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World Soccer - Jan 2012

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Global football intelligence since 1960
People in the news•••on and off the pitc:h
In pictures
from the editor
World Soccer awards how i"UU 'o'Oted
Socrates trloute to t he Braz� 1982 World (up star
Jim Holden Manchester Unrted's lack 01 flair
American Samoa the lransgender defender
Paul Gardner when Will Blaner understand ML5]
Ins & Outs players and coaches on the rT'lOYe
Brian Glanville greed rUins the (ha�1OI1S leagJE!
The Goalkeepers
Poland and Ukraine get ready
Followwog the draw rex- the surmJer's finals, It's na.v
ful l steam ahead for the European ChampIOnShip
Review of 2011
The headllne�makefs of lhe DdS! 12 rTlO'lths
The game's up-and-<oming stars
Uone! Messi
Profile of World Soccer's Player of the Year
Arrigo Sacchi
Karl-Heinz Rummenigge
Chelsea's defensive difficulties
Tomorrow's stars today
Blatter's never-ending crisis
Kelr Radnedge Q() more woes for FIFA:s president
114 Argentina 1986
, PSG coach Kombouare feels the heat
BocaJuntOf'S' apertura tnumph
Prandelli to face Trapanonl in Euros
top referee's attempted suICide
how the 'big three' fared in the US
the 2014 'Nor1d Cup IS 50 important
problems for natonalleagJe
, .
cell UEFA conbnoe to SiIf no?
, African Nations Cup contenders
"" -r
f . Z"�
�, . ---
11.� �;'��" .
The ultimate
global news and
results ,",ction
,. ,.,.
103 ESM XI
10. Club results
Exclusive subscription offer. See page 66.
4 IYOIIlD so((E�
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a nftJte'J JiItnce toIlowWIg
!he dNUI of 1f1ulI\ "12
WOftd (up capUlin Soums
W<H """""­
OIl ill VIktorIiI PIHn'5
.... liIIosllilsii
frft hNcIlr In theIt
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GOIWIl_1IoIIincI strIIer
IOMs-JM ItunteWr prep;ns
10 do '*tie � Ge!'Iun'/
In � friendly In.......,.
6 IYOIIlD so((E�
.Iur*'<s cel8ntll! thtIr
IItIe win on �.....m. at
their Bombonefoo StadUn
EllGU.IIO_NDrwith CIty
doolfnden look tt.dt in
"'9*"'" Ser90 �
finI; go;II in � 5-1 win
To see more of the best photos from the month, stan the QR code using ilny free QR
reilder thilt tiln be dowfIlO<tded to your WliIrtphooe. Yoo tiln ill§O see the ifT\ill}eS by
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Congratulations to Lionel Messi, World Soccer's 2011
World Player of the Year. Messi was the overwhelming
choice in our 30th annual polL We have run out of
superlatives to describe Messi, such has been his brilliance
uvt::r t h PCls t 12 months. Hopt'fully, Jod Rit.:hard::;' profdt::
(page 54) gives a fresh view on Messi from an Argentinian
The past month has been an eventful one, from the shock
deaths of Socrates and Gary
Speed to the Euro 2012 draw
in Kiev and the fallout from
the ISL scandal at FIFA That's
off the pitch; on it, league
titles have been decided in
Argentina, Brazil, Japan and
the USA
Joao Havelange's resignation
from the Toe is a huge story,
one to which we will inevitably
return in the c� �;� rr � :
Indeed, there I,
been further d""el',p1nel
by the time you
month, dotted
We have a new
through the magazine. QR codes (explained
below right) are a new device that allow you
to access extra content via your smartphone.
free of charge.
• FtFA
Sepp Blatter forced to
apologise in racism row
?' F
d'" s
P;;Bl atter was forced to Issue a rare apology
r!oial comments in a tele�ision interview
Blatler had suggested in an interview with AI-Jazeera that
football has no problem wrth racism. He saki comments are
often made in anger during games but then "forgotten" after
the final whistle. OffiCials should "bring tWO people together
and say 'Shake hands" said Blatter.
Later, when asked In an Interview with CNN whe ther there
is still racism on the pitch, Blatter said: "I would deny rt. There is
no raCism. Maybe one of the players has a word or a gesture
which IS not the correct one, but the one who is affected by
Gavin Hamilton, Editor
that, he should say that 'thls is a game':
After his comments attracted widespread critiCism Blatter
responded by pUblishing a statement on the FIFA website.
alongside a picture 01 himself with the prominent South
.... 1JoneI Messi wins World Soccer's 2011 World Player
of the Year Awarc:I.......... ".......................................................... pages 9 and 54
Ea- Joa o H<welar19l" steps down from the 10C and avoids
ethics �tigation into payments from ISL... .................pages 47 and 77
� Sepp Blatter embroiled In racism A)W
page 8
m- ElWO 2012 cWaw pits Holland and Germany in same C}'OIJp
page 22
.. Football shocked by deaths of Socrates
and Gary Speed
pages 10 and 11
�Rooaklo is invited onto &azil's 2014 World Cup
organising committee by Ricardo Teixeira.
page 7S
..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ... .... .
.... ....... ....... .. ..... ....... ...... ...... .. ..... .. ...... . ...... . .... . .
.. CorintNans win Brazilian chNnpionship on final day.....pages 40 and 96
� Boca Juniors lift Argentina s apertura titIe
� LA Galaxy win Major leagJe Soccer title lor the first time.
I!!» Both Manchester cloos. United and City, crash out of
the Champions LeagJe
8 IYOIIlD so((E�
page 33
.. ... ..... ...... . ...... . ....... .... .. ...
page 98
page 93
African politician Tokyo Sexwale. 'All my life in football has
been accompanied by fighting discrimination and fighting
raCism.' he claimed.
But when Blatter attracted further criticism lor
admonishing England defender RIO Ferdinand, who had called
his comments "laughable", he was forced into a rare apology.
"It hurts and I am still hurt ing Decause I couldn t en�lsage
such a reaction,' said Slatter.
'When you have done something which was not totally
correct.t can only say I am sorry for all those people affected
by my declarations:
Throughout thj� j��ue you'll �ee a number
of 'QR' code�. The�e (CIn be read b� most
smartphones (lphone, Android and
Bla(kberry devices) and contain a link that
will dir&t you to FREE bonus tontent. The
tode on the right will take you to a list of
previous award winners. You can download a 'QR' reader
from any App Store. Onte the reader is installed, simpfy
open the app, aim your phone'� tamera at the code and
you'll be automatically directed to the web pages.
"My father has often been ahead of the game
in football, too. He could still make an
extraordinary contribution to the club"
Barbara Berlusconi conflrms that her papa, Silvio, is thinking of taking
up his old position of lIilan president again
World Player of the Year
1 Uoneiliessl (
Barce lona 8. Argentina)
2 Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid 8. PoI"tugal)
Uonel Messi is the OYerWhelming choice of �Id
Soccets readers as our World Player of the Year.
The brilliant Barcelona and Argentina anacker
luis SciMez (liverpool & Urug.Jay)
5 Andres IniesUi (Barcelona & Spa in)
6 Diego For1MI (Atletico Madrid,'lnte rnazionaie 8. Uru�)
Neymar (Santos 8. Brazil)
8 Fal cao (Porto!Atletico Madrid 8. Colombia)
9 ZlaUin Ibrahimovlc (Milan" Sweden)
10 Robin Van Persie (Arsenal 8. Hol land)
W,rld Soccer poll. He was the viCtor in 2009,
Out lost out to his Barca team-mate Xavi last
year. Xavi finished third this time, behind Cristiano
There were three Barcelona players in the top
of the top 10 play their football in Spain's La lJga.
Pep Guardiola (Bauelona)
Tabarez (Uru!JlilY)
2 oscar
3 Alex Ferguson (Manchester United)
Team of the Year
It is the second time Messi has topped the
Manager of the Year
10 - MesSi, xavi and Andres Iniesta - wI1ile live
history of our awards.
Ronaldo of Real Madrid and Portugal.
cast in our annual poll - a record in {he 30-year
3 Xav! (Barcelona 8. Spain)
Jurgen KlOpp (Boru� Dortmund)
5 JoSll! IIour lnho (Real Madrid)
6 Andre ViI� (PortQiChelsea)
7 Roberto Mancini (M<r.dlester City)
8 GlownnI Tnp.Jnonl ( Rep bliC of Ireland)
9 Joachim low (Germany)
10Massimlnano Allegrl (Milan)
collected more than 60 per cent of the votes
% of vote
1 Bartelona
Out was {he clear winner of the Young Player
, Po<lo
4 Santos
�rd. ahead of Borussia Dortmund midfielder
5 Borussi.l Dortmund
BraZilian starlet Neymar is the only player in
the top 10 based outSIde of Europe. The Santos
youngster fin�hed sixth In the World Player poll,
Mario Gotz.e, Ulle's BeIQlan attaci(er Eden Hazard
and Barcelona midflelcler Thiago Alcantara.
chosen as World Manager of the Year. Both of
7Manchester City
BManchester United
9 Estonia
these victories were at the expere.e of Uruguay,
whose coach Oscar Tabarez ran Guardola close
in the managenal vote.
Last year's ManilC)er of the Year Jose
Young Player of the Year
Barcelona pretty well cleaned up. WInning the
World Team award and with coach Pep Guardiola
Mourinho finIShed a distant fifth in the �rd,
ahead of his successor at both Porto and
Chelsea, Andre Villas-Boas, who was sixth.
Manchester United manager Alex F�n,
a three-times WInner of the World Manager
of the Year """ard, was third.
Votes were cast from more than 40 countries.
including Canada, New Zealand and Turkey, to
oc, '9"" d
page 54.
." "" .0"" �,"re of
IO U ll e
1 Meyrnar (Santos & Brazil)
211arlo Gotte (Bofussia Dortmund 8. Germany)
3 Eden Hazard (Lille 8. Belgium)
4 Thiago Alcantar;) (Barcelona & Spain)
Paulo Henrlque Ganso (Sant05 8. Brazil)
6 Phil JOnH (Manchester United" England)
7 C hr istian Eriksen (Ajax 8. Denmar1r;)
B Jack WiUhII!nI! ( Ar s enal & England )
911ario Balotelli (Manche ster City 8. Italy)
10 Tom Cleverley (Manchester United 8. England)
For a list of all World Soccer's prevIOUS �rd winners go to wwwwor!dsoccer.com
'We played the whole season as
Doctor Socrates would have
wanted: going out for the win"
Tite (right), coach of Br.uiriao league champions Corinthians,
dedicates the triumph to the memory of the dub's late icon
• BRAZil
Rebel, leader,
man of principle
Three decades ago, Socrates
commented that he would like to die
on a Sunday when Corinthians won
a championshlp_ On December 4 he
politics came together in the early
80s at Corin(hl(lns.
At a time when Brazil was stll
ruled by a military dictatorship, Socrates
got his wish. though not perhaps in
was the chiel instigator in a ITlOVffilent
the manner that he would have hoped.
that became known as 'Corinthi�ns
Firstly, because at the age of 57 his
Democracy'. The players, cO<!ch ng stall
and club employees would sit dcwn to
secondly because he is unhkely to have
been pleased at the manner in whk:h
vote on all matters of collective nterest:
Corinthians crossed the �nish line, with
should be cooped up in a hotel before
parting was sadly premature, and
which players to sign, whether the squad
an ugly 0-0 draw against Palmeiras
games, even whether the team bus
whiCh contained more red cards than
should stop so some of the pla�rs could
clear chances. Socrates always stood lor
get out to relieve themselves. It orought
the Idea that how you do it is at least as
important as what you do_
success on the field - COrinthians were
II was a message he sent out as
Sao Paulo state champions in 1982 and
1983, when this title was far more
a player. A giant, bearded man gilding
important than it is today - and it also
merrily across the field, Socrates clearly
helped educate millions of Brazilians in
enjoyed himself. His reading of the game
allowed him to control the play, and
the virtues and values of democracy.
his unrIValled use of the backheel was
Many more lessons
The tragedy of Socrates' death is that
a wonderfully intelligent ploy enabling
him to open up the field and gain an
advantage over opponents who were
more gifted in phySical terms.
Socrates was never an athlete in
he still had so many more lessons to put
across and opinions to give. It is probably
true that after hiS playing days he never
(noll) «IebfiItes
his goajln .. 1-4 win
iI!IiIInSt SpaIn In the
191' WoI1d CUp
World Cup side, whkh was never fully
forgiven at home for their failure to win
the trophy, but still loved all O'Ier for
their style and swagger, even though
they did not even make the semi-finals.
Socrates recalled the scenes in the
dressing room alter they had been
the plenitude of the word, either in
quite found a role suited to his talents. It
also seems clear that in his later years
terms of biology or of hfestyle. There was
alcohol had an effect on his mental
Amid the tears and the chaos. he
knocked out by Paolo Rossi's Italy.
something of the gentleman amateur in
faculties. But his was always a voice
remembered cO<!ch Tele Santana stood
the man who did not take up the game
worth listening to. With Brazil on the
as an Island of tranqUillity. 'We gave It
full time until he had completed his
medkal studies. But amid the smoking
mO'le his country will miss his thJl.Jghts
our best shot: Santana kept repeating,
on which direction should be taken.
proud 01 his players and the way they
and the excessive drmking, he was a
gentleman amateur With a cause.
Many in Brazil were shocked by the
had performed. They could have gone
depth of the international response to
further, but Santana was wise enough
to recognise that they had left some
He grew up with a 1000e of 1960s
his passing. 'Corinthians Democracy',
rebels, and lootball sharpened hiS sodal
the outstanding chapter in his hfe, has
beaullful memories. An early exit did
conSCiousness by giVing him profound
not necessarily make them a failure.
contact with team-mates and opponents
from backgrounds far less privileged
been a story for domestk consllTlption.
AbrO<!d, of course, he is famous for
his konic presence in Brazil's glOriOUsly
and death of Socrates.
than his own. The football and the
and unashamedly old-fashioned 1982
10 -.n SOCWl
Much the same applies to the life
Tim Vickery
''Why so little solidarity from fellow pros? Footballers
have to wake up and defend one of their own"
former Fl"iKKe midftelder V ikash Dhorasoo
notes the lack of support for Paris
Saint-Germain's Peguy Luyindula (right),
who was lOfted to train with the reserves
The English TV
station WIth the
rights to show
Europa League
games can rON
add Manchester
United and City
to their portfolIO.
Beat Tonga 2-1
to record their
first-ever VICtory
in an ol/kial
Monac:o v Le Mans
The Tahiti-oorn former
Defwted South
Korea 2-1 at
home to put
themselves on
the brink of
qualification for
the final round
of World Cup
matches in Asia.
France under-21 plays a bit of
keepy-uppy before volleying
home from just outside the
penalty area.
PSV Eindhoven v HeradH
Bamboozles defender
AntOIne Van der Linden WIth five
step-OIlers before beating him on
the outside and firing high into the
corner of the net.
Ciermany v Ho llan d
Pre<ision passing at
pa<:e from the Germans.
Den Haag v Utrecht
A thunderous volley
from 25 yards.
Reached the
UEFA Champions
League Final lasl
season, bot out at
the group stage
this time.
Milan v Barc:elona
Fancy footwork followed
by a powerful, low shot.
Too r;H video lootage of ther;e goals and many
more we've r;elected, scan the OR code using any
frl't' OR reader that can be downloaded to your
�martphone. You can also r;H the videos by logging
on to bit.ly/YEriRA
Gary SPEED (1969-2011)
The Wales naUonal team manager was discovered dead at his home in
November after apparently (OlTWTlitting suicide, aged 42.
Speed was a versatile left-Sided midfielder, strong in the air and ....ith
knack of scoring crucial goals. He played lor leeds United, E�erton, Newcastle
United, Bolton Wanderers and Sheffield United in a 22-year professional
career, and won 8S caps for Wales, making him his country's most-capped
outfield player. He also woo the 1992 league championship ....ith
Leeds as
part of a formidable midfield quartet alongside Garl'
McAllister, David Batty and Gordon Strachan.
Speed was on the losing side in two cOIlsecutive FA
Cup Finals .....ith Newcastle, in 1998 and 1999, and
The former South
Africa coach, ....ho
took charge of the
side for the 2004
African Nations Cup
fiflals, passed away
following a battle
continued playing until a back injury in November 2008
forced a move into coaching. He brieny replaced Ke�in
League's most
successful nation
had its automatIC
places for
2012 cut from
four to three.
(right), SHINJI
All nominated lor the Asian Player
of the Year award. but then ruled
ineligible when they could not
attend the presentation ceremony
in Kuala Lumpur.
Blackwell as Sheffield United manager three weeks into
the 2010-11 season, but when John Toshack was sacke
as Wales manager in December 2010, he was appo nted
Toshack's replacement.
league titles
"I am the happiest man in the world right now.
We have achieved something which three
months ago we had no right to even dream of"
APOfL Nicosia roac:h Ivan JovanovIc. after his team
qualified for the UfFA Champions League knodlout stage
Passed Andoni Zubizarreta's record when
The Atletico Mineiro and former Roma
he made his 127th appearance for Spain
in a 2-2 draw in Costa Rica
winger was sentenced to two years and
eight months in priSon after being found
games for
Panath inaik05
Doping mystery
over 1980s World
Cup sides
the 17-year-old
became Greece's
when he lined u p
against R omania .
Players from Algeria's 1982and 1986
World (up squads are de manding an
while playing for Milan on loan from city
n�als InternaZlonale.
After just five
inves�gation into alleged doping after it
emerged that at least eight national-team
Protests from fans and the Polish president
players from that period ha\le fathered
were strong enough to make the Poland
disabled children.
Former international Djamel Menad
told Algerian TV he remembered 'yellow
pills' bei ng administered as vitamin
supplements to the learn by a Soviet
doctor, Gennady Rogov. who worked
with the ndlJonal !.Ide dUring the 1 9805.
Former learn doctor Rachkl Hamfi.
who resigned after belng barred access to
mediCal records compiled by Rogov at the
!me, says he cannot rule out doping, stahng:
'The link is not clear but II is posSible:
Algeria famou!oly beat West Germany
2-1 at the 1982 �nals in SJ)din but
mISsed out on Qualifying for the �OIld
round after the Germans controverSially
beat Austria 1 -0 - a result that
guilty of sexual assa ult in haly last year
Football Association reverse �s decision
to remove the traditional white eagle from
the national team's shirt badge - as worn
for the �rst time in the friendly against Italy.
The eagle has been resplendent on the
sh irts of Po land s foo tballers and athletes
for many years.
Resigned as chairman and director of
English second-tier club Portsmouth after
being arrested and charged with a lleged
from the Mediterranean island to quahfy
investigation in lithuania.
The Cypriot dub became the � rst team
fraud as part of a money-laundering
for the knockout phase of the Champions
league after holding Zenit St Petersburg to
a 0-0 draw in Russia.
guaranteed both sides progressed.
Algeria also qualified for the 1 986
�nal s and Mohamed Chaib, a member of
that �uad who has three handICapped
daughters, claims: "We now have seriOUS
doubts about the effect of the medicines
given to us dUflrIQ our preparations for the
World Cup. There was a Soviet doctor with
the staff and now we are wondering
whether we were given supposedly
performance-enhancing sutlstances.
We want an Inquiry. We want the truth:
Mohamed Kaci Said, another with a
disabled daughter, adds: "Questions 1'1'111
remain until there has been an inquiry:
Algeria's government had close linkS
w�h the Soviet Union in the 1980s but
Rogo� 1'1'111 be unable to give his side. He
died in Moscow In 1 995, aged 67.
Banned by Roma for one match after he
p unched team-mate Erik lamela in the
dressing room after a 2-0 loss to Udinese.
Nauonal team players went on stril::e and
refused to play In a friendly away to Al geria
over unpaid appearance fees for a four­
nation tournament in Morocco.
(fThey've gone mad"
Johan Cruyff on the announcement
that his nemesis louis Van Gaal ls
to be hired as a direttor of Ajax
Cruyff anger
at Van Gaal
sparks Ajax
Civil war has broken out at Ajax following
the announcement that LoUIs Van Gaal is
to return to the Amsterdam club as CEO,
with Danny Blind as technICal director.
The de(lsion Infuriated former coach
Johan Cruyff, a member of the club's
superviwry bodrd that had made the
deciSion without his knowledge. 'At first
'thought it was a joke: said Cruyff. 'But
they have set the club on fire."
Edgar Davids, a fellow member of the
supervisory bodrd and the man who had
informally approached his former mentor
Van Gaal, hinted that he had been racially
abused by Cruyff. who allegedly told
Davids: 'You're only on the board
be<:ause you're black.'
Another board member, Marjan
Oilers, said that Cruyff made a similar
statement about her being female.
As the row escalated, club members
were divided into pro- and anti-Cruyff
camps, and members of the supervisory
board were asked to step down to allow
new elections. In the latest move, a Dutch
judge has temporarily suspended the
appointment of Van Gaal - who remains
under contract to Bayern Munich and will
not be free to join Ajax until next summer
any way - pending shareholder approval.
Although coach Ronald De Boer, who
has other things to worry about following
the club's Champions League exit, has
remained silent, don't expect this matter
to go away anytime soon.
Klaas-Jan Droppen
There's no escaping the fact
that Manchester United lack
spark and flair
The defeat to Basle underlined the folly
created the goals that brought catastrophe
to United.
of Manchester United manager Alex
Ferguson knew the problem last
Ferguson in not acquIring what the
summer but declined to pay the
Europeans call a number 10: a midhelder
5.30milhon transfer fee demanded for
of style and guile, and a touch of fantasy to
Holland star Wesley Sneijder. It was
link the play.
There is no getting round this plain fact. deemed too high for a 27-year-old player
Long before the Champions League loss in
- a sensible commercial evaluation, but a
Switzerland M has been the main topic of
debatable football point.
Not only has it meant an early exit in
debate among those who follow United.
Ferguwn knows thiS.
the Champions League, it
He had a tYPIcally tetchy
has left United vulnerable
Ferguson knew
in a Premier League that
response at the end of
is far more competitive at
November v.tIen
the problem last
the top this season, and
questioned .Dout It,
summer but
saying: 'Criticism is fine
with rivals who all possess
more midfield flair.
as long as it's b<!lanced.
declined to pay
Manchester City,
Everyone's saying, 'go
though knocked out at
out and buy a central
£3ornillion for
midfielder'. Well, I would
the same Champions
do that for the right player. Wesley Sneijder
League group stage,
If we'd seen a young
have midfield inspiration
aplenty With DaVid Silva and Samir Nasri
Bryan Robsoo or Roy Keane, we'd have
been the firs! there.
- as seen in the 6-1 viCtory at Old Trafford.
'Anderson and Tom Cleverley have
luka Modric has excelled for
been injured and those two in particular
Tottenham Hotspur, who are currently the
second best side behind City. He was a
have tremendous potential. They're
fantastic young players, so we're miSsing
transfer target for Chelsea, who instead
acquired JUiln Mata, who gave a classic
two very imjXIrtant cogs in the machlfle:
The United machine has jammed up.
performance when Chelsea won their
Champions league group with a �ne
You can see that by their drop into the
Europa League and With several make-do­ ViCtOry against Valencia.
and-mend central mid�eld selections
Arsenal are beller off. too, With Aaron
Ramsey coming of age, and Wilshere to
for the team. Wayne Rooney has been
pushed back Ifl the search for creativity;
return from injury soon.
Will Ferguson now buy new player; Ifl
the 38-year-old Ryan GI99S was tried
against Basle; even teenager Phil Jones
the winter transfer window? For the
moment, he says not, bUllhat may be the
has been used - and although he is a
great talent. and a certain future captain
misinformation managers like to give out.
He is rumoured to be keen on Erik5en,
of England and United In my view, his best
and with Ajax out of the Champions
position is central defence.
Even if Cleverley had remained fit,
League too, that is a possible purchase.
would it haVE made any ddference? He
The young Oane is exactly what United
has clear potenllal, but the 20-year-old
need to challenge for the Premier league,
is far from being an international class
or even to stay in the top four and maintain
playmaker, a rung below the standard of
their annual entry to the Champions
the finest young midfield talents: Christian
Eriksen, Mano Gotze, Thiago Alcantara,
This is a big moment for Manchester
Jack Wilshere and Xherdan Shaqiri of
United. Losing to Basle was a profound
Basle, the yrungster whose crosses
defeat There is no hiding that. WS
v.w..o SOCCER 1]
"It seems Pele took the wrong medication. Instead of
taking his bedtime pill, he took his morning pill. He got
confused and didn't know what he was talking about"
Diego Maradona responds to Pele's statement that he thought Neymar was a
better player than Lionel Messi
, ,
r'"' -
----�-.., • AMERICAN SAMOA
The South Pacific island makes
season 01 38 matches history by winning its first match
without scoring it
single goal.'!
... and by fielding a transgender player
is just unacceptable,-
Mallorca wasabandooed
midway through the second
hitl! Clfter a ,inesmiln WClS
Ilit in the '(l(1! by a Iilulty
umbrella thrown from
the stands at Los
(annenes stadium.
The Andalusian side
had just taken it 2-1 lead
when plcly W(lS halted with
aroond half an hoor lelt
Santos' Neymar
after one of the referee's
assistants was stftKk In
has been ordered
the lace by af1 object.
compensation to referee
to pay 55,000 in
Granada coach
Fabri expl<lined that
Silrldto Meira RiCci after
the offending artic.1e was
Insulting the 37-year-old
00 Twitter.
ohnny Saeluil stood taller and sung
part of an umbrella and
pitch when American Samoa's
national anthem was played,
a boy had actidentally
It was seconds before kick.-off in a
made her debut lor the national team.
". read somewhere that it was a rewrd
when I was dralted in to the national team
louder Iran anybody else on the
in 2004: she adds. 'I was reserve the
whole tournament and I had to leave the
sent it flyirtg at the ollkial.
2014 World (up Oceania Qualification
tournament because' was still In high
gashing his cheek .
match between American Samoa and
school. He Ithe coach1 put me in for 10
Tonga that would make history. After
minutes and I put myself out there as
�'5 INgue defeat to
Viloria in 201 0 and vented
bad luck in every sense as
30 straight deleats - incfudlng a world
the poor lad still had the
record 31-0 defeat to Australia in 2001
much as I could.'
Jaiyah was included in the squad
handle In his hand and it
- American Samoa finally tasted victory
before Dutch coach Thomas Rongen was
microblogging website.
seems he lost control of
for the first ume, beating Tonga 2-1. And
appointed, but one of hiS first acts was to
the player of the match was the towering
promote Jaiyah to the starting line-up.
without meiming to,·
centre-baCk. Saelua. But it wasn't just the
result that was historic .
In the previous three matches, at the
Pacific Games in August. AmeriCan Samoa
The teenager was
unhappy with the match
oflkiill's work after his
his frustration on the
Neymar tweeted that
S<lntos Milfe ......i\YS
"It was reil"Y <In act 01
(the rest of the umbrella)
by referees- ..nd went
as far as to call Rkci-
expiClined Filbri.
The remaining minutH
who signalled II penahy
were played behind dosed
against the Libertadores
(up-winners during that
match - iI Mthief·,
doors it week later. Mallorca
equalised from it penalty
fIVe minutes after the
restart (the 65th minute)
Nigerian dub Ocean
Boys sacked 17
players following an
and the ma tc h !!Oded 2-2.
The match was the first in World (up
let in 18 goals. But in the World Cup
history to feau;re a transgender player.
qualifiers, Jaiyah was ever present In a
Johnny Saelua. who calls herself Jaiyah,
defence that conceded Just three times.
is a fa'alafine: a biological male who is
considered female and largely accepted
in Samoan CUlture.
A draw againsl the Cook Islands set up a
winner-lakes-all play-off against local
rivals Samoa. That proved a bridge too far
'I just go out and play soccer as a
as Samoa scored a 90th-minute winner.
soccer player not as a transgender, not
as a boy and not as a girl. just as a soccer
'I don't k.now il I have a future in
soccer: says Jalyah, while the machiSmo
eventful season that saw
player: says tt'e 23-year-old dance
of the dressing room, not to mention the
them escape relegation
student who is currently studying
game's innate homophobia, would make
00 the final day.
"Managemen t de<ided
to take the decision
because some players were
simply 001 prodlKtive
performing arts at the University of
her emergence as an international
Hawaii and dreams of touring the world
lootballer impoSSible anywhere but the
performing bale\. "I hope I can inspire
pacific. And With few internationals over
people. Not oliy the transgender because
the next lour years, it's unlikely we'll see
they are different, but
her in an American Samoa shirt again.
enough." a club spokesman
S<lid. "How tiln you explain
a situiltion where oil striker
will go through an entire
years later she had
'1 w?rt to concentrate on my dance
",ncI See \VI)ere that takes me: she said.
BaI(et� gain is football's loss.
James MOIlfague
If! have a nose for goals"
Schalke markJman Klaas-Jan
Huntelaar renerts on being forced
to wear a mask to protect his
recently broken nose
Prime Minister
top s player of the
year poll
Blatter's foot-in-mouth
dis e ase strikes again
Bulgarian prime
minister Boyko
BorisDV. an
�trlker who play�
in chanty matches,
topped a poll
of supporters
commissioned to
hnd the country's
player of the year.
BOrl�ov. who i� 52 years old received 42 per
cent of the 8.000 votes cast. The poll verdict
was interpreted as a vote of no confidence in
Bulgarian football by fans who are diSillusioned
at the poor performances of the national Side
Dlmitar Berbatov. winner of the award in six
01 the past seven years. had said It was time
somebody else was rewgnised.
The final decision on the award wifl be made
by a panel of jOu rnalists based on a shortfist
drawn from the fans' poll.
In other end-of-the­
year awards. Server
Ojeparov, the Uzbekistan
and AI Shabab midfielder.
was named AFC ASian
Player of the Year for
the second time in three
years. Iran delender Hadl
Aghily hnished second.
Aleksandr Gutor(BATE BoriwvJ
Christian Eriksen(Ajax, HoI)
Konstantin Vassilj�Amkar PermL Rus-L­
Iydrunas Karcemarskas lGazianteps�urj
Normahrul Idlan Talaha(Kelantan)
Mislav Karogl�pore Armed Forces)
FIFA preSident Sepp Blatter has a habit
of making e�traordinarily ill-Informed
comments on sensitive issues: his opinions
on what sort 01 kits women players should
wear, his ad'lice to homose�uals on just
when and v.t1ere theyshould have se�,
and now his offhand statement aoout how
to deal with racist remarks.
All were followed by apol�ies, which
certainly suggests that Blatter has simply
not learned - despite all his years in the
public limeli�ht - to think before he
speaks. Or at least to recognise which
iSsues call for caultOn.
Of the e:(amples above, it is posSIble to
read the first two as lame attempts to be
humorous. and the third as a wish to take
Has BlaHer ever visited New Yo rk,
Toronto, Montreal, Boston, Chicago or
Denver in January? Six key cities where it
wOllld be simply impossible to play games
from January through March.
Yes, maybe modern technology could
do something about that, but MlS is a
young league trying to attract spectators,
not freeze them to death.
Nor does Blatter evince any
understanding that MlS is in dire<:t
competition with lour other well­
established pro sports. With its current
schedule, MLS really conniCts only With
baseball's regular season games.
Switching to the FIFA calendar would
bring MlS Into direct connict With the
entire gridiron, basketball and hockey
some of the steam out of the racism Issue.
seasons - not to mention the biggest
I do read them that way. It doesn't make
event in the American sporting calendar,
them any le;s offensive, but it does
the gridiron Super Bowl. ThiS 1$ not just a
absolve Bl atter 01 any callo us mtent
We are almost at the point where we
struggle to hll stadiums, it is also a fight lor
shrug off "another
media attention.
Blatter loot-in-mouth
Blatter's other
What Blatter's
episode", a momentary
reasons lor pushing the
lapses show is
season-change idea are
superkial /(]psus linguae
He cited as
that can be wiped away
that he is seriously laughable.
an obstacle to change
With a sincere apology.
What the lapses do
that has to be overcome
out of touch with
show, however. and what
the "Iact" that MlS
current thinking.
teams currently share
cannot be o<erlooked, is
that Blatter appears to
Only confusion can stadiums with NFL
teams. But of 19 MlS
be seriously out of touch
result from that
With current thinking.
teams. only two Only conlusion can result
Seattle Sounders and
from that. Ale we seeing such confusion
New England Revolution - use gridiron
from Blatter In other areas of the sport?
stadiums. How out of louch can you gel?
Blatter also thinks changing the season
In a re<:ent interview tor US televiSion
Blatter advised MLS to change its April
will make it easier lor MLS to attract top
through November season as it does not
European players. The biggest obstacle in
cOincide wltn the traditional northern
that area is money. not seasonal timing.
hemisphere September-to-May season.
A year ago, Garber said it with total
clarity: "I don't think we are going to a
Blatter then muddled his way through the
reasons wh)' such a change would help the winter calendarany time soon. To think
about playing in Toronto in January or
American game.
December. it's hard to imagine we are
What he did not do was show any
going to be able to do that...l'm not sure
evidence that he understood why the
MlS season is played in the summer
il we are ever going to get lull alignment
MLS Commissioner Don Garber has
With FIFA's International calendar:
already addressed Ihis issue with a lovely
The disturbing thing is that Blatter
cannot see the reality of the situation
facetious put-down: "I'd love to be able to
and continues 10 advance his out-of-touch
have global warming take effe<:t and have
reasons lor switching the MlS season. WS
the weather i n our country change . ·
W()Rl(l SOCCER 15
"My aim is to give soul to this team I believe
in three things: work, work and work"
Delio Rossi on his new
challenge as FlOfefltina coach
.. Republic of Ireland
manager <iIOVANHI
appointed Cagllarl's third
TRAPATTONI was rewarded
coach of the season. following
was in charge al lstanbul BB
lor leading hiS !.ide to l�e Euro
In the footsteps of Rot>erto
since 2006 and led Turkey's
2012 hnals with a two-tear
contract extention, taking
Oonadoni, who was sacked
under-17s to victory at the
European Championship in
the 72-year-old Italian up
2005. was appointed coach
to the 2014 World Cup His
althe senior national side.
aSSistant. Marco lardell, also
. Azerbaljan coach BEATI
VOGTS extended hiS COntract
to cover the 2014 World CuP.
despite hiS side finishing
replaced Dmar Asad as
coach of Argentinian club
San lorenzo.
• GremiO signed former
Dynamo Kiev forward
KLEBER from fellow
�gned a new deal.
Brazilian club Palmeiras.
I Bayer Leverkusen signed
goalkeeper BERND LEND.
who was on loan from
• Former South Korea
second from bottom in their
Stuttgart, on a permanent
foro 2012 qualifying group.
deal after the 19-year-�ld
left-back LEE YOUNG-PYO,
helped the German club
who played in three World
.SEASE COSilIi replaced
Eusebio Oi Francesco as
coach of Serie A's bottom
reach tt'le last 16 of the
ChampiOns league .
Cup �nals for his country,
after a friendly in August, and
MaSSimo Ficcadenti. who was
jOined Vancouver Whitecaps
of MajOr League Soccer. The
Side Leece in the wake of
dismissed after the Sardinian
34-year-old, who has also
their 4-2 defeat 031 Napol i.
the owner of the country's
club had taken just three
played for PSV Eindhoven.
top-flight club Jablonec. is
POints from their !.ast �ve
Tottenham Hotspur and
the new president of the
matches in Serle A.
Borus�a Dortmund. left
Saudi Arabia's AI Hilal in
who led the Belarus under-21
team to the 201 1 Euro semi­
Football Association of the
finals, replaced Bernd Stange
I�an Hasek who stepped down
in charge of the national side.
Czech RepubliC, succeeding
in J une.
appointed coach of Nice,
replaCing Eric Roy who
t>ecame general manager
of the ligue 1 club.
I Scottish Premier league
side Hibernian appointed PAT
FENLON, manager of
RepubliC of Ireland club Irish
side Bohemians, in place of
resigned as coach of Atlante
to replace Alfredo lena at
Amenca aiter they finished
second from bottom of the
Mexican apertura.
Elsewhere. JOSE LUIS
SANCHEZ SOU took r:wer
at Atlante, while WILSON
I Ser.oette replaced Joao
San luis respecti�ely. Former
Alves with fellow Portuguese
New York Red Bulls and
I Kapfenberg. bottom of
the Austrian Bundesliga.
appointed German coach
Former Celtic and AstOfl Villa manager MARTIN O'NEILL returned to tile
game after a 16-month absence to sign a three-year deal to take charge
of Premier League side Sunderland.
O'Neill quit as Villa manager last year after a row with owner Randy
Lerner r:wer transfer funds.
Swiss Cup exit at second
-tier club Bi el-Bienne.
O'Neill back in the Premier League
th e su mme r,
Colin Calderwood, who was
hred in November.
PEREIRA follOWing their
replace Werner Gregoritsch.
appointed at Toluca and
Chicago Fire boss JUAN
Colombia c lu b Onc e
Caldas to re place Sergio
Bueno at Puebla.
• On e-tim e Marseille
who was jailed for transfer
irregu!.arities in 2009 after
over as coach of AEK larnaca,
he took bribes to buy and
replaCing fellow Dutchman
sell players. will act as an
lon Caanen after the side's
disapp ointing start to the
advisor to Niger coach
Harouna Doula Gabde
Cypriot season.
at the African Nations Cup.
"For me it was a 4-0 win. I told my players
they were extraordinary"
Just one problem for Napoli coach Walter
Manarri: his side only drew O,() with Lazio
• French coach DIDIER
01 Algerian league leaders
secretary general of the
OLLE-NleOLLE took. charge
USM Alger.
• ABOU MAIKABA replaced
Polish football association,
resigned as Cologne president
after seven years at the head
, BraZIl's 2002 World Cup
of the Bundesliga club.
winner RIVALDO quit Sao
' Red Star Belgrade
coach Emerson Leao.
Paulo after falling out with
Qkey Emordi as cooch ot
was dismissed in a spiralling
corruption scandal ahead of
Nigeria's Enyimba
the country's CO-hosting of
ADII( resigned in the wake
Euro 2012 with Ukraine.
of heavy criticism following
Brazilian side Gremio after
Krecina, along with PZPN
the derby defealto Partizan.
nol renewing his contract.
was accused by Poland·s
new sports minister,
' Maaabi Tel-Aviv parted
promoted to the post ot India's
national cooch, while Serb
Joonna Mucha, of possible
aWANIR after the Israeli
of Qlimpo was given his
involvement in a bribery case
club won just one of their
an Argentinian apertura loss
related to the association's
last 13 matches
to Independiente.
has taken charge at Pakistan.
• Argentinian coach
replaced Jorvan Vieira
president GRIEGORI LATO,
marching orders follOWIng
, Turkey cancelled the
Korea coach pays tor Lebanon deteat
HIDDINK after a 3-0
South Korea sacked national coach (HO
KWANG-RAE in the wake of their shock
defeat to Lebanon In the 2014 World Cup
qualifying campaign.
'We are looking for better-SlJited
candidates lor the 2014 World Cup both
at home and abroad: a KFA spokesman
said after the 2-1 away defeat to Lebanon.
The 57-year-old Cha, who was appointed
in July 2010, led the team to third place
at the Asian Cup at the start of 2011 after
winning 80 caps for his country during his
playog career.
Despite the defeat in lebanon, the
South Koreans are still top of their World
Cup qualifying group, ahead of Lebanon
on tpal dilference, with one round 01
matches remaining.
contract of coach GUUS
Croatia in the Euro play-oils.
, Frenchman LUIS
FERNANDEZ quit as coach
of Israel's national team
' STEVE IRUeE betame the
hrst Premier League manager
to be sacked thiS season when
lost 2-1 at home to bottom
of the table Wigan Athletic.
runners-up Bani Vas.
compaly with coach MOTTl
new headquarters.
aggregate defeat by
In charge of UAE Pro League
managing director IYAN
sacked as Cooch 01 Oinamo
Zagreb Within an hour of the
' Former England captain
the UEFA Champions League.
of Azeri club Gabala.
' Nigeria under-23 cooch
• Argentinian coach HECTOR
• Former Real Madrid and
Olympic Games.
in 2000 and 2001. paned
his contract terminated
by Tur�.ey's Beslktas after
of Saudi Arabia·s Al lttihad
company wnh Racing
strugging to get into their
after Dimitri OavidO'lic was
Santander after a 2-1 defeat
side th s season.
• Oaegu, who �nished 12th in
the K-League, appointed
as their new cooch.
was appointed interim coach
Crootian club's 7-1 defeat al
home to French side Lyon in
(UPER, who led Valencia to
the Champions League Final
dismissed following the 1-1
at Mallorca left the club
draw with Najran that left
bottom of La Uga.
them sixth in the league table.
, Manchester United captain
TONYADAMS quit as cooch
Spain midfielder GUTI had
reSigned alter hiS side
failed to qualify for the
, Former France slriker
Bani Vas after making just two
The 34-year-old 1998 World
IUllETTI was rMstated as
rest ol the season after
August. However, he struggled
rupwring a eruciate ligament
coach of Fiji, two years after
In the 2-1 Champions League
With a long-standing thigh
inlury which kept him on
he was dismissed from the job.
defeat at Basle.
the sidelines.
VIOl( was ruled out for the
appearances for the UAE side.
and centre-half NEMANJA
Cup-winner joined the club in
W()Rl(l SOCCER 17
Champions League, a
competition tainted by
greed and distortion
Is the so-called European Champions
League a fraud on football? I ask with
what I believe IS a plethora of poor
football - of the Trade Descriptions Act.
For the boundless greed of the majOr
both packed with reserves. Each, of
course, had already Qualified for the next
clubs has seen to It that far from being
stage and therefore had nothing to lose
a tournament limited to domestic
- by stark contrast WIth teams bound to
champions, and sometimes hold�rs of
be affected by the results, Napoli. who
the trophy. as many as lour dillerem
teams can compete in the competition.
Meaning that not infrequently the
had played such splendid football in their
group. oot least against Mar.chester City,
could well have been overtaken by the
ultimate winner of the tournament
Mar.cumans, who all too predk:tably beat
evidence. In the final week of the group
is a club whICh hasn't won its own
weakened Bayern. though in the event
stage. no fewer than three clubs fielded
championship at all.
the Neapolitans won their own game
understrength teams. which in two cases
But back to what happened in those
and thus deservedly Qualified as,
could gravely have atf&ted the outcome
recent htures, Barcelona apart, both
emphatically, the second best team
of those groups. The third instar.ce was
Arsenal, at Qlympiakos, and Bayern
Munich, away to Manchester City. put
in the group and far too good for City.
ened e
out SUbstantially weak
selection featured two inadequate
that of Sarcelona. whose team of highly
promiSing youngsters was far too good
for feeble opposition. who were duly put
to the sword.
But before coming down to
cases. the bleak truth is that the so­
In Gree<e. Arsenal's lopsided
goalkeepers. Substitute Vito Mannone.
poor fellow so seldom used, had a
disastrous evening. making farcieal
called Champions league itself is a
errors as the lull-strength Olympiakos
duly won. That could have been the
contravention - were it to exist in
end for Marseille. who rallied superbly
to Win theirown game and thus SUrvive.
So what can be done aboutit? At the
moment, given the hall-baked structure
of the competition, nothing. No use
InSisting that CIUDs may not put out
weaker teams. They can simply reply,
how can you define a weakened team
- however obvious it may be to the
naked eye - when every member of
the side we fielded was listed on our
European champions roster?
The obvious thing to do. though
again I do not see it happening, would
be to return to the old, straightforward,
knockout home-and-away ties which
originally prevailed In the competition.
There are horrid memories of what
happened when UEFA. in its deep
wisdom, imposed not just one but two
group stages on the tournament, which
meant that there was double the chance
of Qualified teams freewheeling. Indeed
Platini for president?
Oh, come on...
there was one shabby instance when a
RUSSian team was caughtout being
bribed to lose their ultimate game.
But money not only talks. it shrieks
aloud and we are plainly doomed to
Meanwhile. if Michel Platini is due to
put up with a competillon wholly prone
inherit the FIFA mantle of Blatter, what
to unfairness. distortion and implicit
hope for football? He is beyond doubt as
pure as the driven snow. but it beggars
target... again
belief that he should now publicly, having
voted for Qatar's World Cup bid, say that
At last, but far too late,
good news from FIFA
TypiCally enough, Blatter has recently
the tournament be played there not in
been whinging and whining about the
the stupefying heat of summer but in the
FA and its criticisms of him. allegedly
winter; whICh he fatuously inSists would
There is, alas, a very long way to go
provoked by England's lOSS of the 2018
be no harm to European soccer. The old
World Cup. But England hardly lost it; it
John McEnroe cry of 'You cannot be
diSappears into the sunset and football
was all too obviOus Russia bought it. Just
serious· seems to go up.
at last be<:omes, at international level,
as Qatar bought the 2022 tournament.
before FIFA falls apart, Sepp Blatter
a better, cleaner place.
To give him his due, Platlni is making
Blatter's track record is ab�smill:
There has been various good news.
a bold attempt to limit the �nancial
excesses of the Manchester Citys and
his correspondence with that rancid
At last, and far too late. the ineffable
operator Jack. Warner of Trinid�d
Chelseas of this world. But to put him
Joao Havelange has been obliged to
expresses an almost brotherly love
In the FtFA presidency. though he is
reSign from the International Olympic
for that wretched manipulator,
certainly more acceptable than Blatter,
Committee as a conseq uence 01 belated
revelations of his multimillion dollar
the FBI, reportedly investigati� the
pay-off from ISl, a company whkh
tangled affairs of Chuck Blazer, recently
league competition is surely a blight on
eventually, as we know, disintegrated.
the general secretary of CONCACAF
the game and a burden on those CIUDs
Some Quirk of SWISS law prevented
the scam being made publiC. but now,
and ally of Warner until suddenly he
whO have to travel the length and
breadth of the continent.
with apparently the approval of Blatter.
involvement with Caribbean bribes to
But now. wonder of wonders, enter
his bloated. oversized, drawn-oul Europa
broke cover and accused Warrer of his
himself once the protege of Havelange,
promote Mohamed Bin Hammam's run
the ordure has hit the fan and Havelange
at the FIFA presidency.
has beaten the posse to It. Not that he in
his e�treme dotage will be very worried
There were those cynics who
suggested that Blazer was Simply
about that.
protecting his own back but, if so, he
He has. as we know too well.
job of it. He is said to have received
regime as FIFA president between 1974
commission payments amountng to
and 1998; an all too potent vindication
5:320,000 which have ended up in the
of the words of the 18th-century
Cayman Islands and in the Bahamas. All
philosopher Edmund Burke that "for evil
clean and above the board, he insists.
to triumph it is enough fl)( good men to
Andrew Jennings, that formidable
do nothing". And nothing was what they
investigator, is the one who sent relevant
did in all those long years.
accounts and letters to the FBI.
which connived by their silence an
passiVity In his chicanery?
The cruel horror 01 Gary Speed IS
compounded by its utter mystery.
How could it happen when he was
so successful in command of Wales.
so seemr n gly genial and happy? WS
.... ""
L And, finally, more trouble for Blatter.
Blame Havelange we must and ,
but what of all those associations a
Poor Gary Speed
doesn't seem to have made a very good
pocketed millions in hiS scandalous
federations. not least our own in Bri
would plarnly be courting disaster. And
So it goes on.
EUR0 2012
� IOOINIl strongman Grygorly SurKiS was g-Innlng
co-hosts being (lrawn together with Russia and, men being
from ear to ear as UEFA took. over the city's Palace
handed Greece, shock winners in 2004, as their opponents
of Am for the Euro 2012 draw. The delight of
In the opening match in the r.ew NatiOnal Stadium in Warsaw
the country's football federation president owed
on June 8. Completing the mini-league were Cze<h Republic,
everything to the sight of the event taking place on lJo:.raine
who are very satisfied to be playing all their games in Wroclaw,
soil at all. Only on the day did Surkis and UEFA president
the closest venue to their own border.
Michel Platini admit openly how close Poland's partner had
come to losing the �nals altogether.
Group B was the obvious pick as the "group of death", With
three previous champions in Holland (1 988), Denmark (1992),
UEFA's main event sits at number three in the world sports
event rankings. behind the World Cup and Olympic Games.
and Germany (1972. 1980 and 1996), along with Cristiano
and this is one reason why, in 2016, it will expand from 16
Ronaldo's Portugal. COincidentally, Denmark and Portugal
were in the same qualifying group in which Morten Olsen's
teams to 24 when France plays host in a more (radilonai style.
side came out on top, condemning Ronaldo and his team­
However, this summer's tournament presents perhaps a
mates to the play-off route,
greater challenge. Holland/Belgium was the first conjJined
stage in 2000, then Austria}Switzerland in 2008. But heading
England play in Ukraine
into the l.ands Deyond the old Irontier of the Iron Curtain lor
a third co-hosting has Deen a severe test 01 nerve lor the
England, who had de<ided in advance to make their base
in Krakow, Poland, must play all their first-round games in
European lederation and its Pilrtners.
Poland has always been up with the preparation �ame,
Ukraine after being drawn in Group 0 with the co-hosts, plus
Sweden and a reviving France. who are no longer the grumpy.
despite an unhappy background of corruption claims and
dysfunctional team who crashed out in the first round 01 the
counter-claims in the domestic game.
last World Cup.
But Ukraine's ability to push through the essential minimum
work remained highly questionable. The coincidence of the
current appeal by former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko
The draw cost Poland federatiOn president Grzegorz Lato
the princely sum of no as he had bet Platini that England
would be drawn in Poland's group. That, however, was a brief
against a jail term for abuse
moment of leVity for lato who
of office serves as a reminder
of the fragility of Ukraine's
post-SOViet democracy.
But lhere will De no need
to seek emergency staging
Only on the day did Surkis and Platini
is �ghting for survival amid
admit openly how close Poland's
involving a sponsor, a new
partner had come to losing the finals
sports minister and his own
a power struggle at horne
re<ently sacked general
assistanc e from Germany or
Hungary as had been feared. The Euro's opening ma:ch will
There are no such problems for Surkls now that hiS natiOn
be in the Polish capital 01 Warsaw on June 8 and the Final in
IS nailed on as co-host. But failure, he conceded. would have
label is permissible because the stadium site hosted football
in terms 01 its ambitions for European integration.
the rebuilt Olympic Stadium in Kiev on July I . (The "Olympic"
dUring the 1980 Moscow Games, when Ukraine was within the
Soviet Union; just as the Wroclaw training venue in Poland is
an Olympicstadium because it hosted football at the 1936
Games when the city was in the eastern corner of Germany.)
The Kiev stadium has a working capaCity 01 68,055 whICh
will be reduced to 60,000 for the hnals because 01 the spiKe
demands for media, sponsors and slgnage. A sectionol the
damaged Ukraine's image, not only In the sporting world but
He said: "When we started on the bid journey it seemed
something fantastic and almost unachievable. But it became
reality in 2007 when Mkhel Platini re<eived the pie<e of
Pilper with the name of Poland and Ukraine on it.
"Now we can appreciate the pauence and wisdom
roof brieny caught fire during an opening ceremony featuring
01 UEFA in its approach towards the problems involved,
especially towards Ukraine, because we had to create a new
infrastructure not only for sport but for all the other segments:
pop singer 5hakira, but all went peiKefully at the re-openlng
airports, runways. new motorwavs.
game in November. a 3-3 draw between Ukraine and Germany.
"We had to modernise the enure country and Wlmout
UEFA's patience we couldn't have been where we are sitting
Spain face Italy
today. I would also pay tribute to UEFA's general secretary
If Spain want to De in Kiev for the Final, closing in on history
as the first nation to retain the Henri Oelaunay Troph/ in all
challenge if Ukraine had not proved able to ful�1 the
its 52 years, they will have to overcome Italy at the vrlUal
[Gianni Infantino[ who would have faced an enormous
outset. Vicente Del Bosque's champions and world-ranking
In May 2009 UEFA had considered using six venues
leaders have been slotted into Group C along with the 1968
IJl Poland and only two in Ukraine, Surkis said that Pl.atini,
alter meeting Ukraine's state president 1 8 months ago, had
� i� . ,.
Italian coach
pU\>lic 01 Ireland, who are led by veteran
I ntriguingl'j. r
his re<ord is ttrre m
w ,
a .
The highlights of Group A were both Polish, with the
I beco
but I cannot believe that within
sible to prove that your country
Eventually, IJl September. Plallni spoke out publicly to
• The total prize money available at Euro 2012 will
be €196million, up from €184m in 2008 with a pot
of €23.Sm for the winners.
Each of the 16 participating teams will be guaranteed
a minimum €8m, plus performance DonUSes in the
group stage of €1 m for a win and €SOO,OOO for a draw.
A further € l m bonus will go to the team flniming third
in each of the four initial mini-leagues.
In the kl1()(kout stage each quarter-finalist will
earn €2m and each seml-flnalist {3m. The runner­
up In the nnal will add In a further (4.5m and the
champions €7.5m.
• Around 1.4million fans will watch the 31 matches live
in the eight stadia (Donetsk, Kiev, Lviv and Kharkiv in
acknowledge that Ukraine would be
Yanukovy<:h had welcomed Eurcpean
Ukraine; Gdansk, Poznan, Wa�w and Wr()(law in
Poland). They will pay between no and {600 lor their
ready, and he told those listening that
football on behalf of Ukraine, said:
he was confident that the few minor
'There were qUlle a lot of ups arK! downs
problems which still remained could
be resolved by June 2012
and the executive meeting we had in
by UEFA by comparison with Austria/Switzerland as a
Bordeaux two years ago was crlcial to
cost-ol-living coocession.
Eighteen-month plan
the whole process.
'Now what has been done is
Surkis re<:alled that the former Soviet
really surprising. The work that �as been
Union had managed remarkable
tickets, with the cheapesl having been cut SO per cent
• An average 01 IS0million TV viewers are expected to
watch each malch live in more than 200 territories
around the world.
achievements by the use of five-year
was an IS-month plan.
• The tournament itself is expected to generate around
He added: "Never in the past
20 or 30 years had there been
sponsorship, licensing and merchandising (22 per cent),
such pressure to upgrade a country's
ticketing (nine per cent) and hospitality (seven per cenl).
plans, but what Ukraine had managed
€ 1.3billion through the four main revenue streams:
media rights (62 per cent), commercial rights from
entire infrastructure in so short a time.
"In 200S Switzerland and Austria
just had to adapt existing facilities, but
we had to create practically an entire
new nallonal infrastructure.'
Surkis also took credit on a wider
stage, suggesting that UEFA's eventual
done here, in three or four years, usually
expression of conhdence had been a
needs 20 years.
key factor in FIFA's deciSion - el<ilctly
a year earlier - to award the 201S
'There were a few hot moments, and
some hot discussions as well, but I think
World Cup hosting to northern
they brought our respective teams
neighbour RUSSIa.
closer together to make historyjt Will
Infantino, who conducted the draw
for the hnals after state president Vlktor
have a major impact on these two
nations far beyond next summer: W!i
UEFA produced a star-studded
line-up of previous Euro
winners to help general
secretary Gianni Infantino
with the draw pr()(ess: Russia's
Viktor Ponedelnik (1960),
Spain's Luis Suarez (1964),
Italy's Gianni Rivera (1968),
West Germany's Paul 8rei�
� 1972), Czechoslovakia's
Antonin Panenka (1976), West
Germany's Horst Hrubesch
�1980), FrarKe's Alain Giresse
� 1984), Hoiland'S Marco Van
8asten (1988), Denmark's Peter
Schmeichel (1992), Germany's
Oliver 8ierhoff (1996), FrarKe's
Zinedine Zidane (2000),
Greece's Antonios Nikopolidis
(2004) and Spain's Joan
Capdevila (2008).
All times eST
Group B
Group A
. � Greece
Czech Republic
.oil •
.. .
Warsaw: Poland v Greece (17.00)
Kharkiv: Holland v Denmark (17.00)
Wroclaw: Russia II (zech Republic (19.45)
lviv: Germany v Portugal (19.4S)
Wroclaw: Greece II Czech Republic (17.00)
lviv: Denmark v POf"tugal (17.00)
Warsaw: Poland v Russia (19.45)
Kharkiv: Holland v Germany (19.4S)
Wroclaw: Czech Republic v Poland ( 19.451
Kilarkiv: Portugal v Holland (19.45)
Warsaw; Greece v Russia (19.45)
lviv: Denmark v Germany (19.4S)
Group D
Group (
Rep of Ireland
Gdansk: Spain v Italy (17.00)
� . Sweden
- Ukraine
Dooetsk: France v England (17.00)
Poznan: Republk of Ireland II Croatia (19.45)
Kiev: Ukraine v Sweden (19.4S)
Poznan: Italy II Croatia (17.00)
Dooetsk: Ukraine v France (17.00)
Gdansk: Spain v Republic of Ireland (19.45)
Kiev: Sweden v England (19.4S)
Gdansk: Croatia II Spain (19.45)
Dooetsk: England v Ukraine (19.45)
Poznan: Italy II Republic of Ireland (19.45)
Kiev: Sweden v France (19.4S)
QFt Warsaw: Winner A II Runner-up B ( 19.45)
SF1: Donetsk: Winner OFl v Winner QF3 (19.45)
OF2: Gdansk: Winner B II Runner-up A ( 19.45)
SF2: Warsaw: Winner QF2 v Winner OF4 ( 19.45)
OF3: Dooetsk: Winner C v Runner-up D (19.45)
QF4: Kiev: Winner D v Runner-up C (19.45)
Kiev (19.4S)
needs the dice to roil iavourably for him
on occasion, and they certainly did lor
MANUEL NEUER when, at the tail-end
01 the 2009-10 season, Germany's
number one Rene Adler was ruled out
01 thai year'S World Cup nnals with
ddmaged nbs.
Second-ln-Iine Neuer was promptly
handed the gloves, and from that
moment on the achievements have
come thick and fast: a string of fine
displays as Germany finished third in
South Africa: an automatic berth in his
country's starting XI; a leading role in
hometown club Schalke's Qualification
for the semi-finals of last term's
The standard-bearers
Europe's big-name captains and experienced
campaigners who lead by example
Champions league; a �20million move
It was no surprise when respondents
son of a banker, his cool head in the
to Bayern Munich last summer; and last,
in a recent Gallic opinion poll
white-hot heat 01 tournament b.lttle
but no means least, his election as
overwhelmingly named Lyon keeper
is a distinct plus lor the French.
However talented a player IS, he still
German Footballer 01 the Year for 2011,
HUGO UORIS as the player who best
only the Sixth keeper to win the award.
Now With 2S full caps to his name
represented the values at France's
national team.
Not only is he admired for his
and rightly regarded in Ihe world-class
exceptional ability as a preventer
for Germany in so many different
of goals and utter conSIstency, his
unflappable temperament, sense 01
ways. (ombming exceptional reftexes,
excellent work in one-Orl-one Situations
and unwavenng levels of concentratIOn,
perspective and modesty make him
the ideal profeSSIOnal sportsman.
Though he does not shout the loudest
bracket, the 25-year-old fits the btll
Neuer springs mstantly inlo life when
the alarm bells nng. And if thaI was not
or have the most charisma, he clearly
enough. he is also magfllficenl ln his
is one 01 the side's lew veritable leaders.
distribution, being so Quick
CO<!ch Laurent Blanc has shock.ed many
by not naming a permanent captain, but
the 24-year-Old has to be in the ru nning
for the armband.
WhereilS his closest rival. Marseille's
Steve Mandilndil, is brilliant but prone
to goffes, Uoris IS the epitome of
steadiness. Whether his Side is
dominating or under pressure, he thinks,
moves and acts in the same w;r-j The
26 WORlO so(CEII
10 compute
possibilities and initiate an attack with a
precision throw or pass.
Under coach Joachim low, the
Germany leam shp inlo a higher gear
at the drop of a hal and Neuer is often
Ihe man 10 nick the switch. A thoroughl y
modern �eeper, low coostantly talks
about tOe necessity for nexible players
and Neuer is the perfect example,
Still going strong after a half-dozen
In the ftrst of a new series on the potential stars of Euro 2012, Nick Bidwell
looks at the keepers who are likely to feature in Poland and Ukraine
the Oranje could prosper With erratic
keepers such as Jan Jongbloed and
Piet Schrijvers are long gone. Holland
coach Bert Van Marwijk knows it is
fundamental to have a strong delensive
base and he has a most reliablE' and
profesSional of custodians in MAARTEN
STEKELENBURG, w ho this season
moved from Ajax to Roma.
Work in progress
The options still open to some
undecided coaches
Sweden's long-serVing ANDREAS
ISAKSSON is homing in on a century of
major international tournaments (four
Worl d Cups and two Europ ean
Championshipsl, Italy's goalkeeping
monument GIGI BUFFON is more
important to the Azzurri l han ever.
a much needed source of know-how,
personality and steely competitiveness
wrapped in a boyish smile. As hungry
for success as ever, his inspirational
presence in Italy's ranks (ould b e the
spark for a renaissance.
It is increaSingly common to h ea r
so-called football experts state that
Czech RepubliC and Chelsea keeper
PETR eECH IS no longer Quite as
imp erial between the sticks as he used
to be. However. all things are relative
and even il his mark these dar.; is
seven or eight out of 1 0 rather than
the per/eel score of yore, he remains
a class act. crUCial to his country lor
his memory bank of pressure-cooker
games, renexes and defence-calming
qualities, Outstanding as the Czechs
reached the last-four of Euro 2004,
he can still turn the clock back.
The first Spain captain to lift the
World Cup when he raised the trophy
to the heavens in 2010, Real Madrid's
IKER CASILLAS is both a perceptive
and respected skipper, and a fantastic
practitioner of the art of poSitioni ng
and anticipatiOn .
Undoubtedly more conciliatory and
open than many of the previous wearers
of the RoJo armband, the 30-year-old
has brought With him a new form of
leadership, subtle encouragement and
softly-spoken ambitIOn as opposed to
macho ranting and raVIng.
The glory days of the 1970s when
international caps - a fine achievement
for the PSV Eindhoven man and one
which Hies in the face of the acage that
good guys don't come �rst.
RepublIC 01 Ireland's SHAY GIVEN
has, in a brilliant 1 S-year inte rnational
career, only compete<! in one major
tournament - the 2002 World Cup,
in which he was herOIC throughout.
The Republic are obsessed with clean
sheets but coach GiOvanni TrapattoOi
can relax with the Aston Villa keeper
marshalling the back line.
Albeit with the occaSional lapse,
STIPE PLETIKOSA has served Croatia
well for the past dozen years and though
young Dinamo Zagreb keeper Ivan
Kelava has many admirers, Pletikosa,
now with Rostov i n Russia, oug-.t to hold
on for one last tournament.
Just as EUAQ 2012 co-hosts Ukraine
have found it difficult to deliver some
of their tournament stadia on time, so
coach Oleg Blokhin has similarly fallen
behind schedule in his job of idenmYlng
his �rst-cholce keeper. This season,
Bl okhin has tried no fewer than four
goalies - Dynamo Kiev veteran
DIKAN of Spartak Moscow and
PYATOV, both of Shakhtar Oonets!:., and
clearly the time is fast approaching when
a defiflltive deciSion has to be made.
A boss renowned for his
conservatism, Blokhin would, in normal
circumstances plump for Shovkovsk;y,
the third most-capped player in
Ukraine's history. However, the
36-year-old has been notoriOusly
injury-prone in recent seasons.
Former under-21 side stalwart Rybka
has long been earmarked to slep into
the shoes of penalty-stopping expert
Shovkovskiy and has sparkled since
jOining Shakhtar from Dynamo Kiev thiS
summer. However, the fact remains that
he is an international novice with just
two senior caps, and in the 3-3 draw at
home to Germany In November he was
decidedlyjumpy. Blokhin may slowfy but
sure ly be coming to the conclusion that
his best bet between the posts is the
On the up
Youngsters rising to the challenge
sober and effective Oikan, a late
developer who only broke into the
national team last year aged 32.
Another CO<lch facing a thorny
selection problem in thiS department
is Greece's Fernando Santos, whose
first-chOice keeper MICHALIS SIFAKIS
is currently out with a long-term knee
inju!)' and is only due to return to action
for his dub, Aris Salonika. in February
While 5rfakis has been sidelined,
the slack has Deen taken up by
who is settling in well In Serie A
following his move from Panathinall(os.
Also studying their depth charts are
Rus�a, whose regular custodian IGOR
AKINFEEV is an mjured reserve until
the spring after blOWing eruciate
ligaments while playing for (SKA
Moscow. Deputy VYACHESlAV
MAlAFEEV has bags of experience
and is capable enough but not quite In
the same league as Akinfeev.
Denmark's Morten Otsen must
choose bet�en THOMAS SORENSEN,
who has onlyjust regained his place at
who IS a back-up for Manchester
United, as a lack of regular match
action could be a recipe for disaster.
After one mistake too many by Portugat
keeper Eduardo - particularly the
comICal gool he conceded in the 1-0
loss in NolWay early in the qualifying
campaign - new boss Paulo Bento
understandably felt compelled to ring
the changes in th� most important of
positions. And his decision to blood
Sporting lisbon's RUI PATRICIO has
paid considerable dividends.
Fortunately for Bento, the 24-year­
old newcomer has turned out to be the
Ideal successor: glaCial in temperament,
always focused and with all the technical
bases c�red_
As a junior he used to play up front,
and a popular school of thought is that
this has helped him in hiS goalkeeping
role, not only making him comfortable
on the ball but also giving him an insight
into the mentality of forwards_
A grad ate 01 Sporting's ever­
productive academy, he has served his
country's \uuth and under-21 :i!des
with distinction and made his inaugural
appearance lor the senior side in
No�ember 2010, appeanng as a
second-hill sub in the sensational
4-0 friendfy win o�er Spain.
While statistics can be bent and
manipulated every which way to
substantiate a particular point of view,
one number not open to interpretation
is the extraordinary 16-game England
career 01 Manchester City's JOE HART,
who :i!nce making his full international
bow, in a friendly against Trinidad &
Tobago in JUi"lE! 2008, has yet to suffer
international defeat.
A supremely conMent individual With
a flair for game-changing saves. the
24-year-old is the top-class keeper that
England ha�e needed for so long now.
Following the retirement 01 David
Seaman close to a decade ago, they
ha�e tried 10 ftil lhe gap wllh several
candidates, but all have had their Haws.
Boosted by Clty'S pace-setting start
to this season's Premier League, and by
the post-graduate course that is the
Champions League, Hart is clearly a
young man for the big occasion and is
unlikely to be lazed by the prospect of a
European Championship.
The pressures which all host nations
have to contend with will not cause
Poland's up-and-coming WOJCIECH
SZCZESNY to have sleepless OIghts_
Brimming over with self-belief
- some might say cockiness - the
2 1 -year-old Arsenal keeper can be
almost chillingly sure of himself. But in
contrast to the boxer who talkS a good
�ght but hits the canvas in the �rst
round. Szczesny Invariably backs up
the rhetoric with impressive deeds.
The truth is that he has every right
to leel satisfied With himself. At the start
01 last season he was Arsenal's fourth
choice, bot he estabhshed himself in
the second half of the campaign.
"It's very unusual to see a young
keeper with so much strength of
character, leadership and good grasp of
his cralt." enthused ex-Germany keeper
Oliver Kahn after witnessing Szczesny
put on a show in Poland's 2-2 draw with
the Narionalmann!idla{r in the autumn.
"He looks the real deal. I had the feeling
I was watching myself 20 years ago:
Highly recommended by Kahn? He
must be good_ WS
Exclusive reports from our worldwide
network of correspondents
The tragic case of hoN referee
Babak Rafati tried to take his
own life.
How ml.lCh longer (<rI UEFA deny the
British Colony cOlltlllental representatton?
Reaching the 2014 Work! Cup
is the lOP priority for the hosts
of the 2022 mats.
There's a nall-bctI1g finish to the
national champiorMip, but old
problems have still to be reso/'-Jed.
BeIgin coach Eric Gerets
can wil the African
Barcelona reassert
their dominance
Just when Real Madrid thought
they had a chance to beat their
eternal rivals .
eating the rest is one thing; Deating
Barcelona something else entirely.
It was all set up for a power shift
in Spain. WIth Real Madrid bringing
a Catalan cycle to a close. But Pep
Guardiola's team would not De moved.
,-, ...
.. . ..
Barcelona Hew to Japan looking to
become the club world champions
having fe-established themselves as
the favourites to be Spanish champions
- for the fourth season in a row.
The pre-game narrative was turned
on its head. How QuiCklV doubts can be
expelled; how Quickly they can assail the
previOusly impervious.
Real Madrid had won 1 5 out of
1 5 competitive games, equalling a
club record, aod �ored an astonishing
39 gwls in their previous 1 0 league
matches. Barcelona, meanwhile,
travelled to the Santiago Bemabeu
having just been beaten away by Getafe
and having twice been held on the road.
They had won just two games iNlay In
the league - and both of those by a
solitary goal, In Granada and Gijon.
In his sewnd season - a luxury
not afforded to any of his prede<:essors
Barcelona's half and back to goalkeeper
which both teams rack. up colossal
in over seven years - Jose Mourinho
Victor Valdes. His pass was a simple one
amounts of points. in which Madrid have
appeared to be getting there. Part
but then. Madrid still pressing, the ball
topped 90 for the last two seasons and
circumstance, part obligation, part
was given back to him again. This time
still not won the title, nine points would
he got it ....rong. His pass only found
Angel Oi Maria, whose ball to Karim
previous weekend they had beaten
follow-up took a deHection and looped
Madrid had dropped fi� points all
a Sporting Gijon side whose coach
up to Bemema. who scored. The ball
season. last year, Barcelona clinched
described Real as "alarmingly good".
had notYEt been In Madrid's half and
Barcelona, by contrast, seemed ill at
ease. Formations were changing, and so
already theywere one up.
the entire campaign (although they
was personnel; tiredness had set in; the
of. VICtory would PUt Real Madrid six
was tied up). So, here were Madrid on
For the first time since Guardiola had
top of the table and, having won 1 5 in
- and on the verge of a league IIIle lor
a row, no one doubted that they would
hand. Few doubted
win that ga me
Id be almost
thal li!(le poin
d�<. l�a
a rid's
QUe coo be Re
the �rst time in lour years; on the verge
ball travelled without its normal speed.
been Barcelona boss. the bookmakers
had Madrid down as favourites to win.
0ipT '9iI
Twenty-three-seconds In1
Barc� ona.
that appearedjl.lsll
kicked-off and Madlill pressured the
ball from the start all the way back into
prove a huge gap to overcome.
meticulous preparation, part natural
evolutiOn and part gigantic irwestment,
Madrid were getting stronger. The
Benzema Nas blocked. Mesot Ozil's
One up and nine points ahead; sort
points clear with a game in hand at the
before Christmas. In a competition in
On the verge
the league having dropped just 1 4 in
would drop four more once the title
the verge of a Virtual nine points lead
01 sh�ting power and finally ending
Barcelona's dominance,
But then it happened. After six
minutes leo Messi went racing through
the Madnd defence and drew a sharp
a back three. Andres Iniesta went left
and Messi was all over the pitch,
involved in everything. By half-lime they
had pushed their possession stats to
over 50 per cent; by the end it was 62
per cent. Xavi gave them a 2-1 lead
alter half-time with a deHe<:ted volley
and then Cesc Fabregas scored the
third on 65 minutes. The final 25
minutes. played out agaim.t a dwindling
crowd as Madrid fans made their way
sadly to the exits, saw Barcelona
dominate almost completely.
'We were better than them: Xlid
Xavi afterwards, while Guardiola praised
his players for remaining brave and
sticking to their philosophy.
Iniesta was imperious, Xavi In
control, Dani Alves covered every
inch of the pitch. Sanchez was a bundle
of energy, movement and edge, and
Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique had
Ronaldo largely under wraps. Every time
Ronaldo approached Pique he dived, as
if laCking conMence in his ability to beat
him. As for the typical subplo\' the press
photograph summed it up: it showed
Messi standing there while Ronaldo,
on his knees before the Argenllnian,
appeared to be preparing to clean hiS
boots for him.
One win for Mourinho
Mourinho noted that Messi might have
got a se<:ond yellow - it would have
been harsh but he certainly took a risk
with a foul on Xabi Alonso - but mostly
preferred to talk about bad lUCk. The
problem IS that the luck argument
did not wash. Mounnho has faced
Barcelona eight times with Madrid and
won just once, losing four times, with
an aggregate score 01 Barcelona 17
Real Madrid 8.
Ultimately, there could be no
questioning Barcelona's superiority
in this game. All those other games did
not provide a real measure of Madrid;
Barcelona did. And while Madrid felt
that the� had closed the gap - the� won
last year's Spanish Cup and been the
Xlve Irom Iker Casillas.
once more: the abihty to control the
better side in the Super Cup, as well as
hiding behind a conspiratorial discourse
It was a warning Cristiano Ronaldo
tempo and direction of a match, slowly
to explain their Champions League exit
missed a good chance to make it 2-0 to
squeezing the hfe out of the opposition.
- this result suggests that the difference
Real Madrid and then, on the halt hour,
Once again, they had made very, very
between the teams remains significant.
Messi picked the ball UP inside his own
half, dashed away Irom Ozil, drew three
good opoonents look average. And
Yes, it could have gone another way
and there were moments when the
match might have changed. but this felt
players into him and released the ball
through the gap for AleXIS Sanchez to
score. Bit b� bit. Barcelona had started
to get control 01 the game, overcoming
Madrid's intense, high pressure.
This result suggests that the
difference between the two
teams remains signincant
And after overcoming the first wave
of pressure they found the pitch opening
out in front of them.
like a Barcelona side reasserting their
authority amid the doubts. In that sense,
it felt a bn like the famous 6-2 In 2009.
It is forgotten now but Madrid went into
that match on a long victorious run of
1 7 wins and one draw in lB. They had
when Madrid did make chan:es they
even taken the lead. But just when they
The more Barcelona kept the ball.
wasted them as Ronaldo's header went
thought there was a chance, Barcelona
the quicker Madrid tired chasing it. The
Wide and Kakil, on as a subsutlle, was
put them back in their place.
'bestial' physical condition of whICh
Gijon's Manuel Preciado had spoken the
denied by Valdes.
Even the partiXln Madrid press had
no doubt. AS's cover ran on 'the best
week before was no longer apparent
Barcelona had been denied the ball
and denied ftuency in the open ng
An often-overlooked aspe<:t of
minutes, but follOWing the goal Danl
Barcelona's game was being applied
Alves was pushed forward. leaving
team won', while Marco's cover led on
'Not much Madrid; Mucho Barcelona'.
Mucho. And then some. WS
PSG fall in
Le Classique
Marseille pile the pressure
on rivals' coach Kombouare
aris Saint-Germain may be the
name on everybody's lips at the
minute - thanks to the excitement
(Ner a certain LA-based
Englishman who isn't even on the club's
books as yet - but right now there are
pressing matters out on the Pitch that
need addressing.
That much was clear at the end of
No�ember when PSG travelled down to
the south COOS! to play their part in the
�rs{ league meeting of the !.eason with
training. Tle France World Cup-winning
rumours thatthe club might be sold,
Argentinian playmaker Lucho Gonzalez
after a month on the periphery
arch-rivals Marseille. And with the home
side in all sorts of trouble - poor results,
publiC spats between (ooch and sporting
director. not to mention between coach
hero got �is tactics spot on, recalling
lucho pulled the strings illl ntght long
ilnd Qilve something of a fcotballing
the injection of Qatari money into
the club there have been rumours
thilt the paymasters were only biding
their time before dispenSing with him.
Names in the frame have veered from
the outlandish (Jose Mourinho) to the
and players - it looked like the capital
lesson to his PSG compatriot Javier
credible (Carlo Ancelotti), but the defeat
three points at the Stade Velodrome
spectacular fashion since his impressive
form will have done nothing to help
way and Marseille's Oidier Oescha mps
'Fantastic Four' - alongside Jeremy
continued his impressive run against
Menez, Nene and Kevin Gameiro - but
grace were Montpellier. who hilve been
club had theijr best chance of taking
in many a year.
However, it didn't turn out that
Pastore, lI'ho hils gone off the boll in
start to the season.
Pastori' is one quarter of Paris'
Argentinian playmaker Lucho Gonzalez pulled the
strings all night and gave a lesson to compatriot Javier
Pastore, who has gone off the boil in spectacular fashion
PSG. In seven home hxtures, as coach
the men .,.,OO were supposed to help
The latest victory, by a comfortable
produce the goods recently. Stri�er
of Monaco and Marseille, he has pOsted
�ve wins and two draws.
3-0 margin. didn't flatter the prevIously
PSG blowawa� the opposition this
season simply haven't been able to
Gameiro, for example, had not scored in
stuttering rOM by any means. The result
hve consecutive Ligue 1 matches - his
opened the scoring on nine minutes,
With a smartly-taken header, and the
season when he was with Lorient.
While PSG headed back north having
was never in doubt after Laic Remy
hosts cruised home with rcom to spare
thanks to further goals from Morgan
leanest run 01 form since the 2008-09
picked up Just one point from their last
three lea!J.Je games, Marseille's victOf)'
at Marseille and a recent run of iffy
Kombouare sleep soundly at night
Takingadvantage of Paris' fall from
consistently punching above their weight.
And tal�ing of weight, there's never any
ignoring the gargantuan form 01 their
president Louis Nicollin, a man whose
mouth is as big as his waistband.
On the same wee�end that PSG went
down at Marseille. Montpellier notched
up an impressive 3-1 victory away to
Sochaux to open up a three-point lead
over Kombouare's Side. Newl�-capped
France forward Ohvier Giroud weighed
in With a hat-trick and Nicollln, never
short of a "colourful" expression, was
quick to announce that it would be a
disgrace for clUDs such as PSG,
Marseille, Lyon and Lille if his "little
club" went on to become French
champions. 'If that happened and I
were them I'd stick il sausage up my
lifted them to ntnth. nine points behind
arse: said Nicollin.
rder Pt;essu� fOIlQ..wi�g
w 0 �d bee u
callOns 'ilispo(tlng dLre!jtot J�
months ago this seemed impossible
upper echelons of FrenCh football, of
big game after Insulting Deschilmps in
be a very nervous man right now. Since
Amalhtano and Andre Ayew.
It was a triumph for Deschamps,
AnIQOa'lld s m.er A
PterTl! Glogriat
- who wils
1eft out of the squad for the
PSG after 1 5 games. Just a couple of
follOWing Marseille's disastrous start
to the campaign.
PSG boss Antoine Kombouare must
What remains to be seen in the
course, is whether PSG can put some
colour back in to their own game - and
whether a certain MonSieur Beckham
Will be on board to ilct as the catalyst. •
Boca back on top
Buenos Aires powerhouse wrap up
apertura with two games to spare
Iter three disappointing, disjointed
and ilcrimonious years, Boca ilre
bad:; on top in Argentina. Ruthless
and workmanlike, they se<:ured
their 24th league title with a 3-0 win
o�er Banfield at the Bomboneri!.
(reeplng closer to River Plate's
Riquelme the previous season, Falcloni
care of the first team before Falcloni
record of 33 league titles. and doing so
restored the iconic number 1 0 as the
joined in late 2010. Alfio Basile's second
while their rivals are currently battlmg It
focal pomt of his new 4-3-1-2. And
spell at the club was short lived and
out in the second divisiOn. added an
Riquelme was superb in the first hall of
eflded after loSing a pre-season friendly,
exIra spring to the players' step during
the season, as Boca built their lead at the
albeit to River Plate. Claudio Borghi,
their lap of honour. River losing to Boca
top of the table, before injUry limited his
meanwhile, rarely seemed comfortable
partiClPil\ion in the final weeks,
In the magnifying-glass environment
Umdos lhe day before Los Xeneizes won
the title made things even sweeter.
Else\l'here, Falcioni shored up the
DeSPite marching a clear path
towardS the apertura title this year, the
season started WIth intense pressure on
Boca JuniOrs coach Julio Cesar FalciQni.
Aller a troublesome first six months at
the club and a goalless drilw to Olimpo
at Boca is like hailing sex with the
At last, there is a
sense of stability at
Boca Juniors
on dilY one, rumours soon circled that
wifldow open: Neither of the interim
coaches Abel Alves or Roberto Pompei
were able to galvanise the team,
On the same day that Boca wrapped
up the championship, the club also held
its presidential election. The national
government had their candidate in
his poSition was under threat. A week
later, however, Boca swept past newly
at the club, famously saying: "Coaching
promoted Union, Winning 4-0 at home,
defence and improvised, when
necessary, up front. Signing 38-year-old
and never looked back.
Rolaodo Schiavi raised many eyebrows,
current club preSident Jorge Arnor
Ameal, while Buenos Aires mayor aod
former Boca president MauriCIO Macri,
Abaodoning his preferred 4-4-2,
not least after his inconsistent form
who is one of the main figures of the
which led to him dropping Juan Roman
at Newe�'s the previous term, yet the
opposition to the government, had hiS
rejuvenated Schiavi excelled as the
candidate in Oilnlel Angelici.
leader of the back line.
For Ameal, not even presenting a
record P.5million profit for the
leger.dary goalscorer Martin Palermo
Clubs with
the most
league titles
retired in June, easing the pressure­
2010-11 season, signing up Rlquelme
cooker atmosphere in the dresSing room,
on a four-year contract and winning the
but it left the attilck without liS reference
point. lucas Viatri, finally able to step
the base upon whICh Boca won 1 6
out of Palermo's considerable shadow,
managed three goals in 1 1 games before
trophies during hiS reign from 1996 to
2007, was Angelici's trump card, and
rlJPturing knee ligaments. PaniC spread
won With 54 per cent of the vote.
title was enough. Macri, who had bUilt
and rum�urs of replacements stretched
Many fans are concerned by the
as far as including Carlos Tevez. However,
potential ramifications of the results as
the low-Drofile Nicolas Blandi - having
Angelici had resigned as club treasurer
returned from loan at Argentinos Juniors
- stepPEd up aod scored four in the next
after opposing the four-year deal
two games.
But while the politics rumble on,
Boca are not just celebrating thiS litle,
FalCioni created a tight unit that rarely
punished opponents - only scoring more
than two goals in three matches before
offered to Riquelme by Ameal.
they are also dusting off their passports.
Alter a two-year absence the club
lifting the title - but one whiCh was
return to the libertadores Cup - a
uncomplomiSing in defence, And at last
there was a sense of stability at the club,
competition theywon four times in the
last decade. Boca are just one Win away
Since Carlos Ischia's side won the
2008 apertura, four coaches had taken
from levelling Independiente's record of
seven titles. WS
Reality bites
for Azzurri
Players face political realities
ahead of tough Euro 2012 draw
taly coach Cesare Prandelli was
sanguine about the draw for the
Euro finals whkh grouped his
side WIth Spain. Croatia and
the Republic of Ireland. claiming
that he would have preferred to
a\/Oid Giovanni Trapattoni's Ireland.
'We didn't want to play against
Trapattonl for all sorts of reasons, but
for us the important thing will be to
arrive at the opening games �t and well:
said Prandeili. 'I don', know what I will
say to 'Trap' before thai game. We talked
together here. He's very good at making
situations like this easy and normal.'
Two weeks earlier, Prandelli had been
involved in a situation anything but "easy
or normal', having taken the Azzum to the
small Calabrian town of Rizziconi, where
they trained on a tiny pitch standing on
land that originally belonged to the Crea
sequestered from the mafiosi back in
The team were greeted by the anti­
stadium in 2003. The problem was that
clan of the local ma�a, the 'Ndrangheta.
mafia campaigning priest Don Luigi
only the most powerful of all the mafias
- no doubt for good reason - people
always used football, especially small­
one wanted to use the pitch, whiCh thus
itself inSIde the infrastructures of ·le9ality'.
Ciotti, who told them: "Your gesture is an
were afraid of the Crea family and no
of signs against the signs of power. of
lay abandoned for four years before it
Important one. It is about using the power
Calabrian mafia, the 'Nd rangheta, is not
1994, becoming the site of a little
in modern Italy but aliO one which has
time local football, as a way of insinuating
·Football is fundamental down
Mafioso power. You have big responsibility,
was 'opened· a second time in 2007.
not forget that. Sport is hope and hope
mo�ement Libera. invited Prandelli and
it allows control of me territory and
the face of the mafia. Remember, the
'Ndrangheta is a parasite, once it gets
inside an organism, it never leaves:
you are an example for lots of kids, do
means giving people a chance:
The land in QuestiOn was originally
Oon CiOtti, who runs the anti-mafia
his team down as a defiant gesture In
here,' says ma�a invesllgator Michele
Prestipino. "It creates SOCial consensus,
enables the recycling of money. The
Prestipino's point is illustrated
by the fact thaI, in September, two
On the morning after the draw lor
Euro 2012, Italian reaction was
twofold: firstly, this is a tough
draw, and Sl'<ondly, we ha�e to deal with that
�young fellow" (jio�anni Trapattoni again.
(if/ueero DelioSport suggested the draw had done few fa�ours
fOf Italy. Elsewhere, respected wriler Xavier Jacobelli commented:
"There will be Ihree Italian coaches at Euro 2012 [Prandelli,
Capello and Trapattoni) and that is a testimony to the quality of
Italian football. The oldest of those three is a young fellow who
was born batk in 1939, someone who has become a living legend.
"SpIlOllldng in Kiev tonight, Trap expressed the hope that
neither his IrelOllnd nOf Italy wil! haY(' to suffer too much when the
two sides meet on June 18 next summer."
local amateur clubs, Rosarnese and
Imerplana. were formally seQuestered
since they were under the control 01 the
Pesce 'Ndrangheta family.
That was the context in whiCh
Prandelli's team was USing 'the power
of Signs against the signs of power·. On
the day after that well-received trip to
Rizziconi, the natiOnal team paid a visit
to a rather better known place, namely
Palazzo Qumnale, home of Italian
president GiorgiO Napolitano
Here Azzurri captain Gigi Buffon
"I don't know what I'll say
to Tra before the arne"
ftN,e<*'b c.-......wIipc:>rOn .£u;n;,
:lr)l2clooohwldo hIo oIdfnoah 1,.,a."I_
made a speech whiCh showed that the
are oalliing it out at the top oree
Napoli, JINentus took advantage 01 the
more. Both have been shOWing
fact Napoli were still feehng the elle<ts
impressive form of late, After losing
of their Champions League game against
2-0 to JINentus in early October, Milan
Manchester City the previous week and
went on a run of seven wins and a draw.
managed to haul themselves back in, It
In the same period, Juve were perhaps
does not mean they will automatically
less impressive in terms at POints
will be right in there to the very end "
earned, recording �ve wins and three
lesson of the day before had not been
draws, but two of those Wins came
IO�l on him and which suggested he
against Internazionale and LaZIO. while
could do WQrse than opt for a POSI­
one of the draws was against Napoli. In
footb<!11 career In pOlitics,
the meantime, Milan had been beating
win the title, but it is a guarantee Juve
Someone else with posillve things to
� about hiS old club was former Milan
and Chelsea coach Carlo Ancelotti, who
Palermo, le<ce, Parma, Roma Catania,
sees the Rossooerl as the team to beat.
a political dass that is coherent. prepared
Chievo and Genoa, in that order.
when things were going badly at the
Two games at the end of November,
start of the season. Milan were still the
represented by YOU. a clean and capable
a 1-0 away Win over Lazio and a thrilling
favourites. They are the champions and
also the Side which has changed least."
'Our population needs the support of
and responsible, and of a state that is
He told Galzetta Delio Sport: 'Even
hgure: he said. 'We all 10010:. for answers,
3-3 away draw with Napoli. sU9gested
to get the show back on the road after
talk of Juventus reclaiming their place
these di/heul! moments. As lor us, we'll
at the top of the pile is not premature.
but it could be that an extended
do our best to honour the name of Italy
What was impressive in both games
Champions league campaign Will work
on the held, where�er and whenever:
was the obVIOUS solidity of the Juve
against them and In favour of Juventus.
mindset, coming back from 2-0 and
Milan may be Ancelotti's fallOurites
What is also clear is that, while they
Impressive form
then 3-1 down against Napoli, and
As for Serie A, Milan and Juventus,
also riding out the Storm agaimt a Lazio
Champions League easily enough, they
the tWO sides who baSICally dominated
side whiCh does not sell ItS hide cheaply.
are still some way behind the likes of
qualthed for the se<ond round of the
Among those impressed was former
Barcelona, who beat them 3-2 in Milan
between them Wlnfllflg 24 of the 34
JINentus and Italy coach Marcello lippi,
and drew 2-2 at Camp Nou in a game
titles disputed from 1972 and 2006.
who said: "In the second half against
totally dominated by the Catalans. WS
Italian football in the pre-CalciOpoli era,
Strain proves too
much for ref Rafati
Bundesliga ofncial is latest to
suffer mental health problems
he time: three minutes to three
on a Saturday afternoon. The
place: the Rhein-Energie-Stadion
where Cologne are due to play
Mainz in the Bundesliga. little more than
a half-hour before kick-ott, 5pectator5
are stunned to be informed over the
public address that the game will have to
hospital afld, happily. pronounced out
be postponed because there is no referee.
of danger by early evening, when he was
wherefores of the situation. some fans
telephone. However, the psychologic.al
for the car P<lrks and tram stops. But
heal than the phySical ones.
In half-yearly polls 01 Bundesliga
Ignorant as to the whys and
whistle and jeer before making tracks
it will not take long for the grumbling
to turn to widespread sorrow. Soon
supporters Will hear the awful truth
about the ill-fated hlure: that in the
scars are >ure to take much longer to
who Quit in 2007 after a lengthy battle
w�h depreSSion; the psychologically
players organised by Kid«!f magazine,
who earher this season burned down his
Ralati had been voted the worst ofhcial
In the country on no lewer than four
own hie. As astonishing as it is tragic.
harm: relerees always will be criticised
Rafati was depressed
and overwhelmed
by the fear of making
the wrong call
Bundesliga games since 2005 and
formerly on the FIFA list, had slit his
wrists in the bathroom of his hotel room.
He surely would have died if the three
other members of his team (Patrick
(Robert Enke) who took his own life by
stepping in front 01 a train; the hot
occasions and that wrt 01 notoriety does
Ralati, the lead offiCial at 84
in re<ent years is already way too long.
The tormented national team goalkeeper
able to speak to his lather on the
hours preceding {he match, referee
Sabak Ralati had tried to take his
nobody aoy favours. KiCker meant no
- it's una-.oidable. But there has to be
a limit to the barbs and those people
who once set up an "Anti Babak !lafati"
Facebook page need to reflect long and
hard on their demonising ways.
The reasons that drove !lafati to
the bnnk were revealed SIX days after
the incident at the Hyatt Hotel. In a
prospect midflelder (Sebastian Deisler)
fragile Sayern MuniCh defender (Sreno)
own house; the high-profile coach (Rail
Rangnick) who stepped down as Schalke
boss in September Ihrough burn-out.
The list does not end there This
autumn, Hanover keeper Markus Miller
had to take time out with nervous
exhaustion. Energie Cottbus' Czech
striker Martin Fenin is receiving
psychiatric. help after lalling from a hotel
window in October while under the
Influence of alcohol and medication.
What makes the German game so
susceptible' Is it more uncaring and
statement read by his lawyer. 5ven
more demanding on the nerves than
been >ulfering with depression for the
health problems is merely a cOincidence.
Menke, the referee admitted he had
best part of a year-and-a-hall and that
he had become overwhelmed by the
fear of m.:klng the wrong call.
elsewhere? Maybe the rash of mental
Football is only one part of society and
It mightjust be that in this last-moving,
dog-eat-dog world there are simply
more stresses and strains lor depresSion
Ittric.h, Holger Henschel and Frank
Under pressure
to exploit these days.
to check on him after he had failed to
who are under more pres>ure than
with depression or are in danger of
Willenborg) had not immediately gone
turn up for a pre-match brie�ng.
The trio, receIVing no answer when
they knocked on hiS door. SWiftly called
"I know of no other group 01 people
Bundesliga referees: says Herbert
Fandel. chief 01 the German referees
commission. Cue loud calls for video
Ten per cent Of all Germans suffer
falling prey to an illness which cuts right
across the SOCial spectrum.
'Everyone has strengths and
hotel stafl to provide them with a pass
technology to "help' officials and for
weaknesses: says Michael Vesper.
the dreadful scene, they had the wits
Association. "The only ddference is that
football had had Its fill of mental health
with players, coaches and referees very
key. Once inside, and confronted with
and expertise to both administer first aid
and call the emergency services.
Ralati. a German of Iranian roots who
was employed by a bank in the northern
36 WOIIlD SQ{{E�
city of Haoover. was rushed to a local
more mentoring and back-up for the
Just when you thought German
stories, another emerges to send more
chills down the spine. The list of victims
the director of the German Olympic.
in the Sundesliga it's all out in the open.
much in the public eye. They have to
cope with the world watching: W5
Painful transition
In a diffIcult year for the country's
"big three", there was some light
at the end of the tunnel
irs! the good news: Toronto
reached the quarter-finals of the
CONCA(AF Champions League for
the first time, becoming only the
second Canadian club, after Montreal
PSV Eindhoven striker Danny
Impacl lo 2008-2009, to make It to the
last eight of the continental competition.
Koevermans, who scored e;ght goals in
10 games to dose the season, Ecuador
That. however, has to be tempered
with a club-record-equalling low of Just
winger Joao Plata, who stands just Sft
Arcn Winter in a campaign that saw the
addition,Joining on loan from LOU QUito
play-oils for a fifth straight year.
the CONCACAF Champions League's
six wins in 30 MLS games for new coach
Reds miss the end-ol-seawn MlS (up
HaVIng replaced former Scotland
striker Mo Johnston in charge of the
and scoling four QO<lls in hve matches in
to a new attacking style next sea!.Oll
It was also a rough ride for MlS
his attempts to play a 4-3-3 system
neW1:om�rs Vancouver Whitecaps on
that clearly didn't work. And he wasn't
their return to top-night football for the
national team mid fielder Dwayne De
NASL in the early 19BOs,
helped by the early-season loss of iconiC
hrst time since the heydays of the old
Rosario, who had a very public salary
They kicked off the new era in style
dispute With Toronto, He was hrst traded
There were bright spots, though, and
BraZilian stnker Camito Sanvezzo, who
scored 1 2 goals alongside Frenchman
Rough ride
Winter faced criticism all year long for
28 points from 34 games,
3in, also proved to be a dynamic
preliminary round and group phase,
club from the Queen City, Dutchman
bottom of the Western Conference with
with a 4-0 hammering of rivals Toronto
Eric Hassli (10), will be looking forward
under incoming coach Martin Rennie,
The 36-year-old Scotsman, who has
climbed the ranks of the North American
game in the last six years, was one of the
youngest people to be awarded a UEFA
"A" coaching licence and he led Carolina
RailHawks to the top of the table in the
secOnd-tier NASL in 2011,
Back on the East CO<!st, there was
agony for Montreal tmp.lct who, in their
last season before becoming MLS' 19th
to New York Red Bulls before settling
at Empire Stadium, their temporary
club in March, missed the play-oils by
going on to hnish as the league's
joint-top scorer with 16 goals.
given a i22Smiliion lacelrt\. But just a
few wee�s later Icelandic CO<!ch Teitur
p.lyroll in the NASl.
of punditS expects the club to spend
them to the next level. He was replaced
with DC United a few weeks later and
home while BC Place Stadium was being
While even the most optimistic
another four to hve years rebUilding,
there were signs of an Improvement with
Coach Marc Dos Santos, one of
Thordarwn was Judged unable of taking
the rare Canadians to hold a UEFA "A'
by the far less popular director of soccer
over what he claimed was interference
operatio;)S, Tom Soehn, who fared no
the aCQuisition at ex-AZ Alkmaar and
a point despite having by far the biggest
better results-wise as Whitecaps hnished
licence, reSigned during the campaign
from the club's higher management, and
was temporarilv replaced by sparting
director Nick De Santis, The change in
leadership caused a huge nft between
the fans and president Joey Saputo over
his controversial backing of De SanllS,
. _.
• (a....1b 1
• Honduras 1
• ._10 Rko 1
. _.
I tnl'
• Guilt""'" !
• HOIOdur. 1
• Padama 1
• (Mta .IUI 1
• ........,. 1
The hiring of a new coach in Jesse
Marsch - the former USA aSSistant
coach with 14 seasons of MLS playing
experience - (aimed the waters, as
did the acquisition of Internazionale's
Colombia central defender Nelson Rivas.
. _.
. USAl
. "',.. ,
. 1I5Mv_r 1
And reported talks with Chelsea striker
Nicolas Anelka are a sign that Impact
are not shy of talqng the high road,
Whatever controversy lies ahead .
Fasten your seat belts: 2012
promiSES to be very exciting indeed.
is also OfMards and upwards.
"' am very (OIlMen!,' says AI Thaw<!di.
'OUf goal $ to quahfy for the finals before
2022 and our teams are doing very well.
InitiatilleS have been undertaken and
AI $add wi"lning the Champions League
was an inspiration to the young people
coming through our ASPIRE Academy to
achieve �r dreams. There is no hrrllt to
what you (an achieve if you put your
heart and >ou1 into It:
Some of the young Qatari playas are
already from the state-of-the-art ASPIRE
Academy and AI Thawadi believes that.
with more gracluates being introduced
Hosts seek trial
run in 2014 finals
The tiny Gulf state has big plans for
a hrst World Cup appearance
he fact that the 2022 hosts have
into the nctional youth teams 'we Will
see the results in the years to come'.
The Q.:taris are also looking to Sooth
America for inspiration, and national boss
lazarolll is just one 01 several BraZilian
players and coaches in the local Qatar
Stars leag.Je. Another is defender Moises
Moura. whJ played in Russia With Spartak
Moscow and KryIia So\Ie!(N, then in
Portugal v.ith Boavista and Braga, and
is now in tis second season wrth Emir
Cup-winner; AI Rayyan.
never appeared in the World Cup
'Football here is developing day
finals is an embarrassment that
by daY.' says the 32-year-old. 'AI Sadd
veteran BfiIZIHan coach Sebastiao
Winning the Asian Champions league was
Lazaroni has been tasked with ending
before Qatar welcomes the lootballing
world to what will be the most compact
�nals in historyHaving been held 0-0 at horne by
neighbours Bahrain - led by former
very important. It was not only tilatthey
showed the whole of Asia how Qatari
lootball is developing, rt also prwed
something to people here'
Build a connec:tion
England caretaker manager Peter To3')'lor
In a country of three million, where only
- in their penultimate preliminary game,
Qatar now go to group leaders Iran on
a Quarter �re local Qataris, establishing
the concept of 'owning' a national team
February 29 needing a draw to reach the
is not a gIVen. The players, directors and
�nal quahfying !1OUP stag(>.
Hassan AI Thawadi. who led Qatar's
which is wt"rf nags be."lring the profiles
successful World Cup hosting btd aod
of the natronal team's stars festoon the
is now secretary general of the co­
roads leadtng to the main stadia in Doha.
ordinating 2022 Supreme Council, has no
One of the most sharp-eyed observers
of the QalJri game is AI Khor's attacking
doubt that in football terms the message
coaches have to build a connection -
midfielder Pa Modou Kah. He played in
Holland fa' seven years, and then in
Norway, and talk5 football with all the
o FlFA RANIINCi (asol NO'.'efTbef 2011 ) PLUS NUMBER
G) c:::!:j
aggressive confidence common to so
yourself as a player and as a human
many Dutch-educated footballers. And
so, unlike many other OatariS. he does
being then you work hard at it every day.
not pull his punches.
at a club. but here you just have four
'In Hoi and there is a dlHerent
mentality and dlHerent standards because
And Kah does not believe the size of
the population can be used as an excuse,
around the qame is so much Qreater
than here: says Kah, 'Also, it's diHerent
adding: 'look at the Copa Amenca; a tiny
country like UrugJay can win that. The
in a match situation. In Europe you have
worid is developing and that goes for
there are no spectators, by comp;lrison,
steps, but It will get there in the long run�
a big crowd in the stadium, but here
because e'lerybody can watch football
football too. Qatar needs to take huge
Adjusting to the local culture can
be a big problem lor foreign importS
'I don't really mean the local league
either. Here you can watch every game
- as Paulo Silas, once a midfielder WIth
Sampdoria Sao Paulo and Brazil, and
from the Premier league, every game
now coach of AI Arabi found out in his
from Italy � game from Spain,
professionals and the rest are Qataris.'
in Europe the pressure in a game and
at home on television.
"In Europe you have 20 equal players
Germany, wherever. You can watch
the best in the
�'::f!� �r"
first game.
'I whistled from the bench to get my
� 1�:thIs�, ��� �
players' attention and I was told very
a ns.
the Qataris need to learn about
was a really big deal. But it is also down
to the pla)'el"s here. If you want to imprll'v'e
the international game, otherwise they
5ebastiao Lazaroni was Brazil's
coach at the 1990 World Cup
finals In Italy and, as Is usual in
the country of his birth, he was
sacked on the wi!/1 home. His
dismissal, however, owed not 50
much to the factthat his team
were knocked out by arch-rivals
Argentina but more to his
insistence on playing a five..man
back line. Now, aged 61, he is
seeking World (up redemption
in a very different context.
Although he does not say
as much, working with Qatar is
something of a comedown from
the days he bossed the likes of
(areca, Romano and Ounga.
But Lazaroni is a realist and is
adaptable, having coached 19
clubs in nine countries
national teams.
Appointed last August to
succeed Milovan Aajevac, he says:
-My players give 100 per cent but
need more experiefKe of big
games and of playing against
different styles. They also need
to understand the importance
of what we are doing now.
"Every d i!/1 1 tell them: 'We
are playing in the World (up
quali/ving competition, we are
playing to get to the finals in
2014� Every day we need to do
better and I believe they are
trying to do that.
"Qatar have only two chances
to quality before they host the
2022 World Cup. There is now
and 2018. That's not a lot. This
is why this phase right now is 50
important. If we reach the next
stage then the winners will go to
Brazil. It can be that close,
-we will fight right to tile end.
It's not goIog to be easy but we
have to try. Who knows?-
will not survive out in the world of the
next day for the game and brought
world Cup:
their brothers and fathers and uncles
Silas believes local dubs need
to work harder to attr.Kt fans to the
and COU!>ins.
'ThE",' need this mentality here. They
games but, once more, local culture
will get there, in time:
That phrase, 'in time', is an intriguing
DOe. Qatar has already ueated the
administrative body to preP<1re for the
2022 World Cup finals. But in a football
world wtich is still, more than a �ar on,
coming to terms w�h the 2022 award,
nothing \Yould work to greater elfect than
a few btg wins or star players.
'The Arab world has brought up
is a factor to consider because
'women ancl children are not expected
to come to football matches: �'s not
been something for them'.
fabulously talented players from Algeria
through XI Saudi, but the proper spotJi!tlt
has not been shone on them: says
AI Thawidi. 'The World Cup will show
Silas adds: 'When I was at Sao
everyone we have talented players who
a game, he brou!jlt hundreds of toyS to
ancl the Premter lea(}Je by 2022, en:!
Paulo we had a director who had a tC1{
factory. Every Saturday, the day before
can compete with the rest of the world.
'we will see Q.ltar players fn La lJga
training to QJYe to the kids who turned
jQUng budding players from Europe will
up Of course, then the Iuds came back
be wanting to come here.'
E 'C
�:�i ;P,;��t �
Asia or the USA - occasiOns which could
be the calendar. In 2011 everything
the clubs to Internatlonalise their brands
went to th2 wire. All the main Iss.ues ­
in the long term.
The Brasileirao showcased the best
and worst of the domestic game
�h its cast 01 stars and the drama
stretching to the final day. the
most recent national championship
demonstrated that it is the league
mosl l1kely to vie lor global .mention with
the like5 01 the Premier League, La Uga
and Serie A.
A new TV deal � likely to widen
Secondly, it is not possible lor
Qualified for the Libertadores Cup, who
were relegated to the second division ­
the championship to p.:!use for FIFA
dates. There is simply not enough time
were only defined on the final Sunday of
available for such a break in the action
the season. That meant the championship
if 38 rounds are to be crammed in
(and avercge crowds) on the rise.
is becommg increasingly problematIC
between May 20 and Oecember 2. This
In thecry, appetites should be
now that more domestically-based
whetted for the 2012 Championship.
players are being called up to the
But that does not kick off until May 20,
national team.
by which tme the momentum built up
over the Closing stages of 2011 will have
For October's FIFA dates. BraZilian
clubs had to do without key players at
dis�pated The next camp.:!ign will start
a vital moment in their campaign. In
November, national coach Mane
'cold", throwing away one of the biggest
advantages of the league format.
The stone in the shoe is the existence
Menezes prudently decided not to
call up any home-based players - whICh
01 the state championships, one lor each
is hardly an ideal situation as he seeks to
01 the country's 27 states, which run
construct a cohesive side to take on the
from January 22 until May 13. The
world in 2014.
format Of these varies from state to
state, but they all share the feature of
wasting the big clubs' time in endless
games against insignificant opponents.
A long league competition clearly
"This is killing Brazilian football;
says former national coach Carlos
Alberto Parreira 01 the four-month
state competitions. More people are
coming round to the view that these
needs a p.luse beforehand in order
to start with a sense of event. The
eXistence of the state tournaments
prevents tl"lis from happening With the
differences between the biggest clubs
national championship. It also rules out
and the rest. Even so, Brazil is so vast,
any chance of a proper pre-season
with so many massive clubs, thaI the
training period. And there are other
potential exists to reconcile competitive
effects which are gradually becoming
balance with Quality, and have a league
more apparent.
with big-name players that is less
Firstly, there is no space lor
BraZilian dubs to travel and partiCipate
prediCtable than the major domestic
be lucratille in the short term and help
the destinatiOn 01 the title, whiCh teams
came to a conclusion With interest lellels
Global ambition,
local limitations
in pre-season tournaments in Europe,
prOblems to
overcome - and the biggest must surely
People are coming
round to the view the
state championships
should be scrapped
tournaments should be scrapped,
shortened or their format changed to a
midweek cup But serious Impediments
eXist between thought and action.
The biggest is political. The power
structure 01 the 8razilian game is based
at state level on control 01 the small
clubs. The big clubs could set up their
own league, but this would need an act
of will ilnd an element of cohe!oion that
Will not come eilsily.
There is also a mental problem.
The state championships hilve always
been around, playing a vital role in the
development of the game and many can
not imagine life without them -especially"
as Brazilian football runs on local rivalries.
It could be, though. that this
conserviltism has been undermined by
the final round of the 2011 Brasileirao.
In recent years there have been cases
of clubs appeanng to be happy to lose
end-ol-season matches if it harmed the
cause of their main rivals. To prevent this
and ensure the competition's Integrity.
the last games of the 2011 campaign
were gillen oller to local derbijes. A
controversial measure, but it appears to
halle worked. No one took their foot off
the pedill, there was drama to the end
and the point has clearly been made
that local rivalries can flourish outside
the context of a state championship.
learn the lesson, sort out the
calendar and the Brazihan league
can be a global attraction.
AV E £ 2 1
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Awaiting recognition
UEFA has sat on the British
Colony's membership application
for more than a decade
chant 01 "We want UEFA" rings
out from a l,OOO-5lron9 crowd
at Gibraltar's Victoria Stadium. The
British colony's side have just won
3-1 against England ( - a side 01 young
professionals drawn from clubs outside
the Football League - and manager
Allen Bula has fresh challenges in mind.
"Fabio Capello.' renens Bula. "I am a
big admirer of Fabio Capello. I'd welcome
him and England here in Gibraltar, or the
chance to play at Wembley."
Gibraltar playing Capello's England
Gibraltar and appeased Spam, UEFA
went to the Court of Arbitration for
!ij)Ortlng bodies, the exclusion from
submitted their application and Gibraltar
Sport (CAS). which ruled in their fallOUr.
Gibraltar were briefiy provisional
dispute comes to a head.
apphcation went to a vote and after
(GFA) applied to join UEFA In 1999. but
world body to politically sensitive places,
including Gibraltar.
members, but at a UEFA Congress In
The Gibraltar Football Association
potential members classed In three
categones: from countries not yet in the
changed t,1(' rules after the GFA had
might seem unlikely, but It could happen
as European football's longest-running
Shadow 01 till
""'-"" """"
StadO.m Is till site
of CilbnItilt'S only
be recognISed as countrie5 by the United
Nations. Although that excluded
As a member of other international
football 's elite rankles. 'If you are a
national hockey, cricket or basketball
player, you get at least one international
Dusseldorf, in January 2007, their
tournament; but not football: says 8eiSo.
furious Spanish lobbying just three
Faroe Islands 3-0 and that result, plus
Earlier this year, Gibraltar beat the
countries voted in favour. The GFA
the win over England C, has buoyed
and club sides from international
secured a second ruling that UEFA
admit by Gibraltar as soon as possible.
UEFAJ unless we rock the boat: says
Bula. 'The boat has to be rocked all the
the rules so that all new members had to
but not one Gibraltarians will accept.
when neighbours Spain found out they
threatened to pull all of their national
competitions. UEFA reacted by changing
went backto CAS and in August 2011
Spain has offered a middle ground,
'Spain were happy to oller Gibraltar
a place in the Spanish league s�tem,
providmg we drop the UEFA bid: says
GFA comnittee member Dennis Beiso.
1990 Faroe Islands
1992 Armenia, Estonia, Georgia,
latvia, lithuania, Ukraine
1993 Belarus, Croatia, Moldova,
1994 Azerbaijan, Israel, Macedonia,
1996 Andorra
1998 Bosnia-Herzegovina
2002 Kazakhstan
2007 Montenegro
Bula's team. 'We cannot win [against
time so that other countries hnd out
what's gOing on."
While striker George Cabrera and
left-back Joseph Chipolina play their
dub football in Spain, with Algeciras and
San Roque respectively. Lee Casciaro -
'The feeling within our counCil is that
who scored against England C - has
international future hrst."
to go profesSional, preferring the
pitch, the Victoria Stadium, is on land
that is disputed by Britain and Spain,
Pusey, who joined Atletico Madrid at
16, now works for a bookmaker.
we must 00 everything to secure our
The foKt Gibraltar's only football
was given as a reason for excluding the
repeatedly turned down trials and olfers
security of his MoD job, while Jason
Most Gibraltarians agree a player
GFA. But the Ministry of Defence is set
in a recognised foreign league would
the oppos'te �de of the Rock that is
Hernandez recently had a �x-week trial
to hand ol'er a military playing held on
help conhdence and midhelder Tony
definitely in Gibraltar.
The gOJernment plans to use the
in England with Middlesbrough, Bula,
however, has another plan.
resort, could relocate the football pitch.
team appearances to locally born
against the latest CAS ruling, hnding
change so that he has an opportunity
pitch for rugby and cricket but, as a last
For UEFA, which has not appealed
a wa to keep out
Trr,t n If
ibraltar is getting
• I action by
Current GFA rules restrict national­
players. but Bula would like to see that
to call up his nephew. And while that
might sound like nepotism, it is worth
pointing out that his nephew is Danny
Higginbotham, a Premier League
veteran with Stoke City. WS
Peace breaks out
under Gerets
Belgian coach has the national
team pulling in one direction
decade ago, in the dusty conhr.es
of the athletes' village at Segou
on the fnnges 01 the Sahara
desert. Morocco's team at the
African Nations Cup finals in Mali was
fraught with tension.
Fislicufls In the camp saw Abdeslam
Ouaddou sent home as a result of the
differences between players from clubs
in Morocco and a growiflg band of new
discoveries from the country's vast
diaspora across Europe.
Thai chasm has been used as
an excuse tor several unconvincing
campaigns since 2002. But under Eric
but was keen to make everyone aware
Gerets, Morocco now present a uMed
front and have finally put those problems
that qualifYing for the 2012 Nations Cup
behind them as they seek to march bdck
was his first priority. And this was done
\0 a place among the continent's elile.
with wme style in the latter stages - a
run which included a 4-0 thumping of
Peace has come in tandem with
the emergence of some skilful - if
somewhat unruly - talent, but the
Belgium World Cup defender Gerets
Algeria in June
'After the game I was pulled over
in hiS native country, neighbouring
on the freeway for speeding,' r('(alls the
is managing the process and dealing
Holland, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Gerets
57-year-old. 'Almost immediately there
with expectations With great aplomb.
IS now relishing his first job in charge 01 a
were 1 5 police cars that rushed to the
Morocco may not have made the last
Nations Cup tournament, in Angola, but
they will be among the favourites for the
event that kicks off on January 21.
While not exactly new pretenders
in African football, the veterans of four
national team; one that is lull of potential
scene, all of them asking for autographs
and brimming with precocious talent
and piCtures.
such as Ismail Alssati, Mbark Boussoula
and Adel Taarabt - who walked out
street. It reminds me of my youth Since
'I like AfriCa, the people live on the
on the team in June when he was not
I've arrived the federation has become
picked lor the key qualifier against
a lot better organised.'
World Cup finals appearances have only
neighbours Algeria but was then brought
And having achieved his first mission
won the Nations CuP title once - and
that was 38 years ago.
After experiencing success at club
back by a forgiving coach.
When Gerets arrived in Morocco he
statement, Gerets has now refocused his
go<!l, adding: 'Our aim is to win the
spoke aoout 'WInning titles and prizes'
Nations Cup' III
OF 2 0 1 1
candal ripping at the heart of
FIFA ... Barcelona taking club
football to new heights... New
talent emerging to re-energise the
game... Recognition for some of
football's brightest coaches...
The past 12 months have produced
some fascinating storylines and
The striker captained his country to viCtory in the (cpa America , the major
international tournament of 2 0 1 1 . l n doing so, he emulated the
achiellements of his father Pablo. a substitute when Uruguay won the
South Americiln title in 1967, and his grandfather. who coached the
victorious sides of 1959 and 1957.
memorable events. Here are World
Soccer's key personalities of 2011
The former World Player of the
Year revived hiS career at
Flamengo, having seemmgly been
on a downward spiral at Milan.
where his partying took
prominence over his playing. But a
new, more diSCiplined Ronaldinho
Impressed in Rio de Janeiro, with
hiS performances earning a recall
to the Brazil national side and
prompting discussion as to the
possible role he can play at the
2014 World Cup_ Stili only 31. the
The veteran Spanish striker
enjoyed an Indian summer
in his career, winning the
German Cup with Schalke
and reaclling the semi-finals
01 the Champions League. The
two goals he scored against
Internazionale in the quarter­
finals took his total tally in
UEFA competitions to 72,
a new record.
dream is not over yet.
Scored the winnmg 90<11 in the
2011 Copa America Final, havmg
The veteran former Ajax,
made a dramatIC impact at
Barcelona and liverpool forward,
Liverpool following his January
is the only player to have played
2011 transfer from Ajax.
he won his first Finnish
league title with
The 36-year-old midfielder won his 1781h cap
in a 2-0 friendly defeat by Brazil in November,
equalling the world appearance rKord set by
Mexko's Claudio Suarez and Saudi Arabia's
Mohamed AI Dayea.
Liechtenstein's record cap holder and goalscorer made his
100lh International appearance In August.
HJK at the
age of 40.
Golden Shoe with
40 goals in La
liga last
season. ThiS
term he
passed tile
of 100
goals for
international football in lour
different de<:ades. In 2011
member of
Uruguay's Copa
A�ica squadl he
was the star of
Napoli's emergence as
a new force in Serle A.
The Colombian was a prolific
The Argentinian goalkeeper
goalscorer in Porto's ground-
saved three penalties against
La EQuidad 10 the shoot-out
2010-11 season.
that secured the Colombian
He scored
18 goals in
the club's
Europa League
apertura title for his club.
including the only
10 March the Freoch defender
goal of the Final
against Braga I
Dublin. and
shared a total of 63 with strike
partner Hulk. His B4million
move to Atlelico Madrid was
one of the biggest transfers 01
underwent emergency surgery
after a tumour was discovered
on his liver. By May, he had
made a remarkable recovery,
playing the full 90 minutes
against Manchester United
in the Champions league
Final at Wembley.
He finished the
summer 2011.
match wearing
the captain's
The outstanding player in
the Premier league thiS
autumn, although his
performances for (Ity
were not enough to win
him a regular place in
Spalo's starting XI.
and was
the first
For almost four decades,
the 95-year-old Brazilian
has been a colossal figure in
football politics, overseeing
FIFA lor 24 years as president
before handing over to Sepp
Blatter in 1998 and taking
up an honorary position.
However, his resignation
from the International Olympic
Committee, officially on health
grounds, two days before he
was due to face an ethics investigation, was interpreted by
many observers as an admission that he was guilty of receiving
bribes from 15L, FIFA's former marketing partner,
Unfortunately for Havelange, the 15L long-running scandal,
which is set to produce further revelations in the coming weeks
and months, will be his lasting legacy at FIFA,
lilt the
The former teacher was the
all-powerfut leader of the
North, Central American and
Caribbean region, proudly
boasting of the block of 35
votes he could deliver in FIFA
presidential electiOnS, until
events caught up with him In
2011, He quit all his football
posts before he could be
punished by FIFA in the wake
of the Caribbean Football
Union scandal,
The controversial (hechen
The 26-year-old Ghana
businessman turned the
international striker quit Premier
league club Sunderland and
Swiss Super league club into,
according to
one shareholder,
"the laughing
stock of
even of Europe",
His despotic
methods led to
the departure of five coaches in
as many months, with many
other stall also fired,
The Ecuadorian, who
earned notoriety in 2002
when he officiated the
World (up �nals match
between Sooth Korea and
Italy in Daejeon, was jailed in
the Uni ted States for heroin
smuggling. In the 2002 game,
which the Koreans won in
controversial circumstances in
extra time, Moreno sent oil Italy's
Fraocesco Totti and wrongly
instead agreed a lucrative deal
With UAE club AI Ain, reportedly
for four times his salary in England
The former Australia defender
announced hiS retire ment from
top flight football after re<:eiving
an eight-match ban for an
horrendous challenge on
Melbourne Heart's Adrian Zah ra
The Qatari was banned from all football activity by the FIFA
ethics committee following the bribery scandal that engulfed
his campaign to unseat 5epp Blatter as president, Members of
the Caribbean Football Union were offered bribes of 540,000
(125.000) following a meeting with Bin Hammam In Trinidad,
A year ago Bin Hammam was celebrating after he had
masterminded Qatar's unlikely success in winning the right
to host the 2022 World Cup. Twelve fIl()nths later, his
reputation is in tatters,
The former son-in-law of Joao
Havelange ended the year
mired in controversy. He faced
allegations that he was the
recipient of bribes from FIFA's
former marketing partner ISl.
He stepped down as president
of the 2014 World Cup
organising committee and was
under increasing pressure to
relinquish his membership of
the FIFA executive committee.
disallowed an Italy goal for offside.
WoridSoc:c:er PEOPLE 0
The Italliln coached Japan to Asian
Cup success less than a year after
taking charge of the national side.
A former mid fielder with the
French club, he saw his favoured
brand of attilcking football
deliver their hrst league
chamPIonship since 1954.
Years of observing
games from the bench at
Charismatic young coach whose
modern approach and attention to
detail brought Bundesliga title
success with a talented young
squad. Recently sign ed
The former Juve midfielder had
not previously coached in Serie A
- having steered Bari and Siena to
Serie B titles in 2009 and 2011
respe<:tively - but he returned to
Turin 10 steer his old club to the
top of the table.
a contract extension
but is the favourite
to succeed
Low as
Manchester United paid
dividends for the rookie
coach, who won the
championship With
former club Molde
in hiS hrst season
back in Norway.
In the year before he turned 70,
the Scot won his 12th league
crown with United and celebrated
2S years in charge at Old
Traffo rd. The champiOnship
was the club's 19th, setting
a new English record.
The 34-year-old prot� of Bobby
Robson and Jose Mourinho enjoyed
a relTlilrkable first season at Porto.
winning a Portuguese league, cup
and Europa League treble,
prompting Chelsea owner ROlTliln
Abramovich to pay the £ 12million
release clause in his contract.
lasted just five months as coach of
the RUSSIan league side based in
Chechnya. He left
with the team
bottom of the
league and with
A year on from guiding Uruguay to the World (up semi-hnals in
South Africa, Tabarez guided "LD Celelte" to a record-bfeaking
15th Copa Amerka title and the country's first success in the
competiti on for 16 years.
The ITIiIn known as 'EJ Maestro' (the teacher) demonstrated
the benefits of long-term planning. The former coach of Milan
and Cagliari has been boss of Uruguay's national side since 2006
- his second spell in charge, having also coached them at the
1990 World Cup.
His achievements were recognised by World Soccer readers,
who voted him a close sewnd to Pep Guardiola in the ballot lor
Manager of the Year.
owner Ramzan
that the former
Holland forward had been
'thinking about bars and
discotheques' and not football.
The former River Plate mldfielder
oversaw the team's relegation to
the second tier for the first time
A World Cup winner as a player
in 1986, he paid the price for
Argentina's unsuccessful Copa
America campaign in which the
host nation lost on penalties 10
Uruguay in the quarter-finals.
He was fired 12 months alter
succeeding Diego Maradona.
Sa cked by Inter In September after
just three months in charge of the
2010 European champions HIS
continued preference for playing
with a back three proved
disastrous and the club turned
to Claudio Ranieri.
in the club's h istory.
Won the Premier league and
FA Cup double in
his first season,
Out the following
term he still
became the
sixth ITIiInager
to leave
The bespe<:tacled former trainee
teacher was in charge of Schalke
for six months (from March
to September). having quit
Hoftenheim in January in protest
at the sale of Luiz Gustavo 10
Bayern Munich. He earned plaudits
for his honesty after stepPing down
as Schalke boss, citing stress and
mental exhaustion.
Stamford Bridge
Since ROlTliln
bought the club.
In Frank Rijkaard's final season in charge. Barcelooa
finished third in La Liga, 18 points behind Real
Madrid, Worse still, they were fOfced into handing
their ri�als a humiliating guard of honour because
the dasko fell the week after Madrid clinched the
title. They had, in the words of Rala Marquez, let
themselves go. They needed a change.
When IOffner Barca midfielder Guardiola was
chosen as Rijkaard's successor, there were some
who were fearful. Sure, he had be-en successful in
charge of the B team, but he had no experience.
The Catalan press Wefe crying
for a bigger­
name coach - Jose Mourinho, to be precise. So
when Guardiola's side lost and drew their first two
league games, the pressure built
But some were sure. As Xavi told World Soccer:
·Pep is incredible. When they signed him I said:
'Madre mia, we're going to be nying.' I swear it.
He'spe5ado l�vy-going, hard working]. He's a
perfectionist. He demands so much from himself.
And that pressure that he puts on himself, those
demands are contagious."
Guardiola showed toughness, forcing Deco,
Ronaldinho and, eventually, Samuel Eto'o out. He
changed the apprOdch to training. Andres Iniesta
and Xavi recall reporting for pre-seasoo hardly
believing their eyes; they had not seen sessions
so intense. Guardiola demanded discipline. Ziatan
Ibrahimovic moans in his recent autobiography
that Barca's players were a 'sect' with blind faith
in their coach, schoolboys who did what teacher
said. Guardiola would take that as a compliment.
There was a new stress too: on positioning, on
intelligence, on movement. Tactically, the analysis
is astonishingly precise. Before every game,
Guardiola locks himself in a small, dark of�ce and
goes over the videos of his rivals. And during that
time there is a moment 'when I just know".
The evidence suggests that largely he does
indeed krl()w. Guardiola has always known for all
the style, identity and the plaudits for theway in
which Barcelona play, his team had
win. He is
fond of repealing Ihat if they were unsuccessful
the eulogies would cease and battle commence.
So far, though, they have been almost ridiculously
successful. In Guardiola's first season he won the
treble, last term it was La Liga and the Champions
league - for the second time in three seasons.
He has won the league every year. In total he
has won 1 2 of a possible 1 S trophies. These are
the most successful years in Barcelona's history
and they owe much 01 it to Guardiola.
Sid Lowe
WoridSoc:c:er PEOPLE OF 2011
The profile of Sandro Rosell has never been
higher. Speaking from his lofty perch as
president of the Champions league and
la liga winners, he is demanding that all
Europe's mainstream leagues slash their
memberships from 20 clubs to 16 "in
the near future" as part of a stheme
to rebalance European (Iub competitiOn.
The clubs, says Rosell, who is also vke­
president of the European Club Association
(ECA), want a CUI in national team dates to
facilitate an expansion of the Champions
league. Each country would double its
representation. Thus England, Spain and
GermilflY would go from fOUf clubs to eight.
Italy from three to six, and so 00.
Rosell even envisages a 'worst-case
scenario' by which clubs break away to
create their own league, revealing: "We
want a bigger Champions League, but to
increase doesn't ne<:essarity mean to do it
becoming a member of Barcelona is part 01
with UEFA. We want to have the Champions
league would be cutting both the national
League under the UEFA umbrella, but we
team dates and easing fixture presSlire
our culture and we live with it all our lives.
want UEFA to hear our demands.
within domestic competition.
It's much more than a club. It's p.art of our
"ECA is asking for more revenues,
Rosell says: "Reducing from 20 to 16
personal story, our dally lives. I became a
governance, transparern:y, insurarn:e, etc,
clubs will oot be easy, but we really think it
because this is what we think is fair. If UEFA
has to happen to give more space and air
and ECA reach an agreement then that's
to our players. But the freed-up dates are
good for both parties. But we would like
not for the lederations but for the clubs to
to increase the Champions league - and if
organise friendly games or to increase the
for my heroes: Hugo Soli!, Johan Cruyll,
nol, then ECA is entitled to organise their
European competition•.
Charly Rexach, Juan Manuel."
own champions' competition by themselves."
·We would like to have [this] Champions
A key factor In enlarging the Champions
league with moreteams which means that
member like my father and grandfather;
now my daughters are members. I became
a member at eight, my father became
general manager and 1 became a ballboy
He says Barcelona will never play 00
Saturday lunchtimes for the sake of the
one day Barcelona can play ManChester
Asian market be<:ause "this is a time for
United In the quarter-finals on a Saturday
the family to sit down together for lunch".
or Sunday, for instance. This is what we are
This patrician approach sits oddly with
Barca will never play at lunchtime on a Saturday
for the sake of the Asian market because "this is a
time for the family to sit down together for lunch"
looking for. We will not liberate dates for
Rosell's tough negotiation for the multi­
Ihe national teams at all. They have too
zillion Qatar Foondalion sponsorship and
many dates already and have to reduce
his expectations about how the rest 01
them \be<:ause] the dubs pay the players
and the national associations use the
players Without paying the clubs."
their ways to suit his vision.
The plan, he says, is "to be seen by
Rosell has come a long way from his
everybody as not only the best club on the
childhood days as a ball boy at Camp Nou,
field but also in social, solidarity cultural and
but perhaps it's his lifelong relationship
real estate matters; to have the best arena
with Barcelona whiCh leaves him open
in the world, the best youth academy...and
to accusations of tunnel vision,
to projeCl the very best of human values",
He recalls: "For m(l"lY kids in Catalonia,
Europe's leagues and clubs will change
Keir Radnedge
The 75-year-old endured the
most difficult 1 2 months In the
hi�tory of the world governing
body. He began the year under
fire forthe controversial decision
to award the 2022 World Cup to
Qatar and ended It with calls for
his resignation following explosive
comments dOOut racism In a TV
interview. In between. he was
re-elected to the pre�defl(y
unopposed after a bribery scandal
forced hiS challenger, Mohamed
Bin Hammam, to pull out of the
race. Blatter now faces the task
of re-inventing himself as an
anti-corruption crusader, even
though stories continue to emerge
of corruptiOn taking place on hiS
watch at FIFA.
The head of European football's
The larger-than-life American
stepped down from his role at
CONCACAF in the aftermillh of
the scandal that forced the
resignation 01 Jack Warner as
FIFA vic e- president and
members of
the Caribbean
Football Union
to FIFA for
bribes from
Bin Hammam
at a meeting
facilitated by Warner. In retaliation,
documents were leaked to the
media which showed Blazer had
been paid milliom of dollars in
commission for deals negotiated
on behalf of CONCACAF.
governing body continued with hiS
The former West Germany striker,
now president of the European
Club Association, stepped up his
campaign for clubs to re<:eive a
greater share of the spoils from
FIFA and UEFA compelltions.
plam to implement Financial
Fairplay on the game and
remained the most high-profile
critiC of video technology. The
56-year-old was re-elected
unopposed for a second term
and has been widely memkmed as
the likely successor to Sepp Blatter
in 201 S. However, the Frenchman
refuses to be drawn on the issue
and doubts remain over hiS
long-term am bitio ns.
Middle Eastern money has poured
into carefully targeted European
clubs such as Paris Saint-Germain
and Malaga. But nowhere has its
influence been felt so strongly yet
as at Manchester City. Sheikh
Mamour a member of Abu Dhabi's
ruling family, has spent more than
half a billion pounds on transfer
fees and salaries since buying the
Premier league dub in September
2008. In return for his investment.
City were the only unbeaten side
in the English top night going
into December. Despite the
The RUSSian billionaire purchased
Anzhi in Jan uary and I.wished cash
on his new mvestment Roberto
Carlos and Samuel Eto'o - the
latter's salary believed to be
�6.5million a year - were the
biggest names signed as part of a
transfer strategy designed to
raise the pro�le
of the dub
based in the
region of
which has been
impending introduction of UEFA's
troubled by
civil war and
unrest i n
recent years.
Financial Fairplay regulatiom,
there appears to be no let-up
IJ1 City's spending plans.
than a decade
away from the
scene, haVing
famously missed
three penaltieS In
one match at the
1999 Copa
The veteran striker, nicknamed
EI Loro. called time on his career
one year on from his appearance
for Argentina at the World Cup
finals in South Africa. He had been
recalled to the
national Side
after more
A record crowd of 64.41 0 turned
out to see
the former
USA national
RiCardo Teixeira to accept a
position on BraZil's 2014 World
play his last
Cup organising committee and
will act as a figurehead lor hiS
country's World Cup preparatiom.
The Brazilian World Cup
WIn ner and former World
Player of the year called it
a day in February after the
physical demands at the top
level became too much
for him at the age of
34. "I've been
defeated by my own body.' said
the player who suffered a serious
knee injury in November
1999 from which he never
fully recovered. He has now
accepted a reQuest from
beleaguered Brazil FA boss
home game
In Major
for Seattle
against San
Italy's 2010 World Cup-winning
captain quit in June at the age
of 37, while 12 months into a
two-year deal with AI Ahli in Oubai
Jose Earthquakes. Keller won
102 caps and also played in
Europe for Millwall, leicester
City, Rayo Vallecano,
saying: "I'm very sad. Football is
Tottenham Hotspur, BoruSSia
Monchengladbach and Fulham.
everything for me in my life:
WoridSoc:c:er PEOPLE OF 2011
Although Santoswere never in contention
for the 2011 national championship - their
priorities being elsewhere in the build-up
to December's Club World (up in Japan
- Neymar swept the board in the Brazilian
end-of-season awards handed oul by the
country's media.
The teenager, who turns 20 in February.
picked up Brazilian player 01 the year
awards from Plocof magazine and (BFI
Globa TV. He was also voted the best
player in the 2011 Libertadores Cup.
Not only did Neymar end the year with
a clutch of awards, he also enhanced his
bank balance by signing a new contract
with Santos.
The new deal ties the youngster to the
club until 2015 and guarantees him a SO
per cent pay rise, reportedly rewarding
him to the tune of 5.600,000 every month.
This salary is being heavily subsidised by
a state sponsorship deal involving the
Post Office and Bank of Brazil, with
Santos believed to be paying only a
fifth of his wages.
The new contract has raised hopes that
Neymar will now stay in Brazil with Santos
until the 2014 World Cup. However, Real
Madrid and Barcelona both remain hopeful
that they can persuade him and his family
to move to Europe before then.
European fans will get the chance to
see Neymar in the summer, irrespective of
whether a transfer is arranged. Brazil's
Olympic side Is likely to be built around his
considerable talents and that will give
David Beckham - if he makes the Great
Britain squad - some competition as the
star attraction of the londoo 2012
football tournament.
Burnley manager and
Dutch cOdch, Inventor
Soviet Union forward.
German TV mogul,
member of England stall at
1962 World Cup, aged B2.
of the Coerver Method
coaching technique,
jOint-top scorer at 1962
Hungary forward. 1967
aged 76.
aged B6.
World Cup and 1960
European Champlooship.
European Footbdller of the
Ali-time top goalscorer for
Madrid, aged 83.
numerous domestic
Year, aged 70
UAE mternational famous
for scoring a back-heel
penalty, aged 21 (car crash).
home-town club Atletlco
Croatian who won
Arsenal director and key
leagues across Europe,
earning a replAation as a
shareholder. aged 66.
master tactiClill, aged 77.
aged 84.
Red Star Belgrade's
ali-time top scorer,
aged 80.
Bolton Wanderers
and England forward,
nicknamed the' Lion
of Vienna', aged 8S.
The emerging young players who are tipped to be contenders for the game's
top awards in the not-too-distant future
The Belgium midfielder was the star of his club �de's Ligue 1
triumph. lille are resigned to losing the 20-year-old to a major
European power in the summer, but will expect a fat fee for a player
who is under contract unt11 201S.
The Sundesliga champions have placed a nOmiliion price tag on
the prodigious talent. With Arsenal seemingly prepared to go most
of the way (S-25m) a bidding waf may result for the 19-year-Old
midfielder who is expected to ha�e an important role in
Germany's Euro 2012 squad.
The 22-year-old midfielder has been linked with an imminent switch
to Sayern Munich. Along With Galze. the youngster is another
selection option lor Germany coach Joachim low.
The fuss over Neymar has deflected attention Irom the progress 01
Santos team-mate Ganso. The 22-year-old playmaker has been
compared to the late Socrates, who said Ganso was the greatest
talent to come out of Brazil in the past decade. Injuries have probably
delayed a move to Europe, but Milan lead several clubs still keen.
The 20-year-old midfielder made his England deoot in November
with a strong performance mat gave manager Fabio Capello a
potential selection headache ahead 01 next summer's Euro 2012,
when Jack Wilshere and Steven Gerrard are expected to be fit again.
The most talented Danish player since Michael laudrup helped Ajax
to the Dutch utle, he played a key role in Denmark's successlul Euro
2012 qualification. A lucrative move to Spain or England beckons lor
the 19-year-Old midfielder.
After Xavi (aged 30), Inlesta (27), and Cesc Fabregas (24), the
brilliant 20-year-old Barcelol"lil midhelder, star 01 Spain's 2010 Euro
Under-21 championship triumph, IS expected to lead the next
generation for club and country
Costa Rka Interl"liltional,
aged 2S (car crash).
(zechoslava�ia defender,
1962 World (up loSing
finalist, aged 79.
last surviving member of
the legendary River Plate
team of the 19405,
aged 93.
PSV Eindhoven and
Holland internatiOnal
goalkeeper, aged 63.
Former Scottish FA
Japan defender who played
at 2002 World Cup, aged
34 (cardiac arrest).
Winger and member
of Feyenoord's 1970
European {up-winning
side, aged 73.
Defender with Bradford
{ity, Wolves,
and Tottenham
aged 36.
Captain 01 1982 Brazil
World Cup sile, aged 57.
match-fixing scandal, aged
24 (suicide).
WoridSoccer PEOPLE OF 2011
For Barcelona,
he is breaking
records and
winning multiple
trophies. Yet for
Argentina, World
Soccer's Player
of the Year for
2011 remains
an enigma. By
Joel Richards
ne coach had to warn his
players against asking lor
an autograph, while one
referee leapt at the
opportunity provided by
the coin toss to grab a photo WIth him.
Meanwhile, marketing departments
across the globe covet him, oppoSing
managers scratch their heads at how
to stop him and, rather than make him
a player of the year, riffle magazine sees
him as Person of the Year.
As his celebrity conunues to rise.
so too does liOnel Messi's sheer level
of achievement. In 2011 he won the
Spanish league and Champions League.
and was named best player in both
cOl1petitions. He won the Spanish
and European Super Cups. and i n the
process of collecting yet more winners'
medals, his scoring ratio surpassed the
goal-a-game mark.
Atthe age of just 24 he has amassed
an astonishing (II, with the standout
moments from an impressive list of
individual and collective honours being
the �ve La Uga-winning sides he has
been part of and lhe two Champions
Le�gue Final victories he played in.
So, as he is crowned World Player of
the Year again, just what else does Messi
ha�e left to achieve? How much more IS
there to come?
Well. in hiS homeland not everyone is
W( WorId c",, �
W(f WMd C",, _
Aug 17. 2005 his �1iooaI debut ends
almost a. soon-as � � when Ill' Is shawn
a red card In under two minutes at coming on
a. a wt>s1itute In • friendly � to tIungi!fy.
t' ��-: UddhnHllHUh!Hllldd�lumu
KEY . s._
. �
.1m 16. 2006 - � his first goal for Ar\Ie!>1iIIiI
wi\h ;vi 88tJ>.nWwte str*e in � 6-0 tIrn<IOng of
Serbia & MonIBN'gtl in till' W<J1<1 Cup.
WoridSoccer PEOPLE OF 2011
fully convinced yet, and they point to
a glaring gap in that ImpresSIve list of
honours. They believe that Messi has
still to deliver for his country.
"Messi is the Dest player in the
world: said Argentina Cooch Alejandro
Sabella in his defence re<:ently.
"He plays extraordinarily well for
Barcelona. so then when he plays just
well lor Argentina it seems like he is
The most tangible, and Indeed
impress�. aspect of MesSI's game is.
of course, hiS scoring re<:ord. Since
Frank Rljkaard handed him hislEbut
with the Barcelona first team in 2004,
his strike rate has continued to improve
every year, culminating with a stilggering
53 goals in 55 matches by the end 01
the 2010-11 season.
In the current campaign he i5
averaging better than a goal every game
and may well reach Cesar Rodriguez's
club record of 235 gwls by the end 01
this term. Factoring in an assist for e�ry
two goals that he scores, hiS form is
AjIr )0, 2001 - /oIe»i � a wonderful solo
IJIliM il the seni-floal fIrlot leg or the 5panisII Cup
coIlKUd II couple of
IIIlloll d'Or�
TIme lor another?
an irPY-hit�.
.. '"
.... gtn(ina
Two down...Messl IIas
Dec: 15, �OO7 - alief i 900d st<V"I 10 the SCMOfl.
Messi IeiM!S lhe IIdd injond oJ! 11M! Mestalia
$Iadium. He S«If1.'d ;"'1 t..,.. ""'"' goab \lUring
to Mlp Bar.:eIona beat Getale 5-2. RMted /Of the
5E'COI'ld leg, Barta lost 6-5 on �te.
KEY . 8¥_
Lionel Andres
24 (24.06.87)
Place 01 blnh
Rosario, Argentina
Sit 61'.!in (t69m)
2004-j11l!senl (290
games!20S goa�r
nothing short of sensatiOnal. But
the conlrast between his displays for
Argentina and those for Barcelona is
stark. For example. hiS overall strike
rale ilt club level is 0.71; for Argentina,
with 19 goals lrom 66 ga�, that rate
drops to 0.28.
In October, his finish against Chile
in a World (up qUilliher. poking in
Gonzalo Higuain's through ball. was his
hrs! goal in 16 competitive matches for
Argentina. Alarmingly, that spell included
the 2010 World Cup and the 201 1
Cop.] America. In both competitions
Argentina lost at the quarter-final stage,
and Messi became an easy target.
2OOS-present (61
gamesl19 goals)"
"'_ .....
Debt to Bar(elona
The more nationalist sectors of
supporters and the media in Argentma
have QUestioned hiS commitment to the
national side, suggesting he feels
more Spanish than Argentinian, having
emigrated at such an early age. His debt
to Barcelona IS e...klent as the club p.]id
lor the medICal treatment he needed as
a teenager when both Newell's Old Boys
Of diSplaying little interest in turning out
lor his country. if anything Messi olten
appears to try too hard, attempting to
resolve situations alone. There are also
other broader issues that shed light on
why his performance levels differ with
Barcelona and Argentina.
One comparison is the quaity of the
squad that surrounds him. The current
Oct t 2008 - a dr.w!IaIic inale as Messl � twice
.. !he IolSI tIvee ......tes to beM Sh.li<ht¥ Oone�
2-1 .. a C� U,o"!P' "",",, !jIilffiI'.
Barcelona team is widely considered to
be one of the greatest club sides of all
time. In the 55-player shorthst for their
World XI. the footballers' aSSOCiation
FIFPro included an entire Barcelona
starting XI, with Victor Valdes, Dani
Alves, Carles Puyol, Gerard Pique,
Eric Abidal, Andres In;em, Xavi, Sergio
BusQuets, Cesc Fabregas and David Villa
lining up alongside Messi.
Representing Argentina. along
With Messi, was Manchester City's
Sergio Aguero.
While Barcelona had three players
in the top �ve of World Soccer's World
Player award - Messi, Xavi and Andres
Champions lei9J(!
2009. 2011; Club
World Cup 2009;
UEFA Super (up
2009, 2011; SpaOOh
league 2005, 2006.
2009. 20K). 2011;
Sparlisll CUll 2009;
Sclol!lish Super (up
2O)(), 2011
2008: Undef-20
World (up 200S
• up to and ilcluding
May 27. lOO9 - heads past E"..., Van dE'!" Sa< 10
s.ean 8¥telol\;l's thrd Emlpean CUP. with � 2-0
win "!,Iiinsl �er � n 1IornI>.
11 1
� ,
WoridSoccer PEOPLE OF 2011
triumph, Tabarez said he had simply
copied Jose Pekerman's blueprint for
de�elopir.g the youth-team players.
Pekerman was one of Messi's early
Iniesta - Messi was the only Argentinian
in the top 10.
The shortlist for the FIFA Bailon
d'Or offered a similartrend. with seven
Barca players put forward with Me�,
and again only himself and Aguero
flying the flag lor Argent ina.
These nominations lend weght to
the views held in Argentina that the
country is not prodUCing the same
number 01 hrst-class players as it once
did. Indeed, there are very lew positiOns
lor which there are clear-cut first-choice
players for Argentina.
IndiVidual brilliance. however. is only
mentors Ha�ing produced spectacular
res�ts With the Argentina under-20s,
partof the story. Edinson Cavani and
luis Suarez were the only Uruguayans
in the FIFPro list. but Uruguay are the
top side in South AmencCI right now.
and indeed one of the best In the world,
with Oscar Tabarez having developed a
finely tuned team. When as!(ed about his
success after this year's Copa America
- "" ....
KEY . 1Iaf_
1 t1
he took over the natIOnal team in 2004
a nd a year later he handed Messi his full
debut - it is merely anecdotal that Messi
lasted less than a minute on the pitch
after receiving a red card.
Pekerrnan soon left, however, and
since then Messl has worked under Alho
Basile, Oiego Maradona, Sergio Batista
and now Sabella. From Basile's devotion
.lui 3. 2010 - consoled bycoach Diego
M.YadoniI as Argentina crash out 01 the
Wortd Cup !nils. losing 4..() to Germany
.. Cape Town.
Oc:t 14, 1009 - .. a II"olke-or-br&1k World Cup qoalifle<.
� derNt Uruguay 1-0 In Montevideo to sean
their place In the WID fNIs In South Ahica.
tolv I r
goalscoring suffered. Ironically, the
player S<lid to be Maradona's natural
heir produced his worst return under
Maradona the coach, with just three
goals in 1 6 appearances.
In the altermath of the Copa America
embarrassment. Sabella was handed the
task of s'Niftly turning around the results,
and focusing on building a team for
the 2014 World Cup. One of his first
de<isions was to change his captain,
and in turn award Messi with another
honour thiS year: making him skipper
As Sabella himself has admitted,
Messi is far from being the tub-thumping
caudillo, the charismatic leader, but he
expects him to lead by example.
·Mes� is the key player: he says.
·Whenever he has the ball you expect
something to happen
It is thiS expectancy that grows with
every dip of the shoulder. every dribble.
everygeometrically perfect pass
and every hat-trick. His two goats for
Argentina at the tail end of the year
suggest he may be nearing the form
that silences even the most stubborn
- and demanding - of critics. WS
to playing with a CI<tSSIC enganche
(playmaker), to Maradona's back line of
four central defenders, to Batista's aim
to replicate the Barcelona system - but
not push his full-backs past the halfway
line - there has neither been continuity
in the personnel nor the approach.
Coherent policy
This contrasts With Barcelona, where
Messi has played for just two �rst-team
coaches: Rijkaard and Pep Guardiola.
As an institution, Barca have maintained
a coherent policy in the youth system for
de<ades now - one which is now paying
Despite the merry-go-round of
Argentina coaches, Messi soon be<ame
the central creative force for Argentina,
especially after Juan Roman RIQuelme
Quit the natiOnal team. Yet in taking on
greater responSibility for the team, his
Apl 27. 2011 - scores twio:e in the c�
lNgue serri-fwIai flfst 1e9 """ against
Reilt Madrid in the 8efl\abeu.
� �
2011-2012 _
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" Today's Barcelona are one of
the three greatest teams ever "
The 65-year-old won two European Cups as coach of Milan and
was in charge of Italy's national team for nve years
People say that, when
appointed (oach of Milan
in 1987, you transformed
the mentality of Italian
football, adopting a more attacking
philosophy. Do you agree?
it is not a problem at all. They can watch
all the training sessions they like, but if
they do not have the key, the'i cannot
open the door" And. you know, there is a
big difference if La Traviata is conducted
by Riccardo Muti or by my cousin. It is
opera in both cases. but conducted in
a verydifferent way.
For you, who are the teams that have
changed the history of football?
I seen three great teams in my
lifetime: the Ajax and Holland side of the
1970s; my Milan at the end of the 1980s;
and today Barcelona with Pep Guardiola
at the helm.
In Italy I think the mentality did not really
change. Recently I said to wme friends
Guardiola is at a club with a strong
that. if I was the one who changed Italian
tradition of Dutch coaches: Johan
football. I should Mile left II as il was.
What have been the most important
Cruyff first, then Louis Van Gaal and
tactical revolutions in football?
Obviously thJs is a jOke, but Ir� me
Fr<lnll RlJwrd, Has he copied the
.J.her:J1a1 been orlly one real tactlC.":ll
end of the 19805 there I'Ia'S no\, beoo
revoIutlP"1 <Mld �1 jl ed �enfOotball Dutch philosophy?
a significant change 01 mentalijY in our
country. There has been no movement
shifted frd�a� li'ldiliifllal tJ�Icol!ectlVf! Their BarcelOna teams played a different
game. It happened "Nith Ajax first and then type of football. I played against Cruyff
to follow on from what we did with that
fantastic Milan team. looking back, l think, the Holland national team at the beginning when he was the manager of Barcelona
we lost a big opportunity.
of the 1 970s. For Johan Cruyff and the and they did not pay a lot of attention
rest of the Dutch players the field
to the defensive aspect of the game.
suddenly became small; for the other
Guardiola's team playa more complete
Your very early days at the San Siro
were difficult. How did you survi\,e
teams, the field remained enormously big. style because all the players in his team
can attack and defend. This is a new
This philosophy marked the difference
such challenges?
version of "totaolvoerbal".
between me and Sir,.io Berlusconi,
It was to become a magni�cent Milan
tactically speaking. He thought that
team, probably unrepeatable, but I was
grateful to Silvio Berlusconi because he football was a beautiful game played by What do you believe has gone wrong
with Italy's national team?
always placed his trust in me, especially at skilled individuals and I thought - and I
the beginning when the hrst losses came. still think that it is a beautiful game played Alter the Word Cup Final defeat to 8razil
in 1994 I said during a FIFA conference
The board always supported me. Always. by a team collectively.
that Milan are stronger than the Italian
For example, after a loss at home against
national team and maybe even a smaller
Fiorentina early in the 1 987-88 season, You have often criticised Italian
football for not hiving "a project", Do
club like Rimini are stronger than the
Marco Van Basten criticised me quite
you think that an Italian equivalent of
Azzurri. International teams are overcome
severely. But the board trusted me and
said 101l0w your way, it is the right way. In Ale.: Ferguson is impossible in Italy? by Clubs. Training the players every day is
very different to seeing them only once
the following match, at Cesena, I left Van Absolutely. I know Alex Ferguson and I
in a while, mainly to play friendlies that
8asten on the bench and he asked me to think he is a great man with a lot of
explain my decision. I told him: "Well
qualities on and off the football pitch. But no one actually cares about. In any case.
Marco. Since you are so good tactically,
in Italy not a single preSident is forward­ I think that my best Italy team were in
you can sit next to me on the bench and
looking enough or has enough patience to 1996 at the European Championship in
point out all my mistakes to me during the buy players who they can build a project England. Those players played together
for four years. In the last group game
match: I was only able to do this because around. They only ruy the players they
believe will get the lans excited. Recently, against Germany we played a wonderful
everybody at Milan trusted me.
after the draw against Barcelona, I
match and. paradoxically, we went out in
What was the secret behind the Milan
criticised Max Allegri and his Milan side. the first round after a dramatic defeat by
team that won two European Cups in
the Czech Republic. I probably made a lot
I asked how it was possible lor a team
of mistakes during that tournament but
successive seasons?
whose mission has �Iways been to play
There was no secret, only a great team. spectacular football to play so defenSively that team played some
for 90 minutes. NO,I would say that Italy excellent football.
Silvio 8erlusconi didn't want other
is still far behind, at least according to my
Interview by
managers coming to Milanello to watch
the training but I told him: 'Mr President, way of thinking about football.
Luca Ferrato
" FIF A and UEFA need the clubs
more than we need them"
Twice a World Cup runner-up, the former Germany forward and now Bayem Munich
chief executive is looking to reshape the way the game is run
A, .",id,"' of
the European Club
Association (ECA),
how would you desuibe
the working relationship with your
counterparts at FlfA and UffA?
We've had our good times and our IxId
ti mes.
was nrst set up in
2008 the relationship W' '
president Michel Platini, who pl ayed at the
very highest level, looks at me as i I'm
crazy when raise mese issues. I'm not
crazy. All we want is more common sense.
There has to be pre-qualihcation lor
World Cups a nd
we can have it in the Champions League,
why not
counter-argument is that the likes 01 San
rino and Malta have the right to play
big nations. But in truth there is only
one reason for this - money.
When the ECA
one. But, I have to say. f
months it's not been so
there are no discussions on t renewal
01 the present agreement, which runs out
in mid-2014, and we don't seem to be
making p<!rticular headway regarding our
aims: the need for more democracy and
transparency in football's decision-making
process at the highest level: a redrawn
international calendar: universal ins.urance
cover for players on internatiOnal duty; and
clubs receiving proper compensation
when their players are called up for
national teams. It's getting to the point
where I'm not especially optimistic about
reaching an acceptable agreement.
You haye spoken about the possibility
of clubs boycotting the Champions
League. Is that a real prospect?
We've often discussed how we would
proceed if we could not come to an
agreement with the football authorities,
and we are unanimous as to what our next
move should be. If we don't settle a new
Christmas of 2011, 1 will have to ask our
board and general assembly whether they
are ready to go their own way, to organise
are underestimating the clubs. They need
us more than we need them. Without the
players - our employees - the governing
our own competition. I
bodies could do nothing. We could run the
Champions League without them.
How big a sticking point are your
demands for adequate compensation
for players' release to national teams?
64� socU:R
What Is your biggest bone of
contention with the gewerning bodies?
Without doubt the international calendar.
Look at how it's evolving. From cv<=le to
cycle [every four years], there is a
substant al increase in games. Eight years
ago we had 40 games in that time frame,
now it's up to 46. We gave up the second
group-phase of the Champions League
because we believed that it would be good
for our players to hallf! more rest. But
what happened? The national teams took
up those dates and the players hallf! more
on their plate than ever. That cannot be
fair by any stretch of me imagination We're
not hghting a battle here for the clubs or
the leagues but for the players. They need
more rest, more time to regenerate.
50 August and June fixtures must go?
Of course. The games in August are an
European Championships.
in international football too?
Should the national federations
demand the cleaning up of FIFA?
believe only two - England and Germany
- are really critical of
lt should be up
to the federations to clean up the bUSInesS,
to root out the corruption. The normal
thing would be to push for transparent and
democratic decision-making, to ask for all
relevant stakeholders - players, clubs,
leagues, federations and referees - to be
have the impression that
the federations only seek to prOtect
The policies of
are made
to measure to suit the federations.
involved. But I
Do Sepp Blatter's proposals for the
reform of FIFA go far enough for you?
The current image of lootball IS a big
problem for
been far too many stories of
corruption and clearly the system has to
There have
the whole footbali lamily.
the domestic championship has barely
started or not got under way at all. I'm not
happy with June eit1er. I'd like to see the
Champions League Final as the last fixture
of me campaign. Let the players have melr
holidays. Give club coaches the necessary
time to prepare for a long and hard
season. By eating away into the summer
months we make hi;job very dil�cult.
Sometimes I'm astonished at how the
change in a very tangible way. Now that
Mr Blatter has established all these 'task
forces' it's only right give them a fair
chance to sort out me existing problems.
I'm very curious to see how this pans out.
Then we will see how serious
especially Mr Blatter, is about this matter.
It is clear he is under a lot of pressure to
put his house in order. He is being watched
very closely by the football amily and the
entire WOrld. The system has
looked very dirty, so it's up
to him to act to put it right.
aumorities react to our concerns.
Interview by Nick Bidwell
absolute nonsense. In many countries
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that brOllaht'
World Cup
to Qatar
Future superstars
from South America
+ Christiantribute
Match-lixlng scandals
High line costs AVB
Jonathan Wilson explains why Chelsea are struggling with
their coach's new defensive set-up
Chelsea's Andre Villas-Boas may be
forward-thinking, progressive coach,
but his attempts to impose a high line
on players who seem reluctant, or
unable, to adapt havt' resulted in
defeats this season against Manchester
United, Queens Park. Rangers, Arsenal,
Liverpool (twice) and Bayer Leverkusen.
It'S almost obligatory in any piece
about Vil as-Soas to reference his
similamies to prevklus Porto and
Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho, but the
most Intriguing thing about the two
former colleagues is their different
tactical approach. While Mourinho
likes his defence to sit deep - as
seen nowhere more clearly than in
Intemazionale's second leg of the
Champions League semi-final against
Barcelona at the (amp Nou In 2010 3
Villas-Boas prefer5 hi5 5ide5 to pre5s
high up the pitch.
However, that poliCy has proved
problematiC for Villas-Boas at Chelsea,
whose back lour is simply not equipped
to play it.
John Terry is a battering ram of a
defender who is at his beSt when the
ball is In lront of him. But leave space
behind hin and his lack of pace can be
exploited. At 3 1 , the hmited pace he did
once have is deserting him, making him
even more vulnerable. When Terry was
at his best he played in combination wrth
a quick, Intelligent defender - Ricardo
Carvalho or
F erdinand - tidying up
behind wille he did the hard. physical
work, thrOWIng himself into tackles and
aerial battles.
At Chelsea this season, though, he
hasn't even had a regular partner. with
Alex, David luiz and Branislav IvanovlC
all being used alongside him.
Luiz's positional sense, in particular,
has been called into question at times.
The full-backs, similarly, have seemed
uncertain in the new set-up, and the
suspiCion is that age is beginning to sap
Terry is at his best
when the ball is in front
of him .leave space
behind him and a lack
of pace can be exposed
1'ressIn._lIIieI n CJItIseiI'5 �
_ dote down iIII)' Arsen>I pIi¥Ir
.. � � UOWsiow
C c.h
at Ashley Cole as well. It's not just the
four, though. In the 5-3 defeat by
Arsenal, in partiCular, Chelsea's pressing
was poor, and that in tum leaves a high
line vulnerable to balls played in behind
if an unpressured opponent has time to
bad< 1Mwill be e)Q)lolted
play with calculation and accuracy.
Take the chance Robin Van Persie
defeat by Li erpool In November pla,.ed
came about because John Obi Mikel
for Mourinho at Stamford Bridge. There
was drawn out of position as a result
is dark talk of a cabal of senior �gures
of Daniel Sturridge and Jose 6051ngwa who dominate the dressing roOOl, and
lew doubt that players were. at least in
failing to close down the Arsenal
left-back Andre Santos. That In turn
part, behind the dismissals of Avram
Grant and Luiz Felipe Scolari.
led to Cole being e�posed against
Theo Walcott. Understandably, Cole
SUCh an environment makes change
difficult; paradOXICally, the culture of
sat all rather than fisk being roasted
short-termism at Chelsea, the frequent
by Walcott's pace, giving the Wlnger ­
SWitches of manager. has made genuine
whose delivery has been much improved
change harder.
this season - time to measure his cross.
Chelsea·s is a SQuad in need of
The first Arsenal goal came about
renewal. It has been allowed to grow old
be<ause Frank Lampard, distrac.ted by
making a point to the referee, left a gap together and thiS is because no leader
for Aaron Ramsey to explOit, then neither since Mourinho has been at the club
Terry nor Ivanovic followed Gervinho's
run. Bosingwa was hOrribly out of
position for Arseoal"s second; Mikel, Cole,
fv¥lOVic and Terry were all caught napping
by Walcott for the third; and the fourth
stemmed from an awful Florent Malouda
volleyed over l er 1 2 minutes. Th
back pass even before Terry·s slip.
Chelsea's problem is not one element
an out-ol-5orts Sevilla. His hrst three
" i " sides with
malfunctioning but repeated individUdI
to an
overall problem.
(the attackers attack, the defenders
defend). it's possible for sides to get
away with it. Whatever mistakes are
made, there will always be a line of four
(plus Mikel) to break through further up
the pitch. With a high line, though, the
whole team has to function as a unit or
the slightest fiaw Will be magni�ed.
Chelsea's is not merely an ageing
SQuad, it is a SQuad set in its ways, and
is therefore an old dog being lorced
to attempt new tricks. Seven of the
With deep-lying defence, when roles
are more obviously compartmentaliSed
starting XI in the Premier league
enough to begin to impose his
question is whether Villas-Boas
is the man to enac.t that change.
The worrying thing about tr.e
34-year-old's time at Porto was that he
was almost too successful and there was
no indication of how he would fare in
vision. The
adverSity. Domestically he overcame
Benhca and Sporting Lisbon Sides who
at a low ebb, and even in the
Europa League he managed to avoid
teams from England, Germany and Italy,
while plaYing an exhausted Villarreal and
against b g
Chelsea all
ended in defeat.
When Villas-Boas was appointed. it
was presented as a move for stability,
Installing a young man who would be
given time to rejuvenate the squad In his
image. Chelsea, it was implied, bought
into his tactical vision. If so, they must
have known transition was i nevitable.
Either Chelsea give Villas-Boas the
time and the resources to overhaul the
squad, or they own up to a mistake and
axe yet another manager. But that, 01
course, would leave the new manager
to answer the same issues With which
the current manager is struggling. '"
Eduardo VARGAS
CLUB �(Ie (hile
I'OSlIION """'"
With his compact, dynamic,
aggressive team adopting a high
AGE 22 (20.11.89)
defensive line and employing the
DEBUT . '''''''"
em 9 (2 goals)
HONOURS 2011 (�apertlJ:3
Sampaoli always seeks to attaCk,
obligatory centre-forward plus
two wide strikers.
Quick, inciSive, cunning and
carrying a threat in either foot,
Vargas has been carving open
defences and wreaking hallO(
As the competition's lOp scorer,
on a weekly basis. And after
Eduilrdo Vargas' eight goals
/.0 U won the 201 1 apertura title,
helped UniverSidad de Chile
progress to the Final 01 the
Sudamericana (up and him earn
the lilbel "the new Alexis Saochez·.
like Sanchez, he started his
Chile's top-flight captains named
him player of the tournament,
With Deportes La Serena skipper
Mauricio Salazar explaining: "He
was the key man because his
profe�lonal career with Club de
speed opened up the Hanks, he set
Deportes (obrelca 01 Calama.
goals up and scored them as well."
in the dusty. desert environment
Europe clearly beckons for
of the north of the country. but
Vargas and the only debate would
there are appreciable differences
seem to be whether he moves
between Vargas and the Barcelona
in the January transfer window
Wide man.
or stays for the forthcoming
While Sanchez was a local boy.
from nearby Tecopilla, Vargas
libertadores campaign before his
dub cash in during the summer.
comes from the capital Santiago,
Villarreal head the list of
hundreds of miles to the south.
interested parties after they
Having trained with two clubs
had a glimpse of the Vargas
from hiS horne city. Universidad
threat when Spain's national
(atoliCa and Palestino, it was his
appearance in a 2005 football­
team met Chile in a friendly in
based reality-TV show that brought
he sliPped behind the Spanish
Switzerland, in September, as
him to Cobreloa's attention and
defensive line to beat lker CaSillas
earned him a contract.
with aplomb and score his first
He made his debut in 2006
and showed steady progress over
international goal. His second
followed a month later against
the next three years, whiCh he
Peru in a World Cup Qualifier.
then kept up after moving back
south to JOin Universidad de Chile
was in NO'iember's World Cup
at the start of 2010.
clash with Paraguay. when he and
A useful option during his �rst
season - in a counter-attacking
La U side that became the first
His last international outing
Sanchez - who missed the start of
the Brazil 2014 campaign through
injury - �lled the Hank roles in a
Chilean seml-�nahsts in the
comfortable 2-0 win to prOVlde
Ubertadores Cup Since 1997 -
e'-lidence that, even after Bielsa's
Vargas has since blossomed under
departure for Athletic Bilbao.
the bolder approach of latest
Chile's national side still stand
coach Jorge Sampaoli.
out for their use of Quick and
Adopting the style and swagger
of former Chile national coach and
fellow Argentinian Marcelo Bielsa,
70 WOIIlD 'j()« E�
skilful stnkers cutting in from
wide spaces.
Tim Vickery
desire to see me in their famous
COUNTRY cameroon
the centre-half
before joining Rennes in the
summer of 2010. "I didn't have
the same vibes from the French.
"I don't want to start a war of
words. I did my best to force my
way into the full French squad, but
Laurent Blanc dlan't want me:
Inevitably, the affair has
provoked quite a debate and even
Rennes coach Frederic Antonetti
has made no attempt to hide
green shirt: says
CLUB III?me$ (FrIll
who learnt his craft at le Havre
POSITION central o:IeIencIeo'
AGE 22 (03.07.89)
PREVIOUS CLU8 Le ti."MI! (Fral
With relatives like his, the Rennes
defender was never going to be
anything other than a professional
IOOIballef. The son 01 ex-Cameroon
midfielder Andre Kana-Biyik and
dad's former
national team-mate Francois
Omam-Biyik, jean-Armel has
started out so well In the family
business that he is already being
mentioned in the same breath as
former France veteran Lilian Thuram.
Wklely acclaimed for his
mUCh-revered Ioun?
explosive speed, athletiCism,
Earlier in his career, he had
strength in the air and �erce
competitiVE' spirit, the biggest
tended towards France, earning
obstacle the youngster has laced
his �rst cap for the under-21s in
so far has been the question 01
March 2008 against EstOnia and
who to play his representative
subsequently appearing in four
more games at that level. But as
footb<!11 for: France, where he
was born and has always lived,
time went by, and the Cameroon
nephew 01 hiS
or Cameroon, the land 01 his
ow, S�!NarJ
POSITION .., 24 (12.12.87)
DEBUT v SwiIliIand
federation started to cosy up to
hiS displeasure at Kana-BiYlk's
decision, saying: 'Impatience is not
of advisors. Central defence
a position with big responsibilities
and Ihe truth is he doesn't yet
have enough experience to be
the best
him, he began to feel difterenlly.
When he refused a call-up to the
France under-21 squad in October
2010 - citing uncertainty as to
which way to Jump - it was clear
who was winning the day and
he has now definitively pledged
himself to the Indomitable lions.
"Cameroon showed a real
picked for France in that role. He
has the potential to one day make
the step up, but the national coach
already has hiS men in place.
"It would have been better to
What a pity France have lost him.'
take a more measured approach.
Nick Bidwell
father. Kwarasey of�cially applied
to play for Ghana as long ago as
clearance this summer, the hnal
push through the administrative
logjam being the work of Ghana
FA preSIdent Kwesi Nyantakhi.
2008 but he was only
With Norwegian top-night
side Stromsgodset SInce 2007,
Kwarasey - who made one
appearance for Norway under-21s
oack in 2008 - maintains that he
Cottage in london earlier thiS
never lost faith in the process and
season, supporters of the Black
he would have waited even longer
Stars can be sure of a safe pair
if need be. saying: "I'm a patient
of hands between the posts for
person. I knew it was going to
many years to come.
take time. It was simply a case of
With the country's long-serving waiting for the molter to take its
course arid be ready to selle my
first-choiCe goalkeeper Richard
chance when it finally arrived.
Kingson generally thought to be
past his prime, fans and media in
"I didn't choose Ghana over
the west African nation had been
Norway. As I have a half-and-half
calling for a changing of the guard identity. it was more a case of
in that area for some time. And
which country would like to have
me. When people i n Ghana first
after feasting on the sight of
On the baSiS of his top-drawer
display for Ghana in their 1-0
friendly loss to Brazil at Craven
Kwarasey pulling off a string of
got to hear about me, l received
�ne saves against BraZil - most
a lot of messages of support. They
notably to deny Ronaldlnho a d
as a result my
paSSiOn for the Black Stars grew '
Barely tested on his
international debut in a 2-0 win
over Swazllarid in an African
Alexandre Pato - Ghana coach
Goran Stevanovic has decided
to hand them what they wa nt.
The Oslo-born son of a
Norwegian mother and Ghanaian
seemed enthusiastic for me to pf.ay
for their country and
Nick Bidwell
Christopher DIBON
COUNTRY ""''''
cw. """'w_
POSITION Central defender
.... 21 (O21l90)
DEBUT .�CAPS 1 (1 gJai)
It recent1v appointed Austria
coach Marcel Koller is to make any
headway in improving the fortunes
of a team apparently hooked on
failure. he urgently needs to hnd
a new generation of players with
talent and character.
Top of that list should be the
Admira WacKer defender and
skipper wh05e exemplary form thiS
season has been Instrumental In
the promoted club's place among
the Bundesliga leaders.
One 01 the great Viennese
teams of the inter-war perIOd,
Admira have suffered no end of
problems since those halcyon days:
- hnancial crises, forced mergers,
relegations and administrative
demotions. But one aspect of
the club which has always
been hrst-class is their youth
development and DIDon is shaplOQ
up to be one of their best
discoveries - said by some to have
the potential to be Austria'S best
centre-back since the late BflJno
Pezzey appeareo on tt1e scene In
the 1970s,
The danger, of course, IS that
hype can burn. But if anyone can
live up to the inflated expe<tations,
it is this grounded and drillen
individual who, despite his growing
Morocco playmaker whose artistry has done
so much to tum his club into I..igue 1 title
contenders. Has benefited hugely from a
switch from the wing to a central position.
of making Admira a domestic
force, a regular place In the
Austria Side, a move abroad
Club Real � ISpa)
Age 24 (11.02.871
PWtIon RI!tJt-wrger
''There's only one
way to get on, always
Underlined the Galacticos' strength in depth
with a stunning display in their 6-2 thrashing
of Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League,
scoring twice and catching the eye.
give 100 per cent"
Former national coach Lars Lagerba<k ol1(e
called the Sweden star their most talented
individual sil1(e Z1atan Ibf'ahimovic - an
opinion validated by the way he has lit up
the Eredivisje with his creativity and goals.
Club Spand Ptag..e (CIR)
A..,e 24 (12.07.87)
Posilion StrikQo"
You would eKpec\ a cousin of Samuel Eto'o to
know a thing or two about putting the ball in
the net and the Cameroon international is
keeping the family tradition alive. Voted the
revelation of the C2e<:h league last term.
Club Ilon.Is&ia [)(lr\JTll.l"ld (Gerl
Age 19(08.12.921
Po5itioo MidfIeIde"
Began his career at 1860 Munich and is
currenUy on 1000n to Dortmund from Augmurg,
the teenager has impressed with his speed,
eoduraoce, two-footed ability aod remarkable
fame, seems determined to keep
his eye on lour well-de�ned goals
Christopher Dibon
and the chance to play in the
Cham�ons League.
"I'm very ambitious,' he says.
'There's only one way to get on
- to always give 100 per cent"
A close look at his game and
mentality says he has f!.Iery right
to dream. As intense a competitor
as his favourite defender, Sergio
Ramos of Real Madnd, he is a
quick thinker who is calm under
pressure aod surprisingly strong
in the air for someone 01 only
medium height. He rarely suffers
all-days and was an obvious
choiCe to wear the captain'S
armband for both Admira and
Austria's under-21s thanks to
his natural authority.
Over the p;lst 12 months,
he has enjoyed a remarkable
sequence of achiellements, with a
starring role in Admlra's promotion
to the Austrian top flight, his
ele<:tion as the country's best
young player of last season and
a goal on his international debut.
The momentum is very much
with him. Now tor the hard bit.
Nick Bidwell
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Soccer Cities Istanbul
Peterjon Cresswell visits the
football-crazy capital that straddles
two continents
ou h
fervour of
.th g the passion and
match day can
occasionally spill ove r 11'1\0 hostility, and the casual
spectator may need 10 keep their Wi S a bou hem
at times. the atmosphere al big games In Turke 's
(api al is unlike anything anywhere else in Europe, with a memorable
show of colour and noise being whipped
inside the stadia several
h urs
o na
domes IC game In terms
and weeMS, the oty's "btg three" have been ilWOlved 11'1 all 53
seasons 01 the nauonal chamPIOnship (which Started hall a century
aller they did) and the S per lig title has l t Istanbul only once Ifl lhe
past 27 years - although a mat h fi)(l!lg
surrvner did see
a non-Istanbul Side,
awarded the
o before kick-ofl
D rm tm9 the
of support. media
League group-stage place.
scandal 1M
country's Champ!Olls
Formed in 1903, Besiktas are the oldest of the tno and have won
the league 13 times, while Galatasaray (1905) were !he �rst Turkish
team to win a European trophy (the UEFA Cup in 2000) and have 17
IIUes - which is one less than Fenerbahce on the Asian Side
woo remain the cOtlntry's most universally popular dub
The city's
Istanbul 88, Wefe only
in 1990
r m
of dubs but they did r ach
FIIlal, whefe they lost on penalties to Besiktas
fourth club,
I o an amalgamauon
Turkish Cup
e I<Ist season's
. :
For inten�, there are few derbies to fival lstNlbul's clash between
Galawaray and FenertOOce. Along with
long pre-match build­
nares and ritual chanting. there i5 uwalty more than
jusllocai pride at stake -15 01 the past 20 Tl$kish � titles
have gone to one 01 the two
recorded trouble
between the two skies came in 1934 when a
IIad to be
abandoned after fighting between rival � The most notorious
�t lXW"red in thet996
F"naI, when Yictorious
GaLa � Graeme Souness rleilfty pI"O'o'Oked a riot
tn club'snag ri!;tlt in the middle of the Fener centre cfile. adding
cOl"lSidefable insult to injury.
up druns,
TlJ"kish Cup
dertrt game
I ,
The next Fenerbahce v
G�I�tasaray Super lig game is
due to take ploKe �t the Sukru
SilracOlJlu Stadium Ofl M<llth 17.
The following weeI\, Istaobul BB
host Besiktas �t the Atatllrk.
Olympic Stadium Ofl Ma1t1l 24.
With Ottoman rulers frow!1ing
upon the foreign innlll'OCe of the
game. Istanbul's lootbatl clllbs all
have their roots in areas of the
city with large Christian Of Jewish
populations or foreign S(ooois.
Geographically. Galatasaray and
Fenerbahce are separated by a
cOfltinental divide. with Feller's
!1"OLlld Ofl the Asian side of the
city. Traditionally. Galatasaray
had a more educated. middle­
class fafl base, with the club having
historic ties to the lycee S(hoo/ in
the BeyogIu area of town. The
founde!" of the post-Ottoman
Turltish republic. Mustafa Kemal
Alaturlt. was a Fenerbahce Ian
and most cosmopolitan in his
outlook. and by the 1930S thefe
was a thriving Istanbul leit9Jl' and
regional play--olfs.
For all match tickets, the Biletix
agency (www.lliIeti)(.comj has
outlets MOUnd the city, iflciliding
one in Taksim metro station.
Istanbul is the only city in the
world situated Ofl two cOfltinents.
\\QRlD SOC(ER 75
The expert view on
events off the pitch
Blatter's never-ending crisis
World football's house of cards is fluttering in the draft of one
scandal after another. FIFA president Sepp Blatter's belated
reform process has been assailed by the retreats of Joao
Havelange and Ricardo Teixeira, uncertainties surrounding
Mohamed Bin Hammam and Theo Zwanziger, and the
individualistic course steered by Michel Platini. Then came
the "transparency" falling out of FIFA's two main govemance
advisers, a legally-enforced halt to the promised publication
of a key document in the ISL scandal and the continuing
experts clashing around FIFA are
somewhat less worldly-visible. One is
an par n
(TI), whICh
generates most publiCity and Interest
Tr s e cy International
for its 'transparency index' of national
governments. The other is Swiss criminal
law professor Mark Pieth, an occasional
consultant to UN bodies.
Both came on board to assist the
reform process. TI became involved
initially through its own volition, while
Pieth was commiSSioned by Blatler. Both
came up with commonsense proposals
though nothing which had not been
stated, time after time and without
acknowledgement, in t
Pressure for reform had
ver helmi
o w
he media.
ng alter all the scandals
squabble with Brazilian politicians over the 2014 World Cup ...
Se Blatter says so.
cl s rests with those naughty
It's a
job, being
FIFA. pp
The fault.
he aim
of the e�ewtive committee
with whICh the
confederations surround him.
Blatter's most recent musings on the
surrounding the Simultaneous 2018
and 2022 World Cup hosting
IronICally, almost a year to the day,
in either a
omp mi d,
halted its work with FIFA.
Sylvia Schenk, Tl's seniOr adviser
for sport, had attended the press
conference in October when Blatter
praised her work and even su g t d
I might play a
the reform process.
of pique or fear of being c ro se
ultimate question of life, the universe
and everything - like a sort al football
version of The Hitchhiker's Guide ro
the Ga/(Jxy came amid the latest
of the reform process
in motion 031 C ngr ss as J n
o e l tue
The 75-year-old Swiss foamed into
the issue among a recent plethora of
image-polishing interviews when he
was as� why so mUCh scandal had
surrounded Exeo members) He replied
that while he had been elected by
Congress, the other 2 3 members 'put
their own interests hrst'. But, despite all
of his years in FIFA Sloce 1975, the light
did not dawn until it came to the
comparatively recent internal battle to
take the World Cup to South Africa.
I an d
I was
a lot of money. In lact, I'll" have never
made such a surplus from a World C p.
FIFA; all 01 r 203 m mb
roh d financially from
th World
i 2010.
a hter Corinne, has said
keep going? let them
get on WIth it themselves: But I must go
on: I haven't
my misSion,'
He added:
when w te to
convince the ExCo. 1 found on
own. Nobody believed in and
thought, lor one thing, would
Not only
e er
associations p te
success of e
Cup n
'My d ug
me: 'Why do you
that T
g es e
role in overseeing
Acting independently
Pieth had been named by Blatter at hiS
post-ExCo press conference In h
Asked if his sense of mission would
not have made
Pope rather than FIFA r sid nt
that he had
but then
to the
hotel business instead and found it far
more enjoyable. He had no doubt,
nevertheless, that God liked football.
He also
adding ha
have personal phone
n m ers
Barack Obama and
Dmltry Medvedev, 'I know
contact them if I need to'.
him better suitec to
p e e Blatter
he went in
said he had never
te ed by politics.
t t while
he did not
u b for
the moment the governan::e
sup.g pul......twI'"
t e same
breath as What was not made clear
was that Tl was acting independently.
while Pieth was a paid consultant. ThiS
appears to be one of Us objections: that
Pieth cannot be independent of the
organisation paying him.
Schenk says the funds needed for
an independent body should be provided
by a wider group, including sponsors and
broadcasters ...overlooking the fact that
these are the organisatiOns which fund
FIFA directly in any case.
was that Pieth
was co
i g
w h p.:Ist
misdemeanours and malpractice. But
thiS appeared be stretching the brief
tOO tar. FIFA's past scandals will never go
Her other objection
nce only with lOOK n to the
future and not in dealing it
the test for Blatter is whether
FIFA's command and control structure
can be rebuilt.
Pieth defended his role as a paid
consultant while denying the very splr�
mmendations by declining a
transparent clarihcation of how much he
and hiS stal l are being paid.
One of hiS key recommend atJons
limiting the terms of ofhce of ofhcials,
of his reco
which would include the president. True,
the likes of Julio Grondona. Angel Maria
up every
their "home" confederations, but the
Villar and Co do have to come
now and again for re-election within
longer they remain in power the more
patronage they accrue and the more
entrenched they become.
Hence the central power within the
FIFA - is vested
In a self-perpetuating geronlocracy.
FIFA is the
of he
governance flaw common to many rich
sports: they grew out of the amateurism
era too fast for the gov rn ng
to keep pace.
Thus it was unable to prevent former
ExCo member Jack Warner having an
ExCo - and al the top of
ultimate example t
e i and
administrative structures
• The
FIFA president should have a
as should FIFA
ExCo members
programme, should be controlled
from beginning to end to ensure
the money does not end up in the
pockets of officials
• Independent members should sit on
FIFA E�(o, with a lead director to
hold elected members to account
• World Cup votes are "highly visible
Interest in businesses deahng with
regional televiSion rights and with
be revamped
ti ti
the right atlllude when he urged thatlhe
FIFA pyramid, to which Blatter is so
attached, be turned upside down. The
Exeo should not b e the pinnacle
governing the game below but �ould be
the lcr m, serving the game above it.
FIFA development
projects, such as the
and politically sensitive decisions
and...a mix of corruption risk and
conflict of interest concerns' so
the voting procedure needs to
s orts-travel- cke ng packages. Warner.
did n thing 10 breach af'rl rules simply
because there were no rules.
Pnnce All of Jordan, one of the new
and few exeo
under 50, had
• Cash fOf
limited term n office,
• Specific rules need to be drawn
a i FIFA's
up to cl r fy
position towards
gifts and hospitality, political and
charitable contributions
A "discrete disclosure channel'
be made available
• FIFA should adopt corporate
hotline to report corruption should
• Payment to
associatons and people and/or
organisations close to them need
'close financ ial scrut ny"
• Payments to cootractors and service
providers should be analysed to ensure
no cOfrupt on
anti-COfruption and anti connict­
of-Interest controls
officials �ould be subject
to due diligence to establish whether
they are suitable lor office
fu u
Havelange steps back from scandal
Joao Havelange's sudden eXit from the
International Olympic Committee will not
affect hiS status in Brazilian and South
American sport sar.; the country's new
sports minister, Aldo Rebelo.
ut the 95-year-ol 's reSig nation
- ahead of an loe inqUIrY into allegations
over illic t payments from
he former
ISL, t
marketing partner of the IOC and Ff
during the majority of Havelange's U;
24-year presidency - represents
a political and dipl omatic cataclysm.
Havelange and the late Horst Oassler,
the Midas heir and
foun er who
was a sports political manipulator par
excellence, laid the f ndation
teday's TV/sponsorship
finance. Their legacy was the
football from merely the most po ular
sport in the worl to a position of utter
sporting and commercial om nation.
the crumbling of the per onal
ublish a
s for
system of
d i
FIFA president
@!gPosal to p
cruCial lSC"tioCument hasbeen halted
by legal actlOil from an unnamed third
party. Now it is being whispered that
Ricardo Teixeira may o n follow the
example of hi former father-in-law
and walk away.
That would be a massive blow
fOf Teixeira. Havelange now holds no
But Teixeira is a FIFA
ExCo member and president of the
Brazilian football confederation (CBF).
Already he has been forced to relinquish
the formal role of president 01 the 2014
World (up local organising authority
(COl), Install ng old goalscoring hero •
executive roles.
� Ronaldo in his place.
In October the world lederation had
asked Brazilian state president Dilma
Roussell to remove Teixeira from COL
as he became an increaSing focus for
controversy over his commercial affairs.
Teixeira. who has led Brazilian
football since 1989 aod is also a
member of FIFA's executive committee,
is being investigated by Brazil's lederal
pohce on suspiCion of corruption and
money laundering.
Presidency bid
Already Teixeira had said he would slep
down from the CSF after the World (up
and has brought in departing Corinthians
president Andres Sanchez as his
anointed heir. Unlikely as II seems,
he was said to have been considering
a bid for the FIFA presidency in 201 S.
As lor Havelange, the of�(lal
version is that he has stepped down
from the IOC on health and age
grounds. Presumably he may feel that,
to give this excuse lurther credibility,
he should also relinquish his role as
honorary president 01 fIFA,
Rebelo has said he does not betieve
Havelange's resignation will affe<:t the
credibility or organisations of either the
2014 World Cup or 2016 Olympics.
Rebelo took over this last autumn
considered that due to his age and health
some credibility. The unnamed third
it stopped him from travelling r�ularly.'
party who has begun legal action to
Asked whether his resignation two
prevent disclosure is assumed to be one
days before the lac discussed the
of those named. His (or her) nationality
ethic; commission report was an irldire<:t
has not been clarified.
from Orlando Silva, who Quit over
admission of guilt by Havelange, Rogge
Blatter has said that flOne of those
allegations that he had been irwolved
said that was just spe<:ulatiOn. acding:
named in the document are Swiss. which
"I am not going to comment on what
absolves him of direct involvement. The
The official version is
Havelange stepped
down on health grounds
payment of inducements in conne<:tion
is purely speculation.
'Joao Havelange already had missed
with sports commercial contracts was
other meetings, in the [laC] session lin
not then illegal under Swiss law. Hence
July! he was not there either. he missed
the only Question over Blatter and
majOr mee\lngs 01 flfA,
hiS credibility vis-a-vis ISL concerns
whether he was aware of such payments.
'Mr Havelange will not be an IOC
in diverting millions of dollars from
a sports development programme.
His succeswr says: "I think this deciSion
member any more. Investigations only
World Cup warnings
apply to lac members.
'So as Mr Havelange Will stop to
As for the 2014 World Cup, FIFA
was an entirely perwnal matter and I
be an IOC member there will not be
respect his reasoning, He is one of the
se<:retary-general Jerome Valcke Hew
an investigation into him as he isa
to Brasilia and Rio to answer criticisms
from local parliamentarians and try to
great personalities of world sport but
I don't think thiS will alfe<:t progress
towards 2014 and 2016.
"Brazil has great status in the football
world, not only through having once
organised the World Cup, but as record
private citizen '
Brazilian media is speculating that
the controversial lSl bankruptcy file,
hurry the much-delayed process along.
Work on stadia and airports is grinding
which FIFA wants to reopen. indicates
slowly into life, amid warnings from the
unions of the dangers of corner-cutting,
while the legal formalities have yet to be
winners beyond anything achieved by
that Havelange re<:elved up to
S lmillion conne<:ted with marketing
and promotional contracts during his
completed. Squabbles are ongOing over
any other country. including in Europe "
ticket prices, sale of alcohol in stadia
Havelange Will retain his status as a
24 years as world football presicent.
ISl was dedared bankrupt in2001
"consultant' to the local 2016 Olympic
but legal action continued until 2008
Valcke told congressmen: "The
organisers alter haVing played a key role
when a criminal ac\lon was closed In an
general requirements asked by FIFA
in Rio's winning of hosting rights during
the lac Session in Copenhagen in
out-of-court settlement. That included
prior to Brazil's appointment as hosts
are the same as for the previous FIFA
an agreementWith FlfA that the names
and commerCial piracy prevention.
2009. But lac preSident Jacques
of any linked individuals would never
World Cups. We are notaSj(ing any more
Rogge has confirmed the shelving of an
be disclosed. In June 2010 all toose
investigation into alleged links between
involved agreed to confirm, for the
than we did from Germany or South
Havelange and ISL
re<:ord. the sums they had re<:eived.
RUSSIa and Qatar.
Rogge, doubtless mightily relieved,
�: "Havelange sent me a letter saying
that he had lately had health issues arid
that stopped him Irom travelling, and he
78 WOIIlD s(KU�
This latter agreement IS the
Afrka. nor what we will be asking of
"The requirements are also not more
document which Blatter has proXised
than what the Brazilian government
publishlflg in his attempts to undertake
a reform process to help FIFA regain
agreed to fulfil when they were awarded
the event back in 2007"
Bin Hammam: pinning
hopes on an appeal
Moham@d Bin Hammam
hopes that he will have a
this spring.
judgment from the (ourt
approach \0 Ihe (AS for
of Arbitration for Sport
(CAS) over his appeal
against his life b<ln from
football before May so that
he can fight the AFC's
formal replacement 01
him as president.
The Oatari was kicked
OUI of Ihe game by the
FIFA Ethks Committee
in July over allegatiof15
01 bribery cOfIcerning
a campaign meeting
paid out by Jack Warner
Bin Hammam's
- remember him? - on the
Qatari's bellaU at the
an Injunction to stop the
CFU's infamous election
AfC ac\ioo was rejected
pending a full heariog.
whlet! will llOw take ptiKe
OIl January 23 with a
campaign confereroce in
verdiCl likely sometime
at the end of February.
Only then, presumahly,
can CAS consider Bin
Port of Spain in May.
This has been clarirled
by FIFA aft�r di!;(iplinary
action against nearly 30
delegates from nations
who either accepted the
"enyelopesstutfed with
Bin Hammam will not recover
monies paid out by Jack Warner
ofgal1ised on his behalf
....... � '"
the Inquiry undertaken by
former US Federal Bureau
of Investigation director
louis Fr�h. Six others,
including IOfmer FIFA
vice-president Warfler
had come in for criticism
for a lack of transparency
over the ditferentials in
senteroce5 and, until now,
a lack of inlOfmation about
monies recovered.
Warner had been
by the Caribbean Football
Hammam's appeal against
cash" or, at the least,
- who had been president
Union (CFU) when he was
seeking to oust Sep!>
Blaltl'r as FIFA pri!Sident.
his FIFA ban. The
likelihood of a judgment
before the AFC election
tried to ke�p quiet
- escaped saroction
The AFC appointed
deadlifle closes is slim.
In the meantime, Bin
Hammam will oot be
about what transpired.
SOfTlE! 1 1 Caribbean
officials were banned
fOf varying periods, �ve
more reprimanded and
because they quit their
football roles before the
completion of inquiries.
While FIFA has b�n
praised for undertaking
it to Bin Hammam, have
recovering the monies
six others warned after
the disciplinary action it
yet to be stated.
(hi na's Zhang Jilong as
interim president in Ilis
place. pending an ele<tion
down as
the DFB
One of the great pillars 01 stability in
European football down the years has
been the German lootbali lederallon
(DFB). But the ground IS shifllng.
Theo Zwanziger, the lawyer assigned
prepared to distribute
$40,000 pef delegation
on Bin Hammam's behalf,
How mlJ(h has b een
handed back. and the
reasons lor not returning
Platini: backing
winter World Cup
UEFA president Michel Platini has (ome out ever mOfe
strongly in favour of a winter World Cup in 2022 in
Qatar to avoid the blistering heat of the Gulf state's
summer seaSOfl.
The significance of Platini's comment is that he is
current favourite 10 become president of FlFA il Sepp
Platini's comments will certainly not endear him to
some of the powerlul leagues and associations within
his own current European constituency, who would
former football jourllalist a'ld general
secretary Wolfgang Niersbach.
Zwanziger's reign has in:luded
outstanding hostings of the 2006 World
Cup and the 2011 Women's World Cup.
oppose seeing their traditiollal autumn-to-spring
calendar, and promotional
and broadl:asling
contracts, upset.
Plalini lold AI Jazeefa
With the role of leading a major reviSIOn of
But on the negatwe Side, there was a
that he was prepared
the statutes of FIFA, has deci� to stand
destatlilising row with Joachim Low over
to move Europe's
down in October 2012 - a year early - as
DFB president.
the renewal of the cwch's contract in the
run-up to the 2010 World Cup and lately
clUb competitions to
accommodate the switch
ZWanZlger, who be<:ame a member of
a squabble with vICe-president Railler Koch.
to a cooler time 01 year.
the FIFA executive committee at the start
of June as a representative of UEFA In
SlJ(cesSIOn to Franz Bec�enbal!er. now
looks sel to be replaced at the DFB tly
So has Zwanziger I
statutes revision - or will he
even this is not what he
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Over £12+ million won last month
100 Japan
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History maker
Opposition sued
A bill lor \1 million has
A goal against Haiti by
Kerry $kepple put AntigJa
been sent to the cameroon
& Barbuda in the third­
Football Federation after
their national side failed
round stage of the World
(up qualifiers for the first
to turn up for a friendly in
time in their history.
Algiers on November 15.
Algeria are seeking
payment after Cameroon's � ENGL"'NO
players refused to tra'IeI for
the game lollowing a
Rooney ban cut
W�ne Rooney wil be
appearance money.
available for England's �nal
Euro group game next
summer, against Ukraine,
after a three-rratch ban
for his sending-off against
Montefle!1O in the quali�ers
was reduced to two.
Everton mldfielder Jack
Rodwell and fu I-back
Kyle Walker of Tottenham
Hotspur made their senior
debuts as seco�-half
substitutes in ErJgiand's
'-0 victory
• 5 IinoIs pIooeS ....1aIlIt
1iIIr " · Io'�
CNd ' f\.abO 15)
T....... 2 1Ngaa 10.� 80)
1m 1-1. �It 10.(100. "'" 0gIri.0Iade (fI9oI
IIcr 15 - PO/nIIr .....
... 561
C'VO ' ....
1IiI_ '
110_ "1_ '5, 69. l\airnbi so. _ Btl
1fT:001.�tt 3,000. �oI: _tE1hj
lillr l l · _
£<IuoIoNI _ Z j.N¥enII pen ZJ. """'" "'"
111_,...,.. .
1m I�. �tt 10.(100. "'" 0I090-c:amne IGobI
IiIIr II . ....",.,.
£fino 1 (I_35I
1Iw_ , [UlarnukuncIi 581
1m I�. �tt 6,000. � 1Iei1I [MIll
lillr l l · _
.... , [Do ca..- "'" 31)
,.... , IGaIroII l2I
1m 1-1. Att 3,000. RoI: _ [Sen)
lillr ll·-.
� ' t_al)
.....1. 0
1m 0-0. �It 5.000. �oI: SN>ongo INom)
Iillr ll·S._
s.. ,_. rrIIocI", 0
� 5 1_t DouIiomIl.-.,.32.
0niIngu0 55.1_ 7Q)
1m 0-3. �tt 3.000. RoI: """"'"'" fCtaI
s.m oft:_de CMbI (SMJ fotM/&Imi!; �
-1iIIr , , · _ca.m..
_.� 3 (P 0chIeng.1._ 7S._811
1fT: 0-1. �It 2.000. RoI: BatIe IIJgoj
lillr l'·�
SWlriIMd 1 [S/II:Ingwe 65)
DR c-.J(ItaIuyi\uII.I !a. � 2•• _731
1m 0-2. �tt 785. _ Sbzwo \ZInI)
IiIIr 12· � D;iIloMi
Ait3.(100. "'" _O"'.... IOJ)
s.m oft:_1E1hiopIoi64mitl
Manu ,ut.N: _ -. UIloriI
_"",, " 21IdrrwntJ
B4 I'oQRlDso(CEI<
South IIotu 2 (LH Karl-ho�. PIlle aou-_
1fT: 0-0. �tt: un. _ klilOlOV fIIzb)
South ._, Jorog � • � CIooI �..
Seolng-IoI6l).leo .bo9-.... C!oa DIHI. �
,....... � ....ho.
KIIo ........... Loo
� Seo�"" KNHoo 18)• .1
Oong-won (Son I1ot.o'9-miri 461. PIlle Qooo._
IIcr '5 . K</ItnitCity
KlMIII2 IFAI Eno.zi (9,111'-' OIl 68)
s... T_. rn.:"" I tooo Sootot 501
1fT: 0-0. All: 12.000. RoI: "'_IQIII
� I H ""IW
_ _ _ ' �'I)
1fT: 0-1. �tt: 10.(lOO. _Al _ )0ml)
DR�51111� l..9.��.61.
....... ... Z I"' SMdI5,_ """3')
Sooot/o IIotu 1 !I(lIo""_"" 201
1fT: 2·1. �tt: 35.(1OO. _ Al _ 1SoIol
South ._, Jorog � • lao.lung-loo,
C!oa Du·... 1M 1'cnII__ K_lM.JiWI.""""
SoIIWIIII , (Shonvwe 631
1fT: HI. All: 2••000. 1101: _1C901
OH�H"" ..
.. . ("!'om BiI_ 70). KIlo ...._. Loo
Seolng-IoI. Son � � DcIog--. .a). Seo
.bo9-jiro (Ham ,....... 52), Loo 1lMon·....
� .1_ I6,DIiettI 36. ....... C5.I.
1fT: XI. Att: s.ooo._ GenIes �
....,. ,{}"" ..
.. Na
.. 5/.,Itio
.. 1q
EqoooIeNl ""- I [OwIIa I'IefJ 2.1
lfT:o-I. Att: 5.0oo. _ _ (IoIts)
...0........ . � 26, SiIooo .5. WhisIooy
59. QosIo Btl
e--oo , ...... nJ
1fT: 2-(1. All: 10,000. 1IoI: _(ZIon)
MonmbIquI 5-, "" lflii
NI",",II '[baIcI<s 15.� lot.51._811
Djl_ O
1fT: 2-(1. Att:2.1.5. 1Ief:� 11oIol)
1Icr"· _City
-� .
IIcr ,r • rJubIi
__ E...-- O
, (0"" 51)
1fT: 0-0. �It 11.500. _ _ fllzbl
__ 2 � 29. 1IdiI<Io:nano pen 88)
lnoIIHI 2 1101e 16. --.. Z2)
1fT: '·2. All: 1.200. 11ef: """"' ("""11
IiIIr " • Ujiboutf
.. -
IIcr f5- �
1st round
1iIIr " · �
-, I...... pen 581
1fT: 0-0. �It 3.000. "'" ..... (Lesj
2nd round draw
__ '·2II � �iIt
we QUlI.S:.lSIf. -lRlI llIIIIl= GlIIJUI' I
� ..tIo!pg,ed.u.e ',1l"2·5o!p 10.21113
• � '"'-"' (JlIOIiIJ lor IIie 3rI1 n)OI"I(!
Jrd roond
• TIiI l0 quoIiI\IrJ .... lit,....., iii 5 2·119 '"
(10 De played 00:1 "_ 19, 201 3�IIie�o1
..-wit quaJIy lor IIie _
SouIh Ii«e&
F A f'I.
12 4 10
a 10 10
I a 1 a
5 5 12 0
21.02..12: SouIh KIno • Kuwa/I; UAE . lJobofooo.
•,.s ___ ...1Iode
Jrd roond
..... '!I(Dmo 36, 0IwAki 61, 90.1. _ 82)
Noll If . £Io:N, DoW
"'q I 1M1iMIouO ....2)
1fT: o-l.Att 18.000. _ Kim(SKo)
...... _ • 1lDmanO, -. (IiOI\a 881,
fncIo. � « ....1.. (J(iyoIai<I 8iI.I -'
_1_ 561.-'Yos/'ioIa, OWoIoI.
1m OHI. A'" 5.(100. _ Ilnero \AidI
5fntoft:11iIf'9 U1:>to9 iCI*OI) II:SnMo
liIIr ,r·-.,/
__ 2111nhOn IS, Deeb 65)
"-1m I.(I.A'" \i,OOO. _\i1I_�)
"'_ 1 (I(IpooW 491
_ ....1. 0
'"' 1J...il.Att: 27.S2'l. -. £I _... (lobI
"'_.. -... .11aydaI... 1ljeporo<o',
1fT: ,-G. Att: 10.000. 1101: _I80I,l
JonIo" l lAlIiIeIF>IUIII1)
"'q l[o\l<n<nSS.81,_65)
1m I.(I.A'" 13,aoo. _Al_tuAEI
GoyMk/I. SNoWdkli � 75).
_ !5-1f1pM/
1Iw....1. 3!1(atelw! I. nM 10. _ 79)
ErtIfN , (I...... 89)
_'-2"" ..
h"_" 0
1:IUooI ' (\.abO.7I
1fT:0-0. Att:U.700. RoI: � 11bd)
.ow l-l; T.w>l_ "" _P*
T""' I I...... og3)
GuI...-... o
1fT: '.(I. Att:25,000. 1IoI:_(Com!
/l9>2·f ""OW
EtIIIopIo S /OI<WUIJ 5. _ liZ. 66. _ 81.
1fT: ,�. Nt: 22.000. Rot: Kmli ITOO)
EIfoiop/I HJ "" lflii
00In.0 '(\'10 111142, u Wolfong 55, ZIotnj) 1!w.Q
" ..
1m 0-1. A'" 5,414. AI'!: IIaIideII [QIIJ
S#IfIfoft: '*- -... (CtIWJ If1m11o
... .,
�� [T..-88), Den/OOO,
1IoIo\a'qMo. 0(0rpriJ> � 55). GoIIoIIn.
_ IIotu , (PM. Nom...... 501
1fT: 0-0. Att: 5(1.(100. _ -... {fhoj
SiJnltIIt:.Jm(j f.gwM (NM1i KIxuJ "".,
...... N-' . -.1loImano. Koriwa.
KipW(lMII5� I1<Isci9Ii. K_ 1\I<tIidO
&2), KIInno. ' -_� 11),_.
IIcr '5· ratwllnt
, .
" .
""-1fT: I�.�1l:5,32S. RIf:_ fIWI
Stmtllt:fVPbtN �_
"'--.� ...,...
(lI<Niio:N 80),� NO$Im(oo � 551,
1IirIoo"Io>. kapao1ze � 12), Donbw.
1IoIo\a'qMo. GaU"iIi.lloJMk/O.
Southeast As,an Games
Final inJakana.
Malaysia's under-23
Olympic Side retained their
title. beating the hosts 4-3
on penalties after drawing
1-1 in normal time.
France beat the USA 1-0
champions Spain. Both
started three days later in a with a goal from lok: Remy.
Second-half ub titutes
1-0 win against Sweden, in
Olivier Giroud of Montpellier
whiCh Chelsea striker Daniel
Sturndge made his first
and Lyon defensive
international appearance. midfielder Maxime Gonalons
also their �rst caps.
Defensive debuts
Defenders Laurent
Kosc;elny of Arsenal and
Valencia'sJeremy Mathieu
made their debuts as
Deaths at Final
by Uruguay. Only Fabio
Cdnnavaro (136) and Paolo
Maldini (126) have played
ime lor Italy.
more t
Nairobi hosts Cup
The 2012 CECAfA Cup
i V1ted guests
from th
attracts national
east and central Afnca,
plus other n
e contJllE!Ot - will
be held in Nairobi, Kenya.
Buffon third highest
people killed in a Juventus goa'keeper
stampede before Malaysl(l's Glanluigi Buffon won IllS
victory Indonesia at the 112th cap in the 1-0 defeat
we QIlAL.S: .o.sJA " liD IIOUIIl:. GIIIlU "
' W O l f A PIs
_ (0) 5
...... (0)
_ Karel 5
0 5 0 11 0
'�rtJfbc«JS,.u. _IIMIbute/l Jhe
J1tjib ..Jhe,..-.. ftUId 1JoJI-. at'."I'.ef1lfr
upI/ftJd .tom /he "",..,.-. 101 -.ga')
iIIIIfIII*p8ytJr" _ lops otJlul III
/lftw 1 5 · 00/Y
we caws: ASIA � 3II 0 1llllJW): r.IIllUI' E.­
P W O l f l Pb
, , 2 0 15 3 11
, , 3 0 8 3 9
3 1 3 7 6
, . 0 5 3 16 0
ZUt.1 z: JIpon. �TojIIoIsUn . N Karel.
_ 1 I0\Il18/
Austral a 0
� 1.(1, All: 4.soo.___ fSIro)
""'lAlla, _• Neil W
....... (fJnerIIln
12), WdkshiN,1IoIman. Jodinak.VHl. -.y,
SpifancM<, � (I(tuse 53).-....,.
_ II - GuoIom.W CIty
... ..
1fT, !HI. III: 2.000. "'" .... (t:�
lIT: H, An, 13.710. Rot. BIIun (T&l)
_ .. ToHgo Z fK Jones 59. 1'e11ier 65)
All: 10.509. Rei: NishOouI(JIll!
4th round
• Tho 10 � wII bo _ into 211R"JP1 01
_1a3� 1.30.Pad"")
lilt QlWS; t:IIII'NN � 2Nll .n:l: r;r; .. - fWAL
O l F A I'h
, , • , "
_&ToII • • • , " • "
• ,
, , • , ..
• • • • , " •
_ 15 - 51 Gf<wpI'r
Gr_ I IS_ 1*137)
_Ia • (Marl< O'j 66.O'j 110+2,'IlIom!Ison 71.
_ ,5-","",",,",",
Z (McCIuIoJ 75. '*' 78)
lIT: IHI, An, 500.___ \Jam)
. ..tin.
we WA1S: 1D1CA1:AF � 2111 _ til' E � NIAI.
P W O l f A P
GuMenIoIa (0) 6 6 0
19 3 18
9 10 7
51_16 6
4 12 5
, "
NtN II • Ripd/I
_ II - 51Jth>'r
AIrIIQ... . _ I (SqppIt 821
� IHI, alt 8.1100. �eI:_ 1I"II
� _ J fHawl59,Nf_80._1*1
TlIaIIalld 0
�0.(1, All: 12.00), __ r.-. (HI(J
S«>foll: _ (7/IIiIwId) �
NtN 15. R/pIfI
.lit 62,140. !let.TOf1<y!1mJ
15,DlUIII 3Ii.
NtN 15 • BMIg/Iot
TlIaIItMl 0
/lftw l l · �
�0.(1,All: 19.0100, Rei: _><I (hI
lIT: o-l.Att 500. !let. 8rM(QtI)
""'!nI1a 1 �"'"" 71ij
""'IAII., _ . _,ZuIo, E_,
W;UNre, _ (I(Mo '1�_ fI(iII<emy
!q.VIIorl McKay. � ro:omoa, (IItooquo85j.
0 1lOtlll: GNlW' D .­
we QIIALS: ISll � 3l
' W O l f A Pl
zt.02.1:t_._.... 0m0rI.�
hhrlio 1 (AI AjamlCS.l)
nn 1 �1IO.3)
� 1.(1. All: la.OOIl Rel:IIasIW(SirIj
""' - . -,-.�
-'1UIaIaIbaIy (lW_SII.AnoatIIa-u
IGIIUi 611. Rtzati (�18),Toymoo.rian.
-. -.
_ 1 I · DcN
QWr _ (!\wI< 3G, _ '*' 33,&4. SorIa 110+21
� 2.(1. All: 6.soo. __ 8asma iSYrI
-.10 I (1IanMMg 43i
..... _1�7,_ 1l1.Ro>l.12C,
� H. All:6,000. __ 'an iDoll
hi\: _ . IobnIni, IIIjWy, -'Agrd.
-. Moyd-..rI (I\haIIII>arj 101._
(rWerriIn 46j. Ttymoor1an (la"I63), _. G/IuI,
lIT: HI, An, 200. Rot. Angell \MI)
-...... I �S7)
lIT: !HI. Att: 2.100. Rot. en.. (CRj
5 -. Tho lop 2 .. bottl lheHlIR"JPI quaIiIJ ""
• Tho 2 � _ '"
SUrtNm l ll--=- ll)
EI Slhr_ J (Blanco n 51, E_. 771
c.,_" III..... 1 (M E_73)
_"lei" R.,...1c 1 [Gan:iI41J
lIT: o-l.Att 1.750. w._(SI(N)
/lftw 1 5 · SMls.a Slhr_ 4 (Romero 33, 63.81.0Il0l n. 83)
lIT: HI. Itt 9,659. Rot. _ (P1Q
lilt IIWS; 1DI:AI'N� 2111 II1II: CitA � fIW.
P W O l f l Pb
EI�(Q) 8
• 0 0 20 5 18
2 12 I I
--"' "",, 5 2
3 5 II 7
CI)oman II
• 0
5 2 15 I
1IfN 1 I · _
lIT: H.Att 1.000. W._(GImj
S«!/0II: _ (BMtla<Ioo) 2SmiI
IIfN II . """"""",,
.... 2 (SIlakeI IO, l CoII81)
Tl'WNd' T.....,. I fK Jones 90+21
lIT: HI.AII: 18,000.Rot.�(SI.o)
/lftw 14·_'
.._ I IGforIoetlof901
_ Z (WeIll 016. K SmIth pen 72)
lIT: 1HI.1tt 1.000. ""'_ (PonI
''''pIq«J i!_
IIfN II • IlIssorItm
SI �ms .. _ .
"'111... 0
.tt 4.000. "'" _1E�
"""'III, _ • sntIh. Ed[jor. KkJUwsId. Oe
GulmIII. Johnson (1IicI<ttIs 6OI..Iac:Iuoft, Simpson.
JalIc,__pull. Oe _11Iccean �.
IIfN II • /IqIm:wI
"-to _ '�4,_I',0I6. CIInro 53)
lIT: 0-2. .lit 350. __ _ (tay)
SotII Dlr:K_ (SfW::Io) 821ni1;_.
(/'ta'Iro IIioo/ BlmItI
_,4 . .,.,_
"-'- Rtc.3(Aamos 13. 86, _111)
lIT: H). Att: 1.050. Rot. Willett \AlB)
"""'... . (Ot:caan 21. Oe _ pen 36.
Sl Kms .. _ .
� 3-D. Alt 10.235. 1I00I: c..- II'Q
"'III"" Slama1Op:lUlos · � Io\I13kOII
70). S1ni1h. Ed[jor.� _(IIauIieu.
11cugU181), JoImon. SImpoon, 1Iccean
(JaoUon 10), Oe -._.
we 1IlIA1.S: OOIIC:AC.V -2IIl 1Kl; GP 0-FIW.
c.n.Io (0)
Sl IOlts &N'W 8
51 1JIciI
0 11 1
I & 4
1 6 I
5 4 z:I
_ 1 1 · -­
_ 1 (McCaIIrJ 16)
51 _I TIM � I (S1fwaI113)
lIT: H. Att:JOO. ___ (8ds)
s.m Dlr: r�(SI _'GJ_
lIS VIrgIn 1_ 0
CWOCH l ISiberlo •• 13.8Ita 26)
lIT: 1).3. Alt210. hi: NI¥ImI ICa'!)
_ '5-__
CW_' f(MmeI" 33. 78. SiberIo 39. 85.
�73.� 89)
lIS 'IIrgIoI 1_ 1 fComeIIbs !oO)
lIT: 2.(1, .lit 2.00). Rei: l.e\IiSt. lJam)
s.moII:.JoMp/N � o/2IrWI
AIrIIQ... 1 111_ I (T _ II!
1IT:1).1, Alt3.ll00.ReI:_ 1IISAI
.M: IlllALS: cortr.Ar.Af - 2111 ." fI f� fIW.
' W O l f . ""
5 o I 2011 5 15
Iontip .. 6 (0) 6
I 21 6 13
, I 3 15 13 7
US.",., II 6 0 0 6 2 40 0
3rd round draw
flit ""'� rwrI«<J 1_ (fmU RIel. cur:..
--' .III!ui<:I. _IndJhe_SIoI�
qulI/ffI«JorAioIrMlicAIy "",., ftUId
_10 /10pIq«J.u. /N)r:f 16. 2012
NttI \Ifoq:I qualify"" Iho '"" ,.,..,
Hol5pur rTldfielder Niko
Drink problem
Dejan $avicevlC, the
president of the Football
AssoCiation of Montenegro.
has revealed that the
country's former national
coach Ziatko Kranjcar
was sacked in September
because he 'had a problem
whiCh we tried to hide. the
alcohol problem'.
Kranjcar. who is the
skipper Joseph Yobo coIle<t
for his country.
� Steptlen Keshi his �rst
in Norway's 4-1 defeat
ifflay to Wales.
we QUM.S: DCU.!IL\= UT 1UMIl = FIIfI.L-.
• GtOIJII-.n quoIiIIed ferItIO :zm ......
Ailltr\l. f_�,GtnNny,lW-.
2nd round dr.lw
r1Io lop 7__ (TfI. _ CoIedonII.
-. r_I1td"'-tuJ��
_"'I1e�.u. HZ,2Im. lII ,.
.T1Io1lll> 2 111 _ � Ql.llllitr ferltlO
�3rd round
• n.' quoIiI1en will form . single grllJI) l_
.. bo played Sell 1, 2012·.... Z6, 2013). dIe
_"'_ ............ .....,... CI]IIOI;N
lufn III . 2-leg pIaJ-<III lor • � III ",. _
�_, FInIInd, Franoe. GIJoI1a. SpIin
�"'11e�S$1.2111� 1�2\l11
• The 9 � ...... wII "'*'� for ",. fIIIIb
.""'S __ 1hebesl_dbo
pIioflIllll 4 2-1og pIay.Q/Is. ... M� 0/ """'"
wII tIso � 1or1tlO ....
• 0.5 h,. pIac:as_
1st round
�" 51_ 2 {II 011 .... S WIllI '"
1_ I (kM;I a71
1fT: HI. A1I: 150. ReI: AcNri (Ill
CIIoIc ....... 2 (8o$I3lI.1lS)
51_ 311-_ 2O,37.A8ell go.2)
1fT: 1·2.An: 1iOD. ReI: O"lufJ lNZ)
....... . 51_ ,
Arne Riise macle his 100th
international appearance
Win since taking CI'.'ef as
1fT: 0-0. AI!: aoo. "'" O"lufJ flU)
Century for Riise
Fulham defender John
both on the scoresheet as
S- I l_ 9Ol
Nigeria beat l.;mbia 2-0 to
Brothers on target
The Uche brothers. Kalu
and lkechukwu. were
a record-equalling 66th cap
T_ 2�_P.FIlatau96+I)
c.II lsII""" 1 (1IIrmon l5)
1fT: I-I. Atl: 200. ""'_ lNCl
. ,l_plac:as_
The game also 'iiNI
Kranjcar, was r€placed by
6ranko 6rflQ.'iC.
4th round
• The 6 qualiflen wll lomIl single � (games
10 tie (IIIyed Fell &.OcIl$, 2013). _ die � 3
• ""..,..,....., ,..., ... __",. _MCIon
""-'* III 12·1eQ pIrJ-oII lor I � III1he ,...
coach of the national side.
father of Totterham
• 5.5Iino1s!lil<el-. ... 01__
-" .. _-
Nor U -__
"'-""" , (\.a";nzll3Ol
""IN I lJoIa"llno�
1fT: 0-0. AIt: p.m. "'"Von lE<U)
_.c�•. �. _lSoa
!OJ.''''''' (\.a";nzl 59), MessI. 1\iiUllll. 1'IIIIn.
""1'III: _'VJfps._.._ -'
l....-.•.. "*'" (S.ovoolo '9). _. _
�bII ' lGUa1n " )
v_...... 1 If feItstta79)
1fT: HI. AIt: 42.95:1. Rot: Ponc:e l&:U)
�: 0spinI. 'hII1ejo, ll'lfel, vepa,......"
_�76J.� IIoItwI<; -"'(D
Menno 96+I), fouliom. (011_ 8SI. J MIrtileL
v....:.. ... . -.�
VIIcIntIndo, � """"" fGueml6l), ......
C GonIIIo.I. . fIInI, Fedor lS _ 51). Menno
If fe/tsctIe< 70\.
(c......., 8MguerI . _. -.. Erwo.
W Ayori. -. s.tlamllIIoja 76J. v-.
s..-. fMonletO 59).1IoIjI r-. 70). J�.
Hut II ·M<wI1I!Iidt<I
UNgu., 4 (SuoteI42. '5. 88. 1')
1fT: 2-4. 1.11: 40.500. ""'_lArvl
UNgu.,: ,....... . c.cor... lugorIO, -...
• -.. . Gonzalez 1£,......, 1I9I. "-.. ArmIID.
_ � 57). s..ezfC � 751. c-.I.
!Me:Brow • M GonnIel. Ponco. P ConIretaI,Isla.
Medel IlIaI (MIrose¥Ic 110). CI/ropoI. f«nIndel.
ps� (1), SUIIo (l'atedell IlO).
Hut 15 . 5MIIiIt1O
alAI 2 P' ecrwr-28, Cornpoo 861
""gIIIY 0
1fT: HI. All: ,",7:zt1. "'" lDpa lBro)
a.He: limo · M _.. Ponc:e. P ecrwr-.
1dI. _.ArIf9Ji.. f«nIndel �_ 88).
SInchoz. SUllo � 10).� tpw-. 7B�
.. D 8Irrtl!> . _(Petez 461.YeKJo.
-.... _. �....... c-.
EstiQlrTlbil lO ca..Iolo 1Si. Dos su.1I>iI1£ _.
"' --
Nor 15- BMrwIqujIU
CeIomllll l p>-. '")
.......- 2 (MeD 67.�MI
1fT: I-{I. All: 49,600. "'" f�'-l8rI)
CeIomIlla: Ospno . ZIInigI. Yepos,. ""'"-""
(D ....... 87). -. J ManIno> 1OUifd""' 16).
....:...- _0' �Fetnn!e.t.
N S._ iDoslDa!o 371, C�.. Sou..
MasdIenno, Br..... � �46)._,
II9*n (GIgol5j.
Nor 15- QrjfI)
Ec....... 2 (Mendoz 69. Beni1u 88)
1fT: \HI. All: 301,481. "'"lIrrIondI (I.Iruj
(c......., � • I'ItedeI, Corn...., EIIZI>
tMoJaMa 37). W Ayofi. CUdIo. s.tlMnl�indI
82!.v-. Roju 1_46),_.. J�·
..... R f«RIIlIIeI . lIev<wodo._1O. """"'"'
'I1IcIIoI. AoWno>o. UIOIIIlII I-' 46),YorgU.
_1/IoMn.CI 81).I'iano)OWoq.lll6:/J. __
Nor 15 . s.. CiIsfrJIlM
_ I )ViIcatronOo 25j
"" I-{I.An: 33,351.ReI:�1PorI
_''''"'oI -Roo_.�
� C1cIIeJo. C GonlaIIu IF _ 82).
RInI:on.Nwaru )llanl 11j,Ar..,.., _
)11 _,1). S Rondon.
__ •YI/9iIS. -. RorWcI RIwJro,
l GuIII!rm. SeQIMI � 5!li. -. a-u,
Coroom � J7). _�59).
• ,
, ,
, •
, .. •
Gonw IDI1e�0<1 7. 2\lll.{);t 15. 2\l1l;
,-_"'piq ''_(8)2)
86 \\QRlDso(CEI<
. Tho loll ' �IorItlO1Nb
• Tho 581-pIIced _ will mee1 tho -. 0/
1tIO...... _plly-olllll I2-legplay-olllo<l
placelll ltlO _
lO).� """"" _
EURO 2012
Qu�lifying pl�y-of1s
Hut II·Z
_lIfne9o'tIfti 0
All: 12,352.IIoI:_lEnvI
_,..,.....,.., 8eojo¥Ic • lulie, .IIIlIt.
SpahIc, 511_ �68). -"""
l_ 81).RI/Ii7Oc. PjarOc. _ (b:ItII::
86� lII'*tIoIc. DzeI<o.
�"":IIuI_· ....... -..Pepe.
8I\no -. FIIbio c--.no. JliguoI-.
....... -. 1IauI _)IIuben Micael 42)•
CrIotiono -. HeIdel' Postigo lHU1IO_
Nor 11 • "'Cnc:Io A....1c
.. 2 (PiIor6l, -. 96+2)
....1_.. 0
� 0-0. An: 14.560. ""'_lEng)
CIa I\ep<IIIII c: CecIl • GobI. Sotaaio, -.
-'I'IDI. P1IsiI.....-. _l\'OSIIOc:1I al�
-"Pllor l1\olll !lO). l'eI<IIort l\.ltl
l. 96+3j.
....1_'"' M _. I'rtk>rIIc. 0..-.
SM:.JowroooooiI:. DrInc:It. _lZ_1IO).
_(DII_I!I!I!. .Io¥etic. o.....­
Nor 11 • IlrMn!
1\ep<11111 c 01 1_.)InIrews 13._67.
,..",. 11. pen 11)
1fT: o-1.An: IG,SOO. "'" � fH.-.)
EsIoo'-: _ . E,,",�S""'Nrt1jo.
KImr1. _ (1'V11 68).DmIlrijoo.VUn1<lLJ<!dpn
61� 1<nJgIov. 'IIssit;ooI; �.�
55}. sam 011:5/tpuNlSInOl.,..... _
,.., -' _GMn . 1toII\'. � Sllodgor.
Ward, DufllS _(3).- (1'''' 18).
_..... IIIcGoadr. � w_ /COl: 113�
Nor II'/s1Ml/U
CrNIII 3lO1ic 2. _ 32. CorII*I SII
� (1.2. An: .2.MJ. _ 8ty<II )Got)
lIorbr:l'oI1I.an _..- _ _ (GoII,IIIn
len 46), GAy, E_. HIkIn 8IIta. HorIil
.....loII. Sobrt. _ ..... l_lopaIli8\.
£nw�. """ _l\lmU181�
CroItIa: _ . eom.N. �,
-'I'iIII. SmI.�_ P'rQc83),
Male. DIe lJoII"k 851. MlndlUlllc l£_!IO).
2 ......
Nor '5· bgrob
�. .
All: :ztI,311. Ilol: .....", lPorI
CIDIIIo HJ on ..
CrNIII: I'1ItI<ou • -. �-.
I'fa1Ic. SmI. -.\\JcoII'tIc (Eduordo 881.
RIki1it. DIic (PIIIsic 62). MInd_ i_ (1).
lItrbr: SInon • -. Egemon. 0m0r.1smIII.
_�_SINn. SIIa*""" CIrer
�IonI 3lI).1mIt fHIIiI MinIop 111.
Another dean sheet
New (up format
Vyacheslav Malafeev
A total of 46 countries have
entered the 2013 AfriCan
Nations Cup qualifiers which
start in January and Will end
with 15 teams joining hosts
South AfrICa in the finals.
For the first time Since
1990, all qualifying matches
will be played on a knockout
basis due to the short time
between the 2012 finals
extended his unbeaten
run at internatiooal level
to 606 minutes WIthout
conceding i:I goal during
Russia's friendly match
against Greece.
The Zenll goalkeeper
had been substituted by the
time the visitors equalised
lale on in the 1-1 draw.
t:zodI � 1 1JQ:e6:.81)
NT: 0-0. .lit 12.000. �ot IIimIII (III)
Cm:t> � 1-{}""'IW
........, � --�-.-.
�_(IliiIaoIc Iq. -"��Md;,
ZWftIIi:, � �76).-'_
t:udI � CedI • Gebre sa-.-.
-, 1IId1oc, JIrIc:eI<. _. _ (PoopettI 6OI.
--,. Pilar (IIoIar691.1'ekIw1 (BaroI8oI).
1'IIftupI I(CristlaIID _1.53, ...... 2'.
_ Poallill l1. &2. MlplVeIosoIlO)
Ire 2-1. All:�1.na. �'" SIa1< (GefI
Pot/ugII 6-1on�
1'otIoogaI: Rui _ • ___.. ,,-_
_. F_ CoeotrJo, RaIl __ (IIubon
1oI_ 6'). �v.mo. __ _. _
� IMmm1 I3), _ I'ostigo (CoIIoI
_8oI), CrIstiano _
_•....-:-... Bego:M< . L*. Spo/IIt.
-. hpoc, _(_51). ZII*'>ric,
1oI-' �. Pjanic (Be* 65), onto.
SMlortl.ullc _
�tI_ 1 (Wan1321
� I ('/a1si1;"51)
1ft. HI. All: 51.151. �'" IIiJjpm (lioii
� oIl'
.... ".tGi¥eo • O'Shoa. DIme, Sll.edslor",
Wanl. Duff (F"'" 19), -. -. S lUll
(McGMr!y S8� I\ea'Io (Co.< 61), DoyIt.
Es-=londak· EnIr "- R3h!, KrugIor
(SPuri 18� __ Tenid..VU""-"...., Saag.
-.. (/'Wje 13). i.JnrII>Ire (lUlk 5011-
._ �"
� 3(Eno11 31 ........ 35, EIo'.82)
_"'(T.... """ 1�)
Ire 2-<1
c:-.- I (EIo·.13)
CImonlon 1·2 on_
___ • c.n:.II VorrnbI! "6I.IQWjI.
�r-"'6).� ___,-.I
c:-- "'0, _ .oI,ngbwa. �
-..." -.Song(...,,...,8J!. Enoh. .......
_ (Sa11 6'� NtsarnI(ZotII 65), 110'•.
-" '
Ugn11 3-2on_
P W Wl' lJ' l f �
117". .... on_ (2pIJ/; IF. 11m on_ ('/11)
Ire 1).0. "'" 70.011. _ � [Gre)
_: UorII • 0etu:IIy, _, -.y. Ma1hIcr,
Mere>. llllom.. loI'W1 (GonoIono 60\.-,
(llemy6(� IIon>ema (MarlIn 85)._
Nor ,0· U!ImiIIIo
lruH 2�12,_ 3S)
Ill! 0·2, Ret. 1IongwanI (SAl)
Go""'" o.onrr . """"""'" e...... 1oIango,
e��PIIun �18). ",*"
� 861. Mar!indo, P-EAuborneranII.
......., (Ngema 13), ...,. (CooIsiII 6l).
Iru'" Oitgo_ -f_1AImc _461.
Ldsao, OMI LW, _ CGrreIoo. _ ,......
� 51), ella (IhIago Shl86). -._
c..�11),""" 1!)ucIr76),_<-�
Nor " - Ii'av
,.,.....11 0
a-aaJjMl I (o\II'n 22)
Ill! 0-1
_II: HId·llIII. DaIb.TeII, .IQDII.CMt, 8akIj
(..11nuz1 12), I/yU, _ (l(aPIInI 88). BoQdaIIi
(ViII46). SMihi (loIulMa 18).
_.JIM: � . R f SortnIoo< ......,.
�SS),_, �. 0I0r10gan00
(MIIrguIieo 111. __ 101......."... �
Nor " - u.g,
...... Z(VJn 8\rrIOII " , Coc:is 09 43)
Ill! 2-<1. ltt: 20,000. Ret. EmjiroII (FtIJ
....... GIIIeI·_ Bone. �.......
(NaI>ggoUn 111. Chd (Vosson 66J. 101_
((IomDeIoIi6), Morren! (0. Bnryno 111·
R_: 1_ _ lLd'IIn (1'10"'"n:
...... 85� CI!IrIc!Ioo (Pow 1G). Goian,Ral. Coc:Il,
w. (Torte "61. _. '0"'9' (T_ 46). SUn<:II
(Mazi11146j.O ..,...
/ItN " _S8II�_
. F_ 1 (8onr:I 55)
_ ' (S�41)
--.. 1 (.forrnbat 90J
""" " . ­
Nor I, - ..".,.
CyfnI:o 1 (OwbtoII S9)
_ Z (MIIIoo 23. M.ocIUo 58)
Ill! 0_1. All: 2,000. Ret. le¥I (1st)
Cyfonia: Gor>:QaIIIdos (l(Iooas 46) · Me<Id$,
_(KaIdo II!J!, _(SIoIIs461. 1'a;11m
fNieoIIoI<> $e), SaI$II$, IloDr1IosIoIoN; (Ya$iQu 741
� AwIam IM_46), a.111OII, (Item.
_ � · � G � ""'"
8ar1ISIey (Cr'IineJ 14), Iao:kIe� 81), CrrwIo,
o FIo1I:Nt (Mr.N1tu63), Morrison, I\oIIIOfI
(C<rrwoy 110). MI.... fMAWil-SrnIWI63�
Nor " ·�
_ 2 (Bonr!Inor 3:5. _.o.nrI flO)
Ill! HI....II: 1$,0S7. -. Moon (fIor)
--='_·.-...,111·"..... (_
63)..., S P\:iUsOol, limInIj It P\:iUsOol 831.
_(SdIone 51).�"tbI, _ [Was:I46),
kroM-��(H � 71�
5_:Wi_ . l-"Itig (GrInqriI1 63), -1Ieo1.
JOIsson. SaWt,A S¥en$$oo � 85�
KAIbtrOfII (II Elm 461. S lttMon, EkNncIer
(T...... 57), IIIPtri � 46),
_ ...
_sto1as: -.. . � GoocIsoo\
IIocInegro, CI!ard«. edu � 17), �
�1i6), o.mllMY,ShoI (8NsItJ 11),-""
, JoIInoon 71),-..
""" Ir . IIlIIIoI
GeottII Z � 36,_pen 39)
_. .
Ire 2-D. _ ANn (.1,11)
6HttIr. lJIIII · _Idle (Gaoogr'" 53),
KhI_ (JInoIirIzo as). _,
� Gelasld lGurull 6(),_.
(Gof9IIsIwIII $e). 1InIIsIrotI (_ 561Strr, ort_l5m01.
_., Gaidur:IIoMcI .Mnao, __
-.... f(:ascIoII 85), EpurHIlI. 8IrIiIaru
(f'o!j.- 85), _, CeIIoIanr (P1s11 78� z....
(I)ofos 30). su.o.o.l8uiII"" 46), _
P""81J. St/trlolt;AmY:l75mIn.
""" " . en- l lka1so1nn1s 60)
(S/'11r<t.oo 2)
Ire I..,. lll: s.ooo. W. C/tap'on (fro)
_,....... ·10f00i111. -.
A........,..,. ��
(C1roIIsIMS 56). SaIpIngIdis lIIono 118). Get.­
IMilrOgiou 71).
....1.. I: _ (SIu'IIrI 46I-......
y BeruutsI<y (A Ber....1sI<y
ZhirIo.<Jo (SIIiohII.in 61). DenIsoo; Shi<oI<ort
(8i� 8oI). lyryonoIt (1lIusIIWJo 791.
AnIIIWI. 0Dg0e0, Ozyubrr(I(oI<Dm 46).
"",, 'I-_-U-VlIII,_
6001... 1 (Feindouno pen 89)
SonepI ' (tIdaw 12. S CImIn. 26, H � pen
�� K rtaIoye • flly (GIss&'IIa 46), 101 ThIoIJno
lJ(I1IIoono 54), Sano. SolI.,--.. (Guoyo 46).
_, IIrIoyo, sc.n.o." NcIIIyo (p K Oio(> 46),
Sa (M B 0I00d 46).
All: 47500. Ret. ftbson (SM:)
--� - -..... 1IOIIMgO.
MaIhIjson, BraahkI, roJ/rI, H Do.long. SnoijcIor,
...... ""'V_�61}. _� 00""""
$-"""'" Benaglio - �. Ojou'.... WIn
IIefgen, RcaIguo•• ShQr1 (fernanc1e1 18), InIr!o:
�f Fill (0 0..., Bl), IOIaka(CoslaM>
IItw " _1ludIposI
... 5 � 10,20, �7a1loman
u.._oI• •
Ire 2-D. lit 23,000. _ 8aIIj (Rom)
...... .'" Bogdan (KIn/y 11) •WIf.1Iof<:smar
(tIancuk62). JIIIIw. karI3t. � /CM1k<M<:I7O),
IIIjtII (1:.... 112), '.... 1_ 6l). ImurImk.
""""' (lIomaI62), F..,....
and 2013 competition as
CAF switch the tournament
from every even year to
every odd year:
There will be two ties in
the first round, followed by
a further 14 in the second
round. The 14 winners 01
the second-round ties will
then be joined by the 16
finalists from the 2012
finals, With the WInners of
those two-Ieg ties going to
the hnals lfl South Africa.
1Joch1_: _ (9IceI "'6) . MktIaoI
SIDckI&sa �85). __• 001'II,_
SIDckIasI, , Beet (f Ebet10 801). 101 frick 1M
CIwIsIeo 83), �.101 BuchoI (WIeser 46),
H � II. Ebet10 88)._
IItw 'I . 0UerIWI>
MI.... 2�2,J _pen 88)
1fT: 1{1. ll1: 3O.1m. _ lopu (G1m)
MI•..., wa..... . f RodrIQuo
.. SoIcido, """Icastro. Mtez � !IO).ZI¥aIa (_ 90).
GolanIarIo (AquRo 116), IIMIII (AndrIdo 63). G 001
_ (HaeIson 52\. J _. (\'efaIIl 89j.
_: StojkM. _ (T_a3). 1:oIa'oo.
1\ojI«MI:, ....... 1IIcot. � "_
(PeItOI4c: 71), IIrasIc� 63)...IooanooIr:
I\.IIii< 68), llQio (Mrdja 13; KaIurIjero¥ic 791.
IItw " •_ CIIy
"" 2 (G GomI
. .... 25. _. 21)
1fT: 2-D. W. Gordo (Mer)
"'...,"" _ -AodIIgI..
Io MI<:tIMIo._.
Bam,; G Gomo.. �.I'wu. 1Ul [BIIclIbum
68), SrdIez (BuIlt... 901. 0uinI«0(GorIor 81).
CMII Rica: _ - Iolyrit (SWI1iomr 54).
lmInI. _. Diaz. J llopo......ote;ta (Bamnla
fiO), 1Wnandt, [CIM'o 110), _ (BtIfIH $e).
WI'orU, Rui. � 67).
111" 2 (81I0I0II 30, _601
HI: 0-1. ltt: 42,000. "'" 0INm0I (FtIJ
I'0Il"': s.c...",. - Pislczek, ...... (WaoIIeotskI
fI8). GIowIdd. � _ (DudkI 8O).
_(IoIaIl4Zl:Z)t< 65), �•
_(__ 561._
(o\M�65),A l.....-sl!I.
I1IIy: Bu!Ioro • Aba:II, _. ChIoIIrII. ert.::IID
fOgDorN71), Do _(ThiIgo _ 46), I'WIo
(Pepe46). _(Ma1rI61� _
(1Ior:M.. 61), P_ � 61), _
IItw " •ICier'
....1... 3(1'___ 2II.�""36,
'""""" 3 (I(IOOII 3a.1I/;JI!H 65, .....71)
HI: 3-1. ltt: 69.720. "'"_ CII!IoIlo (Spo)
1Ionop/pnI<I �9O),�
_ \oVIIW 112), III.... (Halawllo �
_ lGII 17)./obIoooIo:yI (DoW 116).
GtnI\HJ: lleIoI - BoaIq�, �
'1ISI:Il [SchIItrIo 46). � (RoIIIs 46).1ltoos (l
_ 87),Aogo. Olil (Poc1oIoI<I 1i6), Gotnr (_
1i6), Gomoz (C1ca183J.
1Itw ,1·_
o\It«It 1 (�43)
1fT: 1-0. "'" L-=t*I (Moor)
o\IgwIo:Z_(DUha46) - _
(H-.:r 83), MooIjaroI, l'IIIia, 1IeI/IatI). 1etMIa
(\luedIoIn 72), lOlMl(lUC:lil, latefl, -..
(IedIM' 74), _ (Aooda 581. Gnllas
(8ouana 54).
lIII:II&II .... . 1IIgg<J, m. (BadsoIdI 1lIl).
_, GnaItII. 101_ (CNM111 46), Raper.
8M _ [Olikha(U 85), � KneIiIl
fQlermlli 72),NlaguI jJon\Ia 54�
...., SWEDEH
English visitors
Luis Suarez became the hrst National team captain
player to score 'our times Carlos Bocanegra made
his 100th appeal(!nce as
in a single Work:! Cup game
the USA won 3-2 tNlay to
for Uruguay, The liverpool
SIa.-enia with goals from
striker helped h mself to
all of his country's goals in Edson Buddie. Clint
Dempsey and Jozy Altidore.
their 4-0 Qualifying victory
a.-er Chile.
Dempsey's goal was hIS
24th for his country. making
Suarez has now scored
him the US' joint-fourth top
26 goals in 52 games for
Four for Suarez
Erik Hamren's natiOnal
side will get a chance to
avenge November'S 1-0
loss to England at Wernbley
when the two SIdes meet
again on November 14.
2012. in a friendly
intematiOnal to mark
the opemng of Stockholm's
new 50.000-capaclty
Swedbank Arena.
� I8IITJ 56),_�63).
Spo,,": CIoiIIas 1_ � • -..-. 1'Iquo. s.rvIo
_ fPuI'oI 7'). Jood ...... � (F_
loom 601), I:I1II -. iIa'tI (fllngls �.-'
(tam<tI 7'), $1M 114atI�, VJb.
,.,. 12·_Cit!
,.,. 12· PortEIilDItI
South _ 1 (MpIIeII SJ)
...,. c-t 1 IGala OIl 36)
South_: """,""", · �_.
s.nv--o. ""'" (Guo 26j. DilgoaII.
� �I!!ILI. _{lIIaUeb
go..5I. aa- 11IIanyiu 60).1_ jI.obeM
£IO.+6I.1IIpheII � 891-
...,. c..t: 8a'fy . loIo. Barra. �rOln, lIont.
ZoI<ora.� rotnl'/ll _ &4). Gosao IEbaue 88).
GrOllel Il\llOU m -. Dournbia (8oIIr 661.
,.,. '2 . c.difI
,,_ 4 (8IIe 11. 8eIaIny 16._ 88, 89)
.. 1 (IIuseIIlew 61)
1ff.2�. �tt 12.&7. Il0l: �(o\uIj
'III'" __ -GowUt. ..._.-.
-._ jI\otIIon-Kaoo 761. crofts, RamMy
(lOng 9O).1IaIo.1IeIIamy IE_ 90). MorIson
... '"
.. ....
_ jht\a'Jen '61' Rwd._
(Demklcv'61. "-""". J A -. GImst
_.lone,. _ (BI... 5oI1.......
(PItT a5l. __ (BIaaIon 71), ItusoIIJopp.
Mtw'3 · �
I..... 1 (NaIll S7)
.....,.... , (IIaNrn '-I)
Iff. 0-1
!!onc!n.__ 14
_ jI\a!un
(WI i n 73).
Mtw/4· s..PedtoSUU
_..... 2 j8engIson 5. 29!
Iff.2� �It 20.000. lilt. IluesaIII fCRl
_...., N VJIIada-8I • 0 CI\I¥oz,_
� Q). lrM<III. fIpwoa. 00IgaII0 lNejio
17), [spR>n,AI<arI. jBenIoo 17), Dl looo
(GofdI62), _1M _ 82). &.ngIs«l
_:Knlrnan ·1_ 1_'61._.
1Iai_1Y** 68), I¥nMc.I:It.-{.ID¥ancMc
'6I.1<ulmano¥ic jI'eVo¥ic 76). HinkooIo. rami:
(I(mIc 016). Janko¥iI:. ZIgk: I� 57).
Mtw u·s..JIw
Colla Rica 2(B1..... 31.!:a/nIItIII '1)
Spolft 2 (ShI at. VIla 90<1)
Iff. 2-11. Aft 30.000.__ � (CIt!)
Colla Rica, N.... . lmMa.AcooII. MM.
SaIndem. Barr..,teo fIIIu 13), 81...... (lopo' 57).
AzoIeII:I (ruwo 85), 0riIId0 � 191.
Compb!II (W I'aIU 85), IIUz 1_' 88).
SpaI.. CISiIII!I (V>kIoo � . ...... 1'!IfoI,
S«gIo IIamoI.MonreII (fernandoroom 69!. iIa'tI
jCozoIIa '61. lib!-. (8usquets '61. Iniest.>.
Mall (Jesus��. falnps (SiMI 631. .....
Mtw 15· fstI/<rp
o.n....... 2 (Aggor51. _591
flnIIoci 1 '" fn!menko 18)
Iff. o-l.Att 14,137.___ jlce)
o.n_� - -'OIun.AIP�
Si_. Kfisl1&_461.M __
� -. S5),WuI IMikkelslft 016), SdIcn
(Er1U111 1OI. �-DIhII IN __ SIll,
_ j8edurIn1 l7).
_ (()jaIl71), __ iJ>iuIo 9001),
�,Ring (lletemoj .. R -. SpIn.
_ (foruIII !IOJ.A fnInIonkll (SIoIwIa
251. PuIIld.
Mtw 1S·LIfI<IoI>
£Jog...... I IMIjtIDn>Iic 011 22)
,_ .
Iff. 1-11. Aft 48.111. __ IO:nIoMc (Clo)
£Joglancl:1I3rI (CItJon 461 -WIlker. CoIIiI.I r"""
BaineI, _ IMiInef 58). Jones.BIrr}. w_
jSMkIgo S81.lJm<n{8Md 1O). 1lowninQ.
S_ 1saIIsson - Wsdo:I (WiInoImsscn S5).
MelIbtrg � Olsson '61. Majs1otooIc. M 0IstGn•
w...-.. Kalis'".," (A S....... 70). R Elm
(8ajnmi 17). EImaoIo( s umon,_
(T"""""" 0I6).
"""" S - _
.... _
_. .
Att 52.825, Rot:_._'!SI>al
_ IJofIs - 1IowJIIote. -. SakJIo.ADk!;II.
Mtwll· lJo/II, amr
"'. .
..ozlI 2 jJonIs 311, 59)
Iff. 0-1. lilt. AI Ooswt (OM)
E.nt : a � · f_.I\ooJaZJ. _ (SoI!1
8S).1IaseI. GIIIIy !SIIM �.Abd
�._1E1 SIIid 77)._
(SDIimIn�, _1EI_64).
.....:Oie9DANes · DMioIANes.DaWI WIf,
ThiIgo sm. AIel: -. W::as loin.
_1E_ �, _, Brunoee..
ll a
_ flludU SJ),JonH � ...
scorer of all-lJme,
his country,
£Jog1.'" 1 (I.arnponI UI
"'. .
Ill: 0-0. �tt 87.1119. Il0l: DI -.... (8Ig)
£Jog.....: IIaI1 • G JohnIoo. � JagioIII.I.
ACoIe._��,_ � 56).
P_(W.... 85).MiIno< "'_�.
Skipper's ton
ca.y.,MWlI�UI.-' ''''''
(GItOtId 721. Bf1nHn11 l_12I. --, I_
hItitI.. CounniI ·_. Von IIa/yIM,
000WIeIe IC1IaCII Q). � 1Mir_ 70). Halala.
_., 3 1M""" 15,1Uooo 25, 0zII 1!6j
Iff. 2-11. Aft 51 .500. __ CIkir (IIH)
_nr: _. 1Ioa/eIIiI iII<MfJdes &S).
___ iHoI_ 46),Aogo.
I<toos jIIQIIn 82). Khe<ifI (l iIendeo' 88). _.
0zII. _ ((lou. 85).1Uooo (RoIq 81�
_ SIftlIIonIu9 . van ....WIII. -.go,
� o..olheid. Yon 1Ionwrw:I. StrooIman
(H De.long 64). 1WI'I � 17). So>oIjder
II. DlJong I7),BaDoI._ �76j.
_ 15 • SMm-Lf1J.U.f<nI. F_
CIIMI 2�lId<poo 10,O�
GMM ll�4S)
Iff. 1-1
"""" 5·AJIM.1r.AnJ/1II
"- 1 (KIngounis 3011
_.3(T""'11.r_ 61,�81)
Iff. 1-1.�It 71lO.1111: GanQI (Au!)
__ .:.,;no . MMiIti$, I'l(Jaslal!\OilOOlOf
'" I'IpadopJuIoI �, ,,,,....
IlilrInouIl. _
(f<It».is 461.�r_�17).
461. CNr1o_ � 461.
R__: &aqadeltl-i'lW. GaMIn �
83). � Radu,Too)e. ..... (Mgore 88), Pil�
!War 461.!anise � 87). _ 1M _
461.� ICoci111).
"'i_ 1 (C<Inte!lO)
•...,.l1li hSOl IDaQ1tIo 10)
Iff. 0-1
"""" IS·_
."".., 1 IS fer-.31
Iff. 0-1. Att 42,000. Rof: Gomes iPIwI
IIMr. Buf10n • Moggio. � C!IieliN,
Balurlllli. De Fk:Iai. Pir1Q, Matdisio iPaz<ini 11�
"""'_ iPePe 461. as.-(MaIrI tIS), IIaIoIeIi.
U"".." � - Clctrt$.lupnO ((MleI48).
God<!. A � M Petei10 (Soonj lIO+3),
Pore.IE� so!.ArmIo,C�.
iGon<aIoz 81). S f_;.vIato 81� c­
S«IIfJII;A I'fnn &:mk
"""" 15·�1JAl
Ully' 1 (SaaII m
_ ' � 77)
_VerMIkd . 1oIartynooIc:II�
KIoI(:hy, I\it1yak 1'1 _ 461. Put1iIo (Qy!:Nnok 811.
83). Komi� SfnI fJII;$IIItm an;", �
"""" IS·�
LIu._-. o
_.... liX1\1k1OfJ
low. 0-1, Aft: $52_ lilt. De1Itrienr iBItI
LII_-,= _ . Si::MeI. BIoist.IIOIhnaM.
� (CoIe!Ie 87). Gerton (la1eru 3fII. POJaI.
PeIn � 85). 8dlmer1Dl_ $7). -.
.-an iOfwiII 88).
Swb.t.1OIII: 8enIgIio ·lk:III$/ei'Ier (RuIII 71�
V!Jn a.ven (Net •• i'JOSt,�. 0 DI91tI
�641. _ (f fttl'6l, F-. ......
iCostIoUo 6:i'j.XIIab jOleo'l'llili 64). Driyok.
"""" 15·WIIp
-- .
ltt 4,500_ ROI: I'"n::ic: j$kIj
M_: PlICO'<Sk! (Ij_46I · Si<oo.
� IW-' 11). ""*""- HIS1tIi IGigor1w
fl9).SwnuIikoskI, �� 461.
N__ 1ffUII 51),�� �.
-AIaMio: HidI _ u.. DIII<u.ear... ""*' � IliIIi
85)......(VeIiu 90.11. Toil. SaIihi � [16).
8aklj /.1...:1 36; tI<.185). RosIO jMuUkIo 561.
z._: __ . IWondo (NI<ausII �,
SSUnl.. N MuIongo�!IOJ.""""'"
C KaIongo. Njobw (CIoMlI.I 83). f I'.aIOngl>
"""' 1ChMsI�,_
"""" '5-_
..- 2 (hweI _ 11.vancru. 011 88)
"u...." (PrIsI<ln lll
low. ,�. All:a.ooo. Rof: I'.aasIIc jEst)
"-:F_·� (GoI83).
WlSiIewsId. GIoIo>Cld (Piszczel< Sa). �.
Dlldka (.-.oIeI: 65), M.llUSlaJI< IMInwsIII 48),
�A-.ejewsId � 73).
I¥M. P..... _1R� 6II\.
"U"II'Y: 8oI)IIan - Varga._. I.OCZIo:b. _,
Yanaak, r".... (EIi!I< 0I6). 1lzsuiIlsaI<. _
jII>jnII �, Gero._ (Feuesin 81).
"""" 15 .1jU/JIJMra
lIIIItM SII'.. 3 � 9, � 41,_
low. H. An: 1,1"". Rot: �!AIa)
_ s_ - IIt8c:ko, SuIot. CHaI,
.II*k. Malic (l(tIIIo '61._ iWa'M: 88).
I.joIbIjriIc (Pea1iI:. 80)._ (8irsa 48).1lirm I'/fsIc
70)._ iOoaIc 79).
lIIIItM SII'.., _. � Goo<Isan.
IIotaneIJIa. � (Wihns 82j, �
jJonos!lOJ. � II\ogfn 90.4). f.loMootl
ISheo 81). �.AIIiIIIn. _ fEOJ 71).
NtN 15-l..w
UkrIiM 2 IMIoIeYskyI I8. Deric go..2)
Aultril 1 jl(u:!w0ll 71)
Iow. l�. AII: 31.119. "ot:_ 11IOI)
UkrIJow. 0yUn • _� f8u':l<o 46� 1«.dIoI,
I\IklISl<II.Wn. � _(llamuh 46).
�(OoW:74). _1ID �64),
1lonopIr...... jNuorenklI lI6). _�
(She«:honIo> 56). SiItIlotr:_8'....
AIIItriI: _ - Sc:ftiInw.l'fodll'oQalou, F!ICM,
_ (ka>W; 6Oj.1Iarl\gIrUingoI, AIIbt.
"""" 15-_
_�trica 11� 29!
Iff. 0-1
2im_1UpirO . � z...stya.
SWHwo. .lorrotJo, � NongomaW.
IlMtawo 1l8J.1'.Inml iGJlu 751. _ I�
11), 1A>IajiIa, _�88).
� _frioa, "'-" - .lola. �. _
�...."... (Oaasen 116), IUdmI,
_ lIoIaIuIIU. iI9). -. EJasmut
(Nc>:1Uhinga 69). _ � 881·
_ 18 - cabiIII
_ 3 1Q1ne1r1311. 53. � 41)
M-.ysIa Z (Moha Sal 45. 60)
"""" 15·/IUImq
HI,., 1
low. 1·1
, __ n
NtN22· _
_3 (TlIorIq 13, 4S01,MllIaq 78)
Iff. 2�
"""" 15·1(dW
Ni,.na 2 (k IJ<:IIt '.I IJ<:IIt !lO)
1IifIr\II: E.-�0I6) . ......._.
TWwo..� � S1). E_ «IkonI<wo �).
Op.ode � IJ<:IIt VI. 00i. K _ (11<$ Sl)._.
""" 14 · _
__ 2 (fozeol ll5,penW+2)
s.,c:_ I (C4IIajIe 49)
!If: 1).0
SfnI fJII;A!Itaq
I � 1GIIiI
. EU
How the continent's national teams
fared in 201 1
Despite high hopes that a bnght
young generation would do well in
Euro qualifYing, they came unstuck
against Germany and Turkev,
Georges Leekens, in his second
spell In
Cri iCis for
charge, faced t m
selections but agreed
some of his
a deal to stay on for the 2014
World Cup campaign.
A dramatic Euro Qualifying
camP<1ign ended in gloriOus failure,
beaten eNer two legs by Portugal
after finishing behind France In
their group. A penalty from Samir
Nasn in Paris cancelled out Edin
Dzew's first-half goal and pushed
Bosnia into runners-up sporl.
A disastrous qualifYing campaign,
featuring three different coaches
- including Lothar Matthaus, who
was sacked in September - and
premature retirement of
Dimltar Berbatov. Luboslav Penev
was appointed coach for the 2014
World (up qualifiers. Captain
Stilian Petrov became Bulgaria's
most-capped player, breaking
Jumped to 50th in April's FIFA
Arguably, Europe's most improved
Enjoyed their best points haul from
rankings after beating Belarus
10 the EUfO qualifiers - their
highcst-('V('f position - before
team in the past 12 months. Under
a Qualifying campaign (seven).
Vardan Minasyan they finished
third In their qualifying group.
Vogts, in his
qualifying cycle, had bccn
slipping back down and ending
behind Republic 01 Ireland, who
the year in 75th place. (roauan
beat them in the �nal group match
cOiKh JOSlp Kuze, who suffered a
in Dublin. Mid�elder Henrikh
stroke in October 2010, stepped
Mkhitaryan emerged as a Io:ey
down at the end 01 the Qualifying
and a replacement is yet
player among a new generation
Mihaylov's record of 102.
youngsters brought up to play
expe<:led 10 quit but changed tack
and agreed a new conlract.
After a bright start to the Euro
2012 Qualifiers, following the
Slaven Bllic oversaw a successful
qualificatiOn for
Euro 2 0 1 2
opening victory over France in
finals follow-jng a comfortable
Paris in September 2010, Bernd
play-off win over Turlo:ey. Although
to be announced.
attacking football.
Stange's side tailed off and he
he resisted offers from foreign
5ullered further disappointment
Poor perlormances In the Euro
stepped down In October. His
clubs and countries, Bilit has made
after finishing the EUfO 2012
2012 Qualifie� prompted coach
Constantini o
stretched their sequence of
Many AUstrl(lns were not happy al
replacement is Georgi Kondratyev,
who led the country's "xJngsters
serm-finals of the Euro
t reSign.
it clear he will leave after the
consecutive defeats to 34.
his Swiss replacement, Marcell
Scored one goal all year - against
Koller, who was lasl in charge of
which earned them a place in
players Luka Modne, Vedran
Corluka, lvica Olic played key roles,
alongside emerging talent Ivan
Moldova in a friendly in Portugal.
Bochum in 2009.
2012's Olympic tournament
Perisic and Dejan LeNren.
Under-21s inJune, a performance
summer tournament.
I'<URlD ,)()(CEIl 89
his Side remain hugely dependent
re Euro qualifying campaign, on Wayne Rooney. Friendly wins
over Spain and Sweden took them
only two points. CO<!ch Angelos
to filth in the world rankings. On
the plus side, youngsters Jack
Anastasiadis was sacked in March
following a 0-0 draw with Iceland
Wilshere, Phil Jones, Jack Rodwell
after seven years in charge and he and Kyle Walker were all blooded.
was replaced by ex-Panathlnaikos
cOdch Nikos Niopllas. A poor year ESTONIA
ended with a 2-1 home defeat by A fantastiC late run, featuring
wins over Northern Ireland and
Scotland in a friendly.
Slovenia, took them into the Euro
play-offs for the first time. But a
comprehensive loss to Ireland in
Euro 2012 pldy-oll WInners
Tallinn. whiCh included two red
against Montenegro alter playing
retiring Jussi Jaaskelainen, Sami
cards, was followed by a 1-1
second fiddle to Spain in their
H yypia and Jari l itmanen.
qualifying group_ Rebuilding under
draw in Dubhn.
coach Michal Bilek, with under-21
stars brealong through, but old
dogs Tomas Rosklc.y and Pelf Cech Progress was made under Irishman Coach laurent Blanc put Les Bleus
Brian Kerr, with Estonia beaten and back on track afler a disaslrous
are still important.
Northern Ireland held in the Euro
2010 World Cup and even
survived the scandal of a
quaIihers. Despite the progress
of youngsters in England Joan taped meeting at which French
Another solid year, With
Simun Edmundsson at Newcastle federation offiCials appeared to
qualification for the Euros achieved
United and Gunnar Nielsen al
from a tough group ahead 01
make racist comments. World Cup
Tranmere Rovers - Kerr declined rebels Patrice Evra and Franck
Portugal and Norway. Morten
Olsen, the longest-serving coach an offer to extend hiS contract.
Ribery were restored to the squad
and joined by new faces Adil Rami
01 any major nation, reversed his
and Yann M'Vila, while Karim
origmal deCision to Quit after the
Benzema finally found form.
MIXU Paatelainen took over
Euros and agreed to stay on for
the World Cup quali�ers.
as coach midway through a
disappointing qualifying campaign
thaI s.aw a promising 4-1 win over
Under coach lemuri Ketsbaia they
Moldova sandwiChed by heavy
failed to build on early promise of
defeats by Sweden and Holland.
a viCtory over Croatia in Tbilisi. only
coach Fabio "£6milhon a year'
managing draws with closest rivals
Paatelainen'S priority now will be to
Capello oversaw comfortable
Malta and latVia.
qualification for Euro 2012 but
introduce new talent to replace the
A di
�n s ing bottom of their group with
90 \\QRlDso(CEI<
Installed as favourites for Euro
finishing thei r qualifying
the 2010 World Cup has been
augmented by Borussia Dortmund
youngsters Mario Gotze and Mats
Hummels. Mano Gomez of Bayern
Munich emerged as a key striker.
2012 after
campaign with 10 straight wi s,
the squad thatso impressed at
Quahfied automatically - and
unbeaten - for Euro 2012 under
Fernando Santos, who adopted
a more attacking bent, albeit with
mostly the same players as Otto
Rehhagel. Many of the heroes of
2004 are stili around, but there
is also new blood in the form of
Souris Nlnis, while goalkeeper
Ale�andros Tzorvas Impressed.
An outstanding Euro 2012
qualifying campaign was sullied
only by defeat to Sweden in
the �nal game. The 2 0 1 0 World
Cup squad stayed largely intact,
augmented by some new laces
such as Twenle striker luuk. De
Jong while coach Bert Van
Marwijk has agreed a new contract
whkh takes him through to 2016.
It was a familiar story in the
qualif ng campaign. where former
,,,,'�; w;;,," APOEL Nicosia
Bremen), Adam Matuszczyk
but could not transler that to
(Cologne), Eugen Polanski (Malnzl
international stage. A 1-0 win
and Damien Perquis (Sochaux).
over Andorra was lollowed by
a 4-1 defeat by Armenia, but
draws with Slovakia (October)
Under new cO<lch Paulo Bento,
and Albanta (November) hinted
the national side lost their crucial
at improvements In 2012.
final group game to Denmark but
quall�ed for Euro 2012 via the
play-oils. Cristiano Ronaldo
struggled to repeat his superb
Another disappointing Euro
qualifying campaign, bottom of
gO<llscoring touch at club level on
their group With Just one point
the international stage. but Nani
from a home draw With Georgia.
was more ImpreSSive, scoring a
saw coach John Buttigieg sacked.
wonder goal In the play-off against
Bosnia. Bento vowed not to select
Romantan CO<lch Gavril Balmt
after rows.
Ricardo Carvalho or Jose Bosingwa
oversaw an ultimately frustrating
qualifying campaign In which the
promise of an early victory over
Giovanni Trapattoni was rewarded
Finland was not built upon.
with a new two-year contract after
qualifying for Euro 2012. The
Italian cO<lch built his side around
Reaching the Euro 2012 play­
a mean defence and the gO<lls of
offs, where they beaten by the
Robbie Keane. The 31 -year-old's
CZe<h Republic, exceeded all
his strike against Scotland in May
expectations for UEFA's newest
meant that he had scored for his
member. Ziatko KranJcar was
sacked in September, apPilrently
country for 14 years running,
which was a new world re<ord.
under-20 coach Sandor
improvernent in results, apart from
Egervari took charge but
a 0-0 draw with Austria in their
because 01 alcoholism, but the
victories over Sweden and Moldova
�nal quali�er.
achievement of his players, led
by Juventus striker Mirko VucinlC.
Victor Plturca. sacked in April
in September came too late to
make an Impression on the group.
should not be Ignored.
2009, was re-appointed national
his national coach duties with a
cO<lch in June 2011 following
Razvan Lucescu's de<ision to step
The under-21 side competed at
a European championship for the
job at Azerbaijan dub Baku. There
was little to celebrate In the Euro
Nigel Worthington quit as manager
after a frustrating Euro 2012
down 10 take up a job back at
�rst time and several players made
qualifYing campaign, save for a
qualifying campaign. The problem
was then offered to Gheorghe Hag!
Alexander Startovs combined
Rapid Bucharest. The national post
the step up to senior level. Olafur
1-0 win over Georgia in Tbilisi in
of players born in the north
who turned it down, so Piturca
Johannesson stepped down as
September, but that was followed
switching allegiances to the
returned lor his third spell. Things
coach at the end of the Euro
four days later by a S-l defeat by
south became a contentious issue,
had been looking up, with a win
with allegations that a number
01 under-21 players had been
but a series 01 draws In the
"tapped up" by the Republic to
autumn. against France, Belarus
2012 qualifying camPilign and was
Greece in Riga.
replaced by former Sweden coach
Lars Lagerback.
over Bosnia in Lucescu's last game,
The Euro qualifying campaign
follow in the footsteps of senior
and Albania, killed 011 any hopes
proved relatively successful, With
players such as Manchester
01 quall�cation for Euro 2012.
French coach luis Fernandez
stepped down after a Euro 2012
a 2-0 home win over lithuania.
United's Darron Gibson and
Stoke (ity's Marc Wilson.
qualifying camPilign that featured
mixed results. Although they beat
(O<Ich Ralmondas Zutautas
Latvia, Georgia and Malta. they
stepped down after a poor
Egil Olsen was back in charge of
also lost all four games to Greece
Euro qualifying campaign, which
the national side but he could
and CrO<ltia. Injured star Yossi
not manufacture another miracle
from a tough qualifYing group
containing Oenmark and Portugal.
included a loss to liechtenstein.
The nallOnal side slipped to 7Sth
in the FIFA world ranl/jngs.
The Azzurri quali�ed for Euro
A new coach arrived in Luc Holtz,
As Euro 2012 co-hosts, Poland
Benayoun was sorely missed.
2012 without drama, with Cesare
Prandelli"s line-up changes paying
but it was the same old story
were lorced to rely on friendlies
dividends after the disappointment
in the Euro quali�ers, hnishing
to prepare lor next year's finals
of the 2010 World Cup. Giovanni
Rossi, Giampaolo Pauini. Mario
bottom of their group, although
they did manage a 2-1 win over
and they managed a 2-2 draw
with Germany In September after
Balotelli and others offered plenty
Albania in September.
leading 2-1 until the 90th minute.
Arsenal keeper Wojciech Szczesny.
is emerging as a leader, along With
Comfortable qualification under Dick
John Toshack was the surpnse
Borussia Dortmund striker Robert
Advocaat, desp�e a lack of goals.
Former Cze<h under-21 cO<lch
choice as new national coach in
Lewandowski. (oach Franciszek
of options in attack.
Mlroslav Beranek was hired
August after Mirsad Jonuz was
Smuda gave debuts to a number of
after a poor start to qualifiers
sacked following three consecutIVe
foreign-based players With Polish
Another miserable qualifYing
cost Germany's Bernd Storck
defeats in the Euro qualifiers.
roots such as Ludovic Obraniak
campaign. 10 defeats, 53 goals
his job, but there was little
Forward Ivan Trickovski enjoyed
{Lille), Sebastian Boenlsch (Werder
conceded, no gO<lls scored.
percent record Dutchman Guus Hiddink failed
In the Euro Q uallhers, winning all
to repeat the success of spells in
charge 01 South Korea, Australia
eight games. Oavid Villa became
Spain's all-time top scorer in
and RusSia. After hnishing behind
Germany in their Euro Qualifying
March WIth goals against the (ze<:h
Republic, his 4Sth and 46th at
group, the national side were
International level. lker (asijllas
outplayed by Croatia in the
became the country's most capped play-off. Hlddink resisted Interest
in him returning to (helsea but
player when he won his 127th cap
departed after the play-oil defeat.
against (osta RiCa In November.
Maoager Craig levein benefited
from key players being employed
in England - Charlie Adam playing
at Liverpool, for example - but a
2-2 d aw with the
ng r
a number of dubious penalty
decisions. cost Scotland dearly
in the Euro 2012 Qual i�ers.
Czech Republic, which featured
defeat to Slovenia In their final
group game, in which a penalty
The Euro 2012 quahf
campaign ended disastroUSly, w th
was missed by Nemanja Vidic ­
games, which included a 4-0
thrashin at
by Armenia.
g home
who subsequently annoul'lCed
hiS international retirement. The
1-0 loss allowed Estonia to sneak
second place In the group and
coach Vladimir PetroviC was
sacked. In truth. Serbia never
fully recovered from losing
an early game to Estonia and
were destabilised by a crowd
ban following trouble in the
away game against Italy.
y ng
The Euro 2012 quahf i
campaign was a huge
disappointment for the 2010
World (up hnallsts, who failed to
win any of their final four group
a d England,
maintained a 100
Matjaz Kek's Side missed out on
a Euro 2012 play-off place after
suffering home and away defeats
to Estonia in September. Their
Victory over Holland in their
final Euro 2012 Qualifying game
put the Swedes into the hnals
as the best runners-up. Ziatan
Ibrahimovic returned to the
nati onal side but debate raged
over whether the team was better
off without him. Anders Svefl5son
became Sweden's most-capped
outfield player, surpassing Roland
kick. ended any hopes of makJng
Nilsson's mark of 1 1 6 caps, while
Rasmus Elm represented the
brightest of the
breaking through.
1-0 win over Serbia, thanks to
Dare Vrsic's long-range free­
play-offs, and sent Estonia
The world and European
m n
nbe a l in
friendlies. They lost o or
pio s lived a double life,
at b e the Euro qualifying
campaign, but unable to win
t P tugal
Oleg Blokhin, coach at the 2006
World (up, was re-apPOlnted as
national coach in April but has
struggled to find the right blend as
the co -hosts prepare for Euro
2012. A 4-1 defeat by France In
Donetsk exemplified the scale of
the task facing Blokhln, who has
tried out more than 40 players,
including four different keepers.
a suicide of manager
Speed stunned Wel�
football just as the national team
had reason to be optimistic about
prompted Alex Frei to a n u ce
during Speed's short period in
through instead.
A poor start to the Euro qualifiers
his international retirement,
but they have promising
youngsters In Xherdan
Shaqiri and Granit Xhaka.
The tr gic
the future. Results had improved
charge. with plenty of new faces
introduced and the appointment of
Arsenal's young midhelder Aaron
Ramsey as captain.
t Wjl
tain Dan", Sm
a ,til l mani'I<JI!'5 to get the bett
er of Turley too I left to "IIhtl Arda Turan, {!We 8e1ow¢J ..,.., Setwk I ......
Outnumbered. grouroIed Coa
r ..
92 WOIIlD SQ({E�
Misery as Manchester clubs crash out
Cup, lor the first time since 1995,
when they lost to Rotor Volgograd
in the �rst round on away goals.
The two Manchester (Iubs.
early lead through Marco Sireller
United and City. were the biggest
casualti es 01 the Champions
and never seemed likely to
relinqUish their lead. United then
league group stilge. Ufliled
lost Nemanja Vid,e to a knee injUry
lost their final match to Baste
just before hall-time and struggled
their progress to the knockout
Naples with a brace from Edinson
and finished behind the Swiss
to hnd any cutting edge. Baste
stage with a 2-2 draw at Old
Cavani. Mario Balotelli had
champions and Benfica in Group C.
extended their lead With hve
minutes remaining through
Trafford on Matchdav 5, They went
through as group winners after a
equalised for City, but Napoli's
while City finished third t>ehind
Bayern Munich and Napoli despite
Alexander Fret There was still time
1-0 home Win over Romania's
beating the German side in their
lor Phil Jones to scramble a late
Otelul, who �nished the group
put their early woes behind them
final Group A match.
reply after substitute Federico
stage without a point.
and could afford to lose their �nal
United had been expected
to progress from a relatively easy
group. but failure to
Ben�ca had already confirmed
Macheda had hit the crossbar,
but it was too late,
Basle became the first SWISS
rendered that Vktory meaningless.
The crucial result of the group
had occurred two weeks previously
when Napoli beat City 2-1 in
Qualitv proved 100 much.
In Group B, InlernaZlonale
group game
10 CSKA Moscow and
MeanIngless wlno,y
Manchester City won their final
still finish as group winners. CSKA's
2-1 win in Milan came courtesy of
Group A matCh, 2-0 at home to
a late winner from defender Vaslli
an understrength Bayern Munich
Berezutski. lnter's Argentinian
side who had already Qualified for
midfielder Esteban Cambiasso
the next stage, but Napoli's 2-0
had scored within 60 seconds 01
viCtory at bottom side Villarreal
Seydou Ooumbia's second-half
viCtory for the French champions
and drop Olympiakos down into
the Europa league.
In Group F, APOEl Nicosia
continued their fairy-tale campaign
makiog their debut in the
with a 0-0 draw at Zenit St
Petersburg whiCh confirmed their
(,J"OUJl stageS.
place In the last 16 after Matchday
S. They could afford to lose their
The Brazilian's goals steered
The shiniog li{t1t of a we
AfLTON (APOEl Nkosia)
final match at home to Shahktar
the Cypriot dub to a S\M"prI5e
Donetsk and still finish as group
qualitic<ltion for the !TOUP
Winners because Porto and Zenit
stageS and an even more
could only manage a goalless draw
llllikely place In the last 16.
in Porto. That 0-0 result meant
Porto slipped back into the Europa
league, a competition they won
last season.
Group H finished as expected.
opener to cantel out CSKA's
with a game to ware following
with defending champions
lead but Berezutski struck from
a 2-1 victory over Borussia
a corner to send CSKA through
Dortmund thanks to two goals
from in-form Holland striker
Barcelona clear Of the field. and
Milan a distinct second best,
as group runners-up. Trabzonspor,
though mUCh better than BATE
Borisov and Viktoria Plzen .
despite topping the group early on
after winning their opening game
Robin Van Persie.
in Milan. drew their final match
their first-choice XI for the final
Gu.udiola. whose side won the
0-0 with Lille to finish above the
group game, away at Olympiakos,
group with a 3-2 win in Milan in
French chamPions and go Into the
who recorded a 3-1 victory.
Europa league.
That win looked like being
enough to send the Greek
a completely changed team for
the final match, against BATE. He
champions through to the
rested 14 first-team regulars to
The Algentinian was the
group stage with a 1 0 0 per cent
knockout stage because Marseille
field a side with an average age
record after they recorded a sixth
were 2-1 down at half-time in
among the outfield players of 21.4.
creative inspiration for the
straight win when they beat Ajax
their final game away to Dortmund,
Youngsters Sergi Roberto and
3-0 in Amsterdam.
However, a remarkable turnaround
However. the true drama was
elsewhere in the group. All square
in Germany saw Andre Ayew and
Mathieu Valbuena score dramatic
Martin Montoya were on target,
along with Pedro who scored twice
on head-to-head games, lyon
late goals to secure a stunning
Group 0 winners Real Madrid
were the only side to finish the
went into their final game with
little realistic hope of finishing
above Ajax in second place as
the Dutch side had a seven-goal
superior goal difference. But alter
going a goal down to Oinamo
Zagreb in Croatia, lyon launched
Arsenal then rested most of
Barcelona coach Pep
their penultimate game. picked
in a comfortable 4-0 Win.
John Holmesdole
Kero • APOEl tr
. ilwr Aillon (righll
lisbon side as they topped
Group C.
The DvtdI stTikef carried his
team into the knockout stageS
almost �handedly.
(Bayem Munich)
Joint top scorer with si� goals
for Group A winners Bayem.
an astonishing second-half
comeback to win 7-1, With
Baletimbi Gomis scoring four.
That result. coupled With Ajax's
3-0 defeat to Madrid, sent the
French side through, condemned
Ajax to the Europa league and
had some observers calling for
an Official inllf!stigation.
In Group E, Chelsea were
under pressure going into their
final game against Valencia after
falling to beat Genk in Belgium and
then losing to Bayer leverkusen In
Germany. They needed at least
a score draw against ValenCia at
Stamford Bridge to be sure of
finishing above the Spanish side. In
the end, Didier Drogba put In a
powerful performance. scoring an
early goal for Chelsea. setting up
Ramires for the second and then
adding another himsell after the
break to ensure a 3-0 victory that
kept Chelsea top of the group.
In Group F, Arsenal sealed
Qualification for the knockout stage
94 \\QRlDso(CEI<
(CSKA Moscow)
Five goals in si� games put the
Russians in the IleKt 1"Ollld.
LIONEL MESSI (Barcelooa)
Si� goals in five !.1OUP (,l<IrfleS
for the world's best player.
The 32-yeill" old notched five
goals. including two against
Manchester tJrned.
Molde mark centenary with first title
The Norwegian domestic season
Nigerian striker Kim Ojo leading
had never ended as late as
November 27 before - and it
fourth place to their cup run.
the way, they added an impreSSive
came as a relief for many when it
A 7-0 hammering by
Rosenborg in late August saw
was finally over. alter the national
side's failure to reach the Euro
Odd Grenland fighting a relegation
finals, the deep financial problems
affecting many clubs and bitter
in-fighting between the Footbilll
battle until coach Oag-Eilev
Fagermo turned things around
Association 01 Norway (NFF)
and only a 3-2 loss to relegated
president, Yn9'le Hallen, and
Sarpsborg o n the final day denied
members of his board.
them third place. Although
with a nine-match unbeaten run,
It was, however, an Immensely
38-year-old Tommy Svindal
successful first campaign for
Larsen has decided to hang up hiS
boots, 37-year-old striker Frode
coaching newcomer Ole Gunnar
Solskjaer, The 38-year-old former
Johnsen Will turn out for Odd
Manchester United striker won
Grenland for another season.
admirers up and down the count!)'
At 3S, Freddy Dos Santos has
as he led Molde to the Premier
League title for the first time in
also retired, crowning his 337th
and Mal appearance for Valerenga
with their second goal in a 2-0
their lOO-year history.
Espen Bugge Pettersen, who
victory over Stabaek.
won the NFF's goalkeeper of the
year award, was in fine form lor
the champions - along with
Financially. Stabaek had a
disastrous season as they were
Magnus WolII Eikrem, Vegard
Forren and Magne Hoseth - as
home. They will return to their old
Nadderud stadium next lerm but,
Molde �nished �ve points dear
With important players leaVing,
of the field to take their place in
next season's UEFA Champions
League second qualifying round.
they are a club in turmoil.
kicked out ollheir Telenor Arena
A dlSappoinling campaign
saw Henning Berg forced out al
- and veteran striker Sigurd
Aalesund, who �nlshed ninth
the mix for the two Europa League
Rushfeldt, who at 38 has called
but won the Norwegian Cup,
lilleslrom, with Swedish coach
Magnus Haglund taking over.
places gomg into their �nal game.
time on a career that saw him
coach Kjetil Rekdal"s Side beatJng
Brann 2-1 in the Final With both
Another Swede, Jonas Olsson,
was put in charge of Sogndal.
Meanwhile. seven clubs were in
Tromso thrashed already­
relegated Start 6-1. with
a hat-trick from on-loan Mos
score 172 times in 299 matches.
Defending champiOns
Rosenborg took third place by
goals coming from midfielder
Michael Barrantes.
Abdellaoue. to grab the runners­
beating Viking 3-2 at home In
up spot. Tromso have become a
their final matCh. Striker Mushaga
remarkably stable unit under
Bakenga, who scored twice, looks
Brann were expected to struggle.
However, with Jamaican midfielder
coach Per Mathias Hogmo, but
they may struggle next season
to be a star in the making for
Rodolph Austin and 1 S-goal
Janne Jonsson's Side. who Will
Without Abdellaoue - who
be without lull-back Mlkael Lustig
returned to Valerenga after
next season after he agreed to jOin
finhihing the campaign as the
Celtic in Scotland.
league's top scorer with 1 7 go<!ls
Also playing in Europe will be
Having lost several key players,
Honefoss and Sandnes Ulf
will replace Starl and Sarpsborg
nexl season.
Sigurd OdegDord
For pnolleague roble, $('(' page 109
Jamaica k"lternational who was
a noo-stoP ctvnamo !of � club.
� 21-�-Qld midflelder
who reltl"ned to hiS homeland
from Manchester Urlted before
the start of the season.
led hiS former club to their first
league championship k"I hiS debut
season in maoagemenL
lite rewards Corinthians with title
At the start of 2011, when
colleague Ralf one of the stars of
dash for the IIIle turned into
excellence 01 Romulo, the rapid
Corinthians fell in the qualifying
the show) weighed in with eight,
a two-horse race, with Vasco
double act down the right of striker
round of the libertadores (up
and there were Six each from the
Eder LuiS and full-back Fagner,
to Tolirna of Colombia, there was
pressure on club presidenl Andres
more attack.ing trio of Alex (who
was back from Russaa), Emerson
pushing COrinthians all the way.
A libertadores place guaranteed
With their Brazilian Cup win, Vasco
Souza CUtting in from the left
Sanchez \0 dismiss coach Tlte.
and Willian_ But it was a goal from
nE'ver slackened off, even after
Veteran mid fielders Felipe
Instead, he kept the faith and
Adriano - his only one in 18 months
coach Ricardo Gomes suffered
and Juninho lent a hand, and
was rewarded WIth oil Mth title.
- that proved as Important as any.
a stroke. HIS aSSistant Cristovao
when Diego Souza put them
Borges stepped up wisely,
of Vasco da Gama. Corinthians
rumours of a less-than-fully­
harnessing a side built around
ahead on the last afternoon
against Flamengo a fifth title of
drew 0-0 with local rivals
Palmeiras to seal a triumph that
professional recuperation process,
the contr�r$ial striker's casu
the centre-back Oede's learsome
defending, the qUiet midfield
11 was not to be, but at least Vasco
Needing a poim to finish ahead
Injury-hit and dogged by
and the force and skill of Diego
their own still looked a possibility_
had the consolation of finishing as
said much about the identity of the
beneht ratio was not looking
club and the balance of forces in
impressive. Three rounds from the
Rio's top club, immediately ahead
the competition.
end, though, he came 011 the
of the last two winners.
Formed by a group of Sao
bench with Corinthians chaSing the
Paulo factory workers, Corinthians
game at home to AtletiCo-Mineiro
Fluminense finished strongly under
Defending champions
hall(> always cultIVated an ethos of
and scored an 89th-minute
Abel Braga to come third, despite
sweat and suffering, and though
winner. HIS left loot has always
suffering an astonishing 1 6 defeats.
they led the field for two thirds of
been a weapon of surprising
A poor start and slipshod defending
the campaign, this tiUe win never
subtlety, and without thiS goal
undermined their cause - but had
came easily. Amazingly, 01 the
Corinthians WOUld not have had a
centre-forward Fred not missed a
club's 21 victories only lour came
two-point margin over Vasco going
month on international duty at the
by a margin of more than one goal.
into the final game. Adriano's
Copa Amenca, and if hiS most
Portugal stnker lledson was their
celebrations, shirt off, overweight
effective supply line, Deco, had not
top scorer with 12 goals, while
and wild with joy, was one of the
been injured, then Flu might have
images of the championship.
gone close.
central mklhelder Paulinho (along
With his more defensive-minded
Other sides threatened, but the
There were times in mid-season
winning campaign - especially
for the title had in-form
when Ronaldinho suddenly found
centre-Iorward leandro Oamiao
form in July and August. But
he went through a slump in
not picked up an injury.
the later stages and Vanderley
who struggled for �tness was Sao
Another top quality striker
Luxemburgo's men had to sweat
Paulo's luis Fabiano. Brought back
into the h nal day to secure their
from Europe amid great pomp and
libertadores place.
expectations, he was only ready
to take the field in October and it
Hlta wall
Three Rio teams in the
Libertadores was not too far off
being four as Botalogo enjoyed a
splendid campaign, with talismanic
PAULINHO lCorinthlans)
SlrHts ahead of the field altllough Neymar of Santos Is
ellCluded on the grounds that
his ckJb didn't realfy compete
- he replaced Efias in the engine
room for the champions.. Seldom
glamorous but always usefuf,
he even ended up as the club's
second-top scorer.
took him a while to recapture hiS
goal touch.
In contrast to their title-winning
Uruguay centre-forward Sebastian
vears of 2006 to 2008, Sao
Paulo have become very itchy
on the trigger, firing cO<!ches
Abreu benefiting from service from
With unseemly haste. Towards the
the Hanks from Elkeson, MalCosuel
end of the campaign they turned,
and German Herrera. With a month
almost in desperation, to Emerson
JORGINHO IFigueirense)
A breaktlrough year for the
former rlght-back who was
Dunga's assistant at lhe last
World Cup. Under pn!SSlft at
the start, he did remarkably well
with an unfashionable club and
a squad full of cast-offs, fmishing
two points off the libenadores
Cup places..
to go they were shaping up as
Leao, and to their immense
unlikely title Challengers, but hit a
wall. The 4-2-3-1 system - very
much the fashionable formation ­
disappOintment finished a point
011 the Libertadores places.
can put a huge strain on the central
Figuelrense of Florianoplis. The
slale championship had caused
midfield duo, and this is what
much-travelled veteran Julio Cesar
happened as the team ran out 01
and the lithe youngster Wellington
OSCAR Hnternacional)
Affirmation year for the hat­
trick hero of Brazil's World Youth
Cup win. Produced his first solid
campaign at -oor level, scoring
to goals and looking full of
midfield creativity.
Also disappointed were
tense, and survival only en�red by
10 apPOint Coritiba as
possible dark horses. Without
There was no such escape for the
city's third force, and even a sudden
a last-day 6-1 thrashing of Atletito.
legs, slipping down to ninth and
Nem, on loan from Flumlnense,
ever hving up to their billing, they
costing coach Caio Junior his job.
formed one of the best strike
nevertheless produced a solid
late run of victories over the IItle
The last libertadores place
was snapped up by Intemacional
partnerships in the competition,
campaign and were only deprived
contenders was not enough to SlOp
and before a late slump the leam
of the last libertadores slot by a
Amerka falling straight back down
with a 1-0 final afternoon win over
were in serious conlention for a
final-day deleat.
to the second division.
Porto Alegre rivals Gremio. With
�rprise slol in the libertadores
the talented Oscar nourishing
- a place which Coritiba ended up
lOSing on the last day. Early lorm In
alongside Argentinian playmaker
Andres O'Alessandro, Inter were
the Brazilian Cup and the Parana
Four teams made up the
After two years in the top
mid-table. Their minds on the
night Ceara became yet another
Club World Cup, Santos barely
concentrated on the domestic
themselves and be relegated
north-east clutl to fail to establish
campaign, Ihough Neymar showed
Bahia, the region's other top flight
the occasional nash of genius and
club, just managed to escape the
Borges could notstop scoring.
drop - and they will be joined next
Gremio were a disappointment,
year by Recife duo Sport and
Nautico, who were promoted
Luiz Felipe Scolari's Palmeiras
were undermined by a turbulent
along Wllh a pair from Sao Paulo
atmosphere 011 the field, and
state, second division champions
Allelico Goianiense were happy
Portuguesa from the state capital
With their besl ever performance.
and Ponte Preta from Campinas.
They replace two teams from
the south: Avai of Florianopolis,
Harsh relegation battle
Behind these Sides, the relegation
whose latest spell in the first
battle was espeCially harsh on the
Belo Horizonte clubs - who
AtJetico Paranaense of Curiliba,
suffered because both the city's
who were the major casualties.
stadiums were closed for building
work and so they had to drag all
Atletico are an ambltious club with
their home matches out of lown,
an impressive stadium, due for use
which clearly look its toll.
Atletico-MG, despite a strong
in the 2014 World Cup. But that
2001 triumph came under the old
division lasted just three years and
Champions 10 years ago,
squad, found themselves in trouble
play-off system and the tranSition
for the second year running, only
10 the long league campaign has
pulling away from danger in the
final weeks, and the situation of
not been easy.
Cruzeiro was even more dramatic.
It could well be Significant that
- Cruzeiro in 2004 apart - the
In the early stages of the 2011
title has not left the major centres
Libertadores they looked like the
of Rio and Sao Paulo since the
outstanding team In the continent,
current format was introduced.
but after elimination their domestic
With a new TV rights deal coming
form slumped alarmingly. With
into effect in 2012, gaps will open
Wallyson injured and fellow striker
up still further, making it even more
Thiago Ribeiro sold, the goals dned
dlfhcult for the likes of Atletico-PR
up. Bizarre coaching changes were
to compete with the big clubs.
also made, and the attacking Cuca
gave way to the defensive Joel
Santana, for example. Times were
Tim V
For �naJ Jeagw roble, see {X1ge '"
Galaxy claim the prize ... at last
At last, ,'lIter four years. during
like the MLS play-all system. All
throughout the play-oils, with the
Donovan, Beckham and Robbie
whkh time their performances
�x 01 those teams qualified for the
added bonus 01 also playing at
Keane at LA, Henry, Rala Marquez
have ranged from so-so to just
play-olfs, but Philadelphia Union
home if they made the Final, as
and goalkeeper Frank Rost at New
plain lousy. Los Angeles Galaxy at
last produced a conSistent season,
could consider themselves mighty
lucky: had they been playing in the
their ground, the Home Depot,
York) had been thought of as
opponents In a dream Final.
one that was good enough to see
West they would have finished
the neutral venue
them capture the MLS (up in what
Sixth and would not have made
may well be David Beckham's final
the play-oils. Similarly, the East
Worthy win
was the Red Bulls who departed,
competitive game lor the club.
leaders Kan!ods City would have
Red Bulls travelled to Dallas and
beaten 1-0 in New York, and 2-1
During the regular season's 34
gam�, Galaxy came through as
th e league's best side, win ning the
MlS Western Conference with a
�nished filth in the West, whiCh
pulled off a worthy 2-0 win with
in LA, but things were evidently
would not have guaranteed them
goals from Joel lindpere and - in
the 98th minute - from Thierry
with an on-field brawl that saw Red
Henry. In the other eliminator,
Bulls' Marquez sent off, and thus
record 01 67 points from 19 wins,
is that the first three in each
Colorado Rapids beat Columbus
out of the second game. Donovan
�ve losse5 and 10 draws. Seattle
conlerence get an automatic place,
Crew 1-0, the winner coming from
upped the temperature by calling
Sounders were $e(Ond with 63
while the fourth- and hfth-place
finishers have to play an eliminator.
Omar Cummings.
points trom an 18-7-9 re<:erd,
followed by Real Salt Lake on 53
points (15-1 1-8).
an automatic play-off position.
The way the play-oils work
had already been designated as
Now one of them was set to be
eliminated in the early stage. It
livening up. The first game ended
Bulls "the dirtiest team in MLS; irs
The eight-team field then Pklyed
The big surprise at that stage WaS
home-and-away Conference
that New York Red Bulls almost
semi-finals, With the pairings
a dls9"ace, �'re hefe to play soccer".
The star of the two games waS
not one of the expensive OPs.
The figures demonstrated that.
didn't make II - they slipped in as
decided on points totals. The
but young American striker Mike
yet again, the Western Conference
the 1 0th - and therelore the worst
lowest-ranked side, Red Bulls,
Magee, who scored in both games.
was much stronger than the
- qualifier with a mere 46 points.
therefore had to take on the
top-ranked Galaxy. This was
With Red Bulls eliminated, it
Eastern verskln. The East winners,
Sporting Kansas City. picked up
51 points. followed by Houston
(49) and Philadelphia (48).
The totals go a long way to
explaining why many lans do not
seemed that the biggest threat
"�i,,g"'. "
to Galaxy came from Seattle. but
Sounders blew their chances by
each with
return, played before 36,000 in
losing 3-0 at Real Salt Lake. The
Seanle. turned into a real
nail-biter, as Sounders scored
twice during the first hour but
could not get the equalising goal .
Sounders, the most innovatIVe
and excillng of the play-off teams,
could only rue what might have
been had their inspirational
midfielder Mauro Ros.ales been
available, However, he had
suffered a serious knee injury,
the result of a clumsy tackle
from an opponent, at the end
of the regular season.
attacking talent - were not prolific
scorers, Of their 1 9 regular-seawn
wins, nine came via a 1-0
Strongest rival
Elsewhere, Houston - twice
winners of the MlS Cup, in
2006 and 2007, took care of
Philadelphia, wi nning 2-1 away
and 1-0 in the return. Suddenly
Kans.as City appeared as Galaxy's
strongest rival, with two 2-0 wins
f".1Ver Colorado, the 2011 champions
That notion was quickly ended
by Houston, who beat Kans.as 2-0
in Kans.as City to take the Eastern
Conference title and move on to
scoreline in games that were
far too often just plain boring.
But against RSl - who had to
play without Injured key defender,
Nat Borchers - the Galaxy attack
sprung to lile. Magee scored again,
thiS time from a s upe rb, inch­
perfe<:t cross from 8e<:kham: the
sort of goal that the Galaxy talent
promised but rarely delivered.
Galaxy were thus overwhelming
favourites - playing at home, at full
strength, agamst the unfancied
Dynamo, who were lacking their
key player. At last, an award of
some wrt - after five seasons
of far from scintillating on-field
performances - appeared almost
certain for 8e<:kham.
And w i t proved, although it was
not a memorable Final. Galaxy,
using only one substitute, were
back to their miserly form, eking
out yet another 1-0 win in what
the Final. Houston reaching the
was baSically a one-sided game.
Final had not been predicted by
many; they are a hard-working
team, Without any outstanding
stars, who play a solid game but
are nothing to get exated about.
Their key player was American
midfielder Brad Davis, who had
played in every game of the season
- but he suffered a serious
muscle-tear injury against Kansas,
and was ruled out of the Final.
Houston's opponents WOUld,
unsurprisingly, be Gala xy, who had
won the Western Conference with
a convincing 3-1 Win over Real
Salt Lake. This was a rare occaSion,
for Galaxy - de�ite all their
The lone goal was a beauty,
(DC United)
The midfleldef be�t Houston's Brad
Davis and Brek Shea 01 DaII.H to win
the Most V�luable Player award alter
scoring 16 goals and supplying 12 assists
In. � in which 1M! pI� lor three
teams.. He started the year with Toronto,
was trilllSlerred to New York Red Bulls
and then joined DC United.
(LA C;i!luy)
The former USA IIationlll cOiKh won his
third MlS title alter SlKCesses wi
t h DC
United in 1996 and 1997.
(Seattle Sounders)
The former Ajax altiKker had an
impressive Int seawn in MLS after
joining from River Plate.
not pretty. The idea that he was
coy about whether he would
being treated favourably became
partiCularly strong when he got
re-sign - his oft-repeated
statements about being 'committed'
MLS is still not exciting enough to draw
in large numbers of new fans. And that
verdict also applies to the new champions
featuring all three of Galaxy's stars
- a headed nick from Beckham
to Keane, a perfect pass on to
Donovan who provided a smooth,
inch-perfect finish - but there was
little else to excite.
8e<:kham, we were told, had
a cold, or an injury, or both. ·He
gutted it out tonight: s.ald coach
Bruce Arena. Maybe so, but it was
away with a dangerous, clumsy
tackle on Danny Cruz a minute into
the second hall. Later, as Be<:kham
Visibly tired, he was cautioned for
a blatant, almost comical, rugby
tack.1e on Carlos Costly.
Dynamo had little to offer by way
of an attackJng threat. They had
only one shot on goal in the entire
game. Add to that the fact Galaxy
managed to get only three shOtS
on target and the portrait of yet
another tedious win emerges.
Marketing gimmick
While Beckham's long-awaited
triumph with Galaxy was good
news for both the club's owners
and for the league, it was alw
important for his coach, Arena .
A first title with the ex-Manchester
United and Real Madrid midfielder
in tow was a counter to accusations
that Arena's expensive signing had
been nothing morethan a
marketing gimmick.
On the day after the Final, there
were two items of wbering news.
Be<:kham, his contract with Galaxy
about to terminate, was still being
to the team notWithstanding.
Then came the TV ratings, This
had been the perfect game for
MLS, with Beckham in the Final,
in his home stadium, packed with
over 30,000 fans, and a nationally
televised game at prime time on
a Sunday evening. But the ratings
were alarmingly poor: just
0.8million. Bad enough, but also
acutely embarrassing because,
over on the Fox Soccer Channel,
they were simultaneously showing
a taped replay of that day's
Chelsea V Liverpool game - which,
at 15m almost doubled the MLS
audience, But both figures looked
puny compared with the ratings lor
gridiron games played earlier that
day, 1 2 7 m and 14.2m.
The message seems clear
enough. Despite its conunued
successes In stadium building,
its growing attendances, and its
new-found ability to lure stars,
MLS is stili not exciting enough to
draw in large numbers of new fans.
And, very definitely, that verdict
applies to the new champions.
Intriguingly, Galaxy became the fir5t
MlS team featuring designated
players to win the championship.
The DP scheme, whiCh began in
2007, was meant to bring more
glamour to the league.
Paul Gardfll!(
Historic back-to-back titles for Kashiwa
Kashiwa Reysol achieved the
Grampus team arriVing by bus
Grampus from 2003-05, but
hiS 31 league appearances And
unprecedented feat of becommg
at last year's J.League awards
those spells came at the end of
leandro on the right was even
J.league champions a year after
ceremony and commenting to his
Verdy's golden era and when
more prolifiC. With 28 goals in his
winning the second division title.
interpreter how he wanted to
Grampus were stuck in the
two seasons.
Their first-ever championshlp ­
arrive that way himself this term.
doldrums. This time, he took over
There is never any shortage
clinched on the final day 01 the
season - was a remarkable
·We have led for some 80 per
cent of the se<lson and battled for
a team that had thoroughly lost its
way and turned it around to
of Brazilian players in Japan,
but perhaps it tOOk a coach of
comeback after relegation in
the championship the whole way;
become worthy champions.
2009 and coach Nelsinho, who
he said after the hnal game - a
NelSlnho's stature to �nd and
secure two such outstanding
took charge midway through that
3-1 win in Iront of 54.441 fafl5
Deild wood
team players.
relegation campaign, has shared
at Urawa Reds.
The year in division two probably
being only about the Brazilians,
·We produced the things we
in the downs as well as the ups
with his players.
have oeen working on all season.
Sanfre<:ce Hiroshima and
I am very proud that we're the
helped. Reysol cut ;may the dead
wood and Nelsinho rebuilt the
Reysol"s triumph was lar from
though. It was also a ViCtOry for th e
squad. starting with youngsters
squad - and for canny pre-match
scoullng and management, With
Cerezo Osaka had both done well
champions of this hard, 2011
and then bringing in the foreign
on their return to the top night in
season, grateful to the players
players he wanted - such as
Nelslnho changing his line-up andl
previous seasons. so it was partly
who have followed me through
BraZilians leandro Domingues
or formation for almost every
to be expected that Kashiwa could
these two years, and I congratulate
in 2010 and then Jorge Wagner
game. He made bold substitutions
survive. But no one had tipped
and it was to the credit of the
them to win the title. No one, thaI
I i
moved to a more
is, apart from Nelsinho.
The veteran Brazilian recalled
watching the whole Nagoya
in charge at Verdy Kawasaki in
the mid-90s and also at Nagoya
role on the left Hank,
from where he scored 1 1 gwls in
players that they always seemed to
know exactly what their mercurial
boss wanted them to do.
In gwl for his side, Takanori
Sugeno IS a highly agile keeper
had spells in front. Defending
who had never played at the
champions Nagoya started weakly
top level before. Previously with
but finished with Six straight wtnS
Yokohama Fe. he was a fringe
as they, Reysol and Gamba made a
member of the Japan squad
under Takeshi Okada.
tremendous spurt for the line. Only
Centre-backs Naoya Kondo
two points separated the trio on
the hnal day. but leaders Reysol
and Tatsuya Masu�ima, along
made sure with that commanding
with midhelders Hidekazu Otani,
victory at Saitama Stadium .
Ma�katsu Sawa and Akimi Barada
provided a steadying inHuence in
front of Sugeno, while full-backs
Nagoya's Australia striker
Josh Kennedy was the league's
top scorer for the se<:ond
Wataru Hashimoto, on the left.
successive year with 1 9 goals.
and 2 1 -year old Hiroki Sakai
just ahead of relegated Ventforet
were always ready to burst forward.
Sakai and Barada also established
themselves as important members
Kofu's Mike Havenaar on 17. The
son of naturalised former Grampus
keeper Dido, Havenaar was one
of the Japan team battling to
of the surprISes of the season. He
qualify for the OlympIC Games.
also came up from J2, and made
With strikers Junya Tanaka,
his mark as a new kind of Japanese
Masato Kudo and veteran
centre-forward in the national
Hideakl Kitajima all thriving
team as well as in league action.
It is not known yet where he'lI be
on the imprD'led serviCe, Reysol
won the title with a brand of sharp,
next season but he is unlikely to
hard-running, rapid counter­
go down with his club.
attacking footbal" and were
(kashlwa ReysoIl
Quick and skilful out wide, he is
also a leam pIayw who can CUI
inside 10 finish. tCiIShIwa's lop
scorer with 15 goals.
(kashlwa ReysoIl
Quick and powerfully bU�1
lull-back wfIo establi�hed a
tremendous undl'f'Standing wiIh
� on 11K> righl. A
brlgnl pro�pKt lor tile 2012
Olympics and 2014 World Cup.
NELSINHO (ka5hiwa Rtoysol)
HavIng managed many of
Brazil's leading leams, this
meticulous coach lias tUll1('d
roood ReysoI's fortunes. Ral'@ly
rewals his emotloll5 but enjoys
total trust of players and staff.
forever �rst to the second ball.
End of.n tr.
Kashiwa, where he led Reysol to
Even the departure of young
The close of the season marked
their phantom league title of 2000
"I'd thought they'd probably lalter
striker Yuki OtSU to Borussia
- the season they won more points
than any other team over the then
eventually, but they accelerated
Monchengladbach failed to halt
the end of an era at Gamba Osaka,
where Akira Nishino stepped down
their march to the summit.
after a decade in charge. He had
two-stage season but didn't make
led them to one Jleague and one
it to the championship play-off
Kashiwa led from the opening
triumph in glowing terms, Sdying:
towards the �nish.
·You could feel their pow-er
expanding. It has been a fantastic
day, thanks to a 3-0 victory
AFC Champions League triumph
because they failed to Win either
performance, The players are not
over Cerezo Osaka, and stayed
but regretted, on balance, that
stage. Nishino has been linked with
so extraordinary but the young
on top most of the way, although
·one league championship in 1 0
years is not really enough."
several jot>s but is as yet unde<:ided
Yokohama F-Marinos, Nagoya
ones, the inexperienced ones,
have responded to the manager's
Grampus and Gamba Osaka also
Ni�ino joined Gamba from
Nlshino praised Kashiwa's
about his future.
expectations all season and you
can feel what tremendous
competition there is between
them. It has been a wonderful year
and they ¥e truly worthy champions,"
Kashima Antlers manager
Oswaldo Oliveira also stepped
down at the end of 2 0 1 1 after fi�e
years in charge. which included
three straight J.League titles from
2007-9. 11 had been an indifferent
season for Kashima, whose sixth
place �nlsh was their joint-worst
since 2006. Antlers did, however,
have the compenSdtion of winning
the League Cup in October - the
only Japanese trophy Ol iveira
had not won,
Vegalta Sendai, in the heart of
the zone devastated by the March
earthquake and tsunami, rose to
the challenge of representing the
stricken region and achieved their
t>est-ever �nish of fourth.
Their north-eastern rivals
Montedio Yamagata were
relegated, with Kofu and AVlspa
Fukuoka, while once-prOUd Urawa
Reds dabbled with relegation to
the last. They �nished on 36
pomts, whiCh would not have been
enough to stay up in almost any
other year.
Mike P/astow
For{Ina/ league tabJe, see page 113
Jeonbuk too strong for U lsan
coach Kwan Hwaog-bo - in his
first season in charge- and were
languishing in the lower reaches of
the table. For big-spending Suwon,
it was an other disappointing end
to a league season. Having missed
out on the play-ofts the previous
two years, the .2008 champions
The K-League Cup
was at the centre
of a match-rigging
shpped out in the Se(ond round
after a dismal 3-1 penalty shoot­
out defeat by Ulsan.
The first third of the campaign
produced a league table with
a deddedly lop-Sided look as
(Jeonbulc Motorsl
Jeonbuk Motors capped a
remarkable K-league season with
a 4-2 aggregate viCtory over Ulsan
in the 2011 champ ionship play-off
Final. with three of their gwls from
Brazilian striker Emnho.
The Jeonju-based club led
the table for much 01 the season,
SCOring 7 1 goals in 32 games to
clinch their sewnd league title in
three years and only the second
in their 27-year history.
Their championship Final
opponents. on the other hand.
finished the regular season in
Sixth place and only clinched
their play-oil spot on the �nal day.
Ulsan beat reigning champklns
and third-place �nishers Seoul
in the �rst round of the play-oils
belore brushing aside Sl./WOn
Bluewlngs and Pohang Steelers.
But their fine play-off form was not
enough to overcome a rampant
Jeonbuk, who never looked like
being knocked 011 course.
Part of the reason for that
might be explained by the relatively
poor form 01 Seoul and Suwon, the
league's biggest two clubs.
Barely a third of the way into
the campaign, Seoul dismissed
Tile vetefitl'l was voted the �ague'5
most 'litlUilblt pLayer, With 16 \loab
and 15 ass.bts.
Made his international debut iIlO a
substitute In South Korea's win ower
the United Arab Emirates In Novembef.
(Jeonbulc Motors)
Lost just three Ie� games and
narrowly missed out In the Finill
01 the AsiaIJ Champions league.
Keeper Zniti is spot on
Goalkeeper Anas ZMi wasthe star of the
show as Morocco's Maghreb Fes won their
�rst continental title. beating TuniSia'S Club
AfriCain 6-5 in a penalty shoot-out to claim
the Confederations Cup Final.
After the two legs had �nished I-I on
aggregate Zniti saved two s.pot-kicks before
stepping up and firing home the Winni ng
penalty himself.
Club Africain, whose compatriots Esperance
had won the African Champions league title
a lew weeks earlier, went ahead through
Cameroonian import Alexis Mendomo after
just seven minutes 01 the first leg in Tunis and
it seemed a rout was on the cards. But despite
playing the last hall-hour with 10 men alter
Samir Zekroumi was sent Oil, Maghreb Fes
hung on and did I10t concede again.
A slip from Club Africain goalkeeper Sami
Nelzi just before hall time in the return allowed
Moussa Tigana to level the tie for Maghreb Fes,
who were unable !O take advantage In normal
time when the visitors had stnker Ezekial
Ndouassel dismissed.
Maghreb Fes' SlKCess meant three different
Moroccan clubs have now won the annual
trophy since it was �rst introduced in 2004.
Mru* Gleeson
perennial last-placed Oaegu.
military side Sangju Sangmu and
Oaejeon Citizen were among the
form sides, occupying the upper
reaches of the league. By contrast,
2010 runners-up Jeju United and
the same year's Asian Champions
League winners Seongnam Ilhwa
Chunma struggled. finishing ninth
and 10th - although Seongnam
did wi n the Korean FA Cup.
Ulsan won the K-League
CuP. the lesser 01 the major
national cup competitions. but
the tournament was at the centre
of a match-rigging scandal that
cast a dark shadow {Ner South
Korean football. Dozens of players
and coaches were caught up in the
allair as the K-League came down
heavily on those in volved.
Bryan Kay
European Sports Media
DavId SIIa(�0)1
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EYEf)' mooth. jcunalists 'rom each
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!1OUP �t their �rst XI based on tile
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Europe's top competitions. For details
01 how each ESM memberYOled. l'Is.t
woridsoc(eJ,corrv�1 1
Cunm.J\a1M! \Ole'; It'rou!tI the o;eason
(IOtaI �!e!. cast i'l Septembe!: OcIDbef
and fIbImIber 2011 )
The members 01 ESM i1f!:
A 8ci<l (1'I)(1u9aI1
�fffA/�Z6I16l9 (GerIM'lYI
KiOl.>r IGenTliWlY)
Sporr (Belgium)
Sporrfxpms (Russia)
Dt k/egrOOf(HoIIinl)
World Soccer (EIl!j.lodI
PWS twice-weekly columns (rom Brian
Glanville and Keir
s�� c:::::::=
weekend in the BeIQlan
lea� kept the club on
the tails oj Anderlecht and
Gent. and meant new coach
Christopt1 Oaum had won
lour out of lour since taking
OYer from Adrie Koster.
Stunning Europa
League comeback
(Iub BrLKJge came lrom
three goals dO\llf1 WIth 16
minutes remaining to WIn
4-3 aw� to Maribor in the
Europa LeiI9Je. Nallil Oirar
(twice),Joseph Ak.pala and
Ryan Donk. were on target
in Slovenia for '.he VIsitors
A 1-0 victory i'NIiJ'i to
Westerlo the followmg
Club Results
• DrII* til1JIe'" _d�,.,.,.. ri'
'!!!•! .
___ M.okIo (Gtr) l � ), 69,GomI. l4)
Vi_I (s,o) 1 (0. r.u.man 50)
1fT': l�. Allo 66,000• ..." �� ($we)
� _ . I\f&I""Y"eu,ten.�
.. ... AotIIletI (OIic 76. Kr-.
RiOery � 81. GomeI �n).
Vi_I: 0Ieg0 lOptI. Marlo. MlIIIQ:IIio,
M.-,Joan 0ri0lI.1\ngeI fSenno 10). lie
Gulman IW_ �. 8no>o, 1'efeI. 6orIa_
...poIl {Ita) �(CMni 17.�
M.",,_ C1Iy (bIl) 1 (IlaIo1eIi JJI
1fT: 1·1. lll:57,57$. -.r: Sko<MIa ($*0)
NOpOll: Oe s..ttis . � tamMro.
AIonico, � Her (Onmaili M). 6af9Ono,
Co:assena �. 1191. HamsI<. ....... CMnI
"""" ..
Ill.. �1Iy:"-1·Z-(_ 1I6).KOmJllllJ,
l-. -. Oe Jon\1 (1iUr11OI. SIva. lr-.
MiInw. a-.. Ozeb � 81�
lIlo""_ tII, ,
� 111_ 0
Vl_...l 0
NopOl1 2
r....__ (TIIrI l (.UkI1I)p l3)
ln1....... (II.I) I � I8)
1fT: 1·1. lll: 21.$11. -.r:_(Eng)
r....-.T•. CeIusIU. GIow1Icki. Giray.
CecIl,� (Mitr>ejtwskl 6ol).loktn.eon...
_(huIG -... ��e..-...
1.1-= .lAo caw· � $amutI, Udo.
crn.. � lanttIi. ....
,... (F__ 1III.I
�z...te �6!Ij.Mi1i11)(P_1I6)_
"""__ 0
ellAlIlrUINS UAGllE - G/l0UP • - FUtQ._
P W D l F A 1'ts
8 7 10
• • •
""- .
• 1 J
"..... .
5 7
3 2 6 6 6
",," '
lIb_l.-1hoI1td fbIl) 2 (BtrWow 30.
- "'
..... (I'IIrI Z\JO)neI""1,.....61)
III': H. lll: 1�.e7J. 1'tt. tIP'(Tur1
lib. Unltod: lie Ceo • FIIbio (Sm"no'!! S2).
f_.-. &<a. FIetchIo. c..tk. ....­
�'1Q. Nari. \'tIung. _"""
_:A/U. ,....., w..:.{M9.oeIVi!or5llj.
en,. E-. Ja.1 r..til, Witsel, GWn ('j�
631. _ �AInorirn B3). Bnn> Coso<;
Cllllo11'lON� I.E.lliIJ E - GlOW' l - f1lll1
P W O l F l Pt.
11 $ 13
10 $ 11
1 2 9 8 10
- ""
• 0 6 2 1' 0
__ (lI_) a{�75._81)
...... ($wi) l(F Fre1 1 0,l FreI ". �J1)
III': 0-1 ll1: US7. 1'tt. 1Iagon (I'lol1
_: 6<_ . 1\IIi>Io. P'Io-erdjl, s.JII',
� Hill. Noa\l> (VigUnIl fi1: 1'11_M).
farll., ShOQin (Zoua82).� (Cotn1 "I.
!MIt (frO) Z (V � OIl tlI. Sow 601)
1II': 000.AII: 19.100. 1W: �(Clo)
e5u.: GaIluIoo • N_. V S--,.
-.... -.Olise!I.o-. ea.....
(Senjetoo V).v..,. love.
UNo: t.ononooJ - 0etIudl\\ _. a..!jou,
Serio. -. a.-... r;...e,.. Colo (1'111'11 87),
Sow �7�J. _(l)e_ 90.21.
� ....... "-1D<9* (Jio titij.
...., Sonmtr • Slei-IIoIer. _. fngooie,
... _ 1
111 ._1
Winter champions
Ludogorets, who were
playing football In the
third uer two ye.lrs ago,
Ltoo Ifrl) 0
Ala' (lioii 0
All: 35.070. -.r: £tiI:sson ISMI
Lpo: La. . -.. cns. l....... Ciuokho,
Gcucon. _..... BrIand (I.lalell<85),lopt.
((_7])._8&1_ _
AIa"_ . v.. .... 'MoI(8Ilnd61).
�.Venonghen.-' -'. E_.
Jonssen, SIlIejmanI, Ebedlio (I(IaassooI � l<Ido!IrD
�"''''' 89).
..... _ (Spa) • (Ben>emI2. 611. ca1Io!jon 7.
49.119IIin 9. Oril 20)
lNnImo1ltnll (In)2 (8eqIroj 81.Tomecak!lO)
III':HI.�II:65AI5. 11ft: Kelly fIIrI
1IMI _:_ - 1liJmI. v..... Sqio Ilamoo
{flU _161. _ r-mo. Sohin, x.IIi Akno
{GI_ I6I. C*jon. o.t1 Vo/1inIOP �. Ben-.
-.ON_ I:o!IMa • c..tre._1NIemI63I. Tanel
......, � KoncIc, 8adoIj. Sammir (I_
82). Ni:<pUIIc (loU 46).1II:qIrrj.
.... .
1IMl _ '
- GlIllI'
_t= ruw..�
P W O l F A ".
2 1 13 ( \1
1 2 8 8 10
· ,
2 2 12 7 8
3 3 2 16 3
... .
...... (bIl) Z IVan _ 019, 86)
IonruI1I _..... (1l«I l (l(IQowIo 90<-21
1IT: lHl.An: SII,s31. 1W: Do -.{8Ig)
-.....: s..:.....,. .1'.<Isc:ieIny(Diour<Iu 83).
Met1I!socUr; Ver"-"_ s..-. SGng,
Wl1cot1 {OIaby 851. RaII\sef. Moto. _
{lIMo,..., 74), v.. _
___ ·1'IuI:m.fftIIo
SMlanI, -.....ScIvnelIeI. _ �
251. � (BaTios&I�GoUt (FWioic 29),!(ago....
Gr<JssmW. l_.
IIllrMillo (frO) 0
.,."...... (Gnr) 1 (fe1!aUidls 82J
1ft. lHl.ln: :15,392. __ Ai...... (loj
lIbrMil1o: __ • KMore. Oiftwa. N1uIuIw.
T_e. Dillra,VIItiuenI (GcInlaIu 12), �
�bil 61), 1\omy;A""", J,.,.,.. (Gignac 611.
.,"'....:.. Io1egyerI · T
...... �
Doria Furutt(1'_ 54). _ (FolIatddis 15),
Ojebbcu p>otouIcIis 89).
CllAJU'I1»ISI.ll&UE",, 1Al!DU' 0 ", f
D1nImo laiJ"eb 6
l F A ",
0 19 2 18
Z 9 1 8
Z 6 6 8
6 3 22 0
..,... ......
... (GeI)2(Detdij<J1c 13. f_
CheI... (tIIg) 1 )Drogbo 18)
1fr. 0-0.All: 29,285. __ Kaaoi IikIn)
ltHfII....:. ....
l . _ (SduT1o 57).
frIodI1dI. """.. Kadlec (OefdIyoIc 71). s.m.,
,....... c.stto. -. Sam. KiesoIIng {llcIjpli.o
CheI-= Cod! . ...... _ lub """" 691.
rOlf'/, __ RouI_I�1IO),-'
lImpord. Stumdge. MaU 1_ 661. Dr<Igba.
V_(Spa) 1 (Jonas 10. Sdc1D1 I3. 35,:19.
1fr. �-ll All:35,01!6. __ CI\op"on (fro)
V_Diego-' - ....... _Roil(l'njo
CoN, r-.
46. Rami. _100, """"1Ino
....,... � (Aa\Ij 57). _ )AdUII.1 65).
GtnIt! 1«11.... - _ 80li'l, -. IfIWIII
� 61), 1'udiI, camu.,T...... 1IuIIeI. _
(JMangango 71h Do 8nJtno, -... (Sa146).
C1ll101'ION� lUOOE - 0/1001 C - FlN�
P W D l F
3 0 8
3 1 11 8 9
• 0 6 3 11 0
are honorary ·Wlnter
champions· after scoring
\WICe in the last tour
minutes to draw 2-2 at
second-placed CSKA
and � into the mid­
season break top on goal
difference. Junior Moraes
scored twice for (SKA
before Brazilian sut>st�ute
Juninho Quixada and
former SlJlgaria striker
Ivan StoyanoY stunned
the home crowd.
C/WII'1OII5 LD.CiI£ - GIDI.I' f • •�
A ",
6 11
4 10
6 9
12 4
I'Dno (l'llrl Z(l«j1l1ll,RlilOO9C)
1fr. 0-0. Alt �2.565. Rot.1bomsooI (Sea)
S""ktlbt: 1I)tN. -_ (IlaugI.sCost.o V).
E_ (JadIOfI5II. M1I1'IIUfy>n. _ 1AIoJ:
__ - Maicon, 0IafMd,-'
_II, Joao �IleIout (Sauu 88�
�, 7��
DjMna (C
_ $I I'mrsIoq (RIIO) 0
UGEl __ (CnI) 0
lll: 21,500. __ ar,cn (Gor)
___ -.....-...l.JNn!>oot
C/bClIo. �, SNIoIo:N (la><Mc 81). F..,.".."
� (8rsInro 55t Oonnr. -....
UGH.: _ . S<*Imou._ ll1iwoirI. �
Ji:Irge,_(I1Io46),NIrIo Ibois,_
I'1nIo,�MandIICI._ �
Ml. o\iIlrjtI �f1).
::s:../ (TPRUS
found QUilty of stxMng and
trying to hit referee Chris\OS
Elia after a 1-1 draw at
AnagenniSi Dherynia earlier
leaders lose top men
The Cyprus Football
AsSOCiatiOn have banned
the coach, NeophytOS
lilrkou, and club president
Mittiades Neoptlytou 01
league leaders Omonla lor
Six months after they were
in the season
lorna became the hrst
forei!1l official 10 take
Wallwork was sentenced to
15 months in jail for selling
on parts from stolen cars.
The 34-year-<Jld, who
charge 01 an FA Cup match.
He officiated 10 third-tier
Brentford's 1-0 hrsl-round
victory over ron-league
Basingstoke lawn.
was capped four times by
England during the Under-
20 World Cup in 1997. last
played prolesWnal football
In 2008, lor Sheffield
Former Manchester
Ref's break new ground
United and West Bromwkh
Japanese referee Masaaki
Albion defender Ronnie
different nationalities represented Arsenal during their
1-1 draw with Fulham, setting a new League record
fIo<r :10: Nlimo (5"') OIlZ,,*,- {HoI) 0:
_,Khar1tlo(llkr) .A<lWII _ (Ai.C) 1 .
.... 30: Rubin !Wan ("""1 4 Shamr<Jdc -.
("*11:TonotNmlIoIsputlEll!ll l PAOI( �
J. PI>
4 10
. ,
" .
Moo 30: S\andotd iJe90 (BIg) ZIt..-- (Goo) 0:
__ fUull�(DonII.
un _ (lJt) 0
� 1'1_ {tal 1 (80l<0I12)
1fr. 0-1. AI!: Z6,520. �'" 810m (1101)
ElIKll'A L1AG\£ " GKllUI" ' _
UTE: Gutor • -. SIrnIc, filipenI<o,
I'IR'IidI. _ fGonIeJd'Uc 691.A-.
I(onIsnoy(IIIldik 75). Brusan. 8oga. SbwJsh
..- ",
�1z"'" Cech • RIj1cnl SemsI<}. e,......
I..ImbInI<y. HormII. JooeI<. PeImIo (1'010 aJI,
�.,...(110.... 90+1� 8aI<oI (IIurIs791.
III... �to) Z �20.��)
11..-1 (s,o:) J(VIn8ommel og 14, Mealpefl
ElIKll �' LUllLE � ll'
IU� c_
10 3
... -
. PIs
..... .
8 10
5 10
. ,
,. 1
Iloo 30: � (Scol OA__ (Spo) 1:
_ (F1Ij 0 LIdineM � o.
A Plo
SportingL'IIOn 5
Dec 1, IWcaDITIII _ (lv1 28o$IctId (l� 3:
_ City (Eng) 1 Oynno IGoo (\IktI1.
. UAtiIIEc· 1lAOO ' f..­
.E.IIllI ,.UAtiIIEc - 1OIlIW' F_
_8'Il00 5
SkMn8__ 5
I:apImborgll' 11
B 10 5
, . ,
Dec I: 08 _ (DonI I __ (I'd) 2:
_ _ (1101) 1 FIMIIm (Eng) 0.
ElIfIa,. L1AG\£- r.aJUI'
. . ,
, " " •
• " •
• " •
• " •
" " "
• " • "
, " " •
• " • "
, • " "
11 13 31 10
36-ratld ....... �J;_ -.lIIiII lMlroIIJgIItlIl
_.I1'1t "
_ .. "
-�. "
" , "
" '" • •
" " , •
" , " •
" " • "
• " '" "
• •
" "
" •
• •
• •
" "
'" , " • • "
• " " " • "
• n " " • •
• " " • • •
• " " • ,
• " 13 211 51 32
H ... .ow. iI 1M """""" pUy-df
B 12 B
1 12 3
, "
Dec I.AIn� �1boo(Spaj2 __
)SIIIj 1: Sa1zDurV (.lull 2 f>aIIs SoInt-Gormairl
IffI) O.
rDp21i1NCt1flNNP qlJll/ily iUt lSf_<U1UIA'Id;
3n1-piM:«llNms enterfInI:vL_" ISf
,. 5
g 6
8 11
4 13
ElIKllN LLAllIE · Gl
llIU.. J_
_1:VaIIIoI · Pu\<Il. __-'
1(.,;. ....,.. KoiII.TlUgo (Doo s.n.. 90+ 1�
F*egos cr-IIO), _.YlII (SInchu 68).
mDltS WIlII l � IilIIIIP H � �
' W O L f A PIs
I 11 5
..... ,1: __1adI3SlIIml l:_,
Wo11ef'Jboq ':""_OA<lWll 3: � 1
IIOf 20: IIIpicI I So1zbutg2.
Moo 21< _ 1 _0: Wonmtug 1 Rapid 2:
Sa1z1aI/9 B �DIrgeI0:_ Z_
Moo 21: SI...... 3-.1.
Dec 3: AldIN a 1oIaI1OtSWIg Il: � 0
1IIpicI 00AdmirI 1 Ried I.
Dec 4:_, Sll.fm O:W-__ a
ElIRIlI'A UAIiI.Il - (WkII' M_
sm. _, AquiIoni. van 80mmeI (IOoca'Ino
12). s.-" Booteng. _ � 1'110
ElI�OPAI-UIlU£.dilll".J _ , •
1fr. 1·Z. AIt: 13,927. �'" starI< (Goo)
Milan: _ .AbIIt, _ (8cn1I B6).ThiIgo
11..-1 1
£\IMN 1Ulll£- 1:oIIQ A_
�It ..._
Moo II: 011 leweoI 1 SIandard 3Moo II: Gonk3w.s_O;LoMrOft l __
I;Kortrij<OGo!f1tl; _, ZIfto� 1;
_ nJoo.. I.
Moo 20: _t 3 SllnJidon I; CllII IItuggio 1
4 11 3
5 1. 0
r"" 2 iii NCtI fINNP � iUtlSf_016ItUId,
_1hq"'lJojD/It«Jllr lM'�
_1h>m1M�'-flNNP �
..... 25: S\andotd3_Z.
..... Zl: l�!O� Z _ 3;_
o II<InI1I< I; 51T...-m Z 011 Lau\oI!n 1: lIerse 0
Chb� I;Wes_Z_':C«de�1
fIo<r U: GMlZ Ilenk O.
Dec 2: __ Z GonIc 0.
Dec 3: $11_ Z _ 3; ZoI1t W..-- 1
IJIkeren I: Uera Z __ 2: Westerlo 0 Dub
� I; c.rdt fIn.Wo 1 KIIo1I1jk 2Dec 4:_0OHL..-. Il: _ O
s�� c:::::::=
League, the Europa League
ever to Win two league
Reim's dream nine
places go to Nomme Kallll,
matches iNlirf to Bayern
in a Single calendar year:
Flora Tallinn retained the
Trans Narva and whoever
wins the Estonian Cup in
avoided an unwanted club
t"e<ord of 11 consecutive
next season's Champions
leagJE! title with a 9<lme to
spare after beatlllg VllJandi
Hamburg. meanwhile,
the sprirK}-
4-0 with goals from Han�
home games v.lIhout a WIn
Anier (two), Valeri Minkeneo
by beating Hol1enheim 2-0.
Dortmund's annual
double in Munich
been Danned from playing
and Markus Jurgenson. Flora
have now won nine biles,
with coach Martin Reim
Oynamo Dresden have
in next season's German
adding the last two to the
Borusskl Dortmund won
Cup after crowd trouble
�n he won as a player.
1-0 in Munich to make
marred their 2-0 defeat
While Flora will enter
history as the only team
� to Borussia Dortmund.
A Pts
" " , , • " •
" " , , • " •
�- " • • , • " "
" • , , " " •
Cotcte Bnlggt \6 , • , " " ,
" • , , " " ,
" • , , " , "
" • , , • " "
" , • , , " "
" • • • " " "
" • • • " " "
�" • , • " • "
' ....... " , • • " " "
" , , , " " "
." , • " " • "
" , • to 13 29 "
3O-...... �_�5>2I:"P6 ...
�pIoy-d!s. ........... 1'tItI 1411
.,...� l.,.. pIa<e""'-oI'Is._ 2(15111&
16!rt """ 1'fIIII1IIIIIOO II-IO!' «I (t d1!lOm .... 1I"�
..... 11'_·_ Oawno Min O.
..... 12: s.e-.s. OSlMlo3: l
_ _1o
1-' 1: CSIi:A 3 MinJoo" 1.
..... 13' loIu>nIo1I< SoIla 1 _1; 1IMlo 1
l...... Z; CIIetnom«e1s 0 Wdogotets O.
_ U, 1IoIn l 11Mlo1.
_ It: Montana 1 SInio Z; Cha'no Men 1
S"-0; LUIIogofets 2 _. 0; lnskI2
..... 20: Minyof 0 I.JIkomoIi< _ 0: LoUmoIh­
SoIIa0 CIIetnom«e1s .. L.oood\ 0 CSM 2..... 21: -.. 0 i.JIfo>moIIo SoI\a 0; BfIr.. 0
_ Z1: s.e-.s.O L...... I:�_
2 1......::t1 I:Vk1imI-_01loln1:
CIIornomorets 2 Montana O.
..... 21: SIMI I a.mo Mlnl; CSItI. 2
-" " ,
" " •
" • ,
" " "
�" • ,
" , •
" " "
-- " , •
" , "
• • " " "
, , " " "
, , " " "
• • " " "
, • " " "
,.- "
• • • " ..
" , • • • " ,
- " • , " , • ,
3O-nurl ...... (15.o2j: _ 211101 11e�
30l _ ... ... I"OI'rmn pIrj-«l
..... 11: z..a. 1 Obda 1; SpI�O_3.
.....II:VIwdio 3 lnlef Z; _ 1 Lucio>1;
_ 11: .-.eeZ_a.
_ It: DukII 0 If!!llk:e 0; SbtIcIr.o 1 Ubeftc 2:
1'I>fIn 3 __ 2.
.....20: CesU IIudejfMco 1 nao. 0; _
K1_ I SlMa I:0shn.0 Prlbl... 2.
.... 21' _HIOSO Sp1ft14.
..... 25, Spot\I 0 DukII O.
..... ZI: Llbetec 2 _ 2.
.... 21, nao. 0 SbtIcIr.o 1: Itplico Z _
1905 0; ...... __ 3 CesU IIudejovIce 1;
-... 21'1len 1:_0 _ K1_Z.
....21: _ 0 Ostr
he2: "'_ 4 _ 1905 1.
he 3: Oslma 0 _ 0: _ I l11on!c 3:
.- 2Spartl4.
he 4: llzkoo 1 PrI>f... 2: CesU 1IIIcIoIari<I 3
DukII 2: _ KfaIoot 3 '....... 2he5, _ I M__ 0.
Sat�L_!!!t l'
Zaaar2 0sIjek 1: IsIno 2 sa- 1: L.oIo>moIId 1
.....20: IIijeb 3 KIfIoQc a.
_25, L.oIo>moIId 1 _n O.
..... U: Split 1 CiboIiI 1; Zagreil l _ 1; '"'"'
2 Ka/IowIC 0; Zaaar 1 lucIoo 0: _ l lIIjduk Z;
RijoU 1 0sij0IcO.
_ 21, 1nIIr 0 DinInIo a.
IJooc: 2:L_2 InlefO.
he "VII..... 2 SiDonik 1: lIICkO l llijeU 1:
� 3 bgre11 3: _ 2 Split a, CibUa 1
he 4: I\ajduII. 1 Zaaar 0; Osijok 2 1SInI 1.
P W O l F A I'ls
" " ,
• , "
" " ,
• " •
" • • • " " "
" • • • � 11 31
" , , , � " "
- " , • • • 16 25
" • • , " 15 24
" , , , .. " "
" • , • " " "
" • • , .. " "
" • • , " " "
" • , • " " "
" , • • " " "
" • , " " • "
" , , • " " "
..." , , 13 11 • •
3O-...... ..... (1�; _5 ..J tlerfleg>!lJd
....... .....
1; N'OEL 2 ErmIs 0; AEl( 0 �O.
_20: ""_ 1 ENP 1 : EII'._O
..... 21, 0/i'mPII«II OMs o.
_ U: � �AEl( 1: � 3 0tympiM0I0 2.
_n' AIkIOE_ l:fmjs3�2:
ENP 0 N'OEL 2: Ms 2,1j>o1lon a.
..... 21: 0m0nIII 2 1Ma _ 2he 2:N'OEL 2� 0.
he 3: 0Jtrmpial0I 1 __ 2: � 0AEl . 3:
ENF'1 0m0niI 1.
IJooc: 4: .... SIIaminI 0 AIkIl; Elt.,jII.,. 4 Ms O.
_ :I. IIfJf. 2 [,,,010 O.
�� "
- "
, "
, .. • "
, " , "
, " • "
• " .. "
• " " "
, • • "
, " " "
• • " "
, " " "
• " " ..
, .. " ,
• • " •
26-nurl � _ 113>:2): WlP' wi lor",
� IJWP. 5In tl8II\ wi form •.,...,..,r
Qf� !lItItl l""wllorm r�Qf�1t<rn
wricII .... _ lOam wi \10 --.. 13111 A 1411 wi
, • ,, �
• .. .
• " "
• • , " •
• , , • " ,
, • , • • "
, , • " " "
, , , " .. "
, , • " " "
.• , • " " "
", • , " " ..
B%"ilfls 1905 16 ,
• , " 21 19
, • • " " "
," , • .. " " "
" , , • " " ,
" , , 13 10 31 ,
3O--/au"rI ...... (\5<2); _ 2 .. tie rfI09tIed
• ,
..... 11, Horso!ns 0 DB 1.
..... 20: IIronfIII!' Z CoperNgen I: Lyngily2 HB
,,* Z; � 2 �O;M�
..... 21, AGF 0 S",kellorJl 2.
.... ZI: DB 2 MIdIjyUoo! 3.
.....21, SitI<etIotg 1 NOffliljlo1lnl 2; SondeIfysIo.E
3Lyngbr I; � 2 � 1(ogro I;AIIIG
..... 21: IIrondb\I OMorsens 1.
_ " -..."y 4...... 2he 4, NofasjaoIaro:I 0 M� 0; III KDgo 1
w •.
_ 2�"'oM._penl3)
_.,.u.oo 1 (It.w!f: pen 371 All: 33.9S3
"'""hHl"C/IJ' 3 � peo4',_4-I.
_lilt 1 (Godmg 891 Art 41.0108
... 1 (MoIIson 161
_ Z (VIrI_ 26. 59lAIt 26.801
5t_ Z (W8II8fS a sna.rr.cr- 64)
QuooftI P'aft �__ 3 � 22, 54, Y<rofng
f ,.... 0 An: 31.688
s....... .
..._ I (tIemIncIel l1)Alt2D.295
_ 1"""- 2 (ThomIs 16.1JIng SIll
_I (I(IastIi< pen 21)Alt26.221
W,,"R , (JonIj Gome, 6. taIrMd 31. Qusal88)
.. J ft'a1c....Z.pen1lO>9._ 59)
AIt 17.392
__ 2D
&hoi-. I (S1IfrrkIgo S5)
U-.-. 2�. n Jomson 87)
....... 1 � 82)
folt11m 1 (Vefmoelen 011 6S)AIt liG,GU
... 2 (Fe1a1n149, 'IdioI 18)AIt 24.05/1
ChoI... 3(T"'Y1, SIIfn"iIIvo 29,Mala45)
____ O AIt41.1i48
.....__ I11III01 I (_, (9)
_.lIt 1 (III pen 64) All: 15,S94
... Z (lo1ri> 15,HoII. ll)
0<I0eM � "'__ 1 (l'<rung591Alt 26.1S1
lloILl 3 (DoIap 28,_ sa, Ctour::ft 12)
.. I (AodIinI 86) A/t 26.686
s-1and 1 (Uruon I)
...,.a 2 (Jotdi Gome. """ 44. Di _ 90..3)
he5' �DOB�.
Art 37,883
...... "
� ...
, " " •
• • " " "
, , " " •
• • " " •
, • • " "
, • , " "
• , " " "
• , " • "
• • " " "
, , " " • "
• 13 !6 41 ,
33-.n:o.n<1 _(\IQ; _ 2 " tIe roleg;J1ed
_ 1......- l � HI)
. . 3 (o\do!OIyof 25. go.l.llr!foe al)
AIt 24.801
� __ 21
u-.-. l � ... :131
IbnchHtorC/tJ 1 � 31)Att:45,071
s...... .
_ VIII OAlt 20.404
Kerl<yra, but they are facing
Heerenveen but remained
a backlash from players
Cash woe for AEK
whose wages are said to be
top Of the ErEdiVisie after
Although they still
several months in arrears.
second-place PSV lost 2-0
10 Feyenoorcl
In a statement on the
have two games in hand.
On a day of 20 �Is in
Panathinaikos slipped
official 'oWbsile, pla�rs say
from top spot in the Super
the club "is on the brink.
League when they suffered
and 'oW have reached the
Twente move:! to within a
a 3-1 defeat - their hrst
limit of our tolerance'.
point of PSV 'Nith a 6-2 win
domestic reverse of the
season - iPIaY to lowly
Aris Salonika.
AEK look their place
with a 1-0 win against
five ErEdlvlSie games.
at Utrecht in 3 match that
was suspended for 1S
minules midway through the
second half after fireworks
Leaders hammered
league leaders Al. suffered
.. VlIII 0
'oWre let off in the ;may
lJon 3 (\.o11ez 20.6I, __ 881Att: 11.92>1
MI_ Un/tM 1 (Jones 201 All: "O.0S3
._ 4 ('/aIwtIu 20. 45+2. 51. pen 821
sw...... 2 (UtI lS. -'66IAtt: 23,080
__ Ci1y 5 (AQuefo 32. _ 51. Y,....
66._as. JoIInson 9C-oll
_ 1 (Ma!oon 811A11: 41,201
CIIoISN 3 (IIrogbo 38. KaIool 89.S1umdgo 9C-02)
100 24 •
0 " ,
101 29 n
" . n
, " " . "
• " . " •
• " " " •
• , " . •
, " • • •
• 32 11 192 4
0-. ..... � 1 (I\eIguIon 201
_1 __ 1 (L:Ing811A11: 11.290
• •
... �
5-1 "" "l1li In 1111 rat/pnIm p/q-df
,_ J (8110 1.l
...... SO. DtIoe IiOI
_onDAll: 35.8911
� ....
ar-I 4 (NmI 28. V"- 29. Gemmo 61.
V.. _78IA11: 19.2!1O
SlOb,1, � 15)Att: 33.219
_mpt.. 2 (fIeIchor lUl l
_.... 1 (Rktlarmon 52)An:25.1015
ftI_ 1 (IIempsey 1151
lJMrpooI GAll: 25,688
A Pts
l F
.. "
• " •
.. "
" " "
," "
, " "
.. •
" " •
.. •
• " •
.. ,
" " •
" " "
.. " "
.. ,
.. ,
-" " "
" ,
" " "
.. •
• • "
" • "
" " "
-" " "
.. • ..
," " ..
-" " "
" • "
" " • •
.. ,
, • " . •
38-ro.m ......, (1�""'" 3wiI III ftIIogIMd
� �-
14 -.Von_ 1o\tSMIIl
" �Apro� CI1y)
" E<1In IllIlko> (MorIcMsIIf CIty)
• ---
W>yno IIoonty � Ib1III)
r.roa 1 (E<Ionon l8j
""'... 2 (Pi1roipo 39. Ilembo S3) AII: 3<,123
UIIe GAit 11.653
AjKdo 2 Ibn
,,",, 52._ 9C-ol1
c- 2 (Waguo 64.1IongIJ 111 AIt S.225
0II0n 2 (JoroIaI70. COIp1 131
Eoll. 2 (SIgbo pen 2. was. 59)
IMMnt 1 (So.... 41)AII: 10,163
_poIlllt 1 (IIiIwaII 0; 62)
MlrMlIIO.All: 2e.241
5oIn!·ElIooIno 2 (SNma-PIngoIo poll 24. Zouna
391Att: 1,599
2 (GrouvI
pen 61, I'0\'0I801
-" AIt12.918
I'arII SlI...-• •
NIner 1 ICaM! '91 All: "0.199
111_ 2 (IsIma1__ 59. s.n...... 791
AU!.... 1 (1__ 341 All: 13,383
UNo 2 ihrtIll. Sow sst
NIner 1 1BIU/2e1
0II0n 2 (1IaJInuo pen II. San1I.III.-. 83)
All: IS.114
"",... 3 <- 10.poIIll.l\M1ji71j
EN. 2 (lIa'bosa 19. was. 32)Att: 11.189
SlIn1·EtIooIno 31Grldell. SNmI-PongoIt 33.
AjKdo 1 ![111ww1 6O)AIt 2O.D59
__ I (t1m111 1141
_....... 3 (Gi<auII 019. 88, asiAn: lU41
""'_ 2 (MIoNdo 25. Dedu:< i53J
lMIooIt 1 (M¥uenm pen 621
Nice GAit 18.1109
.. 3 (lIemy 9.Amaltitalo 65.AAyo.. 831
!'1m SlI.Hi......I• •Att: 41,512
... .. '
f<IoI:!J..l.._ 1etll
•.,... LftoIrt_ 2 (8aIIA<:1!!'.4.SIno 10)
Att: 42.24S
a.,-MUIIidI O
_ Dortmund 1 (GoUt 65) An: 69.001
c- 1 (FraIlpen23i
.. 2 (A � 21. J � 52) AIt 20,470
fteIb.., 2 (ReIsinger 61. 9(1..5)
_ 2 [Rona 2O. IIiemeyet 4S+11 AIt 21.soo
AjKdo 2 (C/IedICll
0; 2. Ion
IJHe 31_ 12. Bal l&, Huard pen 1101
�bac:h 5(!1enm1nn 18._ 23. 38.
SI.NIngc 531
_ ....... ..1.11: 53.465
IrKI 2 (IIwt 23. 211
2 �.... 2<4.81)An: 13.189
... .
•• An: 13.165
EN. 2 (Solin 25. _ 331
VI_ 1 tDonk: pen 851An: 9.608
MOOIIpOIIIIt 4 (Demos 26. GinIIId 41. lI1IkI 62.
lMIont GAIt 12._
Nice 2 (Monl'" pen IS. CMIi 35J
""",--- .
lor..... 2 (f'1asII l. Henr1que 52)
NlnerOAl1: 15.404
r.roa 3 (1(ono 31. _ 52.l.,." pen fill)
T....... 2 (I.\1U61,SissokD pen 15)An: 31,0211
!'1m SlI..__I. 3 (.IIIeI 52. """",,18. _
pen 111
........ 2 (OIjech 59. DIdt.o 11) All: 42.035
SdIIIb 4 (I(un\eIaa' 13. 66. � 39.1Io/1IJ7 1141
NIll'MlIIer'\I 0 All: 81.67:1
--. 4(SaIiIIamiIIJIc 22. :lII. CIwIJ 511.
M-...g 141
__ 1 (S<hrII: 43)Atl:30.OOI
2 (Guetr.... 25........ 651
lm_1II 0Altol6.231
.. .. 1 (Wtmet 41) An: i50.Wl
�_I1et Z5
�bac:II 3 (11ri1 20.41.""""3OJ
� ....
�_K _
....,.,.., 2 (Brink111M1 65. 1(apIIInI 1O<-41
-..... .All: 29.110
_ Dortmund 2(1.--..0 16.
S<:IWb.All: 8O.m
__ 1 (ScIIIaIIhI1 791
111m"".. I (1IIuma 641 All: 49,000
• " •
, " "
, " "
• " ,
, " •
" " •
• , " "
SlinHtiome "
• " " "
, " " "
, " • "
, " " "
, " " "
• " • "
" , "
" • " '" "
• , , • "
- "
, • " " "
, • " " "
, • " • "
" ,
, 10 IS 34 •
38-0UI0l...... (1!h:2); _ 3W1l1 t1ertlega!eil
_ tIl&SOSl9l 1.12.lofnIc 0; 11)
..,... LftoIrt_ 3 (Dordiyok
Att: 44,54\
llt1_m l � r,,",,",, 241
fteIb.., 1 (Dem_ 9IlIAl1: 28.250
Nlll'Mlller'\l l (CIIInc1Itr 131
1lI1--' 0 AIt11.266
Mlhu 3 (IYa'IIcMI ll.CaiiQU1 65. IIIIngeI1 141
..,...,. M_ 2 (Von Buytan 511. 191 All: 34,001
_ ....... 2(11un1 51. _61)
SMtglr1 • All: "O.aoo
"""" M_4�22.n._ pen69.
__ I �52)AI"69.OOI
r......, 1 (Cisoe 81)
__ 1 [IasIIanI 0; 441An: 20.000
wrn!lD SOCWI 107
s�� c:::::::=
yellow card of the game
and Roma's woes were
compounded when Botan
KrkiC was shown a straight
red for handball in the are<!
fwe minutes from time,
allowing Santiago 5i1�a to
� l.d Viola's second
penalty of the game.
Raffaele Rubino'S goal
in Nc1.tara's 2-1 win a.oer
Parma meant he became
the hrst player to score in
four different divisions 01
Three off for Roma
Roma had three players
sent off as they lost 3-0
al Fiorentina.
Juan was the hrst to go
for pulling down Stevan
Jovetic and (Ooceding the
penalty from whiCh the
hosts opened the scoring.
After Alessandro Gamberini
had made 1\ tw:I. Fernando
Gaga picked up his second
bIutsIIUl"", 1 (\lLItIn»c 011 51
1IIrI"" 1 (RaIfMt 14fAlt 3U56
GllEEC£ _
P W O L F A Ms
M...,MngIod....� 1 (IIarj<e 72)
_ _ 1 (L...-s1!1 4O!
ShIn",,, 2 (GeMw 29, 361
CoIogno Z <- pen IS, 881AIt 5US5
Wo/hbwJ Z(MnI.!_ lG, KlrdtIoII og41)
Mil.. Z (Mnod1iU pen 10, CIaJpo-MoolWlg all
23, ..
.. 62)
......... z (GiiOmro
.N--. •AIt 45,473
Sc:hllko 3 (llwnelaar 16, _ 8III. 1!auI1I')
.. 1 (-'.7)All:58,641
. ..... "
"""""" "
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13 Z1 11
:J,.o-....-rI ''''"'''' (11)2): _2M1I1e�
3nl _ ... IIi'b' rtlIrmm pIIy-dt
13 __' f8aIIom _)
T3 KIoaI.Jon __ (S<tIIIke)
" CIouaIo PI>amI (WfInIor _I
" I..uW _ ICoioPI
" _l.....-ski � Dortmond)
" WM:o RousIMoncl\onglad>ac)
_ 1.. I<.M:yrI 2 Eroooollo T:lEK 2 ......... 0:
0Iympi0I<0I I _koI I.
.... 20:_' � 1; Do.. G
9_ 0: Of)GAlls I; GIoMina 0 hnIhI.t
_ 23,AU 2Looadiakoo 1.
.... 21, El9DteIIs 2 GIar"*>a 1; I'M!( 0 IteIt<}n0:
_ 21: lnaIbIoos 1 Don0:Panl1IIinoikol3 Of)
1: _ 2MI l, _ 2 01ympIak0I 0:
I &votobO:
• .. "
" " "
, , " " "
_ 10
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• • • " "
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, • , " •
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• • ,
30-...-.1 """""" (\ s.2); ...... P*M 2M tI �-.oiI
..... 1'iII'-dts tl_Ii'Iloco�2M�
� ffIIl"'-; _3 ... borHglioO
..... 11: Do G<aalschop 1 PS'Il NEe I _JC2;
__ I RIle 1:11erac1es I T_l;Aju 2
..... 20: Dto 11u\12 Ilredlt 2; _0
fe,enoonI '" ....... 2 V'N I.
..... 15, AZ 2 utredot G.
.... Z1' NAC2 --.n2;WV1 Do
Gtufldllp 2; _ JC 3 Hon:Ies I: PS'I6
...... , .
..... n, m«: 1 f.,....orll 2; _ 1 Dto IIug
1I«2; 1IetIdeI1WVO.
II« 3: GtoniTgon 3 NEe 3; Don Haag 3 NAC 0:
Do GruI5dllp 1 _ JC 2;Aju 4 ElIuIsIor I.
IJooc: 4: fe,enoonI 2 PS'I o: n
... 4 m«: 0:
UII1<:ftI 2Tw""'" S:-..-5AZ1.
A Ms
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, " " "
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, " " "
• , • » ..
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Do GtaIIIc:hIp 15
, • " » "
"• • • • ,
" ,
• " .. • ,
�-...-.I IMIYI (1 1)2), -. � ... lie
rf:iIQIII!<I. 2M & 3t� _.. era-� IMr-<tIs
- ...
.... It: __ 0 IUfyaI ShmonI I, """ 3
IUc:uIIiTel ..... 0: IIapoeI Pel3/!rIM 0 _ 1;
I!etanyJ 6 _ LoZlon 2; HIpooI IIaIIJ 1 _
SaIdwIkI 2; 80'.. _ 0 MaccIIIi PeIaII Tm0.
20: IIapoeI T.. _ 0 Ramal w-... 0.
21: _1 MaccabI _ ..
16: IUfyaI SIImona I 80iW 0: _2 80'..
SlIM 0: _ LoZlon 0 HIpooI PeIaII T.... 0:
_ SIthnin 1 I!eIanya 1; _ � 2
HIpooI llaila0; MaccIIIi Haita 1 _ 0.
..... n: MaccIIIi 1.. ..... 1 IIapoeIl.. ..... 3.
....21: MaccIIIi PeIaII Tm I __ 0.
II« 3: _ 1 KiIyIIShmonI 2;""'- 2_
� " HIpooI PeIaII Tl1M 1 _ SaIdwIkI 2;
l!etanya G RwnatIUSlllron 2; 80'.. _ 3 Bnei
_1:_0M_ PeIaII nIM0.
II« 4: HIpooI _ 2 Mat:caIJj lei ..... O.
DOl: 5: HIpooI lel_ 3 Mac:caIJj HIiII 0,
P W O L F A Ms
Hl.. _
• , •
.. •
QJMShmonI 14 • ,
" • •
.BnoI SaIoJrtirI" 14
M Pelahlbl 14
.80'.. _
_ � 14
• •
• "
• "
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• "
, "
• "
, ..
, "
• "
.. "
• "
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" U
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H"-'TJooa- 14
3tl---r<lnI � _ 115>:2).�8,..rmn
�iImm _ 3 " 1I" �
"2):II3 _/or��
--....._ ,.
fIof_ 0
Millft 0 An: 23.000
IftI___ 2(Tb11go _SoI.�6O!
tagIIoo1 I (I.Mrhooy 8S) All; 58.000
LallI 0 All; 4&000
_. .
ea.... 1 (1'.... 8').11;20.391
cauonla 1 � 18)
ChIroo 2 (PeIIissioI POI' '5+1. SanvNtco 73)
AIt: 1••248
Germ 1 (MiguII _I7)
_... IT Alt 2O.11S
.IuftMuI 3 (Pe!It 20, Malrl 48, _ 651
..._ 0Alt ]6.4811
the Italian leag.re for the
� club, having managed
16 in Serie (2, 56 in Serie
(1 and Six in Serie B.
Maiden cup success
Mukhtar Mukhtaru.r scored
the only goal 01 the game
as Ordabasy Shymkent
won the Kazakh (up for
the hrst time in their history.
beating Tobol Kostanay 1-0
_ I (l'e!lt35)Alt:29.0Ci0
callnla I (lIonionb 9O)AlI: 5.962
lIema 2 (Rubino 70. IIIgonI 18)
"'l1li 1 (CeMIRInI og 29'1 All:U&I
.' __
CIg/III1 , (Calli pen II)
. . ' (III_15jAlt: I5.000
CIunI 2 �"'" POI' 70.10)
_ U II:15.911
M�a" 4 (TbIIgo SMI a. __ 16, POI' 44.
.. 1'11. 33)
ChIroo 0 AII;.jQ.891
_ OAIt 19.536
Into",.._11 1 (CasIaIp:D 89) An: 13.581
".a" 2(b'_"",, 5oII, _ 79J
_ 1 (lsll, 13)All:5oII.00I
1IapoII ( � 26. C1¥an133. &:1. 0_ 41)
l.oca 2 (MurIoI Sol. C<niI90.31 AIt: 49.000
....... . , (lli ylio281
SIena IIAIt 18.316
Cltanla II
caglIll'l 1 0_64IA11:1UI8
f_l(_POI'l1,Gomllellrll 44._
_ ..
1Ioma OAII: 21.863
"'l1li 2 (8iIbiany 51. GicMoco pen 16)
UcII.... OAII: 14,128
-. 2 (Plank 15, GIgo Sol)
l.oca 1 (8otIoIaD:I 61)AIt: 30,168
SIena 2 (O'AgosIi... """ 44, Gaul 86)
AIlIIoIIa 2 (DenIs pen 15. 53) AIt: !M29
_ 2 (111_19.Iaa89)
-. OAlt 11.000
NapolI 1 (CaYanI 9Q.4)An:11.1Z1
WIll I (BiaA 16,_ 23.12)
_ItO 0 AIt: 30.001
in the Final. In the league,
Sunkar and Okzhetpes
will replace rel�ted
Kairat Almaty and Vostok
Oskemen in the top night
next season,
Coach does the double
in debut campaign
Sergei Podpah added the
league title to the latvian
his hrst seasm as coach of
Ventpils as a double winner.
His Side oinched the
championship title with a
0-0 draw against reigning
champions Stonto on the
hnal day of Ire season,
me lor winning a title and
feel a bit envious because
we're going 10 play in the
UEFA ChamptOr'lS leagu e:
fortlng the 48-year-old
Three in three
Rus�an to ad'nll: "When I
Filip Ivaoo.'Ski of Vardar
took the reigos at Ventspils
in ea rly 2011 many of my
friends wooderW why I was
going to latvia.
scored a hat-trick in just
three minutes as hiS skle
beat Napredok 5-1.
Vardar are unbeaten and
top of the table.
"Now the')' corqatulate
(up he won in May to hnlsh
Start 1 T"""", 6; UIestrom D F_1<sIad D:
" •
" .. ,
" •
, " "
" •
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" • "
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38-KlfId _llg,Q); ba1!m1 3wi! go-.
"6p/J -..,.,r.c-.,_"
.. _ DlnilIAtaIInIII
_ I)j Mallie (I.IdInese)
__ (MlIonI
_ ca...ni (NapolI)
SebIISIiarI GIo¥Inco (l'llfIIIj
, ,
, ,
, "
-, "
, "
, "
, ,
, ,
OIIqIoMS !Pl" 32 ,
A Prs
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• " " •
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211 Ig 117 B
� _ '*fj.I"'<IVI«I:!si1f /Q
SpMIaIg. 4'1 "" _., IJM ��
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33.r<lRl _Ill"!!: bOIIIlm 21f11i1 III RIIIIgaId
,... 20: SIromSflldsel 2 VIIeIengo 1;_
3....... ,:_3 -......,. ,,_2
UI1esIr.... D: 0dII GrerUnd 1 SogndII 0-, _ 1
Sat?Sbo<9 1; W<ing 1 SUr! 1: _ 1
...... '
..... 21: SogndaI 2 _ 1: IIoseribofV 3 Viklng 2:
o\aIesuncI 3 IInM 1; HaQes1n1 5 S/rornsgodsOI I ;
�30d116ten1and 2;�""""2
1I1l11WAl' -=. FIItAL.­
• • • •
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Iloo Il: lag1e!Iio 1 _0;"",,- 0
Iloo 11: GI!S 3 U\S D: _ 2 erxo.Ia D: I.e9a 3
Il00 20: -.. 0 _ 0: _ 0- _ 1.
Iloo 21: """_ 0 l.IdI 0.
Iloo 23: l.o9iI3 Z>gebio 0.
Iloo 25: _ 2 _,: SIioIcO_,.
Iloo :If: U\S 1 � 1: Gcm1<' logIebIt 1:
_ ' Logi10,
Iloo 21: ()accMo 2 GI!S 1: Lodl O�... 1.
,...2I: l.ecIIiI l I1i1c11 0.
DocZ; GI!S l 11i1c11 1: l.ecIIiI l _ 3.
Doc 3; _ 0 CrxorioII; � 0
__ 2: l.IdI4lKSO.
Doc4: _ 0 Sliolc 2:_ , _ 0.
Doc5;z.-0 Lo'jII 4.
ND _
' W D l F J Prs
" n
" ..
" •
" •
" •
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• 13 211 13
3O.KU>d_(1�;_2""' 1II �
Iloo 25:_ 0 8eIr�'" 1.
Iloo :If: �aclanaI2 _ 2; IIenb 1
Iloo 21: ftnnso 2 Rio...0; GiI-. 2 trOoo
l.oIrII 1: Pttto 311r19o 2: PotoI f...n 1
Guimoraa 3 SeIUbII O.
• • , ,
• ,. '" ,
, ,. n "
, " " ,
, " , "
- "
, " n ..
, " " ..
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3O-rnnl _ (1�; _ 2 ""' III I01iogBtM
" n , " • •
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, " , • " " •
, " • , " • "
" " '" , « • •
" " • • • • "
, .. '" • • " "
, .. • '" • • •
,... 111: VoI;oII __ 2; _0 KryIIa _0:
Kt...... 1 SpM13Ic _ 2.
,... 20:_ 3 1.... ,.
,... zs: � _ 3 T..... D: KryIiI _
I I'>Iga O.
,... 27,Tom O_O: _, __ ,.
,... ,., _OTi'Qol-MIIreI I:OIeIuI I
Iloo 11: 8rasoo � M_ O;Dinamo 1_ 0;
,... 20:�"'" 3 P_2: c._, StNUII O.
Iloo 21: RapIdS Ill.! _ 3; Coni:ofdII 0 MIra 1.
,... 25:AsIrIOCeoNaU O.
Iloo zs; SCoorWI l VriIi 0: _ 3 RapId 0;
Ste..... , 8rasoo 0'
Iloo 21:_ otn I: l.InI<enIIaIea 1 0IeIuI 1 ;
_ O Oinamo l .
Iloo 21: �-M.... 3 Concof<III 0: Ill.! _ 0
Doc Z,CFA l _ o.
Dec 3: _ 0 l.IrIivoniWeI 0, _ 2 MIra D:
_ 0 _ 0.
Doc 4: cahIaII l IlrQu-M_ 1; ConconIiI 0 Ill.!
_ 0; v..u 1 0IeIuI 0; ... 2 SCoorWI O.
Doc 5, Dinomo 1 SlNUa3.
" "
" "
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" •
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" ,
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" •
" ,
....- "
" '" •
• " •
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" " ,.
" " "
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34-rnnl _(17.:2); _4W11bO�
_SIIII�fI«_"'"_ rums
<MrItitI_1IJII poImsWId/lOllS ffCIXd
,... Il: zntOMlhla: CSKA 1 _ Z.
1Ioo .JPt1;lynanlo 2w.. . �_ 2
ii... a � 1 5p&1IIo;
I;.... Z
,... 2lokomot!¥
1; Mml 2 CSKA I,
• " .. • .,
• .. • .. •
• " , • ,
, , '" " " .. "
KtylIa _ 32 , . . " " • "
• " " • •
, •
, •
• " " • "
,, • • Ig 20 61 21
1�''''''' _ (7)2); _2'''bO�
:tI1 & 41h _ ... """" ra'pmm pIoy-dtl
JIOfIIl: -""' 0 � 2;_ '
__ 2: DIa1deo lWIod 1 Heans 0; HIbemiIn
1 Ki1m><noc:I! 1: RMIgen 0 51 _0;
""23: � 20un_ '.
,... 21: � 551Mimll 0; __ 3
[Mldee lInited 0; SIJohnstone 3 HIbemiIn 1.
JIOf 21: Kilrnomoclc 1 RMgefI 0,
DIc 3: _ 1 51_ 2: Kilrnomoclc 2
_0: RIngen 2 _ ,:51Mirren 1
_.... 2.
Dec"_UniIfIII OCenic 1.
' W O l F A Pts
" "
, • .,
" "
• " •
- " •
" " •
" " •
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" • •
" " ,
- " , ,
" • ,
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" " "
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" , "
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33-rand ..... _ �I"!!; l:Ipa ... !\Irm
� _bOIIIlm S ... torm ....,..,
�O'!om """" hI_1OIO'n"'"""",
""'1I:_ � , _ ,:0Ft:1
_ 3; JagodIna 1 !led StM3; SpM13Ic I J..."
0, Pani>an 5 Ikn: I;Yof¥odN 2 S/necIomIo 0,
,... 20: Hajct.Jk 1 __ 0; !led 1 BSI( 1.
,... 21: Jnof 2 1IajIU< I: BSI( 0 VojYodina .,
_OOFK1; __ (-'�O:
!led SUi 0 PotU... Z.
Ahead at the break
Defending champions Zeoit
6ers go down at KiUie
Rangers lost In the league
lor the first time this season,
at the top 01
winning 2-0 at BeI!1ade
Yet more trouble
rivals and nearest
challengers Red Star.
Estudiantes' home game
against Banfield was
went into the winter break
top 01 the L'Jble follooing
a 1-0 defeat at Kilmarnock
a 2-1 win over lokomotiv,
ending their run of 14
,.." SPAIN
minutes when supporters
They are six points clear
corn.ecutive SPL � wins .
Atletico's new home
threw m�les omo the
Atletico Madrid have
pitch shortly after a goal
01 (SKA Moscow, who
abandoned after just 13
unveiled plans for a new
70.000-capaoty stadium to
Cameroon striker Samuel
Belgrade derby
replace the eXISting Vicente
by the visitors' Hernan
Rodrigo lopez.
Eto'o scoring the winning
Partizan opened up a
Calderon as their home
Echemque. called the game
!oeVen-point advantage
from 2015.
off after Ban�eld goalkeeper
were beaten 2-1 by
Anzhi Makhachkala, with
goal in the hnal minute.
JIo'fZ1:_ 1 � , , _ O RadO;
-'0 Jagodina 0,
.... 3:0n3 _ 1'al... 0:�0_t
1'an1.... 3 _ 0: I'oj'IodIna 3 11cnc ,: Spao\aI<
' 8SKO; ....... O _""" .
.... 4: Hajduk , -. SeI<Ijno2:Rad, Red
" .. •
" , •
" .. ,
" .. •
" , •
, • "
" •
, , " " •
" , • , " " •
, , .. " "
" ,
" , • , " " "
" •
, " .. "
" ,
, • .. " "
" ,
, • " " "
" • , • • " "
" • , • • " "
" ,
• , • .. ..
" , • • • " ..
, • • " •
• • • • ,
" ,
3O-....... .... ('5.a):_2""11Ie�
_ t: KosIco 1 _,: SIonn 31k*1a 2:
1111'M 0 Z1IIt Motaoce I: DAC 0 NiIrI 2JIo'f l1: Milia I I(osIct 1,_ 1 Tau
.. I;
_, SenIcI': SporUiIo. ' nIIIIl;DAC2
,rena.. O.
_ 20: Z1IIt Motaoce 1 _ I.
JIo'f n:nerd1 3lJ11na 3; Senicll � ,.
JIo'f 21: T,ora. 4 SportaII. t _ 1 ZIItt
MoII¥cI 0;11_1 NoV. I, I(osIct 3 !lAC 0; ZfirII
3 1k11d11 1, SIonn 2 _ 0
ZIItt Mol...., II •
" .. "
• " •
" " •
• " "
" " ,.
- .. ,
• " ,
" • .. • " " "
.. •
, • " • "
" •
, , " • ..
" • • • " • "
,.. ,
• .. • " "
" •
• " " · "
ll-....... .... (\ I.o3), _.." .... ... ,.......
SLQ'iEII I.l _
P W O l F A PIs
" " • , " " ..
" .. • , • " •
" •
, , " • •
"" •
, , • • "
" • • , • " ,.
" ,
• • • • "
" ,
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" , • .. • • •
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" , • " • • ..
s-.g, ... Dec8
3&-....... .... (9:104); _ """' ... tit ,""",*""
2m _ ... .... '"""""" pIaj-df
_ . � Ia. _ qPuyol5ol.
Y, ..
lingo.. 0 An: 80.000
V_ Z fs- 15, 82)
Rell Mad"" 1 (BMzoma 20, Sergio _72.
ClIstiano_781"'" .s.ooo
Vi_' (BorjIVIIlro 211
..... 0 All: la.ooo
A\Ie1Ico _ 3 (Pllll 6/._ n. 0ieID a3)
1M..,. 2 (Xaot 1_72. _ 90+21
-. .
Rwto VIII...,... GAIt 15,270
RelI _ .
EIpttrJoI IAIt 21,000
sml" 1 (JfIsus M.... \4)
AIII_ 1)_Z (nola 6. De _701
Spotting Gijon Z (Ir.jo 45+5. _181
_' (F-.-4.33. ClIooIcI 31._
SponIngGl"", '
Rell _ 3 (01 M... 33. Q1sIIano _ 83,
Marcelo 90+11 AI!: 23,500
VIIondo Z (fino CoO'II pen 6, _801
&,I. 1 � 691 Alt -10.000
A_ "'"*IeI 3 (Gobi 25, _ 74, SaMo
go" 1
Rwto VIII...,... , (Gobi og 90+3) All: .s,OOO
GtHlda , (WIaIo.s1
lItagor. 0 Alt 22,000
""'"""'. I (A/oa'<I2I
AIIIIItIo .I_l .......-. 4S+31An:12.863
ou..... Z(FIano39._m 90.lI
..... 1 fCas1ro 101"'" 15.701
RelI _ 3 (Demid1e1i:1 og 10,_ !I!I,_
Gotm 1 � lSIAn:22,OOO
' '""
' c' ..
iir , (hII 89I
""'.... 3 (loco 018,_ og &4. F«Ni1doIl 881
�, _ 5
_ t(FozIo32,MInI<49, _!IO+ll
Gotm.All:: 31.000
· __
Gotm 1 (Ylle!l 1I6)
_ OAn: I3.000
Rwto VIII...,... 1 (I...... 8.11
VI""'" Z )Jonas 21.TIno CoO'II SSIAn: 10,100
RelI Mad"" .(CIIsIi.... _ .... 23, .... 81.
Di _ 018, JIIguIin &41
AIIotIco _ 1 (AoIrIafI 141A1t80,OOO
''-' __
AIMellc I)_'
6tMada 1 (InIao l.oIIe> lOIA1t 31,000
..... Z 1__ 81, &4)
Rell _ 3 (AQImtle sa. _76.
In¥> .....
"'" !IOIAn. 31.000
&,I. 1 (AMro 551
!ha..... Z (UnIIII.... _ 5O) AIt 24,052
IMliI1e . (BarI<onI 20, ...... 47. """" 52,62)
Sporting Gijon • All:: 11)B1
""'1IotcI Z (I""*,, og 45+1. _ 581
R-.g s...to_ l CN-"" 731A1t 11.112
smna 1 � ..... 231All:: 22.000
""'I... Z (RonoIon 20. _ 5111 All:: 24.500
P W O l F A ""
.. "
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" .. • , " , •
.. •
, , " .. •
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• , " .. "
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• , .. • "
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" • • , .. " ..
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" • , , " " "
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" , • , " " "
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.. ,
• • .. " "
, • " " "
.. ,
.. ,
• • " • ..
-313-mR1 ...... (\902); _3 d 110 r8egatl!<l
-- �
17 CrIsdwIo _ (RNI Maao1rI)
17 Lb*_�
12 _ H9iIin (ReoI MadrId)
• --• _FIIcao IAdMico M.arr\rIi
, �m 8o!nzeml (Real NaIIrid)
, c.: F__ �
The referee, Fernando
Oct 2: � 3 Zlrt:h 0 (1WIrded).
"'" It: _ 1 \'tung !lop 0:TIM 3 So!Ne!Ie O.
"'" 20: Llocarno 2 � I; SioII 2 )(amu
0: _ 4 u..s.nne 1.
o.c 3: _ 1 Wcernt 0: laosanno 1 IIan\alI 3,
Dooc 4: � 1 n.... 0: s.wno 0 Zlrt:h I;
L F A P'ti
, " .. "
• " " "
, • " •
, • " •
_ ..
• " " "
, " " "
• " . "
• • . "
.. " . ..
, 13 14 43 1
:lIl--f<lnI -=n (9:10"1: bCCIOm lOWn'" be reIogacI,
2nd bottDm ... ....... ..... .,.,.-dI
---. -.. T
11: _, .
. I.
"'" It:� 2 KarD*spot 1: KaysooiqIoI
1 0radp«0; _1 f�o.
_ZG: �2_88 1'� 1
Gondertif1igI l: � 1 M� 1:
_ 0 GoIaIIw.,. o.
_ 21: Bonupor 1 Soonso0,
_ 25: IlencIertIIrIig 0 _ O.
_ 21: � , ArII3Iyaspcw0;0rdusI>0r 0
_ 1: GoIaIasaray 2 sm..pcw 1,
_ 27: Eskise!Wspc11 3 � 2, bWIbd
88 3 � 1: """'"- 1 Kaysoriopot 0:
_Zl: �3� 1,
O'CZ: �2Tt�2.
he 3:GoziIro,-"1 Sam_0:
Gondertir1IgI 0 IlIIlIasarIy 1: _ 4
.... 4;AntaIpopot 2 � 1; � 1
o.c !: _ 2 Orauopot 1.
P W O l F A I'I •
- " • • , " " •
-. .. , • , .. .. •
" ,
, , " 14 24
- " • , , " • "
.. • , • .. 14 21
_ ..
• , .. 14 21
'- " ,
,- " • , , " " "
" ,
• • .. " ..
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" • • , " .. "
, " .. ..
...... .. • • , " .. "
-- " • • , " " "
.. • • , " " ..
""-" , • • " " "
, • " .. "
...... " ,
, • • .. "
...... .. ,
10 15 10 5
34-"""' � _117<2!;t4l4w1 kIrm
�.,.,..,, 511 It1Bm"'''''''' [u-�
LNgue�""",._ 3 " be �
Cristian Lucchetti told
on aggregate in the seml-
top of the regular phase of
him he had been left
�r.a15 of the SudamenCdOd
Cup. La U will now liKe
the ciausulil.
diSorientated by two flares
that landed near him.
Final at last for La U
Having been three-times
Ubertadores Cup semi�nalists, Universu:1ad de
Chile reached their first
continental Final. beating
Brazil's Vasco da Gama 3-'
league, Lo U also drew 0-0
" "
" "
• " ..
" "
, • " ..
• " " "
" •
• " •
• " " "
" ,
• • , "
" ,
• , , •
" •
" •
, " " "
• " " "
-" ,
• " • •
" ,
" • "
• " • "
" ,
- " ,
" " • ..
" ,
" " " "
" ,
, " . . "
:n-ram_ ll5<2!'-.. 2 .... IIOAIIIIgOIOIl
P�lImlnllry round dnllw
-... (IIruI ' ta-Ka (VeolI (1'113)
�1111 _ ·�1III _(J'IW1
IfIIIInIaC:iona lilrlJ' C<IIomIlII 1III ..... 1PR51
aile 1111_. roam (Melol (PR6)
Group stage draw
FItnJ lsi,.".
Former River Plate, Monaco
and Argentina mid�elder
with Audax Italiano to �nlsh
fa.dor !JI,.".
- - ""
_ do. DIiIo tchIJ
_ .. btp/qfdF"' 8-�2!
Jbp2"' ucll fI'I'IJP �Itit'si__
lsi.l!ps • Nor ,.3, 2ndJogs • Nor 9-/7
ArsenaIlArvl __ do ClllIo(Clll)
1-2.0-3 (Q 1-5)
1""'"0,,1110"" SInta Fe «<II) _YeIel Sl/'Sl\eIcI lArvl
1-1.2,3(0IIII 304)
llIU outIo (&0), LIIertad (Por)
HI, 0-1 (Q I'1 . llIU IWIo � '"' 1*"1
lkoMtsi_ lPeII _Yasco ... Gama (!Ira)
HI, 2·S (Q (,5)
Ist.l!ps • Nor2�2nd• • Nor 2!Ii3O
llIU IlutIo _Yell. SIrs1IoId
HI, HI (agoj 3{J!
V.... ... Ilama._do Clllle
H,0-2(OIIII I·lj
,..,. 12: San lInnIo 0 M lloys 1.
,..,. II: San _ OM IIoys 0: Newell.. 0
,..,. ,.. ......- I �cnuo: 1IoIgrano '
_.3: incIopo!ndIo!nI 3�0,
,..,. 2O: Sanllnnlo O \Inion I,8ocI 0 1IaciIIiI 0:
Colon I Raloelao.
,..,. 21: lInuo OArsenll I.
,..,. Z5:TIgno311a1oe1a0.
,..,. Zl:N.lIIoys 0 lInuo 0: _.. 0 San
I.JIIenIo 0: 01i� 0 San _ 3: RIcing 2
,..,. 21:_ I E__ 2:_. 1 CoIoII I,
IlocIorCna l 1Ioct2; _2� 2.
,..,. 21: UnIon 0 �_ 0.
0.: l:&1udiIrI1tS3A1 I1oys D,�2
0.: 3, San_ 2 UnIon 0: Ra_2_.0;
I.MllS 0 0Iimp0 0: CoIoII 0 RIcing 2.
De< ., � I -. I,1I<ICl 3
Recoba, who spent 11
Hacional's title
aggregate viCtory.
Undefeated in the
Nacional player last season.
Argentinian striker Hernan
Barcos SCOring all three
LOU goals in a 3-0
Gallardo took charge in
the middle of the year after
hanging up his boots as a
Velez 5ars�eld, with
"",,1: _0_0.
... Il: ra.rtyo I VoIyn O: SItaIIiIUr 2_0:
Dnipro 0 K/y¥DId 2: ChomomortIo 21<Arpoty 2.
,..,. 20: Z...... I _5:_0_,:
Dynamo (0IeItsandrIa 0,
,..,. n: _S_3:_2'-1p0.
,..,. Z6: _ 0 Dynamo I: KI)obas 2._
0: VoIyn I 0nIpr<I2.
,..,. 21:_ I Z...". 0: Ka1>aI\< 0 ShakIIIat
5:_ 0 ChomomoteIs I.
o.:2: SIIaIoJII.- S NsenII O.
0.: 3, lcfya I _ 2,TrwiyI( _ I:
DIomomoItts 1 K/y¥DId 2.
0.:., _ 3 1ln1pn> 2;_ I KAIpaIy I,
0.: S, Dynamo I MeIIUII 0,
1st.· JIt> 2!; 2nd• • Fob I
Cup Final
Argentinian championS
- ....,
Vasco do. llama (!Irl)
over Liverpool.
on penalties in the Chilean
2009 winners LO U Quito
of Ecuadoc, who beat
_lArvl_ SjIofIItIIn:Iyo lPeII (PRI)
11001 _ (801} . F� (B<al (PR2)
(atoliCa beat Magallanes
goal from Alvaro Recoba
gave them a 1-0 victory
years in Italy, mostly at
Intemazionale, joined
Marcelo Gallardo won the
NaciOnal this season from
Oanulllo, who finished
apertura in hiS �rst season
secood after bedting Bel la
as coach 01 Nationa l as a
Vista 4-1.
" "
" • ..
• .. "
" ,
" •
" " "
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" " "
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" " "
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lncIopo!ndienie 11 , •
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" 21 11
19-ram NWrmI �g,!), ." <Iioga1ion ..,.,.
lllUII. - flllAl­
W O l F A PtI
CGlIn_jq lll
-� •
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" "
ClIIl.E· WUS\.ll.l: IIIWW • fUW._
" "
.. "
, "
, "
" "
, ..
lGUYIA ." lPfJIT\IRl; IlIIlIW' I ", FlIIId.­
23 13 24
28 18 23
23 15 18
TIle SIr<If9I1 I2
l4 23 I5
18 29 14
12 2
0 10 10 ., 6
lop � ., boll IJ,,-,," "'" � pIay-olls; '"
...... --"""
""" 2: �2N._" _1
_ 1: Soo _ 2 Awol O.
,..,. '" GremIo 2 -.. 2: CorIIibo 2
fIaoroengo 0: CUra 2 _ 3, _2
....... ,,_O llollil l : enu.iro l
__ O,VM<02 _.0
""" 1: _ ' Soo_O:-"-I
_o-, Almlnense SGremiD 4,_ 2
_fogo l:CearlO Corl_ " _ Oen.......
0:_.. 1 V...., I.
""" 1, SanIos I __ ,:N.MI....,, 2
CoritiDa I: � 0 � O.
,..,. II: Soo "- 3 _ l:Yasco 2 _ 0:
_ , Cearll.
N.. 2O: 1IotII1ogo I 1nIOrIIaCIonaI 2;CGIInIranI 2
AlM_ ,;Cnaoito I _ 1,_
0 � 0-, _ 0 __ 1: CorItibi I
_0: �O_4.
,..,.21: _ , Soo _0:_ , _
l; f\amongIII I _oonaIO: _ I Yasco
2; GremIo 2 __ 2; M -.. 4 BoIaIogoO;
Agueirtnse O_ ,: eorttibo '_0:
.....- rnati�a"-'�'
0 -.. O;SOO P.... 4
1 GNmio 0: enuen 8N.
, GoIar1ionsI S AInorIi:a l: """"""'"
0:_ 2 c-. 1'_ ' �"
_fogo 1 _ i ; Yasco 1 f\amongIII I .
• • " •
-" "
" •
• " " "
" •
, " • •
__ 11 •
• • , •
-� " •
, • " •
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, • " •
.. • • "
-� " •
.. , • "
-'" " •
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"- " •
• " " "
" •
• " • "
" •
• " • "
"""San ftIipo'
" ,
, • 18 211 13
q, 8 " "' � � 1h0 2"""'_
$SOnI.ago1dlmrlJ & � -. rologolOd, '3rd &
411 "'" (I'/;!n<IrRrs &SIrI � _ roVrrom
"' �
c:oLOI&IJ.\ _ GU.
IISUIll: llllULU.· �
W 1\ I F
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• " " •
• " " •
• • " •
, " .. "
, , " "
, , • "
• " .. ..
, " • "
• .. , ,
• • • ,
,.- "
• • , ,
• " " ,
,• " • "
"'• " , "
" '• , 11 2iI IS
.. ,
lop 8 ..... � pIIr-oI;Is 1hO tea"n M1h
__ polInIS _ 1h0 3 n>:1Sl r..,." .....
f'or<WIi _ 1OIrIg3bld. 'N """'....,., 2nII _
� _ lIIiI\lrOm plry-a'I
-Ind s..g fI
\'oQRlO SOCCER 111
� c=��====
Six killed on away trip
Six people diec and 25
were seriOusly Injured when
Beckham's treble
As a result 01 LA Galaxy's
Champions beaten
CAF Champions League
viCtory in the MLS Cup,
David Beckham became
a bus carrying;he Etoile
only the second Englishman
Filante de lOl'l'l2 team was
in almost a year when
to win championships in
involved in an ilCCident on
they went down 2-1 at
three different countries
their way to i:I lea� game
CA Bizertin. Esperance
(England. $p.3in and USA).
He 'ollows in the
against Semassi in Sodok.e.
led at half-time with a
footsteps of Trevor Steven,
drM?r to lose (()(ltrol of the
vehicle, which rolled OYer
and Nour Hadhria won it
before (a!thlng fire.
for the rmts.
Scotland and France.
" " , • • " •
" " • • • " •
" " • , • • "
" .. • • • " •
" .. • • • " •
• • • " •
" •
�odepoo""'" Z2 • • , • " "
• , " • "
" ,
" , • " " " .
-� " , • " • • •
" , , " " " "
" •
• ,. 16 35 16
lSi $!ago ...... £melee,... 2 ..... _ """'"
poOfU .. _,tII2nol u.go _-.-. &
-� "
-�. "
'-- "
s-.. "" o.ca
• •
, •
, •
• •
, •
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, "
, "
" •
" "
" "
" •
" •
" •
,. •
• •
• "
,. •
• "
• "
• "
" "
" ..
22...... _ � 1<2l; 1fIt 2 !eMS wiI1 l1le
__ 1I<JdO _1nII 3 ""'"'''''*'' -''''
· " " •
• • " •
" .. " •
, " ,. "
" • " •
" " .. •
" • " "
" " • •
• ,. • •
" " • •
" " .. .
.. " .. •
.. • " •
" • • •
AI_ (IIj
" " .. "
16 12 4S "
"" 2 ... rneeI h ,"",-01'1 1jII1'IO:I " _!hi!
" •
• "
" •
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" "
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• "
� � _...".ru.
� .wI _3t>b _1IIairf_'p1
tIIdJCttK1_11IfIr 1·1 rh"' __1IadrIp
_MItMIgIbM {iIIytJt; Dr.f1MP"'" Is otJI
..-... _trlN_
" "
" •
" •
.. ,
" •
" •
" ,
.. •
" ,
" •
" "
.. •
" "
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" "
" "
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" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
• ,
" •
s-.. ",, 0tJe 6
11-_ _ ,.,r�"'ap!ItLQ
Quarter·flnals draw
Isidro � (IS» 0 P!.mu _ �
IoIona'ca _(Mol) 0 -."..,(Mo.<I
Soamo -. (IISAj ' Slnlr>l "...,. (Nuj
Toronto (Carll o lliso\ngoIes GoIuy (IISAj
1StItfIS • Mar6-&; 2M,.,.' MIt 11-15
1St,.,. •/rtIOo.Btl« 1; 1IItlMgt . o.c.1'4
_. SIntos 2-1. 2-3 (0IIII ..... Santos go
Ihr""'" bener�_,""","",
1lI.ofnIAro . TIgm G-{I, (1.1 !"'!III Gol)
CIIa� _
_ 2fJ - CM:tOfI (//DIM /lopol c.m.tj
1M .... 1 (Ilor-.12)
lit. G-II. Alt 3O,28UleI: _
, ...
WJUoI tua_� 0
Rei:-.. (tim)
w.- � .Rabel!, Umsan.ArnrInI
(N1rIkart88). 1Iotn6ah,1rjocIdool.foIIah. UkNI
� 17), -. Rami (Zboon 6f�
�nco: a.... CIIorI!II . IIkt>ori, �,
CMtrtnIm,I'aya. -. TtaouI,_ 1MII
IIOI,�. _ � 83), HdJong (SIornI
IstltflS · /kN '� 2M1tfIS ·/kN26127
.Iagr..oam ' Santos l·2, 1·2 (Igg �
_.crw ....... 2-1. 2-1 (0IIII 4-2)
I'8cIuI .TP 11-1, Gol (0IIII 1)-.1)
�o�2.I,G-II (aQg 2-I)
goal from Youssef Msakni,
before Hassan Harbaoui
their �r$t league defeat
A burst lyre caused the
who won in England,
c.roPorlono 19
'�- "
o ."1O 20
3"" ...
r .o "
winners Esperance suffered
Es!*11ICO 1 (A1hr122)
�tua....... .
lit. l.{1. W: DoIIO (loCI
�1ICO:BMCIItriIII ·A1I\.j,_,
CMtrtnIm, I'aya. l'fIIIrJ, _, KorDl DarrIgI
(_ 601), -... (CoIIiboIy 76), � (AyIrI
WJUoI: _ • _,.......,., AmrIri,
B«nDIft. Ajoddou. _ (SIo:ourna SII, IMIIII
� 711!, Ms$asol RamI (MpIi!!lJ. 0ndamI.
SiJnfoIf: lMnM> 45"-
a.. AlricIiII (1IorI) 1 lMondomolI
...._fHl....) 0
lit: 1.{1. Alt 50,000
a... Alrlclill: BtnAyoub - m..Yuc:ooKIi,
___,-.Zirlli. RgUi.
Dnaouoal_l-.,l Ii6:8onAMlml84J,
...._ hi: lrWIi • z........". lmrItIi. HIjjI,
_. CI!IIIbi (IIiop 82), El ButI,_.
DaiIrnani. IIIIW,_,111M<. SiJnf oIf:z_
� """'-­
...._,.. 1 (Iig1na 45+31
a... AIrIclInO
IIt.l.{1.II.t: DIattiI (Son)
A!I!1 1·1: lIIIt/IIt«I f
.. a.5",, _
...._ hi: Zni1I -� El8aor\, MranI,
_ (EJ1'wu1I 90.'). ctGIDI, DMI......
[Hop,�,\pII (HItrouI1I3j,_.......
a... AlricliII: BtnAyoub - lIoss.sst 1ft'"
SdUnil�63). on-._rrtJi,
__ M
"'- M
SIIocDIgSW! 3:&
- ...
_ lM lRI 3:&
_Ulll fI) 3a
" � � "
" . . M
" . " M
· " . c
14 47 " C
" . . ..
.. � " .
" " " "
" . " "
.. . " "
" . . "
.. . • •
.. " " .
" . . "
,, � . "
.. � " .
" . • •
" . . "
" " " .
--, "
--, "
-- "
_'n "
-- "
-- "
GokI!n""- 13
Pllllrun Sln 13
IiIIdolJiopMla 13
....... ca.mc.. 13
, •
" •
, ,.
• ..
16 24
10 21
" ..
" "
, ..
" "
" "
" ..
" "
" "
• "
" •
:»-tIo,nI -", (15<2); _." ... 1M
�2r1l_ ooI<rfrOrlf>/p'''' J>Iar-dls
Preliminary round draw
[aCAsII _
Potrq _ (SlID)' T-.J
2... ......
AI_lIWl' He1lc:ftl fWbl
� QIIl1Jb_ . EltiIaq (SIuj
Group sta� draw
- - "'"
AlRryy.. !QaC)
Nflliflq QIIEsUfINM OIIZOllAilln
- ...,
Brisbane Roar's Australian
record-breaklng run of 36
matches unbeaten ended
with a 2-0 loss at Sydney.
Keeper attacked
Baniyas goalkeeper
Mohammad Ah Ghuloom
Veteran wins again
At the age of 41. Bosnia­
was attacked by men
wielding knives ilnd swords
Aleksandr Durie woo his
iln argument ilt il cinerTlil
in DUbai. Around 20 men
born Singapore international
sinh S.league title - with
Cup Final comeback
Tlanjin Teda came from
behind to beat Shandong
luneng 2-1 in the Cup Final
his third different club - as
he helped Tampines R(M!I"s
to their �rst championship
were Silid to h ave amtlushed
Ghuloom, who suffered
since 2005.
head injuries.
III N1II (Sau)
'-' ,..
_ ...
111 _ (011)
1II � fSau)
.... '
__ UnIIod IAus)
_ ...,
I'IlIIMg -. OR I"IIII.., -.....s
__ IAUs)
ApIII {t!pS (fJr>p«r1t's CI4>-';
I Cotst ....
Nagoyl GrI/np>s (.lap)
Seongnam _ a.nna (SKII)
�''''' (CM)
... ,
� E\IefQfWIdO (CIIn)
Ka!Hwa ReysoI (..Iapl
rItIiIMId{t!pS (/eIfP' �I
.... It: SaiIIfeccI 2 KawasalI J; .k.tJIIo 2
'IentIoreI 1,1II_ 2 _ 2; _ 1
Nagoya2; Urawa 0 � II: 1lmiya 1 IlAshinII 1,
"" 20: ShklIilu 1 IWII.... 2; C«11QOY_:I.
,," :II:_ l �II: Magoofa 3 _0;
KbasIkI 1Yolw1laml II:II:as1oIw1 1 Cote>o 1:
K&shimI 3 SIWlVu II: AoIspo 1 lIrawa 2; Sa'IIrecct
4 Omip:t.
"" 21,"'""tIoI.. 3.\1_0, _ 3 _ 1 .
Dec 3, -,,- 21to_l, ShimIzu 1 Gamba 3;
-'O Magoofa 1; __ 1 iWNm1 1: omp
3Ven!1ote\ 1, l1li... I KashiwaJ; _ I
SanIrIcco 3; � 2_ 0: Con,. ' AoIspo I.
P lY D l f A Ph
- '" • " , • • • n
• " • • " • "
• " , • " " •
• .. .. • • " .
• " • .. . • •
• " " .. " • •
..• .. • " " • •
• " • " " . "
• " , .. • • •
• " " " • " •
• " • .. " " •
• " .. " " " •
• .. " " • • •
• .. • " • • •
• • " .. • • •
- '" • • • .. . • •
• " . " "
- ,.
• " " • "
- '" • •
Championship play-ofh
IIt1I<""_ dMmpiotrsJtaIbut/ IItd
"' I'IlIIMg quI/itfIld_1IbIr lor/lie
_Mld__ �
,..,., 11,_ 2Go1dCGaI I.
,..,., 12; ...._
Hearl 1 NowtasIIo 0: CenIraI
ColIS! O ....�
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Gold Coas1 O.
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Argentina 1986
With Diego Maradona at the heart of everything they did, La Albiceleste
won their second World Cup in the heat and altitude of Mexico
,.... tItry P,""pido
Looked \.ll5teady al
I!I'llI3, but a rEgJ1ar,
,I unspectacu�,
Ckar lluggetl
(onvnilllChng centre­
tJ.x:k and stopper who
WiIS eo.Ef-presenl clu"ng
the ftnals
JoH! Luls arown
Sweeper who scored
Ar))e-nbna·s fr5t goal 11
the Fflal illd pIa)Ed on
de';plte a shoulder If\�
Jose ClKiuffo
Late addlbOn who
n the 1986 World Cup hnals in Mexico
from the start. when he created all
the game', greatest Individual talent but
three of his country's goals in their
was COdChed by one of the world's most
opening game against South Korea.
pragmatic managers in Carlos Bilardo.
through to the Final when, as Argenuflil's
Bllardo was one 01 the first to switch
to 3-5-2, and Argentina's five-man
.killr. Glustl
Wing-backs - ga.-e them a base from
rl\1lt-hand nan!::
City's Azteca stadium, Diego Armando
Maradana was the star of the show.
In the quarter-final against England
1983 ar.d woo.Ad
Cup-winnng team was that it featured
victory over West Germany in Mexico
LlIIS Menottl as
Argentna coadIlI1
S«gIo htlsUi
The great irony of the 1986 World
the talk was all about one man. Right
captain, he I�ted the trophy alter a 3-2
ColIrtos IIb,rdo
A qualified do(tor
whohad �an
llnue-moat modhelder
for htudootl3 when
they tleat MililChester
Uillted II the 1968
World ClubClIP Fina�
he replaced Cesar
e':elk!d �fter bE-tn9
called 111 for the second
'1OI.IP game a<)3UlSI Itilly
�I-Wlrmer whosat Ifl
front or lhe b<ld. three
Algentona's coach from
July 2010 to JlIIy 2011
Ir.dUSlflOOS grafter
who occupoed the
midfield - with wide players rather than
which to support Maradona's bnlilance.
In Wotfd Soccer's August 1986 edition.
Kedor Enrique
Maradona scored arguably the most
Maradona dismissed talk of a one-man
contentiOus World Cup goal of all time
- hiS notorious "Hand 01 Goo" goal and possibly the greatest. a brilliant run
team. "We understood each other and
Hard worla>r who came
ll lor the quarlef-bflai
a<)3UlSI England and �Pt
past five defenders. The 25-year-old
all our schemes into our heads so that
also got two further memorable goals in
we got to �now what each player would
the 2-0 seml-hnal win against Belgium.
do without even having to call:
the way we all wanted to play the game,"
he said. "II was Carlos Bilardo who put
L<L,_L>l his place
julio OlilrtkHdtea
leh-Slded pla� who
replaced =PI'fIded
1I'ft-tJac!:: Oscar G-arre
d'pflSl England
Jorge 'urnK'"
The 'orillittion
Blank)opt!!d for 3-5-2. With
WIde modllelders rilther than
...... __
.. ""II""
frarKe--based, he was
oulStandll19 iIS the "*
� TTlIdfieId and
IN,tgo ....rilldo....
Tile und�ted star 01
the lOU"narneI1t who
confirmed hIS stalUS as
the y,()fld's beSI player
Jorge Val600no
BrOioot !01l 1Ol" Maradona
who scored four goals 111
....� the lOU"narneI1t 1flC1ud.-.g
the second Il ll\e FIliII
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