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N-Tier Architecture C# Assignment with Dapper

N-Tier Architecture with C# Console Application and
This assignment introduces you to N-Tier architecture using a C# console application with
Dapper for database interaction.
Case Study: Order Processing System
Develop a simple order processing system with functionalities for adding, updating, deleting,
and searching for orders. The system will utilize a 3-tier architecture consisting of:
Presentation Tier (Console Application): Handles user interaction and displays
Business Logic Layer (Class Library): Implements core functionalities of the
system, interacts with the data access layer, and applies complex business logic.
Data Access Layer (Class Library): Uses Dapper to interact with the database for
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
1. Database Setup:
o Create a database with tables for:
▪ Orders (id, customerID, orderDate, totalAmount)
▪ Customers (id, name, address, phone)
▪ OrderItems (id, orderID, productID, quantity, price)
▪ Products (id, name, price, quantity)
o Include scripts to populate the tables with sample data (optional).
2. Data Access Layer (DAL):
o Create a class library project named OrderProcessingDAL.
o Use Dapper to establish a connection to the database.
o Define methods for CRUD operations on:
▪ Orders (including retrieving order details with associated items)
▪ Customers
▪ Products
▪ OrderItems
3. Business Logic Layer (BLL):
o Create a class library project named OrderProcessingBLL.
o This layer interacts with the DAL and implements complex business logic:
▪ Order creation:
▪ Validates customer information (existing customer)
▪ Validates product availability and quantity (sufficient stock)
Calculates total order amount based on product prices and
▪ Order update:
▪ Validates order existence
▪ Allows updating order items (quantity changes) with stock
▪ Recalculates total order amount
▪ Order deletion:
▪ Validates order existence
▪ Reverts product quantities for deleted order items
▪ Order search:
▪ Allows searching by order ID, customer name, or date range
o Define methods to expose these functionalities.
4. Presentation Tier (Console Application):
o Create a console application project named OrderProcessing.
o Develop a user-friendly menu for:
▪ Listing all orders (with customer and total amount)
▪ Adding a new order (customer selection, product selection with
▪ Updating an existing order (modify order items)
▪ Deleting an order
▪ Searching for orders (by ID, customer name, or date range)
o Use the BLL methods to perform operations on the order data.
o Implement proper error handling and user input validation for order creation
and updates.
5. Unit Testing:
o Create a unit test project named OrderProcessingTests (can be xUnit or
o Write unit tests for the following functionalities in the BLL:
▪ Order creation with invalid customer or insufficient stock
▪ Order update with non-existent order or invalid quantity changes
▪ Order deletion with non-existent order
▪ Searching for orders with empty criteria
A well-documented solution with clear separation of concerns between tiers.
Code comments explaining the functionality of each class and method.
A populated database with sample data for customers, products, and orders.
Unit tests demonstrating functionality and error handling.
Grading Rubric:
Functionality (60%): Completeness of features, adherence to N-tier architecture with
complex business logic implementation.
Code Quality (20%): Code readability, proper documentation, comments, error
Unit Testing (20%): Comprehensiveness of test cases, coverage of functionalities.
Use dependency injection to loosely couple the layers.
Implement transactions in the BLL to ensure data integrity (optional challenge).
Consider using design patterns (optional challenge).