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#include stdio.h

Appearance is important to me because it is one of the external factors that make up a person’s identity.
I think I don’t need to change anything about my body right now because I’m satisfied with it. If I have to
change, I will lose weight to have a better figure.
I'm going to describe a person that is always in my hearts. That is my father , he is extremely handsome
is his own way. About his physical features, ow thing I want you to know is that he is physically attractive
, He has broad shoulders , a mulched chest and a narrower waist. Also, he's got dark complexion and a
symmetrical face with masculine features. About the inner beauty, my father is like the greatest love of
all things in my life. He is patient as my father is wonderful listener and lets other speak without flushing
then. He is also warm is the sense that he always expresses love entry to everyone in own families.