PYTHON ASSIGNMENT 1 1. Identifier rules in Python ● ● ● ● ● ● Identifiers cannot be a keyword. Identifiers are case-sensitive. It can have a sequence of letters and digits. It's a convention to start an identifier with a letter rather than _. White spaces are not allowed. We cannot use special symbols like !, @, #, $, and so on. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Sum of 3 numbers a=int(input("enter number1\n")) b=int(input("enter number2\n")) c=int(input("enter number3\n")) print ("sum of three numbers is ") print (a+b+c) —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Number is prime or not a=int(input("enter number1\n")) if a==2 : print ("prime number \n") temp=0 for i in range(2,a): if a%i==0 : temp=1 if temp==1: print (a,"is not a prime number") else : print (a,"is prime number ") —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Fibonacci series n=int(input("enter number\n")) a,b=0,1 print("Fibonacci series is :") fibo=[a,b] for i in range(3,n+1): t=a+b fibo.append(t) a=b b=t print(fibo) —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.max of given numbers n=int(input("how many numbers u want to enter\n")) print("enter numbers") arr=[] for j in range(0,n): a=int(input()) arr.append(a) arr.sort() print("max of given numbers is") print(arr[-1]) — numbers in a range low=int(input("enter the lower range\n")) up=int(input("enter the upper range\n")) print("prime numbers in range are: ") count=0 for i in range(low,up+1): temp=0 for j in range(2,i): if i%j==0: temp=1 if temp==0: count+=1 print(i,end=" ") print("\ntotal no of prime numbers are: ",count) —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.string to array and vice versa str=input("enter the string\n") arr=str.split(" ") print("String to array: ",arr) strg=" " str1=strg.join(arr) print("array to string: ",str1) —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Random IP address import random ip=[] for i in range(0,4): ip.append(str(random.randint(0,255))) ipd=".".join(ip) print("Random ip adress genarated is: ") print(ipd) —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Checking for valid ip address ip=input("enter the ip adress\n") ipd=ip.split('.') if len(ipd)==4: for i in range(0,4): temp=1 if not(int(ipd[i])>=0 and int(ipd[i])<256) : temp=0 break if temp==1: print("its valid ip adress") else: print("not a valid ip") else: print("not in valid format") —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Binary operations binary=input("enter the binary number\n") dec=int(binary,2) octal=oct(dec) print("binary to octal:",octal[2:]) print("binary to decimal:",dec) bi=[bit for bit in binary] ones=[] for i in range(0,len(bi)): if int(bi[i])==0: ones.append("1") else: ones.append("0") one="".join(ones) print("ones compliment:",one) c=1 twos=[] ron=ones[::-1] for j in ron: j=int(j) if (j==1 and c==1): twos.append("0") c=1 elif (j==1 and c==0): twos.append("1") c=0 elif (j==0 and c==1): twos.append("1") c=0 elif (j==0 and c==0): twos.append("0") c=0 two=twos[::-1] print("twos compliment:","".join(two)) —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. String sorting stri=input("enter the string\n") words=stri.split() words.sort(key=str.lower) print("String in ascending order: ", " ".join(words)) desc=words[::-1] print("String in descending order: ", " ".join(desc)) —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------