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Emile Karam
emilekaram28@gmail.com.com - +357 97 931 995 -Nicosia, CY/ Dubai, UAE
American International School in Cyprus May 2024
4.12 GPA
President of High School Student Council
National Honor Society Member
IBDP Candidate
Work Experience
MOV Management
June,2023-July 2023
Nicosia, CY
MOV Management is an award-winning marketing agency based in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Led market research on restaurant industry in the country, identified gaps, created business plan to fill these gaps
for the agency.
o Developed a guerrilla marketing plan to bring traffic to a client's company website.
o Pitched start-up project to company employees as part of internship program.
Researcher for VP
August 2023– August 2023
Beirut, LB
Conducted and completed an 8-page research paper on environmental effects of high-speed railways.
o Established sustainable solutions for high-speed railways in North America and Europe
o Findings were presented to the CEO of the company by the VP I interned for.
September 2023– Present
Nicosia, CY
Building a platform that connects Highs school students in MENA region to internship and mentoring opportunities.
Learned how to raise capital from investors.
Formulated comprehensive business plan.
Built a strong network of entrepreneurs in the MENA region who helped with the development of my start-up.
Skills: Proficient in Excel, pitching ideas, researching, collaborative abilities.
Interests: Rugby, gym, start-ups, language learning.
Languages: Fluent: English, Arabic
B2: French, Spanish
A2: Russian