P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen Configurational Stability of P-Chiral Molecules H H N H H H N H vs. H Asymmetric Hydrogenation H P H H Ph H P H L* = Ph 15% ee P Me Me (69% ee) 132 kJ/mol H H Ph * CO2H Me [Rh]/L* Inversion Energy Barriers A H2 CO2H H Knowles, Chem. Commun. 1968, 1445. 24.2 kJ/mol H 29 March 2014 H A H CO2H A = As 164 kJ/mol NHAc H2 * CO2H [Rh]/L* NHAc OMe P L* = Me Cy 85% ee A = Sb 184 kJ/mol A = Bi Knowles, JCS Chem. Comm. 1972, 10. 264 kJ/mol Schwerdtfegr, JACS 1992, 96, 6807 OMe Additional Inversion Energy Barriers Cy P Me Me 149 kJ/mol Ph P Me Me 126 kJ/mol H+ Ph P H i-Pr Ph P t-Bu Me Ph Ph Me 129 kJ/mol 137 kJ/mol H P+ Ph H i-Pr P Me 98 kJ/mol Ph Pi-Pr Me 81 kJ/mol i-Pr P Ph * CO2H [Rh]/L* NHAc 96% ee P P Ph OMe Ph [(R,R)-DiPAMP] L* = Knowles, JACS 1972, 97, 2567. Monsanto Synthesis of L-DOPA H+ Seconday phosphines can racemize through acid-base chemistry P H Ph O MeO AcHN H HO CO2H Ac2O; then H 2O vanillin Global market for L-DOPA is estimated to be ca. 250 tons/year with a market volume > $100 billion. Early Investigations into P-Chiral Molecules O Meisenheimer, 1911: P Me Ph Me NHAc H2 67 kJ/mol Bi-Pr B- P Me i-Pr O CO2H S P Ph n-Bu Davies & Mann, 1944: MeO CO2H NHAc AcO H2 [Rh] (R,R)-DiPAMP [substrate:catalyst ratio = 20,000:1] HO HO CO2H NH 2 H 3O+ MeO AcO CO2H NHAc L-DOPA O HO 2C O Meisenheimer, 1926: P Ph Ph Me Horner, 1961: Ph P Me Me Ph McEwen, 1959: Knowles, 1968: Horner, 1968: Ph Ph IP + Me Me P Me In 2001, William S. Knowles was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his "work on chirally catysed hydrogenation reactions". "The inventive process is not clearly understood, but one factor that seems to be important is to have a heavy infusion of naivety." Me 1 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen Interconversions Between P-Chiral Molecules Resolution of Racemic/Diastereomeric Mixtures Phosphine Oxides and Phosphine Sulfides O P 2 1 R R R3 X2 H 2O [inversion] 29 March 2014 Chiral Auxiliaries for Resolution of Phosphine Oxides/Phosphonium Salts mCPBA, TBHP, P R1 2R 3 R H 2O2, etc. [retention] O P 3 1 R R R2 Ph Me Me SO 3H Me Me SO 3H O O Br (–)-CSA P R1 3R 2 R HSiCl 3 Et 3N [inversion] O P 3 1 R R R2 HSiCl 3 P R1 2R 3 R Me OH [retention] O CO2H R1 P 3 R R2 S P R1 2R 3 R Si2Cl6 or Raney Ni R1 Me Ph P 3 R R2 (–)-ephedrine (–)-MenOH N N CeCl 3 93% ee OMe P Me Cy P 3 R R2 While this method provides products in good yields, enantiopurity is destroyed. MeO MgBr S P 3 1 R R R2 BH 3 P(OMe) 3 1. Si2Cl6 R1 P 3 R R2 or H +, then B (for R = alkyl) (–)-Sp N P R1 2R 3 R 2. BH 3 Corey, JACS 1993, 115 , 11000 (-)-quinine MeO P(OMe) 2 1. MeI 2. H 2O 3. SOCl2 OMe R 3N or ROH H The use of menthyl phosphinates as a method for the synthesis of optically active phosphines was first reported in 1967: Mislow JACS 1967, 89, 4784 and JACS 1968, 90, 4842. 0% ee BH 3 N Resolution of Menthylphosphinates Imamoto, JACS 1990, 112 , 5245 R1 N OH N Phosphine-borane complexes are very stable and allow functionalization at phosphorus or an attached methyl group, as well as stabilizing alkyl phosphines. BH 3 H Me (+)-cinchonine LAH, NaBH 4 Ph Ph O Phosphine Boranes O OMe P Me Cy OH OH O (–)-Taddol OH S8 Me Me Me CO2H Horner, Tet. Lett. 1965, 17 , 1157 O OH Me Me NH OH 1. MeOTf 2. LAH Ph Ph CO2H Ph O (+)-DBTA (+)-BrCSA NH 2 O O P Ph P Ph OMe [(R,R)-DiPAMP] 1. LDA 2. CuCl2 3. HSiCl 3, Bu 3N MeO MeO O P Cl Me O MeO PhMgCl P Me Ph [inversion] (–)-MenOH pyridine O P OMen Me (4:1 d.r.) Many phosphine-borane complexes can be used directly as ligands in organometallic reactions. See Jugé, JOMC, 2001, 624, 333. 2 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen 29 March 2014 Resolution of Menthylphosphinates O MenO P Ph O P Ph OMen O P Ph LDBB 0 °C O P Ph MeI [retention] O Me P Ph O P Ph Me [retention] MeO O P O TfO t-Bu B(OH) 2 OMe O MeO [Pd]/BI-DIME Ph MeO P O t-Bu OMe t-Bu MeO Extremely hindered Suzuki couplings! t-Bu Imamoto, Tet. Lett. 1991, 32, 3375 O Resolution of Menthylphosphinite Borane Complexes [Pd]/L* (HO) 2B Menthylphosphinite borane complexes react analogously to menthylphosphinates. While Grignard reagents are typically employed for functionalization of menthylphosphinates, organolithiums are preferred for menthylphosphinite boranes. Br P(O)OEt 2 For reduction of the menthoyl group, LiNap or Li/NH 3 is preferred. P(O)OEt 2 88% 90% ee MeO Me P t-Bu OMe L* Other Methods Based on Menthol Derivatives MePCl 2 OMe 1. t-BuMgCl 2. 1,3-dimethoxybenzene BuLi 3. H 2O2 MeO OMe BuLi Me P O t-Bu I2 MeO 1. BBr 3 2. K 2CO 3 O O P O HO t-Bu KOH P O O t-Bu O > 99% ee Me O menthyl chloroformate O [kilo-scale] P I O t-Bu recrystalize 42%, > 99% de Me HO P O t-Bu Me O H O O 3 steps P H P MeO t-Bu t-Bu OMe 3 steps P O HO t-Bu BIBOPs Tang, Org. Lett. 2010, 12 , 176. Li, OPRD 2013, 17 , 1061. 3 steps O MeO P t-Bu OMe O P MeO t-Bu P(t-Bu)2 POPs Tang, Org. Lett. 2010, 12 , 1104. i-Pr i-Pr Me Cl PhMePNa i-Pr Me P Ph • converted to phosphine oxide, separated, and reduced Me Me P Ph Me First P- and C-chiral phosphine ligand; gives 14-71% ee in Rhcatalyzed hydrogenations. Mosher, Tet. Lett. 1977, 29, 2487. Resolution with Cyclometallated Pd Complexes RR R1 R R N N Cl Pd Pd Cl R1 R R N Cl Pd R2 P R3 R4 R1 PR 2R 3R 4 Examples of P-stereogenic phosphines resolved in this manner: Me Me Me Me Me P Ph Ph Ph Me P P P Ph Ph Ph BIPNOR Ph 2P P Ph P Ph P Ph P Ph R1 R R N Cl Pd R2 P R3 R4 1. separate 2. dppe P 2 P R R4 3R2 R3 R Otsuka, JACS 1971, 93, 4301. R4 PPh 2 BI-DIME Tang, ACIE 2010, 49, 5879. 3 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen 29 March 2014 Dynamic Resolution of Secondary Phosphine Boranes BH 3 1. n-BuLi, Et 2O BH 3 1. t-BuMgCl PhPCl 2 2. LAH 3. BH 3•DMS Ph Ph 2. o-AnCH2Cl P H t-Bu 1. n-BuLi, Et 2O (-)-sparteine BH 3 BH 3 Ph Me Me N P O Me Ph P Ph t-Bu t-Bu • Use of THF results in completely 93% ee > 82% ee unselective quench N OMe Ph t-Bu Ph P BH 3 Fe N Ph t-Bu P BH 3 > 99% ee O Binol Bn N P NEt 2 OH Bn • Useful for Pd-catalyzed allylic amination N Me Br [Pd]/L* O Ph N Me Me Br R Helmchen, Tetrahedron 1996, 52, 7547. Ph BH3 N Me Ph BH 3 R P HO N Me RLi Me Ph BH 3 H +, MeOH - ephedrine Me Ph BH 3 R'Li P OMe R Ph P R R' • Modular nature of this route allows synthesis of enantiomers with ease Jugé, Tet. Lett. 1970, 31, 6357. BH 3 HCl - ephedrine Ph Me P Cl R • More reactive chlorophosphine can also be prepared, but racemization is a bigger problem. Me Preparation of P-Stereogenic AMPP Ligands: Ph BH 3 R P LiO N Me Ph Ph Me Ph 2P Ph R' R Ph H 3B P P BH 3 O N Me BH 3 P Cl R' Ph O Ph Me PPh 2 N Me Me (–)-EPHOS Boehringer Ingelheim Modification (R, R P ): R = Ph, R1 = t-Bu (R, SP ): R = t-Bu, R1 = Ph Me N 2. ClPArAr2 Jugé, Tetrahedron: Asym. 1999, 10 , 4729. NMe 2 P R1 R 3. BH 3•THF 4. CF 3SO 3H; KOH Me Ar2 Jugé, Tetrahedron: Asym. 2000, 11 , 3939. SiocPhox 1. BuLi 2. ClP(Ph)(tBu) O O P Ph Hou & Dai, JACS 2001, 123 , 7471. Ph Ar O P-Stereogenic Compounds Derived From Heterocycles Ph BH 3 R P HO N Me O NMe 2 Br R P Jugé's Method OMe O (N 2Et) 2P N + diastereomer Other Chiral Backbones N F R 95% ee P t-Bu 1.Mg 0 O Livinghouse, JACS 1997, 120 , 5116. • Generally limited to P(BH 3)(Ph)(tBu) Fe LiPArAr 2 O BH 3 2. o-AnCH2Cl • Metallation and quench occur rapidly at - 78°C, but equilibration at room temp is required; equilibration at 0 °C results in product with 35% ee 0% ee P t-Bu (R, R P ): 89% ee (R, SP ): 34% ee Me Cl N H OH (6 steps) Ts PhP(O)Cl 2 Me Cl Me-imidazole 98:2 dr [100 gram scale] Me RMgBr Cl N Ts H N O P O or RLi O R P Ph O [P–N bond cleavage!] Ph Ts Buchwald, Org. Lett. 2002, 4, 999. 4 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen Me Cl N H Ts O R P Ph O MeO O P R' R Ph R'MgBr or R'Li O P t-Bu Ph MeO MeO O P OMe Ph 29 March 2014 Deprotonation of Dimethylphosphine Derivatives BH 3 Ph s-BuLi P Me Me BH 3 benzophenone (–)-sp Ph P Me OH Ph Ph • Corresponding phosphine sulfide gives analogous product in comparable ee with n-BuLi/(–)-sp complex. 79% ee Evans, JACS 1995, 117 , 9075. Han, JACS 2013, 135 , 2474. • Phosphines prepared using Jugé's method and its variations are generally limited to Ph-substituted phosphines; trialkylphosphines are inaccessible. Functionalization of Phosphines Prepared Using Jugé's Method BH 3 BH 3 BH 3 s-BuLi P R Me Ph Li DMF O H R BH 3 P R Ph P R Ph BH 3 R P Ph s-BuLi (–)-sp 99% ee BH 3 s-BuLi, (–)-sp P Me Me O2 71–93% ee BH 3 R P Me BH 3 -HCHO OH cat. RuCl 3 R P H Me Imamoto, JOC 2000, 65, 4185. P R Ph BisP* ligands: R = t-Bu, Et 3C, 1-adamantyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, 1-methylcyclohexyl. BH 3 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp P Me 2. CuCl2 R Me BH 3 BH 3 P R Me BH 3 P R Me 1. TfOH R 2. K 2CO 3 P Me P R Me MiniPHOS ligands: R = t-Bu, i-Pr, cyclohexyl, Ph. P R Si Ph R' R' O Li P Ph Me S P Ph Me -CO2 BH 3 EtI O P Ph Me 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp 2. RPCl 2 P Me 3. MeMgBr R Me 4. BH 3•THF P-Stereogenic Compounds By Enantioselective Deprotonation O P Me Ph Me ArCH2Cl BH 3 Cl2SiR'2 BH 3 P H Ph Me 2. recrystallize 3. Li-napthalenide BH 3 n-BuLi Livinghouse, JOC 2001, 66, 1514. Cu(II) P R Ph BH 3 1. PivCl KOH NR'' R' OH Ph Ph 79% ee P R Ph R' ClSiR' 3 P Ph Me BH 3 R''HN P R Ph R' 3Si BH 3 BH 3 BH 3 P R Me P R Me 1. TfOH R 2. KOH P Me P R Me Imamoto, PNAS 2003, 101 , 5385. Trichickenfootphos Me 14% ee Raston & White, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1989, 105. BH 3 t-Bu 1. s-BuLi 2. ClP(t-Bu)2 P Me 3. BH 3•DMS Me 4. chiral HPLC 5. DABCO P P t-Bu t-Bu Me t-Bu Me Me NH 2 CO2H Lyrica (preglabin) + enantiomer Hoge, JACS 2004, 126 , 5966. 5 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen Optically Active Oligophosphines or: Just Because We Can BH 3 P t-Bu Me BH 3 BH 3 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp t-Bu P t-Bu P Me P t-Bu 2. CuCl2 Me BH 3 P t-Bu BH 3 Me P t-Bu BH 3 26% + 14% hexaphosphine BH 3 t-Bu P Me BH 3 t-Bu P P t-Bu BH 3 Me P t-Bu 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp 29% octaphosphine + 9% dodecaphosphine 2. CuCl2 BH 3 29 March 2014 "Although the desymmetrisation of tert-butyldimethylphosphine borane and the analogous sulfide has been widely used, the application of the same chemistry to other substrates, especially cyclic phosphines, is still relatively undeveloped and further advances are likely to appear." • Because this method relies almost entirely on (–)-sparteine, the use of other (+)sparteine variants or other chirality inducers merits exploration. Miscellaneous Reactions Employing P-Stereogenic Ligands Hydrovinylation Me Me [Ni]/L* R Chujo, Chem. Asian J. 2007, 2, 1166. 93% ee L* = Me R Deprotonation of Cyclic Phosphine Derivatives t-Bu 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp P BH 3 2. CuCl2 t-Bu P BH 3 HBF 4 P t-Bu BH 3 P P t-Bu t-Bu DiSquareP* [very air sensitive] Ph HH 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp t-Bu S 2. CuCl2 t-Bu P S t-Bu Si2Cl6 P S 1. s-BuLi, (–)-sp P t-Bu BH 3 2. CO2 HH P CO2H t-Bu BH 3 79% trans/cis = 7.4 76% ee (trans) P CO2H t-Bu BH 3 25% overall 97% ee (trans) OAc [Pd]/L* MeO 2C CO2Me Ph 92% ee Ph Ph O H OTMS O OTBS H Me H L* = Fe Me P Me Ph Me t-Bu N P L* = N P t-Bu Me [Ni]/L* 3:1 d.r. Me O H OTMS (–)-terpestacin Me H OH R Me Rh-Catalyzed Conjugate Additions Kobayashi, Tet. Lett. 2001, 42, 7303. O "This is an interesting result because up to now the six-membered phosphorinane ring has been rarely present in ligands for enantioselective catalysis, especially compared to the very common five-membered phospholane counterpart. Therefore, further developments in this area should be seen in the near future." Ph N P Me Reductive Alkyne-Aldehyde Coupling P P t-Bu t-Bu TangPhos [very air sensitive] [up to 10000 turnovers] Zhang, ACIE 2002, 41, 1612. recrystallization Me Me Me Allylic Substitution Imamoto, Synthesis 2004, 1353. P Me P N Ph Me PhB(OH) 2 [Rh]/L* > 99% ee O t-Bu P L* = Ph P t-Bu Ph Ph 6 P-Stereogenic Compounds Brandon Rosen Some Commercially Available P-Stereogenic Ligands Me t-Bu N P Me t-Bu N P N P t-Bu Me N P t-Bu Me (R,R)-QunioxP* 866081-62-1 $95/100 mg (S,S)-QunioxP* 1107608-80-9 $95/100 mg t-Bu P t-Bu Me (R,R)-BenzP* 919778-41-9 $75/50 mg Fe P P t-Bu t-Bu (R,R,S,S)-DuanPhos 528814-26-8 $110/100 mg P Fc* Ph ChenPhos 1036373-39-3 $62/100 mg P Ph OMe (-)-DIPAMP 55739-58-7 $221/250 mg P t-Bu P Ph P Ph OMe (+)-DIPAMP 97858-62-3 $153/250 mg H P t-Bu HH H H Some Medicinally Relevant P-Stereogenic Compounds OMe P Ph Me P Cy2P OMe P t-Bu 29 March 2014 Me O P i-PrO O N OPh H O H N O O O N HO F Me Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) Marketed by Gilead for HCV infection • Original route gave P-diastereomeric mixture; separation of isomers by HPLC revealed that SP isomer had 10-fold better activity H O N Me O P O N i-PrO Cl HO N O H OPh Me used immediately HO F after preparation Me i-PrO O Sofia, J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53, 7202. (S,S,R,R)-TangPhos 470480-32-1 $115/100 mg O Fe P H Ph Me (S)-Binapine 470480-32-1 $115/100 mg F Me O P i-PrO Cl N OPh H O F C6F 5OH i-PrO Et 3N Sofosbuvir JoSPOphos 1221746-66-2 $80/100 mg Me 2N OEt F O H N O HO HO F N GA (Tabun) Discovered 1936 12k tons prepared between 1942-45 O O P Me N OMe H SMe Acephate 1800 - 2000 tons used annually GB (Sarin) O P H 2N OMe SMe Methamidophos Et 2N Me F Me O P O N OPh H O t-BuMgCl O P S O Me Cl OPh t-Bu P H (t-Bu)2P O P Me Oi-Pr F O P Cl NH 2 recrystallize F F O F Me O P i-PrO O N O H OPh N Me F F F Ross, J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 8311. Some (Very Dangerous) P-Stereogenic Compounds O P O O P S OEt Me (i-Pr)2N Me VR 15557 tons produced VX SMe O P i-PrHN O Me OEt Fenamiphos N t-Bu O P N i-PrO O OEt Tebupirimifos Me O P HO O N H OPh O enzymatic ester Sofosbuvir hydrolysis H N O O HO F O N HO Me H N O O O N [fast] HO F Me -O O P O O- HO F O N Me [slow] H N O O O HO F [fast] O PH O P P P -O O O O O- O- O- H N O O N Me 7