CHEMISTRY INTRO TO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING AGENDA Key Vocabulary Reading Assignment and Worksheet Grading Rubric 2 KEY VOCABULARY Science A method of collecting knowledge which uses evidence to construct explanations and predictions of natural phenomena which can be tested. A Phenomenon is an observable fact or event that exists or happens and is susceptible to scientific explanation. 3 KEY VOCABULARY Hypothesis A testable statement that can be supported or not supported by observational evidence. Scientific Theory A well-established explanation of a natural or physical phenomenon. Scientific Law A concise statement that summarizes a set of observations and experiments. 4 ASSIGNMENT Reading Assignment and Worksheet in Canvas • Complete the Worksheet from the Reading Assignment • Take the rest of the period to complete. • What doesn’t get finished is homework. • Collaborate with your table partner. • Do NOT leave your assigned seat to work with somebody else. 5 SCORING RUBRIC Maximum Score Submit today or before class tomorrow 100 1 day late 90* 2 days late 80 3 days late 70 4 days late 60 5 days late and after 50 * After 1 day late, zero goes into Skyward 6 THANK YOU Brita Tamm 502-555-0152