down and power on. A positive wing drop may occur if the aircraft is unbalanced prior to a stall, or can be induced by the use of power/flap and/or unbalanced flight on the entry to the stall. Spin characteristics are conventional. To enter the spin, full rudder should be applied about 10kts before stall and stick held fully back. The throttle should be closed on spin entry. Recovery is standard – ensure throttle is closed, ailerons neutral, simultaneously apply rudder to stop the spin, and pitch forward to break the stall, then ease out of the resulting dive, apply power to assist in regaining height loss once speed begins decreasing. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 154 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Spinning is only permitted in the utility category, with a lower takeoff weight and restricted Centre of Gravity locations. Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited, this is mainly because the high speed which may occur during recovery is potentially damaging to the flaps/wing structure. Fuel Injection Faults The following faults apply to fuel injected engines only. Engine Driven Fuel Pump Failure (Fuel Injected Models) An engine driven pump failure can be identified by a sudden drop in fuel pressure, followed by a loss of power, while operating from a fuel tank with adequate fuel supply. (Note – a similar indication will occur with fuel starvation). However at cruise power setting it may not be noticeable as gravity flow will sustain engine operation. Following any power loss, immediately select the auxiliary fuel pump on, to reestablish fuel flow. If either engine pump failure or vaporisation is the cause this will usually alleviate the problem. For split rocker fuel pumps, the auxiliary fuel pump is held in the spring loaded 'HI' position to re-establish flow at high power settings, select the 'LO' position for cruise and approach. Where the auxiliary fuel pump has only one position, select the fuel pump on when required (by engine failure or fluctuations). During cruise and low power operation, the gravity flow should be sufficient to maintain engine operation, however at high power, or any time there is engine or fuel pressure fluctuations, the fuel pump should be selected on. Plan to land at the nearest suitable airfield. Excessive Fuel Vapour (Fuel Injection Models) Significant problems have occurred on Cessna single engine series with fuel surges caused by fuel vaporisation, often leading to engine failures and forced landings. This problem is worst with high ambient and high engine operating temperatures. The Cessna POH recommends, under the title “Excessive Fuel Vapor”, a fuel stabilisation procedure to use when fuel flow fluctuations of “1Gal/hr or more or power surges” occur. Initial actions require turning on the fuel pump, resetting the mixture, and changing tanks if problems continue. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 155 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Selecting the fuel pump on should solve the problem, however in some models, due to the excess fuel return routing, changing tanks may be required before the problem is solved. Models C172K and earlier require a change of tank, from both onto left or right, when operating above 5000ft in the cruise, to prevent fuel vaporisation problems. Although more prevalent in these models, the same situation can occur in any model, due to the system design, or due to a nonreturn valve fault in the excess fuel return line. Which is why selecting an alternative tank is part of the recommended procedure for fuel vaporisation faults. See more under Fuel Selector, in the Fuel System Section. Landing Gear Emergencies (RG model) The following section applies to retractable models only. Landing gear malfunctions, in most cases, are a non-normal situation where time is not critical. Therefore, landing gear emergencies should not be addresses in the circuit, but rather somewhere away from conflicting traffic and while maintaining a safe altitude. The manual gear extension procedure should be completed with reference to the checklist from the Pilots Operating Handbook, as it is an abnormal procedure, to ensure all steps are completed correctly. An example of the POH procedure is provided below. Normal landing gear extension time is approximately 5 seconds. If the landing gear will not extend normally, the general checks of circuit breakers and master switch shall be performed and the normal extension procedures at a reduced airspeed of 100KIAS repeated. The landing gear lever must be in the down position with the detent engaged. If efforts to extend and lock the gear through the normal landing gear system fail, providing there is still hydraulic system fluid in the system, the gear can be manually extended by use of the emergency hand pump. The hand pump is located between the front seats. If gear motor operation is audible after a period of one minute following gear lever extension actuation, the GEAR PUMP circuit breaker must be pulled out to prevent the electric motor from overheating. In this event, remember to reengage the circuit breaker just prior to landing. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 156 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Landing Gear Fails to Retract 1. Master Switch -- ON. 2. Landing Gear Lever -- CHECK (lever full up). 3. Landing Gear and Gear Pump Circuit Breakers -- IN. 4. Gear Up Light -- CHECK. 5. Landing Gear Lever -- RECYCLE. 6. Gear Motor -- CHECK operation (ammeter and noise). Landing Gear Fails to Extend 1. Master Switch .-- ON. 2. Landing Gear Lever -- DOWN. 3. Landing Gear and Gear Pump Circuit Breakers -- IN. 4. Emergency Hand Pump--EXTEND HANDLE, and PUMP (perpendicular tohandle until resistance becomes heavy -- about 35 cycles). 5. Gear Down Light -- ON. 6. Pump Handle - - STOW. Gear Up Landing 1. Landing Gear Lever -- UP. 2. Landing Gear and Gear Pump Circuit Breakers -- IN. 3. Runway -- SELECT longest hard surface or smooth sod runway available. 4. Wing Flaps -- FULL once on final approach (for minimum touchdown speed). 5. Airspeed – MINIMUM SAFE APPROACH SPEED. 6. Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN. 7. Avionics Power and Master Switches -- OFF when landing is assured. 8. Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. 9. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. 10. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 11. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF. 12. Aircraft -- EVACUATE. Landing Without Positive Indication of Gear Locking 1. 2. 3. 4. Before Landing Check -- COMPLETE. Approach -- NORMAL (full flap). Landing Gear and Gear Pump Circuit Breakers -- IN. Landing -- TAIL LOW as smoothly as possible. Where landing is safe: 5. Braking -- MINIMUM necessary. 6. Taxi -- SLOWLY. 7. Engine -- SHUTDOWN before inspecting gear. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 157 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL In the event of a collapse or partial collapse on landing: 8. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. 9. Ignition Switch -- OFF. 10. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF. 11. Aircraft -- EVACUATE. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 158 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL PERFORMANCE The following figures are given as an overview of the Cessna 172 performance. The figures provided are an average and will not match every model of C172. Some variations have been noted. It is important to refer to the approved flight manual for the aircraft you are flying for the correct performance information before and during flight. Specifications and Limitations Performance figures given at 2300lbs (MAUW) and speeds in KIAS unless specified otherwise. Structural Limitations Gross weight (take-off and landing) C172, C172A, C172B C172D through C172N C172P C172Q C172R, C172S C172RG R172K 2200lbs 2250lbs normal, 1950lbs utility 2300lbs normal, 2000lbs utility 2400lbs normal, 2100lbs utility 2550lbs normal, 1950lbs utility 2650lbs 2550lbs Seaplane models (All) 2220lbs Baggage allowance (forward area) Baggage allowance (aft area if applicable) Baggage allowance (max. area 1 and 2) Flight load factor (flaps up) Flight load factor (flaps down) 120 lbs (54kgs) 50 lbs (23kgs) 120 lbs (54kgs) -1.52g to +3.8g 0 to +3.0g Speeds Never Exceed Speed (Vne) 151 to 160kts (red line) Maximum structural speed (Vno) 122 to 128kts (top of green arc) Maximum flap speed (Vfe) 85 kts (top of white arc) Maximum flap speed 0 to 10 degrees 110 kts (-1979 and later) Stall speed clean/cruise configuration (Vs) 47 kts (bottom of green arc) Stall speed in landing configuration (Vso) 41 kts Maximum demonstrated crosswind component15 kts Maximum maneouvering speed (Va) 2300lbs 97 kts 1950lbs 89 kts 1600lbs 80 kts Speeds for normal operation AVIASOFT_INDO Page 159 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Normal take-off climb out speed Short field take off Short field takeoff (after 19xx Best angle of climb speed (Vx) 60-70 kts lift off 50ft, 50ft 60kts Best rate of climb speed (Vy) Normal approach flaps 30° Normal approach flaps up Short field landing (Vref) 60kts flaps up (1980 and earlier) 56kts flap 10 (1981 and later) 73-67 kts, sea level to 10,000ft 55-65 kts 60-70 kts 60 kts Speeds for emergency operation Engine Failure after take-off Forced landing Precautionary landing 65 kts flap up, 60 flap down 70 kts flap up, 65 flap down 60 kts full flap Cruise Performance* Cruise at 2000ft pressure altitude 2300 rpm 105 KTAS, 6.3 gph Cruise at 10,000ft pressure altitude 2300 rpm 101 KTAS, 5.6 gph *Cruise figures provided from the pilots operating handbook should be used with a contingency factor, a block cruises speed and fuel flow that allows for contingency and climb and descent are normally applied. Ground Planning Provided below is an example for completion of your ground planning. Blank forms can be obtained from C172 POH and a flying school. In this example, the aeroplane needs to carry two pilots, 20 pounds of baggage, and sufficient fuel to fly 1.5 hours en route at 8000ft on a private flight under visual flight rules. Route Planning The first step in any flight planning is to determine the route, this is normally carried out on a Nav. Worksheet, then transferred to the Flight Log for use in flight. An example of a Nav. Worksheet is shown below. FM TO AVIASOFT_INDO Alt Temp W/V IAS TAS Trk T V Trk M G/S Dist Page 160 EET CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL TOTALS Fuel Planning The next step in ground planning after completion of the navigation log or after determination of the flight time, is to calculate the fuel required. How much load you can carry is dependent, first, on the minimum required fuel. On the following page page you will find example of CRUISE PERFORMANCE table from C172 POH (Figure 5-7). The table in this book should be not used for flight planing, use the same table in the POH of the aircraft you are flying. For the flight we will use an outside temperature of 20ºC above standard temperature, or -1 degrees Celsius at 8000ft. At 55% of power we should obtain a TAS of 108 kts and a fuel consumption of 6.2 gallons per hour. Using the conversion factors given in the beginning of this manual 1USG = 3.785Lt we will in theory achieve 24 litres per hour fuel consumption. This figure is however in ideal conditions with the engine and airframe producing exactly the performance it achieved during testing. To allow for power variations in climb and provide a more conservative approach a “block“ figure of 30 litres per hour may be used for planning purposes. Multiply this figure by the flight time, and for a 1.5 hour flight we will require 45 litres of fuel. Fill in the fuel planning sheet as follows: • On the first line enter this amount in the Fuel planning table as en route fuel; • On the second line enter 10% of this amount as contingency fuel; • Enter 45 minutes, at the block consumption of 30 lt/hr, for VFR reserve. Adding together all of the above, we find the minimum fuel required for the flight is 83 litres. This is minimum usable fuel, the fuel in the tanks has unusable as well. • Add the unusable fuel to obtain the total fuel required in the tanks. Note, the unusable fuel differs throughout the series, consult your POH for the correct figure, and convert as required to litres in this case. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 161 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL The fuel in the tanks should be checked against that required. If more, the actual dipped fuel must be used, or the aircraft de-fuelled. If less the aircraft must be fuelled to the minimum required, or to the maximum permitted by the weight and balance. The actual fuel in the tanks (“dipped fuel”) is then entered in the fuel planning worksheet. The unusable fuel is already in the empty weight, so we must again subtract the unusable fuel from the dipped fuel, to calculate the mass of the fuel for the mass and balance calculation. To use fuel quantity in the mass and balance calculation, we need to convert fuel volume into weight. Using the formula in the table, we will find 113 litres usable fuel is equivalent to 180 pounds of usable fuel (unusable fuel is allowed for in the aircraft empty weight). Fuel Planning Worksheet Date: 01/ 01/ 2000 Reg. V5-ATN Cessna 172 LITRES FLIGHT TIME @ 30 LITRES* / HOUR 45 10 % CONTINGENCY FUEL 5 RESERVE (45 MINS) @ 30 LITRES* / HOUR 23 ALTERNATE FUEL (as applicable) - ADDITIONAL FUEL (PIC's required conditions fuel) 10 Extra 12lt MINIMUM TAKEOFF FUEL 83 TAXI (8lbs) 5 MIN RAMP FUEL 88 UNUSABLE FUEL 11 MIN DIPPED FUEL 99lt TOTAL FUEL DIPPED 124lt LESS UNUSABLE FUEL(Included in aircraft empty weight) TOTAL FUEL LOAD LITRES TO POUNDS At SG 0.72 -11 113lt x 1.584 TOTAL FUEL WEIGHT TO WEIGHT AND BALANCE 180lbs Fuel Planning Considerations AVIASOFT_INDO Page 162 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL When filling in the fuel figure, always round up, and never use units smaller than a litre, or a quarter gallon. The BLOCK fuel figure of 30 litres an hour provides a safe margin for contingency for most models, the 180hp models will require a block of 35 litres. Early models of C172 with smaller engines will burn less. The block figure allows for takeoff and climb. On shorter flights it is sometimes easier and more accurate to use a block figure, typically around 20% higher than the POH leaned cruise figures. On longer flights, when the aircraft is properly leaned at altitude, fuel consumption in the cruise will be much lower, and POH fuel figures may be consulted, along with the climb graph for climb fuel. When using climb and descent profiles, remember to use the temperature and winds at two thirds of the change in altitude for climb, and half the change in altitude for descent. The 10% CONTINGENCY, where not legally required is absolutely essential for good airmanship. If the aircraft you are flying has a fuel monitoring program, fuel consumption will be known more accurately. Generally, where this is not in place, the figures in the POH are optimistic and there can be a wide variation in fuel burn in piston engine aircraft. If ALTERNATE FUEL is required the same calculations for trip fuel are required. Even if not legally required, it's a good airmanship to have an alternate airport, especially if there is only one runway at your destination. ADDITIONAL FUEL is fuel that is required by the PIC for expected circumstances which will result in additional flight time, for example ATC routing, traffic, weather. Additional fuel is legally required in most countries, if it is not legally required, again it is good airmanship to carry it. TAXI FUEL is always applied as the difference between maximum ramp weight and maximum takeoff weight. Where no ramp weight is available taxi fuel is best included in the trip fuel calculations. Weight and Balance The maximum takeoff and landing weight is 2300 pounds (1045kg) on most models of C172. The unladen weight is approximately 1400 lbs (636 kg) and includes full oil and usable fuel. The actual weight of the aircraft you are flying should always be used for weight and balance calculations. Refer to the relevant weight and balance certificate (which should be not older then 5 years) carried on board the aircraft for exact weight for each aircraft. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 163 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL It is the pilot in command's responsibility to ensure that the aircraft is properly loaded and within limits prior to departure. It is vital for safety and performance considerations to know your operating weight and centre of gravity condition in flight. Aeroplane balance is maintained by controlling the position of the Centre of Gravity. Overloading, or mis-loading, may not result in obvious structural damage, but can cause fatigue on internal structural components or produce hazardous aeroplane handling characteristics. An overweight aircraft will have increased takeoff distance, climb rates, cruise speeds and landing distance. An aeroplane loaded past the rear limit of its permissible Centre of Gravity range will have an increased tendency for over-rotation, loss of elevator control on landing and, although a lower stall speed, a more unstable stall spin tendency. Aircraft loaded past the forward limit will result in a higher stall speed, and wheelbarrowing on takeoff or landing. If spinning or other approved semi-aerobatic maneouvres are planned, the mass and balance must be inside the Utility Category limits. Weight and Balance Calculations Once the weight of the minimum fuel required is known, the weight and balance requirements may be calculated. Begin with entering the Aircraft Empty Weight. This may be obtained from the aircraft flight manual or documents folder and is different for every aeroplane. In the example we used the Basic Empty Weight 1400 and Centre of Gravity of 39 inches, giving a moment of 54600inch-pounds. Enter the actual weights or standard weights for the crew and passenger. If weights are not known standard weights must be used for all occupants. Then enter the fuel and baggage. Add all the figures together to obtain the total takeoff weight. This must be less than the maximum allowable take off weight, 2300lbs, in our example for a standard C172N. Should it be higher, weight must be removed until it is below the maximum. Baggage or passengers may be offloaded, or a shorter flight planned with a lower fuel requirement. Moments may then be calculated by multiplying the weight (mass in lbs) by the moment arm (inches from the datum), to obtain the moment in lbs/inches. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 164 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Weight & Balance Worksheet ITEM WEIGHT Aircraft Empty Weight (From in-flight documents) MOMENT / 1000 4 0 0 39 5 4 6 0 0 . 0 0 Pilot 1 5 0 37 5 5 5 0 . 0 0 Passenger FRONT SEAT 1 8 0 37 6 6 6 0 . 0 0 REAR SEAT PASSENGERS 3 4 0 73 2 4 8 2 0 . 0 0 4 0 95 3 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 123 . 0 0 Baggage Area 1 1 ARM (Max 120lbs) Baggage Area 2 (Max 50lbs) Fuel Weight (Max 1 8 0 47.9 8 6 2 2 . 0 0 2 6 0 45.55 1 0 2 9 4 2 . 0 0 4 0 47.9 1 9 2 6 . 0 0 0 0 45.59 1 0 4 8 6 8 . 0 0 7 0 47.9 3 4 2 0 . 0 0 3 0 45.52 1 0 1 4 4 8 . 0 0 240lbs) Takeoff Weight (Max 2 2300lbs) Adjustment ( Fuel Takeoff Weight (Max ) 2 3 2300lbs) Less Fuel Burn Landing Weight (Max 2 2 2300lbs) Weight x Arm = Moment; Final C of G = Total moments / Total weights NOTE: All weights and arms used in weight and balance calculation should be in the same units. Moments are divided by 1000 for more easily workable numbers, and this is also the format used in the Pilot's Operating Handbook. The centre of gravity (C of G) of the aeroplane in its takeoff condition can be determined by dividing Takeoff Moment by Takeoff Weight. In our case the centre of gravity for takeoff will be 45.59 inches for takeoff. To determine that the C of G is within the approved envelope, enter takeoff weight and moment (or C of G depending on the graph) in Centre of Gravity Limits graph from the POH. Use a ruler to confirm the position as shown in the example below. If Centre of Gravity is located outside the envelope, the baggage should be shifted AVIASOFT_INDO Page 165 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL or removed and the Weight and Balance must be computed again to insure the aircraft centre of gravity located within the limit. Once the aircraft is loaded within limits for takeoff, the landing condition may then be determined in similar manner with a C of G of 45.52 inches aft of the datum. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 166 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Note, it sometimes may be necessary to calculate how far we can fly with the load on board then plan fuel stops in the required distance, in this case the calculation must be reversed. In this example we had 180lbs of fuel on board, but we were 40lbs below maximum weight. If the airfield we are operating is more than adequate for takeoff and landing performance (see below), we can add additional fuel to the maximum allowable, allowing extra 'thinking time', in case of a diversion or unexpected situation. When performing spins the aircraft must be within the utility category centre of gravity limits. Performance Planning Once we know what the actual weight will be for takeoff and landing, the takeoff and landing performance can be checked to ensure the field length is adequate. For this the tables TAKEOFF DISTANCE and LANDING DISTANCE from the performance section of the C172 POH must be used. For demonstration of the process we've included sample graphs from a C172 POH, and worksheets for assisting in the calculations. The takeoff and landing graphs and worksheets referred to in the example can be seen on the pages following. Blank copies of the worksheets are included at the end of the book, and may also be obtained from http://www.redskyventures.org as a free download. AVIASOFT_INDO CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL Page 162 With takeoff and landing calculations, normally no wind is considered, as an into wind runway should normally be chosen, increasing the performance and providing a safety factor over the distance calculated. If you are operating into a one-way airfield, any prevailing tailwind must be considered, up to the limit of 10kts. The pressure altitude was calculated using the standard formulas provided in the front of this manual. Performance graphs vary between different manuals, and some may also require calculation of density altitude, confirm that the altitude and temperature have been applied correctly, as density and pressure altitude can be significantly different, as shown in the example below. Runway Factors (UKCAA recommendations) CONDITION Takeoff Distance Factor Landing Distance Factor (increase in distance from initiating the (increase in distance from 50ft t the end of takeoff roll up to a height of 50ft) the landing roll) Dry Grass* up to 20cm/8in (on firm soil) 1.2 20%* 1.1 10%+ Wet Grass* up to 20cm/8in (on firm soil) 1.1 10%* 1.3 30% ** Soft Ground or Snow ** + 1.25 25%** 1.25 25%+ Rules of Thumb To be used when it is impractical to refer to the flight manual, for example in a time critical diversion An increase of 10% in weight 1.2 20% 1.1 10% An increase of 10 deg ambient temperature 1.1 10% 1.05 5% A 2% slope* 1.1 10%* 1.1 10%* A tailwind component of 10% of lift off speed 1.2 20% 1.2 20% An increase in 1000ft of field elevation 1.1 10% 1.05 5% Additional safety factor 1.33 33% 1.43 43% Factors used together MUST be multiplied, e.g. wet grass with a 2% slope : 1.1x1.1=1.21 Any deviation from normal operating techniques will result in a decrease in performance * Effect on ground roll will be greater + Dry grass and soft fields may reduce ground roll, but it is safer to apply a factor until the performance is established without doubt ** In theses cases, depending on the surface condition, the factor may be more, as high as 60% increase in ground roll, particularly for rough fields and for hard surfaced short wet grass. The surface conditions provided for in performance tables by Cessna, in most POHs do not cover all the wonderful ways we put our Cessna aircraft to use today, but AVIASOFT_INDO Page 168 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL nor does it preclude them, as where there is a specific operating limitation, it must be stated. The table on the above, from the UKCAA LASORS, is a recommendation for application of performance degradation factors when no factor is specified by the manufacturer. Remember all figures should be rounded up for an additional built in safety margin and make sure that all factors, such as runway slope and surface have been considered and applied correctly in the distances calculation. If the manual provides a figure, this figure or a higher figure must be used. For example in the sample landing distance tables on the following pages, the factor for dry grass from the POH is 45% of the ground roll. The table provided here gives a figure of 1.20% of the total distance. The increase for 45% of ground roll is 257ft, whereas the increase using a factor of 1.2 x the total distance 1335 = 267ft, so this higher figure can be used instead. Departure Performance Example DEPARTURE AIRFIELD: FYWE, Eros DATE: 01-Jan-2000 PIC: A Safepilot AIRCRAFT: C172N REG: V5.ATN NOTE: ALL Calculations require correct integer (+ or – sign) to be carried through (1) Pressure altitude (PA) = Altitude AMSL + 30 x (1013-QNH) Standard QNH Minus Airfield Equals (+/-) QNH ft per mb Equals (+/-) +ELEVATION PRESSURE ALTITUDE 5810ft 1013 -1005 8 x30 240 5570 (2) Standard Temperature ST=15–2xPA/1000 ie. 2 degrees cooler per 1000ft altitude (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) Pressure ALT Divide by 1000 Equals 5810 /1000 5.81 Multiply by (-2) Equals (-) Add 15 STANDARD TEMP x-2 -11.62 15 +3.38 ≅ 3 deg C (3) Density altitude (DA)DA = PA +(-) 120ft/deg above (below) ST (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) +ACTUAL TEMP STD TEMP Equals (+/-) Multiplied by ft per degree 30 3 27 x120 Wind Mag Runway Heading Magnetic Difference 10 X-60 H-30 Wind degrees True Deviation +W/-E 295 Surface +/-14 310 DENSITY ALTITUDE 3240 5810 9050 Multiply by Closest Wind in Approx. HWC/XWC Factor Knots Equals +Press Alt 30=x0.5 15 45=x0.7 T-full 60=x0.9 XWC =13.5 HWC =7.5 x 0.5 ≅ 3 kts TWC - nil T = full Dry/Wet/Paved/Grass/Gravel/Other______ Slope: Nil Sig. TAKE OFF ROLL REQUIRED 1585 FACTORS FOR GROUND ROLL________ BASIC TAKEOFF DISTANCE 2895 AVIASOFT_INDO Page 169 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL FACTORS: WIND____ SLOPE____ SURFACE___ TOTAL FACTOR 1.33 SAFETY_1.33__ OTHER________________ TOTAL RUNWAY LENGTH REQUIRED 3850ft TAKEOFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE 6000ft Rounding up when runway length permits can also be done to alleviate some of the arduous calculations. When the temperature is below standard, or the QNH above standard, the density and pressure altitude are below actual. In this case distances will be lower, and therefore the actual elevation can may be used, saving time in calculations and adding a small safety margin. When reviewing the runway distance available, ensure length is considered in the correct units, if needed convert from feet to meters. In many cases a conversion factor must be applied. Always check your answers by reasoning, for example as a quick cross check of unit conversions figures in pound are at least double kilograms, and feet three times metres. It is good practice to apply an additional safety margin to calculated distances for actual aircraft and pilot performance, however the runway length available should be at least equal to or greater than the takeoff or landing distance required, whichever is higher. The UKCAA recommend applying the safety factor above, the runway should be 1.33 time greater for takeoff and 1.43 for landing than that required, in all situations to allow for differences from manufacturers figures (obtained with a new aeroplane), variations in the effects of surface and wind, and to compensate for pilot performance. AVIASOFT_INDO Page 170 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL SAMPLE – NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE Arrival Performance Example ARRIVAL AIRFIELD: FYGB, Gobabis DATE: 01-Jan-2000 PIC: A Safepilot AIRCRAFT: C172N REG: V5.ATN NOTE: ALL Calculations require correct integer (+ or – sign) to be carried through (1) Pressure altitude (PA) = Altitude AMSL + 30 x (1013-QNH) Standard QNH Minus Airfield Equals (+/-) QNH ft per mb Equals (+/-) +ELEVATION PRESSURE ALTITUDE 4520 1013 -1020 -7 x30 -210 4730 (2) Standard Temperature ST=15–2xPA/1000 ie. 2 degrees cooler per 1000ft altitude (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) Pressure ALT Divide by 1000 Equals 4520 /1000 4.52 Multiply by Negative Two Equals (-) (-2) Add 15 STANDARD TEMP x-2 15 +4.96 ≅ 5 -9.04 (3) Density altitude (DA)DA = PA +(-) 120ft/deg above (below) ST (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) DENSITY ALTITUDE ACTUAL TEMP -STD TEMP Equals (+/-) Multiplied by ft per degree Equals +Press Alt -3 5 -8 x120 -720 4520 3800ft (4) Estimated HWC/XWC (Use only if strong winds) Wind degrees True Deviation +W/-E 325 Wind Mag +15W 340 Runway Heading Magnetic Difference Multiply by Closest Wind in Factor Knots Approx. HWC/XWC 290 X-40 30=x0.5 10 XWC – x0.7 ≅ 7 kts AVIASOFT_INDO Page 171 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL H-50 45=x0.7 HWC – x 0.7 ≅ 7 kts 60=x0.9 Surface T-full TWC – 10 (full) Dry/Wet/Paved/Grass/Gravel/Other______ Slope: 2%DN LANDING GROUND ROLL REQUIRED 570 FACTORS FOR GROUND ROLL___0.45_____257 TOTAL LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED1335+257 = 1592 WIND_ 1.5 _ SLOPE_ 1.1 __TOTAL FACTOR 2.36 FACTORS: SURFACE____ SAFETY_ 1.43_ _ OTHER___________________ TOTAL RUNWAY LENGTH REQUIRED 3757 ≅ 3800ft LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE 1600mx3.28=5248ft SAMPLE – NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE AVIASOFT_INDO Page 172 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL REVIEW QUESTIONS 1) If the magneto selector is turned to OFF: a) there will be a drop in engine rpm b) the rpm will stay the same c) the engine will stop 2) Two complete separate ignition systems provide: a) more safety only b) more efficient burning only c) more safety and more efficient burning d) dual position key switching 3) Switching the ignition OFF connects the magneto system to ground: a) true b) false 4) If a magneto ground wire comes loose in flight, the engine: a) will stop b) will continue running with lower rpm c) will continue running 5) The spark plugs are provided with electrical supply from: a) battery at all times b) the magnetos c) the battery at start-up and then the magnetos 6) The most probable reason an engine continues to run after ignition switch has been turned off is: a) carbon deposit glowing on the spark plugs; b) a magneto ground wire is in contact with the engine casing; c) a broken magneto ground wire. 7) Cessna 172 engine has: a) fuel injection system; b) carburettor located on the bottom of the engine; c) carburettor located on the top of the engine. 8) Cessna 172 engines are: a) sensitive to carburettor ice; b) not affected by carburettor ice; c) it depends on the model; 9) Carb Heat is used to: a) prevent carburettor ice; b) provide better fuel mixing in the carburettor as it evaporates quickly; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 173 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL c) to heat the air/fuel mixture, to improve burning in the engine. 10) The pilot controls the fuel/air ratio with the: a) throttle; b) carb. heat; c) mixture. 11) For takeoff at a sea level airport, the mixture control should be: a) in the leaned position for maximum rpm; b) in the full rich position; c) the engine is not affected by mixture setting below 3000ft. 12) What will occur if the mixture control remains full rich, as the flight altitude increases: a) the volume of air entering the carburettor decreases and the amount of fuel decreases, resulting in a rich mixture; b) the density of air entering the carburettor decreases and the amount of fuel increases, resulting in a rich mixture; c) the density of air entering the carburettor decreases and the amount of fuel remains constant, resulting in a rich mixture. 13) The correct procedure to achieve the best fuel/air mixture when cruising at altitude is: a) to move the mixture control toward LEAN until engine rpm starts to drop; b) to move the mixture control toward LEAN until engine rpm reaches a peak value; c) to move the mixture control toward RICH until engine rpm starts to drop; d) to move the mixture control toward LEAN until engine rpm reaches a peak EGT and then toward RICH to get EGT 50-100 degrees below the peak. 14) Extra fuel in a rich mixture causes: a) engine heating; b) engine cooling; c) does not affect the heating or cooling of the engine. 15) If after the mixture is properly adjusted while cruising at the altitude and pilot forgets to enrich the mixture during descent: a) the engine may cut-out due to too rich mixture; b) the engine may cut-out due to too lean mixture; c) a too rich mixture will create high cylinder head temperatures; d) a to lean mixture will create high cylinder head temperatures. 16) The remedy for suspected carburettor ice is to: a) en-richen the mixture; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 174 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL b) c) d) lean the mixture; apply carb heat; increase power by advancing the throttle. 17) If carb heat is applied: a) rpm will increase due to the leaner mixture; b) rpm will decrease due to the leaner mixture; c) rpm will decrease due to the richer mixture. 18) When the engine is primed for start-up, the fuel priming pump delivers fuel: a) through the carburettor to the induction manifold; b) through the carburettor to each cylinder; c) directly to the cylinders bypassing the carburettor. 19) Water tends to collect at the: a) lowest point in the fuel system; b) highest point in the fuel system. 20) The engine oil system is provided to: a) reduce friction between moving parts and ensure high engine temperatures; b) reduce friction between moving parts and prevent high engine temperatures; c) increase friction between moving parts and prevent high engine temperatures. 21) Oil grades: a) should not be mixed; b) may be mixed. 22) With too little oil, you may observe: a) high oil temperature and high oil pressure; b) high oil temperature and low oil pressure; c) low oil temperature and low oil pressure. 23) What action can a pilot take to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating during a climb: a) lean the mixture and increase airspeed; b) en-richen the mixture and increase airspeed; c) increase airspeed and reduce engine rpm. 24) Normal in-flight electrical power is provided by an: a) alternator; b) battery; c) generator. 25) A distribution point for electrical power to various services is: AVIASOFT_INDO Page 175 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL a) b) c) circuit breaker; distributor; bus bar. 26) The battery master switch should be turned to OFF after the engine is stopped to avoid the battery discharging through: a) the magnetos; b) the generator; c) electrical services connected to it. 27) The suction (or vacuum gauge) shows the pressure: a) below atmospheric pressure; b) above atmospheric pressure. 28) The vacuum pump is: a) electrically-driven; b) engine-driven; c) hydraulically-driven. 29) The following instrument will be affected by a vacuum pump failure: a) artificial horizon and the direction indicator; b) turn and bank indicator; c) airspeed indicator. 30) The aircraft is equipped with: a) a fixed pitch propeller; b) a variable pitch propeller; c) may have a fixed pitch or variable pitch propeller depending on model. 31) The pilot should shut-down an engine after start if the oil pressure does not rise within: a) 30 seconds; b) 1 minutes; c) 10 seconds. 32 Engine power is monitored by the: a) manifold pressure gauge; b) engine rpm gauge. 33) The usual method of shutting an engine down is to: a) switch the magnetos off; b) move the mixture to idle cut-off; c) switch the master switch off. 34) Fuel tanks is are located: a) in the aft cabin; b) beneath the pilot seats; AVIASOFT_INDO Page 176 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL c) in the wings. 35) The aircraft is equipped with: a) electrically operated elevator trim tab; b) manually-operated elevator trim; c) manually-operated elevator and rudder trim; 36) Frise type ailerons are used to: a) reduce airflow over the control surface to make the control lighter; b) reduce the adverse aileron yaw during bank; c) this aircraft does not have Frise type of ailerons; 37) The flaps are: a) hydraulically-operated; b) electrically-operated; c) manually-operated; 38) Fill in the following from the aircraft you are flying: Aircraft model _________, year______; a) The best glide speed at maximum weight is _____________. b) The best rate of climb speed at sea level is_______, at 10'000ft_______. c) The recommended normal climb speed at sea level is___________. d) The recommended takeoff speed at sea level, and maximum weight for a short field is___________, for a normal landing is________________. e) The recommended landing speed at sea level and maximum weight for a short field is___________, for a normal landing is________________. NAVIGATION AND PERFORMANCE WORKSHEETS Navigation Calculation Work Sheet Date: FM TO / / FL REG: Temp W/V IAS AVIASOFT_INDO PIC: TAS DRIF Hdg T T VAR. Hdg M G/S Dist EET Page 177 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL TOTALS Fuel Planning Worksheet LITRES ENROUTE TIME @ ______ LITRES / HOUR 10 % CONTINGENCY FUEL RESERVE (45 MINS) @ ______ LITRES / HOUR ____ litres TAXI / TAKEOFF UNUSABLE FUEL MIN FUEL REQUIRED TOTAL FUEL DIPPED LESS UNUSABLE FUEL (Included in aircraft empty weight) LITRES TO POUNDS (AVGAS 100LL) x 1.584 TOTAL FUEL WEIGHT (TO WEIGHT AND BALANCE SHEET) AVIASOFT_INDO Page 178 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL WEIGHT AND BALANCE WORKSHEET ITEM WEIGHT ARM MOMENT / 1000 Aircraft Empty Weight (Flt. Man/DOCUMENTS FOLDER) Pilot Passenger FRONT SEAT REAR SEAT PASSENGERS Baggage Area 1 (Max ______lbs) Baggage Area 2 (Max ______lbs) Fuel Weight (Max ______lbs) Takeoff Weight (Max _______lbs) Adjustment Takeoff Weight (Max _______lbs) Less Fuel Burn Landing Weight (Max _______lbs) Weight x Arm = Moment. Total Moment = Sum of all Moments (+ or -) Total Weight = Sum of all Weights (+ or -) Final C. of G. = Total moment / Total weight DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL PERFORMANCE: DEPARTURE AIRFIELD DEPARTURE AIRFIELD: DATE: (dd-mmm-yy) PIC: AIRCRAFT: REG: NOTE: ALL Calculations require correct integer (+ or – sign) to be carried through (1) Pressure altitude (PA) = Altitude AMSL + 30 x (1013-QNH) Standard QNH Minus Airfield Equals (+/-) QNH ft per mb 1013 - x30 Equals (+/-) +ELEVATION PRESSURE ALTITUDE (2) Standard Temperature ST=15–2xPA/1000 ie. 2 degrees Celsius cooler per 1000ft altitude (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) Pressure ALT Divide by 1000 /1000 Equals Multiply by (-2) deg per Equals (-) deg Celsius Add 15 x-2 +15C AVIASOFT_INDO STANDARD TEMP Page 179 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL (3) Density altitude (DA)DA = PA +(-) 120ft/deg above (below) ST (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) +/-ACTUAL TEMP minus +/STD Equals (+/-) TEMP Multiplied by ft per degree Equals (+/-) +Press Alt DENSITY ALTITUDE Multiply by Closest Factor Wind in Knots Approx. HWC/XWC x120 Wind degrees True Deviation +W/-E Wind Mag Runway Heading Magnetic Difference 30=x0.5 X45=x0.7 H60=x0.9 T-full XWCHWCTWC - T = 1.0 Surface Dry/Wet/Paved/Grass/Gravel/Other______ TAKE OFF ROLL REQUIRED x0.5 Slope: UP FACTORS FOR GROUND ROLL________ BASIC TAKEOFF DISTANCE FACTORS: WIND____ SLOPE____ SURFACE___ TOTAL FACTOR ______ SAFETY_1.33__ OTHER________________ TOTAL RUNWAY LENGTH REQUIRED TAKEOFF DISTANCE AVAILABLE DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL PERFORMANCE: ARRIVAL AIRFIELD ARRIVAL AIRFIELD: DATE: (dd-mmm-yy) PIC: AIRCRAFT: REG: NOTE: ALL Calculations require correct integer (+ or – sign) to be carried through (1) Pressure altitude (PA) = Altitude AMSL + 30 x (1013-QNH) Standard QNH Minus Airfield Equals (+/-) QNH ft per mb 1013 - x30 Equals (+/-) +ELEVATION PRESSURE ALTITUDE (2) Standard Temperature ST=15–2xPA/1000 ie. 2 degrees Celsius cooler per 1000ft altitude (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) Pressure ALT Divide by 1000 Equals /1000 Multiply by (-2) deg per Equals (-) deg Celsius Add 15 x-2 +15C STANDARD TEMP (3) Density altitude (DA)DA = PA +(-) 120ft/deg above (below) ST (Use only if not allowed for on Graphs) +/-ACTUAL TEMP minus +/STD Equals (+/-) TEMP Multiplied by ft per degree Equals (+/-) +Press Alt DENSITY ALTITUDE x120 Wind degrees True Deviation +W/-E Wind Mag Runway Heading Magnetic Difference Multiply by Wind in Knots Closest Factor X- 30=x0.5 45=x0.7 60=x0.9 T = 1.0 HT-full Surface Dry/Wet/Paved/Grass/Gravel/Other______ AVIASOFT_INDO Approx. HWC/XWC XWCHWCTWC – Slope: x0.5 (full) DN Page 180 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL LANDING GROUND ROLL REQUIRED FACTORS FOR GROUND ROLL___0.45_____ TOTAL LANDING DISTANCE REQUIRED FACTORS: WIND_ _ SLOPE_ __ SURFACE____ TOTAL FACTOR _______ SAFETY_1.43__ OTHER_________ __________ TOTAL RUNWAY LENGTH REQUIRED LANDING DISTANCE AVAILABLE IN-FLIGHT LOG FM TO Alt/FL TRK True W/V HDG True HDG Mag Dist G/S EET ETA1 ETA2 ETA3 ATA TOTALS FUEL LOG LEFT TANK TIME ON RIGHT TANK FUEL USED REMAINING TIME ON FUEL USED REMAINING CLEARANCES/ATIS ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ AVIASOFT_INDO Page 181 CESSNA 172 TRAINING MANUAL ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ AVIASOFT_INDO Page 182 G1000 CESSNA 172 VERSION ANALOGUE CESSNA 172 VERSION PHOTOS Integrated Flight Deck Cockpit Reference Guide Cessna Nav III SYSTEM OVERVIEW FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM NAV/COM/TRANSPONDER AUDIO PANEL AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL NAVIGATION FLIGHT PLANNING PROCEDURES HAZARD AVOIDANCE ADDITIONAL FEATURES ABNORMAL OPERATIONS ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS INDEX COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2004-2011 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. This manual reflects the operation of System Software version 0563.25 or later for Cessna 172R, 172S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H aircraft. Some differences in operation may be observed when comparing the information in this manual to earlier or later software versions. Garmin International, Inc., 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A. Tel: 913/397.8200Fax: 913/397.8282 Garmin AT, Inc., 2345 Turner Road SE, Salem, OR 97302, U.S.A. Tel: 503/391.3411Fax 503/364.2138 Garmin (Europe) Ltd, Liberty House, Bulls Copse Road, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, SO40 9RB, U.K. Tel: 44/0870.8501241Fax: 44/0870.8501251 Garmin Corporation, No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel: 886/02.2642.9199Fax: 886/02.2642.9099 For after-hours emergency, aircraft on ground (AOG) technical support for Garmin panel mount and integrated avionics systems, please contact Garmin’s AOG Hotline at 913.397.0836. Web Site Address: www.garmin.com Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed for personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited. Garmin® and G1000® are registered trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. FliteCharts®, and SafeTaxi® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin. NavData® is a registered trademark of Jeppesen, Inc.; Stormscope® is a registered trademark of L-3 Communications; and SiriusXM® is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Inc.; Honeywell® and Bendix/King® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc.; CO Guardian is a trademark of CO Guardian, Inc. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III i COPYRIGHT AOPA Membership Publications, Inc. and its related organizations (hereinafter collectively “AOPA”) expressly disclaim all warranties, with respect to the AOPA information included in this data, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information is provided “as is” and AOPA does not warrant or make any representations regarding its accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. Under no circumstances including negligence, shall AOPA be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the software or related documentation, even if AOPA or an AOPA authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. User agrees not to sue AOPA and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, to release and hold harmless AOPA from any causes of action, claims or losses related to any actual or alleged inaccuracies in the information. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. October 2011 ii 190-00384-12 Rev. A Printed in the U.S.A. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, & NOTES WARNING: Navigation and terrain separation must NOT be predicated upon the use of the terrain avoidance feature. The terrain avoidance feature is NOT intended to be used as a primary reference for terrain avoidance and does not relieve the pilot from the responsibility of being aware of surroundings during flight. The terrain avoidance feature is only to be used as an aid for terrain avoidance. Terrain data is obtained from third party sources. Garmin is not able to independently verify the accuracy of the terrain data. WARNING: The displayed minimum safe altitudes (MSAs) are only advisory in nature and should not be relied upon as the sole source of obstacle and terrain avoidance information. Always refer to current aeronautical charts for appropriate minimum clearance altitudes. WARNING: The altitude calculated by G1000 GPS receivers is geometric height above Mean Sea Level and could vary significantly from the altitude displayed by pressure altimeters, such as the GDC 74A Air Data Computer, or other altimeters in the aircraft. GPS altitude should never be used for vertical navigation. Always use pressure altitude displayed by the G1000 PFD or other pressure altimeters in aircraft. WARNING: Do not use outdated database information. Databases used in the G1000 system must be updated regularly in order to ensure that the information remains current. Pilots using any outdated database do so entirely at their own risk. WARNING: Do not use basemap (land and water data) information for primary navigation. Basemap data is intended only to supplement other approved navigation data sources and should be considered as an aid to enhance situational awareness. WARNING: Traffic information shown on system displays is provided as an aid in visually acquiring traffic. Pilots must maneuver the aircraft based only upon ATC guidance or positive visual acquisition of conflicting traffic. WARNING: Use of the Stormscope is not intended for hazardous weather penetration (thunderstorm penetration). Stormscope information, as displayed on the G1000 MFD, is to be used only for weather avoidance, not penetration. WARNING: Do not use datalink weather products (e.g., XM WX Satellite Weather, GFDS World Wide Weather, or FIS-B) for hazardous weather penetration. Weather information provided by these products is aged by up to several minutes and may not depict actual weather conditions as they currently appear. WARNING: NEXRAD weather data is to be used for long-range planning purposes only. Due to inherent delays in data transmission and the relative age of the data, NEXRAD weather data should not be used for short-range weather avoidance. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, & NOTES WARNING: The Garmin G1000, as installed in Cessna Nav III aircraft, has a very high degree of functional integrity. However, the pilot must recognize that providing monitoring and/or self-test capability for all conceivable system failures is not practical. Although unlikely, it may be possible for erroneous operation to occur without a fault indication shown by the G1000. It is thus the responsibility of the pilot to detect such an occurrence by means of cross-checking with all redundant or correlated information available in the cockpit. WARNING: For safety reasons, G1000 operational procedures must be learned on the ground. WARNING: The United States government operates the Global Positioning System and is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The GPS system is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment. Portions of the Garmin G1000 utilize GPS as a precision electronic NAVigation AID (NAVAID). Therefore, as with all NAVAIDs, information presented by the G1000 can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore, become unsafe. WARNING: To reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects of the G1000 Pilot’s Guide documentation. Thoroughly practice basic operation prior to actual use. During flight operations, carefully compare indications from the G1000 to all available navigation sources, including the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc. For safety purposes, always resolve any discrepancies before continuing navigation. WARNING: The illustrations in this guide are only examples. Never use the G1000 to attempt to penetrate a thunderstorm. Both the FAA Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunderstorms, and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) recommend avoiding “by at least 20 miles any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo.” WARNING: Lamp(s) inside this product may contain mercury (HG) and must be recycled or disposed of according to local, state, or federal laws. For more information, refer to our website at www.garmin.com/aboutGarmin/ environment/disposal.jsp. WARNING: Because of variation in the earth’s magnetic field, operating the system within the following areas could result in loss of reliable attitude and heading indications. North of 72° North latitude at all longitudes. South of 70° South latitude at all longitudes. North of 65° North latitude between longitude 75° W and 120° W. (Northern Canada). North of 70° North latitude between longitude 70° W and 128° W. (Northern Canada). North of 70° North latitude between longitude 85° E and 114° E. (Northern Russia). South of 55° South latitude between longitude 120° E and 165° E. (Region south of Australia and New Zealand). WARNING: Do not use GPS to navigate to any active waypoint identified as a ‘NON WGS84 WPT’ by a system message. ‘NON WGS84 WPT’ waypoints are derived from an unknown map reference datum that may be incompatible with the map reference datum used by GPS (known as WGS84) and may be positioned in error as displayed. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, & NOTES CAUTION: The PFD and MFD displays use a lens coated with a special anti-reflective coating that is very sensitive to skin oils, waxes, and abrasive cleaners. CLEANERS CONTAINING AMMONIA WILL HARM THE ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATING. It is very important to clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth and an eyeglass lens cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings. CAUTION: The Garmin G1000 does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void both the warranty and the pilot’s authority to operate this device under FAA/FCC regulations. NOTE: When using Stormscope, there are several atmospheric phenomena in addition to nearby thunderstorms that can cause isolated discharge points in the strike display mode. However, clusters of two or more discharge points in the strike display mode do indicate thunderstorm activity if these points reappear after the screen has been cleared. NOTE: All visual depictions contained within this document, including screen images of the G1000 panel and displays, are subject to change and may not reflect the most current G1000 system and aviation databases. Depictions of equipment may differ slightly from the actual equipment. NOTE: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: The GDU 1040 and GDU 1044B PFD/MFD may require a warm-up time of up to 30 minutes when exposed to -40˚C for an extended period. A warm-up time of up to 15 minutes may be required when exposed to -30˚C for an extended period. NOTE: This product, its packaging, and its components contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This notice is being provided in accordance with California’s Proposition 65. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please refer to our web site at www.garmin.com/prop65. NOTE: Interference from GPS repeaters operating inside nearby hangars can cause an intermittent loss of attitude and heading displays while the aircraft is on the ground. Moving the aircraft more than 100 yards away from the source of the interference should alleviate the condition. NOTE: The purpose of this Cockpit Reference Guide is to provide the pilot a resource with which to find operating instructions on the major features of the G1000 system more easily. It is not intended to be a comprehensive operating guide. Complete operating procedures for the system are found in the G1000 Pilot’s Guide for this aircraft. NOTE: Use of polarized eyewear may cause the flight displays to appear dim or blank. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, & NOTES Blank Page Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A RECORD OF REVISIONS Part Number 190-00384-03 (Rev. A) Change Summary Added XM Radio and XM Weather Added ADF capability Added DME capability Added BRG1/BRG2 pointers Added dual audio panel operation Added C172 parameters Changed Airspeed Trend Vector Changed Altitude Trend Vector Added Checklist capability Added Flight ID capability (Rev. B) 190-00384-04 (Rev. A) Updated system software numbers (Rev. B) 190-00384-05 (Rev. A) Added DONE Softkey, XM-INFORMATION Page, and XM-RADIO Page operation. 190-00384-06 (Rev A) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Reformatted manual to new format Added TAS capability Added explanation of EIS display behavior upon exceedances Added better explanation of Intercom System Isolation Added Stormscope operation upon loss of heading input Added TAWS-B Added CO Guardian Added new Fuel Totalizer Updated G1000 System Messages Added GDU 7.00 (WAAS, VNAV & Charts) software parameters. Added AFCS for the 182 and 206 Added database loading instructions Updated G1000 System Messages Combined previous system software numbers into 0563.00 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III RR-1 RECORD OF REVISIONS Part Number 190-00384-07 (Rev. A) 190-00384-08 (Rev. A) 190-00384-09 (Rev. A) 190-00384-10 190-00384-11 190-00384-12 Change Summary Added GDU 8.02 parameters, Airways, and ADS-B Added GDU 8.20 parameters, including gradient background on the PFD and GFC 700 for the C172. Added GDU 9.03 parameters. Removed gradient background. Added Additional Features section Changed tab structure Added GDU 9.15 Added new page navigation Added flight plan import/export Added new EIS displays Added CDI use in Dead Reckoning Mode Various clerical changes Added GDU 10.01 Added Auxiliary Video Added AOPA Airport Directory Added Flight Data Logging Added GDU 12.02 parameters Added FIS-B Weather Added GTS 800 Added GFDS Weather (GSR 56) Added Arrival Alerts Revision Date of Revision Affected Pages A October, 2011 All RR-2 Description Production Release Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: SYSTEM OVERVIEW..................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 PFD/MFD Controls.................................................... 1-2 PFD Softkeys............................................................. 1-5 MFD Softkeys........................................................... 1-9 MFD Page Groups.................................................. 1-10 Vertical Navigation............................................... 1-11 Arrival Alerts.......................................................... 1-13 Backlighting............................................................ 1-13 Loading Updated Databases............................... 1-14 Loading Garmin Database Updates............................. 1-14 Loading the Jeppesen Navigation Database as the Active Navigation Database.............. 1-15 Loading the Jeppesen Navigation Database as the Standby Navigation Database.......................... 1-15 Magnetic Field Variation Database Update.................. 1-16 SECTION 2: FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS............................... 2-1 2.1 Airspeed Indicator................................................... 2-3 Speed Indication.......................................................... 2-3 Speed Ranges.............................................................. 2-3 Airspeed Trend Vector .................................................. 2-3 Vspeed References....................................................... 2-3 2.2 Attitude Indicator................................................... 2-3 2.3 Altimeter................................................................... 2-4 Selected Altitude Bug................................................... 2-4 Altitude Trend Vector.................................................... 2-4 Barometric Setting Box................................................. 2-4 Altitude Alerting (GFC700 only).................................... 2-4 Metric Display.............................................................. 2-5 Low Altitude Annunciation............................................ 2-5 2.4 Vertical Deviation/Glidepath/Glideslope Indicator.................................................................... 2-6 2.5 Marker Beacon Annunciations............................. 2-7 2.6 Vertical Speed Indicator........................................ 2-7 2.7 Barometric Altitude Minimums............................ 2-7 2.8 Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).................... 2-8 Course Pointer............................................................. 2-9 Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)................................... 2-9 Bearing Pointers and Information Windows................. 2-11 DME (optional)........................................................... 2-11 Navigation Source...................................................... 2-11 2.9 Wind Data................................................................ 2-12 2.10 Generic Timer......................................................... 2-13 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3: ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS)..... 3-1 3.1 Engine Display.......................................................... 3-1 3.2 Lean Display............................................................. 3-4 Normally-aspirated Aircraft........................................... 3-7 Turbocharged Aircraft................................................... 3-7 3.3 System Display......................................................... 3-7 SECTION 4: NAV/COM AND TRANSPONDER........... 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Radio Status Indications........................................ 4-3 Volume....................................................................... 4-3 Automatic Squelch.................................................. 4-3 Quickly Activating 121.500 MHz........................... 4-3 Optional NAV Radios.............................................. 4-3 DME Radio (optional)................................................... 4-3 ADF Radio (optional).................................................... 4-4 4.6 Frequency Auto-tuning.......................................... 4-4 Auto-tuning on the PFD............................................... 4-4 Auto-tuning on the MFD.............................................. 4-4 4.7 Transponder.............................................................. 4-4 Mode Selection............................................................ 4-4 Reply Status................................................................. 4-5 Code Selection............................................................. 4-5 SECTION 5: AUDIO PANEL................................................. 5-1 5.1 COM Radio Selection.............................................. 5-2 5.2 Cabin Speaker.......................................................... 5-2 5.3 Passenger Address (PA) System (T)182T .and (T)206H Only.....................................................5-2 5.4 Marker Beacon Receiver........................................ 5-2 Marker Beacon Signal Sensitivity.................................. 5-2 5.5 Nav Radio Audio Selection.................................... 5-3 5.6 Intercom System (ICS) Isolation........................... 5-3 5.7 Intercom Squelch Control...................................... 5-4 5.8 Digital Clearance Recorder and Player.............. 5-4 SECTION 6: AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL.............. 6-1 6.1 AFCS Controls........................................................... 6-1 6.2 Flight Director Operation...................................... 6-2 Activating the Flight Director........................................ 6-2 Command Bars............................................................ 6-2 AFCS Status Box.......................................................... 6-3 6.3 Flight Director Modes............................................. 6-3 Pitch Modes................................................................. 6-3 Roll Modes................................................................. 6-17 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III TOC-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.4 Autopilot Operation............................................. 6-22 Flight Control............................................................. 6-22 Engaging the Autopilot............................................... 6-22 Control Wheel Steering............................................... 6-23 Disengaging the Autopilot.......................................... 6-23 6.5 Example Procedures............................................. 6-24 Departure.................................................................. 6-24 Intercepting a VOR Radial........................................... 6-26 Flying a Flight Plan/GPS Course.................................. 6-27 Descent..................................................................... 6-28 Approach................................................................... 6-31 Go Around/Missed Approach...................................... 6-33 6.6 AFCS Annunciations and Alerts.......................... 6-34 AFCS Status Alerts...................................................... 6-34 Overspeed Protection................................................. 6-35 SECTION 7: NAVIGATION................................................... 7-1 7.1 Navigation Map Page............................................. 7-1 Select the MAP Page Group.......................................... 7-1 7.2 Direct-to Navigation............................................... 7-1 Direct-to Navigation from the MFD............................... 7-1 Direct-to Navigation from the PFD................................ 7-3 7.3 Navigating an Example Flight Plan..................... 7-5 7.4 Airport Information.............................................. 7-25 Select the Airport Information Page............................ 7-25 Display AOPA Airport Directory Information................. 7-26 Select an Airport from the Database........................... 7-26 Select an Airport from the Active Flight Plan................ 7-26 Select a Nearest Airport.............................................. 7-26 Select a Recently Entered Airport Identifier.................. 7-27 Select an Airport by Facility Name or City Location...... 7-27 7.5 Intersection Information..................................... 7-27 Select the Intersection Information Page..................... 7-27 7.6 NDB Information.................................................... 7-28 Select the NDB Information Page................................ 7-28 7.7 VOR Information.................................................... 7-28 Select the VOR Information Page................................ 7-28 7.8 User Waypoint Information Page...................... 7-29 7.9 Nearest Airports.................................................... 7-29 Nearest Airport Information on the MFD..................... 7-29 Nearest Airports Information on the PFD..................... 7-30 7.10 Nearest Intersections........................................... 7-30 Select the Nearest Intersections Page.......................... 7-30 7.11 Nearest NDB........................................................... 7-31 TOC-2 Select the Nearest NDB Page...................................... 7-31 7.12 Nearest VOR............................................................ 7-31 Select the Nearest VOR Page...................................... 7-31 7.13 Nearest User Waypoint......................................... 7-32 Select the Nearest User Waypoint Page....................... 7-32 7.14 Nearest Frequencies............................................. 7-32 Select the Nearest Frequencies Page........................... 7-32 7.15 Nearest Airspaces.................................................. 7-33 Select the Nearest Airspaces Page............................... 7-33 SECTION 8: FLIGHT PLANNING....................................... 8-1 8.1 User Defined Waypoints......................................... 8-1 Select the User WPT Information Page.......................... 8-1 8.2 Viewing the Active Flight Plan............................. 8-4 8.3 Activate a Stored Flight Plan................................ 8-4 8.4 Activate a Flight Plan Leg..................................... 8-5 8.5 Stop Navigating a Flight Plan............................... 8-5 8.6 Invert Active Flight Plan........................................ 8-5 8.7 Create a Flight Plan................................................ 8-5 Create a Flight Plan Using the MFD.............................. 8-5 Create a Flight Plan Using the PFD............................... 8-6 8.8 Import a Flight Plan from an SD Card................. 8-6 8.9 Enter an Airway in a Flight Plan.......................... 8-7 8.10 Load a Departure.................................................... 8-9 8.11 Load an Arrival......................................................... 8-9 8.12 Load an Approach................................................... 8-9 8.13 Remove a Departure, Arrival, Approach, . or Airway from a Flight Plan...............................8-9 8.14 Store a Flight Plan................................................... 8-9 8.15 Edit a Stored Flight Plan........................................ 8-9 8.16 Delete a Waypoint from the Flight Plan............. 8-9 8.17 Invert and Activate a Stored Flight Plan......... 8-10 8.18 Copy a Flight Plan................................................. 8-10 8.19 Delete a Flight Plan.............................................. 8-10 8.20 Graphical Flight Plan Creation........................... 8-10 8.21 Trip Planning........................................................... 8-11 8.22 Export a Flight Plan to an SD Card.................... 8-12 SECTION 9: PROCEDURES................................................. 9-1 9.1 Arrivals and Departures......................................... 9-1 Load and Activate a Departure Procedure..................... 9-1 Load and Activate An Arrival Procedure......................... 9-1 9.2 Approaches............................................................... 9-2 Load and/or Activate an Approach Procedure................ 9-3 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A TABLE OF CONTENTS Activate An Approach in the Active Flight Plan.............. 9-4 Activate A Missed Approach in the Active Flight Plan..... 9-4 SECTION 10: HAZARD AVOIDANCE............................ 10-1 10.1 Customizing the Hazard Displays on the Navigation Map........................................ 10-1 10.2 STORMSCOPE® (Optional)................................... 10-1 Displaying Stormscope Lightning Data on the Navigation Map Page................................................. 10-1 Stormscope Page........................................................ 10-2 10.3 XM Weather (Service Optional).......................... 10-3 Displaying METAR and TAF information on the Airport Information Page....................................................... 10-3 Displaying Weather on the Weather Data Link Page.... 10-4 Map Panning Information – Weather Data Link Page.. 10-5 Displaying TFR Data:................................................... 10-5 Enabling/disabling winds aloft data display in Profile View:............................................................... 10-6 Weather Products & Symbols...................................... 10-6 Weather Product Age................................................. 10-7 10.4 FIS-B Weather (Optional)..................................... 10-7 Accessing FIS-B Weather Products.............................. 10-7 Setting Up and Customizing the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page............................................ 10-8 Restoring Default FIS-B Weather Data Link Page Settings.............................................. 10-9 Switching Between FIS-B, GFDS and XM WX Sources.. 10-9 Viewing Legends for Displayed FIS-B Weather Products....................................................... 10-9 Setting Up and Customizing Weather Data for the Navigation Map Page.............................. 10-9 FIS-B Weather Products............................................ 10-10 Displaying Precipitation Weather Information............ 10-11 10.5 Worldwide Weather (Optional)........................ 10-12 Registering with Garmin Flight Data Services............ 10-12 Switching Between GFDS, FIS-B and XM WX Sources.10-13 Accessing GFDS Worldwide Weather Products........... 10-13 Setting Up and Customizing the GFDS Weather Data Link Page.................................. 10-14 Restoring Default GFDS Weather Data Link Page Settings.............................. 10-14 Viewing Legends for Displayed GFDS Weather Products..................................................... 10-15 190-00384-12 Rev. A Setting Up and Customizing Weather Data for the Navigation Map Page.............. 10-15 GFDS Weather Data Requests................................... 10-16 Worldwide Weather Products................................... 10-19 10.6 Traffic Systems..................................................... 10-23 Traffic Information Service (TIS)................................. 10-23 Traffic Advisory Systems (Optional)............................ 10-24 ADS-B Traffic GDL 90 (Optional)............................... 10-27 10.7 Terrain and Obstacle Proximity........................ 10-28 Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Terrain Proximity Page............................................. 10-28 Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map....................................................... 10-28 10.8 TERRAIN-SVS Display (Optional)...................... 10-29 Displaying Terrain on the TERRAIN-SVS Page............. 10-29 Enable/Disable Aviation Data.................................... 10-30 TERRAIN-SVS Alerts................................................. 10-30 Terrain Inhibit........................................................... 10-33 Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA)................. 10-33 Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map....................................................... 10-34 10.9 Terrain Awareness & Warning System (TAWS)....... Display (Optional)...............................................10-34 Displaying Terrain on the TAWS-B Page..................... 10-34 Enable/Disable Aviation Data.................................... 10-35 TAWS Inhibit............................................................ 10-35 Manual System Test.................................................. 10-35 Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA)................. 10-36 Premature Descent Alert (PDA)................................. 10-36 Excessive Descent Rate Alert (EDR)........................... 10-36 Negative Climb Rate After Takeoff Alert (NCR)........... 10-36 “Five-Hundred” Aural Alert....................................... 10-37 Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map....................................................... 10-37 Pop-up Alerts........................................................... 10-37 TAWS Alerts Summary.............................................. 10-38 Alert Annunciations.................................................. 10-39 SECTION 11: ADDITIONAL FEATURES....................... 11-1 11.1 Synthetic Vision System (SVS) (Optional)........ 11-1 SVS Operation............................................................ 11-1 SVS Features.............................................................. 11-2 Field of View.............................................................. 11-9 11.2 SafeTaxi................................................................. 11-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III TOC-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 11.3 ChartView (Optional).......................................... 11-11 Chart Options.......................................................... 11-12 Day/Night View........................................................ 11-13 11.4 FliteCharts............................................................. 11-14 Chart Options.......................................................... 11-15 Day/Night View........................................................ 11-15 11.5 AOPA Airport Directory...................................... 11-15 11.6 XM Radio Entertainment (Service Optional).11-16 Using XM Radio....................................................... 11-16 Automatic Audio Muting.......................................... 11-18 11.7 Scheduler............................................................... 11-18 11.8 Electronic Checklists........................................... 11-20 11.9 Flight Data Logging............................................ 11-23 11.10 Auxiliary Video (Optional)............................... 11-24 Video Setup............................................................. 11-25 Display Selection...................................................... 11-25 Input Selection......................................................... 11-25 Zoom/Range............................................................ 11-26 SECTION 12: ABNORMAL OPERATION...................... 12-1 13.7 Other G1000 Aural Alerts..................................... 13-8 13.8 G1000 System Annunciations............................. 13-9 13.9 G1000 System Message Advisories................. 13-12 MFD & PFD Message Advisories................................ 13-12 Database Message Advisories................................... 13-13 GMA 1347 Message Advisories................................ 13-16 GIA 63 Message Advisories...................................... 13-16 GIA 63W Message Advisories................................... 13-19 GEA 71 Message Advisories..................................... 13-22 GSR 56 Message Advisories...................................... 13-22 GDC 74A Message Advisories................................... 13-22 GTX 33 Message Advisories...................................... 13-23 GRS 77 Message Advisories...................................... 13-23 GMU 44 Message Advisories.................................... 13-24 GDL 69/69A Message Advisories.............................. 13-24 Miscellaneous Message Advisories............................ 13-24 13.10 Flight Plan Import/Export Messages............. 13-27 INDEX....................................................................................Index-1 12.1 Reversionary Mode............................................... 12-1 12.2 Abnormal COM Operation................................... 12-2 12.3 Unusual Attitudes.................................................. 12-2 12.4 Stormscope Operation with loss of Heading Input........................................... 12-2 12.5 Hazard Displays with Loss of GPS Position..... 12-2 12.6 Dead Reckoning..................................................... 12-3 SECTION 13: ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS............... 13-1 13.1 Alert Level Definitions......................................... 13-2 13.2 NAV III Aircraft Alerts........................................... 13-3 WARNING Alerts (172R, 172S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H)............ 13-3 CAUTION Alerts (172R, 172S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H)............. 13-3 CAUTION Alerts (T182, T206, and 206 with Prop De-Ice Only).............. 13-3 Safe Operating Annunciation (T182, T206, and 206 with Prop De-Ice Only).............. 13-3 13.3 CO Guardian Messages........................................ 13-3 13.4 AFCS Alerts.............................................................. 13-4 System Status Annunciation........................................ 13-4 13.5 Terrain-SVS Alerts................................................. 13-5 13.6 TAWS Alerts............................................................. 13-6 TOC-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW SECTION 1: SYSTEM OVERVIEW The purpose of this Cockpit Reference Guide is to provide the pilot a resource with which to find operating instructions on the major features of the G1000 system more easily. It is not intended to be a comprehensive operating guide. Complete operating procedures for the complete system are found in the Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna Nav III (19000498-07). 190-00384-12 Rev. A This guide gives the pilot abbreviated operating instructions for the Primary Flight Display (PFD), Multi Function Display (MFD), and the GMA 1347 Audio Panel System. NOTE: The pilot should read and thoroughly understand the Cessna Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for limitations, procedures and operational information not contained in this Cockpit Reference Guide. The Cessna POH always takes precedence over the information found in this guide. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-1 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.1 PFD/MFD CONTROLS 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 17 18 24 19 25 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 GFC 700 AFCS Only 1-2 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 Figure 1-1 PFD/MFD Controls Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW PFD and MFD controls function the same. 8 COM Frequency Transfer Key – Transfers the standby and active COM frequencies. Pressing and holding this key for two seconds automatically tunes the emergency frequency (121.5 MHz) in the active frequency field. 9 COM VOL/SQ Knob – Controls COM audio level. Pressing this knob turns the COM automatic squelch ON and OFF. Audio volume level is shown in the field as a percentage. 1 NAV VOL/ID Knob – Controls the NAV audio level. Press to turn the Morse code identifier ON and OFF. Volume level is shown in the field as a percentage. 2 NAV Frequency Transfer Key – Transfers the standby and active NAV frequencies. 3 Dual NAV Knob – Tunes the MHz (large knob) and kHz (small knob) standby frequencies for the NAV receiver. Press to switch the tuning box (light blue box) between the NAV1 and NAV2 fields. 10 Heading Knob – Turn to manually select a heading on the HSI. When pressed, it synchronizes the heading bug with the compass lubber line. Selected Heading provides the heading reference to the Flight Director while operating in Heading Select Mode. Direct-to Key – Allows the user to enter a destination waypoint and establish a direct course to the selected destination (specified by the identifier, chosen from the active route, or taken from the map pointer position). 11 FPL Key – Displays the active Flight Plan Page for creating and editing the active flight plan, or for accessing stored flight plans. 12 CLR Key (DFLT MAP) – Erases information, cancels an entry, or removes page menus. To display the Navigation Map Page immediately, press and hold CLR (MFD only). 13 Dual FMS Knob – Used to select the page to be viewed (only on the MFD). The large knob selects a page group (MAP, WPT, AUX, FPL, NRST), while the small knob selects a specific page within the page group. Pressing the small knob turns the selection cursor ON and OFF. When the cursor is ON, data may be entered in the different fields using the small and large knobs. The large knob is used to move the cursor on the page, while the small knob is used to select individual characters for the highlighted cursor location. When the G1000 displays a list that is too long for the display screen, a scroll bar appears along the right 4 5 Joystick – Changes the map range (distance top to bottom of map display) when rotated. Activates the map pointer when pressed. 6 CRS/BARO Knob – The large knob sets the altimeter barometric pressure and the small knob adjusts the course. The course is only adjustable when the HSI is in VOR1, VOR2, or OBS/SUSP Mode. Pressing this knob centers the CDI on the currently selected VOR. Selected Course provides course reference to the Flight Director when operating in Navigation and Approach Modes. 7 Dual COM Knob – Tunes the MHz (large knob) and kHz (small knob) standby frequencies for the COM transceiver. Pressing this knob switches the tuning box (light blue box) between the COM1 and COM2 fields. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-3 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW side of the display, indicating the availability of additional items within the selected category. Press the small FMS Knob to activate the cursor and turn the large FMS Knob to scroll through the list. 14 15 MENU Key – Displays a context-sensitive list of options. This list allows the user to access additional features, or to make setting changes that relate to certain pages. PROC Key – Selects approaches, departures and arrivals from the flight plan. If a flight plan is used, available procedures for the departure and/ or arrival airport are automatically suggested. If a flight plan is not used, the desired airport and the desired procedure may be selected. This key selects IFR departure procedures (DPs), arrival procedures (STARs) and approaches (IAPs) from the database and loads them into the active flight plan. 16 ENT Key – Accepts a menu selection or data entry. This key is used to approve an operation or complete data entry. It is also used to confirm selections and information entries. 17 Dual ALT Knob – Sets the selected altitude in the box located above the Altimeter. The large knob selects the thousands (500m for metric), while the small knob selects the hundreds (50m for metric). Altitude Select is used by the Automatic Flight Control System in certain modes, in addition to the standard G1000 Altitude Alerter function. The following are only available with the GFC 700 AFCS. 18 AP Key – Engages/disengages the Autopilot and Flight Director. Pressing the AP Key activates the Flight Director and engages the Autopilot in the default pitch axis and roll axis modes. Pressing the AP Key again disengages the autopilot and deactivates the Flight Director. 19 HDG Key – Selects/deselects the Heading Select Mode. 20 NAV Key – Selects/deselects the Navigation Mode. 21 APR Key – Selects/deselects the Approach Mode. 22 VS Key – Selects/deselects the Vertical Speed Mode. 23 FLC Key – Selects/deselects the Flight Level Change Mode. 24 FD Key – Activates/deactivates the Flight Director only. Pressing the FD Key turns on the Flight Director in the default pitch axis and roll axis modes. Pressing the FD Key again deactivates the Flight Director and removes the command bars, unless the Autopilot is engaged. If the Autopilot is engaged, the FD Key is disabled. 25 ALT Key – Selects/deselects the Altitude Hold Mode. 26 VNV Key – Selects/deselects Vertical Navigation Mode. 27 BC Key – Selects/deselects Back Course Mode. 28 29 1-4 NOSE UP/NOSE DN Keys – Controls the active pitch reference for the Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, and Flight Level Change Modes. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.2 PFD SOFTKEYS Softkey ON Softkey OFF Figure 1-2 PFD Top Level Softkeys DME ALERTS PRECIP or DL LTNG or METAR STRMSCP WX LGND TRFC-1 ALERTS Press the BACK Softkey to return to the top-level softkeys. TRFC-2 Figure 1-2 INSET Softkeys INSET – Press to display the Inset Map in the lower left corner of the PFD. OFF – Press to remove the Inset Map. DCLTR (3) – Press momentarily to select the desired amount of map detail. The declutter level appears adjacent to the DCLTR Softkey. - No declutter: All map features are visible. Declutter – 1: Declutters land data. Declutter – 2: Declutters land and SUA data. Declutter – 3: Declutters large NAV data remaining (removes everything except the active flight plan). 190-00384-12 Rev. A WX LGND – Displays icon and age on the Inset Map for the selected weather products (optional) TRAFFIC – Cycles through traffic display options: - TRFC-1: Traffic displayed on inset map - TRFC-2: Traffic Map Page is displayed in the inset map window TOPO – Press to display topographical data (i.e., coastlines, terrain, rivers, lakes, etc.) and elevation scale on the Inset Map. TERRAIN – Press to display terrain information on the Inset Map. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-5 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW STRMSCP (optional) – Press to display the Stormscope lightning data on the Inset Map (within a 200 nm radius of the aircraft). NEXRAD/PRECIP(optional) – Press to display NEXRAD weather and coverage information on the Inset Map or FIS-B/GFDS precipitation disabling Synthetic Vision features. PATHWAY – Displays rectangular boxes representing the horizontal and vertical flight path of the active flight plan. SYN TERR – Enables synthetic terrain depiction. HRZN HDG – Displays compass heading along the Zero-Pitch line. APTSIGNS – Displays position markers for airports within approximately 15 nm of the current aircraft position. Airport identifiers are displayed when the airport is within approximately 9 nm. on the Inset Map XM LTNG/DL LTNG (optional) – Press to display XM/DL lightning information on the Inset Map. METAR (optional) – Press to display METAR flags for the airport symbols on the Inset Map BACK – Press to return to the previous level softkey configuration. DME SYN VIS DME ALERTS HSI FRMT ALT UNIT BRG1 (NAV1) BRG2 (NAV2) BRG1 (GPS) BRG2 (GPS) BRG1 (ADF) BRG2 (ADF) BRG1 (OFF) BRG2 (OFF) 360 HSI ALERTS Press the BACK Softkey to return to the top-level softkeys ARC HSI ALERTS ALERTS METERS PATHWAY IN HPA SYN TERR HRZN HDG APTSIGNS ALERTS ALERTS Figure 1-3 PFD Configuration Softkeys PFD – Press to display the additional softkeys for additional configuration of the PFD. DFLTS – Press to reset default settings on the PFD. SYN VIS – Displays the softkeys for enabling or 1-6 WIND – Displays softkeys to select wind data parameters. OPTN 1 – Wind direction arrows with headwind and crosswind components. OPTN 2 – Wind direction arrow and speed. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW OPTN 3 – Wind direction arrow with direction and speed. OFF – Information not displayed. DME (optional) – Press to display the DME Information Window. BRG1 (bearing) – Press to cycle through the following Nav sources, making the pointer the indicator for the corresponding source and displaying the appropriate information. NAV1 – Displays NAV1 waypoint frequency or identifier and DME information in the BRG1 Information Window. GPS – Displays GPS waypoint identifier and GPS distance information in the BRG1 Information Window. ADF – Displays ADF in the BRG1 Information Window when an optional ADF is installed. OFF – Removes the BRG1 Information Window. HSI FRMT – Press to display the HSI formatting softkeys. 360 HSI – Press to display the HSI in a 360 degree format. ARC HSI – Press to display the HSI in an arc format. OFF – Removes the BRG2 Information Window. ALT UNIT – Displays softkeys for setting the altimeter and BARO settings to metric units: METERS – When enabled, displays altimeter in meters. IN – Press to display the BARO setting as inches of mercury. HPA – Press to display the BARO setting as hectopascals. STD BARO – Press to set the barometric pressure to standard pressure. BACK – Press to return to the previous level softkeys. ALERTS – Press to display the Alerts Window. OBS – Press to select OBS Mode on the CDI when navigating by GPS (only available with active leg). CDI – Press to change navigation mode on the CDI between GPS, VOR1, and VOR2. DME (optional) – Press to display the DME Tuning Window. BRG2 (bearing) – Press to cycle through the following Nav sources, making the pointer the indicator for the corresponding source and displaying the appropriate information. NAV2 – Displays NAV2 waypoint frequency or identifier and DME information in the BRG2 Information Window. GPS – Displays GPS waypoint identifier and GPS distance information in the BRG2 Information Window. ADF – Displays ADF in the BRG2 Information Window when an optional ADF is installed. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-7 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW XPDR – Press to display the transponder mode selection softkeys. STBY – Press to select Standby Mode. ON – Press to select Mode A. ALT – Press to select Altitude Reporting Mode. GND – Press to select Ground Mode. VFR – Press to automatically squawk 1200 (only in the U.S.A., refer to ICAO standards for VFR codes in other countries). CODE – Press to display transponder code selection softkeys 0-7. 0 through 7 – Press numbers to enter code or use the small FMS knob to enter the first two digits then turn the large FMS knob to move the curser. Again using the small FMS knob enter the second two digits. IDENT – Press to provide special aircraft position identification to Air Traffic Control (ATC). . BKSP – Press to remove numbers entered one at a time. BACK – Press to return to the previous level softkeys IDENT – Press to provide special aircraft position identification to Air Traffic Control (ATC). BACK – Press to return to the previous level softkeys. ALERTS – Press to display the Alerts Window. IDENT – Press to provide special aircraft position identification to Air Traffic Control (ATC). TMR/REF – Press to display the Timer/References Window. NRST – Press to display the Nearest Airports Window. ALERTS/ADVISORY – Press to display the Alerts/ Advisory Window. DME ALERTS ALERTS Press the BACK Softkey to return to the top-level softkeys. ALERTS Press the BACK Softkey to return to the previous softkey level. Figure 1-4 XPDR (Transponder) Softkeys 1-8 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.3 MFD SOFTKEYS LEAN ENGINE SYSTEM DCLTR MAP ENGINE SHW CHRT CHKLIST (optional) (optional) DCLTR-1 BACK DCLTR-2 ENGINE LEAN SYSTEM RST FUEL GAL REM PROFILE TRAFFIC (Default softkey is dependant on the selection made in the map setup options) BACK TOPO TERRAIN LEAN SYSTEM CYL SLCT ASSIST (optional) (optional) STRMSCP AIRWAYS PRECIP or NEXRAD SYSTEM -10 GAL METAR LEGEND BACK AIRWAY HI BACK The CHECK Softkey changes to UNCHECK when the checklist item is already checked. CHECK EXIT EMERGCY Press the BACK Softkey to return to the previous softkey level. Press the ENGINE Softkey to the default Engine Page level. LEAN DL LTNG or XM LTNG AIRWY LO ENGINE ENGINE Press the BACK Softkey on this (optional) level to return to the top softkey level. AIRWY ON Press the ENGINE or BACK Softkey to return to the default Engine Page level. ENGINE DCLTR-3 -1 GAL +1 GAL +10 GAL XX GAL XX GAL BACK X = airframe specific values Figure 1-5 MFD Softkeys ENGINE – Pressing this softkey makes available the LEAN and SYSTEM Softkeys which in turn access the Lean Page and the System Page, respectively. MAP – Pressing this softkey enables the following softkeys: TRAFFIC – Pressing this softkey displays/removes Traffic on the Navigation Map. PROFILE – Pressing this softkey displays/removes Profile view on the Navigation Map. TOPO – Pressing this softkey displays or removes topographic information on the Navigation Map. TERRAIN – Pressing this softkey displays/removes terrain and obstacle data on the Navigation Map. 190-00384-12 Rev. A AIRWAYS – Pressing this softkey displays/removes airways information. The default is dependent on map setup option selected. Pressing cycles through all airways displayed (AIRWY ON), low altitude airways only (AIRWY LO), and high altitude airways only (AIRWY HI). STRMSCP (optional) – Pressing this softkey displays/ removes Stormscope lightning data on the Navigation Map. NEXRAD/PRECIP (optional) – Pressing this softkey displays/removes precipitation data on the Navigation Map. XM LTNG/DL LTNG (optional) – Pressing this softkey displays/removes XM/DL lightning data on the Navigation Map. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-9 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW METAR – Pressing this softkey displays METAR flags on airport symbols on the Navigation flag. LEGEND – Pressing this softkey displays the Legend BACK – Pressing this softkey displays the ENGINE and MAP top level softkeys. DCLTR (declutter) – Pressing this softkey removes map information in three levels. SHW CHRT (Show Chart)(optional) – Pressing this softkey displays optional FliteCharts or ChartView charts. CHKLIST (checklist)(optional) – Pressing the CHKLIST Softkey displays the Checklist Page. ENGINE – Displays engine softkeys. CHECK – Pressing this softkey checks off a checklist item. If an item is already checked, an UNCHECK Softkey is displayed. EXIT – Press to exit the checklist. EMERGCY – Pressing this softkey displays the emergency checklist. 1.4 Pages Within Selected Page Group (Map Pages Selected) MFD PAGE GROUPS 1) Turn the large FMS Knob until the desired page group is selected. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select pages within the group. See Figure 1-7. Turn Large FMS Knob to Select Page Group Turn Small FMS Knob to Select Pages Map Page Group Waypoint Page Group Auxiliary Page Group Nearest Page Group Flight Plan Page Group Figure 1-6 Page Groups 1-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.5 VERTICAL NAVIGATION One of two altitude sources is used by the G1000 when giving vertical navigation guidance. SBAS GPS altitude is used when giving guidance for an SBAS approach after the Final Approach Fix. Baro corrected altitude is used when vertical guidance is given in all other situations and in non-SBAS systems. The G1000 system can use altitude constraints associated with lateral waypoints to give guidance for vertical navigation. These altitudes are, depending on the specific instance, entered by the pilot or retrieved from the published altitudes in the navigation database. The navigation database only contains altitudes for procedures that call for “Cross at” altitudes. If the procedure states “Expect to cross at,” then the altitude is not in the database. In this case the altitude may be entered manually. NOTE: All arrival procedure altitudes contained in the navigation database are for turbojet aircraft only. Alter or enter altitudes as desired to comply with the ATC clearance. When activating or loading an arrival or approach procedure into an active flight plan, the VNV ‘ALT’ fields are populated with any altitudes that can be retrieved from the navigation database. Since altitudes loaded with an arrival procedure are published only for turbojet aircraft, the altitudes are displayed as white text indicating that the altitudes are displayed for reference only. An arrival waypoint altitude may be used (or “designated”) as is, or changed to a different altitude. An altitude is designated by pressing the FMS Knob and turning the large FMS Knob to place the cursor on the desired altitude and pressing the ENT Key or entering a different value and pressing the ENT Key. The 190-00384-12 Rev. A altitude is now displayed as light blue text, indicating that the altitude is now designated to give vertical speed and deviation guidance. Approach waypoint altitude constraints are automatically designated when the approach is loaded. These altitudes are also displayed as light blue text. Waypoint altitude constraints are designated up to, but not including the FAF. The FAF is always a “reference only” altitude and cannot be designated, unless the selected approach does not provide vertical guidance. In this case, the FAF altitude can be designated manually. Altitudes that have been designated for use in vertical guidance may also be made “non-designated” by placing the cursor over the desired altitude and pressing the CLR Key. Other displayed altitudes may change due to re-calculations or rendered invalid as a result of manually changing an altitude to a non-designated altitude. To help interpret the meanings of how the altitudes are presented, keep the following points in mind: • When the altitude is displayed in light blue, the system is using that altitude (designated) to determine vertical speed and deviation guidance. • When the altitude is displayed in white, it is not being used by the system (non-designated) to determine the vertical speed and deviation guidance. • An altitude displayed as small text is an altitude that is published in the navigation database. • Altitudes displayed as a light blue subdued text cannot be used in the current vertical navigation calculations. Refer to Figure 1-8 and Table 1-1 for more detail regarding the significance of text size and color. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-11 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW White Text Light Blue Text Light Blue Subdued Text Large Text Altitude calculated by the system estimating the altitude of the aircraft as it passes over the navigation point. This altitude is provided as a reference and is not designated to be used in determining vertical speed and deviation guidance. Altitude has been entered by the pilot. Altitude is designated for use in giving vertical speed and deviation guidance. Altitude does not match the published altitude in navigation database or no published altitude exists. The system cannot use this altitude in determining vertical speed and deviation guidance. Small Text Altitude is not designated to be used in determining vertical speed and deviation guidance. Altitude has been retrieved from the navigation database and is provided as a reference. Altitude is designated for use in giving vertical speed and deviation guidance. Altitude has been retrieved from the navigation database or has been entered by the pilot and matches a published altitude in the navigation database. The system cannot use this altitude in determining vertical speed and deviation guidance. Table 1-1 VNV Altitude Text Size and Color Some altitudes retrieved from the database have associated restrictions indicating to stay ‘At’, ‘At or Above’, or ‘At or Below’ a specific altitude. These restrictions are indicated using a ‘bar’ above and/or below the appropriate Large White altitude as shown in Figure 1-9. Text Figure 1-7 VNAV Altitudes 1-12 Large Light Blue Text Cross AT or ABOVE 5,000 ft Small Light Blue Text Cross AT 2,300 ft Small Light Blue Subdued Text Cross AT or BELOW 3,000 ft Small White Text with Altitude Restriction Bar Figure 1-9 Altitude Restrictions See Section 7 - Navigation, for a sample flight plan which further illustrates vertical navigation in more detail. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.6 ARRIVAL ALERTS The Arrival Alert Box on the System Setup Page allows the Alerts Window arrival alert to be turned ON/OFF. The alert trigger distance (up to 99.9 units) may also be set for alerts in the Alerts Window and the PFD Navigation Status Box. An arrival alert can be set to notify the pilot with a message upon reaching a user-specified distance from the final destination (the direct-to waypoint or the last waypoint in a flight plan). When an Arrival Alert is set to ON, and the set distance is reached, an “Arrival at waypoint” message is displayed in the PFD Navigation Status Box, and a “WPT ARRIVAL - Arriving at waypoint - [xxxx]” is displayed in the Alerts Window. When Arrival Alert is set to OFF, only the PFD Navigation Status Box message “Arriving at waypoint” is displayed, and it is displayed when the time to the final destination is approximately ten seconds. 1.7 BACKLIGHTING Manually adjust the backlight for the PFD and MFD: 1) Press the MENU Key on the PFD to display the PFD Setup Menu window. 2) Press the small FMS Knob to activate the cursor. ‘PFD DSPL > AUTO’ is now highlighted. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the selection window. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘MANUAL’, then press the ENT Key. 5) With the intensity value now highlighted, turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired backlighting. 6) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘MFD DSPL > AUTO’ and repeat steps 3 through 5. Figure 1-9 PFD Setup Menu Window Figure 1-8 Arrival Alert Settings (System Setup Page) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-13 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1.8 LOADING UPDATED DATABASES CAUTION: Never disconnect power to the system when loading a database. Power interruption during the database loading process could result in maintenance being required to reboot the system. NOTE: When loading database updates, the ‘DB Mismatch’ message will be displayed until database synchronization is complete, followed by turning system power off, then on. Synchronization can be monitored on the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page. In some cases it may be necessary to obtain an unlock code from Garmin in order to make the database product functional. It may also be necessary to have the system configured by a Garmin authorized service facility in order to use some database features. If an error occurs during synchronization, an error message will be displayed, followed by the affected display in the Sync Status section of the Database Window. If synchronization completes on one display, but an error occurs on another, the error message will be displayed with the affected displays listed after it. When an error message is displayed, the problem must be corrected before synchronization can be completed. A power cycle is required to restart synchronization when ‘Card Full’ or ‘Err’ is shown. Error Message Description Canceled Database synchronization has been canceled by removing the bottom SD card in display being updated Card Full SD card does not contain sufficient memory 1-14 Error Message Description Err Displayed for all other errors that may cause the synchronization process to be halted Timeout System timed-out prior to the database transfer completing Table 1-2 Database Error Messages Loading Garmin Database Updates 1) With system power OFF, remove the MFD database card from the bottom card slot of the MFD. 2) Update the Garmin databases on the MFD card. 3) Insert the MFD database card into the bottom card slot of the MFD. 4) Apply power to the system, check that the databases are initialized and displayed on the power-up screen. When updating the terrain and FliteCharts databases, a ‘Verifying’ message may be seen. If this message is present, wait for the system to finish loading before proceeding to step 5. 5) Acknowledge the Power-up Page agreement by pressing the ENT Key or the right most softkey. 6) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the AUX Page group on the MFD. 7) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the System Status Page. 8) Monitor the Sync Status in the Database Window. Wait for all databases to complete synching, indicated by ‘Complete’ being displayed. 9) Remove and reapply power to the system. 10) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the AUX Page group on the MFD. 11) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the System Status Page. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 12) Press the Display Database Selection Softkey to show database information for each display (MFD1 DB, PFD1 DB). Verify the correct database cycle information is shown for each database for each display. Loading the Jeppesen Navigation Database as the Active Navigation Database NOTE: Loading the Jeppesen navigation database as the active database prior to its effective date will result in the expiration date on the power-up screen and the effective date on the AUX-System Status Page being displayed in yellow. NOTE: After the navigation database is loaded or copied, the top SD card may be removed. 1) With the system OFF, insert the SD card containing the new navigation database version into the top card slot of the display (PFD or MFD) to be updated (label of SD card facing left). 2) Turn the system ON. A prompt is displayed in the upper left corner of the display: 3) Press the NO Softkey to proceed to loading the active database. 4) A prompt similar to the following is displayed. Press the YES Softkey to update the active navigation database. 5) After the update completes, the display starts in normal mode. 6) Turn the system OFF and remove the SD card from the top card slot. 7) Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the other displays (PFD or MFD). 8) Apply power to the system and press the ENT Key to acknowledge the startup screen. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 9) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the AUX Page group on the MFD. 10) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the System Status Page. 11) Press the Display Database Selection Softkey to show active navigation database information for each display (MFD1 DB, PFD1 DB). Verify the correct active navigation database cycle information is shown for each display. Loading the Jeppesen Navigation Database as the Standby Navigation Database NOTE: After the navigation database is loaded or copied, the top SD card may be removed. 1) With the system OFF, insert the SD card containing the new navigation database version into the top card slot of the MFD. 2) Verify that an SD card is inserted in the bottom slot of each PFD and the MFD. 3) Turn the system ON. A prompt is displayed. 4) Press the YES Softkey. The navigation database is copied to the SD card in the bottom card slot of the MFD. 5) After the navigation database files are copied to the bottom SD card, press any key to continue, as instructed. 6) Again, press any key to continue as instructed on the display. 7) Press the NO Softkey. The display now starts in normal mode. Since the database effective date is not yet valid, it should not be loaded as the active database. The display now starts in normal mode. Do not remove power while the display is starting. 8) Press the ENT Key to acknowledge the startup screen. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 1-15 SECTION 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 9) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the AUX Page group on the MFD. 10) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the System Status Page. 11) The new database is copied to the SD card in the bottom card slot of each PFD. Progress can be monitored in the SYNC STATUS field. When copying is finished, ‘Complete’ is displayed. NOTE: During the synchronization process, version differences between standby navigation databases will exist. This will result in the system displaying a ‘DB Mismatch’ alert for the standby navigation databases. This alert will remain until the next power cycle. Magnetic Field Variation Database Update At startup, the system compares this version of the MV DB with that presently being used by the AHRS (GRS). If the system determines the MV DB needs to be updated, a prompt is displayed on the Navigation Map Page, as shown in Figure 1-10. Figure 1-10 GRS Magnetic Field Variation Database Update Prompt 12) Turn system power OFF. 13) Remove the SD card from the top card slot of the MFD. 14) Turn system power ON. 15) Press the ENT Key to acknowledge the startup screen. Loading the magnetic field variation database update: With ‘OK’ highlighted, as shown in the previous figure, press the ENT Key on the MFD. A progress monitor is displayed as shown in Figure 1-11. 16) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the AUX Page group on the MFD. 17) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the System Status Page. 18) Press the Display Database Selection Softkey to show standby navigation database information for each display (MFD1 DB, PFD1 DB). Verify the correct standby navigation database cycle information is shown for each display. Figure 1-11 Uploading Database to GRS When the upload is complete, the system is ready for use. 1-16 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS SECTION 2: FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS The following discussions pertain to the Primary Flight Display, unless otherwise indicated. 1 18 17 16 15 14 2 13 12 3 11 4 10 5 9 6 8 7 1 NAV Frequency Box 10 Turn Rate Indicator 2 Airspeed Indicator 11 Barometric Setting Box 3 True Airspeed Box 12 Vertical Speed Indicator 4 Heading Box 13 Altimeter 5 Current Track Indicator 14 Selected Altitude Box 6 Horizontal Situation Indicator 15 COM Frequency Box 7 Outside Air Temperature Box 16 Navigation Status Box 8 System Time Box 17 Slip/Skid Indicator 9 Transponder Status Box 18 Attitude Indicator Figure 2-1 Default PFD Information 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-1 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 15 1 14 2 13 12 3 11 4 10 5 9 8 7 6 1 Traffic Annunciation 2 Vspeed References 3 Selected Heading Box 4 Wind Data Window 5 Inset Map 6 BRG1 Information Window 7 DME Information Window 8 BRG2 Information Window 9 Flight Plan Window 10 Barometric Minimums Box 11 Selected Altitude Bug 12 Selected Course Box 13 Barometric Minimums Bug 14 Vertical Deviation/Glidepath (SBAS enabled systems only)/Glideslope Indicator 15 Marker Beacon Annunciation Figure 2-2 Additional PFD Information Active Flight Plan Leg Distance to Next Waypoint Bearing to Next Waypoint Figure 2-3 PFD Navigation Status Box 2-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.1 AIRSPEED INDICATOR Actual Airspeed Vspeed References Vspeed References Speed Ranges Airspeed Trend Vector True Airspeed Box Figure 2-4 Airspeed Indicator Vspeed References are turned on or off in the Timer/References Window. Press the TMR/REF Softkey to display the widow. When active (ON), the Vspeeds are displayed at their respective locations to the right of the airspeed scale. To activate the Vspeed References, display the Timer/Reference Window and turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the ON/OFF field. Turn the small FMS Knob to select ON or OFF. 2.2 ATTITUDE INDICATOR 10 Speed Indication The indicated airspeed is displayed inside the black pointer. The pointer becomes red upon reaching Vne. 9 1 8 2 7 3 Figure 2-5 Red Pointer at Vne Speed Ranges The color coded speed range strip denotes flaps operating range, normal operating range, and never exceed speed (Vne). A red range is also present for low speed awareness. Refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for airspeed limitations and indicator markings. Airspeed Trend Vector The end of the trend vector displays approximately what the airspeed will be in 6 seconds if the current rate of acceleration/deceleration is maintained. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 6 4 5 1 Roll Pointer 6 Aircraft Wing Tips 2 Roll Scale 7 Pitch Scale 3 Horizon Line 8 Slip/Skid Indicator 4 Aircraft Symbol 9 Sky Representation 5 Land Representation 10 Roll Index Zero Figure 2-6 Attitude Indicator The Slip/Skid Indicator is located under the roll pointer and moves laterally away from the pointer to indicate lateral acceleration. One Slip/Skid indicator displacement is equal to one ball displacement when compared to a traditional slip/skid indicator. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-3 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.3 ALTIMETER Altitude Trend Vector Altitude Reference Box Altitude Reference Bug The end of the trend vector displays approximately what the altitude will be in six seconds if the current rate of vertical speed is maintained. Barometric Setting Box Altitude Trend Vector Current Altitude Select barometric pressure: Turn the BARO Knob to select the desired setting. Quickly enter standard pressure: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. Barometric Altitude Minimums Bug Barometric Setting Box Figure 2-7 Altimeter 2) Press the STD BARO Softkey. STD BARO will now be displayed in the Barometric Setting Box. Altitude Alerting (GFC700 only) Within 1000 ft Within 200 ft Deviation of ±200 ft Selected Altitude Bug The Selected Altitude Bug is displayed at the Selected Altitude or the edge of the tape (whichever is closer to the current altitude) to provide increased altitude awareness and to set the desired hold altitude for the autopilot. Set the Selected Altitude Bug: 2-4 Turn the ALT Knobs to set the Selected Altitude Bug. The small ALT Knob sets the hundreds (50m for metric) and the large ALT Knob sets the thousands (500m for metric). This altitude also appears in the Selected Altitude Box above the Altimeter. Figure 2-8 Altitude Alerting Visual Annunciations Visual annunciations appear in the Altitude Reference Box. Whenever the setting is changed, the Altitude Alerter is reset. The Altitude Alerter is independent of the Automatic Flight Control System. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Metric Display Low Altitude Annunciation Display altitude in meters and barometric pressure in hectopascals: 1) Press the PFD Softkey to display the second level softkeys. 2) Press the ALT UNIT Softkey. 3) Press the METERS Softkey to display altitude in meters. 4) Press the HPA Softkey to display the barometric setting in hectopascals. Press the IN Softkey to display the barometric setting in inches of mercury. 5) Press the BACK Softkey to return to the previous level softkeys. NOTE: The LOW ALT annunciation is only available in G1000 systems configured with SBAS-capable GPS. Also, the LOW ALT annunciation is not available when the G1000 is configured with TAWS (Terrain Awareness & Warning System), unless TAWS is inhibited. When the Final Approach Fix (FAF) is the active waypoint in a GPS SBAS approach using vertical guidance, a LOW ALT (Low Altitude) annunciation may appear if the current aircraft altitude is at least 164 feet below the prescribed altitude at the FAF. The annunciation initially flashes. After a few seconds the flashing stops and the annunciation is displayed as shown in Figure 2-10. Low Altitude Annunciation Figure 2-9 Altimeter (Metric) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 2-10 Low Altitude on GPS Approach Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-5 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.4 VERTICAL DEVIATION/GLIDEPATH/ GLIDESLOPE INDICATOR The Vertical Deviation and Required Vertical Speed Indicators appear when vertical guidance is being given prior to executing an approach (see Figure 2-11). In systems that are SBAS enabled, the Glidepath Indicator appears at a point prior to the FAF when executing an LPV, LNAV/VNAV, or LNAV+V approach (see Figure 2-12). Glidepath Indicator VNAV Target Altitude Figure 2-12 Glidepath Indicator Vertical Deviation Indicator Required Vertical Speed The Glideslope Indicator appears when an ILS is tuned in the active NAV receiver field, selected for display on the HSI, and the aircraft heading is within 105º of the approach course (see Figure 2-13). Marker Beacon Annunciation Figure 2-11 Vertical Deviation Indications Glideslope Indicator Figure 2-13 Glideslope Indicator 2-6 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.5 MARKER BEACON ANNUNCIATIONS Outer Marker Middle Marker Inner Marker 2.7 BAROMETRIC ALTITUDE MINIMUMS The desired barometric altitude minimums can be set in the Timer/References Window. The altitude ranges from 0 to 16,000 feet in 10-foot increments. The minimums are reset anytime the power is cycled. Figure 2-16 Barometric Minimum Descent Altitude Settings Altimeter Figure 2-14 Marker Beacon Annunciations 2.6 VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR Selected Vertical Speed Vertical Speed Bug Vertical Speed Pointer The desired barometric minimum descent altitude (MDA, DA, DH) can be set in the Timer/References Window. Visual annunciations alert the pilot when approaching the MDA: • When the aircraft altitude descends to within 2500 feet of the MDA setting, the Barometric Minimum Box appears with the altitude in light blue text. The bug appears on the tape in light blue once in range. • When the aircraft passes through 100 feet of the MDA, the bug and text turn white. • Once the aircraft descends past the MDA, the bug and text turn yellow and the aural alert, “Minimums Minimums”, is generated. Alerting is inhibited while the aircraft is on the ground. If the aircraft climbs after having reached the MDA, once it reaches 50 feet above the MDA, alerting is disabled. Figure 2-15 Vertical Speed Indicator The actual vertical speed is displayed inside the pointer. When the Flight Director is placed in Vertical Speed Mode (by pressing the VS Key) the Vertical Speed Bug is displayed. Press the NOSE UP or NOSE DN Key to adjust. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-7 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Within 2500 ft Within 100 ft HSI FRMT Softkey, followed by the 360 HSI or the ARC HSI Softkey. 15 Barometric Minimum Bug 14 1 13 2 Barometric Minimum Box Altitude Reached 3 12 4 11 5 10 9 6 8 7 Figure 2-17 Barometric Minimum Descent Altitude Alerting Visual Annunciations Set the barometric altitude minimums: 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ‘Minimums’ field (Figure 2-16). 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to select BARO. OFF is selected by default. Press the ENT Key or turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the next field. 4) Use the small FMS Knob to enter the desired altitude (from zero to 16,000 feet). 5) To remove the window, press the CLR Key or the TMR/REF Softkey. 2.8 HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR (HSI) The HSI compass can be displayed as a 360° rose or 140° arc by pressing the PFD Softkey, followed by the 2-8 1 Turn Rate Indicator 2 Current Track Indicator 3 Lateral Deviation Scale 4 Navigation Source 5 Aircraft Symbol 6 Course Deviation Indicator 7 Rotating Compass Rose 8 OBS Mode 9 TO/FROM Indicator 10 Heading Bug 11 12 13 14 15 Course Pointer Flight Phase Turn Rate and Heading Trend Vector Heading Lubber Line Figure 2-18 Horizontal Situation Indicator Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Turn Rate Indicator and Heading Trend Vector Tick marks to the left and right of the lubber line denote half-standard and standard turn rates. A magenta turn rate trend vector shows the current turn rate. The end of the trend vector gives the heading predicted in six seconds, based on the present turn rate. At rates greater than 4 deg/sec, an arrowhead appears at the end of the magenta trend vector and the prediction is no longer valid. Half-Standard Turn Rate Tick Mark Standard Turn Rate Tick Mark Turn Rate Trend Vector (rate > 4 deg/sec) Figure 2-19 Turn Rate Indicator and Trend Vector Turn Rate Trend Vector (standard rate) Figure 2-20 Standard-Rate Turn Indication Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) The CDI scale automatically adjusts to the current phase of flight as seen in Figure 2-22. Scaling may be selected manually from the MFD System Setup Page. Flight Phase Automatic CDI Full-scale Deflection 0.3 nm 1.0 nm 2.0 nm 2.0 nm Departure (DRPT) Terminal (TERM) Enroute (ENR) Oceanic (OCN) Approach (LNAV) Approach (LNAV+V) (SBAS systems only) Approach (LNAV/ VNAV)(SBAS only) Approach (LPV) (SBAS only) Missed Approach 1.0 nm decreasing to 350 feet depending on variables (see Figure 2-23) 1.0 nm decreasing to a specified course width, then 0.3 nm, depending on variables (see Figure 2-24) 0.3 nm Table 2-1 CDI Scale Course Pointer The course pointer is a single line arrow (GPS, VOR1 and LOC1) or double line arrow (VOR2 and LOC2) which points in the direction of the set course. Figure 2-21 Course Pointer 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-9 Departure Enroute Terminal Terminal (Oceanic if >200 nm from nearest airport) 0.3 nm 1.0 nm 1.0 nm 2.0 nm 1.0 nm 0.3 nm CDI Full-scale Deflection SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Refer to accompanying approach CDI scaling figures Missed Approach Approach Drawing not to scale 2 nmFAF 2 nmFAF CDI scale varies if Vectors-To-Final is activated CDI scale varies if Vectors-To-Final is activated Drawing not to scale Figure 2-23 Typical LNAV and LNAV+V Approach CDI Scaling 2-10 0.3 nm angle based on database information course width 1.0 nm CDI Full-scale Deflection 0.3 nm angle set by system 350 ft CDI scale is set to the smaller of 0.3 nm or an angle set by the system 1.0 nm CDI Full-scale Deflection Figure 2-22 Phases of Flight/CDI Scaling Landing Threshold Drawing not to scale Figure 2-24 Typical LNAV/VNAV and LPV Approach CDI Scaling (SBAS Systems Only) Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Bearing Pointers and Information Windows Pressing the PFD Softkey provides access to the BRG1 and BRG2 Softkeys. The BRG1 pointer is a single line pointer. The BRG2 pointer is a double line pointer. Press the BRG1 or BRG2 Softkey to cycle through selecting NAV1/2, GPS, or ADF for display using the corresponding pointer. DME Information Bearing 1 Pointer Window Bearing 2 Pointer CDI Distance to Bearing Source Waypoint Identifier Bearing Pointer Source Icon Figure 2-27 BRG2 Information Window DME (optional) To display the DME Information Window, press the PFD Softkey followed by the DME Softkey. Figure 2-28 DME Information Window Navigation Source Bearing 1 Information Window Bearing 2 Information Window Figure 2-25 HSI with Bearing Information Distance to Bearing Source 1) Press the CDI Softkey to change from GPS to VOR1/LOC1. 2) Press the CDI Softkey again to change from VOR1/ LOC1 to VOR2/LOC2. 3) Press the CDI Softkey a third time to return to GPS. Waypoint Identifier When using GPS as the navigation source, the following may appear: Bearing Pointer Source Icon Figure 2-26 BRG1 Information Window 190-00384-12 Rev. A Change CDI navigation sources: • LOI - GPS position integrity is inadequate for the current procedure being flown. If GPS is being used as primary navigation, and LOI is annunciated, other means of primary navigation is required, such as VHF. LOI is also displayed during GPS position initialization. • WARN – GPS detects a position error. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-11 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS • OBS – Displayed when operating in OBS Mode. • SUSP – Displayed when in OBS Mode indicating GPS waypoint sequencing is suspended. • DR – Navigating using Dead Reckoning due to an error in the GPS solution. 2.9 WIND DATA When the window is selected for display, but wind information is invalid or unavailable, the window shows “NO WIND DATA”. Wind data can be displayed in three different ways: • Wind direction arrows with headwind and crosswind components (Option 1) • Wind direction arrow and speed (Option 2) • Wind direction arrow with direction and speed (Option 3) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 No Data Figure 2-30 Wind Data Window Displaying wind data: Figure 2-29 GPS LOI, GPS SUSP, LOC1 and VOR2 Enable/disable OBS Mode while navigating with GPS: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. 2) Press the WIND Softkey to display wind data below the Selected Heading. 1) Press the OBS Softkey to select OBS Mode. 3) Press one of the OPTN softkeys to change how wind data is displayed. 2) Turn the CRS Knob to select the desired course to/from the waypoint. 4) To remove the Wind Data Window, press the OFF Softkey. 3) Press the OBS Softkey again to disable OBS Mode. NOTE: The OBS Softkey is only displayed when navigating an active leg using GPS. 2-12 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.10 GENERIC TIMER Figure 2-31 Timer Status Prompts Change the Generic Timer: 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey, then turn the large FMS Knob to select the time field (hh/mm/ss). Turn the FMS Knobs to set the desired time, then press the ENT Key. The UP/DOWN field is now highlighted. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the UP/DOWN window. Turn the FMS Knob to select ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’, then press the ENT Key. ‘START?’ is now highlighted. 3) Press the ENT Key to START, STOP, or RESET the timer (if the timer is counting DOWN, it must be reset manually). Press the CLR Key or the TMR/REF Softkey to remove the window. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 2-13 SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS Blank Page 2-14 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) SECTION 3: ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) range. A white tick mark is displayed indicating the cruise manifold pressure (Model T182T only). 2 NOTE: Refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for limitations. EIS information is presented in three displays, accessed using the ENGINE Softkey on the MFD. The 172R, 172S, 182T, 206H, T182T, and T206H display the following: • Engine Display – Default display, shows all critical engine, fuel, and electrical indicators • Lean Display – Provides engine leaning information • System Display – Shows numeric readouts of critical engine, fuel, and electrical indicators Model 172S – When ascending through 5300 ft, the upper end of the green arc displays 2600 rpm and ascending through 10,300 displays 2700 rpm. When descending below 9700 ft, the upper end of the green arc returns to 2600 rpm and descending below 4700 ft returns to 2500 rpm. 3 Fuel Flow Indicator (FFLOW GPH) – Shows the current fuel flow in gallons per hour (gph). For turbocharged aircraft, the indicator displays a small stand-alone green band indicating maximum takeoff fuel flow. A white tick mark indicates the maximum cruise fuel flow (Model T182T only). 4 Oil Pressure Indicator (OIL PRES) – Displays pressure of the oil supplied to the engine in pounds per square inch (psi). 5 Oil Temperature Indicator (OIL TEMP) – Displays the engine oil temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 6 Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator (CHT) Models 182T, T182T, 206H, T206H – Shows the head temperature of the hottest cylinder (number shown in triangular pointer) in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Green and white bands indicate normal ranges of operation; yellow and red bands indicate caution and warning, respectively. If sensory data to an instrument becomes invalid or unavailable, a red “X” is shown across the instrument. 3.1 ENGINE DISPLAY The Engine Display is the default EIS display and can be displayed after viewing other EIS displays by pressing the ENGINE Softkey. The EIS automatically defaults back to the Engine Display from the Lean or System Display when certain parameters are exceeded. Fluctuations in engine speed and fuel quantity above certain levels, depending on the airframe, also cause reversion back to the Engine Display. 1 Engine Manifold Pressure Gauge (MAN IN) Models 182T, T182T, 206H, T206H – Displays engine power in inches of mercury (in Hg). Turbocharged aircraft have a red portion of the gauge indicating the maximum manifold pressure 190-00384-12 Rev. A Tachometer (RPM) – Shows propeller speeds in revolutions per minute (rpm). Red range indicates propeller overspeed warning; a white high-rpm range indicates above normal operating speeds (Models 172S, 206H, and T206H). Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3-1 SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 10 7 7 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 Model 172R Model 172S Model 182T Model 206H Figure 3-1 Engine Display (Normally-aspirated Aircraft) 7 8 3-2 Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator (EGT) Normally-aspirated Aircraft – Displays the exhaust gas temperature of the hottest cylinder (number shown in triangular pointer) in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicator (TIT) Turbocharged Aircraft – Displays the temperature at the turbine inlet in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 9 Vacuum Pressure Indicator (VAC) Models 172R and 172S – Displays vacuum pressure. 10 Fuel Quantity Indicator (FUEL QTY GAL) – Shows the quantity of fuel in the tanks, in gallons, ranging from zero to full (F) for each fuel tank (left–L and right–R). When full, the indicator displays to 35 gallons per side (26 gallons for the Models 172R and 172S). Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) 11 Engine Hours (Tach) (ENG HRS) Models 172R and 172S – A numeric readout gives the time (in hours) the engine has been in service. 12 Voltmeter (M, E BUS VOLTS) – Displays the main and essential bus voltages. 13 Ammeter (M, S BATT AMPS) – Shows the main and standby battery load in amperes. Cruise Manifold Pressure 1 1 2 2 3 Cruise Fuel Flow 4 3 4 5 5 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 13 13 Model T182T Maximum Takeoff Fuel Flow Model T206H Figure 3-2 Engine Display (Turbocharged Aircraft) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3-3 SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) 3.2 LEAN DISPLAY NOTE: The pilot should follow the engine manufacturer’s recommended leaning procedures in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH). 3-4 1 Engine Manifold Pressure Gauge (MAN IN) Models 182T, T182T, 206H, T206H – Displays engine power in inches of mercury (in Hg). Turbocharged aircraft have a red portion of the gauge indicating the maximum manifold pressure range. A white tick mark is displayed indicating the cruise manifold pressure (Model T182 only). 2 Tachometer (RPM) – Shows propeller speeds in revolutions per minute (rpm). Red range indicates propeller overspeed warning; a white high-rpm range indicates above normal operating speeds (Models 172S, 206H and T206H). 3 Fuel Flow (FFLOW GPH) – Shows the current fuel flow in gallons per hour (gph). 4 Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicator (TIT) Models T182T and T206H – Displays the temperature at the turbine inlet in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). When the ASSIST Softkey is pressed, the TIT deviation from peak (DPEAK) is displayed below the indicator. 5 Exhaust Gas Temperature Bar Graph (EGT °F) – Displays the exhaust gas temperature of all cylinders in degrees Fahrenheit (°F); a readout for the selected cylinder (by default, the hottest cylinder) is shown below the bar graph. The selected cylinder is indicated by a light blue box around the cylinder number. Cylinders whose EGTs are in the normal range appear in white. For normally aspirated models, pressing the ASSIST Softkey causes the EGT deviation from peak (DPEAK) for the selected cylinder to be displayed below the indicator. 6 Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator (CHT) – Shows the head temperatures of all cylinders in degrees Fahrenheit (°F); a readout for the selected cylinder (by default, the hottest cylinder) is shown below the bar graph. The selected cylinder is indicated by a light blue box around the cylinder number. Cylinders whose CHTs are in the normal range appear in white. Cylinders whose CHTs enter the warning ranges appear in red. 7 Fuel Quantity Indicator (FUEL QTY GAL) – Shows the quantity of fuel in the left and right fuel tanks (left–L and right–R). When full, the indicator displays to 35 gallons per side (26 gallons for the Models 172R and 172S). Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) 1 2 2 1 2 2 Blue Block Represents Peak 5 5 3 3 5 6 6 3 3 7 7 5 6 Model 172R 6 7 Model 172S 7 Model 182T Model 206H Figure 3-3 Lean Display (Normally-aspirated Aircraft) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3-5 SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) Cruise Manifold Pressure 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 Model T182T Model T206H Figure 3-4 Lean Display (Turbocharged Aircraft) The Lean Display is accessed by pressing the ENGINE Softkey followed by the LEAN Softkey and provides information for performing engine leaning. 3-6 From the Lean Display, the pilot can utilize the CYL SLCT and ASSIST softkeys to obtain information about specific cylinders. Pressing the CYL SLCT (Cylinder Select) Softkey cycles through the cylinders (i.e., places a light blue box around the cylinder number). This softkey is disabled when the ASSIST Softkey is pressed or when a cylinder experiences a caution or warning condition; the softkey remains disabled until the temperature returns to normal. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) The ASSIST Softkey aids in the leaning process by identifying the peak of the first cylinder whose temperature falls. If the temperature of the peaked cylinder exceeds the peak value, the peak value is not updated. Press the ASSIST Softkey to stop peak monitoring. Normally-aspirated Aircraft For normally-aspirated aircraft, when a cylinder peaks, its peak is represented by a hollow block on the EGT Bar Graph. The EGT readout for the peaked cylinder, indicated on the bar graph in light blue, appears directly beneath the bar graph. The system automatically switches to the first peak obtained and displays the temperature deviation from peak (DPEAK) in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) below the EGT readout. Turbocharged Aircraft Leaning for turbocharged aircraft is done with reference to the Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT). When the temperature peaks, the numeric readout (DPEAK) appears below the TIT Indicator and displays the difference between peak and current TITs, in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). If a peak is not displayed, underscores are shown until one is established. 3.3 SYSTEM DISPLAY The System Display is accessed by pressing the ENGINE Softkey followed by the SYSTEM Softkey and shows critical engine, fuel, and electrical parameters. Fuel calculations are based on the fuel flow totalizer and the displayed fuel remaining, adjusted by the pilot using the following softkeys: • RST FUEL – Resets totalizer-based fuel remaining (GAL REM) to zero and the fuel used (GAL USED) to zero • GAL REM – Gives access to softkeys for adjusting the amount of fuel remaining for purposes of fuel calculations Fuel remaining can be adjusted in one or ten-gallon increments using the appropriate softkeys. Softkeys also allow entering the full tank quantity for the aircraft or the tab quantity, which is 35 gallons (Models 172R and 172S) or 64 gallons (Models 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H). 1 Engine Manifold Pressure Gauge (MAN IN) Models 182, T182, 206, T206 – Displays engine power in inches of mercury (in Hg). Turbocharged aircraft have a red portion of the gauge indicating the maximum manifold pressure range. A white tick mark is displayed indicating the cruise manifold pressure (Model T182 only). 2 Tachometer (RPM) – Shows propeller speeds in revolutions per minute (rpm). Red range indicates propeller overspeed warning; a white high-rpm range indicates above normal operating speeds (Models 172S, 206 and T206). 3 Oil Pressure (OIL PSI) – Displays pressure of the oil supplied to the engine in pounds per square inch (psi). NOTE: Fuel calculations do not use the aircraft fuel quantity indicators and are calculated from the last time the fuel was reset. NOTE: The pilot should refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for fuel values and limitations. The displayed fuel remaining can be adjusted up to 53 gal (Models 172R, 172S) or 87 gal (Models 182T, T182T, 206H, T206H). 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3-7 SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 Model 172R Model 172S Model 182T Model 206H Figure 3-5 System Display (Normally-aspirated Aircraft) 3-8 4 Oil Temperature (OIL °F) – Displays the engine oil temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). 7 Fuel Flow (FFLOW GPH) – Shows the current fuel flow in gallons per hour (gph). 5 Engine Hours (Tach) (ENG HRS) Models 182, T182, 206, T206 – A numeric readout gives the time (in hours) the engine has been in service. 8 Calculated Fuel Used (GAL USED) – Shows quantity of fuel used in gallons based on fuel flow since last reset. 6 Vacuum Pressure Indicator (VAC) Models 182, T182, 206, T206 – Displays vacuum pressure. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) Cruise Manifold Pressure 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 Model T206H Model T182T Figure 3-6 System Display (Turbocharged Aircraft) 9 Set Fuel Remaining (GAL REM) – Shows current fuel remaining in gallons as set by the pilot and adjusted for fuel burn since last set. 10 Fuel Quantity Indicator (FUEL QTY GAL) – Shows the quantity of fuel in the tanks, in gallons, ranging from zero to full (F) for each fuel tank (left–L and right–R). When full, the indicator displays to 35 gallons per side (24 gallons for the Models 172R and 172S). 190-00384-12 Rev. A 11 Voltmeter (M, E BUS VOLTS) – Displays the main and essential bus voltages. 12 Ammeter (M, S BATT AMPS) – Shows the main and standby battery load in amperes. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3-9 SECTION 3 – ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (EIS) Blank Page 3-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER SECTION 4: NAV/COM AND TRANSPONDER The NAV/COM controls and frequency boxes share the same locations on the on the Primary Flight Display and the Multi-Function Display. NAV Controls NAV Frequency Box COM Frequency Box Figure 4-1 G1000 VHF NAV/COM Interface (PFD shown) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III COM Controls DME Tuning Window 4-1 SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER Standby NAV Frequency Field Tuning Box Selected NAV Frequency Selected COM Frequency Figure 4-2 Frequency Fields Active NAV Frequency Field Frequency Transfer Arrow Active COM Frequency Field Standby COM Frequency Field Tuning Box Tuning Box Figure 4-3 Frequency Transfer Arrow and Tuning Box NAV Controls COM Controls VOL/PUSH ID Knob VOL/PUSH SQ Knob Frequency Transfer Key Dual NAV Knob Dual COM Knob • Turn to tune in desired frequencies. • Press to change tuning box positions. Figure 4-4 NAV/COM Controls 4-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER 4.1 RADIO STATUS INDICATIONS Squelch Indication • RX – When a COM signal is received, a white ‘RX’ appears by the active COM frequency during signal reception. Figure 4-7 Squelch Indication • TX – When a COM radio is transmitting, a white ‘TX’ indication appears to the right of the corresponding COM frequency. 4.4 • ID – When the Morse code identifier is ON for a NAV radio, a white ‘ID’ indication appears to the left of the corresponding active NAV frequency. The Morse code identifier can be heard if the corresponding NAV radio is selected on the audio panel. 4.5 Figure 4-5 Radio Status Indications 4.2 QUICKLY ACTIVATING 121.500 MHZ Pressing and holding the COM Frequency Transfer Key for approximately two (2) seconds automatically tunes the selected COM radio to the emergency frequency. OPTIONAL NAV RADIOS DME Radio (optional) The DME Tuning Window is displayed by pressing the DME Softkey. VOLUME ‘VOLUME’ is displayed in place of the associated radio name (i.e., ‘COM1’ or ‘NAV2’) for two seconds after the volume level is last changed. The percentage of maximum volume is displayed in place of the standby frequency selected by the tuning box. Figure 4-8 Radio Tuning Window Changing the DME tuning source: Figure 4-6 COM Volume Level 4.3 AUTOMATIC SQUELCH Automatic squelch can be disabled for a COM radio by pressing the COM Knob to place the tuning box on the desired COM’s standby frequency, then by pressing the VOL/PUSH SQ Knob. When Automatic Squelch is disabled, a white ‘SQ’ appears next to the COM frequency. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 1) From the tuning window, turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the DME source field. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the selection window. Turn the FMS Knob to select the desired mode and press the ENT Key. Figure 4-9 DME Selection Window Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 4-3 SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER ADF Radio (optional) 4.7 The G1000 does not support tuning of the ADF in Nav III aircraft. ADF tuning is accomplished through the Bendix/King KR 87 ADF Radio. ADF volume must also be adjusted through the KR 87. Mode Selection 4.6 FREQUENCY AUTO-TUNING Auto-tuning on the PFD TRANSPONDER The STBY, ON, ALT, GND, VFR, CODE, and IDENT Softkeys can be accessed by pressing the XPDR Softkey. Ground Mode (Automatic or Manual) GND is displayed when the aircraft is on the ground or when the GND Softkey is pressed. The transponder does not allow Mode A and Mode C replies, but it does permit acquisition squitter and replies to discretely address Mode S interrogations. Figure 4-11 Ground Mode Figure 4-10 Nearest Airports Window (PFD) 1) Press the NRST Softkey to display the Nearest Airports Window. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired frequency. Standby Mode (Manual) Press the STBY Softkey. In Standby Mode, the transponder does not reply to interrogations, but new codes can be entered. STBY Mode (White Code Number and Mode) 3) Press the ENT Key to place the frequency in the standby field of the active COM. 4) Press the Frequency Transfer Key to place the frequency in the active field. NAV frequencies are entered automatically in the NAV frequency active or standby field (depending in CDI selection) upon approach loading or approach activation. Auto-tuning on the MFD Auto-tuning on the MFD is done in much the same way as on the PFD. Use the FMS Knobs to select the desired frequency on any of the information pages. Pressing the ENT Key then loads the selected frequency in the tuning box as a standby frequency. 4-4 Figure 4-12 Standby Mode Manual ON Mode Press the ON Softkey. ON Mode generates Mode A and Mode S replies, but Mode C altitude reporting is inhibited. ON Mode (No Altitude Reporting) Figure 4-13 ON Mode Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER Altitude Mode (Automatic or Manual) Altitude Mode is automatically selected when the aircraft becomes airborne. Altitude Mode may also be selected manually by pressing the ALT Softkey. All transponder replies requesting altitude information are provided with pressure altitude information. ALT Mode (Mode C Altitude Reporting) Figure 4-14 Altitude Mode Reply Status When the transponder sends replies to interrogations, an “R” indication appears momentarily in the reply status field. Reply Indication Figure 4-15 Reply Indication Enter Code Using Softkeys 1) Press the XPDR Softkey to display the transponder Mode Selection softkeys. 2) Press the CODE Softkey to display the transponder Code Selection softkeys, which includes the digit softkeys. 3) Press the appropriate digit softkeys to enter the code in the four-digit code field of the Transponder Status Box. When the last digit is entered, the transponder code becomes active. When entering a code, press the BKSP Softkey as needed to back up and change code digits. Enter Code Using the FMS Knob 1) Press the XPDR Softkey to display the transponder Mode Selection softkeys. 2) Press the CODE Softkey to display the transponder Code Selection softkeys, which includes the digit softkeys. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the first two digits. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in position to change the second two digits. Code Selection VFR Code Selection 1) Press the XPDR Softkey to display the transponder Mode Selection softkeys. 2) Press the VFR Softkey to enter the VFR code. Pressing the VFR Softkey again restores the previous identification code. 5) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the second two digits. 6) Press the ENT Key to activate the code immediately, or wait 10 seconds and the code will become active. NOTE: The pre-programmed VFR Code is set at the factory to 1200. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 4-5 SECTION 4 – NAV/COM & TRANSPONDER Blank Page 4-6 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 5 – AUDIO PANEL SECTION 5: AUDIO PANEL Transmitters Receiver Audio Disabled Passenger Address (Disabled on 172R/S Cabin Speaker Marker Beacon/Mute Marker Beacon Signal Sensitivity Aircraft Navigation Radio Audio (Optional, disabled if ADF and/or DME are not installed) Aircraft Navigation Radio Audio Disabled Manual Squelch Digital Clearance Recorder Play Key ICS Isolation VOL/SQ VOL Annunciation SQ Annunciation Reversionary Mode Figure 5-1 Front Panel Controls 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 5-1 SECTION 5 – AUDIO PANEL 5.1 COM RADIO SELECTION Pressing the COM1 MIC or COM2 MIC Key selects the active transmitter (i.e., microphone). The associated receiver audio (COM1 or COM2) also becomes selected when the COM MIC Key is pressed. To prevent deselecting the desired received audio when pressing another COM MIC Key, press the already selected COM1 or COM2 Key before pressing the other COM MIC Key. Figure 5-2 Transceivers 5.2 CABIN SPEAKER Pressing the SPKR Key selects and deselects the cabin speaker. All of the radios can be heard over the cabin speaker. Speaker audio is muted when the PTT is pressed. Certain aural alerts and warnings (autopilot, traffic, altitude) are always heard on the speaker, even when the speaker is not selected. Talk (PTT) must be pressed to deliver PA announcements. The PA Annunciator flashes about once per second while the PTT is depressed. 5.4 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER The marker beacon receiver is always on. Only the marker beacon audio can be turned off. Figure 5-4 shows the marker beacon annunciators on the PFD. When the MKR/MUTE Key is pressed, the key annunciator is lit and the audio tone can be heard over the speaker or headsets during marker beacon reception. When the tone is active, pressing the MKR/MUTE Key once mutes the audio but does not affect the marker annunciator. The audio returns when the next marker signal is received. To turn off the marker beacon audio, press the MKR/ MUTE Key once when there is no marker indication present, or press twice when an indication is present. The key annunciator extinguishes when the marker beacon audio is turned off. Outer Marker Middle Marker Inner Marker Figure 5-3 Passenger Address and Speaker Keys 5.3 PASSENGER ADDRESS (PA) SYSTEM (T)182T AND (T)206H ONLY A passenger address system is available for delivering voice messages over the cabin speaker. When the PA Key is selected on the Audio Panel, the COM MIC Annunciator is extinguished, and the active COM frequency changes to white, indicating that there is no COM selected. A Push-to5-2 Altimeter Figure 5-4 Marker Beacon Annunciators on the PFD Marker Beacon Signal Sensitivity The HI SENS Key can be pressed for increased marker beacon signal sensitivity. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 5 – AUDIO PANEL 5.6 Press the PILOT and/or COPLT Key to select who is isolated from hearing the Nav/Com radios and music. Selection scenarios are addressed in Table 5-1. Figure 5-5 Marker Beacon 5.5 INTERCOM SYSTEM (ICS) ISOLATION NAV RADIO AUDIO SELECTION Pressing DME, ADF, NAV1, or NAV2 selects and deselects the audio source and activates the annunciator. Selected audio can be heard over the headset and the speakers. These four keys can be selected individually or together. Figure 5-7 ICS Isolation Figure 5-6 Navigation Radios PILOT KEY Annunciator COPLT KEY Annunciator Pilot Hears Copilot Hears Passenger Hears OFF OFF Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, music Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, music Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot, passengers, music ON OFF Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot Copilot, passengers, music Copilot, passengers, music OFF ON Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, passengers, music Copilot Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, passengers, music ON ON Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot Selected radios, aural alerts, pilot, copilot Passengers, music Table 5-1 ICS Isolation Modes 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 5-3 SECTION 5 – AUDIO PANEL 5.7 INTERCOM SQUELCH CONTROL Select manual squelch for intercom audio by pressing the MAN SQ Key to light the annunciator. Pressing the small VOL/SQ Knob now switches between volume and squelch adjustment by lighting VOL or SQ respectively. • Pressing the PLAY Key once plays the latest recorded memory block, then returns to normal operation. • Pressing the MKR/MUTE Key while playing a memory block stops play. • Pressing the PLAY Key during play begins playing the previously recorded memory block. Each subsequent press of the PLAY Key begins playing the next previously recorded block. If a COM input signal is detected while playing, play is halted and the new COM input signal is recorded as the latest block. Figure 5-8 Volume/Squelch Control 5.8 DIGITAL CLEARANCE RECORDER AND PLAYER Each reception of primary active COM audio is automatically recorded in a memory block. When the next transmission is received, it is recorded in the next memory block, and so on. Once the 2.5 minutes of recording time has been reached, the recorder begins recording over the stored memory blocks, starting from the oldest block. Powering off the unit automatically clears all recorded blocks. Figure 5-9 Clearance Recorder Play Key 5-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SECTION 6: AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL NOTE: The Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) always supersedes the information in this guide. This section only applies to the GFC 700 Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS). 6.1 AFCS CONTROLS The following dedicated AFCS keys are located on the bezels of the PFD and MFD: acknowledge an autopilot disconnect and mute the associated aural tone. • CWS Button (Control Wheel Steering) Momentarily disengages the autopilot and synchronizes the flight director’s Command Bars with the current aircraft pitch (if not in Glideslope Mode) and roll (if in Roll Hold Mode). The CWS Button is located on the top of the pilot’s control wheel right grip. Upon release of the CWS Button, the flight director may establish new reference points, depending on the current pitch and roll modes. • GA Switch (Go-Around) Disengages the autopilot, selects flight director GoAround Mode, and activates the missed approach. The GA Switch is located on the instrument panel above the throttle. • MET Switch (Manual Electric Trim) Figure 6-1 Dedicated AFCS Controls The following AFCS controls are located in the cockpit separately from the MFD: • AP DISC Switch (Autopilot Disconnect) Disengages the autopilot and interrupts pitch trim operation. The red AP DISC Switch is located forward of the MET Switch on the pilot’s control wheel left grip. This switch may be used to 190-00384-12 Rev. A The MET Switch is located on the pilot’s control wheel left grip. This composite switch is split into left and right sides. The left switch is the ARM contact and the right switch controls the DN (forward) and UP (rearward) contacts. The MET ARM switch can be used to disengage the autopilot and to acknowledge an autopilot disconnect alert and mute the associated aural tone. Manual trim commands are generated only when both sides of the switch are operated simultaneously. If either side of the switch is active separately for more than three seconds, MET function is disabled and ‘PTRM’ is displayed as the AFCS Status Annunciation on the PFD. The function remains disabled until both sides of the switch are inactivated. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-1 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 6.2 FLIGHT DIRECTOR OPERATION With the flight director activated, the aircraft can be hand-flown to follow the path shown by the Command Bars. Maximum commanded pitch (+20°/-15°) and bank (22°) angles, vertical acceleration, and roll rate are limited to values established during AFCS certification. The flight director also provides commands to the autopilot. Activating the Flight Director Pressing the FD or AP Key (when the flight director is not active) activates the flight director in default pitch/roll modes. Pushing the GA Switch or any flight director mode key activates the flight director in the respective mode(s). Roll Modes Armed Active The flight director may be turned off by pressing the FD Key. Command Bars Upon activation of the flight director, Command Bars are displayed on the PFD as a single cue. If the attitude information sent to the flight director becomes invalid or unavailable, the Command Bars are removed from the display. The Command Bars do not override the aircraft symbol. Command Bars Aircraft Symbol Figure 6-2 Command Bars Autopilot Status Pitch Modes Active Mode Reference Armed AFCS Status Box Selected Altitude Command Bars Selected Heading Selected Course GPS is Selected Navigation Source Figure 6-3 PFD AFCS Display 6-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL AFCS Status Box Flight director roll modes are shown on the left and pitch on the right. Armed modes are annunciated in white and active in green. Autopilot status is displayed in the center of the AFCS Status Box. 6.3 FLIGHT DIRECTOR MODES Flight director modes are normally selected independently for the pitch and roll axes. Unless otherwise specified, all mode keys are alternate action (i.e., press on, press off). In the absence of specific mode selection, the flight director reverts to the default pitch and/or roll mode(s). Armed modes are annunciated in white and active in green in the AFCS Status Box. Under normal operation, when the control for the active flight director mode is pressed, the flight director reverts to the default mode(s) for the axis(es). Automatic transition from armed to active mode is indicated by the white armed mode annunciation moving to the green active mode field and flashing for ten seconds. A flashing yellow mode annunciation and annunciator light indicate loss of sensor (AHRS, ADC, IAU) or navigation data (VOR, LOC, GPS, VNAV, SBAS) required to compute commands. When such a loss occurs, the system automatically begins to roll the wings level or maintain the pitch angle, depending on the affected axis. The flashing annunciation stops when the affected mode key is pressed or another mode for the axis is selected. If after ten seconds no action is taken, the flashing annunciation stops and the flight director enters the default mode for the affected axis. Figure 6-4 Loss of VOR Signal 190-00384-12 Rev. A If the information required to compute a flight director mode becomes invalid or unavailable, the flight director automatically reverts to the default mode for that axis. The flight director is automatically disabled if the attitude information required to compute the default flight director modes becomes invalid or unavailable. Pitch Modes • Pitch Hold (default mode)— Holds the current aircraft pitch attitude; may be used to climb/descend to the Selected Altitude • Selected Altitude Capture — Captures the Selected Altitude • Altitude Hold — Holds the current Altitude Reference • Vertical Speed — Maintains the current aircraft vertical speed; may be used to climb/descend to the Selected Altitude • Flight Level Change — Maintains the current aircraft airspeed while the aircraft is climbing/ descending to the Selected Altitude • Vertical Path Tracking — Follows an active vertical profile for enroute and terminal phases of flight • VNAV Target Altitude Capture — Captures the VNAV Target Altitude • Glidepath — Intercepts and tracks the SBAS glidepath on approach (only available in installations with GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units and when SBAS is available) • Glideslope — Intercepts and tracks the ILS glideslope on approach • Go Around — Automatically disengages the autopilot and commands a constant pitch angle and wings level while in the air Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-3 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Table 6-1 lists the pitch modes with their corresponding controls and annunciations. The mode reference (shown with default measurement units) is displayed next to the active mode annunciation for Altitude Hold, Vertical Speed, and Flight Level Change modes. The NOSE UP/ NOSE DN Keys can be used to change the pitch mode reference while operating under Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, or Flight Level Change Mode. Pitch Mode Pitch Hold Selected Altitude Capture Control Annunciation Reference Range (default) PIT -20° to +15° Reference Change Increment 0.5° * ALTS Altitude Hold ALT Key ALT nnnnn ft Vertical Speed Flight Level Change, IAS Hold Vertical Path Tracking VNAV Target Altitude Capture Glidepath VS Key VS nnnn fpm -3000 to +1500 fpm 100 fpm FLC Key FLC nnn kt 70 to 165 kt 1 kt Glideslope Go Around (in air) VNV Key VPTH ** ALTV APR Key GA Switch GP GS GA * ALTS is armed automatically when PIT, VS, FLC, or GA is active, and under VPTH when the Selected Altitude is to be captured instead of the VNAV Target Altitude. ** ALTV is armed automatically under VPTH when the VNAV Target Altitude is to be captured instead of the Selected Altitude. Table 6-1 Flight Director Pitch Modes 6-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Pitch Hold Mode (PIT) Changing the Pitch Reference When the flight director is activated (the FD Key is pressed), Pitch Hold Mode is selected by default. Pitch Hold Mode is indicated as the active pitch mode by the green annunciation ‘PIT’. This mode may be used for climb or descent to the Selected Altitude (shown above the Altimeter), since Selected Altitude Capture Mode is automatically armed when the mode is activated. When operating in Pitch Hold Mode, the pitch reference can be adjusted by: • Using the NOSE UP/NOSE DN Keys • Pressing the CWS Button, hand-flying the aircraft to establish a new pitch reference, then releasing the CWS Button In Pitch Hold Mode, the flight director maintains a constant pitch attitude, the pitch reference. The pitch reference is set to the aircraft attitude at the moment of mode selection. If the aircraft pitch attitude exceeds the flight director pitch command limitations, the flight director commands a pitch angle equal to the nose-up/ down limit. Pitch Hold Mode Active Selected Altitude Capture Mode Armed Selected Altitude Command Bars Maintain Desired Pitch Reference Figure 6-5 Pitch Hold Mode 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-5 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Selected Altitude Capture Mode (ALTS) Selected Altitude Capture Mode arms automatically when the flight director is in Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, Flight Level Change, or Go Around Mode. This mode is also armed automatically under Vertical Path Tracking Mode when the Selected Altitude is to be captured instead of the VNAV Target Altitude. The white ‘ALTS’ annunciation indicates Selected Altitude Capture Mode is armed (see Figure 6-5 for example). The ALT Knob is used to set the Selected Altitude, shown above the Altimeter. As the aircraft nears the Selected Altitude, the flight director automatically transitions to Selected Altitude Capture Mode with Altitude Hold Mode armed (Figure 6-7). This automatic transition is indicated by the green ‘ALTS’ annunciation flashing for up to ten seconds and the appearance of the white ‘ALT’ annunciation. The Selected Altitude is shown as the Altitude Reference beside the ‘ALTS’ annunciation. At 50 ft from the Selected Altitude, the flight director automatically transitions from Selected Altitude Capture to Altitude Hold Mode and holds the Selected Altitude (shown as the Altitude Reference). As Altitude Hold Mode becomes active, the white ‘ALT’ annunciation moves to the active pitch mode field and flashes green for ten seconds to indicate the automatic transition. Altitude Reference (in this case, equal to Selected Altitude) Flash up to 10 sec, Indicating Automatic Transition Figure 6-6 Automatic Mode Transitions During Altitude Capture NOTE: Pressing the CWS Button while in Selected Altitude Capture Mode does not cancel the mode. Use of the ALT Knob to change the Selected Altitude while Selected Altitude Capture Mode is active causes the flight director to revert to Pitch Hold Mode with Selected Altitude Capture Mode armed for the new Selected Altitude. Altitude Hold Mode (ALT) Altitude Hold Mode can be activated by pressing the ALT Key; the flight director maintains the current aircraft altitude (to the nearest ten feet) as the Altitude Reference. The flight director’s Altitude Reference is shown in the AFCS Status Box and is independent of the Selected Altitude, displayed above the Altimeter. Altitude Hold Mode active is indicated by a green ‘ALT’ annunciation in the AFCS Status Box. Altitude Hold Mode is automatically armed when the flight director is in Selected Altitude Capture Mode. Selected Altitude Capture Mode automatically transitions to Altitude Hold Mode when the altitude error is less than 50 ft. In this case, the Selected Altitude becomes the flight director’s Altitude Reference. Changing the Altitude Reference NOTE: Turning the ALT Knob while in Altitude Hold Mode changes the Selected Altitude, but not the flight director’s Altitude Reference and does not cancel the mode. With the CWS Button depressed, the aircraft can be hand-flown to a new Altitude Reference. When the CWS Button is released at the desired altitude, the new altitude is established as the Altitude Reference. Changing the Selected Altitude 6-6 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL If the Selected Altitude is reached during CWS maneuvering, the Altitude Reference is not changed. To adjust the Altitude Reference in this case, the CWS Button must be pressed again after the Selected Altitude is reached. Altitude Hold Mode Active Altitude Reference Selected Altitude Selected Altitude Bug Command Bars Hold Pitch Attitude to Maintain Altitude Reference Figure 6-7 Altitude Hold Mode Vertical Speed Mode (VS) In Vertical Speed Mode, the flight director acquires and maintains a Vertical Speed Reference. Current aircraft vertical speed (to the nearest 100 fpm) becomes the Vertical Speed Reference at the moment of Vertical Speed Mode activation. Vertical Speed Mode does not consider the relative position of the Selected Altitude in relation to the current aircraft altitude at the time of mode activation, so it is possible to use Vertical Speed Mode while not climbing/descending to the Selected Altitude. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Vertical Speed Mode is activated by pressing the VS Key; the ‘VS’ annunciation appears in the AFCS Status Box to indicate the active pitch mode, along with the Vertical Speed Reference to the right. The Vertical Speed Reference is also displayed above the Vertical Speed Indicator. A Vertical Speed Reference Bug corresponding to the Vertical Speed Reference is shown on the indicator. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-7 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Vertical Speed Mode Active Vertical Speed Reference Selected Altitude Capture Mode Armed Selected Altitude Vertical Speed Reference Vertical Speed Reference Bug Command Bars Indicate Climb to Attain Vertical Speed Reference Figure 6-8 Vertical Speed Mode Changing the Vertical Speed Reference The Vertical Speed Reference (shown both in the AFCS Status Box and above/below the Vertical Speed Indicator) may be changed by: • Using the NOSE UP/NOSE DN Keys • By pressing the CWS Button, hand-flying the aircraft to attain a new Vertical Speed Reference, then releasing the CWS Button Flight Level Change Mode (FLC) NOTE: The Selected Altitude should be set before selecting Flight Level Change Mode. 6-8 Flight Level Change Mode is selected by pressing the FLC Key. When Flight Level Change Mode is active, the flight director continuously monitors Selected Altitude, airspeed, and altitude. This mode acquires and maintains the Airspeed Reference while climbing or descending to the Selected Altitude (shown above the Altimeter). The Airspeed Reference is set to the current airspeed upon mode activation. Flight Level Change Mode is indicated by an ‘FLC’ annunciation beside the Airspeed Reference in the AFCS Status Box. The Airspeed Reference is also displayed directly above the Airspeed Indicator, along with a bug corresponding to the Airspeed Reference along the tape. Engine power must be adjusted to allow the autopilot to fly the aircraft at a pitch attitude corresponding to the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Airspeed Reference and the desired flight profile (climb or descent). The flight director maintains the current altitude until either engine power or the Airspeed Reference are adjusted and does not allow the aircraft to climb or descend away from the Selected Altitude. Changing the Airspeed Reference The Airspeed Reference (shown in both the AFCS Status Box and above the Airspeed Indicator) may be adjusted: • Using the NOSE UP/NOSE DN Keys • By pressing the CWS Button, hand-flying the aircraft to a new airspeed, then releasing the CWS Button to establish the new Airspeed Reference Flight Level Change Mode Active Airspeed Reference Selected Altitude Capture Mode Armed Airspeed Reference Altitude Reference Airspeed Reference Bug Command Bars Indicate Climb to Attain Selected Altitude Figure 6-9 Flight Level Change Mode 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-9 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Vertical Navigation Modes (VPTH, ALTV) NOTE: Pressing the CWS Button while Vertical Path Tracking Mode is active does not cancel the mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the descent path upon release of the CWS Button. NOTE: VNAV flight director pitch modes are available only in conjunction with GPS roll modes. NOTE: The Selected Altitude takes precedence over any other vertical constraints. Vertical Navigation (VNAV) flight control is available for enroute/terminal cruise and descent operations when VNAV has been enabled and a VNAV flight plan (with at least one vertical waypoint) or direct-to with a vertical constraint has been activated. Refer to the Navigation section for more information on VNAV flight plans. The flight director may be armed for VNAV at any time, but no target altitudes are captured during a climb. The Command Bars provide vertical profile guidance based on specified altitudes (entered manually or loaded from the database) at waypoints in the active flight plan or vertical direct-to. The appropriate VNAV flight control modes are sequenced by the flight director to follow the path defined by the vertical profile. Upon reaching the last waypoint in the VNAV flight plan, the flight director transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and cancels any armed VNAV modes. When a vertical profile (VNAV flight plan) is active and the VNV Key is pressed, Vertical Path Tracking Mode is armed in preparation for descent path capture. ‘VPTH’ (or ‘/V’ when Glidepath or Glideslope Mode is concurrently armed) is annunciated in white in addition to previously armed modes. If applicable, the appropriate altitude capture mode is armed for capture of the next VNAV Target Altitude (ALTV) or the Selected Altitude (ALTS), whichever is greater. Figure 6-10 Vertical Path Tracking Armed Annunciations Prior to descent path interception, the Selected Altitude must be set below the current aircraft altitude by at least 75 ft. For the flight director to transition from Altitude Hold to Vertical Path Tracking Mode, acknowledgment is required within five minutes of descent path capture by: • Pressing the VNV Key • Adjusting the Selected Altitude If acknowledgment is not received within one minute of descent path interception, the white ‘VPTH’ annunciation and the VNV Key annunciator light start to flash. Flashing continues until acknowledged or the descent path is intercepted. If the descent is not confirmed by the time of interception, Vertical Path Tracking Mode remains armed and the descent is not captured. Vertical Path Tracking Mode (VPTH) NOTE: If another pitch mode key is pressed while Vertical Path Tracking Mode is selected, Vertical Path Tracking Mode reverts to armed. 6-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL In conjunction with the “TOD [top of descent] within 1 minute” annunciation in the Navigation Data Box, VNAV indications (VNAV Target Altitude, vertical deviation, and vertical speed required) appears on the PFD in magenta (Figure 6-11). Altitude Hold Mode Active Vertical Path Tracking Armed, (Flashing Indicates Acknowledgment Required) Selected Altitude Below VNV Target VNV Target Altitude Vertical Deviation Indicator Required Vertical Speed Bug GPS is Selected Navigation Source Terminal Phase of Flight Figure 6-11 Vertical Path Capture 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-11 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL When a descent leg is captured (Figure 6-12), Vertical Path Tracking becomes active and tracks the descent profile. An altitude capture mode (‘ALTS’ or ‘ALTV’) is armed as appropriate. • Cannot be computed for a leg type (such as a hold or procedure turn) Vertical Path Tracking Active VNV Target Altitude Capture Armed VNV Target Altitude GPS is Selected Navigation Source Terminal Phase of Flight Required Vertical Speed Indication Command Bars Indicate Descent to Maintain Required Vertical Speed Vertical Deviation Indicator Figure 6-12 Vertical Path Tracking Mode Automatic Pitch Hold Reversion Several situations can occur while Vertical Path Tracking Mode is active which cause the flight director to revert to Pitch Hold Mode. Vertical Path Tracking and the appropriate altitude capture modes are armed for possible descent profile recapture if the vertical deviation: • Exceeds 200 ft during an overspeed condition • Experiences a discontinuity exceeding 200 ft due to a flight plan change • Becomes invalid due to excessive cross-track error, track angle error 6-12 The following circumstances cause mode reversion without arming Vertical Path Tracking Mode: • Navigation source manually changed from GPS • CNCL VNV Softkey selected on the Active Flight Plan Page (MFD) • All remaining vertical waypoints deleted from the flight plan • Displays entering Reversionary Mode Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Non-Path Descents Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, and Flight Level Change modes can also be used to fly non-path descents while VNAV flight control is selected. If the VS or FLC Key is pressed while Vertical Path Tracking Mode is selected, Vertical Path Tracking Mode reverts to armed along with the appropriate altitude capture mode to allow profile re-capture. Figure 6-13 Flight Level Change VNV Non-Path Descent To prevent immediate profile re-capture, the following must be satisfied: • At least ten seconds have passed since the non-path transition was initiated • Vertical deviation from the profile has exceeded 250 ft, but is now less than 200 ft Pressing the VNV Key twice re-arms Vertical Path Tracking for immediate profile re-capture. VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode (ALTV) NOTE: Armed VNAV Target Altitude and Selected Altitude capture modes are mutually exclusive. However, Selected Altitude Capture Mode is armed implicitly (not annunciated) whenever VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode is armed. This ensures the Selected Altitude is not violated during a change from VNAV Target Altitude Capture to Selected Altitude Capture Mode close to Selected Altitude interception. or loaded from a database (see the Navigation section for details). At the same time as “TOD within 1 minute” is annunciated in the Navigation Data Box, the VNAV Target Altitude is displayed above the Vertical Speed Indicator (see Figure 6-12). VNAV Target Altitudes can be modified until VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode becomes active. As the aircraft nears the VNAV Target Altitude, the flight director automatically transitions to VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode with Altitude Hold Mode armed. This automatic transition is indicated by the green ‘ALTV’ annunciation flashing for up to ten seconds and the appearance of the white ‘ALT” annunciation. The VNAV Target Altitude is shown as the Altitude Reference beside the ‘ALTV’ annunciation. At 50 ft from the VNAV Target Altitude, the flight director automatically transitions from VNAV Target Altitude Capture to Altitude Hold Mode and tracks the level leg. As Altitude Hold Mode becomes active, the white ‘ALT’ annunciation moves to the active pitch mode field and flashes green for ten seconds to indicate the automatic transition. The flight director automatically arms Vertical Path Tracking, allowing upcoming descent legs to be captured and subsequently tracked. Altitude Reference (In This Case, Equal To VNAV Altitude Target) Flash up to 10 sec, Indicating Automatic Transition Figure 6-14 VNAV Altitude Capture VNAV Target Altitude Capture is analogous to Selected Altitude Capture Mode and is armed automatically after the VNV Key is pressed and the next VNAV Target Altitude is to be intercepted before the Selected Altitude. The annunciation ‘ALTV’ indicates that the VNAV Target Altitude is to be captured. VNAV Target Altitudes are shown in the active flight plan or vertical direct-to, and can be entered manually 190-00384-12 Rev. A Changing the VNAV Target Altitude NOTE: Pressing the CWS Button while in VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode does not cancel the mode. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-13 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Changing the current VNAV Target Altitude while VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode is active causes the flight director to revert to Pitch Hold Mode. Vertical Path Tracking and the appropriate altitude capture mode are armed in preparation to capture the new VNAV Target Altitude or the Selected Altitude, depending on which altitude is to be intercepted first. VNAV target altitudes can be changed while editing the active flight plan (see the Navigation section for details). Glidepath Mode (GP) NOTE: Pressing the CWS Button while Glidepath Mode is active does not cancel the mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the glidepath upon release of the CWS Button. GPS Approach Mode Active GPS is Selected Navigation Source LNAV Approach Active NOTE: Glidepath Mode is available only in installations with GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units and SBAS currently available. Glidepath mode is used to track the SBAS-based glidepath. Arming Glidepath Mode (annunciated in white as ‘GP’) requires: • Approach supporting SBAS vertical guidance is loaded into the flight plan • Expected availability of vertical guidance • GPS Approach Mode is armed, after acquiring clearance for approach, prior to intercepting the SBAS glidepath (GPS is the selected navigation source and the APR Key is pressed; see GPS Approach Mode) Glidepath Mode Active Command Bars Indicate Descent on Glidepath Glidepath Indicator Figure 6-15 Glidepath Mode 6-14 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Figure 6-16 Glidepath Mode Armed If vertical guidance becomes or is expected to become unavailable and the approach downgrades, Glidepath Mode is disarmed. When vertical guidance becomes available again, Glidepath Mode is automatically re-armed under GPS Approach Mode. Glideslope Mode is available for LOC/ILS approaches to capture and track the glideslope. Glideslope Mode is armed when: • A valid localizer frequency is tuned • LOC Approach Mode is armed (the APR Key is pressed and either LOC is the selected navigation source or a LOC/ILS approach is loaded into the flight plan; see LOC Approach Mode) Glideslope Mode (GS) NOTE: Pressing the CWS Button while Glideslope Mode is active does not cancel the mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the glideslope upon release of the CWS Button. Active ILS Frequency Tuned NAV2 (localizer) is Selected Navigation Source Figure 6-18 Glideslope Mode Armed Once the localizer has been set as the navigation source, the localizer and glideslope can be captured. Upon reaching the glideslope, the flight director transitions to Glideslope Mode and begins to intercept and track the glideslope. Approach Mode Active Glideslope Mode Active Command Bars Indicate Descent on Localizer/Glideslope Path Figure 6-17 Glideslope Mode 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III Glideslope Indicator 6-15 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Go Around (GA) Mode Pushing the GA Switch engages the flight director in a wings level, 7° pitch-up attitude, allowing the execution of a missed approach or a go around. This mode is a coupled pitch and roll mode and is annunciated as ‘GA’ in both the pitch and roll active mode fields. Go Around Mode disengages the autopilot and arms Altitude Hold Mode automatically. Subsequent autopilot engagement is allowed. Attempts to modify the aircraft attitude (i.e., with the CWS Button or NOSE UP/NOSE DN keys) result in reversion to Pitch and Roll Hold modes. Go Around Mode Active Autopilot Disconnect Annunciation Flashes Yellow 5 sec Command Bars Indicate Climb Figure 6-19 Go Around Mode 6-16 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Roll Modes • Roll Hold (default mode) — Holds the current aircraft roll attitude or rolls the wings level, depending on the commanded bank angle • Heading Select — Captures and tracks the Selected Heading • Navigation (GPS, VOR, LOC) — Captures and tracks the selected navigation source • Backcourse — Captures and tracks a localizer signal for backcourse approaches • Approach (GPS, VAPP, LOC) — Captures and tracks the selected navigation source with greater sensitivity for approach • Go Around — Commands a constant pitch angle and wings level while in the air The following table relates each roll mode to its respective control and annunciation. Refer to the pitch modes section for information regarding Go Around and Takeoff Modes. The CWS Button does not change lateral references for Heading Select, Navigation, Backcourse, or Approach modes. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the Selected Heading/Course upon release of the CWS Button. Roll Hold Mode (ROL) NOTE: If Roll Hold Mode is activated as a result of a mode reversion, the flight director rolls the wings level. When the flight director is activated (the FD or AP Key is pressed), Roll Hold Mode is selected by default. This mode is annunciated as ‘ROL’ in the AFCS Status Box. The current aircraft bank angle is held, subject to the bank angle conditions listed in Table 6-3. Roll Mode Control Annunciation Roll Hold (default) ROL Heading Select HDG Key HDG Navigation, GPS Arm/Capture/Track GPS Navigation, VOR Enroute Arm/Capture/Track VOR NAV Key Navigation, LOC Arm/Capture/Track LOC (No Glideslope) Backcourse Arm/Capture/Track BC Key BC Approach, GPS Arm/Capture/Track GPS Approach, VOR Arm/Capture/Track VAPP APR Key Approach, ILS Arm/Capture/Track LOC (Glideslope Mode automatically armed) Go Around (in air) GA Switch GA Table 6-2 Roll Modes 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-17 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Heading Select Mode (HDG) Heading Select Mode is activated by pressing HDG Key. Heading Select Mode acquires and maintains the Selected Heading. The Selected Heading is shown by a light blue bug on the HSI and in the box to the upper left of the HSI. Figure 6-20 Roll Hold Mode Annunciation Bank Angle Flight Director Response < 6° Rolls wings level 6° to 22° Maintains current aircraft roll attitude > 22° Limits bank to 22° Changing the Selected Heading Table 6-3 Roll Hold Mode Responses NOTE: Pressing the HDG Knob synchronizes the Selected Heading to the current heading. Changing the Roll Reference The roll reference can be changed by pressing the CWS Button, establishing the desired bank angle, then releasing the CWS Button. Heading Select Mode Active Selected Heading The Selected Heading is adjusted using the HDG Knob on either display. Pressing the CWS Button and handflying the aircraft does not change the Selected Heading. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the Selected Heading upon release of the CWS Button. Pitch Mode Active Selected Heading Bug Command Bars Track Selected Heading Figure 6-21 Heading Select Mode 6-18 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Turns are commanded in the same direction as Selected Heading Bug movement, even if the bug is turned more than 180° from the present heading (e.g., a 270° turn to the right). However, Selected Heading changes of more than 330° at a time result in turn reversals. Navigation Mode (GPS, VOR, LOC) NOTE: The selected navigation receiver must have a valid VOR or LOC signal or active GPS course for the flight director to enter Navigation Mode. Pressing the NAV Key selects Navigation Mode. Navigation Mode acquires and tracks the selected navigation source on the HSI (GPS, VOR, LOC). The flight director follows GPS roll steering commands when GPS is the selected navigation source. Figure 6-23 GPS Navigation Mode Armed Selected Altitude Capture Mode Armed Pitch Mode Active GPS Navigation Mode Active GPS is Selected Navigation Source When the HSI is coupled to VOR or LOC, the flight director creates roll steering commands from the Selected Course and deviation. Navigation Mode can also be used to fly non-precision GPS and LOC approaches where glideslope capture is not required. If the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) shows greater than one dot when the NAV Key is pressed, the selected mode is armed. The armed annunciation appears in white to the left of the active roll mode. For cases where the projected course is offset a large distance from the present course for turn anticipation, GPS Navigation Mode can be activated with crosstrack error up to 10 nm when the NAV Key is pressed. Selected Course Command Bars Indicate Left Turn to Track GPS Course and Climb to Intercept Selected Altitude Figure 6-22 Navigation Mode 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-19 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL When the CDI has automatically switched from GPS to LOC during a LOC/ILS approach, GPS Navigation Mode remains active, providing GPS steering guidance until the localizer signal is captured. LOC Navigation Mode is armed in anticipation of localizer signal capture if the APR Key is not pressed prior to the automatic source switch. If Navigation Mode is active and either of the following occur, the flight director reverts to Roll Hold Mode (wings rolled level): • Different VOR is tuned while in VOR Navigation Mode (VOR Navigation Mode reverts to armed) • Navigation source is manually switched • Localizer signal is not captured by the final approach fix (FAF) Changing the Selected Course The Selected Course on the PFD is controlled using the CRS Knob. Pressing the CWS Button and hand-flying the aircraft does not change the Selected Course while in Navigation Mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the Selected Course (or GPS flight plan) when the CWS Button is released. Approach Mode (GPS, VAPP, LOC) NOTE: The selected navigation receiver must have a valid VOR or LOC signal or active GPS course for the flight director to enter Approach Mode. Approach Mode is activated when the APR Key is pressed. Approach Mode acquires and tracks the selected navigation receiver on the HSI (GPS, VOR, or LOC), depending on the loaded approach. This mode uses the selected navigation receiver deviation and desired course inputs to fly the approach. Approach Mode provides greater sensitivity for signal tracking than Navigation Mode. Pressing the APR Key when the CDI is greater than one dot arms the selected approach mode (annunciated 6-20 in white to the left of the active roll mode). If the selected navigation receiver is GPS, pressing the APR Key arms GPS Approach Mode, provided that a GPS approach has been loaded into the flight plan. If the loaded approach provides SBAS-based vertical guidance, Glidepath Mode is also armed (Figure 6-16). If GPS Approach Mode is selected while in GPS Navigation Mode, capture can occur with crosstrack error of up to 2 nm. Figure 6-24 Navigation/Approach Mode Armed LOC Approach Mode allows the autopilot to fly a LOC/ ILS approach with a glideslope. LOC Approach Mode is armed (along with Glideslope Mode; see Figure 6-17) when the APR Key is pressed and either of the following have been done: • Navigation source is set to LOC • A LOC/ILS approach is loaded into the flight plan and the corresponding localizer frequency tuned (even if the selected navigation source is GPS) Localizer capture is suppressed until the navigation source is changed to LOC. If Approach Mode is active and either of the following occur, the flight director reverts to Roll Hold Mode (wings rolled level): • Vectors-to-Final is activated • Navigation source is manually switched • Localizer signal is not captured by the final approach fix (FAF) Changing the Selected Course The Selected Course on the PFD is controlled using the CRS Knob. Pressing the CWS Button and hand-flying the aircraft does not change the Selected Course while in Approach Mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the Selected Course (or GPS flight plan) when the CWS Button is released. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Backcourse Mode (BC) Intercepting and Flying a DME Arc The AFCS will intercept and track a DME arc that is part of the active flight plan provided that GPS Navigation Mode is engaged, GPS is the active navigation source on the CDI, and the DME arc segment is the active flight plan leg. Since navigation of DME arcs is based on GPS, when the APR Key is pressed and LOC or VOR Approach Mode is armed prior to reaching the Initial Approach Fix (IAF), Approach Mode will not activate until the arc segment is completed. If the arc is intercepted at a location other than the published IAF (i.e. ATC provides vectors to intercept the arc) and subsequently Heading Mode or Roll Mode is selected, the AFCS will not automatically intercept or track the arc unless the arc leg of the flight plan is activated GPS Navigation Mode is armed. The AFCS will not intercept and fly a DME arc before reaching an IAF that defines the beginning of the arc segment. Likewise, if at any point while established on the DME arc GPS Navigation Mode is deselected, the AFCS will no longer track the arc. Backcourse Mode Active NOTE: When making a backcourse approach, set the Selected Course to the localizer front course. Backcourse Mode captures and tracks a localizer signal. The mode may be selected by pressing the BC Key. Backcourse Mode is armed if the CDI is greater than one dot when the mode is selected. The flight director creates steering commands from the Selected Course and deviation when in Backcourse Mode. Changing the Selected Course The Selected Course on the PFD is controlled using the CRS Knob. Pressing the CWS Button and hand-flying the aircraft does not change course while in Backcourse Mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft back to the Selected Course when the CWS Button is released. Pitch Hold Mode Active LOC2 is Selected Navigation Source Command Bars Hold Pitch Attitude Figure 6-25 Backcourse Mode 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-21 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 6.4 AUTOPILOT OPERATION NOTE: Refer to the AFM for specific instructions regarding emergency procedures. Cessna Nav III’s autopilot operates flight control surface servos to provide automatic flight control. The autopilot controls the aircraft pitch and roll attitudes following commands received from the flight director. Pitch autotrim provides trim commands to the pitch trim adapter to relieve any sustained effort required by the pitch servo. Flight Control Pitch and roll commands are provided to the servos, based on the active flight director modes. Servo motor control limits the maximum servo speed and torque. The servo gearboxes are equipped with slip-clutches set to certain values. This allows the servos to be overridden in case of an emergency. Pitch Axis and Pitch Trim The autopilot pitch axis uses pitch rate to stabilize the aircraft pitch attitude during upsets and flight director maneuvers. Flight director pitch commands are rate- and attitude-limited, combined with pitch damper control, and sent to the pitch servo motor. The pitch servo measures the output effort (torque) and provides this signal to the pitch trim servo. The pitch trim servo commands the motor to reduce the average pitch servo effort. When the autopilot is not engaged, the pitch trim servo may be used to provide manual electric trim. This allows the aircraft to be trimmed using a control stick switch rather than the trim wheel. Manual trim commands are generated with the MET Switch. Trim speeds are scheduled with airspeed to provide more consistent response. 6-22 Roll Axis The autopilot roll axis uses roll rate to stabilize aircraft roll attitude during upsets and flight director maneuvers. The flight director roll commands are rate- and attitudelimited, combined with roll damper control, and sent to the roll servo motor. Engaging the Autopilot NOTE: Autopilot engagement/disengagement is not equivalent to servo engagement/disengagement. Use the CWS Button to disengage the pitch and roll servos while the autopilot remains active. When the AP Key is pressed, the autopilot and flight director (if not already engaged) are activated. Engagement is indicated by a green ‘AP’ annunciation in the center of the AFCS Status Box. The flight director engages in Pitch and Roll Hold modes when initially activated. Autopilot Engaged Figure 6-26 Autopilot Engaged Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Control Wheel Steering During autopilot operation, the aircraft may be handflown without disengaging the autopilot. Pressing and holding the CWS Button disengages the pitch and roll servos from the flight control surfaces and allows the aircraft to be hand-flown. At the same time, the flight director is synchronized to the aircraft attitude during the maneuver. The ‘AP’ annunciation is temporarily replaced by ‘CWS’ in white for the duration of CWS maneuvers. In most scenarios, releasing the CWS Button reengages the autopilot with a new reference. Refer to the flight director modes section for CWS behavior in each mode. Control Wheel Steering The autopilot is manually disengaged by pushing the AP DISC Switch, GA Switch, MET ARM Switch, or the AP Key on the MFD. Manual disengagement is indicated by a five-second flashing yellow ‘AP’ annunciation and a three-second autopilot disconnect aural alert. After manual disengagement, the autopilot disconnect aural alert may be cancelled by pushing the MET ARM or AP DISC Switch (AP DISC Switch also cancels the flashing ‘AP’ annunciation). Autopilot Manually Disengaged Figure 6-29 Manual Autopilot Disengagement Figure 6-27 CWS Annunciation Disengaging the Autopilot Automatic disengagement occurs due to: • System failure • Inability to compute default flight director modes (FD also disengages automatically) • Invalid sensor data Automatic autopilot disengagement is indicated by a flashing red ‘AP’ annunciation and by the autopilot disconnect aural alert, which continue until acknowledged by pushing the AP DISC or MET Switch. Autopilot Automatically Disengaged Figure 6-28 Automatic Autopilot Disengagement 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-23 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 6.5 EXAMPLE PROCEDURES Departure Climbing to the Selected Altitude and flying an assigned heading: NOTE: The following example flight plan and diagrams (not to be used for navigation) in this section are for instructional purposes only and should be considered not current. Numbered portions of accompanying diagrams correspond to numbered procedure steps. 1) Before takeoff, set the Selected Altitude to 12,000 feet using the ALT Knob. 2) After takeoff, hand-fly the aircraft to an altitude above the autopilot minimum engage height. This scenario-based set of procedures (based on the example flight plan found in the Flight Management Section) shows various GFC 700 AFCS modes used during a flight. In this scenario, the aircraft departs Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport (KMKC), enroute to Colorado Springs Airport (KCOS). After departure, the aircraft climbs to 12,000 ft and airway V4 is intercepted, following ATC vectors. 3) In this example, Vertical Speed Mode is used to capture the Selected Altitude (Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, or Flight Level Change Mode may be used). a) Press the VS Key to activate Vertical Speed Mode. Airway V4 is flown to Salina VOR (SLN) using VOR navigation, then airway V244 is flown using GPS Navigation. The ILS approach for runway 35L and LPV (SBAS) approach for runway 35R are shown and a missed approach is executed. The Vertical Speed Reference may be adjusted after Vertical Speed Mode is selected using the NOSE UP/NOSE DN keys or pushing the CWS Button while hand-flying the aircraft to establish a new Vertical Speed Reference. b) Press the AP Key to engage the autopilot in a climb using Vertical Speed Mode. 0 33 30 3 27 30 27 30 24 24 21 27 24 27 15 12 21 18 15 18 9 24 21 12 6 Lamar VOR (LAA) Topeka VOR (TOP) 12 Hays VOR (HYS) 9 V 244 Salina VOR (SLN) 9 3 V4 18 V 244 9 6 0 33 15 6 KCOS KMKC 30 3 3 6 0 33 0 33 12 21 15 18 Figure 6-30 Flight Plan Overview 6-24 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 4) Use the HDG Knob to set the Selected Heading, complying with ATC vectors to intercept Airway V4. Press the HDG Key to activate Heading Select Mode while the autopilot is engaged in the climb. The autopilot follows the Selected Heading Bug on the HSI and turns the aircraft to the desired heading. At 50 feet from the Selected Altitude, the green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft. 5) As the aircraft nears the Selected Altitude, the flight director transitions to Selected Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTS’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. HD GM od e 3 Selected Altitude of 12,000 MSL ALT Mode 4 KMKC 1 2 VS e Mod Figure 6-31 Departure 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-25 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Intercepting a VOR Radial d) Press the NAV Key. This arms VOR Navigation Mode and the white ‘VOR’ annunciation appears to the left of the active lateral mode. During climb-out, the autopilot continues to fly the aircraft in Heading Select Mode. Airway V4 to Salina VOR (SLN) should now be intercepted. Since the enroute flight plan waypoints correspond to VORs, flight director Navigation Mode using either VOR or GPS as the navigation source may be used. In this scenario, VOR Navigation Mode is used for navigation to the first VOR waypoint in the flight plan. 2) As the aircraft nears the Selected Course, the flight director transitions from Heading Select to VOR Navigation Mode and the ‘VOR’ annunciation flashes green. The autopilot begins turning to intercept the Selected Course. Intercepting a VOR radial: 1) Arm VOR Navigation Mode: a) Tune the VOR frequency. b) Press the CDI Softkey to set the navigation source to VOR. c) Use the CRS Knob to set the Selected Course to 255°. Note that at this point, the flight director is still in Heading Select Mode and the autopilot continues to fly 290°. 3) The autopilot continues the turn until the aircraft is established on the Selected Course. 0 33 3 30 Hd 29 g 0o V4 6 27 3 255 9 o Salina VOR (SLN) 24 VO R NA V Mo de 2 HD G 12 M od e, VO R Ar m ed 15 1 21 18 Figure 6-32 Intercepting a VOR Radial 6-26 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Flying a Flight Plan/GPS Course NOTE: Changing the navigation source cancels Navigation Mode and causes the flight director to revert back to Roll Hold Mode (wings rolled level). As the aircraft closes on Salina VOR, GPS is used to navigate the next leg, airway V244. The aircraft is currently tracking inbound on Airway V4. Flying a GPS flight plan: 1) Transition from VOR to GPS Navigation Mode: a) Press the CDI Softkey until GPS is the selected navigation source. b) Press the NAV Key to activate GPS Navigation Mode. The autopilot guides the aircraft along the active flight plan leg. 2) Following the flight plan, the autopilot continues to steer the aircraft under GPS guidance. Note that in GPS Navigation Mode, course changes defined by the flight plan are automatically made without pilot action required. 0 33 30 0 33 3 e 6 3 30 27 3 NAV o 075 V4 2 24 27 V 244 9 6 Salina VOR (SLN) o 12 9 15 21 12 18 24 e Mod 1 o 260 076 Hays VOR (HYS) GPS d AV Mo VOR N 15 21 18 Figure 6-33 Transition to GPS Flight Plan 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-27 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Descent b) Press the FLC Key to activate Flight Level Change Mode. The annunciation ‘FLC’ appears next to the Airspeed Reference, which defaults to the current aircraft airspeed. Selected Altitude Capture Mode is armed automatically. While flying the arrival procedure, the aircraft is cleared for descent in preparation for the approach to KCOS. Three methods are presented for the descent from 12,000 ft: • Flight Level Change descent – Flight Level Change Mode can be used to descend to the Selected Altitude at a constant airspeed. This descent method does not account for flight plan waypoint altitude constraints. • Vertical Path Tracking descent – Vertical Path Tracking Mode is used to follow the vertical descent path defined in the GPS flight plan. Altitude constraints correspond to waypoints in the flight plan. Before VNV flight control can provide vertical profile guidance, a VNV flight plan must be entered and enabled. • Non-path descent in a VNV scenario – While the flight director is following VNV guidance for descent, Pitch Hold, Vertical Speed, or Flight Level Change Mode can be used to descend to the VNV Target Altitude prior to reaching the planned TOD. Flight Level Change Mode is used in the example. 2) Use the NOSE UP/NOSE DN keys or push the CWS Button while hand-flying the aircraft to adjust the commanded airspeed while maintaining the same power, or reduce power to allow descent in Flight Level Change Mode while the autopilot maintains the current airspeed. 3) As the aircraft nears the Selected Altitude, the flight director transitions to Selected Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTS’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. The green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds upon reaching 50 feet from the Selected Altitude; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft. Flight Level Change descent: 1) Select Flight Level Change Mode: a) Using the ALT Knob, set the Selected Altitude to 10,000 feet. 1 Cruise Altitude of 12,000 MSL ALT Mode 2 FLC Mod e 3 Selected Altitude of 10,000 MSL ALT Mode Figure 6-34 FLC Descent 6-28 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Vertical Path Tracking descent to VNV Target Altitude: • Turn the ALT Knob to adjust the Selected Altitude 1) Select VNV flight control: a) Press the VNV Key to arm Vertical Path Tracking Mode. The white annunciation ‘VPTH’ appears. • Press the VNV Key If the descent is not confirmed by the time of interception, Vertical Path Tracking Mode remains armed and the descent is not captured. b) Using the ALT Knob, set the Selected Altitude at least 75 feet below the flight plan’s VNV Target Altitude of 10,000 feet. If the Selected Altitude is not adequately adjusted below the VNV Target Altitude, the flight director commands descent to the Selected Altitude rather than the VNV Target Altitude once Vertical Path Tracking Mode becomes active (ALTS is armed rather than ALTV). c) If Vertical Path Tracking Mode is armed more than 5 minutes prior to descent path capture, acknowledgment is required for the flight director to transition from Altitude Hold to Vertical Path Tracking Mode. To proceed with descent path capture if the white ‘VPTH’ annunciation begins flashing, do one of the following: 1 ALT Mode TOD 2) When the top of descent (TOD) is reached, the flight director transitions to Vertical Path Tracking Mode and begins the descent to the VNV Target Altitude. Intention to capture the VNV Target Altitude is indicated by the white ‘ALTV’ annunciation. 3) As the aircraft nears the VNV Target Altitude, the flight director transitions to VNV Target Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTV’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. The green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds upon reaching 50 feet from the VNV Target Altitude; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft at the vertical waypoint. Cruise Altitude of 12,000 MSL 2 VPT HM ode 3 VNAV Target Altitude of 10,000 MSL BOD ALT Mode Selected Altitude (set below VNAV Target Altitude) Along-track Offset, 3 nm before OPSHN Figure 6-35 VPTH Descent 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 3 nm 6-29 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Non-path descent using Flight Level Change Mode: 1) Command a non-path descent using Flight Level Change Mode: a) Using the ALT Knob, set the Selected Altitude below the current aircraft altitude to an altitude (in this case, 9,400 feet) at which to level off between VNV flight plan altitudes. b) Press the FLC Key before the planned TOD during an altitude hold while VPTH is armed. The Airspeed Reference defaults to the current aircraft airspeed. Vertical Path Tracking and Selected Altitude Capture Mode are armed automatically. The green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds upon reaching 50 feet from the Selected Altitude; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft. 4) When the next TOD is reached, Vertical Path Tracking becomes active (may require acknowledgment to allow descent path capture). 5) As the aircraft nears the VNV Target Altitude, the flight director transitions to VNV Target Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTV’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. 2) Reduce power to allow descent in Flight Level Change Mode. The autopilot maintains the Airspeed Reference. The green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds upon reaching 50 feet from the VNV Target Altitude; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft at the vertical waypoint. 3) As the aircraft nears the Selected Altitude, the flight director transitions to Selected Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTS’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. VP TH M od e Planned TOD 2 BOD ALT Mode 1 FL C Pla nn M od e Selected Altitude of 9,400 MSL VNAV Target Altitude of 10,000 MSL 3 ed De sce nt Pa th ALT Mode TOD 4 VP TH Mo VNAV Target Altitude of 9,000 MSL de 5 BOD ALT Mode Selected Altitude 3 nm OPSHN HABUK Figure 6-36 Non-path Descent 6-30 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Approach 3) There are two options available at this point, as the autopilot flies the ILS approach: NOTE: If an approach contains a DME arc, the arc must be flown in Navigation Mode with the GFC 700. When receiving vectors from ATC, Navigation Mode must be selected prior to intercepting the ARC. Flying an ILS approach: • Push the AP DISC Switch at the decision height and land the aircraft. • Use the GA Switch to execute a missed approach. KCOS 3 LOC APR/ GS Mode PETEY 2 G HD e od M 1) Transition from GPS Navigation Mode to Heading Select Mode. a) Select the Runway 35L ILS approach for KCOS and select ‘VECTORS’ for the transition. Load and activate the approach into the flight plan. b) Use the HDG Knob to set the Selected Heading after getting vectors from ATC. c) Press the HDG Key. The autopilot turns the aircraft to the desired heading. d) Use Heading Select Mode to comply with ATC vectors as requested. PYNON c) The navigation source automatically switches to LOC. After this switch occurs, the localizer signal can be captured, and the flight directors determine when to begin the turn to intercept the final approach course. The flight director now provides guidance to the missed approach point. 190-00384-12 Rev. A GPS NAV Mode 2) Arm LOC Approach and Glideslope modes. a) Ensure the appropriate localizer frequency is tuned. b) Press the APR Key when cleared for approach to arm Approach and Glideslope modes. ‘LOC’ and ‘GS’ appear in white as armed mode annunciations. 1 Figure 6-37 ILS Approach to KCOS Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-31 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Flying a RNAV GPS approach with vertical guidance: 2) Press the APR Key once clearance for approach has been received. GPS Approach Mode is activated and Glidepath Mode is armed. 3) Once the glidepath is captured, Glidepath Mode becomes active. The flight director now provides guidance to the missed approach point. 4 CEGIX 3 GPS APR/ GP Mode 1) Arm flight director modes for a RNAV GPS approach with vertical guidance: a) Make sure the navigation source is set to GPS (use CDI Softkey to change navigation source). b) Select the Runway 35R LPV approach for KCOS. Load and activate the approach into the flight plan. KCOS 2 FALUR HABUK PYNON GPS NAV Mode 4) There are two options available at this point, as the autopilot flies the approach: • Push the AP DISC Switch at the Decision height and land the aircraft. • Use the GA Switch to execute a missed approach. 1 Figure 6-38 LPV Approach to KCOS 6-32 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Go Around/Missed Approach NOTE: As a result of calculations performed by the system while flying the holding pattern, the display may re-size automatically and the aircraft may not precisely track the holding pattern. Flying a missed approach: 1) Push the GA Switch at the Decision height and apply go around power to execute a missed approach. The flight director Command Bars establish a nose-up climb to follow. If flying an ILS or LOC approach the CDI also switches to GPS as the navigation source. Note that when the GA Switch is pushed, the missed approach is activated and the autopilot disconnects, indicated by the ‘AP’ annunciation flashing yellow for 5 seconds and the autopilot disconnect aural alert. Flashes 5 sec The green ‘ALT’ annunciation flashes for up to 10 seconds upon reaching 50 feet from the Selected Altitude; the autopilot transitions to Altitude Hold Mode and levels the aircraft. 4) The autopilot flies the holding pattern after the missed approach is activated. Annunciations are displayed in the Navigation Status Box, above the AFCS Status Box. 4 MOGAL 3 2 KCOS To hold the current airspeed during the climb, press the FLC Key. GA Mode 3) Use the ALT Knob to set a Selected Altitude to hold. GPS NAV Mode 2) Start the climb to the prescribed altitude in the published Missed Approach Procedure (in this case, 10,000 ft). a) After climbing to altitude exceeding the autopilot minimum engage height, press the AP Key to reengage the autopilot. b) Press the NAV Key to have the autopilot fly to the hold. As the aircraft nears the Selected Altitude, the flight director transitions to Selected Altitude Capture Mode, indicated by the green ‘ALTS’ annunciation flashing for up to 10 seconds. 1 Figure 6-39 Go Around/Missed Approach 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-33 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL 6.6 AFCS ANNUNCIATIONS AND ALERTS AFCS Status Alerts The following annunciations (listed in order of increasing priority) can appear on the PFD above the Airspeed and Attitude indicators. Only one annunciation may occur at a time, and messages are prioritized by criticality. AFCS Status Annunciation Figure 6-40 AFCS Status Annunciation Alert Condition Aileron Mistrim Right Aileron Mistrim Left Elevator Mistrim Down Elevator Mistrim Up Pitch Trim Failure (or stuck MET Switch) Annunciation Description Roll servo providing sustained force in the indicated direction Pitch servo providing sustained force in the indicated direction If AP engaged, take control of the aircraft and disengage AP If AP disengaged, move MET switches separately to unstick Roll Failure Roll axis control failure; AP inoperative Pitch Failure Pitch axis control failure; AP inoperative System Failure AP and MET are unavailable; FD may still be available Preflight Test Performing preflight system test; aural alert sounds at completion Do not press the AP DISC Switch during servo power-up and preflight system tests as this may cause the preflight system test to fail or never to start (if servos fail their power-up tests). Power must be cycled to the servos to remedy the situation. Preflight system test failed; aural alert sounds at failure Table 6-4 AFCS Status Field Alerts 6-34 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Overspeed Protection Overspeed protection is provided in situations where the flight director cannot acquire and maintain the vertical Mode Reference for the selected vertical mode without exceeding the certified maximum autopilot airspeed. When an autopilot overspeed condition occurs, the Airspeed Reference appears in a box above the Airspeed Indicator, flashing a yellow ‘MAXSPD’ annunciation. Engine power should be reduced and/or the pitch reference adjusted to slow the aircraft. The annunciation disappears when the overspeed condition is resolved. Airspeed Indicator Figure 6-41 Overspeed Annunciation 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 6-35 SECTION 6 – AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL Blank Page 6-36 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION SECTION 7: NAVIGATION The majority of the following discussions pertain to the Multi Function Display. In discussions pertaining to the PFD, the controls are located on the PFD. 7.1 NAVIGATION MAP PAGE WARNING: The map display should only be used for situational awareness. Any map display indication should be compared with approved navigation sources. 7.2 DIRECT-TO NAVIGATION Direct-to Navigation from the MFD Identifier Geographic Region Facility Name City VNAV Target Altitude Offset Before Selected Direct-to Map Orientation VNAV Target Altitude Map of the Selected Waypoint Select the MAP Page Group 1) Turn the large FMS Knob until the ‘MAP’ page group is selected. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NAVIGATION MAP in the selection list. Map Range Bearing Direct-to Course Distance Activate Field Figure 7-2 MFD Direct-to Window Enter a Direct-to Destination 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Enter the destination waypoint identifier. 3) Press the ENT Key to confirm the identifier. The ‘Activate?’ field is highlighted. 4) If no altitude constraint or course is desired, press the ENT Key to activate. To enter an altitude constraint, proceed to step 5. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor over the ‘VNAV’ altitude field. Figure 7-1 Navigation Map Page (Enroute) 6) Enter the desired altitude. 7) Press the ENT Key. The option to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’ is now displayed. 8) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-1 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 9) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is placed in the ‘VNV’ offset distance field. Select a Direct-to Destination to a Nearest Airport 10) Enter the desired target altitude offset from the selected Direct-to. 1) Press the Direct-to ( 11) Press the ENT Key to highlight ‘Activate?’ or turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ‘COURSE’ field. 12) Enter the desired course to the waypoint. ) Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed as in Figure 7-3. The list is populated only when navigating a flight plan. 13) Press the ENT Key to highlight ‘ACTIVATE?’. 14) Press the ENT Key again to activate the Direct-to. Select a Direct-to Destination to a Flight Plan Waypoint 1) While navigating an active flight plan, press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left to display a list of flight plan waypoints as shown in Figure 7-3. Figure 7-4 Nearest Airport List (MFD) 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘NRST’ airports to the aircraft’s current position as shown in Figure 7-4. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. Figure 7-3 Flight Plan Waypoint List (MFD) 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 4) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. 5) Press the ENT Key again to activate a Direct-to. 7-2 6) Press the ENT Key again to activate a Direct-to. Select a Direct-to Destination to a Recently Entered Identifier 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed as in Figure 7-3. The list is populated only when navigating a flight plan. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 9) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the ‘COURSE’ field. 10) Enter the desired course. 11) Press the ENT Key. The cursor now highlights ‘ACTIVATE?’. Figure 7-5 Recently Entered Waypoints List (MFD) 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘RECENT’ waypoints as shown in Figure 7-5. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. 6) Press ENT again to activate a Direct-to. Re-center the CDI to the Destination Waypoint 12) Press the ENT Key again to begin navigation using the selected destination, altitude constraint, and course. Canceling Direct-to Navigation 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Direct-to options menu. 3) With ‘Cancel Direct-To NAV’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. If a flight plan is still active, the G1000 resumes navigating the flight plan along the closest leg. Press the Direct-to ( ) Key, followed by pressing the ENT Key twice. If a missed approach point (MAP) is the current destination, the approach is canceled. Manually Define the Active Direct-to 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ‘VNAV’ altitude field. 3) Enter the desired altitude. 4) Press the ENT Key. The option to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’ is now displayed. Figure 7-6 Canceling Direct-to Navigation Direct-to Navigation from the PFD WPT Symbol WPT Location Identifier Facility Name VNAV Target Altitude Bearing to WPT Course to Selected WPT Offset Distance Distance from WPT 5) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’. 6) Press the ENT Key. The cursor now highlights the VNAV offset field. Figure 7-7 PFD Direct-to Window 7) Enter the desired offset distance. 8) Press the ENT Key. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-3 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Enter a Direct-to Destination Select a Direct-to Destination to a Flight Plan Waypoint 1) Press the Direct-to Key ( ). 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the desired selection field. 1) While navigating an active flight plan, press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to begin selecting the desired identifier, location, etc. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left to display a list of flight plan waypoints as shown in Figure 7-8. 4) Press the ENT Key. 5) The cursor is now flashing on ‘ACTIVATE?’. If no altitude constraint or course is desired, press the ENT Key to activate. To enter an altitude constraint, proceed to step 6. 6) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor over the ‘VNAV’ altitude field. 7) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired VNAV altitude. 8) Press the ENT Key. The option to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’ is now displayed. 9) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘MSL’ or ‘AGL’. 10) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is placed in the ‘VNAV’ offset distance field. 11) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired target altitude offset from the selected Direct-to. 12) Press the ENT Key to highlight ‘Activate?’ or turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ‘COURSE’ field. Figure 7-8 Flight Plan Waypoint List (PFD) 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 4) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. 5) Press the ENT Key again to activate a Direct-to. Select a Direct-to Destination to a Nearest Airport 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed as in Figure 7-8. The list is only populated when navigating a flight plan. 13) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired course to the waypoint. 14) Press the ENT Key to highlight ‘ACTIVATE?’. 15) Press the ENT Key again to activate the Direct-to. Figure 7-9 Nearest Airport List (PFD) 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘NRST’ airports to the aircraft’s current position as shown in Figure 7-9. 7-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. 6) Press the ENT Key again to activate a Direct-to. Select a Direct-to Destination to a Recently Entered Identifier 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed as in Figure 7-8. The list is only populated when navigating a flight plan. Figure 7-10 Recently Entered Waypoints List (PFD) 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘RECENT’ waypoints as shown in Figure 7-10. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed on ‘ACTIVATE?’. 6) Press the ENT Key again to activate a Direct-to. 7.3 NAVIGATING AN EXAMPLE FLIGHT PLAN NOTE: The following example flight plan is for instructional purposes only. All database information depicted should be considered not current. The following discussion is an example of navigating a flight plan with the SBAS capable GPS system while the G1000 provides vertical guidance through descents. A lateral flight plan (LNAV) would be navigated in much the same way, but would not include vertical guidance when the final approach course is active. The example is a flight plan from KMKC to KCOS filed using the TIFTO2 departure, various Victor Airways, and the DBRY1 arrival with the transition at TBE. The flight plan includes an enroute altitude of 12,000 feet, an LPV (SBAS) approach selected for runway 35R, and a missed approach executed at the Missed Approach Point (MAP). A few enroute changes are demonstrated. 1) Prior to departure, the TIFTO2 departure, the airways, and the DBRY1 arrival at KCOS are loaded. See the Procedures section for loading departures and arrivals. Note the magenta arrow in Figure 7-104 indicating the active departure leg. After takeoff, ATC assigns a heading of 240º. Cancelling Direct-to Navigation 1) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Options Window. The cursor flashes on ‘Cancel Direct-to NAV’. 3) Press the ENT Key to cancel the direct-to. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-5 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 2) Figure 7-11 shows the aircraft on the assigned heading of 240º. ‘TERM’ (Terminal) is the current CDI flight phase displayed on the HSI indicating 1.0 nm CDI scaling. Figure 7-11 Assigned Heading of 240º 7-6 3) ATC now assigns routing to join V4. A heading of 290º is assigned to intercept V4. The aircraft turns to heading 290° as seen in Figure 7-12. Figure 7-12 Assigned Heading of 290º Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 4) Enter V4 into the flight plan. a) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. b) The desired entry point for V4 (TOP) must be entered. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan insertion point (SLN) as shown in Figure 7-13. When the V4 entry point (TOP) is inserted, it is placed immediately above the highlighted waypoint (SLN) as indicated by the insertion point indicator (small blue triangle). c) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Waypoint Information Window. Enter the desired entry point for V4, Topeka VOR (TOP), as shown in Figure 7-14. Figure 7-14 Entering V4 Entry Point Figure 7-13 Begin Adding V4 to the Flight Plan 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-7 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION d) Press the ENT Key. TOP is inserted into the flight plan as in Figure 7-15. f) Press the LD AIRWY Softkey to display the list of available airways for TOP as seen in Figure 7-16. Figure 7-15 TOP Inserted into the Flight Plan e) With SLN still highlighted as in Figure 7-15, turn the small FMS Knob clockwise. The Waypoint Information Page is displayed and the LD AIRWY Softkey is now available. 7-8 Figure 7-16 List of Available Airways for TOP g) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight V4 in the list as seen in Figure 7-16. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION h) Press the ENT Key. The list of available exits for V4 is now displayed as in Figure 7-17. j) Press the ENT Key. The selected airway and exit are displayed, and the prompt “LOAD?” highlighted as in Figure 7-18. Figure 7-17 List of Available Exits for V4 Figure 7-18 Ready to Load V4 i) If necessary, turn either FMS Knob to select the desired exit. In this case Salina VOR (SLN) is selected as in Figure 7-17. 190-00384-12 Rev. A k) Press the ENT Key. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-9 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION l) V4 is now loaded into the flight plan as shown in Figure 7-19. d) Verify the displayed leg is the desired leg and press the ENT Key. Note in Figure 7-21, the magenta arrow in the flight plan window and magenta line on the map indicating V4 is now the active flight plan leg. Note the phase of flight remained in Terminal (TERM) mode up to this point because a departure leg was active. Since a leg after the departure is now active, the current CDI flight phase is ENR (Enroute) and CDI scaling has changed to 2.0 nm. Figure 7-19 V4 is Loaded in the Flight Plan 5) Making V4 the active leg of the flight plan. a) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ULNAZ. The TO waypoint of the leg is selected in order to activate the leg. c) Press the ACT LEG Softkey. The confirmation window is now displayed as in Figure 7-20. Note the TOP to ULNAZ leg is actually part of V4. Figure 7-20 Confirm Active Leg 7-10 Figure 7-21 V4 Now Active Leg Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 6) The aircraft continues on heading 290º. When crosstrack distance is less than 2.0 nm, the XTK disappears from the HSI and the CDI is positioned on the last dot indicating a 2.0 nm distance from the centerline of the next course. 7) As the CDI approaches center, the aircraft turns onto the active leg as seen in Figure 7-22. 8) At SLN, Victor Airway 244 (V244) is intercepted. Turn prompts are displayed in the PFD Navigation Status Box as seen in Figure 7-23. Figure 7-23 Turn to Intercept V244 9) As seen in Figure 7-24, V244 is now the active flight plan leg. Figure 7-24 V244 Now Active Leg Figure 7-22 Turn on to Active Leg 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-11 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 10) At Lamar VOR (LAA) V263 is intercepted. See Figure 7-25. 11) ATC grants clearance to proceed direct to the OPSHN intersection to begin the arrival procedure. ATC advises to expect an altitude of 10,000 feet at OPSHN. a) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to select OPSHN in the flight plan list. c) Press the Direct-to ( ) Key. The Direct-to Window is now displayed as shown in Figure 7-26. Figure 7-25 HYS to LAA Leg Active Figure 7-26 Direct To OPSHN 7-12 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION d) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the VNV altitude field as shown in Figure 7-27. Figure 7-27 Enter VNV Altitude e) An altitude of 10,000 feet is entered as requested by ATC. 190-00384-12 Rev. A f) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is now displayed in the VNV offset field as shown in Figure 7-28. Figure 7-28 Enter VNV Offset Distance g) Enter the offset, or distance from the waypoint at which to reach the selected altitude. In this case, three miles prior to OPSHN is entered. In other words, the G1000 gives vertical guidance so the aircraft arrives at an altitude of 10,000 feet three miles prior to OPSHN. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-13 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION h) Press the ENT Key twice to activate the directto. Note, in Figure 7-29, the magenta arrow indicating the direct-to OPSHN after the offset waypoint for OPSHN. The preceding offset waypoint indicates the offset distance and altitude that were previously entered. The remaining waypoints in the loaded arrival procedure have no database specified altitudes, therefore, dashes are displayed. Keep the CDI centered and maintain a track along the magenta line to OPSHN. 12) The aircraft is proceeding to OPSHN. The expected approach is the RNAV LPV approach to runway 35R, so it is selected. a) Press the PROC Key to display the Procedures Window. b) ‘SELECT APPROACH’ should be highlighted as shown in Figure 7-30. Note the Direct-to waypoint is within the loaded arrival procedure, therefore, phase of flight scaling for the CDI changes to Terminal Mode and is annunciated by displaying ‘TERM’ on the HSI. Figure 7-30 Procedures Window Figure 7-29 Direct-to Active 7-14 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION c) Press the ENT Key. A list of available approaches for the destination airport is displayed as in Figure 7-31. Figure 7-31 List of Available Approaches d) Turn either FMS Knob to select the LPV approach for 35R as shown in Figure 7-31. e) Press the ENT Key. A list of available transitions for the selected approach is displayed as in Figure 7-32. Figure 7-32 List of Available Transitions f) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired transition. In this case, the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) at HABUK is used. g) Press the ENT Key. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-15 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION h) Barometric Minimums To set ‘MINIMUMS’, turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘BARO’, and press the ENT Key. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the altitude, and press the ENT Key. i) With ‘LOAD?’ highlighted, again press the ENT Key. The selected approach is added to the flight plan as seen in Figure 7-34. Or: To skip setting minimums, press the ENT Key. Figure 7-34 Loaded Approach Figure 7-33 Barometric Minimums Set 13) Note the altitude constraints associated with each of the approach waypoints as seen in Figure 7-35. These altitudes are loaded from the database and are displayed as light blue text, indicating these values are “designated” for use in computing vertical deviation guidance. To no longer use the displayed altitude for calculating vertical deviation guidance, perform the following: a) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to highlight the desired altitude. c) Press the CLR Key. d) Press the FMS Knob to deactivate the cursor. After making the altitude “non-designated”, it is displayed as white text. 7-16 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Altitude constraint values associated with the Final Approach Fix (FAF) and waypoints beyond the FAF cannot be designated for vertical guidance. These altitude values are always displayed as white text, as in Figure 7-35. Vertical guidance from the FAF and on to the Missed Approach Point (MAP) is given using the SBAS GPS altitude source, therefore, the displayed altitude values are for reference only. b) At this point, the descent vertical speed can be selected, or the FPA can be selected. Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired selection field, then turn the small FMS Knob to enter the desired value. Note the information now displayed in the ‘CURRENT VNV PROFILE’ box. Also, note the offset waypoint (orange box) and gray circle are now displayed on the map. The gray circle marks the Top of Descent (TOD). In this example, vertical guidance is provided at the TOD that results in a -3.0 degree FPA descent to an altitude of 10,000 feet upon reaching the offset waypoint. Figure 7-35 Vertical Guidance is Active to the FAF 14) As the aircraft approaches OPSHN, it may be desirable to adjust the speed, or steepness of the upcoming descent. The default Flight Path Angle (FPA) is -3.0 degrees and a required vertical speed is computed to maintain the -3.0 FPA. To change the vertical flight path, perform the following steps. a) Press the VNV PROF Softkey to place the cursor in the target vertical speed field (VS TGT) as shown in Figure 7-36. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 7-36 Adjusting the Descent c) Press the ENT Key. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-17 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 15) As seen in Figure 7-37, the aircraft is approaching TOD. Note the target vertical speed required to reach the selected altitude. The Vertical Deviation Indicator (VDI) and the Required Vertical Speed Indicator (RVSI) are now displayed on the PFD as shown in Figure 7-38. When the aircraft is within one minute of the TOD, it is annunciated as shown in Figure 7-38, and an aural alert ‘Vertical track’ will be heard. Figure 7-38 VDI & RVSI Upon Reaching Top of Descent (TOD) 16) Upon reaching TOD, a descent vertical speed is established by placing the VSI pointer in line with the RVSI as shown in Figure 7-39. Figure 7-37 Approaching Top of Descent (TOD) Keep Vertical Deviation Indicator Centered Align Actual Vertical Speed with Required Vertical Speed Figure 7-39 VDI & RVSI Showing Correctly Established Descent 7-18 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 17) When the aircraft is one minute from the bottom of descent (BOD) it is annunciated as shown in Figure 7-40. Upon reaching the offset waypoint for OPSHN, the aircraft is at 10,000 feet. 18) The aircraft is approaching OPSHN. The upcoming turn and next heading are annunciated at the top left of the PFD as seen in Figure 7-41. Initiate the turn and maneuver the aircraft on a track through the turn radius to intercept the magenta line for the OPSHN to FSHER leg and center the CDI. Figure 7-40 Approaching Bottom of Descent (BOD) at OPSHN Offset Waypoint Figure 7-41 Turn to intercept OPSHN to FSHER Leg 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-19 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 19) After passing OPSHN, the next leg of the arrival turns magenta as shown in Figure 7-42. The magenta arrow in the flight plan list now indicates the OPSHN to FSHER leg of the arrival procedure is now active. Figure 7-42 Tracking the OPSHN to FSHER Leg 20) The flight continues through the arrival procedure to PYNON (see Figure 7-43). At a point 31 nm from the destination airport, the phase of flight scaling for the CDI changes to Terminal Mode and is annunciated by displaying ‘TERM’ on the HSI. A descent to HABUK is in the next leg. Note the TOD point on the map. Annunciations for the upcoming turn and descent, as well as the VDI and RVSI, appear on the PFD as the flight progresses. Figure 7-43 Approaching PYNON 7-20 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 21) Upon passing PYNON the approach procedure automatically becomes active. The approach may be activated at any point to proceed directly to the IAF. In this example, the aircraft has progressed through the final waypoint of the arrival and the flight plan has automatically sequenced to the IAF as the active leg, activating the approach procedure (see Figure 7-44). 22) The IAF is the next waypoint. At the TOD, establish a descent vertical speed as previously discussed in Step 16. The aircraft altitude is 9,000 feet upon reaching HABUK. Figure 7-44 Approach is Now Active To manually activate the approach procedure, perform the following steps: a) Press the PROC Key. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘ACTIVATE APPROACH’ as shown in Figure 7-45. c) Press the ENT Key to activate the approach. Figure 7-46 Descending Turn to the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) Figure 7-45 Manually Activate Approach 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-21 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 23) After crossing FALUR the next waypoint is the FAF. The flight phase changes to LPV on the HSI indicating the current phase of flight is in Approach Mode and the approach type is LPV. CDI scaling changes accordingly and is used much like a localizer when flying an ILS approach. The RVSI is no longer displayed and the VDI changes to the Glidepath Indicator (as shown in Figure 7-47) when the final approach course becomes active. Figure 7-47 Descending to the FAF 7-22 The descent continues through the FAF (CEGIX) using the Glidepath Indicator, as one would use a glideslope indicator, to obtain an altitude “AT” 7,800 feet at the FAF. Note the altitude restriction lines over and under (At) the altitude in the ‘ALT’ field in Figure 7-44. 24) After crossing CEGIX, the aircraft continues following the glidepath to maintain the descent to “AT or ABOVE” 6,370 feet at the Missed Approach Point (MAP) (RW35R) as seen in Figure 7-48. Figure 7-48 Descending to the Missed Approach Point Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION In this missed approach procedure, the altitude immediately following the MAP (in this case ‘6368ft’) is not part of the published procedure. It is simply a Course to Altitude (CA) leg which guides the aircraft along the runway centerline until the altitude required to safely make the first turn toward the MAHP is exceeded. This altitude is provided by Jeppesen, and may be below, equal to, or above the published minimums for this approach. In this case, if the aircraft altitude is below the specified altitude (6,368 feet) after crossing the MAP, a direct-to is established to provide a course on runway heading until an altitude of 6,368 feet is reached. After reaching 6,368 feet, a direct-to is established to the published MAHP (in this case MOGAL). If the aircraft altitude is above the specified altitude after crossing the MAP, a direct-to is established to the published fix (MOGAL) to begin the missed approach procedure. A direct-to is initiated to MOGAL, which is the Missed Approach Hold Point (MAHP) as seen in Figure 7-49. The aircraft is climbing to 10,000 feet. The CDI flight phase now changes from LPV to MAPR as seen on the HSI. In some missed approach procedures this Course to Altitude leg may be part of the published procedure. For example, a procedure may dictate a climb to 5,500 feet, then turn left and proceed to the Missed Approach Hold Point (MAHP). In this case, the altitude would appear in the list of waypoints as ‘5500ft’. Again, if the aircraft altitude is lower than the prescribed altitude, a direct-to is established on a Course to Altitude leg when the missed approach procedure is activated. 25) Upon reaching the MAP, it is decided to execute a missed approach. Automatic waypoint sequencing is suspended past the MAP. Press the SUSP Softkey on the PFD to resume automatic waypoint sequencing through the missed approach procedure. Figure 7-49 Missed Approach Active 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-23 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 26) The aircraft continues climbing to “AT or ABOVE” 10,000 feet at MOGAL. A holding pattern is established at the MAHP (MOGAL) as shown in Figure 7-50. 27) The aircraft maintains 10,000 feet while following the magenta line through the hold as in Figure 7-51. Figure 7-51 Hold Established Figure 7-50 Establishing the Holding Pattern 7-24 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 7.4 AIRPORT INFORMATION Access Runway Information 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor on the ‘RUNWAYS’ identifier field. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob in the direction of the green arrow to display the next runway for the selected airport. Continue turning the small FMS Knob to select the desired runway. 4) To remove the flashing cursor, press the FMS Knob. Access Frequency Information Figure 7-52 Airport Information Page Select the Airport Information Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the AIRPORT INFORMATION Page. Initially, information for the airport closest to the aircraft’s present position is displayed. 3) If necessary, press the INFO softkey until INFO-1 is displayed. 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to the Frequencies box. 3) Turn either FMS Knob to scroll through the list, placing the cursor on the desired frequency. If a listed frequency has sector or altitude restrictions, the frequency is preceded by an info (‘i’) designation. Press the ENT Key to view the information. The following may be displayed with the frequency: • ‘TX’ – transmit only • ‘RX’ – receive only • ‘PT’ – part time frequency 4) Press the ENT Key to place the selected frequency in the standby field of the COM or NAV box. 5) To remove the cursor, press the FMS Knob. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-25 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Display AOPA Airport Directory Information With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the INFO softkey until INFO-2 is displayed. The Airport Directory Page is now displayed. Select an Airport from the Active Flight Plan 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left to display a list of flight plan airports as shown in Figure 7-54. Figure 7-54 Flight Plan Airport List 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 4) Press the ENT Key. Select a Nearest Airport Figure 7-53 AOPA Airport Directory Information Select an Airport from the Database 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan airport list is displayed as in Figure 7-54. The list is populated only when navigating a flight plan. 2) Enter the desired airport identifier. Figure 7-55 Nearest Airport List 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘NRST’ airports to the aircraft’s current position as shown in Figure 7-55. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. 7-26 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Select a Recently Entered Airport Identifier 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed as in Figure 7-54. The list is populated only when navigating a flight plan. 7.5 INTERSECTION INFORMATION Select the Intersection Information Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select INTERSECTION INFORMATION. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘RECENT’ airports as shown in Figure 7-56. Figure 7-56 Recently Entered Airports List 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired airport. 5) Press the ENT Key. Select an Airport by Facility Name or City Location 1) With the Airport Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to the right to select the facility name or location (city) field. 3) Enter the desired facility name or city. 5) Press the ENT Key. If there are duplicate names in the database, a list is displayed from which to choose the desired location. Figure 7-57 Intersection Information Page Access Information on an Intersection 1) With the Intersection Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Enter an intersection identifier and press the ENT Key. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 6) To remove the flashing cursor, press the FMS Knob. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-27 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 7.6 NDB INFORMATION Figure 7-58 NDB Information Page Select the NDB Information Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NDB INFORMATION. View Information on a Specific NDB 1) With the NDB Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired selection field (identifier, name or closest city). 3) Enter an identifier, name or city and press the ENT Key. 4) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 7.7 VOR INFORMATION Figure 7-59 VOR Information Page Select the VOR Information Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select VOR INFORMATION. Access Information on a VOR 1) With the VOR Information Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired selection field (identifier, name or closest city). 3) Enter an identifier, name or city and press the ENT Key. 4) The ‘FREQUENCY’ field is now highlighted. If desired, press the ENT Key to place the frequency in the NAV receiver standby field. 5) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 7-28 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 7.8 USER WAYPOINT INFORMATION PAGE See the Flight Planning section for a discussion on creating and modifying user defined waypoints. 7.9 NEAREST AIRPORTS Access Information on a Specific Airport 1) With the Nearest Airports Page displayed, press the APT Softkey to place the cursor in the ‘NEAREST AIRPORTS’ field. The first airport in the nearest airports list is highlighted. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired airport. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Access Runway Information for the Selected Airport 1) With the Nearest Airports Page displayed, press the RNWY Softkey to place the cursor in the ‘RUNWAYS’ field. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired runway. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Figure 7-60 Nearest Airports Page Nearest Airport Information on the MFD Quickly Tune the COM Transceiver to a Nearby Airport Frequency Select the Nearest Airports Page 1) With the Nearest Airports Page displayed, press the FREQ Softkey to place the cursor in the ‘FREQUENCIES’ field. 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired frequency. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST AIRPORTS. 3) Press the ENT Key. The selected frequency is placed in the COM standby frequency field. Initially, the closest airport to the aircraft’s present position is displayed. 4) Press the Frequency Transfer Key to place the frequency in the active field. 5) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-29 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Nearest Airports Information on the PFD Bearing TO 7.10 NEAREST INTERSECTIONS Distance Airport Symbol Identifier Runway Length Primary COM Frequency Figure 7-61 Nearest Airports Window Press the NRST Softkey to display the PFD Nearest Airports Window. View Information on a Specific Airport in the List 1) With the Nearest Airports Window displayed, turn either FMS Knob to place the cursor on the desired airport identifier. Select the Nearest Intersections Page 2) Press the ENT Key to display airport information. 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 3) Press the ENT Key again (cursor is on ‘BACK’) to return to the list. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST INTERSECTIONS. Load an Airport COM Frequency into the Active COM View Information on the Nearest Intersection 1) With the Nearest Airports Window displayed, turn either FMS Knob to place the cursor on the desired airport frequency shown in the window. 2) Press the ENT Key and the selected frequency is placed in the COM standby frequency field. 3) Press the Frequency Transfer Key to make the frequency the active frequency. 7-30 Figure 7-62 Nearest Intersections Page 1) With the Nearest Intersections Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired intersection. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 7.11 NEAREST NDB 7.12 NEAREST VOR Figure 7-64 Nearest VOR Page Figure 7-63 Nearest NDB Page Select the Nearest NDB Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST NDB. Access Information on a Specific NDB 1) With the Nearest NDB Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired NDB. The remaining information on the Nearest NDB Page pertains to the selected NDB. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Select the Nearest VOR Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST VOR. View Information on the Nearest VOR 1) With the Nearest VOR Page displayed, press the VOR Softkey to place the cursor in the ‘NEAREST VOR’ box. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select a VOR. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Select and Load a VOR Frequency 1) With the Nearest VOR Page displayed, press the FREQ Softkey to highlight the VOR frequency in the ‘FREQUENCY’ field. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-31 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 2) Press the ENT Key. The selected VOR frequency is placed in the NAV standby frequency field. Waypoint Page pertains to the selected Nearest User Waypoint. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 3) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 7.13 NEAREST USER WAYPOINT Figure 7-65 Nearest User Waypoints Page Select the Nearest User Waypoint Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. Figure 7-66 Nearest Frequencies Page Select the Nearest Frequencies Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST USER WAYPOINT. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST FREQUENCIES. Select a Nearest User Waypoint Select and Load the Nearest ARTCC, FSS, or Weather Frequency 1) With the Nearest User Waypoint Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. If any previously entered User Waypoints are within 200 nm, they are displayed with the closest listed first. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. The remaining information on the Nearest User 7-32 7.14 NEAREST FREQUENCIES 1) With the Nearest Frequencies Page displayed, press the ARTCC, FSS, or WX Softkey to place the cursor in the appropriate field. 2) Turn the FMS Knobs to select the desired facility or frequency. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION 3) Press the ENT Key to load the frequency into the COM frequency standby field. 4) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 7.15 NEAREST AIRSPACES • If the aircraft is within two nautical miles of an airspace and the current course will not take the aircraft inside, ‘Within 2 nm’ is displayed. • If the aircraft has entered an airspace, ‘Inside’ is displayed. View Additional Details for a Listed Airspace 1) With the Nearest Airspace Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to scroll through the list, highlighting the desired airspace. 3) Press the ALERTS Softkey to place the cursor in the ‘AIRSPACE ALERTS’ field. 4) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired airspace. 5) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. View and Quickly Load the Frequency for a Controlling Agency Figure 7-67 Nearest Airspaces Page Select the Nearest Airspaces Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘NRST’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select NEAREST AIRSPACES. Airspace Alerts Box • If the projected course takes the aircraft inside an airspace within the next ten minutes, ‘Ahead’ is displayed. • If the aircraft is within two nautical miles of an airspace and the current course takes the aircraft inside, ‘Ahead < 2 nm’ is displayed. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 1) With the Nearest Airspace Page displayed, press the FREQ Softkey to place the cursor in ‘FREQUENCIES’ field. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired frequency. 3) Press the ENT Key to load the frequency into the COM frequency standby field. 4) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 7-33 SECTION 7 – NAVIGATION Blank Page 7-34 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING SECTION 8: FLIGHT PLANNING The following discussions pertain to the Multi Function Display, unless otherwise indicated. 8.1 USER DEFINED WAYPOINTS (deleted automatically when the system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain in the system, proceed to step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight ‘TEMPORARY’. b) Press the ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box. Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor back in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. 5) With the cursor in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field, turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of waypoint types. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select LAT/LON (latitude and longitude). 7) Press the ENT Key. Create a User Waypoint Defined by Radials from Other Waypoints Figure 8-1 User WPT Information Page Select the User WPT Information Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select USER DEFINED WAYPOINTS. Create a User Waypoint Defined by Latitude & Longitude 1) With the User Defined Waypoint Page displayed, press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is created at the current aircraft position. 2) Enter the desired waypoint name. 3) Press the ENT Key. 4) The cursor is now in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary 190-00384-12 Rev. A 1) With the User Defined Waypoint Page displayed, press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is created at the current aircraft position. 2) Enter the desired waypoint name. 3) Press the ENT Key. 4) The cursor is now in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary (deleted automatically when the system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain in the system, proceed to step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight ‘TEMPORARY’. b) Press the ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box. Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor back in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. 5) With the cursor in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field, turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of waypoint types. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-1 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select RAD/RAD (radial/ radial). c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 7) Press the ENT Key. d) Press the ENT Key. 8) The cursor moves to the ‘REFERENCE WAYPOINTS’ field. With the first waypoint name highlighted, use the FMS Knobs to enter the desired waypoint name. Waypoints may also be selected as follows: a) When a flight plan is active, turning the small FMS Knob to the left will display a list of the flight plan waypoints. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. c) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘NRST’ airports to the aircraft’s current position. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 10) Press the ENT Key. 11) Repeat step 10 to enter the next waypoint name. 12) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the ‘RAD’ (radial) field for the second waypoint. Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint. 13) Press the ENT Key. 14) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Create a User Waypoint Defined by a Radial & Distance from Another Waypoint 1) With the User Defined Waypoint Page displayed, press the NEW Softkey. A waypoint is created at the current aircraft position. 2) Enter the desired waypoint name. d) Press the ENT Key. 3) Press the ENT Key. Or: 4) The cursor is now in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. If desired, the waypoint can be made temporary (deleted automatically when the system is turned off). If the waypoint is to remain in the system, proceed to step 7. a) Turn the large FMS Knob one click to the left to highlight ‘TEMPORARY’. b) Press the ENT Key to place a check-mark in the box. Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor back in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field. a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘RECENT’ waypoints. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. d) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘USER’ waypoints. 8-2 9) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the ‘RAD’ (radial) field. Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint. 5) With the cursor in the ‘WAYPOINT TYPE’ field, turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of waypoint types. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select RAD/DIS (radial/ distance). c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 7) Press the ENT Key. d) Press the ENT Key. 8) The cursor moves to the ‘REFERENCE WAYPOINTS’ field. With the first waypoint name highlighted, use the FMS Knobs to enter the desired waypoint name. Waypoints may also be selected as follows: a) When a flight plan is active, turning the small FMS Knob to the left will display a list of the flight plan waypoints. b) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. c) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. 9) Press the ENT Key. The cursor is displayed in the ‘RAD’ (radial) field. Enter the desired radial from the reference waypoint. 10) Press the ENT Key. 11) The cursor is now displayed in the ‘DIS’ (distance) field. Enter the desired distance from the reference waypoint. 12) Press the ENT Key. 13) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. Create a User Waypoint using the Map Pointer b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘NRST’ airports to the aircraft’s current position. 1) Press the Joystick to activate the panning function and pan to the map location of the desired user waypoint. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. 2) Press the ENT Key. The User Waypoint Information Page is displayed with the captured position. d) Press the ENT Key. Or: a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘RECENT’ waypoints. c) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the desired waypoint. NOTE: If the pointer has highlighted a map database feature, one of three things happens upon pressing the ENT Key: 1) information about the selected feature is displayed instead of initiating a new waypoint, 2) a menu pops up allowing a choice between ‘Review Airspaces’ or ‘Create User Waypoint’, or 3) a new waypoint is initiated with the default name being the selected map item. d) Press the ENT Key. 3) Enter a user waypoint name (up to six characters). Or: 4) Press the ENT Key to accept the selected name. a) Turn the small FMS Knob to the left. Initially, a flight plan waypoint list is displayed. b) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right to display the ‘USER’ waypoints. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 5) If desired, define the type and location (i.e., LAT/ LON, RAD/RAD or RAD/DIS) of the waypoint. 6) Press the ENT Key to accept the new waypoint. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-3 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 7) If desired, change the storage method of the waypoint to “TEMPORARY” or “NORMAL” by moving the cursor to “TEMPORARY” and selecting the ENT Key to check or uncheck the box. 8) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor. 9) Press the GO BACK Softkey to return to the map page. Delete a User Waypoint 1) With the User Defined Waypoint Page displayed , press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to the place the cursor in the ‘USER WAYPOINT LIST’ field. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to highlight the desired waypoint. Figure 8-3 Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD 8.3 ACTIVATE A STORED FLIGHT PLAN 1) Press the FPL Key and turn the small FMS Knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page. 4) Press the DELETE Softkey. 5) The message ‘Would you like to delete the user waypoint?’ is displayed. With ‘YES’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. NOTE: The option to ‘Delete All User Waypoints’ is not available while the aircraft is in flight. 8.2 VIEWING THE ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Press the FPL Key. Figure 8-4 Flight Plan Catalog Page 2) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan and press the ACTIVE Softkey. Figure 8-2 Active Flight Plan Window on the PFD 8-4 4) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to activate the flight plan. To cancel the flight plan activation, turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENT Key. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 8.4 ACTIVATE A FLIGHT PLAN LEG 1) From the Active Flight Plan Page, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor and turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired destination waypoint. 2) Press the ACT LEG Softkey (using MFD only). Or: Press the MENU Key, select the ‘Activate Leg’ option from the page menu and press the ENT Key. This step must be used when activating a leg from the PFD. 3) With ‘Activate’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. Figure 8-7 Delete Flight Plan Confirmation 8.6 INVERT ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN 1) From the Active Flight Plan Page, press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘Invert Flight Plan’ and press the ENT Key. The original flight plan remains intact in its flight plan catalog storage location. 3) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to invert the flight plan. Figure 8-5 Activate Flight Plan Leg Confirmation 8.5 STOP NAVIGATING A FLIGHT PLAN 1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page. 2) Press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu window. Figure 8-8 Invert Flight Plan Figure 8-9 Invert Flight Plan Confirmation Figure 8-6 Delete Flight Plan 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘Delete Flight Plan’ and press the ENT Key. With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to deactivate the flight plan. This will not delete the stored flight plan, only the active flight plan. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 8.7 CREATE A FLIGHT PLAN Create a Flight Plan Using the MFD 1) Press the FPL Key and turn the small FMS Knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-5 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 2) Press the NEW Softkey to display a blank flight plan page for the first empty storage location. NOTE: After the first leg is entered (using the PFD only), it is immediately activated. 1) Press the FPL Key, then press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Figure 8-10 Create FPL on MFD 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Waypoint Information Window. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the first letter of the destination waypoint identifier. Turn the large FMS Knob to the right to move the cursor to the next character position. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to the right enter the first character of the identifier of the departure waypoint. Turning the knob to the left accesses the FPL, NRST, and RECENT waypoint list. 3) Repeat step 2 to spell out the rest of the waypoint identifier. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to the next character field. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the desired identifier has been entered. 5) Repeat steps 2 through 4 to enter the identifier for each additional flight plan waypoint. 4) Press the ENT Key and the cursor is now ready for entering of the next flight plan waypoint. 6) Once all waypoints have been entered, press the FMS Knob remove the cursor. The new flight plan is now active. Figure 8-11 Waypoint Info Window Figure 8-12 Creating Flight Plan on the PFD 6) Press the ENT Key. 7) Repeat step number 3, 4, and 5 to enter the identifier for each additional flight plan waypoint. 8) When all waypoints have been entered, press the FMS Knob to return to the Flight Plan Catalog Page. The new flight plan is now in the list. Create a Flight Plan Using the PFD NOTE: A flight plan cannot be entered using the PFD if another flight plan is active. 8.8 IMPORT A FLIGHT PLAN FROM AN SD CARD 1) Insert the SD card containing the flight plan in the top card slot on the MFD. 2) Press the FPL Key on the Control Unit to display the Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page. 4) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 8-6 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 5) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight an empty or existing flight plan. 6) Press the IMPORT Softkey; or press the MENU Key, select “Import Flight Plan”, and press the ENT Key. If an empty slot is selected, a list of the available flight plans on the SD card will be displayed. Or: If an existing flight plan is selected, an “Overwrite existing flight plan? OK or CANCEL” prompt is displayed. Press the ENT Key to choose to overwrite the selected flight plan and see the list of available flight plans on the SD card. If overwriting the existing flight plan is not desired, select “CANCEL” using the FMS Knob, press the ENT Key, select another flight plan slot, and press the IMPORT Softkey again. Figure 8-14 Import Successful 9) Press the ENT Key again to confirm the import. 8.9 ENTER AN AIRWAY IN A FLIGHT PLAN 1) Press the FPL Key to display the active flight plan or display a stored flight plan. 2) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the waypoint before which the airway is to be entered. Figure 8-13 List of Flight Plans to Import 7) Turn the small FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan for importing. 8) Press the ENT Key to initiate the import. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 8-15 Airway Insertion Point 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Waypoint Information Window and begin entering the desired airways entry point. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-7 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING Figure 8-16 Load Airway Entry Point Figure 8-18 Enter Airway Identifier 5) When the desired entry point is entered, press the ENT Key. 7) When the desired airway is entered, press the LD AIRWY Softkey. 8) Turn either FMS Knob to scroll through the list of available exit points. Figure 8-17 Airway Entry Point Loaded 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Waypoint Information Window and begin entering the desired airway identifier. Figure 8-19 Select Desired Exit Point 9) With the desired exit point highlighted, press the ENT Key. 10) With ‘LOAD?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 8-8 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 8.14 STORE A FLIGHT PLAN 1) After creating a flight plan on either the PFD or MFD, it may be saved by pressing the MENU Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘Store Flight Plan’ and press the ENT Key. Figure 8-20 Airway Added to Flight Plan 3) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to store the flight plan. 8.10 LOAD A DEPARTURE See the Procedures section for a discussion on loading and activating departure procedures. 8.11 LOAD AN ARRIVAL See the Procedures section for a discussion on loading and activating arrival procedures. 8.12 LOAD AN APPROACH See the Procedures section for a discussion on loading and activating approach procedures. 8.13 REMOVE A DEPARTURE, ARRIVAL, APPROACH, OR AIRWAY FROM A FLIGHT PLAN 1) With the Active or Stored Flight Plan Page displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the title for the approach, departure, arrival, or airway to be deleted. Titles appear in white directly above the procedure’s waypoints. 3) Press the CLR Key to display a confirmation window. With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to remove the selected procedure or airway. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 8-21 Store Flight Plan Confirmation 8.15 EDIT A STORED FLIGHT PLAN 1) Press the FPL Key and turn the small FMS Knob to display the Flight Plan Catalog Page. 2) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan and press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to place the cursor in the desired locations for entering changes. 5) Turn the FMS Knobs to make the desired changes, then press the ENT Key. 6) Press the FMS Knob to return to the Flight Plan Catalog Page. 8.16 DELETE A WAYPOINT FROM THE FLIGHT PLAN 1) With either the Active or Stored Flight Plan displayed, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the waypoint to be deleted. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-9 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 3) Press the CLR Key to display a ‘REMOVE (Wpt Name)’ confirmation window. Figure 8-22 Remove Waypoint Confirmation 4) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to remove the waypoint. To cancel the delete request, turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENT Key. 5) Once all changes have been made, press the FMS Knob to remove the cursor. 8.17 INVERT AND ACTIVATE A STORED FLIGHT PLAN 1) From the Flight Plan Catalog Page, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 8.19 DELETE A FLIGHT PLAN 1) From the Flight Plan Catalog Page, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the flight plan to be deleted. 3) Press the DELETE Softkey. 4) A ‘Delete flight plan #?’ confirmation window is displayed. With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to delete the flight plan. To cancel, turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENT Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired flight plan. NOTE: The option to delete all stored flight plans is not available while the aircraft is in flight. 3) Press the INVERT Softkey. ‘Invert and activate stored flight plan?’ is displayed. 8.20 GRAPHICAL FLIGHT PLAN CREATION 4) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. The selected flight plan is now inverted and activated. The original flight plan remains intact in its flight plan catalog storage location. 1) Press the FPL Key on the MFD to display the Active Flight Plan Page. 8.18 COPY A FLIGHT PLAN 1) From the Flight Plan Catalog press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the flight plan to be copied. 3) Press the COPY Softkey. 8-10 4) A ‘Copy to flight plan #?’ confirmation window is displayed. With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to copy the flight plan. To cancel, turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENT Key. 2) Press the Joystick to activate the map pointer. Use the Joystick to move the pointer to the desired point on the map to be inserted as a waypoint in the flight plan. 3) Press the LD WPT Softkey. The selected waypoint is inserted at the end of the flight plan. The default user waypoint naming is USR000, USR001, USR002 and so on. 4) If the selected waypoint is to be placed elsewhere in the flight plan, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. Waypoints are inserted ABOVE the cursor. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 5) After placing the cursor at the desired point in the list of waypoints, press the LD WPT Softkey. 6) To change the user waypoint name, follow the procedure for modifying a user waypoint. 8.21 TRIP PLANNING 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘AUX’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select TRIP PLANNING. 3) The current page mode is displayed at the top of the page: ‘AUTOMATIC’ or ‘MANUAL’. To change the page mode, press the AUTO or MANUAL Softkey. Starting WPT Ending WPT Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the ending waypoint and press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. Or: For point-to-point planning, turn the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the starting waypoint. Once the waypoints identifier is entered, press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. The flashing cursor moves to the ending waypoint. Again, turn the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the ending waypoint and press the ENT Key to accept the waypoint. Or: For flight plan leg planning, press the FPL Softkey (at the bottom of the display) and turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired flight plan (already stored in memory), by number. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ‘LEG’ field and turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired leg of the flight plan, or select ‘CUM’ to apply trip planning calculations to the entire flight plan. Selecting ‘FPL 00’ displays the active flight plan. If the active flight plan is selected, ‘REM’ is an available option to display planning data for the remainder of the flight plan. NOTE: The Page Mode must be set to MANUAL to perform the following steps. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the departure time (DEP TIME) field. Figure 8-23 Trip Planning Page 4) For Direct-to planning, press the WPTS Softkey and verify that the starting waypoint field indicates ‘P.POS’ (present position). If necessary, press the MENU Key and select ‘Set WPT to Present Position’ to display ‘P.POS’. Press the ENT Key and the flashing cursor moves to the ending waypoint field. 190-00384-12 Rev. A NOTE: The departure time on the Trip Planning Page is used for preflight planning. Refer to the Utility Page for the actual flight departure time. 6) Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the departure time. Press the ENT Key when finished. (Departure time may be entered in local or UTC time, depending upon system settings). Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 8-11 SECTION 8 – FLIGHT PLANNING 7) Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the fuel flow. Press the ENT Key when finished. Note that in automatic page mode, fuel flow is provided by the system. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the flight plan to be exported. 6) Press the EXPORT Softkey. 8) The flashing cursor moves to the fuel on board field. Turn the FMS Knobs to modify the fuel on board. Press the ENT Key when finished. In ‘AUTOMATIC’ mode, fuel onboard is provided by the entry made in ‘GAL REM’ on the EIS System Page. 9) The flashing cursor moves to the calibrated airspeed field. Turn the FMS Knobs to enter a calibrated airspeed. Press the ENT Key when finished. 10) The flashing cursor moves to the indicated altitude field. Turn the FMS Knobs to enter indicated altitude. Press the ENT Key when finished. 11) The flashing cursor moves to the barometric pressure field. Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the altimeter barometric pressure setting. Press the ENT Key when finished. 12) The flashing cursor moves to the total air temperature field. Turn the FMS Knobs to enter the total air temperature. Press the ENT Key when finished. Figure 8-24 Stored Flight Plan to be Exported & Exported Flight Plan Name 7) Press the ENT Key to confirm the export. 8.22 EXPORT A FLIGHT PLAN TO AN SD CARD NOTE: See the Annunciations & Alerts section for flight plan export message descriptions. 1) Insert the SD card into the top card slot on the MFD. 2) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD. Figure 8-25 Export Successful 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Flight Plan Catalog Page. 4) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor. 8-12 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 9 – PROCEDURES SECTION 9: PROCEDURES 9.1 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES Load and Activate a Departure Procedure 1) Press the PROC Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘SELECT DEPARTURE’. 3) Press the ENT Key. 4) If a flight plan is active, the departure airport is displayed as the default. A list of available departures is also displayed. If no flight plan is active, use the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the desired airport. Press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Departure field. Turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of available departures. 6) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired departure and press the ENT Key. Figure 9-2 Select Departure Transition 9) With ‘LOAD?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. The departure is active when the flight plan is active. Load and Activate An Arrival Procedure NOTE: If any portion of an arrival procedure is the active leg of a flight plan, the existing arrival procedure must be deleted before changing to a different arrival procedure. 1) Press the PROC Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘SELECT ARRIVAL’. 3) Press the ENT Key. 4) If a flight plan is active, the destination airport is displayed as the default. A list of available arrivals is also displayed. If no flight plan is active, use the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the desired airport. Press the ENT Key. Figure 9-1 Select Departure 7) A list of runways may be displayed for the departure. Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired runway and press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Arrival field. Turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of available arrivals. 6) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired arrival and press the ENT Key. 8) A list of available transitions is displayed for the departure. Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired transition waypoint and press the ENT Key. Figure 9-3 Select Arrival 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 9-1 SECTION 9 – PROCEDURES 7) A second window is displayed listing available transitions for the arrival. Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired transition waypoint and press the ENT Key. Figure 9-4 Select Arrival Transition 8) A third window is displayed listing the available runways. Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired runway and press the ENT Key. Figure 9-5 Select Arrival Runway 9) With ‘LOAD?’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. If a flight plan is active, the selected arrival procedure is inserted after the destination airport and becomes part of the active flight plan. If no flight plan is active when the arrival is loaded, the arrival procedure becomes the active flight plan. 9.2 APPROACHES NOTE: If certain GPS parameters (SBAS, RAIM, etc.) are not available, some published approach procedures for the desired airport may not be displayed in the list of available approaches. Not all approaches in the database are approved for GPS use. When selecting an approach, a “GPS” designation to the right of the procedure name indicates the procedure can be flown using the GPS receiver. Some procedures do not have this designation, meaning the GPS receiver can be used for supplemental navigation guidance only. If the GPS receiver cannot be used for primary guidance, the appropriate navigation receiver must be used for the selected approach (e.g., VOR or ILS). The final course segment of ILS approaches, for example, must be flown by tuning the Nav receiver to the proper frequency and selecting that Nav receiver on the CDI. The G1000 GPS allows for flying LNAV, LNAV/VNAV (SBAS only), and LPV (SBAS only) approaches according to the published chart. The active approach type is annunciated on the HSI as shown in the following table: HSI ANNUNCIATION LNAV LNAV+V* L/VNAV* LPV* DESCRIPTION GPS approach using published LNAV minima. GPS approach using published LNAV minima. Advisory vertical guidance is provided. GPS approach using published LNAV/VNAV minima. GPS approach using published LPV minima. * SBAS systems only 9-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 9 – PROCEDURES Load and/or Activate an Approach Procedure 1) Press the PROC Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘SELECT APPROACH’. 3) Press the ENT Key. 4) If a flight plan is active, the destination airport is displayed as the default. A list of available approaches is also displayed. If no flight plan is active, use the FMS Knobs to enter the identifier of the desired airport. Press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Approach field. Turn the small FMS Knob to display a list of available approaches. Figure 9-7 Selecting an Approach Transition 8) The cursor moves to the MINIMUMS field. If desired, the decision altitude for the selected approach procedure may be entered and displayed on the PFD as described in the Barometric Altitude Minimums discussion in the Flight Instruments section. Turn the small FMS Knob in the direction of the green arrow to change the display from OFF to BARO. Press the ENT Key. Figure 9-6 Selecting an Approach Procedure 6) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the desired approach. Press the ENT Key. 7) The cursor moves to the TRANSITIONS field. Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired transition waypoint and press the ENT Key. (The “Vectors” option assumes vectors will be received to the final course segment of the approach and will provide navigation guidance relative to the final approach course.) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 9-8 Selecting Barometric Altitude Minimums Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 9-3 SECTION 9 – PROCEDURES 9) The cursor moves to the altitude field. Turn the small FMS Knob to enter the published decision altitude for the selected approach procedure. Press the ENT Key. Activate A Missed Approach in the Active Flight Plan 1) Press the PROC Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘ACTIVATE MISSED APPROACH’. 3) Press the ENT Key. A confirmation window is displayed. 4) With ‘ACTIVATE’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. Or: Press the GA switch. Figure 9-9 Entering Minimum Altitude 10) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘Activate?’ and press the ENT Key to activate the approach. Activating the approach initiates a direct-to for IAF and the G1000 immediately begins navigating to the IAF. Selecting ‘Load?’ adds the procedure to the flight plan without immediately using it for navigation guidance. Activate An Approach in the Active Flight Plan 1) With the Navigation Map Page displayed, press the PROC Key. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘ACTIVATE APPROACH’. 3) Press the ENT Key. The approach procedure is now active and a direct-to is initiated to the IAF. 9-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE SECTION 10: HAZARD AVOIDANCE 10.1 CUSTOMIZING THE HAZARD DISPLAYS ON THE NAVIGATION MAP 1) With the Navigation Map Page displayed, press the MENU Key to display the Navigation Map Page Menu. The cursor flashes on the ‘Map Setup’ option. 2) Press the ENT Key. The Map Setup Menu is displayed. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the ‘Weather’ group (Figure 10-2) to customize the display of weather features. Select ‘Traffic’ to customize the display of traffic. 3) Press the small FMS Knob to return to the Navigation Map Page. 10.2 STORMSCOPE® (OPTIONAL) WARNING: The Stormscope system is not intended to be used for hazardous thunderstorm penetration. Weather information on the G1000 MFD is approved for weather avoidance only. Refer to the WX-500 Pilot’s Guide for detailed operation. Displaying Stormscope Lightning Data on the Navigation Map Page 1) Press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the STRMSCP Softkey. Press the STRMSCP Softkey again to remove Stormscope Lightning Data from the Navigation Map Page. Figure 10-1 Page Menu Figure 10-2 Map Setup Menu Figure 10-4 In-Flight Navigation Map Page Displaying Stormscope Lightning Data Lightning Age Strike is less than 6 seconds old Symbol Strike is between 6 and 60 seconds old Figure 10-3 Map Setup Group List 190-00384-12 Rev. A Strike is between 1 and 2 minutes old Strike is between 2 and 3 minutes old Table 10-1 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-1 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE At a map range of less than 25 nm, Stormscope lightning data is not displayed, but can still be present. Select ‘cell’ or ‘strike’ as the Stormscope lightning mode: 1) With the Weather Group selected, press the ENT Key. The cursor flashes on ‘STRMSCP LTNG’. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to select ‘STRMSCP MODE’. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the ‘Cell/Strike’ window. 4) Turn either FMS Knob to select ‘Cell’ or ‘Strike’. Press the ENT Key. 5) Push the FMS Knob to return to the Navigation Map Page. Figure 10-5 Stormscope Page Clear Stormscope lightning data from the Navigation Map Page: Change the Stormscope lightning mode between ‘cell’ and ‘strike’: 1) Press the MENU Key (with the Navigation Map Page displayed). 1) Select the Stormscope Page. 2) Turn either FMS Knob to highlight the ‘Clear Stormscope® Lightning’ field and press the ENT Key. NOTE: If heading input is lost, strikes and/or cells must be cleared manually after the execution of each turn. This is to ensure that the strike and/or cell positions are depicted accurately in relation to the nose of the aircraft. 2) Press the MODE Softkey. The CELL and STRIKE Softkeys are displayed. Press the CELL Softkey to display ‘CELL’ data or press the STRIKE Softkey to display ‘STRIKE’ data. ‘CELL’ or ‘STRIKE’ is displayed in the mode box located in the upper left corner of the Stormscope Page. NOTE: “Cell mode” uses a clustering program to identify clusters of electrical activity that indicate cells. Change the viewing mode between 360˚ and 120˚: Stormscope Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select STORMSCOPE. 1) Select the Stormscope Page. 2) Press the VIEW Softkey. The 360 and ARC Softkeys are displayed. Press the 360 Softkey to display a 360˚ viewing area or press the ARC Softkey to display a 120˚ viewing area. Press the CLEAR Softkey to remove all Stormscope lightning data from the display. 10-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 10.3 XM WEATHER (SERVICE OPTIONAL) WARNING: XM Weather is not intended to be used for hazardous weather penetration. Weather information provided by XM Radio Service is approved only for weather avoidance, not penetration. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select AIRPORT INFORMATION. 3) Press the WX Softkey to display METAR and TAF text (METAR and TAF information is updated every 12 minutes). 1) From the Navigation Map Page, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the NEXRAD or XM LTNG Softkey to display the desired weather. Press the applicable softkey again to remove weather data from the Navigation Map Page. METAR Text TAF Text WX Softkey Figure 10-7 METAR and TAF Text Displayed on the Airport (Weather) Information Page Figure 10-6 Navigation Map Page Displaying NEXRAD Weather NOTE: Weather is not displayed on the Navigation Map Page at zoom levels less than 10 nm. Displaying METAR and TAF information on the Airport Information Page Raw METAR text is also accessible while panning the map cursor over a METAR flag on any map page on which a METAR is displayed. The METAR text is shown in a box near the METAR flag. In addition, METAR flags and their associated text are displayed on the Active Flight Plan Page on the MFD. METAR flags appears next to waypoints in the flight plan with an associated METAR. A solid light blue METAR flag indicates the METAR observations are avable for specific waypoint; a hollow light blue METAR flag indicates an offroute METAR is available near the waypoint. 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘WPT’ page group. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-3 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Displaying Weather on the Weather Data Link Page Select the Weather Data Link Page: 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select WEATHER DATA LINK. 3) Press the available softkeys to select the desired XM weather product. 4) Press the LEGEND Softkey to view the legends for the selected products. If necessary, turn either FMS Knob to scroll through the list. Press the small FMS Knob or the ENT Key to return to the map. NEXRAD Limitations Certain limitations exist regarding the NEXRAD radar displays. Some, but not all, are listed here: • NEXRAD base reflectivity does not provide sufficient information to determine cloud layers or precipitation characteristics (hail vs. rain, etc). • An individual NEXRAD site cannot depict high altitude storms at close ranges, and has no information about storms directly over the site. • The resolution of displayed NEXRAD data is 4 square kilometers. Therefore, when zoomed in on the display, each square block is 2 kilometers on each side. The intensity level reflected by the square is the highest level sampled within the square area. ECHO TOP – Press the ECHO TOP Softkey to show the location, elevation, and direction the highest radar echo. This may not indicate the top of a storm or clouds, only the highest radar return echo. ECHO TOPS cannot be displayed along with NEXRAD and CLOUD TOPS. When ECHO TOPS is activated, NEXRAD and CLOUD TOPS are removed. Refer to the Legend for a description of the ECHO TOPS coding. The display is updated every 7.5 minutes. Figure 10-8 Weather Data Link Page (XM) NEXRAD – Press the NEXRAD Softkey to show NEXRAD weather and radar coverage information. Areas where radar coverage is not available are shown in grayish-purple. The display is updated every five minutes. 10-4 CLD TOP – Press the CLD TOP Softkey to show the cloud top altitude determined from satellite imagery. The display is updated every 15 minutes. LTNG – Pressing the LTNG Softkey shows the location of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. The display is updated every five minutes. NOTE: Strikes depicted represent cloud to ground strikes within a 2 kilometer radius of the actual strike location. Therefore, the exact location of the strike is not displayed. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE CELL MOV – Pressing the CELL MOV Softkey shows storm cell movement by displaying an arrow pointing in the direction of predicted movement. The display is updated every 12 minutes. SIG/AIR – Pressing the SIG/AIR Softkey shows SIGMET and AIRMET information. The display is updated every 12 minutes. METAR – Press the METAR Softkey to graphically display METARs. METARs are shown as colored flags at airports providing METAR reports. The display is updated every 12 minutes. MORE WX – Press the MORE WX Softkey to display the following group of softkeys for additional weather control: SFC – Pressing the SFC Softkey for Surface Analysis shows current or forecast conditions. Forecasts are available for intervals of Current, 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours. Press the softkey corresponding to the desired forecast. The closest city forecast information is displayed in the legend. The display is updated every 12 minutes. FRZ LVL – Press the FRZ LVL Softkey to display contour lines for freezing levels. The display is updated every 12 minutes. CYCLONE – Pressing the CYCLONE Softkey shows the current location of cyclones (hurricanes and tropical storms) and their projected track at various time intervals. The update rate is every 12 minutes. Map Panning Information – Weather Data Link Page 1) Push in the Joystick to display the panning arrow. 2) Move the Joystick to place the panning arrow on AIRMETs, TFRs, METARs, or SIGMETs. Press the ENT Key to display pertinent information for the selected product. Note that pressing the ENT Key when panning over an AIRMET or a SIGMET displays an information box that displays the text of the report. Panning over an airport with METAR information does not display more information but allows the user to press the ENT Key and select that Airport’s Information Page to display the text of the report. Pressing the ENT Key when panning over a TFR displays TFR specific information. Displaying TFR Data: WIND – Press the WIND Softkey to show wind speed and direction at a selected altitude from the ground up to 42,000 feet in 3,000 foot increments. After pressing the WIND Softkey, press the softkey corresponding to the desired winds aloft altitude. The display is updated every 12 minutes. 1) Select the Weather Data Link (XM) Page or Navigation Map Page. COUNTY – Pressing the COUNTY Softkey provides specific public awareness and protection weather warnings for Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, and Flood conditions provided by the National Weather Service (NWS). The display is updated every 5 minutes. 4) If necessary, turn the FMS Knob to select ‘Review Airspaces’ and press the ENT Key. The system displays the TFR Information window. 5) Press the FMS Knob or the CLR Key to remove the TFR Information window. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 2) Press the RANGE Knob and pan the map pointer over a TFR to highlight it. The system displays TFR summary information above the map. 3) Press the ENT Key. The system displays a pop-up menu. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-5 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Enabling/disabling winds aloft data display in Profile View: 1) Select the Navigation Map Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With Map Setup highlighted, press the ENT Key 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Profile Group and press the ENT Key 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to select ‘Profile Winds’. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘On’ or ‘Off’. 7) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the Navigation Map Page with the changed settings. Weather Products & Symbols Table 10-2 depicts the symbol for each weather product. When a weather product is active, the product symbol is displayed in the lower right of the screen. The XM Information Page in the AUX page group displays the weather products available for the current subscription. A green box by the weather product means that it is available. From within the AUX - XM INFORMATION Page, the pilot may switch to the AUX - XM RADIO Page by pressing the RADIO Softkey. Alternatively, the pilot may switch to the AUX - XM INFORMATION Page from the AUX - XM RADIO Page by pressing the INFO Softkey. XM WX Satellite Weather Products and Symbols Wx Product Status Icons Description NEXRAD - Available for the US and Canada. The age of the displayed data for each is shown at the right. ECHO TOP - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. Not displayed when CLOUD TOP is displayed. 10-6 Wx Product Status Icons Description CLOUD TOP - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. Not displayed when ECHO TOP is displayed. XM LIGHTNING - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. CELL MOVEMENT - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. SIGMET & AIRMET - The age of the displayed data for each is shown at the right. METAR - Available for the US and Canada. The age of the displayed data for each is shown at the right. FREEZING LEVEL - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. SURFACE ANALYSIS with CITY FORECAST - The upper symbol depicts Surface Analysis. The lower symbol depicts City Forecast. The age of the displayed data for each is shown at the right. The selected forecast period is shown at the bottom. WINDS ALOFT - Available for the US and Canada. The age of the displayed data for each is shown at the right. The altitude selection is shown at the bottom. COUNTY WARNING - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. CYCLONE WARNING - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. AIREP - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. PIREP - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. Urgent Pireps are displayed in yellow. TURBULENCE - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. The altitude selection is shown at the bottom. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Wx Product Status Icons Description ICING POTENTIAL - The age of the displayed data is shown at the right. The altitude selection is shown at the bottom. No Status Icon TFR- Depicted as an area outlined in yellow Table 10-2 NOTE: The LOCK Softkey on the AUX - XM INFORMATION Page is used to save the GDL 69(A) activation data when the XM services are initially set up. It is not used during normal operation of the GDL 69(A), but it should have no adverse effects if inadvertently selected during flight. Refer to the GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio Activation Instructions (190-00355-04, Rev E or later) for further information. Weather Product Age The age for each of the enabled products is displayed on the right side of the display. Times are based on GMT time when the data was assembled on the ground, not the time the data was received by the XM receiver. When the age of a weather product has exceeded half of the expiration time, the product time changes from light blue to amber in color. Weather Product Expires After (minutes) SIGMETs/AIRMETs 60 City Forecasts 90 County Warnings 60 Cyclone Warnings 60 Echo Tops 30 Freezing Levels 60 190-00384-12 Rev. A Weather Product METARs Lightning NEXRAD Radar Coverage Cell Movement Surface Analysis TFRs Winds Aloft TAFs Clouds Tops Icing PIREPs AIREPs Turbulence Expires After (minutes) 90 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 90 90 90 180 Table 10-3 10.4 FIS-B WEATHER (OPTIONAL) NOTE: FIS-B Weather provides information for avoiding hazardous weather. Do not utilize FIS-B Weather information to penetrate hazardous weather. Accessing FIS-B Weather Products 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Map Page Group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. When a weather product is selected for display on the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-7 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE FIS-B Weather Data Link Page, a box containing a symbol for the product and its age (in minutes) is shown in the upper right. If weather data has not been received yet, ‘N/A’ is shown next to the product symbol instead of age. The age of the weather product is based on the time difference between when the data was assembled on the ground and the current GPS time. Weather products are updated continuously or refreshed at specific intervals (defined in the Refresh Rate column in the following table). If for any reason, a weather product is not refreshed within the defined Expiration Time intervals, the data is considered expired and is removed from the display. The age of the expired product is replaced by dashes. If more than half of the expiration time has elapsed, the color of the product age readout changes to yellow. The refresh rate represents the interval at which the servers make available the most current known weather data. It does not necessarily represent the rate at which new content is received from weather sources. Setting Up and Customizing the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page 1) Select the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Weather Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘Product Group 1’ and press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob or press the ENT Key to scroll through product selections. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings, etc.). 7) Press the ENT Key to select an option. 8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page with the changed settings. Figure 10-9 Weather Data Link Page (FIS-B) Menu FIS-B Weather Product Expiration Time (Minutes) Refresh Rate (Minutes) 30 2.5 90 5 no product image 30 2.5 no product image 60 10 Symbol Regional Radar Precipitation (PRECIP) Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METARs) Radar Coverage (RADAR CVRG) Terminal Aerodrome Reports (TAFs) Table 10-4 10-8 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired Weather Data Link Page. 3) Press the MENU Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select ‘Display GFDS Weather’ or ‘Display XM’ Weather’ or ‘Display FIS-B Weather’ (choice dependent on current weather source) and press the ENT Key. Viewing Legends for Displayed FIS-B Weather Products 1) Select the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the LEGEND Softkey to display the legends for the displayed weather products. Or: a) Press the MENU Key. b) Select ‘Weather Legend’ and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the FMS Knob to scroll through the legends if more are available than fit in the window. Figure 10-10 Weather Data Link Page Setup Menu Restoring Default FIS-B Weather Data Link Page Settings 1) Select the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Weather Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) To remove the Legend Window, select the LEGEND Softkey, the ENT or the CLR Key, or press the FMS Knob. Setting Up and Customizing Weather Data for the Navigation Map Page 1) Select the Navigation Map Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 4) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Map Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 5) Highlight the desired default(s) to restore (all or for selection) and press ENT Key. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the ‘Weather’ Group and press the ENT Key. Switching Between FIS-B, GFDS and XM WX Sources 1) Turn the large FMS Knob on the MFD to select the MAP page group. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 5) Turn the large FMS Knob or press the ENT Key to scroll through product selections. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings). 7) Press the ENT Key to select an option. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-9 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the Navigation Map Page with the changed settings. Figure 10-11 Navigation Map Page Menu Figure 10-13 Navigation Map Page Setup Menu, Weather Group Figure 10-12 Navigation Map Page Setup Menu FIS-B Weather Products Precipitation Precipitation data is not real-time. The lapsed time between collection, processing, and dissemination of radar images can be significant and may not reflect the current radar synopsis. Due to the inherent delays and the relative age of the data, it should be used for longrange planning purposes only. NOTE: Precipitation data cannot be displayed on the Navigation Map Page at the same time as terrain. 10-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 3) Press the ENT Key. The Weather Information Page is shown with METAR and TAF text. 4) Use the FMS Knob or the ENT Key to scroll through the METAR and TAF text. METAR text must be completely scrolled through before scrolling through the TAF text. 5) Press the FMS Knob or the CLR Key to return to the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. Or: Figure 10-14 Weather Data Link Page(FIS-B) PRECIP Displaying Precipitation Weather Information 1) Select the MAP Softkey (for the PFD Inset Map, select the INSET Softkey). This step is not necessary on the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the PRECIP Softkey. METARs and TAFs NOTE: METAR information is only displayed within the installed navigation database service area. 1) Select the Weather Information Page. a) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Waypoint Page Group. b) Select the WX Softkey to select the Weather Information Page. 2) Press the FMS Knob to display the cursor. 3) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired airport and press the ENT Key. 4) Use the FMS Knob or the ENT Key to scroll through the METAR and TAF text. Note that the METAR text must be completely scrolled through before scrolling through the TAF text. To display the METAR legend on the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page, select the LEGEND Softkey when METARs are selected for display. METAR and TAF text are displayed on the WPTWeather Information Page. TAF information is displayed in its raw form when it is available. Displaying METAR and TAF text 1) On the FIS-B Weather Data Link Page, select the METAR Softkey. 2) Press the RANGE Knob and pan to the desired airport. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-11 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Airport Selected with Map Pointer Instructions for Viewing METAR and TAF Text 10.5 WORLDWIDE WEATHER (OPTIONAL) NOTE: Garmin Flight Data Services Worldwide Weather provides information for avoiding hazardous weather. Do not utilize Worldwide Weather information to penetrate hazardous weather. Weather data is provided when the pilot initiates either a manual or automatic GFDS data request on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page on the MFD. No weather data is displayed until the first GFDS Weather Data Request is made. Registering with Garmin Flight Data Services Figure 10-15 Weather Datalink (FIS-B) METAR Figure 10-16 METAR Legend A subscriber account must be established prior to receiving Worldwide Weather products. Contact Garmin Flight Data Services at 1-866-739-5687 in the United States or 913-397-8200, ext. 1135. After a subscriber account has been established, the system must be registered for datalink features such as reporting services or GFDS Worldwide Weather. Registration is accomplished by entering the required access code. This process is only performed when initially setting up the system for GFDS services. Registering the system for datalink services 1) With the aircraft outside and having a clear view of the sky, turn the large FMS Knob on the MFD to select the AUX page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the AUXSYSTEM STATUS. Note the System ID number in the AIRFRAME field. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the MAP Page group. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the MAPWEATHER DATA LINK Page. 10-12 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 5) Press the MENU Key. If necessary, select ‘Display GFDS Weather’. 6) Press ENT Key. The ‘GARMIN FLIGHT DATA SERVICE REGISTRATION’ Window is now displayed. 7) Press the MENU Key. The Page Menu window is now displayed. 8) Using the FMS Knob enter the access code obtained from Garmin Flight Data Services in the ACCESS CODE field. 9) Press the ENT Key. REGISTER will now be highlighted. 10) Press the ENT Key. System registration is complete when ‘REGISTERED’ is displayed in the STATUS field. Switching Between GFDS, FIS-B and XM WX Sources 1) Turn the large FMS Knob on the MFD to select the MAP page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired Weather Data Link Page. 3) Press the MENU Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select ‘Display GFDS Weather’ or ‘Display XM’ Weather’ or ‘Display FIS-B Weather’ (choice dependent on current weather source) and press the ENT Key. Accessing GFDS Worldwide Weather Products 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Map Page Group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. When a weather product is selected for display on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page, a box containing a symbol for the product and its age (in minutes) are shown in the upper right. If weather data has not been requested, ‘N/A’ is shown next to the product symbol instead of age. The 190-00384-12 Rev. A age of the weather product is based on the time difference between when the data was assembled on the ground and the current GPS time. Weather products are updated continuously or refreshed at specific intervals (defined in the Refresh Rate column in the following table). If for any reason, a weather product is not refreshed within the defined Expiration Time intervals, the data is considered expired and is removed from the display. The age of the expired product is replaced by dashes. If more than half of the expiration time has elapsed, the color of the product age readout changes to yellow. The refresh rate represents the interval at which the GFDS servers make available the most current known weather data. It does not necessarily represent the rate at which new content is received from weather sources. Weather Product Symbol Radar Precipitation (PRECIP) Infrared Satellite (IR SAT) Datalink Lightning (DL LTNG) SIGMETs/ AIRMETs (SIG/AIR) Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METARs) Winds Aloft (WIND) Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III Expiration Refresh Rate Time (Minutes) (Minutes) U.S./Canada: 3* 30 Europe: 15 60 30 30 Continuous 60 Continuous 90 Continuous 60 Continuous 10-13 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Weather Product Symbol Expiration Refresh Rate Time (Minutes) (Minutes) Pilot Weather Report 90 Continuous (PIREPs) Temporary Flight no Restrictions product 60 Continuous (TFRs) image Terminal no Aerodrome product 60 Continuous Reports image (TAFs) * The composite precipitation image is updated every 3 minutes, but individual radar sites may take between 3 and 10 minutes to provide new data. Figure 10-17 Weather Data Link (GFDS) Page Menu Table 10-5 Setting Up and Customizing the GFDS Weather Data Link Page 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Weather Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘Product Group 1’ or ‘Product Group 2’, and press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob or press the ENT Key to scroll through product selections. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings, etc.). 7) Press the ENT Key to select an option. 8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the GFDS Weather Data Link Page with the changed settings. 10-14 Figure 10-18 Weather Data Link (GFDS) Page Setup Menu Restoring Default GFDS Weather Data Link Page Settings 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Weather Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 4) Press the MENU Key. 5) Highlight the desired default(s) to restore (all or for selection) and press ENT Key. Viewing Legends for Displayed GFDS Weather Products 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the LEGEND Softkey to display the legends for the displayed weather products. Or: a) Press the MENU Key. b) Select ‘Weather Legend’ and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the FMS Knob to scroll through the legends if more are available than fit in the window. 4) To remove the Legend Window, select the LEGEND Softkey, the ENT or the CLR Key, or press the FMS Knob. Figure 10-19 Navigation Map Page Menu Figure 10-20 Navigation Map Page Setup Menu Setting Up and Customizing Weather Data for the Navigation Map Page 1) Select the Navigation Map Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘Map Setup’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the ‘Weather’ Group and press the ENT Key. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob or press the ENT Key to scroll through product selections. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to scroll through options for each product (ON/OFF, range settings). 7) Press the ENT Key to select an option. 8) Press the FMS Knob or CLR Key to return to the Navigation Map Page with the changed settings. Figure 10-21 Navigation Map Page Setup Menu, Weather Group 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-15 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE GFDS Weather Data Requests The GFDS Data Request window provides the flight crew with the options to define the requested weather coverage area(s), choose automatic weather update intervals (if desired), and the ability to send or cancel weather data requests. The window also displays the status of the GFDS data request process. 6) Turn the large FMS Knob until the ‘SEND REQ’ button is highlighted. Press the ENT Key to initiate the request immediately or press the FMS Knob to return to the GFDS Data Link Page without requesting data. Requesting GFDS Weather Data Manually 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘GFDS Weather Request’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired coverage option(s) and press the ENT Key to check or uncheck one of more of the following coverage selections: • PRESENT POSITION – Requests data based on current location. • DESTINATION – Requests data based on active flight plan destination (if the flight plan contains no destination, dashes ‘------” are displayed.) • FPL – Requests data based on active flight plan. Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired flight plan look-ahead distance option (or choose ‘REMAINING FPL’ to request the remainder of the flight plan). • WAYPOINT – Requests data based on any valid waypoint. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob highlight to the ‘DIAMETER / RTE WIDTH’ distance field and turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired diameter and route width of the request, then press the ENT Key. 10-16 Figure 10-22 Weather Data Link (GFDS) Page Menu Figure 10-23 GFDS Data Request Window Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Next 80 nm of Flight Plan Selected, 200 nm Route Width Requested Present Position Selected, 200 nm Diameter Requested Figure 10-24 Present Position Data Request Figure 10-26 Route Data Request Off-Route Waypoint Selected, 200 nm Diameter Requested Destination Selected, 200 nm Diameter Requested Figure10-27 Off-Route Data Request Figure 10-25 Destination Data Request 190-00384-12 Rev. A During a GFDS Data Request, the Request Status box initially displays “Contacting GFDS...”. Once a connection is established, the Request Status Box displays “Receiving Wx Data... Time Remaining:” with an estimated data transfer time (either minutes or seconds). If desired, the GFDS Data Request window may be closed while the Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-17 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE data request is processing by pressing the FMS Knob; the data request will continue to process in the background. GFDS Data Requests typically take between 1 to 4 minutes to complete depending on the size of the selected weather coverage area and Iridium signal strength. The system retrieves all available Worldwide Weather products within the selected coverage area during an initial GFDS Data Request, regardless of which products (if any) are currently enabled for display. On subsequent requests, previously retrieved textual data (such as METARs and TAFS) is retained if it has not expired, while new textual weather data matching the current coverage area and all graphical weather data is downloaded during every data request. If the system cannot complete a GFDS weather data request, one or more messages will appear in the request status window as shown in the following table. Weather Request Status Message Auto requests inhibited Send manual request to reset. Description The system has disabled automatic weather data requests due to excessive errors. Automatic weather data requests have stopped. Send a manual weather data request to resume automatic updates. Auto update retry: The system will attempt another ## Seconds automatic weather data request after an error occurred during the previous request. Timer counts down until the next automatic request occurs. GFDS Comm Error [2] A communications error has occurred with the GIA. The system should be serviced. 10-18 Weather Request Status Message Description GFDS Comm Error [4] This occurs if multiple automatic weather data requests have recently failed, or the GDL 59 or a GIA is off-line. GFDS Comm Error [5] The Iridium or GFDS networks are not accessible. Check Iridium signal strength. If this error persists, the G1000 should be serviced. GFDS Comm Error [6] A communications error has occurred. It this error persists, the system should be serviced. GFDS Comm Error [7] A weather data transfer has timed out. Check Iridium signal strength and re-send the data request. GFDS Comm Error [8] A server error has occurred or invalid data received. GFDS Login Invalid There is a problem with the GFDS registration. Contact Garmin Flight Data Services at 1-866-739-5687 in the United States or 913-397-8200, ext. 1135 for assistance. GFDS Server The GFDS weather data server is Temporarily Inop temporarily out of service, but is expected to return to service in less than 30 minutes. GFDS Server Inop The GFDS weather data server will be out of service for at least 30 minutes. Reduce Request Area The GFDS weather data request area exceeds size limits. Reduce weather coverage area and re-send data request. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Weather Request Status Message Description Request Failed - Try The weather data request timed-out. Again Re-send data request. Invalid Coverage Area The weather data request coverage area does not contain at least one of the following: a waypoint, a flight plan, or a flight plan destination. Verify at least one of the coverage options is enabled (checked) and contains required criteria, then resend the data request. No GFDS Subscription The system is not be currently subscribed to GFDS, or the access code is incorrect. Verify the access code. Contact Garmin Flight Data Services at 1-866-739-5687 in the United States or 913-397-8200, ext. 1135 for assistance. Request Cancelled The user has cancelled a GFDS weather data request. Requested area The size of the GFDS weather data too large. Reduce request has exceeded limits. Reduce coverage area. the size of the coverage area and try the weather data request again. Transfer Preempted The datalink is busy. Retry request later. Table 10-6 Cancelling a GFDS Weather Data Request in Progress 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘GFDS Data Request’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select ‘CANCEL REQ’ and press the ENT Key. The request status box indicates ‘Request Cancelled’. 5) Press the FMS Knob to return to the GFDS Weather Datalink Page. Enabling Automatic GFDS Data Requests 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) With ‘GFDS Weather Request’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. 4) Choose the desired weather coverage options. 5) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘UPDATE RATE’ setting. Then turn the small FMS Knob to highlight the desired automatic update frequency (OFF, 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min, 20 Min, 25 Min, 30 Min, 45 Min, or 60 Min), then press the ENT Key. 6) The ‘SEND REQ” button is highlighted and a countdown timer is displayed in the ‘REQUEST STATUS’ based on the currently selected update rate. Press the ENT Key to immediately send an immediate GFDS Data Request. Or: Press the FMS Knob to return to the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. Worldwide Weather Products Precipitation Precipitation data is not real-time. The lapsed time between collection, processing, and dissemination of radar images can be significant and may not reflect the current radar synopsis. Due to the inherent delays and the relative age of the data, it should be used for longrange planning purposes only. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-19 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE NOTE: Precipitation data cannot be displayed on the Navigation Map Page at the same time as terrain. Displaying Precipitation Weather Information No Radar Coverage 1) Select the MAP Softkey (for the PFD Inset Map, select the INSET Softkey). This step is not necessary on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. Boundary of GFDS weather data request 2) Select the PRECIP Softkey. Radar data shown represents lowest level, base reflectivity, of radar returns. The display of the information is color-coded to indicate the weather severity level. All weather product legends can be viewed on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. For the Precipitation legend, select the LEGEND Softkey when Precipitation is selected for display. Figure 10-28 Weather Data Link Page(GFDS) PRECIP 10-20 Figure 10-29 Precipitation Data Legend Precipitation Limitations Radar images may have certain limitations: • Radar base reflectivity does not provide sufficient information to determine cloud layers or precipitation characteristics (wet hail vs. rain). For example, it is not possible to distinguish between wet snow, wet hail, and rain. • Radar base reflectivity is sampled at the minimum antenna elevation angle. An individual radar site cannot depict high altitude storms at close ranges. It has no information about storms directly over the site. • When zoomed in to a range of 30 nm, each square block on the display represents an area of four square kilometers. The following may cause abnormalities in displayed radar images: • Ground clutter • Strobes and spurious radar data • Sun strobes (when the radar antenna points directly at the sun) • Interference from buildings or mountains, which may cause shadows • Metallic dust from military aircraft, which can cause alterations in radar scans Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Displaying SIGMETs and AIRMETs Infrared Satellite Infrared Satellite (IR SAT) data depicts cloud top temperatures from satellite imagery. Brighter cloud top colors indicate cooler temperatures occurring at higher altitudes. 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the SIG/AIR Softkey. Displaying Cloud Tops information 3) To view the text of the SIGMET or AIRMET, press the RANGE Knob and move the Map Pointer over the icon. 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 4) Press the ENT key. 2) Select the IR SAT Softkey. To display the Infrared Satellite legend, select the LEGEND Softkey when Infrared Satellite data is selected for display. Datalink Lightning Lightning data shows the approximate location of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. A strike icon represents a strike that has occurred within a two-kilometer region. Neither cloud-to-cloud nor the exact location of the lightning strike is displayed. If the aircraft is also equipped with an on-board lightning detection system (e.g., L-3 WX-500 Stormscope®), only one lightning product may be enabled for display at a time. Displaying Datalink Lightning information 1) Select the MAP Softkey (for the PFD Inset Map, select the INSET Softkey). This step is not necessary on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the DL LTNG Softkey. To display the Datalink Lightning legend on the Weather Data Link Page, select the LEGEND Softkey when Datalink Lightning is selected for display. SIGMETs and AIRMETs The entire SIGMET or AIRMET is displayed as long as any portion of it is occurring within the coverage area of the GFDS data request. 190-00384-12 Rev. A To display the SIGMET and AIRMET legend, select the LEGEND Softkey when SIGMETs and AIRMETs are selected for display. METARs and TAFs NOTE: METAR information is only displayed within the installed navigation database service area. METAR and TAF text are displayed on the WPTWeather Information Page. TAF information is displayed in its raw form when it is available. Displaying METAR and TAF text 1) On the GFDS Weather Data Link Page, select the METAR Softkey. 2) Press the RANGE Knob and pan to the desired airport. 3) Press the ENT Key. The Weather Information Page is shown with METAR and TAF text. 4) Use the FMS Knob or the ENT Key to scroll through the METAR and TAF text. METAR text must be completely scrolled through before scrolling through the TAF text. 5) Press the FMS Knob or the CLR Key to return to the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. Or: Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-21 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 1) Select the Weather Information Page. a) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Waypoint Page Group. b) Select the WX Softkey to select the Weather Information Page. 2) Press the FMS Knob to display the cursor. 3) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired airport and press the ENT Key. 4) Use the FMS Knob or the ENT Key to scroll through the METAR and TAF text. Note that the METAR text must be completely scrolled through before scrolling through the TAF text. To display the METAR legend on the GFDS Weather Data Link Page, select the LEGEND Softkey when METARs are selected for display. Winds Aloft Winds Aloft data shows the forecasted wind speed and direction at the surface and at selected altitudes. Altitude can be displayed in 3,000-foot increments up to 42,000 feet MSL. Displaying Winds Aloft data 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the MORE WX Softkey. 3) Select the WIND Softkey. 4) Select the desired altitude level: SFC (surface) up to 42,000 feet. Select the NEXT or PREV Softkey to cycle through the altitude softkeys. The WIND Softkey label changes to reflect the altitude selected. PIREPs Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs) describe in-flight weather encountered by pilots. A PIREP may contain unforecast adverse weather conditions, such as low inflight visibility, icing conditions, wind shear, turbulence, and type of aircraft flown. PIREPs are issued as either Routine (UA) or Urgent (UUA). Displaying PIREP text 1) Select the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. 2) Select the MORE WX Softkey. 3) Select the PIREPS Softkey. 4) Press the RANGE Knob and pan to the desired weather report. A gray circle will appear around the weather report when it is selected. 5) Press the ENT Key. The PIREP text is first displayed in a decoded fashion, then as raw text. 6) Use the FMS Knob or the ENT Key to scroll through the PIREP text. 7) Press the FMS Knob or the CLR Key to close the PIREP text window and return to the GFDS Weather Data Link Page. To display the PIREP or AIREP legend, select the LEGEND Softkey when PIREPs or AIREPs are selected for display. The PIREP color is determined by the type (routine or urgent). To display the Winds Aloft legend, select the LEGEND Softkey when Winds Aloft is selected for display. 10-22 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 10.6 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS • If Traffic information Service (TIS) is configured, a STANDBY, OPERATE, and TNA MUTE Softkey are displayed. • If a Traffic Advisory System (TAS) is configured, a STANDBY, NORMAL, TEST, and ALT MODE Softkey are displayed. • If an ADS-B traffic system is configured, only the ALT MODE Softkey is displayed. the traffic display (up to 60 seconds) until the next data reception. If no data is received after 60 seconds, traffic is removed from the display. Traffic Advisory, aircraft is 1200’ TNA Mute above & climbing, moving in the Traffic out of direction of the line Traffic Mode Status range Traffic Information Service (TIS) NOTE: Traffic Information Service (TIS) is only available when the aircraft is within the service volume of a TIS capable terminal radar site. NOTE: If the G1000 is configured to use a Traffic Advisory System (TAS), TIS is not available for use. Displaying Traffic on the Traffic Map Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select TRAFFIC MAP. 3) Press the OPERATE Softkey to begin displaying traffic. ‘OPERATING’ is displayed in the Traffic Mode field. 4) Press the STANDBY Softkey to place the system in the Standby Mode. ‘STANDBY’ is displayed in the Traffic Mode field. 5) Rotate the Joystick clockwise to display a larger area or rotate counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. If data is not received for a period longer than 6 seconds, the age of the present data is displayed in the lower left of the screen along with the annunciation that the system has entered Coast Mode. The system maintains 190-00384-12 Rev. A Last data update Traffic at same altitude, Proximity Traffic 1200’ is older than 6 level flight & moving in the above & descending, moving sec. resulting in direction of the line in the direction of the line Coast Mode Figure 10-30 Traffic Map Page Displaying Traffic on the Navigation Map 1) Ensure TIS is operating. With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the TRAFFIC Softkey. Traffic is now displayed on the map. TIS Voice Alert When a Traffic Advisory (TA) is displayed, a voice alert “Traffic” is given. “Traffic Not Available” is heard whenever TIS service becomes unavailable. This alert can be muted by pressing the TNA MUTE Softkey. ‘TNA MUTE ON’ is displayed in the upper left of the display. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-23 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Traffic Advisory Systems (Optional) Displaying traffic on the Traffic Map Page: 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Map Page Group. GTS 800 Traffic System (Optional) Testing the Traffic System: 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the Map Page Group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Traffic Map Page. 3) Turn the Range knob to set the range to 2/6 nm to allow for proper test pattern display. 4) Press the TEST Softkey. 1) Press the MENU Key and turn the small FMS knob to select ‘Test Mode’. 2) Press the ENT Key. Non-Threat Traffic at 11 o’clock, Distance 3.6 nm, 1000’ Above, Level 3) Press the OPERATE Softkey to begin displaying traffic. OPERATING is displayed in the Traffic mode field. 4) Press the STANDBY Softkey to place the system in the Standby mode. STANDBY is displayed in the Traffic Mode field. 5) Turn the RANGE Knob clockwise to display a larger area or counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. Or: Operating Mode 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the Traffic Map Page. Traffic Advisory, 500’ Below, Climbing Non-Threat Traffic, Altitude Not Reported Test Mode Annunciation Traffic Advisory Off-Scale, 400’ Below, Level TA at 9 o’clock, Distance 2.0 Proximity Traffic at 1 o’clock, Distance nm, 200’ Below, Climbing 3.6 nm, 1000’ Below, Descending Figure 10-31 Test Mode 10-24 Non-Threat Traffic, 2500’ Above, Descending Proximity Traffic, 900’ Above, Level, Flight ID Displayed “No Bearing” Traffic (Bearing Undetermined), Distance 4.0 nm, 500’ Above, Descending Figure 10-32 Traffic Map Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Displaying Traffic on the Navigation Map 1) Ensure TIS is operating. With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the TRAFFIC Softkey. Traffic is now displayed on the map. Switching from operating mode to standby mode: On the Traffic Page, press the STANDBY Softkey Or: 1) Press the MENU Key and turn the small FMS knob to select ‘Standby Mode’. 2) Press the ENT Key. • UNREST (unrestricted): All traffic is displayed from 9900 feet above and 9900 feet below the aircraft. 3) To return to the Traffic Map Page, press the BACK Softkey. Or: 1) Press the MENU Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select one of the following (see Softkey description in previous step • ABOVE • NORMAL • BELOW • UNRESTRICTED 3) Press the ENT Key. Altitude Display The pilot can select the volume of airspace in which non-threat and proximity traffic is displayed. TAs occurring outside of these limits will always be shown. Changing the altitude range: 1) On the Traffic Map Page, press the ALT MODE Softkey. 2) Press one of the following Softkeys: • ABOVE: Displays non-threat and proximity traffic from 9000 feet above the aircraft to 2700 feet below the aircraft. Typically used during climb phase of flight. • NORMAL: Displays non-threat and proximity traffic from 2700 feet above the aircraft to 2700 feet below the aircraft. Typically used during enroute phase of flight. Flight ID Display The Flight IDs of other aircraft (when available) can be enabled for display on the Traffic Map Page. When a flight ID is received, it will appear above or below the corresponding traffic symbol on the Traffic Map Page when this option is enabled. Enabling/Disabling Flight ID Display: On the Traffic Map Page, press the FLT ID Softkey. Or: 1) Press the MENU Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘Show Flight IDs’ or ‘Hide Flight IDs’ (choice dependent on current state) (Figure 6-92). 3) Press the ENT Key. • BELOW: Displays non-threat and proximity traffic from 2700 feet above the aircraft to 9000 feet below the aircraft. Typically used during descent phase of flight. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-25 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE KTA 870 Traffic System (Optional) Refer to the Honeywell KTA 870 Pilot’s Guide for a detailed discussion of the KTA 870 system. System Self Test 1) Set the range to 2/6 nm. 2) Press the STANDBY Softkey. 3) Press the TEST Softkey. 4) Self test takes approximately eight seconds to complete. When completed successfully, traffic symbols are displayed as shown in Figure 10-12 and a voice alert “TAS System Test OK” is heard. If the self test fails, the system reverts to Standby Mode and a voice alert “TAS System Test Fail” is heard. 4) Press the ALT MODE Softkey to change the altitude volume. Select the desired altitude volume by pressing the BELOW, NORMAL, ABOVE, or UNREST (unrestricted) Softkey. The selection is displayed in the Altitude Mode field. 5) Press the STANDBY Softkey to place the system in the Standby Mode. ‘STANDBY’ is displayed in the Traffic Mode field. 6) Rotate the Joystick clockwise to display a larger area or rotate counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. Traffic Advisory, aircraft is 400’ below Traffic Mode Altitude Mode & climbing “Non-Bearing” Traffic (system is unable to determine bearing), distance is 8.0 nm, 1190’ above and descending Figure 10-33 Self Test OK Display Proximity Traffic, 1000’ above & descending Figure 10-34 Traffic Map Page Displaying Traffic on the Traffic Map Page Displaying Traffic on the Navigation Map 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 1) Ensure the KTA 870 system is operating. With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select TRAFFIC MAP. 2) Press the TRAFFIC Softkey. Traffic is now displayed on the map. 3) Press the NORMAL Softkey to begin displaying traffic. ‘OPERATING’ is displayed in the Traffic Mode field. 10-26 Traffic, Out of Range Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Traffic Advisory Symbol Description Non-threat traffic with no directional information. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) Traffic located on the ground with directional information. Points in the direction of the aircraft track. Ground traffic is only displayed when own aircraft is below 1,000 feet AGL or on the ground. (GDL 90 only) Ground traffic without directional information. Ground traffic is only displayed when own aircraft is below 1,000 feet AGL or on the ground. (GDL 90 only) Non-aircraft ground traffic. Ground traffic is only displayed when own aircraft is below 1,000 feet AGL or on the ground. (GDL 90 only) Non-Bearing Traffic Off Scale Traffic Advisories Banner Non-Threat Traffic Figure 10-35 TAS Traffic on Navigation Map ADS-B Traffic GDL 90 (Optional) ADS-B is limited to displaying traffic in the G1000. Operation is similar to the TAS system discussed previously, with the exception of symbology. The following traffic symbols are used to display traffic with the ADS-B system. Symbol Description Traffic Advisory with directional information. Points in the direction of the intruder aircraft track. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) Traffic with directional information, but positional accuracy is degraded. Points in the direction of the aircraft track. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) Table 10-7 Aircraft Identification (tail number or Flight ID number) Intruder Aircraft Ground Track (extends in the direction of the aircraft movement) Relative Altitude (in this case 1200 feet above own aircraft) Altitude Trend (up arrow indicates climbing, down arrow indicates descending) Figure 10-36 Example ADS-B Traffic Advisory Traffic Advisory without directional information. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) Traffic Advisory out of the selected display range. Displayed at outer range ring at proper bearing. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) Non-threat traffic with directional information. Points in the direction of the aircraft track. (GDL 90 and GTS 800) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-27 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 10.7 TERRAIN AND OBSTACLE PROXIMITY NOTE: Terrain data is not displayed when the aircraft is outside the installed terrain database coverage area. Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Terrain Proximity Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map 1) With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the TERRAIN Softkey. Terrain and obstacle proximity is now displayed on the map. 3) Terrain and obstacles may be displayed in the Profile View by selecting the PROFILE Softkey. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select TERRAIN PROXIMITY. 3) If desired, press the VIEW Softkey to access the ARC and 360 Softkeys. When the ARC Softkey is pressed, a radar-like 120° view is displayed. Press the 360 Softkey to return to the 360° default display. 4) Rotate the Joystick clockwise to display a larger area or rotate counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. Color RED YELLOW Indication Terrain/Obstacle above or within 100’ below current aircraft altitude. Terrain/Obstacle between 100’ and 1000’ below current aircraft altitude. Figure 10-37 Terrain Proximity Page Terrain Above Aircraft Altitude Red terrain is above or within 100 ft below the aircraft altitude Aircraft Altitude 100 ft Threshold 1000 ft Yellow terrain is between 100 ft and 1000 ft below the aircraft altitude Black terrain is more than 1000 ft below the aircraft altitude Unlighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Unlighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Figure 10-38 Obstacle Symbols 10-28 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE 10.8 TERRAIN-SVS DISPLAY (OPTIONAL) NOTE: Terrain data is not displayed when the aircraft is outside the installed terrain database coverage area. NOTE: TERRAIN-SVS operation is only available when the Synthetic Vision System is installed. TAWS will take precedence over TERRAIN-SVS when installed. Displaying Terrain on the TERRAIN-SVS Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the TERRAIN-SVS Page. Figure 10-39 Terrain-SVS Page (360˚ View) 3) If desired, press the VIEW Softkey to access the ARC and 360 Softkeys. When the ARC Softkey is pressed, a radar-like 120° view is displayed. Press the 360 Softkey to return to the 360° default display. 4) Rotate the Joystick clockwise to display a larger area or rotate counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. Color Terrain/Obstacle Location Red Terrain/Obstacle above or within 100’ below current aircraft altitude. Yellow Terrain/Obstacle between 100’ and 1000’ below current aircraft altitude. Black Terrain/Obstacle is more than 1000’ below aircraft altitude. Table 10-7 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 10-40 Terrain-SVS Page (ARC View) Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-29 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Figure 10-41 Terrain-Color Code Enable/Disable Aviation Data 1) While the TERRAIN-SVS Page is displayed, press the MENU Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select “Show (or Hide) Aviation Data”. 3) Press the ENT Key. Figure 10-42 Terrain-SVS Page Menu TERRAIN-SVS Alerts Alerts are issued when flight conditions meet parameters that are set within TERRAIN-SVS software algorithms. TERRAIN-SVS alerts typically employ a CAUTION or a WARNING alert severity level, or both. When an alert is issued, visual annunciations are displayed and aural alerts are simultaneously issued. The following tables show TERRAIN-SVS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages and system status annuciations. When an alert is issued, annunciations appear on the PFD and MFD. The TERRAIN-SVS Alert Annunciation is shown to the upper left of the Altimeter on the PFD and below the Terrain Legend on the MFD. If the TERRAINSVS Page is not displayed at the time, a pop-up alert appears on the MFD. To acknowledge the pop-up alert: • Press the CLR Key (returns to the currently viewed page), or • Press the ENT Key (accesses the TERRAIN-SVS Page) 10-30 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type MFD Pop-Up Alert Aural Message Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Warning (RTC) “Warning; Terrain, Terrain” Imminent Terrain Impact Warning (ITI) “Warning; Terrain, Terrain” Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Warning (ROC) “Warning; Obstacle, Obstacle” Imminent Obstacle Impact Warning (IOI) “Warning; Obstacle, Obstacle” Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Caution (RTC) “Caution; Terrain, Terrain” Imminent Terrain Impact Caution (ITI) “Caution; Terrain, Terrain” Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Caution (ROC) “Caution; Obstacle, Obstacle” Imminent Obstacle Impact Caution (IOI) “Caution; Obstacle, Obstacle” Table 10-8 PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type TERRAIN-SVS Page Annunciation Aural Message TERRAIN TEST None None “Terrain System Test OK” None None System Test in Progress System Test Pass None Terrain Alerting is disabled MFD Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid. Terrain-SVS operating with PFD Terrain or Obstacle databases None None TERRAIN DATABASE FAILURE Terrain System Test Fail TERRAIN FAIL “Terrain System Failure” Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid, invalid software configuration, system audio fault TERRAIN FAIL “Terrain System Failure” NO GPS POSITION “Terrain System Not Available” None “Terrain System Not Available” None “Terrain System Available” No GPS position Excessively degraded GPS signal, Out of database coverage area Sufficient GPS signal received after loss None Table 10-9 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-31 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Alert Annunciation Pop-up Alert Figure 10-43 TERRAIN-SVS Alert Annunciations Terrain Display Enabled Terrain Legend Alert Annunciation Figure 10-44 Navigation Map Page (After TERRAIN-SVS Pop-up Alert Acknowledgment) 10-32 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Terrain Inhibit Flying VFR into an area where unique terrain exists could cause the system to annunciate a nuisance alert. Inhibit TERRAIN-SVS: While the TERRAIN-SVS Page is displayed, press the INHIBIT Softkey. ‘TER INHB’ is annunciated in the lower right of portion of the screen. Enable TERRAIN-SVS: If TERRAIN-SVS has been inhibited, from the TERRAIN-SVS Page press the INHIBIT Softkey. The ‘TER INHB” annunciation is removed. NOTE: If TERRAIN-SVS alerts are inhibited when the Final Approach Fix is the active waypoint in a GPS SBAS approach, a LOW ALT annunciation may appear on the PFD next to the altimeter if the current aircraft altitude is at least 164 feet below the prescribed altitude at the Final Approach Fix. Reduced Required Terrain Clearance (RTC) and Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) This provides alerts when the aircraft flight path is above terrain and/or obstacles, yet is projected to come within minimum clearance values outlined in the following table. When an RTC or ROC alert is issued, a potential impact point is displayed on the TERRAIN-SVS Page as a yellow or red ‘X’. Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) and Imminent Obstacle Impact (IOI) This provides alerts when the aircraft is below the elevation of terrain in the aircraft’s projected path. ITI and IOI alerts are accompanied by a potential impact point displayed on the TERRAIN-SVS Page as a yellow or red ‘X’. The alert is given when the projected vertical flight path is calculated to come within minimum clearance altitudes in the following table. Phase of Flight Level Flight Descending Enroute 700 ft. 500 ft. Terminal 350 ft. 300 ft. Approach 150 ft. 100 ft. Departure 100 ft. 100 ft. Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) The Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance alert is composed of two sub-functions: Reduced Required Terrain Clearance (RTC) and Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) This provides alerts when the aircraft flight path is above terrain and/or obstacles, yet is projected to come within minimum clearance values outlined in the following table. Unlighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Table 10-10 During the final approach phase of flight, RTC/ROC/ ITI/IOI alerts are automatically inhibited when the aircraft is below 200 feet AGL while within 0.5 nm of the approach runway or is below 125 feet AGL while within 1 nm of the runway. Unlighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Potential Impact Points Figure 10-45 Terrain-SVS Symbols 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-33 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map 1) With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the TERRAIN Softkey. Terrain and obstacle proximity are now displayed on the map. 3) Terrain and obstacles may be displayed in the Profile View by selecting the PROFILE Softkey. 10.9 TERRAIN AWARENESS & WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS) DISPLAY (OPTIONAL) NOTE: Terrain data is not displayed when the aircraft latitude is greater than 75 degrees north or 60 degrees south. NOTE: TAWS operation is only available when the G1000 is configured for a TAWS-B installation. Displaying Terrain on the TAWS-B Page 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘MAP’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the TAWS-B Page. 3) If desired, press the VIEW Softkey to access the ARC and 360 Softkeys. The ARC Softkey provides a radarlike 120° view. Press the 360 Softkey to return to the 360° default display. 4) Rotate the Joystick clockwise to display a larger area or rotate counter-clockwise to display a smaller area. Color Terrain/Obstacle Location Red Terrain/Obstacle above or within 100’ below current aircraft altitude. Yellow Terrain/Obstacle between 100’ and 1000’ below current aircraft altitude. Black Terrain/Obstacle is more than 1000’ below aircraft altitude. Table 10-11 Figure 10-46 Terrain-Color Code 10-34 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Figure 10-49 TAWS-B Page Menu TAWS Inhibit Figure 10-47 TAWS-B Page (360˚ View) Flying VFR into an area where unique terrain exists could cause the system to annunciate a nuisance alert. When TAWS is inhibited, only FLTA and PDA alerts are disabled. Inhibit TAWS: While the TAWS-B Page is displayed, press the INHIBIT Softkey. ‘TAWS INHB’ is annunciated in the lower right of portion of the screen. Enable TAWS: If TAWS has been inhibited, from the TAWS-B Page press the INHIBIT Softkey. The ‘TAWS INHB” annunciation is removed. Figure 10-48 TAWS-B Page (ARC View) Enable/Disable Aviation Data 1) While the TAWS-B Page is displayed, press the MENU Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select “Show (or Hide) Aviation Data”. NOTE: If TAWS alerts are inhibited when the Final Approach Fix is the active waypoint in a GPS SBAS approach, a LOW ALT annunciation may appear on the PFD next to the altimeter if the current aircraft altitude is at least 164 feet below the prescribed altitude at the Final Approach Fix. Manual System Test A system test is automatically performed at power-up. After successful completion of the test, “TAWS System Test, OK” is heard. 3) Press the ENT Key. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-35 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE The system test may also be initiated manually, but only when the aircraft is on the ground. To manually verify proper operation of the aural and visual annunciations of the system, perform the following steps. 1) While the TAWS-B Page is displayed, press the MENU Key. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select ‘Test TAWS’. 3) Press the ENT Key. During the test ‘TAWS TEST’ is displayed in the center of the TAWS-B Page. When all is in working order, “TAWS System Test, OK” is heard. Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) The Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance alert is composed of two sub-functions: Reduced Required Terrain Clearance (RTC) and Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC) This provides alerts when the aircraft flight path is above terrain and/or obstacles, yet is projected to come within minimum clearance values outlined in the following table. When an RTC or ROC alert is issued, a potential impact point is displayed on the TAWS-B Page as a yellow or red ‘X’. Imminent Terrain Impact (ITI) and Imminent Obstacle Impact (IOI) This provides alerts when the aircraft is below the elevation of terrain in the aircraft’s projected path. ITI and IOI alerts are accompanied by a potential impact point displayed on the TAWS-B Page as a yellow or red ‘X’. The alert is given when the projected vertical flight path is calculated to come within minimum clearance altitudes in the following table. 10-36 Phase of Flight Level Flight Descending Enroute 700 ft. 500 ft. Terminal 350 ft. 300 ft. Approach 150 ft. 100 ft. Departure 100 ft. 100 ft. Table 10-12 During the final approach phase of flight, RTC/ROC/ ITI/IOI alerts are automatically inhibited when the aircraft is below 200 feet AGL while within 0.5 nm of the approach runway or is below 125 feet AGL while within 1 nm of the runway. Premature Descent Alert (PDA) A Premature Descent Alert is issued when the system detects that the aircraft is significantly below the normal approach path to a runway. The PDA alert mode functions only during descent to land. PDA alerting begins when the aircraft is within 15 nm of the destination airport and ends when the aircraft is either 0.5 nm from the runway threshold OR is at an altitude of 125 feet AGL while within 1 nm of the threshold. During the final descent, algorithms set a threshold for alerting based on speed, distance, and other parameters. Excessive Descent Rate Alert (EDR) The purpose of the Excessive Descent Rate alert is to provide suitable alerts when the aircraft is determined to be closing (descending) upon terrain at an excessive speed. EDR alerts have two levels of severity, caution (sink rate) and warning (pull-up). Negative Climb Rate After Takeoff Alert (NCR) The purpose of the Negative Climb Rate After Takeoff alert is to provide suitable alerts to the pilot when the system determines that the aircraft is losing altitude (closing upon terrain) after takeoff. The aural message “Don’t Sink” is given for NCR alerts, accompanied by an annunciation and a pop-up terrain alert on the display. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE “Five-Hundred” Aural Alert Pop-up Alerts The purpose of the aural alert message “Five-hundred” is to provide an advisory alert to the air crew that the aircraft is five-hundred feet above terrain. When the aircraft descends within 500 feet of terrain, the aural message “Five-hundred” is heard. There are no display annunciations or pop-up alerts that accompany the aural message. When a terrain or obstacle alert is issued, a pop-up window is displayed on the MFD with the appropriate alert. Displaying Terrain and Obstacles on the Navigation Map 1) With the Navigation Map displayed, press the MAP Softkey. 2) Press the TERRAIN Softkey. Terrain and obstacle proximity are now displayed on the map. 3) Terrain and obstacles may be displayed in the Profile View by selecting the PROFILE Softkey. Figure 10-50 TAWS Alert Pop-Up Press the ENT Key to display the TAWS-B Page, or press the CLR Key to remain on the existing page. Unlighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is less than 1000’ AGL) Unlighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Lighted Obstacle (Height is greater than 1000’ AGL) Potential Impact Points Figure 10-51 TAWS Symbols 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-37 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE TAWS Alerts Summary The following table shows the possible TAWS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages. PFD/MFD TAWSMFD Alert Type B Page Aural Message Pop-Up Alert Annunciation Excessive Descent Rate Warning (EDR) “Pull Up” Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Warning (RTC) or “Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up” or “Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up” or “Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up” or “Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up” or “Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain” or “Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead” or “Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead” or “Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain” or “Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle” or “Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead” or “Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead” or “Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle” Imminent Terrain Impact Warning (ITI) Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Warning (ROC) Imminent Obstacle Impact Warning (IOI) Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Caution (RTC) Imminent Terrain Impact Caution (ITI) Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Caution (ROC) Imminent Obstacle Impact Caution (IOI) Premature Descent Alert Caution (PDA) Altitude Callout “500” “Too Low, Terrain” None None Excessive Descent Rate Caution (EDR) “Five-Hundred” “Sink Rate” Negative Climb Rate Caution (NCR) or “Don’t Sink” or “Too Low, Terrain” Table 10-10 10-38 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE The following system status annunciations may also be issued. PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type TERRAIN-SVS Page Annunciation Aural Message TAWS TEST None None “TAWS System Test OK” None None System Test in Progress System Test Pass None TAWS Alerting is disabled MFD Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid. TAWS operating with PFD Terrain or Obstacle databases None None TERRAIN DATABASE FAILURE TAWS-B System Test Fail TAWS FAIL “TAWS System Failure” Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid, invalid software configuration, system audio fault TAWS FAIL “TAWS System Failure” NO GPS POSITION “TAWS Not Available” None “TAWS Not Available” None “TAWS Available” No GPS position Excessively degraded GPS signal, Out of database coverage area Sufficient GPS signal received after loss None Table 10-11 Alert Annunciations Alert Annunciation Alert Annunciation Figure 10-52 Alert Annunciation on the TAWS-B Page 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 10-53 TAWS Alert Annunciation on the PFD Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 10-39 SECTION 10 – HAZARD AVOIDANCE Blank Page 10-40 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES SECTION 11: ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.1 SYNTHETIC VISION SYSTEM (SVS) (OPTIONAL) WARNING: Use appropriate primary systems for navigation, and for terrain, obstacle, and traffic avoidance. SVS is intended as an aid to situational awareness only and may not provide either the accuracy or reliability upon which to solely base decisions and/or plan maneuvers to avoid terrain, obstacles, or traffic. The optional Synthetic Vision System depicts a forwardlooking attitude display of the topography immediately in front of the aircraft. The field of view is 30 degrees to the left and 35 degrees to the right. The depicted imagery is derived from the aircraft attitude, heading, GPS threedimensional position, and a nine arc-second database of terrain, obstacles, and other relevant features. Loss of any of the required data, including temporary loss of the GPS signal, will cause SVS to be disabled until the required data is restored. The SVS terrain display shows land contours (colors are consistent with those of the topographical map display), large water features, towers, and other obstacles over 200’ AGL that are included in the obstacle database. Cultural features on the ground such as roads, highways, railroad tracks, cities, and state boundaries are not displayed even if those features are found on the MFD map. The terrain display also includes a north–south east–west grid with lines oriented with true north and spaced at one arc-minute intervals to assist in orientation relative to the terrain. The optional Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) or standard Terrain-SVS is integrated within SVS to provide visual and auditory alerts to indicate the presence of terrain and obstacle threats relevant to the projected 190-00384-12 Rev. A flight path. Terrain alerts are displayed in red and yellow shading on the PFD. The terrain display is intended for situational awareness only. It may not provide the accuracy or fidelity on which to base decisions and plan maneuvers to avoid terrain or obstacles. Navigation must not be predicated solely upon the use of the Terrain–SVS or TAWS terrain or obstacle data displayed by the SVS. Figure 11-1 Synthetic Vision Imagery SVS Operation SVS is activated from the PFD using the softkeys located along the bottom edge of the display. Pressing the softkeys turns the related function on or off. When SVS is enabled, the pitch ladder increments are reduced to 10 degrees up and 7.5 degrees down. SVS functions are displayed on three levels of softkeys. The PFD Softkey leads into the PFD function Softkeys, including synthetic vision. Pressing the SYN VIS Softkey displays the SVS feature softkeys. The softkeys are labeled PATHWAY, SYN TERR, HRZN HDG, and APTSIGNS. The BACK Softkey returns to the previous level of softkeys. Synthetic Terrain must be active before any other SVS feature may be activated. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-1 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY Softkeys are only available when the SYN TERR Softkey is activated (gray with black characters). After activating the SYN TERR Softkey, the HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY softkeys may be activated in any combination to display desired features. When system power is cycled, the last selected state (on or off) of the SYN TERR, HRZN HDG, APTSIGNS, and PATHWAY softkeys is remembered by the system. SVS Features Airport Runway Flight Path Marker Selected Altitude Zero Pitch Line (ZPL) with Compass Heading Marks Activating and deactivating SVS: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. 2) Press the SYN VIS Softkey. 3) Press the SYN TERR Softkey. The SVS display will cycle on or off with the SYN TERR Softkey. Activating and deactivating Pathways: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. 2) Press the SYN VIS Softkey. 3) Press the PATHWAY Softkey. The Pathway feature will cycle on or off with the PATHWAY Softkey. Activating and deactivating Horizon Headings: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. 2) Press the SYN VIS Softkey. 3) Press the HRZN HDG Softkey. The horizon heading display will cycle on or off with the HRZN HDG Softkey. Activating and deactivating Airport Signs: 1) Press the PFD Softkey. 2) Press the SYN VIS Softkey. 3) Press the APTSIGNS Softkey. Display of airport signs will cycle on or off with the APTSIGNS Softkey. 11-2 SVS Softkeys Pathways Color Matches CDI Indicating NAV Source Airplane Symbol Figure 11-2 SVS on the Primary Flight Display NOTE: Pathways and terrain features are not a substitute for standard course and altitude deviation information provided by the CDI, VSI, and VDI. Pathways Pathways provide a three-dimensional perspective view of the selected route of flight shown as colored rectangular boxes representing the horizontal and vertical flight path of the active flight plan. The box size represents 700 feet wide by 200 feet tall during enroute, oceanic, and terminal flight phases. During an approach, the box width is 700 feet or one half full scale deviation on the HSI, whichever is less. The height is 200 feet or one half full scale deviation on the VDI, whichever is less. The altitude at Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES which the pathway boxes are displayed is determined by the selected altitude during climb, cruise, and when the active leg is the final approach course prior to intercepting the glidepath/glideslope. During a descent (except while on the approach glidepath/glideslope), the pathway boxes are displayed at the selected altitude, or the VNAV altitude programmed for the active leg in the flight plan, or the published altitude constraint, whichever is higher (Figure 11-3). Just prior to intercepting the glidepath/glideslope, the pathway boxes are displayed on the glidepath/ glideslope, or the selected altitude, whichever is lower. The color of the rectangular boxes may be magenta, green, or white depending on the route of flight and navigation source selected. The active GPS or GPS overlay flight plan leg is represented by magenta boxes that correspond to the Magenta CDI. A localizer course is represented by green boxes that correspond to a green CDI. An inactive leg of an active flight plan is represented by white boxes corresponding to a white line drawn on the Inset map or MFD map indicating an inactive leg. Selected Altitude Programmed Altitudes Pathways provide supplemental glidepath information on an active ILS, LPV, LNAV/VNAV, and some LNAV approaches. Pathways are intended as an aid to situational awareness and should not be used independent of the CDI, VDI, glide path indicator, and glide slope indicator. They are removed from the display when the selected navigation information is not available. Pathways are not displayed beyond the active leg when leg sequencing is suspended and are not displayed on any portion of the flight plan leg that would lead to intercepting a leg in the wrong direction. Departure and Enroute Prior to intercepting an active flight plan leg, pathways are displayed as a series of boxes with pointers at each corner that point in the direction of the active waypoint. Pathways are not displayed for the first leg of the flight plan if that segment is a Heading-to-Altitude leg. The first segment displaying pathways is the first active GPS leg or active leg with a GPS overlay. If this leg of the flight plan route is outside the SVS field of view, pathways will not be visible until the aircraft has turned toward this leg. While approaching the center of the active leg and prescribed altitude, the number of pathway boxes decreases to a minimum of four. Pathways are displayed along the flight plan route at the highest of either the selected altitude or the programmed altitude for the leg. Climb profiles cannot be displayed due to the variables associated with aircraft performance. Flight plan legs requiring a climb are indicated by pathways displayed at a level above the aircraft at the altitude selected or programmed. Figure 11-3 Programmed and Selected Altitude 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-3 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Descent and Approach Pathways are shown descending only for a programmed descent (Figures 11-4 and 11-5). When the flight plan includes programmed descent segments, pathways are displayed along the descent path provided that the selected altitude is lower than the programmed altitude. During a Vectors-to-Final (VTF) approach transition, pathways are displayed along the final approach course inbound to the Missed Approach Point (MAP). Pathways are shown level at the selected altitude or at the next programmed crossing altitude, whichever is higher, up to the point along the final approach course where the altitude intercepts the extended vertical descent path, glidepath, or glideslope. From the vertical path descent, glidepath, or glideslope intercept point, the pathways are shown inbound to the Missed Approach Point (MAP) along the published lateral and vertical descent path. During an ILS approach, the initial approach segment is displayed in magenta at the segment altitudes if GPS is selected as the navigation source on the CDI. When switching to localizer inbound with LOC selected as the navigation source on the CDI, pathways are displayed in green along the localizer and glide slope. VOR, LOC BC, and ADF approach segments that are approved to be flown using GPS are displayed in magenta boxes. Segments that are flown using other than GPS or ILS, such as heading legs or VOR final approach courses are not displayed. Selected Altitude set for Enroute Selected Altitude set for Departure Climbs NOT displayed by pathway Non-programmed descents NOT displayed by pathway TOD Selected Altitude for Step Down Programmed descent displayed by pathway Selected Altitude or Programmed Altitude (whichever is higher) Figure 11-4 SVS Pathways, Enroute and Descent 11-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Missed Approach Pathways are displayed along each segment including the path required to track course reversals that are part of a procedure, such as holding patterns. Pathways boxes will not indicate a turn to a MAHP unless a defined geographical waypoint exists between the MAP and MAHP. Upon activating the missed approach, pathways lead to the Missed Approach Holding Point (MAHP) and are displayed as a level path at the published altitude for the MAHP, or the selected altitude, whichever is the highest. If the initial missed approach leg is a Course-to-Altitude (CA) leg, the pathways boxes will be displayed level at the altitude published for the MAHP. If the initial missed approach leg is defined by a course using other than GPS, pathways are not displayed for that segment. FAF Descent displayed by pathway Selected Altitude or Programmed Altitude (whichever is higher) MAP Climbs NOT displayed by pathway Turn Segment NOT displayed by pathway MAHP Figure 11-5 SVS Pathways, Approach, Missed Approach, and Holding 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-5 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Zero Pitch Line Flight Path Marker The Flight Path Marker (FPM), also known as a Velocity Vector, is displayed on the PFD at groundspeeds above 30 knots. The FPM depicts the approximate projected path of the aircraft accounting for wind speed and direction relative to the three-dimensional terrain display. The FPM is always available when the Synthetic Terrain feature is in operation. The FPM represents the direction of the flight path as it relates to the terrain and obstacles on the display, while the airplane symbol represents the aircraft heading. The FPM works in conjunction with the Pathways feature to assist the pilot in maintaining desired altitudes and direction when navigating a flight plan. When on course and altitude the FPM is aligned inside the pathway boxes as shown (Figure 11-6). Wind Vector Flight Path Marker (FPM) Figure 11-6 Flight Path Marker and Pathways 11-6 The Zero Pitch Line is drawn completely across the display and represents the aircraft attitude with respect to the horizon. It may not align with the terrain horizon, particularly when the terrain is mountainous or when the aircraft is flown at high altitudes. Horizon Heading The Horizon Heading is synchronized with the HSI and shows approximately 60 degrees of compass heading in 30‑degree increments on the Zero Pitch Line. Horizon Heading tick marks and digits appearing on the zero pitch line are not visible behind either the airspeed or altitude display. Horizon Heading is used for general heading awareness, and is activated and deactivated by pressing the HRZN HDG Softkey. Traffic WARNING: Intruder aircraft at or below 500 ft. AGL may not appear on the SVS display or may appear as a partial symbol. Traffic symbols are displayed in their approximate locations as determined by the related traffic systems. Traffic symbols are displayed in three dimensions, appearing larger as they are getting closer, and smaller when they are further away. Traffic within 250 feet laterally of the aircraft will not be displayed on the SVS display. Traffic symbols and coloring are consistent with that used for traffic displayed in the Inset map or MFD traffic page. If the traffic altitude is unknown, the traffic will not be displayed on the SVS display. For more details refer to the traffic system discussion in the Hazard Avoidance section. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Airport Signs Airport Signs provide a visual representation of airport location and identification on the synthetic terrain display. When activated, the signs appear on the display when the aircraft is approximately 15 nm from an airport and disappear at approximately 4.5 nm. Airport signs are shown without the identifier until the aircraft is approximately eight nautical miles from the airport. Airport signs are not shown behind the airspeed or altitude display. Airport signs are activated and deactivated by pressing the APTSIGNS Softkey. Traffic Airport Sign without Identifier (Between 8 nm and 15 nm) Airport Sign with Identifier (Between 4.5 nm and 8 nm) NOTE: Not all airports have runways with endpoint data in the database, therefore, these runways are not displayed. Runway data provides improved awareness of runway location with respect to the surrounding terrain. All runway thresholds are depicted at their respective elevations as defined in the database. In some situations, where threshold elevations differ significantly, crossing runways may appear to be layered. As runways are displayed, those within 45 degrees of the aircraft heading are displayed in white. Other runways will be gray in color. When an approach for a specific runway is active, that runway will appear brighter and be outlined with a white box, regardless of the runway orientation as related to aircraft heading. As the aircraft gets closer to the runway, more detail such as runway numbers and centerlines will be displayed. Other Runway on Airport Runway Selected for Approach Figure 11-7 Airport Signs Runways WARNING: Do not use SVS runway depiction as the sole means for determining the proximity of the aircraft to the runway or for maintaining the proper approach path angle during landing. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 11-8 Airport Runways Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-7 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Terrain-SVS and TAWS Alerting Terrain alerting on the synthetic terrain display is triggered by Forward-looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) alerts, and corresponds to the red and yellow X symbols on the Inset Map and MFD map displays. For more detailed information regarding Terrain-SVS and TAWS, refer to the Hazard Avoidance Section. In some instances, a terrain or obstacle alert may be issued with no conflict shading displayed on the synthetic terrain. In these cases, the conflict is outside the SVS field of view to the left or right of the aircraft. TERRAIN Annunciation Potential Impact Points 11-8 TERRAIN Annunciation Terrain Caution Figure 11-9 Terrain Alert Obstacles are represented on the synthetic terrain display by standard two-dimensional tower symbols found on the Inset map and MFD maps and charts. Obstacle symbols appear in the perspective view with relative height above terrain and distance from the aircraft. Unlike the Inset map and MFD moving map display, obstacles on the synthetic terrain display do not change colors to warn of potential conflict with the aircraft’s flight path until the obstacle is associated with an actual FLTA alert. Obstacles greater than 1000 feet below the aircraft altitude are not shown. Obstacles are shown behind the airspeed and altitude displays. Potential Impact Point Obstacle Caution Figure 11-10 Obstacle Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Field of View Two dashed lines forming a V‑shape in front of the aircraft symbol on the MFD map, represent the forward viewing area shown on the PFD. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight Map Setup and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the FMS Knob to select the Map Group and press the ENT Key. Navigation Map Page OPTIONS Menu SVS View on the PFD Map Setup Menu, Map Group, Field of View Option Figure 11-12 Enabling SVS Field of View Field of View on the MFD Figure 11-11 PFD and MFD Field of View Comparison Configuring field of view: 1) While viewing the Navigation Map Page, press the MENU Key to display the PAGE MENU. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to scroll to FIELD OF VIEW. 5) Turn the small FMS Knob to select On or Off. 6) Press the FMS Knob to return to the Navigation Map Page. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-9 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.2 SAFETAXI Configuring SafeTaxi range: When viewing at ranges close enough to show the airport detail, the map reveals taxiways with identifying letters/numbers, airport Hot Spots, and airport landmarks including ramps, buildings, control towers, and other prominent features. Resolution is greater at lower map ranges. Airport Hot Spots are outlined to caution pilots of areas on an airport surface where positional awareness confusion or runway incursions happen most often. Hot Spots are defined with a magenta circle or outline around the region of possible confusion. Any map page that displays the navigation view can also show the SafeTaxi airport layout within the maximum configured range. During ground operations the aircraft’s position is displayed in reference to taxiways, runways, and airport features. When panning over the airport, features such as runway holding lines and taxiways are shown at the cursor. 1) While viewing the Navigation Map Page, press the MENU Key to display the PAGE MENU. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Map Setup Menu Option and press the ENT Key. Figure 11-14 Navigation Map PAGE MENU 3) Turn the FMS Knob to select the Aviation Group and press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to scroll through the Aviation Group options to SAFETAXI. 5) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the range of distances. 6) Turn either FMS Knob to select the desired distance for maximum SafeTaxi display range. 7) Press the ENT Key to complete the selection. 8) Press the FMS Knob to return to the Navigation Map Page. Figure 11-13 SafeTaxi Depiction on the Navigation Map Page 11-10 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.3 CHARTVIEW (OPTIONAL) The optional ChartView feature resembles the paper version of Jeppesen terminal procedures charts. The MFD depiction shows the aircraft position on the moving map in the plan view of approach charts and on airport diagrams. Airport Hot Spots are outlined in magenta. ChartView functions are displayed on three levels of softkeys. While on the Navigation Map Page, Nearest Airports Page, or Flight Plan Page, pressing the SHW CHRT Softkey displays the available terminal chart and advances to the chart selection level of softkeys: CHRT OPT, CHRT, INFO, DP, STAR, APR, WX, NOTAM, and GO BACK. The chart selection softkeys shown in Figure 11-16 appear on the Airport Information Page. Pressing the GO BACK Softkey reverts to the top level softkeys and previous page. Pressing the CHRT OPT Softkey advances to the next level of softkeys: ALL, HEADER, PLAN, PROFILE, MINIMUMS, FIT WDTH, FULL SCN, and BACK. While viewing the CHRT OPT Softkeys, after 45 seconds of softkey inactivity, the system reverts to the chart selection softkeys. Figure 11-15 MAP SETUP Menu, Aviation Group SHW CHRT CHRT OPT CHRT INFO DP STAR APR WX NOTAM GO BACK Pressing the GO BACK Softkey returns to the top-level softkeys and previous page. ALL HEADER PLAN PROFILE MINIMUMS FIT WDTH FULL SCN BACK Pressing the BACK Softkey returns to the Chart Selection Softkeys. Figure 11-16 ChartView Softkeys 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-11 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES If a chart is available for the destination airport, or the airport selected in the active flight plan, the chart appears on the screen. When no flight plan is active, or when not flying to a direct-to destination, pressing the SHW CHRT Softkey displays the chart for the nearest airport, if available. When no terminal procedure chart is available for the nearest airport or the selected airport, the banner CHART NOT AVAILABLE appears on the screen. The CHART NOT AVAILABLE banner does not refer to the Jeppesen subscription, but rather the availability of a particular airport chart selection or procedure for a selected airport. If there is a problem in rendering the data (such as a data error or a failure of an individual chart), the banner UNABLE TO DISPLAY CHART is then displayed. Pressing the HEADER Softkey shows the header view (approach chart briefing strip) on the screen. Chart Options Pressing the CHRT OPT Softkey displays the next level of softkeys, the chart options level. Pressing the FULL SCN Softkey displays the chart using the full width of the screen. Pressing the ALL Softkey shows the full approach chart on the screen. Figure 11-17 Approach Information Page, ALL View 11-12 Figure 11-18 Approach Information Page, Header View Pressing the PLAN Softkey shows the approach chart two dimensional plan view. Figure 11-19 Approach Information Page, Plan View Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Pressing the PROFILE Softkey displays the approach chart descent profile strip. If the chart scale has been adjusted to view a small area of the chart, pressing the FIT WIDTH Softkey changes the chart size to fit the available screen width. Day/Night View ChartView can be displayed on a white or black background for day or night viewing. The Day View offers a better presentation in a bright environment. Selecting Day, Night, or Automatic View: 1) While viewing a terminal chart press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu OPTIONS. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Chart Setup Menu Option and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to move to the COLOR SCHEME Option. Figure 11-20 Approach Information Page, Profile View Pressing the MINIMUMS Softkey displays the minimum descent altitude/visibility strip at the bottom of the approach chart. Figure 11-21 Approach Information Page, Minimums View 190-00384-12 Rev. A Figure 11-22 Selecting Day, Night, or Automatic View Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-13 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to choose between Day, Auto, and Night Options. 5) If Auto Mode is selected, turn the large FMS Knob to select the percentage field. Use the small FMS Knob to change the percentage value. The percentage value is the day/night crossover point based on the percentage of backlighting intensity. For example, if the value is set to 15%, the day/ night display changes when the display backlight reaches 15% of full brightness. The display must be changed in order for the new setting to become active. This may be accomplished by selecting another page or changing the display range. 6) Press the FMS Knob when finished to remove the Chart Setup Menu. 11.4 FLITECHARTS The optional FliteCharts feature resembles the paper version of AeroNav Services terminal procedures charts. The charts are displayed with high-resolution and in color for applicable charts. FliteCharts database subscription is available from Garmin. FliteCharts functions are displayed on three levels of softkeys. While on the Navigation Map Page, Nearest Airports Page, or Flight Plan Page, pressing the SHW CHRT Softkey displays the available terminal chart and advances to the chart selection level of softkeys: CHRT OPT, CHRT, INFO, DP, STAR, APR, WX, and GO BACK. The chart selection softkeys appear on the Airport Information Page. Pressing the GO BACK Softkey reverts to the top level softkeys and previous page. Pressing the CHRT OPT Softkey displays the available terminal chart and advances to the next level of softkeys: ALL, FIT WDTH, FULL SCN, and BACK. While viewing the CHRT OPT Softkeys, after 45 seconds of softkey inactivity, the system reverts to the chart selection softkeys. If a chart is available for the destination airport, or the airport selected in the active flight plan, the chart appears on the screen. When no flight plan is active, or when not flying to a direct-to destination, pressing the SHW CHRT Softkey displays the chart for the nearest airport, if available. SHW CHRT CHRT OPT CHRT INFO DP STAR APR WX GO BACK Presssing the GO BACK Softkey returns to the top-level softkeys and previous page. ALL FIT WDTH FULL SCN BACK Pressing the BACK Softkey returns to the Chart Selection Softkeys. Figure 11-23 FliteCharts Softkeys 11-14 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES NOTAMs are not available with FliteCharts. The NOTAM Softkey label appears subdued and is disabled. When no terminal procedure chart is available, the banner CHART NOT AVAILABLE appears on the screen. The CHART NOT AVAILABLE banner does not refer to the FliteCharts subscription, but rather the availability of a particular airport chart selection or procedure for a selected airport. If there is a problem in rendering the data (such as a data error or a failure of an individual chart), the banner UNABLE TO DISPLAY CHART is then displayed. Chart Options Pressing the CHRT OPT Softkey displays the next level of softkeys, the chart options level (Figure 11-24). Pressing the ALL Softkey shows the entire chart on the screen. Day/Night View FliteCharts can be displayed on a white or black background for day or night viewing. The Day View offers a better presentation in a bright environment. Selecting Day, Night, or Automatic View: 1) While viewing a terminal chart press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu OPTIONS (see Figure 11-22). 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Chart Setup Menu Option and press the ENT Key. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to move to the COLOR SCHEME Option (see Figure 11-22). 4) Turn the small FMS Knob to choose between Day, Auto, and Night Options. 5) If Auto Mode is selected, turn the large FMS Knob to select the percentage field. Use the small FMS Knob to change the percentage value. The percentage value is the day/night crossover point based on the percentage of backlighting intensity. For example, if the value is set to 15%, the day/ night display changes when the display backlight reaches 15% of full brightness. The display must be changed in order for the new setting to become active. This may be accomplished by selecting another page or changing the display range. 6) Press the FMS Knob when finished to remove the Chart Setup Menu. Figure 11-24 Airport Information Page, ALL View Selected Pressing the FIT WIDTH Softkey fits the width of the chart in the display viewing area. Pressing the FULL SCN Softkey alternates between removing and replacing the data window to the right. 190-00384-12 Rev. A 11.5 AOPA AIRPORT DIRECTORY The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Airport Directory database offers detailed information regarding services, hours of operation, lodging options, and more. This information is viewed on the Airport Directory Page by selecting the INFO Softkey until INFO2 is displayed. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-15 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.6 XM RADIO ENTERTAINMENT (SERVICE OPTIONAL) NOTE: Refer to the Hazard Avoidance Section for information about XM Weather products. The optional XM Radio entertainment feature is available for the pilot’s and passengers’ enjoyment throughout the Continental U.S. Using XM Radio The XM Radio Page provides information and control of the audio entertainment features of the XM Satellite Radio. Selecting the XM Radio Page: 1) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘AUX’ page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the displayed AUX - XM Information Page. 3) Press the RADIO Softkey to show the XM Radio Page where audio entertainment is controlled. Active Channel and Channel List The Active Channel Box on the XM Radio Page displays the currently selected channel that the XM Radio is using. The Channels List Box of the XM Radio Page shows a list of the available channels for the selected category. Channels can be stepped through one at a time or may be selected directly by channel number. Selecting a channel from the channel list: 1) While on the XM Radio Page, press the CHNL Softkey. 2) Press the CH + Softkey to go up through the list in the Channel Box, or move down the list with the CH – Softkey. Or: 1) Press the FMS Knob to highlight the channel list and turn the large FMS Knob to scroll through the channels. 2) Press the ENT Key to activate the selected channel. Selecting a channel directly: 1) While on the XM Radio Page, press the CHNL Softkey. 2) Press the DIR CH Softkey. The channel number in the Active Channel Box is highlighted. 3) Press the numbered softkeys located on the bottom of the display to directly select the desired channel number. 4) Press the ENT Key to activate the selected channel. Figure 11-25 XM Radio Page 11-16 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Category Presets The Category Box of the XM Radio Page displays the currently selected category of audio. Categories of channels such as jazz, rock, or news can be selected to list the available channels for a type of music or other contents. One of the optional categories is PRESETS to view channels that have been programmed. Selecting a category: 1) Press the CATGRY Softkey on the XM Radio Page. 2) Press the CAT + and CAT - Softkeys to cycle through the categories. Or: Turn the small FMS Knob to display the Categories list (Figure 11-26). Highlight the desired category with the small FMS Knob and press the ENT Key. Selecting All Categories places all channels in the list. Up to 15 channels from any category can be assigned a preset number. The preset channels are selected by pressing the PRESETS and MORE Softkeys. Then the preset channel can be selected directly and added to the channel list for the Presets category. Setting a preset channel number: 1) On the XM Radio Page, while listening to an Active Channel that is wanted for a preset, press the PRESETS Softkey to access the first five preset channels (PS1 - PS5) (Figure 11-27). 2) Press the MORE Softkey to access the next five channels (PS6 – PS10), and again to access the last five channels (PS11 – PS15). Pressing the MORE Softkey repeatedly cycles through the preset channels. 3) Press any one of the (PS1 - PS15) softkeys to assign a number to the active channel. 4) Press the SET Softkey on the desired channel number to save the channel as a preset. Pressing the BACK Softkey, or waiting during 45 seconds of softkey inactivity, returns the system to the top level softkeys. Figure 11-26 Categories List Figure 11-27 Accessing and Selecting XM Preset Channels 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-17 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Volume Radio volume is shown as a percentage. Volume level is controlled by pressing the VOL Softkey, which brings up the MUTE Softkey and the volume increase and decrease softkeys. Adjusting the volume: 1) With the XM Radio Page displayed, press the VOL Softkey. 2) Press the VOL – Softkey to reduce volume or press the VOL + Softkey to increase volume. (Once the VOL Softkey is pressed, the volume can also be adjusted using the small FMS Knob.) 3) Press the MUTE Softkey to mute the audio. Press the MUTE Softkey again to unmute the audio. Figure 11-28 Volume Control Automatic Audio Muting XM Radio audio is muted automatically when the aircraft groundspeed exceeds approximately 30 knots and the airspeed is less than approximately 80 knots. The audio is not unmuted automatically. The audio must be manually unmuted once the aircraft is airborne and outside the applicable speed range. Automatic Audio Muting has been implemented to meet regulatory requirements that the aural stall warning be heard. When the aircraft is operating within the automute airspeed range, the MUTE Softkey and the volume softkeys are subdued, and the Unmute selection of the Page Menu is unavailable, preventing the audio from being unmuted at this time. 11-18 Audio availability conforms to the following three states: • Audio is available on the ground until the aircraft exceeds 30 knots • Audio is automatically muted (not available) from Airborne Status up to 80 knots airspeed • Audio is available when airspeed is over 80 knots Unmuting XM audio: 1) With the XM Radio Page displayed, press the VOL Softkey. 2) Press the MUTE Softkey to restore (unmute) XM Audio. 11.7 SCHEDULER The Scheduler feature can be used to enter and display reminder messages (e.g., Change oil, Switch fuel tanks, or Altimeter-Transponder Check) in the Alerts Window on the PFD. Messages can be set to display based on a specific date and time (event), once the message timer reaches zero (one-time; default setting), or recurrently whenever the message timer reaches zero (periodic). Message timers set to periodic alerting automatically reset to the original timer value once the message is displayed. When power is cycled, all messages are retained until deleted, and message timer countdown is resumed. Figure 11-29 PFD Alerts Window Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 7) Press the ENT Key again or use the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to the next field. 8) For periodic and one-time message, use the FMS Knob to enter the timer value (HH:MM:SS) from which to countdown and press the ENT Key. 9) For event-based messages: a) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired date (DD-MM-YY) and press the ENT Key. b) Press the ENT Key again or use the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to the next field. c) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired time (HH:MM) and press the ENT Key. Figure 11-30 Scheduler (Utility Page) Entering a scheduler message: 1) Select the AUX - Utility Page. 2) Press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the first empty scheduler message naming field. 4) Use the FMS Knob to enter the message text to be displayed in the Alerts Window and press the ENT Key. 5) Press the ENT Key again or use the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to the field next to Type. 10) Press the ENT Key again or use the large FMS Knob to move the cursor to enter the next message. Deleting a scheduler message: 1) Select the AUX - Utility Page. 2) Press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor. 3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the name field of the scheduler message to be deleted. 4) Press the CLR Key to clear the message text. If the CLR Key is pressed again, the message is restored. 5) Press the ENT Key while the message line is cleared to clear the message time. 6) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the message alert type: • Event—Message issued at the specified date/time • One-time—Message issued when the message timer reaches zero (default setting) • Periodic—Message issued each time the message timer reaches zero 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-19 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.8 ELECTRONIC CHECKLISTS Accessing and navigating checklists: NOTE: The checklists presented here are for example only and may not reflect checklists actually available for the Cessna NAV III Aircraft. This material is not intended to replace the checklist information presented in the AFM or the Pilot Safety and Warning Supplements document. NOTE: Garmin is not responsible for the content of checklists. Cessna NAV III Aircraft checklists are created, modified, and updated by the aircraft manufacturer. The optional checklist functions are displayed on two levels of softkeys that are available on any MFD page. The MFD is able to display optional electronic checklists which allow a pilot to quickly find the proper procedure on the ground and during each phase of flight. The G1000 accesses the checklists from an SD card inserted into the bezel slot. If the SD card contains an invalid checklist file or no checklist, the Power-up Page messages display ‘Checklist File: Invalid’ or ‘Checklist File: N/A’ (not available) and the CHKLIST Softkey is not available. 1) From any page on the MFD, press the CHKLIST Softkey turn the large FMS Knob to select the Checklist Page. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘GROUP’ field. 3) Turn the small FMS Knob to select the desired procedure and press the ENT Key. 4) Turn the large FMS Knob to select the ‘CHECKLIST’ field. 5) Turn the FMS Knob to select the desired checklist and press the ENT Key. The selected checklist item is indicated with white text surrounded by a white box. 6) Press the ENT Key or CHECK Softkey to check the selected checklist item. The line item turns green and a checkmark is placed in the associated box. The next line item is automatically selected for checking. Either FMS Knob can be used to scroll through the checklist and select the desired checklist item. Press the CLR Key or UNCHECK Softkey to remove a check mark from an item. (Optional) SYSTEM SYSTEM MAP DCLTR SHW CHRT CHKLIST CHECK EXIT EMERGCY The CHECK Softkey label changes to UNCHECK when the checklist item is already checked. Figure 11-31 Checklist Softkeys 11-20 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 7) When all checklist items have been checked, ‘*Checklist Finished*’ is displayed in green text at the bottom left of the checklist window. If all items in the checklist have not be checked, ‘*CHECKLIST NOT FINISHED*’ will be displayed in yellow text.\ 8) Press the ENT Key. ‘GO TO NEXT CHECKLIST?’ will be highlighted by the cursor. 9) Press the ENT Key to advance to the next checklist. 10) Press the EXIT Softkey to exit the Checklist Page and return to the page last viewed. Accessing emergency procedures: 1) From any page on the MFD, press the CHKLIST Softkey turn the large FMS Knob to select the Checklist Page. 2) Press the EMERGCY Softkey. 3) Turn the FMS Knob to select the desired emergency checklist and press the ENT Key. 4) Press the ENT Key or CHECK Softkey to check the selected emergency checklist item. The line item turns green and a checkmark is placed in the box next to it. The next line item is automatically highlighted for checking. Figure 11-32 Sample Checklist 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-21 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Either FMS Knob can be used to scroll through the checklist and select the desired checklist item. 7) Press the ENT Key to advance to the next checklist. Press the CLR Key or UNCHECK Softkey to remove a check mark from an item. 8) Press the RETURN Softkey to return to the previous checklist. 5) When all checklist items have been checked, ‘*Checklist Finished*’ is displayed in green text at the bottom left of the checklist window. If all items in the checklist have not be checked, ‘*CHECKLIST NOT FINISHED*’ will be displayed in yellow text.\ 9) Press the EXIT Softkey to exit the Checklist Page and return to the page last viewed. 6) Press the ENT Key. ‘GO TO NEXT CHECKLIST?’ will be highlighted by the cursor. Figure 11-33 Emergency Checklist Page Example 11-22 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES 11.9 FLIGHT DATA LOGGING NOTE: Some aircraft installations may not provide all aircraft/engine data capable of being logged by the system. The Flight Data Logging feature will automatically store critical flight and engine data on an SD data card (up to 8GB) inserted into the top card slot of the MFD. Approximately 1,000 flight hours can be recorded for each 1GB of available space on the card. • Date • Time • GPS altitude (MSL) • GPS altitude (WGS84 datum) • Baro-Corrected altitude (feet) • Baro Correction (in/Hg) • Indicated airspeed (kts) • Vertical speed (fpm) • GPS vertical speed (fpm) • OAT (degrees C) • True airspeed (knots) • Pitch Attitude Angle (degrees) • Roll Attitude Angle (degrees) • Lateral and Vertical G Force (g) • Ground Speed (kts) • Ground Track (degrees magnetic) • Latitude (degrees; geodetic; +North) 190-00384-12 Rev. A Data is written to the SD card once each second while the MFD is powered on. All flight data logged on a specific date is stored in a file named in a format which includes that date (dataYYYY_MM_DD.csv). The file is created automatically each time the G1000 system is powered on, provided an SD card has been inserted. The status of the Flight Data Logging feature can be viewed on the AUX-UTILITY Page. If no SD card has been inserted, “NO CARD” is displayed. When data is being written to the SD card, “LOGGING DATA” is displayed. The following is a list of data parameters the G1000 system is capable of logging for the Cessna Nav III aircraft. • Longitude (degrees; geodetic; +East) • Magnetic Heading (degrees) • HSI source • Selected course • Com1/Com2 frequency • Nav1/Nav2 frequency • CDI deflection • VDI/GP/GS deflection • Wind Direction (degrees) • Wind Speed (knots) • Active Waypoint Identifier • Distance to next waypoint (nm) • Bearing to next waypoint (degrees) • Magnetic variation (degrees) • Autopilot On/Off • AFCS roll/pitch modes • AFCS roll/pitch commands • GPS fix • GPS horizontal alert limit • GPS vertical alert limit • SBAS GPS horizontal protection level • SBAS GPS vertical protection level • Fuel Qty (right & left)(gals) • Fuel Flow (gph) • Fuel Pressure (psi) • Voltage 1 and/or 2 • Amps 1 and/or 2 • Engine RPM • Oil Pressure (psi) • Oil Temperature (deg. F) • TIT (deg. F) • Manifold Pressure (in. Hg) • CHT • EGT Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-23 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES The .csv file may be viewed with Microsoft Excel® or other spreadsheet applications. The file containing the recorded data will appear in the format shown in Figure 11-33. This file can be imported into most computer spreadsheet applications. Local Date YYMMDD Local 24hr Time HHMMSS Nearest Airport (A blank will be inserted if no airport is found) 11.10 AUXILIARY VIDEO (OPTIONAL) There are four modes of operation of the optional auxiliary video display: Full-Screen, Full-Screen with Digital Zoom, Split-Screen with Map, and Split-Screen with Map and Digital Zoom. Displaying auxiliary video: 1) Turn the large FMS Knob on the MFD to select the AUX page group. 2) Turn the small FMS Knob to select VIDEO and display the AUX-VIDEO Page. log_090210_104506_KIXD.csv Control of the AUX - VIDEO Page can also be accessed through the Page Menu. Figure 11-34 Log File Format Data logging status can be monitored on the AUXUTILITY Page. Figure 11-35 AUX - VIDEO Page Menu The video display softkeys shown in the following illustration appear on the AUX - VIDEO Page. 11-24 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES ENGINE MAP INPUT SETUP VID ZM+ VID ZM- MAP ACTV HIDE MAP VID ACTV CNTRST - CNTRST + BRIGHT - BRIGHT + SAT - RESET SAT + BACK Pressing the BACK Softkey returns to the Previous Level Softkeys. Figure 11-36 Video Display Softkeys Selecting video menu options: 1) While viewing the AUX - VIDEO Page press the MENU Key to display the Page Menu OPTIONS. 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the desired video adjustment option and press the ENT Key. Once the ENT key is pressed on any option, the page menu closes and returns to the AUX - VIDEO Page. 4) Press the SAT - or SAT +, to adjust display saturation five percent increments from 0 to 100%. 5) If desired, return the display to the default settings by pressing the RESET Softkey. 6) Press the BACK Softkey to return to the previous softkey level. Video Setup Display Selection Video brightness, contrast, and saturation may be adjusted be selecting the setup function. While viewing the setup function softkeys, after 45 seconds of softkey inactivity, the system reverts to the AUX - VIDEO Page softkeys. Pressing the HIDE MAP Softkey removes the map and displays video on the full screen. The softkey label changes to grey with black characters. Pressing the HIDE MAP Softkey again restores the map view and the small video image. The softkey label returns to white characters on a black background. Adjusting the video settings: 1) With the AUX-VIDEO Page displayed, press the SETUP Softkey. 2) Press the BRIGHT - or BRIGHT +, to adjust display brightness in five percent increments from 0 to 100%. Input Selection While on the AUX - VIDEO Page, press the INPUT Softkey to select the EVS or AUX video source. 3) Press the CNTRST- or CNTRST +, to adjust display contrast in five percent increments from 0 to 100%. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 11-25 SECTION 11 – ADDITIONAL FEATURES Zoom/Range Figure 11-37 AUX - Video Split-Screen Pressing the VID ZM + or VID ZM - Softkeys increases or decreases video display magnification between 1x and 10x. The RANGE Knob can be used to increase or decrease the range setting on the map display or zoom in and out on the video display. While in the Split-Screen mode, pressing the MAP ACTV or VID ACTV Softkey determines which display the RANGE Knob adjusts. Pressing the softkey to display MAP ACTV allows the RANGE Knob to control the range setting of the map display. Pressing the softkey to display VID ACTV allows the RANGE Knob to control the zoom setting of the video display. When zooming in on the video display, a Zoom Window will appear in the upper right of the display. A box within this window indicates the portion of the display currently being viewed. The currently displayed portion of the full display may be adjusted by using Joystick. Current View Zoom Window Figure 11-38 Full Screen Video Display Figure 11-39 Zoom Window 11-26 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 12 – ABNORMAL OPERATION SECTION 12: ABNORMAL OPERATION 12.1 REVERSIONARY MODE Should a system detected failure occur in either display, the G1000 automatically enters Reversionary Mode. In Reversionary Mode, critical flight instrumentation is combined with engine instrumentation on the remaining display. Reduced navigation capability is available on the Reversionary Mode display. Normal PFD Display Reversionary display mode can also be manually activated by the pilot if the system fails to detect a display problem. The Reversionary Mode is activated manually by pressing the red DISPLAY BACKUP Button on the bottom of the audio panel (GMA 1347). Pressing the red DISPLAY BACKUP Button again deactivates Reversionary Mode. NOTE: The Cessna Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) always takes precedence over the information found in this section. Normal MFD Display MFD in Reversionary Mode Figure 12-1 G1000 Reversionary Mode: Failed PFD 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 12-1 SECTION 12 – ABNORMAL OPERATION 12.2 ABNORMAL COM OPERATION When a COM tuning failure is detected by the system, the emergency frequency (121.500 MHz) is automatically loaded into the active frequency field of the COM radio for which the tuning failure was detected. In the event of a dual display failure, the emergency frequency (121.500 MHz) automatically becomes the active frequency to the pilot through the pilot headset. 12.3 UNUSUAL ATTITUDES The PFD ‘declutters’ when the aircraft enters an unusual attitude. Only the primary functions are displayed in these situations. The following information is removed from the PFD (and corresponding softkeys are disabled) when the aircraft experiences unusual attitudes: • Traffic Annunciations • AFCS Annunciations • Flight Director Command Bars • Inset Map • Temperatures • DME Information Window • Wind Data • Selected Heading Box • Selected Course Box • Transponder Status Box • System Time • PFD Setup Menu 12-2 • Windows displayed in the lower right corner of the PFD: – Timer/References – Nearest Airports – Flight Plan – Messages – Procedures – DME Tuning • Barometric Minimum Descent Altitude Box • Glideslope, Glidepath, and Vertical Deviation Indicators • Altimeter Barometric Setting • Selected Altitude • VNV Target Altitude Red extreme pitch warning chevrons pointing toward the horizon are displayed starting at 50 degrees above and 30 degrees below the horizon line. Figure 12-2 Extreme Pitch Indication 12.4 STORMSCOPE OPERATION WITH LOSS OF HEADING INPUT If heading is lost, strikes and/or cells must be cleared manually after the execution of each turn. This is to ensure that the strike and/or cell positions are depicted accurately in relation to the nose of the aircraft. 12.5 HAZARD DISPLAYS WITH LOSS OF GPS POSITION If GPS position is lost, or becomes invalid, selected hazards being displayed on the Navigation Map Page are removed until GPS position is again established. The icons in the lower right of the screen, indicating the selected functions for display, will show an ‘X’, as shown in Figure 12-3. Figure 12-3 Loss of Hazard Functions with Loss of GPS Position Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 12 – ABNORMAL OPERATION 12.6 DEAD RECKONING WARNING: DR Mode is inherently less accurate than the standard GPS/SBAS Mode due to the lack of satellite measurements needed to determine a position. Changes in wind speed and/or wind direction compound the relative inaccuracy of DR Mode. While in Enroute or Oceanic phase of flight, if the G1000 detects an invalid GPS solution or is unable to calculate a GPS position, the system automatically reverts to Dead Reckoning (DR) Mode. In DR Mode, the G1000 uses its last-known position combined with continuously updated airspeed and heading data (when available) to calculate and display the aircraft’s current estimated position. NOTE: Dead Reckoning Mode only functions in Enroute (ENR) or Oceanic (OCN) phase of flight. In all other phases, an invalid GPS solution produces a ‘NO GPS POSITION’ annunciation on the map and the G1000 stops navigating in GPS Mode. DR Mode is indicated on the G1000 by the appearance of the letters ‘DR’ superimposed in yellow over the ‘own aircraft’ symbol as shown in Figure 12-4. In addition, ‘DR’ is prominently displayed, also in yellow, on the HSI slightly above and to the right of the aircraft symbol on the CDI as shown in Figure 12-4. The CDI deviation bar is displayed in yellow, but will be removed from the display after 20 minutes. Lastly, but at the same time, a ‘GPS NAV LOST’ alert message appears on the PFD. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Normal navigation using GPS/SBAS source data resumes automatically once a valid GPS solution is restored. It is important to note that estimated navigation data supplied by the G1000 in DR Mode may become increasingly unreliable and must not be used as a sole means of navigation. If while in DR Mode airspeed and/or heading data is also lost or not available, the DR function may not be capable of accurately tracking your estimated position and, consequently, the system may display a path that is different than the actual movement of the aircraft. Estimated position information displayed by the G1000 through DR while there is no heading and/or airspeed data available should not be used for navigation. CDI ‘DR’ Indication on PFD Symbolic Aircraft (Map pages and Inset Map) Figure 12-4 Dead Reckoning Indications As a result of operating in DR Mode, all GPS-derived data is computed based upon an estimated position and is displayed as yellow text on the display to denote degraded navigation source information. This data includes the following: • Navigation Status Box fields except Active Leg, TAS, and DTK • GPS Bearing Pointer • Wind data and pointers in the Wind Data Box on the PFD and MFD • Current Track Indicator • All Bearing Pointer Distances • Active Flight Plan distances, bearings, and ETE values Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 12-3 SECTION 12 – ABNORMAL OPERATION Also, while the G1000 is in DR Mode, the autopilot will couple to GPS for up to 20 minutes. Terrain Proximity, TERRAIN-SVS, and TAWS are also disabled. Additionally, the accuracy of all nearest information (airports, airspaces, and waypoints) is questionable. Finally, airspace alerts continue to function, but with degraded accuracy. 12-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS SECTION 13: ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS NOTE: The Cessna aircraft Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) supersedes information found in this document. The G1000 Alerting System conveys alerts to the pilot using a combination of the following items: • Annunciation Window: The Annunciation Window displays abbreviated annunciation text. Text color is based on alert levels described later in the Alert Levels Definitions section. The Annunciation Window is located to the right of the Altimeter and Vertical Speed Indicator on the display. All Cessna Nav III annunciations can be displayed simultaneously in the Annunciation Window. A white horizontal line separates annunciations that are acknowledged from annunciations that are not yet acknowledged. Higher priority annunciations are displayed towards the top of the window. Lower priority annunciations are displayed towards the bottom of the window. • Alerts Window: The Alerts Window displays alert text messages. Up to 64 prioritized alert messages can be displayed in the Alerts Window. Pressing the ALERTS Softkey displays the Alerts Window. Pressing the ALERTS Softkey a second time removes the Alerts Window from the display. When the Alerts Window is displayed, the pilot can use the large FMS Knob to scroll through the alert message list. • Softkey Annunciation: During certain alerts, the ALERTS Softkey may appear as a flashing annunciation to accompany an alert. The ALERTS Softkey assumes a new label consistent with the alert level (WARNING, CAUTION, or ADVISORY). By pressing the softkey annunciation, the pilot acknowledges awareness of the alert. The softkey then returns to the previous ALERTS label. If alerts are still present, the ALERTS label is displayed in inverse video (white background with black text). The pilot can press the ALERTS Softkey a second time to view alert text messages. • System Annunciations: Typically, a large red ‘X’ appears in windows when a failure is detected in the LRU providing the information to the window. See the G1000 System Annunciations section for more information. • Audio Alerting System: The G1000 system issues audio alert tones when specific system conditions are met. See the Alert Levels Definitions section for more information. System Annunciation Red ‘X’ Annunciation Window Alerts Window ALERTS Softkey Annunciation Figure 13-1 G1000 Alerting System 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-1 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.1 ALERT LEVEL DEFINITIONS The G1000 Alerting System, as installed in Cessna Nav III aircraft, uses three alert levels. • WARNING: This level of alert requires immediate pilot attention. A warning alert is annunciated in the Annunciation Window and is accompanied by a continuous aural tone. Text appearing in the Annunciation Window is RED. A warning alert is also accompanied by a flashing WARNING Softkey annunciation, as shown in Figure 13-2. Pressing the WARNING Softkey acknowledges the presence of the warning alert and stops the aural tone, if applicable. • CAUTION: This level of alert indicates the existence of abnormal conditions on the aircraft that may require pilot intervention. A caution alert is annunciated in the Annunciation Window and is accompanied by a single aural tone. Text appearing in the Annunciation Window is YELLOW. A caution alert is also accompanied by a flashing CAUTION Softkey annunciation, as shown in Figure 13-3. Pressing the CAUTION Softkey acknowledges the presence of the caution alert. Figure 13-2 WARNING Softkey Annunciation Figure 13-3 CAUTION Softkey Annunciation Figure 13-4 ADVISORY Softkey Annunciation • MESSAGE ADVISORY: This level of alert provides general information to the pilot. A message advisory alert does not issue annunciations in the Annunciation Window. Instead, message advisory alerts only issue a flashing ADVISORY Softkey annunciation, as shown in Figure 13-4. Pressing the ADVISORY Softkey acknowledges the presence of the message advisory alert and displays the alert text message in the Alerts Window. 13-2 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.2 NAV III AIRCRAFT ALERTS The following alerts are configured specifically for the Cessna Nav III aircraft. See the Cessna Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for information regarding pilot responses. WARNING Alerts (172R, 172S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H) Annunciation Window Text Audio Alert CO LVL HIGH HIGH VOLTS Continuous Aural Tone LOW VOLTS* OIL PRESSURE PITCH TRIM** No Tone * Aural tone is inhibited while the aircraft is on the ground. ** KAP 140 installations only Safe Operating Annunciation (T182, T206, and 206 with Prop De-Ice Only) Annunciation Window Text PROP HEAT Audio Alert No Tone 13.3 CO GUARDIAN MESSAGES Alerts Window Message CO DET SRVC – The carbon monoxide detector needs service. CO DET FAIL – The carbon monoxide detector is inoperative. Comments There is a problem within the CO Guardian that requires services. Loss of communication between the G1000 and the CO Guardian. CAUTION Alerts (172R, 172S, 182T, T182T, 206H, and T206H) Annunciation Window Text LOW FUEL L LOW FUEL R LOW VACUUM STBY BATT Audio Alert Single Aural Tone CAUTION Alerts (T182, T206, and 206 with Prop De-Ice Only) Annunciation Window Text PROP HEAT 190-00384-12 Rev. A Audio Alert Single Aural Tone Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-3 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.4 AFCS ALERTS System Status Annunciation System Status Annunciation The following alert annunciations appear in the AFCS System Status Annunciation on the PFD. Figure 13-5 AFCS System Status Annunciation Condition Annunciation Description Pitch Failure Pitch axis control failure. AP is inoperative. Roll Failure Roll axis control failure. AP is inoperative. MET Switch Stuck, or Pitch Trim Axis Control Failure If annunciated when AP is engaged, take control of the aircraft and disengage the autopilot. If annunciated when AP is not engaged, move each half of the MET switch separately to check if a stuck switch is causing the annunciation. System Failure AP and MET are unavailable. FD may still be available. Elevator Mistrim Up A condition has developed causing the pitch servo to provide a sustained force. Be prepared to apply nose up control wheel force upon autopilot disconnect. Elevator Mistrim Down A condition has developed causing the pitch servo to provide a sustained force. Be prepared to apply nose down control wheel force upon autopilot disconnect. Aileron Mistrim Left A condition has developed causing the roll servo to provide a sustained left force. Ensure the slip/ skid indicator is centered and observe any maximum fuel imbalance limits. Aileron Mistrim Right A condition has developed causing the roll servo to provide a sustained right force. Ensure the slip/skid indicator is centered and observe any maximum fuel imbalance limits. Preflight Test Performing preflight system test. Upon completion of the test, the aural alert is heard. Preflight system test has failed. 13-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.5 TERRAIN-SVS ALERTS The following table shows the possible Terrain-SVS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages. PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type MFD Pop-Up Alert Aural Message Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Warning (RTC) “Warning; Terrain, Terrain” Imminent Terrain Impact Warning (ITI) “Warning; Terrain, Terrain” Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Warning (ROC) “Warning; Obstacle, Obstacle” Imminent Obstacle Impact Warning (IOI) “Warning; Obstacle, Obstacle” Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Caution (RTC) “Caution; Terrain, Terrain” Imminent Terrain Impact Caution (ITI) “Caution; Terrain, Terrain” Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Caution (ROC) “Caution; Obstacle, Obstacle” Imminent Obstacle Impact Caution (IOI) “Caution; Obstacle, Obstacle” The following system status annunciations may also be issued. PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation TERRAIN-SVS Page Annunciation Aural Message TERRAIN TEST None None “Terrain System Test OK” None None TERRAIN DATABASE FAILURE None Terrain System Test Fail TERRAIN FAIL “Terrain System Failure” Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid, invalid software configuration, system audio fault TERRAIN FAIL “Terrain System Failure” Alert Type System Test in Progress System Test Pass None Terrain Alerting is disabled MFD Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid. Terrain-SVS operating with PFD Terrain or Obstacle databases 190-00384-12 Rev. A None Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-5 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type No GPS position TERRAIN-SVS Page Annunciation Aural Message NO GPS POSITION “Terrain System Not Available” None “Terrain System Not Available” None “Terrain System Available” Excessively degraded GPS signal, Out of database coverage area Sufficient GPS signal received after loss None 13.6 TAWS ALERTS The following table shows the possible TAWS alert types with corresponding annunciations and aural messages. PFD/MFD MFD Alert Type TAWS-B Page Aural Message Pop-Up Alert Annunciation Excessive Descent Rate Warning (EDR) Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Warning (RTC) “Pull Up” or “Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up” or Terrain Ahead, Pull Up; Terrain Ahead, Pull Up” or “Terrain, Terrain; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up” or “Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up; Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up” or “Obstacle, Obstacle; Pull Up, Pull Up” or “Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain” or “Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead” or “Terrain Ahead; Terrain Ahead” or “Caution, Terrain; Caution, Terrain” or “Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle” or “Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead” or “Obstacle Ahead; Obstacle Ahead” or “Caution, Obstacle; Caution, Obstacle” Imminent Terrain Impact Warning (ITI) Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Warning (ROC) Imminent Obstacle Impact Warning (IOI) Reduced Required Terrain Clearance Caution (RTC) Imminent Terrain Impact Caution (ITI) Reduced Required Obstacle Clearance Caution (ROC) Imminent Obstacle Impact Caution (IOI) 13-6 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS PFD/MFD TAWS-B Page Annunciation Alert Type MFD Pop-Up Alert Aural Message Premature Descent Alert Caution (PDA) Altitude Callout “500” “Too Low, Terrain” None None “Five-Hundred” Excessive Descent Rate Caution (EDR) “Sink Rate” Negative Climb Rate Caution (NCR) “Don’t Sink” or “Too Low, Terrain” or TAWS SYSTEM STATUS ANNUNCIATIONS PFD/MFD Alert Annunciation Alert Type System Test in Progress TERRAIN-SVS Page Annunciation Aural Message TAWS TEST None System Test Pass None None “TAWS System Test OK” MFD Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid. TAWS operating with PFD Terrain or Obstacle databases None TERRAIN DATABASE FAILURE None TAWS-B System Test Fail TAWS FAIL “TAWS System Failure” Terrain or Obstacle database unavailable or invalid, invalid software configuration, system audio fault TAWS FAIL “TAWS System Failure” NO GPS POSITION “TAWS Not Available” None “TAWS Not Available” None “TAWS Available” No GPS position Excessively degraded GPS signal, Out of database coverage area Sufficient GPS signal received after loss 190-00384-12 Rev. A None Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-7 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.7 OTHER G1000 AURAL ALERTS Aural Alert “Minimums, minimums” Description The aircraft has descended below the preset barometric minimum descent altitude. “Vertical track” The aircraft is one minute from Top of Descent. Issued only when vertical navigation is enabled. “Traffic” The Traffic Information Service (TIS) or ADS-B traffic system has issued a Traffic Advisory alert “Traffic not available” The aircraft is outside the Traffic Information Service (TIS) or ADS-B coverage area. “Traffic, Traffic” Played when a Traffic Advisory (TA) is issued (TAS system). “One o’clock” through “Twelve o’clock” or “No Bearing” Played to indicate bearing of traffic from own aircraft (GTS 800 only). “High”, “Low”, “Same Played to indicate altitude of traffic relative to own aircraft (GTS 800 only). Altitude” (if within 200 feet of own altitude), or “Altitude not available” “Less than one mile”, “One Mile” through “Ten Miles”, or “More than ten miles” 13-8 Played to indicate distance of traffic from own aircraft (GTS 800 only). Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.8 G1000 SYSTEM ANNUNCIATIONS When an LRU or an LRU function fails, a large red ‘X’ is typically displayed on areas associated with the failed data. Refer to the POH for additional information regarding pilot responses to these annunciations. NOTE: Upon power-up of the G1000 system, certain boxes remain invalid as G1000 equipment begins to initialize. All boxes should be operational within one minute of power-up. Should any box continue to remain flagged, the G1000 system should be serviced by a Garmin-authorized repair facility. System Annunciation Comment Attitude and Heading Reference System is aligning. Display system is not receiving attitude information from the AHRS. Indicates a configuration module failure. This annunciation is only seen when the autopilot is engaged. The annunciation indicates an AHRS monitor has detected an abnormal flight parameter, possibly caused by strong turbulence. In this case, the situation should correct itself within a few seconds. If there is an actual failure, a red “X” soon appears over the Attitude Indicator. Display system is not receiving airspeed input from air data computer. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-9 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS System Annunciation Comment Display is not receiving altitude input from the air data computer. Display is not receiving vertical speed input from the air data computer. Display is not receiving valid heading input from AHRS. Display is not receiving valid transponder information. Different versions of GDU software are installed in the PFD and MFD. This can also indicate different versions of navigation databases are installed in the PFD and MFD. In some circumstances, a cross-talk error between the PFD and MFD can cause this annunciation. ‘LOI’ Indicates Loss of Integrity of GPS information. GPS information is either not present or is invalid for navigation use. ‘DR’ may also be seen indicating that GPS is in Dead Reckoning Mode. Note that AHRS utilizes GPS inputs during normal operation. AHRS operation may be degraded if GPS signals are not present (see AFMS). Other Various Red X Indications 13-10 A red ‘X’ through any other display field, such as engine instrumentation fields, indicates that the field is not receiving valid data. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS A red ‘X’ may be the result of an LRU or an LRU function failure. The Figure 13-6 illustrates all possible flags and the responsible LRUs. GIA 63/63W Integrated Avionics Units GIA 63/63W Integrated Avionics Units GDC 74A Air Data Computer Database Mismatch in PFD and MFD GEA 71 Engine Airframe Unit Or GIA 63/63W Integrated Avionics Unit GRS 77 AHRS Or GMU 44 Magnetometer GIA 63/63W Integrated Avionics Units GDC 74A Air Data Computer Figure 13-6 G1000 System Failure Annunciations 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III GTX 33 Transponder Or GIA 63/63W Integrated Avionics Units 13-11 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS 13.9 G1000 SYSTEM MESSAGE ADVISORIES This section describes various G1000 system message advisories. Certain messages are issued due to an LRU or an LRU function failure. Such messages are normally accompanied by a corresponding red ‘X’ annunciation as shown previously in the G1000 System Annunciation section. NOTE: This section provides information regarding G1000 message advisories that may be displayed by the system. Knowledge of the aircraft, systems, flight conditions, and other existing operational priorities must be considered when responding to a message. Always use sound pilot judgment. The Cessna aircraft Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) takes precedence over any conflicting guidance found in this section. MFD & PFD Message Advisories Message DATA LOST – Pilot stored data was lost. Recheck settings. XTALK ERROR – A flight display crosstalk error has occurred. PFD1 SERVICE – PFD1 needs service. Return unit for repair. MFD1 SERVICE – MFD1 needs service. Return unit for repair. MANIFEST – PFD1 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST – MFD1 software mismatch, communication halted. PFD1 CONFIG – PFD1 config error. Config service req’d. MFD1 CONFIG – MFD1 config error. Config service req’d. SW MISMATCH – GDU software version mismatch. Xtalk is off. PFD1 COOLING – PFD1 has poor cooling. Reducing power usage. MFD1 COOLING – MFD1 has poor cooling. Reducing power usage. 13-12 Comments The pilot profile data was lost. System reverts to default pilot profile and settings. The pilot may reconfigure the MFD & PFDs with preferred settings, if desired. The MFD and PFD are not communicating with each other. The system should be serviced. The PFD and/or MFD self-test has detected a problem. The system should be serviced. The PFD and/or MFD has incorrect software installed. The system should be serviced. The PFD configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. The system should be serviced. The MFD configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. The system should be serviced. The MFD and PFD have different software versions installed. The system should be serviced. The PFD and/or MFD is overheating and is reducing power consumption by dimming the display. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS MFD & PFD Message Advisories (Cont.) Message PFD1 KEYSTK – PFD1 [key name] Key is stuck. MFD1 KEYSTK – MFD [key name] Key is stuck. CNFG MODULE – PFD1 configuration module is inoperative. PFD1 VOLTAGE – PFD1 has low voltage. Reducing power usage MFD1 VOLTAGE – MFD1 has low voltage. Reducing power usage Comments A key is stuck on the PFD and/or MFD bezel. Attempt to free the stuck key by pressing it several times. The system should be serviced if the problem persists. The PFD1 configuration module backup memory has failed. The system should be serviced. The PFD1 voltage is low. The system should be serviced. The MFD voltage is low. The system should be serviced. Database Message Advisories Message MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 navigation database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 navigation database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 basemap database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 basemap database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 terrain database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 terrain database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 terrain database missing. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 terrain database missing. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Comments The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the navigation database. Attempt to reload the navigation database. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the basemap database. The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the terrain database. Ensure that the terrain card is properly inserted in display. Replace terrain card. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The terrain database is present on another LRU, but is missing on the specified LRU. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-13 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Database Message Advisories (Cont.) Message MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 obstacle database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 obstacle database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 obstacle database missing. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 obstacle database missing. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 airport terrain database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 airport terrain database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 airport terrain database missing. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 airport terrain database missing. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 Safe Taxi database error exists. PFD1 DB ERR – PFD1 Safe Taxi database error exists. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 Chartview database error exists. Comments The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the obstacle database. Ensure that the data card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The obstacle database is present on another LRU, but is missing on the specified LRU. The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the airport terrain database. Ensure that the data card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The airport terrain database is present on another LRU, but is missing on the specified LRU. The MFD and/or PFD detected a failure in the Safe Taxi database. Ensure that the data card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The MFD detected a failure in the ChartView database (optional feature). Ensure the data card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, system should be serviced. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 FliteCharts The MFD detected a failure in the FliteCharts database (optional feature). Ensure the database error exists. data card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, system should be serviced. MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 Airport The MFD detected a failure in the Airport Directory database. Ensure that the data Directory database error exists. card is properly inserted. Replace data card. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. 13-14 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Database Message Advisories (Cont.) Message DB MISMATCH – Navigation database mismatch. Xtalk is off. Comments The PFD and MFD have different navigation database versions or regions installed. Crossfill is off. Check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page to determine versions or regions. Also, check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page for a database synchronization function not completed. After synchronization is complete, power must be turned off, then on. DB MISMATCH – Terrain database The PFD and MFD have different terrain database versions or regions installed. mismatch. Check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page to determine versions or regions. Also, check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page for a database synchronization function not completed. After synchronization is complete, power must be turned off, then on. DB MISMATCH – Obstacle The PFD and MFD have different obstacle database versions or regions installed. database mismatch. Check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page to determine versions or regions. Also, check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page for a database synchronization function not completed. After synchronization is complete, power must be turned off, then on. DB MISMATCH – Airport Terrain The PFD and MFD have different airport terrain database versions or regions database mismatch. installed. Check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page to determine versions or regions. Also, check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page for a database synchronization function not completed. After synchronization is complete, power must be turned off, then on. DB MISMATCH – Standby The PFD and MFD have different standby navigation database versions or regions Navigation database mismatch. installed. Check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page to determine versions or regions. Also, check the AUX-SYSTEM STATUS Page for a database synchronization function not completed. After synchronization is complete, power must be turned off, then on. NAV DB UPDATED – Active System has updated the active navigation database from the standby navigation navigation database updated. database. TERRAIN DSP – [PFD1 or One of the terrain, airport terrain, or obstacle databases required for TAWS in the MFD1] Terrain awareness display specified PFD or MFD is missing or invalid. unavailable. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-15 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GMA 1347 Message Advisories Message Comments GMA1 FAIL – GMA1 is inoperative. The audio panel self-test has detected a failure. The audio panel is unavailable. The system should be serviced. GMA1 CONFIG – GMA1 config The audio panel configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. error. Config service req’d. The system should be serviced. MANIFEST – GMA1 software The audio panel has incorrect software installed. The system should be serviced. mismatch, communication halted. GMA1 SERVICE – GMA1 needs The audio panel self-test has detected a problem in the unit. Certain audio functions service. Return unit for repair. may still be available, and the audio panel may still be usable. The system should be serviced when possible. GIA 63 Message Advisories Message GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 config error. Config service req’d. GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 config error. Config service req’d. GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 audio config error. Config service req’d. GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 audio config error. Config service req’d. GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 temperature too low. GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 temperature too low. GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 over temperature. GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 over temperature. GIA1 SERVICE – GIA1 needs service. Return the unit for repair. GIA2 SERVICE – GIA2 needs service. Return the unit for repair. 13-16 Comments The GIA1 and/or GIA2 configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. The G1000 system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 have an error in the audio configuration. The G1000 system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too low to operate correctly. Allow units to warm up to operating temperature. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too high. If problem persists, the G1000 system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 self-test has detected a problem in the unit. The G1000 system should be serviced. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63 Message Advisories (Cont.) Message Comments MANIFEST – GIA1 software mismatch, communication halted. The GIA1 and/or GIA 2 has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should MANIFEST – GIA2 software mismatch, be serviced. communication halted. COM1 TEMP – COM1 over temp. The system has detected an over temperature condition in COM1 and/or COM2. The Reducing transmitter power. transmitter is operating at reduced power. If the problem persists, the G1000 system COM2 TEMP – COM2 over temp. should be serviced. Reducing transmitter power. COM1 SERVICE – COM1 needs service. Return unit for repair. The system has detected a failure in COM1 and/or COM2. COM1 and/or COM2 may still be usable. The G1000 system should be serviced when possible. COM2 SERVICE – COM2 needs service. Return unit for repair. COM1 PTT – COM1 push-to-talk key The COM1 and/or COM2 external push-to-talk switch is stuck in the enable (or is stuck. “pressed”) position. Press the PTT switch again to cycle its operation. COM2 PTT – COM2 push-to-talk key If the problem persists, the G1000 system should be serviced. is stuck. COM1 RMT XFR – COM1 remote The COM1 and/or COM2 transfer switch is stuck in the enabled (or “pressed”) positransfer key is stuck. tion. Press the transfer switch again to cycle its operation. If the problem persists, COM2 RMT XFR – COM2 remote the G1000 system should be serviced. transfer key is stuck. RAIM UNAVAIL – RAIM is not GPS satellite coverage is insufficient to perform Receiver Autonomous Integrity Moniavailable from FAF to MAP waypoints. toring (RAIM) from the FAF to the MAP waypoints. LOI – GPS integrity lost. Crosscheck Loss of GPS integrity monitoring. with other NAVS. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS navigaLoss of GPS navigation due to insufficient satellites. tion. Insufficient satellites. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS Loss of GPS navigation due to position error. navigation. Position error. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS Loss of GPS navigation due to GPS failure. navigation. GPS fail. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-17 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63 Message Advisories (Cont.) Message Comments ABORT APR – Loss of GPS navigation. Abort approach due to loss of GPS navigation. Abort approach. TRUE APR – True north approach. Displayed after passing the first waypoint of a true north approach when the nav Change hdg reference to TRUE. angle is set to ‘AUTO’. GPS1 FAIL – GPS1 is inoperative. A failure has been detected in the GPS1 and/or GPS2 receiver. The receiver is unavailable. The G1000 system should be serviced. GPS2 FAIL – GPS2 is inoperative. GPS1 SERVICE – GPS1 needs service. Return unit for repair. GPS2 SERVICE – GPS2 needs service. Return unit for repair. NAV1 SERVICE – NAV1 needs service. Return unit for repair. NAV2 SERVICE – NAV2 needs service. Return unit for repair. NAV1 RMT XFR – NAV1 remote transfer key is stuck. NAV2 RMT XFR – NAV2 remote transfer key is stuck. G/S1 FAIL – G/S1 is inoperative. G/S2 FAIL – G/S2 is inoperative. G/S1 SERVICE – G/S1 needs service. Return unit for repair. G/S2 SERVICE – G/S2 needs service. Return unit for repair. 13-18 A failure has been detected in the GPS1 and/or GPS2 receiver. The receiver may still be available. The G1000 system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in the NAV1 and/or NAV2 receiver. The receiver may still be available. The G1000 system should be serviced. The remote NAV1 and/or NAV2 transfer switch is stuck in the enabled (or “pressed”) state. Press the transfer switch again to cycle its operation. If the problem persists, the G1000 system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in glideslope receiver 1 and/or receiver 2. The G1000 system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in glideslope receiver 1 and/or receiver 2. The receiver may still be available. The G1000 system should be serviced when possible. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63W Message Advisories Message GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 config error. Config service req’d. GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 config error. Config service req’d. GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 audio config error. Config service req’d. GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 audio config error. Config service req’d. GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 temperature too low. GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 temperature too low. GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 over temperature. GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 over temperature. GIA1 SERVICE – GIA1 needs service. Return the unit for repair. GIA2 SERVICE – GIA2 needs service. Return the unit for repair. HW MISMATCH – GIA hardware mismatch. GIA1 communication halted. HW MISMATCH – GIA hardware mismatch. GIA2 communication halted. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Comments The GIA1 and/or GIA2 configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. The system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 have an error in the audio configuration. The system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too low to operate correctly. Allow units to warm up to operating temperature. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too high. If problem persists, the system should be serviced. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 self-test has detected a problem in the unit. The system should be serviced. A GIA mismatch has been detected, where only one is SBAS capable. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-19 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63W Message Advisories (Cont.) Message MANIFEST – GIA1 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST – GIA2 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST – GFC software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST– COM1 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST– COM2 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST– NAV1 software mismatch, communication halted. MANIFEST– NAV2 software mismatch, communication halted. COM1 TEMP – COM1 over temp. Reducing transmitter power. COM2 TEMP – COM2 over temp. Reducing transmitter power. COM1 CONFIG – COM1 config error. Config service req’d. COM2 CONFIG– COM2 config error. Config service req’d. COM1 TEMP – COM1 over temp. Reducing transmitter power. COM2 TEMP – COM2 over temp. Reducing transmitter power. COM1 SERVICE – COM1 needs service. Return unit for repair. COM2 SERVICE – COM2 needs service. Return unit for repair. 13-20 Comments The GIA1 and/or GIA 2 has incorrect software installed. The system should be serviced. Incorrect servo software is installed, or gain settings are incorrect. COM1 and/or COM2 software mismatch. The G1000 system should be serviced. NAV1 and/or NAV2 software mismatch. The G1000 system should be serviced. The system has detected an over temperature condition in COM1 and/or COM2. The transmitter is operating at reduced power. If the problem persists, the system should be serviced. COM1 and/or COM2 configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory. The G1000 system should be serviced. The system has detected an over temperature condition in COM1 and/or COM2. The transmitter is operating at reduced power. If the problem persists, the G1000 system should be serviced. The system has detected a failure in COM1 and/or COM2. COM1 and/or COM2 may still be usable. The system should be serviced when possible. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63W Message Advisories (Cont.) Message COM1 PTT – COM1 push-to-talk key is stuck. COM2 PTT – COM2 push-to-talk key is stuck. COM1 RMT XFR – COM1 remote transfer key is stuck. COM2 RMT XFR – COM2 remote transfer key is stuck. LOI – GPS integrity lost. Crosscheck with other NAVS. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS navigation. Insufficient satellites. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS navigation. Position error. GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS navigation. GPS fail. ABORT APR – Loss of GPS navigation. Abort approach. APR DWNGRADE – Approach downgraded. TRUE APR – True north approach. Change HDG reference to TRUE. GPS1 SERVICE – GPS1 needs service. Return unit for repair. GPS2 SERVICE – GPS2 needs service. Return unit for repair. NAV1 SERVICE – NAV1 needs service. Return unit for repair. NAV2 SERVICE – NAV2 needs service. Return unit for repair. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Comments The COM1 and/or COM2 external push-to-talk switch is stuck in the enable (or “pressed”) position. Press the PTT switch again to cycle its operation. If the problem persists, the system should be serviced. The COM1 and/or COM2 transfer switch is stuck in the enabled (or “pressed”) position. Press the transfer switch again to cycle its operation. If the problem persists, the system should be serviced. GPS integrity is insufficient for the current phase of flight. Loss of GPS navigation due to insufficient satellites. Loss of GPS navigation due to position error. Loss of GPS navigation due to GPS failure. Abort approach due to loss of GPS navigation. Vertical guidance generated by SBAS is unavailable, use LNAV only minimums. Displayed after passing the first waypoint of a true north approach when the nav angle is set to ‘AUTO’. A failure has been detected in the GPS1 and/or GPS2 receiver. The receiver may still be available. The system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in the NAV1 and/or NAV2 receiver. The receiver may still be available. The system should be serviced. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-21 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GIA 63W Message Advisories (Cont.) Message NAV1 RMT XFR – NAV1 remote transfer key is stuck. NAV2 RMT XFR – NAV2 remote transfer key is stuck. G/S1 FAIL – G/S1 is inoperative. G/S2 FAIL – G/S2 is inoperative. G/S1 SERVICE – G/S1 needs service. Return unit for repair. G/S2 SERVICE – G/S2 needs service. Return unit for repair. FAILED PATH – A data path has failed. Comments The remote NAV1 and/or NAV2 transfer switch is stuck in the enabled (or “pressed”) state. Press the transfer switch again to cycle its operation. If the problem persists, the system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in glideslope receiver 1 and/or receiver 2. The system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in glideslope receiver 1 and/or receiver 2. The receiver may still be available. The system should be serviced when possible. A data path connected to the GDU or the GIA 63/W has failed. GEA 71 Message Advisories Message GEA1 CONFIG – GEA1 config error. Config service req’d. MANIFEST – GEA1 software mismatch, communication halted. Comments The GEA1 configuration settings do not match those of backup configuration memory. The G1000 system should be serviced. The #1 GEA 71 has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should be serviced. GSR 56 Message Advisories Message GSR1 FAIL – GSR1 has failed. Comments A failure has been detected in the #1 GSR 56. The system should be serviced. GDC 74A Message Advisories Message ADC1 ALT EC – ADC1 altitude error correction is unavailable. ADC1 AS EC – ADC1 airspeed error correction is unavailable. MANIFEST – GDC1 software mismatch, communication halted. 13-22 Comments GDC1 is reporting that the altitude error correction is unavailable. GDC1 is reporting that the airspeed error correction is unavailable. The GDC 74A has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should be serviced. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GTX 33 Message Advisories Message XPDR1 CONFIG – XPDR1 config error. Config service req’d. MANIFEST – GTX1 software mismatch, communication halted. XPDR1 SRVC – XPDR1 needs service. Return unit for repair. XPDR1 FAIL – XPDR1 is inoperative. Comments The transponder configuration settings do not match those of backup configuration memory. The system should be serviced. The transponder has incorrect software installed. The system should be serviced. The #1 transponder should be serviced when possible. There is no communication with the #1 transponder. GRS 77 Message Advisories Message AHRS1 TAS – AHRS1 not receiving airspeed. Comments The #1 AHRS is not receiving true airspeed from the air data computer. The AHRS relies on GPS information to augment the lack of airspeed. The system should be serviced. AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 using backup The #1 AHRS is using the backup GPS path. Primary GPS path has failed. The GPS source. system should be serviced when possible. AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 not receiving The #1 AHRS is not receiving any or any useful GPS information. Check AFMS any GPS information. limitations. The system should be serviced. AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 not receiving The #1 AHRS is not receiving backup GPS information. The system should be serviced. backup GPS information. AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 operating The #1 AHRS is operating exclusively in no-GPS mode. The system should be exclusively in no-GPS mode. serviced. AHRS1 SRVC – AHRS1 Magnetic- The #1 AHRS earth magnetic field model is out of date. Update magnetic field model field model needs update. when practical. GEO LIMITS – AHRS1 too far The aircraft is outside geographical limits for approved AHRS operation. Heading is North/South, no magnetic compass. flagged as invalid. MANIFEST – GRS1 software The #1 AHRS has incorrect software installed. The system should be serviced. mismatch, communication halted. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-23 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS GMU 44 Message Advisories Message HDG FAULT – AHRS1 magnetometer fault has occurred. MANIFEST – GMU1 software mismatch, communication halted. Comments A fault has occurred in the #1 GMU 44. Heading is flagged as invalid. The AHRS uses GPS for backup mode operation. The G1000 system should be serviced. The GMU 44 has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should be serviced. GDL 69/69A Message Advisories Message GDL69 CONFIG – GDL 69 config error. Config service req’d. GDL69 FAIL – GDL 69 has failed. MANIFEST – GDL software mismatch, communication halted. Comments GDL 69 configuration settings do not match those of backup configuration memory. The G1000 system should be serviced. A failure has been detected in the GDL 69. The receiver is unavailable. The G1000 system should be serviced The GDL 69 has incorrect software installed. The G1000 system should be serviced. Miscellaneous Message Advisories Message FPL WPT LOCK – Flight plan waypoint is locked. FPL WPT MOVE – Flight plan waypoint moved. TIMER EXPIRD – Timer has expired. DB CHANGE – Database changed. Verify user modified procedures. DB CHANGE – Database changed. Verify stored airways. 13-24 Comments Upon power-up, the system detects that a stored flight plan waypoint is locked. This occurs when an navigation database update eliminates an obsolete waypoint. The flight plan cannot find the specified waypoint and flags this message. This can also occur with user waypoints in a flight plan that is deleted. Remove the waypoint from the flight plan if it no longer exists in any database, Or update the waypoint name/identifier to reflect the new information. The system has detected that a waypoint coordinate has changed due to a new navigation database update. Verify that stored flight plans contain correct waypoint locations. The system notifies the pilot that the timer has expired. This occurs when a stored flight plan contains procedures that have been manually edited. This alert is issued only after an navigation database update. Verify that the user-modified procedures in stored flight plans are correct and up to date. This occurs when a stored flight plan contains an airway that is no longer consistent with the navigation database. This alert is issued only after an navigation database update. Verify use of airways in stored flight plans and reload airways as needed. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Miscellaneous Message Advisories (Cont.) Message FPL TRUNC – Flight plan has been truncated. LOCKED FPL – Cannot navigate locked flight plan. Comments This occurs when a newly installed navigation database eliminates an obsolete approach or arrival used by a stored flight plan. The obsolete procedure is removed from the flight plan. Update flight plan with current arrival or approach. This occurs when the pilot attempts to activate a stored flight plan that contains locked waypoint. Remove locked waypoint from flight plan. Update flight plan with current waypoint. WPT ARRIVAL – Arriving at Arriving at waypoint [xxxx], where [xxxx] is the waypoint name. waypoint -[xxxx] STEEP TURN – Steep turn ahead. A steep turn is 15 seconds ahead. Prepare to turn. INSIDE ARSPC – Inside airspace. The aircraft is inside the airspace. ARSPC AHEAD – Airspace ahead Special use airspace is ahead of aircraft. The aircraft will penetrate the airspace less than 10 minutes. within 10 minutes. ARSPC NEAR – Airspace near and Special use airspace is near and ahead of the aircraft position. ahead. ARSPC NEAR – Airspace near – less Special use airspace is within 2 nm of the aircraft position. than 2 nm. APR INACTV – Approach is not The system notifies the pilot that the loaded approach is not active. Activate active. approach when required. SLCT FREQ – Select appropriate The system notifies the pilot to load the approach frequency for the appropriate frequency for approach. NAV receiver. Select the correct frequency for the approach. SLCT NAV – Select NAV on CDI for The system notifies the pilot to set the CDI to the correct NAV receiver. Set the CDI approach. to the correct NAV receiver. PTK FAIL – Parallel track unavailable: Bad parallel track geometry. bad geometry. PTK FAIL – Parallel track unavailable: IAF waypoint for parallel offset has been passed. past IAF. PTK FAIL – Parallel track unavailable: IAF waypoint for parallel offset has been passed. past IAF. UNABLE V WPT – Can’t reach The current vertical waypoint can not be reached within the maximum flight path current vertical waypoint. angle and vertical speed constraints. The system automatically transitions to the next vertical waypoint. 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-25 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Miscellaneous Message Advisories (Cont.) Message VNV – Unavailable. Excessive track angle error. VNV – Unavailable. Unsupported leg type in flight plan. VNV – Unavailable. Excessive crosstrack error. VNV – Unavailable. Parallel course selected. NON WGS84 WPT – Do not use GPS for navigation to -[xxxx] TRAFFIC FAIL – Traffic device has failed. NON WGS84 WPT – Do not use GPS for navigation to-[xxxx] STRMSCP FAIL – Stormscope has failed. MAG VAR WARN – Large magnetic variance. Verify all course angles. SVS – SVS DISABLED: Out of available terrain region. SVS – SVS DISABLED: Terrain DB resolution too low. SCHEDULER [#] – <message>. CHECK CRS – Database course for LOC1 / [LOC ID] is [CRS]°. CHECK CRS – Database course for LOC2 / [LOC ID] is [CRS]°. 13-26 Comments The current track angle error exceeds the limit, causing the vertical deviation to go invalid. The lateral flight plan contains a procedure turn, vector, or other unsupported leg type prior to the active vertical waypoint. This prevents vertical guidance to the active vertical waypoint. The current crosstrack exceeds the limit, causing vertical deviation to go invalid. A parallel course has been selected, causing the vertical deviation to go invalid. The position of the selected waypoint [xxxx] is not calculated based on the WGS84 map reference datum and may be positioned in error as displayed. Do not use GPS to navigate to the selected non-WGS84 waypoint. The system is no longer receiving data from the traffic system. The traffic device should be serviced. The position of the selected waypoint [xxxx] is not calculated based on the WGS84 map reference datum and may be positioned in error as displayed. Do not use GPS to navigate to [xxxx]. Stormscope has failed. The G1000 system should be serviced. The GDU’s internal model cannot determine the exact magnetic variance for geographic locations near the magnetic poles. Displayed magnetic course angles may differ from the actual magnetic heading by more than 2°. Synthetic Vision is disabled because the aircraft is not within the boundaries of the installed terrain database. Synthetic Vision is disabled because a terrain database of sufficient resolution (9 arc-second or better) is not currently installed. Message criteria entered by the user. Selected course for LOC1 differs from published localizer course by more than 10 degrees. Selected course for LOC2 differs from published localizer course by more than 10 degrees. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Miscellaneous Message Advisories (Cont.) Message [PFD1 or MFD1] CARD 1 REM – Card 1 was removed. Reinsert card. [PFD1 or MFD1] CARD 2 REM – Card 2 was removed. Reinsert card. [PFD1 or MFD1] CARD 1 ERR – Card 1 is invalid. [PFD1 or MFD1] CARD 2 ERR – Card 2 is invalid. TRN AUD FAIL – Trn Awareness audio source unavailable. TERRAIN AUD CFG – Trn Awareness audio config error. Service req’d. REGISTER GFDS – Data services are inoperative, register w/GFDS. Comments The SD card was removed from the top card slot of the PFD or MFD. The SD card needs to be reinserted. The SD card was removed from the bottom card slot of the PFD or MFD. The SD card needs to be reinserted. The SD card in the top card slot of the PFD or MFD contains invalid data. The SD card in the bottom card slot of the PFD or MFD contains invalid data. The audio source for terrain awareness is offline. Check GIA1 or GIA 2. Terrain audio alerts are not configured properly. The system should be serviced The GSR 56 is not registered with Garmin Flight Data Services, or its current registration data has failed authentication. 13.10 FLIGHT PLAN IMPORT/EXPORT MESSAGES In some circumstances, some messages may appear in conjunction with others. Flight Plan Import/Export Results ‘Flight plan successfully imported.’ ‘File contained user waypoints only. User waypoints imported successfully. No stored flight plan data was modified.’ ‘No flight plan files found to import.’ ‘Flight plan import failed.’ ‘Flight plan partially imported.’ ‘File contained user waypoints only.’ 190-00384-12 Rev. A Description A flight plan file stored on the SD card was successfully imported as a stored flight plan. The file stored on the SD card did not contain a flight plan, only user waypoints. These waypoints have been saved to the system user waypoints. No flight plans stored in the system have been modified. The SD card contains no flight plan data. Flight plan data was not successfully imported from the SD card. Some flight plan waypoints were successfully imported from the SD card, however others had errors and were not imported. A partial stored flight plan now exists in the system. The file stored on the SD card did not contain a flight plan, only user waypoints. One or more of these waypoints did not import successfully. Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 13-27 SECTION 13 – ANNUNCIATIONS & ALERTS Flight Plan Import/Export Results ‘Too many points. Flight plan truncated.’ Description The flight plan on the SD card contains more waypoints than the system can support. The flight plan was imported with as many waypoints as possible. ‘Some waypoints not loaded. Waypoints The flight plan on the SD card contains one or more waypoints that the locked.’ system cannot find in the navigation database. The flight plan has been imported, but must be edited within the system before it can be activated for use. ‘User waypoint database full. Not all loaded.’ The flight plan file on the SD card contains user waypoints. The quantity of stored user waypoints has exceeded system capacity, therefore not all the user waypoints on the SD card have been imported. Any flight plan user waypoints that were not imported are locked in the flight plan. The flight plan must be edited within the system before it can be activated for use. ‘One or more user waypoints renamed.’ One or more imported user waypoints were renamed when imported due to naming conflicts with waypoints already existing in the system. ‘Flight plan successfully exported.’ The stored flight plan was successfully exported to the SD card. ‘Flight plan export failed.’ The stored flight plan was not successfully exported to the SD card. The SD card may not have sufficient available memory or the card may have been removed prematurely. 13-28 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A INDEX A Abnormal COM operation 12-2 Activate a flight plan 8-4 Active channel 11-16 Active database 1-14 Active flight plan 8-4 Active Navigation Database 1-14 ADF 1-7, 5-3 ADS-B RR-2, 10-12, 10-14, 13-7 AFCS 13-4 Age 10-7 AHRS 13-21, 13-22 Aircraft alerts 13-3 AIRMET 10-5 Airport frequency 7-29 Airport information 7-25 Airspace alerts 7-33 Airspeed indicator 2-3 Airspeed Reference 6-8 Airspeed trend vector 2-3 Airways 8-7 Alerting system 13-1 Alerts 13-1 Alert levels 13-2 Alert Pop-Up 10-24 ALT 1-4, 1-8, 2-4, 6-4, 6-6, 6-13, 7-22, 10-13 Altitude alerting 2-4 Altitude constraints 1-11 Altitude hold 1-4 Altitude Hold Mode 6-6 Altitude mode 10-13 Altitude Reference 6-6, 6-13 Altitude restrictions 1-12 Altitude trend vector 2-4 Altitude volume 10-13 ALT Knob 1-4 Ammeter 3-3, 3-9 AOPA Airport Directory 11-15 AP 1-4, 13-4 Approach ILS 6-31 Missed 6-33 190-00384-12 Rev. A WAAS 6-32 Approaches 9-2 Approach activation 4-4 Approach markers Signal augmentation 5-2 Approach Mode 6-20 Approach Mode, AFCS 6-31, 6-32 AP DISC Switch 6-1, 6-34 Arrival procedure 7-12, 7-14, 7-20 Arrivals 9-1 Assist 3-4, 3-6, 3-7 Attitude indicator 2-3 Audio alerting system 13-1 Audio panel 4-3, 5-1 Audio Panel controls SPKR 5-2 Audio panel controls ADF 5-3 DME 5-3 NAV1 5-3 NAV2 5-3 Aural alerts 13-7 Automatic audio muting 11-18 Autopilot 13-4 Auto-tuning 4-4 Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) Status Annunciations 6-34 Status Box 6-2 Automatic squelch 4-3 Autopilot 6-22–6-23 Autopilot disconnect 6-16, 6-23 Auxiliary video 11-24 7-23, 9-2, 13-23 Cell 10-2 Cell mode 10-2 Cell movement 10-5 Chart Not Available 11-12, 11-15 Chart options 11-12, 11-15 ChartView 11-11 ChartView functions 11-11 ChartView plan view 11-12 ChartView softkeys 11-11 Checklists 11-20–11-21 Checklist softkeys 11-20 Cloud Tops 10-4 CLR 1-3, 3-9 Coast mode 10-12 Code selection 4-5 Command Bars, flight director 6-2 COM frequency window 4-1 COM Knob 4-3 Controls 1-2 Control Wheel Steering (CWS) 6-23 Create a new user waypoint 8-1 CWS Button 6-1–6-23 Cyclones 10-5 Cylinder Head Temperature 3-1, 3-4 D Backcourse Mode 6-21 Barometric minimum 2-8 Base reflectivity 10-4 BRG1 2-11 BRG2 2-11 Data logging 11-24 Day/Night views 11-13, 11-15 Day view 11-13, 11-15 DB Mismatch 1-13, 1-15 Dead Reckoning 2-12, 12-3, 13-9 Departures 9-1 Direct-to 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-12, 7-14, 7-23, 8-11 DME 1-7 DR 2-12 DR mode 12-3, 12-4 Dual CDU failure 12-2 C E CAUTION 13-2 CDI 2-9, 2-11, 7-3, 7-6, 7-14, 7-19, ECHO TOPS 10-4 Edit a flight plan 8-9 B Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III Index-1 INDEX EDR 10-23 Electronic checklists 11-20, 11-21, 11-22 Emergency checklist 11-21 Engine Hours 3-3, 3-8 Engine Leaning 3-6 Engine Page 3-1 Excessive Descent Rate 10-23 Exhaust Gas Temperature 3-2, 3-4 F FD 1-4, 13-4 FIS-B Weather 10-7, 10-8, 10-9, 1010, 10-11 Five-Hundred Aural Alert 10-24 FLC 1-4 Flight director 6-2–6-3 Pitch modes 6-3–6-9 Roll modes 6-17–6-19 Flight ID 4-5 Flight level change 1-4 Flight Level Change Mode 6-28, 6-30 Flight Level Change Mode (FLC) 6-8 Flight plan import/export messages 13-26 Flight Plan Catalog 9-1, 9-2 FliteCharts 11-14 FliteCharts functions 11-14 FLTA 10-20, 10-23 Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance 10-20, 10-23 FPA 7-17 Freezing level 10-5 Frequency toggle key 1-3, 4-3 Fuel Calculations 3-7 Flow totalizer 3-7 Remaining 3-9 Used 3-8 Fuel Flow 3-1, 3-3, 3-4, 3-8 Fuel Quantity 3-2, 3-4, 3-9 G Index-2 GA Switch (Go-Around) 6-1 Glidepath 2-2, 2-6, 7-22 Glidepath Mode 6-14, 6-20 Glidepath Mode (GP) 6-32 Glideslope 2-6, 7-22 Glideslope Mode 6-15, 6-20 Glideslope Mode (GS) 6-31 GMA 1347 1-1 Go Around Mode (GA) 6-16, 6-33–634 H Heading indication 2-9 Heading Select 1-3, 1-4 Heading Select Mode 6-18 Heading Select Mode (HDG) 6-25 Headset(s) 5-3 Horizontal situation indicator 2-8 HSI 2-8 Hurricanes 10-5 I ID RR-1, 1-3, 4-2, 4-3 IDENT function 4-5 ILS approach 6-31 Imminent Terrain Impact 10-20, 10-23 Impact point 10-20, 10-23 Inhibit 10-20, 10-22 Interrogations 4-5 IOI 10-18, 10-20, 10-23, 10-25, 13-5, 13-6 ITI 10-20, 10-23 K Key(s) 1-4 L Lean Display 3-5, 3-6 Leaning 3-7 Leaning, Engine 3-4 Lean Display 3-1, 3-4, 3-6 Lighted obstacle 10-20, 10-24 Lightning 1-6, 1-9, 10-2, 10-4 LNAV 2-6, 7-5 Load approach 8-9 Load a VOR frequency 7-31 Load departure 8-8 Loading Updated Databases 1-13 Load the frequency for a controlling agency 7-33 Load the nearest ARTCC frequency 7-32 LOI 2-11 LOW ALT 2-5 Low Altitude 2-5 LPV 2-6, 7-5, 7-23 LPV approach 6-24 M Magnetic Field Variation Database Update 1-15 Manifold Pressure 3-1, 3-3, 3-4, 3-6, 3-7, 3-9 Manual Electric Trim (MET) 6-22 MAP 7-1 Map panning 10-5 Marker beacon 2-7 Message advisories 13-11–13-25 MET 13-4 METAR 10-3, 10-5 Metric display 2-4 MET Switch (Manual Electric Trim) 6-1 MFD 1-1, 4-4 Minimums 13-7 Missed approach 6-33 Missed Approach 7-5, 7-23 Mistrim 13-4 MKR/MUTE 5-2, 5-4 Mode S 4-4 Mode selection softkeys 4-5 Morse code identifier 4-3 N Nav/Com controls 4-1 NAV1 5-3 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A INDEX NAV2 5-3 Navigation 7-1 Navigation database 1-11, 1-12 Navigation Mode 6-19–6-20 Navigation Mode, AFCS 6-26–6-27 Navigation status window 2-2 NAV frequency window 4-1 NCR 10-23 Nearest Airports Page 7-25, 7-29, 7-30, 7-31, 7-32, 7-33, 8-1 Nearest ARTCC & FSS frequencies 7-32 Negative Climb Rate After Takeoff 10-23 NEXRAD 10-3, 10-4, 10-7, 10-11 NEXRAD Softkey 10-10 Non-path descent 6-13, 6-30–6-31 O OBS 2-12 Obstacles 10-15, 10-20, 10-24, 13-13, 13-18 Oil Pressure 3-1, 3-7 Oil Temperature 3-1, 3-8 Operation 5-2 Optional NAV radios 4-3 Overspeed protection, autopilot 6-35 P Page group icon 1-10 Passenger address 5-2 PA annunciator 5-2 PA system 5-2 PDA 10-23 Peak, Cylinder 3-7–3-8 Peak temperature 3-4, 3-7 PFD 1-1, 4-1, 4-4 Pitch hold 1-4 Pitch Hold Mode (PIT) 6-5 Pitch modes, flight director 6-3–6-9 Pitch Reference 6-5 Power-up page 11-20 Premature Descent Alert 10-23 190-00384-12 Rev. A Presets 11-17 Procedure examples, AFCS 6-24–6-31 R Red pointer 2-3 Remove departure, arrival, or approach 8-9 Replies 4-5 Required Vertical Speed 2-6, 7-18 Required Vertical Speed Indicator 7-18 Reversionary mode 5-1, 12-1 ROC 10-18, 10-20, 10-23, 10-25, 13-5, 13-6 Roll Hold Mode (ROL) 6-17 Roll modes, flight director 6-17–6-20 Roll Reference 6-18 RTC 10-20, 10-23 RVSI 7-18 RX indicator 4-3 R indication 4-5 S SBAS 1-11, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6, 2-9, 2-10, 6-3, 6-14, 6-20, 6-24, 7-5, 7-17, 9-2, 10-20, 10-22, 11-23, 12-3, 13-18, 13-19 Scheduler 11-18 Secure Digital (SD) card 11-20 Selected Altitude 6-6, 6-10, 6-13 Selected Altitude Capture Mode 6-6, 6-10, 6-13 Selected Course 6-20, 6-21 Selected Heading 6-18 Selected vertical speed 2-7 Servos 6-22 Severe thunderstorm 10-5 SIGMET 10-5 Slip/Skid indicator 2-3 Softkey function (MFD) 1-5, 1-9 Speaker 5-2 Speed ranges 2-3 SQ 1-3, 4-2, 4-3, 5-1, 5-4 Squelch 5-4 Standby Navigation Database 1-15 STBY Softkey 4-4 Store Flight Plan 8-9 Stormscope lightning data 1-6, 1-9, 10-1, 10-2 Strike 10-2 Strike mode 10-2 SVS 13-25 Synchronization 1-14 SYNC Status 1-15 System annunciations 13-1 System message advisories 13-10 T TA 10-12, 13-7 Tachometer 3-1, 3-4, 3-7 TAF 10-3, 10-11 TAS 10-12, 10-13, 10-14, 13-21 TAWS 10-16, 10-21, 10-22–10-26, 13-6 TAWS-B 10-21 TAWS system test 10-23 Temperature Peak Cylinder 3-7 Turbine Inlet 3-7 Terrain 10-15, 10-16, 10-26, 12-2, 13-13 Terrain 10-15, 10-16, 10-21, 10-24 Terrain-SVS 10-16, 10-17, 10-20, 1021, 11-1, 11-8, 13-5 TFR 10-5 Timer 13-23 TIS 10-12 TNA Mute 10-12 TOD 7-17, 7-18, 7-21 Top of Descent 7-17, 7-18 Tornado 10-5 Traffic advisory 10-12, 10-13, 10-14, 10-26 Traffic Advisory 13-7 Traffic map page 10-21 Traffic map page 10-12– 10-16, 10-24 Transponder 4-4 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III Index-3 INDEX Transponder standby mode 4-4 Transponder Status bar 4-5 Trim adapter 6-22 Tropical storms 10-5 Turbine Inlet Temperature 3-2, 3-4, 3-7 Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) 3-7 TX 4-3, 7-25 U Unable to display chart 11-12, 11-15 Unlighted obstacle 10-20, 10-24 V Vacuum Pressure 3-2, 3-8 VDI 7-18 Vertical Deviation 2-2, 2-6 Vertical deviation guidance 1-11, 1-12 Vertical Deviation Indicator 7-18 Vertical navigation 1-11, 1-12 Vertical Navigation flight control 6-10–6-14 Vertical Path Tracking Mode 6-10–6-11, 6-29 Vertical speed 1-4, 2-7 Vertical Speed Bug 2-7 Vertical speed guidance 1-11, 1-12 Vertical Speed Mode 6-7 Vertical Speed Reference 6-7 Vertical track 13-7 VHF 4-1 Video 11-24 VNAV 1-12, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4 VNAV Target Altitude 6-10–6-13 VNAV Target Altitude Capture Mode 6-13 VNV 1-11, 1-12, 7-17, 13-24 VOL/PUSH ID 4-2 VOL/PUSH SQ 4-2, 4-3 Voltmeter 3-3, 3-9 Volume/squelch 5-4 VS 1-4 VSI 7-18 Vspeeds 2-3 VS TGT 7-17 Index-4 W WAAS 2-6, 6-24 WARN 2-11, 2-12 WARNING 13-2 Weather data link page 10-4 Weather product symbol 10-6 Weather warnings 10-5 Wind direction 10-5 Wind speed 10-5 Wings level 6-16, 6-18 X XM radio 11-16 XM radio volume 11-18 XM satellite radio 11-16 Z Zoom Window 11-26 Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Cessna Nav III 190-00384-12 Rev. A Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street Olathe, KS 66062, U.S.A. p: 913.397.8200 f: 913.397.8282 Garmin AT, Inc. 2345 Turner Road SE Salem, OR 97302, U.S.A. p: 503.391.3411 f: 503.364.2138 Garmin (Europe) Ltd Liberty House, Bulls Copse Road Hounsdown Business Park Southampton, SO40 9RB, U.K. p: 44/0870.8501241 f: 44/0870.8501251 Garmin Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan p: 886/2.2642.9199 f: 886/2.2642.9099 www.garmin.com 190-00384-12 Rev. A © 2004-2011 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries