IGCSE Physics (0625) Notes Content 1. General physics 1 2. Thermal physics 14 3. Properties of waves, including light and sound 24 4. Electricity and magnetism 33 5. Atom physics 57 -ILll-LLl- l,&enerol phlsies i.l Lenglh o.'t4r fime t;ll 30(r,rr',-wilhirr o'olrnfi $icamelzt scfe'rJ ga4et v'*'d fo( (neasqting lengths l.ch?tv Leto re.dinS; lX' "'o etro(. 1. ?loCf obiCCt in gop. l.Tctve (ed:\ a*) rptc t@.r.'ce',vnr'^r ed lhql can befirrberrel''utl;ng a lh?, htghesl scc.la clivis;on WJ'r:,1':""#1" i-l;r:1 r,. Ji1{i Ii:(a}rd V()t,lI ';:er0-Cil()r f("ai'ii{ir] o}nii .rrylend yclir at}Swer ni. i:,.1f*|i"iL'tiii fixed srale scale *n revolvirrg barrei gap being measured Read the highest scale Meas,rring |;me ' l;ne of sighl errorS (anctog'ec J;sPtcrY) ' Yeqdl;on, lirnc e(rors (onalo3*'reld;gitot) Mec.st ring volqrne ' Pqrcrllctr erru. (?rccaqi ion: bollr>rt' oF rrmisc\,6 <i eYe level) 'rngqlilnmcnl of l;ghl Jenjors (sensoro) 1 Analo3€ cliSplo.l: rW.f e(ho"ft) rna^,ing ro*.rrrcl o circ.rbryl' sfnle. DkJi}rc.rl clis gbrl: Slranrts l{0rrs,^re o nurn ber. tirne: B' tfonj flor SlcrrlinS tha timlng rltaTy;*tr il crncl rese+liy1g lhc inslr.rrranl to Zero. Petid o( ct fcndr-rlwfi t' Ptace <r reqercvvr ftwyer wr)er JijJ.tr;'j':: 2.fvsutc line of s;gvrf {o ma.rker tt d o6ci,rorion. }o plonC or*a++ien- 3. T;Ae how lotrg <e, penJulurn larrcS io un&rgo a,l lectst lo oicillol;ons. ogci\lulions - 4. retiod = -@ i.2 Malion d,s lcrnce S?e"iz tale of rnovcrr6n| firne qn4 its clirection of trovel. chon?g i1 leldeil) arf;bfo;lio'n: Lhcnngc in spu,c) lirre iqken \'leV:cit1z $peecl of sorelhincJ trs t Onitc'r rn acce ierol i on : C.on5 hEln Y a,cC le ccrlio n d6,c4.trerolicrn / rtzlo.a<rl;on : nf,g6i;r7g occglerolion 5pee.i - l;rne gfo,?hs n<<+te+ra+ian.r. @ Here 6re iour examples o{ velocity-lime .?C 70: 'f n cl Steady 4I(eleration ol 2 mlst iire saeed ci lhe car iil{reases t:7 7frls evi,ty S8{o*d. The irjitial Speed i5 zeril, 5* thE' aa{ i! s1*riin{l {rorrt rilsr. : :", i 0 ' -*i i Steady acceleration o, 4 mls' Ih? lliPld iii l,le aar in{reases it'y' ,i rnl: er,*rY -se<-Cnd. 'l Br*: qi-1 ; i' .L-...-,ir.r*./ timFJ s ' :,:l 1"",,, :..., , ., a: 4i L.i fr l0-,. i': t .t'rrrl .-i e E rr, Xtv :a -: r rilaii.i. i iiite ': i $1 ffi E# etilr! i*r a i;i:,.,:.,iirirr,r: hp ,,rrlral speeci is zerc, sc, tht' (ar is siartinq fr$m reit, ' :r'."'''rf 1tm{, si Zero arceleration Tlrt rar ha.. a \iriJiiy spee{l oi :0mis, ^ , -,"1 t 11-.n€C Steady retardation (deceleration) of 4 mls' fhe 5Fe€c oi tit car daiieai': by 4rn/t. in oth€{word5: th€ aaae'platicn i: -rli:rlii 'ihe iural s.*eeC is zelt, !g &: tar ao,ngs tC i't't : ' i.r.:-.:, ,, i '. - tl E ta{,ire;$l4g at,ft4!r lH * . oc(clerolbfl , 1{cElien} oF spcct-time groPh 'ofto2cllbhr,nCe ffi-r-l i|,'S*Bnrtte dtst+nc .$-: I 3if,a : * speea.ltx);ent oF ct;sla,.rde.lir,c grag\ c!(Cele rcrtion of f ,r, fot, = Lo ffi 152 obtoin. l6rm;nq, Velociiy'. The max;rnr,rrh vClocily on objCc{ cqn 1 i'3 lu\as; and weignl Weighl: $crss x Grqvity ( kgl ( rv) {e} loN/F9 /tloss: A fneos,,r,re of tl:r- amoemt of subshencc in on objecf, 'Xtent*ler tt'e fiuass*d oo o\1cr:1, fhe slr6nger i3 tbe forlh's eravilc^--:'onol pull on iI. ' Tl:€ <lranler the rna.ss, lttc {afcr ;s th€ reriihnce. la c\o:rge in rroliooWEtgfrt:Ihc effecl ol agraviulunol Fietd oY1 o trbss' Us.hg a bccrm bcrtc.n6,g l. Pul lhe obiec,l in o,f pqn. LhrlrJ slcr.rdoal nc$t?* to*:r/-olher pcr' unlil Vnrn b,otcrres. I. E'na fh" rn@ss of ahiecl. j"T irensrf\ I J \^ '&l. rn P*T DenSilY= t/olrrmc check ing densily Lialur<l: t. Pc".^r }q,ril )nto rrrcer+ur\ Cyt;nder I u.,rur,,g ),lAvel an lhe eccrle niveb lhC vot,.rrne J ma,g5 3. F;ncJ $'.atS" aF conlc,.in6.r withou) tiguid. t ,'.,o* 4.S.rbsFrael fiTn yfic..ll of conftriner wirx |;q.a;sl . J s.?,t Re3-,t61 !el;d: t, f;hc} volq,rrzlQ , '. afetu of leose x heiglt l^ f;;l Yncrst 3.P,? l-rrcgulorl"l 6hcr.per,r S.:t;d:[I. P,rt soUr] a i6to rntd.sL].ring cyl;rtde.. wilh liluid. displ6(2n1..1 . vottrvng t' metiocL l L2, R;5e lyy B'rel an fiw wltne sca,te q;\tcl vo\tm? o[ I'he sotl..t. 3'F;nd mc,yls ,1. y-fr/y 4 Prcalicling i[ objeci wiil floa]rr;nk oF bc s*?endd Dcnsil) ob,iacl ) Densit) wcrt?... sink Dcnsilv obier-l= Densily rltoler: Suspended Densiiy obreet l pmsitrl wo,fec1; Flool ,. 5 i otres )'s'\ {f{eLts o{ focces fl A focfe crln prcl)\Ne A Ltnnetrc Sizer5haPC and velocitY ;n @*qpe o F .r W)y. Exten.i^.'< Hookcts Laur;A matcriol obcls llookcts [^w if, bcnrcr]h il<, is staat)6 t;m;r, lhe e$cns;on p6prli6slt tc, lhe locd. loacl;sPring canslqnf X eflcnoiut F, K x,f;gx limil oF prroportiorrollty: Tlr0 rn6rirnu,rn poml an gxlension is pnoForlb?,r I lo lrre lqzt, ldtl&/N x r5 +he limil of proporrr.onc{,;ly. Etos}iaIimi}:Tharrvoxirnu/1poin}c4obje?-|"ffi"elc6hco|tYodrc*urnl,o ;g pr\incrr lenglll whe6 tyr locrcl is rarnovedi on objec| $ritl !s r perrhahenfltl sltytched beyonal lhb poirt), 5 Rear!lonL-&reReJ,-rrlonf torz. to<e t + Fo1a2, 2v -\ 5N d_-r 3N I--"i (esu)tont F<:CCez --* Resutlcrnl Fo"ce= rnqss x G.ccelgrcrtion --4 Newion'5 seco\d la.- of rholion F; rncr. Newton's firsi lqw of ;notion; lf rro eXte(ttol fctrce force ;s Oc|ing on il2 on 66decl wilt - if stalioncrry, r0rhoin slqtbhorY Jlraig I i ' i6 vuvingr\@ep moviPg o+ a slex)1 sPeed ih q.t t;ne. Fr;clion:Ih,e fu-c< balween lwo Sqvfaceg which impe.des rfiolion on.J rcsr,,lfu in hea$,ag. Ex: A:. fesislorre ff biPetol Fo<v{" In",arcl b'ce fr(e*A ye gwvr- lhe ouject rn61e in ct dccle . l4ote cenldy,1.^1 force ;5 vlge&ol i[;'lr'14e5 i5 ;ncreaser^ .Speed is increosed ' (p4rius is fed\rcect a \ncircqbr rnc,tion, thg occdeft.|tbn is l'ar towofcls +he cenir( o? lhe c\{*. G H",ap,rl. Prorl.iclF.<r .r PgrPCrrtiriutar ditlerroc€ firnm hA Pil'a#- *lfffr4sing f(.rg 6rdiSlmee'fr,.',4 ihr fi\,rl ior.Q'qfr5 *hr.,rr,^ry,fi'r ,^f 46rCf' uI +- Wrren ther( iS no rc.s.rhanf fr.q€ onel nO frSrrBell *urning 6F(arlt 6L.5yJleF^ 4s in' - 9=torJl.)<g l lttr lfi t'lf kt z l0 . ' ,' 1, 6i*g*oN1rg. {'c'il . :, , . -?rg-pp/g,n'2N ([t*iti>"i'q)Io,:d*.1''3wr'{*ftN,.4o,+}r (loux 6no) .lolNf* rfolr.n tkrpm ra ? Nr*r= lrr.rtr* xl y:50A N \rTnrrN:ss!N X:1f:r,rrl - Iryerimer.J:t.lle{ra ru\g srrsFrde<\ frcrn a spcing ber\xr,ncf" Ula'tVPd, 2.wegnts h.Mg; thcirpos)tbrts oireoAj'.rsler) so llpr; lheSyslern r;,1 3. Sysfcn is tn eguit;briu/vr, *r LLcx;Ywi5r., rnoff10nt z polr.trlue ' d}nticlool( W'sc ryrorn evtl 2 nego,t+te ' het momeol(comb:rcd *olultrzero 1.5.1 cenbe of mr^"ss F;nAing lxt @lre oF .r:toss f, r$hicher.t poin| lhe co,r) is s*spandeL f.oynti| wjt/ a)*.rys borrg with h q,rtre of macs.5erlr)c-g]ty.vulu fn? V;o. 6rce {r _Fira_ nPworcl __-*-_.--.F frlth Pin A/ }B l' ;ll/ I I a*-.-,; { vue'gnt Ho'tg cad' Frotn p"n a] o.,e Po;nl A wegr.,t is hangCd 6n pfua6 1lnt- atttp Poin) A lo St1o,,r lhe pos;tio4 cF L;n<{bi AD ,s db-n or lltc c6rd. Ruprol 5teps A,,* rD 4enlrc 1 4. "$ors I aaet a {rr?d;f,frre.nt poin*- *,rt : f nierseclion o( lhe lines drawn it lh' Cenfre oF *tass, I L-Jp 9*tu siobi-tily 5b;bl2 e1,ilil,ri,$r-t-Jnt renhe of_$roe< st*yS aoer. llqe.b.<e. Ol,;r.cl FattS ba.te .+o ils--on?rhnl f rrltrr rn.hen iippa r. On*fal^V 4uilt\q'w.t; (?nlfe oF rnats |mftCrt;alely fnrces l,eyoqrt the bc^s? beca,vsc frS so S,rtqil,Abiecl i,< onlv br;tdyrced b,.ip€ly. l{tr'teat alr.ili}.-riurr: h,nererr th2 abldc} r,'aj, i}.< r I }rU'r,F rnasg ..S a-}i,o}s A-octly'eVerl+* ils ltS1. Wh,r. le,Fl e,to.et lse abWl *,ill. Slay wheff i!-tS. lf fno.rerJ, ||re ahieri *,ilt J;lny in,lB new Fsrlioro. l'5.5 5r torr anet ,r"lnr< 4\ri?fots hn*a r,Cir%Iion n"nal merrril,,rr 'Sr::l*rSf have mognittrlg h.rrt no rricarlicrn FX: lo<c, varunae - _ 1,6 rt{ornefllurn l'brrignt.rm: nnctss *Ye]tr,cify t P-:rnV Iesullrrnf force=@ r,Y iirnC (.+, rnt''rnu Imp.rtse'. Er'l ' Ira?ulre EnrmplS: 5 t<9 lr',.cY r 5 ,,".ls a'l hyo lo mls atB ;h 5 s. lrnpqtseT Force I I- It mv-*lo* 5f = 15 l<9. te*/6 ]' tlPt. 5r''lt ) 6f * 25 irq rnl* J*p*tse.;E lrq'r.ri6 l- 5 *t/S I.V unzrny, work ond Powet kin*u oner31: Y2 x l\cxs x Veto"it)z K.t.= Yz mr" 6ravilcrlion al ?olenttttl energY s trloss r A t&gnl 6. P.E.' mgh o:,oi,llg IO 9*tu ' (t*Oqe'feoran aoC fi*m lo AnotvtPf' 0;ff;cult +cr ' 'Dee? dcilllng GeothefiYqt: Walef P.rmPacl |O hol ditficult arwt fu\Pgr:Ls;v€. roor.s fio CrE(rlc s)earn {^na} lr.rfns lu{birJfS-or lfactf/3,r fission, trf@riqrn otortrs 'CTZAftS rwlbctCtivA 'p;t woJ)rs- by shoa|in9 herrtorr bifferent fnaAecf nnale,cials 'Ila#'t*5}e caunlriA [].'o,t ctetiv et ew,lcYoir lr.ne vqr1dng a,movn* Curfcnl wlen iY ohrorbs ol s*n 1rght, obsorbg W(gl ond .rre $/ind lu.rbi'res tutn getgatotg Nois y et.]frgY *' Ra*rn,t2r le .rlo(lfces cqnrel be ctepleni shecl' - t/on-t+rene,^loble (csovytes r,!!i+L coh bc ct?plenished. ' The S'.}l' is ||'g Sovfice oF q.ll o'^r energy tesostces eI<ePI gaolherrnolT htrclear qhd |ictrEr), , Ihe Sun Cfeqles ercfigy by nuClCOr f*ion, o. process where hydrogen twzPt o.ae Purhccl lqPther lo forna ]rel;urn. r.Jow m,rfh wieful work i5 ctoqg wi lh errelg y s utpll;ed. -ulefqlltt€rgI o!.*P., r ' Cf{;c;eocy; enengy ;npr^t I, IOCrZ t^rcFul Powtr ot^]lg'!t ,llooz ' e{ftciexy: power inPu} l2 0*d, l,lgrt-rlong = e n,o rg Y trrryrgfCr r€c) h,t"rk iS clong Wh€ngW cr forr€ rne-kraf sorrethirrg rrv'r'e' W6rr f T): ForEe( Nl :l Disinnce(rn\ W: FcI = Ak 1.7.4 Power Wor k (f,) i. f Press*rre x.rr. € (P',1. #;i' ?ress* .rpJPO=-Hei{xtlm)--Deo< ;tY( fyrrrf ) r Crc'v; tY ( F U/ Kt) E fohstqflt Fof e^Eh Fxc*)ar Frari!€r lorrt. Odolition ta the orlrrysphel.ic pres,rlrra - Z.Tl}vrnctl physics 2.1 Simprg krnelic moe0qtor m'"lel oF r:q,?fet 2.1.1 S}oles ol r.u-l+er Sotii\;Fixed s\aw qnol vol*rn € - \rww,'yres.s;b)e. H+l+ensjtf L; qo.l I F ixeA voxt"rrrl. Tc+Ves sYroY o€ conda i ner' Xncnrn 7G 6s ; blr' 6c"S' No Fixecrshq.?e or Wtaxfie.Fitls rrp iheir con+crirret,CorYl? fessiblg. 2.L2 olur^lsr model (al.'rl . 'Slrong fe,tces of (.n, < :-l 'Weakaitrrelirre I 'O,r".r| rro force s oF qllraclion fow|. | ' Parlictes Fa- aVtrl anc) naove I atlnrction belwe?n Pcz.Ylides ' ParticleS arnergAd : Parlic.les Jlide I [ixecl sl.r;tW/volqrr:€. | 4",.1oy. .'. lvo aest eoi;hrjf,v'. l' Utt,ae witt', ?nc\ o-lher ane) beutn@, I ia a"k*fice. 6nly . AtoasSvibrol€ lo ond fro .'. fixec) f*-fixed I off in a)l d;rcc],6n5: ' Potrcrn.'.lqkes | D Shapc of *n*rr'rer.\ 'No : Ya[r*m?, atd slnpe r- /.\--',J-'- .l--i*r*J.; L_{.,v.J.*r 6os rnale<r.re .rrlirn ;t . Lthen o porlicP Is hcofed, * 1norrS f oslerl @ 'Tnepaflitle5 o€ o"<106 rrc,{eqJ:i(,t(,\y ornd eic?r}' frcrstrre on lhe urcllls oF ihetr 66iy$qinar by cottiratin! into {hern Wi}h VaryiffS rrrorrenlrmg. l+ 2,2 \\emrr:;l ProPerlies "tn<l lernperohtl<e 2.2,t fierrra\ exPongion af sr,t;drrtq*ricls andgaoa iotidsrt,laids c}d go6es e^P$cl wlrren liney ace beo.tecl bea'vsg tlblro,AeA vibGr,te more qt qtd '';;p noviocl furtber aTorl' G*SeSt C2a6es erponcl thc frcr lhe'r W)\tSe ]beit rttaleculeS qyg ihe f,t*t+l''esi ogor| or:,A l./;co'rt*, lhey oft a'Lif lt:,/- Foslcst' Clcf,cv *)'ctn thc'sf a{ L\*rc)S: Sirlce l\e Pa..|izles ef a t'9rr'"ch dte Y:nuch i",twee, ecrah other qre lheir fofr,es of altaction #,, #1 giEatef, whiah rl f4'yts that *5an lhe| elyonc) lcss thqn gasef but fnoG lhovr sol;dS ' Ja;as:Sollclc exPc!,nol thclaoaiitlrir rtrolccrrlas qre belel lo6ll'er'in <<,,wirtg ,yerl (aceu -5*lyror.lioh behltan ilerre, and a )aflice' *hey arn\'7 vib/alP to ond fiu. & Fxporsir*,: gas ) l;1ui4 )Solicl Afflicaliovs and Corscl'en4"q Consctqerfes ' overhec.rl ccrbles rn,rtl bc slcek so lhcrt they dor"l ShaP or detech when lhey confroct on cod A1s' ' Gary vvlve to be lefi iv1 fail5 lo oUow fot elloln5i5n '6Yt hot dayl' cLrireni cLJi-reilt Iran to heater suor;l,v App[rrrt;rv,s I Blrne]q'l ]herriloJ ]c.] l. TevnPerc..tute 3el5 loo high brass in';ar 2. BimOtc,,t Shrp bend5, ca,us;Ag conlcr,is l<.>separale unlil lemperelurg fqil'5 enorqh. Bimeial strip ffii$iy' -b,n'e:ui.-.-,!' Slraighten5, rousin3 conlr'ls lo lowh far mai6tcrin\ng ct Sleadnl lerqPeratr"re- t6 colrirol kr'ob coniact5 1.?:7- l1€qjurerflen I oF lemge(atvtl measurEmeni of lenpAlute.(Exc.rnPle: [1p611;r"' of I'guid in L;qutd'gbss thcrmomelerJ 5enii);vii1: chonp ;o letg+hd frope$y'(lengf\uoturtt€tetc) Pd unit dqtEe, Ronc)A: the low46l lamPeralure fncalu(ad +ollp hgfml [emP*tal,+ta Lirroritl: lrogoelianaliiy 6[ +lc change in Vcopefiy to l]e, fiso trt l,;rnrlol'r*e. r FixraFriCIIs qre defjnila {crrpacoirfies whtro 5ornalhing llappvt cncl a-t9 ud tc, acr,tibrcrte o.lnernoy4eter. [Earz, ne, Jffi crncl borllincr ,) Faint oF wal€f) ' 2 d;ffcten} rrtetc.ts joinecr lo (orm 2 lwwltans 'lemperrolrr,re cl;Fference cytr:,t-s o iir.,y vollq€ wbiC\ DcrEcs a cutrt6}. {law, ' [] ntater lcr"rpercfufe d;f(dtnce efEc-rtes o qlaier ctrfienl. 'lSsed {cx bgn fltrrlr*+1a65 wh,c\ cLr;rnXe rctpiclty ard L:r:r,te,ct lo;!lc-re.rr,ge, ('zoor" to ltoo"c) : a,ia rllelei measures c-.iea: ;itci converts to . :erl:rature readino cop,ler rtire I -1 constantan \^iire \ pr"ir. conrains temperaruresensrng junciion . ,\ coid junction ll !gi,-;ryrr. Li4Lud-in-glaJS therrnomebr ql@hot ' fls lW lemyexalute fises or fufis, lhe l;guid( rnerc't-ttt1 ord#ettl%rficind6ae dqae i5 its sen'silivily- (pnlruLls, L}yolnqe in th( Iarylhtwwae oF l'qoJ tr ' Arvrcrr.n\ of exponsion cabc tiofuled |r' tenpes61lvft on a '1ca)e'Und 2!r&W trpto?ot'riirrbutitY oF +7e.exf9{9rt n tq lvelfylI4ttlsve rs iF l,itraaf,{}y. alcci'rcl (or n-rercliry) 'iniead' nar[o\'! iuDg '.lolar fiXecf goirrt c,olibrattng tLPl(!;e llaflrtoilnelet in mal tirry icfi OoC 1'fUn +'"crbn,'+er i6 boilin? '&c!tsr, l,, oL: qPPe( \**r' f;xel Potnt) J. Diu,idp o\gtonce bet.areen two f ixed poinB inlo lOo eluat &lpl> 6;s4is43^ nafiEwar 'fo frcral,* scr\t;tivit):' thinnCr lrrbg " las Aento lqqid ' b)99cr b'r\b -lherrr*tt cqpocity (heett eofcii)) 2.2.3 Tvyterrnl enefql; Iha tohcrl k;ncfc. a'rA Pfenlia'l err'rPieS of oll lbe aiow''s Or rnalecr*l0S ivr a mcltefial' * fine \6yW o fnoleri<rl is, *re fcS;r- ils Parlfcl06 no'gt o.'hct lhe rhofe illerrrail e::rml ;l hag. Ih€ryylc.f A?crL,;\: I.lec* gno/in1 reclr*iccl to rois€ lho temperolure ef a bocly b'1 | )eqtees cotsi*s, 'lhermc,tl caprcit't: l7t"c) {urr0}it1 mo55 x ip€cif ;c he*l,l ( I I rx'c) ( kg) cqpci'ry iherrnc,,t eagar,it1 = r^c Sya.frn heol cr+7at;\: l{eor energ) rapira,r lo raisethe femp.mlut? of lry of,q Subatq,nce by I de4te?s Cels;,tE wilho.rt ChcLr9ilg ;ls slale' J8 9* F*r-r'anaeot |o meosurg (fiftr hra'| cafritY rrs6S oF \^.lotet' (\) l.kriEer C€lntcrlns o 6fF ' Forlic.rlcrr ?, An elcckicqt becrkf ote FaFlicu€r+cFt WEtrtl irrwilchPd on 6r a Cev-tgL3' t4sr lhetrnomelcr to fini lW incrw+e in tem1e,,.lure' ('c) f,fa,tr.rtote SPclcilrc- heat 6cqr itY, F T'Le 'v{tl't€ '''$ r;'f #''t! erfPrf*ir*eq$e dqf l{1 @vx*By {r, 'hre beefere'nd I f': - p.,,,r.r€fppry ,/.---_ll- li...... u)- hr e. u r rrr'"cl[ nq r , . E rnsortdbn erE,rmraea *hc lseq c,fl- f:nef,EaflL eh€qy. eJectric heater water rnsuiation rrrture nf *he r"ater increases le y 10o6 . Fivrt lhe (?Crific he''ri r -l Pout,r x lirrrg + 'eYre*g -t heryF $$efi€x. rrr+ts tivng= f,r+brar.ill .'. pnwar." r " #r'nPrc*,lrxg€ rhf,*nTg IO6W y zgos: o.S lct x L x {*..,{3,i,r{kqs*}: ( loPC _ --. ).2.4 Metling and bo;i;ng r4eltinq An inorcose in ler{psfahrre Co,,v& a.n irE(.er5g in thg kine}iogne{gI of - cr' sot;cl , ca\^s\nc) thern fo vibrcr]e nore' l'lomrar' ]here isntl arr increcrse in in Energl i: i+**eo4 bei''9 betuAro fhe s.rpp;erl h.a4*,rtltufs w.hal parlicleS tx.gl i'tlo e' liqwd' t'vtPr\ fo lpaK t\a boncls lotYvan lhe rrrotec"r\et, #H#3" the sol;d wlh\ lqur+ina goint: T|,o leYnpe,/ft]i/Ufe a,l wbicn a' s"t'bsfa'nce lnells' An iyrceeerse intemperulwre cq)r"lee oa irvt@ in ihe kinetic ehergl o{ lhel\udt 4cr,usin, ils rnc1ecd' ia u'-brtr,ie mofe.T\e lOmpero,lqc<' beo.r,4,e fr,c g;wn lnenyvtenerny iswgo,t lo molec-rles t<horrging it doesn't inCreo5e duting;;)ing brecrk lhe boras beiwee'n lhe liqrrid's inlc' q- gos' l3-1*g pinl:'ihe lemperoturo of r^'hich Boiring ys Eve.Torotion:. Ijoil;ng q s'rboionce boils' 'rjjfot a f ixe4 tempero.Iurg.lt tqteS proe thrcrugho..rt fiie f;q*id' ' Evqporcrhc,n occ'^rs ol any le"rperofure' 'lt onl'; lakes phre on lhe t;quicl'5 lns{are,'" (.,rrbnrr.\c,q annrl S..h\f i$lr,\hot't cpnd,orvg)pA Whan o 9or ir coolecl, iti Paf,hblel lore erprg)i l\'re1 logQthef ,rathen lrcy b*,rmP intaech move slo"ref ancl cbsef ot}rex) thcry aontt hcrve encrql to bounce d.Yro,J, thus thel s\a1 clo* loXetner t64 forrn a liluid' Solrditiccrtion: Wtten c. lq,,ril Ct&r\ts prrticleSlarerer'gy; thel rnove Sb},e( otf(,'&5d unt'l\ lvef con 6n\Y vibru\e-a5ol;ot horforrrrecl' 2s lqfcnt neof of f.sirn: nre {hcr/'"l ene'gy rayurtan }c, c}un3e E-+,qbqtarr€ frorn e ''alicl-ia A lilqid wiil.F'.'Lq.cha,fte in,ltrytPPdur?' Lolenl heal af v. ?r-isc*ion: tha {trerweri enene, reqqifFcl tc) chon+E F ,q(rbsb{cp Froh^ a - lquia lo .. AaS wllho..rt- cL c-hon?e infervrPercr'hrt'e' rvrFr"'i?ll lafen] heaf :.Ihe {hcrrnal ercn, frlrr;rr*t io break ftae h^tr[< b''t\^,een the in {emPerc'h"tpOf a. <.,balcxrc. io rlr+Yrge ,ubrtanca r*ilh^r,r.t q. el.rgn?c ;n *emFUjr,rfe. €ne"lty= lvr4r< - sP"'rTic lfnfs4l hA't rI ( - K0) (yks) Aherrdy= m Sp€cific lalrn$e..t,^f frsir.n <^f, ice:l.Wnll hr.+er i5 SwibltrJ, on.folz. rerlcrin {iue.(Wi) - l' F;nt-morr bqiled oqc'y 6rom fhe al;Egetrsce - of lvre rvrc*g bcrtr.nCets reergling S 3. Co*c,rr..le l. 2.3 Tharrncr,\ poca# 2.3.1 Cond,rrlion + water \ t{q rods coated rryith a thin laYer of ''vax when cold .'-# \ '\ ir.lto!:1 lvilx / l,"il:r" \ I .\ I io-____a \nruru,o + -\r. steei iron lrap lce alr:mtnium copper Frperr-e"ii s!@w.s ha* uaPr rolid wax tength ol rrel{ed wox shows be$ cov:dttcloY Ccrrlcvtr t;-n in <'^liel( .lh-ctm.#€*dt wYen hectl fit* . 'is Jt'rppriel to sor'glhlnt ovt{\g;r vibrcr}ior's la \e [n metqlS iS o paov {hcrrrtl crr4duck" ils aLrrs vitrclafostet one\ c-a;tnnY a}orns 4',6ther wol cr.f rarell@llduclicarr rutpPe,,rs ih atosLv,<tA 6re/. o}r"rtee,{o eVc\vdtS fr.\ove/lheylrave\randoml,.1;6}harre}elqnr,lcolti.r'qwi}hqtornstorssonihe vibr<rlions. 2 .3.'L 4on v€c\ion / 'oo*uer,\ro11 i5 on ivnpcrrlovrt tno\\oA o( lhermot trans{"t in {lutids' ,A5ofr*;av\|o,rrnswp,lheTortio,leswkhafe.wo{fYletbecomelessden*arndrise a conration c\Nred\' @lkb( ?orttc\es'bes;'\'cgfi;2 whito *re cooler \.rater sinks '-- tlot355lUm Dermanqanate cry5ia1; tO colcUi'vriatel H 22 9*d, 'llfrrnet grfngl ivr^nofuf hry radiatrbh clo6tt| reaF;re n"-r!cdius- Mr.tl Brrrrk While Silva lrnittef Qe9le**t lAir.c4t *Lcr.'rhe-r *'*e a.rrouni ar.rqdirr,lion errillecl atble}ails on theAwUe*leupafurc and S,rrSo,Oe ctfec" OF . br*ty. - matt'Eoil;nr@ --1@s---P}rcllll- d- l}gtaw'l.bbnc+ Corxpari4g eynmilers rnatt . black white r fYorvr ecch 'ltc}rf fgorlngs, cciftFefEul. thermomerer j-Plo!6r-fhr€t al the SanaC-itsSqvrce frdm tl.'rr*rl ]€O]tl-' - jk6-irrJ€nap-cr..r.^G 11 _ 2,3A -Co:tsa4,qsrx.€s- -of energ-'1 firaoafer I pfela,t spoo^ ir1 a. hoh drjn\< ha^s, wg becatae;t d'& hea+Y' '(-4*" fi r\ 4g,ff€rttJ L(b\c Sa btezA.'D*r1ng fhe&v, the lqnol is warrnerdd a*s a,$ a,lwb so*ce. lnr,n\ lhe ngh!1 fhe 5@ qsts oolln"otro*r.u: A bLaek sau@fan Lql6 }y1lle( ihan o.wh41e .l.lre, white ho.#es 5lo-ycaalgt-thart Jaf,t otPS, ( T}recmp*t=Bo'''lalrm) 3,?(cgerties of wovesl inc\ur},ng iiSht arrrso'-rnd. 3.t Genercr\ wr^ve PfoPeriies vr{d€froat: ltw ga* oF cx-lrcry5ve,;'e wa,\te 6(ffu cornpY€iiioa of a.Iongitr<}inal wclve. SfeeA'" how fc"El {he wov4 kcrrrels ur@9used ln rn'lJ' fteq*utcry"-{he n. rvrber af ,araves pe;n1 any pin} lX t*t-on6. rngosured in her-tz (!lz) Wavelenjtft d;sl:once lgf$Pcn .r pc'rni on a" wlrv€ 1o lhe frrrrvolgnt poitrt on Lhe next -\Nare in melgfs' Amplilude: frror<ivnurn dtsfo,nce a' v\nve nb!/es fforn iS {esl gosilion When Vrttr.le puJ.5Q4, I Velocitl: frelcncy r wo'Jclerrgt)' kn,s) . 1He) (m) (l.lz) y 6i (5) F a. po..t- ir:r:'o i.l i..: {:,'. i.- '- -,* . Y:fh lVartp, l*olion of regulor in terr'qlr' ln foPes arrt springr it is cdted .siuUoU*+ whi\e irr rry*ier ! &vet, il is knowr"t cls qn Wq{0 }4ot,on ( per''ottic rnotion) is molion fepealgcl ol4dk^Lon 24 cr1 J/ELe -&fkce Pekar.ti^n 'hhe\ wqve is .t6wect ,.l6wh,jl;e re€rqCEcljanArrl@ '1A,harr wqvg-ie-+ea ura-_lus fekb.led ow^y fDet.r wc\tr{ ;g gE:.*e{ t}utn \ Di((ccrr.tion 'Wqvesbenrlfoutidthosde5o(on6'bslaole'otsPta;,jlor'rtt*lh€J?ats thro.rnvr .^ gaP' ' \ri<ler aap PnDc\ o& lebs 4;6fltation vravelengfh' Lhe sorne os lh9 is abo'r't tnegov o€ ' onl,l5gnlFicon) if the size ' Af an ec\qer lon'ner \^t!'/elengthg h El g/ wo'r\<\ Po*)t",e wroro diffrqr'lion' /-l !-fi:<!-::--:!F 4 'i +\.+* _.--)r..\ i. -- \r\btgf \lb\,€6 'Ripple lonK is .rcc} (or enPerirnents' ' RipgEs( tinl urcrv€9) aresenl' o}tos| l)t' s'r1orc of 'obtqrB p .rl in thcir Palrr to .,'yi/' srID rnoto[ ic woler' +fr1 frad'rced #ecl' ) proc'uce viirraiio ns sircboscope (spinnirig disc) to 'ireeze' the r,,,a',,e nrotion ftli r, Ll **!. V,. \: D n'i j\\ \,'YAVE shado',',;s on sateen 2e \ 0*/, ,Plane(fblLrnirorsrre''leo"rrefladion'. Roy< f,ib# q/! ol.j€.t rcF,t'l' .ff +hP n irra' inb l^"f ey' b'S we $PP thgm ' A line jainin€ e p;*elJta]' P:*c o( "t>tinqe a - e ' I'vro4re '4 v'rh'cil' norc^yg ^'hrorl1 Pa55 ilri"'gh ilP iFrage- ?h{ irv^+Ue rannel b" €af)4ec0'6n -4. Stf'ek' 3,2,2 Refr.etioq ..f h..hi I a MorF, two PoinB ,*n tle incidaql fo{r refr"c }ecl on o,rlt:ng oF the rrhs6 slc6 qrirh c* F€rril cn t\g PoPtr' 3.(6-n@r lhg dot( to /rPctle r' /.'ngrarr; e Frotroctor is usenl {e fl4€l +h€ 0*tu l.Rors of light arlgle- beupen ine ,Angr.aeauiucrk* -}o-{, e:r Afe refcaC fer\ '^uny from the **uuttre*-f*[ac're' t^ teg at"ge mati-"d LLmen?erat rraalg tfF.€lring fn,r r ?le{9 i,n+o Re frrrf rile- lnde" tn)JPeec) of l;ghi'in voclYm feftorl;ne i.,Aex -@o(lgr'r i" rteAi"o- q*1.o+d_'c}Pr45e-.J*rr!,$4.-3-g>i-' . -- -t t)\ _ L; )ln -tn+ =Wh?\. ra.v( .-{g Y.eFrte't bqr,tinto }}e rDP''"'dr ;Ai*E reit*red orr! into a, less dr,nse medt*rn. 9*tu 'iblod inlafn il fegteal;ar': wpn-cll-t-r!a-]j9.b}-is rcil8il*l*bs*-]mfii-lbe-meditvYt baro.r<e tl'e "'rtqle-crfifr'i4ence wr$ *he qfeal1r- llan. cririccrl r"nglt' (j -QPlrcot_frrort -jrrSic.le lhabodlY, zontcrins '' ;;" lon? b'tr1e:})P af c>Plic^alJilreS' 3;?.i Thin rcnvercaing len6 -rens -d)eclsJr9hl_tnYs- Fnrrl?at {r'.rS thC Poin} bB eWr'- wh€}(E naY6 Pa'allel ll.o-lhe PrS6;frJ;t'aa;S conlerye' with o E*-oP!&al-ami-49' In cil leorthr C;storra fr^.+*ha FrinriFcu-F '< ancl-}lre - thf, 11*vr tht principot focrs' l0ns Conuer3ing a. to Nhen on o$@r 3 closa* behin<J ile to corne from o position appeaf lbel lnslwl' ra,ys befer conrlerge ' this \^,c!y AS a tvr'rs lhe l€ns ii 'r'|d rnojnifiecf l r'nd t'rPrigrr\ ;s lenr. the;ilogc ;flqne' magilfling glo55' tt is cr'virtua\ Bfql lroc^4e. }he oprico I czolre When o!ie\ i5 fu'rtber crrtcq From !<'.,., ,-:r.-...' :', .,', ir i-.':,'i g F=--- rt I -*:= f ,O,-' ,:,', i-':!,rri ;+ t--- A) R roy thro.qtr &rlla of ihe ler$' P@les |Yrco"gh lhe Wr9' lo }he pciwigc'\ c^'rcis' Passes lrrou1h B) A r.1 Pafc',[o\ o[ the len6' trcln F t' Wh;ch t) A ra1 the'"gh Ft'{wnt \eole +ho leng, Poralte\ the focrrs.r"r lh€ ollter stde *o tvro principol axis' P;cf€al r'tP . lrnage c6n be Pt*€ed oA o SC1AAYv, Vift,. 'l lrr'.'?e ,$Ilrn ablect i5 cbe{ to the opticat gsnlf€ lnqn f t' *'1 -r+- * ctsed fof rnogniFYir't q\qss 'lro roys rnel to Forr^ ihe imagg' , \ra6qg Cc,ootl be g;cVed,.aP ah &f @fi' 30 j 2.+ Dsperrion of I;3hl ' \Iren ligh| iS te(toc@) bI o pfis'1.rf lhe \ncide*e toy is oof po,rsllel +o th( emecgenl ftry, 5in6:g the priSrnls Sides src not porullgt. ' Whifg \igh| is c, rn*trrre of @lorrrs 2 aod the pr.srn tefcctols eadt by ct )i4(ereil aylapnf- td is deviolel trrcS+ ond viol8t is devicltacl rYlos|. Thx co,.res ' lhc wr"ite l;ghl fo 6li5Pefse inlo c' stutrurn. t4or:r.chro,;v;rtic; A l;ght o€ a SinglC wcrvelength e-ncl color-+r.(Ex: lc,segs) hgVrt spectrrarn: Qeel Grcen Blr.g ft.i:},.,* - i tl 3.3 E lecl'ro rne.gr€l ic sp€ct rurn lonq y,,avglga,g ih1 low fralugr,c.'l 5lror} wave terpffu _h;9 h /''\-./ tL.<lio llicrciwoves lnfra'-recl UW v;rible Ligvrt Ullrcr'lviolel '{te4q'*t X'fi:ys"- 3i,ml^a ,oys F WclyeS 'crll 9.fir. wctves trovet wilh the sorne \;ctrn Speed in a\t*L,**r/t. ' s?ecd of elecilo majnetic wo\reg in q- vqr,.luvn iS I O-rrrcju/l- o.ncl is appttt<;rne,fu)y tlt satnl- iD q.ir, uSes RodiO wcrv€5: ft*)io otnd tclevis;crn comyrr.LniccrlionS. M'6ro{.bve5r Sa}elli}c lCleviston e*wt tlle phonOS lnfroran, €leclricol qpplionc?s(raclicrn) hec,tlers onc) gr-tls), (emole conlartlrs fctr lelevisions qnd,lnln;rl ef etturm s. X*fcr,yS: urfl)iCine(x.p.y phcrlogrctprr) crrct filling cafice(CetlS) qnc,ls€c.^f;]). 5ofrt) Urue: i5 c. rnUtagerri it cql.^Sti 6crrCCf(rn-rrtoliorfd 3t Lor,plnegs ..ncl pitch '-[he hgtres ]rre fraluency, the higher the pltch. 'The highey {rre ompi}ude, tW le.Aec }he sourra. Vc\o"s Hard S*rrfoceg re1l?cl so*i) h/oveS, crealing echoes. 4'[]ecte ;.it\ and macarreti5rn 1.I 5irnPB Phefk rnenLoF rrrgn€tisrn unlike Poles l}'e co-b;nea{teW is alnast Belwee, lil(e potes, lbere is uniform (evse1 in Sirergth. o naulrcl\ poinl r6here {he combinel\ fietd strengh is zero. Fnrrz(, Lplwefn ma?slok dnj fiagneli. nmla-:lI!, the v'aognelle rnqier lc.tts o1g Pultecl inlo pasitton b'7 btes f tom +heWrcs of the F Mc.gnetic {c,rces Afe drr? to ln}erodiong betwsPh rmgnetU 6CldS" l3 I"a, fa\ t'lcv€'rxztlsrn , tl3.g1,1-fb mplecicr,ls op .,fr(wtd +o tnol1rrcls bea.'se {hey becon"q rrrrToel maqrctise) wha1 d ?\/rlno\ i6 ntutbY.'fw ;n)cca mgnetist-t in lf,crn .fvs ;gved ple nrrl{at lw mqna is thl 67fa6i}e o( lhe pte end o€ IIC rnogret. a* )lt Lpl& @ch ?iefe oF v'€fo+t to trha"rltruPtion beYwe* urnli?e PP5 $hC mdq?e'J' ltvrlneticrrrc.Ierials: Mcrheficrts which @fi be ttwtrnelised snA art' a}trtacled to g4nds'Gx: fetu'S rneta'E) thot <anrpt be nqrgtiseA qnd <rr?n'+. Non-mognBlic 6at erialil" i'{cr'leftds ' a fals allcacl et) | s v:ta$ae4' Fx" *n''n eYoVr non ftrrous e ) . glrolting a,n obrecy xrlt\ c'. .rr\agrw\ \^^ilt ind\rce Fno9n4li5v11' (.rr€nf .Anobicc}<onbevotaaincrtong6;|q1rrif€onda(d.c.)dilall-i5Pq$e4 lx6; r}1agnelistg lr'e ohiee|' coil. Th( ctrtrcn) ho' q. r'a4naiic e€€cc\ in tne ' An obiacl cprt V ho,mroe'd in o mogngic f;eld' 4 .,,g$ il.r:,".i,r.i,' lua rrucl€qsl"ftrcx etechroh lu,s a moqnetic gfkol4s il 59ins ancl orbits 5o w\ 'r]orn ects aS e f iny ic eftecti of lvre ekctfons do,Tt] conee\r 2- lne rflq9 hgl n rogngl ' 3. As lhe rnaferi<r\ becomes rna{v'p}ised, rnore Qn<} morf o{ it5 q16miC li\e \AF *.v.then \-,eahed +o <, !-glr--leuaBcGsrg or .1 arg lqrirwo aut o{ tine, dgr'"oqbctisinq 159 obigcf ' rn49nS}J havrnr,^9c€ar rl9 qlo-'ic u*g,;]l6Gl"':t'9$-.T*:"T* j:I rnoSnghs v back crnd forlh, -w r./tur\=i:+ ese'l ac.9il. rn vlaxhof LafFDe , ttw,nlot cos+ba Trare/i.^ |hrows lpal,orrn oqto€ lrne. pri*.;",q ar rn hhet'c-f'elcl lh'cr} cr'oniE o\ireoliows 1e1picllr1 oncr Lxw;mai lo idenli1\ lhr ntlern of mqJnelic f;etcls, t-Jtarl wilh cofiposS 6s6rr 6nQ snd of rrrqLlne+. 2. Ileeclle positiorr is rrorlced. wilh two &Is' }.{omposs is rvloverJ 5o tho} the needte lines .rPwi}x pr6v;oosdoi... <r,nd >o ot:' 4 , O"+S arg a, ynognef ic €;eld t;ne ioingj |c, (+rv,ptott;ng <jmp65i, -,-f- \)e / -/4,r-t-9"Pt'Per i iiet d littz"',i , -, , =.'_- Sofl iron; lo6es yirst^atty oll oFiIs ind,,rcd rrragflet;sr.,:t) il is d"lemryro'ry prgnel. (Soft m4nelic nralericrl) Slenl: l<ec?s sor"le o{ its iduLd rno.qflelisrrl c,nd beqres a ffrt>tooefil n:rLgn7l. (llard mog<el n m"rfgrtcrt) )es;gn: uLs€ a glab;d lo c{qa\q o, naXnetic {i u\e: For ayytalions ,yuhe{e r*lgoafism neecls is ndal ovtt loncl periods. {o be furrrecj an o*) off,(Ex'.JcrqP rnotol 3s 9*d, 4.2.1 (la'ltl- clx'rXe - baaetr4ld*,lh_4, J&eW Fur*suli.- -------:-----:--1.-.:l od Cn a rflvL" -object Ele(l'.; trisr'r ql., p.olnl is tne dire'on af _.&edirea{ion of qrr epr*e;c{'rdid rio.rgedJfat P;*' * 'ir! { I I I I I * }he fotte-6r*folnlrre Tr,rturlir-rl l.chorylxl obiec+ is brou€ht clqre lo urrharyet) o\iecl. Z-Trc. chornes d;€Fercnl +o txe ctwr4ed obiecl rrlove torvcrrcls ;11 ihe l;ke charja art repellecl o*,ay3.The uhr^,bnled Clanjes aft Cc*rlb3cl avt6;y. Iaa,qcenl chaf,ge: A ctuftje lho{ rc.ppecrrs':orr en vrr-lvrgu) objecl Wrese oF o clvtgt) ob;at ne-^fby. fr lf,e q.*ccrct;on i s slrong€r thon repulsion beccrusg the oflrcl_cling cL.nrge, q.e c\osz. .ihqn lh€ rapell;hg onOS. electrcns flo'.,,, rn io replace r'i:i:str:q aleci:-cis @ condrrlorS :.tTrqlericrls lhqt tet eleclronf p..ss |\ru.gh fhem. ^f_ -v,/ $f s.''^. of lheir &lr"ns-ae lhot they cen Fus fres1, beiween the"n. I"s'rhlors::rnqleria\5 l.hc.t l.n'6t1 <onctuct crl o\\. uV+Xrn elgcJ,-.b*et.ot tr+hilI-Lcld to ab'us q,nd ar?no| freeroynovel btrt f\ey cah be tnonsferrecl by rr,rbbilag. 3* nx -4J.2 Cerrent ..rfr^.6|: a f told of cnclfgg'/IYl.lPe(gG ' Zl rz ee ' JlIdeEt ($\= clos$eK)/rirneS'sl - -' {.1' ltrlec}oroatle-&rce- I,e'of,-cl.n aeofrof-sc'r"re-{ vo}s (V) -'@gc*"Pced-re' *crvcuriraoA-nor-srryp\ica.*-er^'reol : a ees,+d^**_if< €r^.f. when Fol in '-IVb€4.l o. c4rrtyrfl-i5Ue.na 5vgpf'ea -.lll-:tor,r4e-ls @lhecatl- fo^ref b'eccv*SB of thg c" so*rrae . 1",,tuL -i,'defr'hectjn r@ieLbl in-a*iry-c*sge- fnv''ct e1@+de c;ta'il..- 1?A-Pc&lpXr}itEef oce-- n , p..d, -,igneaour9cli a vo$stlpJ -tL= Lik- 'fr- vattlqgter rdeoiser-th€-\'altc'?p in q'eEcr€[Y a'ral ;s-<onrrpctac{ f n leqYnltgl=-- *,J-L&eSalorra----re5nkr:de-(C)ajP -cI-' 6Djr^^rtr,ot ( A1 *,Utt[Arbr5-- l"t""l"tf;-EatU a-&dEjsi .-na.4o{ I le's T?6irlolraa 9*d* battery (or low voltage suPPlY) CorfPnf fn cr corcftdor dePCO& l e dn ' iha €ond.rc\oc is e aailact t+F /en?li- I 6t r,irhforne wire. ..-- ' ' -= - ' P.il- is vn4ec\ by ry-'jr'.<)ing 'the' tzc"r''ieblg ' (esistonce crrlc"lole ui$ R- Vll vvater to keep nichrorne at constant temperature nlc-rome wire Oh'n:a Res;rtof -'_- '.' J*$ fhet utit! h .P a con s-t''r.l-- -- filoprnl Lo.nn lo iYtrt'rcr,<e Cufrent i<nti Prefodtonol l.n |rra P4' lo 9*t" -@nogrrwtur-- ' .fcoale<+ur)+- curjEn l (A) rE -Votltry e SngV+,-G*trert A) r -rlotloie ( " . __EdrytL-lftetlr;c citcwis- a*tAxct*.44 (Y ) til 9*tu {.matr swi}ctr wi}b.}hna wire5 --#- Eltfcbe\ h..gh rEsislc.nce ;n cme 6l,16ctio6 but o lonl (es;ston@ in fY€ othey. Atbw cuffenl lo fbw in one dlr€a+iorL Cr 1,,7'Z 5*-ieg sloil-Patullfl citct^ils ' --z/ {D d* ' crrrlen] ai-everl poin]-jn e- ser'ies-circuit ' Series: Rrotcrlz RrtRz is the san\L-- - rrfcuil : fhe surn,o.S, }h0 -- Pd't-cr6fes5' 1ff'-@Eaprrenls -:st a' sericL' js-agusLl -to-tA€'--- letcq +'d. arrosr-tt€-saffl Y' o.r@r '' lor : , +or:r,llet ciraui\ -fcom ilra osr;lf6i-.is |otgt'x- tj-arr-tlre- crrfrreat- ,in exl,,=Lnrrrtr' . r.sisl1'u6e-af fbb-fe5":*os9-irr4a'm}el-Il:re-cprnll,ecl I - jS leSS-lhcu {hal-ofejthff iil*., 'Pc'ra\Igl: T6, = Rr Rr " fhe-arUenl -Sr*,m lle -ga\rt'ce-i5 +hLillla el A:y- {';'rlerrls--in -the-s {{ffJofe*h{a*nJb?s- o*-rx Parotlel cizr..it'- -lafrrPl i+;c'toJlel : -l- lf -ar:e lc,vu'p-br*'W-!\e 'file-ts-Sl'ltrLl'ratk 2,Eacl-tarvrp gels trrto.:,|rr:,urr p-'cl-- ldvcro ag es aF Parallg\ C;fct.i} 6f} .j * --.ii )\t: 1t I I :i : 1l I 5er'ieS (irc,.ri t i: 42* 1,3.-:. f,clroo ornj L{jg o( civgr;1 comporre*ls ?oitnlio"t oivirler '* p.+*li"l a;vider d;vides tE vollc*je inip srnatler Pcrrts' I F ttiqnu yeiiitance, higher str^te a? wl*qge. i v,n i Vo,ef i i ,lz , \ Yo.rl: Vtn x iRrotql/ A varbbte Fohaniicel dividelllpjqdio_Aq|aal lts€e cr velpicrbl€ {esif.rc,(; jJ <rcts l;lce a iotanlicr\ div;bt bsi you c-on arl*jusi 'fhe ourtg-rt' - -\E ideulce wilh on ?iltedle\1 high ra6illonLe \h oncditgclljn oncl a rc\iher tow fesislux€ ). ihe olhet. :.',q,,," s crrrfffits lo {low il one diftrtion - -: ,-.\r be."rStcl in a. feclif.gr; h*r,iS Ae'r.rx.fenl inlo DC cqrrait. anlY . i,c<I€ trlets lne {<,rwarcl Pc.rfs o€ a,,c' lfrrougx' DC o.^t AC tn \ p;ode : ln Prrl lyaa<rlrlftf( 'Jlrermistpr: Ber,islor wilh high (eeistoflce when cold <rncJ low (esisdorre when \cJ\-, fney conro;a Sexwa.odtcloa' rrraler iol. 'h?ht -deperr)*,rt (es;6lor(L0R): lusisbr wilro higtr f?sislctttc€ in the dorX but c( .low f?5i5fonc? in the ligh)" ---j ,- /.Il,etrnitov *'Lpg. afg uu5eq in eE lronrc cifc*ritS thal' iwilch liqtrls off ond on. 4l . 1terrni516"s <rte qs&l in t€mP€rolutr€ O percrtecl 6lc$ry,,rs, 9*d" Ljl^ttlcb_of o€'t ut-etrcs*r i 2.tkdfoqs€r +$ rron armature -o power for suppiy motor I I "t= eiectric 1 _.-.-'- output circuit t (symbol) -lrgrrr-swir€.hjtffq- c'*+*t-<iacuili5a}sooFF- .. 1--^^ .oi:v (svmbol) Y- o-ulP'rl ei*nuir is " rrgh+ -tnli+ive 5\ lit(\.\ 'LDR rs por+ oS o polenlia\ clivide/ In dayliSSlrLDR hcri s bw fesisloncf ,gi't;n1 rt cu low s|:rrte af lW }plt+eay vctlloge.lrrvol{ap. is ioo tow lo lufn }he trtrnsislDr on. In clortcne$S,LDQ bos o hiTh rtS,slarr€-rgiv,ng it a hgh slpte oF the lry:firerl- yollqge. ,fu Votlo4e i5 hgh grrough lo lr.rrn lhe lronsitto-r on. 'Iroa5;stof Jwibhes on o felc,.l tha| *c.rnS ihe lcrrrp on. l0 ko T * t" a ,/,le -a: .'.a, I ",;;;;;' o.| nattery I I I I I Transistor switched ON @ ' lre.m*sror is porl of c. poleatk-rl clividef' 'A| troo- lemp€val*re, tte, t'.CrmiSlor Lo, a h ah klisionc€ atul o vrtojOf Shatg oF the \'oitcrrJ9,.trxc, |xa v6lfgr;1€. aLfoss lhe lowt {.is$!af rSF,r} ebpt€h lD }urn }art;stoc oh. '\rhe," fler6l516t ;5}r:tl%)1ilS CS;slc,yXe ,r iovJz CavSir-61 thg lo,"rpr res.blor to geh a loffr ghore of *hg bo)1a-.y vollage.l)e. vol+ane is evafru +o +urn trcensisl,or on. ' TrqfUb.ler s!!-+cbes c.ntdelay fhai s",itcnf,S a betl orr" ihermistOl' i!!.:r'| , *fe$siStor 4s 9*d* NOL3ofa - 'orP=meu}'oge-c - -iner.l-A-is NoT Hgh' ---iry-ras IANE-B-crte- -[or lo&-high- 49_ neifhel 4.5 Don?er< of ereciri Benrnc<rp,.r in<uLrliar: (,rrntcrC* with ryiGfi-ivawlfe esp6icrll tl,r.4,,e +o g",?s ;n Lhe- insqlcr+tbn, 6rg]v|ses elfu+(V iW,-]r(S w\;Lb cc,r, .nu.<e <ef ;6-.s injr,r;eg- or q hoc.k(._ terlrerr*;ng of roble.<'wnen lc.ng P-tens:on leods o€ cniEctrlr, l\e+n:r:y.6aetrrlt Iha Crr.nanl *.r.crvls ttre ur;6 b'r| thelrrf,l hes le,5s_aff:cl-_L0_.qaft if lhe wirr iS in crlicdht btrnrrlg. Ihk<crn-rar*te fie( "hnt+P rr^rdition5: wr.ler Can ccr.tqcl e cur€nl, so iF elfCtricol equiprnet* iS wel Sarneoag rn;gnLgar eleeln*, tlec)- Fr. PrntarJs r. Circ*ril.lt is c. thin picce of tpi€ Nlh,rch.overrurrls ctrrl meLRi$-' *he r,rrfgnl ;S b hb,tl li ls fto@r on ihg tirla hlifp he6re ihe s.^,,'+rh, pr,..enr,'ng A (uSe W:t\ hove c. Spea;Frc r,*rrcqi Valrle r \Frgefnre $Jhh-rhe&t+A3.ri\e.ble fuSgyot+ vn*si setent tl"e €,v'e f behrd rn^rirt,r*rf- VA)rA(L *ffir 4t lii *,:,. r* (,,nktc+, ayarlt,b{@Kihg rr€ circtrir-rhe r.,a ;ffi;"; }'-rtran-ilLo- tesol.euctlrh,,g.ltraicrt<slireaf*,uebr,,,}isheiter'beeorrse-itrrrntere}'-reset bLitton contacts aelail current elecirornagnet s Clrcuit breaker (a{ cr'rrcrr:l 'TVeptli-wi{e c{eates o' JaFa rc"rle io-flow I nror,rgrSr# lle' wiqg' cet8ing' I Earlh *E /:-t(|G.rrt XaeS lerra;x^l coarfgc)ff) k' r':r,:kll41;ittglb Wfe i'.slacd sF aa'tasinT an9Elar lffiu5ll+ earEr s}rcr.V- . A strbnB curfen* Sqrges thnaq8h ecrr{h th,s h'ols tha fijse einot tcraalrf: wire &ai'lse ii'ha$ disqonrrects *M q?f-tto'ncg q" Y€ri -low 'r-Efis iat^ce- 9*tu Y.<6ed c,rtc6\ q ynctgr,pt;C {jelct. 2- imcg.e,&*..ji ?enenilecl ir,_t[g_ w;6g* i' &c {'rt,.t----l#iu Cfr.rlte -cr cuJr.en+ if l}C-wire is+-crr+ of _cr Cincuil" 4 Cusreol" is d€tf&feol -:by-c,..--tctt vonr" rn&tref. qfe .ql L\)be=lclr4tn}r:r induced current induced cuffent in opposite direciion )|raignt wire( flerniling's riSt't hond '*le) tn'M 3,,o,. induced current opposes motion . rl6ving wi{e in oP$oSiE dilec:tio{\ reverse fiek) d;rrcliarr <rro''rnc\ |o . turnif\t rrraqnei\ I [u\\ing wlatv.e] o.* . Clrange pote5 ' r/v}{e rn@gnel faSter , r+sipg c1 5trun30( rrognel n'l''nber of ' iwrerS;n1 |u'e lt'trvr 3 on lhe a'\ [ingerr Polnf in thg conven)iotlctt c'rr-renf d;Gclba' thumb qines \v''e iVortb Pol€ ij r{ttq !--l s 5o 9*tu tlre ccit anrlrtfad }o the or*tsicle pcrl oF tW cira,il - Tey aup zt<,t tlty ,itta ,e __ ,qf ro'{bfft ylhth albrilq 6, r\rrfaoi fia Fr-w. carbon brushes A Simple a.c. generato[ connected to a lamp (l f: 6s6€h't is qqfjmcUrn when rnaxin:uit-': ior+rard 'lhe co;l iS horizonlal Sinq CUITENT f iaUr lineg are be;ng l tut ql the tr-:c.stcsL rale 50* 1 rotatlon .+ rl ' fL^11g9\ i 5 <f 'uhen l'\o to;l is wrfiol€ ,|;soE i}-'irnli I ,.i --i',:i I Curtting on1 t;ew I;neS' I co'i Posiiion lire e.m.f- outP-"l ccrnbe \nc{'caser) \'Y;'increosirrci }h€ hqmb€r oF ir'rrns 62n tL,e C$\. 'irrCrg65l69 iae clrg4 o€ \'t'e Ccil ' \),5iYv4 c. 5hor6ot rrayfl ' rohr\\v:g )\rt colt fqgier ' 4,6'1 Trqns{oYrnor Bos,c Tronsfortne( . AC curren\5 con b<, \n ciert€d 6r decleosgo1 by a q'rr ;16'4 cotl€" l€r'ot}daty co;l ond 'Loyr5i*9 a{ a pnmq*ll Co'I1 a qgr a}te{,1iiiiYYJ ; ..*1'aFa:i,{'€,ic\. . lhe ,Prl.rlsrY co{€, i| ?B op e'.x€n!' . WhEn -aI ler-rq}inq}"v,!-i.ironsforr"6- '\nbhe-oI9.}'i;r...r^r5!*5.f;e.rclwilri.oi.^(e..arrql}erylitlvol)axeinl\reo*|pu}cor4, ('r5sr'r'vne e1F;o;ency=lod'1') ' Power l\e &re ot1 bolh sicla' 's 'ft-6,1n5{6,:rncrs.sarga!-:sd-rdla4@whic\'ri6lheTrindiptst}'oi;Foi}sqv'e \aa1ne\tcatlYt;nl(edlao\vetqingcvtl?a*inotrg'ca}\6e|aninr)'+L€c)e'vrt'F'ittllf 52 *lret, ' g{9rL !blloqe(v) rJl r -J/ Ot. e - lGid3 Eo DGPurAlr - ';n?q.r .r^nlkrrgfv\ |.rns an in[u] Geil :e rls a Is Ns ----- I putt coil: 500 turns --.=---\ secondary (outpug coil: 1000 iurns -p{rmarv V a.c. outpui voitage core: lron cr Mumetal 's:tr. pasrcf L&$i in a .r.igtof fJawerlc,6s. ig P.* I Sinr-fu - Cuffahi. '5ln ' bbnsrnggrerp Cctlol€s arg Very lorg, they hor o- t-l nF rrg,Sleyg,. \lence€od\ a |rco'::rftx-n^pr, is u,sd {r. irrrr',-es€ }hr r':l}o+€ rtn€l deC.{Fa.6g }hg Cq{y.pnl, - - ih;t nCr,r$qhlat', (Liq Ct€." r zsrl+lgs- (.qr, be l^SerL Sirree evr,tyi,nt iS fCdrfcgel- 4.6,4 -T\\L rn2gnehc e$U\ of o cr-rr€nt 1 cur rent (co nr:entional) ::l t ri3 9netrc No4netic (;sl'l a{bun} a'auntnY aqrrYiny ,\ogre,t;o fiel4 a'tcutrl ct 6urrevrl eo.r r \, i rg wire- 5o11eplcl l> h1e wi{€ f :tyre fiek) is stroo995\ dole <>f fl'f (otce clirezlicr' s i tle f ield liriB al a poirr\ ' !he, diiec\ion of a nEgt€iic .>b. the N pote ai c'' maSr€\ a't lhdl point' brealdferr€\c}J and a Circ'rit ip isusecl a crrrrrn\ ,l,l\o,lnelo effral oi fi'\n6,rao^slng lrra crrtf€nl'iwress'g9 o€ tur^o " \nrwlr.g lYe nvr'rnber *Ye Streogtr^ ol l:r/ie fieH' of o' coi\ kptgctset. t}f tetllz<ft€'$ fhe 'Re\|arsing lr( c\^ffafll dirgolior" fl(eo?Il- rnogrrelic fielct airccliotw * ftel.r d;tectt;on: N.?aW lo 5 Fll -+.-" " Daflrr-lit", f,J,be iS Ug€ct gi/en by Lo{ ' lBver5;a3 fielol dlreelion, (everr,es th€ current-carrytng coils 4,to-.b cr.c. rnolat r+rni^g e$4-f;l' a' f ' OL Clrrranl-ccrrrying coit ir1 o rnagneiic ileu exPeriences IlumHr- 6f 1vrn5 oo lne cotl -i*rbs;ng'lhe bY, ;nc reased ile effecl is ' ' lytc(?ss;nJ }hg cqtrenl -iwrecs:n11ne shenT|h oi lha ticfretic f;etd' ' .bP?e{ wlra. ltt free ic -r is m.^rle o[ irutrloted ;ura'i€ Sgl*een itr4 pates ol W1? rrcqne|' i)' totateg 'lith ",(pl;tiirrq i: fitaa to $'e ;oi! 'erd i ne roi) f rrb o-Toinsf the c(trnmsfalor' )<eepng whb}' con}ol}s }urJ '-B:ir*ilr5-Jr{€ rno'Je of cpypx' thg boLlexY' ]ha1 c're q"PllY Co,nneatftl to thdtt! |v1g I. icil i5 hcrizooicr\ ctnd b?ic"^sq '2€ +;rc& o're futilresl qP4r'I 4rrcl g;veS t)rc loll' lhelr rrr.axirlrtltYr lrtmi'.'9 *ftcl ov' Fotrgs <anr\ {urr:n i} tlltc}''' l\nc lorrx?s P,tlT:-: fo 'rerlicc"] 2. I\a coil euent'c.\t1 F!{'1r'"'i lo cYnnge t}'e dileclior' of il-s t!1e rylIg*4j*""t uerlica\racr'r'r$;nl the 3,coir 6ver'hoah cu(1r46| - {. fories ihanle Cireclion qyyr f .r6hes ,oi'l F li e i i\re< t\e urrtil is vt'rllco') a'na}n' is l:;verSec), c'irrerrf cr- flg? rrrergr,elr fietct ihe ruit^i';or' of \w ;.:ir iS ldvt\scd' l :r( Ir \r6qrlY !/efllcle Coi\ orre/Jhoots veriicE 56 /T> L//l J/ e,o 5. Abrnu flFsirr .a -Z elPllrrf') 3- Atom rnusf hav€ been largely ernply Sqce,with ilS pasiliv€ charge epd rnaj} nLilS--rns JcpEcqdei4l-in 6 li6y n,.Eleqs al +he(rft|f€, ctc4ordi@ ,/ abha saurce beam of alpha particles *,*J-- detector Rutherford's explanation -----%1J+ Most alpha //.\ (_# particles are undeflected atom / /v' Lg A iew alpha particles are deflected slightly A few alpha ;;=G particles bounce off nucleus \* 5.1,2 $lrcle.ur .Ip11ualevs of crn alorn iS madea4l oF net'r'trorrs and proionS' frjB ratrons: No oharqe Protont: (t) Posilivo cttet# nrrrqE{: nr'*&b€r af P<:o+artJ Pfcton Nwlgon n,.r'wtEE{: flng 1'}f il frrr,cti.le, go7-5 et;ffelrn] {ype ifi cn olorn' Z rrtrfrrber of prolong &ndr n€r'rtrons i+ibe-'n\AtgtiS' A of crlom' 2X' \*loPe;a}clnsofih45ar]0ekzffent*hathcl,,€n6;glg..ilturntrdrSo{rrerrtronl in whic\.. o, larSe N\]{lAjr iirsior,: lhe p'ocess tr\,6leu3 iPl;ts lYric,J'd) St,Elle( nqclei With tx;;r'r'':-lts ]'ign[ p"nsl'at'l% lhe r:ela'ra ci ene'gy' )t'i{'[eus 57li r}lorg i,lY$lobit il beg,r,e>, 1he rnore nzqttorB ,]"bB.,l]3Pe bls, lx* by F"s', +\r'o sl\elgf ^\acle; the p,ness in which a tonle nucleus tlfo$agci Nwlear Fu'jon: wifh Jhe (e4ase o[ enert]v- 5,2 f\odioocriv:tt ,"2.| }ci-\ion of roct;doctivit-\l -eac hat:und-re,rrf;a'' .jr^luorror+ntsofrlaclicr}ic,niso}u,cly5clrrrrrndt,tsbeiau,se.,t-+}}errrclicctctiue]-Ilrrlericr)sinlFPerr'',:ronrr\3r*'JLisisc<rllgelbcrckgrot'n'Jrircl'<ilion' ',tainlyCa$eltpr''rralurcl\sr'^rdes:5o;l'iocvs)cnit',,br^ilctingrrrr|9r'roB'fooc'lo"'d Jrin(7 rhc sP'rie' ,tacle.}rs 1.)re 'urincrow' iS |h;n en'ar1h u<, P an'r )) (ot: 4- pc^rtic\e5 io pcr;ss |lrouS}r t'^\oe, it iotlieoS iha g:s insl19 1.\f +rf a(:potticts ente{s the higb*r,,:\tage 3.Th;s 1e\s o(f o. 'P'\YK crcro;t tYre 3;l slrr{ ra i-l'^\:c .:l (r''rterrt rrr t'.'d tir'e\?, ' /\ betr.r prrf'lio\e oi' <ld.t.nl11cr v'cr;liorticx' \rfs tl.'e $a1\'flg effe;{" 58 9*tu *ll aoh b€ a..f;. tgct l" . r..te ,rlr"(lellj ilt' Cr,,.r,l. l-re......e.o,s) ,^" o ".., 1"r:_ Geiger-Miiller tube d+ ifrn rnka 450 v \rmtdCIA,' supply o_ 'A\phfr rArJicr-l-bn: . tv-ri,S:r:{:i: ,s +selrr\ frr.r' 5-ofe cEtft}lorS rOn;i€S . 'Alpy,o r'crdbir;vr **E aif i,n dd\A*ct ' 5rnoYe +Dm cr flirE ebsorB alphe rtrtiolionr 4tlerlnS iorrr:at,bn anr\ |ri%erin3 the aLrtrn. ' Belcr r',rti*tiotr, 'Jra<grs ond rrpoikruirrl thg ihicfngs5 of rnfigrkr\S 1 -*rl frorers ctre roet;oqdivg 6hemks"\s u6€cl6r m€zticgt inruging- (e<l€\.n cheynkols corra*tatelr, dsrvrlgecl ordr's€as€c\ ports o{ lY,ebdvt can{ lhe ra-Jia}rbyr Ccncgntrqies wiy\ i}. t' Frai+tuat eldz\afurs .)c:hetl lgag"rriilee\ rodicrtirvr rlhcl crn i.roge o[ fh.etnslJe of t\e5gsr>1 is rilocre $rithhre help.rts. cornputg:r.. ' ,?oaiOlt"l is 1xectin iv'rJus\rJ in <rfl6|srs +hq| wronilov c\r-,o\ Adj'.ot ihi*iass conrtrg\ \:re lhLtrr#s oF nlltB-:ru\S. ' Tnc lhluver ihe rnc*eriCi ih: more ,r-,rcilticn is -ab,sorbec,\ 6no\ +b,e le55 r*iloYlorr ri:i,u,hpS \he,Jelclcrr ' te}orl". serda Jigno\S lo elulyrnerr| fh$ cptj.$1 thbEreS. ' Cornon ct rcrl,'qhiorr:.Trecri rnSn\ o t ccrficet' ' htfng 2q.yc,r1:ty9€ ftoiogrcr,pr-,s ' jlorili:lrtg tboct and rnft.ligc{l eqv;pfren}. 5.2'l Roc,t,'o.cli"e deroy fi rs.,z;l:ois,cllo9, ;5 6.lterocl lo ogke a marg slable cryrcfideyrerr+. ')urlng tx'or p-de-eLy {hc h.,^clar^s chonges }c, tt-ro,l of o, aif(erenl elerner,*'" Rqd,uqc+i.,e daoy: Alp},a ,-Eroly 'fin eterrull .ie<r*ys fhro,*,qlr ,ibe..emrgrbn 6F a p.rficte5, lbat leoves lhe n<.rrleqS ruirh 2 pr?tonS .^od 2 nekl-rons less ft-qr. beFoce. .21G^222^+ NuLiear e4t+arioni tr fiE :-+ 8C Rn +' 2 04. 9*tu y'rqnli7reut6;f1gi rnqsSkss t?kIt'tr/e sF 'Aj€.rhqa ChO.g€S i^fr. a f,miOnrAr. etectrOn crnd an e.ni;ner+r":r,ra. hhe h€:qircryr ln ihe nuCleus. ,r,. re r o,,,"o;o-,t111 -+ r3'l ve t ?, P t 77 5"1,t ttrolf-\iFe given <nmft€ io fc.rt io hrtjf i15 orr?;yrcrj rr.ut.r,e 20 IU 5 I I I JI haif-life rvl, ,.,.*;,.,",,*",r- 5.2.5 Sr^(etr1 Prera.r*t'ron5 'Roai.rtlon can a,t fet) DN A, i,orr5ing rntrhe,)io[)5. , Qadicltion trr:r, bl.6e CatWY. ' Rodiortisrr, ilarneqes Sqboharr@ <rncl rrra.|cficis in *frg e\lS of living t}vlngS" !feaa.^\,O-r3:'Roaio6:4,tive rrro,)er;a\ iS 5!,s{t4\ ,rr c. EOc\ Cclvr}airrCt' or<J lc:ckea) 6;werr;. : PiCkedwp. rit}. 7ongS, rcYborelrrrrcLg' \<egt o.^,o1 {'o",thebrrfy c}y}dl.n<:! tsi^tat*t peopre. 'Left a,rf oF,-l-6 d<r6Jg.rlrr67 for e,5 SY,ertsliiyr'e c'S po,sdble. 62