TME 513-Theory of Elasticity Module 1 new:3D and 2D Elasticity Professor O. Oluwole 1 This material is a compilation of materials from various sources and it is compiled not as an original material but for a comprehensive aid to be used in conjunction with our primary (recommended) and secondary texts. Effort has been made to reference and state sources from where materials were obtained. I hereby acknowledge these sources and thank them for making their resources available for quick use on the internet. Professor O. Oluwole Mechanical Engineering Department University of Ibadan 2 Course content in modules • Module 1. Applications of TOE to 2 & 3D problems • Module 2. Experimental Stress Analysis • Module 3. Electrical Resistance Strain Gauging • Module 4. Approximate Methods • Module 5. Finite Element Method 3 Texts and Tools • Helena .Theory of elasticity and plasticity. • Ramadas Chennamsetti. Theory of 2D elasticity • Handbook on Experimental Mechanics,’’ edited by A. S. Kobayashi • MATLAB®, Abaqus, SOLIDWORKS, FUSION. • OTHER USEFUL TEXTS 4 objectives • Student will be able to use theory of elasticity equations to solve 2D and 3D engineering problems. 5 What we need to know • There are all types of materials that are available to the engineer and they have different properties • The Mechanical Engineer has to consult the Materials Engineer as to the material to choose for desired applications • There are monoclinic, orthotropic, isotropic, transversely orthotropic and anisotropic materials and they present different challenges in service. • Materials which Mechanical Engineers normally deal with are isotropic e.g. Metals/ alloys 6 Derivation of governing equations for Elasticity problems • 3-D Elasticity governing equations consist of 1. strain-displacement equations 7 coord 8 Spherical coord 9 Comments(contd) 2. Strain Compatibility equations 10 Cylinderical –polar coord papers/MMS20.pdf 11 12 Spherical polar coords Assignment: Get the [6 ]strain compatibility equations for spherical coordinates 13 Comments(contd) 3. Equilibrium Equations 14 15 Comments(contd) 4. Constitutive Equations or Law 16 Cartesian Coord 17 18 Cylinderical-polar coords oords.htm 19 Spherical –polar coords oords.htm 20 Comments(contd) • With these 3-D equations, it is difficult to solve for 15 unknowns with 15 equations (15 equations=3 equilibrium+ 6 straindispalcement+6 constitutive) (15 unknowns=3 displacements, 6 stress components, 6 strain components) What we do next to simplify by recasting the problem for either primarily displacement seeking or stress seeking. 21 Ref. Ramadas Comments(contd) 22 Ref. Ramadas Comments(contd) 3-D Displacement –Based Formulation 23 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Displacement –Based Formulation(contd.) 24 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Displacement –Based Formulation(contd.) 25 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Displacement –Based Formulation(contd.) 26 Ref. Ramadas 27 28 3-D Stress –Based Formulation 29 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Stress –Based Formulation(contd.) 30 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Stress –Based Formulation(contd.) 31 Ref. Ramadas 3-D Stress –Based Formulation(contd.) 32 Ref. Ramadas Six Beltami-Mitchel Equations for 3D Elasto-Statics. Body forces =0 33 34 Beltrami-Mitchel Spherical coords 35 Further Problems encountered in 3-D analysis and Solution. • We have been able to break down the analyses into smaller units using displacement and stress based formulations but we still have problems even with the reduction in number of equations and unknowns. • What we do is to break down further the problem into whether it is a plane strain or plane stress problem. With this approach, a 3-D problem is broken down to a 2-D problem which is easier to solve. 36 Plane strain 37 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain (contd): Displacement based 38 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain (contd)Displacement-based formulation Note that =G 39 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain (contd) Displacement –based formulation 40 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain: Stress-based formulation 41 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain(contd): Stress –based formulation 42 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain Stress –based formulation(contd): 43 Ref. Ramadas Plane strain Stress –based formulation(contd): 44 Ref. Ramadas Plane stress 45 Ref. Ramadas Plane stress formulations 46 Ref. Ramadas Plane stressDisplacement-based approach 47 Ref. Ramadas Plane stressDisplacement-based approach(contd.) 48 Ref. Ramadas Plane stressstress-based approach 49 Ref. Ramadas Plane stressstress-based approach(contd) Ref. Ramadas 50 Plane stressstress-based approach(contd) 51 Ref. Ramadas Governing equations in solving elasticity problems 52 Ref. Ramadas Reference • Ramadas Chennamsetti. Theory of 2D elasticity 53 Principle of Superposition See picturesque next page Martin Saad. 54 Martin Saad. 55 Saint-Venant’s Principle • The stress, strain, and displacement fields caused by two different statically equivalent force distributions on parts of the body far away from the loading points are approximately the same. 56 General Solution Strategies ANALYTICAL SOLUTION METHODS • Displacement formulation method: useful for simple geometries that have symmetry e.g spherical and cylinderical discs. • Stress formulation method: 3D analytical solutions are not possible. Different stress function formulations are used for the solutions of different problems and Potential function formulations. • Direct integration(This method normally encounters significant mathematical difficulties, thus limiting its application to problems with simple geometry e.g. Stretching of Prismatic Bar Under Its own Weight). This can better be solved with semi-inverse method. • Inverse(Using this scheme it is sometimes difficult to construct solutions to a specific problem of practical interest.) • semi-inverse, starting from a known field, stresses and strains can be calculated which must conform to equilibrium and strain compatibility equations • exact analytical solutions -useful in 2D analysis .(Power Series Method, Fourier Method, Integral Transform Method, Complex Variable Method-) APPROXIMATE SOLUTION SCHEMES (Variational methods e.g.Ritz Method). Because of the difficulty in finding proper approximating functions for problems of complex geometry, variational techniques have made only limited contributions to the solution of general problems. NUMERICAL SOLUTION METHODS (Finite Difference Method, Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method) The FEM solution technique is probably the best in this category. 57 Hadi Sadati 58 Hadi Sadati 59 Hadi Sadati 60 Transformation equations from cartesian to 61 Navier Equations Hadi Sadati 62 Kinematic equations 63 64 Sadati 65 Sadati 66 Sadati 67 Sadati 68 Sadati 69 Sadati 70 Sadati 71 Sadati 72 73 Sadati 74 Example question on pressurised hollow sphere 75 Solution 76 77 78 79 80 81 At r=ri, uz = 0 82 83 84 85 86 Sadati 87 88 SEMI-INVERSE METHOD 89 Prismatic Bar hanging under body weight 90 91 92 93 Example 2: cube under uniaxial loading Calculate the strains and displacements for any point in the linear elastic cube. Use the semiinverse method of solution. Take Body forces negligible. 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Cube under multiaxial loading 106 107 108 109 and circular disc/ Cylinder) Sadati 110 Direct Integration Method • This method seeks to determine the solution by direct integration of the field equations (5.1.5) or equivalently the stress and/or displacement formulations given in Figure 5-5. • Boundary conditions are to be satisfied exactly. This method normally encounters significant mathematical difficulties, thus limiting its application to problems with simple geometry. 111 Direct Integration Example Stretching of Prismatic Bar Under Its Own Weight • As an example of a simple direct integration problem, consider the case of a uniform prismatic bar stretched by its own weight, as shown in Figure 5-9. The body forces for 112 113 Inverse Method • For this technique, particular displacements or stresses are selected that satisfy the basic field equations. • A search is then conducted to identify a specific problem that would be solved by this solution field. This amounts to determine appropriate problem geometry, boundary conditions, and body forces that would enable the solution to satisfy all conditions on the problem. • Using this scheme it is sometimes difficult to construct solutions to a specific problem of practical interest 114 EXAMPLE Inverse Example: Pure Beam Bending 115 116 Analytical solution methods 1.Power Series Method (Airy’s stress function): useful for 2D problems using stress formulation and stress functions. The method is based on the inverse solution concept where we assume a form of the solution to the biharmonic equation 117 118 119 120 EXAMPLE : Uniaxial Tension of a Beam 121 122 123 124 2. Fourier Method • A general scheme to solve a large variety of elasticity problems employs the Fourier method. • This procedure is normally applied to the governing partial differential equations by using separation of variables, superposition, and Fourier series or Fourier integral theory. 125 126 127 3. Integral Transform Method • A very useful mathematical technique to solve partial differential equations is the use of integral transforms • Typical transforms that have been successfully applied to elasticity problems include Laplace, Fourier, and Hankel transforms 128 4. Complex Variable Method • Several classes of problems in elasticity can be formulated in terms of functions of a complex variable • Useful for problems that would be intractable by other techniques e.g. plane isotropy and anisotropy problems 129 Approximate Solution Procedures • With the recognized difficulty in finding exact analytical solutions, considerable work has been done to develop approximate solutions to elasticity problems using variational methods, which are related to energy theorems e.g. Ritz Method • Because of the difficulty in finding proper approximating functions for problems of complex geometry, variational techniques have made only limited contributions to the solution of general problems. • However, they have made very important applications in the finite element method. 130 Numerical Solution Procedures • Over the past several decades numerical methods have played a primary role in developing solutions to elasticity problems of complex geometry e.g. Finite Difference Method, Finite Element Method and the Boundary Element Method 131 Numerical solutions using FDM Find the stresses at nodes 2, 5 and 8. Plane stress conditions apply132 133 134 135 136 137 138 2 Find the displacements at nodes 2, 5 and 8. Plane stress conditions apply 139 140 141 142 143 144 • At Nodes 2 and 8 there will be displacement in the y direction according to the equation • 𝜀𝑦 =- 𝑣𝜀𝑥 10−7 • Thus, Total 𝜀𝑥 = ; 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝜀𝑦 = -0.3 (10−7 ) 1 • 𝑉2 = -0.15(10−7 )m and 𝑉8 = 0.15(10−7 )m • 𝑉6 = 0 145 Assignment s: FDM 1 2 Find the displacements at nodes 2, 5 and 8. Plane stress conditions apply 146 • Numerical solutions using FEM 147 Example 2D FEM ELASTICITY CA (1) A rectangular shaped thin plate 2 mm thick in a component (Figure 1) is fixed on one side and subjected to uniaxial traction on the unfixed x-axis. Solve for unknown displacements and stresses on the plate using the Gallerkin FEM. Compare your results with MATLAB results. 1 2 A rectangular shaped thin plate 2 mm thick in a component (Figure 2) is fixed on one side and subjected to uniaxial traction on the unfixed x-axis. Solve for unknown displacements and stresses on the plate using the Gallerkin FEM. Compare your results with MATLAB results N /m2 2 10 0 155 USEFUL EQUATIONS 156