& Gravidarum Hyperemesis H-mole ↑ placental ↑ HCG ↑ Estrogen Complication growth PrOG & ↑ Hgb Mug I . small frea Pseudocyesis Feedings . Mug STD - labor before end week of Dehydration UTl , , peritorial , African American persistent dull Preterm labor to BW ↓ HOG ↓ Neonatal Result 37 of disease , chorioamniowitus : & K (Full term ?) Gestation Sxs . tri- 3rd of Precursors : supp Labor causes backache low , Adolescent lack of prenatal , ... (24-37 A06) chance of survial complication ROS Intracranial bleeding Chronic Inkxn Mgt Disease Lung Visual , Imp ., Cerebral palsy : Suppress premature labar Immature c 4 fertal lungs CD c Hydratio , Bed Rest Tocolytic (Terbutaline Avoid , Ritodint) smoking corticosteroid , &36WSAOG (Betamethasone 12 mgIM OD by Dexamethasone e Im) BID can't be halted ... - avoid amniotomy to prevent... prolapse damage to the fetus' soft skull cord CS - birth - to reduce fetal pressure Premature Rupture - - RF : rupture of Fetal W) OF Loss should AF Membrane of membranes before 37 wh rupture during delivery Infin of membranes Incompetent cervix Trauma complication : InFxU cord , compression prolapse , Preterm labor Cord FHR · Avoid Vaginal 9th exams · · Labor watch Sions of chorio- amnionitis Antibiotics · Group B Strepto- Reassurance AF is continuously produced items) Pretest (10 Preterm - Ut Explain PT : Fluid cocrs midnight snack , of blue · Evaluate temp · , - Nitrazine Prophylactic supp false PG duol menopause Psychological - + Fibrin based sealant Parenteral I . Bed rest , : Fluid · Bedrest A WBC , Vagina Ferning Mgt-Assess for sions of labor Proteinuria , Ketonuria - Gush a or Na , I Chlorine , , steady trickle . 3 WLOSS Protein ↑ BUN S100 . . 2 Acidosis/Alkalosi's DX : 1 in Dehydration : - vomiting excessive - Assess