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Floating Trash Collector Bike Design Thesis

DECLARATION........................................................................................................ iii
APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................................................. iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... v
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. xii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
Research Background ............................................................................... 2
Problem Statement .................................................................................... 2
Research Objectives .................................................................................. 4
Research Scopes ....................................................................................... 5
Limitation of Study ...................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................. 7
Introduction ................................................................................................. 7
Floating Trash Collector ............................................................................ 7
Waterwheel Trash Collectors ................................................................... 8
Previous Floating Trash Collectors .......................................................... 9
2.4.1 Mr.Trashwheel Collector ................................................................. 9
2.4.2 Floating Trash Bike ........................................................................ 10
2.4.3 Cataglop Vessel.............................................................................. 10
Main Features ........................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 13
Introduction ................................................................................................ 13
Flow Chart ................................................................................................. 13
Project Planning (Gantt Chart) ............................................................... 15
Stages of Design ...................................................................................... 16
3.4.1 Product Benchmarking................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Quality Functional Deployment..................................................... 16
3.4.3 Concept Selection Matrix............................................................... 17
Final Design .............................................................................................. 17
3.5.1 Software Tool .................................................................................. 17
Pulley Length Calculation........................................................................ 18
Buoyancy Calculation .............................................................................. 18
CHAPTER 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSION ....................................................... 19
Introduction ................................................................................................ 19
Project Planning (Gantt Chart) ............................................................... 19
Stages of Design ...................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Product Benchmarking................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Quality Functional Deployment..................................................... 26
4.3.3 Concept Selection Matrix............................................................... 30
Final Design .............................................................................................. 30
Assembly Drawing .................................................................................... 38
Pulley Length Calculation........................................................................ 41
4.6.1 Pulley Length Calculation.............................................................. 41
Buoyancy Calculation .............................................................................. 43
4.7.1 Weight of Materials ......................................................................... 43
4.7.2 Buoyancy Force .............................................................................. 46
Discussion ................................................................................................. 48
4.8.1 Tandem Pedal Mechanism ........................................................... 48
4.8.2 Tiller System ................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 49
Introduction ................................................................................................ 49
Conclusion ................................................................................................. 49
Summary.................................................................................................... 50
Future recommendations ........................................................................ 50
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 51
APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................... 58
APPENDIX C ........................................................................................................... 64
Page No
Figure 1.1 Residents evacuation at Segamat, Johor, Malaysia
Figure 1.2 Data analysis people perspective of reason of flooding
Figure 2.1 Mr. Trash Wheel
Figure 2.2 Floating Trash Bike
Figure 2.3 Cataglop Vessel
Figure 3.1 Flow Chart of Final Year Project
Figure 3.2 Flow Chart of Stages Of Design
Figure 3.3 Flow chart of Design Process
Figure 3.4 SOLIDWORKS Logo
Figure 4.1 Gantt Chart (Part 1)
Figure 4.2 Gantt Chart (Part 2)
Figure 4.3 Gantt Chart (Part 3)
Figure 4.4 Plan View
Figure 4.5 Side View
Figure 4.6 Front View
Figure 4.7 Final Design of Floating Trash Collector Bike
Figure 4.8 Floater
Figure 4.9 Frame
Figure 4.10 The Pedal Mechanism & Components
Figure 4.11 Tiller System
Figure 4.12 Trash Bin
Figure 4.13 Compartments Assembled.
Figure 4.14 Pulley system of the Conveyer belt
Figure 4.15 Hull Safe Load Lines
Page No
Table 1 Product Benchmarking
Table 2 Technical Detail
Table 3 Customer Requirements
Table 4 Quality Function Deployment Method (QFD
Table 5 Ranking Order
Table 6 Percentage ranking range
Table 7 Concept Selection Matrix – Design 1 to Design 5 (Phase 1)
Table 8 Concept Selection Matrix – Design 6 to Design 10 (Phase 1)
Table 9 Concept Selection Matrix (Phase 2)
Table 10 Concept Selection Matrix (Phase 3)
Wave Energy Converters
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Environmental contamination is a problem that is challenging to resolve, as we
are all aware. The issue of water pollution is one of the pollution issues that
requires attention. As a result, the authorities have taken several actions,
including establishing trash vessels. This vessel, however, cannot be used in
confined spaces. The goal of this project is to create a new floating module
that are not useful in places where diesel engines or electric motors are not
permitted due to pollution or noise. The Floating Trash Collector Bicycle is a
floating object that uses a conveyor to gather rubbish or waste and manpower
to locomote the vessel. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method was
used in the development of this module. Although, the Interceptor 004 and Mr.
Trash Wheel are two examples of these trash collector devices that are often
huge in size. The goal of this project is to create a smaller floating module with
the same purpose as the Interceptor 004 and Mr. Trash Wheel, but with
advantages in smaller bodies of water like ponds or lakes.
The design of the floating trash collector bike is covered in this chapter
along with the context of the research, its significance, its limitations, and its
issue description.
The marine pollution industry (MARPOL) was the inspiration for the floating
trash collecting bike. The marine pollution industry (MARPOL) can apply this
model design in many ways. Floating trash collector bike have been widely
used for the purpose of cleaning up water bodies. This design of the floating
trash collector bike can locomote the vessel by manpower pedalling.
This vessel will be pedalled by a hand crank which is mesh up with a
smaller gear that is connected to a shaft and a pulley. Another bigger gear is
also mesh up with the second gear based on the figure given. For the arrow
direction, the hand crank and big gear will manoeuvre in clockwise rotation to
operate the propeller. While the smaller gear will manoeuvre in an anticlockwise rotation which operates the conveyor belt from the pulley.
For the rudder system, the foot pedal is controlling the rudder by few pulleys,
a wire attached to the tiller. When a person steps on the left leg forward, it will
determine the motion of the vessel to the port. Same goes vice versa with the
right leg.
This project is to construct a combined vessel of a medium-sized trash
collector and floating trash bike that can easily use in lakes and pond. Floating
Trash Collector Bike is a trash collector project inspired by Mr. Waterwheel &
Floating trash bike. The concept used in this project is the same as Mr.
Waterwheel but instead of being powered by battery it will operate by pedalled
manpower. Floating Trash Collector which is being pedalled by someone
where the hand crank is mesh up with a smaller gear that is connected to a
shaft and a pulley that can make the conveyor belt move.
The amount of plastic trash in our oceans is estimated to reach 5.25 trillion
pieces. 4 billion microfibers per km2 live below the surface, while 269,000
tonnes float. 15% of our trash floats, 70% sinks into the ecosystem of the water,
and 15% ends up on our beaches. Annually, 8.3 million tonnes of plastic are
dumped into the ocean.
Environmental issues are becoming more widespread these days. These
issues are a result of developing activities including building homes,
workplaces, and other commercial spaces. Numerous factors contribute to the
environment's difficulties, including insufficient funding for environmental
management and poor rubbish disposal practises. Garbage and waste from
numerous sources that are dumped into rivers is a recurring environmental
problem that is currently unresolved. Garbage can obstruct water flow, making
it unclean and odorous. It can also frequently overflow and cause floods.
Floods are unavoidable occurrences that happen every rainy season in
Malaysia. Figure 2 depicts the army evacuating citizens from Chaah town in
Segamat, Johor, Malaysia during an extraordinary flood. Floods can spread
several diseases that are brought on by rodents and other dangerous by
products. When trash clogs the drainage systems of the river bodies, it causes
creeks to overflow and causes flooding. Rainwater does not drain quickly
enough, causing low-lying communities next to rivers and lakes to experience
protracted floods.
Figure: 1.1: Residents evacuation at Segamat, Johor, Malaysia
Figure 1.1 from Kong et al. (2010)'s study on urban flooding illustrates that 28
% of respondents believe that poor drainage systems are to blame, 20% beli
eve pollution is to blame, 18% say that managing urbanisation is to blame, 16
% said environmental factors, 11% said weather, and 7% said dam failure (K
ong et al., 2010).
Figure 1.2: Data analysis people perspective of reason of flooding
The study conducted by Thorndahl et al. corroborated this finding (2008). The
report claims that inadequate drainage systems cause floods, and it lists seven
reasons of urban flooding, three of which are connected to drainage systems
(Thorndahl et al., 2008). Similar to this, Gallegos et al research indicates that
dam breaking can cause urban floods (2009). The research of Kong et al.,
(2010) on the incorrect management of the environment as one of the causes
of floods is supported by another claim made by Oguntala et al., (1982). (Akin
et al., 1982). This demonstrates that inadequate drainage systems, dam
failure, and poor environmental management are the primary causes of
There are three objectives to be outlined in the research which are:
Using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach to create a
garbage collector. To increase product quality, the Quality Function
Deployment (QFD) approach is crucial.
To analyse the design using computer software to enhance it. The
floating trash collector is intended to improve upon the current design
in certain ways. This invention comes with a fresh system and a stylish
design. The water surface area can benefit greatly from the
implementation of this design model.
To create a vessel that can move beyond different ranges.
The creation of trash collectors that can operate in constrained spaces and are
reasonably priced for all parties will be the main goal of this project. This
project's design phase utilized the Quality Function Deployment approach.
This approach places the customer's needs first and foremost before starting
any projects.
Prior to moving on to this step, a product benchmarking must be
completed, in which all currently available products and their specifications are
listed, followed by a comparison of all of them. Next, the project also focused
on the additional designs of the systems to operate the vessel and the
software’s used to design the vessel.
The specification comparison research on other current design models is what
this project's design is based on. The manufacture of the floating trash collector
bike may take longer than the allotted semester weeks because of its
somewhat sophisticated design. The creation of the solar paddling model and
comparison of the requirements will be used to carry out this project.
Financial Aids
The cost of the design This endeavour is crucial for creating the 3Dprinted model because it entails spending money on materials, printing,
and transportation. Students at UniKL MIMET are given a budget of
RM250 per participant. About RM300+ is needed to print the design into
a 3D model. Additionally, the supplies required to complete this job are
estimated to be worth at least RM 3000, which is more than our
available budget.
Expected Outcomes
The key to improving our quality of life in the current period is innovation
and improvement. This is because development and excellence cannot
be attained without innovation. By conducting this research, it can
encourage people to always think critically and come up with solutions
that can make our lives easier.
The purpose of the study is to consider the proposal and conduct an analysis
of the current floating trash collector vessels. The chosen existing waste
collection vessels have diverse designs but serve the same purpose. For the
project study, these designs were assessed and studied to identify any
differences, whether positive or negative.
The information that can be obtained from the studied literature can be
analysed to produce data for product benchmarking comparisons. From there,
we may create the final design that satisfies user needs and addresses the
Most Trash Collectors invented are solar panelled or operated by battery. With
its large size as well as expensive capital, this has brought problems to clean
on small areas and had to add a lot of manpower. There are lot of
disadvantages that happen using the modern technology. Such as:
Short Circuit Problems
Insufficient current due to drainage of battery during operation at certain
period. Depending on the current capacity of the battery. Other than
that, wires, relay, motor and etc must be waterproof so that it does not
cause any circuit breakdown when operating the vessel in lake, calm
rivers etc. Besides that, electrically operated trash collectors only have
a specific range to clean water.
Driven by Diesel Engines
Diesel engines incur high maintenance which may be very costly and
time-consuming during maintenance. Apart from that, when dealing with
diesel engines causes pollution. It can either be noise pollution, air
pollution (ANEX 6) or oil pollution (ANEX 1) which are under MARPOL
Not permitted in some countries
There is a country (India) where diesel engines or electric motors are
not permitted due to pollution or noise. This may be a disadvantage for
customer requirements and satisfaction.
The purpose of this project is to design and develop a trash collector structure
that can be used to reduce the main disadvantages mentioned above. The
reason for the study was to build other items that have more advantages as
well as being able to solve various problems. There are specific aspects of this
project that allow it to function well. To guarantee the project's quality, the sort
of material employed is also crucial. While the project's primary components
must be up to date with emerging technologies.
Floating waste is removed by Trash Wheel employing rotating forks that dip
into and out of the water. The rubbish is then placed onto a conveyor belt and
moved into a dumpster. On the Internet, the water wheel can be remotely
While cleaning the waterway. Additionally, it will assist the
government in lowering the cash allocated to initiatives like cleaning up rivers
and lakes. When compared to a coastal trash collector, trash is collected by a
moving module and with the resistance of a conveyor belt to get the trash on
the surface of the water, then sent to the garbage cage at the back of the
vessel where the vessel is operated by technology that makes the personnel
feel like they are playing with a remote-controlled car with a limited controllable
area. Waterwheel trash collectors, on the other hand, are propelled by water
wheels and solar cells and provide a larger range of space for the vessel to
collect waste. Although our design is an improvement over the garbage wheel
collector, it is not driven by solar energy. Instead, it will be manually powered
by staff paddling. Despite being a development over the garbage wheel
collector, the personnel will physically turn a hand crank to power our design
instead of solar energy. Additionally, Waterwheel Trash Collector will decrease
the negative effects that water pollution has on plants, trees, the soil, and other
natural resources on earth.
Mr. Trash Wheel is propelled by the river's current, with solar panels
acting as a backup source of energy when the current is weak. They
drive a conveyor belt. Using rotating forks that dip in and out of the water
to collect floating rubbish, Mr. rubbish Wheel transports the waste to a
skip through a conveyor belt. On the Internet, the water wheel can be
remotely managed. Usually, many company designed it in a portly size
such as Mr. Trash Wheel. From this vessel we will use the idea of the
waterwheel as our propeller and the conveyer belt to collect the trash.
Figure 2.1: Mr. Trash Wheel
The cycle seeks to increase the dissolved oxygen content of the water
bodies while also cleaning the lake. The handle on the floating cycle
can be used to control the propeller. The front of the device has a mesh
attachment that will catch floating trash and solid waste from the lake.
The water will be stirred up by the paddle wheel at the back, aerating
the body of water. PVC Pipes are used to with required buoyancy so
the vessel could float on water. From this project, we will use their idea
paddling idea but create an innovation to hand paddle the vessel so it
could move and operate and less dangerous for the personnel
compared to the figure given below.
Figure 2.2: Floating Trash Bike
This kind of vessel's primary job is to gather floating solid and liquid
garbage. The desire and necessity to clean up the waterways area led
to the construction of the vessel. Users now have additional alternatives
for how to use it to clear the aquatic environment of debris and waste.
The recovery of hydrocarbons and macro waste, integrated wheels for
one-person launching, an updated V hull for increased vessel speed
and stability, and simplicity of transport on its road gauge trailer are
some of its benefits. The Cataglop forces a stream of water through a
mesh-lined tank where solid waste is filtered using a turbine pull
mechanism. After then, the stream is split in half. The clean water is first
removed by the turbine. In a hydrocarbon separator, where the
hydrocarbons are kept floating without emulsion, the oil- and
hydrocarbon-contaminated surface water is subsequently sent. In order
to increase the speed and stability of the vessel's movement and
operation, we will be adopting a small variation of the V hull design in
our project.
Figure 2.3: Cataglop Vessel
Floating Trash Collector Bike system has some key features where it is taken
and reviewed from existing projects. The main features of the Floating Trash
Collector Bike project are outdated but practical and efficient. These key
features also help solve various problems and even the mission of the project
is achieved:
Conveyor belt
A chain conveyer belt is placed at the front of the trash collector. A light
chain conveyer made of several links was designed. The links are made
of PVC pipes. System was made to tilt the conveyer up or down. The
conveyer points down while picking up the trash and points up while
unloading the trash onto the trash bin.
A rudder was placed at the rear to direct the garbage collector. The
rudder is operated by the footrest through mechanical cables. The
rudder of the garbage collector is placed outboard. The external rudder
is attached to the tiller.
The garbage collector is pedalled by the operator by hand. The cycling
movement is transferred to the propeller through a shaft and pulley.
Conventional pedals should be used.
An adjustable seat is provided behind the pedal. The operator can pedal
the propeller and steer the footrest while seating comfortably.
PVC pipes
The PVC pipes are made to assemble all the parts of the trash collector
together so it could operate. They are chosen for the material of this
vessel because it’s lightweight which will be able to float and operate
above water.
The waterwheel are connected to and powered by the pedal. The
propeller transfers power by converting the rotary movement into thrust.
The propeller pushes backwards and helps manoeuvre the waterproof
bearing connected to the conveyer belt.
All the approaches utilised to finish the project are discussed in this chapter.
These techniques are incorporated into the design, research and calculating
processes. Since the goal of this project is to plan the Gantt chart, design the
floating vessel using the stages of design method, show the design process,
pulley calculation, buoyancy stability, and load capacity are all heavily stressed.
Materials utilised for designing must have qualities that can contribute to the
project's success.
To produce an innovative floating module that is beneficial in locations where
diesel engines or electric motors are prohibited due to pollution or noise. The
procedure and approach used to create the design project are covered in this
chapter. Beginning with the identification of customer needs, benchmarking of
the product, deployment of quality functional components, idea selection
matrix, and design, drawing, assembly of design processes. Figure 9 shows
the flow chart of the process.
Figure 3.1: Flow Chart of Final Year Project
Figure 3.2: Flow Chart of Stages of Design
Figure 3.3: Flow chart of Design Process
The term "Gantt chart" refers to time-based task visual representations. They
represent crucial project information including task durations, overlapping
activities, and accountability arrangements. When a project's various tasks are
to be completed, a Gantt chart employs timeframes to indicate when they will.
The relationships between the different jobs are explained by these timelines.
The activities and advancement of a project are shown on gantt charts, which
are useful. Gantt diagrams show how beginning work on one project depends
on finishing another one first. This knowledge can help project managers better
recognise problems and choose how to proceed. Since it guarantees that the
project will be finished on time, the planning timetable is one of the most crucial
elements of any project or activity.
The project used the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach for the
design phase, where in the construction of this project will proceed step-bystep till the final design. The product benchmarking, customer requirements,
idea selection matrix, and final design are the steps that are intended. To
proceed to the final design, all these processes must be completed.
Product benchmarking is a method where it collects all the existing
products and then lists all the specs of the product. For this method, the
selection of existing products must have the same function but different
spec. Then, the specs are compared and evaluated for the next method.
Excellent performance Deployment is a targeted method for attentively
hearing the customer's requirements and then successfully meeting
their needs and expectations. To guarantee that client needs are
addressed, this strategy is crucial.
QFD (Quality Function Deployment) was the primary technique used to
gain a general understanding of the most important design criteria for
selecting the design designations for the project. QFD was a targeted
process for attentively and effectively hearing the voice of the customer.
a method and toolbox for effectively identifying and translating customer
requirements into specific technical specifications and strategies to
create goods that fully satisfy requirements. QFD is used to translate
client requirements into quantifiable design objectives and to guide
them from the assembly level to the sub-assembly, component, and
engineering process levels. The QFD is concerned with the most
important consumer need. This product can analyse the needs of the
customer using this technique.
The last method used to obtain the final plan is examined in this section.
The concept determination grid is a typical example of a multi-rules
dynamic that selects the best option from a list of options at the initial
phases of item planning and improvement. A determined set of
concepts that has been normalised supports an effective plan. Microsoft
Excel uses this method to carry out this technique. The concept
selection matrix is necessary. 10 planned floating trash collector bikes
refer to the benchmark item and choose every component in QFD.
This section discusses the benefits of the product used to improve
reenactments and model plans. The product is essentially a free client where
the student can use the assignment. The tool for creating the model is
SolidWorks Educational Product.
SOLIDWORKS is used by millions of engineers and designers at tens
of thousands of companies. It is one of the most popular engineering
and design programmes out there. Due to its extensive feature set and
superior functionality, SOLIDWORKS is used by a variety of industries
and professions worldwide.
SOLIDWORKS is an effective tool for designers and engineers since it
uses parametric design. The designer can then see how changes would
affect surrounding parts or even the overall solution. For example, a
larger component would affect the joint or hole it is attached to. This
makes it quick and straightforward for designers to find and fix issues.
Figure 3.4: SOLIDWORKS Logo
The system of two pulleys connected by a conveyor belt is examined by this
pulley calculator (also called a belt drive). It can be used to determine the
pulley's RPM (revolutions per minute), as well as its diameter.
A successful vessel design must have the ability to float in water as its primary
characteristic. Buoyancy is the term for the physical force that keeps items like
boats and other afloat in liquids. This section discusses on calculation is
evaluated to ensure that the Floating Trash Collector can float on the water
properly. Calculations on this test need to be made to prove this product can
float perfectly. This calculation uses the buoyancy force calculation method. It
guarantees that the vessel will float parallel to the water's surface, offering a
more secure haven.
Level flotation: Minimizes submersion of the personnel, lowering risk of
hypothermia and drowning.
This section relates to the outcome of this item, whether it was archived or
failed. This chapter deals with the floating trash collector bike's final design,
the drafting process, the final design's outcome after assembly, the calculation
of the pulley and buoyancy, and discussion at the end. The goals of this project
to create an innovative paddle design that includes a solar system support,
engine, battery, and lamp for use in sport paddling are fully met.
Figure 4.1: Gantt Chart (Part 1)
Figure 4.2: Gantt Chart (Part 2)
Figure 4.3: Gantt Chart (Part 3)
The duration of this project is 92 days (about 3 months), starting from week 1
on Monday 20 March 2023 until when the title was suggested by the student
on week 3 was approved by the supervisor, the co-supervisor, and the program
coordinator. On week 4 was the start of our introduction where research was
made on the project (going through articles/ journals), determining the
objectives and project scope and make the Gantt chart. This was estimated to
be done in 17 days until week 6. After that, decided to move on with the
literature review were reviewed to do more research on the project and parts
of the floating trash collectors and review previous projects and the designs. It
took 14 days (week 8) to do this due to mid semester break and Raya
celebration week. Then, proceeded with our methodology where Mdm.
Fadhlina advised to use the Microsoft Excel to create the Product
Benchmarking, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Concept Selection
Matrix (CSM) so that it’s easier for us to decide on our final design. It took a
month to settle the stages of design. During the stages of design process, there
were a few meeting gatherings and expositions to assist in using some
software’s that were not experienced. From 15th May 2023 until 21st May 2023
(Week 10 – Week 11) was the time duration of our 10 sketches in QFD. From
there designs were eliminated step by step to determine our final design. In
week 12, the design process was finalised, and 3D design had to be created
and the software decided was SOLIDWORKS. In less than one week the
design was finalised and we finished our report. In week 14, our hardcover
report and logbook were handed to Supervisor.
Product benchmarking is a method where it collects all the existing products
and then lists all the specs of the product. For this method, the selection of
existing products must have the same function but different spec. Then, the
specs are compared and evaluated for the next method.
Product benchmarking Table 1 finding has shown there are five vessels that
are compared side by side. The first floating vessel is the trash collecting
bicycle which can be most likely used in sea water. There is a mesh attached
in the front which will collect from the lake. It operates by the paddle wheel at
the back will churn the water providing aeration to the water body and tit will
vacuum any floating trash that goes inside the basket. It’s a dimension of
500mm tall x 500 mm wide X 1800 mm long. It can load 3.9kg of trash per day.
In perspective view, it is inconvenient because it doesn’t have enough
capacity to load the trash and there is no guarantee we can collect any trash
since they used a basket to suck up any small floating trash. Moreover, it is
very dangerous towards the personnel due to the stability of the vessel.
Although, this project is diesel engine or electric motor free which is the motive
of our final year project that wants to achieve. Secondly, there is the
Waterwheel Garbage Collector which is most likely used in rivers or harbour
front. This one activates as a trash interceptor, a vessel that removes trash
from the Jones Falls River as it empties into the Inner Harbor. It has a
dimension of 75ft long x 26 ft. wide x 16 ft. tall. It can load up from 11 to 19
tons per day. This design is approved with the concept of this project although
the power solar energy must be terminated and replace it by using manpower
to hand-pedal the bike crank.
Table 1: Product Benchmarking
Thirdly, the next vessel is the Cataglop vessel where it is usually used for
marina, harbours, and inland waterways. The turbine pumps away the clean
water. Then, the surface water, polluted with oil and hydrocarbons. This vessel
has a dimension of 30-40 metre long. It can load up to 1000L per day.
Personally, it’s not a gravitated design to use except for the V hull design
because it has more speed and stability which our project needs to make sure
it operates smoothly.
Fourthly, are floating drones which are most likely used in oceans &
riverways. They vacuum and cleans plastic waste and biomass from water
bodies using drone technology. This project has a dimension of 155 cm long x
107 cm wide x 45 cm tall. It can load about 160 litres per day. Unfortunately,
this design is rejected due to the energy used which is by drone technology
which defies the objective of this project.
Finally, the last vessel compared in the table is the Interceptor 004. It is
mostly used in pond & oceans. It is a remote monitoring dashboard,
Automation Extraction Control, 4G data uplink to the cloud where personnel
can control the vessel to collect trash like a remote operated automobile. The
vessel has a dimension of 24m long x 5m wide x 8m tall. This vessel can load
up to 55 tons per day of trash. Although, this vessel collects the most trash per
day and it is the easiest way to clean up the trash, but it only has a specific
range to clean waters which one of our main goals is to create a floating vessel
that can go beyond different ranges.
Table 3: Customer Requirements
Table 2: Technical Detail
Since information of the main five vessels have been compared, the parts of
this project have been evaluated in the table shown above. The technical
details are separated into two groups which are the functional group and
performances group. The functional group shows the featured parts used to
build the floating trash collector which consists of Waste Bin, Waterwheel, Bike
Handle, Waterproof Bearing, Waste Collector Stand, Conveyer Belt, Rudder,
Stand, Rudder Post Extension, Helix Gear, Bike Crank Assembly, Crank Post,
PVC Pipes, Paddle, and Chair while the performances group shows the
purpose of the featured parts in the functional group.
For example, the waste bin is used to store rubbish that is collected by
the conveyer belt. The Waterwheel is used to move the vessel. The Bike
Handle is used to steer the rudder. The Waterproof Bearing is used to move
the conveyer belt upwards. The Waste Collector Stand is used for the surface
of the waste collector. The conveyer belt is used to collect water debris,
garbage & plastic. The rudder is used to control the movement of the project.
The stand is used for the surface of the whole vessel. The rudder post
extension is used for to connect the rudder & crank. The helix gear is used to
power transmitting gears.
The Bike Crank Assembly is used to operate the propeller. The Crank
Post is a stand & connection from the crank to the rudder. The PVC Pipes are
used for the structure and floatation of the prototype. The pedal is used to be
hand-pedalled by the operator. Finally, the chair is used for the operator’s
comfort when pedalling the vessel. However, in the customer requirement
segment there are 11 items that need to be required which consists of
durability, eco-friendly, ergonomic, good function, robustness, efficiency, easyoperation, manoeuvrable, and stability.
In every project, customer requirements are important in the quality
function deployment. This is due to the design and introduction of the
product are based on these needs. If these conditions are not satisfied,
customers will almost certainly not purchase the product, and even if
they did, repeat sales would not result. Like needs, but more concrete,
actual, and reachable, are customer requirements.
For the customer requirements, there is a calculation process
that evaluated which will be attending to it shortly. In this project, the
marks are evaluated from 1 (not important) – 5 (very important). For the
durable, eco-friendly, ergonomic, safe to use, portable, good function,
robustness, efficiency, and stability row, it is mentioned with a ranking
of 5 points that is very important for this project. However, for the ecofriendly row, it is mentioned with a ranking of 4 points is important for
this project compared to the other items mentioned above and the for
the portable row consists ranking of 3 points which is moderately
The cumulating of all the points which consists of a total of 255
points. Then, evaluate the absolute weight of the technical details which
are separated into two groups. The functional group shows the featured
parts used to build the floating trash collector while the performances
group shows the purpose of the featured parts in the functional group.
Once evaluated the absolute weight of each part, then divide the total
of each of the technical details with the total of the customer
requirements and multiply by 100%. We will get to estimate the ranking
order from the percentage ranges.
Table 4: Quality Function Deployment Method (QFD)
Table 5: Ranking Order
Table 6: Percentage ranking range
Table 5 & 6 shows the result of customer important in creating a product based
on what customer asked. The result in this table will be used as a guideline to
design Floating Trash Collector Bike. We have ranked the important materials
in 6 different sections. In the 1st Ranking group, we have concluded that Waterproof Bearing is the main important materials with the highest percentage of
For the 2nd Ranking Group, we stated Waste Bin, Bike Handle, PVC
Pipes and Paddle are the 2nd most important materials with a percentage of
80%, 85%, 81% and 84%. In the 3rd Ranking Group we have evaluated that
the Waterwheel, Conveyer Belt, Rudder, Rudder Post Extension, Helix Gear
and Bike Crank Assembly are suited in this category with a percentage of 76%,
77%, 76%, 73%, 76%, 73% and 71%.
For the 4th Ranking Group, it’s evaluated that the Waste Collector Stand
is suited in this category with the percentage of 69%. In the 5th Ranking group,
it is evaluated that that the Crank Post is suited in this category with a
percentage of 55%. Finally, for the 6th Ranking Group it is evaluated that the
Chair is the least important materials used for this project with a percentage of
This approach suggests three phases, which are Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase
3. Phase 1 involves concept screening for an uncomfortable examination
framework that broadens the range of concepts being evaluated. Phase 2
involves implementing the strategy so that it can improve and/or consolidate
the concepts of estimated choice models and a higher rating scale. Finding the
final plan to execute from phases 1 and 2 is the goal of phase 3. A choice
framework that is used to evaluate, rank, and choose the greatest concept
supports each stage. The customer precondition and client significance must
be taken into consideration while scoring Phase 1. Since plans aren't always
finalised at this point and sometimes still need to be carried out, the complete
stamp shouldn't be applied to any one of them. Phase 2 will address the results
of Phase 1, which involved more than ten stamps alone.
Phase 1's outcome was displayed below. “Yes”, signifies that the plan
will be included in the next phase. While no signifies that the strategy won't be
implemented in the subsequent stage. To be in the subsequent stage
configuration can also combine to improve the strategy, like plans 1 and 2.
Phase 2 will see the completion of 5 out of 10 plans at this time due to
the evaluation of the project's actual requirements. Plans 1, 5, 6, 9 and 10 are
chosen as the improve design of the floating trash collector bike in terms of
stability and accountability. The next step is to develop a second plan that
emphasises the plan's two out of one success stories and to assign a score.
Simply write "yes" or "join" "yes" for the conclusion of stage 2, where "yes" and
"consolidate" denote that the plan will be included in the final stage.
Phase 3 is the last to determine which configuration is appropriate for
the customer's requirements and which is crucial for the client. Only three
plans from phase 2, including the best plan, will be picked. Plans 1, 5, 6, 9 and
10 will stick to their original designs. Since this is the final step before using
the product, just say yes or no at this point. “Yes” signifies that the final plan is
implied for outcome stage 3.
Table 7: Concept Selection Matrix – Design 1 to Design 5 (Phase 1)
Table 8: Concept Selection Matrix – Design 6 to Design 10 (Phase 1)
Table 9: Concept Selection Matrix (Phase 2)
Table 10: Concept Selection Matrix (Phase 3)
The final design must be in three dimensions. SOLIDWORKS Educational
Product was used to construct the 3D modelling for this design. The concept
selection matrix approach was used to choose the design.
Figure 4.4: Plan View
Figure 4.5: Side View
Figure 4.6: Front View
Figure 4.7: Final Design of Floating Trash Collector Bike
This assembly process is using with the assembly application on Solidworks
software. For assemble the parts to become of one complete body, the method
that have being used is make the constrain to produce the contact between
the flat surface of two components.
With using this method, the component parts that have been constrained
together will look neater and more organized. This is the last stage process to
build the complete final design drawing. All this process is particularly
important because each of element is related of each other. Figures below
shows the part of have being constrained during the assembly process.
Although, in this segment will show the exploded view of the parts.
First Part
Figure 4.8: Floater
Second Part
Figure 4.9: Frame
Third Part
Figure 4.10: The Pedal Mechanism & Components
Fifth Part
Figure 4.11: Tiller System
Sixth Part
Figure 4.12: Trash Bin
Seventh Part
Figure 4.13: Compartments Assembled.
This is conducted to calculate each pulley's diameter and RPM after the pulley
system has been designed for the floating trash collector bike. n a system with
pulleys like this, both the driver and the driven pulley have the same product
of pulley diameter d and RPM n. It implies that:
The driven pulley consists of a diameter of 150mm while the rotational speed
that has been calculated and shown above is 30RPM while the driver pulley
has a diameter of 50mm and a rotational speed of 90RPM.
D1 x n1 = D2 x n2
50mm x n1= 150mm x 30 RPM
n2 = 150mm x 30 RPM/ 50mm
n2 = 90 RPM
Figure 4.14: Pulley system of the Conveyer belt
As clarifying the matter, the drive pulley will rotate at 30 RPMs if the driven
pulley rotates at 90 RPMs. This makes sense because the driven gear will
rotate more slowly because it is larger which allows the conveyer belt to move
slowly when picking up trash.
This is conducted to ensure that the Floating Trash Collector can float on the
water properly. Calculations on this test need to be made to prove this product
can float perfectly. This calculation uses the buoyancy force calculation
method. The answer is changed from Kilogram unit to unit Newton to obtain
the load capacity that can be supported by the product.
The process of this calculation is to identify the estimated weight of the
components in the vessel based on hull load lines. The formula used to identify
the weight of the components is called force of gravity. By gathering the weight
of all the components will guarantee the estimated draft line of the vessel which
accumulates to 273.092 N @ 27.83kg.
Aluminium Alloy
Weight of Aluminium Alloy
Total aluminium profile used = 18m
= 18m x 0.3 kg/m
= 5.4 kg
W= m x g
= 5.4 kg x 9.81m/s²
= 52.97 N
PVC Pipes
Weight of PVC Pipes = (0.4kg/m)
Total PVC Pipes used = 13m
= 13m x 0.4 kg/m
= 5.2 kg
= 5.2 kg x 9.81m/s²
= 51.01 N
Weight of Waterwheel = 3kg each
Total Propeller used = 3kg x 2
= 6kg
= 6kg x 9.81m/s²
= 58.86 N
Trash bin
Weight of Trash Bin = m x g
= 5kg x 9.81m/s²
= 49.05 N
Crank & Pulley Mechanism
Weight of Crank & Pulley Mechanism = m x g
= 4kg x 9.81m/s²
= 39.24 N
Waterwheel Shaft
Weight of Propeller Shaft = (4kg/m)
Total Propeller Shaft used = 0.5m
= 0.5m x 4 kg/m
= 2 kg
= 2 kg x 9.81m/s²
= 19.62 N
Weight of Water wheel = 15 kg
= 15 kg x 9.81m/s²
= 19.62 N
Conveyer Belt
Weight of Crank & Pulley Mechanism = m x g
= 0.2kg x 9.81m/s²
= 1.962 N
Gross weight of Vessel:1.962N + 19.62N + 39.62N + 58.86N + 51.01N +
52.97N + 49.05N = 273.092 N
The process of this calculation is to identify the buoyancy force of the PVC
Pipe and to determine the estimated trash load of the vessel can carry which
is estimated about 202.2 kg including personnel. Based on figure 4.15, the
gross weight is the capacity of the personnel on the vessel which weighs
around 100kg at 6.4 cm. The deadweight is the capacity of the trash load at
75kg and personnel around 100kg on the vessel at 11.5cm.
Radius of the PVC Pipe = 0.15 m
Height of the PVC Pipes = 13 m
Density of water, p = 1000kg/m³
Volume of PVC Pipe, V = 𝜋𝑟²ℎ
= 0.23 m³
Gravity force = 9.81m/s²
FB = pVg
=1000kg/m³ x 0.23 m³ x 9.81m/s²
= 2256.3 N
2256.3 N – 273.092 N = 1983.21 N
Change to kg to identify the load line based on the figure below.
M = W/g
= 1983.21N / 9.81 m/s^2
= 202.2 kg
Figure 4.15: Hull Safe Load Lines
In the figure, shows the buoyancy of the hull according to the load lines.
The diameter of the pipe (height of the hull) is measured in 15 cm. 1-line
equals to 1cm and 1cm represent 20kg. From the calculation, shows that
there is additional amount the vessel could load which is lightweight (not
including the personnel).
From figure 4.10, the crank pulley turns into forward direction when the
personnel start to pedal, simultaneously the belt will drive the
Waterwheel shaft which is attached with another pulley. Another
propeller pulley will drive the Conveyor Twin Pulley. The smaller pulley
that is attached to the bigger pulley will rotate in a forward motion
leading the belting on the bigger pulley to drive the upper shaft pulley of
the conveyor. The upper small idle conveyer pulley is attached to the
gear which allows the conveyer to move in a clockwise direction while
the idle gear which mesh with the upper conveyor shaft gear moves in
an anti-clockwise direction allowing the conveyer to bring the trash
move upwards and dump it inside the bin.
The tiller in figure 4.11, is running by using wire and pulley. To alter
course of the vessel to the port, personnel must step on the left footrest,
and it will control the rudder to the port. Instantly, the right footrest will
move backwards, and it goes vice versa on the starboard side. This
system is inspired by the theory of a small aircraft that controls the tiller.
This chapter is the last part of this project. In this chapter, it discusses the
conclusions that can be drawn in this project, summary of the project and is
followed by a section of recommendations for improvements for this product.
After sketching and putting everything together, this design has
successfully produced the Floating Trash Collector Bike.
This design can create a more advanced model by including compartments
for items like a conveyer belt, crank, propeller, rudder, shafts, PVC pipes, and
others. Using the entire compartment mentioned above in this section is a
smart use of a hand-pedalled-wheel conveyer. When the model is totally
constructed, the paddler will have a better and more comfortable experience.
The study's methodology involved using hand calculations and an
innovative design for a floating trash bike and a combination waterwheel waste
collector. Since the device logically operates in water, we designed it to be
waterproof. In order to perform for a long time, it should be corrosion-free. Then,
as an improvement over the garbage wheel collector, our concept relies
exclusively on human labour through hand-paddling by staff members rather
than mechanical or solar power. By forgoing the purchase of pricey solar
panels and fuel for a motored power system, this will save money.
This design floating trash collecting model can possibly collect rubbish
estimate up to 100kg. The maximum weight of the personnel could weigh up
to 100kg to hop on the vessel. This project design can a success one day and
would be able to help minimize pollution in ponds, lakes, and rivers.
As a result, we can draw the conclusion that our project is effective at
saving money during the actual project's construction, can help preserve the
environment by avoiding the use of fuel that emits harmful gases and doesn't
require the use of battery capacity during operation, eliminates the problem of
short circuit breakout, and can minimise the need for human labour to maintain
our environment's cleanliness.
It is proposed that further studies be conducted for future work and add
crank pulley ratios to bigger pulleys so that personnel don’t burden themselves
in using their strength to pedal control the vessel and gain more power to move
the propeller. Another recommendation to consider is to find and alternative
way to make the bike crank simultaneously operate the conveyer belt and
control the rudder. Next, is to add in nets below the hull so it could gather up
trash before allowing it to move the trash upwards and dump it to the bin. This
is due to allowing trash from lower water levels to be extracted and compiled
before lifting it from the conveyer belt to the bin. Besides that, redesign the
rudder to a sophisticated design so the vessel could alter course in a smoother
way. Finally, hope that one day this design could come to life and help the
marine industry in limiting water pollution.
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