Uploaded by Karin Primožič

Quiz part I

1. What technological advancements have aided in uncovering details about ancient
cave art? A) DNA analysis B) Digital technology C) Carbon dating D) Oral
traditions E) None of the above
2. What is the significance of the Lascaux IV replica? A) It is located in the original
Lascaux cave. B) It was created using traditional painting techniques. C) It aims to
provide an authentic experience for visitors. D) It is made entirely of original cave
materials. E) It is a digital representation of the cave art.
3. Which art movement focused on the relationship between natural materials and
industrial objects? A) Renaissance B) Cubism C) Impressionism D) Mono-ha E)
4. What was the purpose of Nobuo Sekine's artwork "Phase — Mother Earth"? A) To
create a permanent installation B) To highlight the fragility of the earth C) To
explore the relationship between nature and technology D) To challenge
traditional art forms E) To demonstrate the process of decay over time
5. What is the difference between record-keeping and history-writing? A) Recordkeeping involves analysis, while history-writing is factual. B) Record-keeping
preserves information, while history-writing interprets it. C) Record-keeping is
retrospective, while history-writing is real-time. D) Record-keeping is oral, while
history-writing is written. E) Record-keeping focuses on individuals, while historywriting focuses on communities.
6. Which term refers to a type of personal narrative about encounters with the
supernatural? A) Legend B) Myth C) Folktale D) Memorates E) Oral history
7. Who was responsible for the destruction of the Old Summer Palace in Beijing? A)
British and French troops B) Alexander the Great C) Japanese forces D) German
forces E) Chinese revolutionaries
8. What ancient communication method is known for its durability and versatility?
A) Petroglyphs B) Cuneiform C) Oracle bones D) Quipus E) Geoglyphs
9. What aspect of the past are scientists working hardest to unlock with technology?
A) Origins of language B) Extinction of ancient species C) Causes of historical
events D) Details of ancient cultures E) None of the above
10. What technique aids in dating prehistoric events with precision? A) Gamma ray
measurements B) Oral traditions C) Carbon dating D) DNA analysis E) None of the
1. B) Digital technology
2. C) It aims to provide an authentic experience for visitors.
3. D) Mono-ha
4. E) To demonstrate the process of decay over time
5. B) Record-keeping preserves information, while history-writing interprets it.
6. D) Memorates
7. A) British and French troops
8. B) Cuneiform
9. D) Details of ancient cultures
10. C) Carbon dating