Uploaded by (HISS) Vicki Roberts


Following Directions TEST
Directions: Read this whole paper
first, and then follow the
directions given. You have 10
minutes to complete this quiz.
1. Write your name in the upper right hand corner of this page.
2. Circle the word “name” in sentence one.
3. Draw five small circles in the box to the right.
4. Put an “X” on each square.
5. Put a box around each circle.
6. Sign your name under task number 4.
7. After your name, write “yes, yes, yes.”
8. Put a circle around number 5.
9. Stand up and sit down and 5 times as fast as you can. Record how long it took you here: __________
10. Put an “X” in the lower right hand corner of this page.
11. Draw a heart around the “X” you just made.
12. Call out your first name when you get to this point in the test.
13. Take lucky number seven and add it to the number of bears in the
story of Goldilocks. Divide by 2. Write this total in star next to the smiley face.
14. If you think that you have followed directions carefully to this point, call out, “I did!”
15. On the back side of this paper add 950, 456, and 807.
16. Underline, and then put a circle around your answer.
17. Count out loud, in your normal speaking voice, from 10 to 0. Then shout “Blast off!”
18. Put two small pen or pencil holes in the eyes of the smiley face.
19. If you think you are the first person to get this far, yell out, “I am the first person to get to this spot and
I am the leader in following directions.”
20. Say out loud, “I am nearly finished. I have followed directions.”
21. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only the direction for sentence number 1. Did you read
everything on this page before doing anything? Please be quiet and watch the others “follow directions”!