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BAE 220 Term Project: Technology Assignment

BAE 220 - Term Project (TP)
(Adapted from Dr Jim Denford’ s MBA 531 Technology Proposal Template)
Technology to be approved by the prof: End of Week 1
TP Report Submission Deadline: Sunday of Week 4 (posting of your work in Week 5
project Discussion Forum)
Each student will need to comment 2 other technologies describe by other students
during Week 5.
This deliverable worth 20 % of the term.
This assignment could be done individually or in group of 2 students maximum. Great opportunity to share your work using BBButton.
For Week 1: Choose the technology below you want to address and justify your choice before
the end of Week 1 to be submitted to the prof for approval:
1. Artificial Intelligence AI /Machine Learning / Deep Learning;
2. Blockchain—Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Ledger Systems;
3. Big Data—Apps, Infrastructure & Predictive Analytics;
4. Automation—Information, Task, Process, Machine, Decision & Action;
5. Robots incl. Drones & Autonomous Vehicles;
6. Cybersecurity & Adaptive Security, Intelligence Detection, Remediation & Adaptation;
7. Geo-spatial Tech—GIS, GPS, Mapping & Remote Sensing, Scanning, Navigation;
8. Google Workplace (Drive, Docs, Calendar, Permission, Mail...) OR
9. Any other technology suggested by the student and approved by the prof
Proposed Table of Contents
Your TP report to be submitted by the end of Week 4 will be 2000 to 4000 words in length (plus
any annexes) and will include the following: executive summary, introduction, definitions, history/background, description of technology/methods, examples of organizational use, issues or
challenges, and suggestions for implementation in the public sector. Good reports include tables, figures and a list of references. Referencing one academic paper (if possible) that deals
with this specific technology is considered a plus.
Good luck with this assignment. Do not hesitate to contact me anytime during the course for any
question on this project.