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1. About myseft.
My name is Nguyen Khac Hoang. I come from Ha Nam , a place famous known for its temples one of them is Tam Chuc Pogoda .
This year I am 18 years old and I am single . Currently I am pursuing software engineering major at FPT University , the
reason I chose this industry is because I want to create attractive applications, websites and provide future job opportunities.
My hobbies are listening to music, watching movies and developing apps, searching and learning things related to my major.
My dream is to become a software developer earn a lot of money to travel around the world.
2.About the friend.
Hello everyone, today I will introduce my friend Nam- my best friend. Duc and I met in 7th grade when we were in the same
class at a high school in the countryside. Right from the moment we met Duc, we found out that we get along very well
because we have many things in common. Duc and I both like to listen to rock and edm music, like to wear black clothes, don't
like to eat shrimp...Especially both Nam and I both like to play games, so we don't study well. The more we play together, the
more we find in common. In addition to the common points we also have our own characteristics, I like to play football.
Germany loves football. Duc likes to go out and I like to stay at home.
3. A person famous
Music is an indispensable thing in my life. It helps me relax when I’m tired. There is a singer that I really love and admire. That
is Soobin Hoang Son. Currently, he is a singer with a huge fan base in Vietnam. He is the one who brought Vietnamese music to
the world. That son from Ha Noi is the pride of the Vietnamese people. To have the success today, he also went through many
difficulties. When he first started his career, he encountered a lot of rumors about copyright. However, at that time, he chose to
be quiet and used his ability to prove that what people said was wrong. And he managed to do it. Not only does he possess a
natural musical talent, but he also has a very handsome face that captivates many fans. Although being at the peak of his
career, he always keeps his manners and still shows great respect for his seniors. This is what makes me admire him even
more. He devoted all of his talent and youth to music. I believe that Soobin Hoang Son is not only my idol but also of many
4. Your country’s family culture traditions about adult children living
at home.
In Vietnam, parents will raise their children to 18 year old. For some reason their children will leave home be it to work, go to
school, get married... But besides that, there are still adults who live at home due to some reasons such as divorce, umemploy
...Parents are very worried about them so they often give advice to their children to teach them problem solving. Want them to
leave the house to earn money and become more mature, encourage them to go out to discover and awaken their hidden
5. Daily routine.
Every day, I wake up at 7:30 am. Then I spend 10 minutes exercising. It's a good habit I've kept for many years. After
exercising I brush my teeth, wash my face and prepare breakfast. After I finished eating, I took 15 minutes to review my
homework and started going to schoolfast. Because I have a class at 9.10. After studying we have a 10-minute break to
start the next class. After studying, we can go home or stay. study library. After that, I had a martial arts class at 14:30,
after studying, I returned home. Between 4:30 and 7 a.m. I started cleaning the house, cooking rice and taking a bath.
After I finished eating, I started to do my homework. My favorite time is in the evening because after doing my
homework I can watch movies and hang out with friends.
6. About my family.
Hi everyone , I have a small family in my hometown.My family has 5 members: my father, my mother , my sister and my brother are
me. My father is an internet freelancer , he is 40 years old, he likes to go out fishing and drink coffee every evening. Mother is a
teacher, my mother is very young and beautiful. My brother, and now he is married and each has two children, a boy and a girl. The
my sister is currently studying and working abroad, she is also the one who cares about me the most. In the past, when I didn't go to
college, my family could have fun and relax and gradually grew up that atmosphere was no longer there. When Tet comes when
everyone is reunited, at times like these I feel very happy.
7. My house.
I live in a very nice house in the countryside, the house is rectangular in shape. It was built 3 years ago, consists of 3 floors. Each
floor has 5 to 6 rooms, on the first floor is the basement including the dining room, kitchen, toilet... On the 2nd floor is the common
living space of the family. The whole house consists of a living room, 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The 3rd floor has a worship room
and a storage room in addition to a large balcony for drying clothes and sightseeing. Of all the rooms I like the most is the kitchen
because it can satisfy my passion for cooking.
8. Important thing to me.
Money plays an neccessary part in our lives. In some aspects, it’s the most important thing in our life. Without money people can
not buy their clothes, food and all other neccessary things to comfort our life. We require money for traveling, or buying medicine
when we are sick and also to paying other services. In truth, money is almost indispensable to our survival. Most of people’s
activities are therefore directed towards making as much money as possible. Lack of money also causes many great hardship and
sorrow in many families. Thousands of people are dying everyday over the world because they cannot buy nutritious food or
because they’re not able to pay their doctors fee. We can say that money is very important in human affairs.
9. My bedroom.
There are a lot of rooms in my house but I like my bedroom most. It is on the second floor of my house. Everything in my bedroom is
pink and white which are my favorite color. I have a lovely bed, a desk near a window, a bookcase and a TV. I also hang many my
photos on the wall. In my bookcase, I put many types of books. I often read books when I have free time. The most special thing of
my room is a balcony where I can enjoy beautiful flowers in my garden. My room is simple, but it is an ideal place where I can escape
from the hustle and bustle of life. I love my room so much.
10. About fast food
Fast food is fast food, only food that can be prepared and served to people very quickly. The term was included in the
Merriam – Webster English Dictionary in 1951. Fast food is usually sold in a restaurant or store with pre-cooked or
preheated ingredients. It will then be served to customers to eat on the spot or in the form of take-out packaging. The
most popular types of fast food today are fried chicken, French fries, pasta, pizza, grilled sausages, hot dogs…
Particularly, hamburgers and fries are considered the mainstays of fast-food restaurants. The feature of fast food is that
it is very rich in starch, fat, and protein, but has very little green vegetables. Fast food is considered a culinary trend
favored by young people. Even for many people, fast food has become a substitute for traditional meals. However, if you
love these dishes, you need to understand the pros and cons of fast food. Benefits of fast-food Fast food does not take
too much time to prepare, you can eat, chat, work, walk... This convenience is very suitable for the modern lifestyle of
today's young generation, which is considered the biggest advantage of fast food. Fast food has a delicious taste,
attractive aroma, suitable for the taste of most young people, so it is considered a dish suitable for modern culinary
tastes. In addition, fast food restaurants often launch attractive promotions, attracting the attention of customers,
especially young people. That is the advantage of fast food. Harm of fast food Many studies have proven that fast food
(especially fried food) contains a lot of fat, sugar, and calories that can cause obesity and diabetes because it contains a
lot of fat, sugar, and extremely large calories. all the disadvantages of fast food that anyone can see. A 2011 British study
of more than 14,000 children found that a diet full of fast food can have lasting effects on children's brains. Fast food has
many harmful effects on the health of adults and children Specifically, children who ate a lot of chips, cookies, and pizza
before the age of 3, 5 years later, will have a lower IQ than children who do not touch fast food. The reason is that fast
food has excess fat and sugar but too little essential vitamins and minerals for the body, so it is not good for young brain
development. In addition, many studies show that pizza and burgers in the form of take away can cause nutrient. With
the above harmful effects, we need to avoid abusing fast food.