Param2D Param2D ? • Param2D is a method to calculate value in ASCET with two input values (x , y), just as a mathematic function • Param2D is treated as a Local Parameter How to Recognize Param2D ? • Param2D is recognized by getAt function with two input parameters • Param2D have three values: • Input x (Input x varies between a (MIN_X, MAX_X) range ) • Input y (Input y varies between a (MIN_Y, MAX_Y) range ) • Output Value (Param2D output value is adjustable if it isn’t non-calibration Normal and Calib Table) Param2D Coverage Requirement • To cover Param2D, you have to cover 11 input points with two output value tables • Normal Value Table (Provide 9 input points): 1. x < MIN_X and y < MIN_Y 2. x > MAX_X and y < MIN_Y 3. x > MAX_X and y > MAX_Y 4. x < MIN_X and y > MAX_Y 5. x = MIN_X and y = MIN_Y 6. x = MAX_X and y = MIN_Y 7. x = MAX_X and y = MAX_Y 8. x = MIN_X and y = MAX_Y 9. MIN_X < x < MAX_X and MIN_Y < y < MAX_Y ( MIN_X <= Param2D Input x <= MAX_X ) ( MIN_Y <= Param2D Input x <= MAX_Y ) • Calib Value Table (Provide 2 input points): 10. x = MIN_X and y = MIN_Y 11. x = MAX_X and y = MAX_Y Purpose: Param2D Parameter have minimum and maximum of output value Param2D Required Point Note • Testcase covers Param2D must run through interpolation code • The ASCET_INTERPOLATE_ROUNDED problem occurs in every Param2D test project and it is uncoverable. • Testcase covers Param2D must be commented with Param2D cover point requirement role. • Param2D table mustn’t appear in Imported Parameters section. Example • Step 1: Add Parameter Name and max, min, tolerance properties • Step 2: Find Param2D Normal data table • Step 3: Create Param2D calib data table • Step 4: Fill Param2D Normal required points (9 points) • Step 5: Fill Param2D Calib required points (2 points) • Step 6: Ensure testcases cover Param2D run through the interpolation code • Step 7: Comment Param2D testcases • Step 8: Create test project and Import data • Step 9: Alter *.dcm files for testcases that use calib data table • Step 10: Run project