Catalyst Directed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Carbonyls Mike Brochu MacMillan Group Meeting March 31, 2004 ! Homogeneous Hydrogenation ! Hydride Transfer ! Bifunctional Catalysis Reduction of Carbonyls Introduction ! Oxazaborolidine structure based catalysts H Ph N O H3B Ph B H Ph O Me OH Ph (S/C = 5-10) Me 97% ee Corey JACS 1987 (109) 5551 Corey JACS 1987 (109) 7925 1 Reduction of Carbonyls Introduction ! Oxazaborolidine structure based catalysts H Ph N O B H H3B Ph Ph O OH Me Ph (S/C = 5-10) Me 97% ee Corey JACS 1987 (109) 5551 Corey JACS 1987 (109) 7925 ! Homogeneous hydrogenation - bifunctional catalysis O OH RuCl2((+)-binap) X Me H2 X= OH, NR2 X Me >95% ee Noyori ACIEE 2001 (40) 40 (S/C = 10,000) ! Transfer hydrogenation - bifunctional catalysis H O Ph N Ru Ph Me N Ts OH Ph Ph i-PrOH Me Noyori JOC 2001 (66) 7931 >93% ee History of Asymmetric Hydrogenation I Olefin reductions ! Wilkinson's catalyst capable of achiral olefin hydrogenations Ph3P PPh3 Rh Ph3P Cl H2 (1 atm) quant. yield Wilkinson J. Chem Soc. (A) 1966, 1711 ! First report of asymmetric hydrogenation came from William Knowles CO2H * Pr(Ph)(Me)P * Pr(Ph)(Me)P * P(Me)(Ph)Pr Rh CO2H Cl Me H2 (1 atm) 15% ee Knowles Chem. Commun. 1968, 1445 ! Monsanto Chemical Company produces L-DOPA Ph Rh CO2H Ar NHAc AcO OMe Ar P CO2H P Ph i-PrOH, H2 (1 atm), rt >99% yield Ar= o-(OCH3)C6H4 NHAc AcO OMe 93% ee CO2H H3O+ NH2 AcO OMe L-DOPA Knowles JACS 1975 (97) 2567 ! First demonstration of a chiral metal complex transfering chirality to a non-chiral substrate with high ee ! Limited substrate scope 2 History of Asymmetric Hydrogenation II Origin of asymmetric induction in Knowles' system ! Chelation of carbonyl from acylamino group energetically stabilizes one diastereomeric transition state (R, R-CHIRAPHOS) Rh P Me Me P CO2H CO2H NHAc NHAc i-PrOH, H2 (1 atm), rt >95% ee Me Me HO2C P P NH Rh O CO2H HN Me Rh Me Ph Ph minor diastereomer (not detectable by NMR) P P O Me Me major diastereomer (detected by NMR and x-ray crystallography) ! Minor diastereomer is 580 fold more reactive towards H2 oxidative addition - leads to 60:1 product ratio Halpern Science 1982 (217) 401 History of Asymmetric Hydrogenation III Olefin reductions Me O Ph2 P Ru P Ph2 O ! Noyori develops BINAP-Ru complex MeO AcO MeO 0.5-1.0 mol% catalyst OMe EtOH:DCM, H2 (4 atm), r.t. O Me NAc OAc O NAc AcO OAc morphine 92% yield 95% ee OMe Noyori JACS 1986 (108) 7117 ! BINAP-Ru shows improved substrate scope Me CO2H 0.5-1 mol% Me MeOH, H2, 15-30 C CO2H 0.5-1 mol% Ph MeOH, H2, 15-30 C CO2H Me Me CO2H Me Ph H2 (4 atm): 91% ee H2 (101 atm): 50% ee H2 (4 atm): 48% ee H2 (101 atm): 92% ee Noyori JOC 1987 (52) 3174 ! First demonstration of high asymmetric induction of substrates lacking an acylamino group ! No trend observed between H2 pressure and enantioselectivity and no rationale given 3 History of Asymmetric Hydrogenation IV Olefin reductions Me O Ar2 P Ru P Ar2 O ! Hydrogenation of allylic and homoallylic alcohols O O Me (S)-Ru-Binap OH OH 96% ee >97% yield bis-homoallylic and higher analogues are not hydrogenated Noyori JACS 1987 (109) 1596 ! Can Ru-Binap catalysts be applied to ketone hydrogenations? O O Me O Me Me N OH (R)-Ru-Binap OEt OEt OH (R)-Ru-Binap Me O Me Me Me N Me 41% yield 4% ee 72% yield 96% ee ! Ru-hydride of Binap dicarboxylate catalysts are not hydridic enough in character 4 Substrate-Directed Ketone Hydrogenation Mechanism ! Functional group chelation stabilizes one diastereomeric transition state ! Heteroatom coordinational also affords rate enhancement X P P Ru H O RO X P P Ru O O X H2 R O O O Diastereomeric T.S. H+ protonation H X P P Ru O R O O H O HX pi-complex sigma-complex Me X P P Ru X P P Ru O O H H H O R O O RuX2[(R)-binap](solv)2 solv, H+ X P P Ru H2 O X P P Ru O O R O O O H O RO OH solv. intramolecular hydride delivery Me ! Small amount of acid dramatically improves reaction efficiency ! Protonation of keto-oxygen increases electrophilicity of carbonyl carbon and facilitates hydride delivery Noyori ACIEE 2001 (40) 40 5 Diastereomeric T.S. X P P Ru H H O R O O pi-complex Ru-BINAP Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation Enantiodetermining Transition States ! Diastereomeric chelate rings are present in stereodetermining hydride-transfer step In TSR the R group occupies an open space of the chiral template Ph Ph P P O R Ph O OR' H2 OH RuCl2Ln O R OR' >100 Ph non-bonding repulsion OH O R OR' 1 In TSS the R group undergoes unfavorable steric interactions ! Enantio-discrimination driven by non-bonding interactions between equatorial phenyl rings and R group Noyori ACIEE 2001 (40) 40 6 Ru-BINAP Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation Reaction scope and application ! Variety of functional groups are tolerable O O NMe2 amino ketones 100% conv. 95% ee OH O O Me S Me Me diketones 100% conv. 100% ee 99:1 anti:syn O O O keto sulfonates 100% conv. 97% ee O P(OMe)2 Me keto phospohnates 100% conv. 98% ee ! Synthetic Applications of asymmetric hydrogenations O O HO OH S S R OH OH OH OH O OH HO R R O OH OH OH S OH O OH (+)-mycoticin OH OH OH S R OH OH OH roflamycoin ! Stereocenters set by asymmetric hydrogenation are marked Schreiber JACS 1993 (115) 3360 Rychnovsky JACS 1997 (119) 2058 Can Simple Ketones be Asymmetrically Hydrogentated? Chelation traditionally required for rate enhancement and selectivity Ruthenium Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Simple Ketones Noyori has breakthrough result ! Ruthenium is traditionally a poor metal for carbonyl hydrogenation O RuCl2[P(C6H5)3]2 Me 2-propanol, H2 OH Me Ethylene diamine and KOH enormously accelerated hydrogenation N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine is totally ineffective NH proton was postulated to act as a hydrogen bond donor Ph3P Ph3P H H2 N R N X H2 Possible reducing species ! Diamine ligand and inorganic base increase reactivity of Ru-catalyzed carbonyl hydrogenation 7 Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones in the Diamine-BINAP System Catalytic cycle ! Hydrogenation occurs through direct hydride and proton transfer Ru-H...Hax-N distances are at the outer limit of protonic-hydridic or dihydrogen bonding. (2.4 A) Ru-H bond weakened by high trans influence of hydride which explains the reactivity of hydridic hydride toward ketones. H H N H N H H O Me N P H Ar2 P R H Ar2 H P Ru R Me Me Me trans-dihydride H P Ru P H Proposed mechanism involves concerted transfer of hydridic RuH and protic N-H to the ketone via a 6-membered pericyclic TS. O C Hax H N Heq Ru N H2 P H -H2 H2 N Me N H2 Me Me Me (R - binap)(H)Ru H N H Trans effect: labilization of ligands trans to other ligands, typically those with a strong sigma-bonding character. R HO hydroamido complex *H R Morris JACS 2001 (123) 7473 Hydroamido complex rapidly splits H2 under normal reaction conditions Asymmetric Hydrogenation Ligands can impart chirality ! Chiral diamine ligands influence reaction selectivity Ph Ph H2N NH2 (S,S) O Ar OH [RuCl2((S)-BINAP)(dmf)]2 Me Ar 2-propanol, KOH H2 (4 atm), r.t. 6h Running reaction with diamine antipode affords product with 14% ee 99% yield 97% ee Me Noyori JACS 1995 (117) 2675 ! Diamine-BINAP catalyst selective for carbonyls over olefins O Ph Ph2 Cl P Ru H N P Cl Ph2 N H Ar 2-propanol, KOH H2 (8 atm), r.t. 3h Ar i-Pr OH >99% yield 90% ee 99% chemoselectivity Ph Noyori JACS 1995 (117) 10417 Presence of diamine and inorganic base essential for excellent chemoselectivity 8 Asymmetric Hydrogenation Diamine-BINAP system tolerates broad substrate scope ! Change of chiral diphosphine increases enantioselectivities for many substrates Heteroaromatic Ketone Reduction >96% conv. 99.6% ee O N Me 24 h.; 30 C; 8 atm H2 (S/C)= 2,000 Enone Reduction 100% conv. 97% ee O Ph Me 43 h.; 30 C; 80 atm H2 (S/C)= 100,000 Ar2 Cl P Ru H N P Cl Ar2 N H R R bis-Aryl ketone Reduction 100% conv. 99% ee O OMe i-Pr Ar = 3,5-(CH3)2C6H5 R= 4 - CH3OC6H4 15 h.; 30 C; 8 atm H2 (S/C)= 13,000 Cyclopropyl Reduction 96% conv. 95% ee Aryl Ketone Reduction >99.7% conv. >99% ee O O Me R 12 h.; 30 C; 10 atm H2 (S/C)= 11,000 Me 4-10 h.; 30 C; 8-10 atm H2 R=F, Cl, Br, I, CF3, C(O)OR, NO2, NH2 in m-, p-, o- positions ! New ligands also show wider scope for aryl ketones Noyori JACS 1998 (120) 13529 Noyori ACIEE 2001 (40) 40 9 Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Introduction ! The reduction of multiple bonds by a metal catalyst with the aid of a hydrogen donor is known as hydrogen transfer ! Hydrogen transfer is advantageous on account of increased safety and chemical flexibility ! Two mechanistic pathways exhist in hydrogen transfer reactions Hydridic (Stepwise Route) OH O Direct Hydrogen Transfer L O M L O L RL RS H Me Me L L M M H L Favored by main group elements OH O R" R' R" R' Favored by transition metal complexes Review of H-Transfer: Chem. Rev. 1992, 92, 1051 Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction L O RL RS ! Evans develops a chiral samarium catalyst for MPV reaction Bn Ph Cl O Sm Cl O OH R I R H L O Me Me Ph N O M 2-propanol, 2 h r.t. R= Me R= Et 97% ee 100% conv 68% ee 95% conv Evans JACS 1993 (115) 9800 Substrate Scope limited to aryl ketones ! Maruoka develops a bidentate aluminum system (PhMeCHO)2Al O O Ph Cl O Ph Al(OCHMePh)2 Me Me Ph Me OH DCM, 5 h 0° C Requires enantiopure alcohols Cl OH Ph Me O 82% yield 54% ee Maruoka ACIEE 1998 (37) 2347 ! Also reports of Lanthanide catalyzed system 10 Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reactions "Classical" Mechanism ! Hydridic route favored by transition metal complexes thought to proceed via stepwise T.S. ! Hydride delivered to substrate by reactive metal hydride species Hydridic (Stepwise Route) coordinatively unsaturated M-H first forms a C=O complex O R1 conversion to metal alkoxide R1 M L R2 O R2 M H L R1 H "metal hydride" O Me M Me Me O M H R2 O Me Me H O OH H Me Me Me OH M R1 insertion/elimination R2 2-propanoxide exchanges with substrate ! Nature of base should effect reaction rate by increasing concentration of alkoxide in solution ! Chiral H-donors have only a marginal effect on enantioselectivity in these processes Ruthenium and Rhodium mediated Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Phosphine ligands O ! Ruthenium PPh2 PPh2 O O Ph OH H4Ru4(CO)8[(-)-DIOP)2] i-Pr 2-propanol 120 C (-)-DIOP Ph 9.8% ee i-Pr J. Organomet. Chem. 1980 73 Most transfer hydrogenations require temperatures above 150 C with ee's below 50% Me PPh2 Me PPh2 ! Rhodium (-)-CHIRAPHOS O Ph OH [Rh(nbd)((-)-Chiraphos)] Et Ph Et 59% yield 34% ee J. Organomet. Chem. 1986 292 Typical ketone hydrogenations afford 10% ee or less 11 Asymmetric Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Nitrogen-ligand systems ! Phenanthroline ligands afford moderate selectivities N Me OH O Ph N N N Me Ph Ph Me N 89% yield 63% ee t-Bu Rh(cod)Cl2 2-propanol NO Rh H Me Tet. Asymmetry 1990 (1) 635 ! Pfaltz's bioxazole ligands can achieve high selectivities O Ph i-Pr i-Pr O O N N OH i-Pr Ph [Ir(cod)Cl]2 2-propanol 70% yield 91% ee i-Pr Pfaltz Helc. Chim. Acta 1991 (74) 232 Typical substrates have ee's below 60% ! Iridinium systems may undergo MVP type mechanism Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenations Noyori has breakthrough result ! Structurally similar salen-derived catalysts provide drastically different results O OH Me + chiral Ru catalyst OH O Me diphosphine/diamine diphosphine/diimine H N Cl N Ru P Cl P Ph2 Ph2 N Cl N Ru P Cl P Ph2 Ph2 H 1 2 93% yield 93% ee r.t. 5 h 3% yield 18% ee r.t. 48 h + ! Lack of amine N-H in 2 makes catalyst much less effective 12 Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenations Effect of ligand on reactivity ! Amine ligand has a marked effect on reactivity and extent of enantioselectivity Ethylenediamine (TOF=1) less reactive than no ligand (TOF=3) N-Tosylated ethylenediamine second fastest catalyst (TOF=86) Amino alcohol has the fastest reaction rate (TOF=227) Presence of a primary or secondary amine end is crucial for catalytic activity: dimethylamino analogues are totally unreactive Noyori JOC 2001 (66) 7931 ! Move away from phosphine ligands: Arene ligands are electronically desirable Spectator ligands automatically occupy three adjacent coordination sites of Ru in an octohedral environment; thereby leaving three sites with a fac relationship for other functions H Ru L L fac relationship Ph Ph Ts N Ru N Cl H2 13 Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Away from BINAP Ph ! Chiral amine ligand affords sufficient enantiofacial discrimination Chiral Ru catalyst O Ph Me Ph OH Ph 2-propanol, KOH H2 (4 atm) Ts N Ru N Cl H2 95% yield 97% ee Me Noyori JACS 1995 (117) 7562 ! Methodology extendable to acetylinic ketones OH O Chiral Ru catalyst >99% yield 97% ee Me Me 2-propanol, KOH H2 (4 atm) Ph Ph Noyori JACS 1995 (119) 8738 ! Resident stereogencity has little impact on reaction selectivity OH Ph O (S,S)-Ru-cat 2h NHCbz Ph OH (R,R)-Ru-cat 5h NHCbz Ph >99% ee >97% yield NHCbz >99% ee >97% yield Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Solution for reversibility problem ! Structural similarity of product and 2-propanol frequently deteriorates enantiomeric purity 1 O Ph OH Me + Me Ph Ph Me Ts N Ru N Cl H2 OH O + Ph KOH Me Me Me 95% yield 97% ee ! Azeotropic mixture of formic acid and triethyl amine makes reaction irreversible 1 O Ph Me OH Ph HCO2H-TEA Me + >99% yield 98% ee CO2 Noyori JACS 1996 (118) 2521 New conditions allow for higher yields, higher substrate concentrations (2-10 M vs. <0.1 M) and wider substrate scope O O O Me MeO S >99% yield 97% ee >99% yield 99% ee S 95% yield 99% ee 14 Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenations Mechanism "Revisited" ! Prior results on the effects of primary and secondary amine ligands cause mechanistic questioning. Classical Hydridic Mechanism M L R2 O R2 M H L R1 H O M N O M O H Me 1 R R H N 2 H O O H Me OH M R1 OH H Me H M R R2 OH Me Me H R M Me Me H R2 O "metal hydride" Me O OH R1 O R1 Bifunctional Pericyclic Mechanism H M N H R1 R2 R R1 R2 Theoretical Study on Catalytic Cycle of Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenations Energy Diagrams of pericyclic and elimination/insertion mechanisms ! MO and DFT calculations show pericyclic mechanism to be more energetically favorable Ph O H Ph Ph H H H H O H Ru O Ru O O H Ru O N CH H H Ru O N H N H H N PhHCO H Ru O HN H Ru O N DFT H MO H Ph H PhHC O H Ru O N H Ru O O H PhCH2OH H N Ru N H H Ru O N H H O PhCH2O H Ru O N H ! Neither carbonyl oxygen nor alcoholic oxygen interact with metal center during pericyclic mechanism Noyori JACS 2000 (122) 1466 15 Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Proposed Catalytic cycle ! Theoretical calculations indicate novel catalytic pathway All pathways are reversible (CH3)2CHOH H Base required for "true catalyst" formation not for improving alkoxide ion concentration (CH3)2C H Ru O O H N H N Ru O H Ru O (H3C)2C O H N H O Ru N Cl H2 base HCl-base H Ru O H N H Ru O HN "true catalyst" Preformed complexes of "true catalyst" do not exhibit rate depreciation in the absence of base O OH "loaded catalyst" PhCH2OH H N Ru O H Ph H Ru O O H N H H Ru O PhHC O H N H Hydride delivery occurs through a pericyclic mechanism via a 6-membered T. S. ! Ruthenium and amine ligand simultaneously participate in forward and reverse steps Noyori JACS 2000 (122) 1466 16 Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Synthetic Applications ! Jacobsen's synthesis of Fostriecin Ph OPMB O O Ph O Me Ts N Ru H N H2 OPMB OH Fostriecin iPrOH OTES TMS TMS 93% conv. >95:5 d.r. Control of relative stereochemistry of 1,3 diol unit through choice of catalyst enantiomer Jacobsen ACIEE 2001 (113) 3779 ! Methodology useful in synthesis of biologically active compounds CO2H O N S O F3C S N H3CO2C OMe Cl NHCH3 N R 68% yield, 92% ee L-699,392 (LTD4 antagonist) 96% yield, 91% ee MA-20565 (herbal fungacide) Conclusions ! Asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral ketones is a highly efficient method for obtaining a range of optically pure alcohols in high ee and yield. ! Bifunctional catalytic systems have been developed to overcome reactivity limitations of transition metals for the hydrogenation of simple ketones. ! Transfer hydrogenation is a desirable alternative for the asymmetric reduction of simple ketones due to increased safety and high selectivities. 17