CLASS 16 PART 1 WARM-UP A GOOD QUESTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN A BRILLIANT ANSWER PART 2 SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING CLASS NOTES Make the best out of something. Make the best of it. Held Hold. Held. Held. Held dependent on core competents. Commuting to work: going to work. Smart working: working from home Hybrid working scheme Remote work The more remote work, the less commuting. Down-shifting Make ends meet Disband 1. Introduce your achievement I am thrilled to announce that I have obtained the EY Bronze Badge in finance. I am so excited to share with you that.... Having had this opportunity... I am thankful to announce... 2. Explain what your achievement means and how it will contribute to your career growth or society. Thanks to this program I have gained new solid skills that have allowed me to improve my business acumen. I have learned (provide examples). Key suggestion: to never start sentences with the same word over and over. I am proud to be a part of a company that does not only challenges you to become the best professional/ better/ the best version of yourself, but that also provides you with opportunities for career advancement/grow. 3. Thank the people involved in your achievement. This new step forward in my career/ or path would not have been possible without all the support I received from my peers in Buenos Aires and Italy, colleagues/team/ and specially the support of my mentor Mariano (tag them). Muchas gracias. Thank you. And ´´Thanks in Italian´´. Add relevant hashtags. No more than four paragraphs long. Bi-monthly I am happy to announce I have learned a new set of skills I want to thank my mentor I want to Proofread it. Automation I will dig into it A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to discuss the future of AI within the industry And one thing that caught my attention was... There´s one phrase that really caught my attention. In ¨Ms... name words¨¨....