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Project Report Format Guidelines

PROJECT REPORT FORMAT * Font 12, Times Roman, Space 1.5, Justified*
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Terminology
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction
Describes the problem being addressed, aims & objectives of the work and the context in which
the work appears with project justification.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Discusses relevant previous work and any appropriate literature related to this project. (Should be
at least two pages).
Chapter 3: Methodology
Contains a full account of the practical work undertaken. This may include Systems Analysis and
System development methodology and design, which could be divided into two separate
chapters. (Expected data flow diagrams, entity relationships and design concepts)
Chapter 4: Results
Contains a full account of the system results and reports obtained. This may include
Implementation and Testing. Details include hardware platform used, choice of programming
language, coding, testing, test data, sample outputs etc.
Chapter 5: Discussion
A summary of the results and their relationships, exceptions, relationship to previous work
identified in chapter 2. Practical implications, achievements, constraints, statement of the
conclusions and suggestions for further work. (With reference to your aims and objectives)
Appendix A:
References and Bibliography - a recognized and consistent referencing system is vital (see
separate guidelines). References can include www links. All references should be placed at the
end of the report, not at the end of each chapter. Bibliography is work consulted and used but not
specifically referenced in the course of your work.
Appendix B:
User Manual - Required if the project involved building of a system. Includes technical
Appendix C:
Sample Programs - sample program listings, circuit diagrams, tables of data etc. The working
systems with source code will be submitted electronically.
The University logo may be obtained from the university web site (www.ruc.ac.ke).
The section should the declaration statement, full name, registration number and signature of the
student as well as name and signature of the supervisor(s).
The declaration statements are as follows:
This project, as presented in this report, is my original work and has not been presented for any
other University award.
This project has been submitted as part fulfillment of requirements for the Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science of Rongo University with my approval as the University supervisor.
Program documentation, where appropriate, is of considerable importance. The following are
An outline of the design including justification for key design choices, e.g. languages,
algorithms, data structures. Diagrams and examples are very helpful.
Some very brief guide to the structure of the code. For a Pascal program, for example, a
suitably organized and annotated list of procedures would often be useful. Code should
be adequately but not excessively commented.
A complete user manual, normally placed in the appendices. A reader of the report must
be able to run the program entirely by reference to this manual.
The project report must be entirely the student’s own work, except where the report clearly states
otherwise. The Acknowledgments section is the most appropriate place to report any help, e.g.
with learning a new programming language.
Never do any of the following:
Fabrication – Data that are made up
Falsification - Data that are altered i.e. added or moved or deleted.
Plagiarism – Using someone else’s work.
It is emphasized that the disciplinary procedures of the University consider plagiarism in project
reports with as much gravity as copying in a written examination.
Delivering your presentations effectively involves using a four-step process:
Define the purpose of your talk based on the outcome you seek with your audience. Illustrate and
support key points with evidence e.g. references, statistics, demonstrations etc. Establish what or
why you are excited in your project and are eager to share with the audience. Practice your
presentation beforehand. Test the equipment a day before the presentation. Do not make any
further modifications. Make sure you several backups in the event of any failure.
The following are guideline that will be useful when writing the report:
Start writing before the project is completed
Stock the sections e.g. Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion
Tables and diagrams should stand on their own.
Write a first draft
Edit the draft
Check the references
The project deadline may not be extended, except in special circumstances.
Students will be required to hand in to the Course Coordinator the following items:
For Diploma in Computer Science - two hardcover bound copies of the project report.
For BSc in Computer Science - two standard black hardcover copies or spiral bound. Soft
copy of the project report.
Soft copy of the product developed (both source and executable codes) preferably on CD
Power Point presentation slides. These are required for posting on the projects web site.
Each document submitted must have a clear title, full names of student, registration number,
academic year and name of programme.
Students will be required to give a seminar before submission of the project (Proposal document
assessment and technical assessment by supervisor – 30%).
The project report will first be assessed by at least two Internal Examiners, after which the
External Examiner will assess it. A panel of examiners will be convened and the student will be
required to present the project.
The project will be evaluated on the practical work accomplished, the quality of the report and
the presentation. Thus students will be assessed on their ability to take a comprehensive
approach to the project assignment. Guidelines for evaluating projects are available separately.
The main criteria considered in the assessment of the project are:
Problem Definition and Solution to the Problem
Literature Review and Theory
Results and Findings
Conclusions and Recommendations