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Master Your Testosterone: Natural Optimization Guide

Master Your
5th Edition
Published by: UMZU, LLC
Copyright © 2019
Christopher Walker and Ali Kuoppala
“A man is not just a thing
to be - it’s also a way to
be, a path to follow, a
walk to walk.”
-Jack Donovan
We would like to acknowledge all of the men and women who
have devoted their lives to conducting the countless research
studies that we’ve pulled information from over the last five
years of self- education on the topic of natural human
testosterone optimization. Your work gave us a base of
knowledge to digest, understand, and use to educate the millions
of men who have read our work online in recent years, and
impacted their lives positively because of it.
This program is dedicated specifically to every guy who reads its
pages and is forever impacted with a renewed sense of control
over their own destiny & health. Remember that you have
complete control over your body and mind. You merely need to
accept this, and you step into power beyond what you could ever
imagine before.
Enjoy this book!
Share it with a friend after reading, or send them to
Copyright © 2019 UMZU, LLC.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The
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other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable
by law.
Please purchase only authorized electronic editions of this book. Don’t
participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.
This book is a general educational health-related information product and is
intended for healthy adults age 18 and over.
This book is solely for information and educational purposes and does not
constitute medical advice. Please consult a medical or health professional
before you begin any exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program or if
you have questions about your health.
There may be risks associated with participating in activities or using
products mentioned in this book for people in poor health or with preexisting physical or mental health conditions.
Because these risks exist, you should not use the products or participate in
the activities described in this book if you are in poor health or if you have a
pre- existing mental or physical health condition. If you choose to participate
in these activities, you do so knowingly and voluntarily of your own free will
and accord, assuming all risks associated with these activities.
Specific results mentioned in this book should be considered
extraordinary, and there are no “typical” results. Because individuals
differ, results will differ.
Testro-X: Natural Testosterone
Born out of necessity, Testro-X was formulated by Christopher
Walker to address the main vital areas of natural testosterone
production, chiefly:
1. Correcting critical vitamin and mineral deficiencies that
cause low T in men
2. Using clinically-tested organic herbs to lower stress levels
and boost T production naturally
3. Trigger more T-production signaling from the brain to the
testes with specific natural compounds
The Testro-X formula does all of this with an affordable
once-a-day all-natural supplement, available from UMZU now.
Table Of Contents:
Part 1:
The Masculine Optimization Pyramid
Level 1: Micronutrients (The Foundation)
Level 2: Nutrition (Macronutrients And Micronutrients)
Level 3: Lifestyle (Sleep, Sex, Chemicals, Mindset, etc)
Level 4: Testosterone Training (Train Like A Man Should)
Level 5: Intelligent Supplementation (Get An Edge With Proven
Total Hormone Optimization (The End Result)
Part 2:
The Endocrine System
The Endocrine System Explained
Testosterone 101
How Is Testosterone Produced?
The Benefits Of High Testosterone
What Is The Optimal T Level?
Optimizing Free Testosterone & Lowering SHBG Levels
Growth Hormone
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
How To Lower Estrogen Naturally
How To Lower Prolactin Naturally
Micronutrient Deficiencies
Vitamin A
B Vitamins
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Zinc 182
Vitamin K2
Part 4:
Dietary Fat
Soy 253
Avoid These T-Lowering Foods
Part 5:
Erectile Dysfunction
Sex 284
Lower Your Body Fat
Intermittent Fasting
Sleep and Testosterone
Avoid These Disruptive Chemicals
BPA 342
Personal Care Products
Fluoride and Testosterone
Chlorine in Swimming Pools
Excitotoxins and Testosterone
Body Language
Cold Showers
Career & Risk Taking
Can You Grow Taller?
Training For Testosterone Production
W = Fd
W (MVA * i) < Stress Threshold
Part 7:
Intelligent Supplementation
Supplementation To Increase T
7 Best ED Supplements
Stress-Lowering Supplements
Estrogen-Lowering Supplements
Androgen Receptor Supplements
Part 8:
The 30 Item Grocery List
5 Sample T-Boosting Recipes
Time To Change Your Life
Forever (Starting Now)
There will come a time when enough is enough... when you’re
fed up with listening to doctors whose only prescription is
pharmaceuticals... not helping you use your own body to achieve
the natural balance it craves.
It’s time to take measures into your own hands, because there is
nobody on Earth who cares as much as you do about your own
And believe it or not, every single person reading this right now
is equally equipped to succeed.
You don’t need loads of money, or time, or good genetics to make
this happen. You just need to educate yourself, work hard at
changing the right things, and be consistent over time and you
will succeed.
Our Master Plan
We love setting goals – and achieving them.
If you’re anything like us, you know the feeling... that adrenaline
rush and deep sense of satisfaction that comes with “success” of
any kind
– big or small.
Our master plan has two major targets:
1.) Help a million men naturally optimize their testosterone.
We still remember the feeling of getting this book into the hands
of our first 1000 clients. Since then, then numbers have grown to
the tens of thousands. So why stop there? We want to help 1
million guys completely, radically change their lives for the
better by naturally optimizing their testosterone levels using
AnabolicMen.com. One million men with more confidence, more
self-worth, no depression, and fully natural alpha authority –
and the world is going to be a better place. If you know any
friends or family members who would love this book, please
share it with them. Let’s get to that 1 million mark together.
2.) Lead the fight against charlatans. Unfortunately, the
testosterone-boosting industry has become one of the most
popular playgrounds for scammers and charlatans, selling you
their sugar pills with huge promises that they can never deliver.
We want to be your go-to guys in the industry. There are a small
handful of awesome educators in this industry, and we will
always point you to the best resources. But be wary of most
“T-boosting” products out there... they’re almost always just
flashy marketing with no real substance, created by people with
no expertise, just trying to make a quick buck off you.
Dishonesty is rampant in the supplement industry, especially the
testosterone supplement niche. Companies make huge promises,
but rarely deliver. When we started the Anabolic Men
Marketplace my business partner said, “We will only sell
supplements that work. If it doesn’t work, we’re not selling it.”
It’s like he read my mind... Here’s the deal: those “testosterone
boosters” you see everywhere… most of them DON’T actually
boost your testosterone. They’re designed to increase your
libido, and
nothing more. As you’ll learn in this book, libido and T are not the
same thing. So what WILL increase your testosterone?
Supplements that are designed to do very specific things, like
eliminate key vitamin and mineral deficiencies, decrease chronic
cortisol levels, and increase hormonal output from training.
These are specific examples of things we manufacture. We focus
in specific areas of T production that actually make a big impact
on your hormone levels. If it doesn’t work, we don’t sell it.
We hope you love this book. We hope the information in these
pages changes your life as much as it has changed both of ours.
This information is
gold… So let’s start
It’s highly likely that you’re reading this book right now because
you’re searching for answers.
You’re searching for help.
Over the years, we’ve come to see some very predictable
patterns in hormonal health optimization. We’ve focused much
of our effort to this point on mastering natural testosterone
enhancement and fully understanding the collective body of
research on the subject.
In doing so, we developed a simple system that thousands of
men have since used to optimize their T without drugs – rather,
by using nutrition, training, lifestyle, and strategic
We realized this system was not limited to just testosterone
enhancement, but instead signified a protocol that could be used
to optimize any number of hormones and biomarkers in the
human body.
To illustrate the system itself, we came up with the Masculine
Optimization Pyramid.
The steps on the Pyramid embody the different levels of focus, in
order of importance (from foundation upward), that you must
adhere to if you want to fully optimize key hormones, and in
doing so optimize your health in general.
It’s such a simple system, but we had no way of accurately
conveying it graphically…
Until now, that is.
The Pyramid now solves that problem, making it easy to visualize:
We’ve also organized the content in this book in a manner so
that you can easily navigate through information relevant to
educating yourself around specific levels of the Pyramid.
So now you’re probably wondering what the Pyramid is… Let’s
break it down:
Level 1: Micronutrients (The Foundation)
Statistically, you’re deficient in a handful of micronutrients
which are causing issues for hormone optimization.
Now, you may not be deficient in ALL of them – but there are
likely between 5-7 of them that you ARE deficient in that are
negatively impacting your hormone production.
These are the top 5 micronutrient deficiencies we’ve seen in
nearly all men. Statistically speaking, you’re deficient in these so this is a great place to start in your self-education and
supplementation to eliminate the deficiencies:
Vitamin D
Level 2: Nutrition (Macronutrients
And Micronutrients)
There are micronutrients – which we’ve just covered – but then
there are macronutrients, which are proteins, fats and carbs.
And above that is the overall calorie intake (which is based on
your body and your goals, fat loss or muscle
building/recomposition). Are you eating whole foods in a ratio
ideal for hormone optimization?
The following is a list of specific things you need to focus on
when it comes to nutrition:
Overall Caloric Intake
Macro Intake (fats, carbs, and protein)
Macro Ratio and Specific Sources
Increasing Micronutrient Consumption from Whole Foods
Level 3: Lifestyle (Sleep, Sex,
Chemicals, Mindset, etc)
Living correctly involves doing a handful of of the right things
daily that will facilitate progress (either bringing towards a goal
or being counterproductive). These include getting adequate
sleep, developing a dominant worldview, controlling your habits,
and pursuing healthy relationships.
This level of the Pyramid focuses on these areas:
Mindset & Meditation
Habits (Alcohol, Smoking, Marijuana)
Sex (Real Sex vs. Masturbation)
Avoid Chemical Exposure
(We’ll get into all of these a little later in this book.)
Level 4: Testosterone Training (Train
Like A Man Should)
Train in a way that activates as much muscle tissue in as short a
time as possible, facilitating adaptive change without
over-stressing your body. Bonus points if you focus that training
on Androgen Receptor dense muscle tissue, like in the THOR
Training concepts to focus on:
Resistance Training & Androgen Receptor Density
Testosterone Work Principle
Staying Below The Stress Threshold
Daily Physical Activity
Level 5: Intelligent Supplementation
(Get An Edge With Proven Compounds)
If you’re doing everything else correctly and want to get the
extra edge without pharmaceuticals, then leveraging particular
supplements backed by clinical research may amplify your
results towards hormonal optimization.
Supplements/Herbs that actually work for increasing
testosterone (and ones that don’t)
Cognitive Enhancers and Nootropics
General Health
Specific Issue Problem-Solving Supplements
Estrogen (blockers, etc)
Total Hormone Optimization (The End
As a result of systematically working your way up the MOP, you’ll
naturally optimize your overall hormonal health and achieve
Hormonal Mastery.
We’ll be digging into thoroughly into the Pyramid and all the
levels specifically in this book… And after reading these pages,
you’ll have everything you need to optimize:
SHBG, Free Testosterone
Last Note Before We Begin…
With this broad overview of how the Masculine Optimization
Pyramid works, hopefully you can now understand how to use
this simple framework to solve your testosterone-related issues.
This book is organized according to providing specific
information to you along the lines of this Pyramid, and therefore
we encourage you jump around and read in order of specific
help you need.
Many of you may need to read from cover to cover, but others
may find it helpful to jump ahead to specific sections, like
supplements or nutrition, for example. Feel free to explore this
book how you see fit.
Now, before we get into the actual levels of the Pyramid, we first
need to understand how the body and endocrine system work.
Understanding this is the foundation of everything inside this
book. Without further ado, let’s get started...
— Chapter 1 —
The Endocrine System Explained
If you’re experiencing any of the following in your daily life, your
endocrine balance needs some attention:
Irritable bowel syndrome
chronic stress
anxiety disorders
bipolar disorder
borderline personality disorder
excessive fat/muscle gain/loss
post-traumatic stress disorder
attention deficit
chronic fatigue syndrome
major depressive disorder
loss of sex drive
low testosterone
…Yes, the list continues.
If you can relate to any of these, then I’d suggest reading on…
What Is The HPA Axis & Why Should You Care?
Philosophically, I believe we should operate upon solid
principles before worrying about details. Most people take the
opposite approach, unfortunately.
The outcome is that they do not see results, or their results are
transient. Then they wonder why. The only way to understand
the why is to take the time to learn the underlying system of
principles upon which the details rely.
Everyone reading this book should, at worst, have a basic
understanding of what the HPA axis is and why it is so important
to your everyday health, and at best, a thorough understanding
of the neurobiology that underlies the important reactions and
feedback loops within it.
This chapter gives you the scoop.
An understanding of the HPA axis will equip you with the
principle- based knowledge that’ll serve as the most important
tool in your toolbox as you move forward with
balancing/optimizing your endocrine system - which, in turn,
will lead to lower body fat, increased muscularity, and a
heightened sense of well-being.
The HPA Axis is the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis. It is
the line of action between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland,
and the adrenal glands.
The hypothalamus sits at the ‘top’ of the axis. It is the brain
substrate that serves a primary purpose of linking the nervous
system to the endocrine system via your pituitary gland. The
hypothalamus is roughly the size of an almond and you can find
it in all vertebrate
nervous systems. It sits just below the thalamus (hence, the
hypo- ) and above the brainstem.
The direct aim of the hypothalamus when it releases
neurohormones is to either stimulate or inhibit the actions of
the pituitary gland. A few functions that are more commonly
attributed to its control are hunger, sleep functioning, fatigue,
thirst, & circadian cycles.
As you can probably assume from the magnitude of regulation
that it’s responsible for, the hypothalamus is extremely
important in terms of creating a homeostasis (balance) within
your endocrine system - and therefore entire body.
Symptoms of an unhealthy hypothalamus include inexplicable
hunger, insomnia, weight problems, dehydration/hyponatremia,
excessive fatigue, etc...
The pituitary gland is next in line. It is shaped like a pea and sits
right below the hypothalamus, basically at the center, near the
base of your brain.
It is also referred to as the hypophysis but, since I don’t even
know how to pronounce that correctly, we’re just going to use
‘pituitary’ here.
It is divided into an anterior and posterior lobe and is
responsible for secretion of vitally important homeostatic
hormones into your body.
The hormones that it releases are:
Growth Hormone (GH or HGH)
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
Prolactin (PRL)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Intermedins (MSHs)
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
The next and final ‘stop’ in the HPA axis is the adrenal glands,
which sit far from your brain, atop your kidneys. They are mainly
responsible for releasing hormones - such as cortisol and the
catecholamines - into your bloodstream in response to stress.
What are catecholamines (kat-eh-cola-meens)?
Epinephrine and norepinephrine: more commonly known as
adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Your adrenal glands are also responsible for the secretion of
small amounts of androgens (male steroid hormones). The
hypothalamus and pituitary gland also communicate directly
with the testes (gonads) so this axis is sometimes referred to as
the HPG axis as well.
While some testosterone is secreted by the adrenal glands, the
bulk of it is secreted from the Leydig cells of the testes in men.
The pituitary gland is known as the ‘master’ endocrine gland.
The Basic Pathways and Feedback Loops
The HPA axis, as a whole, is incredibly complex.
There are (very very smart) people who devote their entire lives
to studying its effects on the human body & behavior (ie
endocrinologists, neuroscientists, etc) who still do not
understand everything, nor will they ever.
Keep in mind that I am making grossly simplified generalizations
when I say that the HPA axis is responsible for not only the
above functions, like regulating stress & secreting sex hormones,
but also controlling your mood & emotions, your immune
system, your energy metabolism, and very importantly digestion.
In fact, this entire chapter is grossly simplified.
But the point, once again, is not details for the sake of details, but
to grasp a general understanding of how this all works.
However simplified the generalizations may be, just believe me
that the HPA and HPG axis’ are power players in these processes.
Neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
(corticotropin-releasing hormone). The release of these peptides
stimulates the secretion of ACTH in the pituitary gland which
acts to produce glucocorticoids (ie cortisol - synthesized from
cholesterol) in the adrenal glands.
These glucocorticoids now act back on the hypothalamus to
suppress any more release of CRH & ACTH. This is what we refer
to as a negative feedback loop. It regulates itself when
everything is healthy and working properly.
Keep in mind that the hypothalamus is only one of several
targets in the brain for glucocorticoids.
Stress hormones such as cortisol act on many different tissues
and substrates within both your brain & your body - a big reason
why keeping this feedback loop working properly is VITAL to
maintaining a healthy body.
One positive feedback loop within the HPA axis that you should
be aware of is the excitatory effect of the catecholamines
(Epinephrine &
Norepinephrine) on the pituitary gland to increase the
production of ACTH and Beta Endorphins.
Remember that the HPA axis is not a self-contained unit - it
spans much of the body anatomically but it is also influenced by
other substrates in your brain and body, specifically those tied to
sensory processing - both on the front end (ie eyes, ears, nose,
mouth, skin) and on the back- end (ie amygdala, hippocampus,
Basically what I am trying to say is that it is crucial, absolutely
crucial, to have a well-functioning HPA axis in order to be
healthy, get and stay lean, have good sex, and be happy.
— Chapter 2 —
Testosterone 101
Pharmaceuticals are big business. BIG business.
So I was absolutely not surprised when, a couple years ago, a
pharmaceutical company named Abbvie jumped all over the
somewhat recent trend of men experiencing low testosterone packaging their ‘solution’ and branding the issue as an epidemic,
conveniently funneling thousands and thousands of men into
doctors’ offices, where they were handed prescriptions for
hormone replacement therapy solutions & gels (Androgel, to be
Boom, billions of dollars.
So what happened to all of the men, most likely many of you
reading this program right now, who are on HRT? Well, your
testosterone levels are likely back in the ‘normal’ range, in many
cases on the low side still, depending on where you were
starting from. That’s good, right?
Not exactly.
What happens if you stop using the gel?
Will your body naturally produce enough testosterone to keep
your levels where they are?
Probably not.
So here’s the situation: you’re chained to rubbing an expensive
smelly goo on your chest for the rest of your life - or at least as
long as you care about getting a boner.
That’s no way to live.
The goo is a band aid. What we need to do is get to the root of
the issue, learn and understand the cause of the malaise, then
take action based upon what we know. That’s the process I used
several years ago to take my own T levels from basically nothing
to way above normal
- out of the medical reference range even.
The first thing the doctor gave me when I was diagnosed with
the brain tumor (that was blocking testosterone production)
was a prescription for Androgel. I took it for a few weeks, but
decided to chuck it, and all of my other medications shortly
thereafter, when I made the decision to uproot the problem
directly and solve it with a natural solution. Best choice of my
That was a few years ago, and since then I’ve educated myself,
then put that knowledge into action in my life. The results speak
for themselves.
I’m very confident I will have high testosterone for my entire life
because I now understand how to keep it that way. It will
naturally decline with age, yes, but it will never reach the point
of having to ever think twice about whether it’s negatively
affecting my life in any way.
Right now my wellbeing is high. So is my morning wood.
(Couldn’t resist)
I can put on muscle fairly quickly and stay at a low body fat
percentage year round without any trouble. I sleep like a bear in
hibernation every night and can grow a decent beard if I choose
to. I
always gain strength and power in training (actually an
important cause of the high testosterone, more on that later on)
and I’m pretty sure women can smell it.
Oh I also grew 2 inches in the meantime.
The task at hand for me at the moment is distilling this into a
replicable process that you can use in your own life.
I’m a believer that things happen for a reason, and it would
appear as though all the trouble I went through personally, and
the years of self-experimenting, learning what works and what
doesn’t, then my decision to become a blogger, may have just led
us all right to this moment. So yep, I think I was meant to share
this knowledge with the world.
Know this: medications and gels are not your only option.
You also don’t need to eat a dried tiger penis (apparently a
common practice in ancient Chinese herbalism |o_o| ).
You can naturally increase your testosterone and growth
hormone and then sustain your levels without “assistance”.
It is a process, and will take anywhere between 6 months to 2
years most likely. But once you learn it and put it into action,
you’ll be set.
It’s time to begin building the foundation. Let’s learn.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone. An androgen.
It is found in both males and females, and acts anabolically. While
females naturally produce small amounts of testosterone, and
far greater sensitivity to the introduction of additional
testosterone into their systems, males, clearly, are where
testosterone is most prevalent (7- 10+ times the natural amount
of females), and in whom higher testosterone is most often
It is secreted in the testes of males, and ovaries of females, with
small amounts also coming from the adrenal glands.
Androgens are steroid hormones, and can be produced naturally
and synthetically. The presence of androgens in tissues that have
androgen receptors promotes protein synthesis in those tissues,
giving it anabolic influence.
Androgenic effects include much of what we consider to be
human maturation, especially in sexual tissues/organs. For
example, androgens heavily influence maturation of male
secondary characteristics such as growth of the penis and
scrotum, body hair, vocal sound depth, etc. Anabolic effects are
characterized by things like muscle growth and strength, as well
as bone maturation, increased density, and increased strength.
Testosterone gets to work, in both males and females, before
we’re even born and carries out its influence heavily first during
the sexual differentiation process, then into infancy,
prepubescence, puberty, adolescence, and adulthood.
T plays a role in many processes in the body, one of the more
prominently known being spermatogenesis.
Without the presence of testosterone and/or the androgen
receptor, spermatogenesis can’t proceed past meiosis (ie. you
can’t produce sperm). In non-sciency terms, you’re infertile.
So now that we know where testosterone is produced, let’s
venture a guess at what may be the cause of low testosterone
There are two common culprits, and they’re medically
recognized as primary and secondary hypogonadism.
The first, primary hypogonadism, is caused by deficient
testosterone production in the testes. The boys aren’t working
The second, secondary hypogonadism, is caused by
hypothalamic- pituitary irregularities. They regulate your
endocrine system. So for example, secondary hypogonadism can
be caused when a piece of this puzzle isn’t functioning properly.
I’m of the opinion that these processes (primary + secondary
hypogonadism) do not operate independently, as evidenced by
the strong influence of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland on
the gonads directly.
So in the end, it all comes back to brain health. And therefore...
gut health.
Your gut is your second brain. And you can directly influence its
health with what you put into your body for nutrition.
NOW we’re getting somewhere.
You’ll recall that testosterone is produced in the testes by cells
called Leydig cells. The average plasma concentration of
testosterone in human males typically falls between the range of
200 – 1000 ng/dl. In terms of timeline vs plasma concentrations
over a lifetime, T levels
rise sharply during adolescence, peak in a man’s 20′s, then begin
a slow decline with age.
While its most potent and widely recognized effect on the
human male body is its influence over the growth/development
of sexual tissues, your testosterone level is also a good indicator
of lean body mass (ie. muscle) potential, with the right stimuli.
Elevated testosterone levels will increase red blood cell
production, bone
density, sugar uptake into muscle tissue, muscle glycogen
storage, and protein synthesis associated with muscular growth.
The Feedback Loop
The cascade of events leading to testosterone production begins
in the hypothalamus with the release of GnRH (gonadotropin
releasing hormone) which acts on the pituitary to produce two
hormones: LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle
stimulating hormone). These are the gonadotropins.
Once in the bloodstream, LH makes its way to the testicles where
it exerts its influence on the Leydig cells, triggering a series of
events that turns cholesterol into testosterone.
As testosterone levels increase, LH production & transport
slows. A negative feedback loop.
The body and brain are communicating constantly in order to
regulate important processes. This is one of countless feedback
loops (there are many positive feedback loops as well) in the
human body.
With this negative feedback loop, the brain can constantly keep
hormone levels in check – in this case, testosterone, LH, FSH, and
GnRH – under normal, healthy circumstances. When a problem
arises anywhere on this pipeline, be it from a tumor, traumatic
stressor, or summative build-up of small, unnoticeable toxic
stress (super common) – not only is everything downstream
affected, everything period is affected.
Because it’s a loop.
You’ll notice that testosterone doesn’t only linearly exert its
influence back on the hypothalamus alone, it can also work
directly back on
the pituitary (essentially “skipping” a step) if your body is
looking to quickly regulate gonadotropin release.
When this little system is working properly, everything’s good in
the ‘hood. When something goes wrong down the line is when
we run into noticeable issues (more on that later).
FSH, the other gonadotropin, is chiefly responsible for
stimulating (or regulating) production of sperm in the Leydig
cells in the testes.
At this point we understand that testosterone production is
regulated by the brain, namely the hypothalamus and pituitary,
via a handful of powerful hormones. And it’s synthesized after a
number of intermediate steps, from cholesterol in the Leydig
cells. And this process is all tied together in a negative feedback
Now it’s produced. What happens next?
When testosterone is released into the wild – your bloodstream
– it is actually entering a molecular game of ‘tag,’ to put it
A carrier protein named SHBG, or Sex Hormone Binding
Globulin, is released from the liver, and SHBG is ‘it.’
SHBG’s role is to regulate the level of freely circulating
testosterone in your bloodstream. So when it binds a
testosterone molecule, that testosterone cannot effectively enter
and exert its influence on a cell.
So the more SHBG is in the bloodstream, the fewer testosterone
molecules actually reach a cellular target. This isn’t inherently a
bad thing, it’s just the way things work. Another negative
feedback loop meant to regulate your endocrine function.
However, now I hope you’re beginning to realize the sheer
amount of self-limiting processes that occur along the line in this
cycle... and none of our testosterone has actually had an effect on
anything yet!
With SHBG in this role, we now understand that testosterone
levels and SHBG levels are inversely correlated: the more SHBG
in your system, the lower amounts of free, active T.
Again, if something small is affecting ANYTHING along this
pathway, you’re likely going to experience an issue, manifesting
itself as lower-than-optimal testosterone (and related hormone)
For example, you may have very high levels of free, circulating
testosterone, but with an imbalance in SHBG production, much
of that free T won’t reach a target. That sucks. We’ll discuss free
testosterone and total testosterone further in a little bit.
— Chapter 3 —
How Is Testosterone Produced?
In case you got lost about exactly how T is produced in the
human body, this quick chapter is meant to condense all the
important variables in an easy-to-understand manner.
A lion’s share of about ~95% of your testosterone is produced
inside the testicles, in the testicular leydig cells to be more
precise. The remaining ~5% is synthesized from DHEA
(precursor androgen) in the adrenal glands.
Obviously the molecule doesn’t just magically appear in the
testicles, there’s a strategic cascade of events that leads to the
production of the hormone. And like everything in the body, it
starts from the brain.
Here’s how the natural “feedback loop” of testosterone
production operates:
1. It all starts from the hypothalamus, which is an almond
sized brain substrate that links your nervous system to
the endocrine system. The first step of the process is
simply when the hypothalamus releases a hormone
called gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Keep in
mind that this is the master hormone that starts
2. GnRH then stimulates the pituitary gland, which is a
small pea sized endocrine gland protruding from the
bottom of the hypothalamus. When the gland is
stimulated by GnRH, it
releases two hormones: luteinizing hormone (LH) and
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These are the
gonadotropins, and this is exactly why they first hormone
is called gonadotropin releasing hormone.
3. After the pituitary gland has released LH and FSH to the
bloodstream, both of the hormones make their way from
the brain, down to the ballsack. When they have reached
their destination they enter the testicular leydig cells.
4. Inside the leydig cells, the following events take place:
FSH starts the process of spermatogenesis, whereas LH –
through an extremely complex process – converts
cholesterol into testosterone.
That’s how the big T is produced… But wait, why is it called a
“feedback loop?”
Answer: After the fresh testosterone molecules are produced,
your brain constantly monitors the amount of the hormone in
blood, if it gets to be too high, it slows down the release and
transportation of LH. And that’s how the loop is completed.
How Testosterone Exerts its Effects in The Body
Now the testosterone is freshly produced and your leydig cells
release it to the bloodstream. What happens next?
How does the hormone exert the effects? It doesn’t just float
around the blood for nothing. Right?
Well of course not… Here’s what happens next:
1. As the fresh baby testosterone enters the bloodstream,
it’s called “free testosterone”. This is because it’s literally
free, as it’s not bound to anything yet. But then your liver
also releases this carrier protein called sex hormone
binding globulin (SHBG). And this is where things get
2. About ~98% of the fresh “free testosterone” is bound to
either SHBG or albumin (another carrier protein), and
when testosterone is bound to either one of these
proteins, it cannot effectively enter cells anymore, and it
has really hard time binding to the androgen receptors.
Meaning that ~98% of the testosterone is not really that
“active”. Simply put, the more of the carrier proteins
(SHBG and albumin) you have in your bloodstream, the
molecules actually remain
3. The remaining testosterone that isn’t bound to carrier
proteins (free testosterone), freely circulates around your
body, just waiting to be bound into a receptor. Then for
example, let’s say that you’re lifting weights at the gym.
Your androgen receptors in the muscle tissue activate
and free testosterone molecules will be bound to the
receptors. This is when the effects start to take place.
4. Once the free testosterone molecule is bound to
androgen receptor, the receptor goes through a structural
change, making it able to enter your DNA. Once it actually
enters the DNA, the effects of testosterone finally take
place. When it happens in your muscle tissue, you’ll get
increased protein synthesis and muscle growth as a
result. If this takes place in your face, your beard growth
might increase, or facial bone structure might become
more dense and angular, etc.
Wherever there are androgen receptors in the body (muscle
tissue, penis, bones, etc) free testosterone can bind to it and then
enter DNA, and that’s where the hormone finally works its
— Chapter 4 —
The Benefits Of High Testosterone
We have all heard the most common benefits of having high T.
Such as the increased ability to build lean muscle mass,
increased ability to burn fat for fuel, or the improved sexual
performance and libido, bone health, etc. But there are also so
many other awesome benefits that come along with high
… And most people simply don’t know about
them. Just take a look at these 5:
Benefit 1: Reduced Facial Fat
It’s a quite well known fact that increased testosterone levels
make the facial muscles more prominent, and the bone structure
more “chiseled” and angular.
But what most people don’t know, is that in men, testosterone
also controls the fat distribution of the face.
In fact there’s quite a large pool of evidence suggesting that the
higher the testosterone level, the less subcutaneous fat on the
I personally believe that high testosterone is the main ingredient
to awesome facial aesthetics. T makes the the bone structure of
the face
more angular, and it increases the size and thickness of the facial
muscles. The reduction of subcutaneous fat in the area amplifies
the effect, creating a strong, angular, defined face.
Basing my assumption only on facial aesthetics, I would say that
the model on the image above, has quite high serum
testosterone levels.
Benefit 2: Improved Mood
I have scanned through thousands of testosterone related
studies through Pubmed, and a few trends have caught my eye
on multiple testosterone replacement studies…
Men who have low – even hypogonadal – testosterone
levels are often complaining about depression, feelings of
irritability, anger, and poor quality of life (1, 2, 3).
When these men increase their testosterone levels (often
through TRT) their quality of life, mood, and motivation increase
dramatically (4, 5, 6).
I can relate to the studies on a personal level too. I never had
clinically “low” testosterone levels, but they weren’t exactly high
either at the time I started this journey of boosting T naturally…
…As my testosterone levels have gradually gone up throughout
these years, my mood, success, and quality of life have all
followed the trend.
I actually believe that the success of AnabolicMen.com, could be
traced back to the testosterone driven thrive for success and
Benefit 3: Increased Basal Metabolic Rate
Men who have higher testosterone levels, can literally eat a bit
more food without gaining weight, than men with low
testosterone can.
There are actually two main reasons to this.
1. The first one is more well known, it’s the fact that
testosterone directly inhibits the formation of new fat
cells (7).
2. The second one is not that well known, and it’s the fact
that testosterone greatly increases the basal metabolic
rate (8, 9, 10).
As a guy who has an appetite of an elephant, I appreciate
findings like these.
Benefit 4: Women Love Testosterone
This is something that can be easily understood just by using
common sense: women – especially when they’re ovulating – are
more attracted to masculine men.
More in detail, women are attracted to men who have high
testosterone charasteristics (11), that or just high testosterone,
as one study even suggests that women can also be attracted to
the “smell” of high testosterone (12).
There’s an evolutionary reason for that. As women
subconsciously seek the best “genes” to their children, and a
man who has high testosterone levels, is exactly what their
subconscious mind is looking for.
If you’re a feminist, the above statement probably got you really
mad. But hold on to your horses, it goes the other way around
too. Men are subconsciously attracted to feminine women who
have high estrogen levels (13).
Benefit 5: Improved Circulation
Improved blood flow all-around the body is one of the not so
well known – but awesome – benefits of high T.
Testosterone directly stimulates the enzyme nitric oxide
synthase (eNOS)(14). This is a fancy way of saying that it
increases the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that both
widens and relaxes blood vessels and arteries.
This is one of the reasons why high testosterone is a good thing
for your cardiovascular health, and one of the reasons why it’s
borderline unhealthy and even dangerous to have clinically low
Nitric oxide improves your workouts, improves your erectile
quality, shortens your recovery time after workouts, and simply
just makes your body to operate much more efficiently as blood
is flowing more freely.
— Chapter 5 —
What Is The Optimal T Level?
Testosterone is without a doubt the most important hormone in
a man’s body. It make’s a man happy, motivated, strong, virile,
and basically much more of a man.
And it comes not as a surprise that one of the most commonly
asked questions I’ve received so far is this:
What is the optimal testosterone level for my age?
And in all honesty, it’s extremely hard to tell.
Labs give different reference range, experts give all sorts of
numbers, studies have come to different conclusions, and I have
my own opinions based on personal experiences and the emails
that I’ve been getting for the past 6 months.
However the most common reference ranges for average
testosterone level seems to fall between the numbers of
250-1200 ng/dl.
And on top of that the common mantra seems to be that
testosterone levels will start to decline at around the age of 30
due to “normal aging process”.
However that’s bullshit in my opinion. Older men are simply
having lower testosterone levels because they become
sedentary, they stop having sex, and they “settle down”.
I base this claim on the following facts:
a) In rural populations, older men have just as much
testosterone as the younger guys do. (16)
b) In several studies, research have found out that there’s a
lot of guys who are 70+ years old but still have
testosterone levels of a 17 year old.
c) Several respected doctors and scientists won’t buy the
claim either. (17)
That’s why I believe that the real reason why testosterone levels
usually start to decline at the age of 30 is the fact that men
around that age are often sedentary, don’t have sex, settle down,
can’t sleep as well as younger guys, and start taking prescription
medications for various “illnesses”…
…Thus, in this chapter you’re not going to see any charts about
what would be the optimal level for certain age, as I simply
believe that whether you’re an old man or a young gun, you
should aim for the same levels.
And based on the emails that I’ve gotten, my 5-year research,
and personal experience, I’ve put up my own ideas for optimal
testosterone levels:
0-400 ng/dl – This is the area that I personally see as the zone
of “low testosterone”. It’s because most of the men who have all
the classic signs and symptoms of low testosterone, often fall
into this range
(some younger guys have had the symptoms even at close to 500
ng/ dl).
500-700 ng/dl – This is the area that I see as “normal
testosterone”. It’s a range where there’s normally no symptoms
or signs of low testosterone present, and everything should
function effortlessly.
700-1,000 ng/dl – This is what I’d like to call high testosterone
in the modern standards (our ancestors probably had double or
even triple this amount). It’s a point where missing a morning
erection is a rare event, and building muscle is a breeze.
1,000+ ng/dl – This is the line of optimal for me. Everything
above this point is pretty awesome, and if you’re past the 1,000
ng/dl point naturally, I can only congratulate you for a job well
done. However, it’s a sad fact that most men in the modern world
of processed foods, chemical estrogen mimics, and high obesity
rates will never see these numbers.
So that’s how I feel. The above is only my personal view of the
optimal levels, and doctors or health care professional may
disagree, I don’t care. This is simply what I’ve found to be the
most accurate view of the situation so far.
NOTE: That’s only the optimal for total testosterone. Other
factors that play their parts are the amount of free testosterone,
total estrogen, free estrogen, DHT, prolactin, cortisol, etc.
— Chapter 6 —
Optimizing Free Testosterone &
Lowering SHBG Levels
This section is vitally important for you to read if you want to
fully understand how to maximize the effectiveness of the
testosterone in your system.
Free testosterone is different from total
testosterone. So what’s difference?
Well, if you can recall the discussion earlier on SHBG (Sex
Binding Globulin) you’ll remember that SHBG binds specifically
to androgens.
When testosterone is SHBG-bound (or bound to any other
molecule or protein) it can no longer be utilized by other tissues.
Free testosterone is unbound, and active in the bloodstream. It
can travel to the necessary tissues and exert its effects on them.
You should strive to have a balance between free and total
testosterone levels. Some individuals have normal testosterone
levels, but super low free testosterone. This may leave them
perplexed if they do not know how little free testosterone they
have, and they will very likely still experience the common
symptoms of low testosterone such as low libido, trouble losing
body fat, low muscularity, trouble sleeping, depression, and low
The conventional wisdom would say to simply take measures to
lower your SHBG levels in order to increase your free
If you search on the “male vitality” or “anti-aging” forums online
for SHBG issues you’ll almost immediately come upon countless
threads where guys talk about all of the drugs they’re taking to
lower their SHBG levels.
This is overly simplistic in its approach, and for many guys even
ends up lowering their overall T levels even further.
How can that happen?
Well, the part of the equation that they’re neglecting to
remember is that SHBG doesn’t only bind testosterone. It is an
androgen binding protein, therefore it will also bind estrogen.
If you take a drug that specifically inhibits binding (or
production) of SHBG, then you will also increase the amount of
free estrogen in your bloodstream, which will negatively impact
your testosterone levels.
Bad news… So what should you do instead?
Well, SHBG is produced in the liver. An abnormal amount of
SHBG in the bloodstream, binding androgen molecules to the
point of negatively affecting your testosterone levels indicates
that your liver is out of balance.
The most important thing to do at this point is address your liver
Specifically, stop drinking alcohol for a while, and use
intermittent fasting with pure water as way to allow your body a
specific amount of time every day to heal itself. Depending on
how messed-up your
liver is, this may take months, and it may take years before
things are fully restored to homeostatic levels. However, just
make small steps forward, progressing slowly while you take the
other necessary steps in terms of nutrition, training, and
You’ll see an upward trend over time.
If you have a specific known liver disease then now you know
that it is likely the cause of your low free testosterone levels as
well. Cirrhosis can be caused several ways, including very
serious conditions like hepatitis and chronic alcohol abuse. Your
liver will also be ravaged from tumors, liver cancer, cysts, fatty
liver disease (caused by obesity in general), parasitic infection,
portal vein thrombosis, and bile duct obstruction. These
conditions require professional medical attention beyond the
scope of this program.
Some warning signs that you may be experiencing liver
problems are:
Jaundice, discolored skin and eyes (yellowish), abdominal
swelling and pain, dark urine, pale stools, itchy skin, bloody
stools, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, and chronic nausea.
See a doctor to run some lab tests to check on your liver health if
you think this may be the issue.
Also, and potentially a very likely cause of liver imbalance, is
excessive acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) intake. Acetaminophen is
in many over the counter medications (so check the label before
ingesting). The fact that it is seemingly benign makes it even
more dangerous because you are more likely to consume
excessive amounts - enough to damage your liver.
Acetaminophen causes free radical damage by creating a
hydrogen peroxide foaming, depleting the liver of glutathione, its
primary defense against free radicals.
So just be careful. If you regularly consume acetaminophen,
reduce your intake or find an alternative.
The good news...
If you take the necessary steps in this program and apply the
knowledge you learn to your everyday life, you’ll naturally bring
your endocrine system back into balance, which will in turn
encourage liver balance (if you’re not in an extreme medical case
as noted above).
You will, over time, optimize the ratio of free T to total T,
bringing it all back into balance so your body can operate the
way it should, and your “low T” symptoms will gradually
disappear in the process.
10 Ways To Lower SHBG Levels
We have testosterone which is bound to two different proteins,
albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This bound
up testosterone is unavailable to be used by our androgen
receptors and it’s basically like a “reserve” of our male
Then we have “free testosterone”, which isn’t bound to proteins.
It floats around the bloodstream and is constantly ready to bind
into the androgen receptors, creating masculinizing effects (free
testosterone only accounts 1-2% of our total testosterone but
experts agree that it’s the most important kind as it’s the one
that creates the effects of testosterone).
Now if you’re smart, you’re probably thinking, “How could I get
more of this free testosterone then?”
That’s what this article talks about. You see, science has shown
that we can naturally reduce these binding proteins from our
bloodstream, resulting in more free testosterone.
That’s why this section is about how to lower SHBG, which is the
protein that binds most of your total testosterone making it
unavailable for the receptors.
By simply learning how to lower SHBG count in your body, you
will free up testosterone and make it more powerful.
NOTE: Albumin, which is the other binding protein, is much
weaker and less abundant than SHBG, thus I don’t feel the
need to focus on it as much as we should on sex hormone
binding globulin.
1. Boron for Free Testosterone
Boron is a trace mineral that most people have never even heard
It’s present in our natural soil due to the fact that it comes to
earth from cosmic ray spallation.
Given that we don’t eat foods grown in nutrient rich soils
anymore (because of the processed shit), we’re depleted in
multiple important minerals…
…And one of them is boron, which has a valuable role in our
endocrine system:
a) This human study found out that 10 mg’s of boron taken
daily for a week was enough to increase free testosterone
levels by 28%. SHBG count in serum also decreased
significantly which probably explains the increase in free
T. (18)
b) In this human study the researchers gave their subjects 6
mg’s of boron daily for 60 days. The results showed a
similar 29,5% increase in free testosterone, which was
again caused by a significant drop in SHBG count. (19)
I’m personally supplementing with the boron in Testro-X everyday.
2. Eat Plenty of Carbs
Many guys like to think that low-carb dieting would be the best
way to go when boosting testosterone.
It makes some sense as insulin (a hormone that increases when
we eat carbs) and sugar (which is a carb) are both known for
their testosterone lowering effects…
…And actually there was a point in my life when I also believed
that a low-carb diet would be the way to go.
However that’s not true, studies constantly show that low-carb
diets decrease testosterone levels, whereas high-carb diets
significantly increase the big T while they simultaneously
decrease estrogen, cortisol, and SHBG (20, 21, 22).
Therefore eating a diet moderately high in carbohydrates would
be a good way to lower SHBG count (and increase testosterone).
3. Take Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one hell of an awesome vitamin. Most commonly it’s
associated with cardiovascular health, bone health, and immune
And while vitamin D is called a “vitamin”, it’s not It’s really a
steroid hormone that regulates more than 1,000 bodily
functions, mistakenly named a vitamin.
Best part about the bone vitamin however is the fact that it
increases testosterone levels (23, 24, 25)…
…And this study (26) found out that 3332 IU’s of vitamin D3
was enough to significantly reduce sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG) count.
Therefore if you want to increase testosterone (both total and
free), and reduce SHBG count, start supplementing with high
quality vitamin D3 supplement, be out in the sun, and eat plenty
of fish.
4. Fiber is Not Really that Important
It’s a common mantra from the governmental health panel that
we need to eat huge amounts of dietary fiber in order to be
However there’s no reason for that. There’s absolutely no scientific
evidence that we would need so much fiber daily.
Kellogg’s and other cereal giants are just paying millions of
dollars to various influential organizations (such as the AND) in
order to get
their message of “healthy breakfast with plenty of fiber” out
there, which will then only increase their revenue, not our
I’m personally avoiding fiber, and the reason is simple: high fiber
diets are known for their testosterone lowering effects. They
also increase SHBG which binds up testosterone making it
unable to bind to the receptors (27, 28).
5. Certain Prescription Drugs can Skyrocket SHBG
Few months ago I wrote a big list of prescription drugs that were
scientifically proven to decrease testosterone levels…
…Then I followed up with a post about Finasteride and other
hair loss drugs which were shown to be even more harmful for
your testosterone levels. Quite many of those meds in the list
also increased SHBG levels, resulting in lowered free T.
These drugs for example: statins (29), beta blockers (30),
antifungals (31), antidepressants (32), and hair loss drugs (33).
6. Natural Hormone Optimization in General
Testosterone in itself will reduce SHBG count. It’s not exactly
clear why, but men with higher testosterone levels usually have
lower SHBG levels.
Estrogen also impacts SHBG, as lower levels of the female
hormone will lower SHBG, which is an awesome thing…
…This means that simply following the teachings of this blog
(which in all of its simplicity is to boost testosterone and reduce
estrogen), could significantly lower your SHBG levels as your
hormonal health improves.
So just boost that T and get rid of that overblown E.
7. Magnesium Increases Free Testosterone
Magnesium is one of the most important elements for the human
It’s essential for our survival and regulates hundreds of enzymes
in the body.
We’re also somewhat deficient in the mineral due to the fact that
most of us eat shitty diets. However we shouldn’t be as
magnesium has shown to be pretty awesome in regards of free
testosterone and SHBG:
a) This study (37) found out that magnesium makes
testosterone more bio-available via decreasing SHBG.
b) This study (38) found out that a gram of magnesium a
day in combination with exercise is enough to raise free
testosterone levels by 24%.
c) This study (39) examined several health parameters of
400 men. The researchers found out that the men who
had highest serum magnesium levels, also had lowest
SHBG and highest testosterone and IGF-1 (growth
hormone) levels.
I highly recommend pure magnesium oil which is applied
transmedially to the skin. It has much higher bio-availability
than oral supplements.
8. Zinc for Everything
Zinc is literally the master mineral of the endocrine system…
…Several studies show that it increases testosterone, reduces
estrogen, increases dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and improves
sperm parameters (40).
But these studies made zinc even better of a mineral, now it’s
also seen to reduce SHBG count (41, 42).
My recommendation for zinc is Thorne Research’s Double
Strength Zinc or the Zinc from Testro-X by Truth Nutraceuticals.
9. Don’t Go Overboard With Alcohol
Binge drinking has its downsides, such as the fact that it
significantly reduces testosterone levels, testicular weight, and
sperm parameters (43).
It also skyrockets the female hormone estrogen and the stress
hormone cortisol (44).
And that’s not even all, as binge drinking impairs the P45
enzyme system of the liver which skyrockets SHBG (45).
In other words, binge drinking is pretty damaging for your
endocrine system.
— Chapter 7 —
Cortisol gets a lot of play in the blogosphere, especially in the
fitness realm.
“Keep your cortisol low,” is the mantra.
But how many of us actually know what it is, much less
understand the way it works? How can we expect to keep it at a
healthy level if we don’t even understand what we’re trying to
Well, let’s address that issue together right now.
After reading this chapter, you will no longer be one of the blind
lemmings following what you hear proclaimed by gurus and
mass periodicals. Instead you’ll be capable of making decisions
based on your innate knowledge of your own body and lifestyle
coupled with a general understanding of how the system you’re
looking to manipulate actually works.
Let’s begin.
What Is Cortisol?
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid, a class of steroid hormone, released
from the adrenal cortex.
Its release is regulated by the hypothalamus (in a similar
series of steps as we saw with testosterone) and the influence
of CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone).
The hypothalamus uses CRH to signal the anterior pituitary to
release another hormone called ACTH (adrenocorticotropic
hormone), which enters the bloodstream and acts on the adrenal
glands downstream to begin production, and subsequent
release, of cortisol (which is also known as hydrocortisone).
What Does It Do?
Baseline levels of cortisol are required for healthy functioning of
the body. Chronically elevated levels are what we need to look
out for. You’ll understand why when you understand what it
Cortisol plays a key role in a process called glycogenolysis, the
breaking down of muscle glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue,
by triggering the activation of an enzyme called glycogen
phosphorylase. This entire process is triggered by the presence
of epinephrine and/or norepinephrine (E/NE), also known as
adrenaline and noradrenaline.
E/NE are released in response to stress (commonly associated
with the ‘fight or flight’ response). This little process is why
cortisol is also associated with stress.
Under times of stress, the body needs to have a mechanism of
action for allocating resources away from less important things,
such as the immune system, and toward more immediately
important processes such as breaking down muscle glycogen.
Evolutionarily this is important because it allows the human
under pressure or external threat to quickly evade danger.
Cortisol is responsible for this.
However, now we can see why elevated levels of cortisol can be a
bad thing. In terms of muscle wasting, chronically elevated
cortisol will lead to a catabolic process known as proteolysis.
It’s also known to suppress lipolysis (breakdown of fat tissue)
and decrease bone formation (by reducing calcium absorption in
the intestines and facilitating an exchange of potassium for
sodium in the cells).
Hopefully you can see the trend: it appears to act antithetically
to testosterone.
An elevated cortisol level also facilitates insulin resistance by
decreasing the amount of glucose transporters that get shuttled
to the surface of the cell membrane, and inhibits collagen
formation, which subsequently inhibits protein synthesis due to
a decreased ability of muscle tissue to uptake amino acids.
Cortisol also suppresses the immune system via a negative
feedback effect on a group of cytokines (interleukin-1) which
disables production of T-cell growth factor. T-cells are known to
actually secrete a “modifying factor” (GRMF) that regulates
cortisol release, so by disabling T-cell production, cortisol has
less of a checks & balances system to answer to (to
anthropomorphize it all).
In terms of brain damage, chronically elevated cortisol levels can
damage cells in the hippocampus, creating a memory-deficit
effect. While it works hand-in-hand with E/NE to create “flash
bulb” memories (short, highly emotionally salient memories
under stress),
at chronically high levels, it will also severely hamper your
ability to recall basic information.
This is why you feel “brain fog” during prolonged periods of
stress at work or in family life and you may feel absent- minded
and forgetful. Cortisol is damaging your hippocampal neurons,
inhibiting your ability to recall information you’ve already
Okay, now that the doomsday picture has been painted, let’s take
a look back at the process briefly and identify where we may
want to exert some influence in order to control cortisol
production, keeping production at a healthy level.
My vote is for the pituitary gland.
Remember, the pituitary secretes ACTH into the bloodstream to
signal to the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol.
So now that we understand quite a bit about cortisol itself, and
possess a basic understanding of the system, let’s take a look at
the interplay between cortisol and testosterone.
Recall that when cortisol is released in response to stress, it
triggers the reallocation of resources away from other body
processes. One effect of this is actually a decrease in
testosterone. They work inversely.
Under normal conditions this is completely fine; processes such
as spermatogenesis are low on the totem pole compared to
jumping out of the way to avoid getting smacked by a speeding
taxi, for example.
Once the external stressor is gone, the body restores its
homeostasis, lowering cortisol levels and increasing the
testosterone levels back to normal.
However, under the influence of chronically elevated cortisol
levels, that homeostasis is not restored.
Testosterone is chronically suppressed.
This manifests in all manner of the symptoms that we commonly
associate with today’s “low T” epidemic.
— Chapter 8 —
Growth Hormone
Now let’s talk about growth hormone. First, what is it?
GH (or HGH) is a peptide hormone secreted from the anterior
pituitary and regulated by GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing
Hormone) and GHIH (Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone) –
both secreted from the hypothalamus.
These two ‘neurosecretory’ hormones actually get released into
the blood surrounding the pituitary and, in combination with
physiological balance (heavily influenced by things like sleep,
nutrition, exercise) they act upon the pituitary gland to initiate
secretion of GH in a pulsatile manner.
Hopefully by now you’re noticing a trend in how this works in
terms of the HPG (Hypothalamus-Pituitary- Gonadal) axis. They
also use pretty self-explanatory names for these hormones,
which is nice.
Growth hormone is responsible for facilitating cellular growth,
regeneration, and reproduction in humans and its effects are
anabolic in nature. The bulk of your GH release occurs while
you’re asleep, with around half of it occurring between stages 3
and 4 NREM sleep. During the day it’s been found to secrete in
surges every 3 to 5 hours.
Here’s a nice little sketch of the general path of action GH can take.
There are multiple ways to manipulate your GH secretion. Even
just from what we’ve just learned we can easily see that by
influencing the balance of GHRH to GHIH we’d be able to
stimulate more GH secretion. Those neurosecretory hormones
are also heavily influenced by the physiological downstream
effects your body experiences from sleep, nutrition, and exercise
– so those are some other things we’ll explore.
Why? Mostly because they’re the easiest to control and measure.
Ghrelin is another lead. It was found to be a ligand for the
growth hormone secretagogue receptor back in 2000, I believe...
which in layman’s terms means its presence can stimulate GH
A couple other natural GH release-stimulators are deep sleep, LDOPA, fasting, and nicotinic acid (vitamin B3).
On the flip side, common GH inhibitors are 1) high circulating
levels of GH itself or IGF-1 (due to the negative feedback loop),
2) glucocorticoids (ie. cortisol), and 3) DHT.
Elevated (or even just normalized) levels of GH will make it
much easier for you to build muscle (via increased ability to
synthesize proteins), drop fat (via promotion of lipolysis), and
spare glycogen (via reduced uptake of glucose in the liver).
— Chapter 9 —
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that is mainly
responsible for shuttling glucose in the blood to muscles, fat, and
the liver.
This glucose provides energy for these cells (or is stored as
glycogen & fat).(46)
Here are more things Insulin does for us:
Prevents hyperglycemic toxicity in neurons (which can
lead to brain cognition issues) (47)
Promotes muscle protein synthesis
Metabolic processes (including the breakdown of fat and
Knowing how important insulin is for our bodies, it's not
difficult to figure out how poor insulin sensitivity can be a
problem. Insulin resistance (IR) is a condition in which the
body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin.
Knowing how important insulin is for our bodies, it’s not difficult
figure out how poor insulin sensitivity can be a problem.
Insulin resistance (IR) is a condition in which the body’s cells
become resistant to the effects of insulin. Because of this, More
insulin is needed for it to have its proper effects.(48)
Some of the most notable symptoms of insulin resistance include:
Weight gain, particularly around the middle
Fatigue and tiredness (especially after eating a carb heavy
Excessive Hunger
Difficulty concentrating (brain fog)
High blood pressure (due to elevated levels of circulating
insulin in the blood)
Low Testosterone Levels
If you have experienced any one or combination of the above
symptoms, poor insulin sensitivity is likely the culprit.
Because of the importance of insulin in our bodies – and the
adverse side effects of being insulin resistant – It is imperative
that you do everything you can to make your body as insulin
sensitive as possible.
When you are more insulin sensitive, you can utilize carbs better
for energy, building muscle, and will help you store less fat.(49)
What’s more is that greater insulin sensitivity has been shown to
promote higher testosterone levels in men.(50)
Luckily, there are natural ingredients that have been shown to
have powerful effects for improving insulin resistance and
increasing insulin sensitivity! Even better, there is a plethora of
peer-reviewed scientific research backing these ingredients and
their effectiveness.
Berberine and Insulin Sensitivity
Berberine is an alkaloid
extracted from various plants
Traditional Chinese Medicine
for its anti-inflammatory and
anti-diabetic effects.
Some other notable benefits
include its ability to improve intestinal health, lower cholesterol
and decrease glucose production in the liver.(51)
The science behind berberine is incredibly promising as well.
Human and animal research have shown that
supplementing with berberine is equally as powerful as
taking pharmaceuticals prescribed for treating type II
(Specifically Metformin and Glibenclamide).(51,52,53,54) In fact,
berberine is one of the few supplements with human evidence
that show it to be as efficient as pharmaceuticals.
Cinnamon and Insulin Sensitivity
Cinnamon is commonly used as a spice, but also for its numerous
biological effects on the body. Supplementing with cinnamon
has been shown to reduces the rate at which glucose enters the
body, improves glucose use in the cell, reduce fasting blood
glucose and potentially improve cholesterol levels.(55)
The best type of cinnamon is Ceylon, which is its original source.
The reason for this is that Ceylon cinnamon has the lowest
Coumarin content (Coumarin is carcinogenic in high quantities,
so Ceylon is the safest form of cinnamon.(55)
Chromium and Insulin Sensitivity
Chromium is a mineral that the body uses to regulate glucose
metabolism and insulin sensitivity.(56) Chromium deficiency
impairs the body’s ability to use glucose to meet its energy needs
and raises insulin requirements. Supplemental chromium may
also help to treat impaired glucose tolerance and type 2
diabetes. (57) Because of its interaction with glucose, it is
recommended to use Chromium alongside a carbohydrate rich
When taken in the correct dosages, these three ingredients
have the potential to drastically improve your ability to
utilize insulin and receive all of the amazing benefits that
being more insulin sensitive provides.
Unfortunately, the majority of natural supplements for treating
insulin resistance either include ingredients that are not
scientifically proven to be effective or include one of these three
ingredients in an inadequate dose. Neglecting these two things
ultimately results in a supplement that provides little to no
benefit for improving insulin sensitivity.
I’ve helped thousands of men naturally increase their
testosterone and health over the years and have seen just how
many people suffer from poor insulin sensitivity.
The number of individuals who have insulin issues is much
larger than you’d think and, unfortunately, most of these people
are unaware that poor insulin sensitivity is the cause of their
Rather than jumping on the pharmaceutical bandwagon or
taking ineffectively formulated supplements, I wanted to create
something that allowed people to increase their insulin
sensitivity naturally.
The Natural Solution To Insulin Resistance
Sensolin is a great supplement for naturally improving insulin
resistance and boosting insulin sensitivity.
Unlike most insulin sensitivity supplements that include a
laundry list of ineffective ingredients, Sensolin only includes
three core ingredients.
However, these three core ingredients have been shown in
multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies to be effective at
improving insulin sensitivity.
What’s more is that Sensolin provides all three of these core
ingredients in clinically effective dosages – so you can be rest
assured you are getting the most benefit possible.
Sensolin Ingredients:
The ingredients in Sensolin have been demonstrated in multiple
peer- reviewed scientific studies to be effective at decreasing
insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity.
Berberine HCl
Berberine is an alkaloid extracted from various plants and has been
used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries.
The benefits of berberine Include:
Anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects.
Improved intestinal health
Improved cholesterol levels
Decreased glucose production in the liver
Increased exercise performance
Decreased blood pressure
The recommended dosage for berberine is 900-2,000mg with
500-1,500mg showing effectiveness in multiple human-based
studies (It’s also recommended you split this dosage over 2-3
servings throughout the day).
Sensolin provides 500mg per serving to be taken 2-3 times daily.
Cinnamon Ceylon Oil
Cinnamon is commonly used as a spice, but also for its numerous
biological effects on the body. The best type of cinnamon is Ceylon
because of its lower coumarin content.
The benefits of cinnamon include:
Reduce the rate at which glucose enters the body
Improved glucose usage in cells
Lower fasting blood glucose
Improve cholesterol levels
The recommended dose of cinnamon that provides its
anti-diabetic and insulin sensitivity improving effects is 1-6g of
cinnamon daily, taken with carbohydrate containing meals.
Sensolin includes 1g of Ceylon cinnamon per servings (taken 2-3
times daily).
Chromium is an essential mineral consumed through the diet. It is
found in plant products and grains.
The benefits of Chromium include:
Regulation of glucose metabolism
Improved insulin sensitivity
Treat impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes.
Reduction of appetite
Improved symptoms of depression
Increased Libido
The recommended dosage for chromium is 800 mcg-1,000 mcg
taken in two doses daily.
Sensolin includes 300mcg of chromium per servings (taken 2-3
times daily).
When we set out to create Sensolin, we knew we wanted to
create the greatest medical-alternative, natural supplement for
people with poor insulin sensitivity. To achieve this goal, we
knew that Sensolin had to meet the following standards:
Include 100% natural herbs and ingredients.
Only include natural ingredients that were backed by
multiple scientific peer-reviewed studies.
Provide these ingredients in their proven clinical
effective dosages.
Sensolin meets all three of these standards and then some.
Sensolin is designed to help folks who are experiencing the
unfavorable symptoms of poor insulin sensitivity. Things like
low energy, lethargy, low testosterone, high blood pressure,
brain fog, insatiable hunger and excess fat storage.
Using Sensolin, along with living a healthier lifestyle through
proper nutrition and exercise, can help to improve insulin
sensitivity and drastically increase your ability to lose fat, build
muscle, stay focused, and feel full of energy.
If you are tired of dealing with the undesirable symptoms of
poor insulin sensitivity, then Sensolin may be the answer you’re
looking for.
— Chapter 10 —
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) optimization is a controversial topic
among men. Some say that it’s a “bad hormone” that causes hair
loss and prostate enlargement, while others praise it for being the
ultimate male hormone, since it’s significantly more potent than
its little brother, testosterone.
In fact, DHT has 2-3 times higher affinity to the androgen
receptors and it’s known to be bound and active in the receptor
sites for five times longer than testosterone. (58)
Dihydrotestosterone also has much higher androgenic activity
than testosterone, whereas testosterone on the other hand has
significantly higher anabolic (muscle building) activity than that
of DHT.
While it’s known that overly high DHT levels – in combination
with chronically high estrogen and the male-pattern baldness
gene – are associated with scalp hair loss, (59) it’s also known
that in men with no MPB-gene, DHT levels at the top of the
reference ranges are not associated with any rate of increased
hair-loss (this study of 316 men actually showed that high DHT
was associated with 35% LOWER risk of developing baldness).
Another claimed side-effect of high DHT hormone levels is
prostate enlargement (BPH), and while some studies have linked
high dihydrotestosterone levels to that condition, it must also be
noted that many have not found any correlation between DHT
and prostate
enlargement markers (even 10-fold increases in DHT were noted
to have no significant effect on prostate size in this study). (61)
Bottom line on side-effects: If you are having prostate issues and
going bald, its likely that you possess the genotype for those
conditions, and that overly high DHT levels can in some (but not
all) cases aggravate them. The gene explanation also makes
sense, if you look at the studies which often show extreme
variances between the effects of androgens on hair loss and
prostate enlargement.
Take this study for example (62) where DHT was identified as a
compound that had an important role in the development and
progression of prostate enlargement, and compare it to this one
where men rubbing 70mg/day of DHT-gel to their scrotum for 3
months showed no signs of prostate enlargement (no increases
in prostate volume or PSA levels). (63)
One factor that has always confused me about these claimed sideeffects is that hair-loss and prostate problems become
increasingly more common as men get older, whereas androgens
are known to go down as men age. If DHT is the only culprit, why
don’t all men in their 20’s have prostate problems?
If those side-effects above are possible, why would anyone
purposefully want to increase the DHT hormone?:
Dihydrotestosterone is necessary for the growth of body hair
(64) and linear beard growth (65)
Unlike testosterone, DHT cannot be converted into estrogen
by the aromatase enzyme (66)
Exogenous DHT administration is known for its mood,
energy, and confidence boosting effects in men (67)
By increasing cAMP levels in tissue, (68)
dihydrotestosterone stimulates lipolysis (fat burn) and
thyroid function
Although DHT is not highly anabolic it still promotes
muscle gains by increasing nervous system and muscle
strength (69)
Dihydrotestosterone and testosterone are responsible of ALL
masculine body and facial characteristics (70) (wide jaw,
broad shoulders…)
Increased DHT levels are strongly linked to higher brain
GABA-levels, (71) promoting that calm “alpha male”
relaxation in any situation
DHT (being the main androgen in male sexual organs) is even
more potent than testosterone at promoting libido and
erection quality (72)
Condensed version? DHT makes you look, act, and feel like a damn
man, even more so than testosterone.
Before we get in to ways to boost dihydrotestosterone levels,
here’s how the hormone is made:
1. Your body produces three different types of an enzyme
called 5-alpha reductase (type I, II, and III).
2. Those enzymes then convert – varying on the type –
testosterone into DHT inside the penis, testicles, skin,
nervous system, and many organs such as liver, kidneys,
and brain (this conversion normally occurs to 5% of the
testosterone produced). (73)
3. One weaker adrenal androgen – androstenedione – can
be directly converted to DHT by 5-a enzymes, this
conversion however is more notable in women than men
(74)(yes women have some low amounts of DHT too).
Now that the rambles have been done, here’s finally your 20
ways to boost DHT levels naturally:
1. Drop the Fat Pounds
It has already been established in this book that being fat just
doesn’t cut it for testosterone production (and a bunch for other
good things in life).
You need to be at a reasonable point of lean to have your body
pump out a good amount of testosterone on a daily basis, and
also to make sure that the extra adipose tissue won’t convert
most of that T into estrogen by increased aromatase activity.
It has been well-documented that fat men have significantly
lower testosterone levels than lean men (75, 76, 77, 78)
accompanied with higher aromatase enzyme activity. (79)
Since ~5% of the testosterone you produce converts to DHT by the
actions of 5-a enzyme, it would make sense to get to around
8-14% fat percentage in order to maximize that T production,
which would also lead to higher turnover to DHT, since you would
simply have more to convert from.
But it doesn’t end there. Increased body fatness will also break
DHT down to a weaker metabolite; 3α-diol, (80) which is again,
why you don’t want to be fat. Fatness suppresses T and DHT, and
promotes estrogen production, and that’s a no-no for men.
Bottom line: Get to the “sweet spot” of 8-14% body fat, which
maximizes testosterone production, reduces testosterone turnover
to estrogen, and reduces DHT turnover to 3α-diol. Mind you I
didn’t even have to mention the plethora of other benefits that
come when you’re lean, such as: better looking body, improved
insulin sensitivity, better cardiovascular health…
2. Boost that Testosterone
Like said few times above already, ~5% of your testosterone will
turn over to DHT thanks to the 5-alpha enzyme.
Therefore logically, as your testosterone production gets higher,
so does your DHT production.
Good example of this are studies of men undergoing
testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), these guys are
administered exogenous testosterone and as a result their serum
T levels as well as DHT levels increase (81, 82, 83).
Simply provide your body more of the “raw material” – which in
this case is testosterone – and the 5-a enzymes will do the rest to
convert a chunk of that to dihydrotestosterone. Simple. Effective.
This works with natural testosterone optimization, as well as
synthetic alternatives (TRT). For the latter, a novel way to
increase the turnover rate would be using the testosterone gel to
the area of the scrotum (a method that’s proven to increase the
turn over %). (84)
NOTE: This book you’re reading is absolutely chock-full of ways to
naturally increase your testosterone levels, it’s a great way to start
learning how from to boost testosterone naturally.
3. Start Lifting
Weight lifting is one of the best ways to naturally stimulate
hormone production.
I have written about the effects that resistance training has on
testosterone levels before in detail in the THOR Program
(thorprogram.com). This boost in testosterone alone is enough
to improve DHT levels by increased turnover rate…
…But resistance exercise works also on skeletal muscle tissue to
increase the basal DHT levels in rodents, (85) and tissue levels of
5- alpha reductase and DHT in humans. (86) So a mix of good
things happen inside of your muscles when you lift.
All this while you’re getting stronger, more ripped, and healthier.
Therefore resistance training is a no-brainer and every man
interested in their hormonal health should practice some
4. Sprint Fast
HIIT exercise or basically any type of exercise where you do
quick explosive spurts is really good for testosterone, DHT, and
growth hormone.
I have previously talked about HIIT training and its effect on
testosterone levels here, (87) and as you might guess the effect
is as positive as it gets. Now again as ~5% of testosterone
converts to DHT, this boost in testosterone alone should
positively impact dihydrotestosterone levels.
Looking specifically at studies where the researchers have
examined the effect of quick bouts of exercise on DHT levels, we
can see that in young men DHT goes through the roof acutely
after sprinting. (88) And in another study it was noted that all
anabolic/androgenic hormones skyrocket with sprints, but it has
to be an all-out spurt to actually stimulate DHT production. (89)
NOTE: In THOR (thorprogram.com) the bulk of “cardio” is
sprinting or walking, simply because they’re both so good for
hormonal output.
5. Intermittent Hypoxia
A few months ago when I was searching through Pubmed for
nothing special, I accidentally stumbled upon some studies
about training in a low-oxygen state, aka hypoxia.
Hypoxia happens when there’s a deficiency of oxygen reaching
the tissues of the body…
…One example of this would be training in high altitudes, where
there is naturally lower amounts of oxygen in the air. Another
example would be simply holding the breath for a while or
breathing into a bag, both of these are good ways to enter
short-term hypoxia. Then there’s also those goofy “altitude
masks“, they probably work, but seriously who the hell wants to
walk around looking like Bane in a gym?
Why hypoxia? What has this low-oxygen stuff have to do with
DHT hormone?
It has been studied in animals that intermittent hypoxia
(short-term low-oxygen exposure) stimulates testosterone
production by upregulating cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) and testicular enzymes. (90)
It has been also shown that hypoxia activates androgen
receptors in human tissue (91, 92). Lastly, low-oxygen states
have been shown to
increase the turnover rate from testosterone to DHT in skin and
hair follicles (93) and promote growth hormone release by
increasing CO2 levels of the blood. (94)
How would one get to short-term hypoxia? That’s a good
question, and honestly it’s kind of hard to answer. You could do
bag breathing, or go train in a mountain like many professional
athletes do. Or you could do “breath-stop” sets in the gym, where
you would very slowly inhale through your nose and exhale
through your mouth during movements, making your body
deprived of oxygen for a short duration.
6. More Calories, More Dihydrotestosterone
Everyone knows that your body needs energy (calories) to
maintain many of its functions. And over long-term if you
suppress the intake of calories, your body will begin to slow
down and shut some of the mechanisms not vital for survival.
One of these mechanisms that first takes a hit is the reproductive
system, and with that, testosterone production and DHT
production. An extreme example of this can be seen from this
case study following a contest preparation for natural
bodybuilding competition, (95) the ruthless low-calorie diet
accompanied by huge amounts of working out resulted in near
castrate level hormones.
Another study (96) – likely closer to normal conditions – had a
group of men eating a calorie deficit (1350–2415 kcal/day) for
7- years and compared their hormones to men who ate at caloric
maintenance/surplus (2145-3537 kcal/day).
As to be expected, the long-term restriction of calories had
caused the calorie restriction groups testosterone level to be
31% lower than
the normal caloric intake guys had (the researchers didn’t test
for DHT, but if T drops by that much its likely that DHT also took
a hit). The only study I found directly examining DHT levels and
caloric intake was conducted on rodents, in it the researchers
found out that caloric restriction was associated with significant
drops in dihydrotestosterone levels. (97)
Bottom line: If you need to lose weight, follow this guide and go on
a caloric deficit until you reach 8-14% bodyfat, (98) then return to
normal maintenance calories to keep that T and DHT high. If
you’re already lean, then my good man, make sure that you eat
enough to support your hormones.
7. Up the Carbs
Here’s some not so good news for the low-carb folk;
carbohydrates are important for both healthy testosterone and
healthy DHT production.
It has been shown in many studies that diets higher in
carbohydrates, result in more favorable free-testosterone to
cortisol (fTC) ratio, more total testosterone, and higher 5-alpha
reductase activity.
For example, this study from Anderson et al. (99) found that
when caloric intake and fat intake are kept identical, a diet
where the carbohydrate to protein ratio was kept at 2:1 showed
36% higher free-testosterone levels along with significantly
reduced cortisol, when compared to a diet where the ratio was
switched to 1:2.
A study by Volek et al. saw similar results, (100) eat twice as
many calories from carbs as you do from protein and you will be
at a
“sweet spot” to increase free testosterone and lower cortisol
This effect is even more pronounced in athletes, who will see major
drops in their T-levels after lowering carb intake (101, 102).
One previously done study from Anderson et al. (103) examined
the effects of carbohydrate on DHT, and found out that on a
high-carb diet 5-alpha activity and dihydrotestosterone levels
will be significantly higher than those seen on diets with lower
amounts of carbs.
Bottom line: A scientifically sound amount of carbs for optimal T,
C, and DHT production would be to eat 2 times as many carbs as
you eat protein. So 2:1 ratio, which is why you can always see me
recommending ~40% calories from carbs, ~20% from protein, and
~40% from dietary fat.
8. Protein in Moderation
I know this statement always freaks out the neurotic
bodybuilders who believe that protein is the be-all end-all
macronutrient, but protein really is the LEAST important of the
three main macronutrients when it comes to testosterone and
DHT optimization.
Sure you want to get some amounts of protein because it’s vitally
important for maintaining and increasing the rate of protein
synthesis and muscular health, while its also known that chronic
protein malnutrition leads to lowered testosterone levels and
thus also lower DHT. (104) So yes do get moderate amounts of
…But again, not too much. If you paid any attention to the
studies in the above subheading, you can see how it’s obvious
from the studies of Anderson et al. (99) and Volek et al. (100)
that high protein intake is able to suppress testosterone, 5-alpha
enzymes, and DHT levels.
So like said above, try to aim for carb to protein ratio of 2:1 for
optimal DHT production.
NOTE: It’s worth noting that soy isolate has been found to lower
dihydrotestosterone production (105, 106), so if you’re not a
vegan/ vegetarian, consider getting the bulk of your protein from
animal sources, preferably red meat.
9. Fat is Your DHT Raising Friend
Study after study has shown that increased amount of dietary fat
in the diet, results in increased testosterone – and as to be
expected – higher DHT levels too (107, 108, 109, 110, 111).
This is not a surprise, since the “backbone” of every steroid
hormone is a 17-carbon fat molecule called “gonane”.
So I should just pound all kinds of fats to naturally boost DHT then,
Not exactly. The types of fats that are most commonly associated
with higher testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels are the
saturated fatty-acids (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty-acids
(MUFA). When it comes to polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFA)
the effect is often the complete opposite, a reduction of
androgens. (112)
When it comes to DHT, there are some in-vitro studies available
on the effect of different types of fats, allow me to quote my
older article: (113)
It’s a well known fact that PUFAs, aka. polyunsaturated fatty-acids
(especially the rancid ones from processed vegetable oils) lower
testosterone levels, and therefore also DHT levels. (114) PUFAs
also directly inhibit the formation of 5-alpha reductase enzyme in
the following inhibitory potency: Gamma-linolenic acid -> AlphaLinolenic acid -> Linoleic-acid -> Palmitoleic-acid -> Oleic-acid ->
Myristoleic-acid. (115)
Bottom line: Since ~20% of your calories should come from
protein and ~40% from carbs, the remaining ~40% shall be
reserved for fats. The bulk of your fats should come from eggs,
butter, animal organs, and red meat, with moderate amounts of
coconut oil, olive oil, and avocados. Also for higher DHT consider
minimizing the usage of all PUFAs (mostly vegetable oils), these
harm your testosterone, DHT, and also thyroid. (116)
10.The Caffeine Fix
There have been few human studies where caffeine taken before
a workout has resulted in 12-21% higher testosterone levels,
which is great since coffee is freaking awesome. (117)
This small increase in testosterone should alone slightly increase
the turnover amount to dihydrotestosterone, but that’s not all
caffeine is capable of…
…In a rodent study, (118) it was noted that a single caffeine
administration (undisclosed amount) was able to increase
5-alpha reductase activity by ~30% via an unknown mechanism.
Another rodent study (119) used human equivalents of
2-4mg/kg caffeine and noted up to 57% higher DHT levels.
NOTE: One possible mechanism behind caffeine’s ability to boost
T, DHT and 5-alpha enzyme activity is its stimulatory effect on
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), (120) which
theoretically should result in improved messaging between cells
and hormones, but it could also be something else, all I know is
that I’ll be sure to drink my coffee.
11.Organic Foods May Boost DHT
Organic foods might not look different, and frankly their
nutrition profile isn’t that much better than that of many
conventional foods, but when eating organic it shouldn’t be
about what more you will be getting, but instead what you aren’t
To clarify, I’m talking about pesticides, insecticides, herbicides,
and fungicides. The chemicals generously sprayed on
conventional – and in some cases organic – foods.
The problem with these chemicals is that many of them have
been identified as anti-androgens, aka. compounds that block
androgen production and receptor activity.
Several pesticides have been found to disrupt testosterone
synthesis, DHT conversion, and 5-alpha reductase enzyme activity
in the body (121, 122, 123).
Bottom line: I’m not going to be the woo’ster who fear-mongers
everyone into neurotic avoidance of everything conventional, but
it’s a fact that many man-made chemicals used to preserve and
protect foods are also endocrine disruptors.
12.Use Sorghum Flour, Syrup, Etc
Sorghum (S.Bicolor) is a gluten-free grain native to Africa.
It’s not very common in Europe and United States, but you can
still find products like whole sorghum poppies, sorghum flour,
and sorghum syrup from various online retailers. What I’ve
personally tried are sorghum pancakes, popping popsorghum,
and making a tincture from the grain with vodka. The ways to
use this grain are endless.
Why sorghum?
This might be a long shot, since there’s only one study available
about the subject, but a study examining the effect of alcohol
extracts of multiple grains on 5-α reductase activity, (124) found
that the ethanol infused brans of rice and safflower had very
high potency to inhibit 5-α reductase activity, whereas sorghum
increased the activity of the 5-a enzyme by 54%.
Bottom line: The high amounts of Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA) in
rice and safflower bran were likely the main cause behind reduced
5-alpha activity (remember that GLA is the most potent PUFA for
5-alpha inhibition). Sorghum on the other hand lacks GLA and
apparently has something in it which is able to promote 5-alpha
activity. Still remember that these studies were done on crude
alcohol extracts of the
brans of these grains, so eating white (branless) rice probably
doesn’t have a similar DHT blocking effect, but safflower oil likely
13.Be Cautious with 5-alpha Inhibitors
This section of the chapter might be the most important for
some readers. Depending on your diet and lifestyle, you could be
absolutely hammering your DHT levels with natural stuff like
foods, herbs, and mushrooms, as well as things like prescription
Heck, some “T-booster” supplements are actually loaded with
compounds that inhibit the 5-a enzymes, so no wonder why they
can raise testosterone levels if less will be converted to DHT, duh.
Below I will list you some foods, herbs, and prescription drugs that
are known for their DHT blocking effect. Now I don’t want you to
become neurotic with avoiding all that stuff because so many
natural compounds can slightly inhibit 5-α, but if your goal is to
boost DHT naturally, then it may be wise not to swim in the stuff
• Nearly all polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFAs)
• Foods high in beta-sitosterol
• Foods high in lycopene
• Soy isoflavones
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Green tea
• Curcumin
• Fenugreek
• Astaxanthin
Reishi mushroom
Saw Palmetto
• Finasteride
• Dutasteride
• Turosteride
• 4-MA
• Statins
• Phthlates in plastics
• Bisphenol A
• Many pesticides
• Aryl-acid dyes such as blue-25, red-11, orange-1, yellow-1,
and violet-13
14.Opiates, Really?
This isn’t something I necessarily recommend, but just a mere
interesting fact.
As you might already know, long- and short-term use of opiate
painkillers like morphine, codeine, and oxycodone have been
linked to lowered testosterone levels in human males. (125)
Previously I thought that this was due to direct suppression of T
production, but then Mika from Anax shared some studies about
opiates actually increasing 5-alpha reductase and the conversion
from T to DHT (126, 127).
At first this might sound like a cool idea to try, but at the same
time, opiates can also increase aromatase activity, cause
addiction, and mess with the gut flora.
Bottom line: Opiates are a no-no for me but if I ever am in such
excruciating pain that I need them, at least – amidst all the
– I know that my DHT might go up, haha
15.Nicotine for Extra DHT
Dihydrotestosterone is eventually metabolized down into less
effective form called 3a-diol, which is then eventually followed
by glucuronidation and clearance via the kidneys and urination.
As explained in the beginning of this list, this DHT breakdown is
significantly increased in fat people, since the adipose tissue (fat
mass) increases the rate of dihydrotestosterone reduction to
3a-diol. (128)
Aside from being lean, there’s one surprising compound that can
inhibit this breakdown and leave more active DHT to the body;
It was seen in an in-vitro study that nicotine and a breakdown
product of nicotine called cotine were able to suppress the
enzymes that metabolize DHT into 3a-diol, (129) thus causing
DHT accumulation in tissues. This might also explain why
smokers are often found to have higher levels of DHT than
non-smokers. (130)
Bottom line: No, I’m not recommending anyone to start smoking
cigarettes, but something like nicotine gum could be a way to
increase dihydrotestosterone levels.
If you’ve been actively hitting the gym, changes are that you
already use creatine.
It’s somewhat of a “staple” supplement in the bodybuilding,
powerlifting, etc circles due to its massive amount of scientific
literature promoting creatine as a supplement that ACTUALLY
works to increase strength and lean mass. (131)
More impressively, creatine has been shown to increase
testosterone levels in many studies, and it does so even at rest,
(131) without even needing the exercise induced T stimulation
to actually be effective.
When it comes to dihydrotestosterone levels, a study of 20
college-aged rugby players (132) showed that a 7-day loading
phase – followed by a 14-day maintenance supplementation – led
to 56% higher DHT levels during the first seven days, and 40%
elevation for the following fourteen days. NOTE: When buying
creatine, do remember that the plain and cheap basic
monohydrate has been found to be just as effective as the more
expensive forms of the compound.
17.Butea Superba
Butea Superba (Red Kwao Krua) comes from Thailand and is
widely used as a pro-erectile herb. It’s also known for its
androgenic effects in research animals and possibly also in
The animal studies on Butea have shown that the herb comes
with a dose-dependent reduction of testosterone, however these
effects are accompanied with increased androgenic effects
(higher hepatic liver
enzymes, increased spleen weight), suggesting that the decrease
of T might be caused by increased turnover to DHT (133, 134).
One case study (135) of a Thai male who reportedly took Red
Kwao for a “few weeks” and after that complained of a
side-effect; too high sex drive, was noted of having unnaturally
high DHT levels of 1512 pg/mL (reference ranges being 250-990
The medical professionals eventually tracked this down to the
Butea Superba supplement and recommended him to stop
supplementation immediately. The study reports that 1-week
after the cessation of B. Superba the subjects DHT levels – as
well as his libido – had returned to normal.
The effects of the above study might be caused by illegal
“spiking” of the supplement with some steroids (after all this
was in Thailand), but then again there was this comment on the
blog some time ago:
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid, a naturally occurring
serine present in almost all of the cells of our bodies. Its main
function is to deliver bodily signals between cells and hormones,
but it can also reduce oxidative stress,improve the testosterone
to cortisol ratio, promote DHT turnover, and even improve
cognitive functions.
Due to many studies linking PS with improved brain processing
abilities (136, 137, 138), the compound has received a qualified
health claim f rom the FDA stating: “consumption of
phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive
dysfunction in the elderly”
When it comes to hormones and performance, a few studies
have shown that PS supplementation can reduce exercise
induced oxidative stress in the body (139, 140, 141) and even
increase testosterone levels while simultaneously suppressing
cortisol during exercise, therefore increasing the T:C ratio by up
to 180% (142, 143).
What about DHT you ask? Well, there’s some evidence that in testtubes, PS can increase 5-alpha activity by up to 2.5 fold (144, 145).
Forskolin (Coleus Forskohlii extract) is often hyped up as a fat
burner in the Dr. Oz show. Unfortunately this only makes the
herb seem like a steaming pile of bullshit, since you know, Oz is
one hell of a woo-peddler.
Anyway, don’t throw your axe to the well just yet. Scientists
actually use forskolin as a positive control for testosterone inside
test-tubes, due to its well-known stimulatory effect on cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). In fact, up to 200%
increases in testosterone have been seen in test-tubes with
forskolin, (146) and increases of 33% in a human study. (147)
As you might remember from the coffee-subheading above
increased cAMP has been theorized to be the reason why
caffeine increases 5-
alpha levels, and since forskolin is much more potent at boosting
cAMP, (148) one could easily think that its also potent at
increasing DHT.
Bottom line: Some in-vitro research suggests that when cells are
incubated with forskolin, 5-a activity increases, (149) but so far
there’s no in-vivo human studies showing what happens to DHT
when human subjects consume oral forskolin supplements. At this
point I would say that it’s plausible that forskolin could be a
potent DHT booster.
When talking about vitamins and minerals most people are sure
to mention magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, calcium… But what
about boron? A trace mineral with not that big of a popularity,
but perhaps the most impressive results in terms of testosterone
and DHT in scientific studies.
Yes that’s right, a dirt-poor trace mineral has been shown to
induce some significant improvements in your androgens. A
study from Naghii et al. (150) showed that 10mg/day of boron
for a week, was able to increase free testosterone levels by 28%,
reduce estrogen levels by 39% and boost DHT by 10%.
Another study from Mjilkovich et al. (151) showed similar
results with 12mg/day boron for 2-months, free-T increased by
29% and the adrenal androgen DHEA shot up by 56%,
unfortunately DHT or 5- alpha levels weren’t examined in this
Bottom line: Boron is relatively cheap and if it works as well as in
the studies above, then why not.
— Chapter 11 —
How To Lower Estrogen Naturally
The female hormone estrogen is a nasty one, as it’s also present
in men. That’s right, us men are filled with female hormones!
Tiny amounts of estrogen are actually needed in the male body.
However in this modern society we are exposed to thousands of
chemicals and other estrogenic compounds that act as endocrine
disruptors in the male body, effectively boosting female
hormone levels way above the levels that are “normal” in males.
I’d say that 99.5% of the male population has too much estrogen
in their system, and I’m not even joking here. That’s how bad the
situation is nowadays as everything is filled with estrogenic
compounds from our foods to our personal care items all the
way up to the receipts we get from the grocery stores.
That’s the truth, and it’s a scientifically proven fact. Estrogen is
So why is estrogen so harmful to men? And why would you need
to lower estrogen levels in the first place?
That’s a good question and every man should be aware of the
answer: Estrogen and estrogen mimics are notorious for their
ability to completely crush male testosterone levels.
You see, estrogen and testosterone are constantly battling for the
same androgen receptors.
If you’re having overblown estrogen levels, which is also called
with a fancy name: “male estrogen imbalance”, you’re missing
those receptor spots to the female hormone.
And when that happens, you’re hormonally screwed.
And that’s not even all there is to overblown male estrogen
imbalance because there’s this enzyme called aromatase which
will convert your testosterone straight into estrogen.
So essentially when we’re boosting testosterone we need to
make sure to lower estrogen levels as low as possible, and also
make sure that our aromatase enzyme will be as low as possible.
Because high testosterone combine with high aromatase enzyme
means that your beloved male hormones will be effectively
converted into estrogen, and that’s really really bad for us guys.
The good news are that it’s pretty easy to lower estrogen levels
naturally, and if you’re doing it successfully, then your
testosterone levels are bound to increase significantly, so
obviously you as a man do need to decrease your male estrogen
So how on earth can a man lower estrogen
naturally? And how can we keep aromatase
enzyme at bay?
You’ll find that out soon as here comes the list of 20 ways to
naturally decrease estrogen levels in the male body:
1. Get Rid Of That Spare Tire
Estrogen molecules practically live inside your fat cells and it’s a
scientific fact that the more fat a man has, the more estrogen he’s
bound to carry.
Another scientific fact is that the more fat a man carries, the
lower his testosterone levels are. See a link here or what?
First, to lower estrogen naturally and begin the removal process,
you should start with weight loss. Or not necessarily even weight
loss, but more specifically fat loss.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not that heavy, as it’s the fat that you
need to get rid of, not the weight. So you could be “skinny fat”
and still have the estrogen profile of a woman.
So start melting that fat away. The more you do it, the more your
estrogen will decrease.
2. Avoid Exposure to Unnecessary Chemicals
In the modern world, we’re constantly bombarded with
chemicals. They’re in our faces 24/7 and it’s a cold hard fact that
we can’t completely avoid them no matter how hard we try to.
Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything, as we
still can avoid them as much as possible, and we also can avoid
the worst kinds of them, and I’ll be going into more detail with
the worst ones as we move further with this list.
As a rule of thumb, you should avoid all the possible chemicals
you can because almost all of them are known to disrupt our
extremely sensitive endocrine system. Bunches of those
chemicals are also straight on estrogen mimics in the body.
Interesting fact: The US database has over 50,000,000 chemicals
listed in it, which makes it completely impossible to make sure
that they’re safe to consume in any way, shape, or form.
3. Don’t use Plastic Products
It’s believed that the increased plastic usage is the leading cause
of the feminine outlook of young men in this modern era.
This is caused by the incredibly strong estrogenic effect that
plastics have on the male body, as they’re filled with Phthalates,
compounds that make all plastics flexible.
Phthalates are known to mimic estrogen inside the male body,
and that’s why it’s only a sign of weakness if you’re still after
reading this post using plastic water bottles or eating those
plastic micro-ready disasters.
The easiest way to get your body filled with phthalates and
xenoestrogens is to drink a lot of soda.
Here’s why:
When a plastic bottle is made it would take a full year for it to
“cool down” so it wouldn’t leak those estrogen mimics into its
contents any more.
However when those big soda companies manufacture
thousands upon thousands of those bottles a day, do they really
wait for a full year before filling them?
Hell no! What a waste of money would that be right?
Instead, those bottles are instantly filled with acidic soda that
furthermore dissolves those fresh phthalates into your
“refreshing” beverage.
Remember that when you’re gulping down on that Coca-cola
next time.
4. Avoid Parabens
Parabens are the chemicals used in almost all of our personal
care items. They’re also strong estrogen mimics in the male body
and if you’re serious about decreasing estrogen levels naturally,
then you have to eliminate these endocrine disrupting
The easiest way to eliminate parabens is to switch to natural
personal care items.
If you want to see those parabens for yourself then take a look at
the ingredient labels on your personal care items and look for
the following chemicals:
1. Start Eating Organic foods
Commercial foods found in your favorite grocery store are
mostly shit. That’s the reality. As they’re over processed
microwaveable wonders with no nutrients and a huge list of
unnecessary chemicals, endocrine disruptors, estrogen mimics,
and low-quality ingredients.
There’s no real reason to eat these foods as there are organic
options available, which are free from those harmful estrogenic
Organics may cost a bit more, but they’ll pay themselves back in
increased lifespan and a much healthier life, along with a much
better hormonal profile, and I’d dare to say that they’ll also
improve your sex life.
More testosterone with lower estrogen = Much better sexual
performance, stamina, erections, and pleasure.
So start eating organic and watch your body heal itself as food
really is medicine, and by this, I mean real organic foods and
2. Avoid Bisphenol-A
Bisphenol-A or BPA is a
found in the linings of our
canned goods, it’s also in
the ink in our newspaper,
the ink that’s in your
grocery store receipt, and
in a bunch of other places
like multiple varieties of
plastics for example…
Th e r e a s o n w h y t h i s
chemical is so bad is the fact that in animal studies it’s capable of
transforming males into females. Yes, this is no bullshit. BPA is so
highly estrogenic that it can change the sex in some animals,
think it was frogs that they studied if I recall correctly.
Feminizing effects of BPA have also been noted in human males,
and that has drawn researchers to believe that BPA is also one of
the leading causes behind the increased feminine features of
modern day males.
The last research study reported that 93% of the Americans
have way too much BPA in their system, so don’t think that
you’re safe from it mate.
You can read more about chemicals and BPA on my post called
chemicals and testosterone levels.
3. Consume some Calcium-D-Glucarate
Calcium-D-Glucarate is a fiber present in the skin of many
berries. Juniper and blueberry, for example, are very rich sources
of Calcium- D-Glucarate.
This fiber effectively binds into the “bad estrogen molecules” in
your gut, and this will help your body to remove those
xeno-estrogens via your intestines.
To get adequate amounts of this male estrogen lowering fiber
you can either supplement with it or eat a bunch of berries.
I’d suggest the latter but both of them are valid options.
4. Consume a Methylator
This is a bit tricky to explain but what the heck I’ll try:
Your estrogen molecules are all missing one methyl group, once
you consume something that acts as a methylator, you’ll
“complete” the molecule and it can then be “chelated” by your
The chelation process basically means that it’s being flushed out
from your body, so in a way you’re flushing out estrogen by
eating something that acts as a methylator. Therefore you’re also
lowering male estrogen levels naturally.
So what’s the best methylator?
Choline and Betaine and the best ones, and beets are
ridiculously high in betaine. Beets also boost nitric oxide. So eat
tons of beets.
Both choline and betaine are available on the Anabolic Men
Marketplace at store.anabolicmen.com
Skip those Processed Meats
I have 2 rules regarding meats:
1. Meats are great for your testosterone.
2. Meats are bad for your testosterone.
Don’t lynch me just yet, I’ll tell you what I mean by that:
Meats are great for your testosterone if they’re grass-fed,
organic, and filled with natural cholesterol and saturated fat
with some nice amino acids.
Meats can also be bad if they’re un-organic, processed, and
factory farmed.
Those meats are filled with trace estrogen and synthetic
hormones, along with some trace antibiotics and other
You can thank the greedy “power farmers” and big ass
companies for that. As those pigs for example, are fed with
antibiotics for their whole life so that they don’t get infections.
They’re also injecting synthetic estrogen to those pigs to make
them gain fat mass super fast. Those animals are also injected
with growth hormone so they can pack on some muscle.
The downside is that all of those trace hormones and antibiotics
are present in the final product: processed meat.
When you’re eating that meat guess where the trace hormones
and antibiotics end up to? Inside of you, that’s right.
11.Eat some Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like lemons, grapes, limes, and oranges are known
to be anti-estrogenic. They’re also scientifically proven to lower
estrogen in males.
So one super simple and easy way to lower estrogen levels
naturally is to just consume those damn citrus fruits. That’s it.
Almost too easy.
12.Improve your Gastrointestinal Health
Your gut flora has to be in peak condition so it can move those
estrogen molecules away from your body faster. If your gut
health is
not in check (which is very uncommon these days), your
estrogen molecules that would normally be exiting your body,
will get reabsorbed in the intestines because they’re moving too
So make sure that you’re eating those healthy live bacteria and
stuff like that, but don’t fall victim on those “lactic acid pills”, as
the bacteria in those is already been dead for too long and it
doesn’t do shit in your body anymore.
Instead try this trick to improve your gastrointestinal health,
(152) which significantly helps you to decrease those male
estrogen levels.
13.Supplement with Wild Nettle Roots
Wild nettle roots are great because they’re known for their
ability to decrease your male estrogen levels quite well.
However, that’s not all there’s to nettle roots as they’re also able
to significantly decrease SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
count in the male body.
SHBG is a protein that binds to your free testosterone molecules
and makes it “unavailable” to be used by your body. So basically
it’s not able to enter androgen receptors after it’s bound to
So to lower estrogen naturally and lower SHBG, supplement with
wild nettle roots.
Nettle roots are also able to stop the conversion of testosterone
to estrogen, by stopping aromatase enzyme from working.
This furthermore improves the condition called male estrogen
You can read more about free testosterone and SHBG in other
chapters of this book.
14.Consume Some Maca Root
Maca is a great herb that is commonly used for boosting male
libido… (not necessarily T levels).
However it’s also very good at removing estrogen levels from the
body, as it’s a cruciferous vegetable and extremely high in DIM.
Maca is also known for its ability to significantly improve sperm
count and testicular health, also it’s incredibly high in nutrient
I highly suggest that you start supplementing with Maca as soon
as possible.
15.Avoid the use of Soy Products
Soy is extremely powerful phyto-estrogen or plant-estrogen.
Which means that it’s filled with estrogenic activity and it
increases estrogen levels in the male body, and that’s not a good
thing at all…
I remember when I was having a vacation in Thailand couple
years ago, that I always felt super amazing in the morning when I
woke up, and me and my girlfriend were really eager to take
those long tuk- tuk rides into some bigger cities and do bunch of
cool stuff.
However always after I had a meal there, I suddenly started to
feel like crap, and I just was like “Fuck it, let’s not do anything”.
I first though that it was the carbohydrates that were always
present in the form of rice (which came in every meal), but then
it hit me.
Everything was laden with soybean oil and soy sauces and shit
like that. So I was cramming some serious loads of estrogen into
my body.
Boy I’m glad that I figured it out, because after that I started to
avoid most of that soy, and my energy levels and overall being
improved 110%.
So no matter what the vegetarians are trying to prove, soy is, and
will always be estrogenic. And it just downright isn’t good for
16.Don’t Binge Drink
Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to significantly
decrease your testosterone levels, while simultaneously it will be
skyrocketing your estrogen.
This happens for a bunch of reasons, but the main reasons are
these two:
1. Your liver is too busy filtering that excess alcohol, so it
has no time to regulate your estrogen.
2. Alcohol is notorious for boosting the activity of
aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into
That’s why alcoholism is a sure way to get yourself a nice condition
called: male hormone imbalance.
17.If you Drink Make sure it’s not Beer
Beer might be the ultimate man drink and I do have to admit
that I’m constantly breaking this rule myself.
However the fact is that beer is extremely estrogenic. The hops
in it can contain up to 300,000 IU’s of phytoestrogens per 100
grams and that’s a lot.
I can’t remember the source but I recall reading an article about
the history of beer, and in it the author stated that beers
masculinity link dates back hundreds of years. As it was
originally a blend of herbs that made men aggressive and virile
However in the dark ages the church didn’t like the idea of
virility and aggressiveness, so they ordered a law that forced
breweries to add certain amount of estrogenic hops into this
masculine beverage, so that men would finally calm down and
I can’t say for sure that this story is true, because I can’t recall
the source, so can’t check it out. However it makes a lot of sense.
18.Get yourself a Faucet Filter
Tap water is often said to be extremely clean.
However that’s not the case at all, as they have found traces of
numerous chemicals in the US tap water recently.
Some of these include: estrogen from the birth control pills,
rocket fuel traces (what the fuck), bromide, fluoride, chlorine,
BPA, pthalates, and a whole bunch of other nasty chemicals.
So obviously those chemicals will interfere with your sensitive
endocrine system, and that will cause: hormonal imbalance,
male estrogen imbalance, low testosterone, and several other
So a super easy and a pretty cheap way to avoid those nasty
conditions, is to get yourself a solid faucet filter.
19.Strength Training
Strength training with big ass weights is awesome and in my
opinion it’s one of the manliest forms of exercise you can do.
The best part is that resistance training has been scientifically
proven to: decrease male estrogen levels, increase male
testosterone levels, and increase human growth hormone levels.
That’s awesome. So stop making excuses and get yourself a gym
card. If you’re seriously afraid of going into a gym, then build
yourself a cheap home gym with these tips.
Then when you’re got that done: Lift big weights with incredible
intensity and your body will thank you in numerous ways.
20.Maximize Your Sleep Quality
Sleeping is the best thing that you can do for your hormones
because it’s the time when your endocrine system really kicks in
and recharges itself.
That’s also when your body regulates estrogen and flushes it out
of your body. This activity will be extremely high in the
REM-stages of your sleep, and that’s why it’s crucial to maximize
the quality of your sleep.
Good sleep also boosts your testosterone and growth hormone
levels, and it’s also pretty enjoyable thing to do. So sleep much
and focus on improving the quality of it.
There you have it. A nice 20 trick list of ways to lower estrogen
levels naturally. So you don’t have to suffer those nasty
conditions like male hormone imbalance, male estrogen
imbalance, overblown female hormone levels in the male body,
or low T.
I seriously hope that this list helps you to take action and really
do this stuff. You don’t have to complete all of these 20 tasks
today, but make sure that you’re doing something, as for men it’s
hugely beneficial to decrease estrogen levels.
And if anyone you know is suffering from high estrogen and
asking you some questions like: “How to lower male estrogen
levels naturally?” or “What the fuck is going on with my body?
I’m growing
tits!” Then send them this book, and we’ll help those poor guys
with some knowledge.
How To Avoid Excess Estrogen Production
Although the term aromatization sounds like it has something to
do with the way you smell different stimuli, it actually is much
more important to your body than that… especially if you’re
dealing with excess estrogen.
What is Aromatization?
Aromatization is the process that converts testosterone into
(153) This is a natural process your body goes through to
maintain homeostasis.
The reason that this process is called aromatization is because
aromatization is named after the chief enzyme involved in the
conversion – aromatase.
While aromatization mostly occurs in the male body, it also
occurs naturally in the female body as well (153) if testosterone
levels become out of balance.
Why Does Aromatization Occur?
Aromatization occurs when the body is attempting to maintain
homeostasis. Homeostasis is a function that keeps the body at
normal levels required to stay healthy.
Homeostasis keeps the body in the average ranges for
temperature, hormones, mass, and many other factors. (153)
This of course includes the all-important testosterone to
estrogen ratio you hear so much about on AnabolicMen.com.
The male body only produces about 7mg of testosterone a day
naturally. This small amount of testosterone will naturally come
along with a small amount of estrogen production to maintain
the optimal testosterone to estrogen ratio.
Aromatization mostly occurs when a large fluctuation of
testosterone production occurs, such as when anabolic steroids
are injected.
The large amount of testosterone will be seen as an excess by the
human body and aromatization will occur in an attempt to
balance the new testosterone with a higher amount of estrogen.
When Does Aromatization Occur?
Aromatization can occur for two reasons, both caused by a
bodily reaction to maintain homeostasis.
1 – For Natural Causes
If you naturally increase your testosterone production,
aromatization will still occur, but at a rate that your body can
handle. Natural testosterone production increases occur in a
growth, not an all-at- once spike. Because of this, aromatization
due to natural testosterone optimization can actually come along
with some healthy side effects.
When combined with testosterone, estrogen can actually
increase muscle mass and regulate libido.
2 – Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids, in contrast with natural production, will
increase your testosterone all at one time. In many cases,
testosterone injections can be 100mg at one time which,
compared to the 7mg of average natural production is a sharp
jump. The aromatization caused by testosterone injections will
increase estrogen levels at a higher and less comfortable rate,
which could result in some of the negative effects of estrogen
spikes. These negative effects include gynecomastia (man
boobs) and increased fat around the waist.
The amount of estrogen produced during aromatization will
differ between men. Some men will actually have more estrogen
produced than is natural due to a testosterone injection and
some men will have a more desired increase in the testosterone
to estrogen gap.
It all comes down to how much aromatase is present in your body.
What is Aromatase?
Aromatase is a naturally occurring enzyme located in multiple
tissues in the body like the brain, muscles, and testicles. In
women it is also located in the ovaries, placenta, and lining of the
Aromatase is the enzyme
testosterone into estrogen.
It has also been found to control active amounts of cortisol the
body uses to regulate the immune system.
Basically the higher amount of aromatase circulating in the body,
the more testosterone will be converted into estrogen during a
testosterone spike.
What Causes an Increase in Aromatase?
You will see that an increase in aromatase activity occurs for the
same reasons that testosterone levels decrease. For example,
aromatase activity increases with age, in line with the
testosterone decrease along with age. (154)
Aromatase has also been found to increase with the amount of
fatty tissue present. Poor nutrition and weight gain are a
common cause of increased aromatase activity.
High stress and lack of exercise also cause increases in aromatase.
If you suffer from Metabolic Hypothyroidism, it is probable that
you also have a high amount of active aromatase.
A scary finding is that aromatase has been connected to the
development of chronic diseases like cancer (154) and
Many scientists believe that the increase in weight gain and
therefore increase in aromatase across the globe has caused the
increase in cancer being experienced.
How to Inhibit Aromatase & Naturally Decrease
Excess Estrogen
Other than making you a generally healthier person, inhibiting
aromatase production will also clearly increase your
testosterone levels because less testosterone will be converted
into estrogen.
If you look up inhibiting aromatase you will be flooded with
results of synthetic aromatase inhibitors, but there are actually
several foods that decrease aromatase production naturally.
This study (155) shows that natural aromatase inhibitors are so
effective that they can actually prevent breast cancer.
Here are seven foods that can help inhibit aromatase production
(156) that every man (and woman) should add to their diets:
Celery - This study (157) shows that the high Luteolin content
found in celery is effective in decreasing active aromatase in the
body. Not only that, but simply the smell of celery has been
found to increase testosterone production in the testes.
Red Wine - This study (158) found that the phytochemicals
found in red wine are able to inhibit aromatase production in
a dose dependent manner. Watch out though, because too much
alcohol can reduce testosterone production, so stick to one or
two glasses.
Olive Oil - Olive oil contains a compound called Oleuropen,
which gives olive oil very powerful aromatase-inhibiting
White Button Mushrooms - This study (159) showed that
white button mushroom extract decreases aromatase activity in
a dose dependent manner.
Oysters - Oysters are beneficial and healthy for many reasons,
but one of those reasons is that oysters are very high in zinc.
Zinc is one of the most powerful naturally-occurring aromatase
enzyme inhibitors. Load up on those oysters.
Cruciferous Vegetables - By cruciferous vegetables, I am
talking about broccoli, cauliflower, maca, kale and Brussel
Cruciferous vegetables are high in the compound 3,3′Diindolylmethane (DIM), which has been found to lower
aromatase activity.
Parsley - Parsley is high in apigening. Apigening has been found
to be a powerful aromatase inhibitor. Another plus, parsley also
increases testosterone production in the leydig cells.
Aromatization can seem like a confusing process at first, but I
will try to wrap it up into one small paragraph of conclusion.
Aromatization is the process that turns testosterone into
estrogen in an attempt to maintain testosterone to estrogen
balance in the body. When testosterone is increased naturally, the
estrogen created is not detrimental to the male body.
When testosterone is injected, estrogenic problems may arise.
Whether or not estrogen will increase drastically with
testosterone is based on how much aromatase is in the body.
Aromatase is a nasty enzyme that anyone would benefit from
Aromatase can be inhibited synthetically or naturally
(recommended) by eating several foods like celery, red wine,
olive oil, white button mushrooms, oysters, cruciferous
vegetables, and parsley.
Decrease aromatase to make yourself and all-around healthier
person and decrease cancer risk.
5 Powerful Supplements That Lower Estrogen Fast
In this final section of this chapter on estrogen, I break down the 5
estrogen supplements that are proven to help lower high estrogen
Now, there are many reasons why high estrogen levels are no good
for men. Sure you need some for bone & joint health, and brain
function, but most men these days have their levels completely
overblown due to high exposure to xenoestrogenic chemicals,
storing too much fat in their bodies, and consuming a diet that is
not hormonally beneficial in any way shape or form.
In men, 95% of the time elevated estrogen levels are due to
having too high level of aromatase enzyme activity. That is, an
enzyme directly converting testosterone molecules into
High estrogen on the other hand has been found to suppress
testosterone production by inhibiting the luteinizing hormone
release from the pituitary gland. (160)
This vicious cycle eventually causes very low levels of
testosterone, with overblown estrogen – and thus – the
testosterone to estrogen ratio shifts far too much to the right,
resulting in:
Feminization of the physique and face.
Retaining of subcutaneous water under the skin.
Weakened libido and dramatically increased emotionality.
In the worst case scenario; development of man-boobs,
prostate issues, and hot flashes.
This list consists of five scientifically proven supplements that
work by either inhibiting the aromatase enzyme or by down
regulating the activity of estrogen towards its receptors.
NOTE: Do remember, that outside of using estrogen
supplements, the hands-down the best way to lower high
estrogen levels is to get lean, eat real food, and avoid
exposure to man-made estrogen-mimic chemicals.
The 5 Natural Estrogen Supplements to Lower
High Estrogen Levels
Zinc is one of the 24 essential micronutrients necessary for
human survival.
It’s known to regulate hundreds of bodily enzymes, as well as
being absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the
immune system.
Some of the scientifically proven benefits of zinc
supplementation include (seen up to the point where bodily zinc
levels are saturated):
reduced activity of estrogen receptors and inhibition of
aromatase enzyme. (161)
Increased thyroid hormone production (162) and lower
levels of SHBG. (163)
Increased levels of DHT, (164) total, and -free testosterone.
For best results consume 15-30mg’s of high-quality zinc
supplement or have large amounts of some good meat in your diet,
best if you do both.
Boron is a mineral and estrogen supplement that can pack an
estrogen-lowering punch.
Although it’s a trace mineral, and not considered absolutely
essential to human survival, it still has some interesting benefits
for us.
Study from Naghii et al. (166) for example showed the following
results after men consumed 10mg’s of boron for a week:
Free-testosterone levels increased by 28%.
Free-estrogen levels had decreased by -39%.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels rose by 10%.
Inflammation biomarkers (hsCRP, TNF-α) dropped
Another study saw that 6mg’s/day of boron for 2 months can
increase testosterone levels by 29% as well as improve serum
vitamin D by increased absorption of the vitamin.
NOTE: For best results consume 6-10mg’s of high-absorption
boron glycinate or eat plenty of raisins.
3.Grape Seed Extract
Grape seeds are high in a valuable compound called procyanidin,
this phenol is mostly hailed due to its ability to naturally
increase nitric oxide levels (and therefore improve circulation).
One of the lesser-known benefits of grape seed extract is its
ability as a natural estrogen supplement to reduce estrogen
levels by inhibiting the activity of aromatase enzyme.
Researchers studying ways to prevent and cure breast cancer
have identified grape seed extract as a natural compound that
blocks estrogen biosynthesis by inactivating the aromatase
enzyme (167, 168, 169).
Due to grape seed extract having low bio-availability in the
human body, high doses (up to 2000mg/day) of the extract are
needed to see these positive effects in studies. This would
translate to about a gallon of grape juice or five pills of
high-potency grape seed extract supplement.
To counteract the low absorption rate of GSE, take it in
fasted-state; one study saw that this improved the bio-availability
by up to 5x! (170)
Resveratrol is the antioxidant polyphenol found in red grapes.
It’s one of the main reasons why red wine is considered healthy.
It is also a great estrogen blocker supplement.
Many studies have shown that resveratrol can increase
testosterone levels and suppress estrogen by inhibiting the
aromatase enzyme in test-tubes (171, 172, 173).
The problem with resveratrol however is that it doesn’t seem to
work as well in living organisms, ie. when people take it orally.
This is due to low bio-availability.
The only two types of resveratrol I’ve seen to actually work and be
properly absorbed in studies are the conjugated form of
(174) and this patented resveratrol delivery system called
VESIsorb® (absorption rate 100x that of pure resveratrol
powder). (175)
5.Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia, Pasak Bumi) comes from
Malaysia, it has huge popularity as a pro-erectile testosterone
booster due to multiple studies supporting its effect at
increasing testosterone levels and suppressing the stress
hormone cortisol. (176)
There seem to be many claimed mechanisms of action in which
Tongkat Ali works, but three of the scientifically proven ones
include; stimulation of testicular CYP17-enzymes, suppression
of SHBG, and inhibition of aromatase enzyme.
The inhibition of aromatase enzyme has actually been shown in
only one rodent study so far, (177) but the results were
…Injected Tongkat Ali blocked estrogen with comparable potency
to Tamoxifen, which is a synthetic – and extremely powerful –
prescription aromatase inhibitor.
Conclusion on Estrogen Supplements
If your estradiol is high, and you’re looking for ways to suppress
it back to a more natural level, consider losing weight, cutting
out man-made xenoestrogens from your life, and stacking
together the following anti estrogen supplements:
Zinc Picolinate
Boron Glycinate
High Potency GSE
VESIsorb® Resveratrol
Tongkat Ali Extract
All of these supplements are now available on the Anabolic Men
Marketplace at store.anabolicmen.com.
— Chapter 12 —
How To Lower Prolactin Naturally
Prolactin is a hormone that triggers the milk production in
pregnant women, but believe it or not, most guys have high
prolactin levels too. In this chapter I’m going to teach you how to
lower prolactin levels naturally.
By now you might already guess what a hormone that induces
breast milk production in women does to men?
Answer: High prolactin levels will lower libido and testosterone
levels. (178) Prolactin is also highly linked to gynecomastia (man
breasts). (179)
I’m personally not even sure what my prolactin levels are
currently, but one thing is for certain: I’m actively making sure
that I do things to reduce prolactin levels naturally, no matter
what the levels might be.
Why should you learn how to lower prolactin levels?
Because I believe that no man should have high levels of a
hormone that’s notorious for triggering breast milk production
and causing low T along with diminished libido in their body.
So that’s why today, we’re talking about how to lower prolactin
levels and get rid of it:
Supplement with Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is a herb that’s mostly used as an “adaptogen”
meaning that it lowers stress levels.
But that’s not all there is to Ashwagandha for sure…
…This human study (180) found out that 5 grams of
Ashwagandha for 3 months increased testosterone levels by
40% in healthy male participants.
Furthermore the same human study (180) also found out that
Ashwagandha lowered prolactin levels by a nice 15%.
I personally like experiment with different Ashwagandha
tinctures and dry roots from time to time, but if you wan’t to
leave the guessing work out of your supplementation try
KSM-66 ashwagandha, it’s a scientifically proven water extract
with high potency.
NOTE: a decrease of 15% is a modest reduction, but when
accompanied with the 40% increase in T along with the fact that
Ashwagandha is extremely nutritious “superfood”. It becomes
quite obvious that this herb is totally worth supplementing with.
Consume More Vitamin E
Vitamin E is greatly linked to increased sperm production, and
there’s also some inconclusive evidence that it may boost
testosterone levels…
Vitamin E has also many other benefits, such as the fact that it’s
a powerful antioxidant in the body… And in this study, (181)
300 mg’s of vitamin E for 8 weeks, decreased prolactin levels by
a staggering 69% when compared to placebo in healthy human
That’s a massive decrease. One that is hard to obtain with strong
medications for such purposes.
The best way to get natural vitamin E trough supplementation is
without a doubt a combination of natural tocopherols.
NOTE: Never ever get synthetic vitamin E, it’s derived from
petrochemicals. Also never get “natural” vitamin E that’s derived
from soy products.
Get Your Dopamine Levels Up
High dopamine levels are extremely beneficial for men. Firstly, it
stimulates testosterone production…(182)
Secondly it stimulates growth hormone secretion… (183)
And thirdly if you have high dopamine levels you’re most likely
having low prolactin levels. (184)
So without a doubt, dopamine is something that you might want
to increase if you’re a male. Here’s few ways to do that. (185)
NOTE: Recent studies have shown that after a guy has an
orgasm, prolactin levels will skyrocket and dopamine levels
will plummet. This greatly increases the refractory period
between ejaculations, and makes you want to go to sleep.
However, if a guy has high dopamine along with low prolactin,
then the reduction in dopamine is far less significant, and the
time between “mating sessions” is decreased. (this is a fancy way
to say that low prolactin levels increase your sexual powers).
Supplement with Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is essential part of the B vitamin complex.
It has multiple functions in the human body, the best one
probably being the fact that it’s essential for testosterone
However B6 is not only beneficial for testosterone…
…This study (186) found out that a single dose of 300 mg’s
vitamin B6 increased serum growth hormone levels significantly
while also causing a sharp decline in prolactin levels in human
Supplement with Mucuna Pruriens
Macuna is one of my all time favorite testosterone boosters,
mainly because it has human studies (187) that prove its
…However that’s not the only benefit. Mucuna Pruriens also
decreased prolactin levels by a very nice 33% in this study. (188)
It’s not for certain what causes this decrease in the first place,
but most likely it’s caused the fact that Mucuna Pruriens is filled
with L- Dopa.
And L-Dopa is a precursor of dopamine (as explained above,
high dopamine inhibits prolactin).
Mucuna Pruriens would probably be my number #1 choice for
lowering prolactin, mainly because it’s so beneficial in other
areas too.
Sleep Like a Pro
Sleeping well will without a doubt decrease your prolactin levels
There’s multiple reasons for that, as sleeping more and with
better quality is beneficial in many areas that correlate with
lowered prolactin.
Such as: it increases testosterone levels, increases dopamine
levels, decreases estrogen levels, increases growth hormone
levels, and so on… So it’s quite obvious that quality sleep has a
prolactin reducing effect.
NOTE: The above is not only a theory, as this study (189)
proves that better sleep quality truly does decrease prolactin
levels in men.
Get Adequate Amounts of Zinc
Zinc is one of the main nutrients behind healthy testosterone
production, and it’s also not a super big secret that zinc
deficiency completely destroys testosterone levels.
What most people don’t know is that zinc also reduces prolactin
In this study 50 mg’s (190) of daily zinc supplementation, more
than halved prolactin levels of the male participants.
If you decide to get zinc as a supplement, I highly recommend
this zinc combo. (191)
Conclusion on How to Lower Prolactin
Prolactin is a nasty hormone for you if you’re a man, as it
decreases testosterone levels and is highly linked to
gynecomastia (man boobs). It’s not uncommon for men to have
high prolactin levels these days, as the “normal” diet is what it is,
along with multiple other factors…
Fortunately it’s quite easy to learn how to lower prolactin levels
naturally. Certain supplements, vitamins, herbs and minerals
along with adequate sleep will do the trick, as explained above.
NOTE: Unnaturally high prolactin levels can also be a sign of
pituitary gland tumor. So if your levels are extremely high
and you have other hormonal problems, make sure that you
get your brain scanned as quickly as possible.
— Chapter 13 —
Micronutrient Deficiencies
Probably one of the simplest ways to increase natural
testosterone production, is just to correct all of your underlying
vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That is, since you can often do
it effortlessly with a proper diet and a multivitamin supplement,
or a cocktail of appropriate minerals and/or vitamins, which can
typically be obtained affordably.
Depending on the state of your current micronutrient balance,
it’s not uncommon to double or even triple your testosterone
levels by just correcting micronutrient deficiencies and adding in
a good multivitamin for testosterone.
No joke, I have seen it happen with dozens of AM readers who
have emailed me their natural T optimization progress along this
past year or so.
You’d think that with the current obesity epidemic, any average
Joe’s vitamin and mineral reserves should be easily topped-up,
since we’re cramming foods to our mouths more than ever
Still, large portions of the US population are deficient in multiple
key micronutrients: (192)
vitamin A (35%)
vitamin C (31%)
vitamin E (67%)
vitamin D (74%)
vitamin K (67%)
choline (92%)
potassium (100%!?)
calcium (39%)
magnesium (46%)
Since the state of our Average Joe’s micronutrient balance is
downright scary, today’s article will be devoted to one simple
Correcting your vitamin and mineral deficiencies, since it’s likely
that you do have some…
How to Fix your Micronutrient Deficiencies
Fixing your vitamin and mineral imbalances for optimal
testosterone production starts from optimizing the diet and then
using a solid multivitamin for testosterone production.
For starters, you don’t want to omit from any macronutrient
group (protein, fats, carbs), and you definitely need to eat more
real ‘whole foods’ instead of processed crap.
I’m talking about foods like: eggs, grass-fed meats, pomegranates,
berries, avocados… A proper ‘whole food-based diet’ alone
covers the intake of many key micronutrients…
…However, speaking from experience, even that is not always
enough. To support your diet, I would advise that you also
supplement with a multivitamin for testosterone (the one I am
using is Vitamin Code Raw One For Men).
Not convinced about the the importance of vitamins to increase
testosterone production? Take a look here:
Vitamin A is stored in testicles (and few other glands of
the body). Studies have shown that when there’s no
active vitamin A in the testes, T levels start dropping
rapidly, and estrogen synthesis shoots up. (193) Also in a
study of 155 male twins, (194) a clear correlation was
found between vitamin A levels and serum testosterone.
In prepubertal teens, vitamin A + iron supplementation is
as effective in starting puberty as hormone replacement
therapy. (195)
Vitamin B complex (which consists of 8 different watersoluble vitamins), plays an important role in testosterone
production and overall bodily energy levels, deficiency in
many B vitamins results in increased estrogen levels,
increased prolactin levels, and lowered testosterone
levels (196, 197, 198, 199).
Vitamin C has a protective effect on testosterone molecules,
and this is because it’s a potent antioxidant and able to
block some cortisol secretion and oxidative damage (200,
201, 202,
203, 204)
Vitamin D supplementation with a dose of 3332 IU’s for
one full year leads to 25% higher testosterone levels in
healthy male subjects. (205) The positive correlation with
vitamin D levels and serum testosterone have been noted
in various other human studies too (206, 207, 208).
Vitamin E deficient human and rodent subjects both
experience a significant drop in LH, FSH, and testosterone
levels, conversely, vitamin E supplemented humans and
rodents notice significant increases in pituiary LH and
FSH, and also in serum testosterone. (209)
Magnesium intake has had a direct effect on serum
testosterone levels in various studies. In this one, (210)
10 mg/kg of magnesium was able to increase free
testosterone levels by 24%. Here (211) magnesium
intake was positively correlated with high serum T levels,
and in this large review study (212) the researchers
conclude: “there is evidence that magnesium exerts a
positive influence on anabolic hormonal status, including
testosterone, in men.”
Calcium has its role in controlling neurotransmitter
release and the signaling between cells and hormones.
Not much is known about its effects on testosterone, but
in 1976 a group of researchers found out that calcium
stimulates testosterone synthesis in isolated leydig cells.
(213) 33 years later another study saw that calcium
supplementation didn’t alter T levels at rest, but did
significantly increase (18%) T levels post- exercise. (214)
Selenium, mostly due to its glutathione stimulating
effects, has been linked to increased testosterone
production and improved sperm parameters in few
studies (215, 216)
Zinc has a significant positive effect on testosterone
production and a deficiency will hammer the endocrine
system. In fact, zinc might be one of the most important
micronutrients for healthy testosterone production. It has
increased testosterone levels in athletes and exercising
‘normal men’ (217, 218), in men with zinc deficiency,
(219) in infertile men, (220) in animals… (221) It’s also
noted in one rodent study that zinc deficiency can
upregulate the estrogen receptors by 57%, (222)
probably due to the fact that zinc has its role in
controlling the aromatase enzyme.
Boron, although not very common mineral to supplement
with, has few interesting studies backing up its
testosterone boosting effects. In this human study (223)
6 mg’s of boron for 60 days increased free testosterone
levels by 29%. In
another human study, (224) 10 mg’s of boron for 7 days
increased free testosterone by 28%.
Manganese appears to have a direct GnRH stimulating
in the brain, (225) and logic says that it should therefore
also increase testosterone levels. However, mega-dosing
with manganese should not be an option, since it
accumulates in the body and can become neurotoxic at
high levels. When taken at too high doses, manganese can
actually reduce T levels. (226)
Conclusion on a Multivitamin for Testosterone
The above is just a short list of scientific examples of vitamins
for testosterone and why you don’t want to be deficient in any of
these key vitamins and minerals.
Eat a diet rich in whole foods and always consume foods from all
the macronutrient groups (fats, carbs, protein), this alone
provides you with many of the essential micronutrients for T
production, and also makes sure that your body can absorb them
efficiently (for example, fat-soluble vitamins can’t properly
absorb if you’re eating a low-fat diet, etc).
To support your diet, add in a multivitamin for testosterone and
perhaps some other vitamin and mineral supplements (though
multi is the way to go and definitely enough if you’re low on
We now stock the Garden of Life’s RawOne for Men on the
Anabolic Men Marketplace at store.anabolicmen.com
— Chapter 14 —
Vitamin A
Vitamin A, unlike the name indicates, is not a single compound.
Instead its a blanket term for a group of active unsaturated
molecules including: retinal, retinol, and retinoic acids, along
with multiple provitamin A carotenoids such as: α-carotene,
β-carotene, lutein, and lycopene, which the human body can
convert into active Vitamin A.
The recommended daily intake for vitamin A for a normal sized
male is about 900-3000 μg/day of retinal, retinol, or retinoic
acid, or about 12-24 times that of carotenoids, since they have a
significantly lower bio-availability in the human body and are
also poorer sources of the active vitamin A.
Vitamin A is also noted as one of the “24 essential vitamins &
minerals for human survival”, and this is definitely for a good
…Because without adequate amounts of vitamin A, you would
slowly go blind, (227) your immune system wouldn’t function
normally, (228) not to mention that you would also become
(229) and your body would have a really hard time absorbing
dietary fat (230) (which in turn would cause colossal damage
all-around the body).
Anyhow, here’s what vitamin A does to testosterone levels:
Vitamin A and Testosterone Production
There’s not much research behind vitamin A’s effect on male
testosterone levels, but a handful of studies has shown some
positive associations between the vitamin and androgen
Vitamin A is found inside the testicular sertoli cells in retinal
form and when needed it can be converted to more biologically
active form; retinoic acid. It’s also seen in rodent studies that if
there’s no active vitamin A present inside the testicles,
testosterone levels drop rapidly and estrogen levels inside the
testes shoot up.
If you’re deficient in vitamin A, your body cannot properly utilize
dietary fat for its many processes. As a good intake of the right
fats is one of the utmost important building blocks of
testosterone, (231) vitamin A deficiency will more than likely
impact T production in a negative manner.
Also, your body uses a compound called transferrin to transport
cholesterol molecules into the testicular leydig cells in order to
convert them into testosterone. Without vitamin A, the body
can’t synthesize transferrin, and the transportation of the
principal testosterone precursor gets impaired.
There’s a lot of evidence suggesting that vitamin A is an
essential part of male reproduction, since the synthesis of sperm
cannot fully occur without retinoic acid (232, 233, 234).
In a human study (235) consisting of 155 twin males,
vitamin A was found to have a significant positive correlation
with testosterone production.
In this animal study (236) (which had guinea pigs as
subjects), vitamin A deficiency significantly lowered
testosterone production.
In this human study, (237) 102 young boys with delayed
puberty and short stature were divided into 4 groups: first one
was a control group, second group was given synthetic
testosterone, third got vitamin A and iron supplements, and the
fourth group got a combination of TRT, vitamin A, and iron. As
you can imagine the control group didn’t gain any significant
height or begin puberty at an accelerated rate.
However, both the vitamin A group and testosterone treated
group noted similar improvements in height growth, puberty
rate, and testicular volume (yes, that’s right. Vitamin A + iron
was as effective as hormone replacement therapy in
jump-starting puberty).
In this rodent study, (238) it was noted that the testicular
system of rats contains several receptor sites for vitamin A, and
that it can be stored in testicular sertoli cells. What’s more
interesting is that when the rodents diets were cut off from all
vitamin A, testosterone production rapidly decreased (up to the
point of where sexual organs literally atrophied), and estrogen
exposure inside the testes rose rapidly (as humans share nearly
identical testicular systems with wistar rats, this becomes very
There’s definitely some evidence that being deficient in vitamin
A is not a good thing for your testosterone production or
testicular health.
And it’s more than likely that men with low vitamin A levels can
see significant improvements in their testosterone levels after
supplementing with vitamin A or consuming a lot of it in their
However, there’s no evidence to support the claim that
superloading with vitamin A, or even supplementing with it in
the presence of already optimal intake would increase
testosterone levels.
It’s likely that the same thing happens with vitamin A, as does
with vitamin D, (239) where dose-dependent increases in
testosterone are seen up until the point where optimal levels of
the vitamin in blood are achieved and the rising testosterone
stops going higher after that.
“What is the best form to supplement with?”
Answer: The provitamin A carotenoids are the most common
form, since they’re the easiest ones to extract and/or synthesize
in a lab. However they’re not as bioavailable as the active forms,
and your body has to convert them to actual vitamin A. On a
bright side, you can’t really overdose on carotenoids since the
body converts only what it needs. The active forms however,
accumulate in the body since they’re fat-soluble and basically
“ready-to-use”. But, the body can use and absorb them much
better than carotenoids. Just don’t start superloading with them.
What works fine for me is that I take a multi-vitamin which
contains carotenoids, and also liver tablets which have the more
active forms of vitamin A. If I would have to choose either one of
the two, I’d go with liver tablets though.
What are the best food sources for vitamin A?
Answer: You can fill up your daily intake with provitamin A
carotenoids easily by eating a sweet potato (100g is 380% of
RDA), or couple carrots (100g is 340% RDA), or a few handfuls
of dark leafy greens (100g is 270% RDA).
To get the active forms of vitamin A (retinal, retinol, and retionic
acids) your best option would be beef liver (100g is 1411%
RDA), or a teaspoon of cod liver oil (which is about 100% of the
RDA), or just some salmon (100g is 50% RDA).
Vitamin A has an essential role in testosterone production, and
deficiency in the vitamin will most definitely hammer your
testosterone levels.
However, deficiency in vitamin A is not that common, unless you
live in a developing country or if you’re eating a low-fat diet (the
body has hard time absorbing vitamin A when there’s no fat with
it). Anyhow, if you want to make sure that you get enough
vitamin A, the simplest way would be to just to buy some liver
tablets, or to make your own.
Foods That Contain Vitamin A
NOTE: It’s also worth noting that you need saturated fat with the
vitamin A for proper absorption.
Here’s five foods high in vitamin A (both retinoids and
carotenoids) that fit a testosterone boosting diet:
1. Animal Liver (Beef, Pork, Turkey, Chicken)
By far the best source of the most bioavailable vitamin A in
retinoid form can be most easily attained by eating animal liver.
Not only is it rich in vitamin A, it’s also a nutritional powerhouse
containing iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins D,
E, and C…
Here’s the amounts of vitamin A in 100 grams of the following
types of liver:
Turkey liver (8058 μg 895% RDA).
Beef and pork liver (6500 μg 722% RDA).
Chicken liver (3296 μg 366% RDA).
Don’t like the taste of liver? Try duck liver paste on top of a bread
(tastes much better than most other types of liver foods), or
consider supplementing with dessicated liver. Either way, if you’re
not including liver in your life, you’re missing out big time.
2. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potaoes are among the best carbohydrate sources for
someone looking to optimize their testosterone levels.
They also happen to be very high in the carotenoid form of
vitamin A…
…When the beta-carotene of 100 grams of sweet potatoes is
converted into the active retinoid form (using the retinol activity
equivalences), we are left with 961 μg of active vitamin A per
100 grams of sweet potatoes, which accounts to 107% RDA.
So sweet potatoes are not only testosterone friendly, but also a
viable source of vitamin A in the carotenoid form.
3. Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil is often used as a supplement, but really, it’s
food. It’s simply the oil extracted from the liver of the
fresh-water cod.
And as to be expected, it’s ridiculously high in fat-soluble
vitamins A, E, and D.
100 grams of cod liver oil contains a staggering 30000 μg
(3333% RDA) of the active retinoid form of vitamin A…
…Obviously nobody eats 100 grams of the stuff. Still, only a
tablespoon of cod liver oil is enough to cover the daily need for
vitamin A, as it has 340 μg’s (136% RDA) of the micronutrient.
NOTE: Never buy cheap fish oil or cod liver oil in capsules, it’s in
many cases rancid and oxidized and can have very high levels of
mercury. The best and cleanest cod liver oil comes from Norway.
4. Cheese
Cheese is a source of high quality casein protein, as well as
testosterone boosting saturated fat.
It also has a good amount of fat-soluble vitamins, including
vitamin A in its retinoid form.
On average, cheddar cheese at 100 grams provides you with 265
μg vitamin A (29% RDA).
So nothing close to liver, but its still good to include some cheddar
and blue cheese in your diet for the sake of promoting testosterone
production and getting in some much needed micronutrients.
5. Butter
Butter is one of the preferred fat source on a testosterone
optimized diet.
It simply has the right type of fatty-acids, with plenty of great
micronutrients to fuel the endocrine system.
When it comes to vitamin A, butter is a decent source, as 100
grams give you 684 μg (76% RDA) of active vitamin A…
…Obviously 100 grams of butter is a lot and we’re not
recommending an intake so high, but including plenty of butter as
your main fat source is still a good idea if one aims to increase
natural testosterone production. You’ll get some much needed
vitamin A on the side.
— Chapter 15 —
B Vitamins
When you think of B vitamins and testosterone, you’re probably
thinking of a B12 shot or supplement that amps you up without
The truth is, there are eight B vitamins in total, and they all serve
similar functions of releasing energy from foods into our body. B
vitamins are water soluble, meaning they can be excreted
through your urinary system quite easily, so there’s no real
concern of overdose.
These essential vitamins provide all-around maintenance for
your body, including your mental health.
B vitamins aren’t produced in your body, so you must ingest
them through diet or supplementation. Leafy greens and whole,
unprocessed foods are usually great sources for a range of
B-complex vitamins, which is why they’re usually stressed when
it comes to healthy eating.
The eight B vitamins are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin
(B3), pantothenic acid (B5), vitamin B6, biotin (B7), vitamin
B12, and folic acid.
Low levels of any of these vitamins can lead to anemia-like
symptoms and general malnutrition.
What Does The Vitamin B-Complex Have To
Do With Your T Levels?
Vitamin B1 – Thiamine:
Thiamine, like all B vitamins, is required daily in a steady dose
by the human body to carry out proper function without
sacrificing nutrition.
Thiamine serves especially
neurological system.
purposes in the
The lack of thiamine can cause permanent cognitive damage in
the long term, and affect focus, mental capacity, and neural
health in the short term.
Testosterone, a steroid hormone, must bind to androgen
receptors through the endocrine and adrenal systems, which are
very closely linked to the neurological systems in the body. If
neural function is impaired, the production and uptake of
testosterone can be severely limited.
In addition to regulation neuron pathways, thiamine is necessary
for the indirect upkeep of muscle mass. Thiamine deficiency can
lead to a number of issues with muscular atrophy, which can also
be attributed to low testosterone levels (240).
Low thiamine levels can also contribute to feelings of muscle
fatigue and lack of motivation and focus.
Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin:
Riboflavin presents itself in foods also containing other
testosterone- boosting factors like bromelain (241). Riboflavin is
one of the essential nutrients needed in testosterone production
but also serves an interesting purpose in the inhibition of
testosterone 5 alpha- reductase (242).
This enzyme converts testosterone into a more potent form of
the androgen, known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Riboflavin
deficiency can lead to lethargy and fatigue as well, decreasing
sex drive and general health.
Bananas are a great source of libido-boosting vitamin B2. This is
easy to remember thanks to phallic symbolism.
Vitamin B3 – Niacin:
Niacin is a known booster of human growth hormone. It also
produces the right kind of cholesterol that our body needs (highdensity lipid or HDL).
Testosterone is actually formed from cholesterol, so it’s pretty
straightforward to assume that niacin can definitely affect T
production. Alongside increased testosterone levels, growth
hormone production which is “turbocharged” by niacin, can lead
to plenty anabolic muscle growth and a huge increase in muscle
mass (244).
Niacin also acts as an antioxidant by binding free radicals and
slowing aging processes.
Vitamin B5 – Pantothenic Acid:
Pantothenic acid is well known as a cure for acne.
This is due to its role as a fat metabolizer when bound to a
sulfur- based molecule to create coenzyme A. Interestingly
enough, B5 also serves as a cholesterol producer, which as
mentioned above, is a necessary component of building
Pantothenic acid plays a vital role in the adrenal system by
helping the basis of sex- and stress-hormone production. It is
also a key factor in the manufacture of red blood cells, which are
the sites of oxygen uptake in our body (245).
Increased oxygen uptake contributes to better performance in
training, which also spikes testosterone levels.
Vitamin B6:
B6 is one of the B vitamins that play a more direct role when it
comes to testosterone production. Vitamin B6 works to suppress
the synthesis of estrogen in the body, which helps testosterone
levels rise.
Vitamin B6 also works directly with the regulation of androgen
production, which leads to increased T levels as well. B6 is also
important for the production and transport of red blood cells.
A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to fatigue, loss of appetite,
and decreased immunity (246).
Vitamin B7 – Biotin:
Studies have shown that biotin deficiency can lead to reduced
testicular function in rats and that administered biotin
treatments can reverse the issues that arise from low
testosterone levels (247).
Biotin also improves the utilization of glucose in the body, which
can reduce risks for obesity, a big detractor from high
testosterone levels.
Vitamin B12:
Also known as cobalamin, B12 is the ‘energy vitamin’ which is
also known to raise testosterone levels dramatically as well as
produce a spike in energy levels when injected. For this reason,
it is a great nootropic and can be used for pre-workout benefits
as well.
This vitamin derives energy in the body through the breakdown
of dietary fats, so during a bulking period, it can lead to
increased muscle anabolism and less fat production. A study has
indicated that B12 can also have a positive effect on sperm
motility and concentration, which is tied to testicular
testosterone levels (247).
Folic Acid:
While generally regarded as a prenatal supplement, folic acid, or
folate, can have a lot of beneficial effects for anabolic muscle
Folic acid is essential for the synthesis and upkeep of new cells
in the human body. It also acts to repair damaged musculature
promotes DNA and RNA synthesis. Folate is known to produce
nitric oxide in the body, which a key physiological component in
bulk training that helps increase muscle mass (249).
Increased muscle mass causes increased testosterone levels, so
it’s not a big surprise that folic acid can really help to raise your
testosterone, like the other B-complex vitamins.
How To Get Higher Levels of B Vitamins
Vitamins in the B-complex can work both individually and
synergistically in order to maintain basic bodily function. As
mentioned before, these vitamins must be taken dietarily, as
they are not naturally produced by the human body.
If your diet leaves something to be desired in terms of B-complex
content, a B-complex multivitamin, or specified B vitamin
supplements can help.
Good food sources of thiamin include pork, lentils and nuts.
Riboflavin can be found in dairy products and lean meats.
Niacin- rich foods include pasta and legumes. Folic acid (as well
as thiamin, vitamin B6, and riboflavin) is known for its presence
in dark green leafy veggies like spinach, chard, and kale, as well
as fortified grains and cereals.
Vitamin B6 can be found in poultry, seafood, and root vegetables.
B12 is naturally found in shellfish but is also used to fortify grain
and soy products. Biotin and pantothenic acid can be found in
liver, egg yolk, salmon, and dairy, as well as some legumes and
mushrooms (249).
— Chapter 16 —
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is likely the most researched, well
known, and most-used nutritional supplement in the whole
World. Not only that, but it’s also safe, cheap, and available
pretty much all-around the globe.
But what about the effects of vitamin C on male testosterone
That’s a topic not so often talked
about. At least until now…
Ascorbic Acid and Testosterone Levels
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for human survival, and like I
said above, one of the cheapest, safest, and most widely used
nutritional supplements in the World.
It’s water-soluble, and its main function in the body is to serve as
an antioxidant…
…However, what most people don’t know, is that vitamin C can
also be a pro-oxidant. How it acts depends on what the body
needs at any given time.
Ascorbic acid is also needed in the biosynthesis of multiple
bodily enzymes…
…And when used in combination with garlic, vitamin C is
ridiculously effective at increasing nitric oxide levels, (250) and
therefore also blood flow.
But how does the world’s most-used vitamin affect male
testosterone levels? That’s what we’re about to find out:
First of, there’s an in-vitro (test tube) study (251) where
it was found that vitamin C as an electron donor, can regenerate
damaged testosterone molecules by up to 58%. In a similar
in-vitro study,
(252) vitamin C was able to increase testosterone levels in
testicular leydig cells due to enzyme upregulation.
Several animal studies have shown that vitamin C
protects the testicular leydig cells from oxidative stressors, and
thus, preserves testosterone levels from; alcohol, (253)
noise-stress, (254) lead, (255) burns, (256) cadmium, (257)
antibiotics, (258) arsenic, (259) PCBs,
(260) aluminum, (261) alfatoxin, (262) and endosulfan. (263)
Similar protective effects have been seen in humans too. (264)
So, ascorbic acid clearly preserves testosterone molecules
from oxidative damage, but could it increase testosterone levels
in healthy gonads? This rodent study (265) suggests so, and in
this human study, (266) vitamin C significantly increased sperm
quality, motility, and volume. However the only two human
studies that I’m aware of which examined vitamin C’s direct
effects on testosterone levels, showed no significant increases in
T after ascorbic acid supplementation (267, 268).
The last thing worth mentioning here, is the fact that
vitamin C supplementation is known for its cortisol (stress
hormone) lowering
effects. This in turn should improve the testosterone:cortisol
ratio more in favor of testosterone, creating a more anabolic
environment in the body (269, 270, 271, 272).
Who could benefit from Vitamin C supplementation?
Answer: Well, for starters pretty much anyone who wants to
protect their balls from oxidative damage. If you’re exposed to
any of the things in point “b)” above, then increased ascorbic
acid intake (and for that matter other antioxidants too) would be
advisable, just to preserve testosterone molecules from cellular
Another group that could benefit from extra vitamin C intake
would be people who train hard, as ascorbic acid helps in
suppressing the exercise induced rise in cortisol, and therefore
would improve the testosterone to cortisol ratio in favor of
However, if you don’t train hard, and if you suspect that your diet
and overall health is in such a good order that there’s no
oxidative damage going on in the ballsack, then vitamin C
supplementation is probably not going to do much for your
How much ascorbic acid should you take?
Answer: In a healthy scenario, the human body has a pool of
vitamin C of about 2 grams. (273) This can be maintained with
~100 mg’s of daily ascorbic acid supplementation, hence why
the RDA of vitamin C is 100-200 mg’s.
This low amount can be easily attained through the diet (citrus
fruits, kiwi, etc), or from a high quality multi-vitamin.
However, if you’re under stress, and/or exposed to compounds
that cause oxidative stress in the body, a higher dose (1-5 grams)
of vitamin C could be taken to protect the leydig cells from
To lower the exercise induced rise in cortisol, 1-3 grams of
ascorbic acid should be enough.
What’s the best form of vitamin C to supplement
Answer: I’m personally a big fan of raw whole-food vitamins and
minerals. Thus, why I recommend this 100% food based
ascorbic acid supplement (274) which is made from acerola
cherries. For a more cost-effective alternative, pure bulk vitamin
C powder would be fine too. For people who can’t handle acidic
compounds (GERD, etc) Ester-C would be the best option.
Also, if your goal is only to maintain the body’s natural pool of
vitamin C, you should be covered just by eating some citrus
fruits on a daily basis, or by taking a multi-vitamin that includes
at least 100 mg’s of ascorbic acid.
Does vitamin C increase testosterone levels? Not directly if you
believe the latest human studies, and this is likely due to the fact
that in a healthy scenario, the human body maintains a pool of
available vitamin C in various tissues (testicles, pituitary gland,
thyroid, liver, etc).
However, supplemental ascorbic acid does protect testosterone
molecules exceptionally well from oxidative damage during the
of stress. Probably because the bodily pool is drained faster
when exposed to various stressors.
And that’s also why I believe most men could benefit from extra
vitamin C supplementation. Because of the modern day diet of
processed foods, environmental toxins, obesity, and sedentary
lifestyles, most men do have some oxidative stress going on
inside their gonads.
The best ways to get yourself enough vitamin C would be from a
diet consisting of citrus fruits, through a high-quality
multi-vitamin, from natural berry powders, or from a bulk
ascorbic acid supplement.
Foods Rich In Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is pretty awesome. Not only is it a vital
micronutrient for human survival, it also maintains testosterone
levels and protects hormones from the harmful effects of
oxidative damage.
There are many foods high in vitamin C, but for this section I
have chosen 5 of them that perfectly fit a testosterone boosting
diet, majority of them being fruits.
From time to time we get readers emailing us all confused about
why we recommend fruits that are high in fructose, since everyone
and their dogs think that fructose would be evil…
…So let us tell you that in reality:
Fructose protects the liver cells (275) and increases the
rate of carbohydrate metabolism. (276)
Fructose is the main sugar involved in reproductive system
function and sperm production. (277)
Fructose lowers SHBG and thus leaves more bioavailable
free- testosterone to the blood stream. (278)
Fructose stimulates the conversion from thyroid hormone
T4 to T3 in the liver, upregulating metabolism. (279)
Anyhow, now that your possible fructose paranoia has been
hopefully cured, here’s five food sources of vitamin C that are
also great for testosterone production:
1. Squeezed Orange Juice
Squeezed orange juice is one of the staples in my diet.
I religiously drink 1-2 liters of it per day to supply my body with
fructose to blunt SHBG and promote thyroid hormone conversion.
On the side, orange juice is a good natural source of vitamin C.
To be exact, a glass of squeezed OJ contains up to 108mg’s of
vitamin C, accounting for 120% of the RDA.
2. Pineapple
Who doesn’t love pineapples?
Not only are they tasty, but there’s also research showing that a
proteolytic enzyme by the name of “bromelain” found in
pineapples can maintain testosterone levels during strenuous
endurance training. (280)
Bromelain also breaks down the peptide chains that bind amino
acids, making protein digest better in the body. And then there’s
the fact that pineapples are rich in fructose, which has numerous
hormonal benefits as explained above.
100 grams of fresh pineapple chunks contain 47mg’s of vitamin C,
accounting for 52% of the RDA. So not quite as dense in ascorbic
acid as OJ is, but still a good natural food source of vitamin C that
you should be consuming.
3. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are one of the better carb sources on a
testosterone optimized diet.
They’re incredibly dense in vitamin A, but also contain nice
amounts of vitamin C too.
To be exact, 100 grams of sweet potatoes gives you a good
19mg’s of vitamin C (21% RDA)…
…So these definitely shouldn’t be your sole source of vitamin C, but
sweet potatoes are great for replenishing glycogen stores after
exercise so why not get some of that vit C on the side too?
4. Mango
Mangoes are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world.
They’re fairly carb dense with majority of those carbs coming in
from fructose. Once again this freaks most people out, but as a
looking to improve your testosterone levels as well as to boost
metabolic rate, getting that fructose is actually incredibly
beneficial. When it comes to vitamin C rich foods, mangoes have
They contain 27mg (30% RDA) of vitamin C per 100g.
5. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit is widely known, but not much of its health benefits are
Maybe people are scared of the high fructose content, but as
explained many times now, that is nothing to be scared of.
One interesting study actually looked how kiwi fruit affected
sleep quality in healthy adults, (281) and the researchers found
out that 2 kiwi’s 1-hour before bed time for a month were able to
dramatically improve both subjective and objective parameters
of sleep quality.
This is great news, since sleeping more and better has been
firmly linked to higher testosterone levels.
Now, back to vitamin C. Kiwi is an excellent source, with 92mg’s
per 100g (155% RDA).
So maybe next time before you hit the sack, eat few kiwi fruits for
better sleep, more T, and a good amount of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is great, and getting the currently set RDA% from
foods is not hard at all.
However if you’re looking for benefits like increased nitric oxide
production and a boost in testosterone levels, the dosages go
upwards of 1 gram per day.
This is pretty hard to get from foods, and much better achieved
through supplementation with something like Redwood from
Truth Nutraceuticals or ascorbic acid capsules plus garlic
— Chapter 17 —
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the 24 essential vitamins needed for human
survival. It regulates more than 1,000 bodily functions. Not to
mention the vitamin D testosterone benefits are quite profound.
It occurs naturally in fish and eggs, although the best way to get
it is through regular sun exposure.
Vitamin D is truly a “wonder vitamin”, and most people use it
because it’s proven to be heart healthy and good for the bones.
But vitamin D is much much more than just a bone vitamin…
Vitamin D increases testosterone levels and maintains optimal
endocrine system health in both, men and women:
Vitamin D Testosterone Benefits
Vitamin D is actually not even a vitamin…
…It’s a steroid hormone, mistakenly named as a vitamin.
This hormone D like I said above, regulates more than 1,000
bodily functions, including fertility, growth, hormone secretion,
and sexual function…
…Needless to say that if your serum vitamin D levels are too low,
more than 1,000 bodily functions are also somewhat impaired.
Several of these functions that vitamin D regulates are linked to
endocrine system, thus not getting adequate amounts of “the
bone vitamin”, should in theory reduce testosterone levels.
Recent Studies on Vitamin D and Testosterone Levels:
This study (282) found out that vitamin D and
testosterone levels were correlated. Men with sufficient vitamin
D levels had significantly higher testosterone levels and lower
SHBG count, than men who had insufficient amounts of the
vitamin (or hormone) in their blood serum.
This study (283) found out that when healthy male
participants take 3332 IU’s of vitamin D daily for a year, they end
up having 25.2% more testosterone on average when compared
to placebo.
This study (284) found out that older men who
supplement with vitamin D, are less likely to have low
testosterone levels than men who are not supplementing with
the “bone vitamin”.
In this Australian study, (285) the researchers found out
that in older men, low vitamin D status is associated with low
free testosterone and increased fracture risk.
This study (286) examined the already proven positive
association between vitamin D and testosterone levels. They had
1362 male subjects, and the results show that vitamin D has a
linear positive association with serum total and free
testosterone levels. However when the amount of vitamin D in
serum goes above ~80 nmol/L (pretty much optimal), the
increase in testosterone plateaus. Meaning that vitamin D more
than likely does increase testosterone
levels, but it won’t help if you are already in the optimal range of
vitamin D (which is definitely not where most men are).
It’s actually better to get your vitamin D from sunlight
exposure, at least if you believe the results of this 1939 study
from Dr. Abraham Myerson, (287) which showed that five days
of UV light exposure to men’s chest area, increased total
testosterone levels by ~120%. When the genitals were exposed
to UV radiation for the same amount of time, the increase in
testosterone skyrocketed to ~200%.
There is also some evidence (288) that bright light
exposure signals the brain to release luteinizing hormone (LH),
which triggers testicular leydig cells to produce testosterone. So
being out in the sun for that vitamin D is definitely not a bad
In few studies, it has been noted that in both; humans and
animals, blood vitamin D levels are positively associated with
sperm quality and motility (289, 290, 291).
What the results of vitamin D and testosterone
studies tell us:
1. Men with low vitamin D levels are much more likely to
have low testosterone levels when compared to men with
adequate amounts of the vitamin.
2. Healthy men who decide to supplement with low dose
vitamin D, can expect to have around 25% more
testosterone in their bloodstream after a year of
3. If your serum vitamin D levels are already in the optimal
range, you might not get a testosterone boosting benefit
from extra supplementation.
4. UV light exposure seems to skyrocket testosterone
production, especially if you expose your genitals to the
sun rays.
So we can conclude that vitamin D is really a testosterone
booster, at least the science seems to support this idea from
multiple view points.
What is the vitamin D testosterone dosage?
Answer: The optimal amount of vitamin D in the blood serum
seems to be around 50-70 ng/dl. This can be quite easily
achieved when supplementing daily with a low to normal dose of
high quality vitamin D3 supplement (this is my
recommendation), through a multivitamin, or by spending few
hours in the sun each day. Best if you do both.
NOTE: You should avoid the D2 form of the vitamin, it’s
cheaply made and the chemical process of manufacturing it
is questionable. It’s also not nearly as good in terms of bioavailability as the D3 form is.
Conclusion on Vitamin D Testosterone Benefits
Vitamin D is a testosterone booster, but if your vitamin D levels
are already optimal (most men don’t fall into this category by the
way), then extra supplementation won’t help.
It’s also known for its ability to increase lifespan, it improves
cardiovascular health, and it even maintains bone health when
taken along with calcium and vitamin K2.
So if you’re not already living in an overly sunny place, then
supplementation with this high quality vitamin D3 supplement
might just be a wise decision .
5 Foods To Incorporate Into Your Diet To Get
More Vitamin D
Here are five foods rich in vitamin D:
1. Mushrooms
Many types of mushrooms are absolutely loaded with naturally
occurring vitamin D.
This vitamin D is in the form of D2 (ergocalciferol), which is
significantly less bioavailable for the body than the vitamin D3
found in animal products, (292) but according to research it can
still be used to replenish serum vitamin D levels. (293)
But just how much vitamin D2 do mushrooms have? Here’s a
Portobello mushrooms, exposed to sun, grilled – 493 IU/
100g (82% RDA).
Maitake Mushrooms, raw – 943 IU/100g (157% RDA).
Chantarelle mushrooms, raw – 178 IU/100g (29% RDA).
Morel mushrooms, raw – 173 IU/100g (28% RDA).
Shiitake mushrooms, dried – 129 IU/100g (21% RDA).
The problem with these reference amounts is that according to
the research done by Dr. Michael Holick, vitamin D2 is about
30% as effective as vitamin D3 in replenishing serum vitamin D
levels, this
would mean that you would need to 3x all the amounts above for
real “useful” vitamin D amounts.
2. Wild Fish
The flesh of oily fishes is known of being one of the richest
natural sources of vitamin D3.
What you should make sure though, is that the fish you eat is
wild, and not farmed with soy pellets. This ensures that you get
mainly omega-3’s from the fatty part of the fish, instead of the
inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids that build up in factory farmed
fish due to their feed.
Another reason to choose wild over farmed is the ridiculously
high amount of toxic heavy-metals and pesticides found in
farmed fish.
Anyways, fish and fish liver products have plenty of vitamin
Cod liver oil – 10 000 IU/100g (1666% RDA).
Wild salmon – 859 IU/100g (143% RDA).
Wild mackerel – 250 IU/100g (41% RDA).
Wild sardines – 193 IU/100g (32% RDA).
Wild tuna – 230 IU/100g (38% RDA).
As you can see, cod liver oil is loaded with naturally occurring
vitamin D3, which makes it a really good food/supplement for
replenishing serum vitamin D levels, if you get it, do get the
authentic Norwegian kind from clean fish.
Another good supplement option is liquid vitamin D3 drops.
3. Milk
Milk is naturally rich in calcium, as well as good source of highquality casein protein, and saturated fat (if you buy whole milk).
Naturally milk only contains trace amounts of vitamin D, but
ever since it became apparent in 1933 that there’s wide-spread
deficiency in vitamin D levels, many countries began adding
vitamin D3 to foods…
…One of the first ones to be fortified was milk, and ever since
then, nearly all brands of milk have contained varying amounts
of added vitamin D.
On average, a cup of fortified milk contains 120 IU of vitamin D3
(20% RDA).
4. Egg Yolk
One of the best sources of naturally occurring micronutrients
(vitamins and minerals) is the yolk of an egg.
It holds nearly all of the essential vitamins and minerals needed
for life, as well as cholesterol and fatty-acids to enhance their
As we’ve said many times in this website, only a fool would
throw away the yolk!
100 grams of egg yolks contains 225 IU’s of vitamin D, which
accounts for 37% of the RDA… So eggs solely aren’t the best
source of vitamin D, but one should still get a chunk of their daily
D3 from egg yolks.
5. Oysters
Many mollusks are filled with vitamin D, but easily the best one
for testosterone optimization is the oyster.
The legend says that Casanova ate 50 oysters every morning to
maintain his libido, and some recent evidence suggests that he
might of have been onto something. (294)
When it comes to vitamin D content, oysters rank in relatively
high. 100 grams of raw oysters contain 320 IU’s of vitamin D3,
accounting for 53% of the RDA.
Although certain foods are high in vitamin D, we still
recommend extra supplementation in the form of cod liver
oil or liquid vitamin D3 drops to make sure that you get
sufficient amounts of this crucial micronutrient.
Although the RDA is set to 600 IU for now, some researchers
believe that the daily requirements for vitamin D have been
grossly underestimated, and the real number could be up to 10x
higher than the RDA originally calculated many years ago. (295)
Also the importance of sunlight vitamin D synthesis doesn’t get the
press it deserves, as less than 30 minutes of sun exposure during
the summer months is enough to get your daily dose of vitamin D.
— Chapter 18 —
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the 24 essential micronutrients for human
It’s a fat-soluble vitamin that comes naturally in the forms of
tocopherols and tocotrienols, and is most well-known of having
powerful antioxidant properties, but also benefits the body by
being an enzyme coactivator and by playing a protective role in
neurological function.
One of the lesser known benefits of vitamin E, is its ability to
prevent and slowdown the oxidation of polyunsaturated
fatty-acids (PUFAs),
(296) which is great since the oxidation of polyunsaturated
fatty-acids is likely one of the main reasons why high intake of
PUFAs lower testosterone levels. (297)
There are many foods high in vitamin E, and in this chapter
you’ll learn the five that best suit a testosterone boosting diet:
1. Spinach
Spinach is one of the best dark leafy vegetables to consume as a
There are myriad of benefits in doing so, mainly the large
amount of vitamins and minerals present in spinach, its low
calorie content, and
the high amount of natural nitrates which have been shown to
naturally raise nitric oxide production and erection quality.
(298) When it comes to vitamin E, spinach is considered to be a
decent source. We would say it’s not high enough in vitamin E to
solely get all you need from it, but still with the other benefits
and its impressive micronutrient density, you should consume it
on a daily basis.
At 100 grams, spinach contains 2mg’s of vitamin E in the form of
alpha-tocopherol, accounting for 13% of the RDA.
2. Egg Yolk
If you’ve followed these foods high in [insert micronutrient]
articles, you’ve probably noticed that in nearly all of the articles I
recommend eating eggs.
That is also the case for vitamin E, as the yolk has plenty of it,
along with some fat and cholesterol to improve its absorption.
Like in the case of spinach above, we don’t recommend that you
solely get your vitamin E from eggs (as that would mean a lot of
eggs), but it’s still good to get some of it from this nutritional
100 grams of raw egg yolks contain 3mg’s of vitamin E (20% RDA)
in alpha-tocopherol form.
3. Brazil Nuts
Many types of nuts are high in vitamin E.
But we’re somewhat hesitant to recommend nuts in general due
to their high polyunsaturated fatty-acid (PUFA) content which is
known of lowering testosterone levels and also increasing the
need for vitamin E (due to PUFA causing more oxidative damage
in the body). (299)
However, Brazil nuts are off the hook. They’re lower in PUFA
than most nuts, excellent sources of selenium, boron, and
…And also rich in vitamin E, 100 grams providing 7,8mg’s (52%
4. Avocado
Avocado is a nutrient-bomb filled with fat-soluble vitamins.
It also has ample amounts of monounsaturated fatty-acids,
which have been found to increase testosterone levels in several
…And avocados also contain a bitter glycoside by the name of
oleuropein, which was found to significantly increase
testosterone levels in rodents.
When it comes to vitamin E, 100 grams of avocados contain
3,1mg’s (20% RDA).
5. Shrimp
Shrimp is great, especially if you’re on a cut, since they’re so low
in calories, filling, and almost purely high-quality protein.
I eat shrimp almost daily, since they’re one of the richest natural
sources of the amino-acid glycine (which our modern diets are
far too low in).
When buying shrimp, make sure to get wild shrimps, not farmed.
The latter are loaded with heavy-metals.
When it comes to vitamin E, wild caught shrimp is a decent source
at 2,5mg’s per 100g (16% RDA).
There are many vitamin E rich foods, some which have even
higher amounts than the ones in this post (like almonds, sun
flower seeds and oil, etc)…
…But the reason we didn’t include them is that they’re also high
in PUFAs, which increases the bodily need for vitamin E, and also
lowers testosterone levels. (300)
If you feel like you can’t get enough vitamin E from the diet,
consider using a high-quality vitamin E supplement (especially if
you eat a lot of polyunsaturated fatty-acids).
— Chapter 19 —
Magnesium is the 11th most-abundant mineral in the human
body, and it controls more than 300 bodily functions, along with
hundreds of enzyme functions. Most people associate the
mineral only with bone and heart health, but it’s so much more
than just for the heart and bones…
…You see magnesium is also the primary electrolyte used by
virtually all of the bodily enzymes. It maintains fluid balance,
gives energy to the cells (ATP), activates creatine, improves sleep
quality, and increases the amount of bio-active (free)
All that’s great, but the thing that I’m most interested is the last
one. Magnesium increasing free testosterone levels:
Magnesium and Testosterone Levels
Magnesium is very similar to zinc when it comes to increasing
testosterone levels…
…Deficiency in both will seriously lower testosterone levels, but
if you’re already having adequate amounts of the minerals in
your system, then megadosing with them will not do much for
your hormones.
And this is where it all boils down. Do you actually need more
Research suggests that you probably do, as this study (301)
shows that nearly 70% of the adults in the United States eat
below the recommended RDA of magnesium, 19% eating less
than half of the recommended daily value.
On top of that, magnesium evaporates from the body through
sweat, so if you’re hitting the gym, or living in a hot place, then
it’s very likely that you’re not consuming enough of this
essentially important mineral (especially if your eating habits
are based around the Western diet)…
…But back to the actual subject, here are some studies:
1. This in-vitro study (302) found out that magnesium frees
bound testosterone and makes it more bio-active. This
happens because the mineral inhibits SHBG (sex
hormone binding globulin), which is a molecule that
binds to free testosterone, making it unavailable for the
2. In this human study, (303) roughly one gram of
magnesium was enough to increase free testosterone
levels by 24% in combination with intense exercise.
3. In this study (304) which had 400 participants, the
researchers found out that in older men, higher serum
magnesium levels correlate with higher testosterone
4. The researchers in this review study (305) found out
something very similar about magnesium as the studies
cited above. This is what they write: “there is evidence
that magnesium exerts a positive influence on anabolic
hormonal status, including testosterone, in men.”
5. In this study, (306) the researchers found out that
Gitelman’s syndrome (which causes imbalances in
magnesium and calcium levels) often leads to delayed
puberty in young boys, most likely this delay in puberty
is caused by low testosterone levels, and the low T is
caused by low magnesium and calcium levels.
So all-in-all, it seems that there’s a point in supplementing
with magnesium, especially if you’re exercising…
…However, if you sit at the couch all day, and already consume
plenty of magnesium, then it’s likely that extra supplementation
isn’t going to do much.
What is the best form of magnesium to
supplement with?
Answer: Magnesium glycinate is the best form of oral
magnesium in terms of absorption, whereas oxide is the worst
(and most used).
What are the best dietary sources for magnesium?
Answer: Contrary to popular belief, grains are not a reliable
source of magnesium due to the high amount of pythic acid.
You’re far better of by consuming the following foods: Raw cacao
products, unprocessed salts, meat, leafy greens, and some nuts.
I’ve heard that calcium blocks the absorption of
Answer: Calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron all bind to the same
receptors inside the body, however the receptors can uptake
800 mg’s of minerals, so unless you’re megadosing on all of them
simultaneously, you should be fine in terms of absorption
Magnesium is very much like zinc in terms of increasing
testosterone. If you’re deficient in it, your testosterone levels will
decrease quite significantly, but if you have plenty of it in your
system already, then consuming even more isn’t going to do
…But as explained above, majority of us in this planet can’t get
enough of magnesium to begin with, so supplementation in most
cases is going to increase baseline testosterone. If you’re looking
for high quality magnesium supplement, take a look at Testro-X,
which contains a clinical dose per serving.
Magnesium Rich Foods To Eat
However, many magnesium rich foods are actually not that great
for testosterone levels.
Things like soybeans, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, peppermint, and
many other dense magnesium sources, can actually end up
reducing your T- levels due to other – not so testosterone friendly –
compounds found in them.
These five foods however, are high in magnesium, and
awesome for testosterone production as well:
NOTE: If you can’t use these to meet your daily Mg2+ needs,
consider supplementation.
1. Dark Chocolate and Cacao Products
The cacao bean in its unprocessed state is one of the richest
known dietary sources of magnesium.
This makes raw cacao powder (and many other products made
using cacao bean) great foods to replenish bodily magnesium
100 grams of cacao powder for example contains 520mg’s of
magnesium which is 130% of the RDA.
NOTE: If you opt for dark chocolate or raw cacao nibs which
also have the cacao fat intact, you’ll deliver your body with an
awesome testosterone boosting saturated fat rich in stearic
acid (one of the best possible fatty-acids in terms of
2. Beef
Animal meat, especially beef, is great source of magnesium.
It’s not as dense in the mineral as cacao beans are, as 100 grams
of beef patties will give you a decent 50mg’s (12% RDA) of
However, since beef is one of the best foods to increase natural
testosterone levels and should be your main protein source
anyway, having it as one of your magnesium sources is a great
Just remember that beef shouldn’t be your ONLY magnesium
source, as it would take almost a kilo (2.2lb) of beef patties to
actually meet the daily magnesium needs.
3. Spinach
Not only is spinach loaded with testosterone boosting apigening
and erection quality enhancing natural nitrates…(307)
…It’s also a very good natural source of magnesium.
100 grams of cooked spinach will give you 87mg’s of magnesium
which is 22% of the RDA.
NOTE: Aside from eating some dark chocolate and beef,
consider adding a cup of cooked spinach to your diet. Not only
to supply magnesium, but also because it’s an incredibly
healthy leafy green that works wonders for your hormones and
4. Brazil Nuts
I believe that every man should be consuming a handful of Brazil
nuts daily to promote healthy testosterone levels.
This is because they’re ridiculously high in the minerals boron
and selenium (both of which are crucial for T-production)…
…And also loaded with magnesium, as 100 grams will give you
376mg’s of magnesium, which is 94% of the RDA, aka. almost
solely enough to meet the daily needs.
Note that you should be getting your Brazil nuts with as much skin
as possible, since that’s where the majority of the minerals are in.
5. Swiss Chard
Similarly to spinach, Swiss chard is a naturally dense source of
nitrates (compounds that have been scientifically proven to
increase nitric oxide and erection quality).
On top of that, there’s plenty of magnesium in this leafy green.
To be specific, 100 grams of cooked Swiss chard gives you
86mg’s of magnesium, covering 21% of the RDA.
So obviously, the testosterone boosting greens of choice for
replenishing magnesium levels are spinach and Swiss chard.
Magnesium is essential for humans, and when it comes to
testosterone production, doses close to 1 gram (1000mg) have
been found to significantly increase free testosterone levels by
reducing SHBG. (308)
This amount is relatively easy to get from daily foods, as long as
you eat plenty of dark chocolate, spinach and Swiss chard, along
with some beef and few handfuls of Brazil nuts.
If however you can’t meet your daily magnesium needs, consider
using a high-quality magnesium supplement to replenish the
serum levels (note that magnesium evaporates through sweat, so
athletes require bit more than sedentary guys).
— Chapter 20 —
Zinc is one of the 24 essential minerals needed for human
survival. The human body can’t synthesize its own – nor does it
have a storage system for it – so you must get adequate amounts
of zinc through foods or dietary supplementation daily.
It’s involved in numerous actions of the cellular metabolism, upregulates more than 100 enzymes, supports healthy growth,
helps with DNA synthesis, and is deeply tied to reproductive
system health.
Zinc is also – up to a certain point – a testosterone booster, which
inhibits the aromatase enzyme, thus reduces the conversion
from testosterone to estrogen.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Zinc Can Increase Testosterone Levels and Block
Zinc as I said above, is a testosterone booster up to a certain
…As it increases testosterone levels in healthy men, if they’re
depleted in the mineral. If your serum zinc levels are already in
balance, it’s likely that extra supplementation will not yield any
extra benefits, in fact, too much zinc is not a good thing either.
What’s considered depletion then?
Well, you need at least 15 mg’s of daily zinc to even maintain the
most crucial endocrine system functions…
…Meaning that you should consume lots of oysters and animalproducts daily, and on top of that maybe supplement with some
extra zinc to make sure that you’re getting adequate amounts of
the mineral (zinc (as well as magnesium) evaporates through
sweat, so in athletes, supplementation is almost mandatory).
There’s plenty of clinical research backing up the benefits of
zinc supplementation.
During strenuous exercise, elite wrestlers who supplemented
with 3mg/kg of zinc daily for a month, were found of having
significantly higher testosterone and thyroid hormone levels
(309) when compared to placebo group which saw steady
decreases in both of the hormones due to excessive workload,
the likely explanation being that the placebo group lost plenty of
zinc through sweating on a daily basis, and their diets weren’t
sufficient enough to replace the lost mineral in their bodies. On
the supplementation group however, the trend was not only to
preserve testosterone, but also to increase both free and total
testosterone levels from the baseline at both states; rest and
The same researchers went and reproduced the study with 10
young “sedentary male volunteers” in 2007 (310) using the
same dosage of zinc for the same duration of time. The men were
subjected to “fatiguing bicycle exercise” during those 4-weeks
and as in their
previous study, zinc supplementation was able to maintain and
increase total and free testosterone levels, as well as thyroid
hormones when compared to placebo pill. These two studies
suggest that at least in exercising population, supplementation
with zinc is beneficial for hormonal health. Since both of the
studies saw improvements in free-testosterone levels, it’s also
plausible that zinc can inhibit serum SHBG levels and leave more
testosterone bio- available for the androgen receptors.
In patients suffering from chronic renal failure (a condition
linked to significantly depleted zinc levels) mega-dosing with
250mg/day of zinc was – as to be expected – able to significantly
increase serum zinc, testosterone, and LH levels. (311)
Another study consisting of 37 infertile-subjects (312) had the
men take an undisclosed amount of zinc for 6-months and noted
that the men who had testosterone levels on the lower end (less
than 480 ng/ dL) noticed significant improvements in
testosterone and DHT levels, whereas the men on the higher
levels of testosterone (more than 480 ng/dL) noted no increases
in testosterone, but still significant increases in DHT levels. On
an even more positive note, Nine of the subjects were able to
conceive a child during the study period.
When it comes to animal and cell-culture studies, zinc
administration has been noted to significantly increase
testosterone, LH, and DHT levels (313, 314) while reducing the
activity of the female-hormone estrogen towards it receptors by
57%. (315) Surprisingly enough, one in-vitro study done on
isolated cells (316) noted that zinc can inhibit DHT production,
however this doesn’t seem to happen when humans take it orally
as you can see from the above studies…
So does zinc increase testosterone levels?
Answer: Yes. At least if you’re deficient in the mineral and/or
exercise a lot. In the fortunate case where your zinc levels are
already saturated, you’ll probably just see increases in DHT,
which isn’t a bad thing at all.
Does it block estrogen?
Answer: Yes, this seems to happen in isolated cells at least.
How much zinc can I take?
Answer: Mega-dosing with 100 mg’s of zinc daily has been
shown to be safe in long term studies (2-4 months).
However if you megadose with the mineral, make sure that
you’re also supplementing with copper as too much zinc will
deplete the body from it.
A good rule of thumb is to take them at 10:1 ratio (that means
that you take 1mg of copper for every 10mg’s of zinc).
What’s the most bio-available form of zinc to
supplement with?
Answer: We at Anabolic Men recommend and use the high
quality zinc picolinate from Thorne Research. Other quality
choices would be citrate and orotate.
I’ve heard that calcium should be avoided when
taking zinc?
Answer: Calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron all bind to the same
receptors inside the body, however the receptors can uptake
around 800 mg’s of minerals, so unless you’re mega-dosing on
all of them simultaneously, you should be fine in terms of
Every guy interested in natural hormone optimization should be
aware of zinc.
It’s the master mineral of the endocrine system. Correcting
micronutrient deficiencies is one of the key factors in healthy
natural testosterone production, and zinc just happens to be one
of the key minerals to make sure you’re getting plenty of.
In my opinion, if you’re not eating a ton of oysters and meat
every day, zinc supplementation would be a valid option, and
since the mineral is lost via sweat the people who exercise
should be extra sure to keep their zinc levels topped… And for
such purposes, the well absorbing zinc picolinate supplement
from Thorne Research should work perfectly. It’s the most potent
form with greatest bio- availability, and dirt cheap to supplement
Foods Rich In Zinc
Zinc is an extremely important mineral for testosterone and
thyroid hormone production, studies constantly show how
deficiency can slash the levels of total and -free testosterone, as
well as T3 and T4
thyroid hormones, (317) restoration of zinc is able to rapidly
restore these crucial hormones.
The RDA for zinc is set to around 15mg/day for normal sized
male, this is relatively easy to get from foods, and can also be
supplemented in highly bio-available form of zinc piliconate.
Athletes should definitely be consuming more zinc than the RDA
as it evaporates through the sweat.
Another worthwhile mention is that correcting a zinc deficiency is
much easier to do with animal based zinc rather than plant-based,
as animal sources are much denser in the mineral and also
because the zinc from animal sources is better assimilated by the
Here’s your five best high-zinc foods:
1. Oysters
When it comes to zinc – and being testosterone friendly –
oysters fit the bill.
They’re ridiculously high in zinc, 100g of them containing a
whopping 78mg’s of zinc (524% of the RDA).
Oysters are also high in some other micronutrients necessary for
healthy testosterone production, such as; selenium, vitamin D,
and copper, and they’re chock-full of high quality protein.
The legend says that the famous ladies-man, Casanova, ate 50
oysters for breakfast to enhance his libido, he obviously knew what
he was doing.
2. Beef (Especially Lamb)
Red meat should be a staple in every man’s diet, due to it being
one of the best sources of high-quality protein for testosterone
production, as well as containing the perfect T-boosting
fatty-acids; palmitic acid and stearic acid.
On top of that, beef – especially the kind from lamb – is very high
in bio-available zinc.
100g of lamb beef contains roughly 12mg’s of zinc (82% of the
NOTE: When you eat plenty of steak (muscle meat), be sure to also
include some collagen (connective tissue protein) into the mix to
get a more balanced amino acid profile. The easiest way to do this
is by consuming some gelatin.
3. Raw Cacao Products
Raw (unheated) cacao products are beneficial for erectile and
vascular health. Their high antioxidant content makes them
quite possibly one of the healthiest foods on this planet.
But when choosing cacao products, the key is that they’re a)
unheated b) have high cacao percentage.
The basic super-market “milk-chocolate” is unfortunately far
from that. The kind you should look for is slightly bitter dark
chocolate, if it’s unheated its probably labeled as “raw”.
100g of raw cacao without any processing contains up to 7mg’s of
zinc (45% of RDA). It’s without a doubt the best source of zinc for
someone who refuses to eat animal-products.
4. Egg Yolk
Eggs make for damn near perfect testosterone boosting food.
The protein is high-quality with good amino acid balance, it’s
chock full of micronutrients, and it also contains cholesterol and
some fat to make those nutrients absorb well to the body.
One of the micronutrients found high amounts in egg yolks is
zinc. 100g of egg yolks can contain up to 5mg’s of the mineral
(33% of RDA). This means that you’d have to eat quite a few eggs
to actually get all your daily zinc from eggs, regardless, it’s still
one of the best food sources of the mineral.
5. Liver
Animal liver is a nutritional powerhouse. containing some
connective tissue protein, high amounts of necessary fat-soluble
vitamins, and bunch of other goodies.
Beef liver also packs 4mg’s of zinc per 100g, making it a
decent testosterone-friendly source of zinc.
Since liver is a storage organ for many micronutrients, eating it
is like consuming a naturally occurring multi-vitamin…
…Just take a look at this chart comparing liver to vegetables, fruit,
and muscle-meat, (318) liver outshines them all when it comes to
overall vitamin and mineral levels.
There you go, 5 best testosterone-friendly foods rich in zinc.
If you feel that you can’t meet your daily zinc requirements
(~15mg/ day for sedentary people, 30-45mg/day for someone
involved in exercise)…
…consider getting yourself a high quality supplement containing
bioavailable zinc like Testro-X or zinc picolinate supplement.
— Chapter 21 —
There are multiple micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that
contribute to testosterone synthesis, such as: vitamins A, C, D,
K2, zinc, magnesium, iodine, calcium, etc…
…But what is often left unmentioned is the trace mineral boron.
When in fact it’s the boron that currently holds the most
impressive results on natural T production in terms of scientific
Many experts believe that we’re getting significantly less boron
through the diet than our ancestors did, and this is because the
modern day “power farming” quickly depletes the soil in which our
food is grown, leaving less boron – and less of multiple other
naturally occurring micronutrients – into the end product.
But is boron something you’d want to miss from the diet?
Definitely not according to the research which shows the
benefits of boron:
Boron and Testosterone Levels
Boron is a rare mineral on Earth, and in this whole universe. And
this is because boron is a “trace leftover” of the big bang, arriving
Earth via cosmic dust and meteor materials…
…Hence why only about 0.001% of the Earths crust is boron.
Not only is boron rare in the Earth, it’s also somewhat
uncommon as a supplemental micronutrient. It isn’t even
included in the list of “essential vitamins and minerals for
human survival”, and there isn’t a set minimum requirement for
dietary boron (although it has a RDI of ~3 mg/day).
However – as unnecessary as boron may seem like – what most of
the guys don’t know is that boron can be easily labeled as a
natural testosterone booster. This one ridiculously cheap and
unpopular trace mineral is actually much more effective in raising
ones natural T production than most of the “T-Booster” products
flying of the shelves at your local GNC are…
Take this study from Naghii et al. (319) as an example. The
researchers in this trial gave eight of their male subjects ~10
mg’s of boron supplement, every morning for 7 consecutive
days. After the week had passed, the scientists compared their
subjects blood results from day 0 to day 7, and found out that:
free testosterone levels had increased by 28%
free estrogen levels had decreased by -39%
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels rose by 10%
many inflammation biomarkers (hsCRP, TNF-α) dropped
NOTE: The same researchers measured testosterone levels
on their subjects in a study conducted in 1997 (320) set to
examine boron’s effects on cardiovascular risk, in that trial
10 mg’s of daily boron increased total testosterone levels by
15%, slight increases were also seen in total estrogen levels,
which should be noted.
Another study from Mjilkovich et al. (321) looked how boron
supplementation impacts serum vitamin D levels, but on the side
they also measured free testosterone levels. After 2 months of
giving their 13 subject males 6 mg’s of daily boron (calcium
fructo-borate) the levels of free testosterone had increased by
29.5% on average, a number similar to the findings of Naghii et
Two rodent studies (322, 323) examining boron’s toxicity have
also found significant dose-dependent increases in testosterone
levels after boron supplementation, highest dose (500 mg/day)
leading to a massive 160% increase. Though this amount – not
only crazily expensive – would be highly toxic also, since dosages
exceeding 25 mg/day start showing symptoms of toxicity and
are not recommended.
Conclusion on Boron Testosterone Supplementation
There’s good amount of scientific evidence speaking for the
health benefits of boron. It has the ability to increase
testosterone levels in healthy human males, and in rodents, and
also in women (with boron deficiency).
That is why I recommend you take a boron testosterone
A dose range that should be able to increase testosterone levels
(without becoming toxic) falls in between 3-25 mg/day.
Aside from supplementation (Testro-X contains a healthy 10mg
boron per serving), some good dietary boron sources include:
raisins, gelatin, prunes, dates, avocados, almonds, Brazil nuts, and
Foods Rich In Boron
Boron might not be one of the 24 essential micronutrients for
human survival, but it still has some interesting benefits in terms
of testosterone production.
More specifically, boron at 10mg for 7-days was able to;
increase free testosterone levels by 28%
decrease free estrogen levels by -39%
boost DHT by 10%
Similar results were seen in a study that used 6mg’s of boron for
a bit longer duration (29% increase in free testosterone levels).
Supplementation is without a doubt the easiest way to get
6-10mg’s of boron per day, but there are also a handful of foods
loaded with the trace mineral.
1. Raisins
The densest known nutritional source of boron is raisins.
100 grams of them contain a whopping 3mg’s of boron, which is
100% of the RDA and about half of the recommended amount to
impact testosterone production.
Fitting in a cup or two of raisins per day is a great way to make
sure you’re getting enough boron on a daily basis. Raisins can
also further benefit testosterone production by being a good
source of resveratrol, which may also stimulate testosterone
synthesis. (325)
When it comes to raisins, we recommend organic Californian
2. Avocado
Avocados are pretty great for testosterone production. They’re
very dense in nutrients, and the fatty-acid profile is great for T
When it comes to boron, 100 grams of avocados have 2mg’s of
the trace mineral, which accounts to about 65% of the RDA.
Getting the boron requirements to impact testosterone levels
(6-10mg) solely from avocado might not be wise, as this would
mean eating at least 300 grams of the fruit, which is pretty dense
in calories and can easily aid in putting you to a caloric surplus
(sure this isn’t bad for skinny guys, but if you’re trying to lose
weight, maybe just eat raisins or get a boron supplement).
When buying avocados, remove the small stem part on the top, if
you find that the stem peels of easily and there’s green underneath
it, you’ve got yourself a perfectly ripe specimen.
3. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are awesome.
They’re mainly praised for their very high selenium content (2 of
them is actually enough to fulfill the daily need), (326) but Brazil
nuts are also good source of boron.
100 grams of them contain 1.7mg’s of boron, which is 55% of the
RDA, making Brazil nuts a good testosterone boosting food to
use for covering the daily needs of boron.
Maybe make a snack trail mix with Brazil nuts and raisins? Just
remember to choose the kind with plenty of skin, as that’s where
most of the minerals are.
4. Prunes
Similarly to raisins, prunes (dried plums), are also loaded with
100 grams of prunes provides you with 1.1mg’s of boron, which is
about 35% of the RDA.
Combine them into a snack mix with raisins and Brazil nuts, and
you got yourself a great boron-rich testosterone boosting snack.
Prunes are also loaded with antioxidants, which is as you might
know, great for testosterone production.
5. Dried Apricots
Dried apricots are not only delicious, but also a nutritional
powerhouse providing decent amounts of vitamins A, C and E…
…Along with plenty of important antioxidants.
What makes apricots awesome for testosterone production, is
their relatively high amount of boron, as 100 grams of dried
apricots provides 2mg’s of boron (66% RDA).
Add them to a trail mix of raisins, prunes, and Brazil nuts, and you
got yourself boron to spare.
Boron is great for total and free testosterone levels, but
sometimes getting it from foods can be tricky (hence why in
some cases supplementation is ideal).
So stock up on raisins, avocados, prunes, Brazil nuts, and dried
— Chapter 22 —
Calcium is the fifth most-abundant mineral in the crust of the
planet Earth. In humans 99% of the calcium in our bodies is
located in bones and teeth…
…The 1% that’s left has a role on various processes inside the
human body, such as cellular functioning, neurotransmitter
release (think dopamine), muscle contraction, conducting the
heart, etc.
Which is why calcium is one of the 20 essential vitamins &
minerals for human survival.
The governmental recommendation for calcium is roughly 1
gram a day for normal sized adult male. In my opinion you
should aim a bit higher than that, while also adding in vitamin D,
magnesium, boron, and vitamin K2, which all work in a synergy
with calcium.
If you’re consuming plenty of products that already contain
calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc), extra supplementation might
not be that useful. For example, here in Finland – and if I recall
correctly, in the whole Scandinavia – milk consumption is so high
that calcium supplementation would be somewhat just a waste of
The thing that got me interested in calcium however, is the fact
that it seems to have a role in testosterone production.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Calcium and Testosterone
Calcium is not that often linked to testosterone production, but
still, there are a few studies that show some promising results
with the mineral.
The researchers aren’t even sure how calcium works to increase
…Few logical explanations could be the fact that it controls
neurotransmitter release (dopamine for example rises in
correlation with T), and plays a role in cellular functioning
(which in theory could improve the signaling between cells and
Whatever the reason, here’s what the studies say:
Back in 1976 a group of researchers studied the effects of
calcium ions on isolated rat leydig cells. (327) They found out
that in combination with luteinizing hormone (LH), calcium
significantly increased testosterone synthesis. When the
researchers tested LH’s effects on the cells without the calcium,
the increase in testosterone was significantly smaller.
33 Years later, this study gets published in the Journal of
Biological Trace Element Research. (328) The researchers found
out that calcium supplementation (35 mg/kg) didn’t really alter
testosterone levels on the subjects who remained sedentary
when compared to placebo. However there were also two groups
on the study that did resistance training for 90 minutes, 5 days a
week. The first group received 35 mg/kg of calcium, and the
other group got a placebo pill.
Both of the training groups noted increases in their testosterone
levels. However the group that received the extra calcium had
18% higher free testosterone levels after the workout than the
placebo group did.
The researchers weren’t sure why calcium was able to increase
the amount of bio-available testosterone in resistance trained
men, but they suspect that it increases the sensitivity of the
messenger hormones LH and FSH.
Conclusion on Research
Calcium seems to increase free testosterone in men who practice
resistance training. The mechanism of action is somewhat
unknown, and more studies are needed to validate the claims.
All-in-all, you should probably consider a calcium supplement if
you’re not a big fan of dairy products, but still love to workout.
Foods Rich In Calcium
It also has a role in testosterone production, and of course, in
maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you can’t get enough
from your diet, it’s highly recommended that you consume it
daily in supplement form.
Here are five foods high in calcium that also fit a
testosterone boosting diet:
1. Cheese
Cheese is a good source of high quality casein protein, along with
good amount of testosterone boosting saturated fat.
Its also rich in multiple important vitamins and minerals for
testosterone production, such as: vitamins K2, A, selenium, and
zinc. And then there’s the calcium. Cheese is the richest known
natural source of calcium with 100 grams of Cheddar cheese
having 721mg’s of calcium, covering 72% of the RDA.
NOTE: There is some mixed evidence towards high-fat dairy
products having hormone traces which could lower
testosterone levels, (329) so if you wan’t to be extra sure that
this doesn’t affect you, opt for low-fat dairy, it still has the
2. Eggshells
What you do with eggshells after using the insides? Throw it away?
Mistake. Eggshells are one of the best natural sources of calcium
and you should eat them.
Not whole, obviously. Instead, make natural eggshell calcium
supplement by:
Fill a stock pot with some water, bring to boil.
Pour the eggshells into the water (this destroys pathogens).
Cook for 10 minutes and then drain the pot.
put the eggshells on a baking tin and allow to dry for a day.
Use coffee grinder or pestle & mortar to grind the dry
shells into powder.
Store the powder in a jar.
Now, you have high quality calcium supplement, with a teaspoon
providing you the 1000mg’s (100% RDA) of calcium.
3. Milk
Like all dairy products, milk is rich in calcium.
And just like the cheese above, it’s rich in high-quality casein
protein, and some key micronutrients like zinc and selenium.
100 grams of milk (1dl or 3.3oz if you’re from US) contains
125mg’s of calcium, which covers 12% of the RDA.
Drinking a liter (usually whole carton) of milk per day is a great
way to get in that quality protein and all of your needed calcium.
4. Yogurt
Yogurt is filled with probiotics that have shown to favorably
impact testosterone levels in studies.
Yogurt is also a relatively good source of protein and certain
micronutrients such as zinc and iodine.
When it comes to calcium, 100 grams of yogurt provides
110mg’s of calcium (11% RDA).
We at Anabolic Men recommend few servings of grass-fed yogurt
daily, mostly due to its probiotic density but also to cover vitamin
and mineral intake.
5. Leafy Greens
If you’re not a fan of dairy products or eggshell calcium, you may
find that it’s really hard to cover the daily need for calcium
through foods.
Which is why we recommend high-quality multivitamin
supplementation for everyone not consuming plenty of dairy
Aside from dairy, eggshells, and calcium supplements, there is
one group of foods that still ranks pretty high in calcium
…And that’s the leafy greens, such as:
kale (150mg/100g)
spinach (99mg/100g)
collard greens (232mg/100g)
mustard greens (115mg/100g)
NOTE: Another great benefit of eating lots of leafy greens is
their high natural nitrate content which can beneficially
impact erection quality.
Calcium is essential - for life and for testosterone.
These 5 foods are the best natural testosterone-friendly sources
of this very important mineral and if you can’t eat enough of
these (and I’d say even if you can), consider using a high-quality
calcium supplement.
— Chapter 23 —
Selenium is mostly known for its antioxidant properties, due to
the fact that its a necessary micronutrient in the creation of
glutathione (the body’s principal antioxidant compound).
Selenium also works in conjunction with vitamin E and C to
prevent oxidative damage in the body, and with iodine to
upregulate thyroid function and metabolic rate.
Multiple studies have shown that high selenium levels positively
correlate with high serum testosterone levels and sperm quality in
Here are five foods rich in selenium:
1. Brazil Nuts
Highly intelligent Capuchin monkeys are known of loving the
nutritious Brazil nuts. They like them so much that they have
learned to use rocks as tools to open the thick shells protecting
them. (330)
When it comes to humans, I believe that all men should be
consuming few of these nutrient bombs on a daily basis.
They’re incredibly rich in boron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc,
and manganese, with good fatty-acid ratios in terms of
testosterone production…
…And then there is the selenium content. 100 grams of Brazil nuts
contain a staggering 1917 mcg’s (3485% RDA) of selenium, so
much that just two of them per day is enough to meet the daily
2. Grass-Fed Beef
Grass-fed beef should be one of your top protein sources if the
goal is to increase testosterone levels.
The high-quality animal protein, saturated fat, several
micronutrients, and carnitine make it optimal protein source for
hormone production.
When it comes to selenium, there’s plenty in grass-fed beef,
however not quite as much as in Brazil nuts.
100 grams of grass-fed beef can contain up to 35 mcg’s of selenium
(63% RDA).
3. Egg Yolks
The yolk of an egg contains nearly all of the necessary vitamins
and minerals for human survival.
It also has fat and cholesterol which significantly improve the
absorption of the micronutrients.
And the amino-acid profile of eggs is considered optimal for
human needs, making eggs “complete protein”.
Not a big surprise that eggs are also a great natural source of
selenium. 100 grams of the yolks provide 56 mcg’s of selenium
(101% RDA).
4. Wild Sardines
Sardines are one of the best seafoods to consume for a
testosterone optimized diet.
They are filled with high-quality protein and several
Just be sure when buying sardines that you’re not paying for
farmed fish, which is fed with soy pellets and ridiculously high in
heavy- metals.
100 grams of wild sardines contain 52 mcg of selenium (94% RDA).
5. Oysters
Oysters are a man’s best friend, on a plate that is.
It has been said that the famous ladies man, Casanova, ate 50 of
them every morning to keep up his libido. He might of have been
on to something.
Oysters are very high in certain pro-testosterone micronutrients
like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D, and they contain
high-quality animal protein that nourishes the endocrine
Then there’s the selenium. 100 grams of oysters provide you
with 71 mcg’s (129% RDA).
There are many foods naturally high in selenium, most
notable of these are Brazil nuts.
In fact, if you feel like you can’t get enough selenium from the
foods that you eat regularly, I would say don’t buy a selenium
Instead get a bag of Brazil nuts, since two of them have all the
daily selenium you need.
There’s this endangered specie of monkeys, called the Chapuchin
monkeys, who actively search for these nuts covered with a thick
…Only the strongest and wisest monkeys are able to crack the
shells open, but once they finally succeed, they’re famous for the
next day or two, because in the world of the Chapuchin monkeys,
the male with the Brazil nuts is the ultimate alpha male.
I’m eating a handful of Brazil nuts daily, and Tim Ferriss who
sports a testosterone level of 1200+ ng/dl mentions them in his
quick “triple your testosterone guide“…
…But why?
Here’s a low-down on why the Brazil nut is awesome:
Brazil Nuts And Testosterone
There’s hardly any science backing up the use of Brazil nuts as a
testosterone booster, but I think we don’t even need science to
crack this nut…
…You see, Brazil nuts contain so much pro-testosterone building
blocks, that they simply have to increase natural testosterone
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Packed with selenium – Brazil nuts are the richest
known source for bio-active selenium in the whole planet, and
selenium has been linked to elevated testosterone levels. (331)
Brazil nuts are actually so rich in selenium, that even as little as
1-2 Brazil nuts can easily fill the daily requirements of selenium.
Contains Natural Cholesterol – Cholesterol gets
converted into testosterone inside the leydig cells of testes, and
that’s the main reason why men should never underestimate the
power of this wonderful nutrient which should definitely be the
staple in every high testosterone diet.
The good news: Brazil nuts are filled with bio-active natural
cholesterol, which will work wonders for your natural
testosterone production.
Strong antioxidant – Brazil nuts are filled with
antioxidants known for protecting your sensitive testosterone
molecules from oxidization. Recent studies also show that
certain antioxidants will stimulate the leydig cells to produce
more testosterone. (332)
High in L-Arginine – Arginine is a substance that will
significantly increase your nitric oxide production, (333) which
means that your veins will dilate and relax allowing your blood
to flow more freely. The good news: Brazil nuts are packed with
the most bio-active form of Arginine.
Improves Sperm Quality – The 2013 Journal of
Andrology reported that dietary selenium was able to
significantly increase sperm quality, volume, and motility. (334)
The quality of your sperm is highly linked to testosterone levels,
as it’s a scientific fact that men who have the highest
testosterone, also tend to have the highest sperm counts.
These cheap nuts are amazing for your testosterone levels,
and I can easily say that the Brazil nut qualifies to be a valid
testosterone booster in my books.
When purchasing Brazil nuts, keep in mind that most of the
selenium content is in the skin, so for maximal testosterone
boosting benefits, always purchase these bad boys with as much
skin as possible. Also avoid all the salted and roasted kinds, the
more natural, the better.
— Chapter 24 —
Copper (Cu) is definitely not the first thing that comes to mind
when we talk about testosterone boosting micronutrients, or
just about plain minerals. All-in-all, it’s a very unpopular mineral
to supplement with, and nobody really cares about copper.
But I think we should be a little more interested in our copper
intake than what we are now…
…Because chelated copper could actually increase testosterone
levels, when taken at optimal dosages.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Copper and Testosterone Production
Copper is an essential trace element in both humans and
animals, and the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for
copper in normal sized human male is about 3mg/day.
It has multiple important functions in the human body,
including: oxygen transportation, iron uptake facilitation,
photosynthesis, etc.
Copper deficiency is also associated with thyroid problems,
impaired growth, osteoporosis, and with abnormal glucose and
cholesterol metabolism.
But is copper deficiency actually a problem for most people?
…And is there any need for supplementation in the first place?
Answer: Severe copper deficiency is not that common, and
people who eat balanced whole-food diets, should be able to
meet their daily copper needs from dietary sources alone
(oysters, kale, mushrooms, nuts, avocados, and fermented foods
are all high in copper).
However, there are two very important facts about copper
that you should take under consideration. Firstly, almost all
kinds of dietary copper is poorly absorbed by the human body
(30-40%)… (335)
…And secondly, eating a lot of zinc depletes copper from the
body (and vice versa). As zinc is known to boost testosterone
levels, many men tend to supplement with high-dose zinc
supplements on a daily basis, without taking in any copper to
balance that zinc-induced depletion (optimal ratio of zinc and
copper is considered to be between 10:1 and 10:2).
Basically if you supplement with 30 mg’s of zinc per day, then
you should also take 3-6 mg’s of copper to balance out the
zinc-induced copper depletion.
With that out of the way, we can finally get to the actual subject.
Here’s why you don’t want to be depleted in copper:
In this old in-vitro study, (336) the researchers saw that
when isolated hypothalamic cells were altered to chelated
copper complexes, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
increased by a nice 68%. As GnRH is basically the hormone that
starts the whole cascade of events that lead to testosterone
production, even a slight boost in it should increase testosterone
levels. To what degree this happens when chelated copper is
orally ingested? Hard to say.
This Indian study (337) wanted to take the above
experiment further, and they decided to inject copper chloride
straight into the guts of living male wistar rats for 26
consecutive days, with varying doses (1000 mcg, 2000 mcg, and
3000 mcg/kg).
They found out that the 1000 mcg dose significantly increased
testosterone levels via luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulation.
Which supports the findings of the first study above.
However, the 2000 mcg and 3000 mcg doses started to become
toxic for the rats, and on the higher dosed groups, testosterone
was actually decreased. Several human studies have also found
out that when copper intake gets too high, it becomes unhealthy
and toxic, but lower intake is absolutely essential for the health
of the human body (338, 339, 340).
Then there’s this other quite old in-vitro study, (341)
which found out that when isolated hypothalamic neurons were
altered to chelated copper, luteinizing hormone (LH) release
increased by 45%. As LH is the hormone that stimulates
testosterone synthesis inside the ballsack, these findings
furthermore support the theory that copper should increase
testosterone production.
To put that all together, there’s evidence that a modest dose of
chelated copper could increase testosterone levels by
stimulating the
release of GnRH and LH. And there seems to be a toxicity limit
where everything backfires once the copper intake gets to be too
high. Of course we have to also remember that these are only
studies done on isolated cells and rats. To which degree these
results can be seen when humans take oral copper? It will
remain unknown until someone decides to study that. The
mechanism exists for sure though.
In the view of this evidence, I would highly recommend you to
keep your copper levels in check, either by eating a diet rich in
whole- foods, or by supplementing with bio-available chelated
What is the optimal dose for chelated copper you might ask?
Personally I take either 2x the daily RDA (2 x 3mg’s) if I’m not
supplementing with zinc. When I do supplement with zinc
though, I take some copper with it to balance out the
zinc-induced copper depletion.
For this I follow the optimal human ratio of zinc and copper
(10:1-2), meaning that if I take 30 mg’s of zinc, I also take 6 mg’s
of copper (on top of the 2 x RDA).
— Chapter 25 —
Vitamin K2
There’s one vitamin that really deserves a whole lot more
attention than what it’s getting now, and that’s the vitamin K2
(menaquinone). Heck, most people don’t even know that it
exists, nor that it reduces cardiovascular disease risk, (342) and
greatly enhances bone formation. (343)
Actually, there are thousands of different forms of vitamin K, but
the ones that we associate with the term are the K1
(phylloquinone), and K2 (menaquinone).
For some odd reason, the K1 form, which is present in almost all
leafy green vegetables is getting all of the attention in media.
While nobody seems to talk about the K2 from, which can be
found in foods such as: cheese, egg yolks, butter, fermented
foods, and liver.
Our diets contain roughly 10 times more K1 than K2. And a
common misconception is that we wouldn’t need K2 since the
human body would convert K1 into K2. But even though the
occurrence is seen on animals, the human body doesn’t seem to
do it as effectively. In fact, recent studies suggests that we need
to consume the actual K2 form in order to get the benefits (344,
The benefits you ask? Well, aside from K2 being awesome for
our cardiovascular health and bone density, especially when
taken in
stack with vitamin D, there’s a bunch of other great effects
associated with vitamin K2 supplementation…
…And one of them is the link between vitamin K2 and
Vitamin K2 and Testosterone Synthesis
The importance of vitamin K2 is quite a new thing, even to most
researchers. And that’s because for a long time, it was believed
that the K1 form was all that we need, and that both of the
vitamins (K1 and K2) would of have had similar effects.
However a few recent studies have proved this to be not true at
all. For example: in this study, (346) vitamin K2 supplementation
reduced prostate cancer risk by 30%, whereas vitamin K1 had
no effect. And then this study (347) where vitamin K2
significantly lowered cardiovascular disease risk by removing
calcium deposits from arteries, but vitamin K1 again, had no
The forms of vitamin K2 that we’re most deficient in are the
MK-7 and MK-4.
MK-7 is produced inside our gastrointestinal system, we
can get it from fermented foods. MK-7 is also considered
to be very effective in terms of supplementation, as it
lasts for roughly three days in the bloodstream.
MK-4 is synthesized all over the body from enzymes
(being exceptionally high in the brain and reproductive
organs). We can get it through diet by consuming
grass-fed animal meats (grain-fed doesn’t contain it). You
can also supplement with MK-4, but it only lasts for
roughly 8 hours in the
bloodstream, and therefore is considered to be worse for
supplementation than MK-7.
Still there’s one major reason why I consider the MK-4 form
to be superior to the more long lasting MK-7. And that’s
because it has a mechanism to increase testosterone
In this Japanese study, (348) Asagi et al. fed 75 mg/kg of
vitamin K2 (MK-4) to male Wistar rats for 5 weeks, while
simultaneously measuring the testosterone content from their
blood plasma and testicles. The results after the fifth week
showed a nice, more than 70% increase in plasma testosterone
levels, and an even bigger increase was seen inside the testes
(nearly 90%). And as you can see from the pictures below,
luteinizing hormone (LH) levels didn’t budge, which probably
means that the K2 works by stimulating testosterone production
directly inside the ballsack, and not via the brain.
In the same study which is presented above, the scientists
tested vitamin K2 (MK-4) incubation directly on the testicular
I-10 cells inside a petri dish, and found out that the more MK-4
they exposed to the cells, the more testosterone was produced.
Another Japanese study (349) from different researchers
found out rather similar results. They saw that in male rats,
vitamin K2 deficiency reduces testosterone levels significantly,
as it messes up with the genes involved in the biosynthesis of
testosterone from cholesterol. When these rats were given
vitamin K2 (MK-4), their testosterone levels increased rapidly.
Similar results were seen in this study.
The studies above are somewhat solid proof of the fact that
vitamin K2 (MK-4) has a mechanism of increasing testosterone
levels, but so far the mechanism has only been tested on rodents
and isolated testicular cells. And the dosages used in the rat
studies are abnormally high.
The human equivalent of the dosage in the first study is
12mg/kg. That’s a huge dose. Given that 45 mg’s is considered to
be the upper safe limit for humans. I doubt that you’d ever need
to take that high dose of vitamin K2 to actually see the benefits,
but when there’s no human studies on its hormonal effects, you
can’t really tell…
There will be a time when K2 supplementation is tested
similarly in humans, but before it happens, I have no problem
supplementing with 30-45 mg’s of vitamin K2 (MK-4) once every
few days, just to maintain heart and bone health. And if there’s a
bonus testosterone boost happening in the background, I
wouldn’t mind at all.
— Chapter 26 —
Why do you feel so run down, exhausted, irritable, and
Why do you feel as if you are stuck in a persistent brain fog? Is it
stress? Fatigue? Depression? It could be all of the above and this
could be caused by a choline deficiency leading to lowered levels
of testosterone and decreased overall brain and physical health.
Choline is one of the most important compounds our body
However, most of the Western population is massively deficient
in choline. And the use of cholinergic drugs, pharmaceuticals,
and high stress lifestyles, coupled with a general lack of dietary
choline consumption has left many of us in a state of constant
brain fog and irritability. Our brain heavily relies on choline for
neurotransmission so it’s no wonder we feel out of whack when
our choline is low.
I’d like to introduce you to the wonderful choline, and give some
tips on choline food sources as well as which types you should
supplement with.
The Importance of Choline
A key nutrient for the human diet is choline. Choline, commonly
grouped in the B vitamin family, is integral to many human body
functions some of which are brain, liver, cellular, and endocrine
Choline has been known to help reduce symptoms of depression,
memory loss, and seizures. Endurance athletes also use choline
as an aid to build and maintain muscle as well as combat fatigue
throughout peak training periods.
Side effects of low levels of choline include difficulty focusing,
low levels of energy, and brain fog. Deficiency in choline is no
joke, it can lead to increased threat of a condition known as Fatty
Liver, which results from slowed metabolizing of fat and
increased accumulation of lipids in the liver.
Choline deficiency also slows the processes of the nervous
system decreasing vital neurotransmission throughout the body.
If the brain does not get enough choline to maintain proper
neurotransmission, it may resort to cannibalizing cell walls in
order to obtain additional choline… plus it lends to a higher risk
of memory loss and mental disorders.
Choline as a Natural Libido-Booster
As soon as your body catches wind of choline, it processes it for
expedited shipping in the form of neurotransmitters and sends
the messages to…well, your package (too much?).
The arrival of choline prompts the release of nitric oxide, which
is said to be the main center stage neurotransmitter and
chemical mediator of erectile functioning. To put it bluntly,
choline sparks the fire that helps you maintain a healthy
erection. Other hormonal benefits of choline are increased
mood, energy, and motivation
which can lend to overall increase in sex drive. Well, I say that’s a
pretty good delivery.
Popular High Choline Food Sources
Now that you know the importance of choline and what it can do
for your testosterone levels, the question is how can you get
more choline in your life? Choline is obtained mostly through the
The modern diet, which tends to be geared more towards
convenience and ease rather than obtaining the key nutrients
the body needs, is lacking in choline.
The increased use of microwaves (heat is a real buzz kill for
choline) along with the degrading quality of food, and the fast
food culture has resulted in less and less choline in the modern
human’s diet.
Bottom line, choline is important…really important. The next
section will guide you through ways in which you can specifically
supplement your diet with choline.
Dietary Choline Supplementation
Though there is no official recommended Daily Value of choline
in the human diet, the National Academy of Sciences
recommends a minimum daily intake of 550 mg for adult
males. Choline is found in the form of phosphatidylcholine.
Phosphatidylcholine is a lecithin and the most abundant
phospholipid in all cells. This lecithin can be found in the
following foods:
Proteins: Egg yolks (best if consumed raw), meat livers
and kidneys, veal, beef, chicken, cod, salmon, caviar, pork,
and beans
Carbs: Brussel sprouts, wheat germ, broccoli, spinach,
bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage and mushrooms (consume
with grass-fed ghee, this aids in the absorption of the
Fats: Peanut butter, almond butter, vegetable oil, and
yogurt, kefir, and raw milk
The best way to obtain choline in food form is from animal
products. Foods such as nuts, and legumes contain anti-nutrients
that may decrease choline absorption. These foods can be
consumed, but it is suggested that they are consumed in
When natural sources of choline are not enough, some may find
it beneficial to seek a supplement to aid in maintaining a healthy
level of choline in the body. Cortigon, an all-natural cortisol
suppressant nootropic blend aimed at lowering cortisol levels
and increasing mental clarity, focus, memory and learning, is a
great supplemental source of Cortigon.
Cortigon, being a nootropic supplement, can have a positive
impact on intelligence and cognitive function as well as aid in the
maintaining of choline levels.
Avoiding a Choline Deficiency
Now that you know what choline is, how it can impact your
testosterone, and what you can do to supplement your diet with
the likes of its greatness, the choice is yours: live in a brain fog of
tired moodiness and low sex drive, or get out there and be the
— Chapter 27 —
Lack of iodine makes us sick, fat, and lazy. Frankly lack of this
mineral affects almost all of us and here’s why:
There are 4 different halogens that we’re constantly in contact
with. 3 Of them are toxic to the human body which are fluoride,
bromine, and chlorine.
However there’s still one halogen that is extremely essential to
the human body, as it’s virtually needed in every single cell and
gland of your body, especially in your thyroid where it’s the
number #1 compound that regulates almost all of your
hormones and bodily functions.
This one extremely important halogen is called iodine.
Sadly our world has fucked up this halogen stuff majorly. As we
shouldn’t be in any contact with fluoride, bromine, or chlorine
because they’re more lighter than iodine, which means that
these 3 halogens will flush iodine out of your body, and take its
place inside your cells.
This occurrence will then lead to lowered thyroid levels, which
then leads to lowered hormone levels, which then leads to low
testosterone, low dopamine, low serotonin, low growth
hormone, etc.
It will also cause the calcification of your glands, including:
pineal gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and your beloved
Sounds pretty horrible right? Well it’s true and it’s happening
inside of your body right now as you’re reading this piece of text.
There’s one simple reason for that: You’re bombing your own
body with those 3 toxic halides, and you have been doing so for
your whole life.
Your toothpaste is full of fluoride, our water supply has been
shown to contain fluoride and chlorine, commercial bread uses
bromide as a dough conditioner, and so on.
All of that shit will drive away the much needed iodine, that’s
what makes you sick, and that’s the leading cause to
hypogonadism and low testosterone. It’s a cold hard fact.
Fortunately you don’t have to stand for this any longer
because now you know better.
So here’s what you need to do if you really wan’t to take control
of your own hormones and health:
Stop consuming those 3 toxic halides. Switch to fluoride free
toothpaste, drink spring water, eat organic foods, and stop
swimming in chlorinated pools.
Then once you’ve gotten rid of the sources for your problem,
start your supplementation with very strong liquid iodine which
will flush out that excess fluoride, bromine and chlorine from
your body so
you can finally replace it with iodine that your body has been
yearning for all these years.
And trust me, once you get that iodine back into your system
then you will know it. You don’t need to ask for any clues of
if it’s working, as you will see them yourself.
Frankly if you’re not buying the above then that’s not my
problem anymore. after all it’s your own body and I’m here just
trying to help you out.
If you decide to flush out that shit from your body then that’s
great, I suggest that you start from strong nascent iodine.
— Chapter 28 —
Diet plays an enormous role in natural testosterone production.
The most misunderstood, but vitally important, molecule in your
diet is cholesterol. This chapter will set the record straight: what
is it, why should you care, how can you optimize your
cholesterol intake, etc.
First off, if you were one of the millions of people duped into
believing that a low cholesterol diet was healthy - I’m sorry. By
lowering, or even eliminating dietary cholesterol, you were
robbing your body of optimal physical, psychological, and
cognitive functioning.
Cholesterol plays a role in countless processes in your body,
from acting as a precursor to steroid and stress hormones, to
insulating neurons, building cell membranes, producing bile, and
metabolizing fat soluble vitamins.
Given its crucial importance, cholesterol is highly regulated by
the liver via a feedback mechanism that ensures our body gets
the amount it needs. This amount is typically around 1000-1400
mg/day, which means if you consume the US’ dietary
recommended amount of 300 mg/day, you leave your body to
pull upon other resources to synthesize the remaining 700-1100
mg it needs every day.
Eat more eggs.
And if you consume an excess of dietary cholesterol one day,
your liver continues to regulate the production process by
slowing endogenous production to offset the dietary increase.
So what’s the deal with everybody blaming cholesterol for
causing atherosclerosis?
The fol lowing passage by Mark Sisson on his blog
MarksDailyApple.com summarizes the situation perfectly - so
perfectly that I cannot try to put it better myself:
“Heart disease took off in the early part of the twentieth
century, and doctors frantically searched for the cause
throughout the next several decades. Tests in the fifties initially
showed an association between early death by heart disease
and fat deposits and lesions along artery walls. Because
cholesterol was found to be present in those deposits (of course
it would!) and because researchers had previously associated
familial hypercholesterolaemia (hereditary high blood
cholesterol) with heart disease, they concluded that cholesterol
must be the culprit.
In fact, what happens is that in response to an inflammatory
situation, the body uses cholesterol as a “band-aid” to
temporarily cover any lesions in the arterial wall. In the event
the inflammation is resolved, the band-aid goes away and
repair takes place.
No harm, no foul. Unfortunately, in most cases, the
inflammation proceeds, the cholesterol plaque is eventually
acted on by macrophages and is oxidized to a point at which it
takes up more space in the artery, slows arterial flow and
eventually can break loose to form a clot.
And all this time the cholesterol was just trying to be the good
guy. Blaming cholesterol for all this is like blaming a cut finger
on all the band-aids you have lying around your house.”
So what’s the real cause of heart disease?
Inflammation that exacerbates LDL infiltration of the endothelium.
LDL cholesterol has been shown to rise in direct correlation with
an increase in sugar-induced inflammation. It is then oxidized by
the free-radicals in the inflammatory milieu. Trans fats can also
play a role in this oxidation.
How do we combat free-radicals? A diet high in antioxidants.
This is grossly oversimplified, but for our purposes it’s what you
need to know.
Cholesterol is not bad at all - in fact, it is VITAL for life. Is dietary
cholesterol the same as endogenous cholesterol? No. But the
former does affect the latter, and a diet rich in dietary
cholesterol from sources such as meat and eggs is going to
nourish your body and brain in a way that a low cholesterol,
grain & sugar rich diet will not.
Cholesterol is potentially the most complicated topic that we’ll
be discussing in this program. With that in mind, I want to keep
it as simple and to-the-point as possible for maximum actionable
Cholesterol, among the many other things mentioned above, acts
as a precursor to testosterone. In short, it is converted to
progesterone, then testosterone. What you need to know is this:
a diet rich in
cholesterol and low in inflammatory agents will promote
testosterone production, especially when combined with
resistance training. The best type of resistance training to
undertake is discussed in the “training” section of this program,
but according to studies, almost any type of resistance training
protocol will work, you’ll just see a varying degree of
effectiveness along the spectrum of program design.
Examples of foods that you should consume as the best possible
sources of dietary cholesterol are outlined further in this
nutrition section, but in a nutshell you want to focus on meats,
eggs, and high quality dairy while also supplementing with
fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants to combat
any free radical damage caused by inflammation.
It’s a damn simple approach. And it works.
If you want more detail, read on as we discuss the role
carbohydrates and intermittent fasting play in this nutrition
— Chapter 29 —
The macronutrient profile of the food you consume plays a
major role in determining your hormonal balance.
And the best macro profile is probably not what you’ve been led
to think.
Before we dive into further explanation, let’s cover the basics
first. What is a macronutrient? Macronutrients are the three
large “macro” groups of nutrients (ie. substances needed for
growth, metabolism, and other body processes) and are split
into: fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, in terms of classification.
Each of the major macronutrients play a role in supporting the
endocrine system and overall healthy functioning of the body.
So it should come as no surprise when we see research findings
that illustrate potentially detrimental effects of eliminating an
entire macronutrient group from an individual’s diet.
Since this program is focused on testosterone, examining the
research shows us:
Low carbohydrate diets are detrimental for testosterone
Low fat diets are detrimental for testosterone optimization
High protein diets are detrimental for testosterone
Much of the body of research on the subject of testosterone
optimization and macronutrient composition of meals also
focuses on adding the element of resistance training, so we can
rest assured that a lot of the findings are pretty relevant to our
goals and not just isolated, sterile results.
The Role of Carbohydrates
Your body’s natural hormone levels are affected by the
availability of certain macronutrients. When it comes to
carbohydrates, a low blood glucose concentration stimulates a
compensatory response from hormones like epinephrine,
glucagon, and cortisol - known in this context as “fuel mobilizing
For example, one study found drastically higher levels of these
hormones in subjects after consuming a low carbohydrate diet
(11% CHO) compared to subject consuming a high carbohydrate
diet (77% CHO).
Low carbohydrate (CHO) diets tend to have direct effect on the
testosterone:cortisol ratio in humans.
Especially when undergoing athletic or fitness training
(resistance or endurance), the body needs adequate
carbohydrate to support glycogen synthesis and maintain blood
glucose levels without putting extra stress on the body in the
form of chronically elevated epinephrine and cortisol levels. This
cortisol secretion occurs in an effort to maintain blood glucose
through muscle proteolysis and
amino acid oxidation, and has been found to increase similarly in
response to a high protein diet as well due to neglecting
adequate carbohydrate consumption on that regimen, which we
will discuss further momentarily.
SHBG and cortisol binding protein levels are shown to decrease
with moderate to high levels of carbohydrate consumption.
In one study that measured the effects of CHO consumption on
the free testosterone:cortisol ratio over repeated days of training
(as opposed to most studies which only look at acute bouts of
training), the researchers found that the ratio substantially
decreased in the low carbohydrate group, while the control
group saw no drop or rise.
This is pretty telling for a couple reasons…
Remember, the fact that the ratio in high carbohydrate
control subjects did not change in response to 3 consecutive
days of hard training is important. This means that while overall
acute levels of the hormones in the blood may fluctuate over
time, their proportion to one another did not change, and that
appears to be a direct result of the amount of carbohydrate in
their diet (in this case 60%).
The low carbohydrate group was consuming 30% of their
daily calories from CHO. In ‘low carb’ circles this would still be
considered very high carb, yet even 30% saw a drastic decrease
in the fTC ratio. This is telling. Imagine what a similar bout of
training would do to an individual on a 10-15% carbohydrate
diet (rough estimate of around 100g per day, the classic cut-off
for being “low carb”).
In the low carbohydrate test group, resting levels (tested
three days post-training) found an additional 36.1% decrease in
free testosterone and 14.8% increase in cortisol, indicating that
not only do the effects of the training stimulus negatively impact
individual immediately following training, but they seem to
accentuate over time, even in the absence of the stimulus, due to
an inability of the diet to support the training and the increased
effort of “fuel mobilizing hormones” to compensate.
So adequate carbohydrate consumption is necessary to support
training, and in supporting training it is also supporting a
healthy hormonal profile by preventing the chronic rise in
cortisol, glucagon, and epinephrine.
However, processing this information on carbohydrates in
isolation doesn’t do us any good either. We need to be sure and
view it in the context of a complete macronutrient profile,
including fats and proteins in the mix.
Only then can we make an educated hypothesis about what the
optimal “testosterone-supporting” macronutrient profile should
It’s trendy right now to omit from certain macro nutrients. Some
years ago it was the low-fat craze, and not a big surprise, people
got sicker than ever because of it. The mass media always needs
something to demonize, and currently carbohydrates are
considered to be the “root of all evil”.
You may have read the “10 Ways to Boost Testosterone” and such
lists from other websites, which often claim that you should
avoid carbs to boost testosterone, but that just goes completely
against the current scientific evidence.
To be honest, carbs are not bad, carbohydrates are pretty fucking
important for testosterone optimization if you ask me.
Let’s take a closer look:
People often claim that low-carb diets are superior to anything
else, simply because they would be better for losing weight.
Fortunately the above is a load of bullshit, because weight loss is
all about energy balance. If you consume more calories than you
burn, you gain weight. If you consume less calories than you
burn, you lose weight.
There’s a mounting pile of scientific evidence to prove this fact,
(360) and anyone who tells you that you could bend this law of
physics by tricking around with macro nutrients, is a nutcracker.
Heck, Professor Mark Kraub lost 27 pounds (361) by eating only
Twinkies, little Debbie snacks, Oreos, sugary cereals, and Doritos
chips. Why? Because he simply ate less calories than what his
body used.
You simply cannot escape the law of thermodynamics with fad
The only time when you could actually benefit from low-carb
diets, is if you have some serious issues with insulin-resistance,
or leptin- resistance, or if you’re prepping up for a bodybuilding
show. If you don’t, then there’s really no need to omit from
Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the meaty
part of this chapter… the studies.
…Here’s why carbohydrates are essentially important for
testosterone production:
In this study, (362) the researchers divided their
subjects into 2 groups. The other group ate a high-carb
low-protein diet, whereas the other group ate a high-protein
low-carb diet. Fat
intake and calories were identical. Ten days into the study,
the results showed that the high-carb group had significantly
higher free testosterone levels (+36%), lower SHBG levels,
and lower cortisol levels when compared to the high-protein
low-carb group.
In this study, (363) the researchers found out that in
exercising men, the stress hormone cortisol increases rapidly
when they’re put on low-carb diets. Needless to say that this
is pretty bad thing for testosterone production. (364)
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is
the hormone that basically starts the whole cascade of events
that eventually leads to testosterone synthesis, adjusts its
pulsation rate according to the glucose levels of the body.
When there’s high amount of glucose present, the
hypothalamus inside our brains releases more GnRH, and
thus your body synthesizes more testosterone. And when
there’s low amounts of glucose present in the body, the brain
releases less GnRH, which slows down testosterone synthesis
As glucose is mainly generated from carbohydrates, it’s quite
obvious that low-carb diets also mean lowered blood,
muscle, and brain glucose levels, leading to slower release of
GnRH, and therefore also lower testosterone.
In this study, (366) the researchers had 2 groups of
men who performed three consecutive days of intensive
training, the only thing different between these groups was
the carbohydrate consumption. The other group ate 60% of
their daily calories from carbs, whereas the other group ate
only 30% (note that this isn’t even low-carb anymore). The
final post-study measurements which were taken in the third
day, showed that the group which
got the lower amount of carbs, had significantly lower free
testosterone levels, and higher cortisol levels (this is one of
the reasons why I recommend more carbs on training days).
Similar results were observed in this study too. (367)
See? That’s why we don’t recommend low-carb diets.
But are all carbs created equal? Should you just
slam your face with spaghetti, sugar, and
hamburger buns?
Answer: There’s differences between carbs, and when it comes
to boosting testosterone, I usually divide them into 2 groups.
1. Starchy tubers and veggies: potatoes, yam, pumpkins,
beets, carrots, turnips, squash, etc.
2. Grains: wheat, rice, cereals, pasta, corn, bread, etc.
If your goal is to eat the testosterone boosting carbs, you should
eat most of your carbs from the group 1, and less from the group
Here’s why:
Most grains contain a lot of gluten, and gluten is
known for its prolactin increasing effects (368, 369).
Prolactin on the other hand is known for reducing
testosterone levels. (370)
Grains (at least the refined kind) are known for
causing systemic inflammation in the body, (371) and
inflammation promotes cortisol, which reduces testosterone.
It doesn’t kill you or wipe away your testosterone tank if you
have bread or pasta once in a while, but eating mostly from the
group 1 is
a good staple to follow if you want to increase your natural
testosterone production.
Personally I like to eat a lot of potatoes, I consider them to be the
god-tier when it comes to carbs, and if I have some grains, I try
to have some that contains no gluten and preferably has some
androgenic effects (read: sorghum).
Carbohydrates are essential for testosterone, and they’re not
unhealthy at all. Just stop believing the mass media craze, they’ll
always need some food group to demonize, and currently it’s
Be aware of this especially if you exercise a lot.
— Chapter 30 —
In the aforementioned study at the beginning of the
carbohydrate chapter, researchers who examined two subject
groups, one on a high carbohydrate diet and one on a high
protein diet, with total calories and fat intake the same, found
that the high CHO group had considerably lower cortisol levels,
higher testosterone, lower SHBG levels, and lower cortisol
binding protein levels, than the high protein group.
With fat intake and calorie levels being equal in both groups, this
demonstrates not only the necessity of adequate carbohydrate
intake to support testosterone, but also the potentially
detrimental effects of neglecting one macronutrient group in
pursuit of consuming an abnormally high amount of another.
Protein, especially in fitness-minded individuals, is almost
always this macronutrient.
With the protein obsession prevalent in the fitness community
today, it’s entirely possible that the main reason many men, who
are otherwise fit and appear healthy, still suffer from symptoms
of low testosterone and chronic stress is that the constant
pursuit of more protein in their diet (usually out of fear of
muscle catabolism) is actually inadvertently sabotaging their
endocrine health.
This is because the increase in protein consumption will always
accompany a decrease in consumption of both fats and
macronutrients for endocrine support.
As we’ll see when we look at the research on fat intake and
testosterone levels, dietary protein is possibly the least
important macronutrient in terms of testosterone support.
Therefore, it should be consumed at the absolute minimum level
required for muscle support in training, and the remainder of
the diet should consist of carbohydrate and fat - if testosterone
optimization is your goal.
Luckily, at the end of this chapter, I propose a novel way to
consume all of the adequate macronutrient levels while still
maintaining a high training load and a lean, muscular body, as
well as facilitating fat loss.
Protein is by far the least demonized macronutrient at the
moment, and it’s considered to be the holy grail of nutrition. It’s
not uncommon to see gym rats and bodybuilding websites
recommending to cut down on fat and carb intake, just for the
sake of getting in more of the god given protein.
Protein might be the most important nutrient for maintaining
lean mass, but for testosterone production? It’s the least
That’s right, more protein is not cool for your balls, no matter
what the bodybuilding sites (the guys who try to sell you their
powders) say.
Here’s why:
How Dietary Protein Impacts Testosterone
I have personally never enjoyed high protein diets. Many guys
swear by them, but they’re often the guys who sell the powders
too (and they’re usually on hormone replacement therapy,
SARMS, or anabolic steroids).
For these 6 or so years that I’ve been hitting the gym, I have been
mostly focusing on fats, carbohydrates, and total caloric intake.
Surely I do eat protein, but I eat a lot less than the bodybuilding
sites recommend for a guy of my size. To give you a hint of
numbers, I eat probably around half of that.
Yet I have never had any problems building muscle, EVEN
when I didn’t have freakishly high testosterone levels.
The reasoning behind me not eating a high protein diet is simple.
I want to maintain high testosterone levels naturally, and high
protein diets are detrimental for T production. The more protein
you eat, the more you have to cut out from your carbohydrates
and fats, and the more you cut from those two, the lower your
testosterone production will be.
And that’s because fats and carbs are superior to protein when it
comes to natural testosterone optimization.
This is obvious when you take a look at the research:
• In this study, (373) the researchers divided their subjects
into 2 groups. The other group ate a high-carb low-protein
whereas the other group ate a high-protein low-carb diet. Fat
intake and calories were identical. Ten days into the study,
the results showed that the high protein group had
significantly lower free testosterone levels (-36%), higher
SHBG levels, and higher cortisol levels.
• In this study (374) which had 1552 men as test subjects
(aged 40-70), Longcope et al. found out that when men eat
low amounts of protein, their levels of sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG) increase. This occurrence is believed to lead
to reductions in free testosterone levels (SHBG is a protein
which binds to free testosterone molecules in blood, making
them ‘unavailable’ for direct use of the body). So at least in
older men, low-protein intake might be a bad idea. What is
low-protein according to these researchers though? Much
lower than the amount recommended below in this article.
• In this study, (375) the researchers found out that diets high
in protein, lower testosterone levels in men who practice
strength training.
• In this Finnish study, (376) Hulmi et al. found out that
consuming a drink with 25 grams protein (whey and casein)
right before a strength training workout, significantly
lowered testosterone and growth hormone levels in human
So as you can see, protein truly is the least important
macronutrient when it comes to boosting testosterone.
I wouldn’t say that it’s necessarily a bad nutrient or anything like
that, but eating a high protein diet leaves room for less carbs and
fat, which are superior when optimizing natural T production.
The source of protein also seems to be important. For
testosterone optimization, animal sources are superior to plant
sources, (377) especially if your goal is to build muscle.
If you’re actively lifting weights, I would recommend that about
25-30% of your daily calories come from animal proteins. This is
easily enough for muscle building purposes (if, for some weird
reason, you would still want to consume more protein than that,
it would be best to consume more protein in your workout days,
and less in your rest days, in a way that your total weekly protein
intake would still be about 25-30% of your calories).
What about protein powders like whey and casein?
Answer: I honestly wouldn’t even recommend protein powders.
The way I see it, it’s just that the companies which sell them are
making some big time bank of off people who believe that they
need to have that protein drink after a lifting session, if they
don’t, the whole workout was useless.
Just get your protein from fatty cuts of meat, and if you
absolutely can’t meet your daily goal from animal sources, then
maybe take a sip of casein before bed, or whey after a workout.
— Chapter 31 —
Dietary Fat
Three main dietary factors influence resting testosterone levels:
• Monounsaturated fat intake (MUFA)
• Polyunsaturated:Saturated fat ratio (PUFA:SFA)
• And protein:carbohydrate ratio
Since we’ve already discussed the protein:carbohydrate ratio,
let’s take a look at the fats, namely the impact of MUFAs, PUFAs,
and SFA.
Research focused on the overall percentage of fat intake in the
macronutrient profile has found lower fat diets to correlate with
a decrease in testosterone levels. For example, in groups of test
subjects, those on a 20% fat diet had significantly lower
testosterone levels than those on a 40% fat diet, over the course
of the study.
Studies in vegetarians, who are known to consume less SFA and
have a higher PUFA:SFA ratio, also find similar results.
While the importance of overall dietary fat intake has been
widely studied in terms of testosterone production, the
breakdown of individual types of fats has become a potentially
more important burgeoning sub-field, and one that can shed
additional light on the specific breakdown of types of fats
necessary in the diet.
One major study analyzing specific lipid profiles and their
impact on testosterone in men (before, during, and after a
resistance training protocol) found that the amount of MUFA
intake and the PUFA:SFA ratio were reliable indicators of resting
T concentration, along with overall dietary fat intake levels.
Several other studies have reinforced their findings.
Researchers found a significant negative correlation between the
PUFA:SFA and T levels, meaning higher amounts of
polyunsaturated fats in the diet relative to saturated fats had a
negative impact on testosterone levels.
PUFAs include sources from both omega-3 and omega-6s (it’s
favorable to have a higher ratio of omega-3:6), including
processed oils like soybean, corn, and safflower oil, walnuts,
canola oil, flaxseeds, and fish.
The best sources of saturated fats are fresh animal products,
such as meats, butters, and cheeses, which also happen to be rich
in dietary cholesterol as well as monounsaturated fats, both
favorable for testosterone production.
Researchers found that MUFA intake was positively correlated
with testosterone levels as well. Most nuts and even fruits such
as avocados and olives are outstanding sources of
monounsaturated fats that will support testosterone production.
We can see from the research on fats, carbohydrates, and protein
that the macronutrient profile of your diet plays an incredibly
important role in mediating your testosterone production. Aside
from training, diet manipulation is one of the simplest, and
fast-acting manipulations you can take to increase your
testosterone levels naturally.
Most people, seeing that the overall trend of the research places
a heavy emphasis on consuming more fats and carbohydrates,
and putting less focus on protein consumption in order to
support an optimal endocrine balance may be somewhat
dismayed or confused.
According the popular paradigm, fat + carbohydrate intake
= body fat accumulation.
However, this is simply not true, and also depends highly on the
type of fats consumed and the type of carbohydrates consumed.
PUFAs + processed sugar, for example in a donut or piece of
birthday cake, will obviously encourage fat gain if consumed
regularly and in hypercaloric quantities. But that’s because it is
shitty food, devoid of nutrients and high in calories. These types
of foods, when consumed over time, encourage appetitive
behaviors and have even been shown to have addictive qualities,
similar to illicit drug- taking.
Carbohydrates and saturated and monounsaturated fats
consumed via real, whole food sources, rich in micronutrients
and vitamins and minerals, will nourish the endocrine system,
especially when consumed together (ie. not neglecting one
macronutrient group in pursuit of another).
On the surface, however, this type of diet may appear as though
it does not necessarily encourage “getting ripped” - a state that
most men would like to achieve. This assumption is partly
correct, especially considering the fact that reaching abnormally
low body fat levels typically requires considerable caloric
restriction which decreases testosterone levels, and testosterone
levels are also known to drop off in men below a certain level of
body fat (see the chapter on body fat).
The first thing you must understand is that when proposing an
ideal macronutrient breakdown for a testosterone- supporting
diet, such as 30% protein, 35% carbohydrate, 35% fat, or 20%
protein, 40% carbohydrate, 40% fat, that this does not
necessarily have to be consumed daily.
You can spread this intake out over an entire week, and cycle the
intake of certain macronutrients to better support training and
rest cycles.
For example, I specifically began consuming high proportions of
carbohydrate and moderate protein on my training days, with fat
coming in small, trace amounts, which fully supported my
training and endocrine balance, from both the carbohydrate and
protein standpoints.
Then, on my rest days, I would consume very low amounts of
carbohydrates (under 50g) and get my nutrition from mostly
high quality fats and proteins from animal meats and products.
Over the course of the week the entire macronutrient
breakdown still averaged out to moderate levels of fat and
carbohydrate intake and enough protein to support my muscles
in training. Intermittent fasting on this protocol enhances the
experience (see chapter on intermittent fasting).
Plus, this type of macronutrient cycling protocol encourages fat
loss, in some cases drastically (if calories and food source quality
are controlled).
It also supported much of my own fat loss back into the single
digit range after reaching healthy male body fat levels of 12-14%
mostly just through keeping a moderate amount of fats and
carbohydrates in the diet and training correctly multiple times
per week.
Some years ago, dietary fat was considered to be the utmost evil
thing that you could ever put near your body, but luckily things
have gotten slowly better and new research is constantly
proving how important it is to eat enough dietary fat each and
every day.
This is a good thing, especially for men, as dietary fat intake is
one of the most crucial factors to take under consideration when
optimizing natural testosterone production.
So let’s dive into the fats-testosterone research:
Dietary Fats-Testosterone Benefits
There are two crucial factors to look for when focusing on
dietary fat intake to optimize T.
1. The actual amount of dietary fat you eat is important.
This should be pretty high, but there’s an upper limit
from where things start going to the opposite direction.
2. The ratio between different types of fatty acids plays a
crucial role. Not all of them are equally as effective, and
one of the groups actually decreases testosterone.
I’m assuming that most of you already know the difference
between fats, but for the sake of simplicity, these are the three
types of fat you need to know, like we mentioned earlier, along
with some examples:
Polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFAs) – omega
fatty-acids (3,6,7,9), sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil,
safflower oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, margarine, light
spreads, etc.
Monounsaturated fatty-acids (MUFAs) – olive oil,
almond oil, avocado oil, hazelnut oil, macadamia nut oil,
peanut butter, etc.
Saturated fatty-acids (SFAs) – red meat, butter, coconut
oil, palm oil, dark chocolate, egg yolks, cheese, whole
milk, etc.
Here’s what science
monounsaturated, and
tells us about polyunsaturated,
saturated fats and testosterone
In this study, (378) the researchers tested several
nutritional factors to see how they correlate with pre-exercise
testosterone levels in healthy men.
What they saw was that the diets high in saturated fat and the
diets high in monounsaturated fat, significantly increased
testosterone levels. Whereas the diets high in protein, or the
diets high in polyunsaturated fats, both reduced testosterone
levels in a pretty much dose dependent manner.
The researchers also saw that the higher the dietary fat intake,
the higher the testosterone (diet containing mixed fats).
The data of the study above is consistent with the results
that are seen in vegan/vegetarian studies. Vegetarians eat lower
amounts of dietary fat, and their PUFA/SFA ratio is higher than
what is seen in most omnivores. That’s more than likely the main
reason why vegans/vegetarians have noticeably lower
testosterone levels than meat eaters do (379, 380, 381, 382,
Several studies have also shown that when diets lower in
total fat intake (~20%), are compared to diets higher in total fat
intake (~40%). The higher fat intake groups always have more
testosterone, and less SHBG in their blood serum (384, 385,
In this study (387) two elite ice hockey teams were put
on different diets for a period of 7 months. The other team
received a diet containing 40% fat and 45% carbs, whereas the
other team ate a
diet with 30% fat and 55% carbs (protein intake was identical).
Both during and after the study, the researchers saw that the
higher fat intake group had higher free testosterone levels, along
with lower sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels.
At this point it becomes quite obvious that you need to eat
plenty of fat to increase testosterone levels, and that the types of
fat you need to focus on are the saturated fats and
monounsaturated fats. Whereas the consumption of
polyunsaturated fats should be kept low.
Eating 35-40% of your daily calories from mostly SFAs and
MUFAs would be my recommendation for optimal testosterone
production. No more than that because you have to leave some
room for carbohydrates and protein too. Also, avoid trans-fat like
it would be the plague.
“But what the heck? I’ve heard that saturated fat
causes heart conditions?!”
Answer: Don’t fret over such nonsense. Recent research has
(388) multiple times that the correlation between dietary fat
intake and cardiovascular disease risk is pretty much
non-existent. Saturated fat and testosterone production go hand
in hand. Brett from the Art of Manliness actually has a post here,
(389) which shows how he ate a high-fat diet that doubled his
testosterone levels, while his blood profile stayed optimal the
whole time.
Conclusion on the Fats-Testosterone Benefits
It is well known that eating a diet high in healthy fats increase
testosterone levels. In fact it’s one of the easiest ways to do so.
Research has also shown that the higher intake of saturated fats
and monounsaturated fats leads to higher testosterone levels,
whereas a higher intake of polyunsaturated fats leads to lower
— Chapter 32 —
For past decade all we’ve heard trumpeted through the fitness
industry when it comes to male nutrition is to stop eating soy.
It’s true: soy is composed of two potent isoflavone
phytoestrogens, diadzen and genistein.
Should you go chomping down edamame and soy
burgers? Hell no. Here’s why.
First, an estimated 25-35% of Westerners do not have the
bacteria required to properly metabolize the phytoestrogen
diadzen. In a 10-week study on diadzen metabolism, metabolic
measurements varied 1000-fold between test subjects. And this
was 38 people.
In a handful of people, variation was 1000-fold. Just imagine the
metabolic variation in a population of individuals the size of the
United States.
Secondly, soy protein is an inferior protein when compared to
animal-derived proteins. Soy proteins have been shown to
metabolize quickly in the gut before reaching muscle tissue, with
a significant proportion of amino acid oxidation occurring in the
Animal proteins have been shown to be superior for
encouraging testosterone synthesis when compared to
plant-based proteins.
Third, soy interferes with proper thyroid functioning. Genistein
antagonizes thyroid peroxidase, the enzyme responsible for
thyroid hormone production. Soy contains goitrogens, which
interfere with iodine metabolism as well. Your thyroid cannot
function properly without sufficient iodine.
And oh yeah, it’s also one of the most heavily genetically
modified foods on the planet.
Soy is not worth your time or money, and it’s definitely not
worth your health.
The risks that come with consuming unfermented soy products
far outweigh any potential benefits.
Note: there is a fundamental difference between fermented and
unfermented soy products. Asian populations have been
consuming fermented soy products for centuries, and these
foods (such as natto, miso, and tempeh) are apparently benign at
the very least. The fermentation process, coupled with healthier
growing practices in Asian countries, mitigate much of the risk
associated with the otherwise deleterious compounds in soy
A massive campaign has been raging across the Western world
over the last few decades, pushing GMO unfermented soy
products on the general population under the guise of ‘health.’
The cold truth that this is a money-making machine, and not a
health movement, shouldn’t surprise anybody reading this
95% of the soy produced in the United States is genetically
modified, with production owned and regulated by Monsanto,
the creators of the insecticide RoundUp and the
genetically-modified soy plant with the RoundUp-resistant gene.
The massive body of independent research on GMO soy
implicates it in brain damage, breast cancer, thyroid disorders,
infant abnormalities, infertility, kidney stones, immune
dysfunction, and food allergies.
Unfortunately, due to the multi-billion dollar advertising push in
the last decade, most Americans still believe it to be a ‘health
While many men purposefully avoid it because of the
aforementioned buzz about its estrogenic qualities, its effects
are especially deleterious on women, with soy milk consumption
accounting for a potent effect on thyroid dysfunction and
In rat populations, GMO soy has been linked to infertility in
future generations (third generation), demonstrating that the
epigenetic effects of soy on the animal’s body can be passed
down through the bloodline.
Many informed health professionals have been calling for
complete ban on GMO soy in the Western world, however they’re
fighting an iron giant with deep pockets.
The debate about men eating soy and its hormonal effects has
been going on for years, and there are 2 groups in particular who
fuel the debate year after year…
1. The group that often contains a lot of vegans and
vegetarians, who claim that soy is in fact, a really healthy
superfood, and that there’s no science backing up its
testosterone lowering effects.
2. The group that usually contains a lot of bodybuilders and
gym rats, who claim that soy is the equivalent of eating
birth control pills and that it has very powerful
testosterone lowering effects in the human body.
But which group is right? Or could it be that both of them are
wrong? Let’s find out:
Eating Soy and Male Testosterone Levels
There is really a need for debate like this, because soy is one of
the most consumed foods in the world. It’s literally hidden in
almost everything that we stick into our mouths.
Just start reading the labels of foods at your house, and you’ll
soon see that almost everything has soy in it. The marinade in
your meats often contains soy. See that word “vegetable oil?”,
that’s more than likely processed soybean oil.
It’s so funny how blind we are to the fact that we’re eating a
shitload of soy everyday, without actually eating soy. It’s just
hidden in everything.
Back in 1999 more than 7% of all dietary fats in America, came
from soybeans. Over a quarter of all American baby-formulas are
made with soy as the base ingredient. And school lunch
programs across
the country are even adding soy to hamburger patties. That’s
just crazy.
Why is soy put into everything then?
1. About 93% of the soy in the U.S is now officially GMO’d
(390)(genetically modified). This means that soy is
extremely cheap. And cheap is what most of the food
manufacturers like.
2. SOYJOY® is one of the leading sponsors of AND
(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), which is an agency
that pretty much dictates how the Americans should eat.
recommendations state that men should eat at least two
servings of soy per day…
Well what about the claim of soy reducing male
testosterone levels? What is the basis for that?
Answer: Soy contains these compounds called isoflavones
(genistein, daidzein and glycitein) which act as phytoestrogens
(plant estrogens) in the human body. They’re structurally similar
to the principal female hormone, estrogen, and are believed to
have similar effects in the body.
As high estrogen level in men are almost always a direct route to
low testosterone levels, eating soy – which contains estrogenic
compounds – is often blamed for lowering testosterone.
But is that really what happens in the human
body? Let’s see what science says:
Dr. Kenneth D.R. Setchell from Colorado State University,
discovered this small molecule called equol from humans back in
1982. Since then he has been researching the molecule. He has
already proven that the compound is formed in the gut when we
eat isoflavones, and that men who eat a lot of soy have high
amounts of equol present in their blood stream. (391) Back in
2004, Dr. Setchell found out that equol is a strong anti-androgen,
which can almost completely shut down the activity of
dihydrotestosterone (392) (the most potent androgen).
This study (393) followed one 19 year old man who
started consuming hefty amounts of soy in his diet. Suddenly the
guy lost all interest to sex and suffered from erectile dysfunction.
His blood DHEA, testosterone, and DHT levels also plummeted
significantly. 1 year after stopping the soy consumption, his
erectile health and hormonal profile was fully regained
In this human study, (394) from 99 infertile men, the men
that ate the most soy had the lowest sperm count.
In this study, (395) soy protein increased the number of
epithelial cells in the breast tissue by 29% (this is a sign of
overblown estrogen).
These three animal studies [396, 397, 398] found out that
the isoflavones in soy can cause breast cancer (another sign of
overblown estrogen).
In this study (399) the researchers found out that male
infant rats who received soybean feed when they were still in
womb, had problems in sexual organ development. This study
(400) also found out similar effects.
In this study, (401) soy protein decreased testosterone
and DHT levels in healthy young men.
NOTE: There are few studies which show no major
differences in testosterone levels after soy consumption.
However they’re quite often sponsored by SOYJOY® or other
large soy producers. Meaning that the results are of no use
and often completely biased.
Another thing to note is that dihydrotestosterone is made
when an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase converts
testosterone into DHT, and as soy lowers DHT, there is
actually less testosterone being converted too. Meaning that
the reduction in DHT can mask the testosterone lowering
— Chapter 33 —
Avoid These T-Lowering Foods
Just like there are many foodstuffs which can increase
testosterone levels, there are also many foods that lower
testosterone in men.
In this chapter, we’re looking at 7 possible foods and/or food
groups that can have a negative effect on your androgen levels.
Without further ramblings, let’s check out the seven dietary
foods that lower testosterone:
1. Flaxseed Products
Flaxseed products are incredibly popular at the moment, and
this is due to their high omega-3 fatty-acid content, which in
itself, can be ruled as a positive benefit of flax consumption.
However, when it comes to flaxseed products, I believe that the
negative effects outweigh the benefits, especially if you’re a guy.
You see, flax products are incredibly dense in compounds called
“lignans”. In fact, flaxseeds are known of having dietary lignan
levels 800-fold over that of most other foods. (402)
Why would this be a problem?
Well, not only are the lignans highly estrogenic, (403) there’s
some evidence suggesting that they reduce total and free
testosterone levels, while also suppressing the enzyme 5-a
reductase (404) which converts testosterone into i t s more
potent form of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Lignans work by
increasing the levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin),
which binds into free- testosterone molecules and renders them
“inactive” for the direct use of the androgen receptors.
The studies on the subject point heavily towards the conclusion
that flaxseed products and androgens are not exactly a match
made in heaven.
Firstly, there’s a case-study of this 31-year old woman (405) who
had high testosterone levels which caused her to develop a
condition called hirsutism (excessive facial hair growth). In an
effort to control the hirsutism and drive down her high T-levels,
the researchers told her to eat 30g/day of flaxseeds for 4
months. The results? Serum total testosterone dropped by a
whopping 70%, and free-testosterone went down by a
staggering 89%.
Well, you’re probably not a woman with hirsutism, so how
flaxseed consumption affect men’s hormone levels?
Turns out there’s a study where the same dose (30g/day) was
given to 40 male subjects for a month. (406) The decrease in
total testosterone was not nearly as significant as in the
case-study above (only a mere
~10% decrease), but still, it’s evidence pointing towards the fact
that flaxseeds can have a T-suppressing effect, even at such low
dosages (2 tablespoons/day).
The same researchers had done a study with similar design (25
male subjects, 30g/day flaxseeds) 7 years earlier. (407) In that
study, the average total testosterone levels dropped by ~15%,
whereas free testosterone went down by ~20%. The difference
in this previous study was that the subjects were told not to
consume more than 20% of daily calories from dietary fat.
Few older in-vitro/animal studies have also shown that the
lignans in flaxseed can increase SHBG count, thus resulting in
lower bio- availability of testosterone for the receptors (408,
So unless you’re a woman who battles with hirsutism, flaxseed is
a food that lowers testosterone and I wouldn’t recommend
eating too much of it.
2. Licorice
I’m not sure how popular licorice is in the US, but here in
Finland, and in many surrounding European countries, it’s
regularly used in tobacco, teas, sweets, and chewing gums.
Even though it tastes amazing, and some alt-medicine “guru’s”
claim that it would actually be super-healthy, the evidence points
to one big problem.
The main compound in licorice – glycyrrhizic acid – which gives
licorice root its phenomenal taste, has negative side effects and
makes licorice a food that decreases testosterone.
And this reduction in testosterone (although easily reversible) is
not insignificantly small either.
The negative effects of glycyrrhizic acid on T-production were
first seen in this test-tube study, (410) where the researchers
found out that a very modest dose of glycyrrhetinic acid
(hydrogenated version of glycyrrhizic acid), was able to
significantly block testosterone production in isolated rat leydig
cells, through inhibiting the activity of 17β-HSD enzyme, which is
needed as a catalyst in testosterone production.
11 years later, glycyrrhizic acid was tested on human subjects. In
a study (411) where seven healthy male subjects were given
7g/day of licorice through a commercially available candy
tablets (containing 0,5 grams of glycyrrhizic acid). Four days into
the study and the subjects total testosterone levels had
decreased from 740 ng/dL to 484 ng/dL.
In other words, their testosterone levels were almost half of
what they were before popping the licorice pills.
Good news are that 4 days after discontinuation of the
licorice-habit, their testosterone levels had returned back to
3. High-PUFA Vegetable Oils
The majority of the cooking oils used all around the world in this
20th century, are refined vegetable oils, aka. liquid oils extracted
from plant sources, which are then processed in various ways.
To begin with, most of the vegetable oils are incredibly shitty
choices for cooking, due to their low smoke point, and the often
used refining process (bleaching, deodorizing, degumming, etc)
which strips them of micronutrients and can leave traces of
Even if not used for cooking, but just as is, high-PUFA
(polyunsaturated fatty-acid) vegetable oils are a disaster for
your testosterone production.
There’s a well-done study from 1997, (412) which clearly
demonstrates in human male subjects, how:
increased total fat intake boosts testosterone levels
increased intake of saturated fatty-acids (SFA) boost
testosterone levels
increased intake of monounsaturated fatty-acids boosts
testosterone levels
and increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFA)
reduces testosterone levels
Nearly all vegetable oils are LOADED with PUFAs (with the
exceptions of coconut oil, palm oil, avocado oil, and olive oil).
What can make a high-PUFA vegetable oil worse, is if the
polyunsaturated fatty-acids are mainly comprised of the dreaded
omega-6 fatty-acids.
This is because the human body operates best if we keep the
omega-3 (ω3) to omega-6 (ω6) ratio somewhere close to 1:1 or
1:2, which is near of that of the paleolithic human (the average
American now has this ratio at 1:16, which is sixteen times more
of the omega-6).
When the ratio of ω3:ω6 shifts more and more towards higher
amounts of omega-6, the systemic inflammation and oxidative
stress of the body keep on creeping higher and higher, this in
turn DRAMATICALLY increasing your risk of multiple chronic
diseases prevalent in Western societies. (413)
It’s very much likely that one of the end-results of high omega-6
intake would also be lowered testosterone production, and even
though I didn’t find any studies about the subject, I did stumble
upon a study (414) which shows that when the ω6 content of
sperm is high (and conversely ω3 is low), men are likely to be
infertile. Whereas, when the ratio is more in favor of the
omega-3’s, the subjects are more likely to be fertile and have
high-quality sperm.
Bottom line: Dietary fat intake should be moderate-high for
optimal testosterone production, and the amount of saturated
fatty-acids (SFA), and monounsaturated fatty-acids (MUFA)
should be prioritized. High-PUFA vegetable oils on the other
hand, are a food that decreases testosterone levels and
production. High-PUFA high- ω6 vegetable oils are a fucking
4. Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint
Many of the herbs from the “mentha”, or “mint” -family, including
spearmint, peppermint, and various other hybrids, are
somewhat known of having testosterone reducing effects.
For the sake of clarity, let’s focus on the two most common
plants of the mint family; peppermint (Mentha spicata) and
spearmint (Mentha piperita).
Both are heavily used for culinary and food manufacturing
purposes, though they can also be found in many soaps,
shampoos, cough- relievers, lip-balms, and in toothpaste. Most
herbal teas also tend to contain plants or plant extracts from the
mint family…
And even though mint-products tend to taste and smell pretty
great, their effect on testosterone levels may not be that
Much of the research about peppermint and spearmint on male
testosterone levels comes from studies using male wistar rats as
test subjects.
In a study conducted 11 years ago, (415) 48 rats were divided
into 4 groups:
Group one received commercial drinking water (control).
Group two received 20g/L peppermint tea.
Group three got 20g/L spearmint tea.
Group four got 40g/L spearmint tea.
When compared to the control group, the peppermint tea at
20g/L reduced total testosterone levels by 23%, whereas the
spearmint tea at 20g/L reduced total T by a whopping 51%. If
you translate this into human dosages, 20g/L is the equivalent of
steeping a cup of tea from 5 grams of tea leaves.
A study from 2008, (416) showed that spearmint suppressed
testosterone production and acted as anti-androgen in male rats.
The researchers theorized that spearmint works by inducing
oxidative stress in hypothalamus resulting in down-regulation of
T synthesis in testicles.
Another rodent study conducted in 2014, (417) found out that at
10-40mg/kg spearmint showed no significant toxic effects on
the reproductive system, but still, a trend towards lowered
testosterone levels was noted.
What about human studies?
Unfortunately, there aren’t any trials done on human males.
BUT… Spearmint has been shown to significantly reduce
testosterone levels in women.
Much like in the case of flaxseeds (see number #1 above),
spearmint has been studied on women with high androgen
levels, and whom battle with the main cause of that; hirsutism
(excessive facial hair growth).
In this study, (418) the researchers gave 21 women subjects a
cup of spearmint tea, 2 times a day, for 5 consecutive days.
Surprisingly, total testosterone levels didn’t change much, but
the bio-available free-testosterone levels did drop by ~30% on
average. This study was replicated with 42 subjects in 2009,
(419) only the duration of the trial was changed to 30 days. The
results showed that free and total testosterone levels were
significantly reduced over the 30 day period in the women who
drank spearmint tea.
Are you a woman battling with hirsutism or a male wistarian
rat? Probably not, so this isn’t direct proof that similar effects
would be seen in human males. However, the studies above are
still quite heavy evidence towards the fact that the herbs from
the mint family and mint foods reduce testosterone levels in
5. Alcohol
Drinking alcohol of any kind has a significant trend of lowering
testosterone levels. However, as it often is the case with alcohol,
the dosage makes the poison.
In rodent studies, it’s often shown that alcohol has a
dose-dependent testosterone suppressing effect (420, 421, 422,
423). One alarming study shows that when the rats are fed a diet
where 5% of the calories come from alcohol, testicle size is
reduced by 50%. (428)
In humans, heavy alcohol consumption is strongly correlated
with lowered testosterone levels (424, 425, 426, 427), and
chronic alcoholics tend to have much higher estrogen levels and
much lower testosterone levels when compared to their
non-alcoholic peers (429, 430, 431, 432).
It might come as a relief to some that lower amounts of alcohol
are really not that bad for T production. Actually, In this study,
(433) 0,5g/kg of alcohol slightly increased testosterone levels,
whereas an intake equivalent to ~2 glasses of red wine has been
shown to only reduce T levels by a mere 7%. (434)
The most surprising results come from this Finnish study, (435)
where it was noted that 1g/kg of alcohol (equivalent to ½ glass
of vodka) taken immediately after a resistance training session,
increased testosterone levels by ~100%! It’s uncertain why this
happens, but the study at-hand is an excellent example of the
fact that Finnish people tend to drink too much.
Alcohol tends to lower testosterone levels, but the dose really
makes the poison, and few drinks are not going to turn you into
an eunuch.
NOTE: More about alcohol and why it lowers testosterone can
be found in this post. (436)
6. Soy Products
There are many controversial topics around soy consumption,
one of them which is the beans effect on testosterone levels.
Because of the high amount of phyto-estrogenic isoflavones
(genistein, daidzein, glycitein) present in soybeans, it’s often
claimed that soy would elicit similar effects in the body as the
principal female sex hormone; estrogen. In-vitro research has
shown (437) that although having a significantly lower affinity
for the receptors than that of estrogen itself, isoflavones can still
activate the estrogen receptors (438) and downregulate the
androgen receptors. (439)
Aside from isoflavones, soy is considered to be highly
(440) meaning that it can disrupt the production of thyroid
hormones by interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland.
Suppressed activity of the thyroid is considered to be one of the
leading causes of low testosterone levels in men. (441)
The third possible “hormonal problem” with soy consumption is
an anti-androgenic compound called equol, (442) which forms in
the gut when the gut bacteria metabolizes the isoflavone;
According to research, (443) this only happens in 30-50% of
men, due to the fact that not everyone has the “right” intestinal
bacteria to create equol.
It’s also worth mentioning that soybeans have – from a
testosterone boosting point of view – quite shitty fatty-acid
ratios. out of the 20 grams of fat that can found in 100 grams of
regular soybeans, more than 50% comes from the testosterone
lowering PUFAs. Not to mention the fact that most of the PUFAs
consist of the inflammatory omega-6 fatty-acids.
So at least on paper, soy seems to be a hormonal disaster,
but what does the research say?
a) On multiple human and animal studies, it has been shown
that high intake of soy (even if it’s coming through a lowisoflavone soy protein extract) can suppress both;
testosterone and DHT (444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449,
b) Surprisingly enough, many studies also show that
increased soy consumption does not correlate with
lowered testosterone levels (451, 452, 453, 454).
Bottom line: Even though the research is relatively inconclusive,
I see no point in consuming high amounts of soy products (that
is, at least if you’re a carnivore). There are many theoretical
reasons for soy being a food that lowers testosterone levels, and
the possible negative effects greatly outweigh the positive
effects. In fact, the only positive effect of soy consumption seems
to be the fact that it’s quite high in protein, and since being a
plant, vegans/vegetarians could cover their dietary protein
needs by eating a lot of soy products (though it’s worth
mentioning that according to this study, (455) animal protein is
superior to plant protein when it comes to testosterone
7. Trans-Fats
Trans-fats are a common byproduct of a process called
“hydrogenation”. In a nutshell, this is what happens:
Raw oils (usually soybean, cottonseed, safflower, corn, or
canola) are hardened by passing hydrogen atoms through the oil
in high pressure with the presence of nickel (which acts as an
alkaline catalyst for the process).
As an end result, some of the unsaturated molecules in the raw
oils become fully saturated (and therefore also solid at room
temperature). However, due to the demonization of saturated fat
in mass-media, the hydrogenation process is often continued
only to the point where the required texture is reached.
Now, the hydrogenation process flips some of the molecular
“carbon- carbon” bonds into “trans” bonds, effectively creating
trans-fatty acids. And when the hydrogenation process is
completed only to the point where the optimal texture is reached
(but not full hydrogenation), high amounts of trans-fatty-acids
will remain in the end product.
So, if you’re wondering what foods are high in trans-fats, the
most common ones would be the kind that includes the use of
“hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” vegetable oils:
industrial vegetable oil shortenings for baking and
margarine and vegetable oil spreads
fast-foods, especially: Burger King, McDonald’s, and KFC
potato chips (not all, but some)
muffins and doughnuts
cookies, cakes, cake mixes, and frostings
NOTE: There are many of the products above that are labeled
“trans-fat free”, but this doesn’t automatically mean that they
don’t include the stuff, since the FDA allows them to contain
up to 0,5 grams of trans-fatty acids while still being “trans-fat
It’s also worth mentioning that during the summer, FDA
announced a complete ban on all man-made partially
hydrogenated fats from American foods by 2018. (456)
But why are trans-fats bad for your health and testosterone
Firstly: Trans-fats promote systemic inflammation in the body,
(457) and a recently published large review study (458)
concluded that each 2% increase in calories from trans-fats was
associated with 23% increase in cardiovascular disease risk.
Secondly: trans-fats are high in testosterone lowering PUFAs.
They lower the amount of “good” HDL cholesterol (459) (a
crucial building block in testosterone synthesis). And a high
intake of trans- fatty-acids is associated with lowered sperm
counts and testosterone levels in male rodents (460) and
humans (461, 462, 463).
— Chapter 34 —
Erectile Dysfunction
I remember having ED issues (as a teenager, nonetheless) when I
had problems with low T. This was well before I had ever done
any research on testosterone – let alone was even aware of how
important it was in men.
The ED was humiliating and emasculating.
When I finally figured out my issue with the tumor, and went on
to use this protocol to naturally increase my T up to 1200 ng/dL,
my ED also completely disappeared. That was many years ago
and I have now learned how to cure erectile dysfunction fast
doing a handful of simple things. I’m confident I’ll never have ED
issues again.
We’re going to flesh out that handful of things in this chapter on
how to cure erectile dysfunction permanently. I’m going to go
out on a limb here and guess that you are here for two reasons:
1. You are having problems with erectile dysfunction.
First let’s go a little bit into what erectile dysfunction is. Erectile
Dysfunction is when a man has a continuous problem getting an
erection sufficient enough to penetrate in sexual intercourse.
(464) NOW if you have erectile dysfunction, most men have been
in a situation where they have had a hard time “getting it up.”
This can be for a bunch of different reasons.
If you are here because you have had this problem once or twice,
you can’t assume that you have erectile dysfunction.
If this is a regular thing for you and you have not been able to
achieve satisfactory sexual performance due to lack of an
erection for multiple occasions over some time, then you are in
the right place. You are experiencing symptoms of erectile
dysfunction, NOT just symptoms of drunkenness or lack of
2. You want to learn how to cure erectile dysfunction naturally.
Learning how to cure erectile dysfunction “naturally” means not
taking any pharmaceuticals that are advertised in commercials
along with a couple holding hands in a bath tub on the beach.
We’re talking about Viagra, Cialis, Levitra…
Random fact about Viagra: Viagra has saved the lives of many
tigers. Asian poachers harvest tiger bones and sell them for use
in medicines. One function of tiger bones in medicine is curing
erectile dysfunction. Since Viagra was invented, tigers have been
less used for this issue. (465)
Let’s take a look at what we’re going to discuss in this
chapter on how to cure erectile dysfunction:
• Naturally Optimize Your Testosterone
• Train For Erections (Yes, there’s a way…)
• Eat for Erections
• Stay on the Same Sleep Schedule
• Quit Smoking
• Be Smart About Your Alcohol Consumption
• Check Your Medications
Try Some Acupuncture
Ingest These Potent Natural Remedies
Drink These Two Juices – Pomegranate & Watermelon
1. Raise Your Testosterone
This is VITAL to increasing your sex drive. You may be thinking,
“My sex drive is strong, I just can’t fulfill the wishes caused by
my sex drive.” Although normal testosterone levels are not
required to maintain a normal erection, if testosterone levels dip
low enough, they could be the cause of your erectile dysfunction.
You will notice as you read on in this article, that many of the
natural cures for erectile dysfunction are also ways to raise your
testosterone levels naturally.
2. Exercise for Erections
Exercise gets the blood flow moving, which is clearly important
for getting blood into your nether regions. (466)
Exercise is a good way to prevent the onset of erectile
dysfunction, but can also reverse the effects after you are
experiencing the symptoms. Exercise is an amazing natural cure
for ED. It is advised to walk – not run – to get the blood flow
moving. Running lowers your testosterone levels and can raise
cortisol levels and stress on your body. The last thing you need
when you are experiencing the struggles of ED is MORE stress.
Weight training (using the THOR Protocol) is a good way to get
the blood flow moving while also raising your testosterone levels
Also, moving your pelvic regions around your penis is a great
way to increase continence. (467) According to this study, doing
kegel exercises can help with erectile dysfunction.
3. Eat for Erections
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is important in
reversing the effects of your erectile dysfunction. A diet rich in
micronutrients, the right macronutrients, and using most of the
foods on this grocery list can help with the symptoms. (466)
Both exercise and diet have been proven important for
preventing erectile dysfunction because studies show that a man
with a 42-inch waist is 50 percent more likely to have erectile
dysfunction than a man with a 32-inch waist. (467)
4. Stay on the Same Sleep Schedule
In a study published by Brainresearch in 2011, results showed
that men who do not have a consistent sleep schedule have
problems maintaining normal or high testosterone levels. (466)
The results also showed that hormonal depletion is a cause of
sexual dysfunction.
If you do not have a bed time, then you need to get one. Go to
sleep and wake up at the same time on a consistent basis.
The amount of quality sleep you get is important as well. Not
sure whether or not you are getting enough sleep?
A good way to know is to simply stop using an alarm. Do a week
or two of testing where you can find the amount of sleep you
need so that you can wake up without an alarm every morning.
This is when you know you got enough sleep in the night.
If you are still tired after your normal waking time, do not go
back to sleep. Make up for the lost sleeping time by taking short
under 30 minute naps in the day. This is the best kind of sleep
you can get in order to maintain solid testosterone levels.
5.Quit Smoking
Erectile dysfunction can be a result of vascular disease. The
process occurs when the blood that is supposed to go to the
penis is restricted due to narrowing arteries. (466)
Not only smoking tobacco, but also smokeless tobacco, can
narrow the arteries and restrict the blood vessels necessary to
get an erection.
If you smoke, this is possibly the cause of your erectile
dysfunction. If the dysfunction is bothering you, consider
quitting the habit to get your erections back.
6. Stop Drinking So Much
Everyone who has heard the term “Whiskey Dick” knows that
alcohol can cause temporary sexual dysfunction. But alcohol is a
powerful depressant and high exposure to alcohol can result in
full blown erectile dysfunction. (466)
To add to the concerns, alcohol does a great job at lowering
testosterone levels. So maybe cut back on the drinks if you feel
this may be the cause of your erectile dysfunction.
7. Check Your Medications
Erectile dysfunction can be a common side effect of certain
Medications that have been known to cause erectile dysfunction
are medications for high blood pressure, antidepressants,
diuretics, beta- blockers, heart medications, cholesterol
corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and medications for male pattern
baldness. (466)
Look up your specific medication or ask your doctor if your
erectile dysfunction could be a result of the medication you are
8. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a possible natural cure for erectile dysfunction.
According to this study, acupuncture can improve the quality of
your erection and it cured erectile dysfunction in 39% of its
participants. (467)
So go get poked with some needles if you’re having troubles
poking with your needle.
9. Ingest These Natural Remedies
There are plenty of non-pharmaceutical natural remedies you
can ingest in order to cure erectile dysfunction. (468)
Like previously stated, you should avoid using synthetic
pharmaceutical drugs to cure your ED. While that route may lead
to results in the short term, you will never address the
underlying health deficiencies causing your erectile dysfunction.
What’s worse is that these synthetic drugs like sildenafil citrate
(generic name for Viagra) have a host of negative side effects
Urinary tract infection
Painful erections (lasting for several hours)
Lowering of blood pressure to unsafe levels (if taken with
other blood-related drugs)
Luckily, there are natural alternatives for improving ED that have
been proven to be scientifically effective through peer-reviewed
research and trials. Even better, these safe, natural alternatives
side effects of their
medically-prescribed counterparts.
Here are a few of them:
Horse Chestnut Extract (also known as Aesculus
hippocastanum) – actively works to improve venous
circulation which in turn results in better blood flow to
the penis.
Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) – has a plethora of
science backing up its effects as a blood flow enhancer.
It works to increase natural levels of nitrogen oxide and
induce cardioprotective effects that help to improve
erectile dysfunction.
Vitamin C – increases nitric oxide production in the
body, and that it also protects the molecules. In fact,
there is evidence showing that the combination of Garlic
and Vitamin C can reduce diastolic and systolic blood
pressure and increase nitric oxide output up to 200%!
The BEST way to effectively improve ED forever is through
fixing deficiencies causing the problem.
The only way to get the benefits that these herbal alternatives
have to offer is by using a supplement with SCIENTIFICALLY
PROVEN Ingredients at the scientifically effective dosages (like
the dosages in Redwood by Truth Nutraceuticals).
Ginseng is known as “Herbal Viagra” and has been used to
improve sexual function in men. It can also be used to help with
premature ejaculation.
Taking high doses of L-Arginine has been known to widen the
blood vessels in the penis which can stimulate the blood flow
and cure erectile dysfunction.
Yohimbe taken from the bark of an African tree has been known
to cure erectile dysfunction. BEWARE the side effects of yohimbe
are more risky than previously mentioned remedies. This should
not be used without doctor’s supervision.
Vitamin C & Garlic Extract are incredible together as a natural
erectile dysfunction remedy, mainly because they boost N.O.
production by over 200% when combined as they work
10.Drink These Juices – Pomegranate, Watermelon
There are two juices that you can drink to help with erectile
dysfunction: Watermelon and Pomegranate. A component of
watermelon called citrulline, when eaten in high amounts, can
increase blood flow to the penis. (466) Although no proof exists
that pomegranate juice helps with erectile dysfunction, results of
a 2007 study testing the relationship were promising.
Researchers are confident that larger-scale studies will prove its
legitimacy in aiding men in getting over their erectile
dysfunction. (469)
Not only are these juices easy and good-tasting, natural
treatments for erectile dysfunction, they also have alternative
health benefits. I would recommend that anybody drink these
juices regardless.
— Chapter 35 —
Sexual function and sexual desire are two different, independent
things. However, they are both influenced by your testosterone
levels. Let’s break them down.
It may seem like common sense as to why you, as a man, would
want to maintain both healthy sexual function and healthy
sexual desire far into your old age.
However, most men confuse one for the other, and oftentimes
find themselves neglecting to take care of their health in these
Sexual Function
Sexual function refers to your ability to execute the biological
act of sexual intercourse. Can you get and maintain an erection?
Is it soft, or rock hard? Do you ejaculate optimally, as opposed to
prematurely These are all important questions.
Sexual dysfunction occurs when biologically, your sexual ability
has been compromised. Low testosterone is one of the main
culprits in male sexual dysfunction. Do you have a problem with
physical arousal? Do you have problems ejaculating? Do you
experience pain during intercourse?
These are all signs of sexual dysfunction, characterized by one or
more problems occurring at any time during the sexual response
The sexual response cycle traditionally includes:
• Excitement
• Plateau
• Orgasm
• Resolution
Desire and biological arousal both play important roles in the
excitement phase of the sexual response cycle.
Sexual dysfunction is historically most common in men ages
40-60 years old, but with the recent widespread decline in
testosterone levels - as much as 20% lower across entire
populations according to some sources, compared to just 20
years ago - we are starting to see a disturbing trend even in men
in their 20’s and 30’s, when most men are considered in the
prime of their sexual health.
You may be one of these men.
If you are, worry no more. The fact that you’re reading this
guidebook is a big step in the right direction.
What Causes Sexual Dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction can be caused by myriad things, but almost
all of them boil down to a common source... the endocrine
Whether it’s psychological stress from work or performance
anxiety, causing a spike in circulating cortisol which will
naturally suppress testosterone production, or alcohol and drug
abuse, high levels of body fat, or depression, all of the common
causes of sexual dysfunction can be resolved merely by
optimizing your endocrine functioning via proper nutrition,
training, and lifestyle.
And that should be quite comforting. Because the fix is rather
Sexual Desire
Sexual desire is a motivational state... an innate drive. An
appetite. It is commonly referred to as libido, sexual drive, and
On one level, it is the main element of an individual’s sexual
personality. For our purposes, it is a motivational state caused by
both internal and external factors, one of which is your
testosterone level.
The biological component of sexual desire is commonly referred
to as ‘drive’ and has neurophysiological underpinnings.
Individuals with acute or chronic illnesses tend to have far lower
sex drive than their healthy age-matched counterparts. This
makes sense, as the body allocates attention from less important
processes like appetitive sexual behavior toward more
important processes such as survival.
However, chronically elevated stress hormones, even when
undetectable to most, can have a profound impact on a man’s sex
drive, especially if they’re elevated for prolonged periods of
time... months and years.
Stress hormones (glucocorticoids) act as an androgen
suppressant so as your chronic stress levels creep upward, your
testosterone production will naturally decline.
While desire and function are inherently different processes,
they are intricately intertwined. And testosterone heavily
influences the overall system.
Is More Sex Better?
1. More sex is indeed better for testosterone production.
2. However, more testosterone is NOT correlated with
increased sexual desire or activity, with the exception of
in men with abnormally low amounts.
3. The testosterone threshold is between 300-400 ng/dL,
beyond which little to no increase in sexual desire or
activity is noted.
4. There is a lot of individual variance in terms of the
threshold’s exact value.
Steroid Hormones and Behavior
The relationship between steroid hormones and behavior is
complicated. Endogenous hormone levels influence behavior,
while behavior also influences hormone levels. So which comes
first? And which exerts the most influence?
The answer: there is no right answer; it all depends on
individual variance.
A quick story: a man works on an island. The man leaves the
island to travel to the mainland, and while there he visits his
girlfriend. The man has sex with his girlfriend, then returns to
the island.
His beard grows thicker and faster than before. As he
periodically returns to the mainland to visit his girlfriend, he
begins to notice that his beard is growing more rapidly
immediately prior to, and during, the visits.
This is a true story, and part of a publication that, in 1970,
sparked a flurry of new investigation into the exploration of the
relationship between testosterone and sexual behavior. It would
appear as though both the anticipation of sex and the act of
intercourse itself were increasing his androgen levels (evidenced
by the enhanced secondary characteristic beard growth).
Testosterone can in fact rise due to psychological stimulation,
such as that from sexual anticipation. It has also been found to
positively correlate with orgasm frequency: in free testosterone,
serum testosterone, and DHT.
So it would appear as though more sex is indeed better.
However, there are some caveats to consider. First, if the
psychological guilt associated with the act of sex is high enough,
the body’s stress response will negate any potential benefits, or
at least have a negative impact on them.
Also, saying that more sex is better for increasing your
testosterone is not the same as saying that more testosterone is
better for having more sex.
The Testosterone Threshold
A threshold exists, beyond which an increase in testosterone
levels has been shown to have a negligible effect on increasing
sexual desire, arousal, and performance.
This level appears to be between 300-400 ng/dL in men and
should be taken as the baseline level of testosterone that men
need in order to operate with “normal” sexual drive (provided
their free testosterone is not compromised).
Beyond this point, even in men with three times the amount of T,
researchers see insignificant differences, or inconsistent enough
differences, in terms of sexual activity traits to warrant the need
for any additional T when it comes to sexual activity.
However, this is not to say that more testosterone is not
beneficial for other things in a man’s life such as support of his
secondary characteristics like hair growth, vocal tone, muscle
development, and well-being. But it is an interesting, and
hopefully encouraging piece of information to note.
Most men reading this, even with low testosterone in the 200’s,
should be able to restore baseline sexual functioning naturally
by merely increasing their T into the 300-400 ng/dL range.
And my recommendation, obviously, is to do this without gels or
medications. Testosterone production is based on feedback
loops so with a small natural increase from behavioral,
nutritional, and training changes you should be able to first
restore baseline functioning, then positively reinforce that
production so it increases steadily in time.
Another important thing to note is this: an increase in
testosterone, even at or beyond the threshold required for
baseline sexual activity, does not correlate with an increase in
sexual activity. And that’s because testosterone levels have
nothing to do with a man’s ability to hold a healthy relationship
with a partner.
That involves psychosocial skills, empathy, and a million other
things, obviously all of which vary greatly from one individual to
the next.
So yeah, just because you’re a raging T-gorilla* doesn’t mean
you’ll be able to close the deal. Sorry.
So all in all, androgens are only beneficial in terms of sexual
activity and desire for men who currently have abnormally low
T. But increasing your T is good for most guys, even beyond sex.
*There are inconsistent findings between testosterone levels and
1. The brain is able to distinguish between interpersonal touch
and intrapersonal touch quite well via mechanoreceptors in
the skin
2. Hormonal response to interpersonal touch, along with the
psychological elements involved and the increased capacity
to regulate stress hormone reactivity would seem to indicate
that sexual intercourse with a partner is indeed superior to
masturbation for testosterone production
3. Prolactin secretion is orgasm dependent in the sexual
response cycle, and acts directly back on dopaminergic
neurons in the brain to regulate sexual satiety
Excess prolactin contributes to testosterone deficiency and
erectile dysfunction, and is chiefly caused by pituitary
tumors and a handful of common medications (if you’re on
meds, check this out)
4. Erotic film viewing linked with masturbation has been
shown to increase circulating cortisol, possibly for
psychological reasons, and is therefore potentially
detrimental for short-term testosterone production at the
neural level (and for long-term if performed chronically)
5. However, orgasm frequency, whether due to intercourse or
masturbation is found to increase circulating levels of free
testosterone, serum testosterone, and DHT
Author’s Interpretation: Sexual intercourse is better than
masturbation for enhancing testosterone production. However,
there is a lot of individual variance that can occur from
psychosocial variables.
For example, if the guilt associated with intercourse or
masturbation is high enough, the subsequent stress response will
negate any potential physiological benefits.
Sexual Response Cycle
When considering sexual intercourse and masturbation, we can’t
focus merely on the physical act, and in doing so limit our scope
to the genitals and ejaculation and/or orgasm; we need to
understand the sexual response cycle in terms of the cerebral,
spinal, and peripheral aspects, getting the full view.
Then, in that context we are able to understand the fundamental
differences between having sex with a partner and masturbating
alone, and subsequently posit testosterone’s role as well as how
it is affected.
The concept of sexual arousal implicates far more than just
genital arousal. The “arousal cycle” involves a chain of events,
both psychologically and physiologically: information
processing, general arousal, incentive motivation, genital
response, then coital (intercourse) or autoerotic (masturbation)
action, followed (hopefully) by orgasm (and including all
neuroendocrine events and cascades associated with these
This process appears to be motivated by dopaminergic
activation (dopamine being the neurotransmitter commonly
associated with reward-motivation behavior) and proposed to
be regulated by the prolactinergic system (prolactin being a
peptide hormone associated with a huge number of things, one
of them being feedback regulation on dopaminergic neurons
post-orgasm, which implies a primary role in a possible negative
feedback sexual-satiation mechanism).
This prolactinergic feedback occurs in response to ALL forms of
orgasm, regardless of whether it is coital or autoerotic. However,
the same response does not seem to occur in men who
masturbate without orgasm. With those things in mind, it
wouldn’t seem to matter whether or not prolactin feedback is an
important distinguishing factor or a “lead” in this testosterone
investigation, right?
Wrong. Kind of.
Hyperprolactinemia is associated with two things (in men):
impaired sexual desire (makes sense, seeing as we just learned
about the negative feedback system, though it is only one small
piece to the puzzle), and testosterone deficiency.
Is this a chicken-egg issue? If so, how does excessive prolactin
production inhibit testosterone production? This is where it gets
complicated: should we assume that the PRL is inhibiting T
production and not that excessive PRL is a by-product of less
testosterone production in the first place?
Let’s take a look.
testosterone) by interfering with the secretion of gonadotropin
releasing hormone (GnRH). Luckily, most forms of
hyperprolactinemia are rare, and usually involve a
prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor.
However, for the general population of men reading this
program, you need to be aware of a handful of drugs (that you
may be taking) that can induce hyperprolactinemia, and
therefore inhibit testosterone production and cause sexual
and/or erectile dysfunction.
Some common medications are:
• Dopamine antagonists (antidepressants, anti-emetics)
• Amphetamines
• Estrogens
• Methyldopa and levodopa (L-DOPA)
• Opiates; morphine
• Metoclopramide
• Prochlorperazine, Chlorpromazine
(antipsychotic drugs)
Medically, hyperprolactinemia is managed with dopamine
agonists, like bromocriptine.
Remember, after orgasm prolactin generally acts upon the
brain’s dopaminergic neurons. If we administer a dopamine
agonist (opposite to an antagonist) then it will have a positive
effect on the normally negative-feedback cycle, which is
especially helpful with an excess of PRL.
Long story short, if you suffer from ED, low libido, gynecomastia
(man boobs), and also have some intermittent vision
impairment and/or unexplained headaches, go to your doctor
and get your prolactin levels screened.
Anything further on prolactin is beyond the scope of this book.
Just know that addressing an issue with it (if you have one) will
increase your testosterone levels back to normal.
Anyways, let’s let a handful of questions guide us in this chapter
with regards to masturbation:
1. What effect does autoerotic film viewing have (in real
time) on steroid hormones (and is it any different than
the coital sexual response)?
2. What effect does physical (non-autoerotic) touch have on
stress and/or steroid hormones?
3. Before we get to those questions, however, I must make
one important point: the body of research with regards to
sexual activity and arousal relative to steroid hormones,
pituitary hormones, and psychology is inconclusive, at
4. This is due to the incomprehensibly complex interplay
between all the variables involved, including but not
limited to testing paradigms and study design, circadian
rhythms in subjects, sleep, diet, and subjectability.
Autoerotic Film Viewing (Porn)
We begin an investigation into masturbation with the usual
culprit - porn. This, in my mind, is a logical place to begin
because of the pervasively of porn as a sexual arousal, and
subsequently masturbation-encouraging, stimulus.
A group of scientists from the University of New England in
Australia were curious about whether autoerotic film viewing
could induce similar blood hormone concentrations as
masturbation and sexual intercourse. They found a significant
rise in blood pressure in test subjects while viewing the
pornography, compared with the control group, but little else
other than slightly increased transient prolactin levels
throughout the viewing. Cortisol and adrenaline were
unaffected, while noradrenaline levels increased slightly.
None of the test subjects reached orgasm, and prolactin levels
were therefore nowhere close to other studies that showed
similar prolactin increase post-orgasm between masturbation
and intercourse.
This reinforces the idea that the prolactin increase is entirely
orgasm- dependent, regardless of stimulus, and that autoerotic
film alone does little other than stimulate routine sexual arousal.
In terms of hormonal effects, it has little negative impact on
stress hormones.
However, autoerotic film linked with masturbatory orgasm
specifically was found to significantly increase plasma cortisol
levels following orgasm, which is likely a by- product of the
normal experience of psychological guilt that stems from this
sequence of activity.
Following sexual intercourse with a partner, plasma cortisol is
Plasma testosterone levels have also been found to be
unchanged following masturbation, even with a rise in FSH
during the orgasm phase, while plasma T levels have been found
to be either unaffected or increased leading up to and following
sexual intercourse (see how inconclusive this all is?)
In summary, masturbation-induced orgasm has been found to
have little effect on GH, T, B-endorphin, and LH levels with only
slight variance in FSH and prolactin levels during/post-orgasm
and a transient increase in noradrenaline levels throughout.
In terms of testosterone and visual erotic stimuli, it’s been found
to either increase or be unchanged - but not negatively affected
with viewing. Use that knowledge as you will.
The Science of Interpersonal Touch
The skin is the oldest and largest of human sensory organs.
Therefore, it would make sense that we examine the relationship
between interpersonal touch and steroid hormones so we can
extrapolate those findings into a logical conclusion with regards
to advantages or disadvantages to one form of orgasm-induction
over another.
The big question we need to answer is, “Is there any clear
advantage with relation to the element of interpersonal touch
during intercourse over the solitary action of masturbation in
terms of steroid hormones?”
The brain distinguishes between interpersonal and
intrapersonal touch, and elicits separate hormonal responses
The importance of touch in romantic relationships is almost
unanimously agreed upon. So much so, in fact, that some
researchers even go so far as to assert that love and
interpersonal touch are indivisible.
This would lead us to believe that touch plays a rather large role
in eliciting an oxytocin (OT) response in both genders, which is a
major player in the sexual arousal cycle. In animal studies,
centrally administered OT induced erection, an effect that was
apparently testosterone dependent. And OT-blockers stopped all
noncontact erections.
Direct sexual contact from a partner has been found to induce
the highest OT response.
Researchers also believe that the apparent ability of dopamine
agonists to enhance sexual response is due to dopamine’s
relationship with oxytocin in this respect.
Also, in studies done on stress responsiveness, subjects who
were exposed to massage from their partner (who they were
either married to or had been cohabiting with for at least 12
months prior to testing) demonstrated significantly less cortisol
responsiveness to the controlled laboratory stressor than the
other groups.
In males, lower cortisol generally correlates with healthy
testosterone levels.
Sexual intercourse is favorable over masturbation in terms of
both testosterone production and stress hormone regulation.
And not just for reasons discussed so far.
Another important consideration is the psychological assertion
of dominance in a situation, which has been shown to increase
male testosterone considerably, and is something that cannot be
achieved in masturbation.
Even if masturbation and intercourse with a partner were
comparable in terms of hormonal responsiveness, I’d still argue
that the psychological act of sex itself for the male is more likely
to elicit its own hormonal response, dependent on performance.
For example, if the male experiences anxiety during intercourse
(an unlikely scenario during masturbation) and subsequently
underperforms during sex, his testosterone is likely to be lower
than if he were to just masturbate. However, if the male performs
well (to his own judgement) and subsequently feels dominant
and like intercourse was a successful endeavor, then his
testosterone levels post- intercourse are likely to be
considerably higher.
Sex and Testosterone Levels
Luckily, there’s plenty of research about sex and how the act of
lovemaking affects testosterone levels.
And why wouldn’t there be? Testosterone is the principal male
sex- hormone.
Researchers are not exactly sure why sex boosts the big T
production, but they suspect that it has to do with dopamine,
pheromones, feelings of domination and power, and even
Here’s some studies that I managed to find:
a) In this study (470) the researchers took saliva samples of
testosterone from their 44 subject males before they
entered a sex club, and then waited outside for them to
return to take another sample. They found out that the
men who had sex inside with a woman, experienced 72%
increase in testosterone, whereas the men who only
watched the act, noticed a 11% increase in the hormone.
b) In this 1992 study, (471) the researchers examined four
couples and their sexual activity. They found out that on
the nights when the couples had sex, both the male the
female subjects had significantly higher testosterone
levels than on the nights when there was no sexual
c) The scientists in this study, (472) found out that older
men who have more sex, also have more testosterone in
their serum.
d) In this animal study, (473) researchers found out that
even the anticipation of sex increases testosterone levels
quite significantly, most likely due to the elevations in the
motivation/pleasure hormone, dopamine.
e) This study (474) found out that the lack of sexual activity
(caused by erectile dysfunction in most subjects),
lowered testosterone levels a lot. The researchers
conclude that this happens through a central effect on the
hypothalamic- pituitary axis.
f) Not only does sex increase testosterone, but higher
testosterone levels will also make you want to have more
sex (475, 476). So this clearly creates a positive feedback
loop where the sex stimulates testosterone production
and that testosterone then makes you want to have more
So clearly, testosterone and sex are deeply tied together. More
= more testosterone, whereas more testosterone = more sex.
But this seems to be the case only when you’re with a real person.
One of the more frequently asked questions I get is around the
topic of ejaculation and testosterone. Does masturbation and/or
ejaculation lower testosterone levels? Honestly, that’s a valid
question surrounding the topic of ejaculation and testosterone,
since the internet is loaded on opinions about the topic.
Obviously, it makes a lot of sense that ejaculation, masturbation,
and having sex could all lower T levels, since 95% of the good
stuff is made in the ballsack, and during an ejaculation you’re
basically dumping the contents away, but even if something
“makes sense”, doesn’t always mean it’s correct.
The topic of refraining from ejaculations itself has been talked
about for years, and many athletes are known for their habit of
abstaining from sex before big events, such as: Mike Tyson, who
abstained because he felt like having sex before fights made him
a “weaker boxer”. Or another boxing legend – Muhammad Ali –
who wouldn’t have sex for 6 weeks before his big fights.
Athletes aren’t the only ones who avoid ejaculations for a
“greater cause”. Many highly successful men of the past have also
abstained in order to use the sexual energy as a fuel for other
things, these guys include: Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas
Jefferson, George Washington, Oscar Wilde, William
Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, and many more.
But does any of the above have to do with testosterone? Or is it
just a mental thing? And do ejaculations even lower testosterone
levels in the first place?
Ejaculation and Testosterone
It’s almost taboo to even talk about this very topic, and it’s funny
to see how some men get all angry when they don’t like what
they see.
With that in mind, I’m going to just go through some of the
actual scientific research about masturbation, sex, ejaculations,
and testosterone – in animal and human subjects – leaving all
opinions aside…
…If something below doesn’t justify your porn addictions, or if it
just makes you get all hot and bothered, please leave the site and
never come back I’m not here to instruct you how often to have
sex or masturbate, this post is just here to show you the real
evidence behind busting a nut and testosterone levels.
So, here’s some of the research:
a) It’s known that short-term abstinence of 3 weeks can
slightly increases testosterone levels in healthy human
subjects, (477) and one interesting study shows a
significant 145% spike in T at the 7th day of abstinence
(478) (probably an evolutionary trigger to reproduce).
However, long-term abstinence of 3 months has been
shown to significantly reduce testosterone levels (479)
(note that this is only researched in men with erectile
dysfunction, so the low T can be caused by something
completely different).
b) In multiple human and animal studies, it has been noted
that ejaculation does not acutely change serum
testosterone levels, busting the common myth that
ejaculation would rapidly deplete the body from
testosterone (480, 481, 482, 483).
c) Even though ejaculations seemingly have no significant
effects on serum testosterone levels, they can (at least
according to rodent studies) alter the body’s ability to
utilize testosterone. It has been seen that after multiple
ejaculations a sharp decline in androgen receptors takes
place inside the hypothalamus, (484) and not only that,
but a sharp increase in estrogen receptors follows as well.
(485) One rodent study
(486) also found out that 1 or 2 ejaculations in short span
of time increased androgen receptor activity in the body,
4 or more ejaculations caused a significant drop in the
activity of AR, suggesting that ejaculating yourself to
“sexual exhaustion” might lower your body’s ability to
utilize androgens.
d) While masturbation induced ejaculations don’t seem to
have that big of an effect on serum testosterone levels,
sex with a real person does. For example: In a study of 44
men visiting a sex club, (487) it was noted that the men
who actually had sex in the club with a woman, noted a
nice 72% average increase in their testosterone levels,
while the men who only watched the act, got a boost of
11%. In another study, (488) it was seen that on couples,
testosterone levels increase on the nights that they have
sexual intercourse, but not on the nights that they don’t.
One study also saw that older men who have more sex,
have higher T levels. (489) What causes this if
ejaculations don’t? It could be the interpersonal touch,
the female pheromones, the feelings of dominance,
power, and even success.
Conclusion on Sex, Ejaculation, and Testosterone
Ejaculations and their effects on testosterone is quite an
understudied topic on humans, but from the current evidence,
we can draw the following assumptions on testosterone and
Short-term abstinence from ejaculations can slightly
increase testosterone levels.
Long-term abstinence can reduce serum T.
Having an ejaculation does not acutely affect testosterone
Ejaculating to the point of “sexual exhaustion” can make it
harder for your body to utilize testosterone.
Masturbation doesn’t seem to affect testosterone levels in
any significant manner.
Sex with a real person can boost testosterone levels
— Chapter 36 —
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what the term stress means, but an
explanation that comes rather close, goes something like this:
“stress is the body’s principal method of reacting to a challenge”.
To open up the term a bit more, this “reaction to challenge” can
be divided into two categories.
Short-term stress, where a quick challenge (a fight for example)
arises and the body reacts to that with a burst of stress
hormones (glucocorticoids), which makes you more alert and
focused to tackle the stressor. This kind of stress is often not
detrimental to health and has no long-term effects in the body.
Many experts believe that short bouts of manageable stress (ie:
small daily challenges) can in fact be a healthy thing to have.
Long-term stress, where the challenge is something that goes on
for a long period of time (for example: a demanding boss that
gives you work related tasks that feel unbearable, or a debt that
you simply can’t pay, etc). It’s this kind of chronic stress that
keeps stress hormone levels high for extended periods of time,
often leading to detrimental effects on health of the body and
mind. It’s also this kind of stress that wrecks havoc in the
endocrine system, and the kind we will be covering in this
So, short-term stress can be a good thing to have.
Long-term stress on the other hand, why it’s so unhealthy? And
how does it affect your hormonal health?
Long-Term Stress and Testosterone
There are two major reasons as to why chronic long-term stress
hammers testosterone production.
Firstly, the principal stress steroid hormone; cortisol, which is
released from the adrenal cortex during times of prolonged
stress, has a direct testosterone suppressing effect inside the
hypothalamus and testicular leydig cells.
Secondly, the synthesis of cortisol requires cholesterol, a
molecule that is also needed in the biosynthesis of testosterone.
When cortisol levels skyrocket during stress, more of this
essential building block goes towards creating cortisol.
Obviously those are not the only reasons that can cause
fucked-up T levels during prolonged stress. As a guy who battled
with some serious work-related stress few years ago, I can
guarantee you that increased alcohol consumption, messed up
sleep quality, poor diet, lack of exercise, and depression can (and
more than likely will) contribute to the stress induced reduction
in testosterone.
The research on how long-term stress (both physical and
mental) alters testosterone levels is rather cruel:
a) In multiple animal studies, it has been noted that nearly
all kinds of long-term stressors (surgical stress, noise
stress, immobilization stress, oxidative stress, chronic
stress, etc) can significantly lower testosterone levels in
various species (489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496,
497, 498, 499, 500, 501). In pretty much all of these
studies, the suppression of testosterone goes
hand-in-hand with the increase in cortisol, and the
reduction in testosterone is not caused by increased
exertion, but through decreased production.
b) In military studies, psychological stressors (such as the
fear of combat or death) have been linked to significant
reductions in testosterone. (502) Same goes for stressful
military training courses, such as: the officer school,
ranger school, and survival training (503, 504, 505, 506,
507, 508, 509). One study (510) also showed that
refugees who experience physiological stress, have low
testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels, coupled
with very high cortisol levels.
c) In non-military men, chronic stress, and stress-related
depression has been linked to low testosterone
production and elevated cortisol levels (511, 512, 513,
514, 515).
d) Surgical stress is no different (be this physical or
psychological), it lowers testosterone levels too, usually
the magnitude of the suppression is directly correlated
with the severity of the surgery (516, 517, 518, 519).
Bottom line: Chronic stress (be it physical or psychological) has
a tendency to lower testosterone levels, and this suppressive
effect is nearly always caused by elevated cortisol production.
How can you combat this chronically high stress then? Try some
of the tricks below.
Meditation and relaxation exercises have been very effective
at lowering cortisol and increasing testosterone levels in
multiple human studies (521, 522, 523)
Just simply walking in nature (forest walking, hiking, etc), has
been linked to significantly lowered cortisol levels in Japanese
test subjects. (524)
Adaptogenic herbs (Rhodiola Rosea, Ashwagandha, Shilajit,
etc) have a really good track-record at lowering cortisol, while
simultaneously increasing testosterone.
Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the secretion of cortisol
during stress, and it also has the ability to relieve the damaging
effects of the stress hormone.
Increased duration of sleep has a significant cortisol
suppressing effect in stressed subjects. (525) However, restful
sleep is not always that easy to achieve during chronic stress.
Exercise is often recommended as a “stress-reliever” but it’s
important to remember that high-intensity exercise can also
skyrocket the already elevated cortisol levels. (526) So stick to
something light if you’re under chronic stress.
Just a simple posture-hack can increase testosterone levels by
20%, while lowering cortisol by -25%, in less than two minutes.
This has been proven in a human study conducted by the
Harvard University.
(527) We will discuss this technique in this book, in the chapter
on body language.
Carbohydrate consumption has been shown to significantly
reduce cortisol levels (528, 529, 530), whereas low-carb dieters
often have high serum cortisol. The take home message? Don’t
eat low-carb when you’re under stress.
Chronic stress is a real testosterone killer, and if you’re under
“real stress” (as in something that truly fucking crumbles you) I
don’t even have to tell you that, you can feel it yourself.
As a guy who has been under that kind of stress few years ago, I
know that it doesn’t help shit when someone just tells you to
“stop thinking about it” or gives you some tips such as: “try to
sleep more”, “exercise”, “drink more water”, etc.
But just so you know, chronic stress really hammers your
testosterone production, the quicker you can get rid of it, the
— Chapter 37 —
Lower Your Body Fat
What does your body fat percentage have to do with your
testosterone levels?
It is, in fact, one of the more important variables in the
testosterone equation. Below a certain level of body fat, which in
men tends to be sub 8-9% (but there is some variability,
depending on age, training maturity, genetics) testosterone
levels drop.
In competitive bodybuilders we see a drastic decrease in
testosterone levels (even when many of them are on drugs) in
the final weeks before the show as they reach sub-7% body fat
This is the body’s natural response to attempt to handle the
stress associated with unnaturally low body fat levels by
reallocating energy away from less vital processes like
reproductive capabilities and over toward baseline functioning
of vital organs and processes.
Ultra low body fat levels also tend to take a considerable amount
of calorie restriction to reach, and low calorie diets hit
testosterone levels hard as the body struggles to leech the
necessary nutrients from the limited food source.
However, I’d be curious to see n=1 tests run on men who have
reached sub-7-8% body fat levels slowly over the course of many
years via a slight caloric deficit, as opposed to most data we have
that measures less longitudinally, looking mostly at test groups
over the course of a mere 12- 16 weeks of intense calorie
restriction, or bodybuilders who in fact, only drop ultra low in
calories and spike their training intensity in the final 12 weeks
before competing in a show.
Longitudinal data over the course of many years in experienced
trainees who do not yo-yo in body fat levels but instead either
maintain or slightly decrease body fat every year would be a far
more interesting look at the human body’s capabilities in terms
of endocrine function adaptability.
I would posit a guess that guys who train for years and very
slowly decrease body fat through calorie and carbohydrate
cycling and/or small deficits of 10-20% over time would develop
the capacity to support normal testosterone levels naturally, at
5-8% body fat.
Low body fat is only one side of the coin when it comes to
adipose and testosterone. The other side is far meatier (or
flabbier), and far more relevant to most people reading this
Body Fat & Testosterone Production
To put it simply, testosterone (both free and SHBG and albuminbound) levels correlate inversely with measures of insulin
resistance (insulin, C-peptide, and HOMA-IR) and body fat levels.
And the inverse association between testosterone and insulin
resistance is mediated by adipose tissue, and independent of
To put it in even simpler terms, the more body fat you have, the
less testosterone you will naturally be able to produce.
So if you are overweight (or skinny fat, with >15% body fat in
men), the single best thing you can do for yourself in terms of
naturally optimizing your testosterone production is lose body
fat. It really is that simple.
However, dropping that body fat may not be an easy task. You
need to train correctly and eat the foods that will nourish your
endocrine system, as opposed to crash dieting down, which will
also lower your T levels considerably.
Do the correct training and eat in a moderate deficit of around
10-20% to allow for minor, non-stress-inducing endocrine
adjustments over time.
If you have high levels of body fat, your endocrine system is
suffering. It is nowhere near as healthy as it could be. However,
you must realize that this took time to achieve. You didn’t screw
it up overnight so don’t expect to fix it overnight either.
In terms of regional versus total body fat (i.e. belly fat versus full
body fat), the research is somewhat conflicting and inconclusive.
Some studies find total body fat levels to be a better inverse
correlate to testosterone levels, and some find regional
abdominal fat levels to be better. However, the overall body of
knowledge on the subject would indicate that they are both
decent correlates.
So while abdominal body fat is a noticeable warning indication
of compromised ability to produce natural testosterone, so is
total body fat percentage.
Moral of the story: lose body fat to increase testosterone,
regardless of where the fat tissue is concentrated.
Let’s talk about cortisol here for a second.
Low levels of androgens are linked to central adiposity in men,
and a high risk marker for Type-2 diabetes. Testosterone
administration has been shown time and again to decrease
intra-abdominal adiposity and increase insulin sensitivity over
Another important thing to note: an overall and predictable
increase in cortisol levels occurs in overweight and obese
individuals, as well as an increased sensitivity to cortisol. This
means you’ll be more stress-reactive the fatter you get, which is
a bad thing.
The decrease in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance
associated with an increase in cortisol levels is well- established.
Muscle tissue rapidly becomes insulin resistant, especially the
insulin-sensitive red muscle fibers (i.e. glycogen synthesis
becomes insulin resistant). And increased activity in the
CRF-ACTH-Cortisol axis will inhibit hypothalamic secretion of
gonadotropins (ie. testosterone precursors).
So to paint the doom-and-gloom picture for you in laymen’s
terms, increased cortisol makes it easier to gain fat, and as you
gain fat you become more insulin-resistant which perpetuates
cortisol circulation so you gain more fat. You also compromise
your ability to properly use and store muscle glycogen, giving
you further issues with glucose and insulin regulation.
You also increasingly compromise your brain’s ability to secrete
the hormones that trigger testosterone production.
Long story short, the more you reinforce stressful behaviors that
increase body fat (e.g. lifestyle and job stress, overeating,
insufficient exercise, psychological stress, processed shit diet,
etc) the worse your life is going to get.
The good news (especially if you’re frequently stressed out,
especially after reading that): lowering your body fat will
increase your ability to handle stress and decrease the amount
of circulating cortisol in your system, which will in turn make it
easier to continue losing body fat. It’s a positive feedback cycle.
I repeat: lowering your body fat percentage is the single most
important thing you must do to naturally optimize testosterone
production (not to mention nurture well-being in general).
— Chapter 38 —
Intermittent Fasting
*Special thanks to two men in particular, Martin Berkhan and
Brad Pilon, for laying the foundation of much of the information in
this chapter in terms of reviewing the literature on intermittent
fasting, especially with respect to its effects on the endocrine
system. You can find their work at http://leangains.com and
http://eatstopeat.com, respectively.
I would like to begin this very important chapter by saying that
intermittent fasting has been, hands down, the most useful tool
in my tool box over the past couple years when both dropping
body fat and increasing testosterone levels naturally.
Even in the absence of perfect nutrition (nobody can, or should,
eat squeaky clean all the time) and less-than-ideal sleeping
conditions and lifestyle stress situations (living in NYC and
sleeping on a couch for a year on noisy 14th street, for example,
while under extreme stress with a venture-funded mobile tech
startup = stress to the max), intermittent fasting became my
go-to daily form of hitting the reset button with my physiology.
And over time, I truly believe that IF played a major role in
bringing my health from mediocre, to very solid.
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is quite simply abstinence from caloric
consumption for a short period of time.
During this fasting period, an individual can consume noncaloric beverages without negatively impacting the fast, but no
foods or caloric liquids should be consumed, or the individual
leaves the fasted state.
Fasting has been used for centuries as a medicinal exercise in
humans, and is a natural response for many animals during
times of sickness or healing.
Arguing for or against the nature of fasting is not within the
scope of this program. I will instead assume that you are reading
this in order to learn more about how to increase your
testosterone naturally, and therefore I’ll lay out the myriad
benefits of IF for doing so.
Not only does intermittent fasting provide a means to decreasing
body fat, either by easily facilitating a caloric deficit without the
negative hormonal side effects of calorie restriction or by
facilitating some of its own fat-burning influence in the absence
of a calorie deficit, making body recomposition more effortless,
but it also boosts testosterone by influencing expression of key
pituitary and satiety hormones including GnRH, LH, insulin, and
The research on intermittent fasting in the scientific literature is
either, or both: 1. woefully nascent 2. non- applicable to both
humans and/or us, fitness-conscious individuals.
Most short-term fasting studies are conducted in animals like
monkeys, rats, or cows, and are carried out with methodological
48 - 72 hour fasts. For our purposes, this is considered a
long-term fast, especially because most humans will never
undergo a fast over 48 hours. And the results are non-applicable
to us.
Almost all of these studies find the suppression of testosterone
and an increase in circulating cortisol, as if that was a surprise.
Between 24-48 hours of fasting, depending on individual
variance, most humans will have an acute stress response to the
lack of feeding. Hormones such as cortisol, insulin, growth
hormone, and testosterone will likely be affected.
However, for fasts under 24 hours, the benefits are myriad, and
this acute stress response is less likely.
For example, in obese men short-term fasting was shown to
increase LH production after just an overnight fast. While the LH
increase in this case did not directly lead to a noticeable increase
in testosterone levels in these men (it was, remember, a mere
overnight fast) the increase in LH was promising enough for the
same researchers to perform tests in non-obese men.
In the non-obese men, the results of a mere overnight short-term
fast were staggering: a 67% increase in LH response and a 180%
increase in testosterone. With this in mind, doing a short-term
fast daily may have profound, almost immediate effects on your
endocrine balance, especially because LH pulsing needs to spike
regularly in order to have a noticeable effect on your overall T
levels, something that regular daily intermittent fasts can have a
positive effect on.
In terms of these results, short-term fasting appears to affect
men differently based on their level of body fat, with normal,
nonobese men seeing a rapid rise in LH, then testosterone
following a short fast.
However, in obese men, the rise in LH does not seem to affect
testosterone levels, which may be an indication that IF induces a
strong enough stress response in this subgroup of men to
effectively negate the LH increase before it triggers testosterone
production or because it is not strong enough to overcome the
powerful estrogenic influence exerted by the excessive levels of
body fat.
Testosterone has been found to be positively correlated with
insulin sensitivity, which also reinforces the idea that body fat
levels matter in terms of healthy testosterone levels, with
normal and fit body fat levels exhibiting improved insulin
sensitivity over overweight and obese individuals.
This fact also sheds a bit of light on when we should fast during
the day.
For years I’ve been a proponent of skipping breakfast. Since
reading Martin Berkhan’s work and realizing that breakfast was
not a physiologically necessary, but more a socially expected
ritual, I began experimenting with life, sans my morning
sustenance. And boy did dieting get easier.
In Martin’s article on Leangains.com entitled, “Why Does
Breakfast Make Me Hungry?” he sheds a little light on why most
semi-fit individuals experience hunger relatively soon after
eating breakfast, and why skipping breakfast is indeed
preferable for your hormonal functioning, not to mention diet
The body’s circadian cycle has a natural cortisol spike shortly
after waking, and this happens to be the time most individuals
eat breakfast as well. With fit, or somewhat fit, individuals, the
insulin spike with the food intake, along with an already high
insulin sensitivity, and the high levels of circulating cortisol at
this time of day leads to a rapid drop in blood glucose shortly
after consumption. The quick and possibly lower-than-normal
blood glucose drop triggers the feeling of that “false hunger”
within minutes to hours after that meal, so by mid-morning for
most people.
By skipping breakfast, you are regulating your blood glucose
levels, insulin, and cortisol during the period of the day in which
they are most sensitive, and can have profound immediate
effects on your body.
You are also allowing your body time to burn additional fat for
fuel and rid itself of minor toxins before it needs to allocate
energy to focus on things like digestion and glycogen synthesis.
The hormone leptin is also effectively regulated by intermittent
fasting, and has been shown to be inversely correlated with
testosterone levels and BMI in men, which means with a regular
IF regimen, individuals can control yet another hormone that
could potentially exert an influence over testosterone
Leptin is more popularly known for its major role in regulation
of appetite and energy balance, but it is also involved with
linking energy stores to the reproductive system.
Leptin is secreted by the fat cells and plays an important role in
reducing food intake and increasing energy expenditure.
Recent rodent studies have also linked it to providing metabolic
information to the reproductive system, both in females and
males. In male mice, leptin treatment elevated FSH levels and
increased seminal volume.
Leptin and testosterone levels are inversely correlated, with a
rise in leptin resulting in a fall in testosterone and vice versa.
Because of this, males have naturally lower levels of leptin than
females. This gender difference suggests that gonadal steroid
hormones may be potent regulators of leptin levels.
Because of the added variable of body fat levels being so
intricately tied to both leptin and testosterone levels, it’s very
difficult to make conclusive statements about the dance between
the three. Lean men have lower leptin levels, naturally, than
overweight men (because leptin is secreted from adipocytes).
We also know that lowering your body fat, in general, is one of
the easiest ways to naturally increase your testosterone. These
are all intricately tied together.
Intermittent fasting decreases leptin levels during the fast in
men, and boosts them at re-feeding, operating in a peaks and
valleys fashion. During the fast, leptin also has less power over
catecholamines epinephrine and
norepinephrine which has positive implications for fat loss
during the fast.
Intermittent fasting also increases levels of a hormone called
adiponectin, which, along with leptin, is regulated by adipocytes,
though adiponectin levels are inversely correlated with body fat
levels, unlike leptin. This increase in adiponectin during the fast
helps improve insulin sensitivity. Adiponectin is so powerful, in
fact, that it’s been shown to reverse insulin resistance in mice.
There are three popular methods for intermittent fasting that I
1. The Leangains Method
2. The Eat Stop Eat Method
3. The “Just Skip Breakfast” Method
Yes, other protocols exist. However, these three are the most
realistic in terms of developing healthy lifestyle habits. Very few
people can, or should, do things like alternate day fasting or 48
hour fasts. For the modern man or woman, with a job, kids, a
family, social obligations, a sane mind, etc these are just not
viable options.
So in this program, I recommend you fast on one of the above
three protocols.
1. Leangains: Leangains is Martin Berkhan’s style of
intermittent fasting, and arguably the most popular and
well-respected intermittent fasting protocol in the fitness
world. He backs up his advice not only with solid research,
but also with outstanding results from both his clients and
He maintains low body fat year-round by eating and training
on his protocol.
Any summary of Leangains is bound to do it an injustice if
you haven’t yet read the site itself. But in a nutshell, LG style
of IF revolves around the 16/8 eating schedule.
16 hours fasting
8 hour feeding window
It’s quite simple. For more information on DIY solutions in
terms of macronutrient cycling and training protocols, which
unrelated to this program but very well-done
nonetheless, you can look here at Andy Morgan’s great site
2. Eat Stop Eat: ESE is the brainchild of Brad Pilon, a proponent
of flexible dieting and using intermittent fasting as a tool to
make reaching low body fat levels both easy to attain and
The ESE method is also quite simple, but at the risk of not
doing it justice in this concise summary, I highly suggest you
check it out for yourself at Eatstopeat.com.
In a nutshell, ESE involves two 24-hour fasts per week as
metabolic resets and fat-burning stimuli.
For example, during a normal week, an individual could eat
regularly every day except Wednesday and Saturday, electing
instead to undergo a 24-hour fast.
If this protocol suits your personality or work/life schedule I
recommend giving it a shot. Even one 24-hour fast per week
will give you benefits.
3. The “Just Skip Breakfast” Method: This is the lazy man’s
method, and my protocol of choice.
Just skip breakfast.
Then resume eating around noon for lunch then have a
dinner and possibly a night time meal, depending on your
caloric goals for the day. It’s very simple and doesn’t require
counting hours.
Most of the time you will end up on a schedule similar to the
Leangains 16/8 protocol, but this includes a bit more
flexibility, possibly at the expense of results (ie. lower body
fat), but that makes it a great lifestyle option.
To wrap things up on IF: use it as a tool to give you both lifestyle
flexibility and a boost in your testosterone levels, especially
when integrated into a solid training and nutrition strategy. You
can train fasted or fed, they both work.
Regular fasting will also provide your body with a nice reset and
potent fat-burning potential, which will, once again, aid in
testosterone production and regulation of satiety hormones over
— Chapter 39 —
Sleep and Testosterone
We don’t sleep enough. We’re so seduced by the modern day
electronic marvels that instead of hitting the sack, we can do
thousands of other things instead.
And unfortunately that’s what usually happens. When the sun
sets and your body is ready to shut down and recharge itself,
your brain tells you that its OK to watch one more episode of
Breaking Bad instead.
Sure you’ll be bit more tired the next day but that’s about it right?
A Few Extra Hours of Sleep Can
Double Your Testosterone
There are three major things that lay the foundation for your
testosterone levels. They’re sleep, diet, and exercise. The utmost
important of them all, is sleep.
After all, your testosterone levels follow a circadian rhythm.
They peak in the morning and slowly plummet towards the
And when you’re in the REM stages of your sleep, the endocrine
system comes to life. Your brain starts sending signals down to
your balls, telling them to produce massive amounts of
testosterone, preparing you for the day ahead.
But how much testosterone is actually secreted during the night?
That’s where science might help us:
a) Take this study (531) from Penev et al. for example. Where
the researchers gathered up a group of healthy men to test
their testosterone levels first thing in the morning when they
had just woken up. They also gave these men a wrist band
that showed how long each guy had slept.
The results showed that the guys who had slept for 4 hours,
had testosterone levels hovering around 200-300 ng/dl.
Compare that to the guys who slept for 8 hours, they had their
levels at around 500-700 ng/dl.
The results showed that the more you sleep, the more
testosterone your body produces. It’s just that simple.
b) This study from Gov et al. (532) found out similar results.
They had 531 healthy men as test subjects, and they
examined how the amount of sleep correlated with their
testosterone level.
The results again show that the men who slept more also had
significantly higher testosterone levels. In fact the guys who
slept for 4 hours had about 60% less testosterone in their
serum, than the men who slept for 8 hours.
The researchers in both studies concluded that men with low T
are probably put on hormone replacement therapies far too
quickly, as just one night with lack of sleep can more than halve
serum testosterone levels.
Aside from sleeping longer, you can also supercharge the nightly
testosterone production by improving the quality of your sleep.
How to Improve Sleep Quality
How many hours you sleep is completely up to you. However you
can get more out of those hours by incorporating some simple
sleep quality improving tips to your daily life.
You’ve probably heard the age old useless tips like drinking
warm milk or counting sheep. But here’s a list of ways that will
actually work:
1. Sleep in complete darkness. By this I mean that there
should be not a single led light visible in the room where
you’re sleeping in. As even a single dot of light in your
night clock or mobile phone is enough to disturb the
pineal gland’s ability to secrete the sleep hormone
2. Close all the mobile-networks and wi-fi hotspots. This
Saudi- Arabian study (533) found out that the
electromagnetic frequencies decrease sleep quality.
3. Exercise during the day, as research has shown (534) that
just a simple exercise session incorporated in your daily
life, can dramatically improve sleep quality.
4. Melatonin. This is the hormone that your pineal gland
secretes to make you sleep, thus it’s called the “sleep
hormone”. You can supplement with it, and few studies
also show that it may boost testosterone levels via
inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.
5. Sleep in a cold room and be naked if you can. Firstly
because cold room will mimic the natural sleeping habitat
of the human body (we were meant to sleep outside), and
secondly because the testicles need to be a tad bit colder
than the basal body temperature is, for optimal
functioning (that’s why they hang in a pouch outside the
body and that’s also why cold showers and loose boxers
increase testosterone).
6. Don’t watch bright electronic displays before you hit the
sack, as the “blue light” in most electronic screens will
impair pineal gland’s ability to produce melatonin (I use a
software called f.lux, which automatically dims the screen
and reduces “blue light” when its getting close to
7. Supplement with Ashwagandha, as several studies have
found that it positively influences sleep quality, which is
likely due to the fact that it lowers the stress hormone
cortisol (it’s also a potent testosterone booster).
8. Consume some simple carbs a hour or two before hitting
the bed, as this will skyrocket your insulin production,
making you energetic for a brief moment, but then your
insulin will crash which makes you fall into sleep more
9. Consume some high quality protein before hitting the
bed, as certain amino acid’s such as L-tryptophan will
increase melatonin production in the brain, thus also
improves sleep quality.
Sleep quality and timing are of utmost importance when it
comes to optimizing your natural testosterone production.
You may be thinking, “Obviously I just need to sleep more everybody always says to sleep more, but I still have trouble
finding the time, or I just cannot fall asleep in the first place
Here’s the deal: most people miss the point with an overly
simplistic view of sleep, and the role it plays in optimizing
testosterone production.
It is true, however. You do need to sleep more.
That study conducted in young men found a significant drop in
testosterone levels with even just the reduction from 8 hours of
sleep per night to 5 hours.
In the Western world, a 5 hour night is commonplace. Most
people live like that for the majority of their lives. No wonder
we’re all having issues with this.
Sleep is especially important for those of us who lead hectic,
busy, hard-charging lifestyles. You might work a challenging job
in a big city, study around the clock as a student, or sit on the
highway for a 2 hour commute every day.
Most of us lead lives and have careers that are inherently
stressful in the first place, so high levels of circulating cortisol
put us at major risk for low testosterone... even if we’re doing
everything else right in terms of training and nutrition.
So adequate sleep should be a priority.
What exactly happens in the body when just a couple fewer
hours of sleep causes such drastic drops in testosterone?
Quite simply, less sleeps means less activity in the pituitarygonadal axis during the prime part of your body’s natural
circadian cycle. This reduction in activity comes in the form of
less LH secretion, with the limited LH leading to a reduction in
testosterone production.
Studies have found this reduced activity to take effect with as
little as 3 hours reduction in total sleep time and to become
increasingly more pronounced up to 48 hours of sleep
While the exact determinants have not been examined as to
precisely how this happens, scientists do know that it has a lot to
do with the body’s circadian rhythms and the pulsatile manner
in which pituitary hormones are secreted.
Because of this vitally important rhythmic cycle in the body,
however, like I hinted at before, quantity of sleep is not the only
important part of this equation, timing of wakefulness appears
to be just as important.
In a 2012 study published in the Journal Of Clinical
Endocrinology, researchers decided to look deeper into the
matter of sleep timing and the role it plays on hormonal
secretion. They split test subjects into two groups: one group
had sleep restricted early in the night but awoke at normal times
(i.e. they basically just stayed up late and woke up at a normal
time in the morning) and the other subjects were forced to wake
up unnaturally early.
What did they find?
The group that stayed up late over two nights showed no
significant change in LH, T, or PRL secretion following the trials.
The group that was forced to wake up early showed significantly
reduced pituitary activity which resulted in markedly lower LH,
testosterone, and PRL levels in the morning.
So if you ever needed a good excuse to hit the snooze button on
the alarm clock - now you have it. Waking up too early can have a
notably adverse effect on your testosterone production.
And although this particular study did not examine the
relationship between cortisol and these parameters as well,
these findings make perfect sense in the context of natural
cortisol secretion being higher in the early mornings.
So, long story short, if you intermittently need to sacrifice sleep
in the name of getting extra work done, I advise you to stay up
late and not to get up early in order to finish that project in time.
However, this study was only conducted over two days.
Remember, other studies show a significant reduction in
testosterone levels with just slightly limited sleep quantity over
time. So you must take measures to aim for the recommended
full 8 hours of sleep per night, and not take this as a free-pass to
stay up late every night.
Use this knowledge to make better decisions when the time calls
for it. Staying up later is better than getting up earlier.
Chronically staying up late, and sacrificing overall sleep in the
process, will still lead to chronic reduction in pituitary- gonadal
activity and a chronic increase in circulating cortisol - so don’t do
it often.
4 Evidence-Based Sleep Supplements
But what about supplements? Surely there’s some
over-the-counter options that can significantly improve sleep
quality? And, Well, yes there is:
1. Magnesium
Perhaps one of the most well-known and dirt cheap natural
sleep aids there is, is a high-quality magnesium supplement.
Magnesium is a mineral that can be found in all of bodily tissues,
and it regulates over 300 enzyme functions. It’s safe to say that
it’s one of the most important dietary micronutrients for our
health. Heck, there’s even research showing how magnesium
supplementation can increase testosterone levels.
NOTE: According to this study, (535) 68% of Americans are
deficient in magnesium. The National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES), sets this number to 60%.
When it comes to improving sleep, magnesium is superb. It’s
involved in muscle relaxation, and works as an agonist to the
brain GABA-β receptors (the receptors which after activation,
produce sedative-like effects in the body).
The evidence on the effectiveness of magnesium for sleep
parameters is very interesting. A double-blind randomized
clinical trial with 46 elderly subjects, (537) found that 500 mg’s
of daily magnesium taken for 8 weeks, significantly increased
sleep time, sleep efficiency, and melatonin production, while
simultaneously reducing cortisol levels and sleep onset latency.
In another study, (538) increasing dosages (10mmol-30mmol) of
effervescent magnesium tablets were given to 12 elderly
subjects 3 times a day for 20 days, resulting in: significantly
lower cortisol levels and improved sleep parameters (measured
by brain EEG).
One study consisting of 100 subjects (539) also showed
improved sleep quality with a daily dose of 320mg magnesium
citrate (this is roughly the RDA of magnesium).
Bottom line: There’s good amount of evidence suggesting that
magnesium can be particularly effective at increasing sleep
quality in humans. A dose range of 300-900 mg/day seems to be
effective, and magnesium glycinate is considered to be the best
OTC supplement form with highest bio-availibity in the body.
2. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is a herbal supplement
(commonly root powder or extract) widely used in the Indian
herbal medicine, aka. Ayurveda.
It has some good research behind its back and apart from being
able to increase testosterone levels (big article about that
coming this week), there’s evidence that ashwagandha
supplementation could also promote optimal sleep by serving as
an agonist to the brain GABA-receptors which promote sedative
effects and relaxation in the body. Ashwagandha can also
suppress the stress-hormone cortisol and reduces symptoms of
anxiety & stress. (540)
It’s one of the “better” supplemental herbs out there and one of
my all-time favorites. I take few caps of this KSM-66 extract
before hitting the sack almost on a nightly basis, and I can
honestly feel the difference in my sleep quality (additionally you
can dissolve some ashwagandha root liquid to chamomile tea for
similar effect.)
Anyhow, don’t take my word for it, there’s research on this too.
For instance, in mice, 100-200 mg/kg of ashwagandha is as
effective as
500 mg’s of Diazepam (powerful prescription sedative and sleep
drug) in inducing sedation (541, 542). Few other studies on mice
(543) and rats (544) have found that ashwagandha increases
sleep quality relative to placebo.
As for human studies, combined with few other herbs, 2000
mg’s of ashwagandha was able to improve sleep quality. (545)
In a study that used a fairly high dose (up to 1250mg) of KSM-66
ashwagandha (546) (water extract) improved sleep quality was
also reported.
A study of women who underwent chemotherapy for cancer,
noted a significant trend of self-reported improvements in sleep
quality with ashwagandha supplementation. (547)
Bottom line: If you count out the rodent studies, ashwagandha
doesn’t have as good scientific evidence behind its back as
magnesium does, but still, the evidence is there and
ashwagandha should deepen your sleep to some extent. I have
used the herb (both extract and pure root powder) for years
now, and my personal experiences are in line with the research.
Without a doubt, the best kind of ashwagandha you can find, is
high-quality standardized KSM-66 extract.
3. Gelatin
Short on cash but still would like a little something that helps
you sleep like a baby? Then consider gelatin.
Gelatin is the odorless, colorless, brittle stuff that is used when
you make jelly. It’s in fact the connective tissue that is derived
from collagen of various meat industry by-products (animal
hearts, brains, skin, etc).
Why would gelatin be good for sleep you ask? Well, let me explain:
In our modern society, we tend to consume only the
muscle-meat of animals, which gives us plenty of the amino acids
tryptophan and methionine, but very little of glycine. We could
use more of that glycine though, since it’s an important
amino-acid needed for the synthesis of various bodily enzymes,
along with being a sedative (kind of like a “downer”)
neurotransmitter in the body.
The last part of that sentence is the reason behind glycine’s
ability to improve sleep quality. It’s a sedative neurotransmitter.
And what would be the best source for glycine then? That would
be, connective tissue. And besides eating bones and organs, the
simplest way of getting more of that connective tissue would be
gelatin (which is 22% glycine by weight).
NOTE: you could also buy pure glycine powder, which is
extremely cheap too ($24 for a kilo if you live in the states).
Besides the many theories of the importance of glycine and the
warnings about not getting enough of it in our modern diets,
there’s actually some research on its ability to improve sleep.
For instance, 3 grams of glycine taken 1-hour before hitting the
sack, was able to reduce morning fatigue and improve
self-reported sleep quality in this human study. (548)
In another study, (549) 3 grams of glycine taken before bed-time,
not only increased self-reported sleep quality and day-time
cognitive abilities, but also resulted in reduced onset sleep
latency and faster time to reach slow wave sleep when tested
with EEG apparatus (the kind of machine that senses brain
activity via scalp electrodes).
The same dose of 3 grams glycine taken 1-hour before bed was
also tested successfully in subjects which suffered from mild
sleep problems (the day-time cognitive improvements were also
noted in the study). (550)
Bottom line: Glycine seems to be very effective at improving
sleep quality and day-time cognitive abilities. It’s also cheap and
easily accessible in the form or gelatin or pure glycine powder.
4. Melatonin
Melatonin is the neurohormone that causes and also regulates
your sleep. It’s naturally secreted from the pineal gland in your
brain at evening and when you’re in a dark room, and conversely
light suppresses the synthesis of melatonin (which is why
sleeping in a completely dark room improves sleep quality, and
why hitting the sack when the sun goes down and waking up at
sunrise would be a good idea).
If you’re doing shift work, supplemental melatonin can be
extremely effective, due to the fact that the natural production of
the hormone is suppressed during day-time (which is when
most shift-workers tend to sleep).
The research on melatonin is solid, which is not a surprise since
its usually used as a go-to treatment for insomnia and many
sleep related conditions.
Firstly, taking supplemental melatonin is able to increase blood
melatonin levels, both at day-time and night-time. (551) Also,
supplemental melatonin at doses ranging from 2 to 10 mg’s is
fairly effective at reducing insomnia (552, 553, 554).
In few studies, melatonin at 2-3 mg doses has improved sleep
quality and morning-alertness without any noted withdrawal
symptoms or side-effects (555, 556).
NOTE: It’s common sense to think that more melatonin
would be better for deeper sleep. However this isn’t the case,
and high dosages might actually cause drowsiness in the
day-time. It’s recommended that you work the dose up from
small amounts first to see what is effective for you.
Bottom line: Melatonin is very effective, especially for reducing
the time it takes for the user to fall a sleep, aka. at reducing onset
sleep latency. For shift-workers, it’s almost a must have
supplement. Opt for non-time released form of melatonin. If
you’re already following a reasonably normal sleep-awake
rhythm and have no problems falling to sleep, then there’s
always a change that melatonin might not do much for you. I
personally only use melatonin at nights when I hit the sack “too
— Chapter 40 —
Avoid These Disruptive Chemicals
Plastic. The savior of the modern day human, and the solution to
all of our daily problems.
What could we do without it, now that we have gone and
invented it already?
The answer is, that we couldn’t do much. I once tried living a day
without touching anything that’s made from plastic, and I lasted
2 hours. A challenge that sounded extremely easy to accomplish,
but once you try, seems impossible.
I mean just think about it. You wake up, maybe you brush your
teeth? Well there you go, the toothpaste comes out of a plastic
tube, and the brush is made out of plastic. What’s next? Maybe
you have some bacon and eggs for breakfast and then you realize
that the bacon is wrapped in plastic. And what we’re you going
to cook the bacon and eggs with? Let me guess, a pan, and some
plastic cooking utensils.
Maybe you want to hit the gym after the breakfast, which means
that you’re going to need some water, and where does that water
go into? That’s right, straight into a plastic bottle. Oh, and after
the gym, what about the recovery drink? Maybe mix some whey
powder and milk together in a plastic shaker bottle.
To put it mildly, we are surrounded by plastics.
Some might argue that it’s a good thing, and surely, plastics are
extremely useful in multiple daily tasks, but they also have a flip
They’re like poison to your balls and testosterone production,
and likely the main cause to this global decrease in testosterone
Let’s take a closer look.
Why Plastics Lower Testosterone Levels
I know what many of you guys are now wondering the exact
same thing as I was years ago.
How the fuck could plastics do anything for the human body?
And what makes plastics so bad?
I mean the whole idea of plastics being harmful sounds like
some tinfoil-ufo-controversy-BS at first. But once you
understand the idea behind the harmful effects, you also
understand what makes plastics unhealthy.
1. The first problem is a chemical group called phthalates.
They’re used to make plastics soft and flexible, and as you
might guess, they’re found in nearly all kinds of flexible
plastics ranging from soda bottles to plastic bags.
Phthalates are linked to delayed puberty, low
testosterone, and feminine characteristics in various
human and animal studies (explained more in detail
2. The second problem is a chemical called Bisphenol A or
BPA. It’s also linked to low testosterone, increased
estrogen, delayed puberty, and feminine characteristics in
various human and animal studies (also explained in
more detail below).
3. The third problem is that a huge list of chemicals used in
the manufacturing process of plastic products are labeled
as xenoestrogens, meaning that they mimic the effects of
exogenous estrogen (female hormone) in the body. This
includes the phthalates and BPA that I mentioned above,
and also: PCBs, Bisphenol S (BPS), dioxin, vinyl chloride,
styrene, phenolix, epoxy resin, PMMA, PTFE, and many
many others.
In short, the toxic load of xenoestrogens and endocrine system
toxins that gets into your body through the usage of plastic
products, is easily enough to cause massive damage in your
endocrine system and testosterone production.
Here’s some science about the matter:
a) This Swedish study (557) had 196 boys as subjects. The
researchers measured phthalate levels from their
mothers when they were still pregnant, and once the kids
were 21 months old, their “anogenital distance” – which
is a pretty solid physical measurement of testosterone –
was measured, to see if the phthalates had effect on the
hormonal health of these 196 subject boys. The results
were clear, the more phthalates the mother had in her
system during pregnancy, the shorter the anogenital
distance in the baby (the shorter the distance the lower
the testosterone).
b) This study (558) compared the men who worked at a
chemical plant which manufactures BPA, to men who
worked at a tap water factory. The results show that the
men who worked in contact with BPA had significantly
lower serum testosterone levels, and especially free
testosterone levels, when compared to the tap water
factory fellows.
c) This human study (559) found out that Bisphenol A
causes sexual dysfunction in men. Several animal studies
have also found that BPA is estrogenic, lowers
testosterone, and causes sexual dysfunction (560, 561,
562, 563, 564).
d) This study (565) saw that Bisphenol A inhibited the
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production. Same study also
found that BPA increased the activity of aromatase
enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen.
e) This study (566) found out that the phthalates used in the
manufacturing process of flexible plastics can be
considered xenoestrogens, due to the fact that they bind
into estrogen receptors and induce feminizing effects in
the body.
f) In this study, (567) the researches analyzed 18 different
samples of bottled water. Eleven of the samples showed
significant estrogenic response.
g) This rat study, (568) found out that a mixture containing
5 different phthalate esters, strongly inhibits testicular
testosterone production.
h) The researchers in this study (569) concluded that
phthalates can be straight on labeled as anti-androgens,
and that they contribute to testicular dysgenesis
syndrome (TDS)
i) In this study, (570) the researched tested 445 common
plastic products to see if there was any estrogenic activity
in them. 70% of the products induced significant
estrogenic activity, and the number jumped to 95% when
the products were altered to “real life” conditions, such as
the microwave heat and putting them to dishwasher. Also
note that many of the products in this study were labeled
as BPA-free, yet they still induced estrogenic effects
similar to BPA plastics.
There’s hundreds of similar studies on the internet, and if you’re
interested in seeing more of them, Google is your friend.
How come these chemicals can be found
inside the human body? I don’t eat plastics!
Answer: We get most of the chemicals mentioned above through
foods and drinks. For example: most of the meat products, fish,
processed foods, and certain oils, and spreads are all packed in
plastic wraps/packs. Bottled water is also loaded with
phthalates (this study (571) found that out of the 18 analyzed
samples, 11 induced significant estrogenic response).
Microwaving plastic is also one extremely efficient and quick
way to load up your body with phthalates and BPA, as is drinking
soda (just think about all that acidic drink sitting in those freshly
produced soft plastic bottles for months).
Is there any proof that humans are altered to
these chemicals, or is it just a theory?
Answer: It’s not a theory, just take a look at the studies
presented above. Also take a look at these studies with similar
conclusions (572, 573, 574, 575). It’s a simple fact. The
chemicals leech from various products straight into our bodies,
and the levels in most people are dangerously high.
Is there a way to avoid this exposure then?
Answer: Yes of course! Just avoid plastic products as much as
possible (you can’t avoid them completely though). Don’t drink
bottled water, soda, etc. If there’s a relatively useful alternative to
plastic products, made from wood, metal, or ceramic, etc. use it
Let me give you some quick examples: Switch plastic cooking
utensils to wood or metal alternatives, use a metal flask as a
workout bottle, never microwave anything in plastic, don’t use
tupperware to store your foods (instead use something like
these)(576), and so forth. Basically just use your brain.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a man made chemical that was first
synthesized back in 1891. It’s heavily used in the manufacturing
processes of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, and it’s
often hailed as one of the most conventional chemicals.
Bisphenol A is also the most tested chemical in the world, and
through that testing, some rather alarming evidence has been
The thing that we’re interested in here, is BPA’s effects on the
endocrine system, and mainly how it affects male testosterone
levels, estrogen levels, and sexual function.
Some Science About BPA and the Endocrine System:
a) This study (577) compared the men who worked at a
chemical plant which manufactures BPA to the men who
worked at a tap water factory. The results show that the
men who worked in contact with BPA had significantly
lower serum testosterone levels, and especially free
testosterone levels, when compared to the tap water
factory fellows.
b) This study (578) found out that phthalates and BPA from
plastics caused delayed puberty, lower free and total
testosterone, increased serum estrogen, and increased
SHBG count, in boys between the ages of 8-14.
c) Several animal studies have found that BPA is estrogenic,
lowers testosterone, and causes sexual dysfunction (579,
580, 581, 582, 583).
d) This study (584) found out that BPA causes sexual
dysfunction in human males.
e) This study (585) saw that Bisphenol A inhibited the
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production. Same study also
found that BPA increased the activity of aromatase
enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogen.
What’s even more troubling is the fact that in all of the studies
I’ve seen, 95-99% of the test subjects had detectable levels of
BPA in their system. So BPA affects nearly everyone.
That’s why I created this list of 5 hidden sources of BPA, so that
you can avoid the things that are slowly crushing the life out of
your testicles.
Let’s get to it.
1. All Kinds of Receipts
Grocery store receipts, bus tickets, air plane tickets, and basically
everything that’s “instantly printed” after your purchase, contain
huge amounts of Bisphenol A.
This is because the thermal paper on which the receipt is printed
on contains alarmingly high levels of BPA as seen in this study.
When you handle those receipts or even worse, store them in
your wallet, you’re constantly exposed to BPA. This study (587)
actually found out that you can experience a five-fold increase in
your BPA levels, few hours after fiddling around with thermal
You can avoid this by not taking the receipts that you don’t
actually need, or if you do, don’t fiddle around with them and
wash your hands as soon as you can.
NOTE: The ink also contains BPA, the same ink is also used to
print newspapers (588).
2. Toilet Paper
This is a relatively new and one hell of an annoying discovery to
me. But the truth is that our toilet paper is laden with BPA.
That’s due to the fact that toilet paper is mostly recycled paper,
which contains the BPA laden thermal paper discussed above.
The fact that toilet papers usually contain alarmingly high levels
of BPA was first seen in this study. (589)
This is probably one of those things that we have to just live
with, because as far as I know there’s no BPA free toilet paper
around, mainly because people don’t know that we wipe our
asses with the estrogen mimic daily.
3. Plastics
Plastics are probably one of the biggest reasons behind the fact
that our global average on male testosterone levels is so rapidly
They’re just filled with estrogen mimics and testosterone
lowering chemicals, such as the notorious phthalates and
Bisphenol A.
And yes there’s a lot of BPA-free labeled plastics out there.
However this excellent report (590) found out that nearly all of
the them still contain a chemical called Bisphenol S (BPS) which
is basically the same thing but with a different name, and if they
don’t, then they’re laden with other estrogen mimics.
Every type of plastic commonly used in food packaging tested
positive in some cases, which suggested there was no surefire
way to avoid exposure to estrogen mimics.
And that’s the reason why I’ve been as plastic free as I can for the
past few years.
Obviously no one can fully avoid plastics, as they’re literally
everywhere, but this doesn’t mean that we have to expose
ourselves to all of them constantly.
I’m personally using this metal bottle in the gym, (591) I have
thrown away all the plastic Tupperware containers and only use
metal, glass, or wood based containers, I don’t drink from plastic
cups, I use wooden cooking utensils, a cast iron pan, etc.
There’s a lot of easy switches that can be made to reduce our
exposure to BPA and phthalates, you just have to start making
4. Canned Foods
The epoxy lining in nearly all aluminum cans is made with BPA.
And if the content of the can is something acidic, like tomatoes
or soda for example, then you can be sure that the foods are also
laden with the chemical.
Stainless steel cans however are much more safer alternatives.
In general there’s no BPA used in the linings, as there’s in
aluminum alternatives.
Few companies have also switched to BPA-free aluminum cans,
such as Trader Joe’s, Eden Foods, and Muir Glen. Campbell’s has
also said that they will switch to BPA free cans but they haven’t
said when. In other words they probably won’t.
Obviously, your best bet is to make your own foods instead of
eating canned goods and processed junk.
5. Some Old Water Pipes
Some old water pipes were also coated with BPA in order to
extend their life.
And it’s not a big co-incidence that traces of BPA, phthalates, and
all kinds of endocrine disruptors have been found in the U.S tap
water in numerous studies.
Even the cleanest tap waters in the world are contaminated with
a wide variety of estrogen mimics.
If you’re from U.S (where the water supply is in much worse
condition), I would highly recommend you to get a filter of some
Personal Care Products
This might be a weird topic, but it’s a fact that you will likely
increase your testosterone levels, while slashing estrogen, by
changing your everyday personal care items (toothpaste,
shampoos, soaps, deodorants, etc) to chemical-free and natural
alternatives. This effect is largely due to lower exposure to
endocrine disruptors.
That’s right, there can be an absolutely ridiculous amount of
estrogen mimics and anti-androgenic endocrine system
disrupting chemicals in your everyday convenience-store bought
personal care items.
These include (but are not limited to):
Parabens (methyl-, butyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, heptyl-, etc) which are
preservatives used in nearly all kinds of cosmetics, such as; sun
lotions, moisturizers, personal-lubricants, shampoos, shaving
gels, toothpaste, and even as food additives. They’re classified as
xenoestrogens, and can have a weak affinity to estrogen
receptors in the body. (592)
Phthalates which are commonly used to make plastics more
flexible, but they are also used as stabilizers and emulsifying
agents in many personal care items. Increased urinary phthalate
traces have been strongly correlated with decreased
testosterone in men, women, and children. (593)
Benzophenones (BP-1, BP-2, BP-3…) which are permeability
enhancing UV-stabilizers are used in a wide range of personal
care items, but most commonly in sunscreens. Concerns have
been raised of their effect in reducing the activity of enzymes
needed in testosterone production. This has been studied for
BP-1, (594) BP-2,
(595) and BP-3. (596)
Triclosan and Triclocarban, both of which are antibacterial
agents found in many antibacterial soaps, lotions, hand
sanitizers, etc. Not only are they highly ineffective at reducing
bacteria, they also have direct mechanism in lowering testicular
testosterone production. (597)
Those and many more man-made chemicals that can act as
hormone disruptors, are generously used in the manufacturing
process and as ingredients of many personal care items.
Not good thing considering that you’re constantly in touch with
them on a daily basis, and your skin is very permeable to most of
the chemicals applied. Since many of the endocrine disrupting
chemicals are completely unnecessary for the consumer, it’s
really easy to just change the brand and buy something that does
not contain them.
Below are some brands & products that I recommend and use.
Duke Cannon Big American Brick of Soap (only for bad-asses)
Acure Organics Natural Shampoo (argan stem + oil)
Himalaya Herbal Healthcare Neem & Pomegranate
North Coast Organic All Natural Deodorant
Lather & Wood’s Luxurious Sophisticated Mens Moisturizer
for the Man’s Man
Pacific Shaving Company All Natural Shaving Cream
Fluoride and Testosterone
Everyone knows fluoride. It’s the naturally occurring inorganic
chemical used heavily in toothpastes, salts, and tap water supply
for the prevention of tooth decay. And even though some hippie
“alternate medicine” people like to claim that it doesn’t work and
is “pure evil conspiracy”, there’s plenty of evidence to show that
it does protect the teeth by reinforcing the enamel shield. (598)
With that being said, I have been actively avoiding fluoride for
roughly 3 years now. That’s right, I use fluoride-free toothpaste, I
have a tap water filtration system that filters away fluoride
under my sink, and I try to avoid fluoridated foods and/or foods
high in naturally occurring fluoride (as a side note, my teeth are
still in great condition without any extra fluoride use).
The reason behind my – as some might say “crazy” – fluoride
It’s a well documented fact that fluoride can disrupt normal
testosterone and thyroid hormone production. This is due to the
facts that fluoride is toxic at low levels in the human body and
causes oxidative stress, it can displace iodine from androgen
receptors and thyroid gland, and it can adversely impact
testicular cells and enzymes needed for healthy testosterone
There’s a good reason why every toothpaste package has a
warning that states how small children should never swallow
the contents.
And that “just a pea sized portion is enough”. This is so that the
fluoride would only go topically to your teeth (where it protects
the enamel), but not so much into your digestion and circulation
(where it acts as a neuroendocrine toxin).
Much like the other light halides (chlorine and bromine),
fluoride can displace iodine from human cells, (599) when that
happens inside testicular leydig cells, sertoli cells, androgen
receptors, and at the thyroid gland, you’re in for a hormonal
However, the displacement of iodine is nowhere near the only
negative side effect of ingested iodine. It can also increase
oxidative damage in testicles, (600) reducing the protective
antioxidants and impairing enzyme signaling needed for healthy
testosterone production.
In case you need some research to believe it, here’s what a quick
search gets you:
a) Fluoride anions that come in contact with calcium ions in
the body, form a compound called calcium fluoride, which
can mess up with the function of many neuroendocrine
glands, causing calcification and impaired protein
signaling (601, 602, 603).
b) In multiple rodent studies, it has been seen that fluoride
has a dose-dependent negative impact on testicular
testosterone production, (604) due to impaired enzyme
functions, oxidative damage, impaired cholesterol
transportation, blocking androgen receptors, and direct
cell damage (605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611).
c) In a human study (612) where males from a high-fluoride
water area were compared against males from an area
with low-fluoride water, the males who were exposed to
higher amounts of fluoride had 40% lower serum T levels
on average. This study was replicated with larger amount
of subjects in 2010, (613) with similar conclusions: “the
serum level of T in men of fluoride polluted district was
significantly less than that of control group”.
d) In this human study, (614) it was noted that people who
suffer from skeletal fluorosis (too high intake of fluoride,
aka. fluoride toxicity), have significantly lower
testosterone levels when compared to control subjects.
e) In this 2003 human study, (615) it was seen that even
lower doses of 2-13 mg/day of fluoride are capable of
significantly lowering free testosterone levels.
NOTE: Fluoride also accumulates in the body, so the
problem is not only caused by high acute exposure to
fluoride, but also because we’re constantly exposed to it
at lower doses. Major sources of fluoride being;
unfiltered tap water, fluoridated salt, toothpaste, and
certain foods naturally high in fluoride (black tea being
the worst offender). (616)
The global average on male testosterone levels is crashing down
rapidly, year after year. In a 17 year study (617) with 1,700 men
as subjects, the researchers found out that since the late 80’s, the
average US men’s testosterone levels have dropped by 1% every
In a Finnish study (618) with somewhat similar design, it was
seen that men born in the 70’s have roughly 20% less
testosterone at age 35 than their father’s generation had at the
same age.
Even when the researchers adjust the results according to age,
obesity, smoking status, etc. the drop in testosterone still shows
up, and there hasn’t really been a conclusion about what is
causing this decline that seems to just speed up as years go by.
While the scientifically proven conclusion to the above has yet to
be found, many endocrinologists believe that there’s a clear
reason behind the global decline in T.
Increased exposure to man-made chemicals. Many of which act
as xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors in the body.
We’re constantly exposed to them on a daily basis, as they’re
hidden in soaps, shampoos, deodorants, house cleaning
products, car care products, air fresheners, plastics,
preservatives, and so forth.
The worst offenders though? Pesticides sprayed to
conventionally raised foodstuffs, which tend to end up and
accumulate in our bodies after consuming the foods laden with
such chemicals.
Pesticides and Testosterone Production
Whenever I mention to someone that I’m mainly consuming
organic foods, the response is often as follows:
“Whaaat? Why the fuck, that’s more expensive and it’s not at all
different or more nutritious than eating conventional produce.”
It’s true that eating organic is significantly more expensive, one
doesn’t have to be a genius to see it. Also, the taste is rather
similar to conventional stuff. Heck, they are not even that much
more nutritious than the conventional produce is.
Yet, I still do spend my money on organic foods, rather than the
cheaper conventionally grown kind.
It’s because of the stuff that I don’t want into my body; the
pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. You know,
those man-made chemicals that are sprayed into the crops by
people in breathing masks and moon suits.
Some say that there’s no evidence of these chemicals being
harmful to hormones or general health as a whole, but that’s
where I have to disagree. At least on the hormonal part.
And here’s why:
Pesticides and Testosterone Research:
a) In this study, (619) the researchers tested 37 widely used
pesticides to see if any of them had any anti-androgenic
effects in-vitro. Out of the 37 tested chemicals, 30 were
shown to be anti-androgenic. 14 of the tested chemicals
were previously known for having a hormone disrupting
effect, but the researchers were shocked to find out
sixteen more that had no known hormonal activity until
b) In this large-scale study, (620) it was noted that 91% of
the US test subjects had noticeable amounts of the
insecticide; chlorpyrifos, in their bodies. In another
human study, (621) TCPY (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol)
which is a metabolite of chlorpyrifos, was noted of having
a dose-dependent testosterone lowering effect in
multiple linear regression models. Several animal studies
have also shown that chlorpyrifos has a significant
testosterone lowering effect (622, 623, 624).
c) In this study, (625) it was noted that RoundUp, one of the
most used herbicides in the World (especially in GMO
foods), has a direct testosterone suppressing effect in
testicular leydig cells at very low environmental doses.
d) In this 2007 study, (626) various pesticides (some of
which have been already banned) were shown to be
anti-androgenic and mess up with the 5-a reductase
enzyme, which is responsible for dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) synthesis.
e) Atrazine, one of the most widely used herbicides in US,
has been shown to decrease testosterone levels in fish,
amphibians, and rodents (627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632,
633). Also, according to this study (634) increased
atrazine concentrations in water can transform male
frogs into females (literally to the point where they grow
ovaries). I haven’t seen any human studies about
atrazine’s effect on testosterone levels, but I’m fairly sure,
only after looking at the animal evidence, that this stuff is
something I’m not going to ingest willingly.
f) Finclozolin is a common fungicide generously sprayed on
f ruits and vegetables. According to EPA ( 635 )
(Environmental Protection Agency), vinclozolin is a
competetive antagonist to androgen receptors, and can
activate the receptor similarly to testosterone. However
it’s suspected that the chemical doesn’t activate the
receptor properly, and hence just “steals” the place from
the actual male hormones. Furthermore, two vinclozolin
metabolites have been identified as anti-androgens and
the chemical is suspected to have feminizing effects in
humans. Vinclozolin is also banned in Finland, Sweden,
Denmark, and Norway.
g) In this Peruvian study, (636) it was noted that men who
work as organophosphate sprayers experience
significantly lower testosterone levels and worse semen
parameters than control subjects.
h) In Denmark, the farmers of organic produce have
significantly higher sperm quality and sex hormone
levels, (637) when compared to their conventional
produce farming peers. Same researchers have also found
out that greenhouse workers in contact with fungicides,
experience suppressed testosterone levels and reduced
sperm quality. (638)
i) In American men, exposure to PCB’s (polychlorinated
biphenyls) is strongly associated with lower serum
testosterone levels. (639) PCB’s were heavily used in
multiple chlorinated pesticides many years ago, but
they’re extremely persistent in the environment, lasting
for years or even decades in soil and lake sediments,
which is why we still continue to get this stuff into our
What puzzles me almost daily, is how and why people have
seemingly lost their ability of rational thinking. This lack of
common sense, is especially true when it comes to sun
protection. We are told by so called “experts” that being out in
the sun without some SPF 100+ lotion, would cause rapid skin
cancer, and also damage our skin.
Yet our ancestors spent a lot more time out in the sun than we
do, and didn’t use any sun blockers. They also had significantly
lower amounts of skin cancer, and if you look at old pictures, you
can see that even their skin was in a much better condition than
Something is not right with that.
We are out in the sun for significantly shorter durations than our
ancestors, and we use more “protective” lotions that block the so
called “harmful” sun rays, yet the skin cancer rates have
skyrocketed since the invention of sunscreen.
Recent (non-sponsored) research is even more puzzling:
according to this European study (640) – which looked at 57
different studies – a continuous exposure to sun rays (note that
this doesn’t mean sunburn), significantly reduces the risk of skin
cancer (melanoma).
The debate on if sunscreen use is necessary or not to prevent
skin cancer is beyond the scope of this article. What I’m going to
talk about with you, is the potential testosterone lowering
effects of these so called “sun blockers”.
Common Endocrine Disruptors in Sunscreens
benzophenones (BP-1, BP-2, BP-3, – permeability
enhanching UV stabilizers)
4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC – UV filter).
parabens (methyl, butyl, propyl, etc).
octyl-dimethyl-PABA (UV filter).
octyl-methoxycinnamate (UV-B filter).
homosolate (UV filter)
a) In this in-vitro study benzophenone-1 (641) (BP-1)
reduced testosterone levels and the activity of androgen
b) Furthermore, in this study benzophenone-2 (642) (BP-2)
reduced testosterone in-vitro in human testicular cells
and also in male rats. BP-2 also significantly reduced
thyroid hormone levels, but the researchers say that the
reduction in thyroid hormones was only partly
responsible for the reduction in testosterone.
c) And then, in this study (643) conducted by Dr. Peter
Dingle, the application of three active ingredients
commonly found in sunscreens (benzephone-3, 4-MBC,
and octyl- methoxycinnamate) for one week, led to a drop
in testosterone and estradiol levels in men.
d) In this study, (644) BP-3 metabolites were found to be
xenoestrogenic in cultured human cells, even though BP-3
itself didn’t show estrogenic activity in this previous
study. (645)
e) Few more studies have also found that benzophenones
are anti-androgenic and can block dihydrotestosterone
from binding into the androgen receptors (646, 647, 648,
f) The worst thing about benzophenones, is the fact that
they’re particularly penetrative. This is caused because
they’re the least lipophilic of the most common UV filters,
meaning that they can easily absorb through the bi-layer
of phospholipids of the human skin and into the
bloodstream. In fact, the researchers in this study (650)
tested 2,517 patients just to find out that 96.8% of urine
samples tested positive for benzophenones. Similar
results were seen in this study, where all the 30 adult
subjects tested positive for benzophenones. (651)
Methylbenzylidene Camphor
a) There are few studies which have shown the UV-B filter
4- Methylbenzylidene Camphor (4-MBC) to be a potent
xenoestrogen, meaning that it mimics the actions of
exogenous estrogen in the human body by increasing
estrogen levels and also activating its target receptors.
These results have been noticed in both: in-vitro and
in-vivo studies (652, 653, 654).
b) In this rodent study, (655) 4-MBC caused pituitary effects
comparable to hypothyroidism (elevated TSH and lower
T4 and T3 levels). Note that lowered activity of the
thyroid gland is strongly associated with lowered
testosterone levels in humans. (656)
c) 4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor was one of the 3
ingredients in the lotion that lowered testosterone levels
in the study led by Dr. Dingle (657) (the same one as in
benzophenones above).
a) Parabens are a class of widely used preservatives in
cosmetics. You can find them in most skin moisturizers,
soaps, shampoos, and of course: sunscreens. They induce
a very weak estrogenic response (658) in the human
body, but are still considered xenoestrogens. The
estrogenic activity of parabens increases with the length
of the alkyl group, and their estrogenic potency, according
to this study, (659) is as follows: butylparaben ->
propylparaben -> ethylparaben -> methylparaben.
b) Even though parabens are only weakly estrogenic, many
doctors still believe that they can cause problems in the
endocrine system, due to the fact that continuous usage
causes the accumulation of the compounds inside the
fatty tissues (660). I’m not a chemist, nor a doctor, so I
can’t really say if you should avoid parabens or not, but
personally I don’t like the idea of lathering myself with
accumulating xenoestrogens, even if they’re weak.
c) Few in-vitro and in-vivo animal studies have shown that
propylparaben can directly suppress testosterone
synthesis via mitochondrial dysfunction in the cells
responsible for testosterone production (661).
a) Octyl-dimethyl-PABA (padimate-O) is an UV-B blocker
which, according to few studies, is a weak endocrine
disruptor with estrogenic activity being slightly less
potent than what is seen on propylparaben (662, 663).
Not much more is known about this chemical
hormone-wise other than that, but that’s still enough for
me not to put it anywhere near my skin.
a) Octyl-methoxycinnamate (octinoxate) is an UV-filter
which caused major concerns back in 2000, when it was
shown to be toxic in rats (664) with a dosage that’s about
identical with one that you’d get from applying
sunscreen. However another study ( 665 ) rushed in to
conclude that Octyl methoxycinnamate is not that
effectively absorbed by the human body.
b) With that being said, the chemical has shown estrogenic
activity in cultured human cells and in animal studies
(666, 667).
c) And Octyl methoxycinnamate was also one of the three
ingredients in the lotion used by Dr. Peter Dingle on his
subjects to achieve lowered testosterone levels after just
one week of application, (668) suggesting that it might
disrupt the human endocrine system, even though it’s
weakly absorbed (there’s also the possibility that the
effect could of have been caused solely by the 2 other
ingredients in the lotion (benzephone-3a and
4-methylbenzylidene camphor).
a) Homosolate is an UV-filter which has shown endocrine
disrupting effects in cultured human cells and in rodents.
It’s chlorine byproducts also show weak estrogenic
activity (669, 670).
b) And according to the good old Wikipedia: “Homosolate
has been identified as an antiandrogen in vitro, as well as
having estrogenic activity toward estrogen receptors, and
general in vitro estrogenic activity. Homosalate has also
been shown to be an antagonist toward androgen and
estrogen receptors in vitro. There is also evidence that
homosolate (and other UV filters) can break down into
more toxic products”
c) Homosolate is also very permeable when applied to the
human skin (671).
In the view of the mounting pile of evidence above, I made a
decision to go nowhere near supermarket-sunscreens. Instead I
purchased organic sunscreen, which is made from all-natural
ingredients and is free from the plethora of endocrine disrupting
chemicals that I can’t even pronounce.
The brand that I purchased is called Biosolis, but from Amazon
you can only purchase it as SPF 50+ kids version and it costs 3
times as much as it did in Finland.
You could also get some good old coconut oil, and then mix some
zinc oxide powder into it, which should offer you a great nonabsorbent, and all-natural shield from the sun.
As a final conclusion I would also add that using a high SPF
sunscreen blocks most of the vitamin D synthesis in the skin.
(672) A synthesis of a vitamin that is hugely important for
testosterone production and also our natural defense system
against sunburns.
Chlorine in Swimming Pools
The actual act of swimming may increase testosterone levels, but
if you’re swimming in one of those chlorinated pools, then you’re
going to experience some of the negative side effects of chlorine
and do your body more harm than good.
So how do the chlorine in water side effects manifest?
In a study led by Nickmilder et al., (673) it was found out that
adolescent boys who’d been “heavy users” of chlorinated
swimming pools had significantly lower testosterone levels than
boys who weren’t that keen on swimming.
Nickmilder and his crew took serum hormone samples from 361
school male adolescents (aged between 14-18 years) who had
visited swimming pools treated with chlorine.
What they found out was that the boys who had visited
chlorinated pools for more than 250 hours before the age of 10,
and for more than 125 hours before the age of 7, had
significantly lower testosterone levels when compared to the
boys who’d never visited a pool in their lives.
Chlorine in Water Side Effects Study Results
This is what the researchers say: “Swimming in indoor
chlorinated pools during childhood is strongly associated with
lower levels of serum inhibin B and total testosterone. The
absorption of reprotoxic chlorination by-products across the
highly permeable scrotum might explain these associations.”
So do these side effects of chlorine on testosterone apply to
adults? Answer: Unfortunately it does. Chlorine is easily absorbed
even through the thicker skin of an adult male.
You can test this out by filling a cup with the water from your
local chlorinated pool, then test the water with chlorine testing
strips to see how much chlorine there is in the cup. After that
wiggle your fingers in the glass for 60 seconds and test the water
again with another strip.
You’ll notice that there’s no chlorine in the water anymore, as it’s
now inside your body.
Is there a way to reverse this and flush chlorine out from the
body? Answer: Yes, you can supplement with strong liquid
iodine which replaces the chlorine in your cells with the much
needed iodine.
Conclusion on Chlorine Side Effects
There’s a clear connection between the exposure to chlorine and
low testosterone levels, as shown in the study about chlorinated
pools. Even though the study was done in young adolescents, the
results will still apply to adults too.
So if you’re a keen swimmer or have spent a lot of time in those
chlorinated swimming pools and don’t want to experience any
chlorine side effects, it could be wise to look into iodine
supplementation, so you can get that much needed essential
mineral back into the androgen receptors.
Excitotoxins and Testosterone
Excitotoxins are compounds added to most packaged foods,
which can bypass the blood-brain barrier, and wreck havoc in
certain brain receptors. They have a really shitty rep in the mass
media, and some people seem to blame excitotoxins for just
about any medical issue they can think about.
But is the rep justified, or are excitotoxins safe to
consume? Let’s find out.
Potential Dangers of Excitotoxin Consumption
The word “excitotoxicity” describes a pathological process
where nerve cells are damaged or killed because of excessive
stimulation by neurotransmitters such as glutamate and similar
Most common of the excitotoxins is the notorious MSG
(monosodium glutamate), which binds into the NMDA and AMPA
receptors of the brain, causing the receptors to uptake too much
calcium ions, (674) which overexcites the receptors, and
eventually damages them.
Common Excitotoxins Added to Processed Foods
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monoammonium Glutamate
Magnesium Diglutamate
Glycyrrhizin (in licorice)
The negative effects aren’t only happening inside the brain.
There is a legitimate concern that excitotoxins could also
negatively influence testosterone production.
This happens because the oversynaptic activation of the NMDA
receptors, shuts down some of the cAMP (cyclic adenosine
monophospate) activity in the brain. (675) And cAMP serves as a
signaling molecule between the brain and the balls.
There’s also some theories about excitotoxins overexciting the
androgen receptors of the brain in a similar manner than what is
seen with the NMDA receptors. And few animal studies have
shown a clear link between lowered testosterone levels, central
nervous system damage, and excitotoxin intake in male rodents
(676, 677 678).
The manufacturers and their lobbyists work hard to sell us the
idea that excitotoxins would be perfectly safe, while the
“natural-health hippies” will tell you that the compounds slowly
kill you.
I believe that the truth may fall somewhere in-between.
Yes excitotoxins can be bad for your brain health and
testosterone production when continuously consumed, but no,
you won’t get a brain seizure after drinking one bottle of
aspartame sweetened soda.
I personally eat real organic foods, so I don’t have to worry about
man-made bullshit compounds like excitotoxins. That’s what you
should be doing too.
— Chapter 41 —
Body Language
Yes, a simple posture hack will have a large scale impact on your
testosterone and cortisol levels.
Almost immediately.
Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist at Harvard Business School
gave an eye opening TED talk in 2012 on the subject of using
your body language to shape who you are, or more
appropriately... who you want to become.
Body language is dependent on non-verbal cues.
However, the majority of research on non-verbals has
historically focused on non-verbals as perceived by outsiders.
For example, how your body language governs how other people
think and feel about you.
But the really important question isn’t that, but rather: do our
non- verbals affect how we feel about ourselves?
We know that our brains can change our bodies, but is it also
true that our bodies can change our brains? Our hormones?
And interestingly, in the research, Cuddy and company found
that the main hormonal markers that played roles in these
non-verbal dynamics were testosterone and cortisol.
A hormone that influences dominance levels, and a hormone
that governs stress reactivity.
In primate hierarchies, the alpha male always has high levels of
testosterone and low levels of cortisol. In dominant, effective
leaders, we also find - almost across the board - high levels of
testosterone and low levels of cortisol.
This means the leaders are not just hard-charging testosterone
juice heads, but also have low stress reactivity. They’re flexible
and cool under pressure.
The researchers found that with a couple quick physical
manipulations, changes you can implement in mere minutes,
their test subjects were able to considerably increase their
testosterone levels and decrease their cortisol. Again, in minutes.
Not days, weeks, or months.
They ran a series of tests with a group of subjects, measuring
testosterone and cortisol levels before and directly after the
subjects made some simple changes. And the results were
significantly different.
Now imagine if you were to integrate these simple physical
hacks into your everyday life, eventually just making them a part
of who you are. Sounds great, right? It is.
So what are the hacks?
1. Change your role
2. Change your posture
Let’s look at these further.
First, change your role. What is your role in life? How do you
identify yourself? Do you think of yourself as dominant, as a
leader, as a power player?
Or do you think of yourself as a pawn? Are you just a cog in the
It doesn’t matter if you actually are just a cog in the machine,
most of us are in some respect. What does matter is how you
perceive your life situation and your social role in that situation.
In primate hierarchies, when a lesser male is forced to take over
the role of alpha male in the society, within a matter of days his
testosterone levels are significantly increased.
He’s the exact same animal, the same being, he just changed his
role. And his hormone levels compensated for that change. They
rose to the occasion, so to speak.
So what does this mean for you?
Take a few minutes to reflect on your current role in life. If you’re
experiencing low testosterone, or symptoms of low T, is there a
time in the recent past when you can recall a role change, and
did that have an effect on your not just your outlook, but your
biology? On your health?
If so, how are you going to change that? Now that you
understand this, you are faced with the opportunity to alter your
role to better suit your endocrine health.
Here’s my recommendation: take on more responsibility.
Increase the amount of risk in your life, with an equally
measurable increase in potential for reward. Higher testosterone
males are generally far less risk averse, and that’s not just a
consequence of their predetermined biology. It is possible for
you to increase your testosterone and/or maintain its current
level, by placing yourself in certain social and life situations.
Change your role and your circumstances.
If what you’re doing right now isn’t working for you, what is
holding you back from making the necessary changes?
And if you’ve always considered yourself a beta, or maybe just
never considered yourself an alpha male, then give it a shot.
Change your role - upgrade, in your own mind (because that is
where all change begins), your role to alpha male and stop being
so submissive.
Don’t be one of those pseudo-alpha douches though. We’ve all
seen them. The guys who walk into the bar with their chests
puffed out, acting macho. Being an alpha male is not about
acting macho to compensate for your insecurities. It’s about
feeling secure with who you are, and not letting anybody else
threaten that security.
Cuddy et al. found some incredible results with a simple posing
experiment, and that leads us to this next point... change your
The researchers had a group of test subjects come into the lab,
spit into a vial (for saliva testing) then assume several different
posture positions for 2 minutes before spitting into another vial
(for post test results).
The results: the subjects who assumed what the researchers
termed “high power” positions (ie. spreading out, becoming
physically bigger by standing straighter, or with hands on hips
and power pose with legs) saw a whopping 20% increase in
overall testosterone levels (in minutes)! They also saw a 25%
decrease in cortisol.
So increase your testosterone by 20% and decrease your cortisol
by 25% by just standing or sitting in a more powerful position.
Assume a position of dominance with your body, and your brain
will “rise to the occasion.”
On the flip side, those test subjects who assumed the “low
power” positions (i.e. sitting with legs crossed, arms crossed in
front of themselves for protection, slouching, touching their
neck, looking at the floor, etc) saw a 10% immediate decrease in
testosterone and a 15% increase in cortisol!
So two minutes can literally configure your brain over the
short-term to either be assertive, confident, and comfortable or
stress reactive and feeling shut down and vulnerable.
So yes, your body can change your brain.
Beyond just integrating a role change and some more assertive
posturing into your everyday life, I believe most guys can benefit
from specifically using these quick hacks in situations where
your dominance might be compromised.
Again, don’t be a douchebag, but just be deliberate.
If you’re giving a speech in front of an audience, or a
presentation in a boardroom to a group of executives, take that
opportunity to be deliberate with your non-verbal cues, not just
for the sake of how your audience perceives you, but for
See it as a challenge and rise to the occasion. Be assertive and
protect your inner level of security by not compromising your
alpha male status.
Stand tall, deliver your speech powerfully, don’t succumb to ‘low
power’ poses, even when your body might naturally gravitate
toward them.
Again, be deliberate.
Over time, with continual practice, the way you sit, stand, and
move in your everyday life will transition to “high power” and
away from “low power.” And this will actually increase your
testosterone and lower your cortisol quickly and predictably. So
keep that tool in your back pocket.
— Chapter 42 —
Cold Showers
There is little evidence to directly correlate cold water
immersion with testosterone increase.
There is, however, a theoretically sound hypothesis in support of
it - the body of research just doesn’t yet support the claims
beyond anecdotal evidence.
There is a ghost study floating around on the internet that claims
testosterone increase with cold water immersion, yet nobody
actually links to it, and it doesn’t exist in any reputable academic
journal databases.
Short-term cold water therapy is very healthy for humans for its
anti- depressive effects, metabolic increase, and proposed leptin
enhancing effects.
So what’s the deal with cold showers?
Cold water immersion gets a lot of play, both in popular books as
well as internet articles and forums, for increasing testosterone
production in men.
But does all the hype actually stack up with the
evidence? Unfortunately, no.
At least not in terms of direct scientific research that
demonstrates convincing evidence of testosterone increase
However, cold showers and/or short-term cold water exposure
can be good for your health in general, for other reasons, but
we’ll get back to that shortly.
Here’s the deal, everybody and their mother cites a 1993 study
by the “Thrombosis Research Institute” as implicating cold
showers with a direct increase in testosterone levels.
However, after hours of scouring the internet for this study, I
could not even find the damned thing. I searched far and wide,
first in reputable academic databases like Pubmed, Google
Scholar, JSTOR, Science Direct, and Wiley, then in Google search,
forums, and blog articles.
The study doesn’t appear to exist, at least not
online. So what gives?
Well, at first glance this appears to be a case of he-said-she- said.
One blogger or author hears about something on a forum, “cites”
a study, writes an article on it, then another blogger picks it up
and cites it, then the spark ignites and the unfounded
information runs rampant across the internet.
While it may actually be true - short term cold water immersion
may actually improve transient testosterone production - I
unfortunately will not explicitly recommend it, or recommend
against it, due to the fact that I have never read any evidence to
support this claim. I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon just
because it is popular.
However, there is evidence that points to prolonged cold water
exposure as having negative stress effects on non- cold-adapted
rats, with decrease in testosterone levels being one of the
outcomes. And negative effects of prolonged cold exposure in
non-cold-adapted humans has been reported as well.
And if we pull our heads out of the books for a second and think
about it, prolonged cold exposure in a human who is not adapted
to it generally leads to one thing... hypothermia.
In terms of cold water immersion, here’s how things work:
Short-term immersion (5-10minutes): positive effects
(discussed below), though little to no evidence of
testosterone production beyond speculation
Proper cold-adaptation via steady habituation: adaptive
responses such as increase in subcutaneous fat level (seen
in many long distance pool swimmers, and especially in
cold water distance swimmers - not necessarily preferable)
Long term cold exposure in non-adapted individuals (20+
minutes): negative stress effects, potentially decreasing
testosterone levels due to increase in glucocorticoids
Noradrenaline has been shown many times to increase
significantly with cold exposure. This is actually the main
mechanism of action that scientists credit for the perceived
anti-depressive effects of cold water therapy on subjects.
The short-term cold (or cool) water exposure increases blood
levels of beta-endorphin and noradrenaline, also increasing
synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain. The immersion of
the palms and feet in the water, areas with very high
concentration of heat sensory receptors in the skin, would
theoretically send a large amount of neural impulses to the brain
to accentuate this process.
However, researchers acknowledge that the body of research is
quite small in terms of cold water therapy acting in this manner
and they call for wider and more rigorous study before
conclusive arguments can be made.
One hypothesis might be to speculate that since noradrenaline
increases substantially with short term cold exposure, and since
noradrenaline acts on the preoptic area of the hypothalamus,
which, as we already know, is the site of excretion of GnRH,
which stimulates the pituitary to release LH which leads to
testosterone production, that ice baths will increase testosterone
Due to our knowledge of noradrenaline’s regulatory nature on
the GnRH secretion pathway, this may be a sound hypothesis.
It may work.
The body of research on this is minimal, at best, however. So for
results, you’ll need to conduct n=1 studies on yourself.
Many anecdotal reports confirm the benefits of short cold or
cool water immersion on perceived libido enhancement, which
may indicate a testosterone increase.
In terms of my own experience, I have intermittently used
10-minute cool water baths with 2-3 ice packs after hard
training sessions for recovery, and underwent this process a
significant number of times over the period of the last few years
as I increased my testosterone levels so drastically.
However, I did it specifically for either muscle recovery from
training or because the occasional cool bath invigorates me, and
I’d be lying if I claimed to do it specifically to increase my
I can neither deny nor confirm that the cool water baths had any
impact on my overall testosterone levels, sadly. Though this is
definitely an area for some direct home- testing experimentation
in the future.
Other cold water benefits include an increase in metabolic rate,
as well as proposed contributions to restoring homeostatic
leptin levels (in Dr. Jack Kruse’s “Leptin Reset”), with other
promising results for chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic heart
failure, and some types of cancers - even a hypothesis for
anti-tumor immunity.
So it is definitely something you may be interested in trying out.
Remember, short-term exposure to cold or cool water for 5-10
minutes is all you need.
— Chapter 43 —
Career & Risk Taking
Your job might be destroying your testosterone production.
Symptoms of andropause (ie. depression, low libido, lack of
energy, erectile difficulties) have been studied in men with
relation to psychological job-related stress, and research shows
some interesting findings.
This entire paradigm clearly demonstrates how important
psychology is to your health.
Symptoms of andropause, according to the research, can appear
independent of testosterone levels. Researchers have found men
with both normal and low testosterone to experience these
The main culprit is psychological stress, much of it lifestyle and
job- related.
So if you work a stressful job, this is a crucial area of your life to
address. You need to learn proper psychological coping
mechanisms as well as make sure the rest of your life is handled
fairly well in terms of nutrition, training, lifestyle, and
However, men with lower testosterone in general are at
considerably higher risk for andropause symptoms, especially
with exposure to high-stress job environments, which can elicit
depressive symptoms, insomnia, and musculoskeletal problems
alone, in otherwise healthy men.
In a study in Japanese men working in stressful job
environments, researchers found that, almost across the board,
the subjects were more likely to be obese, have high cholesterol,
have tension related to anxiety and depression, and suffer from
chronic lower back pain.
Sound familiar?
I know I’ve felt many of this in my own life: first in college, then
during my first start-up company post-college.
Luckily, many of these symptoms can be beat with proper
nutrition, training, and sleep. However, taking the correct
psychological measures is vital as well, otherwise much of your
progress with the other aspects will be in vain.
Unfortunately, you may have more cards stacked against you
than you realize, however.
Even the building you work in could be negatively affecting your
testosterone production.
Yes, researchers have actually linked “building-related sickness”
and the chemical impact traditional office and school buildings
have on people with negative correlations in stress-related blood
hormone levels.
Another, often overlooked influence over your psychosomatic
stress levels is technology, especially technology commonly
found in work environments.
A Swedish study followed a large group of skilled IT workers at
Ericsson Laboratories over a 6 month period of training.
They chose this group of individuals as test subjects, as opposed
to “normal” office workers exposed to technology, because
Ericsson engineers are highly-skilled and completely immersed
in technology, both psychologically and physically.
No convincing correlations have yet to be linked between purely
physical exposure to technology and negative effects other than
reported eye strain from screen exposure and occasional
However, when studying a group of subjects who make a living
building computer architecture, we’re able to more accurately
gauge the impact technological psycho-stress may have on an
individual because engineers will have far less psychological
stress related to routine computer handling than an average
office worker with limited technological prowess, who may
become highly stressed even when they need to make a
spreadsheet or perform simple tasks.
In this particular study, the researchers had workers go about
their normal routine over the study duration, and split them into
groups. They were specifically studying how effective certain
stress- management techniques were on the individuals.
Quite obviously (in my opinion) stress management techniques
proved to be more successful over the course of the study in
terms of regulating psychological stress as well as some
biological markers such as prolactin and blood pressure.
However, and this is the one result that they chose not to
elaborate on in the discussion section, total testosterone levels
dropped considerably in test subjects over the 6 months.
Because the researchers failed to comment on this (important)
issue in the study, we are left to craft our own hypothesis. I think
this drop may either be:
1.) Routine, and normal for these individuals and/or related
to work- specific events not mentioned in the study itself, or
2.) Reflect the nature of the individuals who, normally in
control of their domain and more likely to function best
when left alone, felt disturbed by the presence of researchers
in their life, prodding with giant questionnaires and
attempting to teach stress management. It may have
demasculinized them slightly. Again, just speculation.
So, can technology directly affect your testosterone levels
negatively? By itself, probably not - there has been no convincing
evidence to support the claim.
However, technology, especially in the work environment, may
be a significant contributing factor to additional stress, both
psychological and physical, which could have an adverse effect
on your testosterone levels as a downstream consequence of
chronically elevated glucocorticoid levels and poor lifestyle
decisions such as sacrificing sleep and practicing poor posture
when using the computer, for example.
Also, two things to pay specific attention to with respects to your
work environment, and these are more common sense than
anything but I might as well reinforce some good thinking: be
wary of your nutrition habits in the office, and take positive
steps to improve stress during your commute.
1. Nutrition in the office: Offices are notoriously bad places
for trying to eat well. From the snack machine and
extreme stress and/or boredom, to Lisa from Accounting
always bringing those damn Dunkin’ Donuts Munchkin
donut holes in all the time, you just need to pay attention
and stick to your guns when it comes to making the best
2. Commuting: Even if you don’t experience road rage,
which is clearly stressful for everybody involved and an
unhealthy habit and personality pattern, commuting
hours to and from work every day, by train, car, airplane,
or bicycle, can be an additional source of chronic stress,
contributing to chronically-elevated cortisol levels.
Physically, you’re kind of stuck. You need to physically get to
work, unless you quit jobs and find a better one that is closer to
home (or even negotiate a way to work from home). It’s difficult
to get around the fact that physically your body is going to need
to undergo this additional stress on a daily basis.
However, as we’ve seen so far in the program, and will continue
to see, your mental attitude, posture, and actions can have direct
effects on your physiological conditions.
Testosterone and Risk
Taking: Why Do Men Like
To Gamble?
I have to admit that I’m a bit of a sucker for gambling. Not on
roulette, poker or anything like that, but on sports betting.
Is my habit of sports betting due to high testosterone, or is it just
a personal trait? That I don’t know, but one thing is for certain.
Nearly all of the sports bettors out there are men. Same goes for
poker players, casino, etc.
And the question is, why? Why women don’t bet that often, and
why it’s almost completely a men’s game?
Testosterone And Risk Taking go Hand in Hand
As a rule of thumb: if a man likes something that women don’t
really care about, the reason is usually behind hormones.
That’s why men often like cars, women don’t. Men like action
movies, women love romantic comedies. Men don’t really care
about their appearance, for women it’s the most important thing
in the world, etc.
Sure there are men who like romantic comedies and women who
like to work on cars, but in general, men tend to be interested in
masculine stuff, while women are more interested in feminine
stuff. And the reason almost always goes back to hormones.
Risk taking and gambling just happen to be somewhat masculine
testosterone driven things, and that’s why men are more easily
interested in such habits. Basically the more of the male
hormone testosterone you have in your bloodstream, the more
fascinated you will be about risk taking and gambling.
Also a man with high testosterone takes more risks than a man
with low testosterone. That’s a scientifically proven fact.
If you don’t believe me, take a look at these studies:
a) The researchers in this study (679) placed an attractive
female near male skateboarders. What they found out
was that the men noted a significant jump in their
testosterone levels, which led them to become more risky
with their tricks, resulting in more successes, but also
more crashes.
b) The researchers in this study, (680) used 98 male
investors as their test subjects. They found out that the
men who had highest levels of salivary testosterone, were
also the ones who took most of the risks when there was
a change to monetary payoffs.
c) This study (681) found out that the men with high
testosterone levels were more likely to play with “risky
cards” in a gambling experiment.
d) This interesting study (682) saw that when high
testosterone males are given “low power” they tend to
take more risks to get things into their control, but when
a high testosterone male is given a high power status,
they start taking fewer risks.
e) The researchers in this study (683) gave their subject
males a drug called letrozole, which is a strong aromatase
inhibitor that increases testosterone and blocks estrogen.
The results showed that the men who received the drug
without estrogen control took more risks than the men
who received the drug along with estrogen control.
f) The researchers in this study (684) found out that young
CEO’s with high testosterone are more likely than older
men or women to both initiate and kill mergers and
acquisitions deals. According to the researchers it’s the
testosterone that drives such risk taking.
g) This is an interesting study. (685) The researchers
followed 17 young future traders for eight consecutive
business days and saw that whenever they made money,
their testosterone levels increased. Also the men that had
elevated testosterone levels in the morning, were likely to
make above average profits on that day. This led the
researchers to believe that testosterone might be the
secret ingredient behind market bubble, BUT that it
might also be the reason behind the bursting of the
bubble, because testosterone feeds risk taking, and vice
— Chapter 44 —
Can You Grow Taller?
With height playing a prevalent psychological (and possibly
evolutionarily programmed) role of importance in many cultures
around the world, it comes as no surprise that many guys focus
on how tall they are, and deem it an area of their life worth
Is it worth the attention?
That is an individual decision, and one made based on
preferences, so only you can decide that.
However, I’d like to explore the idea a little bit and look at the
realistic possibilities in terms of increasing height.
I do not want to breed any unrealistic expectations though, so
this exploration will be cut-and-dry, based on facts and not
outlandish marketing claims like you may see on internet
marketing-based “how to grow taller” products.
Anecdotally, in my own experience, I grew 2 inches from the
time of beginning my journey with testosterone optimization,
switching my training, nutrition, and lifestyle around.
Beyond the training, nutrition, and lifestyle elements, I attribute
this to two things:
My age
My genetics
Age-wise, all of the additional growth occurred before I was 25
years old (I am 24 years old at the time of publication). 25 is the
proposed age around which most men will stop growing entirely,
but there is probably some slight variance between individuals.
This is due to full maturation of the growth plates.
Growth plates, formally known as epiphyseal plates, are cartilage
plates at the end of your long bones that are responsible for
bone elongation during maturation, which for men usually ends
in the mid-20’s, when the epiphyseal plate becomes an
epiphyseal line.
Without getting too much into the biophysiology, the constant
mitotic division of cells causes an aggregation along the
epiphyseal end of the cartilage, causing it to “grow” over the
adolescent years, with old cells stacking up along the main shaft
of the long bone (referred to as the diaphysis).
The estrogen:testosterone ratio is very important in determining
growth potential, with a higher proportion of estrogen during
adolescence causing increased apoptosis (cell death) of the cells
that eventually would become new bone. This slows down, and
eventually halts growth, so it is very important for young males
to optimize this ratio by controlling their estrogen production.
Once the growth plates mature, the only known way to
technically “grow taller” is to surgically elongate your long bones
via a procedure known as distraction osteogenesis, which is
literally a surgical fracturing of the bone and attempt to regrow
new bone in the gap. Ouch.
The second powerful determinant of height is genetics.
If you are younger than 25 years old, and are wondering
whether or not you even have any additional growth potential,
then use the following formula to determine it:
Mother’s height (inches) + Father’s height (inches)
Add 5 inches (for men), subtract 5 inches for women
Divide by 2
The answer is your predicted growth potential, with a standard
deviation of 4 inches on either side.
For me, I’ve currently reached my genetic potential according to
this algorithm, by adding the 4 inches standard deviation to my
predicted height. Considering my current height and my age, I do
not expect to grow any more.
However, like anything, this probably isn’t 100% accurate for
every person. Some outliers always pop up.
In terms of what you can do to optimize your potential if you are
young enough and think you may still have genetic potential for
additional height.
First, get your diet and training correct. Use this program.
Growth hormone production is crucial, and just following the
guidelines laid out in the nutrition and training chapters will put
you on your way to optimize this.
Also, sleep as much as possible.
Deep sleep is the most important time in your circadian cycle for
growth hormone secretion. It’s no wonder early adolescent boys
have been known to sleep for up to 15 hours at a time (myself
and my brother included) and eat like animals while awake.
Also, don’t be a fool and take anabolic steroids in high school.
I played football and baseball with a group of guys who took
steroids starting from age 16. Sure, they were strong - they could
hit home runs and score touchdowns - but at what cost?
Anabolic steroids have been shown to stunt new bone growth in
teens as well as lower spermatogenesis, not to mention elevate
blood pressure and increase risk of heart attack. One study
actually found that teens with asthma (who take oral steroids via
their inhalers throughout adolescence) are, on average, half an
inch shorter than kids who are treated with steroids.
Additionally, posture may play an important role.
Beyond adding a solid inch or two instantly, depending on how
much you slouch currently, purposeful, powerful posture has
been shown to transiently increase your testosterone production
within minutes (see the chapter on body language). While this
may not directly translate into bone growth, it definitely helps
with confidence, and when reinforced over time, could be an
important component in increasing your T levels along with
nutrition, training, and lifestyle adjustments.
— Chapter 45 —
Alcohol is a widely used depressant that we humans most often
drink in the form of ethanol. And ethanol – like everyone who
has hugged a toilet seat at 4am knows – is toxic for the human
body. But just how toxic? How do testosterone and alcohol
interact in our bodies? And what kind of effects does it have on
the endocrine system?
The magic of alcohol is fairly simple: because it’s a depressant, it
slows down various bodily functions, which in turn triggers the
feelings of drunkenness.
Alcohol also slows down inhibitions, which is why you might get
the feeling of needing to fuck everything and everyone around
you after 10 shots of tequila.
Sadly, this mission of having sex with everything that moves can
often become impossible, since 10 shots of tequila is enough to
dramatically slow down your sexual functions (ie: the battle
sword might not rise to the occasion anymore).
This negative effect on the sexual function is mainly caused by a
dramatic drop in the male sex hormone: testosterone.
And here’s why it takes place.
Alcohol and Testosterone Production
Let’s just start by the fact that you do not have to completely give
up drinking in order to have naturally high testosterone levels.
Since few drinks here and there ain’t enough to cause any
dramatic reductions in testosterone. When it comes to alcohol
and testosterone, it’s the dose that counts.
However, if you’re an alcoholic, and drinking yourself to the
point of passing out on several days of the week, then you can be
damn sure that your testosterone production has tanked (and
you probably know this yourself already because of the negative
effects it has on sexual functioning).
Here are the already known mechanisms of action in how
alcohol lowers testosterone:
The metabolism of ethanol lowers the amount of the coenzyme
NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) (686) inside liver
and testes. NAD+ is essential part of the electron donor process
needed in the production of testosterone and various other
androgens, hence why it’s believed that alcohol lowers
testosterone in a dose-dependent manner.
Alcohol stimulates the brain to release beta-opioid endorphins,
which are the reason why you get really relaxed after few beers.
Sadly those endorphins are also notorious for their negative
effect on testosterone synthesis. (687)
Alcohol consumption causes oxidative damage in the testicular
leydig cells and various other bodily tissues, (688) which leads
to local reduction of testosterone inside the ballsack, and also to
the destruction of some testosterone molecules already in
circulation, due to the effects of the stress hormone: cortisol.
Chronically high alcohol consumption can significantly increase
estrogen levels.
This is due to the fact that it boosts the activity of the aromatase
enzyme, (690) which works by converting the male sex
hormone: testosterone, into the female sex hormone: estrogen.
Here's Some Research:
a) It has been noted in several rodent studies that
consumption of alcohol lowers testosterone levels
significantly (691, 692, 693, 694). One study (695) in
particular is rather alarming, since it showed a 50%
reduction in testicle size in rats who were fed a diet with
5% of calories coming from ethanol.
b) Multiple human studies have found that heavy
consumption of alcohol reduces testosterone levels (696,
697, 698, 699). It’s also seen that men who suffer from
alcoholism have significantly lower testosterone levels,
and higher estrogen levels, than men without alcohol
problems, even if they have a perfectly functioning livers
(700, 701, 702, 703).
c) But how much is too much then? It might come as a relief
to some that a low-dose (0.5 g/kg) of alcohol has actually
been shown to slightly increase testosterone levels. (704)
And a moderate-dose (equivalent to 1,5 glasses of red
wine) only lowered testosterone levels by 7%. (705) Even
more surprising is that in this study, (706) 1g/kg of
alcohol (that’s about half a glass of vodka for most men)
taken post- workout, was able to increase testosterone
levels by ~100%! Take that study with a grain of salt
though, since another one found out that if you work out
drunk or in hangover, the testosterone lowering effects of
alcohol will significantly increase in duration. (707)
d) It’s also worth mentioning that beer is probably one of
the worst alcoholic beverages to enjoy, if you’re
interested in not fucking up your testosterone levels. This
is because the hops of which most beers are made from
contain a very potent phytoestrogen called:
8-Prenylnaringenin. In fact, hops are so estrogenic that
the women who pick them up by hand, often experience
menstrual problems. (708) Another not so awesome
compound in beer is called xanthohumol, which can
impair hormone signaling. (709)
Beer and Testosterone
Beer and male hormones aren’t really a match made in heaven.
Sure it’s a manly drink and all that on the surface, but deep
inside of your body, all that beer is as if you’d pop one of those
women’s birth control pills (by that I mean that it seriously
skyrockets your estrogen levels).
It can be really hard to admit this as a man, but beer is by far the
worst alcoholic beverage that you could drink as a man, at least
if we look at things from the hormonal point of view.
Here’s why.
Beer Wasn’t Always As Bad For Us As It Is Now
There’s really not a drink so bad for your testosterone levels as
beer, but beer wasn’t always like that.
Prior to the year 1487 beer was known to be a beverage that
made men more aggressive, horny, and socially dominant.
It was like this ‘beverage of virility’.
This is because before the year 1487 beer wasn’t made out of
hops. It was actually made out of multiple herbs that quite
possibly had some testosterone and virility boosting benefits.
That’s where the connection between masculinity and beer is
really coming from. It comes from those times prior 1487, when
beer was actually a drink that made men more aggressive and
But then things took a turn for the worse, as the church wasn’t
really digging the idea of ‘aggressive and dominant men’, and
they soon enrolled this new law called ‘the German beer purity
law‘, (710) which stated that all the beer sold, must be brewed
using only hops, water, and malt.
The only reason for that law was to make men more feminine
and sensitive, in other words the church wanted men to become
more like sheep than wolves.
So that’s the story of why beer really is seen as a ‘masculine
drink’. And to be honest, it really was a masculine drink, until the
church feminized it with the Bavarian beer purity law back in
Beer Really Smacks Down Your Testosterone Levels
If that story above isn’t convincing enough, there’s also plenty of
modern day research that shows how and why exactly does beer
lower our testosterone levels.
And it’s not only lowering our testosterone levels, as it also
increases the levels of estrogen in the male body, which
obviously is not a good thing at all.
Here are some of the studies that prove the point:
a) Back in 2009, the American Association of Cancer
Research published this interesting study about this new
fascinating compound called xanthohumol, (711) which
was found in hops. The researchers were mesmerized
about the fact that this phyto-nutrient actually had some
anti-cancer benefits. The only thing they kinda didn’t
mention was the fact that xanthohumol is also extremely
effective at lowering male testosterone levels.
b) The hops of which beer is brewed from (thanks Bavarian
purity law!) are extremely estrogenic. This study (712) in
particular found out that the women who pick up hops by
hand, experience disturbances in their menstrual cycles
due to the extremely high estrogenic activity in the hops
itself. The researchers claim that it’s due to this
phytoestrogen called 8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN) which
contains ‘extremely estrogenic activity’.
c) 100 grams of hops can contain anywhere from 30,000 to
300,000 IU’s of estrogen.
d) Alcohol itself is a real testosterone killer.
e) The ethanol in beer (and multiple other alcoholic
beverages) has been seen to slow down the P45 enzyme
system inside your liver. (713) This isn’t too great of a
deal as P45 is responsible for estrogen metabolism, and if
it’s out of whack then your liver isn’t removing any
estrogen from your system.
— Chapter 46 —
First let’s look at Tobacco, then we will examine Marijuana.
For many years I used to think that smoking would completely
crush testosterone levels. I didn’t even read the studies about
smoking and testosterone, I just assumed that as smoking is so
harsh on the human body in so many ways, and the fact that its
filled with chemicals and carcinogenic smoke, that it had to have
a testosterone lowering effect.
The Science Behind Smoking and Testosterone
I personally don’t smoke, I only do it when I’m drunk and for the
reasons that I don’t even know myself.
So smoking and its adverse health effects have never really
interested me on a personal level.
But now after AnabolicMen.com is visited by more than 500,000
men on a monthly basis, I have been getting a lot of emails from
worried guys asking me if their habit of smoking would decrease
their testosterone levels.
So for the first time ever, I decided to do a proper research
on the studies about smoking and testosterone.
a) This highly respected study (714) found out that men
who have smoked for several years, and men who don’t
smoke at all, have pretty much identical testosterone
levels on average. Meaning that smokers and
non-smokers don’t really differ in terms of testosterone.
b) This study (715) found out similar results. Men who were
heavy smokers, and men who didn’t smoke, had similar
levels of androgens and SHBG.
c) This study (716) featured 71 men who decided to give up
the habit of smoking. In short term (few months) the men
did experience a slight increase in testosterone levels
after ceasing the habit, but after a year the men were
back at the same levels as of which they were when they
still smoked, some even had lower testosterone.
d) These studies suggest that male dogs, mice, and rats, all
experience a significant reduction in testosterone levels
after being exposed to tobacco smoke (717, 718, 719).
e) This study (720) examined multiple studies about
smoking and testosterone, and came to a conclusion that
the smokers may have higher testosterone levels because
of the fact that men with higher testosterone are more
prone to taking risks in all fields, such as gambling,
finances, health, etc. And thus the men who have high
testosterone could potentially end up smokers more
likely than “safe” men with lower testosterone levels.
f) This study (721) found out that the globally decreasing
testosterone after men turn 30, is not part of “normal
aging process” but its due to bad lifestyle choices such as
poor diet, obesity, and smoking. However they didn’t
prove anything about smoking and testosterone in the
actual study.
g) This study (722) found out that men who smoke may
actually have higher levels of free testosterone in their
blood serum.
h) This study (723) found out that men who smoke metabolize
more testosterone. Meaning that their liver gets rid of
testosterone more easily. Weirdly enough this doesn’t
seem to affect total testosterone levels in all of the
previous studies.
i) This study (724) found out that smokers and
non-smokers had no significant differences in
testosterone levels, but they did find out that smoking
depletes the body from zinc which is one of the principal
minerals behind healthy testosterone production.
Theoretically this would mean that smoking along with
poor diet could leave some men zinc deficient, and thus
lower their testosterone.
j) One thing that might partially explain these effects is the
facts that nicotine is a potent aromatase inhibitor (725,
726, 727).
k) As you can see from the mounting pile of evidence, it
truly seems like smoking doesn’t decrease testosterone
levels after all, which is extremely weird to be honest. But
after such a tremendous amount of evidence from the
scientific world, the claim that smoking reduces
testosterone levels may just be an empty one.
Marijuana and Testosterone
This is not the first time I’ve written about marijuana and
testosterone. In fact, about 6 months ago I wrote a post
showcasing all the studies about its effects on androgen
production, but since some serial-stoners decided to spam the
shit out of the article, claiming that I was promoting propaganda,
I just got tired of that and removed the whole thing.
After the deletion of the original posts, I’ve received a ton of
inquiries about the subject, which is why I’m finally rewriting
the old article about weed and testosterone.
Weed and Testosterone Levels
I don’t actively smoke weed myself, but I have nothing against
pot, or against the people who use it.
Which is why I try to be as objective about the subject as I
possibly can.
I’m sure most of you have already seen the alarming titles, such
as: “Smoking pot causes man-boobs. Beware!” or the classics like
“Marijuana using men are the worst lovers.”
I also know that a lot of bro’s at the gym like to claim that
smoking pot would completely mess up your ability to gain
muscle. When it comes to marijuana and testosterone, there is
going to be a lot of crazy claims.
However, in my opinion, claims such as those above, are nothing
more than fear of the unknown and unnecessary hysteria.
There’s plenty of guys who have smoked weed for most of their
lives, who don’t have man-boobs, and on top of that, some of the
biggest guys in the bodybuilding scene are avid pot users.
Marijuana is just a goddamn herb. To claim that a single herb
would be powerful enough to stop muscle growth, is beyond the
scope of my understanding. It’s unlikely that you’d grow breasts
by smoking it either.
Does this mean that marijuana is harmless for hormones? Well,
not entirely I suppose.
The Research Behind Marijuana and Testosterone:
a) The claim that marijuana causes man-boobs has more
than likely originated from these few in-vitro studies
(728, 729), where crude marijuana extract had estrogenic
effects on isolated rodent cells. Now, if something acts
like estrogen, it can definitely induce some man-breast
growth… However, it’s important to note that the studies
were done on isolated cells taken from rats, and the
whole experiment was conducted inside test-tubes. On
top of that the effects haven’t been seen in in-vivo studies
(inside a living organism).
b) It has been noted in several notable studies that THC (the
active ingredient in cannabis) can potentially be an
endocrine disruptor in humans and animals, since it
blocks GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus, which
eventually leads to lowered LH and FSH production and
therefore also lower testosterone production. THC has
also been shown to inhibit several testicular enzymes
needed in testosterone production in-vitro (730, 731,
732, 733, 734, 735). Although it’s worth mentioning that
in all of the studies I’ve seen, the effects have been
c) As weird as it is, some studies have shown that cannabis
does not lower testosterone levels (736, 737), despite the
fact that a pile of studies has already shown that it does.
Albeit, these review studies do contain research which
shows cannabis to suppress testosterone, the abstracts
still cleverly state that “chronic marijuana use showed no
significant effect on hormone concentrations in either
men or women.”.
— Chapter 47 —
Training For Testosterone
The purpose of this section is to answer the question: how
should I train to optimize natural testosterone production?
However, since the subject is exhaustive and has been written
about thoroughly - with attention to detail as well as full training
recommendations and workout logs in the THOR Program (our
training manual for natural testosterone production) - we want
to provide an overview of the subject here, but we recommend
you read THOR, which is available on store.anabolicmen.com.
To answer this question properly, we first need to examine the
biological relationship between muscle stimulus and the
endocrine system. This examination will lead us to further
explore the neuromuscular system.
Interestingly enough, testosterone stimulation via training and
testosterone stimulation via nutrition are two totally
independent paradigms.
This is great because it allows us to delve into them separately.
When the optimal way to live, eat, and train are combined in an
individual’s lifestyle, they will compound on one another, yet
remain separate systems so they can more easily be
In this training-focused section, I want to break the analysis and
prescriptions down into two main areas: how to train if you are
an endurance athlete (and want to remain an endurance athlete)
& how to train if you are anybody else.
The latter group will be far more successful in naturally
increasing their testosterone quickly. So I recommend being, or
becoming, a member of that latter group of men.
However, if you are an endurance athlete and have much of your
ego and life’s worth (hey, maybe it’s your job to win races) tied
up in your sport and you aren’t ready to let it go just yet, I feel for
I was in your shoes once. Training 4-6 hours a day so I could race
in the Pro/Open category at races. So I could run just a tad faster
than last race, or drown just a little bit less during the swim as a
triathlete. Hours and hours in the pool and on the road will
condition you to become a bit addicted to the lifestyle, addicted
to the endorphin high. So I understand.
I also understand that you have probably got insanely low
testosterone, probably partly due to poor nutrition strategies
and partly due to chronically elevated cortisol.
Despite being able to run/swim/bike/row super-fast over long
distances, you probably still have stubborn body fat hanging
around. Heck, even many pro triathletes are skinny fat.
So a part of this section will be dedicated to the road warriors.
You will not see as impressive results as men who train 3-5
hours per week, but if you implement my suggestions, you will
see some results, an overall improvement from where you are
right now. And that’s worth the price of admission alone.
Here’s how this section is going to work, so you can navigate it
however you please:
Introduction to the neuromuscular system & why it is so
vital to have a basic grasp on this information
What is currently considered the best way to train for T &
GH production, and why I think this is incorrect
The solution I propose - the exercise and style of training I
think is superior to how we’re currently told to train... and
How to train if you are a normal Joe,weightlifter, sprinter,
Crossfitter, or basically any guy who isn’t an endurance
Exactly How To Train For Optimal
Hormonal Response (Short and
Very recent study into the dual steroid (T and Cortisol) effects
on training in elite athletes (as late as 2011), as opposed to older
studies that often focused on untrained or moderately trained
(with loose definitions of the word ‘trained’, varying from study
to study) has, interestingly enough, opened up a ton of insight
into this new paradigm for optimal endocrine response training.
In short, studying elite athletes gave us new insight into how
average (untrained & moderately trained) individuals should
train to optimize testosterone up-regulation.
The idea (in the following algorithm and program later in the
book) is to use certain factors (workout design, nutrition,
genetics, training status and type) to modify T and C
concentrations and therefore influence resistance training
performance and adaptive outcomes.
Changes in the concentrations of T and C can moderate or
support neuromuscular (NM) performance through various
short-term mechanisms such as 2nd messenger signaling,
lipid/protein pathways, neuronal activity, behavior, cognition,
motor system functioning, muscle properties, and energy
A greater understanding over the recent years of T and C has led
to suggestions that, beyond the more popular applications in
morphological (ie. muscle size) and functional (ie. power and
strength) enhancement, these hormones also exert heavy
influence over NM functioning (ie. neuronal activity, intracellular
signaling, and muscle force production), which means they
contribute to the adaptive responses to training by regulating
long term muscle performance via short term regulation of NM
In short, we need to use NM training to influence long term
muscle performance and optimize hormonal response to
It all comes back to my original philosophy of always addressing
the roots of an issue as opposed to a symptomatic approach (and
in life, operating on principles as opposed to stressing over
What is the neuromuscular system?
When I say NM system, I am referring to the peripheral nervous
system (PNS in short). This consists of motor neuron units and
innervated (stimulated to action) muscle fibers.
When looking to design a training program, we want to operate
on the premise that acute elevations in endogenous hormones
will increase the likelihood of receptor interactions, which will
mediate long term adaptive responses.
Researchers are now shifting a lot of focus onto NM research in
athletes because they’re recognizing that neural factors may play
a role beyond that of hormones, especially in early phase
adaptations. However, the specific mechanisms for action still
need to be examined as this is a relatively young (and
ridiculously complex) field of study.
One thing that studying elite athletes made very clear to us is
this: beginners may have a distinct advantage over highly trained
individuals in terms of ability to elicit a workout-dependent
testosterone and growth hormone response.
While elite athletes can generally elicit higher magnitude
responses to their training, the stimulus needs to be far more
For untrained or average individuals, the stimuli can be far
reaching in variety and still elicit a high response, but they must
operate on a set of known principles for the optimal response.
This initial testosterone response in untrained individuals is
thought to occur mainly as an adaptive response of the NM
system to support continual training under the new stimulus,
which makes a lot of sense. Your muscles need to rapidly change
to support your training, and the main way for them to do so (if
you do the correct type of training) is to up-regulate androgen
receptors with increased content and sensitivity.
So for the majority of guys reading this right now, even those
who believe themselves to be highly trained (even if you are, it is
probably in a very specific sport-related style) you will
experience rapidly elevated workout-dependent testosterone
levels with the correct training to assist muscular adaptation.
I will extrapolate this notion and speculate that even common
weightlifters, crossfitters, and gym rats (ie. people with several
years experience in resistance training) will find themselves
noticeably untrained in this specific capacity when first
embarking on this NM- style training according the algorithm I
am going to propose.
Gymnasts and street workout guys will probably not have such a
difficult time. Endurance athletes, yes… it’s going to be a big
(For example, several of my clients find they need at least one
short nap per day along with a good nights’ sleep to recover
initially from the shift in training style during the first few weeks
of the program, even though training sessions only run around
60 minutes in length
– they adapt shortly thereafter).
To illustrate the advantage (I’m framing it as an advantage, but of
course, it’s all relative) that untrained individuals have over elite
athletes when it comes to general T response to workouts (again,
not magnitude, but reach and lack of specificity) I’ll use an
example that researchers found in elite 400m sprinters vs
average individuals sprinting 400m.
In the elite 400m runners, every repetition decreased T levels
post- sprint and increased LH levels (which, as you’ll see in
article 2, act as a precursor to stimulate T production). What this
says is that they may have a decreased androgen receptor (AR)
response to the training stimuli due to extensive training. Either
that or an increase in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) sensitivity
which would naturally suppress the T. I’d put money on the
notion that it’s a mix of both.
By comparison, the untrained sprinters saw a significant
increase in T concentrations post-sprint with unchanged LH
levels, indicating an increased AR sensitivity due to the new
This indicates that it may be better for untrained individuals to
hit harder fatigable bouts, but in low enough quantity to not
elevate cortisol significantly, which introduces the idea of a
training stimulus threshold.
A Formula For Optimal
Testosterone Production via Training
Take what you just learned, and remember it. We’re going to
introduce a couple more concepts now, then mash them all
together to formulate the perfect algorithm for training-induced
T production.
Researchers have found that explosiveness encourages NM
adaptations necessary to support the training demands (ie.
indicating a long term adaptation), and that a training threshold
very likely exists.
We want to up-regulate AR content in fast glycolytic muscle
tissue (as opposed to slow oxidative tissue).
Resistance training is unanimously agreed upon as a potent
stimulus for testosterone production and muscle growth, but the
specific type is either not discussed or not agreed upon. What we
do know is that resistance training promotes an increase in both
AR mRNA (ie. gene transcription) and protein content and T
So combining both of these ideas, we can come to the conclusion
that explosive resistance training is the optimal form of stimulus
– as long as it is performed under the performance threshold (so
as to continually promote AR up-regulation without
compromising due to cortisol/stress-related suppression).
But that’s not the entire picture. It’s also not entirely different
from what the pop-fitness media promotes (though rarely
One more key element to the equation is often overlooked.
And that’s the idea of workload and its relationship to muscle
volume activation (MVA) relative to intensity.
It has been demonstrated that the magnitude of the hormonal
response to training is proportional to the size of the muscle
volume activated. This is why we hear the old paradigm of
“squat, squat, squat” to increase testosterone. Big leg muscles =
more muscle tissue activated.
However, this MVA-dependent hormonal response is relative to
the intensity of the movement performed.
Squatting high reps for hypertrophy training may stimulate GH
and T production, but I’d argue that it won’t be optimal because
the intensity is not high enough, it is just drawn out over more
reps. On the flip side, low rep squatting implies higher intensity,
but allows for less total work done on the muscle.
Work, as a mechanical construct in physics, was originally
defined by French mathematician Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis as
“weight lifted through a height.” The main equation you see
everywhere is:
W = Fd
Where W is work, F is the magnitude of the force and d is
Researchers have found that, in terms of GH response, high
amounts of work done – that is, high amounts of force related to
the weight displaced – generated a significantly higher hormonal
response to training than low work done.
So let’s recap, and combine all of the knowledge up to this point
in the article in order to formulate the idea of an optimal
T-response- oriented training paradigm.
High work load, with a high proportion of muscle volume
activated relative to intensity of the stimulus on said muscle
volume, which should be performed via explosive resistance
training done under a performance threshold (ie. self-limiting) =
Expressed algorithmically, it would look something like this in its
simplest form…
W (MVA * i) < Stress Threshold
Where W is work (Fd), MVA is muscle volume activation, and i is
The stress threshold is defined as the point after which negative
adaptations occur in terms of GR up-regulation and the
subsequent increased sensitivity to stress-hormones, which are
known to suppress androgen production.
So in short, we need to use this style of training, and walk the
line under the stress threshold.
This is achieved best through explosive resistance and optimized
by activating the most muscle possible over maximal
displacement (at explosive intensity) while remaining just
beneath the threshold.
I believe that in order to keep our training beneath the
threshold, calisthenics becomes an increasingly attractive form
of training due to its self-limiting nature and relationship with
gravity (ie. if you can’t do another muscle-up, you can’t just
subtract weight from your body as you could with a barbell in
order to get additional reps or sets into the workout session).
This is based on the idea that in the 5-8 rep range you are able to
perform an explosive set with high force and displace enough
weight to keep total work high, but relative stress low. Much
higher than 8 reps at the correct intensity will, I think, negatively
affect your performance threshold, and any lower than 3 reps
will compromise the intensity of the movement.
This is also why I advocate “enough rest between sets to recover
just enough to perform another intense, slightly sub-maximal
set” – no more, and no less. This will vary based on the
individual but will probably fall in the 1-3 minute range based
on the movement and the training level of the individual. 60
seconds rest appears to be optimal for GH output during a
For the exact program we recommend, go to thorprogram.com
or store.anabolicmen.com to find the THOR Program.
— Chapter 48 —
Intelligent Supplementation
If you’re doing everything else correctly and want to get the
extra edge without pharmaceuticals, then leveraging particular
supplements backed by clinical research may amplify your
results towards hormonal optimization.
Supplementation is one of our favorite topics here at Anabolic
Men, mostly because of how interesting it is that there are so
many incredible compounds out there - most of which are found
either in nature or produced by the human body.
While there are many incredible supplements to use to optimize
your health, there are also some bad ones, and lots of shady
marketers pushing crap to the general public. Our aim is to show
you the good, the bad, and the great. And to act as your advocate
by only bringing you the truth.
These upcoming chapters will be divided into supplementation
advice based on specific goals.
For example, if your main goal is to increase testosterone
naturally, then we will recommend a list of those supplements
with real research behind them for T in humans.
Or if you want to eliminate your erectile dysfunction problem,
we will recommend a list of supplements proven to help with
So without further ado, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of the
wonderful world of supplements.
— Chapter 49 —
Supplementation To Increase T
This chapter will cover the top supplements we recommend for
increasing testosterone naturally.
This an extremely helpful little quick-start guide on the best
testosterone supplements for men.
In an industry full of crap testosterone supplements that
promise the world but deliver nothing in the way of real results
(ie. most traditional testosterone boosting supplements), the
following 4 natural testosterone supplements not only have
ample scientific research to back up their claims, but they also
get results in humans.
These 4 testosterone supplements I am going to outline for you
today are reliable in increasing testosterone levels (and
improving other important hormonal biomarkers) and
affordable. Instead of falling for the clever marketing on Amazon
and in Bodybuilding mags, I suggest stocking up on these solid
natural testosterone supplements.
They are:
Micronutrient Blends
Let’s break these down one by one and expand on their benefits.
First up, ashwagandha.
Four Great Testosterone Supplements
That Actually Work
Natural testosterone supplements for increasing testosterone
1. Ashwagandha as a Testosterone Supplement
What is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is an Indian herb known for
its stress reducing and hormone balancing qualities. It is
referred to as both the “Indian Ginseng” and “Strength of the
Stallion” due to its healing, rejuvenating, and strengthening
effects on the human body. This herb has been used since the
ancient times for a wide variety of conditions. Ashwagandha, a
member of the nightshade family, is a small plump plant that
produces fruit about the size of a peanut. It is widely grown in
the arid regions of northern Africa, India, and the Middle East as
well as in areas of the United States.
Research supports that a healthy daily dose of Ashwagandha for
adult males is 300-500 mg 1-2 times daily in addition to a
healthy balance of fats and protein… So how do you know if you
are in need of the healing effects provided by Ashwagandha?
Well here is a little checklist:
Do you experience any of these side effects?
• Stress
Lack of Motivation
Lack of Energy
Lack of Focus
If you answered yes to any or all of these…Ashwagandha may be
something you want to consider taking a look at…
Note: We recommend Jarrow Formulas KSM-66 Ashwagandha,
available at store.anabolicmen.com
Uses for Ashwagandha
This little beauty can really pack a healthy punch, you could say
Ashwagandha has a mean right hook when it comes to
protecting the body. Ashwagandha is full of numerous medicinal
chemicals (withanolides, alkaloids, choline (great natural
testosterone booster), and fatty amino acids), and its leaves are
used in herbal remedies.
Some of the identified healing properties of Ashwagandha are:
Improves thyroid function
Heals adrenal fatigue
Increases endurance
Reduces brain cell degeneration
Stabilizes blood sugar
Lowers cholesterol
Boosts immunity
Improves mood and energy
Reduces cortisol levels
Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
Improves focus
Balances hormones
Ashwagandha not only relieves stresses on the body, but it is also
protective in nature. Ashwagandha is a member of a group of
Adaptogenic herbs. As the name suggests, these herbs help the
body adapt to, react to, and cope with external environmental
stress (toxins in the air) and internal stress (depression and
anxiety). All in all, this little herb seems like a big help to
balancing the body and relaxing the mind.
Ashwagandha as a Testosterone Boosting Supplement
Research points to Ashwagandha having a direct impact on
testosterone balance. A specific study of interest aimed to
investigate what supplementation of Ashwagandha root could do
to the semen profile, oxidation, and reproductive hormone levels
incredible…supplementation improved sperm count and
mobility and the treatment with Ashwagandha recovered
seminal plasma levels of antioxidant enzymes…now that is a
powerful herb.
Another study investigated the impact Ashwagandha can have in
treating male sexual dysfunction and infertility. (739) The 46
person study administered Ashwagandha root extract to 21
males and a placebo to 25 males and then tested both groups
after 90 days. After the 90 days, the results showed that the
sperm count in the 21 males receiving the root were 167%
higher, the volume of sperm was 53% greater and the mobility
was 57% greater… What else does Ashwagandha impact?
Ashwagandha and Cortisol
As we know, testosterone can be impacted via multiple
avenues… one key avenue is cortisol…
Cortisol is a life sustaining adrenal hormone key in the
maintenance of homeostasis in the body. It is also a key player in
the battle to balance testosterone levels…imbalances in cortisol
= no bueno for testosterone levels. If your body is overtaxed
from stress (this isn’t just stress from work or relationship
stress, this is any kind of stress…physical, mental, or
emotional…all stress impacts the body in some way, shape, or
If your cortisol boat is rocked, well this indicates stormy seas for
your hormones…When stressed, your body…just like you when
you are under a lot of stress…shuts down. The effects of this can
lead to increased signs of aging, low libido, hair loss, and even
Studies have shown that Ashwagandha has the ability to
naturally balance out your hormones, combating cortisol and
returning the body to a stable state. Specifically, a study in India
(740) looked into how Ashwagandha influenced chronically
stresses humans in a randomized study. Participants were
randomly assigned 1 of 3 amounts of Ashwagandha supplement
or a placebo. Their stress levels were than assessed at study
onset, 30 days, and 60 days. Results indicated that those
receiving supplementation had improved wellbeing and lower
stress levels by days 30 and still by day 60, while the placebo
group exhibited no significant decrease in overall stress.
Cortisol is a certified buzz kill to healthy testosterone
production. Seeing that Ashwagandha decreases cortisol levels,
(740) it naturally leaves the road open for testosterone to get all
revved up again.
Another extremely effective cortisol managing supplement is
phosphatidylserine, which will we will talk about here in the
chapter as well.
2. Micronutrient Blend as a Testosterone
Micronutrients can be consumed separately, or altogether from
smart micronutrient blends like Vitamin Code Raw One Men’s
Let’s talk about vitamins and minerals.
The fact I’m about to present to you is so radically simple and
logical that most guys overlook it completely. They suffer from
low T issues: stubborn body fat, depression, “hardgainer”
syndrome, skinny fat syndrome, anxiety, insomnia, etc – and run
around Amazon looking for the latest and greatest “testosterone
boosting” supplements that never does anything for them in the
way of results. They think natural testosterone supplements
should entail flashy exotic ingredients, when in reality, most of
the results you’re looking for could be achieved by recognizing
the following fact:
If you are deficient in the vitamins and minerals that your body
needs to properly produce testosterone, then you will never have
healthy T levels.
Eliminating these deficiencies will quickly and naturally bring
your T back up to normal levels. So simple, yet so radical.
Let’s look at 10 vitamins and minerals you need to keep “topped
off” at healthy levels to support your body’s testosterone
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
B Vitamins
Multivitamins Are One of the Best Testosterone Supplements
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is considered the “lost bodybuilding nutrient” – and
for good reason. It is the bodybuilder’s secret weapon because it
is essential for the utilization of protein as well as the production
of testosterone and other growth factors.
Greater concentration of vitamin A in the testes correlates with
greater T production in general. Vitamin A also decreases
estrogen production in the testes, and when absent, will lead to
complete atrophy of the testicles – which means it is essential
for T production, not just accessory. (741)
One particular study found that supplementation of vitamin A +
Iron was equivalent to supplementation of bioidentical
testosterone in terms of it’s effect on inducing hormonal puberty
and development of male characteristics (742) which highlights
the importance of taking vitamin A and iron in tandem with one
another. This makes sense because levels of A in the testes are
also positively correlated with an increase in transferrin levels,
which is the chief iron transport protein, as well as growth
factors IGF- binding protein, androgen-binding protein,
transforming growth factor beta (suppresses cancer cell
production), and steroidal acute regulatory protein (which
transports cholesterol to be converted into androgens such as
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties are shown to help the
pancreatic cells properly modulate secretion of insulin (743). In
adult humans, 2g daily vitamin C supplementation has been
shown to decrease insulin spiking after meals and modulate
blood glucose levels for the hour following the meal (744).
In case you’re wondering why I’m talking about the pancreas
and insulin, remember that insulin plays a role in modulating
testosterone production.
The relationship between testosterone and insulin sensitivity is
what you can probably guess. Insulin resistance correlates with
lower testosterone levels, while healthy insulin sensitivity with
higher testosterone levels.
Vitamin C supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity, and
therefore improve endocrine markers related to testosterone
Secondary to its normal antioxidant properties, vitamin C has
been shown to have a specific testosterone-preservation
capabilities, one of which stems from its direct protection of
oxidative stress in the testes. Vitamin C has also been shown to
preserve testosterone levels in the face of lead toxicity,
alcohol-related stress (ie. binge drinking), and other stressors
such as loud noises and serious testicular burns.
As mentioned earlier, iron is especially useful when taken with
vitamin A because vitamin A increases production of transferrin
which is iron’s chief transport protein, leading to increased
proliferation of several key growth factors. (742) The
combination of vitamin A + iron will have a profound positive
effect on your endocrine health and has been shown to rival
direct T application in studies.
Vitamin D:
Researchers have long known that the male reproductive tract is
a target of vitamin D in the body, and that adequate D levels are
positively correlated with significantly higher levels of T in men
(747), so it’s not surprising that vitamin D supplementation
would also be shown to increase serum, bioactive, and free
testosterone by over 25% in healthy males. (745)
When test subjects took vitamin D + calcium together, they not
only saw a significant increase in overall T levels over years, but
also a decrease in age-related testosterone decline (746) which
suggests that supplementing with vitamin D + calcium can not
only increase T levels but also preserve its decline in general.
Vitamin E:
If you’re deficient in vitamin E, you will see a noticeable and
significant drop in overall LH, FSH, and therefore T levels (LH
and FSH are precursor hormones secreted by the pituitary gland
which signals to the testes to produce testosterone). This study
(748) shows us that simple vitamin E deficiency elimination –
supplementing with vitamin E to bring levels back up to normal
healthy range – is enough to massively increase T levels, along
with LH and FSH. The researchers claim that vitamin E
administration activates the production of these gonadotropins
(LH and FSH) meaning regular vitamin E supplementation may
be enough to consistently produce large increases in
testosterone precursor signaling from the brain to the testes.
B Vitamins:
The B vitamins encompass 8 different water soluble vitamins
that are all necessary for myriad bodily functions, including
endocrine functioning. Vitamin B deficiency leads to increased
estrogen levels, increased prolactin levels (suppressing T
production), and lower overall T levels in healthy men.
Eliminating vitamin B deficiencies will increase T production
and T levels (serum and free) as well as suppress estrogen
production. (749) (750) (751) (752) Note: men of Scandinavian
descent are prone to have genetic B12 deficiencies and are
recommended to supplement regularly to keep levels healthy.
Please get a blood test to check yourself if you think you fall into
this category.
Zinc plays a major role in the aromatization process, so it should
come as no surprise – and should be a bit worrisome also – that
zinc deficiency can lead to upregulation of estrogen receptors up
to 57% (753) – but eliminating zinc deficiency will
downregulate estrogen production and simultaneously
upregulate testosterone production and get your T levels back to
Magnesium supplementation can also drastically increase T
levels, especially in deficient men. (754) This study (755) went
so far as to even recommend mineral supplementation (chiefly
by looking at the profound effects of magnesium on androgen
increases) as a good alternative to hormonal supplementation
(like TRT). If you’re really interested in reading more about
Magnesium and androgens I recommend reading this review
(756) on the subject.
Selenium – while not as widely known in popular literature like
is a potent T increasing compound, especially when
combined with zinc (757). It stimulates production of
glutathione which is one of the body’s chief antioxidants (see
vitamin C article above for more information about the
preservative effects of antioxidants on testosterone levels), and
selenium has been shown to increase a number of positive
semen parameters in adult males (758).
Controlled supplementation with will increase GnRH levels in
the brain which leads to higher growth hormone and
testosterone levels. (759)
With all of this in mind, it becomes pretty obvious that if you
have a micronutrient deficiency causing low levels of
testosterone, simply eliminating these deficiencies is the easiest
way to increase your testosterone, leading to easier muscle gain,
fat loss, sexual health, and general well-being.
Since we’ve covered a lot of ground here, I’d like to recap one of
the really important findings here, since these studies also show
us that you can see some insanely good results with
micronutrient supplementation by combining a few key
vitamins/mineral together:
Vitamin A + Iron
Vitamin D + Calcium
Selenium + Zinc
I like to think of micronutrient health as a car metaphor – it’s
kind of like when your endocrine system is the car and vitamins
and minerals are the gasoline. The car will not run properly
without the gasoline in the tank; just like your endocrine system
will not properly produce healthy levels of all the hormones that
keep you feeling great, lean, and strong without the proper
micronutrients to fuel it.
You can definitely get all of these nutrients from your diet
though – but if you’re like me and you value convenient solutions
and don’t have the patience to count every micronutrient you
put into your body, then a high quality micronutrient support
supplement may be the answer.
Also, I highly recommend you read the book Nutrient Power by
William Walsh PhD if you’re interested in further exploring the
impact micronutrient therapy can have on your brain and
endocrine health.
Next up, boron.
3. Boron as a Testosterone Supplement
Boron is one of my daily testosterone supplements.
Boron is a natural testosterone supplementI freaking love the
effect it gives me.
After finding out how consistently effective it is at raising T and
free T significantly in just a matter of 1-3 weeks in studies, I
decided to try it for myself. And it feels awesome. I’ve since
begun recommending it to friends and they report similar
My buddies reported the same finding.
They felt more dominant, like they were less susceptible to the
outside world, and more in control of their inner world.
Good shit.
Boron is a trace mineral located at the top of the periodic table
with symbol B and atomic number 5. As a dietary mineral it is
essential for healthy bone development, as well as increasing
testosterone levels. In addition, it helps metabolize key vitamins
and minerals that also affect testosterone and estrogen.
Summary of Boron as a Testosterone Supplement:
The health benefits of Boron have been widely studied for many
years. It is a mineral which is found all around us in fruits,
vegetables, leafy greens, and even water. (741) As a mineral, it
participates as a Lewis Acid which binds to hydroxyl groups and
when it binds to three hydroxyl groups, it is referred to as Boric
Acid. (742) As with many minerals it is absorbed in the
intestines, however Boron has a very high absorption which
means it is easily metabolized. (743) It is essential for normal
growth and health of the body and when deficient causes serious
and dangerous conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, sex
hormone imbalance and neural malfunctions.
Why It’s Important:
Borons role on human health is vital! When the body is deficient
in Boron, a slew of serious conditions arise. Deficiencies affect
many areas of the body such as the brain. A boron deficiency has
shown to alter brain wave activity which is associated with
cognitive impairment. Borons role within the bone and skeletal
mass is also critical with deficiencies causing many major health
issues such as osteoarthritis, and other bone and joint diseases.
What You Should Know:
Boron is a chemical element found on the periodic table.
Boron can be found in fruits, vegetables, drinking water,
avocados, ground cinnamon, apples,broccoli and many
other foods.
When Boron binds to three hydroxyl groups, it forms a new
structure called Boric Acid.
Boron is essential for human health and deficiencies of
Boron cause serious health problems.
Boron helps preserve neuronal functions.
Boron is used as a supplement to increase testosterone levels.
Boron supplements interact with Vitamin D metabolism.
Why We Need Boron / The Benefits:
Boron is essential for life. It’s essential for humans, animals as
well as plants. Deficiencies of Boron cause serious health issues
such as neurological issues, bone and skeletal mass damage, and
decreased testosterone. Our bodies use Boron to keep the brain
function well and when deficiencies occur, the brain wave
activity is altered. (747) The bones rely on Boron for many
functions, such as keeping calcium levels high so that bones
don’t become weak. (745) (746) It is also beneficial as an
anti-inflammatory and helps reduce negative side effects of
rheumatoid arthritis. Boron is highly sought after for its
important role in enhancing testosterone levels. (748)
Boron, Bones and Skeletal Mass:
Boron has shown to positively affect bones and inflammation.
(746) Some studies have shown that regular Boron
supplementation may help alleviate joint inflammation and have
a positive impact on osteoarthritis. (745)
Boron and Testosterone:
Studies have shown that testosterone levels may increase with
Boron supplementation. One study in particular showed that
after just 7 days, testosterone levels increased by 28%.
Testosterone is a hormone responsible for many important
functions within the body. Hence, if a testosterone deficiency
exists within the body, it causes many serious health issues.
Boron and Osteoarthritis:
Boron has many positive effects on bones and the skeletal mass.
Studies have shown that boron supplementation alleviates joint
inflammation and has healing benefits on osteoarthritis.
Supplementation with Boron reduces excretions of calcium
which suppresses osteoporosis.
Interesting Boron Facts:
Boron is a chemical element literally from out of space
because it formed after the big bang by a process called
cosmic ray spallation.
Boron may have played a key role in the evolution of life on
The largest boron deposits are in Turkey.
Boron plays an important function in testosterone
When Boron binds to three hydroxyl groups, it forms Boric
Acid which is used by women to alleviate yeast infections.
Boron in its crystalline form is the second hardest element
on earth after carbon in its diamond form.
We recommend boron chelate or boron glycinate.
4. Phosphatidylserine as a Testosterone Supplement
Beat cortisol and produce testosterone with this one supplement.
Are you feeling stressed out?
Do you feel as though your brain isn’t functioning as well as
it should be?
Then you may want to consider getting a daily dose of
phosphatidylserine in your life.
What is Phosphatidylserine?
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a naturally occurring phospholipid
nutrient found in the cell membrane of all species.
It is mostly found in organs with high metabolic activity, such as
the brain, the liver, the lungs, the heart, and skeletal muscle.
Around half of the body’s supply of PS is in the neural tissue.
PS does a lot of awesome things for your body. According to a
study in found in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition,
phosphatidylserine modulates the activity of receptors, ion
channels, enzymes and signaling molecules and is involved in
governing membrane fluidity.
Due to the fact that such a large portion of the body’s PS supply
is contained in the neural tissue, it is widely believed that PS can
also improve brain function.
This would qualify phosphatidylserine as a nootropic.
A large number of research studies support the idea that PS can
help brain function.
In this study, (771) 157 elderly participants who had previous
complaints of failing memory were given PS or a placebo for 15
weeks. At the end of the period, cognitive memory was found to
be much better in the PS group than the control group.
In another study, (772) 36 children who had been previously
diagnosed with ADHD and had received no previous drug
treatment were given PS for 2 months. Results showed that PS
improved symptoms of ADHD and also improved short-term
auditory memory.
The studies and positive results go on and on, all showing
positive conclusions that PS does indeed improve cognitive
function in the forms of memory, speed, accuracy, and attention.
New results involving PS were found in this study, (773) where
14 healthy males were asked to partake in a session of
intermittent cycling on different percentages of energy until
exhaustion. After controls were tested, a different group of
males were given PS before the workout. Breath by breath
respiratory data and heart rates were recorded throughout the
workout and after the workout was completed.
The results were rather fantastic. The time to exhaustion in the
workout went from 7:51 in the placebo group to 9:51 in the
group that supplemented PS. This suggests that PS can actually
increase exercise capacity.
Aside from all of these amazing effects of taking
phosphatidylserine, PS has also been found to reduce stress and
This leads perfectly into an investigation as to the effects of PS
on testosterone levels, considering reducing stress and fatigue
should indeed boost testosterone levels.
Phosphatidylserine and Testosterone:
So far, we have only discussed PS and its effects on cognitive
abilities, but there are a few clues that would lead us to believe
that PS also has a positive effect on boosting testosterone. (774)
First, PS is a message sender between cells. Communication
between cells is a key component in hormone production.
Second, PS is known to protect cells from any oxidative damage.
For testosterone, the most important cells to protect are those in
the testicles and the brain and guess what, the testes and the
brain hold most of the body’s PS.
This enough should clue us in on the idea that PS is awesome for
testosterone production, but to make sure, let’s look at some
In this study, (775) 9 healthy men were supplemented 800mg of
PS for 10 days. All 9 men took part in physical exercise during
the trial and compared to a control, researchers found a
significant drop in physical stress induced cortisol levels among
the group taking PS. This would in turn increase the amount of
flowing testosterone during the workouts.
If you are looking for a study that directly shows results in the
testosterone to cortisol ratio, then look no further.
In this study, (776) 10 healthy males were either given a placebo
or PS and were asked to complete a moderate intensity interval
exercise. Blood samples were taken before, at various points
throughout, and after the workout.
The results were very telling of the power of PS. The PS group
not only had lower cortisol levels, but the PS group had an
improved testosterone to cortisol ratio by 184%.
So basically PS is a killer way to get the testosterone to cortisol
ratio you need to build lean muscle mass.
So how can you get phosphatidylserine in your diet?
Ways to Ingest Phosphastidylserine:
You can either get your daily dose of PS by taking supplements
or eating foods that contain enough PS to have an effect.
One is a little more difficult than the other.
Let’s start with food. Here is a list of foods/sources you could
find that contain phosphatidylserine:
Cow Brains
Inte re s t i ng l y e n ou g h , w h e n t h e fi r s t s tu d i e s
on phosphatidylserine’s effects on cognitive ability, the PS
used was derived from cow brains. When the Mad Cow
Disease scare hit though, researchers moved to a PS derived
from soy.
For our purposes, you probably want to stay away from soy
due to the high levels of estrogen.’
Lucky for us, the Mad Cow Disease scare is virtually over/has
severely declined in the last decade, so you can fairly safely
get your desired dose of PS from bovine brains again. Yum!
This is good because the highest concentration of PS you can
get in a food is from bovine brains.
In a 100g serving of bovine brain, you can get over 700mg of
PS, which is about the dose of PS used in the studies above
(between 600-800mg).
Just watch out for diseased cows!
Nobody wants Mad Cow Disease.
Organ Meats
If you are still scared of getting that Mad Cow Disease, you
can also get a fairly high (but not as high) dose of PS from
organ meats.
I’m talking liver, heart and kidney.
In comparison to the cow brains, a 100g serving of chicken
heart contains just over 400mg of PS, so you’d have to almost
double the amount of chicken heart to get the same amount
of PS as the cow brain.
If pig kidney is more your speed, you can get around 218mg
PS per 100g.
Lecithin – while soy derived – is currently the only reliably
safe way to get high doses of PS in supplement form. And
even though it is soy-derived, it actually doesn’t contain
phytoestrogens, due to the extensive extraction process, so
there is no need for worry.
How to take it (recommendations and dosages):
The standard Phosphatidylserine (PS) dose is 100 mg, taken
3 times a day totaling 300 mg. Based on current research,
300 mg a day seems to effectively prevent against cognitive
decline and improve cognitive functioning.
You should not exceed 550 mg a day.
If you notice any unwanted energy boosts or experience
insomnia in the evenings, lower your dose and eliminate any
doses in the afternoon.
Phosphatidylserine may be one of the best supplements out
on the market.
Not only does it have some amazing effects on your cognitive
health and abilities (not to mention healing effects on
dementia and Alzheimer’s), it can also optimize your
testosterone to cortisol ratio.
Having a great testosterone to cortisol ratio is extremely vital
to men who want to gain lean muscle mass, reduce
depression, have less stress, and have better general
The Best Natural Testosterone
Booster Supplement Available
During these years of running the Anabolic Men website, several
supplement manufacturers have asked us to:
Formulate a supplement for them.
Promote their supplements on our site.
And even bash their competitors on our articles.
However, we have never done any of the things above. Simply
because we have never found a supplement which we could fully
trust and promote as the #1 testosterone booster. And obviously,
were not in the business of smearing other companies
reputation for our own (or someones else’s) gain.
But now as the AM website has stabilized its place as the leading
men’s hormonal health resource, we are finally able to actually
formulate our own supplements.
With complete control of the quality of the ingredients, the use
of the ingredients, and the dosaging of the ingredients.
This allowed us to finally produce the #1 natural testosterone
booster supplement on the market. And if you look through the
ingredients and the research behind them below, I think you’ll
agree with us.
The Perfect Formulation
Unlike many brands manufacturing supplements for increasing
testosterone levels, we don’t hide behind proprietary blends.
Our ingredients and where they are
derived are easily accessible
We a l s o r e f u s e t o u s e
ingredients that aren’t proven
in science or inhibit some
other crucial hormones or
enzymes in the body (like 5-ar
or DHT).
This is why we decided NOT TO
include the following common ingredients:
Tribulus terrestris (it doesn’t work) (777)
Maca root (it doesn’t work either) (778)
Fenugreek (it only raises T because it inhibits DHT) (779)
Saw palmetto (same story as with fenugreek) (780)
D-Aspartic acid (which actually lowers testosterone).
(781) Here’s what we DID include:
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium can benefit testosterone levels by reducing the levels
of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
When SHBG is inhibited, more free-testosterone remains
bioactive in the bloodstream and is able to bind into receptor
This is likely the reason why magnesium supplementation and
high magnesium levels in the serum are consistently linked to:
Higher free-testosterone levels in test-tube studies. (782)
Higher free-testosterone levels in exercising men. (783)
Higher testosterone levels in elderly males. (784)
Positively correlated with anabolic hormones in review
studies. (785)
And deficiency – as to be expected – is linked to lowered
testosterone. (786)
Magnesium is highly beneficial for male hormonal health, which
is why we decided to include 150mg of well absorbing
magnesium citrate into the formula of Testro-X (no higher
amount since mega- dosing magnesium is associated with
gastric upset, and 150mg on top of average diet is well enough
for benefits).
Zinc Gluconate
Zinc is without a doubt the most important mineral for healthy
testosterone production.
Aside from being one of the 24 essential micronutrients for
human survival and regulating more than 100 bodily enzymes,
zinc plays a crucial role in the production of testosterone, in its
utilization by the androgen receptor sites, in DHT production,
and at keeping estrogen levels low.
Here’s some research about the importance of zinc for
hormonal optimization:
Supplementation results in higher total and free
testosterone and thyroid hormones in exercising men.
Supplementation results in higher total T, free T, and
thyroid hormones T3 and T4 in sedentary subjects. (788)
Correcting zinc deficiency has been found to lead to rapid
and significant increases in testosterone (789) and DHT
levels. (790)
Animal studies have found zinc supplementation to elevate
LH levels, testosterone levels, and thyroid hormones. (791)
One study noted that zinc deficiency led to 59% reduction
in androgen receptors (36% of those being in testicles).
There are three extremely bio-available forms of zinc to use
in supplementation: picolinate, citrate, and gluconate. We
decided to go with 15mg dose of zinc gluconate for
Testro-X, as it’s known to be the form of zinc containing the
lowest amounts of cadmium (793) (a testosterone lowering
heavy-metal found in high amounts on low quality zinc
KSM-66 Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is primarily used in the Indian
herbal medicine.
Therefore one could think that its effects are not proven in
science and only folklores told by the neighborhood shaman.
But fear not, there actually is Western medicine clinical
research behind this herb. Just take a look at these:
Several studies have found ashwagandha to reduce feelings
of stress, as well as significantly lower the levels of the
stress hormone cortisol. (794)
Ashwagandha has been associated with significant
increases in sperm quality and testosterone levels on
infertile subjects (up to 40% in 90 days). (794)
In a non-sponsored peer-reviewed study with 57 young
healthy male subjects, ashwagandha supplementation
raised the average testosterone levels from 630 ng/dL to
726 ng/dL. (795)
The highest-quality ashwagandha on the market is a
patented water-extract called KSM-66 Ashwagandha, we
decided to include a potent 400mg dose of it in Testro-X
based on the dosages used in majority of the human
Forskohlii Root Extract
Forskohlii root extract (Forskolin), rose to popularity after the
notorious fool Dr. Oz proclaimed that it would be a “magical
fat-loss miracle”.
This obviously was just hype to sell the product, and even
though Forskolin works by stimulating certain enzymes
necessary for fat oxidization, it isn’t exactly as effective as Oz
Now, although that sneaky salesman of a doctor has done his
best to make forskolin look like a scam, there actually is some
scientifically found benefits for the root in terms of testosterone
For instance:
Forskolin is well known for increasing the levels of
intracellular cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).
Increased cAMP is known for its stimulatory effect on
testosterone production (797) and androgen receptor (AR)
activation. (798)
Forskolin in cell-culture studies has been linked to
significant and consistent increases in testosterone. (799)
250mg’s of Forskolin was able to increase T levels by 33%
when compared to placebo in overweight males. (800)
Based on the human study (801) which showed nice
increases in testosterone levels, we decided to include
250mg’s of high- quality Forskolin in Testro-X formulation.
Boron Citrate
You may or may not have heard about boron before.
It’s a trace-mineral, not considered absolutely essential for
survival, and honestly, not that popular as a supplement.
Here at Anabolic Men we absolutely love boron, and we believe it
deserves more attention than what it is getting now.
Here’s why:
In rodent studies, boron has been found to
dose-dependently increase testosterone levels. (801)
6mg’s of boron for 2 months in human subjects was
associated with a nice 29% increase in testosterone levels.
10mg’s of boron for 7 days in humans was able to increase
free- testosterone by 28%, while reducing estrogen by 39%
and boosting DHT by 10%. (803)
Boron deserves more attention as an essential trace-mineral for
maintaining male hormonal balance. We are proud to include
10mg’s of highest-quality boron citrate in Testro-X.
GnRH Surge Blend
When your body naturally produces testosterone, the whole
cascade starts from the brain substrate called hypothalamus,
which releases a hormone called GnRH.
GnRH then stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH)
from the pituitary gland. Which then travels down to your
testicles via the spine and triggers the leydig cells to synthesize
Our idea with the specific “LH Surge Blend”, was to identify
natural compounds that can stimulate the release of GnRH and
LH, for higher amount of natural testosterone production.
That’s why we included 200mg’s of inositol, a precursor needed
for the natural synthesis of GnRH. (804)
That’s also why we included 100mg’s of L-theanine, which
excites the GABA-neurons in the brain and stimulates GnRH
release. (805)
And finally the blend was completed with 200mg’s of glycine,
which increases the pulsatile release of GnRH. (806)
Bioperine is a patented extract of the black pepper fruit.
Although there’s animal research suggesting that black pepper
fruit extract may be beneficial for androgenic hormones in
rodents, (807) we didn’t include bioperine in Testro-X because of
those studies.
Instead, we formulated bioperine into the supplement as it is
known to significantly enhance the absorption of many herbs,
minerals, vitamins, and amino-acids. (808)
We wanted to make sure that the ingredients in the supplement,
actually absorb into the body to provide real effects.
Hence the bioperine, and if it boosts testosterone as it did in the
rat studies, that’s obviously just another plus.
When we say that Testro-X is the best testosterone booster on
the market, we’re not joking around.
Every ingredient in this supplement has been scientifically
proven to either increase testosterone levels or improve the
absorption of other ingredients.
No shady herbs with baseless claims, no hiding behind
proprietary blends and ineffective dosages.
Just 100% research-backed men’s health
supplements. Available now at
— Chapter 50 —
7 Best ED Supplements
Erection problems are one of those “silent health hazards” that
are rapidly increasing all around the globe, especially in
countries where obesity, poor nutrition quality, and lack of
exercise are key “attributes” of the population.
Chances are that if you have problems with erection strength all
the time or occasionally, and you go to a doctor for help, you’ll
likely leave with a prescription erectile dysfunction drug for
Cialis or Viagra. While both of them do work extremely well, they
are also: Ridiculously expensive.
Synthetic prescription pharmaceuticals with a host of
side-effects. Not going to address the original root of the
problem, (low T, poor vascular function, etc).
Like so many of the modern-day pharmaceutical erectile
dysfunction supplements, they’re just a means to mask the real
problem with a “robotic erection”. There’s nothing natural in
needing a drug for getting your battle-sword up. What if you
forgot the prescribed magic-pill somewhere for example? And
what happens when you have poked with the assist of a blue-pill
for years, then develop side- effects and have to discontinue the
use? Let me give you a hint: nothing good (at least that is if you
haven’t focused on fixing the root issues of your problem).
Now while I would recommend that you start from fixing certain
health and lifestyle factors (sleep, exercise, weight-loss, etc)
before jumping head-first into using erectile dysfunction
supplements, tThere are 7 (yes, seven!) natural supplements for
erectile dysfunction that are alternatives to synthetic
pharmaceuticals, and all of these are proven to work with
multiple scientific studies. Use them strategically while also
doing the things in this book to optimize your overall hormonal
and vascular health and I can guarantee you that you’re not
going to need any pharmaceutical aids after that.
1. Ginseng
Ginseng is a great erectile dysfunction supplement.Ginseng has
been titled as the “natural Viagra” due to its impressive results in
multiple scientific trials, and while I can guarantee you that
ginseng is nowhere near as potent as synthetic Viagra is, the
benefit is that it’s all natural, costs just a fraction of the price,
and actually works unlike many other natural erectile
dysfunction supplements out there.
The roots of ginseng are best known as “adaptogens,” a blanket
term coined by the scientist in Soviet Russia for identifying
compounds that can promote the body to adapt into stressful
situations and maintain the bodily homeostasis naturally by
balancing stress and steroid hormones. The theorized reasoning
for these effects is often claimed to be the high amount of
phytonutrients (mainly ginsenosides) and antioxidants found in
the roots.
While the evidence on ginseng’s ability to increase testosterone
levels is mixed (raising the hormone on infertile men, (809) but
not on men with no infertility), (810) the research behind its
erection promoting effects is stronger than a steel pipe.
In a Korean double-blind placebo study, (811) 900mg’s of
ginseng taken 3 times per day for 8-weeks was able to
significantly improve erectile quality of subjects with clinically
diagnosed erectile dysfunction. These effects were noted by a
questionnaire, as well as RigiScan measurement (yes, that’s an
actual device that measures erection quality.)
Another study conducted five years later (812) found similar
results with 1000mg of ginseng taken 3 times per day, across the
board patients receiving the ginseng had noticeably improved
their quality of erection rigidity, maintenance, and penetration
In a research-study of ginseng saponin’s (813) it was also noted
that ginseng has the ability to significantly improve erection
quality when compared to a placebo solution. This time the
researchers used another erection strength monitoring device
called “AVS-penogram”. The underlying mechanism of ginseng’s
actions is not fully understood, but its likely a combination of
multiple compounds (saponins, antioxidants, ginsenosides).
What has been seen in animal studies is that many of the
ginsenosides have the ability to raise nitric oxide levels in the
blood, (814) and thus widen the blood vessels and improve
We have recently added a high-quality liquid ginseng extract to
the Anabolic Men Marketplace (store.anabolicmen.com),
consisting of American, Korean & Chinese red, and Siberian
ginseng’s all dissolved into alcohol solution to derive maximum
amount of the active ingredients from the roots.
2. Pycnogenol
Pycnogenol is a great supplement for erectile dysfunction.
Pycnogenol is a patented water-extract of the bark of the French
maritime pine tree. It’s standardized to contain 65-75%
procyanidin, which is a compound known to stimulate nitric
oxide synthesis (815) and therefore greatly increase vascular
health and blood flow.
And that is the mechanism of how pycnogenol works as an
erectile dysfunction supplement. It is used to improve erection
strength and the promotion of arterial relaxation with a boost in
nitric oxide.
40mg’s of pycnogenol was used alongside with 1700mg’s of
arginine and aspartic acid in a Bulgarian trial. (816) The study
had 40 subjects suffering from clinically evaluated erectile
dysfunction, and they took the combination of these
supplements for erectile dysfunction, 3 times per day (so
120mg’s of pycnogenol). Three months into the study, 92,5% of
the test subjects reported that their ability to regain erections
had returned. In 2003, another group of researchers replicated
the study with similar results using 120mg’s pycnogenol with 21
subjects. (817)
In 2007, 180mg’s of pycnogenol was found (818) to increase
arterial expansion of young male subjects by a staggering 42%.
Another trial noted that in patients with coronary artery disease,
pycnogenol is a potent compound for greatly improving vascular
health and blood flow. (819)
Since pycnogenol is so well-documented to promote vascular
health and blood flow, we formulated 100mg’s of it into one
Redwood capsule to be taken for every 12-hours, giving you a
scientifically solid dosage of 200mg’s pycnogenol daily.
3. Garlic Extract + Vitamin C
Garlic extract and vitamin C increase erection quality. Both garlic
and vitamin C have been studied for their effects in promoting
blood-pressure. In fact, garlic is often more potent at relieving
high blood-pressure than pharmaceutical solutions. (820)
The thing that many people don’t know, is that when you
combine vitamin C with garlic extract, you can expect massive
improvements in your circulation due to elevated nitric oxide
This effect was seen in a study concluded by Mousa et al. (821)
when they administered 2 grams of vitamin C in combination
with 4 capsules of garlic extract daily for 10-days to their
patients with mild hypertension (high blood-pressure).
They saw the following improvements:
Endolethial nitric oxide output increased by a staggering
200% (that’s 3-fold increase!).
On average systolic blood pressure dropped from 142 to 115.
On average diastolic blood pressure dropped from 92 to 77.
For this very reason we decided to add 300mg’s of garlic
extract, along with 1 gram of vitamin C to one capsule of
Redwood, which is taken twice per day, resulting in 2 grams
of vitamin C and 600mg’s of garlic extract.
4. Citrulline or Arginine
Arginine is an amino acid that acts as a precursor to nitric oxide,
citrulline on the other hand is also an amino acid (found in
watermelons for example), which naturally converts to arginine
in the kidneys.
For these reasons both are generously used in pre-workout
supplements to increase “pump” of the muscles and improve
blood flow.
The science behind these compounds is pretty solid, they both
seem to very reliably increase nitric oxide output (822, 823, 824,
825), however for some reason citrulline seems to be more
potent at this. (826) Maybe your body converts it into a more
potent form of arginine than that of which can be found in
arginine supplements, who knows.
Whatever the case, both of them seem to work, citrulline is just
I have for years recommended this powder (827) which contains
5 potent ingredients for increased circulation; arginine,
citrulline, Coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, and pomegranate extract.
It’s sold as a cardiovascular health formula, but can be used as
an erectile dysfunction supplement to improve erection quality
as well as a pre-workout booster before workouts.
5. Horse Chestnut Extract
Horse chestnut extract can be used to cure erectile
dysfunctionHorse Chestnut Extract (HSE) is often standardized
to 10-20% of the active ingredient escin, which has been found
to be extremely beneficial for vascular health.
The mechanism at which horse chestnut extract improves
erection quality is two-fold. Firstly its able to increase nitric
oxide levels, and secondly it improves the function of the
“vascular valves” and thus prevents and relieves the formation of
varicoceles (half-blocked veins with poor valve function leading
to testicles and thus impairing testosterone production).
The latter mechanism of HSE is particularly interesting due to
the fact that roughly 20% of men have varicose veins in their
testicles, sometimes noticeable, but often so mild that they go
unnoticed. These veins can be surgically operated, but so far
escin (the active compound in horse chest nuts) has been
identified as the only compound that has proven research
backing up its use as a natural varicocele treatment.
There are three studies which all found that standardized escin
is able to significantly “resolve” varicose veins all around the
body (828, 829, 830), and most importantly one which showed
that escin derived from HSE was able to reduce the rate of
varicoceles and thus improve the sperm counts and testosterone
levels of infertile patients. (831) One study (832) has also
experimentally varicocele’d rodents just to find out that
standardized escin can reverse the negative effects.
We included horse chest nut extract in Redwood simply because
we feel that improving the valve function and reducing the rate
of varicoceles can bring massive improvements to the erection
quality of many men who are not aware of the fact that they
might have varicose veins, plus it also increases NO production
so it was a no- brainer anyway.
6. Grape Seed Extract
Grape seeds are often extracted to get a standardized amount of
the active ingredient; procyanidin. It’s the same nitric oxide
stimulating compound that can be found in pycnogenol.
Aside from increasing nitric oxide, grape seed extract (GSE) has
been found to inhibit the activity of the aromatase enzyme,
(833) which is an enzyme that converts testosterone molecules
into estrogen.
The mechanism of action in grape seed extract makes it a great
erectile dysfunction supplement as it can benefit erectile health
by boosting nitric oxide and preserving testosterone.
The research behind GSE is interesting. In rats for example,
100mg/ kg has been able to increase nitric oxide levels by 125%
at rest and 138% after exercise. (834) Human studies
consistently show how GSE increases NO-production and thus
reduces blood-pressure, leg swelling, heart rate, and
cardiovascular disease risk (835, 836, 837, 838).
Because of its clinically proven use to improve nitric oxide
output, we recently added this high-quality high potency grape
seed extract product to the marketplace.
7. Icariin
Icariin is the active ingredient found in a herb called horny goat
weed (epidemium). There’s research showing that it can act
similarly to a testosterone mimetic in the body while also
increase nitric oxide output and serving as a PDE-inhibitor.
Since icariin is a PDE-inhibitor, one could compare it to Viagra,
due to the fact that the mechanism at which sildenafil (the active
ingredient in Viagra) works is also PDE-inhibition.
I’m sad to say that when compared to its synthetic relative,
icariin is not nearly as potent, but again, it’s natural and a
significantly cheaper alternative.
The research shows that when male rats are administered
80mg/kg of icariin, their testosterone levels increase 3-fold,
(839) and this occurs without significant changes in LH or FSH,
suggesting that icariin has a direct testicular effect on
testosterone production.
When icariin was tested in cell-cultures, (840) the researchers
noted that it was able to inhibit the PDE5 enzymes, thus many
supplement manufacturers have started selling it as an
aphrodisiac or under the name of “natural Viagra”, again though,
icariin is not as potent as the blue-pill.
Some other studies have found that icariin can increase the
nerve growth and circulation of the pelvic region, (841)
significantly increase nitric oxide output, (842) and blunt the
rise in stress- hormone cortisol. (843)
Icariin might be an useful addition to your erectile dysfunction
supplement arsenal, but I doubt it has even remotely similar
effects as Viagra does, unless you also make sure that you
optimize your lifestyle, body composition, and diet towards
healthier erections. If your problems are due to performance
anxiety, the stress-reducing effects of icariin might be
particularly useful.
Conclusion on The Best
Supplements for Erectile
There you go, 7 compounds with science backing up their use as
great supplements for erectile dysfunction. None of the
compounds alone might not be as effective as Viagra or Cialis,
but heck, at least you’re not poking around with a robotic
Just to recap, you can get clinically effective dosages of
pycnogenol, garlic extract + vitamin C, and horse chestnut from
REDWOOD (see, told you we formulated it science-first, haha). If
you’re interested in the ginseng, icariin, citrulline, arginine, and
grape seed extract, you can find them in the AM marketplace.
— Chapter 51 —
Stress-Lowering Supplements
Stress is the “silent killer” of our time. So you must know how to
lower stress naturally.
Stress, whether physical or psychological, manifests itself
physiologically in our body… negatively effecting our hormones,
chronically elevating cortisol levels – our main stress hormone –
which leeches the body of essential micronutrients over time:
fuel it desperately needs for daily metabolic processes.
Most of us, in some way, shape, or form, experience significant
physical or psychological stress on a daily basis. This chronic
elevation in cortisol levels leaves us with any number of the
following symptoms:
Crippling Anxiety
Loss Of Libido/Sex Drive
Low Testosterone
Extreme Reactions To Common Stimulants Like Caffeine
Lack of Focus
Difficulty Recalling Recent Memories
Lack Of Motivation and Stamina For Training
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t fret because
the 5 little-known all natural ingredients I’m about to show you
will put a stop to all of this, and will help cure your problem from
it’s roots – eliminate stress naturally. Each of them have a lot of
research to back their cortisol-balancing effects and I’m excited
to show them to you. They’re especially potent when taken in the
right dosages altogether. Phosphatidylserine (PS) cell membrane
building block, molecular model. PS is also important in
apoptosis (programmed cell death).
1. Non-GMO Phosphatidylserine
Phosphatidylserine is one of the most widely researched stress
reduction agents on the supplement market. It has research that
backs up claims that it can reduce stress and increase mental
performance. Researchers have gone to great lengths to look at
how this supplement can affect both physical and mental
performance – so much so, that the FDA has approved health
claims for PS, which is incredibly rare for nutritional
supplements – a true testimony to its effectiveness ( they usually
reser ve FDA approval for pharmaceuticals).
In this study, (844) researchers looked at phosphatidylserine’s
effect on cortisol release after an intense bout of exercise. The
study utilized a clinically effective dose of 600mg of PS. Using
Cortigon you could easily reach the 600mg per day mark. The
difference is the synergistic effect the other ingredients in
Cortigon cause when combine with phosphatidylserine.
In this study researchers looked at the effect PS
supplementation had on cognitive performance. (845) While this
is a difficult to measure, scientists looked at calmness as
measured by the types of brain waves present in the
participants. What they noticed was that the participants who
had undergone PS supplementation were able to maintain a
calmer state while performing different tasks designed to
challenge the participants “cognition”.
2. Gingko Biloba Leaf Extract
Ginko Biloba is another heavily researched supplement
ingredient that was a no brainer for inclusion in Cortigon, the
worlds #1 stress reducing compound. In studies performed on
animals (846) Ginko Biloba is shown to attenuate the affects of
acute stress. Researchers often perform studies on rats as their
response to many drug and supplement compounds mimics that
of humans. In multiple studies done on rats, researchers have
found that Ginko Biloba not only reduces the level of circulating
cortisol, (847) but actually reduces the activity of the glands
associated with cortisol and adrenaline production.
Beyond Ginko Biloba’s ability to reduce cortisol and other stress
hormones, it attenuates the negative affects of oxidative stress
as well. In this study researchers looked at the affects of Ginko
Biloba on the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. (848)
What the research showed was that many of the negative
symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, caused by oxidative damage,
were slowed when patients underwent supplementation with
Ginko Biloba. Alzheimer’s disease generally is caused by a
degradation in nervous system functioning which can largely be
attributed to oxidative damage. Taking measures to slow this
type of damage ensures greater mental acuity and performance
over time.
3. L-Carnitine
Choline and L-Carnitine have been shown to reduce the negative
affects of free radical damage in the body. This should be a huge
concern for anyone that enjoys exercise as one of the only
consistently negative aspects of exercise is the free radical
damage that it forces on the body. Many people look to their
diets to provide all the free radical fighting anti-oxidants they
can get.
Unfortunately, the amount of anti-oxidants you get from your
food is entirely dependent on the state and quality of the food at
the time you eat it. Between transportation, storage,
refrigeration and cooking, food can loose quite a bit of its free
radical fighting potency.
4. Choline
One of the first orders of business in designing Cortigon was to
ensure that it would be able to protect against both the physical
and psychological causes of stress. In terms of physical stress,
few supplements have a larger body of research to support their
use in the fight against stress induced damage. In this
illuminating study, using human subjects, researchers noticed
significantly lower levels of oxidative damage after 21 days of
supplemental Choline and L- Carnitine. (849)
In another human study, (850) Choline was shown to reduce
oxidative stress in patients with compromised respiratory
function due to asthma. These patients were able to reduce their
higher then normal levels of oxidative stress over the course of 6
months even in a compromised state of health.
5. Omega-3 (DHA Powder)
Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to your overall health. DHA (the
Omega provided from fish oil), or docosahexaenoic acid, not only
provides incredible heart protection, but also feeds your brain
Phosphatidylserine and L- Carnitine, making even smaller doses
of those substances more potent. Healthy doses of DHA can even
provide a noticeable nootropic (brain enhancing) effect when
taken alone.
The inclusion of DHA in Cortigon was a no-brainer because of its
synergistic power with the other ingredients. When stacked
together the sum of these ingredients has a stress-crushing
Bonus: Inositol
Inositol has been shown to decrease the severity or occurrence
of a number of mental conditions from panic attacks (851) and
depression (852) to anxiety and nervousness. (853) This has to
do with inositol’s ability to balance the functioning of the
nervous system and brain. While Inositol has been used as an
assistant for the treatment of many health issues, there is
evidence to support its stand alone use in treating mentally
based conditions such as anxiety.
Inositol has proven to be an effective compound through
research and anecdotal experience. When creating the short list
of compounds that needed to be in Cortigon, Inositol was
another one that quickly made the roster. Though the affects of
Inositol are more subtle then those of a substance like say PS, we
challenge anyone who has not tried it to take it on its own to feel
its effects.
Prior to the creation of Cortigon, Inositol first made its round
with the AnabolicMen team as a fantastic addition to our
morning coffee routine! This is one of the best ways to notice its
affects on calmness as the experience of caffeine vs. caffeine and
Inositol is clear.
How To Use Cortigon for Lower Stress
Cortigon uses a host of different ingredients that are powerful
enough to form the basis of their own supplement. What do you
mean….? The above stress-fighting supplements are often the
main ingredient in other companies products. Basically any
compound that can be used effectively is more expensive to
purchase. Supplement manufacturers know this……so they
charge accordingly.
Many supplement companies will build a product around 1 or 2
high cost ingredients and then include a whole host of lower cost
ingredients who’s effectiveness is questionable at best. This
makes for an impressively long ingredient list that provides
relatively lackluster results.
The Cortigon formulation is comprised of only ingredients that
are effective enough to form their own supplements. We
know….most of the AnabolicMen.com team has been taking the
majority of the ingredients on their own as individual
Phosphatidylserine are all fantastic on their own.
Using our team as Guinea Pigs we figured out which
supplements and which doses were effective enough to be
purchased and used on their own. We then combined them to
form a supplement that could replace them all.
In Cortigon, you will never find an ingredient that is included to
justify a higher price.
There is no Shark Cartilage, desiccated bovine liver or space dust
extract. Just the supplements that most fitness enthusiasts or
nootropic users will recognize.
The difference is that the Cortigon formulation is made with
only clinically effective doses of each ingredient.
Unlike many manufacturers that only include clinically effective
doses of the few ingredients that consumers will be keeping
their eyes on, we have included it for every one.
— Chapter 52 —
Estrogen-Lowering Supplements
In this chapter, I break down the 5 estrogen supplements that
are proven to help lower high estrogen levels. Now, there are
many reasons why high estrogen levels are no good news for
men. Sure you need some for bone & joint health, and brain
function, but most men these days have their levels completely
overblown due to high exposure to xenoestrogenic chemicals,
storing too much fat in their bodies, and consuming a diet that is
not hormonally beneficial in any way shape or form.
In men, 95% of the time elevated estrogen levels are due to
having too high level of aromatase enzyme activity. That is, an
enzyme directly converting testosterone molecules into
estrogen. (854)
High estrogen on the other hand has been found to suppress
testosterone production by inhibiting the luteinizing hormone
release from the pituitary gland. (855) This vicious cycle
eventually causes very low levels of testosterone, with
overblown estrogen – and thus – the testosterone to estrogen
ratio shifts far too much to the right, resulting in:
Feminization of the physique and face.
Retaining of subcutaneous water under the skin.
Weakened libido and dramatically increased emotionality.
In the worst case scenario; development of man-boobs,
prostate issues, and hot flashes.
This list consists of five scientifically proven supplements that
work by either inhibiting the aromatase enzyme or by down
regulating the activity of estrogen towards its receptors.
NOTE: Do remember, that outside of using estrogen
supplements, the hands-down the best way to lower high
estrogen levels is to get lean, eat real food, and avoid
exposure to man-made estrogen-mimic chemicals.
The 5 Natural Estrogen
Supplements to Lower High
Estrogen Levels
1. Zinc
Zinc as an estrogen supplement lowers estrogen levels and
aromatase enzymeZinc is one of the 24 essential micronutrients
necessary for human survival.
It’s known to regulate hundreds of bodily enzymes, as well as
being absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the
immune system.
Some of the scientifically proven benefits of zinc
supplementation include (seen up to the point where bodily zinc
levels are saturated):
Reduced activity of estrogen receptors and inhibition of
aromatase enzyme. (856)
Increased thyroid hormone production (857) and lower
levels of SHBG. (858)
Increased levels of DHT, (859) total, and -free testosterone.
For best results consume 15-30mg’s of high-quality zinc
supplement or have large amounts of some good meat in your
diet, best if you do both.
2. Boron
Boron i s an anti estrogen supplement and estrogen
suppressantBoron is a mineral and estrogen supplement that
can pack an estrogen-lowering punch.
Although it’s a trace mineral, and not considered absolutely
essential to human survival, it still has some interesting benefits
for us.
Study from Naghii et al. (860) for example showed the following
results after men consumed 10mg’s of boron for a week:
Free-testosterone levels increased by 28%.
Free-estrogen levels had decreased by -39%.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels rose by 10%.
Inflammation biomarkers (hsCRP, TNF-α) dropped
Another study saw that 6mg’s/day of boron for 2-months can
increase testosterone levels by 29% as well as improve serum
vitamin D by increased absorption of the vitamin.
NOTE: For best results consume 6-10mg’s of highabsorption boron glycinate or eat plenty of raisins.
3. Grape Seed Extract
Grape seeds are high in a valuable compound called procyanidin,
this phenol is mostly hailed due to its ability to naturally
increase nitric oxide levels (and therefore improve circulation).
One of the lesser-known benefits of grape seed extract is its
ability as a natural estrogen supplement to reduce estrogen
levels by inhibiting the activity of aromatase enzyme.
Researchers studying ways to prevent and cure breast cancer
have identified grape seed extract as a natural compound that
blocks estrogen biosynthesis by inactivating the aromatase
enzyme (862, 863, 864).
Due to grape seed extract having low bio-availability in the
human body, high doses (up to 2000mg/day) of the extract are
needed to see these positive effects in studies. This would
translate to about a gallon of grape juice or five pills of
high-potency grape seed extract supplement.
To counteract the low absorption rate of GSE, take it in
fasted-state, one study saw that this improved the
bio-availability by up to 5x! (865)
4. Resveratrol
Resveratrol is the antioxidant polyphenol found in red grapes.
It’s one of the main reasons why red wine is considered healthy.
It is also a great estrogen blocker supplement.
Many studies have shown that resveratrol can increase
testosterone levels and suppress estrogen by inhibiting the
aromatase enzyme in test-tubes (866, 867, 868).
The problem with resveratrol however is that it doesn’t seem to
work as well in living organisms, ie. when people take it orally.
This is due to low bio-availability.
The only two types of resveratrol I’ve seen to actually work and
be properly absorbed in studies are the conjugated form of
resveratrol, and this patented resveratrol delivery system called
VESIsorb® (absorption rate 100x that of pure resveratrol
powder). (869)
5. Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia, Pasak Bumi) comes from
Malaysia, it has huge popularity as a pro-erectile testosterone
booster due to multiple studies supporting its effect at
increasing testosterone levels and suppressing the stress
hormone cortisol. (870)
There seem to be many claimed mechanisms of action in which
Tongkat Ali works, but three of the scientifically proven ones
include; stimulation of testicular CYP17-enzymes, suppression
of SHBG, and inhibition of aromatase enzyme.
The inhibition of aromatase enzyme has actually been shown in
only one rodent study (871) so far, but the results were
Injected Tongkat Ali blocked estrogen with comparable potency
to Tamoxifen, which is a synthetic – and extremely powerful –
prescription aromatase inhibitor.
— Chapter 53 —
Androgen Receptor Supplements
Before androgens (testosterone or DHT) can make any changes
in your body, they have to enter DNA. In order for them to
actually get to the DNA, they have to be bound from blood
circulation by androgen receptors in cells.
This happens naturally all day long around your body, but did
you know that you can actually increase androgen receptor
density, as well as enhance their activity at utilizing male
That’s right, there are a handful of supplements, few specific
training methods, meal timing pattern, and one pretty popular
drink that have all been scientifically proven to increase
androgen receptor density.
1. Intermittent Fasting
i nte r m i t t e nt f ast i ng to i nc re as e and ro ge n re c e ptor
sensitivityIntermittent fasting (IF) is gaining popularity like a
rolling snowball. It’s an eating pattern where you fast for
majority of the day and consume all of your daily calories in a
short eating window.
The most common method of this is the Lean Gains style where
you fast for 16 hours and feast for 8 hours. This cycle repeats
There are many benefits to IF, things like improved insulin
sensitivity, weight loss due to easier maintenance of the calorie
deficit, and sharper cognitive functions.
But did you know that insulin is not the only thing that your
body becomes more responsive to after short-term fasting?
Androgen receptors seem to have the same effect towards
testosterone and DHT after fasting, when you start eating. There
are two studies which showcase this, one from Sweden (872)
which showed that fasting for 12-56 hours can increase the
responsiveness to testosterone by up to 180%.
naturally…And another one where the subjects actually did a
10-day water fast, then resumed eating and they were followed
5 days as they consumed their normal
meals, as you can see from the graph
on right, their testosterone levels shot
up like crazy (873) and kept climbing
for the 5-day post-fasting follow up.
The likely explanation here is that
their bodies became more sensitive
towards androgens during the
ruthless 10 days of no calories
NOTE: No, I do not recommend anyone to do a 10-day
water fast, shorter fasts like the 16:8 method should still
do the trick.
2. Resistance Training
Resistance training increases androgen receptor density.
Resistance training is a reliable way to increase testosterone
levels. Not only does it boost the production of the big-T, it also
increases its utilization by up-regulating the activity and density
of androgen receptors in muscle tissue.
Research has shown that trained men have significantly higher
AR content in their muscles than non-trained individuals, (874)
and that different types of weight-lifting methods yield different
degrees of AR activation. (875) Since androgen receptors are a
factor in muscle protein synthesis, it’s only logical that their
density and activity increases after the body adapts to resistance
There are few “training rules” you should follow in order to
maximize the androgen receptor increase, testosterone and DHT
release, and of course, muscle & strength gains:
1. Activate large amounts of muscle mass, with proper form,
and still remain somewhat “explosive”.
2. Do it rather quickly in order to avoid increases in cortisol
(which decreases AR content of muscles). (876)
3. Progress with your lifts on a weekly basis, and rest
accordingly to actually be able to do that.
Luckily, this all has been explained in a detailed manner with
actual exercise routines and periodization schemes in the THOR
3. Carnitine
Carnitine is an androgen receptor activator. Carnitine occurs
naturally in meats and fish. In fact it might be one of the most
hormonally useful compounds that vegans miss in their diets.
The simplified mechanism of action for how it can increase
androgen receptors naturally is as follows:
Carnitine transports lipids (fat) into the cellular mitochondria to
be used as energy -> androgen receptor (AR) activity within
those same cells is increased.
These effects were shown in a study (877) where 3-weeks of LCarnitine L-Tartrate supplementation at 2g/day was able to
significantly increase the amount of active androgen receptors in
human subjects at rest.
The same researchers later replicated the study with exercising
subjects to prove – this time with actual muscle biopsies – that in
trained males, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate is even better at boosting
AR content than what is seen at subjects who are sedentary.
Bottom line is that carnitine increases androgen receptors at
rest and even more so after exercise. Using 1-2g/day of a similar
tartrate for as used in the studies should do the trick.
4. Levodopa
L-DOPA (levodopa) is a naturally occurring amino acid found in
high amounts in mucuna pruriens (velvet bean). It’s a direct
precursor to dopamine, can bypass the blood-brain barrier, and
effectively raise serum dopamine levels.
In my article about mucuna pruriens on AnabolicMen.com, I
linked few studies which showed how L-DOPA from mucuna
pruriens was able to increase testosterone levels, raise
dopamine, boost sperm health, enhance cognitive ability, and
reduce prolactin levels.
And as an icing to the cake, there’s the fact that levadopa acts as
a co- activator protein to the androgen receptors, effectively
enhancing their activity in in-vitro studies (879, 880).
Using 250-500mg’s per day of quality M.Pruriens extract with
standardized amount of L-DOPA should do the trick.
5. Caffeine
Caffeine, the principal alkaloid and active ingredient of coffee
beans, is not only good at boosting your creativity and energy
levels. The good stuff can also increase workout performance as
well as increase androgen receptors and testosterone!
Studies on rodents have shown that chronic low-dose caffeine
intake can increase testosterone levels, DHT levels, and
androgen receptor (AR) expression. (881)
The mechanism of action is that caffeine stimulates cAMP
enzyme inside the cells that host the androgen receptor, (882)
and cAMP then stimulates another enzyme called protein kinase
A (PKA), which then regulates the glycocen, sugar, and lipid
metabolism inside the receptors, enhancing their activity at
binding DHT and testosterone.
Caffeine activates AR with the same mechanism as forskolin
does, by increasing intracellular cAMP levels. For better results,
take your forskolin and caffeine in a fasted-state (insulin inhibits
Conclusion on Androgen Receptors
There you go pal, five ways to maximize and increase androgen
utilization at the receptor sites. To recap, here’s your five-step
natural AR optimization stack:
Drink some coffee in the morning in fasted-state
Pop few caps of forskolin, also in fasted-state
Crush a heavy THOR workout in the evening (preferably
still at fasted-state if u can).
Break the fast with a big post-workout meal and 1-2 grams
of L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.
Before you go to sleep, consume 250-500mg’s of mucuna
pruriens extract.
Bonus: For poor guys who can’t get the supplements; double the
coffee, get the carnitine from red meat, and L-DOPA from favabeans.
— Appendix 1 —
The 30 Item Grocery List
A few of the most often asked questions we get are: what do I eat
to maintain high testosterone levels, and if I have a specific list of
recommended foods that boost testosterone. While there are
many food related posts scattered around this blog, I’ve never
really made an all-around post about what I would put into a
high T pantry. Until now.
In this appendix, you will basically get a 30 item shopping list of
foods that boost testosterone in men with all the nitty-gritty
explanations about why the foods are great for the endocrine
system. Think of it as a grocery list that your balls would write if
they had hands.
1. All Kinds of Potatoes
Potatoes are a great food that boosts testosterone. If you’re a
frequent reader here at AM, you already know that
carbohydrates are hugely important for healthy testosterone
You also know that grains are not the preferred source of carbs,
mainly due to problems with gluten, which can significantly
increase prolactin levels, effectively messing up T production.
Simple sugars are also not the preferred carbohydrate sources
on a high T diet, since they have been linked to lowered
testosterone levels in multiple studies.
Ruling out grains and simple sugars, may make it look like you
can’t eat any carbs, except for salad, but that’s not the case.
You can – and should eat – potatoes as part of a testosterone
boosting diet!
Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, russets, red potatoes, purple
potatoes, etc. If it’s a potato, you should be eating it. Potatoes are
excellent no-gluten source of testosterone boosting
carbohydrates, and also very dense in nutrients. Stock pile your
pantry full of them, and make potatoes your main carbohydrate
2. Macadamia Nuts
Dietary fat, in general, is known for its testosterone increasing
effect, and nuts in general, are very high in fats. So one could
easily assume that all nuts are pro-testosterone. However, that’s
not the case.
The kinds of fats that have been linked to increased T production
are saturated fatty-acids (SFAs) and monounsaturated
fatty-acids (MUFAs). Polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFAs) on the
other hand tend to lower testosterone levels.
Most nuts are – unfortunately – loaded with PUFAs.
Not macadamia nuts though. 100 grams of these wonderful little
fat balls contain ~75 grams of dietary fat, out of which 60 grams
are MUFAs, 13 grams are SFAs, and less than 2 grams are PUFAs.
3. Epic Bar
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw 100% grass-fed bison
bars on the market.
Not only bison, but also lamb, turkey, and beef.
Why are the epic bars so epic then? Well, despite their high price
point, they’re exactly the kind of protein your endocrine system
craves for. Animal-based. Grass-fed. And free of antibiotic,
hormone, and pesticide traces.
I know for sure that my pantry is always loaded with bison bars.
Or should I say testosterone bars. Either way, they’re epic.
4. Beef Gelatin
In traditional societies, the bones and connective tissue of meatgiving animals were generously enjoyed, giving the consumer a
great balance of amino acids.
In more recent cultures, we have started eating only the musclemeat, tossing away the connective tissue, bones, and organ meat.
The problem with that is the fact that we are getting too much of
the amino acids tryptophan and cysteine, and too little of the
amino acids proline and glycine (both of which act as crucial
neurotransmitters for the body).
To correct this, you could eat some bone broth and animal
organs, but there’s also an easier way.
Gelatin. It’s an incredibly dense source of connective-tissue
protein, providing you with ~27% glycine and ~15% proline. It’s
also tasteless, so you can easily scoop it straight on with a spoon.
Why would gelatin be pro-testosterone then? For starters, once
you balance out the neurotransmitters in your body, your sleep
quality and hormonal signaling will improve, this alone will lead
to significant increases in testosterone and life-quality.
5. Coffee
Coffee is a great drink to boost testosterone levels. Who doesn’t
love a cup – or five – of strong coffee?
Coffee is great. It gives you the caffeine which stimulates the
nervous system and jolts you up, while also boosting cAMP
levels, leading to increased testosterone production.
Sure coffee can also increase cortisol levels (which is a stress
hormone notorious for lowering testosterone), but it’s crucial to
understand that the cortisol boost from caffeine is very short in
duration, not like the T suppressing long-term (usually stressrelated) cortisol elevation.
Oh, and coffee is also loaded with antioxidants. So again, there’s
no need to start avoiding coffee, just don’t drink it 15 cups a day
for every hour of your time awake.
6. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are an essential part of a testosterone boosting food
list. Brazil nuts are shelled in a thick cone, so technically they’re
seeds, but due to their nut-like taste and structure, people have
always called them nuts.
They do not have as good fat ratios for testosterone production
as the macadamia’s do (100 grams of brazil nuts has 15g SFAs,
25g MUFAs, and 19g PUFAs), but their true testosterone
boosting potential is not in the fat ratio.
It’s in the ridiculously high selenium content. 100 grams of Brazil
nuts contains 1917 mcg’s of selenium, which is 2739% of the
RDA%! Selenium – mostly due to its glutathione stimulating
effects – is directly linked to increased testosterone production,
and just a handful of Brazil nuts a day is easily enough to cover
your selenium needs, naturally.
NOTE: Most of the selenium is in the skin of the nut, so don’t
buy your Brazil nuts unshelled.
7. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil can be straight on labeled as a testosterone
Since there’s literally a study where young Moroccan men
changed to extra virgin olive oil as their main source of fat, and
in 2 weeks their testosterone levels increased by 17%.
This could have been caused by the fact that olive oil has a pretty
darn great fat ratios for T production (73% MUFAs, 14% SFAs,
13% PUFAs), or it could also be the fact that olive oil is antiinflammatory, or that it’s ridiculously high in antioxidants. It also
contains the possibly testosterone boosting bitter glycoside;
Just make sure your olive oil is the real deal. Organic. Extra
Virgin. And from a trusted brand. Many cheaper olive oils have
been heated, processed, and adulterated with cheaper oils
(usually high PUFA ones too).
8. Raisins
Raisins are a great food that boost testosterone levels for
multiple reasons.
Firstly, they’re anti-inflammatory and chock-full of antioxidants,
such as resveratrol, which has been linked to increased
testosterone and lowered estrogen levels in few studies.
Secondly, 100 grams of raisins contain ~3 mg’s of boron, which
is a not too popular mineral that has increased testosterone
levels quite significantly in few scientific studies.
So, it’s not a bad idea to make your own testosterone boosting
snack trail mix with raisins, macadamia nuts, and brazil nuts.
9. Parsley
Parsley is a great little plant. That’s because of a compound in it
called apigening.
The researcher at Texas tech found out that apigening increases
the amount StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein) inside
the testicular leydig cells.
Why is this great you might ask? Well, StaR is the binding protein
that transports cholesterol into the mitochondria inside your
ballsack, essentially converting it to free testosterone.
So, more parsley -> more StaR -> better conversion from
cholesterol to free testosterone -> more free testosterone.
Bottom line: You better be consuming parsley.
Ginger is a common household spice, but it can be used to many
other things than just to add flavor to foods.
Ginger contains the active ingredient, gingerol, which is a potent
anti-inflammatory agent in the body.
Not only that, but several animal studies have identified ginger
as an androgenic compound, while one Iraqian human study
noted a 17% increase in testosterone levels after ginger
So not a common household spice alone, but also a powerful
androgenic anti-inflammatory agent. And cheap as fuck.
Raw Cacao Products
Raw cacao, cocoa, or chocolate products are nutritionally dense
testosterone boosting superfoods.
However, I’m not talking about the chocolate or cacao that most
people identify as chocolate. Real chocolate is not heated (this
destroys the antioxidants and many vitamins), it’s not processed,
and it’s definitely not refined.
It’s this unheated, minimally processed, and essentially RAW
version of chocolate that maintains the antioxidants, enzymes,
and friendly gut bacteria. It’s also the RAW chocolate that is
linked to increased cardiovascular health, lowered blood
pressure, and lowered blood glucose levels. Not the junk on the
candy shelves.
But why are raw chocolate and cacao products an awesome food
that boosts testosterone production?
First of, they’re loaded with antioxidants and jam-packed with
minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, and copper.
And not only that but raw cacao products have pretty much
perfect fat ratios for testosterone production too. For example,
out of the dietary fat in raw chocolate ~61% is saturated fats,
~37% is monounsaturated fats, and only ~2% is
polyunsaturated (depending bit on the manufacturer).
So, chock-full of antioxidants, live bacteria, and enzymes. Full of
testosterone boosting minerals. It also has perfect fat ratios,
making raw cacao products a powerhouse food that boosts
testosterone levels.
Eggs are a nutrition powerhouse and great for testosterone
production. Eggs are considered as “the perfect protein” since
they contain a nearly perfect balance of amino acids for human
Eggs are also highly nutritious, containing nearly all of the
recognized vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C).
They also have good fatty-acid ratios for testosterone
production. 38% saturated fats, 44% monounsaturated fats, and
only 18% polyunsaturated fats.
The most important factor that makes eggs a high-T food, is the
fact that the yolk contains hefty doses of cholesterol, which like
you might already know, is the direct precursor of testosterone.
NOTE: I know that many people get scared about cholesterol
and fats in the yolk, but there’s no need to. It has been
scientifically proven that regular egg consumption on a daily
basis does not negatively influence your cardiovascular
Real Salt
Real salt is great as part of a testosterone boosting foods
listThere’s a huge difference between real crystal, sea, or rock
salt when compared to the usual “table salt”.
That is, real unrefined and unaltered salts are bit clumpy and
they have about 60+ trace minerals in them.
The basic table salt on the other hand? It’s usually got 2. Sodium
and chloride. Rest is stripped away.
What more? Well, the processed table salts can have up to 3%
anti- caking agents, which are often unhealthy heavy metals like
aluminum silicate or sodium ferrocyanide.
This is all done because of increased profits, aka. longer
shelf-life. When salt is stripped from its natural minerals, it’s no
longer salt. It’s processed shit.
So, would you rather consume the shitty purified table salt that
has mere 2 minerals and heavy-metal caking agents, or the real
deal that contains 100% real salt and 0% caking agents, with a
taste that explodes in your mouth? Your call.
Argan Oil
Argan oil is a great addition to a testosterone boosting diet.
Argan oil is the oil pressed from the argan tree kernel. It’s
heavily used in the Mediterranean diet.
Previously in this chapter, I mentioned a study where olive oil, a
main source of fat for 2 weeks, was able to increase testosterone
levels by 17% in healthy young Moroccan men.
Well, in that same study there was another group too. A group
that used virgin argan oil as their main source of dietary fat for 2
weeks. Their testosterone levels increased by ~20%.
Much like olive oil, argan oil is anti-inflammatory and has a lot of
antioxidants. It also has pretty good fatty-acid ratios for T
production (not as good as olive oil does, though).
Anyhow, there’s clinical evidence showing how it boosts
testosterone by 20%, so you better be eating this.
Avocados are a food that boost testosterone naturallyThese fatty
fruits are often deemed “bad” by the low-fat idiots. And this is
because unlike many other fruits, 77% of the calories in an
avocado come from fats.
If you’re a frequent reader of AnabolicMen.com, you already
know that increased dietary fat intake is directly correlated with
increased testosterone production. And not only that, but the
types of fat that increase T seem to be saturated fats (SFAs) and
monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), while polyunsaturated (PUFAs)
actually tend to lower testosterone.
In the view of the above, we can see that avocados are a great
food that boosts testosterone naturally. Since they contain a lot
of dietary fat, from which 16% is SFAs, 71% is MUFAs, and only
13% is PUFAs. Avocados are also loaded with fat-soluble
vitamins, many of which are crucially important for healthy
testosterone production.
White Button Mushrooms
White button mushrooms increase testosterone levelsI used to
eat these only as a pizza topping, and since they are mostly
water, I was under the notion that white button mushrooms
probably won’t do Jack-shit health wise.
As usual, I was wrong.
White button mushrooms are loaded with polysaccharides, and
in multiple studies, they have been found to exert anti-estrogenic
effects, since they seem to naturally block the aromatase enzyme
which converts testosterone to estrogen.
Similar anti-estrogenic effects have been noted with other
mushroom varieties too, but white button mushrooms seem to
be the strongest shroomy aromatase inhibitors identified so far.
Baking Soda
I use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) more as a supplement
(pre- workout, and for increased T) than a grocery item, but
since it can be bought at any supermarket, it fits perfectly to this
Why baking soda you might ask? Well, firstly because it is a great
ergogenic aid that can dramatically improve your squat and
bench press performance, cellular adaptation to HIIT, and can be
used to supercharge your creatine supplements.
And then there’s also the fact that sodium bicarbonate tends to
act as a molecular switch for the cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP). And increased cAMP levels – as you
might already know – correlate with increased T production
since cAMP activates protein kinase A and serves as a secondary
messenger between cells and hormones.
It’s also about $7 per lb.
As of late, there has been a lot of evidence suggesting that
prebiotics, probiotics, live enzymes, and other kinds of friendly
bacteria could have a positive impact on testosterone
Few examples: In a 2014 study, a bunch of researchers tested
multiple different diets with added Lactobacillus reuteri on male
rodents. In every single case, the addition of L.Reuterii to the
feed increased testosterone levels, increased luteinizing
hormone levels, increased testicular size & weight, prevented
age-related testicular shrinkage, improved semen parameters,
and even increased markers of social domination.
Another rodent study found out that increased exposure to
healthy gut microbiomes led to elevated testosterone levels. And
one even saw that the probiotic Clostridium scindens can
literally convert the stress hormone cortisol into androgens
inside the gut.
So, how do you nourish the gut flora and colonize those healthy
probiotics, prebiotics, and friendly enzymes into your intestines
more effectively? Simple, by eating fermented foods, which
naturally have the friendly bacteria and enzymes.
Yogurt is a great example and an awesome food that boosts
testosterone levels. It contains the L. Reuterii and C. Scindensis,
and several other – yet unresearched – probiotic strains.
Grass-Fed Beef Jerky
There’s just no way around the fact that grass-fed beef is the
number #1 source of testosterone boosting protein.
It’s high quality, not corn-fed, has awesome amino-acid balance,
and even the fat in it is saturated, which is the kind of fat linked
to biggest increases in testosterone production.
Not to mention that grass-fed and organically grown animals are
not exposed to testosterone-lowering pesticides, fungicides,
herbicides, or insecticides. They’re also not pumped full of
estrogen, like conventional cattle often is.
I developed a deep love for beef jerky in the military since it’s
probably one of the healthiest foods you can carry as a “snack”.
And there’s no way I would leave it out from a testosterone
boosting foods list.
Minced Meat
Minced meat is great for increasing testosterone levels. Every
time I visit my local grocery store, I leave with at least 2 kilos
worth of organic minced meat.
There’s a good reason for that. Minced meat is fucking awesome.
Whether it’s beef or a mix of beef and pork or even lamb, you’re
getting plenty of high-quality testosterone boosting fats, along
with some animal protein that your endocrine system craves for.
Minced meat is almost like a staple in many testosterone
boosting recipes. It’s so easy to use, tasty, and pro-testosterone.
Why not load up with it?
NOTE: I use organic meat since I don’t want to eat meat that
has been treated with estrogen (to make the meat-giving
animal fat). If you can’t afford organic/grass-fed minced
meat, it’s better to buy the kind with the lowest amount of
fat, since that’s where the trace hormones tend to
There have been some very interesting study results about
pomegranates as of late.
In one human study, daily pomegranate juice consumption for 2
weeks increased salivary testosterone levels by 24%, while also
dropping diastolic and systolic blood pressure.
Another human study associated long-term (1-3 years)
pomegranate juice consumption to -35% reduction in arterial
plague. Pomegranate juice also protected LDL cholesterol from
oxidative damage and dropped blood pressure as seen in the
above study.
In test-tubes, few compounds extracted from pomegranates have
found to be anti-estrogenic.
On top of that, pomegranates and the juice tastes like heaven.
Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is a great testosterone increasing foodAs you can see
from the “yogurt” subheading above, fermented foods are
excellent for testosterone production, since they contain the
probiotics, prebiotics, friendly bacteria, and enzymes associated
with increased T production.
Just like in the case of yogurt, blue cheese is also filled with that
friendly gut bacteria, live enzymes, and the like.
On top of that, blue cheese contains hefty amounts of
testosterone boosting saturated fat, and certain testosterone
boosting fat-soluble vitamins, like the K2 for example.
Blue cheese goes perfectly in dressings, dips, between
hamburgers, etc. It’s a super simple way to add some T boosting
goodness to your meals.
Dark Berries
Dark berries like blueberries, blackberries, acai berries, and so
forth have always been identified as healthy.
And why wouldn’t they be? The darker the berry, the higher the
antioxidant content, and the more antioxidants you consume,
the less inflammation and oxidative damage takes place in your
The result of that should be significantly increased testosterone
production and testosterone molecule preservation.
Not only the antioxidants but berries are quite low in calories
while being chock-full of nutrients.
They also contain the unique fiber called Calcium-D-Glucarate,
which can potentially help your body to remove excess estrogen.
Grass-Fed Butter
Real grass-fed butter is an amazing food that boosts testosterone
and should be the staple in every testosterone boosting diet.
It’s a quality source for T boosting SFAs, while also containing
the fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K2, and D, all of which are linked to
increased testosterone production.
Just remember that it has to be real butter, and preferably from
grass- fed cows. Margarine and other kinds of spread mixes are
just rubbish PUFA filled inflammatory junk.
Get the real deal, the same stuff your ancestors used, then use it
with cooking, in coffee, as is, whatever. Your balls will thank you.
Sorghum is used to boost DHT. Ever since I started seeing
evidence of gluten being a potential prolactin booster and
thyroid suppressant, I have been limiting my intake of grains and
focusing more on potatoes as my main carbohydrate source.
I’ve seen nothing but good results health-wise from limiting
grain consumption, but sometimes I just yearn for some floury
grains, bread and the like.
I’m not completely anal about not eating grains, but since I
discovered sorghum (a gluten-free androgenic grain), I have
been substituting some of the more gluten heavy grains with it.
I was pleasantly surprised to even stumble upon this in-vitro
study where sorghum extract increased 5-alpha reductase levels
by 54% (this should lead to increased DHT conversion).
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a testosterone booster. Look no further than the
alternative medicine community, and you will see NOTHING but
praises about coconut oil. And even though I don’t always agree
with their ideologies, coconut oil really is kind of damn healthy.
It has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, increase
testosterone production, increase thyroid hormones, boost
metabolic rate, and so forth.
Being mostly saturated fat, it also fits well to the optimal
testosterone boosting fatty-acid ratios.
NOTE: Despite being high in saturated fat, coconut oil doesn’t
cause any cardiovascular problems. Does anyone even
believe anymore that saturated fat would be the culprit
Organic Bacon
Bacon boosts testosterone in men. Bacon is pretty amazing. Not
only does it have a heavenly taste, but it’s also packed with
high-quality animal protein, testosterone boosting saturated
fats, and the direct precursor of testosterone: cholesterol.
In my opinion, you should only eat organic bacon, though.
Because of the mass production, conventional pigs are fed with
GMO soy and corn, and they’re living in such horrid conditions
that they’re pumped full of antibiotics to ensure that the pigs
won’t get any inflammatory diseases, and then they’re fed &
injected with ridiculous amounts of estrogen and growth
hormone to make the pigs fatter and bigger in record times.
That last part is crucial. Because of the high fat content of the pig
meat, the hormone residues are much more of a concern. You
see, the adipose tissue (fat) is exactly where the hormone traces
can be found.
So, organic estrogen-trace free bacon is a great food that boosts
testosterone naturally, but the conventionally raised stuff should
be avoided. You’re better of using some lower fat conventional
meats if you can’t afford organic bacon.
Pretty much all kinds of onions are loaded with
anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and antioxidants. Some of
which are potentially testosterone boosting, like apigening and
It’s not a big surprise that in several rodent studies, onions have
increased testosterone and produced androgenic effects.
Possibly the sickest result so far comes from one study where
onion juice added to male rodents feed, increased testosterone
levels by
~300% on average. Hard to say if the results are skewed or if
this applies to humans at all, but it’s still quite fascinating.
I have never seen any human data on the hormonal effects of
onions, but there’s potential and onions can add great punch to
many foods, so why not?
Despite the fact that garlic can give you a foul breath, it’s also
capable of increasing your nitric oxide levels by ~200% when
taken in combination with vitamin C. Making it a stupidly cheap
pre-workout booster.
There’s also a rat study where rodents on a high-protein diet,
saw significant increases in testosterone and drops in cortisol
after garlic supplementation.
I have no idea what would cause this rise in testosterone after
garlic consumption, but it could be caused by quercetin,
anti-inflammatory effects, high amount of antioxidants, or its
vasodilating effects.
Whatever it is, garlic is a food that boosts testosterone levels and
is definitely worth the money.
Oysters are a staple in many testosterone boosting foods lists
out on the internet.
Not for nothing. They are absolutely jam-packed with zinc,
magnesium, selenium, copper, and vitamin D. All of which are
crucial for testosterone production.
Oysters also contain high quality protein, including some of the
more rare amino acids (like the possible testosterone boosting
D- aspartic acid).
The legend says that the 18th-century ladies man – Casanova –
ate 50 oysters for breakfast. You know, maybe he was on to
— Appendix 2 —
5 Sample T-Boosting Recipes
A huge part of boosting testosterone levels naturally comes
down to nutrition.
You want to eat a good amount of starchy carbs, good amount of
the right type of fats, and low-medium amount of protein mainly
from animal sources (both muscle-meat and collagen-proteins).
On top of all, it’s ideal to get plenty of micronutrients (vitamins
and minerals) with the foods you eat.
To achieve those goals, I have gathered you these 5
mouth-watering recipes. They’re simple, delicious, and most
importantly: recipes that nourish the bodily testosterone
We just put together a brand-new full color cookbook for
AnabolicMen.com readers over at TestosteroneChef.com if
you want an incredible book with all the recipes you need to
raise your testosterone to new heights.
(It makes a great gift as well.)
Let’s get to it shall we?
1. Spicy Lamb Stew
This spicy lamb shank stew is super-easy to make and it’ll last
for days. One of my ultimate T-boosting favorites. Look closely to
the ingredient list and you’ll see that almost everything on it has
a positive effect on testosterone production:
3 lbs of lamb shoulder meat, cubed
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 onions, chopped
6 cloves of garlic, minced
2 red bell peppers, chopped
2 tablespoons of ginger, ground
1½ tablespoons of cayenne pepper, ground
2 cups of beef stock
5 tomatoes, puréed
1 handful of fresh parsley
1 teaspoon of pure sea salt
1 teaspoon of
pepper Preparation:
1. Add the 3 tablespoons of olive oil into a pan or high sided
pot. Add the lamb meat cubes and cook for 6-8 minutes
until the cubes are evenly brown on all sides. Put the
meat into a bowl.
2. Heat the same pan or high sided pot that you cooked the
lamb cubes in, but this time put it to medium-high heat
and add in the onions and bell peppers. Cook, stirring
occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add garlic and continue
cooking for 1 more minute.
3. Throw in the beef stock, lamb cubes, cayenne pepper,
ginger, puréed tomatoes, and fresh parsley leaves. Bring
the pan or pot to boil over high heat, then lower the heat
to low and cook partially covered for 3 hours, or until the
lamb is tender.
4. Season with salt and pepper. Eat.
Why exactly makes the lamb stew testosterone-friendly?
Lamb meat is a good source of carnitine which is an amino-acid
that increases androgen receptor density and sensitivity. There’s
also saturated fat, cholesterol, high quality protein, zinc, several
B vitamins, and CLA in lamb meat and all of which are linked to
increased testosterone production.
Olive oil consists mostly of monounsaturated fatty accids, which
in this study were shown to be pro-testosterone. A study found
out that olive oil converted cholesterol more easily into
testosterone. And one study saw that healthy male subjects who
switched to using olive oil as their main source of fat noted a
17% increase in their testosterone levels.
Onions contain hefty amounts of quercetin and alliins,
compounds that both are linked to increased T production.
Moreover this study found out that feeding fresh onion juice to
male rats more than tripled their serum testosterone levels.
Garlic is also rich in alliins and quercetin, and it comes not as a
surprise that few studies have found out its testosterone
boosting effects, such as this and this study.
Ginger increased testosterone levels by 17% in a human study,
and it more than doubled testosterone levels in this rat study.
One animal study also found out that it works similarly in
diabetic rats.
Cayenne pepper, at least according to this study, may have a
testosterone boosting effect.
Parsley contains a compound called apigening, which stimulates
testosterone synthesis inside isolated leydig cells.
2. Guacamole
Who doesn’t love to dip everything in Guac? Nobody! This classic
guacamole recipe combines all of the T-boosting goodness into
the ultimate Mexican dipping experience. The ingredients speak
for theirselves:
4 ripe Haas avocados
3 tbsp lemon juice (1 lemon)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
½ cup diced red onion
1 large garlic clove (minced)
1 tsp coarse sea salt
1 diced
1. Cut the avocados in half and remove the pits. Scoop the
flesh into a bowl. Add lemon juice, cayenne pepper, diced
onions, garlic, salt, and tomatoes.
2. Take a sharp knife and start dicing the avocado halves
into smaller pieces. Once done, mix well and you’re
Why Guac is Pro-T?
monounsaturated- fats (MUFAs), while also being a source of a
bitter glycoside; oleuropein, which increased T levels by a
staggering 250% in this rat study. Add in 20 dietary vitamins
and minerals present in the flesh of an avocado. Many which
your body uses and requires to produce testosterone: A, K2, C,
B2, B5, B6, zinc, magnesium, and copper, and you have yourself
one of the possibly best testosterone boosting ingredients as a
base for this recipe.
Cayenne pepper, Although not significant, there’s a study which
suggests that the capsaicin in cayenne pepper can protect your
testosterone levels from the stress of a calorie deficit.
Garlic and onions both correlate heavily with increased T
production in multiple animal studies.
3. Slow Cooker Swiss Steak
This recipe is courtesy of the Midnight Baker blog, it’s quite
simple to made in a slow-cooker, and its chock-full of
testosterone boosting ingredients:
6 beef blade steaks
8 oz white button mushrooms, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 tbs fresh thyme, minced
1 ½ tsp cayenne pepper
3/4 cup beef stock
1/4 cup dry sherry
1/4 cup sorghum flour
4 tbs olive oil
½ cup heavy cream
2 tbs fresh parsley, chopped
salt & pepper to
taste Preparation:
1. Heat a pan over medium heat. Add in 1 tbs olive oil and
the mushroom slices. Cook until the mushrooms start to
brown. Remove from pan and put into the slow cooker.
2. Return the pan to medium heat and season the blade
steaks with salt and pepper. Add 1 tbs of olive oil again
and brown the steaks. Once browned, set them aside on a
3. Once again, return the pan to medium heat, this time add:
2 tbs olive oil, sliced onions, and ground cayenne pepper.
Cook and stir for a minute, then add the sorghum flour
and dry sherry into the mix. Cook again for a minute, then
pour the contents of the pan into the crockpot.
4. Add the blade steak slices on top of the mixture in
crockpot, cover, and cook for 6-8 hours on low heat.
5. After 6-8 hours, remove the steaks into a serving plate
and cover with foil so that they stay warm. Meanwhile
add the heavy cream and chopped parsley into the liquid
still in the slow cooker. Heat for another 10 minutes to
make a sauce. Pour the sauce on top of the blade steaks,
and serve with mashed potatoes.
Here’s why the swiss steak boosts testosterone:
Beef steak is easily the best source of animal protein you would
want to eat on a high testosterone diet.
White button mushrooms are natural aromatase inhibitors,
meaning that they inhibit the conversion from testosterone into
Onions have been linked to increased testosterone production in
multiple animal studies.
Cayenne pepper has a testosterone protecting effect in testicular
leydig cells, that is, at least when you’re on a diet.
Sorghum has a potent DHT boosting effect, which was noted in
in-vitro study.
Olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which
are crucially important for healthy testosterone production.
Also, a study with young Moroccan men saw that 2 weeks of
using olive oil as a main source of fat, increased testosterone
levels by 20%.
Heavy cream is a great source for saturated fat, a.k.a, the most
testosterone friendly type of dietary fat.
Parsley contains high amounts of a compound called apigening,
which has been linked to significant increases in testosterone
production, due to its stimulatory effect on testicular StAR
4. The Men’s Salad
Salad doesn’t have to be a boring experience of rabbit foods. In
fact you can whip up a hormonally nourishing health-bomb of a
salad in few minutes with this recipe that includes:
3 cups leafy greens
2 eggs, boiled
½ cup blue cheese
5 slices bacon, crumbled
1 avocado
3 tomatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
1. Cook the bacon, crumble into a cup. Boil the eggs and peel
+ slice them to your liking.
2. Combine everything in a large bowl and now you have a
Here’s why this salad is your high-testosterone fuel:
If you use spinach as a lettuce base, it’s filled with natural
nitrates that convert into nitric oxide inside of your body. This
occurrence will then increase your blood flow. Spinach is also
filled with a natural steroid called ecdysterone, which is linked
to elevated testosterone production.
Eggs are packed with cholesterol, which is the direct precursor
of testosterone and linked to elevated testosterone production in
various studies. Eggs are also filled with choline, which helps
your body to chelate (get rid of) estrogens.
Blue cheese is filled with live bacteria, enzymes, and probiotics,
and those are all linked to supreme health and elevated
testosterone production.
Bacon gives you some natural saturated fat which is the kind of
fat that stimulates testosterone synthesis. Bacon will also give
you hefty doses of testosterone boosting cholesterol.
Avocado is jam-packed with mono-unsaturated fatty acids,
which in this study increased testosterone production. Avocados
also contain various T boosting vitamins such as: C, E, D, and K2.
Olive oil will help your testicles to convert cholesterol more
easily into testosterone. It also increased testosterone levels by
17% in this study. Olive oil also has a compound called
Oleuropein which is shown to be anti-estrogenic in few in-vitro
5. Max-Testo Burger
Every man needs a good burger once in a while. Heck, why not
every day? If you make your own, using quality ingredients and
T-boosting fats, this delicious recipe is far from “fast food”:
4 hamburger buns
1 lb beef, ground
4 bacon slices
4 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp himalayan or sea salt
1 tbsp ground pepper
½ red onion, sliced
4 white button mushrooms, chopped
½ cup blue cheese
4 slices cheddar cheese
1 cup mayo (olive oil base)
1 cup of
1. Preheat a grill over high heat.
2. In a bowl, mix the ground beef, mustard, salt, and pepper.
Then shape the mixture into 4 evenly sized patties and
grill for 5 minutes a side or until they’re roughly medium
doneness. Then add the cheddar cheese slices on top of
the patties and grill for 1 more minute.
3. Throw the bacon slices, onion slices, and white button
mushrooms into the grill or into a pan, grill/cook until
they’re all evenly brown.
4. Cut the buns in half and grill for 10 seconds the cut side
facing down.
5. Start assimilating the hamburger in the order you prefer.
6. Eat.
Here’s the T-boosting magic behind these burgers:
Ground beef is a good source for carnitine which is linked to
increased androgen receptor density and sensitivity. Also meat
eaters tend to have higher testosterone levels than the fellows
who refuse to eat it.
Bacon is an excellent source for testosterone boosting
cholesterol and saturated fat.
All kinds of onions are filled with quercetin and alliins, which
both are linked to increased testosterone production. Few
studies have also examined the effects that onions have on
testosterone levels and found only positive correlations.
Blue cheese is filled with probiotics, healthy bacteria, and live
enzymes, all of which are linked to elevated testosterone levels.
White button mushrooms have the ability to inhibit the
aromatase enzyme. It’s an enzyme that converts testosterone
molecules into estrogen molecules. Thus, blocking its activity
will naturally increase your testosterone levels.
— Appendix 3 —
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