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Figurative language

Lesson 5.1 Figurative language EL3
LO: To identify figurative language
Lesson 5.1 Figurative language EL3
LO: To identify figurative language
Simile Worksheet
Directions: Read the sentences. Write what two things are compared. Then, in your own words, write what the
speaker is really saying.
Ex. Our submarine was as cozy as a sweater.
_______Our submarine________ is/are being compared to __________a sweater____________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
The submarine is comfortable or tight.
1. The octopus guards its eggs like rare gems.
___________________________ is/are being compared to ______________________________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
2. The waves were as rough as sandpaper.
___________________________ is/are being compared to ___________________________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
3. The shark struck its prey like a lightning bolt.
___________________________ is/are being compared to ___________________________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
4. The algae covered the rocks like a snug green blanket.
___________________________ is/are being compared to ___________________________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
5. Tonight, the ocean is as quiet as a library.
___________________________ is/are being compared to ___________________________ .
The speaker is really saying that…
Write your own simile about someone’s appearance ( hair, face, smile, body)
Lesson 5.1 Figurative language EL3
LO: To identify figurative language
Directions: Read the sentences. Something is personified in each. Write what is being personified and also
what human trait or action is given.
Ex. The rain danced its way through the leaves.
What is being personified?
The rain
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
The rain is given the ability to dance.
1. The vines grabbed our legs as we walked.
What is being personified? ___________________________________________________
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
2. The heat pushed the animals to the river.
What is being personified? ___________________________________________________
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
3. The huge river roared at all who passed.
What is being personified? ___________________________________________________
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
4. The bats and birds hid from the grumpy sun.
What is being personified? ___________________________________________________
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
5. Mother nature made her home in the rain forest.
What is being personified? ___________________________________________________
What is this thing doing that only a person can do?
Write your own personification about trees of the sun