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6 Reasons Why Weldmesh Fencing is a Better Choice for Boundary Demarcation than Walls

6 Reasons Why Weldmesh
Fencing is a Better Choice
for Boundary Demarcation
than Walls
• One of the most common dilemmas one faces when
deciding on securing their perimeter boundary is to go with
walls or fences. With both the options having certain pros
and cons, it is natural to get confused and end up with a
wrong solution.
• Opting for the wrong boundary demarcation solution can
lead to unforeseen expenses, maintenance headaches, and
environmental repercussions. It’s crucial to weigh the
options carefully to avoid these pitfalls.
• When it comes to boundary demarcation, welded mesh
fencing looks like a better option than walls since it has
many advantages over walls that solve issues with visibility,
longevity, aesthetics, maintenance, and ease of installation.
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• Any
maintained occasionally will show signs of aging as time
passes but the list of issues related to walls are far more as
compared to fences.
• Within a year or two of installation, walls can show issues
of cracking, flaking, paint issues due to weather, cavities,
structural deterioration etc. that spoil the aesthetic appeal
of your perimeter.
• Issues related to welded mesh fences are often easy to
rectify. A good quality powder coated welded mesh fence
can keep corrosion at bay and can protect your property
with charm that can last for decades.
• This longevity in welded mesh fences can translate into
cost savings and peace of mind to the property owner.
Less Maintenance
• Maintenance
demarcation so choosing the right demarcation option
that fits your cost, time, and effort becomes important.
• Unlike walls that require periodic repainting, repair, and
sealing, welded mesh fences typically need just occasional
cleaning and minor touch-ups if required.
• This saves both time and money in the long run.
Customization Options
• If you want to add a sense of individuality and modernity
to your perimeter, welded mesh fencing is the option to go
• Right from the choice of design to color to integration,
welded mesh fences can offer loads of customization
options that can complement the overall perimeter design
• Welded mesh fences look modern as compared to
traditional wall solutions and can instantly lift the aesthetic
appeal of your perimeter.
Hassle-Free Installation
• The beauty of a perimeter demarcation solution can often
be sensed by how well it is installed.
• Installing a wall generally involves various hassles like
excavation, storage space for bricks and cement, and other
construction materials and tools.
• Fencing is generally easier and quicker to install compared
to walls. Modern day weldmesh fencing can be quickly
assembled using nuts and bolts thereby saving on both
time and labor cost.
• Additionally, fences can often be installed in areas where
terrain or space constraints would make wall construction
Improved Visibility
• With walls, it becomes difficult to monitor the activities
happening in perimeter surroundings as walls cut off the
• Sure, walls can add more privacy to the perimeter but it
can also create a sense of prison type feeling.
• Fences can help you detect and deter trespassing that can
enhance the overall safety of your perimeter.
Increased Security
• A wall can appear to be more sturdy and rigid but can be
easily climbed by an intruder unless combined with a wall
top security solution like wall spikes.
• Today’s modern fences can be customized depending
upon the level of security required.
• Welded mesh fences can provide protection against
climbing and cutting thereby improving the security of
your perimeter.
• Welded mesh fences can also be customized to provide
both security and aesthetics depending on the specific
need of the perimeter.
• In conclusion, if you are searching for a boundary demarcation solution that looks modern, aesthetic &
customizable, offering less maintenance leading to improved savings over the years, promoting openness
with increased visibility while being easy to install – welded mesh fencing option proves to be the best
• By carefully considering these factors, property owners can make informed decisions that enhance the
value, functionality, and aesthetics of their properties for years to come.
• Experience fencing excellence. We offer premium, modular solutions that blend modern design with
durability. From selection to installation, we provide end-to-end support, ensuring your perimeter reflects
both prestige and protection. Elevate your property’s architectural beauty with our cleverly crafted
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