RENZ LUI B. DEL ROSARIO Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 2023390123 Module 2 Exercise Actual Integral and Derivative Values for Reference Given: P(x) = Actual Integral: e I = √2π Given: P(x)dx P(x) = . x1 = -2 x2 = 1.6 I I e √2π x = 0.75 e dx √2π = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟓 = Actual Derivative: 1 −xe . D = e . (2)(−0.5x) = √2π √2π −0.75e . ( . ) D = √2π D = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟖𝟓 1. Multiple Application Trapezoidal Rule x P(x) -2 -1.1 -0.2 0.7 1.6 0.05399 0.21785 0.39104 0.31225 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.9 n 4 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=4 I= x P(x) -2 -1.55 -1.1 -0.65 -0.2 0.25 0.7 1.15 1.6 0.05399 0.12001 0.21785 0.32297 0.39104 0.38667 0.31225 0.20594 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Trapezoidal Rule (n = 4) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 2 0.43570 2 0.78208 2 0.62450 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 2.00719 h ΣP(xi ) 0.9 (2.00719) = = 0.90324 2 2 Trapezoidal Rule (n = 8) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 2 0.24002 2 0.43570 2 0.64594 2 0.78208 2 0.77334 2 0.62450 2 0.41188 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 4.07837 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.45 n 8 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=8 I= x P(x) -2 -1.7 -1.4 -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3 1.6 0.05399 0.09405 0.14973 0.21785 0.28969 0.35207 0.39104 0.39695 0.36827 0.31225 0.24197 0.17137 0.11092 h ΣP(xi ) 0.45 (4.07837) = = 0.91763 2 2 Trapezoidal Rule (n = 12) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 2 0.18810 2 0.29946 2 0.43570 2 0.57938 2 0.70414 2 0.78208 2 0.79390 2 0.73654 2 0.62450 2 0.48394 2 0.34274 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 6.13539 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.3 n 12 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 12 I= x P(x) -2 -1.775 -1.55 -1.325 -1.1 -0.875 -0.65 -0.425 -0.2 0.025 0.25 0.475 0.7 0.925 1.15 1.375 1.6 0.05399 0.08256 0.12001 0.16584 0.21785 0.27205 0.32297 0.36449 0.39104 0.39882 0.38667 0.35638 0.31225 0.26008 0.20594 0.15501 0.11092 Given: P(x) = h ΣP(xi ) 0.3 (6.13539) = = 0.92031 2 2 Trapezoidal Rule (n = 16) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 2 0.16512 2 0.24002 2 0.33168 2 0.43570 2 0.54410 2 0.64594 2 0.72898 2 0.78208 2 0.79764 2 0.77334 2 0.71276 2 0.62450 2 0.52016 2 0.41188 2 0.31002 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 8.18883 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.225 n 16 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 16 I= h ΣP(xi ) 0.225 (8.18883) = = 0.92124 2 2 2. Multiple Application Simpson’s 1/3 Rule x P(x) -2 -1.1 -0.2 0.7 1.6 0.05399 0.21785 0.39104 0.31225 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.9 n 4 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=4 Given: P(x) = e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=8 Simpson’s 1/3 Rule (n = 4) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 4 0.87140 2 0.78208 4 1.24900 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 3.06739 I= x P(x) -2 -1.55 -1.1 -0.65 -0.2 0.25 0.7 1.15 1.6 0.05399 0.12001 0.21785 0.32297 0.39104 0.38667 0.31225 0.20594 0.11092 h ΣP(xi ) 0.9 (3.06739) = = 0.92022 3 3 Simpson’s 1/3 Rule (n = 8) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 4 0.48004 2 0.43570 4 1.29188 2 0.78208 4 1.54668 2 0.62450 4 0.82376 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 6.14955 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.45 n 8 I= h ΣP(xi ) 0.45 (6.14955) = = 0.92243 3 3 x P(x) -2 -1.7 -1.4 -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3 1.6 0.05399 0.09405 0.14973 0.21785 0.28969 0.35207 0.39104 0.39695 0.36827 0.31225 0.24197 0.17137 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.3 n 12 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 12 I= x P(x) -2 -1.775 -1.55 -1.325 -1.1 -0.875 -0.65 -0.425 -0.2 0.025 0.25 0.475 0.7 0.925 1.15 1.375 1.6 0.05399 0.08256 0.12001 0.16584 0.21785 0.27205 0.32297 0.36449 0.39104 0.39882 0.38667 0.35638 0.31225 0.26008 0.20594 0.15501 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Simpson’s 1/3 Rule (n = 12) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 4 0.37620 2 0.29946 4 0.87140 2 0.57938 4 1.40828 2 0.78208 4 1.58780 2 0.73654 4 1.24900 2 0.48394 4 0.68548 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 9.22447 h ΣP(xi ) 0.3 (9.22447) = = 0.92245 3 3 Simpson’s 1/3 Rule (n = 16) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 4 0.33024 2 0.24002 4 0.66336 2 0.43570 4 1.08820 2 0.64594 4 1.45796 2 0.78208 4 1.59528 2 0.77334 4 1.42552 2 0.62450 4 1.04032 2 0.41188 4 0.62004 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 12.29929 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.225 n 16 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 16 I= h ΣP(xi ) 0.225 (12.29929) = = 0.92245 3 3 3. Multiple Application Simpson’s 3/8 Rule Given: P(x) = e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=6 x P(x) -2 -1.4 -0.8 -0.2 0.4 1 1.6 0.05399 0.14973 0.28969 0.39104 0.36827 0.24197 0.11092 Simpson’s 3/8 Rule (n = 6) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 3 0.44919 3 0.86907 2 0.78208 3 1.10481 3 0.72591 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 4.09597 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.6 n 6 I= 3h ΣP(xi ) 3 (0.6) (4.09597) = = 0.92159 8 8 x P(x) -2 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0.05399 0.11092 0.19419 0.28969 0.36827 0.39894 0.36827 0.28969 0.19419 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.4 n 9 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=9 I= x P(x) -2 -1.7 -1.4 -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3 1.6 0.05399 0.09405 0.14973 0.21785 0.28969 0.35207 0.39104 0.39695 0.36827 0.31225 0.24197 0.17137 0.11092 Given: P(x) = P(x) = e e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 15 3h ΣP(xi ) 3 (0.4) (6.14943) = = 0.92241 8 8 Simpson’s 3/8 Rule (n = 12) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 3 0.28215 3 0.44919 2 0.43570 3 0.86907 3 1.05621 2 0.78208 3 1.19085 3 1.10481 2 0.62450 3 0.72591 3 0.51411 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 8.19949 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.3 n 12 √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 12 Given: Simpson’s 3/8 Rule (n = 9) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 3 0.33276 3 0.58257 2 0.57938 3 1.10481 3 1.19682 2 0.73654 3 0.86907 3 0.58257 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 6.14943 I= x P(x) -2 -1.76 -1.52 -1.28 -1.04 -0.8 -0.56 -0.32 -0.08 0.16 0.4 0.64 0.88 1.12 1.36 1.6 0.05399 0.08478 0.12566 0.17585 0.23230 0.28969 0.34105 0.37903 0.39767 0.39387 0.36827 0.32506 0.27086 0.21307 0.15822 0.11092 3h ΣP(xi ) 3 (0.3) (8.19949) = = 0.92244 8 8 Simpson’s 3/8 Rule (n = 15) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 3 0.25434 3 0.37698 2 0.35170 3 0.69690 3 0.86907 2 0.68210 3 1.13709 3 1.19301 2 0.78774 3 1.10481 3 0.97518 2 0.54172 3 0.63921 3 0.47466 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 10.24942 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.24 n 15 I= 3h ΣP(xi ) 3 (0.24) (10.24942) = = 0.92245 8 8 4. Multiple Application Boole’s Rule x P(x) -2 -1.1 -0.2 0.7 1.6 0.05399 0.21785 0.39104 0.31225 0.11092 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.9 n 4 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=4 I= x P(x) -2 -1.55 -1.1 -0.65 -0.2 0.25 0.7 1.15 1.6 0.05399 0.12001 0.21785 0.32297 0.39104 0.38667 0.31225 0.20594 0.11092 Given: P(x) = e Boole’s Rule (n = 8) Coefficient, c 7 32 12 32 14 32 12 32 7 I= x P(x) -2 -1.7 -1.4 -1.1 -0.8 -0.5 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3 1.6 0.05399 0.09405 0.14973 0.21785 0.28969 0.35207 0.39104 0.39695 0.36827 0.31225 0.24197 0.17137 0.11092 Given: e Boole’s Rule (n = 12) Coefficient, c 7 32 12 32 14 32 12 32 14 32 12 32 7 I= x P(x) -2 -1.775 -1.55 -1.325 -1.1 -0.875 -0.65 -0.425 0.05399 0.08256 0.12001 0.16584 0.21785 0.27205 0.32297 0.36449 c*P(x) 0.37793 3.84032 2.6142 10.33504 5.47456 12.37344 3.747 6.59008 0.77644 ΣP(xi) = 46.12901 2h ΣP(xi ) 2 (0.45) (46.12901) = = 0.92258 45 45 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.3 n 12 √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 12 c*P(x) 0.37793 6.97120 4.69248 9.99200 0.77644 ΣP(xi) = 22.81005 2h ΣP(xi ) 2 (0.9) (22.81005) = = 0.91240 45 45 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.45 n 8 √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=8 P(x) = Boole’s Rule (n = 4) Coefficient, c 7 32 12 32 7 c*P(x) 0.37793 3.00960 1.79676 6.97120 4.05566 11.26624 4.69248 12.70240 5.15578 9.99200 2.90364 5.48384 0.77644 ΣP(xi) = 69.18397 2h ΣP(xi ) 2 (0.3) (69.18397) = = 0.92245 45 45 Boole’s Rule (n = 16) Coefficient, c 7 32 12 32 14 32 12 32 c*P(x) 0.37793 2.64192 1.44012 5.30688 3.04990 8.70560 3.87564 11.66368 -0.2 0.025 0.25 0.475 0.7 0.925 1.15 1.375 1.6 0.39104 0.39882 0.38667 0.35638 0.31225 0.26008 0.20594 0.15501 0.11092 14 32 12 32 14 32 12 32 7 Given: P(x) = 5.47456 12.76224 4.64004 11.40416 4.37150 8.32256 2.47128 4.96032 0.77644 ΣP(xi) = 92.24477 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 0.225 n 16 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n = 16 I= 2h ΣP(xi ) 2 (0.225) (92.24477) = = 0.92245 45 45 5. Romberg Integration x P(x) -2 1.6 0.05399 0.11092 Trapezoidal Rule (n = 1) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 0.16491 Given: P(x) = Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 3.6 n 1 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=1 I= x P(x) -2 -0.2 1.6 0.05399 0.39104 0.11092 Trapezoidal Rule (n = 2) Coefficient, c c*P(x) 1 0.05399 2 0.78208 1 0.11092 ΣP(xi) = 0.94699 Given: P(x) = h ΣP(xi ) 3.6 (0.16491) = = 0.29684 2 2 Solution: b − a 1.6 − (-2) h= = = 1.8 n 2 e √2π x1 = a = -2 x2 = b = 1.6 n=2 I= n h I(h) 16 8 4 2 1 0.225 0.45 0.9 1.8 3.6 I(h5) = 0.92124 I(h4) = 0.91763 I(h3) = 0.90324 I(h2) = 0.85229 I(h1) = 0.29684 h ΣP(xi ) 1.8 (0.94699) = = 0.85229 2 2 O(h4) k=2 I(h45) = 0.92244 I(h34) = 0.92243 I(h23) = 0.92022 I(h12) = 1.03744 Solutions for k = 2: O(h6) k=3 I(h345) = 0.92244 I(h234) = 0.92275 I(h123) = 0.90347 O(h8) k=4 I(h2345) = 0.92242 I(h1234) = 0.92404 O(h10) k=5 I(h12345) = 0.92237 Solutions for k = 3: I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.92124 − 0.91763 = 0.92124 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟒 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.92244 − 0.92243 = 0.92244 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟒 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.91763 − 0.90324 = 0.91763 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟑 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.92243 − 0.92022 = 0.92243 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟕𝟓 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.90324 − 0.85229 = 0.90324 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.92022 − 1.03744 = 0.92022 + = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟎𝟑𝟒𝟕 2 −1 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h ) + I(h ) − I(h ) 0.85229 − 0.29684 = 0.85229 + = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟑𝟕𝟒𝟒 2 −1 2 −1 Solutions for k = 4: I(h ) = I(h )+ I(h Solution for k = 5: ) − I(h 2 −1 ) = 0.92244 + 0.92244 − 0.92275 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟐 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h )+ I(h ) − I(h 2 −1 ) = 0.92242 + 0.92242 − 0.92404 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟐𝟑𝟕 2 −1 I(h ) = I(h I(h )+ ) − I(h 2 −1 ) = 0.92275 + 0.92275 − 0.90347 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟐𝟒𝟎𝟒 2 −1 6. Truncation Errors A. Multiple Application Trapezoidal Rule Avg. f(2) -0.07929 -0.07929 -0.07929 -0.07929 n 4 8 12 16 Ea 0.01927 0.00482 0.00214 0.00120 I(h) 0.90324 0.91763 0.92031 0.92124 Solution: f(x) = e Avg. f ( ) √2π f (x) = 1 √2π f (x) = 1 √2π . e (2)(−0.5x) = . x(e √2π )(2)(−0.5x) + e . (x − 1)e . √2π 1.6 − (−2) . dx = −0.07929 for n = 4: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.07929) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟗𝟐𝟕 12n 12(4) . −xe ∫ f (x)dx ∫ = = b−a I(a) = I(h) + Ea 0.92251 0.92245 0.92245 0.92244 (1) = (x − 1)e . √2π for n = 8: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.07929) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟒𝟖𝟐 12n 12(8) for n = 12: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.07929) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟏𝟒 12n 12(12) for n = 16: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.07929) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟎 12n 12(16) B. Multiple Application Simpson’s 1/3 Rule Avg. f(4) -0.0083 -0.0083 -0.0083 -0.0083 n 4 8 12 16 Solution: (x − 1)e f (x) = √2π f (x) = f (x) = f (x) = f (x) = Ea 0.00011 0.00001 0 0 . Avg. f 1 e . (2x) + (x − 1) e √2π (3x − x )e . . (2)(−0.5x) √2π 1 I(h) 0.92022 0.92243 0.92245 0.92245 . e (3 − 3x ) + (3x − x ) e √2π (3 − 6x + x )e . . (2)(−0.5x) √2π ( ) ∫ f (x)dx ∫ = = b−a . (3 − 6x + x )e √2π 1.6 − (−2) I(a) = I(h) + Ea 0.92033 0.92244 0.92245 0.92245 . dx = −0.00830 for n = 4: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟏 180n 180(4) for n = 8: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏 180n 180(8) for n = 12: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = =𝟎 180n 180(12) for n = 16: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = =𝟎 180n 180(16) C. Multiple Application Simpson’s 3/8 Rule n 6 9 12 15 Avg. f(4) -0.0083 -0.0083 -0.0083 -0.0083 Ea 0.00005 0.00001 0 0 I(h) 0.92159 0.92241 0.92244 0.92245 I(a) = I(h) + Ea 0.92164 0.92242 0.92244 0.92245 Solution: (3 − 6x + x )e f (x) = √2π ∫ f (x)dx ∫ Avg. f ( ) = = b−a . (3 − 6x + x )e √2π 1.6 − (−2) . . dx = −0.00830 for n = 6: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟓 80n 80(6) for n = 9: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏 80n 80(9) for n = 12: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = =𝟎 80n 80(12) for n = 15: −(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −[1.6 − (−2)] (−0.00830) E = = =𝟎 80n 80(15) D. Multiple Application Boole’s Rule Avg. f(6) 0.46943 0.46943 0.46943 0.46943 n 4 8 12 16 Solution: (3 − 6x + x )e f (x) = √2π f (x) = f (x) = f (x) = f (x) = Ea -0.00190 -0.00003 0 0 . Avg. f ( ) = (3 − 6x + x ) e . √2π (−15x + 10x − x )e . (2)(−0.5x) + e . (−12x + 4x ) e . (x)dx . = . (−15 + 45x − 15x + x )e √2π 1.6 − (−2) . dx for n = 8: −2(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −2[1.6 − (−2)] (0.46943) E = = = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟑 945n 945(8) (−15 + 30x − 5x ) + (−15x + 10x − x )(e (−15 + 45x − 15x + x )e . ∫ I(a) = I(h) + Ea 0.91050 0.92255 0.92245 0.92245 for n = 4: −2(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −2[1.6 − (−2)] (0.46943) E = = = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟗𝟎 945n 945(4) √2π 1 ∫ f b−a Avg. f ( ) = 0.46943 1 √2π I(h) 0.91240 0.92258 0.92245 0.92245 )(2)(−0.5x) for n = 12: −2(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −2[1.6 − (−2)] (0.46943) E = = =𝟎 945n 945(12) √2π for n = 16: −2(b − a) Avg. f ( ) −2[1.6 − (−2)] (0.46943) E = = =𝟎 945n 945(16) 7. Numerical Differentiation A. Forward Finite Divided Difference with Richardson’s Extrapolation h xi xi+h xi+2h f(xi) f(xi+h) f(xi+2h) Truncated 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.8125 0.78125 1 0.875 0.8125 0.30114 0.30114 0.30114 0.27205 0.28679 0.29402 0.24197 0.27205 0.28679 -0.23272 -0.22960 -0.22784 h 0.03125 0.0625 0.125 Given: f(x) = e √2π x = 0.75 h = 0.125 h = 0.0625 D(h) D(h3) = -0.22784 D(h2) = -0.22960 D(h1) = -0.23272 k=2 D(h23) = -0.22725 D(h12) = -0.22856 More Accurate -0.22876 -0.22648 -0.22608 k=3 D(h123) = -0.22706 Solutions using the truncated formula: Solutions using the more accurate formula: for h1 = 0.125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.27205 − 0.30114 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟑𝟐𝟕𝟐 0.125 for h1 = 0.125: ) + 4f(x ) − 3f(x ) −f(x f (x ) = 2h −0.24197 + 4(0.27205) − 3(0.30114) f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟖𝟕𝟔 2(0.125) h = 0.03125 for h2 = 0.0625: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.28679 − 0.30114 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟔𝟎 0.0625 for h2 = 0.0625: ) + 4f(x ) − 3f(x ) −f(x f (x ) = 2h −0.27205 + 4(0.28679) − 3(0.30114) f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟔𝟒𝟖 2(0.0625) for h3 = 0.03125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.29402 − 0.30114 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟕𝟖𝟒 0.03125 for h3 = 0.03125: ) + 4f(x ) − 3f(x ) −f(x f (x ) = 2h −0.28679 + 4(0.29402) − 3(0.30114) f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟔𝟎𝟖 2(0.03125) Solutions using Richardson’s extrapolation: for k = 2: D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22784 − (−0.22960) = −0.22784 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟕𝟐𝟓 2 −1 2 −1 D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22960 − (−0.23272) = −0.22960 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟔 2 −1 2 −1 for k = 3: D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22725 − (−0.22856) = −0.22725 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟕𝟎𝟔 2 −1 2 −1 B. Backward Finite Divided Difference with Richardson’s Extrapolation h xi xi-h xi-2h f(xi) f(xi-h) f(xi-2h) Truncated 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.625 0.6875 0.71875 0.5 0.625 0.6875 0.30114 0.30114 0.30114 0.32816 0.31497 0.30813 0.35207 0.32816 0.31497 -0.21616 -0.22128 -0.22368 h 0.03125 0.0625 0.125 Given: f(x) = e √2π x = 0.75 h = 0.125 h = 0.0625 h = 0.03125 D(h) D(h3) = -0.22368 D(h2) = -0.22128 D(h1) = -0.21616 k=2 D(h23) = -0.22448 D(h12) = -0.22299 k=3 D(h123) = -0.22469 Solutions using the truncated formula: Solutions using the more accurate formula: for h1 = 0.125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.30114 − 0.32816 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟏𝟔𝟏𝟔 0.125 for h1 = 0.125: ) 3f(x ) − 4f(x ) + f(x f (x ) = 2h 3(0.30114) − 4(0.32816) + 0.35207 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟖𝟔𝟎 2(0.125) for h2 = 0.0625: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.30114 − 0.31497 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟏𝟐𝟖 0.0625 for h2 = 0.0625: ) 3f(x ) − 4f(x ) + f(x f (x ) = 2h 3(0.30114) − 4(0.31497) + 0.32816 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟔𝟒𝟎 2(0.0625) for h3 = 0.03125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.30114 − 0.30813 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟑𝟔𝟖 0.03125 for h3 = 0.03125: ) 3f(x ) − 4f(x ) + f(x f (x ) = 2h 3(0.30114) − 4(0.30813) + 0.31497 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟔𝟎𝟖 2(0.03125) Solutions using Richardson’s extrapolation: for k = 2: D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22368 − (−0.22128) = −0.22368 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟒𝟖 2 −1 2 −1 D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22128 − (−0.21616) = −0.22128 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟗 2 −1 2 −1 for k = 3: D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22448 − (−0.22299) = −0.22448 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟔𝟗 2 −1 2 −1 More Accurate -0.22860 -0.22640 -0.22608 C. Centered Finite Divided Difference with Richardson’s Extrapolation h xi xi+2h xi+h xi-h xi-2h f(xi+2h) f(xi+h) f(xi-h) f(xi-2h) Truncated 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 0.875 0.8125 0.875 0.8125 0.78125 0.625 0.6875 0.71875 0.5 0.625 0.6875 0.24197 0.27205 0.28679 0.27205 0.28679 0.29402 0.32816 0.31497 0.30813 0.35207 0.32816 0.31497 -0.22444 -0.22544 -0.22576 h 0.03125 0.0625 0.125 Given: f(x) = e √2π x = 0.75 h = 0.125 h = 0.0625 h = 0.03125 D(h) D(h3) = -0.22576 D(h2) = -0.22544 D(h1) = -0.22444 k=2 D(h23) = -0.22587 D(h12) = -0.22577 k=3 D(h123) = -0.22588 Solutions using the truncated formula: Solutions using the more accurate formula: for h1 = 0.125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.27205 − 0.32816 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟒𝟒 0.125 for h1 = 0.125: ) + 8f(x −f(x f (x ) = for h2 = 0.0625: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.28679 − 0.31497 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟒𝟒 0.0625 for h2 = 0.0625: ) + 8f(x −f(x f (x ) = for h3 = 0.03125: f(x ) − f(x ) f (x ) = h 0.29402 − 0.30813 (x ) f = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟕𝟔 0.03125 ) − 8f(x ) + f(x ) 12h −0.24197 + 8(0.27205) − 8(0.32816) + 0.35207 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟖𝟓 12(0.125) ) − 8f(x ) + f(x ) 12h −0.27205 + 8(0.28679) − 8(0.31497) + 0.32816 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟕𝟕 12(0.0625) for h3 = 0.03125: ) + 8f(x −f(x f (x ) = ) − 8f(x ) + f(x ) 12h −0.28679 + 8(0.29402) − 8(0.30813) + 0.31497 f (x ) = = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟖𝟕 12(0.03125) Solutions using Richardson’s extrapolation: for k = 2: D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22576 − (−0.22544) = −0.22576 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟖𝟕 2 −1 2 −1 D(h ) = D(h ) + D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22544 − (−0.22444) = −0.22544 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟕𝟕 2 −1 2 −1 for k = 3: D(h ) = D(h ) + More Accurate -0.22585 -0.22577 -0.22587 D(h ) − D(h ) −0.22587 − (−0.22577) = −0.22587 + = −𝟎. 𝟐𝟐𝟓𝟖𝟖 2 −1 2 −1