See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Parameters Identification of a Permanent Magnet DC Motor Conference Paper · February 2010 DOI: 10.2316/P.2010.675-085 CITATIONS READS 29 21,201 2 authors: Mohammed Said Salah Mohamed Abdelati University College of Applied Sciences Istanbul Atlas University 2 PUBLICATIONS 41 CITATIONS 42 PUBLICATIONS 147 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Mohamed Abdelati on 11 February 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE PARAMETERS IDENTIFICATION OF A PERMANENT MAGNET DC MOTOR Eng. Mohammed Salah University College of Applied Sciences Gaza, Palestine email: ABSTRACT In this paper, driver circuits and parameters identification of a permanent magnet dc motor are addressed. To identify the parameters of the motor, an experimental measurement of armature voltage, armature current and rotor speed are performed using the NIDAQ USB-6008 data acquisition module. DAQ toolbox and Simulink in MATLAB are used to acquire the test signals and perform analysis based on the nonlinear least square method. The extracted motor parameters produced consistent simulation results with experimental data. The proposed approach proved to be simple, fast and accurate. KEY WORDS Parameters identification, NI DAQ, MATLAB, DC Motor. 1 Introduction Direct current (DC) motors have been widely used in many industrial applications such as electric vehicles, steel rolling mills, electric cranes, and robotic manipulators due to precise, wide, simple, and continuous control characteristics. Dc motors are preferred over ac motors because of their lower cost and ease of controller implementation. This comes as a result of their mathematical model which is characterized by simplicity compared to other motor types. Dynamic model identification has been a major topic of interest in control engineering, motivated by the new achievements in control systems theory and requirements of new industrial and robotics applications. System identification of dc motors is a topic of great importance in control problems. Accurate mathematical models and their parameters are essential when designing controllers because they allow the designer to predict the closed loop behavior of the plant. Errors in parameter values can lead to poor control and instability. Therefore, accuracy and adequacy of parameters identification are too major modeling issues that always have to be dealt with. Manufacturers usually run identification procedure for their new products. On the other hand, researchers may apply some identification experiments either to validate manufacture supplied parameters or to specify missing information. Moreover, parameters might be subject to some time variations. In these cases, a mathematical model that is accurate at the time of the manufacturing may not be accurate at a Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdelati The Islamic University of Gaza Gaza, Palestine email: later time. Also, a mathematical model is never a complete description of a given system; this is because a model that represents a system on a specific operating point may not represent the system as well as over different operating points. On broader sense, system identification is often the only means of obtaining mathematical models of most physical systems; this is because most systems are usually so complex that, unlike dc motors, there is no easy way to derive their models based on the physical laws. There exists many methods and techniques for estimating unknown parameters. The conventional methods of determining the parameters generally require a separate test for each parameter. Such a procedure is time consuming and leads to inaccuracy. Furthermore, the method cannot be automated. To overcome some of the above difficulties, algorithms and techniques applied to acquiring signals such as voltage response, current response and speed response to estimate parameters altogether. These methods are divided into two categories: offline estimation and online estimation. Offline techniques use specific test inputs, measure the corresponding output signals and then try to establish the relation between them. Online techniques use additional modules such as observers and Kalman filters to recursively estimate parameters. Neural networks can be used in either offline or online approaches. Pasek’s method is one of the earliest techniques used in parameters identification of dc motors [1, 2]. Pasek’s method determines a high-performance dc motor’s mode model type and all the model parameters based only on the current response of the machine to a step input of armature voltage along with the steady state speed. But Pasek’s method can introduce some instrumentation problems. The technique requires an accurate reading of two points of transient waveform, which can be difficult to do in presense of noise. Also Pasek’s method measures a few points on the current time response curve making it very sensitive to current commutation noise, which renders the method inaccurate for low cost dc motors widely used in our industry. An alternative method to Pasek’s method is the frequency response method for determining the parameters of high performance dc motors. This method has the following features : 1. All significant motor parameters are determined at once in a dynamic and loaded condition. Table 1. Specification of experimental dc motor. Rated power Rated speed Armature rated voltage Armature rated current Field voltage Field current Magnetic break 200 W 1500 rpm 110 V 3A 2.5 V 1.3 A 24 V 2 System Architecture Figure 1. General view of the experimental DC Motor 2. No nonelectrical measurements are required (such as speed in Pasek’s method). 3. Results are averaged out to minimize errors caused by noise. The experimental platform is implemented as illustrated in Figure 1. It is composed of the following components shown in Figure 2: 1. Separately excited DC motor 2. Power supply unit 3. Field driver circuit 4. Sophisticated instrumentation is not necessary. 5. The approach is readily adaptable to automatic testing. 4. Armature driver circuit 5. NI-DAQ USB-6008 Frequency response method determines the parameters of high performance dc motors by treating a second order motor model as an electrical impedance (RLC circuit), and by tuning the values of RLC circuit elements to match the response of dc motor and by some relations the parameters of dc motor are calculated [3]. This method uses an ac signal with specific frequency about 1kHz. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable to the power drivers used in our experimental platform. Sensitivity to noise is another reason that discouraged us to utilized this method. The pseudo inverse technique is a method capable of identifying an equivalent discrete transfer function of simple systems like motor, thermal system, mass damper systems etc with no zeros (only poles). This method assumes a single input single output system and unable to find the dc motor parameters and doesn’t fit our objective [4]. Nonlinear least square method is a general approach in identification seeks to define an objective function that would reach its minimum. The physical system to be investigated is described in terms of parameters, and then, the objective function is minimized with respect to the parameters by an iterative procedure. At the minimum of the objective function, the values of the parameters describe the real structure of the physical system [5]. We will begin with system architecture illustration in section 2, followed by a review of the dc motor modeling in section 3. In section 4, computer interface is presented. The identification procedure and experimental results are shown in section 5. Conclusion is given finally in sections 6. The DC motor is the backbone of our system. It is used as a permanent magnet DC motor by applying a constant voltage to its field terminals. This motor has the nominal characteristics shown in Table 1. The power supply unit consists of a traditional components which supply all necessary voltage levels. Separate voltage levels are required for the field driver unit and for the armature driver unit. The first unit requires voltage supplies of +20VDC, +12VDC and +5VDC. On the other hand, the second unit requires +110VDC, +24VDC and +12VDC voltage levels. A Pulse width modulation (PWM) signal at a frequency of 250Hz is used to adjust the magnitude of excitation voltage applied on the field terminals [6]. Reversing the rotation direction of the motor is easily done by reversing the filed excitation. Therefore an additional relay is employed to facilitate user control of motor direction. Voltage and current sensing components are added in the armature driver circuit. Moreover, a 100nf capacitor is connected across the motor armature in order to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). Both filed and armature driver circuits are featured by the ability to be controlled locally or remotely via the data acquisition card. Two digital panel meters are used to monitor the current and voltage of the armature winding and a third one is used to monitor field current. NIDAQ USB-6008 from national instruments is used for computer interface [7]. This is an affordable module and will suited for our experiments. 20 VDC 12 VDC 5 VDC 220 VAC - La + - Ra + + ia Field control Field Driver Unit + Direction control Power Supply if + V E=Ke Vf 110 VDC 24 VDC 12 VDC Armature Driver Unit Armature control - - Motor Tf B J I V USB NI DAQ USB-6008 T=Kt ia Optical encoder Figure 3. Complete equivalent model for dc motor Figure 2. Architecture of the system Table 2. DC motor parameters. 3 DC Motor Model We studied the modeling of dc motors for control applications [8], and we found that there are three different mathematical models of an armature controlled dc motor. These models are: 1. Precise nonlinear model. 2. Piecewise linear model. 3. Second-order linear model. A mathematical model for a physical device must often reflect a compromise. It must not attempt to mirror the real device in such great detail that the model becomes complex, on the other hand it should not be so simplified that predictions and explanations based on it are either trivial or far from reality. We preferred the second order linear model to other models due to its simplicity. The main difficulty with the nonlinear models is the requirement of numerical solution and the use of this model in those applications of adaptive and optimal control which require a digital computer. The second-order linear model assumes the following for ease of use: 1. The static friction is negligible and the frictional torque can be considered directly proportional to angular velocity. 2. The brush voltage drop is negligible. 3. Armature reaction can be neglected. 4. The resistance and the inductance of the armature can be regarded as constants. Applying these assumptions, the block diagram of the dc motor used in this study may be illustrated as shown in Figure 3. Consequently, the dynamics of the dc motor are expressed by the following equations: V =R i +L a a di +K ! dt a a e (1) Parameter Definition Ke Back-EMF constant K t Torque Constant R a Terminal Resistance L a Armature Inductance J B Moment of inertia of the rotor Viscous (Damping) Friction Ki =J t a Comment Dominate factor in determining motor’s steady state speed for a given voltage Determines motor’s required current for a given torque output Determines how much power will be dissipated in the motor for a given current level Determines how fast current to the motor can be turned on A measure of an object’s resistance to changes in its rotation rate A measure of dynamic friction d! + B! + T dt f (2) Where V , ia , w, Tf are respectively, the the armature voltage, the armature current, rotor angular speed and the load torque. The specifications of the dc motor parameters needed for identification are detailed in Table 2. Transforming the system equations to Laplace domain the motor block diagram is concluded as shown in Figure 4. 4 Computer Interface In this section, our aim is to show how the system can be interfaced to NI DAQ to acquire test signals and the method is used for the identification process of dc motor parame- Tf V + 1 Las+Ra - Ia Kt Tg + - Table 3. NI DAQ inputs and outputs. 1 Js+B 1 s Ke Figure 4. The block diagram of dc motor +110VDC R10 120k C1 D1 100nF High side voltage sensing C2 R12 5.1k Gate Driver Circuit Channel Analog 0 (AI0) Analog 1 (AI1) Analog 2 (AI2) Analog 0 (AO0) Digital pin P0.0 Digital pin P0.1 Mode Differential input Differential input Differential input Differential output Digital output Digital output Purpose measuring voltage at motor terminals measuring current flowing in motor count # of pluses from optical encoder controlling speed of motor controlling direction of motor controlling break of motor 470nF Q1 R13 IRF840 120k R8 Low side voltage sensing 15 Sensing Current R9 0.2 C4 100nF R14 5.1k C3 470nF Figure 5. Sensing circuit of the system The specifications for connections to NI DAQ is summarized in Table 3. In MATLAB, the Data Acquisition Toolbox (DAT) is used to communicate with the DAQ module and to acquire data from the sensing channels and sending necessary control signals. This toolbox is integrated with MATLAB and well documented by Mathworks [10]. 5 The Identification procedure and experimental results ters. The voltage of the motor’s armature is measured using voltage dividers at both of the motor terminals to get the difference between them. The capacitors are used as low-pass filters in order to reject high frequency noise and to deliver the average value of applied PWM signal. Selecting 5.1K and 125K for the voltage divider yield to a ratio of 0.0408 between the sensing terminals and the armature voltage. Consequently, the differential voltage at the DAQ input terminals will have a maximum value of 0:0408 110 = 4:488 and this is within the maximum allowable input voltage (5V). The resultant resolution of 1105 the armature voltage is equal to 4:488 212 = 30mV and this is more than enough for the precision level required in our experiments [9]. The current flow in the motor is sensed as a voltage signal across a (0:2 ) resistance connected in series with the motor armature. The sensing circuit is shown in Figure 5. Speed of dc motor is measured using optical encoder (GP1A30R) which is mounted in the shaft of the motor. The disk of optical encoder has 120 slits. The collected pulses from the optical encoder at specific time window of 10ms at analog input of DAQ is used to calculate the rotational speed of dc motor in rpm using the relation in equ. ( 3) 60 # of ounting pulses Speed(rpm) = (3) 10ms #ofslits The nonlinear least-square method, which is built in Simulink, is utilized to find motor parameters. The basis of this method is to approximate the model by a linear one and to refine the parameters by successive iterations. Simulink Parameter Estimation consists of a number of well-defined steps: 1. Set up the problem. 2. Specify which model parameters to estimate. 3. Import and prepare the experimental data for parameter estimation (or preprocess). 4. View the estimation progress. 5. Validate the estimation results based on plots of measured versus. simulated data and residuals. A user interface which is illustrated in Figure 6 is designed to carry all necessary user interactions such as acquiring data, parameters identification and parameters validation. Moreover, it allows user control of speed and direction of the motor. The resultant parameters are summarized in Table 4 for three identification trials. It is noticeable that Ke and Kt are equal (in metric (SI) units) as justified in the literature [11]. Main Parameters Identification of a Permanent Magnet DC Motor Armature voltage Parameters Trajectories of Estimated Parameters Armature current B Motor speed J Parameters Iden. Ke Validation La B Acquiring Data J Kt Ra Speed control 0.02 0.01 0 0.1 0.05 Figure 6. User interface 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0.5 0 20 10 0 Ke Change Dir. Kt Stop motor La Start motor Parameter Values Exit Table 4. Summary of parameter estimation results 1 case st B (Nms) 0.041202 2 J (kg:m ) 0.057419 K (V=rad=s) 1.8350 K (N:m=A) 1.8350 L (H ) 0.104190 R( ) 3.04840 e t a a 2 case 3rd case 0.043926 0.0428167 0.044042 0.03188 1.8074 1.8674 1.8074 1.8674 0.1044227 0.104305 3.04325 3.045653 Ra Parameters nd 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Iterations Figure 7. Trajectories of estimated parameters The trajectories of estimated parameters versus number of iterations are illustrated in Figure 7. As the parameter values improve, the simulation curves gets closer to the experimental data curves. In order to validate the model, the speed and current of the motor are acquired and plotted for 10 sec’s. These curves are compared to simulated ones in Figures 8 and 9. Current response 10 Actual current response Estimated current reponse 9 8 7 I (s) s + 0:7176 = V (s) 0:1042s2 + 3:123s + 60:83 a W (s) 31:96 = 2 V (s) 0:1042s + 3:123s + 60:83 6 Amp Using a MATLAB code, the transfer functions for current to voltage and speed to voltage are derived and the result is shown below: 5 4 3 (4) 2 1 0 (5) 6 Conclusion and future work This paper has investigated the issues involved in applying different methods in parameters identification of DC motor models. These issues have been considered both theoretically and experimentally. The experimental work was 0 2 4 6 8 10 sec Figure 8. Current response for the actual and estimated models Speed response rpm problem methodology ”. Turk J Elec Eng and Comp Sci, vol. 17, No.2, 2009. 2000 Actual speed response Estimated speed reponse 1800 [5] Adrian V. Bos, Parmaeter Estimation for Scientists and Engineers, First Edition, Wiley, Inc., 2007. 1600 1400 [6] Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook, Second Edition, Academic press, Inc., 2007. rpm 1200 1000 [7] NI USB-6008, National Instruments Corporation, Inc. URL: 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 sec Figure 9. Speed response for the actual and estimated models performed on a DC motor with an optical encoder as a position feedback device. All necessary drivers and sensor circuits are implemented to constitute a compact experimental platform. Computer interface is based on a low-cost data acquisition module from National Instruments. A MATLAB program, based on the Simulink Parameter Estimation toolbox, is created to call the nonlinear least-square algorithm and estimate the motor parameters. The estimated parameters are used to generate simulation curves for current and speed step responses. These curves are found to be in agreement with actual curves within the precision level of our experiment. In a future work we plan to build an educational platform that can be used in undergraduate control labs. The model is expected to carry identification for various DC type motors. Moreover students will be able to experiment different control types, speed and position control of these motors. References [1] W. Lord and J. Hwang, “ DC motor model parameters ”. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumenta tion, vol. IECI-23, No.3, August 1976. [2] W. Lord and J. Hwang, “ DC servomotors modeling and parameter determination ”. IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications, vol. IA-3, pp. 234-243, May/June 1977. [3] R. Schulz, “ A frequency response for determining the parameters of high performance DC motors ”. IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. IE-30, No.1, Februray 1983. [4] M. Hadef and R. Mekideche, “ Parameter identification of a separately excited DC motor via inverse View publication stats [8] N. Sinha, C. Dicenzo and B. 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