No. 1/Fin/2024(1)-176 Intelligence Bureau (MHA), Govt. of India New Delhi, the April12, 2024 MEMORANDUM Subject: Revision of rates of Allowances with DArates increased to 50%. IB Hqrs is in receipt of queries from various units on the subject. In this regard, it is clarified that the position is very clear in the respective OMs and no separate orders is likely to be issued by MoF (Deptt of Expenditure) in the matter. 2. Therefore, it is requested to please take action for revision of rates of Such allowances inaccordance with the enhanced rate of DA @50% effective from Jan 01, 2024. Such allowances payable in this department along with admissible revised rates are listed at Annexure- for information and necessary action. Encl: As above. Sr. Accounts Officer/FC To AllDDOs at IB Hqrs. All DDOs, SIBx including Bxol. Copy to: The AD-Tech/CDC1, IB Hqrs -with a request to please make suitable modification in Centralised Payroll System & PFMS modules in rlo allowances mentioned at S.No. 1,2,3 & 5 of Annexsre-l enabling the DDOs to implement the orders from monthly salaries for April, 2024. It is also requested to update HRAarrear module. Sr. Accounts Officet/FC. Annexure -| Enhancement of Allowances @25% due to increase of DA rates by 50% wef. 01.01.2024 1. Tough Location Allowance Existing rate of Revised rate wef. allowance 01.01.2024 (Rs.) >9 5300 6625 <8 4100 5125 3400 4250 <8 2700 3375 >9 1200 1500 <8 1000 1250 Pay level R3H1 R3H2 R3H3 *Other terms and condition will be remain same as stipulated in G.l., Min of Fin., DoE, OM No. 3/1/2017-E.Il (B) dated 19.07.2017. 2. Conveyance Allowance Revised rate wef. Existing rate of allowance Distance Motor Car Other Conveyance 01.01.2024 (Rs.) Motor Car Other Conveyance 201-300 km 1680 556 2100 695 301-450 Km 2520 720 3150 900 451-600 Km 2980 960 3725 1200 601-800 Km 3646 1126 4558 1408 Above 800 Km 4500 1276 5625 1595 *Other terms and condition will be remain same as stipulated in G.I., Min of Fin., DoE, No. 19039/03/2017-E.Ildated 19.07.2017. 3. Special Allowance for child for women with disabilities Existing rate of allowance Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) 3000 3750 *Other terms and condition will be remain same as stipulated in G.., Min of Pers, P.G. & PW, No. A-27012/O3/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017. Contd p-2 Annexure -I(Contd.) Children Education Allowance 4. Existing rate of allowance Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) CEA 2250 pm/Child 2813 pm/Child Hostal Subsidy 6750 pm/Child 8438 pm/Child 4500 pm/Child 5625 pm/Child CEAfor Divyang *Other termsand condition will be remain same as stipulated in G.J., DoPT,OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 17.07.2018. House Rent Allowance 5. Classification of Existing rate of allowance Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) Xor A 27% of B.Pay 30% of B.Pay Y or B 18% ofB.Pay 20% of B.Pay Cities/town Z or C 9% of B Pay 10% of B.Pay *Other terms and condition will be remain same as stipulated in G.., DoPT, OM No. 2/5/2017-E.II (B) dated 07.07.2017. 6. Effects on Tour/Transfer TA Claims due to revision of DA by 50% Hotel Accommodation Pay level Existing rate of allowance Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) 14 & above 7500 9375 12&13 4500 5625 9 to 11 2250 2813 6 to 8 750 938 5& below 450 563 Contd ---p-3-- 3 Annexure -I(Contd.) of Travellingcharges for travel Reimbursement withinthe city (touring station) Pay ievel Existing rate of allowance per Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 day per day 12 & aboVe No change 9 to 11 338 423 6 to 8 225 281 58 below Travel on 113 141 12 per Km foof 15 per Km Reimbursement of Food Charges/Lump sum amount or Daily Allowance Pay level Existing rate of allowance per Revised. rate per day wef. day 01.01.2024 (Rs.) 14 & above 1200 1500 12 & 13 1000 1250 9 to 11 900 1125 6 to 8 800 1000 5& below 500 625 9. For journey performed by own Car/Taxi, Auto rickshaw, own Scooter etc. at the place where no specific rate have been prescribed by Director of Transport of concerned State or the neighbouring State. For Journey in own Car/Taxi For Journey by auto , Own Scooter etc. 10. Existing rate of allowance 01.01.2024 (Rs.) 24 per KM 30 per KM 12per KM 15 per KM Revised rate wef. Rate of transportation of Personal effects by road on transfer etc Pay level Existing rate of allowance 6 & above 50 5 25 4 & below 15 Revised rate wef. 01.01.2024 (Rs.) p/km 63 p/km p/km 31 p/km p/km 19 p/km *Other terms and condition and rate willbe remain same as stipulated in GI. DoPT, OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017.