Uploaded by Mai Nguyen Tuyet Kieu

Mai Kieu - People living in the 21st century have a better quality of life than people who lived in previous centuries

People living in the 21st century have a better quality of life than people who lived in
previous centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1st version
21st-century citizens are claimed to enjoy an improved quality of life compared to those
who lived in the past. While contemporary times are associated with various risks that
jeopardise our security, I agree with this statement due to the readily available access
to healthcare and education services.
To begin with, it is undeniable that individuals face several challenges today that were
non-existent a few centuries ago. Firstly, the crime rate has been escalating in recent
decades due to undesirable predicaments in the labour workforce. The emergence of
nascent technological innovations and automated devices has led to decreased job
vacancies, rendering some workers redundant and pushing them towards illicit means
of livelihood, such as smuggling, robbery, and theft. Consequently, these actions not
only deteriorate the moral fabric of a nation but also have direct and negative impacts
on social well-being and future generations. Secondly, the environment has been
severely and comprehensively sabotaged by human activities such as relentless
manufacturing, excessive excavation, and the increasing use of private vehicles. For
example, manufacturing plants have been dumping enormous amounts of greenhouse
gases, sewage, and toxic chemical substances into the environment, leading to the
degradation of air and water quality, as well as soil fertility. In the long run, these actions
will inevitably inflict irreparable harm on natural resources and ecological balance.
However, people today benefit from numerous advancements that have significantly
improved their quality of life. Firstly, children now have access to innovative
pedagogical paradigms, some of which are tailored to their specific needs based on
their prowess, financial capabilities, and personal characteristics. Furthermore, today’s
educational methods have been studied and revised to maximise the success of all
students, unlike in the past when resources were mainly diverted to prodigies at the
expense of others. By providing young students with vocational courses, they are
equipped with a comprehensive skill set, accompanied by academic theories,
actualising their potential in the future. Secondly, the medical field has seen many
breakthroughs in vaccinations and treatments, making many diseases preventable and
curable. The development of modern technological devices and the advancement of
artificial intelligence have led to numerous medical achievements, increasing
diagnostic accuracy, formulating novel medications, and reducing the death rates of
many fatal diseases. This not only contributes to increased life expectancy but also
preserves the happiness of many families whose members are patients.
In conclusion, although modern lives are affected by increased crime rates and
environmental degradation, people today do witness an improvement in quality of life.
This is primarily due to medical breakthroughs and innovative educational curricula.
2nd version
The assertion that individuals in the 21st century enjoy a superior quality of life
compared to their predecessors is a complex one, with compelling arguments on both
sides. While contemporary society undeniably faces unprecedented challenges, such
as environmental degradation and rising crime rates, the advancements in healthcare
and education have significantly enhanced the well-being and opportunities available
to people today. Therefore, I contend that the overall quality of life in the 21st century
has indeed improved, despite these challenges.
One compelling argument in favour of a superior quality of life in the 21st century is the
remarkable progress made in healthcare. Advancements in medical technology,
including vaccinations, antibiotics, and sophisticated diagnostic tools, have
dramatically increased life expectancy and reduced the incidence of previously fatal
diseases. This has not only extended the lifespan of individuals but also improved their
overall health and well-being. Furthermore, the accessibility of quality healthcare,
particularly in developed nations, has ensured that a larger segment of the population
can benefit from these advancements, leading to a healthier and more productive
Another significant factor contributing to the enhanced quality of life in the 21st century
is the revolution in education. Modern educational systems have shifted towards
personalised learning, catering to individual needs and abilities. This has resulted in a
more inclusive and equitable approach to education, empowering students to reach
their full potential. Moreover, the accessibility of information through the internet and
online learning platforms has democratised education, making knowledge readily
available to individuals across geographical boundaries and socioeconomic
backgrounds. This has fostered a more informed and empowered citizenry, capable of
contributing meaningfully to society.
However, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges that accompany these
advancements. The rapid pace of technological change has led to job displacement
and economic inequality, contributing to rising crime rates and social unrest.
Furthermore, environmental degradation, driven by industrialisation and excessive
consumption, poses a significant threat to human health and the planet's sustainability.
These issues demand immediate attention and effective solutions to ensure a truly
sustainable and equitable future.
In conclusion, while the 21st century presents unique challenges, the remarkable
progress in healthcare and education has undeniably improved the quality of life for
many. The accessibility of quality healthcare, personalised learning approaches, and
the democratisation of information have empowered individuals and fostered a more
equitable and prosperous society. However, addressing the pressing issues of
environmental degradation and economic inequality is crucial to ensuring a truly
sustainable and fulfilling future for generations to come.