BASC106A: SELECTION AND CULLING OF PIGS Prepared by: Romeldrian N. Carique Faculty Member De La Salle Araneta University DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1 Methods of Selection DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2 SELECTION & CULLING DEMO VIDEOS Selection Culling DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 3 A. PEDIGREE EVALUATION This method relies heavily on ancestry records which at times are reliable, and in most cases, not available. B. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE This is the most common, simple, effective, and practical method. Based on this method, animal are evaluated for traits that can be measured directly on them such as ADG and BF. b1. Independent culling level = 1 trait b2. Tandem Method = 2 or more traits are entirely independent from each other. C. SELECTION INDEX The most efficient way of establishing genetic quality to improve the herd. However, this is difficult to apply as it considers many traits along with their heritability, phenotypic and genotypic correlations, and economic values of the different traits being considered in an index. DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 4 Selection of Breeds A. To start with, the breed popular in the community should be given priority. Easily to replace Always available DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Adaptable with the environment and practices 5 B. Experience and knowledge As a beginner, start with crossbreeds because they do not require the technology needed by purebreds DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 6 C. Target Market Pointers in Selecting Breeders Healthy, vigorous, and active Free from hereditary defects and diseases Promise of good gainers and rapid growers Never purchase/ buy runts Rapid growers usually comes from highest weight at weaning DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 7 Pointers in Replacing or Culling 1. Cull Gilts that do not settle inspire of repeated matings 2. Cull Prolific sow which failed to wean and healthy piglets 6. Cull animal found + contagious/ infectious diseases 7. Cull boars that have difficulty in mounting 3. Cull sow that do not reproduce regularly 8. Remove weak and runt piglets 4. Cull sow that with poor maternal instinct and mothering ability 5. Cull animals transmitting undesirable traits 9. Dispose slow growing pigs 10. Cull breeders with feet problems and damaged teats DE LA SALLE ARANETA UNIVERSITY-DOCTORS OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 8