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Parking management mid term defence report

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Background Study ......................................................................................... 5
1.1 Problem Statement ................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Feasibility Analysis ............................................................................................... 6
System Requirement ........................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Software Requirements ...................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Hardware Requirements..................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2. Literature Review .............................................................................................. 8
Key Features ....................................................................................................... 8
Benefits ............................................................................................................... 8
Challenges ........................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3: Methodology ..................................................................................................... 9
3.1 System Design and Block Diagram ........................................................................ 10
3.1.1 Architectural Design ........................................................................................ 10
3.1.2 Data flow diagram.............................................................................................11
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion ..................................................................................... 12
4.1 Output ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Work Completed ..................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Work Remaining ..................................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 User Side .......................................................................................................... 14
4.3.2 Admin Side....................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Problem Faced ........................................................................................................ 14
4.5 Work Schedule ........................................................................................................ 15
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 16
List of Figures
Figure 1-Waterfall model for software development .......................................................... 9
Figure 2-Architectural design of Parking management system ........................................ 10
Figure 3-High level design of ‘Parking management system'. ..........................................11
Figure 4-Level 0 DFD of the system. ................................................................................11
Figure 5-Level 1 DFD of the system ................................................................................ 12
Figure 6-Gantt chart .......................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 1: Background Study
Parking management systems have become increasingly crucial in urban environments
worldwide due to the growing challenges associated with urbanization, traffic congestion,
and limited parking spaces. These systems integrate technology to efficiently manage
parking facilities, optimize space utilization, enhance user experience, and streamline
operations for both parking lot owners and users. We're looking at how current parking
systems work, what issues they have, and how we can make things better. We're also
checking out the latest web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to see
how we can use them to create our system. Plus, we're talking to potential users to
understand what they really need from a parking system.
1.1 Problem Statement
Mismanagement of parking space is one of the major issues in this modern world. Hence
an efficient parking system is to be designed to overcome this global issue. The current
state of parking facilities often involves unauthorized usage, inefficient space utilization
and lack of real-time information on availability of parking spaces. This project seeks to
address such concerns by introducing a well-built real-time monitor parking management
system. This system aims to transform parking management.
1.2 Objective
Implement real-time monitoring and updates for parking space availability.
Ensure secure system access and a payment system.
Develop a user-friendly interface.
Provide administrators with advanced analytics tools.
Design the system in such a way that it can be improved through updates
and future advancements.
1.3 Feasibility Analysis
1.3.1 Economic Feasibility
The primary cost lies in developing the software infrastructure, including user interfaces,
backend systems, and integration with hardware components. This includes expenses for
hiring developers, designers, and project managers. Apart from the initial cost, the system
does not require any additional expenses. Therefore, it is considered economically feasible.
1.3.2 Technical Feasibility
Our project results a very simple and user-friendly outcome. The technical feasibility in the
proposed system deals with the technology used in the system. It deals with the hardware
and software used in the system whether they are of the latest technology or not. It happens
that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the user wants the system based
on that technology. This system uses windows platform, PHP, MYSQL making our project
Vehicle parking management system technically feasible.
1.3.3 Operational Feasibility
This project is operationally feasible in the sense that this is done on a computer. Hence,
data is more secure than before, reduces risk of loss of data and updates in automated
manner reduces the error occurring chances. And this software does not require any other
technical person to operate it as a person with very few computers does as fine.
1.4 System Requirement
1.4.1 Software Requirements
User Management: Register and manage different types of users.
Parking Space Management: Creation, modification, and deletion of parking
Vehicle Management: Registration and management of vehicles associated with
user accounts.
Payment Processing: Integration of payment gateway.
Reporting and analytics: Data visualization tools for presenting analytics insights.
Security: Measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks.
1.4.2 Hardware Requirements
 Servers.
 Database management system.
 Networking equipment such as routers switches.
 Workstations.
Chapter 2. Literature Review
Parking management software plays a crucial role in optimizing the utilization of parking
spaces, enhancing user experience, and streamlining operations in urban environments.
This literature review aims to provide an overview of existing research and literature
pertaining to parking management software, focusing on key features, benefits, challenges,
and emerging trends. [1]
2.1 Key Features
 Real time monitoring.
 Payment Processing.
 Enforcement and analytics.
2.2 Benefits
Reduced Traffic congestion.
Improved user experience.
2.3 Challenges
 Data privacy and security.
 Proper study is required for system development.
 Integration with existing system.
In conclusion, for software developers, understanding the literature surrounding parking
management software provides valuable insights into key features, benefits and challenges.
Chapter 3: Methodology
When developing the website, we will use the Waterfall Model. This project can be built
using the Waterfall Model since it has set criteria, well-understood technology, plenty of
time, and explicit documentation.
Figure 1-Waterfall model for software development
3.1 System Design and Block Diagram
System design is the most creative and challenging. The System Design Document
describes the system requirements, operating environment, system and subsystem
architecture, files and database design, input formats, output layouts, human-machine
interfaces, detailed design, processing logic, and external interfaces.
3.1.1 Architectural Design
In the Parking management system, users interact with system through simple
interface. The data is collected from users and stored in the database through
which server provides cart detail to users. Users have unique account numbers
which differentiate them from other users.
Figure 2-Architectural design of Parking management system
Figure 3-High level design of ‘Parking management system'.
3.1.2 Data flow diagram
Level 0:
Figure 4-Level 0 DFD of the system.
Level 1:
Figure 5-Level 1 DFD of the system
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion
4.1 Output
The output of ‘Parking Management System’ is a working system where Users who have
parking spots available are called "Space Hosts." On our platform, they can register, log in,
and publish information about the parking spots they have available.
However, "Space Finders" are users who are looking for parking spots. In addition, they
are able to register, log in, and peruse the places that are listed. After locating an appropriate
location, clients can make a direct reservation via our site.
Every user's information, including the hosts' specifics and their advertised spaces, is safely
kept in our database. This guarantees a smooth user experience and effective data
This Project enables a practical and efficient resolution to parking space problems,
connecting those with available spaces to those in need.
4.2 Work Completed
In the front-end part, users can register themselves into the system and login into the
system. User functionality such as adding space, searching for space is yet to be functional.
Users can only login to the system however, admin panel does have functionality like
adding users, adding admin, editing user’s credentials, deleting users from database.
The backend part of the system is halfway through as well. Database connection, user
registration and user login are fully functional. Admin deleting the users, adding users.
The system handles users smoothly.
4.3 Work Remaining
4.3.1 User Side
 Vehicle Registration System
Addition of Payment System
Space Entry System
Space Search System
Updating and Deleting Account information
4.3.2 Admin Side
Vehicle Registration System
Addition of APIs
Payment System
Space Entry System
4.4 Problem Faced
 Logic Building.
 Irresponsive CSS on PHP.
 Authority level of users not working properly.
4.5 Work Schedule
The work schedule of ‘Parking Management System’ is projected as follows:
Figure 6-Gantt chart
[1] H. Al-Kharusi and I. Al-Bahadly, "Intelligent Parking Management System Based on
Image Processing," World Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. II, p. 9, 2014.
[2] Z. Zhou, G. R. Arce and G. Di Crescenzo, "Halftone visualcryptography", IEEE
Trans. Image Process., vol. 15, no. 8, pp.2441- 2453, 2006
[3] M. Nakajima and Y. Yamaguchi, "Extended visual cryptography for natural images,"
Proc. WSCG Conf. 2002, pp. 303-412, 2002