Interdisciplinary project CLASS 6 TOPIC- NUTRITION Introduction to interdisciplinary project It involves the combination of two or more subjects into one activity. It involves knowledge from several other subjects and creates something by thinking across boundaries. OBJECTIVES To understand the importance of daily value and requirements of nutrients/ calories in food. To understand the different mode of nutrition in animals. To understand the healthy food habbits. To understand the different types of nutrients and their importance. Importance of staple foods of different states of India. Importance of nutrition for children. BENEFITS 1. CURRICULUM LINKAGE 2. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE 3. DEVELOPS 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 4. BOOSTS CONFIDENCE LEVEL NUTRITION SR No Subject Discription Specific guidelines 1 English Importance of Nutrition Write a paragraph on Importance of Nutrition. 2 Hindi ग्रीष्मकालीन ऋतु में पाए जानेवाले वाले पौष्टिक आहार ग्रीष्मकालीन ऋतु में पाए जानेवाले पौष्टिक आहारो का ष्टित्र बनाकर उनके ष्टवषय में कम से कम १०० शब्ोों में ष्टलखे| 3 Maths Representation on Pie Chart Find the ratio of ingredients used in the recipe of your favourite dish. Find out the percentage of each ingredients and represent it on pie chart 4 Science Habitats of animals •Find out all the Herbivorous and carnivorous animals of Bihar. •Write their habits and also paste related pictures. Diagrammatically represent Holozoic mode of nutrition in human being. •Write any five healthy food habits. 5 Social Science Nutritious value of food •Find out the staple food of 5 Indian states and paste pictures. • Write the nutritious value of those food items and compare with other states of food. 6 Computer Excel sheet representation •In an excel sheet create a list of ingredients and use in the recipe of your favourite dish. •Write down cost /Kg of all the ingredients and add by using formula/ functions. •Use formatting to colour