Uploaded by Lenneth Dane Calong


 Advertisement
selling a
 Specifically your
skills, experiences,
and attributes.
 First meeting
between you and
the employer
Overall it’s your FIRST STEP
towards employment.
How long do you think an
employer looks at each
The average employer looks at a resume
between 10-15 seconds. This is the time
they decide to either KEEP IT or TOSS IT.
 Step 1: Write a list of the biggest
academic honors you’ve earned,
starting with ninth grade. These
include things like honor-roll
recognition, essay-writing awards,
freshman awards, science
competitions, and the like.
 Step 2: List your extracurricular activities.
This category includes clubs you've
belonged to, class offices you've held,
sports, band, yearbook, and all the other
nonacademic activities you've done. Don't
forget non-school-related items such as
volunteering at a nursing home and jobs
you've worked. Include special interests
like photography, hiking, writing, and so
forth. If you speak more than one language,
mention it. Detail your uniqueness. You're
trying to paint a portrait of yourself; create
an action inventory.
Why do you need a resume?
 A marketing tool
 To obtain an interview, not a job
 Requirement of many organizations
Resume- hidden messages
 Neat
 Neat
 Well-organized
 Well-organized
 Error free
 Attention to detail
 Professional appearance
 Careful & Competent
The Header
 What should be included?
Permanent and present address
E-mail address
Telephone number
 Where should contact information go?
Top of the page
Objective Statement
 Purpose
Communicate the type of position you are
interested in
 Examples
Management trainee position with a specialty
Technical sales with an energy related industry
in the Southwest. Long range goals of regional
sales management.
To obtain a position as field service
representative with XYZ Software Corporation.
 Date or expected date of graduation
 Graduation Date: May 2014
 Expected Graduation Date: May 2015
 Everything you’re involved in -- clubs,
sports, programs, activities like band,
art, drama, journalism in school and out
of school. You can put them in order of
significance or most recent.
 Underneath each activity, write at least
one brief description tells what you did.
Start with a strong action verb and follow
it with specifics.
Volunteer (Community)
 Include events you have participated
either in or out of school. Describe what
you did. Start with strong verbs. Be as
specific as you can.
Use the term "experience"
 What is considered experience?
 Full and part-time jobs
 Self-employment
 Volunteer work
 Practicum, field, and cooperative education
 Information to include
 Job Title
 Dates of employment
 Company name
 City & State
Work Experience: Don't forget non-traditional work,
such as babysitting or helping out with the family
business. For each item, include the job title, name
of organization, location, dates, and description of
Listing Responsibilities
 Use bullet points
 Start of each line with an action verb
Present tense if currently employed
Past tense if no longer employed
Vary your choice of verbs
 Tailor skills and experiences to the position
for which you are applying
 Be concise while providing enough detail
Achievements & Awards
 Don’t limit yourself here.
 This can be a laundry list or a detailed description.
 Order by date
 Reverse chronological
 Rank order by importance to the career objective
 Do not say Member of …
 Emphasize your leadership roles
 Spell out the organization’s name:
 Do not use abbreviations or acronyms
Resume Dos
 Use action verbs
 Use short, concise sentences
 Use #, %, $ amounts
 Keep resume easy to read
 Keep resume about one page
Resume Don’ts
 Do not use the pronouns such as I, me, my, etc.
 Do not include references
 Do not clutter your resume with nonessential
 Do not make any misrepresentations
 Do not include personal information
SSN, age, sex, height, weight, marital status,
photograph, etc.
Use Strong Action Verbs
Accomplished, achieved, acquired, adapted, addressed, administered, advised, allocated, analyzed, applied, appointed, appraised,
approved, arbitrated, assembled, assessed, assigned, assumed, assured, audited, authored, awarded
Briefed, broadened, budgeted, built
Calculated, chaired, changed ,charted, coached, combined, communicated, compiled, completed, composed, computed, conceived,
conceptualized, concluded, conducted, consolidated, constructed, consulted, contracted, controlled, converted, convinced,
coordinated, corrected, counseled, created, cultivated, cut
Debugged, decreased, defined, delegated, delivered, demonstrated, designated, designed, detected, determined, developed,
devised, diagnosed, directed, discovered, dispatched, distributed, doubled, drafted
Earned, edited, effected, elicited, eliminated, empowered, endorsed, engineered, enhanced, enlarged, enlisted, ensured, entered,
established, estimated, evaluated, examined, exceeded, executed, expanded, expedited, explained, explored, expressed,
Filed, filled, financed, flagged, focused, forecast, formulated, found, founded
Gathered, generated, granted, guided
Halved, handled, headed, helped, hired
Identified, ignited, implemented, improved, incorporated, increased, indexed, influenced, initiated, innovated, inspected, installed,
instituted, instructed, insured, interpreted, interviewed, introduced, invented, inventoried, invested, investigated, issued
Joined, justified
Launched, learned, leased, lectured, led, licensed, lobbied
Maintained, managed, manufactured, matched, measured, mediated, met, modified, monitored, motivated, moved
Named, navigated, negotiated
Obtained, opened, operated, ordered, organized, overhauled, oversaw
Participated, patented, perceived, performed, persuaded, placed, planned, posted, prepared, presented, presided, processed,
procured, produced, proficient, programmed, prohibited, projected, promoted, proposed, provided, published, purchased,
Qualified, quantified, questioned
Raised, ranked, rated, received, recognized, recommended, reconciled, recorded, recruited, redesigned, reduced, referred,
regulated, rehabilitated, reorganized, repaired, replaced, replied, reported, represented, rescued, researched, resolved,
responded, restored, revamped, reviewed, revised
Saved, scheduled, screened, selected, served, serviced, shaped, shared, showed, simplified, sold, solved, sorted, sought, sparked,
spoke, staffed, started, steered, streamlined, strengthened, stressed, stretched, structured, studied, submitted, substituted
,succeeded, suggested, summarized, superseded, supervised, supplied, surveyed, systematized
Tackled, targeted, taught, terminated, tested, toured, traced, tracked, traded, trained, transcribed, transferred, transformed,
translated, transported, traveled, treated, trimmed, tripled, turned, tutored
Uncovered, understood, understudied, unified, unraveled, updated, upgraded, utilized
Vended, verbalized, verified, visited
Waged, weighed, widened, won, worked, wrote